#i never got why a love confession would completely ruin a friendship
pinklemonslices · 2 months
i’m so happy that edwin’s confession didn’t make it weird. i’m so happy they’re “better friends because of it.” i’m so happy they hug each other and touch each other like normal. i’m so happy with how they are. i’m so happy with how charles’s response was handled. i’m so happy
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
how you get the girl — ethan landry
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word count: 3,654
pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: because of ethan’s reputation as a man-whore, y/n doesn’t believe he wants a serious relationship with her. so, ethan and chad make a list so that he can get the girl.
warnings: fluff.
author’s note: i’ve been reading lots of hockey rom-coms, so i needed to write about it. i’m obsessed with ethan as a hockey player😫
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ETHAN DIDN’T KNOW HOW BADLY HIS ACTIONS WOULD COME BACK IN THE FUTURE TO BITE HIM IN THE ASS. Being captain of the Blackmore hockey team and certified pretty boy, girls were practically—and quite literally sometimes—throwing themselves at him, and he would lie if he said he didn’t love the attention. It would be easier and shorter to name the girls he hadn’t hooked up with than naming the ones he had. That gained him the reputation of being a playboy, and he didn’t mind being called that, to be completely honest. Or at least, he didn’t until Y/N came into his life.
She was Tara’s best friend, and since said girl started dating Ethan’s best friend, Chad, the four of them began spending lots of time together. At first, the boy flirted with Y/N because hitting on attractive girls was like second nature to him, but then he got to know her better and the unexpected thing happened—Ethan was swept off his feet. But his reputation was his karma, and Y/N didn’t think he was being serious with her. She would laugh and brush it off because no matter how gorgeous Ethan was, playboys weren’t Y/N’s type, so she would decline every attempt of him to make her go out with him.
“Why not? Just one date” Ethan said on his fifth attempt of the day. They were on the Blackmore hockey rink, and instead of using his break to drink water and rest, Ethan went to talk to Y/N.
“Exactly. You want just one date, get me inside your bed and tomorrow you’ll move onto some other girl. I really like you” she said, and before he could smirk in victory she added. “But why ruin the friendship we have for sex? Besides, one night stands aren’t my cup of tea.”
“Then let’s make it an every day thing” Ethan said.
“Nice try, Eth. We know you don’t do repeats” she stated.
“I could!” he argued. “And besides, I’m not asking for sex—I mean, at the end of the date, if you want to, I’m not gonna reject the offer—, I’m done with hook ups, I want something more.”
Y/N laughed “Okay, try it, but not with me. I’m sorry, Eth”
The girl stood up and made her way towards the exit of the rink, leaving a disappointed Ethan behind. She would lie if she said she didn’t want to try things with him, but the truth also was that she didn’t trust him when it came to relationships and she didn’t want to get her heart broken by him.
Chad got off the ice to find his best friend sitting on the bleachers, gaze fixed on the stairs, looking like a sad kicked puppy. It’s not a sight seen often, Ethan was usually an over-energetic puppy, always happy and with a smile on his face.
“Hey, man. What’s wrong?”
“Y/N rejected me.” Ethan played with his hockey stick, not wanting to meet his best friend’s eyes.
“I’ve never seen you like this after a rejection” Chad frowned.
“Well, not to brag, but it doesn’t usually happen.” he said, making Chad chuckle. “But it’s different this time. Y/N is not someone I want for one night, or for something casual. I want everything with her.”
“Wow” Chad took a breath, shocked by the confession. “And she said no?”
“She says she doesn’t want to ruin our friendship” Ethan said.
Chad scoffed “Why would that happen?”
“She doesn’t trust me and thinks I’m not boyfriend material. I really am serious about her, Chad. I swear. I would never hurt her. I wish she could read my mind”
“Don’t you dare give up, then. Words aren’t enough, show her you really like her”
Chad smirked. “Grab a pen and a napkin, we are going to make a list so you can get the girl.”
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one: get her favourite coffee
ETHAN WOKE UP A BIT EARLIER THE FOLLOWING DAY TO GO TO Y/N’S FAVOURITE COFFEE SHOP AND GET HER ORDER. He convinced Tara to drag Y/N straight to class, not letting her get the coffee, and to text him once they were in the classroom. Once he got the text, Ethan entered the class, all eyes on him, and set the cup in front of Y/N with an adorable grin.
“Good morning. You look gorgeous as always” he kissed her cheek and simply left the room.
Y/N stared at the drink completely astonished, ignoring the glares coming from the female population and the smirk her best friend was giving her. There was something scribbled with black sharpie—it was simple, but it made her stomach combust. Have a great day, beautiful! Love, Ethan. And three hearts poorly made—which she thought was utterly adorable—next to his name.
“You got him in a leash” Tara laughed.
“Don’t be silly, we know what he wants” Y/N brushed it off.
“Come on, Ethan doesn’t do romantic stuff for anyone, not even to get laid.”
“It’s just one coffee, Tara. Let’s not be dramatic.”
But Tara knew, and Y/N too, that the little gesture was a lot when it came to Ethan Landry. Yet, a coffee cup wasn’t enough to gain the girl’s trust.
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two: show her you’re interested in her interests
WHAT IS THE THING Y/N ENJOYED THE MOST? EASY: BOOKS. Ethan knew exactly which one he should start with. In fact, he had bought it the first time Y/N mentioned it. He didn’t know what it was about, but he was sure it was a rom-com that referenced other rom-com movies.
“Ethan!” Chad said in a loud voice, startling his friend. Ethan looked up to find his best friend, Tara and Y/N staring at him. The latter had her mouth wide open.
“What?” he asked absentmindedly. He had been so immersed in the book he hadn’t heard them arrive.
“We called your name countless times, man.” Chad laughed.
“Sorry” Ethan closed the book and looked at Y/N. “Um, I may have a man-crush on Wes Bennett.”
Y/N chuckled, sitting in front of him and ignoring the way her heart was beating rapidly. She wanted to take a picture of Ethan with the book and set it as her lock screen “Welcome to the club.”
“I can’t stand it anymore, I need them to kiss. I need Wes to get the girl” he groaned.
A grin took over her features “Which part are you at?”
“They are going to hang out at Michael’s house” Ethan replied, which made her smile wider. “What’s that smile for? Oh god, what is going to happen?”
“I’m not going to spoil it! Just want to say… buckle up”
“You can’t say that! I can’t continue reading until tomorrow, I have a test!” Ethan panicked.
“Look at you, invested in a rom-com” Chad bumped his shoulder.
“I just wanted to see if it lived up to Y/N’s hype” Ethan said, making her turn into a blushing mess. “It does.”
“You aren’t even finished” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. “Did you know there’s a sequel coming? And its playlist isn’t very optimistic”
“What?! You just ruined my day. I don’t want to read it anymore” he crossed his arms.
Wanting to mess with him, Tara grabbed the book. “So you wouldn’t mind if I-“ she stopped talking when the boy took the book from her hands.
“Yes, I would mind”
“Wait, are you annotating it?” Y/N said when she saw the colourful post-its.
“Yeah, it’s pretty fun. Anyways, I have to go to class, see you later at practice?”
“See you” Chad said. Before leaving, Ethan kissed Y/N’s forehead.
“What is going on with him?” Y/N asked.
“Showing you he’s serious about you. What are you waiting for, Y/N/N? I thought you liked him” Chad said.
“I do, a lot. But I’m not sure I’m really what he wants. What if he’s just interested because I’m the only girl who has rejected him? What if I finally say yes and then that interest is gone? How am I supposed to recover from that?”
“There’s nothing I’d like more than to call him mine, Chad. Trust me. But being just another girl on his list would kill me. I don’t want to lose him, okay? I don’t know if I’m willing to risk our friendship.”
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three: woo her with your hockey skills.
WHEN PRACTICE WAS OVER AND CHAD AND ETHAN DIDN’T LEAVE THE RINK, Y/N WAS CONFUSED. The boys skated towards the bleachers Tara and her were sitting in and smirked at them. Chad grabbed a bag from a corner and gave it to them.
“Put the skates on, ladies”
Y/N wanted to laugh when Ethan grabbed her hands and guided her around the ice, but she thought it was so cute that she didn’t have the heart to tell him she knew how to skate perfectly well.
“Okay, I think you’re ready to do it on your own, but go slowly” Ethan said as he finished explaining her how to slide in the ice.
“Losers don’t do it slowly, Landry.” Y/N scoffed.
“You will hurt yourself, Y/N/N. Don’t be stubborn, it’s dangerous.” Ethan sighed.
Y/N smirked “Oh yeah?” she skated flawlessly towards a corner, and came back with a winning smile. She even did a little spin to show off.
“H-how?” he asked breathlessly, frozen in place with a look of shock.
“Took skating classes when I was little” she explained.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I was blabbering instructions like a fool”
Y/N shrugged “I couldn’t, you looked so excited”
“You’re evil” he shook his head as he let out the cutest laugh Y/N had ever heard. God, her infuriation was just getting worse with every little action he did. She didn’t know how much longer she would be able to contain herself. She needed him to stop.
So her face turned serious “Ethan…”
Ethan fluttered his eyes close and then looked at her with pleading eyes. “Please don’t. I know what you’re going to say. Just hear me out. I know that my reputation is horrible, and I get why you don’t trust me. But I have never been more serious about something the way I am about you. I really wish I could erase every hook up, but I can’t and I don’t want my past to define my future. I know it’s hard to believe, but I haven’t been with anyone since I fell for you. I haven’t even thought about anyone else since I fell for you. I want to keep showing you how much I like you.”
Y/N was speechless. He had known Ethan long enough to know he was being serious and completely honest with his words. Maybe she had judged him too much, maybe he had truly changed. And now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen him with a girl in ages. Maybe diving into a relationship wasn’t the safest option, but it was worth the try.
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four: get her flowers
DURING HER LUNCH BREAK, Y/N WAS SURPRISED BY THE HOCKEY PLAYER, who on one hand was holding red tulips and on the other one food. Like always, his presence brought attention and whispers, but none of them cared. Something had shifted between them since that afternoon at the rink, and they both could feel it.
“Thank you, Eth” she smiled gratefully. “You know, I had a feeling you would bring me lunch, so instead of bringing mine, I brought yours. I owe you flowers, though.”
“Thanks” he laughed. “Do you like them?”
“They are beautiful” she nodded, her cheeks the same colour as her flowers.
“When you get home, you should look for the meaning of red tulips” he winked.
For the rest of the day, Y/N had been in a haze. Every time Ethan crossed her mind, blush appeared on her cheeks and the corners of her mouth lifted up.
“My god, was I that annoying when Chad and I started talking?” Tara asked when they entered their dorm.
“Yes, you were, T.” Y/N chuckled, remembering her best friend’s love-sick smile every time Chad texted her. “You still are, by the way.”
“Anyways, I love seeing you like this. And I’m glad you’re willing to give Ethan a chance.”
“Me too. I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit scared that he’ll get bored of me, but I’m really determined to risk it.”
“He’s not going to get bored of you, Y/N/N. He doesn’t like you because he’s into the whole ‘Only girl who had ever rejected him’ thing. He’s into you because you don’t see him only as a hot hockey player, but you also see how sweet and caring he is. You’re not interested in using him to become popular, you see that he is much more than his popularity. And that is why he likes you.”
“Well, shit. Now I feel bad for rejecting him multiple times.” Y/N slumped to the couch.
Tara laughed “Don’t. It’s understandable why you were cautious with your feelings. He knows that he isn’t a saint. By the way, did you know that Chad and him made this list with things to do to win you over?”
“Really?” Y/N laughed. “That makes sense, he’s being really sweet this week. Well, more than usual, because he’s always super sweet.”
“I found it on their fridge, they are so silly. It’s called ‘Ethan and Chad’s infallible list on how to get the girl’. I took a picture”
Y/N took Tara’s phone and laughed at the list. There were a couple of items crossed out and with a tick, and the one that said ‘Woo her with your hockey skills’ had a little note to the side that said ‘Backfired. My girl is a skating genius, made me look like a fool’, which made her laugh. Then, on the ‘Give her flowers’ there was an explanation note that said ‘My pick: red tulips. Means declaration of love’.
“Fucking hell, he’s so… ugh! I really want to kiss him”
“Lucky for you, that’s item six” Tara said over her shoulder.
“The thought of them brainstorming and writing this down is adorable” Y/N laughed.
“It really is” Tara nodded. “You should wear Ethan’s jersey to the game tomorrow. You don’t know how many times he told us he has dreamt about it.”
Y/N smiled, her heart fluttering. Ethan had shown her how much he liked her, and she thought it was time to show him how much she liked him. “You know? That’s an excellent idea.”
five: publicly state you’re only into her.
ETHAN KNEW THE BEST TIME TO EXECUTE ITEM FIVE WOULD BE THE NIGHT OF THE GAME. The ideal scenario would be to get that puck on the net and dedicate it to Y/N, and if he wasn’t that lucky, he would settle with blowing kisses and winks at her. Though when he went out on the ice rink and he caught sight of her, his mind went blank, his body stopped working for a couple of seconds and if it weren’t for Chad steadying him, he would’ve collapsed to the ice.
He quickly skated towards her seat, which was in the first row, right behind the glass. “Beautiful, you can’t just come here in my jersey without any warnings. You want me to have a heart attack?”
A sweet laugh bursted out of her “Sorry. Red tulips are your way of declaring your love, I thought wearing your jersey could be mine.”
Ethan’s breath hitched “Um, I’m about to jump up this glass so that I can kiss you.”
The girl shook her head and laughed “After the game, pretty boy. If you win, you might get an extra reward.”
And hell if those words didn’t encourage Ethan to play his best. The game was brutal, both teams were acing it and the match was about to end in a tie, until Ethan scored the winning goal a few seconds before time was over. The Blackmore bleachers erupted in screams of triumph, and the players united for a group hug.
Tara and Y/N instantly went looking for their boys. The last one scowled as she saw a puck bunny making sexy eyes at Ethan and she clung to his arm. The boy couldn’t have looked more uncomfortable, he pulled his arm away, only for the girl to find another way of touching him.
“You have been acting so hard to get lately. Don’t you think a winner deserves a kiss?” Y/N heard the girl say.
“You’re absolutely right. Now, back away so I can kiss the hell out of him.” Y/N said, throwing daggers at the girl, who looked at her in a mix of surprise and annoyance. “And can’t you get a hint? He’s uncomfortable.”
Ethan gaped at her. She had never looked so hot—standing there with his number on the back of the jersey that fitted her like a dress, knee-length boots that weirdly turned him on, and with a scowl on her face as she got all territorial on him.
“And who are you?” the puck bunny scanned her up and down with a frown.
“His girlfriend. Now, can you leave? I have to congratulate my man” she said harshly. As soon as she said that, Ethan was sure he was about to drop onto his knees and let her do whatever she wanted to him.
“Girlfriend?” Ethan smirked as the puck bunny left. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good” Y/N smirked back, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Now, are you ready to cross out items five and six? You know, one bird two stones.”
“Hell yes”
Their lips moved hungrily, and the kiss was way too heated and inappropriate considering their surroundings. But they couldn’t stop it, their desire was diesel and they had been playing with fire for months.
“I promised you a reward if you won, right?” Y/N said against his lips.
“Isn’t this the reward? This is more than I could’ve asked for. You, finally being my girlfriend and kissing me while wearing my jersey.” his eyes were dark and lips swollen. His beauty was out of this world.
“You scored the winning goal, babe. You deserve a special reward” she licked her lips. “Let’s go to your car.”
He nodded eagerly, and as they reached the car, he dared to ask “What do you have in mind?”
She opened the back door. “One kiss isn’t enough. How much time do you have until you have to go to the bar with the guys?”
“What guys? What bar? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he acted clueless and she let out a giggle. “In fifteen, but they’ll survive if I arrive a bit late. I want to be with my girl for a while.”
“Okay, then get in the car so we can make out.” Y/N bursted out laughing as Ethan carelessly threw himself on the backseat of his car. “You need to learn about the art of subtlety, Eth.”
“Oh that’s rich coming from the girl who attacked me in the middle of the arena.” he said grabbing her waist to guide her to his lap.
“Attack you? That’s not what I did” she scoffed.
“Yes you did. You attacked me with a kiss and then you led me to my car to corrupt me” Ethan said in a fake innocent tone.
“Corrupting the former man-whore?” Y/N arched an eyebrow.
Ethan’s eyes darkened “You’re right. Maybe I am the one corrupting you. I mean, you couldn’t even wait for us to get home to attack me again?”
“You’re insufferable. You’re so lucky you’re hot.”
“I am hot?”
Y/N nodded, looking at him. His muscled arms were spread on the top of the seats, grin plastered on his face and cheeks still rosy from the cold temperature of the arena.
“The hottest. And the best thing? That you’re mine.”
“Just yours, love.” he smiled sweetly, resting his forehead on hers.
“That list of yours is pretty… infallible, right?” Y/N joked.
“I can’t believe you know about the list” Ethan hid his face on her neck.
“You sticked it on the fridge and Tara took a picture” Y/N replied.
“Fucking Chad” Ethan groaned. “So, what do you think?”
“Well, it worked, right? You got the girl.”
“Yes, I did” he smiled hugging her tightly. “Should I do one on how to keep the girl?”
Y/N laughed “I don’t think you need that. Rumour has it, she’s totally in love with you.”
“Oh yeah? Lucky me, because I’m totally in love with her too.”
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schrodingers-romy · 3 months
Cute Aggression [Sakura Haruka x Reader]
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Pairings: Sakura Haruka x GN!Reader Word Count: ~1200 [Ao3 Link]
Summary: Your boyfriend is so cute you just want to bite him (and you do).
Warnings: Biting (duh), tiniest bit of suggestiveness at the end, written with aged up to adult Sakura in mind but you go crazy go stupid ig, anime watcher safe (one mention of a manga character but no spoilers), i think that's all???
Notes: Minimally edited so forgive me pls. Born of my desire to bite sakura bc he is sooo cute. here you go wind breaker fandom <3 anyway maybe if I get inspired I'll continue this. who knows.
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Dating Sakura Haruka was like a dream come true for you. Finally, you were able to lavish him with the affection you were constantly holding back before in fear of revealing your feelings (and possibly ruining your friendship with him). Every time you held his hand, or ran a hand through his hair, or pressed a quick kiss to his lips, you felt a soft warmth flush through you. And, in complete contrast to how he acted years ago when you first met him, he no longer hissed and spat like a feral cat when any sort of kindness was shown to him. Now, though he still huffed and blushed at physical contact, he also reveled in it. Haruka leaned into every single one of your affections, even if they embarrassed him; and, in private, he would return them in his own shy way.
In short, you had grown comfortable expressing your adoration for him through physical touches, which is why you felt comfortable enough to do what you were about to do without thinking anything of it.
Haruka, though he was a bit dense, was well aware of how much he blushed. As much as it annoyed the shit out of him, he could never control the way he quickly turned from pale to pink to red at any nicety. Even though years around Furin and the affectionate weirdos who were a part of it, he would still flush often. It became worse again once he started dating you.
He couldn’t admit it (especially to the likes of Suo and Umemiya…nosy bastards…) but he adored when you were sweet with him. Before the two of you got together, you were always nice to him, complimenting him on everything from his fighting to his eyes to his kindness. But it was like the floodgates had opened after he confessed to you; now you expressed your love through both touch and words (a dangerous combination for Haruka’s heart). He liked that you were so comfortable touching him, even when he struggled to return the same actions expect in private. He liked it when you hugged him and kissed him and treated him like something precious. He avoided dwelling on his past as much as possible, but he couldn’t help but remember how a few years ago he could not have even fathomed being loved at all, much less in the all-encompassing way you loved him.
You were absolutely perfect to him, and you had given him the gift of falling in love and having that love reciprocated. That being said, sometimes you were fucking weird.
The two of you were snuggling on the couch, and you were stroking his hair and telling him how pretty he looked when he was relaxed. Haruka was slowly turning the shade of Kiryu’s hair, even as he melted into the scratch of your fingers against his scalp.
And then you leaned forward, and his eyes fluttered shut, anticipating a kiss. Instead of the soft feeling of your lips, however, he felt something sharp clamp down on one of his pink cheeks.
There were plenty of times when you looked at your boyfriend and thought “wow, he’s cute enough to eat.” The urge to take a bite out of Haruka ebbed and flowed like the tide; but it had reached dangerous flood levels since you started dating. According to Tsubaki, this was because of ‘cuteness aggression’, the same feeling that made you want to squish adorable baby animals like they were stress balls.
You never thought you’d act on the desire, but you had clearly gotten too used to inflicting upon Haruka your devotion through touch; therefore, you did not think this through.
He just looked so pretty sitting there, leaning his head into your hand, so relaxed he was almost purring with contentedness. His rosy face reminded you of his namesake, and the only coherent thought you had was “his cheeks look like sakura mochi” before you were leaning in.
The gentle clamp of your teeth over his soft flesh was just as satisfying as you dreamed, although you only got to experience it for a second before you let go at the screech your boyfriend let out. It took him a second to register what you did before he leapt away from the couch like a cat.
“THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Haruka yelped, scrubbing at the faint mark on his face with his hand. “ARE YOU A CANNIBAL OR SOMETHIN’?!”
You felt a surge of embarrassment, but luckily you were much better at hiding it than he was at hiding his. “No. That was just a love bite, baby.”
“A what?”
“A love bite! Because you were so cute it made me want to bite you. Affectionately.” You let a small wince surface on your face, despite your confident tone.
He squinted at you, confused. You could almost see the gears turning in his head, as if he was trying to remember if this was normal or not. “I don’t get it,” he admitted, cautiously sitting back down next to you. You almost joked that you wouldn’t bite, as if you hadn’t proven that false just seconds before.
You moved his hand out of the way so you could rub your thumb over his abused cheek, before pressing a soft kiss to it. Haruka tensed up a little, but he let out a small sigh and collapsed when he felt your lips instead of your teeth.
You felt a little bit bad, even though you enjoyed getting your teeth on him immensely. “I shouldn’t have done it to you out of the blue like that. I’m sorry.”
“’S fine, I just don’t understand,” he said gruffly.
“It’s called cuteness aggression…you know when something is so cute you just want to squeeze it or bite it or something like that?”
Haruka still seemed confused, but he gave a slow nod.
“That’s what I feel about you sometimes. I just like you so much I want to bite you. You’re sweet enough to eat, Haruka,” you murmured, punctuating it with a small kiss to the tip of his nose.
He made a sort of unintelligible sound, flushing again. After you gave him a minute to reboot, he said, “Well…I didn’t hate it, y’know. Ya just startled me, ‘s all…” he trailed off, avoiding meeting your eyes.
You recognized this behavior, and it made your eyes light up. “Awww, did you like it?”
“Shut up!” he squawked. A pause. Then, in a quieter voice, “I dunno. It was too fast, jus’ startled me. Didn’t even really know what was happenin’.”
“Want me to bite you again?”
He turned away. “Do whatever you want.” Tellingly, however, he had twisted in a way so that his cheek and his neck were fully exposed to you.
“Okay,” you said softly. “I’m going to bite you again. Tell me if you like it or not, okay?”
This time, when you leaned in, you bit into the long, creamy stretch of his exposed neck. It felt different than his cheek did under your teeth, but it felt just as good, if not better.
Haruka stiffened for a second, like a scared prey animal in the maw of a predator, before he shuddered and went limp with a small whine.  
You released him after a few seconds, and admired the red mark left behind. You met your boyfriend’s gaze, taking in his glazed eyes and slightly open mouth.
“Yeah, I think I like it,” he whispered.
When you smiled, his eyes were drawn to your teeth.
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dovesdreaming · 2 months
hear me out! totally oblivious reader to ben’s flirting. to the point that people eventually point it out and readers just like HUH?! and like ben’s abt to stop bc he thinks the reader is uncomfortable but she finally confesses!!
so like kinda angsty but MAJOR fluff at the end!!
thank you!!
You like me?
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This was such a good request thank you!! I feel like it has potential for a part two like the after math but idk?? Hope you enjoy!! <3
Word count: 1.1k
Not edited yet
Warnings: none
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You and Ben had been friends since you could remember. You had always relied on and been there for one another. There wasn’t a world that you could imagine yourself without him in.
Many people confused you as a couple hearing comments like “you’re so cute together!” Or “how long have you two been together?”. You would always be first to deny it, Ben never really saying much. It never changed your relationship with Ben though. You assumed people thought you were a couple because of your close nature, you could admit it was like you were attached at the hip. You always had your hands on the other, always touching in some sort of way. It was natural to you and you never interpreted it in any other way because you and Ben had always been like this together, even though if you were honest with yourself you did want it to be more but you knew Ben never saw you like that.
It was a normal day, you and Ben lounging together in the gardens of Auradon. You had your head in his lap as you both relaxed for the afternoon. Ben was in his own world reading a book while you daydreamed, your mind wondering to different thoughts with some being about Ben. You wondered what life would be like if you were dating but it made your heart ache so you made yourself focus on something else. You looked around the gardens but you were only faced with multiple couples being wrapped up in each other. It was like they were in their own bubbles of love, completely absorbed in the other as though nothing else existed. It weighed on you and your emotions ran high. You needed to be away from Ben before you did something that would ruin your friendship, you quickly stood up and excused yourself from Ben making some excuse you can’t even remember before nearly running to your room. Ben was left in a state of shock as he didn’t know why you left so suddenly.
While you were in your room trying to fight your emotions for Ben off you didn’t realise Ben was trying to get rid of his for you aswell. Ben had been trying to show his feelings for you for a while now. He had tried many ways without actually saying the words, this included gifting you many things that a boyfriend would only do (flowers, jewellery, soft toys, you name it), he would always be showing you love through his touch (he would run his fingers through your hair, make the hug last over the friendly amount and would even cuddle you on the sofa -sometimes in bed!) and he would always want to be in your presence yet you never caught on. It seemed as though all your friends and strangers saw the love he had for you but you couldn’t or this was your way of telling him you weren’t interested. He thought over all your interactions and instead of focusing on the lovesick glances you shared or the subtle touches his doubtful mind focused on how you always corrected strangers when they mistook you as a couple and how you would always get irritated if your friends teased you with the idea of Ben. He focused on the very small details and his mind had decided that you weren’t interested. He shouldn’t confess to you because you showed that you weren’t interest in him and that he should back off, so he did. The next day when he joined your conversation with your friends instead of putting his arm round your waist like usual, he just stood next to you. His arm longed to be around you but he had to take your feelings into consideration.
When you got back to your room after a day of school you were left confused and unhappy. Ben had been off with you today, he’d been so distant. You sulked in your room til after dinner, refusing to come when your roommates, Evie and mal told you that you should eat. It had gone dark outside and you were staring out at the sky hoping a shooting star would go by so you could wish for Ben to come back to you.
Mal and Evie quietly came back in and decided to confront you about your unhappiness. You couldn’t hold your feelings in anymore and finally confessed how you liked Ben but you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. You told them how Ben had been distant all day and all they did was turn to look at each other before lightly laughing. You frowned even deeper “this isn’t funny, i like Ben and don’t want to loose him”. They stopped laughing but still wore a smile when they explained Ben had feelings for you and he had distanced himself because he thought you weren’t interested. Your thoughts spiralled and your heart raced. Ben couldn’t like you. Could he? You thought back on everything and it al clicked into place. You finally figured out what that small shine was in his eyes when he looked at you, the shine that everyone saw and thought you were a couple because of. You stood up, your thoughts were jambled and nothing was coming out straight but you knew one thing. You wanted to see Ben. You ran out the door into the night forgetting everything, even your shoes, you just had to find Ben. Before the door shut a shout of “go get your man!” Was heard from either mal or Evie, you weren’t sure and your mind was to busy to figure it out.
You arrived quite could outside bens dorm room. You took a breath everything happening in slow motion as you moved your hand to knock on his door. It swung open to reveal a solemn Ben.
He looked the most confused you’ve ever seen him. You went to talk but realised you hadn’t planned what to say to him when you finally saw him and nothing came out of your mouth, your mind still racing. Feeling impulsive at lack of better judgement with your adrenaline at an all time high you longed forward and captured his lips in a kiss. He was quite shocked before kissing back, eventually moving so that one of his hands was on your hip and the other holding your neck, his fingers just tangling in your hair. The kiss grew more passionate before abruptly breaking so that you could breathe. You both stood on bens doorstep staring at each other, knowing exactly how you felt about each other for once.
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Thank you for reading!!
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grandline-fics · 9 months
Hii, can I have a scenario with Law please !! I'd like something where reader is jealous.
Law and reader aren't together like they both have feelings but are completely oblivious. They're in a bar with the crew and everything, and reader and Law are talking, a woman starts flirting with him and reader (a bit drunk) gets a bit possessive
DESCRIPTION: You both have feelings for each other but you need jealousy and liquid courage to finally let it show
WARNINGS: depictions of alcohol use
WORDS: 1,386
A/N: Thank you for the request! Hope you like what I came up with for this one
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It wasn’t often the entire crew of the Polar Tang got the chance to enjoy some proper down time and unwind in a bar. You relished these moments, when there was no fights or pressing matters to deal with and you could all just enjoy the adventure you were all on. You basked in the laughter and conversation with your crew as you all sat at table as the drinks flowed as easily. Eventually most of the crew began to scatter. Whether it was breaking into their own little clusters of conversation, finding the dance floor to enjoy, potential love-interests for the night to pursue, and alcohol infused antics to take part in. Which just left you and Law sitting at the original table in deep conversation and neither of you were complaining on that part. 
Both of you had feelings for the other but had yet to act on any impulses and any moment that could have potentially led to more. For you both, neither of you wanted to risk the rejection in case you were reading the situation wrong, and as a result ruin what you both already had. So you both lived in blissful delusion that everything was fine and that nothing would progress between you beyond the close friendship you could both enjoy. After finishing your drink you got up, offering to get another for your Captain too. You stood by the bar and waited to be served, content to wait your turn in the busy building. 
“Soooo, will tonight be the night you finally confess to our Captain?” You rolled your eyes at Sachi’s playful tone coming from your side. You didn’t even humour your crewmember by giving a verbal response and instead continued to stare ahead while waiting for one of the bartenders to make their way towards you. Your lack of an answer only spurred Sachi on and he grinned while lightly poking your arm. “Oh c’mon you know it’s eating you up. I mean it’s not like he’d reject you. He’s not that stupid.” Heavily you sighed, it wasn’t Law’s intelligence that was the issue here. You had your reasons for not making a move or even entertaining the thought of telling Law. Firmly you kept your mouth shut. “You know if you don’t let him know he’ll end up getting with someone else.”
“Sachi, the Captain and I aren’t an item. I don’t own him and he’s never made a move either. He can ‘get with’ anyone he wants.” You finally spoke, turning to lean against the bar and look at Sachi with a frown. You really didn’t get why he was being so pushy about the subject but after seeing the flush against his cheeks and large drink in his hand you decided to put it down to the alcohol in his system making him like this. You cast a glance around the bar to see the rest of your crew were letting themselves truly enjoy the evening and let the drink make them more relaxed and at ease. A night without having to constantly worry about the readings of the sub and having to do set rotations and watches was a godsend and one that everyone knew to make the most of. 
Finally you let your sight fall back to the table you and Law had been sitting at and your whole body tensed to see your seat was now filled by a woman who had her sights firmly set on your Captain. Worse still it seemed he was enjoying her presence, the fact that he hadn’t told her to get lost and instead seemed to be answering whatever she was saying was proof of that. You tried to bite back the bitter taste climbing your throat and forced your expression to remain as calm as it could even though you wanted nothing more than to glare at the scene. Like you’d said to Sachi, Law could have whoever he wanted. You didn’t own him. And yet your fingers flexed and tightly fisted against the edge of the bar’s countertop. “Hmmm she’s cute. If you want to give the Captain some privacy you can join us?” 
Law didn’t know what he could say to this woman to give her the hint that he wasn’t interested. He couldn’t outright say what he wanted to to this girl, with everyone enjoying their night of freedom the last thing he wanted was to bring trouble to their door. So he just had to give short, basic answers to his unwanted acquaintance while he waited for you. You were the only person Law wanted to spend time with, no one else made him feel the way he did. Thankfully he felt your familiar presence approach behind him and his hand instinctively lifted to take the beer you reached out to him without needing to turn and look. “Thanks, I’ll get the next round.” He told you and then blinked in confusion when you remained standing behind him. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, taking a slow sip of your drink and maintaining eye-contact with the woman still in your seat. It brought you swift satisfaction to see the nervousness in her eyes and watch her adjust her position. “Who’s your friend?” You asked while letting your free arm drape over your Captain’s shoulder, your fingers almost grazing against his bicep. Law’s eyes flickered down to your hand and said nothing. You were probably only doing it because of the fact you were still standing and your balance would be slightly skewed from your alcohol intake. The woman opposite you both tried to introduce herself to you but quickly forgot her name as soon as it was out of her mouth. 
“Are you just going to keep standing there?” She snapped, suddenly becoming defensive to your presence that she clearly didn’t want interfering with her hopes at getting to know Law better and you smirked at her. “You’re in my seat.” You answered simply with a smile, shifting your feet and making it so your chest was pressing a little closer against Law’s back. 
Law watched the woman splutter and look around the empty seats around them. “Well sit somewhere else!” She protested in annoyance, unable to really cause a fuss because you weren’t actually doing anything to intimidate or threaten her. Last time you’d checked standing wasn’t a crime and she knew that. At her suggestion you pouted, pretending to think about sitting somewhere else. Truth be told you had a moment of going to a different table when you’d first caught sight of her with Law but your jealousy and sudden spark of possessiveness only got worse and her whining only provoked you even more. “There’s tons of places for you to sit, just pick somewhere else. It’s really off-putting if you keep standing there.”
“Oh I’m so sorry! The last thing I want is to be off-putting!” You gasped in false concern before smirking as you stepped around Law and perched yourself with ease on his lap. “There we go, how’s that?” You asked sweetly while trying to ignore how rapidly your heart was beating. You’d been so focused on getting under this woman’s skin to get her to leave that you didn’t stop to think about what you were doing but it was far too late to go back. That was proven even more when Law’s arm secured it around your waist, effectively keeping you seated and his chest firmly against your back. “So, are you finally going to leave us alone now?” Law asked frowning at the woman who floundered and finally got to her feet storming off to find someone else to annoy. 
You waited a moment to be sure she’d left and prepared to stand only to freeze when Law’s fingers flexed against you in a silent sign for you to stay. Clearing your throat you looked up at him, questioning him and afraid to even speak. Law smirked down at you, deciding that maybe acting on impulse and having liquid courage wouldn’t be such a bad thing especially if it led to more of these kinds of moments with you. “You can’t get up now, I wouldn’t want to risk someone else coming by and taking your seat.”   
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aswefindourwayback · 3 months
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I love you, I’m sorry
Authors note: this is my most vulnerable piece of writing that I’ve ever shared since it’s taken inspiration from some terrible moments in my life. So it’s not my best piece of writing. Feedback is always appreciated.
Word count: 2071
Content warning: mentions of poor mental health, angst
you’ve never been able to keep people in your life, no matter how hard you tried. you would always change parts of you to fit other people’s wants and needs but it was still never enough. it got so bad that you were having thoughts about ending it all, thinking it’d be easier for everyone around you. they wouldn’t have to deal with your bullshit anymore and they could finally breathe again. but you instead threw yourself into your work.
you were already good at your job, but you quickly became the best. your work became your life. you stopped seeing and talking to your friends because you got so caught up in your work.
after years of working your ass off, you found yourself as a profiler for the FBI. you were now a member of the BAU. it took some getting used to and learning how to socialize but you got the hang of it. you guys were cracking case after case. you got along with all your coworkers and you guys often had fun together. you really loved all the laughs and good times you had with them, even outside of office hours. like that one time Emily, jj, and Penelope invited you out to go shopping and get dinner. it was something you were terrified of doing, getting closer to people and getting out amid socializing again, but you did it and found that it wasn’t as bad as you’d made it out to be in your head.
but there was one who you really got along with. spence. when you guys first met, you were both a bit shy and timid. but with time, you two grew incredibly close, always going to each other for anything and everything. and over time you fell for him, without meaning to. you knew it would complicate not only work but your friendship with him. your friendship with him means the world to him and you don’t know what you’d do if you lost him, so you kept your feelings to yourself. until one day, you didn’t.
it had been a normal day when rossi had called you into his office to talk about some case details. after going over the details and correcting him a few times, he asked you something:
“so, when are you gonna tell him?”
“what? tell who what?” you asked, completely lost in the conversation.
“reid. when are you gonna tell him how you feel?”
“spencer? what do i feel for him?” you said trying to play stupid. but it was rossi, he could see straight through you.
“Dont play dumb, kid.”
You slouched your shoulders in defeat, “no, i’m not gonna tell him.”
“Why not?”
“there’s a millions reasons to stay quiet”
“but there’s a million reasons to tell him too. don’t be afraid y/n.”
“easy for you to say. you’re not the one confessing your feelings”
“but i’ve done it a million times, kid. trust me. what if something good comes from this?”
“what if i ruin the one good thing in my life?”
“you won’t”
“how do you know that?”
“i just do.”
“what if it’s not the right time? like we’ve got that new case coming up and spence has been through some awful shit recently.”
“there’s never a “right time”. you just gotta do it.”
“i never intended to fall for him.”
“feelings are something we can’t control.”
“fuck. i’m gonna do it.” you say walking out of rossi’s office. the last thing you hear is rossi calling out to you “good luck, kid! not that you need the luck.”
you waited until the work day was over cause you didn’t want to make it very awkward in case you were rejected, which would very likely happen according to your calculations (you tend to distort your brain and imagine that the worst will happen for any situation). the odds of you being rejected were quite high so, you were just taking safety precautions. and if he still ended up rejecting you, you had it all planned. you would transfer to another branch. it’s not the best plan but you never claimed to be the brightest.
most of the team had already left for the day, so it was just you and spence standing waiting for the elevator, just talking about the paperwork you guys had worked on today. the elevator dinged, indicating it had arrived and the doors opened.
as you two stepped in, you took in a deep breathe and faced spencer.
“hey” you’d said.
“hey” he said, smiling shyly.
“so i’m gonna tell you something and i need you to let me finish before you say anything.”
“alright, i’m listening.”
“spence, i really like you, i mean really like you, so go ahead and reject me. i'm a big girl, i can take it. also you don’t have to say anything now.” you said at lightning speed, squeezing your eyes shut, afraid to look at him.
“y/n?” he asked as you felt his finger lightly lift your chin up.
“open your eyes, y/n”
you did as he said.
“i have something to tell you too.” he admitted, dropping his hand from your chin and shoving them into his pockets. your eyebrows were scrunched up a bit, hopeful of what his response would be, “i’ve never felt a connection with anyone before like this. I know that’s not surprising considering my awkwardness around people and my need to always correct people when they’re wrong and the fact that I shove myself into my job so much but i’ve dreamt of kissing you and feeling like i was on cloud 9. i started to notice when morgan kept calling me out for always watching you. and then i kept having dreams about you. not like any weird or sexual dreams or anything. just dreams where we hung out. just being near you. but i definitely want to see how this goes.”
“oh thank fuck” you said letting out an exasperated breathe.
that had made you both laugh. you felt like so much weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“so” spence has started, exaggerating the length of the word.
“do you wanna like, hang out now? we could go get a drink or something. or if you want to wait and stuff then we can do that.” he’d said, almost stumbling over his words.
“id love to get a drink, spence.” you smiled at him.
and he smiled back.
at the bar, you two mostly forgot about your drinks and basket of fries as you were so caught up in each others company. you spent the night talking and laughing. you laugh so much, you were sure you were going to have abs in the morning. you’d never felt so happy. he made you forget about all your worries. he was unbelievably amazing that it was hard for you to believe that he existed and that he liked you back.
you two stayed until the bar almost closed for the night. he walked you home and you two kept talking on the walk. once you two had reached your door, you stood in front of him, not wanting the night to end.
“thanks for the drinks. i had a great time.” you said to him
“thanks for joining me. i had a great time too. um, do you think we could keep this on the down low for now? i don’t want everyone breathing down our necks at work and stuff. and i just wanna enjoy us for a bit.”
“yeah, of course. i’ll see you at work tomorrow. goodnight, spence.” you said as you walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, making both your cheeks turn bright red.
“goodnight, y/n”
the past few months have been amazing. you and spence have been doing amazing as a team, not just at work. so many nights were spent together, either in complete silence or going on stupid late night adventures aka going down to the gas station across the street from your apartment to get snacks. you were so grateful for him and you were head over heels for him. you never thought you could feel this way for someone. you guys had of course had some ups and downs, mostly due to you and your mental health but you always got through it together, and for that you were forever grateful. he was different to anyone you’d ever met. he actually wanted to learn about the things you struggle with and wanted to learn what were ways he could help you. and after a really bad episode, you helped you breathe and told you he’d stay with you no matter what battles you two would have to face, cause he knew in the end, you two would end up the winners. it was insane to think someone so amazing would be able to love the mess you are, but he somehow does.
until he started to distance himself. it started after a specific incident when you had said something that came off wrong when he’d already had a bad day. after that, you could see it in the way he would interact with you. his speech and body language had changed towards you. his messages became a lot drier, even if you were verbally talking, he’d seem so disinterested, it was disheartening. you wanted to fix things but you didn’t know how. so you decided to arrange a nice little date night for the both of you, so you could show him how much you loved him and to talk things out. you even wrote down a little letter to tell him how grateful you are for him.
when you entered the office to tell him about the plan, he was on the phone so you waited behind him, waiting for the call to end. you didn’t mean to but you eavesdropped a bit, he seemed like his old happy self when he was on the phone, and you overheard a name, “maeve”.
you decided to walk away cause the call seemed to be taking a while. you walked towards morgan’s desk, where he was sitting and talking to pen.
“hey, what’s going on with you?” morgan had asked as soon as you walked up.
“nothing much, just waiting for spence to finish his call so i can talk to him about something.”
“oh yeah, he’s been on his phone a lot lately.” morgan had said.
“really? do you know why?”
“there’s this girl named maeve that he’s been talking about nonstop. he seems really infatuated with her, it’s nice to see him this way.” pen had said.
it was at that moment that all those bad feelings came back. your heart felt as if it was being grabbed out of your chest, just to be bitten into and shredded to pieces.
“i gotta go.” was all you said before you walked away from morgan’s desk.
you walked over to your desk and grabbed your stuff before walking to rossi’s office door and telling him you were leaving early.
“you alright, kid?”
“yeah, i just forgot something.” you said as you spread the fakest smile on your face.
you walked out the office and looked back at spence, hoping he’d walk after you to check on you. but he was so caught up in his phone call that he didn’t notice you leave.
you walked out to your car trying to keep the tears at bay. you ripped up the letter you’d written for him.
was it all a lie?
did he really mean those things he said to you?
was he playing you the whole time?
or did he just change his mind?
you messed up again.
you made mistake after mistake and he finally got tired of you.
he was the best but you were the worst.
you’re wrong again, about being lovable, cause you’re not.
it’s the way life goes.
it’ll never end.
you felt like pink cherry blossom petals that were left on the ground. loved and cherished when in the trees, awed at when falling, then left discarded and forgotten on the ground once you were no longer attached to the thing that gave you life. always being stomped over and discarded. never to be seen or loved again. the way it’s always been and the way it’ll always be.
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kaolovess · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request BTS members reaction to falling in love with their best friend. Thank you 😊
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AUTHORS NOTE: 2nd request! I have another one still in my inbox that I have yet to work on, So Jhope dating head cannons might not be out for a while. thank you guys so much for the support! (especially on my last request) Today I reached 10 followers!! honestly, I didn't expect to get this much support! Love you! <3
He wasn’t prepared for it at all, he somehow didn’t find out till he was completely whipped for you. He thought he was stupid. How did he not notice that fuzzy feeling he got in his stomach whenever you hugged him, well just touched him in general? He tried to keep normal for a few days. ( he planned to keep normal for weeks ) but realized hiding his true feelings for you wasn’t a good thing to do, you were his best friend- someone he could always rely on. So he confessed his feelings. He was nervous since he was scared this could ruin your long-term friendship, till you admitted how you felt…
He was so confused when he realized he was in love with you, Didn’t he completely friend-zone you? For the next few months, he tried to trick himself into thinking that he just thought of you as his best friend, but it didn’t end well. It put a lot of pressure on him, he started to overthink around you, Did you know? Would you hate him? Do you even think of him as a friend? He then soon started to distance himself from you, he just didn’t want to fall in love with you more than he already was. But he realized that distancing wasn’t a good choice, you probably thought you did something wrong. He planned a day to meet up with you so he could confess everything, he felt his face getting red when you said you felt the same way.
Taken back when he finds out, but wasn’t very surprised, he knew he had been feeling differently around you. But how would he explain this to you? What if you didn’t feel the same way? That would years of friendship down the drain in just minutes. but he knew he would go insane if he had to keep such a secret for years. So how would he tell you? He ended up going to his hyungs and Namjoon for help, he was completely clueless and had no idea what to do. Namjoon gave him some good advice that he decided to follow. The idea? Make a letter so he doesn’t have to face you in person.
Would be a while till he finds out about his feelings, due to the fact he kind of ignored the way he felt around you. He just thought it was because of the fact he hadn’t dated in years, He thought it go away after a while. But surprise! It didn’t. He realized that this wasn’t just because of some lack of relationships, he was in love.  What was he going to do? You were his best friend since high school who had never shown interest in him. Unlike the other members, he talked with you. He told you how he had feelings and had no idea if you felt the same.  ( You guys are now dating 🤭 )
He realized when you guys were flirting ( as a joke ) all of a sudden it had a big effect on him. he was more confused about how long he had been feeling this way than what he should do. He started to hang out with you a lot more than usual. You shrugged it off thinking it was because he normally doesn’t see you a lot. Jimin, unlike the other members, found it a reason to spend more time with you. But after a few months he knew you were catching on, So the same day you asked me why he was acting in such a way, he confessed.
Oh this poor thing, It hit him hard. Stood still for at least 3 minutes when he realized. He accepted his feelings though, he knew if he didn’t he would go mentally insane. But how would he even be able to stand next to you, If all he did was think of things that could make you uncomfortable? Taehyung understood that figuring that part out would take a while, so he focused on something else. Trying to give you a hint. He begins to text you romantic quotes and ask for advice on confessing, and what people like from their partner. He did this for a bit before he got tired of hiding stuff from you, and then just owned up to everything he has been doing and feeling.
C'mon now… this is the guy that joined BTS because of thighs. He 100% tries to do more things with you, luckily for him he already knows what you are interested in. Jungkook becomes more invested in your interests, Love to read? He read your favorite book in one day. Love to bake? He bought 6 cookbooks already.  He was more shy around you once he spent more time with you. He always tried to start a conversation about your favorite book or something. (he knew you could talk about it for hours) The boys caught on to what was happening and told him to hurry up and confess, And knowing Jungkook he listened to his hyungs and did.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
could make like the reader confess to kylian,he reject her coldly and then the reader end up with someone and kylian immidiately regrets
thank u if ur doing luv ur writings
this 😩
kylian mbappe x reader
tw : just a lot of angst, kylian being mean and a bit toxic
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Stone cold
“Kylian…please say something” you told him as you stared at him with teary eyes. You just confessed to Kylian, your best friend, that you were in love with him. You knew it wasn’t going to end well but you couldn’t handle seeing him with a new girl every weekend again, it pained you too much knowing you just probably ruined everything you and Kylian built in these past years but you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. He needed to know. What you didn’t expect was to seeing him there, standing in front of you completely speechless, almost if you just dropped a bomb.
“What-what do you want me to say?” he asked you softly.
“Something. Anything. Kylian…” you almost begged.
“Y/n…you know I care for you…” you let a few tears fall, preparing yourself for what was about to come.
“But?” you asked him, this time avoiding his look.
“But…but I don’t love you…I’ll never love you un the way you want me to…” ouch, that broke you “…I’m so sorry y/n…I really am” he looked down.
“No-no it’s fine…you don’t have to love me, I just wanted you to know what I feel for you, you had to know…I’m sorry if I ruined everything, our friendship…” you whispered.
“It’s going to be a little different now…but I care for you…I really do y/n and I think you should know that” he took your hand and gently placed a kiss on it “you’re my best friend and I can’t imagine living in a world where we are not friends…” he laughed a bit.
“Well…that’s good…you know what? Just forget everything I said, I don’t want anything to ruin our friendship, you mean too much for me Kyky” you laughed too.
“Don’t worry…what happened would never change what we have, I promise you” he said and even if you were hurting, you were a bit relieved that he didn’t hate you.
“I promise you” my ass, you thought.
From the day you confessed to him, he became more distant, most of the times leaving you on read or replying with “I’m busy”. You knew it was because of what you told him but from going to completely avoiding you?
He missed your movie nights three times in a row, coincidence?
He wouldn’t answer your calls and he was debating if he was supposed to unfollow you or not.
So that’s what you get once you’re true to your feelings?
You got tired of waiting for him to write you or call you back so you started ignoring him too. You started avoiding your common friends and you missed his last games too, his family was surprised when they didn’t see you there. You were the one to unfollow him first ;
if he didn’t want anything to go with you why would you keep following him and seeing everything he posted?
You got to a point where you didn’t even care. Of course you were still heart broken and you knew it would take time to heal completely but if he didn’t want you in his life then you wouldn’t care about him too.
Everything changed when you decided to get your first tattoo. It was a simple and little butterfly but it was like a point of start for you. You met the tattoo artist and somehow you felt attracted to him. Matt, it was his name. As you got to know more each other and became friends you felt like you could really live without Kylian.
Matt was handsome, tall and covered in tattoos. His hair dark black and a few piercings covering his face, nothing too excessive tho. He was the complete opposite of Kylian, he didn’t even like football and honestly you were great for it. He was the one to make the first move, asking you out on a date and even if you promised yourself that you wouldn’t fall in love again you couldn’t help it. That man was kind and patient with you, deciding not to rush anything when you told him how Kylian treated you and he swore that if he ever saw Kylian he would punch him in the face.
One night you and Matt were taking a walk around Paris as you just got out of one of the nicest restaurants here in Paris when you heard his voice calling your name.
“Y/n?” it was Kylian calling you from behind.
“Do you want me to punch him?” Matt whispered to you as you laughed.
You both turned around and watched as Kylian approached you.
“Hey Kylian…” you whispered while Matt held you closer to his body.
“Is it a bad moment?” he asked a bit embarrassed.
“Yes” Matt answered sarcastically.
“No…do you need anything?” you asked him this time.
“Can we talk for a minute?” he asked you.
“I’ll go get the car” Matt told you before kissing your cheek and leaving.
“So…how have you been?” Kylian asked you.
“I’ve been better” you said “but I’m good now” you said again.
“Great…can I ask you why-why did you stop coming at the games?” he asked this time.
Was he serious?
“Why did you stop answering my calls? Why did you stop talking to me?” you asked this time.
“Y/n…I-“ he tried to explain “I needed time to think” he said.
“Think what?”
“About that night, about what you told me…” he said.
“No Kylian…you said it wouldn’t ruin our friendship…you promised me!” you screamed, at this point you didn’t care if people were going to listen “You said you couldn’t live without me being in your life! said that our friendship was important, and that you cared about me! But you were the one to ignore me first, you were the one that stopped texting me or answering my calls!” you were letting all out “You are the one who didn’t want me in his life anymore Kylian!” you felt your heart pounding in your chest so fast you thought it was going to explode.
“Y/n…please calm down…” he tried to touch you but you shoved him away.
“You left me completely broken…and not because you didn’t love him but because with your actions you made it very clear you didn’t want me in your life anymore…Kylian you have no idea how much you made me suffer…” your breathing got more accelerated and you felt you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“I just want you to know how sorry I am…I never meant to hurt you, believe me please” he let a few tears fall “…I needed time to think because I never realised how important you were to me, how much I love you…you have to believe me” he begged.
“No Kylian, don’t! Don’t play with my feelings again…you broke me once, you won’t do it twice…” you said crying.
“I know…I know and I’ll never forgive myself”
“It’s been three months and you couldn’t find a way to tell me you loved me? Am I joke to you?” you asked him.
“No no no no please y/n, I never meant to play with your feelings, I know I made you suffer…but please, forgive me, give me one chance…” he was crying too.
“A chance for what? It’s been three months and now that I’m finally happy with someone you came and expect me to tell you ‘Oh Kylian, thank you, I love you so much’ - that’s not how the real world works…you lost me Kylian… you lost me the day you promised me that nothing will ever change between us and when the next day you stopped caring about me…I’m not a toy…so now, I have someone who really cares for me and who’s waiting for me…” you said turning your back to Kylian as you kept sobbing.
That night you and Kylian both cried, the only difference was that you had someone who was there for you, someone who was ready to show you what real love was while Kylian spent the night crying all alone, because when he realised he lost the lost important person was too late.
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starryletters · 1 year
gojo; friends to lovers headcanons!
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notes : set in 2006, reader being silly and a bit dense, gojo falls first and you fall just as hard , fluff! suguru and shoko mentioned bc i love their friendgroup🫶
a/n : eep my first (published) piece of writing! im so excited, and i hope people like it!!! this isn't the most polished, but i wanted to start off with something a little more simple ( ◡‿◡ *) anywhoo satoru is the boyfriend ever!
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you met him when you joined the jujutsu high second years aka geto shoko and gojo!
and gojo IMMEDIATELY decided to annoy the shit out of you
but like in an endearing way (that's what he thought, at least)
surprisingly, you actually found him funny, and bantering with him back and forth quickly became your favorite part of every day.
he really liked how you were able to keep up with him and how easy it was to talk to you about anything and everything. no matter what he had to say, you had a reply (or an insult) ready to go.
satoru's a really physically affectionate person in general and he was over the moon when you didnt seem to mind how he randomly slung his arm around your shoulder or how he liked to fall asleep with his head in your lap. (i could tie to this whole thing to his infinity and talk about how sad it is for someone that shows love through physival affection to experience smth so traumatic that they put a LITERAL barrier between them and others preventing all forms of touch but..i wont!)
it wasn't anything romantic at first! (i love platonic physical affection, okay?)
but there were small moments where you felt his touch and felt such a warmth in your heart. you had pure adoration for him [and if you ever caught his stare, you would know he adored you the same.]
anywhoo! you always thought he was attractive because i mean, look at him
but you never really saw him as a romantic prospect. at least not until you talked to him and got to know him. which you told shoko later on, and she called you a freak of nature for it because "usually he has the opposite effect on people"
there wasn't really a distinct moment you can remember where you developed feelings for him. the realization totally caught you by surprise!
you were hanging out with your fellow second years after school, and gojo made some dumb dad joke, at which only he laughed (of course), but you glanced at him from the side and his laugh!!! it was so beautiful!!! like, why are you enchanted by this LOSER right now???
either way, that's when you noticed that maybe that feeling you got in your stomach whenever gojo touched you may not have been entirely platonic. horrified and also a teensy bit excited at your discovery you look away and try to make your blushing face cool down. cool, this was definitely gonna ruin one of the best relationships and friendships you've ever had! gojo knew geto and shoko before you, so if you ever confessed, it would probably ruin your friendship with them too! cool, cool, very cool.
of course, that was total bs, but whatever you were anxious at, your newfound feelings and relationships are confusing, and you maybe (definitely) had a bit of tunnel vision in that moment.
after that (like the smart person you are), you convinced yourself that "well. if i just avoid gojo..the feelings will probably go away, right?"
oh, you poor naive FOOL
first of all, avoiding gojo was no easy feat (just ask nanami)
second of all... by the point you realized your feelings, he was already completely WHIPPED for you
"suguru! did you see? she totally looked at me for two seconds longer than usual today!"
"she definitely loves me back, dont you think so too?"
"you're delusional."
"you're my best friend! you're supposed to indulge me in my delusions!"
definitely the type to lay on his stomach and kick his feet in the air while thinking about you
and he NEVER shuts up about you
shoko and geto seriously deserve financial compensation for this and are BAFFLED by the fact that you dont notice how lovestruck he is by you?
so as soon as he realized you stopped replying to his texts like you usually did and you didn't sit next to him anymore so he could lean his head on your shoulder, he was devastated
like what did he do????? why does the universe hate him??? ( like he isnt the strongest sorcerer ever?)
you thought you were clever for coming up with your "get rid of feelings for satoru" plan
but no. for days now everywhere you were, suddenly there he was.
you didn't give him the silent treatment or anything you just... kept your distance.
well, you tried anyway
man has no sense of personal space.
"i missed you." he pouts, leaning down and placing his head on your shoulder from behind. "we see each other everyday, thats not enough for you?" you replied, trying to remain calm while he was so SO close to you. "we barely saw each other at all yesterday!" he whines. "i was busy -" "no, you weren't." "yes, i was?" "nuh-uh, " your face contorts into a grimace. "seriously, how old are you?" "sev-" "it was a rhetorical question." he moves from his postion behind you and stands right in front of you. if he wasn't so silly looking, you would probably be intimidated by his towering height.
his face turns serious. "you've been avoiding me." he states, a small pout on his lips. shit, dont look at his lips! "eh..uh..what? no, i'm not! that's crazy talk..." you sputter nervously. he sighs, and puts his hands on your shoulders "are you okay?" he's genuinely concerned for you now. damnit why couldn't he be less likeable?! this was really throwing a wrench in your plan.
"i am..i'm just..uh..argh." you lower your head and massage your temple out of frustration. your heartbeat was going a mile a minute. "i didn't mean to avoid you, satoru." you say in a soft tone. a lie, but you couldn't handle telling him the truth. his face brightens instantly. "i'll forgive you if you pinky promise to never avoid me ever again." he reaches out his pinky. "wow, future me is gonna regret that when you get inevitably annoying.." you chuckle reaching out your hand to interlink your finger with his. this was good, this was normal. you felt normal, platonic, and normal feelings. yep. a bright grin spreads across his pretty face. "although.. you might still have to buy me something sweet to really convince me!" of course. "you're the worst." "you love it!" yeah, you do.
okay, plan b. push it all down and focus on your friendship!
you did really enjoy just being his friend after all..otherwise you wouldn't care so much about ruining your friendship!
so things went back to normal sort of...except for the fact that over the next few months, the romantic tension got worse and worse.
you thought it was just you being delusional when he started holding your hand more and more frequently, freuqently bought you small trimkets and gifts( his reason being " i thought of you!") told you how pretty and cool you looked after missions, even with your hair all messed up and uniform askew. you tried so hard not to read into it even though these things were obviously pretty romantic.
satoru thought he was going insane
"i mean??? am i not being clear enough, suguru? am i being too subtle?"
"i dont think the word subtle really suits you, in any situation ever."
at this point, he was close to giving up. maybe you just didn't like him as much as he liked you?
but then! one late summer night!
the first kiss!
which was sort of out of the blue but also not really, since you'd been pining for each other for a while.
he was invading spending time in your dorm room late at night again like he frequently did. he got real chatty at night. you were both sitting on your bed, and his head was leaning against your shoulder, the soft ends of his hair tickling your neck.
it was around mignight, his voice was low and he spoke in a hushed tone.
"..you know? and then he had the audacity to insult nintendo? like sorry you hate fun, loser? anyways my original point was..." he trails off his voice, getting lower and lower by the end. you turn your head in his direction, expecting to find him asleep. instead, your nose almost bumps against his.
his eyes are..so breathtaking this close, with the moonlight reflecting in his sapphire irises. his snow-white lashes flutter as he glances down at your lips. a silent request.
this moment was so full of tender love while still so quiet. you had never felt anything quite like it before. you nod ever so slightly and softly your lips meet eachother. slotting together like two puzzle pieces, it made something click in your brain. suddenly everything made sense.
after a few moments you pulled back. your face felt hot. it was still quiet. gojos thumb rubs over the back of your hand.
he leans his head back onto your shoulder, positively beaming, he giggled "like i was saying.." he starts again the smile still evident in his voice.
an equally bright grin breaks out on your face. he was not even acknowledging the kiss you two shared. but it felt right that he didn't. this moment felt so warm and so much like satoru. there was no more confusion and no words that needed to be said. you both understood what it meant. you both finally understood what you were.
what you failed to consider was telling your best friends. geto and shoko. the four of you were hanging out and gojo had to leave early for another mission, before he leaves he quickly pecks you on the lips (which to be fair surprised you too) before waving and running off. shoko's eyes were practically bulging out of her head, and getos face couldn't decide between a surprised expression and one of disgust. "what. was that." shoko furtows her brows. "uhh..oh! oh." you couldn't exactly pinpoint what you were supposed to say now. how did you forget to tell them? how did GOJO forget to tell them? granted, it only happened last night, but still... you had assumed he spent the rest of the night lying on his stomach, feet kicking, telling geto every detail. "we're dating?" you reply awkwardly. "damn it!" shoko exclaims, and suguru smiles smugly. odd reactions... that's what you thought until you saw shoko pull out her wallet and hand suguru a big wad of cash. "see? i told you they would figure it out before they turned 25." he chides.
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thank you for reading!!! and i hope you liked it! im not sure about this formatting (w/ the tumblr bulleted list. it's like not spaced apart enough, yk?) anyway! im open to constructive criticism, but please be nice im sensitive LOL (ノω・、)
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 8 months
more Grojband au drawings and headcanons bc apparently I only like making fanart for fandoms that are non-existent or on the brink of extinction.
(au ramblings after the keep reading)
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Lanes and Larry (nickname Lars or Lars Bar) got really close during middle school. They found comfort with each other bc they were in similar situations regarding their crushes. They'd sneak off after band practice to rant to each other about their band leaders and just wallow in self-pity. And that didn't really change as they got older. If anything, they got even closer, acting more like siblings than friends—they even got similar/mirroring piercings to match and wear coordinated outfits—, constantly ranting to or annoying each other at any opportunity. However, their audience doesn't really believe that it's just that (having given both of them the titles of casanovas for dating each other and their band leaders). And neither does Corey. Which, as you can probably guess, often leads being a point of contention between them.
Kim and Konnie: I've made them really close cousins. Why?. Because I can! jk jk but tbch I just wanted to add some variety in the lineup's dynamics. I'm also playing with the idea of one of them being half-white and the other being half-Filipino and having them be raised in different households to see how that would affect the different ways in which they'd interact. They are still close like sisters and each other's best friends, they were born on the same day and wear matching hair ties like friendship bracelets, but I want them to have things about them that make them different from being exact copies of their counterparts. However, this is definitely subject to change as I explore the concept more.
Corey and Carrie: acquaintances. Over the years their rivalry has seriously mellowed out and are more or less pleasant with each other. They will tease each other from time to time but that's kind of just what you do when you've known someone as long as they have.
Mina and Trina: Not quite sure where to put this one lol. Their relationship imploded senior year when Mina confessed to her and Trina responded in the worst way possible. Now Mina is doing school abroad and Trina had to repeat her last year. No one really knows what happened but rumor has it that Mina had said something so bad to Trina that it made her completely break. She doesn't hang out with anyone and she rarely, if ever, talks. She spends all her time alone in her room or at her job that nobody is even really sure she has.
Kon and Konnie: they are just happy and cute together. They started hanging out together more during sophomore year when Konnie's gym closed down and she had to go to a new one. They were definitely more awkward at first, they didn't really dislike each other but their friends did so they kind of just...didn't interact, but once they actually started talking they found they got along really well! They would often spot for the other and offer encouragement when working out. Inevitably they caught feelings and tried dating in secret. But that didn't last long (bc ofc it didn't lol) and they got caught. Both bands were more irritated than mad but eventually got over it.
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Kin and Kim: a bickering old married couple. they are constantly 'breaking up' and then getting back together the next day. They are snarky and live for drama and gossip. They both think that the other is more in love with them and can control them bc of it. In reality, they are both equally whipped for each other but refuse to admit it. They constantly 'fight' to show that they aren't in love then somehow always fail miserably every time. They haven't made their relationship public and hopefully never will. They like having their fans think they're single and that if they found out it would ruin their images as the mysterious prince and princess of their respective groups. The bands' reactions to them range from exasperated eye rolls to mocking laughter.
Larry (yes, I'm sticking to calling him Larry) and Carrie: ??? Larry adores Carrie and she knows this. He makes it very clear and is willing to do almost anything for her. But how Carrie feels for Larry is unclear, at least that's what he says to Laney. She will treat him like a best friend and they'll hang out alone without problem, but she will have this weird distance about her that she doesn't close. That is until the cameras come on. During interviews and shoots, she will pull him close to her and say things that can be easily interpreted and romantic, but when asked to specify she will laugh and deflect the question. Then, once the cameras are off, she goes right back to being distant. He is unsure whether or not she actually likes him romantically or is just refusing to clarify for the sake of the band, but he'll lean into her touch whenever or wherever it's given. He seems to have come to terms with this being their dynamic and just...goes with it. There is one thing he knows for certain, he loves her and regardless of whether or not she cares for him romantically, he will stay by her side no matter what. Oddly enough, whenever the topic of Larry and Laney's relationship is brought up, Carrie refuses to talk about it. To be honest, she'll act like she has no idea what they're talking about and bluntly steer the conversation towards literally anything else.
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Laney and Corey: Contradictory. Laney has essentially given up on forming a romantic bond with Corey. However, her actual feelings don't seem to have gotten the memo. She still cares for him so much it hurts. So much so that she's come to terms with the fact that she will never be able to be with anyone romantically because of it. Laney used to love the high of being in love, floaty and light, and now she feels more like a suffering addict, lost and panicked. She drowns in every touch and caress given to her but at the same time feels burned and scorned every time she realizes how simple and platonic they are. She can't blame him for not liking her back, but she's come to resent him for it. Just a little bit. She sometimes even wishes she had never met Corey. Constantly thinking about the life she could have had had she not been pulled into the living whirlpool that was Corey. She loves him, and he doesn't know it. But he holds her closer than anyone else. He is possessive of her and her attention. Whenever it's directed towards someone else, Larry especially, he pulls her back into him and refuses to let her go. This makes it even more unlikely for her to move on, in fact, it makes her angry. They argue about it often.
I have the beginnings of several scenes that explore these relationships and stuff but I'm not too sure I wanna share them just yet ^^; (my creative writing skill is a bit more than a little lacking lol)
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fandomtookoverlife · 2 months
Au where someone is trying to manipulate character A so they put a love charm on Character B
So the Manipulator knows A is in love with B so they put a charm on B to make them think they are in love with A and confess their feelings
The joy A feels at the prospect of their love being returned will have them so off guard/distracted they will be so much easier to subdue
M thinks they are absolutely brilliant! What could go wrong? A is going to be so enamoured and happy that the person they love loves them back they won’t even notice the trap they are walking into! B is under their spell so no worries there and there aren’t any other variables it’s fool proof!
Option #1
M sets their trap and sits back waiting for A to fall into it, only when it comes time it’s as though A is expecting it they completely side step it and counter it so that M is now at their mercy How did this happen! The Plan! How could A possibly have known?
The issue is that there is a critical fault in M’s plan they didn’t consider.
B loves A in return so when cursed!B confesses their fake feelings the curse is immediately undone by none other than true loves kiss rendering the curse completely useless
B immediately tells A everything: the plan, about M, all of it (B was subjected to a token villain monologue so they know about the trap) A is heartbroken now knowing it was all a lie
A goes to leave, angry, heartbroken, to take revenge on M for getting their hopes up, for ending their friendship bc now that B knows about A’s feelings they will leave, affronted and repulsed by A’s feelings
B is left confused and chasing after A, “what’s wrong? I know you’re angry but it’s ok, their plan fell through we are both safe, we know where they are going to be we can use this to our advantage! It’s a good thing! Why are you upset!”
A’s like “don’t you understand there is no we! M has ruined everything you’re going to leave me now, I would have never told you about my feelings I never wanted to because I couldn’t stand the thought of your rejection! Of you not loving me back! How are we supposed to move on from that! We can’t! I can’t!”
And then B gets to take A’s face in their hands, maybe kiss them, and say “of course I love you you idiot! How could I not love you? Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? You’re everything to me! Yes M is awful and we have to stop them, but I love you, I’ve dreamed of this moment for years, this is the best day of my life, tell me it’s yours too”
Cue happy ending and/or otp intensely making out in the middle of where ever they are standing
Option #2
M sets their trap and waits, only A never shows up? What is going on this was not apart of the plan!
What happened is that B was cursed and had no idea, one minute they are walking down the street the next they have the sudden urge to confess their feelings for A so they go do that
True loves kiss breaks the spell and B is left wondering where they got that sudden urge/confidence to finally confess but they quickly push that through to the side, after all it worked out so why question it?
Being so happy A and B change course abandoning their current path for a vacation to bask in their new love
Leaving M sitting, waiting and wondering where it all went wrong
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Hi. could you write something about being friends with Pedri, he's in love with the reader. Everyone see the way he looks at her, but she doesn't. One day they're going to the party and there's no seats left so Pedri let her sit on his lap and then finally confess his feelings
A/n: my requests are open so feel free to send me more requests 
wc: 2100
Hanging out with my friends is usually my favourite thing to do but recently it's become harder and harder and it's my own fault. It's completely my fault that I had to go and develop feelings for my best friend which makes just seeing him upsetting as I know there is no way he would feel the same way I do. My stupid crush is going to make today incredibly difficult as he has the day off training and so we are going to spend the day together along with our other friends and then tonight we are all going to a party. 
My alarm went off telling me I needed to get up to go to breakfast with everyone but I was already awake as I've been sitting thinking about how awful it's going to be spending the entire day with Pedri and having to act like we are just friends. I turned the alarm off and got out of bed to shower and then got ready, I thought about wearing something really nice but there is no point as it's not going to make Pedri see me any differently plus we are going to a party where I'll have to dress up later. I could make an effort and see if I meet anyone else but I don't want that I only want Pedri even though it's never going to happen. 
I spent so much time thinking about Pedri that I didn't notice the time until my doorbell was ringing so I had to quickly grab my things and answer it. When I opened the door I was met with a smiling Pedri, his smile is so infectious that I couldn't help but smile back at him even though I wasn't really that happy. I grabbed my keys and and locked my door before we got in his car to head to breakfast where we were meeting some more friends. I was going to drive there myself or walk as the place we are going to isn't too far from my place but Pedri insisted that he come and pick me up so we could spend more time together as it's been a little while since we have seen each other even though on my part that was fully intentional. 
In the car I forgot all about not wanting to see Pedri as we got to talking because like always we just started talking about nothing and I realised why I never say anything about my feelings and that's because I don't want to lose this. When we arrived at the cafe we were both laughing our heads off at some joke that Pedri made a good 5 minute before but we had just kept laughing like we always do. All of our friends looked at us for a second as we arrived before going back to their conversations as they are used to the two of us being like this. We both calmed down and then took our seats which weren't next to each other but it was probably for the best. I was sat next to Gavi who I've been super close to after Pedri introduced us and he's the only one that knows about my feelings for Pedri as he heard me talking to myself about it one time. Since Gavi found out he is always telling me to tell Pedri how I feel but I refuse to do it no matter his many times he tells me to. 
"Are you going to tell him anytime soon?" Gavi asked when Pedri went to the bathroom 
"You know the answer to that is no" I replied 
"Come on y/n I see how you look at him it's only going to hurt more the longer you leave it" he said 
"Well what if I never plan to tell him" I said 
"You have to you are going to ruin your friendship hiding your feelings plus if not he will find someone else and I already know that will hurt you" he explained 
"I know but I really don't want to ruin our friendship as I can't live without him but I can deal with hiding my feelings" I admitted 
"Believe me it won't ruin your friendship" he said 
He looked like he wanted to say more but Pedri came back so he didn't say anymore but I saw the look he gave me which screamed just tell him. I know where he's coming from but it's harder than it seems especially when Pedri and I have been friends for so long it's hard to take the leap and admit that I have feelings. I also understand that if I don't do anything he will get a girlfriend at some point which will crush me as he went on one date a few months ago and I couldn't bare to look at him for a week. All of the pros and cons swim around my brain constantly but I can never make any decision on what to do as whenever I decide I'm going to tell him I think of some cons that make me back out. 
After we all finished breakfast we all went out and played mini golf which was fun and then we went to the beach for a while before all going back to our own places so the ones that were going could get ready to go to the party. The party was being hosted by one of Gavi and Pedri's friends and so they invited me to come with them which of course I said yes to even though I regret it a little bit right now. Even though I didn't really want to go I still put on a nice dress and did my hair and makeup because even if I have a bad time at a least I'll look good doing it. Just like earlier Pedri was picking me up so we could go together which meant I didn't need to leave as early so I found myself spending quite a while sitting with my thoughts mostly about what Gavi said earlier until Pedri arrived and I came back to reality. 
Pedri's POV 
Standing outside her door I was so nervous because I made the stupid decision to promise Gavi that tonight would be the night I finally tell her how I feel which I'm now really regretting it as I know he won't let me back out. My train of thought was interrupted when the door opened and I had to do my best not to let my jaw drop to the floor as y/n stood there looking absolutely incredible. It took me a few seconds to compose myself before I could speak and tell her she looked pretty which she thanked me for and we got in my car. Not much was said while we were in the car instead we just listened to music from her playlist and occasionally I asked her to adjust the volume or skip a song but that was it. 
When we arrived we both spoke to a few people quickly before Gavi grabbed my arm and dragged me away from her while some other guy was stood there flirting with her which made me mad even though she's not mine. 
"You are going to tell her tonight like you promised right?" He questioned me 
"Yes I will but when it goes wrong I am fully blaming you" I said 
"It won't go wrong plus I saw how mad you looked when that guy was flirting with her so I suggest you tell her before she goes home with him instead" he said 
Before I could argue he walked away and went to sit down so I went back to y/n to bring her to our table but mostly to get her away from that guy who most definitely isn't good enough for her. Once we reached the table Gavi was smirking at me which confused me for a few seconds until I noticed there was only one chair left which I knew he had set up straight away. I'll give it to him that boy is smart as I wasn't going to let her stand and I knew she wouldn't take the seat as she's too sweet. That left the one option Gavi was hoping I'd go with and he was right because even though I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second I still sat down. 
"If you are ok with it you can sit on my lap" I said to her 
"Are you sure its ok?" She asked 
"Of course" I replied 
She sat down right on the edge of my knee to start with until I made the decision to pull her closer as I knew the way she was sat was uncomfortable but she wasn't going to move unless I did something as she didn't want to make me uncomfortable. I made it so that she was sat properly on my legs and allowed her to lean her shoulder against my chest as she was sat sideways. To start with it was awkward but we both quickly settled in and I felt her body relax which made me happy as it meant she felt comfortable with me. After sitting in silence for a while we started up a conversation and went back to our normal selves just talking about anything and everything. We talked for so long that I didn't notice that everyone else had left the table leaving the two of us alone but when I did notice I knew it was my chance to either tell her or accept that I'll never have the courage. 
Just as I was about to do it she turned towards me and I looked straight into her eyes which threw me off straight away as I have never looked into her eyes like this before. My cheeks started heating up straight away and I wanted to look away but I could see that her cheeks were doing the same plus her eyes were so beautiful I didn't want to stop admiring them. We were so in our own world that anything could have happened around us and we wouldn't of noticed. Having that moment gave me a bit more confidence with telling her how I feel because I'd like to think that you don't look at someone like that if you don't have some feelings towards them. Once we stopped looking into each other's eyes I took a few seconds to think of what to say before I decided to just go for it. 
"Y/n I have something I should tell you" I said 
"What is it?" She asked looking incredibly nervous 
"I'm sorry if this ruins everything but I love you as more than a friend" I admitted 
"Well I love you as more than a friend too" she whispered 
"Oh thank goodness I was worried about ruining our friendship" I said relieved that she felt the same way 
"What do we do now?" She asked 
"Well would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked 
"Of course I would" she replied 
After making her mine I got a boost of confidence so I put a hand on her cheek and gently pulled her face towards mine and pressed my lips against hers. The second my lips touched hers I felt warmth flow through me as all of our hidden feelings came through the kiss. I never wanted to pull away but I knew we both needed to breathe so I did and instead I just pulled her close to my chest instead. Of course Gavi had to come over and tell us that he was right about us liking each other and how one of us should've made a move earlier. He also then made fun of us when I kissed her cheek which I saw coming but I don't really care. 
We stayed at the party for a bit longer before deciding to leave and I asked if she wanted to stay over at mine as now that she's mine I don't really want to let her go. She agreed to stay so when we got back I gave her one of my hoodies to sleep in and we got into bed and I got to cuddle with her as she fell asleep which was the most amazing feeling. Looking at her sleeping in my chest made me glad that Gavi forced me to tell her as it worked out pretty well in the end. 
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> alight genre -> angst turned into fluff pair -> jisung x gn!reader plot -> crushing on someone is easy (but anxiety and jealousy don't think so) warnings -> cursing + one mention of anxiety words -> 1421 lowercase intended
i'm so obsessed, i go to bed i get undressed i lie in bed, look at the ceiling and i find you in my head yet again, i wash my hair, i tell myself that i don't care about the girls you find appealing or what's under what you wear.
alight / ninajirachi
thoughts running a marathon in my head as i get home from minho(e)'s party. my glitter still hangin' and my mascara is intact but i still feel a heavy weight on my heart as i start to take it off completely. how pathetic can one be? to see the boy you like for so long, talking to another guy/girl and feeling that immediate weight on your shoulders, those bad thoughts crawling back and that heavy heart that won't be fixed with nothing but a confession. minho(e) is gonna kill me for leaving but i did not care, i needed to be alone in my room with my anxiety & emotions like a tsunami in me.
i knew i wasn't the perfect candidate but i always had hope we would be something more. when i first got introduced to him, i fell so hard, it hit me like a wave and i just had to be friends with him at least. now movin' on two years later and i'm still hanging on a crush (that's clearly not a crush anymore) and on a friendship (that i wanted it to be more) and all of my friends saying "you should just tell him!" (ehem, minhoe, ehem) but it's not that easy isn't it?. as i looked at myself once again in the mirror i realized that i was nothing like the guys/girls he used to have a crush on and i have so many flaws. this is where chan comes in and tells me "everyone has flaws" but if i hear that speech one more time, i might kick his ass back to australia. 
i wasn't crying this time, just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the messages of "where are u" to pop up. first one from minho(e) obviously, then binnie, then chan and lastly jisung. god he didn't even know how much a message from him turns my world around and my attention just draws back to him. but then i remember that pretty guy/girl he was chatting with, their long hair, their flirting...
yeah i was screwed wasn't i?
fuck why did you leave
you know i can't do these kinds of things alone
that was at 1:38 am and the second message was true, i was just like him. parties were never my cup of tea but i dealt with them mostly fine if i had my friends by my side, today wasn't one of those days. as much as i tried to get as pretty as i could to impress (myself & someone), all of them seemed to have better business and that was probably getting a hook up to go home to. i was never the hook up kind so i was just left all alone as i observed the other people in the house. but as soon as it hit 1:00 am, i decided that it would be better to head home. kind of dangerous to just walk to my home in the middle of the night but my heart felt so heavy as i tried not to picture jisung kissing another person.
can i come over?
i rlly wanted to talk to u
oh god, my worst nightmare was about to come true. i will have the impulse to confess and this night is gonna end more terribly than it already has. i debated whether i should pretend i was sick but i could never do that, they always see right through me so i just responded "sure" and tried to dress presentable. if i knew i was seeing him again i wouldn't have taken off my makeup but barefaced it is. it didn't take him too long since i wasn't that far from minho(e)'s house and i left the door opened. there he was in all of his glory with his beautiful squishy cheeks and his hair getting blonder day by day. i'm not drunk, just hopelessly in love with an idiot. which reminds me, why is he here? why isn't he with that guy/girl i saw him earlier? oh god if i ruined his chances of getting laid he will kill me.
"(y/n) hi." ok this is odd, he never calls me by full name but i'm gonna play along.
"han jisung what do i owe you the pleasure to?" i ask as i look at him from the living room. i didn't even bother to move since he opened the door himself and i was just too fucking broken over stupid shit to care anymore. "thought you would stay longer at the party."
"i got bored without you there." he said and i could tell he was being honest, his eyes never lie as he moved next to me and sat down on the couch. "i thought you would stay longer too but you didn't even tell anyone you were going."
yeah that was a bad move on me, one message would've been enough but when you get so fucking lost in sadness, you don't really care do you?
"i know, i'm sorry about that." i pouted and he just shook his head as he gave me that little smile of his. god i was so head over heels for this idiot and i don't know how much longer i'm gonna last with these feelings until i burst. "you shouldn't have left though."
"why not?" he asked and i could feel his hand on my thigh as he looked at me puzzled. i immediately blushed at the sensation and just didn't know what to say but i found a way to send my words out.
"i just thought you were having fun like chan, minho(e) and bin." i said and i wasn't wrong to think that. he walked in with the person and stayed with them most of the night. god what if it was his significant other? and i was just being an asshole? panicking is the only thing i know how to do. 
"me? not at all, just spent the whole night trying to think how to approach you and failing." ok that was also weird, why would he need to think how to talk to me? we've been friends for 2 years. "i'm sorry i didn't, i'm just a coward at the end of the day."
"what do you mean? you're not sung and definitely don't need to think of ways of approaching me, we're friends right?" i ask and he sighs, i felt like i said the wrong words immediately. i want to get inside his head just to see what he's thinking so much about, i wanna know what he's feeling and what he's saying, especially since i seem to not be getting anything at all.
"that's the problem, god how the fuck do i say this? i'm the worst with words." well that's also a lie since he's the best freestyle rapper i know (don't tell bin) and somehow he's more nervous than i am about this situation. i felt more calm in his presence which is something he always tend to drive me to. i love talking to him because it feels easy and like nothing's gonna bother me anymore when i'm with him. "can i do something? you can punch me in the face later but please just once".
"you can do anything sungie and i wouldn't punch you ever." i said and his trembling hand found it's way to my cheek, caressing it softly. i felt like i could melt right then and there as he just closed his eyes and i did the same, feeling a pair of my lips fitting right in with mine, it wasn't the perfect kiss but it was definitely more than perfection to me. it didn't get heated and it wasn't just a peck but it was so beautiful that i had to make it last. that's when all the doubts went away and i truly felt like i was floating. 
as we split away, i could only feel my hand on my lips as i looked at him and he just smiled again. his full on smile made me blush crimson red as i tried to hide from him but he just took my hands away from my face and whispered softly.
"i am so in love with you since i first met you".
i felt everything come into place just with those words as i responded.
"i've been dying to hear that since i first saw you."
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peachjaem00 · 1 year
Teaser; The moon to my starts
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PAIRING; childhood best friend!jisung x fem reader
SYNOPSIS;  jisung has been in love with you forever but kept it a secret because he was too afraid to ruin your friendship. he had to endure watching you make a life without him until one day he could not hold it any longer, he couldn’t let the moon leave his stars. or jisung being a complete and absolute simp for the reader since he was a little boy. 
HONORABLE MENTIONS; twin brother! Haechan, jeno, yeji (itzy), jaemin, chenle, renjun
WC; 14.5k
THEMES; fluff, angst, pinning, friends to lovers, non idol! Jisung
WARNINGS; swearing, female reader, mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood, physical fight, mentions of bruises, jealousy
AN; just a little preview for a fic i have been working on since august 2021 based on my jisung’s timelapses [01:10 pm], [12:30 am], [02:00 pm] let me know if anyone wants to be added to the taglist or any questions. you don't have to read the timestamps to understand the fic.
also big shoutout to @cappujeno and @ichorai for beta reading this and for their support, this fic would have not happen if it wasn't for your help!
He was five when he saw you for the first time.
You noticed how shy and nervous he was, so you came closer, grabbing his hand and rubbing your little thumb on his knuckles in an attempt to calm him down. 
“Do you want to come and play? I promise we're nice people,” you said in the softest voice. It only took a look into your eyes to make Jisung forget about his shyness, the warmth in them was enough to make him feel safe. 
He was 10 years old when he discovered he had a crush on you.
He was on his bed, trying to sleep, but he was wide awake, his chest heavy and his mind was empty, only you in it. He didn't understand why. Why was he thinking so much about his friend? Why did that hug feel so nice? Why did that kiss make him so flustered? Why couldn't he get you out of his mind? Or maybe he knew, maybe he had known for a while but he didn't want to admit it…
“Oh no…”
He was 15 years old when he realized he was in love with you. 
“Oh, c'mon dude, calm down.” 
“I can't because you were right.” 
“About what?” 
“I do love her.” 
He was 16 years old when he got in a fight.
“You fucking asshole!” And after that he punched Jeno in the face, making his lip bleed. “How fucking dare you!?” And another, he could hear your screaming but he was blinded by rage. “You don't love her enough!? Then you never loved her in the first place!” And another, and another and another.
He was 18 year old when he entered university.
“How did we let this happen?” 
“I don't know.” 
“We promised nothing was gonna change after me leaving.” 
“I know.” 
“Then why is everything different?” 
“Because…” He wanted to tell you, he wanted to confess but the words got stuck once again. He didn't want to do it like that, during a phone call while you were kilometres away. “We're dumb?” Your laughter made the ambience lighter. 
“Yes, we’re very, very dumb.” You wiped a few tears away and cleared your throat. “Let's start being smart again.”
He was 19 years old when he confessed his love towards you.
“God, I fucking love you.” It was a whisper. It was innocent and said out of instinct, he didn't even realise what he just said until you left his side. 
“Nothing.” He was ready to leave but your hand on his wrist stopped him. You made him face you.
“That was not nothing.” He didn't dare to look at you. “What did you just say Park Jisung?” Your tone was demanding and serious, not in an aggressive way but you wanted an answer.
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alyszaen · 1 year
~ "Break The Rules" - changbin x chichi ~
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embedding in time: march 2023, a few days after "Circle, Triangle, Square" word count: 1k words summary: after chichis confession her relationship with changbin changed severely warnings: angst disclaimer: Chichi is an O/C invented by @chiskz who gave me explicit permission to create and post this. a/n: This is part of a 3-Part-Series, so I recommend reading this first.
Part One Part Three
Do not repost or translate my work. © All Rights Reserved Reblog or comment if you liked it. Let me know what you enjoyed.
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Chichis eyes widened in shock. She unconsiously threw her hands over her mouth. The tears she was releasing were not from anger or sadness anymore. They were filled with regret. She could never take this back. This would change everything. She probably just destroyed her most dear friendship and there was no way to change that.
And the only thing Changbin did was stare at her…
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One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Changbin stayed silent for only ten seconds, but those few moments felt like hours. Chichi was convinved that her heart never beat this fast before. Not even when she had dance practice for six hours straight did it ever feel this strong. Normally when she was in the rappers company her heartrate would slow down. A wave of calm would splash through her boy and she'd feel safe. But that was before. That was before she ruined their friendship.
It took the younger man some deep breaths to process what she said. And when he did it felt like everything around him stopped. The soft white-noise from the lamps was gone at once. The taste of his lunch left his tongue. The room stopped smelling of lemon-y cleaning detergent. He was engulfed by Ichi. All he could see was Chichi. All he could smell was Chichi. All he noticed was Chichi.
The world stopped moving. For a few moments it was completely still. And, unfortunately for both of them, so was he.
And while Changbin was still trying to perceive the information, the oldest member moved her hands from her face. She turned around faster than he ever saw her move before and started to run. He tried to grab her arm, to pull her back to him. He never wanted to hug her more than right this moment. If only he was fast enough.
Changbin was an intelligent guy, he knew that, except right now he was beating himself up for acting like the biggest idiot he ever encountered. His brain was working through her confession for so long, that he took too long to react to it whatsoever. And this lack of reaction broke her heart.
He wanted to move, to run after her, but he couldn't. His feet felt like they were glued to the floor. Only when the door slammed close did he completely understand what just happened.
Ichi just confessed that she was in love with him. And he didn't react.
The stillness was gone. He knew it wasn't actually possible, but that didn't change the fact that his world started spinning faster. Adrenaline started pumping through his veins. It reached every last limb in his body. He yanked open the door, sprinting into the hallway. "Chichi!"
But Chichi couldn't hear him. She was gone and already sitting in the backseat of a cab. "Where to?", the driver asked.
Technically the dorms were where she lived, so why did she feel like she just lost her home?
That night the oldest member went straight into her room - not even batting an eye at her friends greeting her - and didn't leave it for a while. The boys were worried - of course - but she wasn't telling them anything whatsoever. Chichi was clearly distraught. She avoided Changbin every chance she got. She didn't look at him, didn't listen to him unless absolutely necessary and she did not talk to him - no matter how often he tried to clear things up.
Seungmin, Jeongin and Felix sat together one evening, sharing a coffee - actually the aussie was drinking a hot chocolate because his younger friends didn't allow him to consume any caffeine - and trying to share what they knew to cheer up their female member.
Chichi told Seungmin about her feelings for Changbin a while ago when they were forced to fake date. And Felix was the person who caught her crying that night when the SeungChi-breakup was finally approved by JYPE. They both understood how she felt and had their ideas as to what must have happened. Ichi didn't exactly tell them, but she shared what had gone on with her best friend, Jeongin. And through a series of events all of them found out that they had pieces of the story and together they combined the puzzle pieces. Which led them to come up with a plan.
Dance practice went fairly okay, a few mistakes from some of them every now and then, but that was to be expected when learning a new choreography. It surprised the fake maknae when Jeongin asked her to help him out in the dance studio - appearently he was struggling with a few things and wanted some one-on-one lesson from his favourite dancer. Of course she could never say no to her baby, so he went to the studio as soon as possible.
What she didn't expect was to enter an empty room. Assuming that the youngest member was going to join her soon she kept herself busy, scrolling through her phone and waiting patiently.
The door opening made a small creaking sound, so she turned around with a big grin on her lips, "Jeongin-ah, what took you so long?" The smile was gone mere moments after when she noticed that it wasn't Jeongin who was standing in the doorway. Instead Felix gently slapped Changbins shoulder, "Sorry man, I actually don't need any help with my rapping right now.", he gave him a lopsided smile, encouraging the dark rapper to enter the room.
"Oh hell no! This isn't happening. I'm going to leave!", Ichi walked towards the door. "Can't we just talk?", Changbin sighed, "Please." And for the first time in days she actually looked at him. His hair was messy, as if he hadn't brushed it in a while. He had dark circles under his eyes. His entire face was puffy and his shoulders were slumped. He looked like he had a couple of difficult nights. It broke her heart even more to see him with so much depseration. She missed him.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do this right now.", her voice was quiet.
She was about to leave again, but this time he was fast enough to grab her wrist. He didn't apply any pressure, but the young woman had no fight left and let him hold her in place.
Seungmin appeared in the doorway. "Sorry guys, but you need this.", he closed the door to the practice room. The two best friends knew they were locked in when they heard a key turning in the look. How the hell did Seungmin even get a key for the room?
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Taglist: @longingpurity @hyujinnie1 @sensitiveandhungry @minvho @hee0soo @minnnie-binnie @zoe8stay @l3visbby @bbyquokka @imafivestarkpopstan @mxnsxngie @serenitysoda200 @lino-jagiyaa @notastraykid @alixnsuperstxr @chanlovesme
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ohhhh I’d love to hear your unpopular opinions about batb 👀
okay i mean it probably isn’t a secret at this point but i still feel like i’ll get assassinated for saying it outright. but: i think beauty and the beast 2017 is better than beauty and the beast 1991.
and i can throw a thousand caveats on it like i still love batb 1991!!!!! i grew up with it and it’s so good!!! it’s so lovely and amazing and one of the disney greats!!!!! and i would not be lying!!! it’s a WORK OF ART! and because of all that, i think it is an excellent foundation that batb 2017 was built upon and expanded upon which allowed it to flourish Even More than batb 1991.
allow me to elaborate further.
i think that where batb 1991 focuses much more on the story itself, leaving adam and belle a bit more secondary, batb 2017 focuses everything on adam and belle and lets them tell the story themselves. to me, it’s a difference between story drive and character drive, and i just personally enjoy batb 2017 diving so much deeper into adam and belle!!! their personalities and interests and sadness and backstories! they seem so much more real to me, so much more human.
i love the things that were altered. i love how when belle asks him to come into the light, he doesn’t. she has to force the light into his face to see what he is. i love that he was so much more unbelievably stubborn that he didn’t even care who stayed as his prisoner, as long as someone paid for trespassing and theft and overall just ruining his day. i love that the library wasn’t a gift of gratitude, but rather a gift only given when he saw her reaction to it. 2017 adam is so much more stubborn and self-absorbed and self-loathing that this beautiful woman being a chance at breaking the curse just does not cross his mind at first. and i love that. he was so completely hopeless that belle’s presence was nothing more than an inconvenience.
until there’s a spark of shared interest. until there’s a connection of mind and spirit. until they discover that maybe they’re not so different from each other after all!
i just absolutely love the fact that the library comes up because he wants to prove to her how much better his literary taste is than hers. he’s such an arrogant prick that even this amazing library has to be coated in his vanity. it only starts to shatter when he sees her reaction. he sees the truly innocent wonder on her face and for a moment the masks come off for both of them. she’s touched his library, she’s brought the daylight into it. he’s almost speechless because of it! she tells him it’s wonderful and all he can say is “yes… i suppose it is.” followed by giving it to her. hey, maybe this “common thief’s daughter” isn’t so bad after all.
i love how batb 1991 does everything too, but all of it happens just a bit too quickly for me. he changes too quickly, they fall in love too quickly, everything just happens really fast and i feel like i never have time to settle into their friendship or romance. i just kind of have to follow the story and accept that they are in love! which isn’t a terrible thing at all. i grew up loving it and never wanting more. but after seeing batb 2017, i do absolutely love that it got to use more time to really highlight their friendship; to really make me believe that these two are friends who are also very much falling for one another.
that’s why i love the colonnade scene so much, where they’re just talking and joking and confessing to one another. no montage, no song, they’re just hanging out and smiling like idiots the entire time. and that leads to the paris scene which is such a sweet and amazing moment!! they get to run away, just for a minute!! and adam gets to be there for belle for an extremely personal moment, and she’s comforted by that. batb 2017 just provides so many extra little details and scenes to really show the kind of relationship they form, and i guess, for my brain, i needed that to really believe in their love. i’ve never liked romance stories that happen too quickly. i have nothing against them, they just never really have been able to convince me that the pair is truly in love, and not just for romance’s sake. i need them to be besties first🥺 and batb 2017 just does such a lovely little job of making me believe that adam and belle have a love that goes as deep as friendship.
so, yeah. i know live action remakes have a bad reputation, and rightly so!! i understand!!! honestly before i saw batb 2017, i was entirely on that train. i thought live actions were pointless. but then i saw this one and i didn’t expect to fall in love okay!!! it just happened!!! i don’t treat all live actions the same, because i think some Are more unnecessary than others. but batb 2017 did such a fantastic job in holding true to the same story while building upon it and making it even more amazing and beautiful than it already was. and i KNOW not everyone agrees with me, but that’s the unpopular opinion for ya!!
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