#i need to go play minecraft
Bit annoyed at my online art mentor for critiquing me like I'm trying to get into the industry like no my dude
I just want to make cool stuff that means things
that makes people feel things
yes I paid all this money just to learn how to do that better
I told you this on the first day
and stop critiquing my blatantly unpolished shading practice THAT i TOLD YOU was rough on purpose when there is litERALLY A POLISHED ONE ON THE SAME STINKING PAGE JUST ABOVE IT THAT i ACTUALLY DID PUT EFFOR T INTO POLISHING
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sunsetcorvid · 10 months
dear mojang
add more crops in minecraft im begging you im on my hands and knees give us tomatoes give us onions give us strawberries give us peppers
add more food recipes please give us sandwiches give us more pastries give us pudding or some shit
sincerely, the farmer of every minecraft server
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octoooo · 6 months
Got some Bnuyus in Minecraft, one black & one brown, guess what I named them
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They actually have 8 kids but I didn’t take a more recent photo
,,then guess what I did
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Also a lil difference between my two Rabitos
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I have never watched a minecraft youtuber in my life but fanart for the qsmp keeps appearing on my dash and I'm enchanted every time
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
Office disability culture is so fucked in environmental science and fieldwork. Like the mindset that to do the job you have to be in perfect physical health or you should just quit. Like I'm not talking about something that is 100% physical labor here, everything is mostly achievable with aids and you don't need to be able to do every single thing. But there's this weird like..pride..that my older coworkers have. They work out in the gym and brag about how many reps they did. They tease each other for having medical issues. They don't ask for accommodations because they fear that their legitimacy will be hurt. That it means that they can't do their job anymore. That they won't be TRUSTED to do their jobs anymore. That it will get taken away.
So they FURTHER hurt their bodies by not resting, not taking breaks, not using ergonomic equipment, not using safety equipment. Not drinking enough water. Not using mobility aids when they are so old that it's supposed to be acceptable. They don't use the scooters at the grocery store, they don't use their handicapped placard, they don't use knee pads or compression gloves.
And here I come in, 24 years old, looking perfectly healthy. And I use walking sticks, I sit down a lot, I have my care bag, I have a ton of gadgets for making fieldwork more comfortable, I have boundaries and limits, I wear braces and knee pads and compression gloves. I use my handicapped placard.
They react in one of two ways:
1. How DARE I. I'm so lucky to be young and no one sees THEM having to do all those things (literally nothing is stopping them but pride). Like old man if you need a break take a fucking break. I'm not going to hurt my health to make you feel better about hurting yours. I'm not risking a flare up to spare the 65 year olds feelings. Im gonna take my break and use my equipment cause my boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done. I'm tired of glares from 100 year olds making themselves struggle across the parking lot when they could also be using the fucking scooter. (I never take the last scooter, there's always another available. Also it's not my fault if walmart only provides 2 scooters for the whole store).
2. It shows them its okay. Its okay to need aids. When I first showed up at my job it was very...macho..everyone was afraid of seeming old (theres probably only 3 of us under 30 in the whole department, most people are at least 50, mainly 65 year olds). Then they saw me using my walking sticks, taking my medicine openly, bringing a chair with me when working away from my desk, using my TENS unit. I overheard one lady ask her granddaughter what fibromyalgia was (apparently she had spotted my pain tracking journal).
My older coworker with a bad knee got a walking stick like mine and beamed when she showed me. The grandmother uses a cane and a walker interchangeably and more often. I get asked where I get my little portable fan and pocket heaters and special clothing. Even abled coworkers are doing it. My coworker who's younger than me sets alarms to take breaks now just like I do. People seem more comfortable using things that help them now.
My boss has really struggled. He has a lot of internalized ableism and hates thinking of himself as crippled. He spent his whole life physically active and strong and all these health issues and overexertion are catching up with him. Like he did environmental testing in areas with fucking radon. He did work where they threw asbestos around like snow for fun. He's done a ton of really hard physical work. He grew up with the mentality that pain was just something everyone has to push through. But I think seeing a young person make the choice not to push through is helping him a bit. He wants to make his own walking stick, he goes to the doctor more. We bond over having constant medical issues and I even gave him the name of my surgeon. Yea he still says stuff like "shoot me if I have to use a wheelchair" (not as much anymore since he now knows I use one) but he's getting there.
Yeah so I've had this in my drafts for a bit and I wanted to update that my boss has been walking around with a fucking broken ankle for the past couple of weeks. He thought it was just arthritis pain and eventually couldn't take it anymore and went to the foot doctor. The doctor has no clue how the fuck he's been walking on it. Now he has to wear the boot and he's banned from fieldwork while he heals.
Older people and the elderly need to learn that it's okay to not push through the pain and ask for help. Everyone needs to learn this, and not be like my fucking boss. Go to the doctor, get that sore joint checked out. Get those tests done. Use that aid. Stop walking on a broken ankle just because you can.
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punkinspice · 5 months
*starts an interesting looking youtube vid on a videogame i like*
youtuber in the most demeaning and 'you're stupid if this is you' tone of voice: "I don't know why, but for some reason people really seem to care about the story and characters (of this extremely story and character based game) more than the gameplay-"
*closes youtube video*
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dirtytransmasc · 7 months
(modern got hc)
Theon let's Rickon play games on his phone just about whenever he wants and secretly loves scrolling through all of the terrible photos/videos the kid takes (even if it takes up all his storage).
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leaf4e · 1 month
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heres what my library looks like now
still needs a lot of work
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fizzytoo · 6 months
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back w the homegirls :D (they dont like him 😞)
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readingwriter92 · 1 month
Anxiety is cancelled from now on. I’ve had too much of it today
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nulll-n-voiid · 7 months
Just pick whichever option you did most!
Tell me about your minecraft memories in the notes! /nf
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
minedai yaoi could heal me
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whirld-of-color · 1 year
decision: try to open it again
You jiggle the mouse around and click on the icon a few more times. Even if you don’t really…like the idea of playing Minecraft anymore, playing it with a friend could be a lot of fun!
Maybe you could message him?
After another minute of buffering, your resolve starts to falter. Maybe this isn’t worth it…there are definitely better things to be doing with your time.
Then, a few seconds later, the game opens.
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You wait patiently for the game to load.
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The windows go dark. A sharp, acrid smell of petrol hits you, and a high-pitched whirring coupled with a low, deep hum fills the room.
There is a video. It’s playing on the computer.
You’re in it.
But…that isn’t you, that- that can’t- be you. Because… you don’t remember this at all, it- you would remember this. It- this isn’t- it isn’t you. It can’t be.
The video jutters and jumps- you can hear this, other person’s panicked breathing, running from it, and the high-pitched noise of the static. The sound of glitched darkness eating the world, the-
(content warning for an extremely loud noise!)
It shuts off.
What is on your screen now are three words.
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Dad isn’t home.
(part 2)
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darthsuki · 3 months
Adulthood is knowing how to manage your emotions even when things get stressful so that the urge to throw yourself into the ocean doesn’t start sounding *too* appealing
And god almighty am I *managing* them rn
(Venting post below under the readmore but I promise I’m okay, just a lot happening at once)
1. My period is currently Happening which normally isn’t…. Too bad because I take testosterone, however I’ve been having a hard time taking it regularly and it’s the only thing keeping me from having Debilitating Cramps and Nausea(tm). So I’m having said Debilitating Cramps and Nausea(tm) and asked my manager if I could leave early today
2. I was told that I COULDNT leave early today because we have a new hire starting today that I am pseudo in-charge of helping so that’s… great. The new person is our new manager. The position I stepped down from (voluntarily), I am a personal teller in charge of training a new manager.
3. The second banker who is SUPPOSED to be working with me is just. Not here. No call, no text, just not here and I have a sneaking suspicion she just straight up quit, leaving me alone with the new employee (whom is very nice don’t get me wrong) and I am in So Much Pain and trying So Hard not to cry in front of people.
4. I get someone sent over from another branch who is able to help answer questions and I used to work with her and she’s awesome! But she can’t do transactions. I am the ONLY ONE able to do transactions.
5. I am only able to take pieces of my lunch bc anytime someone walks up needing to do a transaction I have to clock back in and help them.
6. There is a possibility that my other teller outright quit and I will be mechanically on my own for almost two weeks until the new hire is even able to touch transactions.
7. The only ray of light is that I might have a job offer tomorrow but I can’t be certain, got my fingers crossed. I’m debating how much notice I even want to give at this rate.
I am so tired. I feel like Satan himself is yanking out my uterus, my knees ache and my back feels like it’s gonna snap and it’s so disheartening to see that the other teller (the no-call one) was able to LEAVE EARLY last week for THE SAME EXACT ISSUE and I am not despite being called such a ‘good worker’— and I was told that BEFORE even realizing there wasn’t going to be another teller with me.
I have genuine health issues that keep being ignored and I’m so tired of it and really just want to be told I got the other job so I can stop feeling so overwhelmed every time something happens here.
(Again, I am in no danger of self-harm or similar, I’m just. It’s a lot rn. I wanna curl up in a corner and take my pain killers but the ones I normally take make me unable to operate normally and would NOT be an option in a bank)
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minecraft-sideblog-tm · 6 months
I still haven't watched anyone's season 9 finale, partially because I've been busy and partially because i don't want to admit season 9 is over lol
Like, it's been going for a while and I kind of expected it would end shortly after Decked Out's competition wrapped up but still i'm not ready
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risingsunresistance · 7 months
i finally have a desktop for the first time since like. 2007.
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