#i need to find the scarlet to my violet lmao
froggyf4g · 2 years
Bf who has Pokémon Violet 🤝 Bf who has Pokémon Scarlet
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stealthclaw1 · 2 months
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite reptile characters? And what do you like about them?
They could be fully a real reptile (snakes, lizards, crocodilians--heck I'll even let you include amphibians like frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders if you want), partially reptile (like naga a partially humans and dragons are partually anything else), humanoid from fantasy or sci-fi (kobolds or silurians, etc.), or something else entirely. All that matters is that they're reptilain or reptoid.
Some of my favorite reptilian characters would have to be Wrex and Grunt from Mass Effect. I really enjoy having them as companions when I’ve played the games, and really liked Wrex’s development from a bitter and cynical mercenary in the first game to being an optimist and forefront leader in rebuilding his people. Grunt is loveable and is like a son for my (and most people let’s be honest) Commander Shepard. I also really like Javik from the third Mass Effect, but to be honest I spent like 15 minutes on the Mass Effect Wiki trying to determine if Protheans are reptilian or not and couldn’t find an answer, so I’ll leave that up to you to determine).
These ones have less personality, but I’m also a HUGE fan of the Deity/Creation trio of legendary Pokémon: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina
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They feel the most unique out of all the legendaries to me by simple virtue of being undisputedly GODS, and in Legends: Arceus are actually treated as such, rather than being “potentially very powerful animals” like virtually every single other legendary out there. It’s just fun, unique, and makes for great stories and thoughts about the world of Pokémon and I want more stories and legendaries like them. Maybe we’ll get lucky with Legends: Z-A, even if it’s in one of my least favorite regions lol. There’s also the Paradox duo, Koraidon and Miraidon, sort of on the opposite spectrum with being “powerful wild animals”, but it’s out of spending the whole story of Scarlet/Violet with them and loving them as a companion. Affectionally calling them “Sandwich Dog”, as my partner and I put it.
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(There’s also Godzilla, but Godzilla needs no introduction or explanation. It’s Godzilla. {this is being typed last minute before I hit send in editing lol})
In terms of real life reptile “characters”… it’s a lot harder to say. I don’t follow reptile blogs or popular reptiles so I don’t know any individual reptiles to claim to be a fan of. I do, however, deeply love the American Alligator and find it fascinating and fun to see them when I get the chance to be in Florida, and love seeing all the stuff dedicated to the species and want to make sure they’re protected and properly thrive. They also taste GREAT, but that’s besides the point lmao. I also really like learning about all the species of reptiles that came before in Earth’s past, from the marine reptiles like mosasaurus to the actual dinosaurs.
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I'm perhaps one of the most easy to please Pokemon fans ever. I wouldn't identify myself as a nintendo fanboy or anything even though I love a lot of their IPs (largely because the number one prerequisite to being a "nintendo fanboy" is hating Nintendo more than anything on earth it seems), but I will be the first to admit my standards are much lower than they should be. I eat up everything Pokemon related like the blindly eager little consumer I am, I've beaten every main series game and damn near every spin-off.
All this to say I think it says something when even I haven't beaten BDSP yet, and not for lack of trying. But the game bored me to tears. I've reset my saves on that game more than any other I have in the hopes that "well, maybe the next file I'll be more attached to". I can eat my way through new Pokemon games when they first come out in a few days and never put them down, but whenever I'd put BDSP down I'd have to reset my file again when I picked it back up because I no longer cared about whatever I had going on.
I've been grappling with this for a long time, trying to figure out what it is about this remake that makes it the one Pokemon game someone as easy to please as me couldn't care enough to finish. I'll be fully honest when I say I'll happily take whatever table scraps Game Freak cares to toss me and I'm not proud of that fact lol. I love Gen 4, it's one of my favorite Gens, and I actually like the BDSP artstyle too, I think it's a fun way to keep the spirit of the original games, though it really would have been cool to see Sinnoh at full scale and free to explore in 3D.
But today after another attempted replay I think I figured it out. It's the dumb. Fucking. Experience Share.
Pokemon is a turn based RPG, battling is literally the main gameplay loop and I found that I kept putting the game down because I would get so incredibly bored by the battles. None of them felt necessary and all of them felt way too damn easy. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet had this problem too, I noticed, but what got me to finish those games was I'd never experienced the story before and I wanted to see it finished. But with BDSP I know the story, so why should I finish it if the battles are such a drag? In the original Gen 4 I'd make a point of battling every trainer on every route. I'm very meticulous about my leveling and my Pokemon all need to be within one level of each other, lol. So my incentive for fighting every trainer was to keep my team at a high enough level and also to keep my levels rounded out. But with that EXP share they're always rounded, or god forbid they have different growth rates and I have to keep putting Pokemon away to prevent overleveling which just bothers my OCD more than anything lmao.
It also makes me care so much less about my Pokemon. I cared about my team because I took time to individually raise and train each Pokemon, and if I don't care about my Pokemon then frankly I barely care about the game. In Scarlet/Violet where trainer battles have become entirely optional for the most part I barely did any of them! And in BDSP all I am is annoyed by the trainer battles. There's next to no new content to keep the game interesting and give me a reason to keep playing, and when the main gameplay loop isn't even fun anymore, why would I play at all?
I was worriedly thinking that maybe I'm just getting old and it's hampering my enjoyment of the games (Terrifying thought) but I have just as much fun with ROM hacks that I did with older games. Most notably, there's no broken EXP share. Can't we at least get the option to turn it off? I get trying to find a solution to make grinding less of a miserable drag, because grinding is always the worst part of playing Pokemon, but the broken exp share hasn't made grinding less tedious, it's just made battling as a whole feel hollow and boring.
I still want to beat you some day, BDSP, I really do. Nothing makes me feel sadder than being bored by a franchise I love and I know can do better.
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waffliesinyoface · 9 months
Games I Done Played in 2023
Putting this under a readmore because it is Long.
-Scarlet/Violet - on the cusp of 2022/2023 but it sort of counts? Especially with the DLC only just coming out this year. Anyways. its good. Professor Sada my beloved evil milf. RIP to violet players who got Turo instead.
-Atelier Ryza 1 - went in knowing nothing about it! And then i went feral because its a really fucking good game with themes and good characters and a lively town full of people that you care about. One of my favorite moments is when Agatha, head of the town guard, looks at Ryza and goes "geez, where did that knucklehead kid who was always messing around go? you've really grown up, huh Ryza?" ITS SO GOOD. Also Ryza is the ADHD fucking icon we deserve. Cannot focus on things she doesn't care about. Perpetually messy room. Kind of an airhead. Finds one (1) thing that she actually likes (alchemy) and then hyperfocuses on it exclusively.
-Atelier Ryza 2 - this game has the mass effect 2 problem where it's coming off the heels of a really great first story but then very early on you realize the main plot is actually a bit shit. Ryza 1 is a story about the inherent destructive nature of colonialism and how that will come back to bite you in the ass. Ryza 2 is about having a sick cat. They try to do something interesting with the optional backstory for each of the areas but then they don't tie it to the main quest at all? THAT SAID: while the main plot is shit, it does the other thing that ME2 does, in that all of the character sidequests are incredible. Klaudia in Ryza 1 is just like. The kind of casual fanservice gay that pops up in slice-of-life anime, so I brushed it off. Klaudia in Ryza 2 is having sad tearful confessions in the rain. I got fucking yuri brainworms from this game. Her arc culminates in Ryza making her a ""friendship"" necklace made from extremely precious metals. It's basically solid gold and has a heart design. Its beautiful. #JustHeterosexualThingsToDoWithYourBestie
-Atelier Ryza 3 - okay i will be honest i still have not finished this. You know how it is. I like that its more open world but also I dont know that it needed to be open world. The writing seems to be better than 2 but not quite as good as 1. I DO like that the beginning lets you see Ryza in her home town, and she's gone from the local troublemaker to Someone In Authority. She's an important and respected member of the community and a schoolteacher now, and now she can argue with the council that they're being a bunch of dickheads with their heads in the ground and people actually listen to her instead of telling her to shut up. Thats such good character development, I'm so proud of her.
-Fire Emblem Engage: went in expecting it to be awakening, to the point that I explicitly bought a physical copy for the purposes of being able to return it if it was shit. Then after playing for a bit i was like "wait a minute, is this just awakening again but actually good?" and THEN i was like "oh no this game fucking rips ass actually, hell yeah". One of, if not THE best fire emblem game. It would be an excellent choice for new players but it's also an anniversary game and so most of the cool callbacks and stuff kinda fall flat if you're not ALREADY a fan.
-Mahoyo: technically a VN, not a game. Also technically I did not finish. Need to get back to it. Aoko Aozaki is my blorbo and I love her. If you like Nasuverse stuff you owe it to yourself to get it.
-SAO Hollow Realization - its an SAO game so it is bad but it is far less bad than i thought it would be. Relationship mechanic is skeevy and I dislike that you need to do it to upgrade party equipment. I killed a hard boss early on and got a sword that immediately broke the difficulty curve which honestly fits how SAO rolls lmao. The fact that you can customize your character but they're still actually kirito is. weird. Buuut it meant I could make Kirito into a girl, which she deserves, the fucking egg. Also Argo's outfit is a travesty, and I will hunt the character designer for sport.
-Tears of the Kingdom - better than BotW plot wise, but didn't fix enough of the core issues. Please can we have a Ganondorf who even approaches the heights attained by Wind Waker. The character designers put so much work into him and making him imposing yet kingly, and then the writers went "uh, he's evil because he's evil? stop overthinking it, dummies." The bossfights are all peak though. Yes even the stupid octopus who is weak to roombas. Lightning Temple was my favorite because I love ancient egyptian iconography and light puzzles. Also the boss is actually challenging if you go there early.
-Armored Core VI - i literally decided to pre-order it like 5 minutes before it came out. And then I came to the realization that actually giant robots fuck hardcore. This is responsible for me getting really into Gundam. I have like 16 gunpla built with 4 more still in boxes and 3 more preordered for 2024. Yes, it infected me that bad. Also Cinder Carla IS my mom and I love her. Burning the planet and solar system is the good ending because she says so.
-Disgaea 7 - disgaea is BACK babey. ...okay I haven't finished this one either but after the travesty that was 6 im giving this a gold star. I love that the protagonist is an idiot weeb catgirl, and i love that the antagonist is literally just Demon Commodore Perry. Nippon Ichi please bring back the kitsune class from 5 please and thankyou.
-Mice Tea - i literally just got this so i've only done one ending but its fun, and good. Drink tea, become a mouse. Get horny about it. Happens to the best of us.
-Touhou 19 - i THINK the full english translation is done now, so thats good. Ran Yakumo is playable and im so happy. It's a shame the netplay is uh. Um. Non-existent. Because coding netplay is hard.
-Lunar Silver Star Story - once again, i still need to finish this. It's a really really good JRPG!! "What if we used the PS1 disc size to have anime cutscenes for important moments and character introductions" fucking genius and i love you. Listen to Wind's Nocturne right now.
-PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo - do you like VNs? Do you like mystery novels with horror elements? Do you like creepy things like curses and ghosts? Do you like really fucking good music? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please get this game. There's like one or two puzzles that were really obtuse on release but i think the game's been updated to provide better hints, so that's nice.
-Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - my favorite harvest moon game as a child with a fresh coat of paint, some really nice QoL updates, and its gay now. You can be gay. I can finally get lesbian married to Nami and we can have an adorable precious daughter who turns me into Maes Hughes whenever Im in the same room as her. I named her Ruby because A: red hair, B: Nami loves cool shit you find in the digsite like precious minerals, and C: Lou (the innkeeper) was named Ruby in the original version of A Wonderful Life, and she's BASICALLY Nami's mom. Wait this review turned into me gushing about my adorable daughter again...
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Oddly, not here about your fics...or even to scream over a certain 7 men. I...I...need your help with Pokemon, wiyllt. The Metacritic/user score for Scarlet/Violet is supposedly extra low? It is on my kid's (and husband's!) holiday list. Still worth it? Ignore the haters and still go catch 'em all? 💢 Ah, ty!
lmao, who cares about those dumbass reviewers, buy the game! It's great for both new and older players. The storyline is better than Galar (Gen 8, the previous generation). You can choose your own adventure and explore all you want (well, you might hit a roadblock if the Pokémon are too high level but you live and learn and can always go back to beat 'em up later hehe). The raids are fun, especially if your kid and husband are tackling them together. It's cute, it's bright, it's cheesy, and it reminds / teaches people an important lesson.
Find something you treasure and hold onto it closely. :)
I like Pokémon games because you can make them as difficult or as easy as you want. You get to decide the difficulty. You can think deeply about Pokémon types, movesets, team building, even calculate the math of how much damage you'll do in a particular matchup - or not, just overlevel the crap outta your partners and wreck everybody LOL
Pokémon games shouldn't be taken too seriously in terms of graphics. I've seen people complain about the coding mishaps and, while the lag / odd positioning errors is true, a child is only going to think lag is funny as hell. Adults who complain about lag... go work for Game Freak and code it yourself. XD I thought phasing through walls and poor Pokémon getting trapped in fences was hilarious but maybe that means I'm childish, oop
to adults who say Pokémon is "too easy"... yeah, bro, it's for KIDS, you have to do some thinking to make it fun for yourself, duh *rolls eyes*
I would even go so far to say that this is my second favorite generation of Pokémon (my favorite is Gen 5, Black+White, that storyline is unmatched). They combine the 3 storylines at the end and you go towards the climax of the story with the friends you made along the way (aww I mean, ew, gross (-ㅅ-)! ).
I even ended up liking a character I really hated at first lol
I think the biggest letdown is that your "rival" is kind of... boring? Two-dimensional? The Champion is also not that interesting or strong (in my opinion). I like the other characters a lot more. As an adult, when you read the dialogue of the Gym Leaders and other adult characters, you'll realize "I know someone irl just like that", Pokémon's subtle nod to realizing their fanbase is growing up, which is pretty cool.
I was about to go into a rant analyzing the Pokédex of this generation but then I realized you probably haven't played every generation like my psychopathic self so I'll just say there's a good mix of cute / cool / visually pleasing / hilarious and statistically good Pokémon. :D Get the double pack. The Pokémon on the cover is the one you'll be travelling on, so have your kid and husband fight about which is cooler hehe
also Scarlet+VIolet sold 10 million units in the first 3 days of release, I think these reviewers are just haters :P
I could rant about Pokemon for hours so I'll stop here to spare you... until someone gets me started again lol
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claitea · 2 years
some thoughts about pokemon violet. spoilers ahead!
there are. quite a few graphical glitches and messes whbejrvhr. sometimes trainers and pokemons eyes get stuck closed for a while, camera clips into the floor during battle, a sunflora i was in battle with and therefore Very Close To moved at a lower frame rate like other faraway entities. hough the homeroom scene..... almost everyone in that room looked so janky.
but tbh? i've been having too much fun to care too much about that specifically. the rest of the game is pretty :)
wish i could stop the minimap from spinning. i can lock the map app to north but not the minimap????
rip pixel pokemon and item icons though </3 i find them more charming. also the icon for persim berries is too red and its bothering me, persim berries are PINK this is BRIGHT SCARLET
idk how pokemon icons on the minimap work either i'll be running all over the place it indicates and not find the pokemon its showing. i want a charcadet :(
i chose sprigatito but was THIS close to choosing fuecoco because of the first cutscenes. quaxly having to tell fuecoco not to eat the burnt orange whjegjevdj
miraidon my beloved asshole lizard who eats all my sandwiches. i gotta rewatch any and all miraidon scenes with koraidon when i'm done with the game, the first cutscene with the houndoom was SO COOL
there were a couple nods to older games! a book in the library talks about someone seeing the stow-on-side mural get broken by a copperajah, another book talks about pewter crunchies, and the meditative seat art installation in artazon are items you could buy in oras as decoration for your secret base. i know every game has callbacks to previous ones but the stow-on-side one caught me offguard because thats a spoiler isnt it?? the other one surprised me too but more becaue Why do i remember this one specific base item. i havent touched oras in years
a library book also said Hydreigon and Volcarona got alt forms like donphan did and i need to see them IMMEDIATELY
as far as i've seen in the library, the pokemon that get those forms are donphan, tyranitar, volcarona, hydreigon. and Delibird. which i find hilarious bc its all these threatening scary pokemon and then. DELIBIRD.
so far out of the new pokemon. the only design i dont like is spidops. spiops. i forgot how to spell it. where did my cute little yarn ball go :( maybe its just New Pokemon Doesnt Look Like A Pokemon Yet Syndrome but there is just SOMETHING about spiops's design that doesnt sit right with me
miraidon jumping is a little janky sometimes idk??? also i got stuck in a pond once and it could NOT climb out no matter where i tried. i had to fly out
i already like tera raids a lot more :') i HATED how max pokemon could shield and move multiple times and all that. i dont have online so max raids are damn near IMPOSSIBLE for me to do because the ai sucks That bad. i feel like with the time limit thing and infinite revives i could stand a chance doing it solo. this is just me talking about the early 1-2 star raids though idk how it'll go later on
i did get one odd glitch where my first attack didnt appear to deplete the hp bar, but then a few attacks later it looked like it had hp left but it fainted? my damage just. Didnt Show for some reason while still registering as damage
i think they fixed the overlevelling problem bc i was even getting my ass kicked by wild pokemon sometimes HKWBDJBF. i was cruising through fast like i'd gotten used to in xy to swsh, so i was actually underlevelled a lot. mela almost curbstomped me
mela walks like manga emmet lmao
clodsire. thats it thats the bullet point <3
in conclusion i am having a BLAST. i absolutely adore this game so far!! i'm honestly able to overlook anything that bothers me just because i enjoy it a Lot. like of Course i still wish the subpar graphics werent subpar but Who Care look at my clodsire his name is Mousse and i love him
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nyarados · 1 year
what a coincidence you mentioned legends arceus, bc i picked that up last week 😅 i really like that i can craft items in it! running for my life from pokemon is new and terrifying. filling out the pokedex is gonna be a major pain since i have to catch mons multiple times per entry, but it's nice that i dont have to battle every single one.
as for scarlet & violet, i picked sprigatito for my starter, bc its obviously the best & correct choice. my bf went with fuecoco.
the future & past mons are a cool concept. i mourn their absolutely ridiculous names though lmao. ceruledge is by far my favorite from this gen (go funky ghost knight, go), but i find the shiny version lackluster 😔
shiny hunting is a lot easier too - i actually stumbled across my first two in one day by chance :)
i was disappointed in the fact you can't really change your outfit much beyond the 4 seasonal school uniforms. i do like that none of the accessories or hairstyles are gender locked & that the uniforms are gender neutral, though.
in spite of its various bugs & glitches, i really like sv. the story is very charming and i totally didnt tear up a bit at the end haha. i havent completed a pokemon game since xy - i haven't really felt the need to. after a certain point, collecting gym badges started to feel tedious rather than fun and exciting, but these newer games have just enough oomf to keep me engaged. i may end up picking up swsh or lets go after i finish arceus 😊 or "borrow" them from my boyf for a time lol
- 🌸
LOL yess I've seen the videos of the alpha pokemon giving chase which is like. honestly hilarious to watch. and ooh I didn't know that's how the pokedex is filled. now that I'm on pokego that "catching without battling" thing feels a lot like pokego too! hmm getting that itch to maybe want legends arceus again.... between this and scarlet violet which one would you prefer? 🤔
help bc I always go for the water starter (unsurprisingly?) but I am naawwwtttt that big a fan of the quaxly line 😭😭😭 like the only part of that line that I like is quaxly and even then I still find the other two more adorable 😔 I'm ashamed
ohoho easier shiny hunting you say? 👀 <- spoken as someone who has never partaken in shiny hunting
a bummer abt the lack of outfits but a win for them not being gender locked! 🏆 they need to bring back the stylization available in xy with the accessibility to everything of scarlet violet
I don't know the story and now talking abt it with you makes me kinda want to get the game so nooo spoilers!!!! and omg I think the last pokemon game I completed was also xy.... the last game I PLAYED was alpha sapphire but I paused right before entering victory road 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer thoughts.
I’m late to the party, but after a couple of busy days, I’ve finally had time to wrap my head around what I think of the trailer so can share it. Just a heads up that while I won’t be going too in depth, I will be discussing/mentioning the leaks so if you’re avoiding them, this is not the post for you.
- I love the idea that there’s 3 main stories. The treasure hunt intrigues me and battling has always my least favourite part of Pokemon. I just hope that 1. the (assumed) racing story isn’t just like time trial stuff and 2. that the treasure hunt and racing/whatever the third story get as much love as the gym challenge and it’s not some “yes technically there’s 3 stories but 90% of the overall gameplay time is the gym challenge” situation. .
- Having multiple stories also makes me question how they’re going to handle the villain. Like if it is one of the professors or the headmaster as people are speculating, does each story account for that? Like for example, if you do the gym challenge story first and that’s where you find out who’s evil, and just say it’s the headmaster who is very clearly intertwined with the treasure hunt story, does the game make some kind of mention that he’s being watched/that we should be wary because we know what he did? Or is there a technical “correct” way to play it where we don’t find out they’re the villain until the end and if we don’t play in that order, we have to pretend like we never got the reveal for it to make sense? Perhaps this is a sign that the villain will only be in one of the plots/not as involved as I’m thinking. Hell, we may not even get a villain lmao. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
- Also on the note of the gym challenge, I know the leaks say that gym levels don’t scale, but like that’s not the end of the world if done right. Like think back to gen 1 where Sabrina and Koga had very similar levels. So long as they do them in groups of 2 (maaaybe 3) like that, I think it will still be fine. But like honestly, hopefully for most people’s sake they don’t keep the current levelling system because realistically, unless you’re trying to fill the dex like me/are using that as experience to evolve Pokemon or doing challenge videos for youtube, who is realistically gonna wanna go fight level 50s just to come back and fight a level 15? Like idk, as I said, there’s a way to do it, I just hope that it’s done right.
- I also see a lot of speculation about 1. the crater in the middle of the map and 2. the clouded off area in the north east corner. Call me a pessimist but I don’t think there’s going to be as much to this as people are making it out to be. Like I don’t think we’re getting Kalos DLC and honestly? The misted area in the middle of the map just looks like where the legendaries were initially revealed to me. Like yeah, the climax of one of the stories (probably evil team related) probably happens there and there may be some indication of this being why Hisui Pokemon are in this region, but I don’t think it’s going to be crazier than any other game. I don’t think we’re time travelling, especially with the indication that both Scarlet and Violet happen at the same time. If they really wanted to troll us, that could just be where the champion tests/battles happen lmao. I’ll be glad if I’m wrong, but I feel like this is yet another time of fans having cooler ideas than what ends up happening lmao.
New Pokemon/Characters/The Leaks:
- Ultimately we can definitely say that the leaks were definitely right and while critical thinking is still needed because trust with this stuff can definitely be abused, we can probably assume most of what they’ve said that hasn’t been revealed is right. If that’s the case, somewhat regretting wanting to pick Sprigatito because I wasn’t a fan of the picture of it’s final evolution we got (not just because it’s 2 legged, I just thought it was a meh design and honestly was hoping for a grass/steel, water/fighting and fire/fairy trio).
- I know it’s just cutscenes/not final gameplay, but god did I love the look of the opening scene with the Arcanine. Also loving that it seems as if a lot of Pokemon that haven’t gotten into recent games are back. Like I am still annoyed that we’re probably never getting a full dex again, but it’s slightly easier to swallow when it doesn’t feel like it’s just the same fan favourites constantly getting in.
- The character designs for the other characters feel like a step up too. Not a big fan that character customisation seems to be limited given you have to wear your uniform (even if you can make some changes to it) tbh though.
- The two new Pokemon are okay. Fidough feels too close vibe wise to Yamper to me atm, but supposedly gets an evolution and Cetitan isn’t my thing but I see the appeal for others, so they both have time to grow on me.
- Paldean wooper my beloved. I say this every new game, but regional variants are one of my favourite things Pokemon has introduced and I’m so happy they have returned. In saying that, I have decided that if the leaks about regional fakes is real, I don’t think I like them at this point. Like it just seems like a lazy way to increase the number of Pokemon in the Pokedex without actually adding anything of substance? Especially when regional forms are already a thing so like the idea is already being utilised.
- The terastallized Pokemon gimmick really feels like it’s predominately for competitive battling tbh. And like yeah, there’s an argument to be made that the same can be said about mega evolutions and gigantamaxing, but they at least had the appeal of having different forms and types which I liked. terastallizing honestly just feels like stab hidden power with goofy hats. It also once again makes the whole regional fakes thing even less appealing to me because like we now have 3 different ways to have Pokemon of different types than they usually do. 
- In saying that, I do like that raids are back. Like I know I criticised them heavily when the SWSH trailers came out, but once I actually played them in game, I enjoyed them. My only concerns with the real time/not turn based system that they’re using is that 1. Pokemon doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to reducing lag in areas with several modules and 2. It sounds like it’s going to benefit/favour people in countries with better internet, which, as someone who does not live in one of those countries, I really hope that that doesn’t impact the enjoyability of it for me.
- The legendaries being bikes made me laugh and think of the youtuber Astroid Videos tbh because he called that months ago and his friends literally gave him shit for the guess at the time. It does make me wonder how they’re going to play off you having a legendary so early in the game without it battling with you though. Like is it going to be an anime Charizard/Pikachu situation where they come along but don’t trust you until you prove yourself? Perhaps it’s a somewhat Zygarde situation where they’ve lost their power/parts of them so you can use them but not at their fill strength. Who knows?
Overall I am in the “cautiously optimistic” boat when it comes to this game. Like so long as the story is done well (something I felt lacking in SWSH), I will likely be happy with it, but with how hyped I was for SWSH just for it not to be as good as I hoped, I definitely have my hopes in check here lmao. But yeah for now, I guess I’ll just have to wait the 3 months and see.
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bananacreamphi · 2 years
Okay so I’m gonna ramble more about my legends orre au again. There’s a lot of stuff jumbled all out of order beneath the cut:
Remember when I said protags weren’t time travelers? Yeah I lied. Now they’re Wes and Rui sent through a portal into the past (or possibly even into another dimension that happens to be a while in the past instead of synced up to the present). Whoever you don’t choose as the protag ends up working with the villains. I’m gonna go ahead and default to Rui when I’m talking about the protag because I feel it’s more interesting and I love her. So when I’m talking about Wes he’s the distressed dude in the game.
So the main bad guys in this game would be the evil Cipher railway company who treats their workers and pokemon like garbage, and have control over all of the railways in orre. An amnesiac Emmet works for them at first, and he doesn’t remember his name, so he goes by “tumbleweed” or something because idk he was drifting until Volo found him. He switches side later in the story as he regains his memory, though.
Also, he has all of his and Ingo’s pokemon, including both their Klingklangs. Since they compliment each other he uses them at the same time in double battles at the start.
Volo is the head of the railway company (at least in the potential first part, I’ll detail a sub-au I have in another post). Of course you don’t meet him until later. He’s using his power to try and summon Arceus (again) using the power of [insert title pokemon here]. He also somehow finds a way to harness the shadow energy, except instead of using it on pokemon, he actually uses it on people. And their pokemon too, obviously.
I mentioned my idea in another post but shadow pokemon might be related to mega evolution. Obviously not all shadow pokemon can mega evolve but it still harnesses the bond between trainers and their pokemon. It would also be a way to bring mega evolution back and even add more forms.
There are more fallers! In fact there are also space-time distortions/portals. This is later revealed to be Volo’s fault (again) because idk he needs to use them to build up his shadow army with brainwashed trainers or whatever. I didn’t really think this through it’s just kind of a cool idea lmao
In fact the player might be tasked with trying to save these trainers and their pokemon from themselves. This would be especially poignant with Rui since she can sense shadow pokemon.
Rose could be a faller who works for the Cipher railway company willingly, he sees through Volo’s manipulation and is only missing small parts of his memory. Unfortunately, these gaps in his memory caused him to become a worse person, going from having semi-reasonable goals to being a greedy asshole who just wants money. Players would hate him way more than Volo because he’s a jerk, the same way they hated Kamado more than Volo.
A rock/ghost beldum line variant would show up, with levitate as its ability if abilities are a thing in-game. Or just one of its abilities, or maybe it even has a signature ability. Idk. Also you can probably sit on Metagross as it floats around, I don’t think it would be used for transportation. You can also give it brushie brushies when it gets itchy.
On that note you can also groom, feed, play with, pet and walk with you pokemon. The petting part is VERY important WHY ISN’T THIS A THING ALREADY OH MY GOD
The artstyle would be cel-shaded instead of the realistic style we see in Scarlet and Violet, but the pokemon might have a bit more detail to them.
Ditto’s beta evolution from the GSC demo is now an actual thing. I’m not sure how it would work but it might have a different ability. Perhaps it optimizes or alters the stats or nature of the pokemon it copies, changes into a different pokemon, has its own signature move, or some other thing that sets it apart. Naturally, this would be extremely divisive. But of course this au is all about pissing players off so it would be hilarious to me lol
The professor is implied to be Laventon’s kid and does a little trolling by stirring up shit and causing arguments as to whether or not fairy types actually exist.
The setting would actually be towards the tail end or even after the Wild West era, in the equivalent of the early 1900s-1910s. Cars and movie theaters both exist and are semi-common (though mudsale is obviously still used for much of the rough terrain). The region is still recovering from a bloody war of independence from unova (with some not-so-subtle implications of it also involving the same racism from the real life civil war). There’s also the distant threat of the equivalent of WWI mentioned in newspapers.
There would also be a focus on how Orre has its own native population, possibly including Wes as a descendant of them, and immigrants from all parts of the world fleeing racism, war, and poverty to make a life there. It’s pretty melancholy to see traditions being lost and pristine environments slowly being destroyed by the time of the modern day.
The under is just starting to be constructed, and again contains tons of immigrants. There’s also at least one area based on the mesa verde cliff dwellings.
Perhaps instead of the starters I mentioned in my last post, the protag might be gifted two new eeveelutions at first, with a second part/sequel that has the starters. Idk, that’s assuming that it’s a two part story, otherwise they get the regular starters. Again the two-part story would probably be in my sub au I’ll go through in another post.
I think it would be hysterical if the title was legends celebi because a celebi is known to have lived in orre at one point. Fans would get SO mad. You want to see the tower burning in Johto? Too bad, orre time.
The other idea I had was legends Hoopa, because portals and stuff. Hoopa would be actively malevolent then, working with Volo for its own ends (or even just for shits and giggles) and it’s up to the player to stop it.
I thought there was an area with a ship stuck in the desert but apparently I misremembered. Still I had an idea for a place that was a swamp that had since dried up by the modern day. Instead of being super poisonous though, it’s actually considered a pristine environment since not many people live there. There’s actually very few poison types here; it’s mostly grass, water and bug types. The grass/bug type Carnivine I mentioned can be found here. Or it’s just regular carnivine lol. Either way plenty of bug types. Lots of lotad/lombre/ludicolo here as well.
Also a lush rainforest with a grass/fairy bellsprout line based on tropical pitcher plants. Regular Carnivine can also be found here.
I mentioned ludicolo above so I think it would be cool if it got a mega evolution either with water pouring over the rim of its hat or the top of it blossoming into a big flower, or maybe even both.
Lapras are plentiful in the rivers of Orre. Plus a baby pokemon because they’re cute. They’re also a ride pokemon.
I feel like the fairy/fire chandelure would be a reverse zoroark situation—as in, they started out being fairy/fire, but eventually died out and were reborn as the ghost/fire chandelure we know today.
Trains are a key part of transportation which is why dealing with Cypher is so frustrating.
I haven’t decided if I should stick with team snagem being a group of outlaws, or maybe they’re a union forming to beat back the evil Cipher railway corporation and protect its workers.
The implications of snagging pokemon are explored further, forcing the player to really question whether or not snagging can really be done in the name of good. Some bad guys truly do care for their pokemon. Is it really ethical to steal them in that case? Especially if the shadow trainers are actually still bonded to their pokemon and that’s why they’re both brainwashed. At the end of the day, snagging pokemon may be a necessary evil, but it is still evil, and there has to be a line somewhere.
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mimiatmidnight · 3 years
Predictions on Baby Girl Sussex?
I’m FREEEEEEEE from finals and ready to chat with you all once again! Thank you all for being so patient, I’m so excited to dive into all your questions and give them the novel-length responses they deserve 😉
I’m assuming you mean name predictions haha, cause the only other thing I can think of to predict would be her birthday (for the record, I’ll go ahead and put my sister’s birthday, June 10th, for no reason other than I predicted my own birthday, April 26th, for Archie!). But I love talking about baby names (as you can see by the length of this post 😅), so let’s get into it.
So I fully expect to be completely taken aback by their pick. Like not even on the same planet as my predictions. Cause that’s just how those two roll lmao. But IF they’re staying in the same theme as Archie’s name, I’m expecting something that’s also short, possibly nickname-y, kind of dusty and vintage, but with a whimsical charm, just like Archie’s. I am still operating with the assumption that she will one day be Princess (whether or not that actually happens, of course, remains to be seen), so I’m trying to keep that title in mind. And also, given that name meanings appear to hold significance to them, I tried to at least somewhat keep meanings in mind. So, in no particular order:
“Healthy; wide”
French, English
I am SO charmed by this name. If I hadn’t already decided on Elliott for my future son’s name, this name would be right at the top of my future daughter’s list. I just thinks it’s so delightfully playful yet still timeless and classic. It gives easy and pretty nicknames with Ellie and Ella, or even Lizzy (possibly to honor her great-grandmother?). “Archie and Eloise” sounds so perfect and natural to me, without sounding kitschy or too over the top with the matching. “Princess Eloise” is so deliciously perfect, it just fits together like a puzzle piece.
Unknown meaning
English, French
Eleanor hits almost all the same beats I mentioned above for Eloise, even down to the lovely Ellie/Ella nicknames. It’s even more royal than Eloise, with such heady associations as the legendary Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (not to mention the American Queen, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt!). Eloise is closer to my heart, but I’d be thrilled with Eleanor as well.
“Pearl”; diminutive of Margaret
This one’s quite old-fashioned, but I think it’s so charming and would make an adorable name on a little girl. And fun fact, the name Meghan comes from a nickname for Margaret, which is why both those names as well as Greta all mean “Pearl.” So this would be a perfect way to honor little girl’s mama in a more subtle way.
“Red flower”
Latin, English
Spunky yet sweet. Pays tribute to her mother’s homeland of California, while also sounding very at home in her father’s homeland of the UK. A flower name in honor of her mama’s own mama. This scarlet name would be even more perfect if the Ginger Avenger manages to make himself another little Gingette. And as I said to one of my anons the other day, “Princess Poppy” is so screeching cute I might actually combust if I think about it too much, so let’s move on.
“Meadow; weary”
To be totally honest, this one is mostly just because I’ve been addicted to listening to “Lea” by TOTO on repeat lately. Although “Princess Lea” might be a bit too . . . you know. Stor Wors. Even though the sci-fi princess pronounces her name differently, I think they’ll probably still want to avoid that association. Still, that song is heavenly and the name goes with all my criteria so I’m putting it in anyways.
“Hazelnut tree”
Another nature name, one that I’m sure our favorite Earth Mama will enjoy ;) It’s newly popular, but in my opinion still retains that distinctive and whimsical uniqueness of a name that’s much further on the fringe than Hazel actually is. I can just picture a little hazel-eyed princess running barefoot around her gorgeous backyard, wild hair all spread out as she lays underneath a hazelnut tree. Ugh, so cute.
“Estate ruler”; feminine diminutive of Henry
English, Scottish
I suppose in response to Archie’s middle name Harrison, I’ve seen some Squaddies predict Henrietta for his little sister. And um . . . that is not a favorite of mine 😅 But if Harry wants to add his brand to his second little munchkin as well, why not Henrietta’s much more sleek and dynamic offshoot, Etta? It's got that old school feel, with also a spark of liveliness. I also love that it ties to their Black ancestry through one of the most legendary Queens of American Soul Music, Etta James.
“She who intoxicates”
Incredibly endearing with a rich history. For my own personal use, this safer option might actually be called upon for my future daughter if I never manage to work up the courage to use my actual long-time Irish favorite, Saoirse. But for Harry and Meghan, I can’t really see them using this one. Still, I felt like I needed an M name to cover all my bases, and this is one of the few that I like. Some other honorable “M”entions (get it?) include Maisie, Melody, and Madeleine (thank you to my lovely anon for this one!).
“From France; free man”; variation of Frances
I haven’t really mentioned middle names here, mostly because this post is long enough already and middle name combos just add a whole other level of crazy. But given the enormous legacy of her grandmother, I am extremely torn on whether Baby Girl will be getting a name in her honor. If her parents so choose, Diana’s middle name Frances, or even it’s more ornately feminine variation, Francesca, would be lovely honors for the little princess to carry. If they do end up honoring Diana, I’d expect it to be in Baby Girl’s middle name.
Latin, English
One last flower name for Earth Mama Meghan. Violet was my top pick for Archie when he was still the mysterious Baby Sussex, but though it has since fallen from my top spot, it still is a lovely, classic name of inarguable feminine grace, yet with an underlying core of strength and fortitude. I feel like Violet is a woman who ties her hair back with a soft velvet bow, but then hitches up her skirts, draws her sword, and shows the battlefield who’s boss. I just love the duality of this name, and I think it would be a lovely gift for a little girl.
Vintage, classic, girly, and solidly royal, this name calls to mind white rabbits and looking glasses. Once again, on a personal note, this might be an option for my future daughter if I chicken out on trying to get everyone to pronounce Alicia correctly. I love that name in the Spanish pronunciation, “Ah-lee-see-ah,” but I find the Anglicized “Ah-lee-sha” to be dreadful and I wouldn’t want to burden my girl with a lifetime of corrections. Anyways, Alice is just as elegant, if not quite as ornate, and in any case is much more likely for our British-American princess. Plus, what a stunning pair of name meanings to gift these two siblings: “Brave” Archie and “Noble” Alice. They sound straight out of an Arthurian legend. (Plus, how cute would “Archie and Alice” sound!)
Honorable Mentions Cause I Need To Wrap This Shit Up:
Evie/Edie (both follow all the E names I wrote about above, and Edie in particular is a modern name full of moxie that would be a great nickname for the older, traditional Edith)
Lily (yet another flower name, and I just like the sound of this one)
Spencer (another possible route to honoring Granny Diana, yet maintaining a much more modern and spunky taste than Frances, while also being less direct)
Clara (of Nutcracker fame, adding here mostly because I think I’d melt if I heard this in Harry’s voice and accent)
Lucy (same vibes as Alice and Clara)
Ivy (cute, simple, girly nature name, but unfortunately already in use by the daughter of Meghan’s close friend Jessica Mulroney)
Zoe (I have absolutely no personal connection to this name, but for some reason it just now randomly popped into my head as something they might choose, so here ya go)
So yeah! Sorry this was so long, but it was super fun! Thank you for sending in this great question. I’d love to hear all your guys’ name predictions, dream picks, and wild card guesses!
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azroazizah · 4 years
Want you to know you are a gift that I am grateful to have found to keep a touchstone couple like SoMa alive for people like me that miss them. I was wondering, what’s your top recommended fanfic for SoMa, your own work included?
sjgsvjkdsjkd stop you’ll kill me with diabetes, pls, I beg you
this list is sacrilegiously short, bc I only list what’s currently been on my mind lmao, a complete list may follow at a later date. so here we go, in no specific order:
Red Eyes Bleed Green by Bitter November. (M). A mangaverse fic where Soul is the absolute dumbest boy with negative self-esteem. Good thing Maka tries her hardest to drill into his thick skull that he's the only one she wants. Featuring shipper Wes. God, I love that man.
Stereo Hearts by Bitter November. (M). Soul has everything going for him to woo Maka. Mood music, cheesy serenade, romantic gift, witch's death curse-say what! Bitty writes so much interesting and hilarious SoMa. Check other fics as well and you’re not gonna be disappointed.
Bare Feet & Cowboy Boots by khaleesimaka. (M). In which Maka Albarn went to be one of the candidates to win the heart of Cowboy Bachelor Soul Evans. All Liz’s fault. She's certainly not going to catch the case of feelings, of course. wdym
Dragon by Odat. (M). Dragon!Soul. Who purrs and schedules his naps. Absolute delight.
How to Train Your Soul by Poisoned Scarlet. (M). Also Dragon!Soul, with Maka as his rider. A++
Blind Faith by Poisoned Scarlet. (T). Housewife Soul in a biker wardrobe caring for this tiny little blind girl? Hell yeah.
the delta sun burns bright and violet by Poisoned Scarlet. (M). Mermaid!Maka. Someone really should teach her how to use curses. Or to wear clothes. Poor Soul.
Cloudburst by Poisoned Scarlet. (T). Grumpy Cat Soul. Maka really had no idea that her cat was a human. A very attractive human.
Someday by Poisoned Scarlet. (M). Warlock Soul and his ‘angel’ lover. You heard me mention Scarlet a whole lot. Yes. All she’s written was pure gold and unicorn tears. She has like a hundred of SoMa fics. Read all of them. Five stars.
Steady Hands, Steady Hearts by TooOceanBlue. (T). Canonverse fic. Bruh, I live and breathe in Evans Family Headcanons and how Maka reacts to them and their relationship with Soul, and this one is the kind of Evans family I love the most.
We Just Don't Give it a Name by Aedien. (K). This. Absolutely what I thought how mangaverse SoMa relationship is. A+++
Amplify by Marsh of Sleep. (M). In which Soul and Maka realizes there’s a psychic link between their souls.
Lodestar by Marsh of Sleep. (M). Cowboy AU. Hooooo boy, this is one of the first SE fics I've ever read and it constantly returns to my mind every other day.
If Only Tonight We Could Sleep by Marsh of Sleep. (M). Zombie Apocalypse AU. sometimes poetic and sometimes heartbreaking. Often both. “Soul?”.......... “Speaking.” God I love those two lines far too much
Quantum Entanglement by Marsh of Sleep. (M). In which Soul find his main tank is actually a girl. A very cute girl who cosplays. I. Absolutely. Can’t. Keep. A. Straight. Face. I really love how Marsh write character interactions and dynamics. She makes a very adorable Soul (he gives his family cute nicknames like Matriach or Firstborn, what a dork). Actually just go read all of her fics. They’re gold. No. Platinum.
Count to Eight by infantblue. (M). In which Maka was dragged into another timeline where she'd died on the Moon and find her beloved partner broken beyond recognition. An evil fic. A very evil fic. Pls don't read if you still want your heart whole. (jk, read it and cry with me as we curse Chloe together)
One Damn Thing After Another by metisket. Mangaverse, from Soul’s point of view. If you want to peek inside of the snarkiest, the darkest, the most anxious, the dumbest pining idiot in existence, read this.
The Exception Clause by Lisp. (T). In which Maka Albarn refuses to lose a bet, and Soul Evans makes a surprisingly good fake-boyfriend. I like their dynamics a lot.
Two of Us by Professor Maka. (T). A mangaverse fic featuring the Evans family. Perfect set of Fake Dating (fake marriage?) and Mutual Pining.
Touch Cats Shut Up by makapedia. (T). Fruits Basket AU. With Soul as the cat. Angst, check. Fluff, check. Stubborn Maka, check. Completely adorable Soul, check. Kid as Edward Cullen, check. lmao
Poor Unfortunate Soul by makapedia. (M). In which Soul is a terrible incubus. No, not just terrible. Absolutely dreadful. At least until he meets a certain pigtailed girl. Kat makes very fluffy and adorable Souls, I swear. Read her other fics too!!
I, uh, I haven’t written that much fanfic, really, well, I have, but that’s just my 276927494 opened-but-ignored wip documents speaking. My betas and the discord people I annoy on daily basis might murder me bc I have a shamefully big unfinished WIP list planned lmao, no guys I promise I’m working on it,but uhh, if you wanna read what I’ve published so far then... uh....
A Winter Solstice. (M). Easily my favorite work so far. Fullmetal Alchemist AU. In which Maka Albarn, a second generation state alchemist, stumbled across Soul, a lonely Ishvalan boy who could transmute himself into a scythe, among the ruins of Death City.
Those Unspoken Things. (T). SoMa Week 2019 collection
Love is in the Air! (kill it, please!). (T). Valentine fluffshots.
So yeah, I plan to write more, and finish what I started wwwwww, bc what’s life without constantly making two dorks kissing each other?
Anyway, thank you for asking!! I’m a bab in this fandom so I haven’t consumed that much food yet, I’m so sorry this is too blasphemously few. I certainly forgot lots but everyone is welcomed to add more! (actually, pls add more, I need to have more ways to destroy my sleep schedule)
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raksh-writes · 3 years
Tagged by @onedayiwillwritestuff thank youuuuu ❤❤
Rules: tag (nine) people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Favourite colour: violet, the deep vibrant one exactly im the middle between pink-ish and blue-ish ;p
Currently reading: oh my, I haven't touched a book in a good while xd So aside from books for my exams its all about fanfics, tbh ;p
Last song: I just got back into listening Black Veil Brides on repeat, lmao, so I’m basically playing In The End, Scarlet Cross and Fields of Bone interchangeably now 😂 And damn, but I still loooove this band so much, and In The End is just such an amazing song, really, guys, give it a listen y’all, you won’t regret it, I promise! (And if you like it, go listen to Scarlet Cross too xD)
Last movie: ahhh, I don't really remember? I've been rewatching bits and pieces of Inception for my thesis, but besides that... maybe Knives Out?
Last series: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier! And when Im done with all my uni stuff Im gonna be catching up on Loki, Lucifer and Shadow and Bone too prob ;p
Sweet, spicy or savoury: saltyyyyy (it should indeed be here!)
Craving: hmm, nothing specific at the moment, although I'd looooove a good, italian pizza, fresh from the oven and all, damn
Tea or coffee: gonna go with coffee, altho I only drink one in the morning now and get tea or some herbal brews through the day
Currently working on: My new "Foxes in the backyard" Voiles verse! ^^ Or "Backyard full of foxes", haven't decided yet ;p I need to find more names for the lil' buggers, lmao (also gonna be working on rewrites and edits on LitA's chap 27 as soon as I can ^^).
Tagging: @the-cookie-of-doom, @plushrumpasaurus, @tesnick-k and whoever would like to do it! Def tag me, I’d love to know y’all better ^^ And, as always, absolutely no pressure to do this! All the love ❤
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chimcharstar · 5 years
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
I’m feeling tired because I’m supposed to be in bed. But happy because I did the work and I can get away with sleeping in and things are just chill right now. I have devised a way of sneaking waste food at work. If you put it in these little metal containers and hide them under the fridge, nobody notices them and throws them away. This eve I dined on garlic bread and prawns.
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Walking with coffee and tunes. I’m trying to appreciate things in my life I will feel nostalgic about later in the moment, so I don’t regret anything. This is one of those things. Although I might not have the tunes part for long because I fucking broke my headphones and they may or may not start playing my music out loud for all the world to hear. I hope people like disco!
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
Food from my old workplace. I have trouble finishing food usually but not this stuff. I will probably scream while eating it. You know this and you love me
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song?
“I Will Survive”. People were singing it in the Office and I guess it’s so famous and ironic and cringey now or something. But then I remember that one fucker
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
Herbie Hancock. I don’t know if I’ll listen to every single thing from him but I was just listening to some funk as you do and his like solos? I was vibing. We were having brain to brain communication. It was an experience. It was so so good. It was good fucking music. Listen to this shit. Herbie Hancock - I Thought It Was You This stuff makes me want to wiggle on public transit. 
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
Bonsais and my quiet neat fucking room. Or not giving a fuck in other people’s mess.
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
We reblog asks and send each other all the asks. ADHD disaster energy finding balance. The worst posts I’ve ever seen followed by revenge. Two gay best friends who are best friends. No seriously I am so grateful for your unconditional love and your warmth
golden deep; what’s your favorite season?
Autumn. When the leaves were falling and the sun was shining all bittersweetly I was running around taking so many pictures because there’s like this golden time and then it’s gone.
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
I like to buy too many plants and pretty rocks that are just vibing. I just like to wander around with coffee without a schedule. Listening to funk and disco. Seriously I’m the coolest person ever
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
U HO. And some online mutuals of course :) I feel like I don’t turn to people when it’s real sad hours though. I just give my ocs more PTSD.
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
Relaxed evenings. Fuck mornings. All my mornings are slow buddy. 
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything?
No, because I had to go and cancel my Netflix as all my favourite things got more episodes. 
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
Oh right brained bitch.
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
No, paintings are stressful. It’s always like “Holy shit, that must have been so much work! I don’t enjoy painting myself! This person is better at painting than me!” I have much love in the heart for Van Gogh.
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work. I could say a cat, because I want to lie down in a patch of sun, knock things over, and complain loudly. I would say a dog because I think people are way better than they really are, am tenaciously loyal to them, and get excited about going for a walk.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
Whatever this one hot guy at work has.
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other?
FOR FUCKS SAKE okay I’m going to google what my type is
You got: Mr./ Mrs Perfect
You like someone that truly has is all. You need someone who is well rounded in all aspects of life. When it comes to looks and personality, only perfection receives your affection.
Wow, what does that mean at all
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
Ok, one of them gave me cheesecake, one of them offered me pizza, another one is the guy whose Facebook you stalked for me and we still couldn’t find his birthday but I laugh about one adorable photo still (the car one), and one of them I spent half an hour trying to find where I put the birth chart of and we’re actually really compatible. I’m sorry, if you want more information I’ll have to ramble about it in your messages.
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like?
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
I don’t know, fuck it let’s go to the aquarium!
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
I dunno man. I feel like I wouldn’t if it wasn’t socially acceptable but I’m also wild and crazy.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
I REALLY ACTUALLY LIKE MY WORKPLACE. And my living situation is pretty okay. It’s not great I guess but I’ve been coming a long way.
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
Literally what are these colours. Okay, I’m looking forward to putting wires around crystals to make them into jewellery. Then, I want to give the jewellery to my friends. 
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
An old as fuck, old fashioned as fuck haunted-looking mansion I can give some love.
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
I need the outdoors bro. I need those trees. I gotta live in the countryside again someday.
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
Write some books! Run rampant in the city…
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I think it would have to be the hills where I grew up. It was bursting with biodiversity, there was a rustic sheep farm, everyone shut the fuck up, there would be frogs, the smell of the fresh air in any season, some days would just be heart-stoppingly beautiful and I ache for it sometimes. Birdsong? I heard some birdsong today and I wanted to cry. I remember our hedges would be deafening with the birds in it.
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
Today, it finding something I maybe could sit around and read and then finding it in me to actually get out of bed lol.
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
The one I just had. A lot of it is blurry, which is frustrating because I got some strong almost-memories of it throughout the day, but it sticks out to me because I was bawling my eyes out a lot in the dream, and I also hurt myself the way I used to and I had to check that I hadn’t done it in my sleep. But I think it was a very expressive dream and those are my natural emotions.
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? 
I like the idea of a husband and some dogs, cats and chickens. Kids maybe.
how many of each?
A lot of chickens, but not too many please.
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name, and I did give myself a different name. Even if I knew how annoying everyone would be about pop culture Gordons, and I did. I still would choose this name.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
I’m running out of things to say as my favourite scent. OK, Nomad from Old Spice. I don’t know why, I think it must suit me or something. Maybe it’s the citrus… stuff going on there.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
Red Rose, my mom made it for me as a kid and she drank it all the time while teaching me piano or reading books.
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
Flowers, to show off to everyone, and then I don’t know, maybe some fucking pumpkins and easy things like corn and peas.
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
I think I’d be happier to have one if I knew no one was watching my antics LMAO
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
Best of both worlds
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
I’m still thinking of where I grew up. I see the sun through the branches of very old maple trees, and hear the wind in the long grass.
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
Yes, but I could make it better by moving in with cleaner roommates and getting a cat. And maybe work at something I’m actually interested in, or go to school or something.
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
I don’t have plans, but I’d like to visit Mexico, France, or Japan.
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
Kinda French. I want to learn Spanish… now Portuguese because everyone at work speaks it… literally, any very popular language. I want to learn so many languages
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
Yeah, I’m reading a personal account of a Satanic cult. I had to stop reading it because I wasn’t ready for the graphic details.
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
Megamind/Thor Ragnarok
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
Wow I feel really called out right now. I was going to eat some chicken because I’m hungry. Because that’s what I should be doing at 3AM.
umber; have you drank enough water today?
Yes, but probably not. I’ve been trying really hard today though.
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
Probably you again, welcome to the salt mines!
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
Buying a plant, rolling around on my fuzzy blanket, videos of cats being idiots, little unexpected thoughtful gifts, people sharing food.
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
A Treasured Mutual once spontaneously said I was a really good person because I was chill and they felt free to be themselves, to be vague.
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
Looking around my room, it would seem to be whatever those studying people organizing notes with the window open on a sunny day have. I don’t know if this is me, but my room looks… vaguely feminine and organized in that way.
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
I’m in my PYJAMA CLOTHES. I only want to take a selfie with GOOD NATURAL LIGHTING and the DAYTIME DARK CIRCLES around my eyes not the NIGHTTIME DARK CIRCLES. Maybe I have one hanging around
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Fun facts about my ML next-gen/plot changes
Originally, it was supposed to be a story where Alya’s son and Marinette’s daughter were Chat Noir and Ladybug, and they fell in love with each other over time, while Kagami’s daughter Kimiko tried to set them up
Maddie never existed in my original concept. Originally, Adrien and Marinette were supposed to have fraternal twins named Emma and Danielle, the latter of the two being Ladybug. They had another two children; twenty-three year old Hugo, and their twelve-year-old Louis.
Kara didn’t exist either. Originally, she would have been a boy named Peter, but that got changed around as I wanted to go for a more unique next-generation plotline. Kailie was going to have been named Caitlin.
Vivienne was going to be Chloe and Nathaniel’s daughter, and she was going through a hard time with her parents’ divorce because Chloe cheated with Kim.
Luka would have been with Lila, and their daughter would be named Anna. Kagami’s husband was a Japanese suitor chosen by her mother who died, leaving her to raise her daughter alone. Anna and Emma were school bullies, and joined Lila as supervillains, them becoming Bluebird and Farfalla.
There was a plot where Lila would have taken the Fox Miraculous and became Scarlet Fox, head villain of Paris, but as you may have guessed from the actual story concept that I went through with, the name was changed slightly to Scarlett Fox and made a superhero identity.
Kimiko went through a hard time due to Kagami turning into her own mother, feeling trapped in and stressed from her mother’s orders. She soon enough runs away, and lives on the streets for a little while until Peter’s older sister Mars finds her and takes her in.
Rose and Juleka’s daughter Daisy, helping her cousin Anna out, steals the Miracle Box from Master Fu and assembles a team of villains with the remaining Miraculouses.
Now, onto the current concept in the fic itself:
Maddie (Adrienette child), Kara (DJWifi), and Lilli were the final group of three, as opposed to Peter, Danielle and Kimiko, whom along with the original darker concept were scrapped as a whole, obviously.
Emma, instead of being Danielle’s sixteen-year-old twin, is thirteen years old. She’s much kinder and well-reasoned, along with more friendly and sociable as she helps her BFF, Kara’s thirteen-year-old sister Kailie in her journey of showing she isn’t all of the rough ‘n tough tomboy act she seems. When Kayla (Max and Alix’s 13yo) moves to Paris and joins the school and Harmony (Myvan 13yo) gets away from her private school, she helps them gain more friends than expected and makes them part of her ‘pack’. She’s also much more ambitious and energetic, and participates in much more than original!Emma did.
Rebecca, Chloe and Kim’s fifteen-year-old, has been through a lot: Experiencing extreme biphobia from her ‘friend’ and more-so enemy Brooke Anciel, Lila’s younger daughter with Marc, facing scrutiny from her soccer team, and her reputation in theater, fashion and drama clubs along with being constantly humiliated in the hotel’s restaurant has really lowered her self-esteem. But with her friends Vivienne and Jade by her side, along with Jade’s cousin Viveka, she slowly finds her way back to earth. Putting her not-so nice past behind her, she doesn’t try to fix her mistakes, but live with them and strive to be better for everyone: Her family, her friends, and most importantly, the entire city of Paris.
Viveka and Maddie used to be attached at the hip, but ever since Viveka started showing her care and appreciation for Rebecca in her hard time, Maddie’s started considering her as a traitor more than an older-sister figure. Viveka explains to Lilli that she still cares for both her sister and Maddie, but that Rebecca very well needs someone like her as a source of comfort in the time being. Viveka’s main struggles in life center around two things: The media refusing to believe she’s bisexual after stating her crush on Aurore and Mireille’s oldest child Andrew, and her going away to college in England soon once her final school year comes to a close. Considering they both have their own trials over their sexualities, Rebecca and Viveka find each other bonding over the subject in question.
Jade, out of all the children in the Couffaine family, has several things on her name: Being the smartest kid in her entire school, a prodigy in the violin, and a regional champion in archery, gymnastics, and karate. But as her dream as a child to go to the Tsukiryu Boarding High School for girls in Japan changes from an old fantasy into a sudden possibility, she learns that sometimes, sacrifices make or break a person. But thankfully enough, her cousin’s crush’s sister/her longtime best friend/wingwoman’s presence alongside her is just enough to break through her trials and errors that come her way in high school. Not to mention, despite her straightforward and strong-willed exterior, it would shatter her heart into a billion pieces if it meant leaving her seven-year-old sister Violet, who’s also one of her best friends in the universe behind.
Vivienne has a whirlwind coming her way too: Just as she’s began growing closer to her mother Sabrina’s new partner Wayhem, they suddenly split without her knowing a single piece of information on what happens. Not to mention, her father Nathaniel’s soon-to-be marriage to his boyfriend of seven-plus years Marc is just around the corner, and she doesn’t have many positive experiences with him and Lila’s daughter Brooke much, as well her BFF Rebecca. But thankfully, Brooke’s seventeen-year-old sister Victoria completely understands her almost stepsister’s struggle, and begins to assist her as her superheroine alter-ego: Dragon Queen, ruler of elements.
The supervillain Red Robe, a vampire-obsessed malice to the Parisians is rising, along with their ruthless partner Seigneur Guepe. But as the new team of superheroes prove themselves to be even greater than any other Team Miraculous to come before them, they join forces with the cruel and insane Brooke and hand over the Raven Miraculous to her, resulting in the fifteen-year-old’s promise to help them out as Shadowetta - when the time calls, that is.
While in England, his hometown of almost thirty years now, Master Fu mysteriously regains his old memories of being the Guardian, prompting him to take Marianne back to Paris as he senses an evil force; one like never before. Taking back the Box from Marinette one night, the duo assigns a whole new team of heroes: Maddie as Ladybug, Emma as Kitty Noire, Kara as Scarlett Fox, Kailie as Shellie, Rebecca as Queen Bee, Vivienne as Wingwoman, and last but not least, Jade as Tropica. But just in case they’re needed, he also prompts Victoria and a boy born of a rich family, Hugo DuValle to become Dragon Queen and King Cobra.
Kara’s dream after so long is to become a famous TV star, and a contest starting at the second week of school gives her a perfect opportunity to launch the new kids’ hit of Paris: Codename: Scarlet Fox. But along with some opportunities to flee to the West End and become a theatrical star with her friend-rival Viveka, Kara discovers how much being Scarlett Fox really means to her, as well the presences of her friends, family, and boyfriend.
Maddie’s dreams of ballet lead to many things, one being the welcoming a new ally, the seventeen-year-old friend to Viveka and Victoria, Maisie Bruel aka Sourisine to Team Miraculous and the other a way to be recognized for not just her parents’ status and her looks.
Vivienne also gains an opportunity after her group and Maddie’s group make up for everything and become friendly with one another: Working as a mentor for Ladybug Style, Marinette’s multi-million fashion company. There, she learns how to gain the confidence she needs and learns important lessons from the older woman, growing into the butterfly she saves the day as.
Hugo and Maddie build a deep and caring bond, soon enough sneaking out to meet each other on Friday and Saturday nights and going on dates with each other and starting a romantic relationship. But as she discovers the shocking identities of Seigneur Guepe and Red Robe, will she put the safety of the ones she cares about and her home first, or her feelings for her handsome partner in a snake suit?
Emma, confused and frustrated with her fruitless and overwhelming civilian life, develops a crush on Rebecca around Christmastime, the person she’d least have expected to fall for. In a forced attempt to hide her sexuality from those around her, she begins a fake relationship with her childhood rival Simon, but soon enough realizes that it’s even more toxic for her as opposed to revealing herself as a lesbian.
Kailie meets her parents’ old friend since forever, Alix, and shares her sky-high dreams of becoming an all-star roller-skater much like she is. And when Alix says that she ‘has her ways of helping dreams come true’, she really does mean it well.
Brooke’s ways of wrongdoing step up to another level, resulting in an absolute pandemonium of hell for those that know her. And soon enough, that results in the terrorizing villain counterparts of all the heroes but Ladybug: Featherbird, Monarque, Honeybee, Tortureoise, Fireheart, Wolfie Noire, Ryusenshi, Hydre and more.
As the chaotic demeanor[s] or Red Robe and Seigneur Guepe level up and make Paris head into insanity, Maddie runs to Masters Fu and Marianne in need of one of the most helpful Miraculouses for a trail such as this: The Rabbit, letting the spunky and helpful Kayla Kante become Timekeeper. But will her ability to see the future from the present show a successful or drastic outcome for Team Miraculous?
@extremely-pearlmethirsty since you need name inspo for your own next-gen (not for this fandom lmao), here’s some fun facts from my original concept that you can feel free to use! For those interested, character bios are coming out tomorrow.
And @ultranimallover33 it isn’t character bios, but here’s some of what happens! I’m not even done with chapter three lmao, but I have so much in store for it already tbh XD.
Ask me questions about my next gen and more!
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werewolfin · 7 years
Flame Headcanons
@i-w-p-chan​ asked me to explain some xover thoughts between Katekyo Hitman Reborn flames & Boku no Hero Academia characters, so buckle up ‘cuz it’s a long post under the read more! Headcanon, ho!
To explain my numbers, I gotta explain a buncha other shit too, lmao.
So basically I got some inspo from micronecro way back when (the post here on my tumblr if you're curious) that Earth Flames & whatnot were all combination Flames. Swamp is Storm+Sun, Forest Sun+Lightning, Mountain Lightning+Rain, Desert Rain+Mist, Glacier Mist+Cloud, & that last mysterious flame being named Geyser for Cloud+Storm.
I also wanted a third part of Flames for the water aspect (Earth is obvs earth, Sky is a combo of fire & air for skies themselves), so I also came up with Ocean Flames & that entire set. The feeling was only reinforced by an offhand comment by nordiamus over on FFN in their Game On xover, really.
So if Sky is the most purely Flame set & Earth is combo, shouldn't Ocean also be some sort of combo? But if the Sky is so common & Earth heard of but not really heard of, then wouldn't Ocean be even more rare?
I eventually settled on a natural 3:4:5 ratio, but to have a ratio I needed to have numbers, so I had to math shit out & also needed to have shorthand symbols so I didn't inevitably confuse myself while making sure they actually showed up in both Notepad & Excel, colors for much the same, & characteristics for the Flames themselves too. Took a long while, but I got everything settled out.
I chose 108 for the point system because it's already a trope, lol. I also made use of Umei-no Mai's Black Sky's headcanon that you actually needed around 5% of each Flame to develop properly, though I had to use it as 6% b/c the math would've become bad math otherwise. This means any singular Flame can only be a value between 6 to 76 out of 108 (6-70%), b/c there’s gotta be at least 6 points (6%) on everything. Here’s a handy chart:
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Yellow is where I folded percentages together, red is the tens on the point side, with green the tens on the percent side. A general guideline I use is that you need at least 18% to produce a visible Flame. You can do it with smaller percentages down to 10%, but it requires exceptional control & possibly small reserves (which can also be called depth). (this scenario would also produce a functional sky but it’d be a fairly weak one since it was both not activated as such and not a full state of being for them).
Dying Will Flames of the Sky: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed) (the link has interesting info), type of resolve (HC from Gokurdera being able to light 5 Flames but not all at once); appearance
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STORM: #EB1C23 brilliant red, disintegration, ♋ (looks like hurricane cell; I'm aware it's actually the symbol for Cancer), to take down; low-heat smoldering, smokey upcurls & tongues
SKY: #FFA719 vivid gamboge, harmony, at least 10% (11/108) on all, ☰ (this the trigram symbol for heaven you see), to keep/stay; most like fire w/ flares, wisps, & overall more ethereal movement
SUN: #FFC70F amber, activation, ☀, to improve; like starlight in that it’s constant jetting outwards, more a shining than a straight-up fire
LIGHTNING/THUNDER: #23B04B malachite, hardening, ϟ (this is the only lightning-shaped symbol to show up tbh, it's technically the lowercase Greek letter for Q), to defend; electricity w/ small arcs between branches
RAIN: #99D8E8 cerulean, tranquility, ☂, to slow down; pool water with refraction in slow-motion, more round & globular than a fire except it gives off (what it’s user thinks of as ‘relaxing’) heat
MIST: #3F49CC phthalo blue, construction, ♒ (I couldn't find anything that was explicitly 'fog' or whatever, so I had to make do with whatever worked; it's the symbol for Aquarius, though it also symbolizes wind which is the next best, since mist is a groundbound cloud anyways), to confuse; wispy, almost entirely see through, with off center diffusion of color, the palest of the Flames
CLOUD: #A249A3 moderate magenta, propagation, ☁, to overtake; like puffs of smoke with a natural reach of twice the length of everything else in the Sky set (whole hand length minimum)
Dying Will Flames of the Ocean/Sea: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed); appearance. Funfact: this set has the most desaturated colors as though it’s deeper in the sea, though if you go for max 240-value saturation they’re still discernible from the other sets.
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WHIRLPOOL: #DE7C66 light scarlet, combustion (rapid burning), ☁/♋/☀, ♓ (Pisces symbol, yes, but fish live in pools; also what the fuck, I see literal fish as the symbol everywhere else but this fucking site); elongated fingers of flame that seem to spin or spiral their entire length rather than just the tips like Storm does, like screws or a helix
OCEAN: #FF7700 vivid orange, encompass, 12% (13/108) on all with remainder divided, ☵ (the trigram for water yo; easily distinguishable from both Sky & Earth, even has a mini horizon on there to make a "between the Earth & the Heavens" metaphor); heavy fire, somewhat similar to a tri-pronged crown or W that flutters like it's in the wind
VOLCANO: #C2AC1D moderate gold, acidification (pH cycling), ♋/☀/ϟ, ☈ (the symbol for thunderstorms which I find appropriate, b/c volcanoes can actually spawn these); smokey & partially see thru w/ green halo edging, fuzzy-looking around the edges, tho for a better visual of what I mean, look up fire opals
CURRENT: #85B357 moderate chartreuse, magnetism, ☀/ϟ/☂, ☄ (actually symbolizes comets, but it's theorized comets brought water to Earth anyway); clumps together, lengths loop each other to form a field, look at your hand in the process of turning into a fist, it’s like that
WATERFALL: #306D78 arctic blue, binding, ϟ/☂/♒, ♆ (fuck yeah, the symbol for Neptune sure, but rivers were his children &/or domain as all rivers lead to the ocean); elastic & flexible with no purely set expression beyond naturally long reach (the longest Flame overall)
MOON: #9999CC deep periwinkle, reflection, ☂/♒/☁, ☾ (obvious); moves like a shadow where there’s three or more overlapping areas w/ a natural wave pattern, if you’ve ever seen the sun during a heatwave it’s like where it wobbles due to the thermal air currents so the sun itself doesn’t look like a full disc
TIDE: #CFA7C3 light fuchsia, expansion, ♒/☁/♋, ♎ (the symbol for Libra & the alchemical symbol for the subliminal; also looks like the moon rising from the sea); light, aggressively more magenta when hyper-layered, leaves afterimages like when staring into a bright light, strangely behaves like a less intense Sun Flame where it’s an overall but softer & rounder glow rather than jetting out
Dying Will Flames of the Earth/Soil: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed); appearance
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SWAMP: #FFB482 tangelo, fermentation (living things), 28% (30) ♋/☀ each, ☣ (biohazard was a perfect fit); almost flat but highly agitated w/ irregular flares & flickers, highest temp behind Earth in this set, technically shortest Flame at half a finger height (knuckle to first joint)
EARTH: #BD3900 vermillion, gravity, 14% (15) all, ☷ (trigram for earth); dense & exceptionally rounded fire, appearing like a split V flame that doesn’t move about as much as an actual fire, more pulled together
FOREST: #A6DE5D electric lime, growth, 23% (25) ☀/ϟ each, ♣ (club suit b/c it looks like a little tree); thin, finely branched & erratic fire, with unpredictable sparks
MOUNTAIN: #62BD8E spring green, compression, 28% (30) ϟ/☂ each, ▲ (it's a triangle, but it doubles as a mountain symbol on maps); almost opaque, w/ a fat bottom and narrow top (shaped like a deflated balloon if such a thing floated in your palm) & slow sinuous motion (the widest Flame at the base at around twice the width of the palm holding it, picture lava lamp wax)
DESERT: #1C6BFF cobalt, emergence (big patterns that appear b/c of small things, ex. ripples in sand from wind movement pushing grains around, or the uniqueness of snowflakes) (also influenced by InsaneScriptist's One Piece/KHR xover fic Xanxus' Adventures in Parenthood Piracy where Desert flames are many illusions stacked onto each other), 32% (35) ☂/♒ each, ✿ (black florette b/c I can't really see the white one, & desert flowers are very pretty); perfectly transparent but for a tint, warps the coloring immediately around it into the blue spectrum, a place where it’s just inexplicably blue above where it’s being held, like staring into a mirror reflecting itself greener and greener, but if made visible to others it might give an appearance of sand because it’s also not a very “even” or “smooth” Flame
GLACIER: #C68CFF light violet, fortification taking the form of crystals as it’s just that intense, 37% (40) ♒/☁ each, ♦ (diamond suit b/c that's a basic crystal shape, also to not leave Forest as a card by itself); upside down kite shape w/ barbed &  jagged edges like frost, not see through like you almost expect tho it’s the whitest one in general w/ bright vivid color at the edge
GEYSER: #99007D red plum, extension, 32% (35) ☁/♋ each, ♨ (hot springs are close enough to geysers for me to the connection); like heated water complete w/ dense steaming, and the leading edge even redder
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Have a handy little mnemonic pic to remember how to get what.
And just who can forget Night Flames either? I headcanon that Night was one of the 3 human Flames before the Earthlings like Kawahira were forced to pass the other 3 sets onto humans to sustain life; Snow, Void, & Night were all buried under and/or split between the newer sets, which is why no one ever pulls them forth until Bermuda has his Flames torn out by his Pacifier being taken by Checkerface.
SNOW: silvery-white, absorption (base reason for why humans can become all sorts of creatures, but never back), prevalent ☀ &/or ☂ &/or ☁, ☊ (ascending node, alchemical symbol for sublimation). Appearance: aerogel if it was fire shaped, glowing around the edges like a halo, pale silver-ish, a defined or captured mist spray.
VOID: (perfect) gray, preservation, ☰ &/or ☵ &/or ☷, ⊕ (alchemical symbol for verdigris, symbol for Earth the planet). This was basically the first version of Skies, Oceans, & Earths for humans. Appearance: a blooming iridescence, like summoning a faint rainbow upon a slick surface but in petaled flower silhouette (inherent control of it’s user imparts the number of petals).
NIGHT: black*, perpetuity (grim determination to do this ONE thing & damn the consequences, to carry on), prevalent ♋ &/or ϟ &/or ♒, ☋ (descending node, alchemical symbol for purification). Appearance: invisible unless moving, black & heavy looking when it does almost like a smear or smudge, with a type of simmering heat to it, an absence of light (resulting in a clear pacifier). *You know the video game thing/unresolvable YouTube video error where it’s supposed to be dark but it’s actually just a dark grey that feels creepy to look at too long? That color.
(I got a lot, seriously a bunch of other shit attributed to each Flame too, but this thing is already long enough. If I get interest, I’ll just make another post).
This has Earth-set Flames absurdly specialist but still very possible by accident, while leaving the Ocean-set harder to achieve any other way but naturally feeling the resolve for each separate component Flame. It also makes Oceans & Earths fundamentally Skies, just denser or even-keeled if you can get that. (compare phases of matter as gas [always chaotic], liquid [clumping together but still fairly energetic], and solid [at least mostly rigid in state]).
You also don’t need to be part of the same set to be considered an element, either... folding down anyway. A fully realized Earth could only truly bond w/ only Earth-set Flames, an Ocean could bond w/ Ocean-set Flames, but a Sky could bond w/ anyone by latching onto just one Flame, disregarding if it’s part of a composite Flame. Earth and/or Ocean Flames might identify more as a Sky than their ‘proper’ label as a matter of self-preservation as their elements are so rare, so would feel more at home pulling in Sky elements rather than Ocean or Earth elements. (not that it’d stop them if given the choice).
This all neatly dovetails into headcanon Flames for Class 1A for BNHA, arranged by set then seat.
From the Sky-set, you got:
Asui Tsuyu: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 37=34%; ϟ: 11=10%; ☂: 37=34%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 11=10%; (☀, ☂). You can’t tell me she talks with that huge tongue without having to Actively shoot it, right? Rain because she’s just so naturally calm.
Mashirao Ojiro (6): ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 9=8%; ϟ: 9=8%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 72=66%; (☁). Because he seems kinda distant to me like most of KHR Clouds seem to be in theory, idk why. I do think he’s cool tho.
Kaminari Denki: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 36=33%; ϟ: 24=22%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 30=28%; (☀, ϟ, ☁). Sun b/c his lightning is actually yellow so I theorize he’s actually Propagating his natural Activated bioelectricity via Cloud, but there’s enough Lightning to leave him intact doing so and lend his bioelectricity it’s more elongated shape. A further headcanon is that his family’s lightning quirks all effectively have different colors.
Kirishima Eijirou: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 13=12%; ϟ: 48=44%; ☂: 17=16%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 16=15%; (ϟ). That’s some classic Lightning right there.
Jiro Kyouka: ♋: 9=8%; ☀: 18=17%; ϟ: 18=17%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 40=37%; (☁). To make the sound of her heartbeat exponentially louder like a boss. Also introduces sensitivity problems.
Tokoyami Fumikage: ♋: 22=20%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 26=24%; ♒: 40=37%; ☁: 8=7%; (♋, ☂, ♒). Mist to materialize Dark Shadow, Rain to be dense enough to interact w/ which when paired w/ Storm fucks w/ him when Dark Shadow gets too powerful (ie overwhelming him & largely destructive).
fuck Mineta, let’s replace him
I can’t believe I have shamed myself into including him
Mineta Minoru: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 30=28%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 26=24%; ☁: 33=30%; (☀, ♒, ☁). While he can inherently multiply what’s essentially wads of his hair, Mist is what imparts it’s special properties (otherwise he’d stick to his pillows & his clothes would catch on when he gets dressed), & Sun lets him naturally produce more. This is where overuse comes into play; too much Sun Flame in too short a time frame splits the skin, though thankfully the bloodflow washes out anything that might’ve evolved into cancer cells before it begins healing. I figure if he trains more & CAREFULLY, he might start using Sun to more enhance Cloud allowing him more stamina w/ his quirk.
From the Ocean-set, you get:
Ashido Mina: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 20=19%; ϟ: 25=23%; ☂: 10=9%; ♒: 15=14%; ☁: 8=7%; (♋, ☀, ϟ) / (☈): she adjusts pH to get what she wants. It’s fair chance she was born with near-Sky values.
Iida Tenya: ♋: 19=18%; ☀: 21=19%; ϟ: 19=18%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 22=20%; ☁: 20=19%; (♋, ☀, ϟ, ♒, ☁) / (♓, ♎w). Combustion engine, baby! He’s exploding things to go faster. His family’s been cultivating this particular quirk so long his line is close to producing Skies!
Uraraka Ochako: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 22=20%; ϟ: 23=21%; ☂: 24=22%; ♒: 19=18%; ☁: 14=13%; (☀, ϟ, ☂, ♒) / (☄, ♆w, ☾). Manipulating magnetism to cancel out a lot of the gravity by making it attracted to itself & only itself so repelling everything not itself, & reflection to drop them back into gravity by touching her own fingertips. Her Cloud attribute isn’t actually able to manifest outside of her body b/c it lacks outward-manifesting strength; it makes up for this in being able to apply Moon w/ extra depth & precision. The depth part is what makes her nauseous. She’s actually got a hidden attribute in Waterfall/binding! She might be able to functionally (seek a) target where she drops stuff later on if she discovers it.
Mezou Shouji: ♋: 22=20%; ☀: 12=11%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 28=26%; ☁: 34=31%; (♋, ♒, ☁) / (♎). Expansion materializes new body parts with the help of Mist, Cloud to shorthand remember bodyparts he’s already got, & Storm to reabsorb them when they’re no longer needed.
Hagakure Tooru: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 36=33%; ♒: 30=28%; ☁: 24=22%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / (☾). She’s just straight up reflecting most if not all light that hits her body, which is why you can see her clothing but not her. HC she’s got excellent night vision; you might see a bit of eyeshine even!
Hmmm... for funsies, how about:
Shinsou Hitoshi: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 36=33%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 24=22%; ☁: 6=6%; (ϟ, ☂, ♒) / (♆). He takes control by binding his will on top of yours, like puppet strings. He reroutes your actions to his command w/ a combination of redirecting your natural electrical signals in your brain (which is why getting jarred will return your action to you) & Mist enabling him to do it in ways that won’t get detected until he does it. He’d be unstoppable if he ever worked out how to do it without the invitation; though as it’s partly psychological he might stop himself from ever overcoming that limitation.
And lastly from the Earth-set, you have:
Aoyama Yuuga: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 29=27%; ϟ: 28=26%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 7=6%; (♋, ☀, ϟ) / (☈) / (☣). He’s fermenting the bacteria in his stomach by changing the acidity of his stomach acids whenever he shoots his laser. Boy’s gotta eat if he wants it to recharge.
Kouda Kouji: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 37=34%; ϟ: 37=34%; ☂: 11=10%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 6=6%; (☀, ϟ) / x / (♣). He can communicate w/ living things b/c he’s basically making them recognize him as a friend (not that he doesn’t make friends with them anyway, tho).
Satou Rikidou: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 22=20%; ϟ: 32=30%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 7=6%; (☀, ϟ, ☂) / ☄w / (▲). He compresses sugar to allow his body to process it quicker without it having to be digested first.
Sero Hanta: ♋: 35=32%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 48=44%; (♋, ☁) / x / (♨). He produces something sticky then extends it very far.
Yaoyorozu Momo: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 7=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 35=32%; ♒: 35=32%; ☁: 19=18%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / ☾w / (✿). This is obvious, but I will say she gives whatever she makes true form because she’s using both knowledge to give it form & real energy derived from her body to give it material, which is why nothing dissolves away once she turns away from it.
You might have noticed a few missing. Here’s Todoroki w/ some calculations for his family members! Yeah!
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor: ♋: 49=45%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 25=23%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 13=12%; (♋, ☂). Storm because fire (named Hellfire because it curls strangely & the fact it could burn everything), Rain for upping temperature by effecting density (meaning a thinner stream of fire).
Touya/Dabi: ♋: 37=34%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 17=16%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 33=30%; (♋, ☁), Storm has the lowest energy & temperature imo, and Cloud’s b/c he can make a LOT of fire; I HC it’s more than Dumpster Fire could manage (that guy’s more of a precision over power kinda guy Flame wise, even if still pretty powerful). This Todoroki bro is just that good with his quirk, to produce blue fire by pure willpower.
Fuyumi: ♋: 13=12%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 34=31%; ♒: 29=27%; ☁: 19=18%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / ♎w, ☾w. She’s totally a Rain, you can fight me on this. Her quirk’s gotta be something Asshole would consider useless for Hero work, so I’ll venture it might be Chill: temperature manipulation with a leaning towards cooler temps. If she ever became truly aware of the possibilities she could conjure, she’d obliterate him. Have fun sparking fire when everything refuses to heat up, bitch, lmao.
Natsuo: ♋: 8=7%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 13=12%; ☂: 16=15%; ♒: 49=45%; ☁: 16=15%; (♒). Mostly so every single Todoroki has their own major element, though it’s still an entirely possible outcome from his parents. I don’t think he’s publicly quirkless because if that was a possibility his father would’ve gotten a new wife/brood mare b/c he’s THAT asshole. However, his Mist is strong enough that even if he was, he could’ve become an Active Flame user at a young age, and Mist’s pale blue color and gaseous form (if seen) might’ve made him seem like another temperature manipulator, thus also useless for his father’s ambitions. If he’s the type, he might be using it as a more physical support for himself, such as running longer or lifting more without injury than should be possible for someone who doesn’t exercise, that kind of thing.
Shouto: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 42=38%; ☁: 42=38%; (♒, ☁) / x / (♦). He’s the ultimate ice maker, & the fire side is just genetics making a general fire. If he ever became able to use Flames instead of fire, the fire would instead be a violet color rather than the yellowish one that it is now. Mist & Cloud are higher than his mother’s due to some very mild combination with his father’s values. It also makes his ice & consequently his fire VERY strong, considering every scrap not needed by the others is fed into his ice.
Rei: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 9=8%; ♒: 40=37%; ☁: 40=37%; (♒, ☁) / x / (♦). Ice, but a bit more spread out for variety. I’ve given her a common surname Yukimura, 雪村 "snow village" that alludes to her ice quirk, Flame, & the fact she seems to have had little support over the years.
Here’s Bakugou & Izuku!
Bakugou Katsuki: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 30=28%; ϟ: 13=12%; ☂: 13=12%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 11=10%; ☰, (♋, ☀) / x / (☣). A first generation Sky. Fermentation applies to various bacteria that’s present in his sweat b/c they live on his skin, with Storm killing them & Sun activating whatever is left behind. He doesn’t always use Storm, which just leaves Sun sparking his palms, a holdover from his father also being a Swamp user.
Midoriya Izuku: ♋: 18=17%; ☀: 14=13%; ϟ: 26=24%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 14=13%; ☁: 22=20%; ☰, (ϟ, ☁) / ☵, (♓, ♎). A legacy Sky from his mother’s side (she’s an Earth as is most of the family on that half of his tree), though it’s completely chance he managed to be an Ocean b/c the values his father had lowered just the right higher Earth stats his mother had. Lightning & Cloud have high values enough to be secondaries, which actually shows up whenever he uses One for All which is naturally propagating to begin with. He’s got the proper Lightning appearing & everything. Whirlpool & Tide are an accident of numbers but also greatly appreciated by enabling better control? allocation? of One for All’s power.
Here’s everyone else who didn’t fit anything else above, like teachers & secondary characters!
Midoriya Inko: ♋: 18=17%; ☀: 15=14%; ϟ: 15=14%; ☂: 18=17%; ♒: 21=19%; ☁: 21=19%; ☰, (♒, ☁) / ☵, (♓, ♆) / ☷. She pulls things like gravity, ‘nuff said.
Hisashi Midoriya: ♋: 19=18%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 31=29%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 22=20%; ☁: 23=21%; (♋, ϟ, ♒, ☁) / ♎w. Aways from being a Sky, but any potential offspring have a fairly good chance of being one with the right spouse/Inko. His ϟ deals with plasma, ☁ gives some projection so he doesn’t light himself on fire, ♒ a bit of fireproofing to the body parts & organs involved in fire-beathing, & ♋ some true (excuse the pun) fire power to what he can disintergrate w/ the fire produced. End result is a whitish-yellow flame between 2,200 °F (1,200 °C) & 2,400 °F (1,300 °C). I HC that he doesn’t have a very far reach with his fire-breath, about an arm length maybe unless he’s so emotional he lights some Cloud so it’s a full body length or longer. I also HC he took his wife’s name when they married, so I use Teiko (醍醐 "Good liquor, fine wine; clarified butter, ghee," w/ a pun of 大悟 "enlightenment") as his previous surname.
Aizawa Shouta: ♋: 20=19%; ☀: 7=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 29=27%; ♒: 25=23%; ☁: 21=19%; (♋, ☂, ♒, ☁) / (☾). He’s sending a cancellation wave (the reverse reflection, no?) but the pale color of Moon is overpowered by his visible Storm which gives his eyes a visage of red & makes them dry af. He releases it in waves w/ Rain being the largest component meaning it floats his hair & gives the appearance of being underwater. Doubly powerful in that Rain, Mist, & Cloud are divisible by both points and percentage.
Camie: ♋: 7=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 21=19%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 38=35%; ☁: 6=6%; (ϟ, ☂, ♒) / ♆w / (✿). I made her a Desert rather than just a regular Mist because I had another calculation, tbh. I also figure Desert would be more fitting since while dramatic she’s also fairly chill and likes a good laugh, & Mist always seemed like a “effect self” more than “effect others” kind of utilization (not that it’s not possible or anything, obvs). Waterfall is for when she finally gets that little niggle in her technique that will allow her to greatly expand the range she currently has, as in “will hold until she lets it drop” kinda range.
Hawks: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 49=45%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 26=24%; ☁: 7=6%; (ϟ, ♒). His wings can do and handle some crazy shit because they are made of reinforced (ϟ) crazy shit (♒), and that’s just how he is.
All For One: ♋: 11=10%; ☀: 19=18%; ϟ: 20=19%; ☂: 12=11%; ♒: 35=32%; ☁: 11=10%; ☰, (☀, ϟ, ♒). Mist for it being a mostly mental power for all that it effects his body, Sun to pull up the right genetics configuration FOR the quirks he’s taken, Lightning so his actual DNA is protected or lets him revert back to his own.
Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko: ♋: 71=65%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 11=10%; (♋). Simple. Got deep reserves & relatively high quirk stamina from Nana's side thru his father.
Since it’s a common headcanon that Skies will vie for elements until they got a full arc & put themselves against other Skies in order to get the ones they want, Bakugou & Izuku were put into an instinctive conflict when Bakugou got access to his quirk. Oceans Encompass so Izuku seriously just did want to be friends for a good while for all he wasn’t Active, but Bakugou doesn’t or didn’t get that because he saw Izuku as a potential or possibly actual disruption to his own Harmony.
And since to have Flames the Earthlings need to have existed, I’m proposing that the Trinisette was disrupted by whatever, such as a mission for potential Arcobaleno resulting in all of them dying with/without ever bonding to the Pacifiers or Kawahira dying either before Bermuda could come into being/Bermuda got a lucky shot in before abruptly staying dead from backlash, & quirks are what appeared from Flames spiraling out of control. Flame distribution is fairly unique even among close family members, resulting in equally unique is similar quirks.
BNHA-verse has gotta prepare for a big storm, is what I’m saying.
+edit: Maybe All for One was one of the first Quirked people to be born to that first disruption wave & discovered he could take Quirks, went out of his way to get powerful ‘Quirks’ first (or what he thought of as Quirks/super powers, but might have been Flame abilities specialized or not), resulting in a shortage of any potential emergency Arcobaleno if Kawahira didn’t die off suddenly.
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yurisakura · 7 years
*whispers seductively in your ear* GrayZa playing the piano together for their kids
Title: Piano
Pairing: Gray/Erza 
Genre: Romance/Family
Summary: Gray has mixed feelings towards the piano that suddenly showed up in their living room one day.
Words: 2,408 (I only wanted to write less than 1000 but I’m never good at writing short and sweet yet addicting little ficlets ugh)
A/N: I’M SO HONORED TO GET A SEDUCTIVE ANON GRAYZA ASK!! I’m gonna go all out for this since FT is ending lmao I haven’t written anything and completed it in so long, I don’t think this is good enough but I need to overcome my writer’s block! Do tell me what you think I need validation lmao
Read on FF.net
They have been married for ten whole years.
They have known each other since childhood.
Yet, Gray still can’t understand what goes around in Erza’s mind.
Oh she was definitely a wonderful wife, a reliable comrade and basically everything he had been wishing for ever since he confessed to her under the warm sunset by the river, that was for sure.
One thing he hoped was that if she ever accepted his heart and opened up to him, he could finally be able to understand her better.
But in this case, he really couldn’t understand why there was a PIANO in the middle of the living room. He was pretty sure neither of them knew how to play. 
Plus, Erza had never expressed interest in music besides singing in that play for a job request they did all those years ago. (Okay, they may or may not have completed requests similar to that because of Erza’s temporary interest in musicals but nothing about musical instruments).
“Gray! You’re finally back!” Erza practically ran to give him a big hug and a peck on the cheek.
Gray couldn’t hold back his smile. This was the life really. It was the kind of married life he pictured with Erza for a long time - in fact, it was MUCH better than he imagined - because Erza was much more affectionate than he could ever imagine even during one year of courtship. It was actually considered too short of a time for them to date and get to know one another to the other guild members but Gray wanted to make up for the YEARS it took for him to confess, so he didn’t waste time proposing. To his surprise, Erza agreed, saying she’d never find anyone as loyal and loving as Gray ever again, so she’d be dumb to not accept (which had Gray flustered for days).
His wife scanned him before sporting a look of approval. “Oh, you’re coming back from a job without a scratch for once.”
“It was an easy job, of course I’d come back without a scratch!”
“I guess this means you didn’t bump into Natsu and start a fight for no reason.”
“Hey, I’M the one giving him scratches!” Gray paused, “Wait a minute, that’s not the point! Why is there a piano in the middle of the living room?!”
“Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m going to play it to our baby!” She beamed as she softly rubbed her stomach.
Gray was so incredibly weak against the sparkles in her eyes but had to say something. “But Erza, you don’t know how to play the piano.”
“There’s always room for learning! And I will learn for our baby.” She declared. “You can join me too, Gray!” She gave him a big slap on his shoulder and grinned.
He couldn’t win against that look. Erza always had a knack for persuading him. When they were kids, she used her overwhelming physical strength to drag him to join her on missions and whatnot. As teenagers, the armored beauty simply used her cutting words making it almost impossible to argue against her (except a few times, when he wouldn’t back down with his beliefs and Erza couldn’t help but let him do what he wanted).
Then he fell in love and all Erza had to do to persuade him to do things he never thought he would do was to show off those sparkles in her eyes whenever she was excited about something new and hoped he would come along.
Erza probably didn’t realize that at some point she didn’t have to resort to forcibly dragging him. (And he realized maybe, just maybe she thought of him as someone special because she only asked him to join her and no one else. So in his point of view, they were having dates since way before he confessed).
Gray sighed but gave his wife a soft smile. “Well, I suppose learning from a lacrima piano will be easier.” He said as he sat down, quite excited to tap the piano keys.
“Lacrima piano?” Erza asked confused.
Gray turned to her. “Wait, this is a non-lacrima piano?”
“Of course, I must learn with my own strength after all.”
He smiled. “Well I’m sure a regular piano is at least less expensive than a lacrima one.” Erza suddenly had a robotic look. “It IS less expensive, right?”
“…maybe? Regular pianos are rare nowadays, it should be a given they’re a bit expensive, right?”
Gray sighed. Erza had always been quite the spendthrift, finding new armors almost every month. She just couldn’t resist. She had the money so it was up to her to spend on whatever she liked.
But now they were married with already one daughter and a son coming up, she would spend so much on them when their daughter wasn’t even all that interested in wearing tons of clothes in the first place (and she had a tendency to lose them, damn Gray and his stripping habit was apparently inheritable).
They weren’t strapped for cash or anything; in fact they were quite well off – with both Erza and Gray going on S-Class job requests together quite frequently until Erza was pregnant with their first child.
“But this piano will be worth the money, I’m sure of it!” She declared as she curled her hands into a fist (out of habit) and banged on the piano key. The sounds of the piano erupted in protest causing both husband and wife to flinch.
“Why is there a piano in the middle of the living room?”
Gray and Erza turned to see their nine-year old daughter at the doorstep.
“Violet! How was school?” Her mother asked brightly. Then her face quickly changed, “you didn’t get into another fight, did you?”
Gray could feel his sweat dropping. Erza always had to make sure her husband and daughter weren’t fighting unless it was for job requests.
“No! I did what you said and ignored that boy.” She said as she closed the door and walked towards them. Erza smiled proudly as she gave her a brief side hug.
“Should’ve beaten that bully to a pulp.” Gray muttered.
“Why, so that boy can receive the same treatment you did?” Erza teased, making him think back to his embarrassing behavior as a child.
“Hey, YOU were the one that beat me to a pulp, you were the bully!”
“What are you talking about? It was self-defense.” Erza simply responded.
Violet had told them (after lots of prodding) that a boy was annoying her lately and always picked a fight with her at school. Gray had asked if he was Natsu’s son but Violet denied, saying she didn’t even know the name of the kid and why that boy seemed to hate her.
Gray cringed when he remembered what Erza had responded that day.
“Hmm..maybe that boy secretly likes you?” Erza had said out of the blue.
“Hah?” Violet raised an eyebrow doubtfully. “That makes no sense.”
“I know, right? That’s what I thought about your father too.”
Erza ended up telling their daughter about Gray’s embarrassing history of trying to get her attention by challenging her to fights he was obviously going to lose. It took a lot of convincing on his part that - for a long time he was in love with her for the scarlet-haired woman to accept him, (one of them was admitting that he probably liked her ever since they first met) so there was no way Gray could deny it when Erza told their daughter Gray had a lousy way of getting her attention because he liked her.
Violet agreed that it was indeed lousy and immature, to which Gray hastily defended himself that he was just a kid and kids being immature is totally normal.
But hey, if he didn’t do it, there was no way Erza was going to talk to him so…it worked for him…sort of. (He was friend zoned for a long time but Gray was going to bury that tragic part of his love life forever. He didn’t think Erza would bring it up again).
“He didn’t bother me today so it was easy to ignore him.” Violet shrugged. “So where did the piano come from?”
“Your mother wants to play for your new little brother.”
Violet had a brief horrified look on her face.
“Mama, if you’re going to play like you did just now; my new brother might come out deaf.”
“I’m going to learn!” Erza defended herself.
“From who? Papa?” Violet couldn’t help but sport a doubtful look. Gray shook his head.
“No, your father would be worse than me.”
“Regular pianos aren’t easy to learn by yourself, Mama.” Violet reasoned gently. “You should just rest a bit more while you can before my brother comes out.”
Sometimes Gray couldn’t help but be stunned at Violet’s maturity. As she grew older, Gray saw more and more of Erza in her, and a touch of gentleness Gray had rarely seen from Erza when they were children.
Gray was glad that their lives had been much more peaceful and happier ever since Zeref and Acnologia had been defeated all those years ago. Zeref, the source of all the tragedy that had happened towards Gray and Erza in their childhood, had forced them to mature at a young age.
Gray prayed every night that Violet wouldn’t have to go through anything they had.
“I could hire a teacher or something.” Erza pouted, snapping Gray out of his thoughts.
For some reason, both Gray and Violet pictured the worst case scenario of a violent, pregnant woman raging on a poor, defenseless piano teacher.
“No.” They both answered. But Gray quickly added, “Coz you know…I’m not spending money on a teacher that probably isn’t even good enough to teach you.”
What was worse than Erza raging because of her hormones was a crying Erza. It was still his biggest weakness.
Violet rolled her eyes at her father’s excuse.
“I already bought the piano! If I don’t play it, who will?” Erza whined.
Violet let out a deep sigh. “Papa, scoot over.”
Gray and Erza were momentarily stunned. But Erza’s look quickly changed to an excited one. “Get off, Gray.” Violet was already pushing Gray away with her tiny hands.
“Hey!” He was sure both mother and daughter get a kick from bullying him.
As the notes hit their ears, Gray and Erza were transfixed as their daughter’s little fingers gently caressed the ivory keys. A beautiful melody resonated in their home, so different from the usual bickering sessions from none other than her own parents that would result in laughter.
When the melody gradually came to a stop, an explosive applause came from Violet’s side. Her mother was actually tearing up and clapping at the same time.
“I had no idea my baby could play like that!” Erza cried as she smothered her daughter in hugs and kisses.
Violet let out a small smile. She glanced at her father who was just gaping in awe. “Papa, you’re going to drool.”
Gray reddened in embarrassment and quickly snapped out of his trance. “Okay, where did you learn the piano?”
“They teach it at school.”
“They teach regular piano at school? How did we not know this? Since when? Erza stop suffocating the girl she can’t answer me.”
Erza loosened her hold but still didn’t completely let go. Her daughter was too amazing! Now if only Violet learnt her Requip magic too. But her daughter only wanted to learn Ice Make as she wasn’t all that interested in armor like her mother was. Of course, Erza was proud of her daughter learning Ice Make, she always thought Gray’s magic was very beautiful.
But still, she wanted to teach her daughter the few things she knew she was good at. Looking at Gray teaching Violet sometimes made Erza jealous. How was it that she was jealous of her own husband? Even though she was way stronger than him?
“There weren’t enough lacrima pianos when they first started teaching so the teacher let me play on a normal piano. Then once there were more lacrima pianos I said I didn’t want them.” Violet shrugged.
Erza nodded in understanding, the proud look never leaving her face. “Okay, Violet. I approve. You will be my teacher as of today.” She declared, to which Violet replied that her mother would still have to take care of her health if she was going to teach her.
“Erza, you don’t have to learn. Look, Violet can play for our baby.”
Erza pointed an accusing finger at her husband. “Why, are you jealous? That I will be spending quality mother-daughter time by letting her teach me?”
“Pfft – I was already spending father-daughter time when she said she’d learn Ice Make over your Requip!” Gray scoffed.
Violet was expecting her mother to argue back but instead was met with the sound of instant sobbing. “He’s right! Baby why won’t you learn my magic?! I want to be a good mother and teach you things too!” Erza tightly held onto her daughter.
Said daughter shot an annoyed look at her father who was instantly flustered and panicking. “Um…uh –That’s not - ”
Use-less, Violet mouthed to her father.
“Hey!” Gray indignantly rejected the claim.
Thus, ten whole minutes was spent on Violet wiping her mother’s tears and reassuring calmly she was the best mother in the world, while Erza declaring she wouldn’t kiss her husband for the rest of the week.
“Did you hear that Gray? I think our baby likes the piano! He definitely kicked just now!” Erza’s eyes sparkled again.
A soft smile graced his face, yet the ice-make wizard was internally hoping he would at least get an ally out of his son in the future, or else he’d never win in this house with both his beautiful wife and daughter ganging up on him.
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