#i need it to spain to take the lead before i rip my hair out
lucawrites11 · 5 months
(jenni scored while i was typing this post and i can turn the match off happy now, please see by live reaction in the tags)
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
Bloodsinger: Vampire! Eddie Munson x Black Reader Drabble Part 3/?
Out of every news source in the country, the one and only lead singer of Corroded Coffin and self proclaimed vampire Eddie Munson has decided to do a sit down interview with The Hawkins Post. Instead of your boss, you’re sent to a mansion on Halloween Night and you’re in no way prepared for what’s in store.
Trigger Warnings: violence, gore, blood k!nk ,  a tinsy bit of cardiophilia if you squint, 80s workplace sexism
Inspired by: The Vampire Chronicles, Lost Boys, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, honestly every single vampire trope and cliche is in present and accounted for in this fic.
minors dni, I check.
i am in spain without the s, get ready for nonsensical lore and angst.
There’s a sharp caress on your neck that wakes you, cold hands holding you tight to their chest.
“Could you at least wait until I’ve had water before you go for seconds? I’m still not sure about all of this Eddie.”
There’s only silence in response and the hold on you grows tighter, painful even.
“Eddie? Eddie, that’s enough, you’re hurting me!”
“ Tell Edward I’m coming for him. Tell him I will rip this town and everyone in it apart until I get what I want, bloodsinger.”  A new voice murmurs in your ear, wiping away one of your tears before new unwelcome fangs sink into your neck.
“ He was right, you do taste good.”
This time you actually do wake up in midnight black satin sheets, feet elevated on a pillow. Bleary eyed and gasping for breath is how Eddie finds you, tray of food in hand but at your side immediately, pulling you close.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Eddie, there was somebody in my head, talking to me, touching me, biting me, it all felt so real. He said he was coming to Hawkins and going to kill everyone.” You explained, clutching at your neck but feeling nothing there.
Wide eyed, he lets you go, hands in his hair, that sadness fading right back.
“Eddie, what’s wrong? Who was that?” 
“ There’s something I need to show you.  But first, you need to eat.” He slides the tray full of food in front of you and takes your notepad and pen out of reach.
“ Eat and you can ask all the questions you want, baby. “
“ Still not your baby. You’re not going to give me my panties back are you?”
“What did I just say about questions?”
You grumble but eat as the rocker looks over the wound in your thigh, licking the small remnant of blood that came through the bandage. Your life could be in mortal peril and all you could think about was lying the fuck back down for round two.
“Ok, finished. What do you need to show me? “
“First, try not to scream.”
There’s not a chance to ask why before he takes you in his arms again, sneaking a kiss on your bare thigh before racing at a breakneck speed out of his bedroom (not fair, you didn’t even get a chance to look around) and down the stairs in front of the fireplace. 
“You wanted to know why you look like her, I think it’s time I tell you the truth.” He mutters and pulls on a book on the mantelpiece. There’s an audible click and the front of the fireplace swings open to reveal a dark room.
“It’s not as creepy as it looks, I promise.” Eddie said, setting you down with an uneasy smile before flipping a light switch. Light floods the room and to your somewhat relief, it’s not a room full of corpses.
It’s a room of you.
Portraits of you, each older than the next, stunningly crafted works of art that can only be made by the hands of someone in love.
“You painted all of these, didn’t you?”’
“Almost all of them, Leo wouldn’t shut up until he painted one.”
In the center of the room in a glass case is the exact thing that makes you scream.
A beating heart.
Yeah, that’ll do it, time to go.
He’s at the door before you can go running screaming out into the night.
“Wait! Before you go full torch and pitchfork it’s not any of their hearts. Please let me explain, I wouldn’t have shown you this if it wasn’t important, please just give me five minutes.”
“ A long time ago, one of my friend’s brothers went missing in our village. No one was really doing anything about it or listening to his mother so we decided to try and find him ourselves. What we found was a vampire who called himself Vecna who had been keeping the kid hostage.  Vecna wouldn’t let him go, he said he would rip our entire village apart to have him. And he did.”
“He killed your whole village?”
“Almost. We were just a bunch of kids trying to save our friend, we didn’t know what would happen, one thing led to another and my blood spilling on the ground made him stop in his tracks. So I made a trade: me in exchange for the child.”
“You gave yourself up? Just like that?”
 “The only reason Vecna let him go was because my blood sang to him. He nearly killed me but I managed to get away from him and that’s when I met her.” He points to the first portrait of you on the wall.
“She was just a girl from a neighboring village, funny and kind, a lot like you.  I thought all the bad things were behind me but Vecna found me. I managed to trick him into turning me so my blood would be useless to him but not before he ripped her to pieces. All she did was show me a little bit of kindness and I got her killed.”  He turned away from you, the rockstar facade finally melting away so there’s a tired man in front of you.
“I’m so sorry.”
“ There’s that little bit of kindness again.  Shall I keep going or are you ready to head for the hills?”
“ I’ll give you an extension on your time.”
“You might not like the ending.”
“I think that’s up to me to decide, thank you very much.”
“ Fine. I managed to overpower him and tore his body apart, scattering them all over the world but keeping his heart for myself. I didn’t know that he could do then, what older vampires could do until I saw your face, nearly a hundred years later.” He points to the next portrait.
“I made the mistake of thinking everything was over, that this was a sign from God or the universe that I could be fucking happy again. I told her everything like I’m telling you now and she loved me anyway.  Just like yours , her blood sang to me and I didn’t want to hurt her so we had a plan; on our wedding night I would make her like me.”
“Wait, there’s a vampire with my face running around?!”
He shook his head.
“ The day before our wedding, she heard a voice in her head that said horrible things about her, about her family. This voice showed her things that weren’t there and she was so distracted by it that she walked into the road. I tried to turn her but it didn’t take. She died, scared and in pain, but not before she whispered one word to me.”
“ Turns out even you dismember ancient vampire creatures, they can still fuck you over.  Even without a physical body, he placed a curse on me.  If he couldn’t have his bloodsinger,  I would never have mine. Every single time I got close to them, they died. Each time I thought I could break it but it never worked, nothing has ever worked. So, I stopped trying to find them, let whatever version of you that was out there in the world live a nice, non tragic life.  I found others like me, found my music, and just lived. “
“So what changed?” 
“ You.” He finally looks back at you.
“ Me? What do you mean, me?”
“My publicist wanted me to do some press, sent me a shit ton of newspapers with journalists to choose from. I saw your face on the staff page of The Hawkins Post and I thought I could just-”
It all makes sense now and you find yourself slowly backing away from him, shaking, a strange mixture of fear and anger coursing through your body.
“Oh Eddie, no.”
“ I just wanted to see if it was really true. I thought I could piss you off and you’d get the fuck away from me.  Then you were here, you were really right here in front of me, and I couldn’t help myself.” He reaches out for you but you shake your head.
“So you knew what was going to happen from the very beginning and you still did it?  I heard him in my head Eddie, I heard Vecna! Jesus Christ, how long do I have?”
“It could be different this time. I can protect you, just please don’t leave.” He’s crying now, eyes wild and desperate looking from the portraits and back at you.
You do the thing you should have done the first time, you run.
You were right the first time, that room was a tomb.
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dumbhaikyuusimp · 3 years
don’t. it’ll just hurt more.
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eren yeager x fem!reader
words: 2326
synopsis: you go to find eren to get any details about what’s to come next. 
warnings: NSFW, smut, rough sex, anger sex, shouting, dom!eren, just the smallest amount of fluff, spain without the s, heartbreak.
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Live bait. That’s what you were sent as, basically. Sure, they called it “recon”. Find the camp of the Yeagerists, find Eren, and report back to the Survey Corps about what they had planned beyond the Rumbling. When it would happen, how they would start, things like that. But as the only member of the 104th who wasn’t dead, pregnant, or traitorous, you were the pick to go. Armin and Mikasa were deemed “too close” to Eren to complete this mission, despite the four of you being as thick as thieves from before you could remember. Eren saw Mikasa as a sister. Armin, a best friend. But he always had a softer spot for you. A crush, maybe? 
That’s what Jean called it anyways. He was juvenile. 
Hanji sent you because of anyone, you could get him to talk. Or at least, if you were caught, you were less likely to be killed. Hence why you were sure that you were simply live bait. 
A lot of the searching was done by yourself on horseback, taking out the occasional straggler titan here and there whenever one approached, since no one really knew where the Yeagerists’ camp was. You searched in and around the forest, but something in you knew that Levi wouldn’t risk putting his own camp with Zeke anywhere near Eren’s. You soon approached an abandoned town, which looked like it had been abandoned for many years despite being within the walls and titan free. And there just so happened to be the faint glow of a fire and smoke within the town. It was a fair distance anyway from any Scout posts, and well off the beaten path, so they were well hidden. But you knew Eren enough to find him nonetheless. 
You slid off the back of your horse just outside of the town limits, feeding her an apple from your pack before tying her reins to a small tree next to a small pond so she could drink. 
“Good girl, Scooter,” you praised her gently, petting her mane gently before tugging your cloak around your shoulders a bit tighter. It was a breezy, cool night and the nerves didn’t help with the chills either. You were stepping into enemy territory, despite many of the Yeagerists having once been your teammates and friends. Including your childhood best friend. You then stepped into the town limits, the gravel under your feet crunching with every step as you tried to be as quiet as possible. You didn’t want to be seen, just wanting to get in and out with as much information as you could possibly get. 
However, you were only one person. And while that would normally cater to your stealthy needs, a random straggler would be easily caught. 
“Now, what do we have here?” a familiar voice mused from behind you as you got closer to what you assumed to be their main base in the town square. You groaned externally, and not quietly either. You were already caught so why bother?
“Hi, Floch,” you greeted him as you turned around, a sour smile on your face as you saw his cocky expression like he caught the crime of the entire century. What did piss you off is that he knew it was you, like they’d either been watching you or knew that the Scouts would send you. “Alright, I’ll cut right to the chase. Where’s Eren? I need to talk to him.”
“Yeah, no, I’m not gonna do that,” Floch replied as he approached you, backing you into a wall. After all, he was armed and you were not. Your ODM gear was back in a pack and sheath on your horse, not wanting to deter any talks or negotiations with the presence of weapons. However, you would have loved your ODM gear to leave right about now. 
“If you don’t get the fuck out of my face and take me to Eren right now, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you,” you warned the kid, eyes narrow as you stared daggers into him. Floch let out a chuckle before pulling out one of his swords, holding it to your neck. However, before he could say anything else, you heard someone approaching the two of you quickly. 
“Floch,” a stern yet calm voice spoke up from beside you, and Floch immediately backed up and put away his sword. “Fuck off, will you?”
Floch nodded without a single word and hurried back to the town square, leaving just you and Eren standing alone in the dark street. The breeze picked up a bit, the sound contrast of your Scouts cloak and his baggy cardigan filling your ears as they blew wildly against the wind. 
“Hey buddy,” you finally spoke, nodding at him. His hands were nonchalantly in his pockets, eyes devoid of any emotion as he just looked at you. “How have you been?”
“Cut the shit, Y/N,” he replied coldly, shaking his head almost in disbelief. “Why are you here? You’re not gonna get anything from me, so you might as well leave.”
“And why do you say that? What if I wanted to join your cause?” you shrugged. “I have intel your guys don’t know now that you’ve completely left the Scouts.”
He stared at you a little while longer before shaking his head again, approaching you and taking your hand a little bit roughly. “We’re not having a conversation like this out here,” he told you sternly, leading you into the building that you had been pressed against. 
“Why not?” you questioned him once more. Seeing him face to face after so long made a bunch of unknown emotions bubble to the surface. “You don’t want your men to hear me chew you out? Yell at you for abandoning us, your best fucking friends? Huh, is that it?”
Eren slammed the door behind you as you continued to rant. The building you had been led into had once been a home, and the decorative plates still perched on some shelves shook as he did so. “You don’t want me to yell at you for laughing when Sasha died? Or for breaking out before we even had a chance to talk? Talk to me, Eren! Why?”
“Because I can’t fucking lose you!” he finally turned to you, screaming in your face. You stood your ground, not flinching as you were more than used to his anger. “I want to get as far away from you as possible so it doesn’t fucking hurt when either of us die because it’s fucking inevitable!”
You were silent for a little bit as he huffed, his face red and angry as he looked at you. His eyes were furious, but you were unsure if the fury was directed at you, or himself. 
“You done?” you asked as if you were scolding a tantruming child, which is almost what he was right at that moment. “We can still help you, Eren. Trust me.”
He shook his head, the ponytail holder in his hair becoming loose. “You can’t fucking help me anymore. No one in the Scouts would take me back, not even Mikasa or Armin. And Mikasa is basically obsessed with me. I need to stick with this plan.”
“God, is everything about you? Always? You’re a fucking joke,” you snorted, moving around him to leave the house. You weren’t going to get anything from him at this point so you just wanted to cut your losses and go back home. He suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to face him, just so he could press you against the wall. He towered over you, placing one of his hands by your face and leaning close.
“You’re one to fucking talk. Eren, why did you leave me? Talk to me, Eren,” he mocked you.
“Fuck you,” you spat in his face, and he grabbed your jaw to make you look at him in the eyes before locking your lips together almost furiously. You weren’t sure how you got to this point, since you were at each other’s throats not even two seconds before that. 
But you weren’t complaining. 
You forced your lips against his with equal force, the kiss filled with lust, fury, and longing. You could tell he had been wanting to kiss you since you were kids, had wanted to hold your hand and call you his, but all of that was gone now. There was no hope for your future. Or anyone’s futures. Not with his plan. 
He unbuttoned your cloak, letting it drop to the floor as you shoved his cardigan onto the floor as well. His hands moved to around your waist, pulling you close as he tried to get your shirt unbuttoned. His hands were trembling, either from nerves or fury, so he resulted in ripping off your shirt instead. The buttons popped off, flying everywhere. You even heard one knock into a decorative plate, causing it to fall to the floor and smash at your feet. Eren’s hands then moved to your butt, picking you up with ease as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“What are we doing?” you whispered breathily as you finally broke the heated kiss, Eren now moving to the stairs and walking up them with you still in his arms. He was leaving kisses and marks down your neck now as you did so. 
“Something we’ve always wanted to do,” he growled back to you, kicking a bedroom door open and practically throwing you on the bed. It was well slept in, the sheets clean and the blankets ruffled, and it was now clear to you that this was the house Eren had been staying in. “Our last chance.”
“You’re a fucking prick,” you told him, but he quickly shut you up with another rough kiss. He began working on taking off your pants, throwing them across the room. There was no getting either of you ready, the both of you were just too needy for that. Eren then got up, staring directly at you as he lifted off his shirt and tossed it aside. 
“Keep talking like that and I’ll give you an actual reason to hate me. Shirt off, now,” he commanded, to which you easily complied. Eren pulled off his slacks, kicking them away before rejoining you on the bed. He, however, didn’t touch you for a solid ten seconds. He just...stared at you. Drinking in all he could of you in that moment, not wanting it to end before it even began. He then grabbed your thighs, pushing your legs back and moving the fabric of your soaked panties aside. 
You didn’t say a word as you watched him, but simply reached for his hand and held it as tightly as possible as he slid into you. The two of you didn’t waste any time. Eren gripped the back of your head with one hand, your hand still tightly held in his other, as he began to thrust desperately and roughly into you. You were sure that his crew outside could hear your moans, but you didn’t care. This is something that you had been wanting for a while, ever since you realized your feelings a couple of years prior, and this was truly the last time you would get the chance to do this with him. Be close, pressed together with your lips against his. 
“Y/N,” he grunted breathlessly, head buried in your neck as his thrusts became sloppy. “Y/N, I love y--” 
“Don’t,” you whined, holding his hand tighter and now placing your joined hands between your sweaty bodies. “Please, don’t make it hurt more th...that this is our first and last time together…”
Eren just nodded, kissing your forehead as he continued to fuck you with everything he had. You wanted this moment to last forever, but of course, nothing did. 
You watched Eren sleep soundly next to you as you sat up on the bed. You gently brushed his hair from his face, smiling gently at him. You wanted to stay with him. Every fibre of your being longed to just run away with him, leave all of this behind. But nothing could convince him to stop his plans. Not even your love. You leaned down, kissing his forehead before standing up. You got dressed once more, in all but your cloak. It was still downstairs along with his cardigan. You made your way there, picking up Eren’s ODM gear that he had and putting it on along the way so you could make a clean escape. You picked up your cloak, folding it nicely so the Scouts logo was front and centre as you placed it on the table. You then took his cardigan and shrugged it over your shoulders before leaving the house and Eren behind forever. As you made your way down the streets, zipping between the few buildings back to your horse, you couldn’t help but let out a harsh sob. 
You had failed your entire mission to begin with, and also got your heart broken in the meantime. When you got back to your horse, you dropped Eren’s ODM gear there at the tree before untying your horse and getting on. You then dug into the pockets of Eren’s cardigan to warm your hands. Your eyebrows knit together in curiosity as you pulled out a little piece of paper, and the curiosity persisted as you opened it to read what was there. You smiled a little bit upon seeing Eren’s handwriting, but also in amazement at what was there. A note to who you assumed was Zeke, to be passed through many hands to somehow get to him. A small snippet of the plan, enough to make Hanji ecstatic. With one final look at the town, you clicked your tongue as a signal for your horse. And just like that, you were gone.
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Daddy’s Best Friend
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DBF Master List
Word Count: 1331
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    The people buzzing around Amaris are nothing more than annoying flies as she ventures through the venue, setting up the finishing touches for her big day. Casey, the planner, rushes over to Amaris, setting a hand on her shoulder. "Amaris, baby, you don't need to do anything," She says. Amaris sighs and nods.
    "I know. I just need to busy myself." Casey nods and slowly leads Amaris back to her dressing room.
    "Every bride feels that on her wedding day. My team and I have set up a lovely room for you and your friends. We have champagne, snacks, and the most comfortable robes you will ever wear. Which you get to take home after the ceremony," Casey wiggles her arm against Amaris's, earning a forced giggle from the bride. "Your sisters are already inside. Cleo should arrive in a few minutes, according to your groom."
     Amaris gives a small thank you as they reach the door. "Your hairstylist and makeup artist should be in just after your friends to get everyone ready," Casey informs. "I will handle absolutely everything else. If you need anything, even a baby blue chair from Switzerland, someone from my team will go get it for you, okay?" She jokes as she opens the door for Amaris.
    "Thank you for everything, Casey. I really appreciate your help." Casey waves her off and leaves her to be with her younger sisters. Juno is the first to get up and hug her.
    "I'm so excited for you. This is a huge day," She squeals. Amaris nods with a heavy sigh. "Hey, what's wrong?" Juno asks, holding onto her older sister's shoulders.
    "Just feeling off, I guess," Amaris shrugs. Of course, she felt off. She let Tom slip right through her fingers and even pushed him through the cracks to rid herself of him. This toxic feeling in her stomach wasn't usual bridal nerves. It was this never-ending notion that this was the wrong decision. Amaris was gutted to the core. She had nothing else to give besides forcing each breath and every step towards her execution. The killing of who she used to be in favor of her family's legacy.
    Cleo bursts in, shades still on and bright red lipstick stains on her teeth. "Look who's getting married," She squeals, pulling Amaris into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm so proud of you girlie, I never thought you'd get married, let alone be the first one of us." The compliment is underhanded and makes Amaris roll her eyes, pushing Cleo off of her.
    "Thanks for that, Cleo. Real help on a big day," Danica mutters, pouring a glass of champagne for everyone.
    "Oh, don't be such a party pooper, Danny Wanny," Cleo coes, pinching Danica's cheek. She swats it off, bearing her teeth at the personal space invader. "It is your sister's wedding day, after all. This is about her, of course." Amaris shares a look with Danny, unamused and already on their last nerve. The only reason Cleo was part of Amaris's wedding party was that she's like a leech and never lets go. "Um, can I speak with you in private, Mrs. Bonnet?" Cleo asks, eyeing Juno up and down. The last name makes Amaris feel sick all over again. It was Armel's surname, and she didn't deserve the title.
    Amaris follows Cleo to the other side of the room, rolling her eyes again in unison with Danica. "I thought it was just us girlies today," Amaris follows Cleo's gaze towards Juno. "I mean no offense to them and all, but let's be honest, she's not really a she," Cleo continues. Amaris's blood runs cold, and her fists clench tightly at her sides. Her shoulders stiffen, and her ears start to rush with blood.
    "Excuse me?" Amaris asks, voice laced with venom and low, not to offend Juno. "What did you just say about my damn sister?" Cleo tilts her head to the side and gives Amaris a pitiful look like she was delusional.  
    "I said no offense," She defends.
    "Get out," Amaris snarls, backing away from Cleo to give her room to leave. Cleo looks back at her with a confused expression.
    "What do you mean by that?" Cleo asks as if it wasn't blatantly obvious why she was being kicked out of the wedding ceremony.
    "I mean, you're being a disrespectful bitch towards my wonderful sister. Who's ten times more ladylike than you ever could be. I don't want you in my ceremony, I don't want you in the damn audience, and I better not see you at my reception, or you're going to have hell to pay. Do you understand?"
    "We have a bridezilla over here," Cleo laughs, holding her hands up and looking for backup from the other two Clarke sisters. "I'll let you calm down for a little bit, and I'll be back." She leaves the room, and Amaris quickly follows, finding a member of her planning staff. They're informed about everything going on and told to keep Cleo away from the ceremony at any cost.
    Juno tackles Amaris in a hug the minute the door closes behind her as she reenters the dressing room. Amaris is nearly knocked on her feet by the force her sister comes at her with. The continuous thanks coming from Juno calm Amaris down slightly. She would do anything for her sister's, and it was just a kicker that it was the woman Amaris couldn't stand.
    The beauty squad arrives while the sisters make a toast, hyping the two younger ones up easily. Amaris couldn't quite get as excited, a weighted ball on her chest preventing her from feeling anything but dread.
    As she sits in the chair, Amaris stares at herself in the mirror while a red-haired girl starts styling her hair. Her skin is dull and lifeless. Her eyes are dark and sunken in like she hasn't slept a day in her life. The questions the stylist asks fall over deaf ears as Amaris goes through all possible scenarios that could happen as she walks down the aisle.
    The dress could rip, and she could fall. Tom could come running in, stop the wedding, and declare his love for her in the middle of the aisle. But he wouldn't. Amaris could dream all she wanted, but Tom was on his way to Spain right now, and she was about to walk to the aisle to someone she didn't care for.
    Amaris loved Tom. More than life itself. She could remember Tom's favorite tea and the way he hums right before he's about to fall asleep. Amaris can feel his arms wrapping around her while she makes breakfast and his weight on her chest when she's lying on the couch reading, and he demands her attention.
    She's shoved back into reality when Danica smacks Amaris's thigh harshly, causing a red raised pattern in the shape of her hand. Her face is done, and her hair is pulled back in some curlers. "Earth to Mari," She chuckles. "How are we feeling? Need more champagne?" Amaris shakes her head slightly.
    "No, I'll be okay. I was just lost in the anxiety of all this," Amaris shrugs. Danny gives her a small smile and rubs her knee reassuringly.
    "I'm sure everything will be fine. If anything embarrassing happens, I'll do something twice as embarrassing to make up for it, alright? I'll even make Juno join."
    "I'll out embarrass both of you," Juno calls before sipping on her champagne with a smug smile while she sits in her own makeup chair. Danica stares her down, rolling her eyes.
    "Does everything have to be a competition with you, Juno?"
    "Yes," Juno nods firmly. The sisters all laugh together, a tiny bit of happiness on a bleak day. They continue to chat, distracting Amaris from her thoughts as the glam squad finishes off everyone's hair and makeup. Amaris nearly forgets the next item on the list is putting on her mother's dress.
Taglist: @queenofallhobos @kingtwhiddleston @cynic-spirit @end-up-well @xoxabs88xox @k-reads7 @1marvelnerd3000​ @jhawk608​
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alias-levi · 3 years
flash fic friday #7
for @liz-pooh . in celebration of the exams you passed. i got you and i love you 💙
i also want to say that I'm not 100% happy with what I'm written but I'm quite happy with how my initial draft of this turned out in the end.
i appreciate very much every interaction with this post! 💙
fandom: twilight word count: abt. 1,500 words pairing: Felix/fem!oc topics (and warnings): teasing, fluff, domestic!Felix, i gotta admit Demetri is only mentioned like twice, dancing salsa
summary: Liza, Felix and Demetri have been sent to Galicia, Spain to find out more about an old vampire. But it’s late summer and the days are sheer endless - and so is the time that has to pass before they can leave the house. Time to learn some salsa.
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[ID: They learned how to salsa on a Friday night in the dim light of the kitchen.]
source: this prompt is from @poison-prompts (it's also #66 if anyone wanted to know) and the only thing that is different, is that it's not dim haha
thank you and the text is below the cut :) enjoy!
Spain is a beautiful country - especially in late summer. The mostly dry air makes it rather easy to breathe in the heat. The seemingly endless masses of tourists are finally travelling home and there are a few quieter weeks before the first winter tourists arrive, looking for a place to stay warm and cozy while their home countries drown in rain and snow. They come to Spain to escape the depressing grey sky, the short days and long nights. In late summer, the nights are still warm enough to even go swimming in the ocean - not that the temperature would have been a big concern for three vampires anyways.
Liza, Felix and Demitri have been sent to Galicia by Aro. Their order is to find out more about a male vampire that’s supposed to be in the area. He is rumored to be several hundred years old and to have explicit information on the Spanish royals. Aro has also heard that this vampire is not too friendly towards strangers and - that’s where Liza’s power comes into picture - is said to be one of the last dozen people who still speak an old Galician dialect.
Aro is not taking any chances.
So, he sent Liza.
Because that’s what she does: Whenever Liza talks, the recipient will, without a doubt, hear her words in their mother tongue. No matter how ancient, how rare, how complicated or hard to pronounce the language is. While Liza always speaks her own first language, German, the received sound will differ. This has caused quite some surprised reactions so far and Liza loves seeing people get excited and emotional about hearing the language their mother once spoke. Especially older vampires.
Aro had provided the trio with a nice small finca near Oia, on Spain’s north-west coast. It’s not exactly a tourist hotspot like other Spanish cities, so their area is rather quiet. Just like the long days in the finca.
With a sigh Liza turns yet another page in the book she is reading. Demetri had retreated to his room just after noon, leaving Liza and Felix alone in the living area. The dining table somewhere behind Liza is cluttered with files and documents that Felix needs to examine to make sure they did not overlook anything.
Another dramatic sigh leaves the female vampire’s lips. Liza throws her book next to her onto the cushions and dramatically turns her head to look out of the window front. From the terrace, through the garden and beyond the fence a narrow path winds down just to the coast. Their own private beach.
Still, there’s hours to pass for the sun to set eventually.
Liza listens to Felix drop his file onto the table. His chair gets pushed back. Only a bit, though. She can hear it scratching over the wooden floor. He doesn’t stand up.
“Querida, have you ever danced salsa before?”
Liza snorts. “No, I can’t dance anyways.”
“You could learn it. You've got a lot of time now.”
“And who’s going to show me? You?”
There’s a challenge in her voice and Liza turns just enough to be able to look over the back of the sofa. Felix is staring at her, his elbows resting on his knees, hands together, head slightly tilted. He looks intimidating. Like a predator preparing to attack his prey.
“Querida you forget where I’m from. I’ve been dancing salsa before I could even walk.”
“How come I’ve never seen you dance before then?”
“Well, I’ve been lacking the right... partner for that. Come here, let me show you.”
“No, thank you. As I said, I can’t dance.” Liza laughs and turns back around.
“Oh come on! This is going to be fun!”
“Make me!”
Liza’s book gets ripped out of her hands and hits the wall with a thud before falling to the floor. Still sitting on the sofa, Felix is towering above her. He leans down, one hand on either side of her. Felix’ face is so close, Liza can see her reflection in his dark red eyes and ever so often she can’t help but look down onto his lips. But she doesn’t get to do anything about it.
Felix winks at Liza.
Taking her hands he pulls her up and away from the sofa. Felix doesn’t let go of her hands when he takes another step back and turns serious again.
“Basic steps, querida. It’s not as hard as it looks.”
Liza rolls her eyes. “Fine.”
“Good. Now mirror me. Left, right, left. Right, left, right. Do it again.”
“Easy. That’s it?”
Felix smiles at her, “oh no. These are the basic steps that will stay the same all the time. Oh and you need to move your hips more.”
Liza’s eyes shoot up to look at Felix. A smug grin on his face.
“If you wanna see me shake my booty, you just had to ask, boy.”
Felix moves to stand behind his girlfriend and his sudden closure makes it surprisingly hard to concentrate. His lips are at her ear, softly touching it as he speaks quietly.
“Again, querida. Left, right, left. Right, left, right. Left-”
The vampire’s hands have been sitting loosely on Liza’s hips. Guiding them, his body as close as possible but still leaving her enough space. When she missteps, Liza rests her head on her boyfriend, groaning. Felix chuckles softly into her ear.
“Am I making you nervous, querida?”
“Nervous is not what I would call it,” she turns around in his arms. There’s an expression flickering through her eyes that causes Felix to swallow hard. “Let’s just say you distract me... Anyways, what’s next?”
Felix watches Liza bat her eyelashes innocently at him and it takes clearing his throat for him to find his words again.
“Right, right. So next we do this together. Come here.”
Felix doesn’t wait for Liza. He pulls her back in, probably a bit too far, but that is not the point. Liza laughs briefly and takes Felix’ hand. After making sure she’s good with the basic steps, Felix starts rotating them. Slowly but surely they make one round, and it is really coming together.
It’s cute how concentrated Liza stares at their feet, Felix finds, so he decides to spice things up by telling her to do a double step. Though neither vampire stops in their movements, Liza looks at Felix in disbelief.
“A double step?”
“Yes,” he smiles at her encouragingly, “I’ll count you in twice then we actually do it, okay?”
Her answer is breathless but her eyes never leave Felix’. After a couple more minutes Liza gets the hang of it and feels safe enough to look at Felix again. He looks utterly happy and relaxed. She smiles.
Felix looks at his girlfriend with a proud face. “Close your eyes,” he tells her. “Keep the steps the same, that’s the only thing you need to concentrate on. I’ll do the rest. Trust me.”
And Liza does. Closing her eyes, she rolls her shoulders one last time and relaxes her hands. She can feel Felix move them around again, slow circles but not on the spot anymore. Felix leads them in bigger circles through the area. Once he feels sure enough that Liza will keep the steps, he starts moving faster. He watches her frown.
“You’re getting faster.”
“Correcto, querida. You’re doing great so far.”
Liza smiles and suddenly Felix’ hand leaves her hip. His other keeps holding hers and her free hand just hovers in the air. For three steps they stay like this, then Liza feels Felix’ chest under her fingertips again. She opens her eyes and takes the look in.
Smiling brightly Felix’ eyes never leave her face. His dark, usually very neat hair, looks a bit disheveled and his black silky dress shirt is halfway unbuttoned.
Quite a look, Liza thinks to herself.
But the female vampire doesn’t look less alluring. Tight black control leggings are hugging her curves and her white sheer cotton blouse has been unbuttoned a while ago. Underneath, a white crop top holds everything in place and covers about as much as it reveals.
Felix can’t take his eyes off her as they dance. Dancing salsa again after all this time brings back some memories he usually keeps locked away. But the woman in his hands keeps his brain routed in the present. By now, she is taking some initiative. Liza is putting more power into her steps and swings her hips just a bit more. When Felix’ eyes return to Liza’s face he watches her tip her head back and laugh. Freely. Happily.
In a swift motion, he brings their bodies together. He doesn’t need to tell her that they are no longer doing double steps. By now hours must have passed and their bodies are synced oh so well.
Reflexively Liza gasps for air. She raises her arms to lock her hands in his neck. Her eyes wide open as Felix’ hands cup her side firmly. She knows what’s about to come.
Then Felix kisses her.
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wowweeharrystyles · 5 years
Part 4 | Ripped Trousers & Giving In | 8.5K
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‘Sequins & Zippers’ Summary: An internship with Harry Lambert transformed into a job of a lifetime - Aurora Del Gatto finds herself touring the world with the one & only Harry Styles as his ‘Head of Wardrobe.’ Aurora is nothing but nerves & excitement as she packs her bags & almost 100 custom designer suits that belong to an unbelievably kind rockstar. She never thought she’d fall in love on top of it all.
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/N: these videos from HSLOT18 inspired me a LOT to write this chapter sooooo x x x x (let me tell you... these videos... whewwww) 
“I didn’t get a chance to bet against you…. so I still get to keep my job yeah?” Aurora asks waving a folded piece of paper as she walks towards Harry. Harry laughs before pulling her into a hug. 
“Only get to keep it cause I need ya to tie to those damn bows on my shirts. Remind me why we chose so many shirts like that?” He gives her a cheeky smile when he leans back to look at her, his hands clasping at her lower back. Her laugh fills the space of the empty coffee shop and Harry’s smile grows bigger. Aurora pushes the lone curl that has fallen onto his forehead back up to fit in with the rest of his curls. 
Harry’s clad in his favourite slim fit black gucci trousers and a worn in white t shirt. All Harry’s note had lead on was that they’d be walking a bit, noting to wear“comfortable shoes” and then the name of the coffee shop he’d meet her at. 
“So what kind of plans do you have up your sleeves?”
“How do you feel about museums?” He laughs when he sees her face light up. “Guess you like them?” 
“Is it that obvious?” She giggles as her hands fly up to cover her face. 
“Yes.” She groans at his eager response. “But it’s kinda cute, if I’m honest.” 
“Come on, you’ve got like a 30 second window before I get so embarrassed about my excitement to go to a museum in Barcelona that I bail on you and spend the rest of the day watching my entire iTunes movie collection.” 
“You will have plenty of time to watch ‘This Is Us’ later.” Aurora rolls her eyes at him as he grabs their coffees from the barista and leads them out of the shop. 
They spend the majority of the afternoon walking through Fundación Joan Miró. Harry’s hand rarely leaves the small of Aurora’s back the entire time through the museum. During those rare times, he’s towing her along with her hand in his. Harry is thankful for the time they get to spend together on a free day, a day neither of them have to work. He tells her this repeatedly as they admire the art. 
| | | | |
They’re tucked away in the corner table on the patio seating at a local restaurant harry picked out as the sun is setting that evening. Aurora can’t help but admire the way the lighter green flecks in Harry’s eyes sparkly from the reflection of the fairy lights that line the trellises of the patio. 
“What’re you thinking about?” Harry asks before sipping his wine. Aurora fiddles with the stem of her wine glass for a moment. 
“Hm?” She shakes her head. “Nothing really.” Harry raises an eyebrow at her. 
“Seems like something,” he says softly, leaning forward. 
Aurora scrunches her nose with a small smirk trying to maneuver her thoughts. “Today was just really nice.” She sips her wine so she doesn’t say more. 
Dinner is full of small glances and sweet smiles. Harry, like the gentleman he is, walks Aurora to her hotel room door and gives her a kiss on the cheek when they finally say goodnight. 
| | | | |
Aurora is sitting on the counter of the sink while Harry finishes getting ready for the show tonight. She’s admiring the way his hair is sitting perfectly and the way that his suit sparkles even in the fluorescent lights of the arena bathroom. 
“Hand me the Tom Ford bottle there, love?” Harry’s question pulls her out of her daze. She hands him the bottle after taking a look at it. 
Helene gives Aurora a look. Aurora spilled everything to her on the flight to Spain and she’s been teasing and shooting her cheeky looks relentlessly all day. While Aurora was steaming Harry’s suit earlier and Harry was going on and on about the museum they went to yesterday as Ayae messed about with his hair Helene couldn’t help but giggle along with the two of them. Harry was exaggerating Aurora’s excitement about the museum and she was  fighting him about it. “Thought she might faint from excitement” he told Ayae like Helene and Aurora weren’t right there with them. The 4 of them were comfortable and carefree together before shows. Harry liked to keep a light mood while he gets ready. Once he starts brushing his teeth though, he gets all serious. Aurora finds it quite entertaining to see the stark difference. 
Harry continuously jokes with the girls and picks fun at Aurora. He just HAS to bring up Aurora’s movie collection too. When he starts listing off the movie titles in her collection Helene and Ayae burst into a fit of laughter. Aurora rolls her eyes, something that has become a normal occurrence in any conversation with Harry. 
Now, here in the bathroom the conversation has settled down and Harry is generally silent. He’s already brushed his teeth and is now just taking the time to focus and calm down his recurring nerves that pop up every night. Besides Harry’s question, the only other sound that echoes in the empty bathroom is the click of Helene’s camera. Harry’s spraying his cologne on his neck when Helene’s shutter goes off again. “I’m gonna go grab a different lens for the show. Good luck tonight, H!” and at that Aurora and Harry are left alone in the echoey bathroom. 
Aurora draws her attention back to Harry who is setting the Tom Ford bottle back on the counter. He runs his hands lightly through his hair, turning his head slightly so the strong line of his jaw is emphasised. Aurora reaches out towards him, tugging on the bottom hem of his jacket. Harry turns towards her and raises his eyebrows at her. A small smirk appears on his face as he sees the smile on Aurora’s face. He takes one step closer to her and fits himself between her legs. Her legs that were once swinging freely off the counter now completely still as his hands land on her thighs near her knees. Harry reaches his head down to her level and a lock of curls fall out of place and catch on his eyelashes. Aurora first reaches for the curls, swiping them away from his eye but they fall right back. Then, she uses her pointer finger on the side of his chin to turn his head back to the angle that showcases his jawline so well. She places a soft kiss at the hinge of his jaw. Harry giggles lowly at the light touch. When Aurora pulls away to get a good look at him Harry opens his mouth to say something but before he can get a single sound out Harry’s named is getting called repeatedly from the hallway. Most likely Jeff looking for him. Harry’s head drops back on his shoulders and a light groan comes from the back of his throat. 
“Always thinks I’m gonna be late,” he comments. “Gonna watch from the audience tonight?” Harry asks. Aurora nods. 
“Absolutely. Gotta see how this suit sparkles under the stage lighting,” she says, pulling the edges of the jacket together. She buttons it closed for him. 
“All you care about is seeing my suits on stage…” 
“Quite like to see the person wearing them too,” she mumbles. That earns a kiss to her cheek and both of his hands squeeze at her knees. Harry’s name is called again but much louder now. “Good luck,” she presses a kiss close to his mouth, only being able to reach her neck up so high. Even with sitting on a high counter, he’s still much taller than she is. 
| | | | |
Aurora finds her favourite spot in the audience, the back of the pit but still close enough to the crowd of fans that she can feed off their energy and hide her dancing if she needs too. From here she also gets an amazing view of the stage but her absolute favourite part of standing here is when the show starts and the screen rises up. Harry’s comment earlier was partially right. She does love seeing how his suits look on stage but what she loves most about it is the crowd’s reaction. She loves hearing their speculations before the show starts, she loves how the screams heighten when they get a little glimpse of him and she really loves seeing friends turn to each other, smiles covering their entire face, yelling some sort of comment to each other. Tonight she makes out a few screaming comments along the lines of sequins, glitter, and sparkly. Someone standing nearby comments about his hair and Aurora nods to herself with a laugh. His hair becomes somewhat of a thing throughout the entire performance. The stray curl she repeatedly pushed away from his face throughout yesterday and today fell into his eyes repeatedly throughout the show. Helene found Aurora once Harry launched into ‘Anna’. Harry’s adorn in a rainbow flower lei and one of the many pride flags draped around his shoulders. Harry’s incredibly carefree on stage and Aurora admires that about him so much. He’s goofy, and playful, and giggly but still puts on the best show he possibly can. Helene and Aurora sing along to ‘Anna’ and laugh at Harry’s dance moves during ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. They see Harry turn to Mitch and say something on stage, all while reaching down to the inside seam of his pants. 
“Did he just rip his trousers?” Helene asks Aurora in disbelief. 
“Oh god. He did, didn’t he?” Aurora rolls her eyes and her head falls back on her neck, a short chuckle leaving her mouth. “Well… guess I gotta go handle that. He’s got one more before he walks off yeah?” 
Helene nods. “Good luck.” 
Aurora shows her pass to the security at the edge of the pit, then again to another guard at the curtain that leads backstage. Aurora can hear Harry finishing the final chorus of ‘Sign Of The Times’ when she gets to the mini makeshift dressing room that’s located underneath the stage. Aurora is sure to stand out of the way of the entrance and gets her needle, thread and scissors ready. Harry’s laugh fills the small room before he’s even there. 
“Ror!” he exclaims when he sees her. 
“Ripped your pants huh?” 
“Don’t need to fix ‘em now, love. Only got 3 more songs, I’ll be fine.” He’s all smiles and still in the midst of his concert high. He’s also not logical when he’s like this. 
“Yeah, 2 of which are Chain and Kiwi. Your pants will not last through 10 seconds of either of those songs.” Aurora laughs at the look on his face then juts her empty hand out. “Come on, just give me your pants, they’ll be fixed in a second.” Harry rolls his eyes but starts to unbutton his pants anyways. 
The sight of Harry running to the bathroom in his suit jacket, boxers, tall black socks and boots was even funnier than the fact that he ripped a damn hole in his insanely expensive pants. She laughs as she starts to stitch up the hole. Harry’s back in less than 30 seconds and he’s chugging down his 2nd water bottle since he left the stage. He leans down and presses a kiss to Aurora’s cheek. Then another. With the 3rd kiss he wraps his arms around her shoulders. 
“Harry, I can’t fix your damn pants with you like this,” she whines. 
“Sorry,” he whispers lowly in her ear before stepping away from her. 
Aurora knots the thread as best as she can so hopefully he doesn’t rip them again in the next 30 
minutes. Harry slides the trousers on carefully and Aurora goes to leave so she can see the rest of the show. 
“Thank you, love,” Harry says grabbing onto her hand. When she turns around he’s much closer than she thought he would be. That one curl has fallen in front of his eyes again. Aurora reaches up to move it back into place. She can feel the weight of his hands at her waist and for a brief moment both of them are able to block out the deafening screams and the chanting of his name coming from a few feet above them. Harry presses his forehead to Aurora’s and she feels slightly dizzy. He smiles at her lightly and she remembers the smile he gave her while he was singing “Ever Since New York.” He’s started to give her the same smile during the exact part every show. That one smile makes her feel like she does right now in this tiny room. Somehow in a room of thousands and thousands of people he can make it feel like it’s just her and Harry. Without a doubt, goosebumps arise on her skin. 
Harry’s name is called by the stage manager and they’re both brought back to the reality in front of them. Harry presses a kiss to Aurora’s forehead before thanking her again and running up the stairs. She peeks through the curtain at the bottom of the stairs. The single spotlight casts a shadow down the stairs as Harry stands at the mic, center stage. Harry’s voice matches the simplicity of the guitar that opens ‘From The Dining Table.’ Aurora’s heart drops every time she listens to him perform this song. The exclusive view she has right now adds to the experience and she catches herself choking back a few tears. His music is the first thing she fell for and she’s constantly reminded why. Before she knows it, the beginning of ‘The Chain’ echoes through the entire arena and Aurora makes her way to the side of the stage to watch the rest of the show.
| | | | |
“Wish you would’ve come out with us last night,” Harry comments as he walks with Aurora down the hall of the arena in Madrid. He has his arm swung around her shoulder and is telling her about how Mitch was telling this outrageous story and even got up and reenacted it all for the group. Aurora laughs along with Harry’s story.
“Maybe next time, Harry,” she offers, hoping one day she’ll actually get the courage to say yes to 
going with. 
“I’ve gotta meet with my trainer, but I’ll find ya later okay?” He offers her a lopsided smile, “could watch a movie or something before we have to get to work.” Aurora nods at him with a smile before he’s off down the hall. 
| | | | |
Helene is going through some of the photos she’s taken the past few days on the couch with Aurora. They’ve been the only ones in their green room all afternoon. A lot of the crew took the chance to sight see or sleep in so the arena isn’t too busy yet. 
“Aurora!” Helene squeals, “Look at this one of you and Harry.” Aurora looks up from her phone to Helene’s computer screen. 
“Of me and Harry?” She questions. and to her disbelief, on the screen is a photo of Harry and Aurora from last night. It’s nearly identical to the photo Helene choose for Harry’s social channels, but instead of seeing Harry’s reflection in the mirror, the photo was taken from a slightly different angle and you can see Aurora’s frame seated on top of the counter. Aurora face is soft and Harry has a slight smile on his face. 
“Imagine if we posted this photo on accident?”
“Helene!” Aurora yells. “That would be an absolute mess and I would have to change my name and leave the country. Hard pass.” Then their both in laughing fits. 
“That would stir some shit up,” Helene comments when she can finally catch her breath. 
“Ror!!!” Harry’s voice booms through the nearly empty room. “What’re you two up to?” He questions when he sees them trying to suppress their giggles
Helene and Aurora look at each other and burst into laughter again, Aurora can’t stop soon enough to stop Helene from showing Harry the photo of the 2 of them. She has the urge to stop him from seeing the photo, from seeing the way she was truly looking at him in awe while he was getting ready. She doesn’t ever remember making eye contact with him in that moment and Helene must have snapped the photo so fast that she caught the perfect moment. 
“Oh,” is all that comes out of Harry’s mouth the second he sees it. Aurora doesn’t know what to do in the moment and she just waits to see how Harry reacts. A smile starts to tear at his lips and within the same second he pulls his lips in by his teeth, doing his best to hide the smile that threatens to cover his entire face. The dimple that still shows up regardless tells all. He huffs after a moment. “Would ya send that one to me, Tiny?” 
‘Tiny’, what Harry’s nicknamed Helene, nods and quickly sends it over, Harry’s phone dinging in his pocket. Harry ignores it but thanks Helene before asking her if she wants to grab snacks and watch a movie with Aurora and him. She kindly declines and when Harry isn’t looking at her she winks at Aurora. Aurora thinks she might get a headache from all the eye rolls she has to do on a day to day basis. 
| | | | |
Aurora is having trouble keeping her eyes open when Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods pops up on her computer screen dressed in a hot pink suit. She told Harry when they pressed play on the movie that she was pretty tired and honestly didn’t think she would last an entire movie. She suggested they watch an episode of ‘friends’ instead but he insisted on playing Legally Blonde. He pulled Aurora by the waist and situated her in front of him on the couch, pulling her shoulders back so she could lay her head back on his chest. 
“Don’t mind if ya fall asleep on me,” he had whispered into her hair when the opening titles came up. 
Now, Aurora’s eyes are fluttering shut, not able to fight the tiredness off any longer. She lets go of the last bit of her weight she was supporting herself and is limp against Harry’s chest. Harry only tightens his arm around her waist when he smiles, noticing she’s finally given in to the sleep her body needed so badly. Harry can’t pay attention to the rest of the movie and he’s a bit sad that they didn’t get to watch and quote along to both of their favourite part. Instead, as Elle Woods repeatedly makes note that the daughter took a shower, he presses a kiss to her hair, breathing in the so uniquely Aurora scent. He can’t put his finger on it, but it’s something floral and coconutty with a hint of woodsy-ness to it. Harry tries to focus on the ending of the movie, his eyes start to well up at the end, without a doubt, a good distraction from Aurora’s sleeping body on top of him. He focuses on the small huffs of air that she lets out and rubs his thumb into her forearm, leaving behind goosebumps. He slumps down the couch a bit further, still holding her tight against him. He lets the end credits roll and once the room is silent, Aurora starts to stir. She mumbles an apology and he’s shushing her while she rolls her over so she’s facing him. Harry’s lips graze over her exposed ear and he presses light kisses down her jaw. 
Aurora’s still groggy from her mini nap and his lips on her skin is a feeling she can’t describe. Harry takes over all of her senses so quickly. His chest pressed against hers and his lips roaming her face is a bit overwhelming.
“Hey,” Harry says with a short giggle, his nose scrunching up when he meets his eyes with hers. His nose brushes against Aurora’s, earning a short giggle from her as well. 
“Should probably start getting everything ready…” Aurora whispers. She’s peeling her body away from his, as much as she just wants to stay right where she is. Sitting up on the couch is like pulling away 2 magnets, with Harry’s hands pulling on her waist and the added warmth quickly leaving her body, it feels wrong pulling away. She taps her computer, as the screen has gone dark now, it’s much later than she thought. “Harry, I really gotta go get everyone's clothing ready.” Harry’s sitting up beside her now. He lets out a loud sigh, knowing Aurora is right. 
“Jeeze,” he agrees when he sees the time, “but just like 2 more minutes,” he says as he wraps his arms around her waist and wiggles his face into her neck, his breath hot on her collarbone. 
“Harry,” Aurora whines, trying to pull out of his grip. 
“Rory,” he whines back. 
“Seriously Harry, we both have jobs to do…” she reminds him.
“Ugg,” he groans, “why must you be such a hard worker? Never forgetting anything, always 10 steps ahead of everyone…” 
“Hired me for a reason, didn’t ya?” Harry raises his eyebrows up in agreement, loosening his grip around her waist. “Come on, you’ve got sound check.” Aurora offers her hand out to him, pulling him off the couch. 
Later on, after Harry has finished soundcheck and eaten, he finds Aurora back in his dressing room, but instead of being sprawled out on the couch like earlier, she was working on getting his suit ready for the show. Harry pauses in the doorway, not making a noise and simply just watching her, she’s bopping around a bit to the music she’s got playing on her computer. A smile erupts on his face when he really pays attention to the music that’s playing. Aurora whips her head around, after setting the steamer down of course. Harry didn’t realise he let out a loud chuckle, making his presence known. 
“Whatcha listening to there, love?” Aurora’s heart sinks for a moment then a nervous, embarrassed laugh come out of her mouth. She hadn’t noticed that an old One Direction song came on shuffle. 
“Wait,” she starts to defend herself, “I just had my music on shuffle! Didn’t even notice it was playing!” 
“Uh huh, whatever you say, Ror.” He shakes his head at her. “Your dancing proves otherwise.” 
“You’re an absolute menace, ya know that right?” She rolls her eyes and turns back to the suit to finish what she was doing before being interrupted. 
Harry smirks at her before sitting down on the couch. “Quite excited for this suit, if I’m honest,” Harry offers, changing the subject. 
“Me too,” she agrees, smiling to herself. She can recall the first fitting of this specific suit and remember loving it. Not just the style or design but the way it fit Harry perfectly. He’s done frills and glitter, the whole nine yards, but this look was different. High waisted trousers, cropped jacket and his TPWK tank. Aurora remembers it fitting so perfectly she was antsy to see him perform in it. 
Before she knows it, it’s time for him to slip in to the suit. Ayae leaves the room after Claire requested that she needed some help cause she messed up her hair since Ayae had done it earlier. Aurora’s grabbing his boots from the crate and when she turns around she freezes. 
“Uhm,” she stutters out, “Uh, uhm, here-here’s your boots.” 
“Everything alright, Ror?” Harry questions as he finished tucking in the white tank to his pants. 
Aurora shakes her head, “Uh, yeah,” she pauses, “guess I just forgot how good this suit looks.” Harry raises his eyebrows at her, surprised at her confession. 
“Oh,” is all he lets out. She swears she can see a blush colour the tops of his cheeks. 
“I mean, they all-they all look good,” Aurora tries to back track, she’s cursing in her head, but gives up. “But, like, this one…” she trails off. She likes the surprised look on Harry’s face from her confession. “This one is just so… I don’t know,” she trails off shaking her head. “Anyways… put your boots on.” 
Harry makes his way to the large bathroom to brush his teeth and Aurora follows along. She plops on the counter again, her new favourite place to observe him as he finishes getting ready. Aurora is admiring the way the high waisted trousers fit perfectly and then her eyes catch his arm full of tattoos that are still on full display. The black ink in contrast to his light skin is mesmerizing and she doesn’t think she’s really ever paid as much attention to them as she would like to. The ones that scatter his forearms and lower bicep are familiar but the ones at his shoulder and chest are almost brand new to Aurora. She lets herself study them in detail while Harry brushes his teeth. The A and G on either of his shoulders are delicate and she wants, in the worst way to trace over them, all of them, with the pads of her fingers. The swallows that peak out from the top of the white tank top he’s wearing are driving her insane, she thinks. The white tank not only displays his tattoos but also shows of the ridges of his muscles. Harry’s not absurdly muscular or buff, but the definition that is there is obvious. Aurora doesn’t get it, she’s never seen someone’s muscles look so hard and strong but soft at the same time. His bare skin draws her in more and all she can think about is how his bare skin would feel wrapped around her. 
You’re getting ahead of yourself, Aurora. Slow the fuck down. 
She’s starting to lose her mind a bit over the view in front of her. She doesn’t know what’s going on with her. Aurora forces herself to peel her eyes away from him and it’s harder than threading the smallest needle in the world. She takes the time to look down at her hands and reground herself. Her mind is running a mile a minute and if she were to voice anything going on in her head nobody would understand because it would come out as gibberish. Aurora is finally able to focus on something besides Harry standing barely a foot away from her. She notices her nails could really use a fresh manicure and she thinks she’ll have to get a fresh one in the next city she finds herself in. 
Harry’s hand squeezes at her knee and she looks up to him. 
“Y’alright?” he questions. When she meets his eyes she offers him a small smile and his eyes quirk up in a question. 
“Mhm,” she hums, “lost in thought, I guess,” she answers, surprising herself. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” 
“Nothing important enough to bother you with,” she lets out with a laugh. 
“Never a both to me, love.” The nickname rings in her ears and her brain is no longer consumed by anything else. She nods at him silently. 
He sprays his cologne, the last step of his routine. Aurora appreciates his consistency and thoughtfulness when he gets ready for a show. Everything he does is done just so. She shakes herself out of her thoughts and pushes herself off of the counter. Before she can even say her good lucks and make her way out of the door he’s got a strong grip on her hip. 
“Hey,’ he barely whispers. Aurora avoids making eye contact. “Saw ya wandering eyes this entire time,” he teases. His free hand comes in contact with Aurora’s chin and tilts it up so she has no choice but to look at him. Sometimes she hates how forward he is. She’s nothing like him. She shakes her head at him lightly once both hands are on her waist. She lets her hands fall on to his chest in fist and her head hangs low. She voices an apology, quietly, but speaks nonetheless. 
“Don’t be sorry, don’t mind it one bit.” Harry places a soft kiss on the top of her cheekbone. Aurora lets one of her hands reach for the ‘G’ inked on his shoulder and trace over it like she had wanted to minutes ago. 
“Was admiring your tattoos,” she whispers, her eyes trained on the ink. 
Harry doesn’t say anything, he just lets her delicate fingers graze his skin. Aurora can feel her heart beating and it sends electric like shocks through her entire body. Her hands feel like their on fire and she can’t figure out if it’s because of the nerves or the heat radiating from Harry’s skin. Aurora’s brain turns off she thinks because before she knows she’s reaching her neck up and kissing the edge of Harry’s jaw softly. When her lips leave his skin she can actually hear Harry swallow. 
“I know we agreed to take it slow, but I’m having a real hard time trying not to kiss you right now.” Harry’s voice is deep and Aurora can feel his hot breath fan out across her face. She sucks in a breath, her hands reaching to the waistband of Harry’s high waisted pants that she’s been fawning over silently since he put them on a half hour ago. She breathes out his name as she shakes her head. Harry presses her into the wall, his hips square on hers. Aurora busies her hands at the belt loops before she realises what she’s actually doing. Harry’s lips land on her cheek and then again at the soft spot behind her ear. 
“Harry,” she voices again, trying her hardest to stop his movements. It’s not that she doesn’t like it or anything like that. It’s that she likes it too much. That it feels so unbelievably good. That she doesn’t want him to stop. But she has to stop him, she’s still not ready to take whatever this is, further. “You’ve got a show to do,” she whispers. This is a can of worms she cannot tackle right now. 
“They can wait,” he whispers into her neck. 
“Harry, please,” she almost begs, but she doesn’t know what for, “please,” she’s trying her best here, but his hot breath and his soft lips grazing over her skin repeatedly makes it hard and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to say no to his pouty lips and puppy dog eyes when he brings his face into her line of sight. “Slow, we said slow,” she finally says, using her hands to push him away barely an inch. “And-and, and the way these trousers look on you right now are really not helping,” she says quickly. She shakes her head at herself when she realises what she had just said aloud. A half chuckle, half huff leaves his mouth and she can tell he’s fighting a smile without even looking at her. 
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, right,” he says the second he locks eyes with her. “Sorry, don’t know what it is about you,” he shakes his head, “driving me crazy.” He smiles softly at her. A slight feeling of relief washes over her now knowing that they’re on the same page with all of this. He sighs. “Got a show to do, I guess.” 
Aurora laughs at him and he thinks his heart swells to double its size, just as it does every time she laughs. He shakes his head again, trying to get her out of his mind for just a short moment so he can get himself stage ready. Aurora slides herself out of the way of the door to grab his jacket. She instantly feels like she’s missing something now that he’s not consuming all of her senses. When she turns around Harry’s already halfway out the door. 
“Babe,” she’s walking towards him, “need your jacket.” Harry nods and he’s in a trance when she helps him slide it onto his shoulders. “Good luck, even though you never really need it.” 
He thanks her and smiles at her. The entire walk from his dressing room to the last set of doors to the stage, all he can think about is Aurora calling him ‘babe’. Normally before a show he can focus and get his mind in check but his brain is full of Aurora right now and he’s doing nothing to stop it. Using her as a flame to ignite his energy and drive this show he’s about to put on. He’s in deep and he knows it right in this moment. He knows that he’ll do anything she says, anything to put a smile on her face, to hear her breathe his name against his neck just as she had a few minutes ago. Harry’s willing to go as slow as humanly possible if it means that tomorrow, or the next day or 3 months from now or whenever, that he gets to call her his.
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The first glimpse Harry gets of Aurora while he’s on stage is only seconds into “Only Angel.” Aurora had taken a moment to collect herself before making her way into the audience to watch the show. Harry sees Aurora walking from the side of the stage into the audience and an instant smile grazes his face as he sways from side to side to his music. The lyrics that come out of his mouth, he thinks, are so perfect for this moment - “She’s an angel” - an angel is what she is to him. He shakes his head, hoping that he could shake Aurora out of his head. 
Everyone in the arena is feeding off the energy that Harry is exuding on stage, like a how a flame thrives on extra oxygen. Harry is nothing but smiles and cheeky smirks, dimples on full display the entire time. Aurora doesn’t stay in her normal spot, nor does she seek out Helene. She finds herself on the outskirts of the pit on stage left. Her mind drifts while Harry moves swiftly across the stage. From the angle she’s looking at the stage from, she’s got a perfect profile view of him. She curses to herself when she realises she’s fawning over how he looks in those high waisted pinstripe trousers. At first she thought she was gushing over the trousers themselves, the construction, the styling, the way the fabric drapes at the hem, but she catches her mind drifting towards how Harry looks in them. His legs look like they go on forever, the white trouser stripe accentuating the fit of the leg. Aurora’s eyes trail up to his torso and all she wants to do is wrap her arms around his waist. She wants to run her hands along the smooth, shiny fabric and the more she thinks about it, the more her mind wanders. Shit. Aurora is overwhelmed by the thoughts traveling through her brain. The thoughts of her hands roaming his torso, sliding lower when they reach his back. She shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. He’s technically my boss. But he’s also, just Harry. This is a fight she has in her head about a million times a day now. 
Aurora is surprised when the intro to “The Chain” begins. She enjoyed the show, that’s for sure, but she feels like she blinked, daydreamed about those damn high waisted trousers, and then he was starting his encore. Aurora can’t help but gaze up to him on the stage, she’s in the midst of admiring his confidence and power in his voice as he rocks back onto his heels and his shoulders follow suit, only accenting the way the suit fits. 
Harry hoists his shoulders up to his ears, both hands on the mic as he belts out. He lets his head fall back, eyes closed, a look a pure bliss falls across his face. Aurora sighs to herself and basques in the idea of bliss falling across his face when he’s with her. She’s fucked at this point and she knows it. She’s in too deep to go back now. Curses fill her head as the song ends and “Kiwi” starts. Harry’s jacket is unbuttoned and he’s fiddling with the waistband of his pants on the side closest to where Aurora is standing. One sly look from Harry to Aurora tells it all. She’s in for it. 
Aurora is bewildered by the fact that Harry is able to communicate with her in the audience. It’s escalated as each show has gone on and every single time he’s on stage he can find her in the crowd at any given moment. 
Reckless is the best word to describe Harry performing ‘Kiwi’. He’s let just about all of his guards down, his hair is no longer in the perfect place that Ayae had done earlier, and there’s a light layer of sweat that covers his exposed skin. Harry’s stealing glances at Aurora no matter where he is on stage. When he makes his way closer to where she is standing he lets himself dance a bit in front of her before he regrets doing so. Harry is instantly reminded how tight his pants truly are and that he’s gotten himself in a tight spot now. Anyone paying attention to Harry can see him pull at the crotch of his pants quickly as he walks towards his mic stand. He laughs to himself as he clicks his mic back into its stand. He takes a glance down to his trousers again, reaching down he goes to pull at the fabric that is sitting much too tight against his bits. All while pulling at his trousers, he searches for Aurora quickly and gives her a look that he hopes relays everything that is going through his head. He hasn’t broken eye contact with her and she can feel the heat rise up to her cheeks. Aurora’s thankful that Harry can’t see the colour her face right now. Her jaw drops at his actions. She wasn’t prepared for him to be so bold and obvious up on stage. He seals the moment with a slow motion swipe of his tongue across his lips. Aurora is left dumbfounded. Before she thinks he’s through with the act he’s putting on for her, he runs a hand through his hair. Though he’s not looking at Aurora, she knows every single action he does in the next few minutes is for her and she can feel the tips of her ears heat up now. 
It’s New York baby always jacked up,
Holland tunnel for a nose, it’s always backed up,
When she’s alone she goes home to a cactus, 
In a black dress, she’s such an actress. 
Harry runs his hands from his hips down to his thighs and then brings his hands up to his head, bringing all his focus to his hips moving side to side. Aurora drops her head back on her shoulders with an eye roll. She doesn’t know what to do with herself right now. 
I’m gonna pay for this. 
He looks directly at her and the look on his face is best described as helpless. Aurora is frozen for a moment before she lets all of her guards down and loses herself in the music. 
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Harry’s taking a sip from his new bottle of beer when he hears the light chime of the bar door. He thinks it might be his 3rd or 4th but hasn’t been keeping count. He’s out with the Adam and Mitch again and some crew members tagged along as well. Harry’s reaches for his phone for the millionth time in the past 30 minutes to see if Aurora’s texted him back. She hasn’t. He’s been pouting about it all night. After the show, Aurora was quiet, but much more hands on than normal. They both were pretty quiet in Harry’s dressing room. When Aurora hugged Harry once he got back to his dressing room she let her hands wander his torso like she thought about the entire show She also pressed a handful of kisses to the underside of his jaw before giggling and breaking away. She apologized, mumbling about not being sure why she was acting like this. Harry responded with a squeeze at her hip and then mirrored her mumbling and spoke about him hoping she would get like this. Aurora takes a step away whispering “slow” as a reminder but she doesn’t know if it’s just to remind herself what they agreed on or to remind Harry. Probably both. 
Harry’s too busy checking his phone to notice that the bell at the door was the result of Aurora walking into the bar. Harry wishes he could bring himself to enjoy the time with his friends but he can’t stop thinking about her. When he asked Aurora if she wanted to come out with them she kindly declined, again. He texted her once he got to the bar hoping to get her to change her mind or try to convince her to meet up with him later. 
Aurora and Helene walk into the bar, arms linked and smiles on their faces. Once Harry left the arena, Helene found Aurora and after a few glasses of wine, Helene convinced Aurora to go to the bar and surprise Harry.  
“What if he doesn’t care that I’m here?” Aurora whispers to Helene. 
“Doesn’t care?” Helene questions in disbelief. “Was I the only one who saw him on stage tonight or?” 
“Oh stop,” Aurora hushes. They’re both giggling again. They’ve giggled a lot tonight as a result of a bottle of wine shared between them.
Harry recognizes Aurora’s laugh and his head shoots up, hair falling in his face from the quick movement. He can’t help the smile that covers his entire face when he sees her leaning against the bar. Harry slides out of the booth nodding his head towards Aurora at the bar when Mitch questions where he’s going. 
“Add their drinks to my tab, Rob,” Harry tells the bartender. Helene lets out a laugh, shoots Aurora an all knowing look, and thanks Harry before walking away to find Adam and Mitch. “What changed your mind?” Harry asks as he takes a step closer to Aurora. She shrugs her shoulders, suddenly nervous, the confidence from the wine already gone. She reaches for her Whisky Soda the second Rob slides it to her. She takes a hearty sip before she shrugs her shoulders, avoiding meeting his eyes. “Well,” Harry continues, “thanks for coming,” he offers shyly. 
“Show was pretty great tonight, thought I should celebrate with you,” she finally answers. Harry quirks up an eyebrow. She can see the smirk that compliments his raised eyebrows from the corner of her eye. She focuses on the drink in front of her, watching a drop of condensation rolling down the side of the glass and hit the bar counter. Harry steps closer to her, not even close to touching her still but her hair stands on end across her arms and a shiver rolls down her spine. 
Harry dips his head into the crook of Aurora’s shoulder and he pauses before letting his lips fall to the sliver of bareskin between the trim of her tshirt and the base of her neck.  Another shiver runs down her spine and Harry lets a chuckle vibrate against her skin. 
“You know, we should probably take a look at some of my trousers, they seem to fit a bit tighter than before,” he says casually when he pulls away. He takes a swig from Aurora’s drink nonchalantly. His calm demeanor and confidence frustrates Aurora and she shakes her head lightly. “Why’re you shaking your head?” Harry asks through a light laugh, setting the glass back down, now substantially less full.
Aurora sighs and purses her lips in thought. She finishes off what’s left of her drink before speaking, needing all the courage she can get to say what she really wants to say out loud. “I could give you a list of reasons why your pants fit differently, babe.” Making eye contact with Rob she signals she needs another drink. Harry’s mind draws completely blank when Aurora reaches over and hooks her finger in one of his belt loops, her fingers grazing along the fabric and stitches. “But, it seemed like your dancing was the culprit tonight…” Aurora adds, continuing to mindlessly run her fingertips lightly of the stitches on the waistband of his trousers. Harry huffs at her, finally focusing on her face instead of her hands. 
“Think it was more than the dancing,” Aurora’s eyebrow raises at the sound of Harry’s voice. It was deeper than normal, it sunk to her bones and she’s now consumed by the mixture of his voice and the look in his eyes. His pupils have expanded and even in the dark light Aurora could tell that his bright green irises are only a small ring around his dark pupils. One of Harry’s hands lands on her thigh, “I think I have you to blame for tonight.” Aurora’s entire body stills, her hands loosely grip the belt loop and she lets out a shaky breath. She wasn’t expecting him to be so bold but then she remembers the events from earlier that night. Memories of Harry on stage flash across the inside of her eyelids as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She shakes her head before reaching both of her hands up to Harry’s neck. He complies with her movements and leans down closer to her. 
“Ror.” Harry’s breath fans across Aurora’s face. Aurora voice is stuck at the bottom of her throat and she hopes that she’s relaying what she’s feeling and thinking through her eyes. Before she can think any longer she lets her lips press against Harry’s. They’re both hesitant, relishing in the moment. Aurora grips at the shorter hair at the back of Harry’s neck when his lips press a little harder into hers. She can feel Harry’s shoulders relax as he continues to kiss her. His hands find grip at her waist as his hot breath fans over her face when they break apart for barely a second. Their noses bump slightly before Aurora connects their lips again. The various sounds of the bar are drowned out completely and they don’t know how long they stay kissing at the bar counter. 
Harry pulls away first and Aurora finds herself chasing his lips. Harry chuckles at her actions, endeared by her confidence in the moment. “Hey,” he whispers when she opens her eyes. 
“Hey,” she whispers back, her lips almost close enough to brush against his again. Harry grabs their drinks from the counter after taking a moment between them. 
“Come on,” he says motioning his head towards their group sitting at a large corner booth. Aurora is taken off guard by Harry’s casual transition. When Aurora doesn’t move Harry reaches down and presses a quick kiss to her lips. “Come on, love.” Aurora huffs and jumps off of the stool she was sitting on and reaches for the crook of his elbow. Harry smiles down at her as they walk towards their friends. 
It’s as if nothing had changed. They slide into the booth and fit into the conversations that were already happening. Harry’s complementing a story Adam is telling with a quick witty joke when he moves his beer bottle to his other hand and places his now free arm around Aurora’s shoulder. Harry can feel Aurora’s chest rattle when she gives a good laugh at his jokes. He smiles as he watches her join into the conversation. She even lets a hand rest on Harry’s thigh, squeezing it every so often. Harry presses constant kisses to her hair or behind her ear.
Aurora’s got her 3rd Whiskey Soda in front of her and she turns to look at Harry as he finishes a story. Mitch takes over the story for Harry, going on about one of their crazy times in Jamaica and Harry takes the opportunity that is presented in front of him. With all the attention on Mitch and Aurora still gazing up at him, he connects their lips. They’re both smiling into the kiss. It doesn’t last long, a quick peck, before they’re both engrossed in the story being told. 
The night escalates and somehow Harry gets everyone to stand up and dance around the bar. They’re the only group left and they’ve taken control over the sound system. As “Girls on Film” by Duran Duran blast through the speakers, Harry grabs for Aurora’s hands and is dancing her around, twisting her this way and that, throwing in a few spins, and pressing their lips together whenever he can. Aurora’s cheeks hurt from the wide grin that’s been on show majority of the night. She throws her head back while singing along to the song and Harry can’t think he’s been much happier than he is right now. He thanks the alcohol that’s running through both of their systems but also acknowledges that it’s pushed both of their guards down. 
Harry asks Aurora to come back to his hotel room when they leave the bar. She kindly declines, even after Harry drunkenly clarifies that he just wants to sleep but doesn’t want to say goodnight. He never wants to say goodnight. Harry walks Aurora to her own hotel room instead. He’s said something that neither of them can remember but has put both of them into an absolute laughing mess outside Aurora’s door. 
Harry takes Aurora’s face in his hands, gently once they’ve both taken a breath and stopped laughing. Looking at her eyes then her mouth, then her eyes again, he finally closes the small gap between them. The kiss is kind of messy, but neither mind in that moment. Harry furthers the kiss taking Aurora’s bottom lip in between his and sucks lightly, a small whine coming from Aurora. He likes her reaction and does the same action with her top lip. Another whine. Aurora’s hands roam Harry’s broad shoulders and Harry’s hands move down to her waist, leaning her against the hotel room door. When the door rattles slightly their both reminded that they are standing in the hallway of the hotel. Harry pulls away with regret. 
“I’ve got an early flight to Italy,” he says because he actually cannot think of anything good to say that will compare to this moment. He shakes his head in an apology knowing he broke the moment. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening, okay?” 
Aurora nods, dizzy from the whiskey and Harry’s lips. Before she closes her hotel room door behind her Harry kisses her cheek and gives her an eye wrinkling smile. It’s safe to say that Harry and Aurora both fall asleep with grins etched into their faces. There are no traces of regret or worry in Aurora’s thoughts from the events that happened tonight and she finally feels at ease. 
I hope you enjoyed !!!! Comments & feedback ALWAYS extremely welcome !!!! Share it with your friendsssssss :)))) love you mean it. 
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Amoureux (c.s./d.s.) - Chapter Twenty-Six
A/N Where were we...here is the final chapter of Amoureux before the epilogue! I can’t believe it’s almost over...it really snuck up on me this time. Anyway, this chapter’s song is Getaway Car by Taylor Swift
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Louisa jumped off the horse, landing hard on the ground and shoved the reins in some random bystander’s hands before she was rushing through the crowd and fighting back her tears as she pushed the guards to the side to take Daniel’s face in her hands and kissed him with all the energy she had left in her.
“I’m sorry.” Louisa cried between rushed kisses, tangling her hands in his hair. “I am so sorry. I cannot bare to live without you, I love you. I love you so much.”
“Oh my gosh, Louisa.” Daniel breathed, his hands still locked behind his back so all he could do was lean in towards her to kiss her again. “What are you doing here?”
“I cannot marry Christian! I just cannot! Not when you are the one my heart yearns for. I love you!” Louisa rushed out.
Daniel could barely reply with his own surprised, “I love you-”
The guards pulled him back from her, ripping them apart, “Ma’am, you should not be here.”
“Yes, I should!” Louisa snapped, reaching for Daniel again. “He is not a criminal!”
“By law, he is.” the second guard said, grabbing her arm to try and lead her away.
“Then I am too!” Louisa retorted strongly. “I am just as guilty.”
“No, you are not.” the guard behind her said, tightening his grip on her arm to try and take her towards the carriage.
“I am not leaving without Daniel!” Louisa demanded, tearing her arm from him to try and run back to Daniel but the first guard stepped between them.
“You need to return to the palace, ma’am. There is nothing for you here.”
Daniel glanced past the guard to Louisa’s emotional face, her pink cheeks splattered with mud and streaked with tears and she struggled against the arm of the Royal Guard, her mind whirling a thousand miles a second to try and figure out how to get them out of this mess. The first guard moved back to escort Daniel onto the ship as the second wrapped an arm around Louisa’s waist to pull her back towards the carriage. Louisa screamed as loud as she could, kicking against him, grabbing onto Daniel’s shirt to keep herself with him. She had come so far and was not planning on returning to the palace without Daniel at best; she was willing to put up a hell of a fight too. 
“Let me go!” Louisa shrieked. “I am going with him!”
“You are not going anywhere with him.” The first guard snapped, tugging at Daniel’s arm to get her hand off of him, the boy stumbling a little at the aggression.
“Don’t touch him!” Louisa screamed, wiggling out of the guard’s arms to run back to Daniel and throw her arms around his shoulders, whispering a strained, “Don’t touch him.”
“Princess, you are getting married today. You need to get back to the palace.” The guard tried to reason with her as gently as he could but his aggravation was apparent.
“Today?” Daniel’s eyes went wide and he leaned back to look at her.
Louisa nodded, holding his face in her trembling hands, “Christian moved the date up, but I could not do it. I could not marry him because you are all I can think about all the time and I was so stupid to think that I did not love you. I do. I love you, Daniel.”
“You came all the way here on your wedding day? Christian is going to be furious.” Daniel breathed.
“I do not care.” Louisa shook her head, pulling his lips to hers again. “I do not care what he thinks or what any of them think. I will do anything to keep you here.”
“He is a legal criminal and there is no way he is allowed to stay in this country.” The guard explained darkly, glaring at the two young lovers almost distastefully. “He will be leaving for Spain immediately. That is final. Strict orders from the King himself.”
“Then I am gong with him.” Louisa said strongly.
“Louisa…” Daniel breathed. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I want out. I want out of these stupid rules and…and politics and laws that are just so unfair. I do not want to be told who I must marry. I want to marry who I want.”
“You want to marry me?” Daniel let a small smile come to his face and she nodded eagerly, pulling him in for a desperate kiss.
“Princess Louisa. It is time to go.” The guard grabbed her arm again.
“I am not going back there.” Louisa shook her head, moving to stand beside Daniel and linked her arm in his. “I will not be going anywhere without Daniel.”
“It is forbidden for you to flee with a prisoner. You will be returning to the palace at once.” the second guard tried to grab her, but she jumped behind Daniel for protection.
“I can calm her down.” Daniel told them. “Please. I’ll get her to go with you, just give us a moment to talk.”
“Daniel.” Louisa frowned at him.
He glanced at her before looking back to the guards. “I swear it; I’ll behave. I know the consequences if I run. Just please uncuff me and give us a moment to speak. Please.”
The two guards looked at each other before they sighed, and the first guard took out the keys to the handcuffs and opened them up. Daniel brought his hands around his body to his front and winced at the angry red lines that were pressed into his wrists as he flexed his fingers a moment with relief from the harsh steel. He then turned to Louisa and led her a few paces away. The guards started to jump at their movement, but Daniel held a hand up to assure them it was fine.
Just out of earshot from the Royal Guards, Louisa fell into a mad rush of desperation,
“I am not going back with them. I do not know what you are thinking but I refuse it. I am not gong back not matter how much-”
“Just shut up for a second.”
Daniel’s grin made her stop, staring at him as he took her face in his hands.
“Are you serious about all this, Louisa? Do you promise that you’re serious right now?”
“Yes.” she nodded quickly. “I have been running all night to find you. I cannot go back there without you. You are all I want.”
“And you are not gong to change your mind?”
“Never.” Louisa shook her head quickly.
“Okay.” Daniel licked his lips anxiously, his thumbs rubbing softly over her cheeks and he glanced over at the guards who were staring at them. He looked back to Louisa. “Then we need to go now.”
“I know. I am going to go to Spain with you.”
“No, no. Think those guys will let you leave with me? Not a chance.” Daniel whispered, dropping his hands into hers as casually as he could. “We’re gonna need to make a run for it.”
“Where?” Louisa’s stomach was twisting with anxious excitement, staring into his eyes that were full of life and adventure.
Without tearing his eyes from her, Daniel said, “The notice board when we were coming in said the ship at the end is departing at 09:00. That is really soon.”
“Where is it going?”
“I don’t know but we can make it there, right?”
“Think so.”
“And you’re sure about this?”
“Never been more sure of anything before.” Louisa agreed, meeting him halfway for a quick kiss.
“Okay. On my word we’re gonna run.” Daniel took a small step back from her, appearing to onlookers as if they were saying their last goodbye, his hands stuck in hers and he paused a moment to just look at her.
Louisa’s heart was hammering hard in her chest and he sent her a promising smile as he slipped his hands out of hers and took a small step backwards towards the guards. She saw them preparing the cuffs again and for a second she didn’t believe him, thinking he was about to turn himself back in, right when they were so close.
But his sudden, “Now!” had them bolting off down the harbour.
“Hey!” the guards screamed, running after them as well, their large uniforms making it difficult to keep up as they pushed through the crowd and struggled over stray trunks.
Louisa was shrieking with laughter, holding up the front of her ruined wedding gown as they flew over the wooden boardwalk, the dress rippling behind her as they dodged a line up of people. They were running just like they had months before in the palace kitchen when they nearly first met. So much had changed since then. It was no longer desserts they were running to save, but their own freedom.
Daniel knocked over a woman in the process of their hasty escape, but he could only reach for Louisa’s hand and pull her after him, a huge cunning grin on his face as their shoes beat down against the wooden boards of the harbour. The ship at the end of the dock had already been untied and was beginning to depart from the shore. Daniel pulled Louisa over a stack of crates as they hoped the rope at the end of the harbour and took a leaping jump onto the deck of the departing ship.
They fell messily onto the deck in fits of breathless laughter, taking a second to regain themselves and Daniel got up to look over the edge of the ship to see the two Royal Guards standing helpless by the harbour railing in the distance as they pulled away from shore.
“Oh my God, we did it.” Daniel laughed, turning back to Louisa who wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He set his hand on her face to pull her lips on his, smiling widely into it.
They had really pulled it off. It felt unreal, like Louisa was really living in one of Anna’s plays. Was this going be her happy ending?
“Hey, you two! You need to pay for tickets! No stowaways!” one of the crewmen scolded loudly, forcing them to pull apart as he approached.
Daniel and Louisa were a breathless mess admits their laughter from their run and Louisa pulled off her engagement ring to hold it out to the man, “Will this cover the cost?”
He glanced at the full diamond ring before looking back to the couple. He nodded and held out his hand for it. Louisa set it in his palm and thanked him softly, leaning into Daniel as he slid his arms around her waist.
“Where is this ship going, sir?” Daniel asked, resting his head against Louisa’s.
The crewman took a lingering glance at the young couple in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile at their obvious love, overpowering the fact that they had no belongings with them and nothing to their name. He looked down at the engagement ring in his hand and then, with a change of heart, passed it back to Louisa, “We are headed for America.”
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My girlfriend is a robber.. | Alicia Sierra
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Request by anon: Can I request a la casa de papel imagine with Alicia Sierra and fem reader pls? Maybe where they are dating in real life and one day Sierra found out that her girlfriend was in the 1st robbery? (If you are not against smutt, then while having sex dom!Alicia interrogates Y/N?) Maybe after that they have some kind of a fight, but still Sierra accepts it somehow (happy end)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: uhh spoilers, smut smut smut, masturbating (fem recieving), swearing, mommy kink (it’s like 1 time but yeah), let me know if it’s anything else!
Again, I’m so sorry for the delay but I hope you like it!  Much love, Mer xx
You met Alicia quickly after the first heist. Everyone split up in duo’s, but since everyone was already assigned a partner, you were alone. You didn’t mind, though. So you surprisingly stayed in Spain. You liked the country, plus you always stayed low so no-one knew who you were. You were the underdog of the group. Planning things together with El Professor, operating in the tunnels, things like that.
So when you met Alicia, your life got turned upside down. She was everything you weren’t. She was loud, demanding, dominant, whereas you were quiet, following and submissive. So if someone told you to do something, you did it. No questions asked. It was nice to have a change sometimes. Your life before Alicia was crazy. You were locked in the Royal Mint of Spain for you don’t know how many hours and you escaped without a scrape. You were proud of it, for sure, but you couldn’t tell Alicia that. She would have you arrested faster than you could say ‘I’m sorry’. 
“Babe?” you heard Alicia call from the bedroom. You muted the tv and called back “Yeah?”
“Could you come here for a second?” You threw the tv remote on the couch and went upstairs. “What’s up?” you asked her, leaning against the doorway. She was bend over, with her back against you and was rumbling through a drawer. She turned around with a smirk and held up a pair of handcuffs. You copied the smirk and stepped towards her. You were immediatly turned on. Your sexlife was incredible, no denying that. 
“You’ve been a bad girl,” she whispered as she took a step towards you. You were jelly in her hands and she knew it.
“What did I do, Mrs. Officer?” you innocently asked. She clasped one side of the handcuffs on your wrist, while leading you to the bathroom. She pushed you to your knees and clasped the other one around your other wrist, the pole of the heater in between your arms, so you couldn’t leave.
“You’ve been a very bad girl,” she said again, but this time more agressive. You frowned, but swallowed thickly when she held up a necklace. It was the necklace your grandmother gave to you before she passed away. And you lost it during the heist. Shit.
“I-I can explain, Alicia,” you whimpered. Before you could speak again, a sting was felt on your left cheek. She had slapped you. 
“Oh, you’re going to explain. I will have you arrested when I’m done with you. Because you know what happens to bad girls?” she leaned in closely and moved her hand down to your core, “they get punished.”
She ripped off your shorts, including your underwear.  She pulled up the sportsbra you were wearing and slapped you across the boobs. You hissed, but somehow you enjoyed it.
“My, my, so wet already? Don’t think you’re going to cum today, sweetie. I will ruin you.” She pushed your legs farther apart and spread your wetness around your core. You moaned loudly and she pushed her fingers in your mouth. You sucked greedily on them while she looked at you with disgust.
“Who were you with?” she asked you. She pulled her fingers back and pulled your hair. “Who were you with?” she asked again, but this time louder.
“I don’t know, Al,” you whimpered. She slapped you across the boobs again and yelled at you. “Who were you with Y/N!? I’m not fucking around. You are going to tell me or you’re going to pay for what you did!”
“Ah!” you hissed, “I really don’t know Alicia! I only knew them by their secret names. We weren’t allowed to discuss any personal things or get into a relationship with each other. I seriously don’t know anything about them, ah fuck!” you yelled as she pushed three fingers inside you. You clenched around her and moaned loudly. You tugged at the handcuffs, but they were only getting tighter. 
“Alic, please. I don’t know anything about them except their secret names and our tasks. Ah fuck!” you clenched your eyes shut as the familiar knot tightened in your stomach. “It wasn’t supposed to go that far. The plan was to get the money and leave, not kill people on the process. Oh god.. may I please cum, mommy?” 
The only answer you got was another slap to the boobs, which pushed you over the edge. You let out a strangled moan as you came down your high. Alicia opened the handcuffs and walked out of the bathroom, without saying a word. When you were able to stand again, you followed her downstairs. 
“Alicia, please. I had nothing. If it wasn’t for the guy who came up with this whole plan, I would’ve fucking died on the streets. Alicia, please understand we never meant for this to happen. We never meant to kill anyone. I just needed the money and a safe place.”
“Oh and you think robbing a bank is a safe place? Are you out of your mind?” Alicia yelled at you.
“It was my only option!” you yelled back. This wasn’t fair. Sergio never meant for this to happen and neither did you. It was supposed to be the money and go. And he did keep you safe.
“Bullshit!” she yelled, “you could’ve -” you cut her off.
“Could’ve what? You and I know damn well I would’ve jumped off a bridge or snorted too much if this hadn’t happened. That man saved me. The least you could do is be grateful that I’m okay now.” 
The silence was terrible. Your heavy breathing was the only thing heard in the cold and empty apartment.
“I don’t know anything about them, Alicia. Please believe me when I say that. You know I’m not a killer or would do anything that could hurt anyone. I needed the money. That’s all there is to it.”
“You could’ve at least told me,” she said. You huffed. “And have me locked up for the rest of my life? No thanks.”
She smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Oh god, not that look. I know that look.”
“At least now I have a reason to use the handcuffs more often,” she said, while striding over to you and giving you a passionate kiss. “Mommy’s going to take good care of you baby. So, so good.”
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onepdumpsterfire · 5 years
Disclaimer: These stories are based ‘loosely’ on the game Obey me shall we date. The major stuff will be the same, but here and there the story will be changed or embellished. It is just an AU and I do not own the game the characters, from both One Piece or Obey Me, nor do I own One Piece in general. It would be cool though…
Warning: The characters will mostly be ooc and for the most part will not have the same background as in the anime/manga. The reader’s age will be above consent; the exact number is up to you.
Various Characters X Reader
Shanks heard about the fight the brothers had. He’d heard about how you got hurt. At first, he was angry at Sabo for doing what he did. If anything happened to the exchange student this whole thing would be a waste. He punished Sabo for what he did. Beating him bloody. Shanks decided he couldn’t take his eyes off him until he was sure he wouldn’t rage out again. So he proposed a three-day retreat. He could keep an eye on Sabo, and make all three realms get along. He needed to see results in his plan, if this was the only way to do it then it’ll have to do.
As courteous as he was, he made it known that this request was no entreaty. You all would show and be in your best behavior. No protests. No complaints. No objections. And so, that is how you found yourself taking a tour of his palace. Benn, One of Shank’s loyal servants, was explaining the more historic artifacts that decorated the halls. It was interesting to hear the different stories each piece held. One, in particular, held more than the rest. It was a painting of a woman she dressed in clothing from what seemed like the mid-1800s. She wore a high waisted baby-blue gown with a white lacy bonnet and shawl. This seemed to be from the human world. Her out of time style clothing wasn’t the only thing that drew attention to her. She seemed to be moving…
“Sanji!” came her scream. The painting can speak? Sanji looked puzzled. Had he done something to the painting to make them mad? “Oh, I know you! Violet, from when I visited Spain in the human world.” So he had. “You hornswoggler, pigeon-livered, ratbag!” 
“Now, now, sweetheart. No need to get nasty.” Sanji barely seemed to consider her as anything. What wrong had he done to make her say such strange…insults? “What brings you down here? Was the power you gained from me not enough?”
“Power?! From you?! Yeah right! You left me for dead!” Her shrieks shook the frame she was imprisoned in. “the coven betrayed me and trapped me in here! I’ve been passed around and showcased like one of those wagtail wenches! This is all your fault! If only you had st-”
“If only I had what? Stayed and helped? If I recall correctly all you asked for was ‘unimaginable power’ to bring those meaters of the coven to their knees” Sanji approached the painting, “If you didn’t know how to properly use them and was outwitted by those Vazey, Mumbling coves, it was on you.” His tone was dark and airy. Like he was trying to threaten her without letting the others know, but by how the room seemed to resonate around him, it wasn’t that convincing. “You Flapdoodle! I’ll make you pay!” You what…. Flapdoodle, really? You didn’t get much of a chance to wonder what that word implied. She let out bright light, oils swirling inside the painting. They turned into a vortex sucking everything near inside. First, it was Sanji then Nami and Ace. the last ones it took were you and Kid who grabbed on to law for support, but they were both dragged in anyway. 
The lights where you appeared were dim. Beside you was Kid and Law, separated from the rest. “We need to find the others,” was the first thing said in the eerie quietness of the corridor you were in. “What we need to do is find out where we are.” An interjection from the other male. “Not the time to fight, both of you.”
“We’ll look around, figure out where we are and find the others at the same time.” Both men looked at each other, surprised by your sudden leadership. “Yes, ma’am,” Law mocked you but listened to your orders nonetheless. Not like he had much of a choice. After the pact, every order you gave no matter how small, was followed. You didn’t like making them do things, giving them orders, but when the hands were down… You needed them to focus right now. 
The path twisted and turned in many directions. There were dead ends and traps, like a maze. For the leader of this makeshift gang, you had to take the back seat in most dangers that befell you. They were too grand to fight off yourself. If one thing came out of this, you learned the extent of both your companion’s capabilities and an invaluable piece of information. While you held a pact with them their demon forms wouldn’t hurt you. The power that they release, that is.
Their presence felt otherworldly, like Sabo’s. Their combined power would have pulverized you. It was just as great and magnificent as the first time you were able to see it. When Sabo threw you against the tomb’s wall. This time you could hold your own against this gripping force that radiated out of them. Your sight was clear and your head didn’t hurt. Your body didn’t weaken at the proximity. It was probably because of the pact you made with them.
Their forms changed as Sabo’s had. Law grew tusk-like horns that protruded from the back of his head, wrapping around to the front. They were pearl-white and sharp. Under his coat there was a tail, thin with a tuft of black hair at the end. Kid Had also grown one of his own, a golden tail that faded into pitch black. His own set of horns came out from the top of his head, twisting into their sharp endings. His teeth ground into fangs. They looked savaged like they’d maul anything that crosses his path. 
They both ferociously protected you from any trap that was set up in the labyrinth. Tearing into anything that moved and ripping you away from any danger that befell you. Eventually, you did come across the others, having a hammering headache as your guide. The two demons had to go ahead in front of you to tell Ace and Sanji to turn back from their demon forms so you could step closer. Nami, on the other hand, wasn’t affected by it. Her magic gives her protection from their power. “Oh my sweet, Y/n. it’s okay to come closer now.” Sanji called out for you. “R-right,” you turned the corner to meet them.
“Now we need to find an exit.”
“Darling, how I love it when you take charge.” Sanji was a flirtatious fool, no wonder that woman, Violet, was mad at him. However, she should have known better than to cross a whole coven. Pushing you in front, the two brothers you made a pact with ‘protected’ you from their brother. Not wanting you close the lascivious demon.
There was more walking, the labyrinth seemed endless. Yes labyrinth, Ace had filled you all in about it when you caught up. It was below the castle, and nearly inescapable, to those who didn’t know the way. But a powerful mage could figure it out with a spell or two, she just wanted to find the others first. With you guys here there was nothing stopping Nami. She started her spell, but there was this rustling coming from the chambers. It was a persistent sound, like sliding on the floor. Nami stopped her spell to hear it better, “what is that?” All present stopped to listen to the low creeping sound that was… getting closer. 
A wall down the path to your left was moving, you could swear that it didn’t lead to a dead-end before. “Guys, what is that?” You pointed at the scaly impasse that seemed to be moving to block all exit points. “Oh, fuck,” Law whispered under his breath, “That’s my pet Mindsnare Naga, Nola.” Kid punched his arm, “a mindsnare, really Law, really.” They were nasty creatures who seek power above all else. They’re immortal beasts that needn’t worry about time, creating convoluted plans to get to their goal. The highest-ranking person in the location they decide to nest in. They live to control and dominate their victims into submission. They suck them out of life with their venom then fill them with false memories and a built personality to help them reach their goal. If it was deep in the bowels of the castle had it already started it’s schemes? Does the ruler of Devildom know what resides underneath his very feet? You could worry about the troubles of the palace after you manage to escape its clutches.
Law had forbidden you all from harming his ‘poor Nola’. The others protested though he left them no choice, threatening that he’d destroy everything they loved if they were to harm a scale on the serpent. He gave them no choice but to oblige. Crossing the avatar of envy was one of the last things anyone wanted to do. He knew how to ruin any person until they gave up on themselves. He’s sent many into an endless cycle of loathing and suffering. “You’re its master, command it!” Kid yelled at law. “I can’t, she escaped when she was still young. I didn’t have time to train her.” How useless! How were you all supposed to defend yourselves now? You can’t hurt it, much less fight it. “I should have known she’d head to the palace. Her kind charm leaders of lands to do their bidding. Shanks must have found her and trapped her down here. My poor baby.” Not the time to hand out sympathy to something that wants to kill you. “Then what are we gonna do,” Ace piped in, the first time he talked since you’ve all gotten together. “We can’t fight it-”
“Not the time, Law.” If anyone was pissed at the scenario you seemed to be stuck in, it was wrath himself. “Don’t those things grow a second head if you kill it?” Law rolled his eyes at his brother’s ineptitude. “No, that’s a Hydra of Lerna. And they only regrow TWO heads from one that was chopped off, not if you kill it.” Thanks for sharing the knowledge, not helping though. “A mindsnare naga charms its enemies to kill them. Which is what she should be doing now….so we better think of something. Fast.” Law said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Why not try to be a little less smug and a little more helpful? “I know what we can do.” It was Nami this time who spoke up. “If I use my pact with Sanji I can boost his own power and mesmerize the snake.”
“Not a snake.”
“No one cares.” Nami turned to Sanji. “Are you ready?” He gave her a seducing smile. “For you? Always.” Nami raised her hand, a ball of glowing light sitting in her palm. Power flowed from her and Sanji seemed to be transmitting her energy. “Praebueris tua poteste quod tibi commodare mea. Nos hanc novam transmittat; coniuncta cum virtute non moveretur a te transiret ponam inimicos.” Her incantations forced an unyielding power to surge out of Sanji. “Don’t worry, Y/n. with my power I’ll protect you, so you won’t pass out.”
Sanji’s demon form is an incubus. Leathery wings bent to make a heart around his head then they straightened into a fine point. Short curved horns came out of each side of his head, and a long thick tail with an arrowhead tip at the end. He radiated an aura that was seen flowing out of him. The boost Nami gave him made his already grand power even more so. Sanji flew through the space between the ceiling and the top of the snake. Following it till he reached the head. Nola had wrapped herself around every way out. She was now coming in through the last passageway with Sanji in tow. He had charmed her on his way over, the serpent didn’t hold any more malice. “Get on! Nola is gonna show us the way out.” Law grabbed you by the waist and jumped on, the others in right behind you. “If she knows the way out then why is she still in here?” Sanji chuckled at Law’s question. “She’s not imprisoned. Shanks found her when she was young and let her stay down here. She gets fed every day and can go out if she pleases.” Law looked sad. His serpent had chosen a different master. As much as he loved her, there wasn’t anything he could do. She was just another of the nine monsters in this realm that guarded the nine circles now. 
After you finally got out of the labyrinth you all had dinner prepared by the demons. Shanks announced that the next day you will be doing a scavenger hunt in the palace. Hence the tour of the place. The lower demons had continued the tour after you vanished, so most of what the ones left standing saw was a mystery to you. The scavenger hunt tomorrow was gonna be hard. All of them knew this and demonstrated it with a groan that passed from one to another. After supper, Shanks separated you into groups. You were with Sanji and Ace. Kid was with Law and Robin. Nami was with Luffy and Usopp. Lastly was Sabo and Shanks.
Kid had protested, yelling that you had a pact with him and should be placed with him, but Sabo told him to zip it and follow orders. You all split up into separate bedrooms for the night. Nami staying back to have a word with you. She lent you some of her power for the rest of the retreat. She said you deserve to have some form of protection for the rest of the trip, not to mention she wanted you to have a good time with the rest. You were a bit confused by her sudden willfulness to share power, something you didn’t even know could be done, but Nami was very front face about everything. She wouldn’t have lied about her intentions. Feeling a tad closer everyone you made your way to your shared room with the rest. Today was a long day, though it was filled with many fun and exciting things.
1800’s slang-
* Hornswoggler- a fraud or a cheat
* Flapdoodle- sexually incompetent man
* Meater/Pigeon-Livered- coward
* Mumbling cove- a shabby person
* Ratbag- a general term of abuse
* Vazey- stupid
* Wagtail- promiscuous woman/ dissolute man
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zebrabaker · 5 years
A Spider’s Web, A Ladybug’s Delight
Here it is!
Marinette turned to open the door with her shoulder, stepping into the bakery proper. She crouched down, setting the tray of sugar cookies into the lower display case. She heard the bell ring, and called.
“Be with you in just a minute!” Then, came a warm chuckle, and a reply in English.
“No rush, my little lady.” Marinette nearly dropped the tray. She slammed the tray into the case, and bolted up.
“Peter!” She ripped off her apron, and leapt the counter. She threw herself into the arms of a tall boy with honey brown hair and molten chocolate eyes. “When did you get here? Why are you here?” He ran a hand up and down her back, and kissed the top of her head, which she had tucked into the crook of his neck and shoulder.
“Mister Stark pulled me out of school for the next two months. Said it’s for internship stuff, but really, we’re going on a tour of Europe, as mentor and student.” It dawned on her. That was their code for super-hero stuff. “We’ll be staying for a week, then heading for Germany, then Sokovia. So, I was wondering, as I’ve already gotten Mister Stark’s permission, if you’d like to join us? We’d need your parents per-mph!” Peter was cut off by Marinette kissing him. She pulled away, and he smiled dopily.
“Absolutely! Mama and Papa have been begging me to go traveling with Nona again for a long time. With everything happening at school, I’ve really considered taking them up on it! C’mon, let’s go ask them!” Marinette grabbed his hand, dragging him to the back room.
“Mari, slow down!” Peter chuckled, following obediently.
“Sorry, I’ve just missed you so much. Do you wanna eat something?” She blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
“It’s fine, my little lady. Food sounds wonderful. Got any of those chocolate chip cookies?” He smiled. God, he’d missed her.
“Always, but you may have to fight Tiki for them.” She spun on her heel, heading more slowly for the kitchen after flipping the sign on the door to closed. “Papa, look who came to visit!” She said to the tall man, who was whisking egg whites.
“Who is-oh! Peter!” He set aside the bowl and whisk, before grabbing the boy in a hug that lifted him off the floor slightly.
“Good to see you, too, Monsieur Dupain. Err, could you put me down?” Tom chuckled, dropping Peter to his feet. “What are you doing in Paris?”
“I’m here on internship with Mister Stark, we’ll be traveling through Europe for the next two months. We,” He gestured between himself and Marinette. “have a question for you and Missus Cheng.”
“Of course! Marinette, did you flip the sign?” Marinette nodded, and Tom flipped off the ovens, and lead the way up to the apartment. “Honey, we have a guest!
“I hope they like dumpli- Peter! Oh, how good to see you! How have you been dear? It’s only been a few months, but it feels like it’s been years! Come in, come in!” She ushered him into the living room, beaming. She, like Tom, adored Peter, and thought he was perfect for Marinette. She had received endless teasing over when they would get married. “Marinette, help me with tea!” Sabine snagged her daughter’s arm, pulling her into the kitchen.
After a large, sumptuous dinner, and several cups of tea, the four returned to the living room.
“So, Peter, you said the two of you had a question for us.” Sabine said, eyes gleaming as she sipped her tea.
“Yes, we do, Missus Cheng. You see, Mister Stark and I are touring through Europe for the next two months for my internship, so that I can learn more about the European branches of Stark Industries. We’ll be staying at Le Grand Paris for the next week, then going to Sokovia. After that, we go to Germany, then Russia, and then Italy. We’re rounding out the trip in Spain and the Netherlands. Mister Stark had already given the okay for this, so all we’d need is your permission. Marinette and I were wondering if, if it was all right with you, can Marinette come with us?” Peter reached over and wove their fingers together tightly. “Mister Stark is already providing tutors for me, so that I can keep up on my schooling, and has said that they can tutor Mari as well. All we need is for you to say yes, and file some paperwork so that she can leave the country with Mister Stark and I.” Mari bit her lip, nervous that they would say no. Tom and Sabine glanced at each other, communicating with their eyes in a way that only those who knew each other well could.
“Yes, Marinette can join you on your tour. We’ll fill out the papers tomorrow, and get them to you by lunch! For now, you better head back to your hotel, it’s getting late.” Tom spoke, standing to escort Peter to the door. Marinette knew the two would be having a talk, as well. Her Papa had always been rather protective.
“Marinette, would you like help packing?” Sabine asked, gathering the tea cups from the table.
“Sure, Maman. Are you sure you’re okay with taking care of Tiki while I’m out of town?” Tiki was a lovebird that her Nona had gotten for her a few years ago. She was a sweet little thing, who loved chocolate chip cookies, however bad they were for her.
“Of course, dear. It will be a good experience, what with all that’s going on at school. It will also let you network for your design career. Tiki will be fine, as will your Papa and I. Are you excited?” Sabine glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.
“Absolutely! I can’t wait! I haven’t seen Peter in person since summer break, and I’m so happy to be able to finally meet Mister Stark. He matters so much to Peter, and I really hope he likes me.” Marinette sighed.
“Of course, he will. If not, I’ll smack him with my broom until he sees sense.” Sabine huffed from the sink where she had pushed up her sleeves to do dishes. The two often didn’t see eye to eye on Marinette’s self-worth. Sabine saw only the best in her daughter, while Marinette had certain self esteem issues.
“Maman! You can’t beat Tony Stark over the head with a broom!”
“Bah! I don’t care who he is, I’ll smack him all the same! My daughter is amazing, beautiful, brilliant, creative, compassionate, daring- “
“You’re just listing off traits in alphabetical order, Mama!” Marinette was as bright as a tomato.
“And they’re all true!” Sabine hmphed.
It had been almost a week, and Marinette was leaving by train to Sokovia early the next day. She had woken up early, to make sure she had everything packed before school. She grabbed a black skirt and purple blouse she had made a few weeks back, and paired them with a pair of black flats with little silver tassels. She put on the silver and rose quartz bracelet and locket. The locket was heart-shaped, and had a picture of her and Peter over summer break tucked inside. She slid in her great-grandmother’s onyx earrings, and tossed her hair in a bun, feeding Tiki on her way out the door.
“Maman, I’m headed to school, see you at lunch!” Marinette called on her way through the bakery.
“Have a good day, dear! Tell Peter I said ‘hello’!” Sabine yelled back. See, today, Peter would be joining Marinette at school, to ‘learn more about foreign education’.” It was really an excuse for Peter to hang out with her at school. Tony had bribed Monsieur Damocles into letting Peter spend a day with his girlfriend, claiming it was ‘a contribution to the education of the future’.
“Morning, my little lady. How’ve you been?” Peter asked, flashing her a smile that made her own grow.
“Peter, it’s been two days since we last saw each other.” She slid her hand into his.
“I know.” He smiled down at her – why was he so tall, it was so unfair – and took her bookbag from her shoulder, sliding it onto his. “I still wanna know how you’ve been.”
“Pft. I’ve been good, you dork.” She mockingly nudged her shoulder with his.
“Hm. I’m your dork.” She nodded sagely.
“This is true. We’re here!” She dropped the façade of wisdom, tugging him along by the hand. “I can’t wait to introduce you to Madame Mendelieve! She’s a wonderful teacher, and really excited to meet the person who’s been helping me with my science grades!”
“Hey, Marinette!” Adrien called, walking over from where Chloe had been hanging off of his arm.
“Hm?” Marinette turned from where she had been babbling. “Oh. Hello, Adrien.” Her face went slack, losing all emotion.
“Mari? Who’s this?” Peter asked, slipping an arm around her waist.
“Peter, this is my classmate, Adrien Agreste. Adrien, meet Peter, my boyfriend.” She smiled, sharp and a little cruel. “Peter, let’s head to class.” She said in flawless English.
“Whatever you want, Mari.” The couple spun on their heels, heading in to the building, leaving a stunned blonde behind.
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Integrity, Faith, and Crocodile Tears (part three)
well... i don’t have much to say other than i love this part the most ( @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts and i went off on it)
[part one] - [part two]
[Part 3: Look Me in the Eyes, Tell Me What You See]
it’s the middle of the night when katherine is awoken roughly by the door to her cabin being thrown open.
“wake up, katherine,” the duke says, sounding incredibly cheerful. “we’ve arrived at your new home.”
it feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of katherine’s body at those words. she’s had the whole journey to get used to it, but the reality of actually landing in spain makes the weight of the situation hit her hard. it feels like eight different emotions rush into her at once, and none of them are good. she manages about two seconds before she blacks out, and she just about sees the duke’s face of alarm before everything goes dark.
the duke grabs her arms before she collapses on the floor. 
“katherine?” he says, but his tone is not genuine. if his son’s betrothed was prone to fainting spells during times of excitement, then that could provide an issue when heirs were to be considered. 
“katherine!” he demands again, shaking her roughly. he pulls one hand back and slaps her again. “katherine!”
katherine’s eyelids flutter for a second, then close again. the duke delivers a second slap but the girl is completely unresponsive and he curses.
he thinks it’s possible katherine had become ill on the voyage, which was worrying. he couldn’t have her bringing back some illness and giving it to his son and only heir. he’d have to get her checked out by a doctor before they went back to the duke’s estate. it would delay their journey by a day, unfortunately, but the duke isn’t worried. jane would never be able to get past the Spanish port, not with every English ship being stopped and screened for her.
the duke takes katherine to the most trusted doctor in madrid, a man by the name of javier. 
“who is this child?” javier asks as he looks over katherine, who was mostly still unconscious. 
the duke lies through his teeth. “a visitor for my son, her name is katherine. from england.”
“an english girl,” javier muses. “what kind of business could an english girl so young have with your son?”
the duke thinks for a brief moment, before finally settling on “she will be his companion. playmates.” it wasn’t untrue, he rationalises. while the two would, technically, be married, until they are of age they would not be treated as such. they will sleep in different wings of the house, have different tutors (his son was learning as much as he could, and while katherine needed to learn Spanish, the rest of her studies would be in the things she needed to know to run a household when she grew up) and treat each other as nothing more than friends. the early marriage was merely a precaution to make sure jane could not take katherine back if she somehow made it past the dock.
“well, she does not seem to have any contagious diseases,” javier says once he finishes the check. “she is dehydrated though. if she develops a fever then it could be bad news.”
ferdinand is relieved to hear this - the marriage could still happen. jane wouldn’t be able to take katherine back to england. there’s no way she’d make it through the port, let alone get to katherine. 
“gracias, javier,” he says with a very shark-like grin.
at the port, rigid checks were in place for every english ship that arrived. the german ship that had just arrived, however, was passed over and the passengers allowed to disembark. jane’s conspicuous blonde hair was tucked under a headpiece and she did her best to blend in with the crowd as she made her way out of the port and into the town. it was easy to find out information about the wedding; a local town crier was already spreading the news and was happy to tell jane everything she needed to know.
it worried her, the news that the wedding was supposed to be tomorrow, the chapel only opening one hour before the ceremony was to commence. 
that night, her heart hurts as she thinks of katherine, alone and scared without even knowing jane was set to arrive, to save her again. she tries to find comfort in the thought that at this time tomorrow night, she and katherine will be back on anna’s ship, on a breakaway back to england, but instead she sees all the ways it goes wrong. 
after all the wedding preparations were concluded for the day, katherine lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling, trying not to cry again. 
“sir,” she hears a guard address the duke outside her room, “we have just searched the last english ship in the registry, and there is no sign of jane seymour.”
the duke’s reply sounds surprised, but pleased. “good. i expected her to at least try, but I suppose she must have cared less than she said.”
the words go to katherine’s heart like a knife and she can’t stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. jane had abandoned her. the one person katherine had thought ever loved her, and she’d left katherine here, alone and afraid.
the duke enters her room a moment later and, upon seeing her tears, can’t help but twist the knife a bit more, while also trying to make himself seem sympathetic. a brilliant plan, really. 
he sits down on the edge of her bed, looking at her. “i guess you’ve heard,” he says gently. the duke inches closer, trying to keep himself seeming as kind as possible, even though seeing katherine break right before his eyes made him feel like this whole thing may not have been a complete waste. “i can promise you, katherine, you won’t be alone again.” in a faux-soothing gesture, he reaches out and pats one of her shoulders. “you won’t be betrayed again.”
katherine wants to shrink away from the touch, to scream and yell and to let out all the pain and anguish she’s feeling, but she’s so distraught she can’t even move. her tears come out in choked, wheezing sobs and the duke pretends to look sympathetically down at her.
“don’t worry, katherine. tomorrow you’ll have a new family, and you’ll always have a home with us.”
those words, ‘family’ and ‘home’ they used to mean jane. jane was her family. jane was her home. 
but jane didn’t want her anymore. or she would have come. 
katherine can’t bring herself to speak, to do anything more than simply lay and cry. she feels her heart shattering in her chest as he softly croons promises of a family, home, love, all pretty words she can’t see the malice behind.
in the morning, the chapel is all prepared for the relatively simple wedding; considering the short notice there wasn’t much that could be done. some attendants do their best to help katherine get ready as she continues to be mostly unresponsive, only moving when told to and spending most of her time staring blankly ahead. the emotion of a night spent crying had drained her almost completely.
she enters the chapel in her little white gown, eyes glazing over nameless faces, most of which are gushing in spanish, probably about how ‘cute’ she looked. 
the pastor begins to drone in english about the god-given responsibility eduardo and katherine are to have to spain, about their blossoming love, everything. 
“if anyone objects to this union under duke ferdinand of madrid, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
the room is quiet for an agonizing moment, katherine’s unresponsive mind pleads for someone, anyone, to save her. 
there’s a quiet murmur of gasps as someone obviously stands. 
“i do.”
something suddenly clicks in katherine’s mind. she knows that voice, could recognise it anywhere. she drops the small bouquet of flowers she’d been given to hold and turns, just in time to see a veiled figure stepping out into the aisle. she rips the veil off to reveal jane, and katherine can’t contain herself any more.
she runs as fast as she can towards jane who, when she reaches her, lifts her off her feet in a tight hug. katherine clings to jane, gripping on tightly with her arms and legs as jane holds her close, burying her face in jane’s shoulder.
“you did come after me,” is all she manages before the tears overwhelm her.
the audience sees it as a touching yet somewhat confusing moment, but all the duke can see is red. 
“guards!” he yells, voice strong and ringing and face purple. “seize them!”
jane has barely set katherine down before taking her hand and sprinting out of the chapel.
two german sailors had agreed to wait outside on hired horses, and jane quickly passes katherine up to one who takes off immediately. the other helps jane onto the back of his horse before they follow as quickly as they can. the duke’s horses were still stabled and the guards could not catch up on foot, and jane feels a wave of relief as the shouting from the chapel gets quieter and quieter. they would not be safe though, not until they were out at sea; jane knows the duke and his men would be following as soon as they could.
the horse reaches the dock as the other sailor is already dismounting and lifting katherine down from the horse. when jane’s feet touch the ground she grabs katherine’s hand and leads her onto the waiting boat, followed by the two sailors.
the sailors hastily untie the ship and let out the sails, and jane can hear the thundering of horses’ hooves pull to a stop on the main dock of the harbor, as the duke’s guards, led by the duke himself, watch jane and katherine sail away.
jane watches quite forlornly as they immediately make their way to the nearest royal ship and prepare for their own expedition. 
in the meantime, however, jane looks down at the small girl on the deck, dressed in white and hair pulled up in an elaborate series of plaits, face red and still teary-eyed. 
jane kneels down before her. “hi, love,” she says softly, deciding to let katherine make whatever move she wanted to.
“he said you didn’t come after us,” katherine mumbles very quietly, voice thick with tears. “but you did.”
“i did,” jane repeats softly. “i’d never have left you with him, love, i promise. you’re my daughter.” she doesn’t quite reach out, not wanting to push katherine, but she does open her arms slightly just in case. “you’re my little seymour, and i’d never leave you behind.”
katherine gives a sniffle and, without much other thought, throws herself forward into jane’s arms. 
“your little seymour,” she repeats with a heavy voice into jane’s shoulder. 
“that’s right, my love. seymours are strong, they love a lot, and,” jane pulls back to look her little girl in her teary, red eyes, “they never abandon each other. ever.”
it takes katherine not quite three seconds of looking into jane’s eyes to throw herself back into her arms.
“i was so scared,” she chokes out desperately, clinging to jane with all her might. jane pulls katherine into her lap and lets the little girl sob against her, one hand gently untangling katherine’s hair from her intricate plaits and running soothing fingers through the soft waves.
“everything’s okay, now,” jane murmurs softly. “mama’s here, kat.”
“mama,” she pleads. her voice is a rough and coarse whisper, and it nearly makes jane wince. 
“i’m here, love, i’m here.”
katherine’s small hands clutch at her back as tries to hold jane tighter. “he said you weren’t coming...you didn’t care.”
“he was so wrong, love. i’m here now.”
katherine pulls back slightly and looks at jane. “is he coming after us?” she asks, very timid and dry afraid.
jane can’t lie to katherine, as much as she’d hate to make katherine worry any more.
“he might be,” she confesses, and katherine makes a terrified whimper. “but the king is on our side, love. he won’t even let the ship land, and i’m going to keep you safe. this time he won’t get you, love. i promise you.”
katherine lets out a scared, quiet little noise. jane pulls her back into her lap and runs soothing fingers through her hair, placing repetitive small kisses along her forehead and her temple. “he won’t touch you, ever again,” jane whispers fiercely. “mama will protect you.”
there’s a few moments of quiet, then katherine speaks again, voice tiny and fragile.
“i want to go home, mama.”
“we’re going home now, love,” jane says softly. “soon we’ll both be home and safe. i’ll keep you safe,” she repeats, kissing katherine’s forehead one more time.
by the time night comes, katherine still holds onto jane like they could be ripped apart at any second. 
“do you want to stay with me tonight, love?” jane offers, and katherine looks at her with those big and hopeful eyes. 
“please,” is all she can manage. 
after the emotionally taxing day they had, katherine can’t even make her legs work, and jane manages to carry her to her cabin, much bigger than the one katherine had been forced to stay in on the trip to spain.
once they’re both ready for bed katherine immediately curls up against jane, seeking the security and comfort of being safely tucked under her mum’s arm.
when katherine has settled down, jane starts to sing. she sings a soft, gentle lullaby, hoping to soothe her little girl enough for her to sleep soundly until the morning.
katherine smiles slightly in recognition of the tune, unconsciously curling further into her mother’s arms. 
“love you mama,” she whispers.
“and i love you too, my little seymour,” she says, giving katherine a kiss on her head. “always and forever, i’ll keep you safe. and i’ll love you.”
it doesn’t take long for katherine to drift off to sleep, finally feeling safe after almost two weeks of terror and fear. jane says awake for just a little bit longer to make sure katherine doesn’t wake up again.
when she’s pretty sure katherine is deep in sleep, she presses one more kiss to the top of katherine’s head.
“sweet dreams, my little seymour.”
tag list: @percabeth15 @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @hansholbeingoesaroundzeworld @anaamess @beeskneeshuh @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @sixcago @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16
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eenwens · 5 years
Scenes We Needed (Liv coming home from Spain)
Sorry so many stories end with them in bed, but Noliv in bed being all cute and shit is kinda my kink. This isn’t my best, but here you are.
King’s Day is a blast like usual. All around her people are dancing, laughing and genuinely having a great time. Liv smiles as she watches Ralph and Isa take back shots and giggle as they dance in circles.
Liv knows she should be enjoying herself. She was so happy to get back home. She loves her parents, but a week with them is truly all she can take. She also knows deep down the other reason she’s so far away mentally. She can’t stop thinking about an adorable wack painter kid. She had been thinking about him and replaying their scorching first kiss in her mind continuously for the past couple of days. Without thinking she starts to walk texting Ralph she’ll be home in the morning and she loves him before turning off her cell so he can’t call her and asks a bunch of questions.
She walks without planning, her body moving on auto pilot. After awhile Liv stops in front of his place, anticipation racing through her veins, her heart hammering in her chest. Taking a deep breath she reaches out and pounds on the door. She can’t contain the smile on her face when Noah opens the door standing only a few feet in front of her. Finally, he is close enough to touch.
He looks positively adorable in loose blue jeans and a light pink sweater. His hair is unruly and loose curls drop onto his forehead. A huge smile appears on his handsome face and dimples sink in both of his cheeks.
“Hey! How was-“
She doesn’t even let him finish his sentence. She isn’t in the mood for small talk, not now. Stepping forward she launches herself into his arms, her mouth crashing down on his before he can even prepare. But in true Noah fashion it doesn’t take long for him to respond. She hears him growl deep in his throat as he wraps his arms around her and their tongues meet. Picking her slightly off the ground he spins her around and kicks the door shut behind them. He has her up against the wall in seconds and Liv moans out loud when he rips his mouth from hers to trail kisses down the side of her throat. His hungry lips meet hers again at the same time his hands reach down and cup her bottom.
Liv is in heaven. She has been missing his mouth and his smell and his hands for seven long days. She feels like she will never get enough. Then, out of the blue, Noah places his hands on her hips and pushes her away. Panting for breath his eyes still closed, he rests his forehead against hers.
“What’s wrong?” Liv asks confused.
“Nothing’s wrong. We should just slow down is all.”
He opens up those baby blues and smiles at her. He kisses the tip of her nose and steps back. Liv immediately misses him. But she breathes a giant sigh of relief. He just wants to slow down, he hasn’t lost interest in her like she instantly feared.
“Hungry?” He asks taking her hand and leading her into the kitchen.
“I could eat,” Liv says climbing onto the stool at the adjacent counter.
For a few minutes she watches him pull an array of veggies from the refrigerator. He places them on a chopping block and she’s almost transfixed when he begins dicing them at lightning speed.
“I didn’t know you could cook.”she says after watching in amazement for another minute.
“Well, I’m no chef, but I’m here alone a lot so I kinda had to learn. There’s only so much takeout even I can stomach.”
“You stay in the big house by yourself?”
“It’s me and my older brother, but he’s barely ever here.”
She wonders about the relationship he has with his brother. She remembers him saying he wasn’t trustworthy and he would tell her why another time.
“What about your father?”
He’s quiet for a minute as he dumps the vegetables into a small pan and begins to stir fry them. There’s a long pause as he stares down at the pan. There is this look on his face that she can’t seem to read.
“Dad travels a lot for business. He has places all over the world. He’d rather stay in those with his new child bride then come here.”
“Sorry,” Liv winces instantly regretting her question.
“Don’t be, it’s ok. I’m used to it. What about you? Why do you live with two guys?”
Liv pretends she doesn’t notice the abrupt change of subject. He obviously doesn’t want to talk about his dad or brother and she isn’t going to push it.
“My parents live in Spain. I came to live with Ralph and Jayden so I could finish school here.”
“You miss them?”
“Sometimes, but it’s better this way. I love living with the boys and my parents love Spain.”
They talk a little more about how she loves living with the guys and having Esra close. How they have become her own little family here. He places a smoking plate of Stamppot in front of her and her stomach rumbles in appreciation.
They eat their meal by candlelight, Liv smiling when Noah pours her apple juice instead of wine. After they finish they plop down on the living room couch and talk and laugh for hours. When they look up at the clock on the wall they realize it’s well past three in the morning.
“You staying the night?” He asks hopefully.
Liv pauses with her answer. She wants to stay. She’s been thinking about being in his bed again all week. This time she’d be able to actually hold him and fall asleep in his arms. All of the things she wanted to do the first time but didn’t dare. But she has to make one thing clear with him first.
“I don’t want to have sex,” she blurts out of nowhere when he’s halfway up the stairs.
Noah turns around slowly, a slight confused look on his face. She can see him trying with all of his might not to smile.
“I mean, I want to have sex. Eventually. Just not tonight.”
“You are so cute.” He says his smile finally breaking through.
“I’m serious, Noah,” she says chewing on her bottom lip nervously.
Without a word, he reaches forward and grabs her hand. He gently pulls her up the stairs and into his bedroom closing the door behind them. They sit down on his bed side by side, their fingers still entwined. Liv looks down and smiles at his pale perfect skin holding her tawny colored hand.
“I really just want to hold you and sleep, I swear.”
She looks up to meet his gaze and sees seriousness there in the swirls of silver and Caribbean blue.
“Okay,” She says a smile lighting up her face.
Noah goes to stand up and she yanks him back down. She gives him a deep kiss, raking her fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck. He pulls back after a minute or so and gives the top of her head a soft kiss. He takes a plain white tee out his drawer and hands it to her.
He starts to strip down to his boxers just like the last time. Liv looks him dead in the eye and peels off her own top. She smiles when Noah’s eyes drop to her black bra. She raises an eyebrow at him as she pops the button on her jeans and pulls them off as well. She boldly stands there in nothing but her bra and matching boy short panties.
“You’re killing me,” He says smiling.
“I’m just showing you that I trust you.”
“And I appreciate it. It’s still killing me.”
Liv smiles back before pulling his tee over her head. It smells just like him and she inhales deep. They climb into his bed at the same time, but this time when he rolls on his back she climbs into his arms and he wraps them around her. She kisses the side of his neck and feels herself drifting off to sleep. This is it. This is what it feels like to be so happy with someone you feel like you’re dreaming. She doesn’t know exactly where this is going between them but she knows that she never wants this feeling to end.
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arazialotis · 6 years
Moto Grand Prix - Part 1
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Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: Around 3000
Warnings: swearing
Summary: A request from @acortez82 An idea I liked so much I decided to to a little series out of it. Jared invites Jensen to not just any motorcycle race but the biggest one of all. The final race of the grand prix happening in Valencia, Spain. A hot rival between seasoned veteran Suarez and new to circuits Esposio makes the excitement buzz in the air. Although knowing nothing about the sport, Jensen can’t help but root for the rookie. And just perhaps, he will leave Spain with more than just the love of the track. 
Everything I write is beta’d by the wonderful and pristine @misguidedconqueress I couldn’t do it without her!
I intend no hate or ill wishes to him or his family. This is purely just for writing and wasting my time. This is purely for a hobby and my enjoyment. Maybe some of you will enjoy it too. I am by no means a writer so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or grammatical/spelling errors. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions!
Let the race begin! 
As soon as the clapperboard snapped down, marking the end of filming and the start of winter break, Jensen raced to his trailer; bags already packed, wanting nothing more to run back home to the warm sunshine in Austin. While the rest of the cast and crew were celebrating with champagne, he was putting together the last bits of his travel details. A knock on the trailer door startled him from his thoughts and he went to answer, dreading anything that could keep him at work longer. Jared appeared on the other side, bundled up from the chill up yet still beaming with delight.
“I was hoping to catch you before you rushed off.” He laughed, his breath fogging in the air. Jensen nodded his head, directing him to come in. The wind slammed the door shut behind them. “Man, I am so sick of this weather.”
“You and me both, brother.” Jensen chuckled. “When I signed up to become an actor, I thought it’d be palm trees and beaches. Had I known they were going to ship us off to Canada, I might have thought twice. So uh, you doing anything fun with your time off?”
“Actually that is what I wanted to talk to you about.” Jared started. “But first let me give you an early Christmas gift.” He said, handing Jensen an envelope.
Jensen eyed him suspiciously before taking it from him. “With it still being over a month away, I’m afraid I can’t yet reciprocate the gesture.”
“Would you shut up and just open it.” Jared playfully ordered.
He ripped open the seal with his thumb and pulled out its contents. His eyes widened with shock as he tried to process what he was seeing. He looked at Jared for clarification but received nothing other than a smile. He held two tickets in his hand, one for an airline and the other for some type of sporting event.
Jared couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. “I scored tickets to the MotoGP!” “The what?” Jensen asked, still confused.
“Dude.” Jared chastised. “Grand Prix motorcycle racing. The last race of the year… In Valencia! To determine the winner. Esposio is so close to taking the lead…”
“Wait. Wait. Hold up. So you are taking me to Spain?” Jensen clarified.
“I’m taking you to Spain!” Jared exclaimed.
“Dude!” Jensen went in for a quick bro hug. “This is going to be awesome. God, how can I repay you?”
A few short weeks later, both Jensen and Jared had ventured to Spain. Seeing sights, experiencing local cuisine, and breathing in the glorious ocean air revived their spirits after months in the desolate Canadian winter. But the main event had yet to take place. Jared couldn’t keep his mouth shut the entire time. Naturally it caught Jensen up to speed. Apparently, many people were rooting for the racer named Esposio. It was his first tour and he was neck in neck with a long seasoned veteran of the tracks, Suarez. Esposio needed to place first to take the championship, and on top of that Suarez had the home track advantage.
Jared had made a vast understatement when he said he had scored seats. The VIP Lounge which they had access to was positioned right over the Ducati and Yamaha garages and just past the finish line, allowing them a great view of all the action. Jared was already schmoozing with other high rollers in the lounge but Jensen prefered to keep quiet, leaned up against the railing and watching the commotion in the pits. Part of him even wished he could be down there, working in the trenches, but knew he’d screw something up.
Anxiety and excitement heighted as the time for the race drew nearer and nearer. Jared pointed out Esposio, on a Ducati bike numbered 34, decked out in a grey and red uniform. The rider appeared nervous, looking back and forth between other drivers, checking and rechecking his bike’s mechanics. Jensen could understand why. From what Jared had explained, everything for him counted on this last race.
Before the crowd could even realize it, the race had begun. The bikes whizzed passed the stands; already heading into the first corner. Jensen gulped against a lump in his throat, realizing how close the bikes were to each other and how low they got at each turn, the drivers’ knees literally scraping the edge of the track. He kept a sharp eye on 34, dreadfully anticipating a crash at any moment as the bike weaved in and out, skillfully attempting to move closer to the lead.
The bikes drove out of sight, but the crowd could still make out the whirring of the engines. They grew distant, the seconds drawing out, the roar slowly building up until the bikes were visible again. A few made their way closer to the line and flew by once again. The crowd roared, Suarez already taking a place in the top three. Another large group sped past with Esposio caught in the middle. Finally a few stragglers joined the rest, and just like that the first lap was over.
Jensen felt a slap on his shoulder, which drew him from the trance.
“So first lap over, what do you think?” Jared boomed, energized from the action.
“Man. It is crazy. You think they’d let us test run after they are finished?” He playfully questioned.
Jared chuckled. “Dude, you would die before you even got to the first corner.”
“I know how to ride a bike.” Jensen rolled his eyes.
They watched the group take another corner, darting low to the ground. “Not like that.” Jared remarked.
“Not like that.” Jensen agreed.
The racers took each lap at incredible speed, the entire thing couldn’t last over an hour. He had trouble keeping track of the leaders and laps as most everything was conducted in Spanish. So instead he found himself keeping his eyes fixed on Esposio. He was sure tactics and strategy were involved but to what extent he had no idea. Esposio seemed to keep in third or fourth place a majority of the race, weaving in and out, darting dangerously in between other bikes. Jensen was simply amazed.
When it came down to the final two laps, a hush seemed to come over the crowd as everyone waited with anticipation to see if Esposio would be able to pull ahead. Even Jared’s bubbly expression was replaced by intense concentration. Almost as if Esposio had been holding back on the gas pedal, a burst of speed gave way taking him to second place.
The distance between first and second was noticeable and they were both going full speed, Esposio persistently chasing Suarez. The final lap sounded and Suarez quickly glanced behind. Both took the first curve tightly and little by little Esposio was gaining on him. Jensen was practically holding his breath.
Coming up on the fifth turn of the track, they were neck and neck, fighting for control of the inside corner. Suarez beat him to it, pulling a bit further ahead. Esposio had caught back up by the eigth curve, and again started the dance for control. Jensen watched on the screen as Suarez seemed to jolt his bike towards Esposio, almost as a threat. Esposio backed off, taking the outside of the curve, but then came speeding up on Suarez taking advantage at the ninth and tenth.
With only four more turns left, the crowd began to hold their breath with Jensen. Esposio held the lead but not by much. Both riders were so focused on the track ahead, yearning so badly for the win. With only a few more nail biting minutes left, the gap between Esposio and Suarez began to grow and grow as did the hope for victory. Finally, Esposio crossed the finish line and the crowd erupted with a roar. Esposio continued down the track throwing his hands up in the air. His hands came back down on the bike before popping a wheelie, gaining more cheers from the crowd.
As he made his way around the track once more for the victory lap, celebrating with the crowd, it was clear some Suarez fans were leaving the stands with sour faces. Esposio went to the Ducati pit and joined in dancing with the crew, jumping up into the coach’s arms and being lifted into the air.
During the time between the initial celebration and the podium, Jensen finally was able to part with the track to do a bit of schmoozing and grab some hors d'oeuvres. By the time he made his way back, Mayer had already took his place in third and Suarez on second - sporting a clenched jaw that raged with jealousy. As the announcer continued Jensen could barely translate, something about a new driver making history, Clelia Esposio, and the crowd erupted again as the racer made his way to stage.
The red and gray helmet came off with a flow of long hair shining in the sun and Jensen was struck. Time slowed as she made her way to the middle, accepting a medal and trophy. She kissed the announcer on the cheek and laughed before throwing both her hands up into the air with a yell. Time came back to speed as her team raided the podium with shaken up champagne bottles spraying her. She continued to the laugh and joined in the riot as Suarez grudgingly left the stage.
“So we coming back next year?” Jared asked Jay.
“You never told me Esposio was a girl.” He said breathless.
“Didn’t I?” Jared seemed confused. “I’m pretty sure I did. You interested?” He teased.
“Shut up.” Jensen shoved him with his elbow.
Jared chuckled. “Good, less competition for me.”
Jensen pleaded with any powers-that-be he’d be able to meet her.
The following morning, after a brisk morning bike ride, Jensen was heading back to his room for a quick shower before he planned to meet Jared for brunch. The hotel was classical romantic, filled with red stone floors and archways. Yellow lanterns hung from the ceiling and vibrant plants decorated the lobby. Sounds of birds echod along with the chatter of guests. Jensen made his way to the elevator, pushing for the doors to close.
“¡Espera!” A voice called before a hand then, an arm appeared; stopping the doors from closing.
As you made your way into the elevator, Jensen caught his breath. Despite the lack of helmet hair or a uniform, he recognized you immediately.
“Lo siento y gracias.” You spoke in your broken middle school level Spanish.
You pushed your button before looking to meet the stranger; both of you staring at each other, his soft green eyes invited you in. You looked away, blushing for the moment that lasted too long.
“Oh, um… No hablo Espanol.” Jensen stumbled.
“Oh.” You laughed, picking up on his accent. “Me neither, at least not well, but I am picking it back up little by little the more time I spend here.”
Both of you remained silent glancing at your feet, waiting for the elevator moving slowly up.
“So um…” Jensen dared to speak again. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but uh, you look very similar to Clelia Esposio.” He kicked himself for asking a question he often was asked by fans. He knew you could easily blow him off if you weren’t interested.
You smiled and bit your lip, but excitement won over and you widely grinned, the victory of yesterday still resonating with you. “Actually that is because… I am…”
“Wow.” Jensen sighed. “You had an amazing race yesterday. I was there, watching the entire time.” “Hopefully not rooting for Suarez, that pig. Oh, don’t tell anyone I said that. Could cause a huge PR Scandal.” You laughed still getting used to all the publicity.
Jensen clearly understood. “You have my word.” He sincerely promised.
The atmosphere was suddenly interrupted as the elevator unexpectedly jolted down and then up again. You yelped and clung to the sides. The doors partially opened showing a concrete wall and then shut again. The elevator halted, the lights went off with only a dim light flashing. Jensen came from the corner he held steady to, to test the doors but they refused to open.
“Jeez.” He complained, taking a phone corded to the wall. “Hola. Ah yes, um… the elevator.” He looked at you desperate. “I have no idea what he is saying.” He whispered.
You gritted your teeth. “I can try.” You took the phone from him. “Hola Senor. Si, el ascensor no trabajar. Si. Mas despacio, por favor… uh huh. Si. Que?! Tres horas?! No. Senor. Por favor. Si, si… okay. Gracias.” You hung up and looked hopelessly at Jensen. “They are aware of the problem and have already contacted a crew, but it could take up to three hours.” You sat down on the floor defeated.
Jensen’s stomach grumbled and he joined you on the floor. Though he was hungry, he couldn’t help but be excited to steal more of your time. After a few minutes of silence, he dared to start a conversation again.
“Sorry for the, uh.” He peeled the sweaty shirt from his chest. “Smell. Went bike riding this morning, the pedaling kind.”
“Oh no problem, I think you smell good.” A blush hit you after you realized what you said. “Sorry, that was weird. Its fine, it smells fine, I mean not horrible. Um… So, you been a fan of MotoGP long?” You nervously ran your hand through your hair, trying to change the topic.
“Yeah, I mean no. I actually just found out about it. This was my first race and I learned about everything this weekend from my friend Jared who bought the tickets.” He explained. “But I think I will probably be a fan from now on.”
“You from the states?” You asked.
“Yeah Texas originally, then moved to Cali. Now I spend most of my time between Vancouver and Austin.” He rambled.
“Those are like opposites.” You pointed two fingers at an imaginary map to visualize the distance. “Cause of work or family?”
“Work.” He briefly stated. 
“And what do you do?” You asked.
“Uh, me and Jared are actors.” Jensen shook his head, almost embarrassed.
“Wow.” Your eyes lit up. “Anything I would know?”
He laughed. “Mainly a TV show called Supernatural.”
Your brows furrowed as you tried to recall if you had seen it. “So like… monsters, and ghosts?”
“Yeah. It’s about two brothers who save people and hunt things, the family…” He stopped himself. “Yeah, like vampires and werewolves and shit.” You stifled a giggle. “I guess I’ll have to check it out.”
“Oh, you don’t have to say that.” He waved off.
“No, I want to.” You promised. “So Jared and um.. What was your name again?” “Jensen.” He reached out his hand and shook yours. “Jensen Ackles.”
Your tongue peeked out between your teeth. “Is that like a stage name?”
Jensen’s shoulders shook as he silently laughed. “Nope, that’s my real name.”
“You can tell me.” You pushed. “Clelia Esposio is…” You pointed your finger at him very seriously. “But you can’t tell anyone.” Your demeanor eased. “My real name is Y/N Y/L/N. It’s weird, only family and a few friends know.”
“Well Y/N.” Your name sounded enticing rolling off his tongue. “It is very nice to officially meet you. But I promise my only name is Jensen.”
“Fine then.” You pretended to pout. “Keep your secrets.”
He chuckled. Though the minutes dragged on, you and Jensen filled up the time chatting, getting to know each other, talking travel, playing 20 questions and would you rather. And what was three hours, both of you wished was longer. The lights blinked back on and the elevator shook to life. Both you and Jensen stood up, steadying yourselves against the wall. The elevator was heading back down to the lobby.
“I guess this is it.” You stated.
“I can say without a doubt, would recommend 10 out of 10 getting stuck in this elevator.” He joked. “But perhaps it was only the company.”
You bit your lip. “Ah, but if it wasn’t posted to twitter, who's to say it happened at all.” You teased back.
Jensen thought about it, and gave it. “Actually, you’re right.” He took his phone out of his pocket. “Do you mind? To commemorate the moment.”
“Of course not.” You smiled.
You leaned in close to him, grinning widely as his lips held tightly together forming a slight smirk.  
He looked down at it and smiled ear to ear. “Perfect.”
“Find a good filter.” You pleaded. “I don’t want to look ugly.”
Jensen scoffed. “That’s not possible.” You found heat rising to your cheeks yet again. “Say uh, are you and Jared in town tomorrow night still? Perhaps we could go for tapas and dancing.” 
“Yeah.” Jensen agreed. “I’d love that.”
“Wonderful. Meet me tomorrow night at Casa Montana? 11?” You asked.
“That should work.” He believed.
“Let me know officially through your tweet.” You winked. Jensen was about to ask for your number when the doors being pried open silenced you both. When they finally busted open, your freedom in containment was broken by the assault of flashing cameras.
“Ms. Esposio. Ms. Esposio. Clelia!” A crowd of Spanish reporters called.
Hotel security escorted you through the lobby, evading the group to the best of their ability. Jensen was left alone and unnoticed except for a bell clerk suffering through an attempt at an English apology. Before you were brought to a guarded service hall, you turned around to glance at Jensen once more, subtly licking your lips and parting with a wink.
Forevers: @nanie5 @sea040561​ @crushing83 @mogaruke @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @ginamsmith @jotink78 @blushingdean @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @dancingalone21 @li-ssu @highonpastries @daddy-kink-confirmed @weewooweewoo1212 @carryonmyswansong @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @atc74 @superapplepie @coolness22 @cassieraider @winchesternco @adaliamalfoy @iwriteaboutdean @spnbaby-67 @cigsnpie @curedean @monkeymcpoopoo @adoptdontshoppets @maddiepants @onceuponathreetwoone
JensenxReader: @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @jensen-gal @be-amaziing​ @mizzzpink​ @akshi8278​ @beatlesobsessionlove​ @tiffanycaruso @mywillfulwinchester @boxywrites​ @aubreystilinski @its-not-a-tulpa​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @gloriousartisanfancreator​ @sp8b8​ @aomi-nabi​
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
End Up Here Part 3 (Ashton Irwin)
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fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Harlow Nicks
warnings: none? Idk man
word count: 1.3k+
Part 1 Part 2
I came downstairs a half an hour later, in a new, cuter outfit, to see hear the music playing in the backyard, meaning everyone was here. Mom rushed past me with some food, making me laugh as I followed her. Everyone was spread around the backyard, talking and drinking. 
"Guys, food!" Mom called as she placed the last dish on the table, taking a seat at the head of the table, the rest of us flocking in. I took my usual seat at the middle of the table, Lennon and Jack on each side of me. Alex took a seat across from Lennon, Zack across from Jack. "Hey, Cal!" Len called, catching the brown-haired boy's attention. "Come sit here." She sang, pointing to the seat across from me that Ashton normally sat in. Calum obliged, shooting me a soft smile as he took a seat. My cheeks heated up as I smiled back at him, taking a sip of my wine. Growing up, my mom traveled a lot, one of her favorite places to visit being France. Something she learned while there was that children were allowed to have a glass of wine at dinner, something she found fascinating and quickly adopted. When Lennon and I turned 13, my mom started the same thing with us- with permission from Lennon's father, of course. One thing she loved doing during these dinners was coming up with a theme based on where she had visited. My personal favorite was Spain. Tonight's, however, was Greece. The table was lined with souvlaki, dolmades, moussaka and briam. Dinner was lively, people talking about all that had happened over the last two weeks. I kept sharing glances with Calum, a smile never leaving my face. Everyone seemed happy- well, everyone but Ashton. He sat at the opposite side of the table by his father, not looking up from his plate as he ate. I nudged Len, who looked past me to her brother before shrugging. As dinner wrapped up, I helped mom bring in the dishes before going to meet everyone outside. "Hey, Harlow." Calum sang as he approached. "Can we talk?" I nodded at the boy with a smile, grabbing his hand and leading him over to the stage on the other side of the yard that we used to entertain during the summer. Taking a seat on the edge, I patted the spot next to me for Calum to sit, looking out on the rest of the yard. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked quietly, fiddling with the edge of my shirt. I doubt he wants to- "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Oh. I was quiet for a moment, watching everyone interact. I locked my gaze with Ashton's, who still seemed unhappy, before looking up at the brown haired boy next to me. His eyes sparkled with hope. "I'd love to, Cal." I smiled at the boy, who grinned in return. "How's tomorrow? 7? I'll pick you up." He said happily. I nodded, leaning over and placing a small kiss on his cheek. "Sounds perfect."
The following afternoon, I began getting ready for my date with the help of Lennon. She picked out my outfit while I showered and got cleaned up. "Your outfit is on the bed." She pointed when I emerged from the bathroom. She had picked out a navy off the shoulder top and ripped jeans, and was currently looking for a pair of shoes. "Am I supposed to wear a bra with this?" I ask Len. "Not if you want to get to second base." She replied with a laugh. "I'm being serious Len." "I am too, Har." She laughed, standing up with a pair of boots in her hand. "Don't wear a bra. Trust me. You'll thank me." I changed into the outfit Lennon chose and finished getting ready. I took a seat in the entryway a few minutes to seven to wait while Lennon went back to her house to wait. 7 came soon after and I sat anxiously. 7:30 came and I sat back. Maybe he was stuck in traffic? 8:30 hit and I was beginning to lose hope. By 9 I had given up, grabbing my bag and heading towards Lennon's place down the street. I rang the doorbell and checked my phone, disappointed that I didn't at least have a text. "Hey Har. That was a quick date-" "What date?" I laughed bitterly, dropping my bag in the foyer before pulling off my shoes. "Are you okay? Did you get amnesia or something?" She asked, making me laugh again. "I wish. All I got was stood up." I said, making my way towards her kitchen to grab some of the emergency ice cream she picked up this morning. "Oh my god, really?" Lennon gasped. "He was so excited though!" "Maybe he was excited to make me look like an idiot." I grabbed two spoons from a drawer as Len discarded the top of the container. "Wow. I'm sorry Har." She said, taking a bite of the ice cream. "It's whatever. Can we just put on a movie or something? I think they just put Greatest Showman on Netflix."
Just as Rewrite the Stars was beginning, the doorbell rang loudly. Lennon let out a groan, getting up and heading to answer the door. "He- what are you doing here?" I heard her ask, prompting me to turn around. In front of her stood Calum, who glanced at me before looking back at her. "I need to talk to Harlow." "You blew it, Cal." She crossed her arms. I stood up and made my way over to them slowly. "It's okay, Len." I said softly to her. She shook her head slowly before taking a few steps away so she wasn't on top of us but was still in earshot. "What do you want, Calum?" "I want to apologize." "For what? Standing me up? Making me feel like an idiot?" I barked. "I wanted to go, Har, I really did but Ashton-" "Ashton what?" "He told me not to go out with you." He answered quietly looking down at his feet. "He what?" "He told all of us. Jack, Zack and Rian, too."  Cal stated. I let out a loud groan, turning to look at Lennon who pointed to the door to the basement. "He's down there." I said a quick goodbye to Calum before storming through the door and down the stairs. Ashton was sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room, strumming his guitar. "Are you fucking serious?" I shouted, catching his attention. "You told Calum not to go out with me?"Ashton raised his eyebrows at my outburst, a smirk falling on his lips. "What makes you think you can control who I date?" "You don't want to go out with Calum." Ashton laughed. "Oh, so now you know what I think?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Please enlighten me." "You're still young. You don't want to have the type of relationship you'd have with him, where you'd have to hide from the media. Trust me, I did you a favor." "No you didn't, Ashton! You have no idea what I want!" I shouted. "Don't try to control my life, Ashton." "I was just-" He started. "No. You can't control my life, Ashton, and that's final."
Se the Kissing Booth similarities? Hehe 
tag list: @damselindistressanu @scribblesos
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those70scomics · 6 years
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Links to the Rest of the Story: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Outline for the End
Disclaimer: That '70s Show copyright The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, LLC.
Eric hummed Rundgren's “I Don't Want to Tie You Down” while brushing his teeth. He hadn't won tickets this morning to the concert, and his next opportunity wouldn't be until he got home from school. But those tickets would be his, as would Donna's kiss. “Right here,” he said and tapped his Crest-coated lips. “Confident about that, are you?” The angel's reflection appeared beside Eric's in a burst of light, and Eric spat toothpaste onto the bathroom mirror. “Would you stop doing that?” Eric said. He grabbed a towel, wiped his mouth, and cleaned off the mirror. “What if I was peeing or something?”
The angel waved his hand dismissively. “Pshaw. We angels are dispassionate where human anatomy is concerned. Remember that time when your fly got stuck in Old Maine's bathroom, and you prayed for it to zip up?” Eric's stomach clenched. “Oh, God.”
“Precisely.” The angel smiled that smug smirk of his. “You've got six days left to get that kiss from Donna, or—” “Our relationship is over forever. You don't have to remind me.”
Eric washed his hands and left the bathroom. The angel went with him to his bedroom, but Eric had to get dressed for school. He searched his closet for the right outfit, one that would show Donna his sophisticated and sensitive side. He had a particular shirt in mind, but he couldn't find it. “The button-down one,” the angel said, “white with a coral-orange pattern?” Eric nodded. “That's the one.” “Donna bought you that shirt in ninth grade.” “Damn!” He chose a different dress shirt and grabbed his khaki pants. The angel was looking at him, and Eric's neck heated up. “Could you at least turn around?” “As you wish.” The angel faced Eric's bed while Eric got dressed. “But you won't avoid Donna's gaze so easily.” “Good!” Eric kicked off his pajama bottoms and pulled on the khakis. “I want her to see me, need her to. In my real life — my other life — she stopped.” “Are you sure about that?” Eric inhaled deeply through his nose. “Yeah, or my promise ring would be on her finger, and I wouldn't be here.” He began unbuttoning his pajama top. From the poster on his closet door, Farrah Fawcett seemed to be staring at him, but all he saw was Donna inside his mind. “But our connection must exist across the universe or something. I felt it on the driveway last night, and she did, too. Why else would she have told me about her parents?” “Yes,” the angel said, full of condescension, “you've made quite the impression on her already.” Eric's skin prickled, and he fumbled with the buttons of his dress shirt. “What do you mean by that? Did I come across as too nerdy? Does she need to see more of my rebellious side?” The angel turned from the bed. “Eric—” “No, wait. Should I cut my first classes at school and get a tattoo? Am I supposed to be — I don't know — more like Steven Tyler?” Or, maybe, more like Steven Hyde. “I wasn't … I didn't take chances.” His throat closed up. His dress-shirt was buttoned completely wrong, and he yanked it open, popping off some of the buttons. “Donna and Hyde are the reason I'm able to stand up for myself,” he said, voice cracking. “They're the reason I'm not a total duck.” The angel sighed. “You live and die by your own choices, Eric. Donna and Hyde might've influenced you, supported you, but every choice you make is your own.” He circled his finger in the air, and the buttons of Eric's dress shirt reattached themselves. The shirt buttoned itself up, and the collar adjusted itself around Eric's neck.
Eric's eyes widened. “You can use the Force!” “If you want a different reaction to your decisions,” the angel said, “make different ones — but they still have to be choices true to your heart, Eric.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Eric gestured to himself. “Can't you use your powers to give me some muscle? I mean, look at this!” He flexed his biceps. “Do you see anything? Because I sure don't.” The angel pressed a hand to his generous stomach and laughed. “You have other strengths. Use them.” Eric plunked down on the bed. “Strengths...” He tugged on a pair of socks. “Any hints about which ones I should use?” But the angel had left, and Eric slapped the top of his bed. Cryptic help was worse than no help at all. “'Make different choices,'” he said, mocking the angel’s advice. “'You have other strengths...'” He dug his hand through his hair. Whatever those strengths were, they hadn't kept him from losing Donna in his other life. To win her in this one, he needed to be stronger.
Eric chose a desk and dropped his backpack beside it. Spanish III was his first class of the day. He was the first student to arrive, but he remained standing in case Donna showed up. She took French in his other life. He had no reason to believe she’d do differently in this life, but he focused on the door as the room filled up.   A pair of gigglers, Emily and Denise, entered and took desks at the back. They were followed by Jimmy Headgear, Buddy Morgan — whom Eric waved to — and Kelso, with Fez right behind him. “You!” Kelso shouted, pointing in Eric's direction. Eric pressed a hand to his chest and mouthed, “Me?” Kelso barreled forward and shoved him into the wall. Eric's shoulder bumped into a framed map of Spain, but Fez caught the map before it crashed to the floor. “A little to the right, Kelso,” Fez said. Kelso moved Eric to the right but kept him pinned against the wall. “Why are you hitting on my girl?” “Trust me, Kelso,” Eric said with a laugh, “I have no interest whatsoever in Jackie.” “Huh?” Kelso glanced at Fez, who was replacing the map on the wall. “Maybe he is gay,” Fez said. Kelso's eyes narrowed, and he gave Eric another shove. “So you want me for yourself?” “No,” Eric said. “But if I were gay, which I'm not, I'd go for Buddy Morgan.” He jutted his chin in Buddy's direction. Buddy had taken the desk left of his. “He's smart and nice and funny — and he's got a cool as hell Trans Am. Yeah, I'd definitely pick him over you—” Kelso gasped indignantly, and his hands sprang off Eric's arms. Fez, meanwhile, slid into the seat to Buddy's left. “Hello, Buddy,” Fez said. “Or do you prefer Mr. Morgan?” Mr. Soto, the Spanish teacher, stepped into the classroom. Eric rushed to his desk, and Kelso sat at the one to his right. “If you're not into Jackie,” Kelso whispered, “then why'd you tell her all those things about me?” Eric didn't answer. He rummaged in his backpack and pulled out a big bag of M&Ms. “Buddy, mind passing these to Fez?” “No problem.” Buddy took the M&Ms and gave them to Fez. “For me?” Fez said, and his face brightened. “Mr. Morgan, I think I — I think I love you.” “Thanks? ” Buddy flicked his eyes toward Eric. “But they're not from me. They're from Eric.” Fez ripped open the bag. “Who?” “Junior from Janesville,” Eric said. “I'm fulfilling my part of our deal from yesterday, even though you completely failed at upholding your part.” “Oh, yes.” Fez crammed a fistful of M&Ms into his mouth. “Mfddd awud.” An ear-stabbing screech ended all chatter in the classroom. Mr. Soto had scratched his fingernails on the chalkboard. The nails on his right hand were long because of his guitar playing, and he used them to his advantage. “There will be no extraneous discussion in my class,” he said, “unless it's in Spanish. ¿Entendido?” “Sí, Señor Soto,” everyone said back. Mr. Soto started class, opening with the story about his summer. He told it in Spanish, and the first time Eric heard it — in his other life—he'd understood less than half. This time, however, he understood most of it. Mr. Soto must've noticed because his gaze returned to Eric's often. Kelso tapped Eric's shoulder when Mr. Soto talked about breaking a guitar string. His band had been on a tour of Southwestern bars, and Eric wanted to hear about it, but Kelso whispered, “Why? Why did you tell Jackie I—” “Mister Kelso,” Mr. Soto said in Spanish, “do you want your parents to receive a student-alert form?” “What?” Kelso said. Mr. Soto's finger zipped across his lips. “Shut it.” . Kelso quit whispering, but that didn't keep him from writing Eric notes. He passed Eric tiny, folded-up wads of paper. They resembled dry spit balls more than notes, and by the end of class, Eric's desk was covered in paper scribbled with, “Why?” and “WHY?” and “¿Por qué?” He scooped the notes into the garbage can. Whatever happened between Kelso and Jackie wasn't his problem. But Kelso stayed on his heels and stopped him in the hallway. “She broke up with me, you know that?” Kelso said. “And I never even got to do it with her!” “Okay, let's say Jackie hadn't dumped you,” Eric said, “would you turn down Pam Macy if she offered to make out with you?” Kelso grinned, as if he were kissing Pam Macy right there. “No.” “And that's why I told Jackie what I did.” “You've made out with Pam Macy?” Kelso shouted, and Eric winced at the volume of his voice. “You've only been here a day! I've been trying for two years!” Eric pushed past him. Kelso's idiocy was headache-inducing, but Eric's task wasn't to smarten him up. It was to earn Donna's kiss. Three flights down, in the science lab, Mrs. Bridges took attendance for homeroom. Eric hid in the back, behind the farthest workstation. Having homeroom with Hyde could lead to trouble, maybe even a black eye. In this life, Eric didn't have Hyde's loyalty. Kelso did. “Eric Forman?” Mrs. Bridges said. “Here!” Eric said from behind the workstation. “Who said that?” Mrs. Bridges said. Damn. He had to risk showing himself, and he rose to his feet. Hyde was standing by Mrs. Bridges, but he strode toward Eric after Eric reconfirmed his presence. “Forman,” Hyde said and clasped Eric's shoulder. Eric braced himself for pain, but Hyde's grip was friendly. “You really burned Kelso, man. Telling Jackie all that crap about him — don't know why you did it, but thanks.” His hand fell from Eric's shoulder, and Eric held his breath. Hyde’s eyes weren't visible behind his sunglasses. He could’ve been setting Eric up. but Hyde said, “You ended the whole 'Jackie Experience'. I owe you one.” Eric exhaled and leaned against the workstation. “Well, I know Kelso's type. Where I come from, people like him can't keep it in their pants.” “You don't know crap.” Hyde's jaw visibly tensed. “You don't know Kelso, so I wouldn't be makin' assumptions if I were you.” “But Jackie believing these 'assumptions' is okay as long as it gets you what you want?” Hyde shrugged, but the tension had clearly spread to his shoulders. “Lying to Jackie, who cares? But Kelso's no cheater, all right?” “How do you know?” Eric said and stood up straight. Hyde's loyalty to Kelso was blinding him to the truth. “Jackie is Kelso's first girlfriend, right? So how do you know he's not a cheater?” Hyde's temple twitched, but after a moment he rested his arm on the workstation and laughed. “I get it. You're sweet on Jackie.” “No!” Eric shook his head and tried to keep from gagging. “I'm — no!” “Here's a piece of advice, Forman...” Hyde slipped his arm around Eric's shoulders. “You've been here less than two days. Get to know people before makin' assumptions about 'em.” He half-guided, half-dragged Eric toward the door. “Kelso's a moron, but he's a good guy. And Jackie  might be cute, but behind those big brown eyes is a man-eating dragon. Watch yourself.” He released Eric and patted him hard on the back. “Thanks for the warning,” Eric said as the sting spread across his skin, but Hyde dashed into the hallway.  “What about Donna?” Eric called after him Hyde slowed his pace. “What about Donna?” “What's she like?” “Off-limits,” Hyde said and kept on walking.
Eric thought he understood his friends. Even if they didn't know him, he should've been an expert in talking to them. He'd spent his whole life — his whole other life — doing that. But in this one, they reacted in unexpected ways to what he did. Mainly, they kept threatening him, and Fez was no exception. During third-period English, Fez whispered, “Jackie Burkhart is mine.” To emphasize his point, he bit into an M&M and slammed the uneaten half onto Eric's desk. “This is what will happen to you if you talk to her again … unless it's to keep her away from Kelso. That is acceptable.” Fez snatched the uneaten half-M&M and popped it into his mouth, but Eric didn't care about Jackie. Especially not the one here. She was a means to an end, but she was getting in the way of that end. Surely, though, Donna would appreciate what he'd done. Jackie and Kelso breaking up was his gift to her. Eric held onto that thought on the way to trigonometry, but Fez beat him there. By the time Eric arrived, Donna was surrounded by Fez, Hyde and other students. Eric had no access to her. During class, Hyde intercepted the notes he tried to pass, and Donna ignored Eric when the school bell rang. She walked right by him without even a glance. She was angry. Had to be. But if he could explain himself, if they could talk, she'd understand his motives. He'd tried to protect Jackie from heartbreak, to liberate Donna from Jackie's obnoxious presence. He repeated this potential conversation to himself during music class. Fortunately, Mr. Campbell's lesson on Beethoven gave Eric the space to think. All Donna had to do was understand his perspective. She'd witnessed Kelso ogling Pam Macy yesterday, same as him. She had to see that Eric was acting from a good intent. Or she could continue to ignore him. She didn’t wave him over in the cafeteria, no invitation to sit with her. Eric wandered the tables with his bologna sandwich and cup of apple juice, but sitting with the jocks and cheerleaders — not in any life.  Other tables were occupied by groups of friends he wasn't part of, and he resigned himself to eating alone. In a corner of the cafeteria. Without a seat. Until Buddy Morgan spotted him. “Eric. Hey, Eric! Over here!” Buddy patted his table. It was crowded with popular kids, people Eric had barely spoken to in his other life. But Buddy gestured to the guy sitting across from him, Justin Something — Eric didn't know his last name — and Justin picked up his tray and found another place to sit. Eric sat in Justin's vacated seat. He and Buddy were at the center of the table, surrounded on both sides by guys and girls. Conversations were loud and fast, but Buddy's presence put some kind of force field around him. No one tried to get Buddy's attention as he welcomed Eric to the table. “Thanks,” Eric said, but he couldn't settle in. He and Buddy weren't friends yet. They'd been friendly to each other in chemistry class, but that was it. “You do know I don't belong here, right?” He forced a smile and indicated the kids at the table. “Where I come from, I wasn't one of them.” “You belong here because I want you here.” Buddy sipped his water. “Anyway, you're new. You can be whoever the hell you want.” “If only, Buddy. If only.” Eric bit into his bologna sandwich and chewed slowly. The bread was gluey, and the meat was sour — he wasn’t sure it was even bologna. “I know the food here isn't five-star,” Buddy said, scooping rice onto his fork, “but you don't have to look so miserable. You're making me want to buy you balloons to cheer you up.” A girl at the table giggled. The laugh was piercing and disruptive, but she was sitting far enough away that Eric dismissed her. She wasn't spying on his discussion with Buddy. No one seemed to be. The guys on either side of Buddy were angled away from him, same as the guy and girl sandwiching Eric. Buddy commanded a social power Eric didn't understand and would never have. “Sorry,” Eric mumbled. “I'm just … I'm in a very difficult situation.” Buddy's eyebrows rose. “'Situation,' huh?” “Yeah.” Eric examined his sandwich, peeking between the bread and the meat. It appeared safe enough, but without Hyde's insider info, he couldn't be sure. “I've lost a lot. You know, by moving away from my friends. And I'm trying to make a life here, but maybe I'm not smart enough.” “Come on. You're plenty smart. You're acing chemistry two days in.” Buddy chuckled. “It's pissing me off.” “I seem to have a knack for that, pissing off the people I like.” Buddy swallowed a mouthful of rice with an audible gulp. “You like me?” “As a friend, as a friend,” Eric said. “I'm not—” gay, but he couldn't say that here. In Eric's other life, Buddy had shared that part about himself privately. Talking about it openly, at the popular kids' table, might cause Buddy trouble. “I mean, I'm fine with you being … liking who you like,” Eric went on. “Why wouldn't I be? This is a progressive world, and I'm a progressive guy—” “Eric, stop.” Buddy clasped his hands together, as if in prayer. “For the love of God, please stop — and tell me what's really going on. You keep staring back at that table.” He meant Donna's table. Eric did keep staring at it .. at her. “I'm crazy. ” “Why, because you like the redhead?” “Because I...” Eric took another bite of his sandwich. Buddy would never believe his story, that an angel sent him to an alternate version of his life. Eric hardly believed it himself, but every second he spent here, the more real and dire the consequences felt. “How would you show someone who you really are?” Buddy grinned. “I'd kiss that someone.” Eric laughed and stifled himself with his apple juice. Kissing Donna would solve all his problems, but the kiss had to be mutual. He couldn't just pucker up and shove his lips against her mouth. “But apparently I didn't have to do that with you,” Buddy said. “You knew from the get-go I … what kind of person I dig.” He rubbed his chin, and his gaze drifted somewhere Eric didn't follow. “How exactly did you know?” “I have a really good friend back in my — back in Janesville. You remind me of him.” Buddy's cheeks flushed. “Really?” “Yup.” “Could you maybe give me this friend's number?” “Would if I could, but this person's already … occupied.” Eric flinched at his lie. He hated being so deceptive, but he had little choice. “Looks like the redhead's 'occupied,' too.” Buddy gestured to Donna's table. Hyde's arm was around her shoulders, and she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she was laughing like he'd just made a joke. Like she was his girlfriend.
Eric had study hall after lunch. It would be his best chance to speak to Donna, and he waited in the cafeteria to give her a head start. She wouldn't avoid him in study hall. He'd do whatever he could to get her to listen — even if it meant her yelling at him first — but Jackie accosted him in the second floor hallway.
She dug her nails into his wrist and dragged him to the make-out alcove. It was a hollowed-out part of the wall, and glass covered the outside, giving a view of the lobby below. It was the most interesting architectural feature of the school and the last place Eric ever wanted to be with Jackie. “Listen, you,” she said. “Michael swears he'd never cheat on me.” “That's what cheaters do,” Eric said. “They lie.” He tried to leave, but she dug her nails deeper his wrist. “Ow! I think you're drawing blood.” “Oh, I will if you don't give me proof that Michael's a dirty dog.”
“Donna,” he blurted as Jackie’s nails cut into his skin. He pried her hand off him, but she grabbed his ear before he could escape the alcove. Her shorter height meant his head was positioned at a painful angle. “Ask her about history class yesterday! She saw what I saw!” “I did ask her. She says she's staying out of it.” “But she didn't deny Kelso was looking at Pam Macy.” “No...” She let go of him. “But she didn’t confirm it, either.” “Look,” he said and massaged his sore neck, “you can date Kelso, but I guarantee you'll end up heart-broken.” She stuck out her bottom lip. “But Michael's so beautiful!” He slumped back against the alcove. Donna had kept Kelso's infidelity a secret in his other life, but that was after she and Jackie had become friends. In this life, Donna wasn’t afraid of hurting Jackie. She should've spoken up. “Jackie...” He rubbed his forehead with both hands. “What's the point of being with someone who looks beautiful if he acts ugly?” “You're right!” “I am?” “Yes. Michael is the most beautiful boy I've ever seen....” She patted the center of her chest. “But I have to find out if he'll act ugly when I'm not looking. So you, whatever-your-name-is, are going to help me test him.” “I am?” He glanced at the alcove window. If he crashed through it, would the angel save his life? Or would he grant Eric sweet, sweet death by letting him splatter on the lobby floor? “Here's how it's going to work,” Jackie said. “I'm going to interview him tomorrow, and you will bring Pam Macy to us — after you've convinced her to hit on Michael — to reveal Michael's true soul.” “She'll never go anywhere with me.” “She will, or I'll find out where your dad works and have him fired.” “Don't care.” His dad getting fired in this life was irrelevant. All that mattered in this life was Donna. “But,” he said, “if your dad can score me some tickets to the Rundgren concert this Sunday, I'll help you.” Jackie fluffed her hair. “My dad can easily get tickets to the Todd Grunyon concert.” “Rundgren.” “Whatever. You bring Pam Macy to the art studio tomorrow after school, and I'll get you those tickets.” Eric rapped his knuckles on the alcove window. He was making a deal with the devil, but he'd already made one with an angel. That had to offer him some protection. “Lady,” he said, despite his throat closing up, “you've got it.”
Eric sat in the back of the history classroom, as far from Donna and Kelso as possible. History was the last class of the day, and Donna still hadn't acknowledged him. But trying to talk to her with Kelso present would be a mistake. At least he had all evening and five more days to turn the situation around. He spent the class writing notes, not about the Cold War but today's events. Hyde had put his arm around Donna's shoulders at lunch, but he'd done to same to Eric in homeroom. Eric wouldn't assume. He'd theorize, but he wouldn't assume. The final bell of the day rang, and he waited at his desk until Pam Macy stood up. He followed her out of the classroom and to her locker, at a far enough distance that she didn't notice him. Not until he needed her to. “Pam?” he said as she opened her locker. Her backpack lay at her feet. “Huh?” She faced him, and her expression went flat. “What?” Her shirt was cut low and showed off her cleavage. His gaze trailed down her neck, but he recovered his wits and looked her in the eye. “Pam, hi. I'm Eric. We've never met, but I need to ask you a favor.” She tilted her head, as if scrutinizing him. “Sorry, but I don't do pity sex. You'll have to lose your virginity another way.” She turned back to her locker, and he said, “No, no, no. I'm not a virgin, and I don't want to have sex with you. I just need five minutes of your time tomorrow—” “No pity make-outs, either.” She pulled a fluffy jacket from her locker. Feathers lined the collar, and they tickled Eric's nose as she put the jacket on. “I don't want to make-out with—” He sneezed into his sleeve. “I'm in a little contest. See, me and a bunch of other fellows are trying to find the hottest girl in school. Each of us gets to choose one and bring her to the art studio tomorrow. I choose you ... unless someone else got to you first.” She stepped closer to him, and the feathers of her jacket tickled his nose again. “What's the prize, Sneezy?” “It's—” He sneezed again, this time into the air. Pam smirked. She was messing with him, and it turned him on more than he liked. “What do you want the prize to be?” “You'll do my history homework all year.” “Done.” “That's just for me entering this contest for you.” She rubbed her feathery collar against his neck. “If I win, you'll also do my chemistry homework.” He backed away from her. The warmth of her body was causing him trouble, and he needed to focus. “I can do that, sure. Meet me outside the art studio at the end of school tomorrow.” “Will do, Sneezy.” She picked up her backpack and shoved it at him. “Carry this to my car.” “Okay...” He followed her down the hallway, but each step brought a different outlook. He was on the winding path to victory. He'd already failed. The alternating perspectives made him dizzy, and he stared at the back of Pam's blond head.
His center of gravity had shifted, but the tightrope beneath his feet wasn't new. He'd been walking it since his first kiss with Donna.
“Good Vibrations” played from Eric's stereo. It was Todd Rundgren's cover of the Beach Boys' song, and Jerry Thunder's deep voice said over the intro, “You know what time it is. Call me for your chance to win tickets to Rundgren's concert in Milwaukee this Sunday.” Pam Macy's history notebook was open on Eric's lap, and his history book lay beside him on his bed. But he stopped doing her homework and thumbed his nose at Jerry's voice. “I don't need your stinkin' tickets. I'm getting my own.” He began writing again, making his handwriting as loopy and girly as he could. More importantly, he tried to put his answers in Pam's voice, adding lots of likes and you knows in places they didn't belong. “The Cold War, like, started after World War II,” he said as he wrote. “It was full of, you know, stress and stuff because the U.S. and the Soviet Union didn't get along.” His pencil bounced off the notebook, leaving a period as its footprint. He might've agreed to do Pam's homework, but he never agreed to get her an A. “I'd say you're getting a D,” the angel said, and Eric flung the pencil into the air. The angel had appeared from nowhere. Eric should’ve been used to it by now, but his heart was pounding.
He got off the bed and searched for his pencil. If he didn't look at the angel, maybe he'd calm down.
“Not even two whole days,” the angel said, “and you have more tangles than Midge Pinciotti's first attempt at knitting.” Eric found the pencil by his dresser and slid it behind his ear. “A D? How could I be getting a D?” “You tell me.” The angel adjusted the cuffs on his white suit jacket. “How could you be getting a D?” “I don't know, unless...” Eric's eyes widened. “Does D stand for Donna?” “Guess again.” “Damn,” Eric said and winced. Cursing around an angel couldn't be healthy for his afterlife prospects. “I mean, darn.” The angel put up a hand. “I don't care what language you use, as long as you aren't trying to hurt someone with it.” Eric inhaled deeply. No hell for cursing around an angel. That was a relief, but it did nothing to stop his confusion. It rolled through his brain like a marble, and he sat back down on the bed. “I've got guaranteed Rundgren tickets from Jackie,” he said. “All I have to do is show Donna my true self, take her to the concert, and get that kiss.” “So you haven't been showing her true self so far?” the angel said. “I've been trying, but she hasn't spoken to me since yesterday.” The angel tapped his chin. “I wonder why that is.” Eric glared at him. “Do you want me to fail?” “You've already failed. I'm giving you a chance to correct your mistakes.” A triple knock rattled Eric's door, and Eric moved past the angel to open it. His mom was standing on the other side and breathing heavily, as if she'd rushed up the stairs. “Eric,” she said, “your friend Donna is here.” She clapped twice and grinned. “Oh, this is so exciting! You have a girlfriend.” “Mom, she isn't — we've only — I gotta go.” Eric raced to the stairs but slowed as he climbed down. His mom's footsteps vibrated behind him, and the angel was nowhere to be seen. Donna, however, stood by the front door. She was cracking her knuckles and glancing around the living room. His palms grew sweaty. She'd come here for him, but she hadn't been in his house before. This place was as new to her as he was. She'd probably rung the doorbell to get inside, and that thought set off hot sparks in his stomach. She should have come in through the basement, but it was empty. It had no history, just like she had no memories of him. He had to change that, starting now. “Donna, hi!” he said at the bottom of the stairs. He tried not to grin like an idiot, but his eyes crinkled, and his eyelashes blurred the edges of his vision. “I'm so glad you came over. I—” His mom clasped his shoulders from behind and pressed her cheek into his. “I'll give you two kids some privacy.” She disappeared into the kitchen, but the swinging door wasn't sound proof. She might put her ear to it and hear his and Donna's conversation. He pointed toward the den. “How about we talk in there?” Donna agreed, and they went to the den. He offered her the armchair, but she remained standing. He stayed on his feet, too, and pressed his heels against the ottoman. She wasn't talking, and his grin grew heavier until it became a frown. “Okay, what did I do?” His tone was familiar, as if he were talking to his girlfriend Donna, not this barely-an-acquaintance Donna. But he couldn't help himself. “If this is about Jackie and Kelso, I—” “Of course it's about Jackie and Kelso!” She slapped the side of her leg, and her cheeks reddened. “What are you doing, spreading rumors about my friend?” “Whoa! Whoa—” He tried to step back, but his foot slipped out from under him. He dropped onto the ottoman and tipped backward, but he caught himself before knocking into the fireplace. “I'm not spreading rumors. I'm protecting Jackie from—” “Kelso's not a cheater.” “Has he ever hit on you?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “None of your business.” “This may be going over the line,” he said and pushed himself off the ottoman, “but you're letting your loyalty blind you.” “I'm...” The redness in her cheeks spread to her neck and forehead. “Who the hell do you think you are? You've 'known’ us for two days!” His right fist clenched. He ached to tell her the truth, that he'd known her since before he could talk, that he loved her. “Let's just say I'm a good judge of character.” “A quick judge of character. What kind of rumors are you gonna spread about me?” “None. Donna, I'd never do that to you.” “Right.” She gazed up at the ceiling when she could have left. She was giving him another chance ... like maybe she felt their connection. His stomach contracted, and he swallowed a bitter laugh. He was such a screw-up. “This is not how I wanted our relationship to start,” he said. “Oh, we have a 'relationship' now?” He coughed, trying to untangle the knot his throat. “ “Friendship. I meant friendship.” “Sorry, but I don't make friends with sociopaths.” She charged from the den. Her hair flew out behind her, and she left the house through the front door. Its slam reverberated the walls and Eric's chest, threatening to crumble him, but he stood tall. Donna had always come back to him. No matter how badly he messed up, she always came back. He just had to correct his mistakes in time.
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shotaaizawasimp · 6 years
What Will I Have Left?
No Warnings :) ... well language .
Klaus X Reader   
Part 1 of 2
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      “Another day … another victory for the Mikaelsons .” Klaus marched proudly into the compound . Fluffing out her curly hair , Y/N stood beside him . Her hand was comfortably rested in his as they walked together in contentment .
“They really got on my nerves . Honestly , death was too good for them.” The heels of her black , lace up boots clicked against the tile floor . He painted a ray of sunshine on his face when he smiled with both his mouth & eyes . It was a rather small smile , not to the point in which he bared his teeth but big enough to make the world sing .
“Ahhh yes , Aurora , Tristan & Lucien seemed to have that effect on people quite often . But fear not love … their reign of terror is over .” Whilst she admired his grin , she managed to form one of her own .
“You’re smile is the best thing that I’ve seen in ages , Nik ,” she whispered it without second thought . Slipping her hand out of his , Y/N found herself a nice seat on the couch . Niklaus , however , remained frozen . He averted his gaze but the sudden rosiness of his cheekbones gave away his state of pleasant shock .
“I’m not entirely sure how to respond to that , sweetheart.”
“You don’t . Blushing says what your words can’t .” In that moment , when she looked up at him . Her eyes shone brighter than every star in the sky , as did her smile & grace . Her intelligence never ceased to impress him & in all his years of living … her perfection was unparalleled .
Upon nightfall , Y/N lounged alone on the balcony . She admired the little lights that were strung intricately around the sleeping city . Soft jazz traveled through the streets as did happy couples & smiling civilians . She watched as a group of friends took pictures together before prancing into a club , & as two teenagers shared a kiss before waltzing down the sidewalk to get home . It had been 600 years since she was human … so full of wonder & ignorance . A hand landed on her right shoulder.
“Don’t talk . Just sit ,” She motioned towards the empty chair next to her , “& watch .” Niklaus complied . His arm sat comfortably on the arm rest , his left palm facing up . She delicately placed her hand atop his as they watched New Orleans in a beautiful silence .
“Why can’t we do this forever , Nik? Why must there always be something to rip us from complete contentment ?”
“We are alpha’s . Our lesser beings want to fight for power & to do that , they need to rip from us what is ours .” His voice remained barely above a whisper .
“We’ve earned this , & they just ,” She struggled to find the right words , “ … they just refuse to take advantage of their gift of immortality ,” An embarrassed , half-smile grew on her lips as she shook her head , “Never mind , maybe I’m just drunk or something .”
“No , you’re right . You don’t deserve to be everyone's #1 target … but the decisions I made before I met you -”
“Stop. Do not blame yourself for the ignorance of our community . They could live out their lives , find eternal love, travel , have fun … I mean , how does that not sound like heaven on earth to them ? Some people just can’t see what they have until it’s taken away from them .” Standing up to get ready for bed , Y/N kissed him .
“Goodnight , love ,” Klaus’s voice remained steady as he gazed curiously upon the people. She managed to convince him to watch the city live & grow , without saying a single word . Y/N always showed him the beauty of things when he couldn’t see it himself .
Her heart skipped a beat whenever he called her , ‘love’ . The way it rolled gently off of his tongue left her in awe … every time. She looked back at him , sitting alone in his own little world . Honestly , she would do anything to stay like this forever .
Come sunrise , Y/N & Klaus still laid entangled in each others arms . Running her fingers through his hair , she let out a slight smile . The way she lit up whenever she saw Klaus was truly magnificent & obvious to everyone but them .
“When I was human , I used to think that if I’d just followed the rules then everything would be fine . & then you came along … with your cute british accent & your amazing curly hair … & you completely shoved me off that path . Now , we make our own rules & I want you to know that I love you , so much that it might kill me.” With a deep sigh , she lingered in the moment for a second longer . His eyes opened slightly revealing two baby blue masterpieces with dashes of emerald sprinkled in .
“I love you too … so much that I’d die for you without hesitation .” She watched as he allowed himself to give her another one of his half smiles . Y/N’s eyes took in the artistry of his dimples & then his lips. He faded back into another deep sleep , allowing her to linger in the moment before slipping into some better clothes .
She strutted down the stairs angelically , adjusting her leather jacket & drowning in a sea of thought . Freya , Rebekah , Elijah & Kol stood scattered around the main corridor of the Compound . They looked particularly concerned , causing Y/N to enter a state of wonder . She inched into the room , watching each of them ignore her presence .
“What’s going on ?” Her tone was demanding , reflecting slight feelings of irritation . Kol muttered something under her breath before throwing his glass of bourbon to shatter against a wall . Elijah closed his eyes to take a deep breath before looking to his siblings , waiting to hear another voice . Rebekah sat on the couch with an unreadable emotion on her face as did Freya. Every one of them stood with no intention on answering her question . Finally , after shooting a disapproving glare to his siblings , Elijah replied.
“Do you remember Lillyana Amor ?” Elijah fixed his tie as he spoke . She nodded  , her eyes still wide in confusion .
“Well , she’s decided to pay us a little visit ,” Kol said. His attention locked onto a single stray rock beneath his shoe , attempting to distract himself .
“That’s … impossible . She’s mortal .” Y/N still waited for a reasonable answer … or something to help her understand .
“All her life , Lillyana learned from you & Niklaus ,” Elijah said , whilst being dreadfully disturbed, “She did what she knew how to do best … survive .”
“None of you are giving me any good fucking answers! I said, How ?” Blood boiling & heart racing , she felt herself grow incredibly impatient .
“You could ask her yourself . But I suspect magic . I guess that power-hungry whore decided that she wanted to live until the very earth itself died.” Rebekah spat with a remarkable amount of venom in her voice .
“Where is she?” Taking deep breaths , Y/N calmed herself down . Jumping into something like a fight with a Werewolf / Witch hybrid army wasn’t the smartest idea … yet .
“Lucien's old penthouse . You know , I am really starting to hate that place .” Freya kept her head in her hands as she spoke .
“Starting to ?”
That morning , the sun was particularly bright  . Y/N felt it beating on her skin , causing her to feel almost as if she wasn’t currently wearing her daylight ring . She knew what to expect from Barcelona , seeing as though she’d been here twice before today , but ignored her better thoughts when she packed. Men , women & children ran throughout the streets with big , happy smiles on their faces . Cars drove around the city , full of families , admiring it’s unusual architectural beauty . Most would say that New Orleans could never be half the city that Barcelona was but Y/N was missing her family & her home . Hours before she arrived in Spain , she’d received a somewhat urgent phone call . The caller was a woman named Katya Thomas whom Y/N considered an old friend . Katya spoke in a perturbed tone about a young Werewolf / Witch hybrid … the first of its kind . Intrigued , Y/N traveled here in search of her .
The repetitive clicking of her boots against the concrete ceased once she entered the home . Instantly , the cream colored interior drew out a surprised gasp from her mouth . It was the single most breathtaking estate that she’d ever seen . Her hazel eyes took in the buildings antique charm as she listened for any sign of a child . She heard the clinking of two glasses above her but most importantly , the pitter patter of small feet rushing towards her .
“I’m Lillyana . Who are … who are you ?” The little girl stopped running when she saw Y/N . Lilly was a small child , no older than 3 . She wore light brown skin that delicately mirrored her milk chocolate eyes . & Bouncy black curls that dropped down to her waist , one curl stayed clutched in her hand as she fidgeted nervously .
“I’m Y/N . Do you know where Katya is ?” Lillyana looked worried as if she was scared of the ‘intruder’ . “She’s my friend … I flew here to meet her . Is she upstairs ?” Nodding , Lilly scattered up the stairs herself before slamming a door shut . Y/N followed close behind , looking for Katya & a few answers while she was at it .  The sound of a News channel brought her attention to the only door on her right .
“Katya ?” Her fingernails tapped on the mahogany door , “Katya , I know you’re in here .”
Emerging from the room , she greeted Y/N cheerfully . She was a fair skinned woman , who was home to the greenest eyes that Y/N’d ever seen . Katya also wore short , curly red hair that contrasted beautifully with them .
“Y/N … it’s been forever !” Embracing her in a hug , Katya remembered her reason for the visit . “I suppose the loud bang was Lilly slamming her door ?” Y/N gave her an embarrassing nod & a half-smile .
“She’s cautious but … but that’s good . A girl as special as her is always going to be a target . Be glad that it’s not paranoia , yet.” Katya agreed with Y/N , as she lead her to Lillyana’s room . The hallway had few lights but the shine of the gold color walls made it brighter . Y/N admired the paintings & portraits that hung elegantly along each wall .
“I’ve told her about you but she has yet to connect the dots. I’m sorry that I can’t take care of her myself but we both know I have no experience with children . Let alone hybrid ones.” Her tone was playful as if it hadn’t been 50 years since they last saw each other . Although , 50 years to a vampire can be awfully short . & if she was being honest , Y/N found herself missing Katya’s presence .
“Of course , love . I’ve known you for ages & I’m honoured that you find me fit to take care of her .” A flattered grin appeared on her lips .
“Not just you . But uh … you are dating the original hybrid .” Katya gave her a slight nudge in the arm with her elbow .Y/N dramatically rolled her eyes before letting out a slight giggle .
“Way to ruin the moment .”
“Geez , someone's a little sensitive today . Did ya wake up on the wrong side of the coffin ?” Without a second thought , Katya kept walking before tapping her nails upon Lillyana’s bedroom door . Y/N shot her a sour glance in good fun .
“So funny . Oh , my bad , I forgot to laugh .”
In the corner of the room sat a rather large pile of stuffed animals . All different animals with a plethora colors & clothes . Lilly sat upon them , sitting them upright & placing small tea cups before them .
“Hey , sweetheart .” Y/N’s brown orbs took in Katya’s long strides across the room . She wrapped her arm around Lillyana as she brought her towards Y/N standing in the doorway . “Remember the woman that I’ve been telling you about ?” A look of realization conquered her face .
“You’re going to be my new mom!”
Vigorously making her way back up the stairs , Y/N felt tears building in her eyes . The clicking of her boots reminded her of the day that she met the little brat & as she reminisced about her time with Lillyana , she felt a pang in her heart . How could such a close , loving , mother - daughter relationship go south so fast ? She practically blew her bedroom door off of its hinges as she looked to Niklaus for comfort . He was awake now & his eyes were open wide . He sat quietly upon the side of their bed , his hands folded as he was covering his mouth . She suspected that he heard their conversation , & was worried about his reaction .
“What did you hear ?” Y/N inched towards him , waiting for an outburst of some sort . When there was none , she realized that the news hit him harder than she had thought . She took a seat next to him & rested her left hand upon his back as an attempt to comfort him .
“All of it .” Klaus’s voice remained , steady , full of no emotion except for a slight crack . It waivered a little , as if he felt the same lump in his throat that she did .
“Are you okay ?” She’d momentarily forgotten all of her worries & instinctively tried to comfort him . “Look , I understand how you feel . ”
“& what if she does ? What is she comes for Hope or you ?” Y/N shared his same fears , but knew better than to succumb to them . Her hope was what kept her sane & if there was one person that needed Y/N to be sane , it was Niklaus.
“I can handle myself , you of all people should know that .” A comforting smile grew on her lips , she’d painted a false ray of sunshine on her face in order to sedate him . He glanced at it , letting a small feeling of admiration rush through his veins before the fear of losing her bombarded every inch of him .
“What if I can’t save you ?” “Look , we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it . First , let’s just see what she’s here for … okay?” In his own way , Nik let her know that he’d hold off on panicking for a short while . While she watched , he stood up to leave .
“Let’s go see what she’s doing in our city .” Standing up in determination , Klaus reached back his hand . A king could not go to war without his queen by his side . Y/N felt as if her heart had skipped a single beat , then felt it rush .
“I love you .” She whispered as they strutted powerfully out of the compound .
“I love you too , sweetheart .”
Knock . Knock . Knock . Three knocks , each one drove Y/N into a deeper state of agitation . Noticing the deep breaths & the repetitive tapping of her left foot , Niklaus intertwined his fingers with hers . She felt the anger that once risen in her mind , like a cup of freshly poured soda on the brink of overflowing , simmer down , like the foam that fizzed upon the top would & gave the door one . last . knock .
A ding sounded from the monotonous elevator , grabbing ahold of their attention . Just as they turned , 3 of Lilly’s hybrids stepped out of it . Klaus & Y/N shared a glance. Only they could interpret without words . It said , “are you ready ?” , “Let’s rain hell on these abominations,” & “I love it when you’re like this ,” , simultaneously without even opening their mouths . Charging at the hybrids … she and Nik were ready to rip their hearts out , snap their miserable little necks & grab a snack while they were at it . Sadly , their plan was derailed by the painful realization that those ‘abominations’ were also witches who knew how to torture them with a terrible ringing noise inside of their heads .
“Anulum anulum capitis doloribus . Anulum anulum capitis doloribus . Anulum anulum capitis doloribus !” Yells of pain emerged from Niklaus's mouth . In the spur of the moment, Y/N felt a rush of adrenaline come over her. It overpowered the chanting of the soon to be dead hybrids . She sped to them with a fire in her eyes , one that could frighten even Klaus himself .  As Y/N plunged her arm into the chest of the hybrid closest to her , she tore out his heart. Y/N quickly turned & shoved it into the others mouth with such force that he began to choke. Using nothing but her left hand , she ripped his head clean off & laughed in enjoyment . The last one’s hold of Niklaus broke as it stared at Y/N in fear . While the hybrids attention was on her , Klaus sped behind him . She gave Nik a wink before smirking in satisfaction . He smiled as his fingers wrapped around his neck & within seconds , there was a snap. Taking her thumb , she wiped only a small dot of blood from her cheek before licking it off . Niklaus walked towards her , with a look of admiration in his eyes . She couldn’t take the anticipation & bolted to him , locking her lips onto his .
“There’s gonna be more .” She broke the kiss . Making sure she was ready for battle , her mind began to calculate strategy plans & -
“To hell with them … together we are stronger than anything that dare stand in our way .” He cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her once more . It’s the kind of kiss where they can’t do or comprehend anything for a few seconds after. When it ended , momentarily , Y/N kept her eyes closed with her mouth agape as she lingered in the moment . He ran his thumb over her lips , trying not to give into his burning desire . She knew what was happening , as she had the same thought . Why fight it ? , she asked herself . & the answer to that question was … don’t . It would only last for seconds longer before Niklaus heard someone enter the elevator from the floor below . Freezing for a moment , he listened carefully as it drew up each floor . 1 , 2 , 3 , & on . He’d broken away from the kiss , leaving Y/N to focus her hearing as well .
“You think it’s her ?” She asked , her voice hardly above a whisper . Nik glanced at her , noticing the smeared mascara around her eyes , he let out a slight smirk .
“I dunno , love .”
“Well … if it is , be prepared to explain the three dead bodies in front of her door .” His sly smirk disappeared when he’d realized their predicament & a look that could only be described as , “Oh shit .” spread across his face . It was not fear . Dear god no . But Y/N & Klaus intended to fool Lillyana into thinking that they were allies . Welp .
Ding . A woman with glowing caramel skin stepped off of the elevator , she let out a sigh before looking to Y/N & Nik . Holding her arms out & facing her palms towards them , Lillyana began to chant violently .
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