#i need hammers. for killing people
howldean · 11 days
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bookwormonastring · 5 months
you see when we say bonzo is just blobby. yeah
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bonewhiteglory · 6 months
starting next month I’m gonna be a blacksmith apprentice! :D I am thankfully starting super small - like, hammering very small things that someone else is holding - and I think that’s great. I took one (1) semester of woodshop in middle school, which remains the best class I’ve ever taken, and the main thing I learned from that is that there are so many ways to accidentally maim yourself. Haha. So I’m excite that these specific blacksmiths are keen on safety. They’re all hella nice and welcoming too. SO THAT’S FUN!
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stardivingsea · 2 months
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As an Absolute shock to no one, I accidentally made my first Baldur’s Gate 3 play through into a personal tragedy.
As a shock to myself, my obsession with this game made me want to draw again so someone take this thing away from me before I stare at it too long!!
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twocutlines · 5 months
this may be an unpopular opinion but personally i think the thing i struggle with regarding the idea of buck and eddie having satisfying romantic arcs apart from each other is that it is possible for sure, but i don't really. see a way for it to happen without some kind of a shift in the relationship they have each other that moves away from the level of intimacy and closeness they have developed over the past six (6!) years.
because, like, obviously you can have meaningful platonic relationships outside of your romantic partner, but even though buck and eddie are not in a romantic relationship their whole deal is also... not platonic. the space that they occupy in each other's lives is. well. it goes beyond friendship (sorry). and as others have pointed out, part of the reason buck and eddie's past relationships (taylor, ana, etc) have felt so lackluster in comparison to their relationship with each other is simply because they just do not have the kind of emotional intimacy with anyone else that they have with each other – and i don't really think you can have it both ways. the relationship buck and eddie have on the show right now can't continue as it is if the goal is to have them both in well-developed, believable romantic relationships apart from each other; something would need to change.
and i mean. they could do this; it's not impossible. but i think would be a mistake, and not just because i think they have a good foundation for a romantic relationship (though i do) – so much of the story they've told with buck and eddie is about two people who were both very alone in different ways meeting and becoming an integral part of each other's lives, and the relationship they have with each other is a really compelling part of the show. so while having them grow apart from that relationship is technically possible, i don't think it would be a good or satisfying choice narratively
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 8 months
'yandere sebastian' 'yandere abigail' 'yandere wizard' give me yandere clint 🖐✊🖐✊
#random thoughts#stardew valley#love the idea of a clint who slowly loses interest in emily and starts fixating on the farmer#it wouldn't get violent so not REALLY a yandere he just gets kinda stalker-y and really passive-aggressive#about you talking to and romancing other people#i just wish more stardew mods kept the original kind of asshole-y personalities of the nonromancable characters#don't make morris a sympathetic guy whose dad died and he's 'just following orders' give me reasons WHY he thinks pelican town sucks#and make me be able to kiss him anyway#a character doesn't need to be morally good for me to understand their motivations!!!#GIVE ME ASSHOLE WIZARD!!!#actually you know what i love the idea of clint killing someone and immediately regretting it#like in a heat of the moment 'my crush's spouse is arguing with me while im forging and well.'#'i got mad and i had a hammer'#immediately freaks out but OBVIOUSLY he can't go to harvey about this!!!#so he takes the body (were they still breathing? he was so freaked out he can't remember anymore and he hates it)#and buries it in the grove of trees behind his house where you get that one statue#goes inside and cries himself to sleep or smth#gets all jumpy for a while until you trigger his next heart event#when you go to his shop while he's visibly upset and he's like#'would you still like me even if i did something really wrong? would we still be friends?'#and depending on how you answer he either gets moderately back to normal or kills himself#the ghost of your spouse starts haunting him btw. visible only to him#you can see inside his house before you enter during the cutscene and you (the player) can see the ghost#but when you go inside it's gone#if he kills himself you find a note saying to check out back to see what he did#my guilty pleasure is really fucking edgy character mods can you tell#anyway if you get married and have a kid after this the kid has your deceased spouse's name by default <3
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randomnameless · 7 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't FE15 state that although god's control is removed, there's still evil in mankind's heart that must be vanquished or something along those lines? It kinda makes the whole "humanity f*ck yeah" shtick feel hypocritical doesn't it?
Because FE15 couldn't nuke FE2 from its DNA, by virtue of being a remake.
So we have two, contradictory messages in this game : Duma BaD and Gods BaD and must go because BaD and they "make humans do BaD things"...
and you have the "gods might be bad, but humans are still BaD without their influence" message at the end - when the entire game (and the timeline and supplementary materials!!) has been pushing the first message.
In a sea of "Gods BaD" waters coming from the remake, you still have the lone "evil remains in the hearts of men" raft that is, somehow, pushed to the forefront in Part 6 where both Celica AND Alm call Thabes the result of human folly, and the player knowing that Grima - who was originally the RED CAPSLOCK eldritch monstruosity before FEH retcon'd them in a tits'n'ass character to uwu about by stealing Anankos' backstory - was "man-made".
And yet, given how the "last word" about FE15 - as in last material revealed - was the timeline in the Memorial Book, we close FE15's book by "and Duma was BaD".
I mean, look at all those mentions of Rudy being so brave and strong and uwusome -> Duma's degenaration is directly tied to how awesome Rudy needs to be in this calendar.
Rudy is so brave to stand in front of a degenerating Duma? -> Duma was insane!
Rudy is so thoughtful and sticks to his promise to Duma by sealing Mila -> akshually Duma wasn't completely insane because he told him to seal Mila and not to kill her even if I said the inverse 3 lines earlier...
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rat-rosemary · 1 month
As someone who works for a com9any thats trying to unionise i hate Q but also ur duckie duck is too cute to not want to kiss on the beak i dont care for qwt but i support u and ur art also jackolope dreamie slaps
Good luck comrade o7
Man I just came off about a month ago from a 2 and a bit month strike and let me tell you. I would kill every single higher up of Quackity Studios with a rock for what they did to their workers (... in a video game)
But the little creatures are just Itty bitty little guys and duck Q is just 2 minutes old so he couldn't even create a business therefore he's free from all crime and doesn't have to suffer the consequences :3
(.... hides that duck Q is road trip Q therefore he's in for a world of suffering)
(It's fineeeee Dream has it he'll take care of the ducky)
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dragoncarrion · 10 months
when are they implementing tumblr kill
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bitegore · 1 year
Genuinely fucking batshit how some people will act as though the bare minimum level of care + respect for the people around them with different problems is like, an insurmountable fucking bar
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nnugatoryextravagance · 6 months
I love being nosy when it's not hurting anyone but it's so hard to keep up the drive to be when people on this website sometimes have literally the lamest most high school ass corn fed beef burned to an inedible crisp on the grill imaginable I can't lie
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spellsparkler · 6 months
astarion - as a fellow lying liar who is extremely conscious of how he appears in any and every interaction - is the first to clock row's general disingenuousness. it doesn't go great, because he feels very thrown off that he didn't notice it sooner, and so he confronts them about it in a very accusatory way, which freaks them out enough to lash out back. and row - by nature, and particularly with the parasite - can turn lashing out into an art form. so at the time that any reflection discussions would occur, any relationship they could have had is in shambles - astarion avoiding them as much as possible and treating them as much as he can like a threat to his safety while still acting like nothing is wrong, and row trying very hard to win him over again while also acting like nothing is wrong.
row ritual casts disguise self to show him what he looks like, when it comes up. they handle it as tactfully as they can in the moment, but they've already fucked things so thoroughly that there's really no way for it to just be a nice offer, if it ever could have been in the first place; row is very insistent that it's just a Cool Friendly Behaviour between friends but given that they obliquely threatened his life not a week earlier he doesn't really buy it. astarion can't bring himself to refuse, because then he wouldn't get the chance again unless he asked for it, but he can't accept, either, because that's too close to asking, as well, and he's not in a position where he can ask anything of them, especially without knowing the tradeoff. the fact that they have to see his reaction to it is galling, but then he's already spending all this time waiting for the other shoe to drop, so as long as he only phrases it as "do what you want, I won't stop you" and never "yes" or "please" or "thank you" it can't really hurt. they're a threat to him either way.
on row's end, it is an earnest attempt at a Cool Friendly Behaviour; which is to say, it's exactly as transactional as astarion fears, but the tradeoff is "please like me again without having to to address the weird argument we had", so there isn't really any hidden clause. but the things that will get a stranger to trust you are insufficient to make someone you literally just told not to gossip about you or you will enact violence against them to trust you, and they're unwilling to acknowledge the fact that they said that at all because it's not in line with the front they're trying to show, so none of it is working.
I'm rambling, but the gist is that the reflection scene is one step in a terrible stupid dance of whatever this is that is profoundly uncomfortable and unsatisfying for them both, and it isn't until row does their level best to destroy this relationship that they lay the groundwork for fixing it. we love a bitch who can't get anything right
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outeremissary · 9 months
Whenever I begin to get the suspicion that I've got the wrong read on a character in something I haven't finished yet and everyone has been watching me flounder talking about them it's like I need the earth to open and swallow me.
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sydmarch · 1 year
"it's cool that tube girl is giving people more self confidence" NO we don't need another stupid bitch giving all these dumb cunts out there even more main character syndrome then they already have thinking every other person just trying to use public transit is totally cool with being in the background of your pointless self absorbed tiktok
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pikslasrce · 1 year
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ribbonbonny · 2 years
/clechign my fists/ the persona is getting to me again
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