#i need a tag for wheeljack/bulkhead/me
We need more outlier kids content!!!! Also, these kids seeing the base as a safe and relatively controlled environment to flex their powers is a must
Cee and Mags need to chill a bit; maybe they will change their mind about outliers as they get attached to the kids. I mean, you can't tell me that Mags wouldn't get attached to the kids too (I would squeal if, against all odds, he, unknowingly, ends up joining the fav girl miko squad alongside Bulk and Jackie. Like, that girl is a wrecker and probably spends a LOT of time with them)
Outlier kids content, ah how I have wanted to write this for a while. Fluff, angst, and some Arcee and Magnus redemption on the way!
Home away from Home
It took some time, but with the bots never saying anything and any possible commenters being silenced (*cough cough* Magnus *cough cough* Arcee) the children came to view the base as a safe space to be themselves. There was still quite a bit of apprehension, but eventually the children calmed and grew comfortable with the bots, even going to so far as to train their powers under the guise of games at the bots prompting. After all, there is no better way to increase control over an outlier's abilities than to have them practice.
For Jack it was rather hard for the team to come up with something they could feasibly rope him into without making him too self conscious. But after a bit of planning on Ratchet and Optimus's part, they created a schedule that would hopefully with time help Jack come out of his shell. The training was rather simple: Hand Jack a ball and play catch with him. It started off small, with Bulkhead and Wheeljack roping Jack into playing with them by using a human ball at first. And once he got comfortable with that, they slowly began altering the ball internally, increasing its weight over the course of weeks just enough to be noticeable but not startling. Jack began to catch on, but since no one ever said anything and treated it like it was normal he allowed himself to become more confident. He did not question it vocally when the original basketball with discarded and he was instead tossed a sized down but still rather comically large Cybertronian lob ball to use.
Within four months Jack was throwing around a full-sized lob ball like it weighed nothing. And that was not the only change, he started to eat more in response to the activity and the acceptance of the team. His mother was overjoyed and took extra time to prepare meals for Jack to take to base since that was the only place he felt comfortable consuming more than a slice of bread. His body also finally began filling out with the increased nutrient intake, still being rather lean but with a healthy and attractive amount of muscle. He became an overall happier teen, joking around more freely and even showing off his strength when particularly joyful. His smile was contagious and the healthier and more comfortable he became, the brighter the base seemed to be. Miko's training also came in the form of a game, although hers was not hidden very well. Since she seemed to have few reservations about her powers the team did not stress over hiding the game or the obvious usage of power needed to play and instead focused on helping her improve. Her game was also pretty simple, it being to play tag with Smokescreen and Bumblebee. The two younglings needed the exercise and the chance to play for a change and Miko needed to train her accuracy and control. It worked out well, although in the beginning the play area was reserved to the training room to keep Miko from accidentally landing on or falling from something dangerous. While not fond of outliers in base, Ultra Magnus was not the kind of mech to sit by and watch the small human sparkling go blinking in and out of reality only to appear in a NOT safe location before blinking away again. And so as the games progressed in intensity, with Smokescreen and Bumblebee actually having to make an effort to keep away as Miko got more creative and controlled, Ultra Magnus joined the game. He said it was to maintain order, but with time his gruff exterior faltered and he came to no longer resent Miko's very existence.
It left Arcee baffled to watch to notorious Outlier hater carry around Miko and even begin mother henning her when she got a little too excitable, working herself into a state of exhaustion after a game. She was left even more flabbergasted when Miko willingly began calling Ultra Magnus one of her wreckers with affection, even slapping stickers on his armor and not so much as getting a scowl in response. Smokescreen and Bumblebee for their part always looked forward to their regular game of tag. Not only did it bring them great joy to see Miko improve and therefore be less likely to teleport into traffic or off a cliff, but the challenge was also a welcome one. Miko gave them a run for their credits with how fast and creative she was with her teleportation. Often Bumblebee and Smokescreen would be forced to practically bend over backward to escape her rapid assaults'. It was fun, and a simple activity with no real stakes, a welcome relief from the ongoing war.
As for Rafael? There was discussion of handing his training over to Ratchet, but in the end Optimus agreed to take over the practical aspects to ensure that no one got hurt. The Matrix shielded his mind from intrusion and his extreme control and mental fortitude ensured that he could keep himself in check with Rafael pocking around in his helm. And Ratchet could assist Rafael in the more philosophical and medical aspects of his training, walking him through meditation and assisting him when he inevitably needed someone to talk to and get painkillers from. Thus it was that Optimus quietly began taking time off every other day to play a simple game with Rafael, that being a mental game of memory. He would sit with Rafael, allowing the boy to enter his mind and prod while still keeping his memories and sensitive thoughts well secured. He would then display varying thoughts, memories, and emotions, tasking Rafael with hunting them down amidst a puzzle he would create. When Rafael succeeded he was rewarded with interesting information from Optimus ranging from songs, to simple memories, to secrets that could barely be comprehended.
At the end of their game Rafael would go to Ratchet to calm down from the mental struggle and relax, talking out anything that bothered him. And with time, Rafael grew to unlock a greater amount of his potential, not only able to influence others subtly, but also sift through their minds if they were unprotected mentally. His control grew greater and he became far more comfortable associating with others, especially the bots since he came to understand their way of thinking better through Optimus. In fact, he came to appreciate his time with the bots more than the time he spent with other humans. Humans were complicated in a way he wasn't used to handling, but the bots were more understandable in their way of processing data, more organized. It made communicating with them easier, only serving to make Rafael more and more comfortable at base.
The children were happy and comfortable and all was well... except for Arcee. She struggled with understanding and accepting the children. She had seen one too many outliers go rouge, abusing their gifts to hurt others and destroy lives. And while logically she was aware of the fact that the children were children, her guardianship over Jack was still awkward to say the least. It wasn't until Jack threw a boulder at Arachnid and saved her plating that Arcee began lightening up a bit. She still didn't trust outliers, but her outlier was alright. She reasoned that she mother henned her boy to keep him from falling down a dark path, but in reality she just liked doting on him.
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bots-and-cons · 11 months
I've noticed people had invested in your story of your scarlet witch reader story so am i, but i understand if you don't want to write this anymore if that makes u uncomfortable then i'm sorry and i understand. But here's my request :
I want to ask for a request one-shot for Scarlet Witch Reader with Wheeljack to have a moment together before Redear's "death", like Jackie noticed her depressed moment one time, alone, away from the bots and wanted to talk to her if Reader needs some comfort but all the Raeder had said :
"I'm sorry...i know you're trying....I'm just so tired ..." Reader mumured, voice cracking, finally gives in. "And every single time I thought it was over I’d arrogantly sit right here, thinking I will suddenly be healed and ready to move on, being accepting again. Little did I know that the wave would keep crashing---knocking me right back down again. A continuous wave I can’t escape from. And eventually, it’s just going to drown me."
Since Wheeljack is the only one bot who didn't resent the Reader or didn't treat her like a monster, how will Wheeljack react to Reader's confession? Will he comfort her? Giving an advice or at least a hug? Will that moment haunt him after her "gone"?
Oh yeah, people seemed really interested in that one. I don’t mind writing more fic stuff for it, it's just that I got a bit tired of answering all the questions about it. I don't even remember everything I said, so this might not go according to what I wrote before. Since I didn’t tag them with anything special, I can't be bothered to look for them either, so here I go with my ramblings again. I wanted to do a scenario, which is why I left this as the last request. The first part to this, or I guess what would come after this can be found here. Just a little disclaimer, the last time I watched TFP was in 2019 so I barely have any memory of Jackie’s character because I write him so rarely. I apologize if this is severely OOC
You’d made your decision, you would disappear. When and how though? You weren’t sure but you would take your chance when you saw it. You packed a bag and hid it in the locker at a nearby bus terminal. You could get to it after you got away from the autobots so you would have something to start with.
On one of your final days with the autobots, you were just wandering around the base aimlessly. You weren’t sure what you were even doing there anymore. Sure the autobots were trying to keep you safe from the decepticons, but you could do that by yourself too. You were strong enough to do that.
For about the last half a year, things had been getting progressively worse. It started almost immediately after the autobots took you under their protection. You were helping them fight some of the decepticons and a boulder you threw hit the wrong target. You hit Bulkhead in the back making him fall down. He almost got his helm crushed in by Breakdown in the process, but managed to avoid the hammer strike at the last second. That’s when it started. The judgemental looks and hushed whispers.
You thought they would be different, that the autobots would understand because they too were different, but you were wrong. You thought they wouldn’t try to chain you down and make you keep your powers hidden, but they did. Ratchet was especially skeptical about your ability to control your powers, and as the little mistakes started piling up, the skepticism spread.
Aside from the incident with Bulkhead, nothing serious happened again, but all the little mistakes and accidents were interpreted as malicious on your part.
“Hey (Name)!” Wheeljack exclaimed, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hmm?” you turned around to face him.
Wheeljack had noticed you were getting progressively more tired and anxious during the last few weeks. He had noticed the others treating you in a way that was in his opinion quite unfair. Jackie hadn’t exactly vocally protested against Arcee or Ratchet’s comments, but he hadn’t agreed with them either.
“Ya doin okay?” he asked.
“I’ve seen better days” you joked halfheartedly.
“Come with me” Jackie said, turning to walk back down the hall.
“Where are you taking me exactly?”
“I just thought we could talk without someone eavesdroppin on us” he shrugged, heading for the elevator. “Besides, ya need to get out of this place sometimes”
You followed him, not really saying anything as you took the elevator up to the top. It wasn’t very cold outside yet, so you could easily stay up there for a while without a jacket. You sat down on a rock as you looked at the sunset. If you were lucky, this would be one of your last nights at the base. It was a bit of a pity to lose such a great sunset watching spot though. You sat there for a while, not saying anything, just looking at the horizon.
“So, what’s going on with ya lately? You seem pretty down nowadays”
“I’m sorry, I know you’re trying, you’re probably the only who gives a damn about me anymore anyway” you muttered.
“I’m sure that’s not true…” Jackie said, not really sure if he was lying or not.
“I thought I could find a place here with you guys. A place where I wouldn’t be shunned, but apparently that’s not the case. I thought I could heal here, to finally find some sort of kinship with someone who understands what it’s like to be different, to be unfairly feared by others, but I just keep getting knocked down, continuously…” you vented, not sure why you were suddenly opening up to him like this.
You and Wheeljack weren’t even particularly close, but he was the only one who had never really held your powers against you like the others had. Even though he didn’t defend you against the other bots, not that they ever said what they thought to your face anyway, he never looked at you judgmentally.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I let it all out like that” you sighed.
That was the last talk Wheeljack had with you. He never really believed you had died after you disappeared, but he never went looking for you. Based on what you’d said before you disappeared, if you were still out there, you were probably happier without the autobots, and that’s all he could ask for.
Still, he felt like he should’ve done more. He should’ve at least said something but he didn’t know how to answer you. He didn’t know how to comfort you, or it was even his place to do so. Now it was too late, you were gone, and dead or not he wouldn’t get a second chance, but maybe it was better that way.
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dorypaxx · 2 years
[Optimus Prime x Reader] Love you to the Cybertron and back
Warning: Prohibited substances, addictive substances, readers are old enough to be aware of their behavior
Hi, this is my second time writing fanfic about Optimus. Big daddy makes me feel like there are never enough stories about him. Hope you enjoy this story
What is defiance?
In my opinion, that's when you know both of you can't be together but still want to try to get to the other person. Whether it's a 0.000001% chance, or when you know for sure that your future will be nothing but pain and separation, but you still run towards that person like a cow, just to have can see their smiles.
It is often said that one-sided love is the feeling of pissing yourself in the foot. Outsiders see you as stupid, but you feel so warm. And I must have been a real idiot when I fell into an unrequited love affair with a giant alien robot.
But I mean who can NOT love that perfect bot ? Look into those blue eyes that sparkle more than any gem in the world, as deep as the ocean and brighter than the sky on a sunny day; listen to the quiet but serious sound, sometimes too gentle when interested in you; and his thoughtful look when thinking and worrying about everyone. God, it's HARD not to fall in love with such a perfect Optimus Prime !
I secretly thought so while doing my homework on my laptop. The words in the content of the exercise gradually deviate to "I love Optimus so much, why are you so handsome when you walk or sleep or sit, oh my lord, a gift from the Creator, perfect gentleman, destroyer of women hearts...". Suddenly Miko appeared behind me, the mischievous little girl curiously looked at her laptop and asked:
- Hey, what are you doing ?
Startled, I quickly folded the machine in but it was too late. Miko gave me a sly smile that made my face heat up, it felt like I was just caught watching gay porn tagged a man with a pink nipple in a public place, no more human rights. She nudged me on the shoulder with a know-it-all smile and then ran off to tell Bulkhead and Wheeljack..
Now the whole base, even Agent Fowler, knows I have a crush on Optimus. Fowler's eyes were looking at me like he saw me dressed up as a bush, holding an AK and saying "I'm going to fuck your mother"...
But the gods had mercy on me, so the only person who didn't know I had a crush on Optimus was that lovely Prime.
My guardian is Optimus.
The reason? Ratchet is too busy with data, supercomputers or whatever and always says "I needed that!", Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead all already have someone else. I'm twenty years old, older than all of them, and don't go to the same school as the kids. Although Optimus is too busy to be a nanny, he still tries to make time to pick me up every day. He even thoughtfully cares for me when I'm in a bad mood by rubbing my head with his giant fingers - something no one has ever done to me. Normally, people around me tend to ignore my negative emotions but He is different, He is willing to listen to me when I am sad, praise me when I achieve something and obviously I it was not wrong to fall in love with him at first sight.
I won't confess that I struggled by rolling around on the ground just to have Optimus as my personal guardian instead of any other bot. Surprisingly, instead of trampling me, he actually agreed.
Excellent !!
Gradually, we shared a lot of things with each other. I am an extrovert, active and creative, and always have no shortage of stories to share. Optimus Prime, Autobot leader, part time introvert, loves to listen to my story and then, can talk to me about Cybertron's history, its golden age and I'll share it with him about my home country, which suffered from invasion and division by hostile forces but united to fight for independence, freedom and happiness for our people despite suffering many losses and pain. At those times, Optimus often listens with a contemplative face, and he praises people of my country, at that time I saw a little sadness in his eyes, mixed with longing. Perhaps, He also longs for peace will return to the land of Cybertron.
I know that Optimus is responsible for the fate of his entire planet, so I don't want him to be bothered by my little love. Just being with him, I'm satisfied, I don't want to ask for anything more and always tell my heart to remember that. I just need to see Optimus every day, hear him speak, touch him, be cared for by him and I will be happy and happy. But sometimes, I will also be selfish and greedy. I could pretend to be weak and stupid just to be with him a little longer, to feel the soft, cold touches of metal as he pats my head, inhaling his scent. If the sun, the sky and the stars smelled, it would be Optimus
Our lives are not always peaceful. Decepticons, MECH, battles that almost took my love away from myself so many times. Remembering that time when I saw the blue color in His eyes gradually fade away, I felt like I had died according to that light.
My heart constricted violently, I felt suffocated, my eyes blurred, engulfed in an endless despair. If my human heart could be used to save Him, I would pull it out myself just to see that clear blue light one more time. I realized that I loved Optimus so much that I didn't even know it, and I prayed to the gods to take me away in His stead, if He could rise again, I wouldn't hesitate to show my love off. Show my love to Him regardless of the outcome.
Maybe it was luck, maybe it was because the gods heard my prayer, the team found a way to revive Optimus. The moment I saw His Spark light up, I burst with happiness. It was only when Optimus raised his giant arm to lightly touch my face that I realized it was already wet with tears. Tears of uncontrollable happiness rolled down her cheeks, falling one after another. I hugged those giant fingers tightly, laughing in a choked sob :
- Welcome back, Optimus.
He replied to me with a warm smile:
- I'm back.
No need for fancy or fancy words. I love Him through such simple words.
After Optimus returned from the dead, he seemed… more strange? I'm not sure if my hunch is correct as he and I have been glaring at each other for more than thirty minutes. Strangely speaking, because normally only I look at Optimus, slim waist, long legs, big butt, handsome, who doesn't like it? But it's very strange for Optimus to look back at me, it's like being reciprocated by a crush, most of which is due to high drugs that give rise to hallucinations.
While I was wondering if the 8 funky balls that I had hidden from Optimus to use on New Year's Eve had any effect on my nerves, he approached me. The speaker, while I pricked my ears to hear what else these 8 funkey balls could make me hallucinate.
- The moon is beautiful today, isn't it?
If it's so illusory, it's definitely a drug...
As a natural reaction, everyone raised their heads to look. Oh, it's the base roof of metal bars and rocks. Then everyone turned their gazes to me. I gulped, chuckling.
- Yes, it's beautiful.
Ratchet looks at me like crazy while Jack and Miko come over and touch my forehead. Jack frowned :
- Strange, no fever at all.
Miko continued:
- Tell me the truth, who sold you drugs?
My forehead had blue veins, picked up these two demons' ears, and whispered in a loud enough volume for them to hear:
-If you two are still babbling, I'll tell Arcee and Bulkhead about how you two tried to buy marijuana and use it. And believe me, Ratchet will let you both listen to lectures 24/7.
Miko pursed her lips, while Jack nodded vigorously. The secret we secretly played with banned substances was something that we swore to live with, carry with us when we died, even if Megatron put a gun to the head, we couldn't tell it out. Suddenly, Miko seemed to think of something, she leaned into my ear and said :
- What Optimus said seems to be quite common in my country. It is a kind of confession where one person says "The moon is beautiful tonight", then if the other responds "The wind is also very gentle", it means yes.
-So Optimus is secretly confessing to her?
- Exactly, Jackie!
The two of them didn't make an appointment, but they both smiled at me. I blushed, my mind still echoing Miko's words. But what if this is just a coincidence? Or just a fleeting illusion of a hopeless unrequited love?
A voice in my head : What if it is true ? What if Optimus loves you the same way you love Him? You deserve this hope of love. Go ahead girl, conquer that perfect bot !
Sink Or Swim . It's not the first time I've been rejected anyway...
- Optimus !! - I shouted - The wind is very gentle today too!!
Fuckfuckfuck I'm going to die !!!!!
Now it's not just Ratchet, but Arcee, Bumblebee, Raf and Bulkhead all looking at me like I'm crazy. Miko and Jack covered their mouths with laughter. I was like a balloon that had been deflated, and my whole body was limp. Embarrassment, shyness, ... mixed emotions in me, but my eyes were still fixed on that red and blue bot.
And He smiled
Striking giant strides toward me, Optimus knelt down, holding out his hand. I jumped up, clinging to His big fingers while Optimus led us both out of the center of the base, to a deserted place just the two of us. Whisperer:
- Can you say it again?
- Say what again? - I laughed and asked in return - Saying the wind is also very gentle, or do I also love you very much?
For a moment, I heard the rumble of an engine. Optimus's metallic skin, which was once cold, was now unusually hot. I looked him straight in the eye, and my heart fluttered with strange joys  :
- I've loved you since we first met and always will. So, venerable Optimus, can you assume that you feel the same way about me ? Do you feel like me?
- I have always loved you, but I am afraid, afraid that my enemies will try to harm you when they know this. But after coming back from the dead, seeing you cry, I understand that I can't lie to myself anymore. I swear on the honor of Primus and my Spark, I love you.
I tiptoed slightly, placing a kiss on Optimus' lips. Needless to say, I'm already satisfied. I know that our love will have to go through many obstacles, but what do we do when we have already fallen in love with each other...
Let's put the worries away for now, and enjoy this sweet moment a little more...
Love you to the Cybertron and back
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elendiliel · 2 years
Battle Mask
This AU probably needs a name (and a tag); in the meantime, the first three fics in it may be found here, here and here.
In a cave system deep underneath Cornwall, a bronze-plated vintage motorcycle raced out of a tunnel much faster than any such vehicle of that type should have, certainly not without a rider, as the echoes of a rockfall died away behind it. The motorcycle, its wing mirrors tilted in a way that could only be called self-satisfied, bordering on smug, braked at an intersection and unfolded itself into a slender feminine android three and a half metres tall, and of a much simpler construction than the three larger, masculine androids already there and waiting for her.
“Never failed yet,” Glitch commented offhandedly to one or more of Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead and Wheeljack – it was always hard to tell with her, as she seldom looked anyone in the eye. And tended to address nobody in particular. Ultra Magnus did not altogether approve, but knew how to pick his battles.
“What’d you do?” Wheeljack wanted to know. Of course he did.
“Transformed and drove along the ceiling. Their own fire brought it down between them and me.” A reckless move, which found favour with Wheeljack and Bulkhead, but not their CO.
“That was a risky strategy, soldier. One which could easily have resulted in injury or death for you.”
“It was a calculated risk.” Glitch folded her arms, glaring up at the Wrecker commander from less than half his height. “I know my own specs like the back of my servo, and Vehicons shoot like stormtroopers. I’d have been in more danger just driving straight on and not trapping them. And I’m not a soldier.”
Ultra Magnus had his doubts about that. Glitch, who described herself as a “field-tech”, came from a universe where the Autobot-Decepticon war was officially long over, but she frequently referred to boot camps, an Autobot Academy, courts-martial and similar military paraphernalia, and had even mentioned that there had been an Autobot draft during the war. As far as he was concerned, she had been raised as a soldier, even if she didn’t think of herself as one. (And if he ever met his counterpart in her universe, who had led Cybertron for twelve million years without changing the pre-war system anywhere near enough, they would have words. At least.)
The young femme had mostly integrated well into Team Prime. Optimus Prime himself clearly cared as deeply for her as for any other ‘bot or human, and she respected him as much as he deserved. Ratchet had welcomed her as a colleague, Arcee had been quick to take her under her winglet, Smokescreen’s initial attempts to flirt with her had devolved into mutual, good-natured teasing, and even Wheeljack had been seen working on projects with her, none of which had yet exploded when they shouldn’t have. She got on well with the humans, too, perhaps better than any of the ‘bots had at first; apparently in her reality, Autobots mixed freely with humans in the city of Detroit, a revelation that had practically given Agent Fowler a spark attack. He had come around to her, however, when it became clear that she understood much of his… oblique… manner of speech; they had long conversations about “science fiction” and other human oddities. She had also found common ground with Nurse Darby (medicine and a medic’s life) and little Rafael (computers and hacking), was always willing to listen to and advise Jack, and had even managed to befriend Miko without actually enabling her. Anyone who could keep the youngest Wrecker out of trouble and content should have been fine by Ultra Magnus.
But the fact remained that whenever he and Glitch interacted for any length of time, they were all but guaranteed to strike sparks off each other. Sooner or later, one of them would say something that the other would take amiss, and the argument would continue until Prime intervened or a more important matter arose. Neither ever raised their voices, but there was no need. They both would not back down unless forced to do so. Neither was happy about the state of affairs, or knew how to change it.
“Bulkhead, did you get that fossil?” Wheeljack hastened to change the subject with unusual tact.
“Oh, yeah.” The green Wrecker tapped his storage compartment. “Now all we need’s a way out.” The four of them had executed a “smash and grab” raid on a Decepticon excavation site, too deep underground for comms or signal tracking. They had only found it because some Vehicons had had to stay on guard above ground while the rest dug for a Predacon bone (part of a foot, Glitch had hypothesised) and report to their superiors. Bulkhead had gone for the fossil while Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack (half-listening for once and avoiding using grenades in a confined space) laid down covering fire and Glitch’s newly upgraded polarity gauntlets made a fine mess of some of the Vehicons’ equipment and weapons. Once the object was secured, the raiders had split up to draw their pursuers away from each other, meeting up again as late as possible before leaving the caves and calling for a groundbridge. But all the tunnels looked the same; which of the many leading off that intersection would lead to the surface?
“This way.” Glitch’s near-infallible memory supplied the answer, or at least an answer, and she led the way without waiting for approval. She might never have disobeyed orders, but she often acted without them, and had a gift for creative re-interpretations that stayed strictly within the letter of the Autobot Code. Given another aeon or two, she might rival Ultra Magnus when it came to exploiting technicalities. Maybe that was part of their problem; they were just too similar in some respects.
Wheeljack followed the even smaller ‘bot straight away, but Bulkhead looked to his superior for confirmation before joining the party. Ultra Magnus, as he preferred to do in such cases, brought up the rear, doubly alert for danger as the rough terrain was forcing them to remain in biped mode. Which was why he was the first to hear the Vehicons approaching – perhaps two tunnels back, but still too close – and the one to be struck on the head when the shockwave from a random, pointless shot dislodged a rock from the stone ceiling. He braced himself against the tunnel wall as the impact scrambled his equilibrium sensors, then pulled himself upright as the rest of the unit turned to him, having heard both the falling rock and the now far too close pursuers. He knew what had to be done.
“Keep going,” he commanded. “Keep that fossil out of the ‘Cons’ hands at all costs. That’s an order.” He shifted his hands into cannons. “I’ll buy you time.”
Wheeljack looked as though he wanted to disagree, but Bulkhead, his own internal conflict rapidly resolved, pulled his friend along with him as he headed for the surface. At least one of the Wreckers understood that the mission was more important than any one member of the team. Unfortunately, he was too focused on that mission to notice that Glitch had slipped past all three mechs and planted herself firmly between Ultra Magnus and the Vehicons they would see any minute, facing him with an all-too-familiar stubborn expression.
“I gave you an order, soldier,” he reminded her. “I will not risk any other person against such odds as these. Go.”
Her face softened for a moment as she realised quite how much he cared for her and his Wreckers, which he rarely managed to show. Perhaps that was something else they had in common. He had seen her struggle to express her feelings as she wished, and Prime, Ratchet or Arcee gently helping her over each such obstacle. But a medic was usually given more leeway in emotional matters than a commander; caring was expected of the former, and dangerous for the latter.
The moment of connection did not last long. “I’m sorry, sir, but where your health is concerned I outrank you. You’re concussed, which puts you firmly in my jurisdiction, and under my care. I won’t leave you, I can’t carry you, and even if you were safe to drive this is rubbish ground. I’ll have to protect you.” Her magnets slid out of her wrists with a faint but definite click, and her shield jumped onto her arm. (She used to carry an EMP generator as well, Ultra Magnus knew, which in her reality was merely a “tranquilliser gun” for ‘bots, causing stasis without pain, but in that universe it was painful, so the gentle young femme refused to use it until she had modified it to suit her conscience.)
“Very well.” Again, Ultra Magnus knew how to pick his battles, and he found himself touched by her dedication to someone with whom she had never seen eye to eye. For the first time, he added, “field-tech.” It was what she was, he finally understood. Military, yes, but a military medibot, a healer, not a killer.
She turned away from him to face their enemies, his respect for her mirrored in her eyes for a moment. As she did so, though, he saw her expression change as though she were activating an invisible battle mask, shutting her emotions away for the duration of the fight to come. He had seen something similar before, when she and other ‘bots like her he had once known were expected to be sociable and “normal” regardless of their real feelings, and it occurred to him that for someone who didn’t fit in in a society like her Cybertron, or his before the war, every day was a battle. She didn’t have a battle mask, but she did have a life mask. Small wonder she was always on the defensive. He resolved at least to try to fight alongside, not against, her from then on, if she would let him. Something told him she would.
She would that day, certainly. As the Vehicons came into view, opening fire as soon as they saw the two Autobots, Glitch powered up her shield and magnets, deflecting shot after shot, mangling blasters or throwing Decepticon foot soldiers around and into one another. Ultra Magnus’ concussion and accompanying splitting processor-ache did nothing to hinder his aim; more than once, he dispatched a Vehicon about to fire on his diminutive comrade while she was distracted by a shot meant for him. (While her stature made her harder to hit, and though she was probably more dense than any ‘bot from that universe – she was much smaller than her fellow two-wheeler Arcee in robot mode, but about the same size in vehicular mode – it meant that if she were hit, an injury that might only inconvenience even Arcee could cut her in half.)
The tide of Decepticons showed no sign of ebbing, and Ultra Magnus was growing dubious about her and his Energon levels. He had to block the tunnel somehow. Time to take a leaf from Glitch’s book… As soon as he had an opening, he fired at the ceiling, between the field-tech and the Vehicons, bringing it down with a crash of stone on stone. Before the dust could clear, the Autobots were heading towards the surface and, with luck, a groundbridge as fast as Ultra Magnus could manage – somewhere between a run and a walk, bracing himself against the tunnel wall, Glitch keeping pace with him, ready to help when necessary.
“You handled yourself like a Wrecker back there,” he told her, as much to break the tension as for any other reason. “Fearless, but not quite foolhardy.”
That amused her. “I’m not fearless by any means. I’m scared most of the time, but I don’t let fear rule my life if I can help it. Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias.” He gave her a baffled look. “A life lived in fear is a life half lived. It’s a line from one of my favourite human vids – the point of it, really. Strictly Ballroom. Ridiculously cheesy, but I love it.”
“Cheesy?” He had not come across the word in such a context before.
“Overdone, over the top – oh, I’ll just show you when we get back to base.” A few hours later, when they had emerged from the caves to find a groundbridge and two Wreckers waiting for them, Ratchet had fussed over Ultra Magnus, the fossil had been put in a safe place and everyone was debriefed and dust-free, she was as good as her word. Ultra Magnus did not understand all of the “movie”, and the protagonist’s being encouraged to break the rules and make up his own dance steps made him somewhat uncomfortable, but by the final, triumphant scene, as the humans and some of the ‘bots around him beat time along with the characters in the vid and the hero and heroine finally followed their sparks and danced for dancing’s sake, not to please a jury, he thought he could make sense of it. The young humans were rebelling against artificial, unjust rules, like the caste system in miniature, fighting corruption without realising, and being true to themselves rather than conforming to the world’s expectations. Being brave enough to take off their battle masks, as a certain field-tech was learning to do – and as a Wrecker commander might, now and then.
By the way, Strictly Ballroom is available for free download (I think) at https://archive.org/details/strictly-ballroom-1992. I recommend.
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primevein · 10 months
The Prime of His Youth: Book IV: Fire's Master: Ch29: Scatter
"Finally get the team back together," Miko said over the comms., "and they are treating me like a scout." She flew down the deep corridors of Master.
"You'd think by now you'd have figured it out." Wheeljack sardonically replied, "Being a Wrecker isn't glamourous. We don't do this to get our tailpipes polished. We do what has to get done. How do you think Bulkhead feels about this?"
"Someone has to carry the team." Bulkhead said over the comms.
"Yeah-yeah." Miko dismissed.
* * *
Gella looked up from the medical bed, "Blood, tissue, and hair samples have been taken. Creature has been tagged. I recommend the specimen be... moved as far away as possible."
"And how long is this going to take?" Wheeljack asked.
"Yes, well, biological analysis is a lot more complicated than simple chemical study." Gella neutrally said to him.
"Tell us when you have something, Doc." Wheeljack said to her, and Ratchet scoffed in the background.
* * *
"Master?" Sirenia asked, as they walked along deepest parts of Master.
"Siren?" he asked, without looking back. Siren just stared at him, until Arcee pushed her forward. She stumbled forward until she was walking beside him, nervously looking up at him. He smiled at her, and she suddenly remembered what she wanted to say.
"Master?" she repeated, "There is a?.. realistic risk that we are going to face Terrorcon Micromasters."
Japheth stopped and sighed so loudly that it echoed off of the metallic corridors.
"I don't see why that would stop you." Airachnid snarked, causing Arcee to give her an evil sideways eye. The Rust Maidens deepened their stances while Pyra Magna drew her stream blaster.
Japheth turned to look at Airachnid, "I... honestly expected it." he said. He turned forward, and kept walking. Airachnid looked completely stunned, while Arcee looked smug at how stunned she was. Pyra Magna stood upright and put her stream blaster away. He then looked at Sirenia, whom nervously looked back to him, "Thank you for telling me, though." he said. Sirenia nervously smiled and fell behind him.
"See?" Arcee said to her. Japheth stoppped once again.
"Courage already run out?" Airachnid wickedly asked. Japheth turned his head backwards, and the sound of helicopter blades could be heard. Airachnid gave him a curious look before looking back. "Expecting someone?"
"Miko." Japheth stated, "To ask if Twinstrike can join me."
Within a nanocycle, Miko arrived and transformed into a landing. Everyone stared at her, and she looked about nervously. "Dude, what's up?"
"Is this about Twinstrike?" Japheth asked, and Miko gave him a stunned look before nodding. "Okay, you're going to love this. You're staying with us."
"What, why?" Miko asked, before immediately thinking better of it.
Japheth turned to Airachnid, "Fly back to the ship, come back with Twinstrike and the Wreckers, and remind Ratchet to not tell the Micromasters about the Elite Guard in orbit." She just stared at him, "Understood?"
"U... understood."
* * *
"So?.." Jumpstream nervously asked.
"What do we do now?" Rust Dust quickly asked.
Japheth slowly turned to look at them. "Look around."
All 6 of the Rust Maidens deepened their stances to rush off, but then stopped.
"Uh?.." Pyra Magna asked, and Japheth developed a brilliant smile.
"I'm at the limits of what I can do with feelings." Japheth stated, "Spread out, explore every nook and cranny. We need to find all paths down passed the depths of the city." With this, all 6 of the Rust Maidens quickly scattered in pairs.
"Master?" Carron asked.
"Keep your eyes open." he said to her.
"For what?" she asked.
He thought for a moment, "For everything."
"Anything moves, and tell us." Arcee stated.
* * *
Airachnid stood as the hangar doors opened, and transformed to fly out. She flew until she transformed into a landing outside the Skyfall.
"Well, aren't you lucky that barnicle butt isn't here?" Wheeljack sardonically asked, and she just stared at him.
"As skilled as he is," Colossus' great voice uttered as she walked up, "he feels the need to create obstacles where none need be." Airachnid just stared at him, "You've come to report, haven't you?"
"And just why should we trust her?" Wheeljack asked, and Airachnid had to think for a moment.
"Because she was not shot down." Colossus uttered, "Skyburst and Stormclash can far exceed her speed."
"She is good at being sneaky." Wheeljack stated, "Skittering around where people can't see her."
"You..." Colossus said, and paused for thought, "make a valid point."
"Why would he send me here if no one would believe me?!" Airachnid psychotically screamed, and Bulkhead walked up.
"And where is she going to go?" Bulkhead asked, "He let her out into the acid rain."
"She's going to take the Skyfall." Wheeljack uttered.
"And do you really think she's be able to escape the Ion and Phthia?" Bulkhead asked.
"The Ion?" Wheeljack asked, and Colossus pondered it.
"Look, we don't have to trust her." he said, and the two agreed, "We have to trust Japheth, something I'm more than willing to do."
"Alright-alright." Wheeljack stated, "What can we do for you."
"He wants all Wreckers to meet him." Airachnid stated. "All you have to do is follow me back."
"And?.." Wheeljack sardonically asked, and paused, "he say why?"
"I still haven't figured out how he works." Airachnid stated. "For the time being, I'm just going to do what I'm told."
"Yeah." Wheeljack uttered, "That seems like it would work for you."
"In the mean time I need to speak with Twinstrike and Ratchet."
* * *
Twinstrike quickly ran down the deep corridors of the city. "The scent of the Prime is strong." the left head stated.
"As is the corruption that surrounds him." the right added.
* * *
The Wreckers, less Miko, drove and floated down the deep corridors.
* * *
The Wreckers transformed to a halt, taking a last couple of steps towards Japheth and Arcee, that simply turned and smiled at them.
"So, what's the big secret?" Wheeljack demanded.
"Terrorcons." Japheth stated.
Bulkhead slammed his fists together, "Good old zombie outbreak?!" he excitedly asked.
"Probably." Japheth said with a smile.
"Why are you so excited by that?" Arcee asked.
"Why is oil wrestling so wicked?" Miko retorted, and Arcee wasn't sure what to say to that.
"The important thing is we are." a relaxed Seaspray stated. "Now, for those of us who weren't there for the last..." he said, and then gave Bulkhead a questioning gaze.
"Zombie outbreak." Miko said to him.
"Zombie Terrorcon outbreak?" Seaspray asked.
"Break their sparkchambre." Japheth simply stated. He then looked over to Sirenia, Arcelia, and Roxana off to the side, "And keep them safe."
"And?" Wheeljack asked, and paused for a moment, "Where's the big guy."
"Trying to find the source of the corruption." Japheth said, and the Wreckers just looked at him, stunned, "A feeling of The Pit. This is why I wasn't surprised when Siren told me the old stories might talk about Terrorcons."
"So, just what in the slag are we expecting to find?" Wheeljack asked.
"The anti-spark." Japheth stated.
"Unicron?" Miko asked.
Japheth shrugged, "Or at least his blood."
"What in the slagging Pit?!" Wheeljack exclaimed, and Japheth just watched him, waiting for him to continue.
"Care to share?" Arcee asked.
"Gella found Dark Energon is the creature's blood." Wheeljack uttered, "Small amounts, but..."
"That would explain why they have a thirst for Energon." Japheth simply stated. "Energon and Dark Energon counteract each other. I am guessing it leaked into the water supply."
"We have to warn them!" Miko exclaimed, and Wheeljack just gave her a brilliant smile. "Let me guess, they've already figured that out."
"None of the Humans were drinking the water." Wheeljack simply stated, "And even if they do, they have Energon in their blood."
"Oh, right." Miko simply replied, "I forgot about that."
"How on beautiful Terra could she possibly forget that?" Phantom Rider asked from behind his dark, nearly opaque mask.
"You're still getting to know Miko." Bulkhead simply replied.
"The Rust Maidens are looking around." Japheth stated, "In the meantime..."
"We spin our wheels." Wheeljack stated.
* * *
The twins stood in front of an unspeakably ancient console.
* * *
Rust Dust rewired the door to get it open.
* * *
Pyra Magna forced the door open and pulled herself through.
* * *
Jumpstream's eyes illuminated the pit black room.
* * *
Dust Up was moving debris, barely seeing a hole beneath it.
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I saw this going around again and I had to ^^
I have a lot more f/os than the last time I did this x.x;
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ilovedainironfoot · 2 years
I still have drawings to do from the drawing challenge but i can’t focus on them and i need distraction while doing them so i open it again !!!!
The game is called “How do they react?”( i think you all know by the time ;)
It’s pretty simple:
-I made a list of characters from three different fandoms ( LOTR/THE HOBBIT, NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED) and you can choose up to 10, any of them
-then you come and ask me “How would they react” followed by the idea of your choice and I will write a whole paragraph on each of them
EXAMPLE :  You have chosen Bifur, Bombur and Thorin and your ask will look like this: “How do they react if they met a unicorn? for Thorin, Bifur and Bombur !”
( I took the unicorn but it can be anything : if they were teleported on another planet, if they could cross the walls, if they want to learn a new language ect ect )
if you want to have an idea of what it would look like, I already wrote some stuff on my masterlist :)
-Gimli                -Gloin            -Dain Ironfoot           -Thranduil          
-Thorin             -Bifur             -Bofur                      -Aragorn          
-Lindir            -Beorn             -Radagast
-Boromir           -Galadriel       -Bombur                  -Bard
-Eowyn             -Ori                -Dori                        -Nori
-Elrond             -Oin              -Bilbo                        -Balin
-Eomer             -Dwalin         -Alfrid                        -Thror
-Théoden         -Thrain         -Faramir                    -Dis
-Gandalf          -Denethor     -Sam          
-Jedediah                 -Octavius           -Lancelot          -Akhmenrah
-Theodore               - Attila                 -Sacagawea     -Larry
- Dr.McPhee            -Amelia Earhart   -Kahmunrah     -Ivan
-Napoléon               -Al Capone          -Laaa               -Tilly
- the Captain of the Tuskegee Airmen who isn’t named in the movie but is cool anyway
-Optimus prime                          -Sentinel Prime              -Ultra magnus
-Jazz                                           -Bulkhead                      -Bumblebee
-Prowl                                         -Jetstorm                        -Jetfire
-Wasp/Waspinator                      -Ratchet                         -Blitzwing
-Lugnut                                      -Starscream                  -Megatron
-Rodimus Prime                        -Longarm/Shockwave    -Red Alert
-Blurr                                        -Cliffjumper                    -Wreck-gar
-Arcee                                      -Perceptor                     -Wheeljack
-Omega Spreme                      -Grimlock                       -Snarl
-Swoop                                    -Ironhide                        -Strika
I will NOT write anything sexual. The only thing i’ll accept will be kiss and hug but nothing else and nudity only in a non-sexual way. And also i’ll no write anything related to death and violence.
tag : @shrimpsthings @flowerieta @estethell @mrsmidnight15 @moony-artnstuff @yacrimago @linasofia @lathalea   @missiemoosie
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akitaauthority · 3 years
TFP If You Ship...
Ultra Magnus
I would also like to warn yall, I do roast the shit outta these ships and you. Some of y'all are nasty and need to be told/reminded, and some of you need to stay far the fuck away from me. Aight? Aight lets begin.
MagOp/OpMag/Magnimus/ Ultra Magnus x Optimus Prime: You pretentious bitch. You absolute fucking- I have no fucking words to describe how beige you are. You 're personality is plain oatmeal. Message me. I want to beat your ass. You prolly like them for the fact that they can relate to each other, and because of their importance to the war. But I hate you cause you also have more content. Fuck you. May your cereal turn soggy before you can eat that shit, may your drawing tablet get so hot in that one corner that you can fry bacon on that bitch. Fuck you.
MagMeg/Magatron(ew)/ Ultra Magnus x Megatron: you eat mayonnaise with a fucking spoon. Y'all saw that one scene with them on Darkmount and was just like "hm, but what if fuck?" and ran with it. You went to Ao3 expecting kinky shit, but all you got was stuff for IDW Megs and Mags and honestly baby, its gon' be okay.
Matchet/Ragus?/ Ultra Magnus x Ratchet: Yes we get it, the old man can dom now shut the fuck up. If taking your S/O to the nursing home as a date was a ship it'd be these old crotchety ass bitches. But, but, on a more serious note this ship can be so therapeutic for both mechs. These two were there way before the start of the war, they lived through it, and they knew Optimus all throughout. I imagine Ratchet would tell Magnus about Orion before his ascension to the primacy. I ain't ever been more depressed scrolling through a tag though, y'all broke bitches need whatever the fuck UltraScreen is having.
Magbee/Ultra Bumble/Ultra Magnus x Bee: I ain't ever seen two same heighted Cybertronians in a relationship, always one of'em gotta be spike suckin' height.
UltraJack/ Ultra Magnus x Wheeljack: Listen, listen, both these mechs love their solitary time and it can create so much angst, SO MUCH. Magnus feeling he must uphold his duties and Wheeljack having a mindset similar to a pirate. His spark belongs to the stars AND Magnus, but the stars will always come first. But bitch this is Ultra Magnus. We horny. We know Wheeljack is a fucking brat, and Ultra Magnus is his Dom.... baby we nasty. We nasty and there is no fucking denying that shit my GOD.
Ultrabulk/ Ultra Magnus x Bulkhead: Listen man as crazy as this might sound, I think this could work. Just like any other ship with Bulkhead you are fucking STRUGGLING though dude, you got like 5 fics you keep coming back to. You cry at night, knowing, and praying, that the gods will smile upon you and bless you with an update. You know you struggling when you only got three fics that have this ship as the focus. If y'all ban together I'm sure you can scrounge together like three pieces of fanart and a lint roller between the four of you.
UltraScream/ Ultra Magnus x Starscream: I don't see how anyone could hate this ship. Like, they literally work as really good foils to each other. You've got Magnus who is loyal as fuck, very militaristic??? And very much involved with the safety of his team. He's described as recklessly brave. Starscream on the other hand has a lot of character to work on and Magnus could help him along with that, and he can teach Magnus self preser- fucking-vation because Mr. "gets fucking chomped by a predacon for another bitchass Autobot" needs it. You're fuckass wants someone to save you, or you want to go absolutely apeshit. You are the mom friend everyone is worried about.
Ultracee/ Ultra Magnus x Arcee: Huh?? I mean like....Okaaaayy?? I mean good for you. This ship makes me feel the way that you feel when someone offers you candy you don't like, but you wouldn't mind eating it so you do. To be honest the people who ship this definitely see diamonds in places others wouldn't expect, but like you're so fucking unnessecary oh my god. Like you prolly add weird ass comments to other peoples statements, ain't nobody out here asking for an echo. Sit down.
UltraShock: ya like'em thicc don't you commanding officer Ultra Magnus? Anyway maybe y'all could team up with UltraBulk shippers and add a pile of used soda cans to the pile. Y'all are ghosts, do you even exist on this plane. My guesstimate on how many people actually ship this forreal is like 5.
Ultrawave/MagnusSound/Magnus x Soundwave: Listen if the Ultrabulk shippers are starving y'all ain't even corporeal. I show up to this ship with a fucking ghost talk box and some heat sensors, and like one boombox tryna see if GHOSTS even inhabit this bitch. Y'all aight? Are y'all good?? HELLO IN THERE (hello in there) (hello in there). Yall really go all out for the goth shit. Prolly hidin' in the shadows of my house waiting to strike.
You, and I mean this in the most (derogatory) way possible, are a fucking
Literally looked on AO3 saw nearly NOTHING BUT kinky MF PORN. The oooonly plot y'all got is exactly how long Ultra Magnus can deny Smokescreen an overload. Why every time it comes to Magnus people make this by the books vanilla bitch the kinkiest one. YES I love subverting expectations but can I PLEASE get one fic where he sputters because his partner says a bad word. These two are the main ones who get this treatment, and baby I ain't complaining, but please. Please just- please sir I-I a-ah!
Ultradown: The UltraBulk, and UltraWave shippers come here every year, at the exact same location, at the exact same time, all for this ritual. The UltraWave shippers take out a boombox, some energon candies, and a supersized Cybertronian false spike. The UltraBulkers begin to sing the incantation to summon their fallen comrade: https://youtu.be/m9We2XsVZfc. They must do this once every year, they must battle the UltraDown shippers, though most would say they are a myth, the UltraShock and UltraWave shippers know better.
MagnusOut/KnockMagnusOut?/Ultra Knockout: Listen its not as horny as Smokescreen but the constant tension is definitely there. Knockout is just as horny as the depressed, RE-pressed ass Magnus fans and can you really blame him? Boyfriend? Dead. Magnus? kinky. Hotel? California.
/If I missed any let my gay ass know. Sorry if this ones lackluster, but some of these ships don't even really seem to have a fanbase?? Remember that these are TFP ships y'all.
Also I better see more Bulkhead content after this. Do you all have a problem with truly thicc bootyful babes or what?
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Transformers: Harbingers
The Pirate Scream AU
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Before I talk about it you guys are the best thank you for indulging me and my AU from this post xjdjd. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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@badlydrawntransformers @cosmic0de @warrioroffandoms @measlyfurball13 And a bonus thank you to those encouraging me in the tags as well ❤️
I plan to do art for it as well as accompanying written bits and maybe even an animatic but till then have some general info under the cut.
Also there is transformers: Prime spoilers below so open at your own risk.
So this AU comes from the same place many AUs heavily involving TfP Starscream come from: the unfulfilled potential in our boy Scream. Now deeper discussion of that is not gonna be in this post. It'd be a whole essay.
It also comes from just how salty I was that the Team's kindness never really benefitted them much and they kept getting slapped for it. And OP really wanted to win over a con and Starscream kept wanting a partner. ALSO ALSO Optimus was portrayed as keeping his emotions in check and then never really gets a message that it's okay to be emotional so... I'm doing that here.
And the Starscream Pirate AU was born...
Aka Transformers: Harbingers (maybe idk if it's catchy enough djjsw)
Why Harbingers? ''It's just a SHIP Starscream chills in for awhile in the show' ' I hear you say. WELL HANG ON!! I got two very good reasons!! .
First off: Starscream, with the help of some Cybertronians who he wins over one way or another (Ill get to that), help him essentially use the remains of the Harbinger to put together their own functional ship. It's smaller than the Nemesis and will take some pirate ship inspiration. While it is a hardy beast it's a bit jury rigged.
Second of all:
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Imagine being a fictional character living in a ship with a name that basically means 'Foreshadowed bringer of change' and then going back to Megatron and his bullshit. I'm gonna grab this and run all the way with it. Highway to Hell just came on my Spotify so... That may be an omen.
I feel like Starscream and Optimus could really have had such an interesting dynamic but we never really got to see that in TfP and I feel cheated. Also both could have mutually benefitted a great deal.
So what do I do? I shove them together to be sorta begrudging Co-Captains. As a result there's a lot of shenanigans to be had!
How this happens OP has some run ins with cons and, through a way I'm still deciding, has the opportunity to extend a hand to Starscream. Starscream, being kindness starved, doesn't entirely know what to do about Optimus being nice to him one whole time with no sarcasm or ulterior motive and sorta starts trying to get his attention.
Starscream and his crew are a bit of their own team at this point. MEANING sort of new LOGOS!
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I'm yoinking the crossed out Decepticon logo from the Dark Energon Starscream and Dark Energon Knockout toys cause I mean... It's right there and also kinda like a skull and crossbones. It fits too well guys.
Starscream essentially manages to win over the autobots enough so they can sorta make a mutually beneficial, if strained, alliance to aid their aligned goal: killing Megatron and revitalizing cyberton. This is aided by some slight changes to the plot of course. It's also a benefit, much to Ratchet's delight, since they finally get some cybertronian tech to work with.
And so they gotta work together to take Megatron out and there's much bonding moments esp later when the autobot base is destroyed. Starscream extends his hand to them and offers them a more permanent position onboard. (rubbing in how unfortunate their situation is and how this is such a big favour but he's paying Optimus back.)
And insert team dynamic stuff!! Like cons teaming up with Bots, Starscream and Optimus trying to stick with it leading their own teams but keep accidently backseat-leadering one another. I will write some other ex-con and bot dynamics cause there's a lot of chaos to be had.
Optimus doesn't open up to his crew for morale sake and masks his emotions well, and Starscream is... well Starscream is Starscream so he masks what he truly feels a lot and doesn't share a lot of personal stuff besides complaints with his team either. So there's a lot of tension.... That is until Starscream has had it at just how good a poker face Prime has.
Because he's absolutely paranoid got a harmless curiosity about Optimus's ulterior motives and wants potential dirty secrets he can use as blackmail to have power over the Prime, he essentially puts cybertronian booze (but kid friendly version of course fbejek) in Optimus's energon heavily expecting him to spill the beans when heavily drunk. What he doesn't expect is that Optimus is just... LIKE THAT to his core. He's smart but very sad and guilty. And maybe a bit weepy and exhausted cause this man has not shown an emotion for eons now. /s. Starscream doesn't know wtf to do but swayed by how earnest Optimus is he sorta softens up and does open up. Might have helped that he took a swig of the tainted energon to get on his level though. But it also helps that neither is the others subordinate so they don't need to maintain their image as badly with the Co-captain as they do their team.
The ex cons sorta accidently absorb some of the autobot's morals over time. The cons help the autobots have some fun. There's a lot of stuff learned both ways. Also the cons realize how cool humans can be and after a lot of argument and forced time spent with the kids, they want to protect earth too.
Starscream, helps Optimus open up a bit more and allow himself to be emotional. He also shows him how to be a little selfish. Optimus in turn helps him with self confidence and making friends. Both help each other with the shit Megatron put em both through and overall boost one another up. (This also does change the start of the war a bit but I'll get to that in another post.)
Miko tries to fight all of the cons at first but quickly changes her tune cause "BOOYAH PIRATE CONS!!"
Other bits about this AU:
Starscream will eventually get a slight design change. It'll be less scrappy and look more confident and put together. It'll be minor
Because they are on a flying ship but have less energon than the Nemesis, everyone gets equipped with mods for flight. There is a jetpack upgrade one can get or Knockout can straight up help change their alt mode surgically.
I'm working up a list of who gets what flight mod but... Ya'll should know that Wheeljack dares Knockout to make him into a flying car. Largely cause I just got the image of Wheeljack flying above vehicons and just turning into a car and dropping on them. That and driving up the side of the Nemesis and confusing the fuck out of Megatron. Out of all the characters you know that would be a Wheeljack thing.
Arcee and Knockout grieve together.
Knockout loves bugging the hell out of Ratchet. It's extra fun for him cause Ratchet often can't do shit about it since they both need the room and tools.
Knockout and Wheeljack become an insufferable duo with the nicknames they have for everyone.
Wheeljack won't leave Starscream alone and keeps coming up with worse and worse nicknames like he did with Ratchet.
Starscream and Ratchet become complaining buddies.
STARSCREAM'S SEEKER SQUAD REJOINS. Well some of them. Skywarp, Thundercracker and maybe other peeps.
Miko manages to befriend Skywarp and Bulkhead now has to watch both Miko AND Skywarp. Wheeljack refuses to help Bulkhead round them up.
Raf hits it off with Thundercracker.
Knockout: "FINALLY a team with fragging MANNERS!"
Instead of Beeftimus Prime from the forge, Optimus actually gets access to a third alt mode and.. Idk something else primely. So he actually gets wings.
Starscream and the other fliers are greatly amused because Optimus, as great as he is at his poker face most of the time, hasn't yet figured out how to not emote with the pair of wings he gets from the forge. Thundercracker is the one who eventually informs him while the rest of the crew are booing loudly in the background.
I actually do have designs of TFP Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ironhide in the works.
Fowler and Starscream have insult battles. Oddly both grow a weird almost fondness for these verbal sparring sessions
They frequently raid the Nemesis
Miko keeps talking in a pirate voice. Smokescreen has joined her.
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF I'LL GET INTO WITH MORE DETAIL AND ART. I'll also talk more in depth about some of these things that isn't a ramble like this post is. xnwjskw.
Feel free to ask about anything you're curious about.
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anotherhumanpet · 7 years
tag dump - characters
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the-energon-hole · 6 years
TFP Ultra Magnus, Ratchet and Wheeljack sharing a sweet moment with his human crush/charge, the moment he realises he’s in love basically
((A/N - I got stuck on what to write for Wheeljack honestly, it’s hard to write deep emotions for characters that are traditionally stoic, it happens a lot to me. Apologies for any OOC stuff.))
❗Long post, continued under “Read More” tag❗
-He wouldn’t describe himself as a romantic kind of Mech- he felt he never had time for trivial things like love, sometimes there wasn’t time in his schedule to show compassion either, but some kind of switch went off in his processor when he finally came to the conclusion about how he felt about you. He always felt this kind of twinge of warmth in his frame whenever he was around you, but he always just chalked it up tp you being a good companion to have- you were always interested in what he was doing, and you were always willing to learn from him and listen to what he had to say. The others instead wanted short and quick answers, you wanted to know about the finer mechanics of things just as he likes to have a deep understanding of the tasks that he was doing. It took him awhile, but as that twang of warmth began to grow and grow, and become less of a twang and more of a pulse, his spark finally let him know in no uncertain terms that you were truly the one to be his other half he didn’t even know it was missing. It was more than just comparable personalities, considering you two often argued and fought about silly things like how to fix something or how to handle a situation- you were your own person and weren’t afraid to speak your mind and tell it like it is. Maybe that was what he liked, the slightly crass and straight forward personality you held, maybe it was the way he can see the passion flare up in your eyes when you were determined to learn everything you would about something complicated, or maybe it was the way that behind a gruff exterior you were a compassionate and caring person that would do anything to protect their friends… kind of like how he would. You did it your own way though, and always challenged his way of thinking in a way that he actually appreciated- maybe that’s why his spark was clamoring for your attention.
-Or maybe it was when time seemed to suddenly stand still as you turned to look over your shoulder at him and let out a tantalizing little chuckle when you were ecstatic that you figured out how to rebuild an old car engine. He remembers how soft and flush your face looked as small little lines formed around your lips as you stretched them out far to give him that genuine smile that you gave whenever you were able to solve a complicated puzzle that had been nagging at the back of your mind for so long… he loved that special smile. It reminded him of your tenacity, your inability to give up on something complicated- at first he found it irritating, but now he can see the appeal in always being able to pick oneself up again after failing to complete a task the first time. “I told you I could do it, Old Man!” You laughed as your hair began to tousle around in a messy manner- he always wondered what it was like to touch it, was it as soft as it looked? Cybertronians didn’t have anything close to what human hair was, so there was always a curiosity about what it would feel like under his digits- and if it wasn’t soft, would it be a slick type of feeling? Not completely unpleasant but rather unexpected and alien, kind of like you are to him… not unpleasant in the slightest, in fact he would even dare to say endearing, but completely alien and foreign to him and his ways. Your smile began to pan down as you explained what it was that you were stuck on with your combustion engine project, but he wasn’t really listening, he was watching how your lips moved as you formed words and sounds that before he arrived here probably would have thought was an ugly language- nothing like the revs and subtle vibrations that it takes to speak Cybertronian. You made it sound good though… Everything you do is good in his optics it would seem. There is no more maybe, not even a matter of why anymore, but the enigma of what to do next.
-Bulkhead might have been the reason he stayed on this planet, but honestly, you were the reason he hasn’t taken off to fight the Cons on his own again. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that he has a certain issue when it comes to authoritative figures, Primes included, so when he was “assigned” to you there was a rather natural deep feeling of resentment and anger- He knew in his processor that the Prime didn’t trust him, and was just planting a little human spy in his lap to watch him and make sure he doesn’t defect or whatever. He has run into this scenario before, and with the way the Autobots treat him he almost felt like a Decepticon- like he was an untrustworthy monster. He wasn’t shy about showing you disdain at first, treating you with disrespect and acting aloof and standoffish anytime he would have a conversation with you, but as time went forward, and the more you stood up to him… the more he realized that you weren’t some pawn of the Prime- you were an actual person who was just stuck in the same situation as he was. You had problems with authority as well, and you would make him laugh sometimes telling him about some of your old rebellious stories about how you stood up to coos who tried to bring you down because they wanted to be on a power trip. It reminded him of how often he would poke and prod at the elite guardsman back before the war began, he always hated those pompous and stuffy bots that thought they were superior because they had special training and held high positions. He appreciated how you can agree with him that some people and bots just need to be taken down a peg- especially when they use their power to put others down. Maybe that was when he noticed you more and more as the days passed into months, but when you asked him when he was going to take off again he genuinely did not have an answer- after you two had bonded he hadn’t really thought about it. His spark actually physically hurt whenever he thought about taking off again, and it took him awhile to realize that it was because of you that he found himself more grounded and becoming a part of this team in ways he never thought he would.
-He didn’t realize that strange tug and pulse in his spark anytime he was around you was it clamoring and begging for your attention until he began to grow a little bitter and jealous when he saw you laughing and joking with the former elite guard member by the name of Smokescreen. He never thought himself to be a jealous mech, but watching the way you laughed so hard you nearly snorted made his energon boil a little. It made toxic thoughts run through his processor as he began to accidentally size up the young mech, but as you laughter cut through his murky thoughts he couldn’t help but think about all the things he found incredibly quirky and attractive about you. It was the cute and endearing traits that he saw in you that ways gave him pause before he decided to fly off the handle- the way you would laugh so hard you would make a snorting noise that would cause your hands to fly up and cover your plush looking lips, the way you were so animated when you told epic stories that sometimes your hands would go flying in all kinds of directions and you would knock into things and get upset about it, and the way you were passionate about things you believed in so deeply that you would do even the extremely drastic to make a change were all things that always kept him listening to your ranting and raving- even if he didn’t understand what you meant half the time. He loved the way you were- rebellious nature and all. He kept his cool throughout his spark screaming at him to deck the little guardsman, though he ignored those feelings as he casually implanted himself into the conversation when you looked over and waved at him- you all but beamed at him as you continued to feverishly wave at him to come into the conversation. As you asked him to tell Smokescreen one of your favorite heroic stories of him about the time he had to protect a group of Neutrals from the wrath of angry Decepticons all by himself with nothing more than sheer will power and a metal rod for a weapon. He obliged to tell the tale as he felt the jealousy begin to quell- you were talking about him and for some reason that selfish desire he had began to be satisfied, and as you listened to his words with as much intensity as he listened to you he felt his spark swell with pride. He wasn’t sure this would work out, but so long as you will tolerate him, he isn’t going anywhere without you.
Ultra Magnus
-He tries so hard to be the perfect soldier, an absolute machine that lacks any kind of emotional attachment or any kind of life beyond his duties as the weapon that he was, but his whole persona was beginning to fall apart before his optics. He had mixed feelings about it, which only further infuriated him, because as a soldier he needs to be able to keep a stoic exterior so that anything he does that might be regrettable can be justified later in his processor as him just following orders. He found himself gravitating towards you in a way he never thought he ever could, it was rare for him to meet someone just as he was, someone whom has been hardened by years and years of physical abuse and trauma and had to deal with the fallout of pretending one was a heartless machine that wasn’t susceptible to the side effects of the bad things that happen to them. During a moment of weakness when the two of you just sat in the middle of the desert watching the sunset and the cold air begin to set in as the only warmth began to dip under the horizon, you told him of all the things that had happened to you- things that were mostly out of your control and things that made you a victim. He related to all of it, he had experienced similar things in his time as a new recruit, but you didnt let it affect you like it affected him. You were so much stronger than he was- you let yourself feel and you let yourself think, you didn’t let what everyone else do to you make you feel as if you weren’t allowed to be a normal person. Sure, you were hardened just as much as he was, but here you were showing kindness and compassion to the children that were thrown into this hectic situation. It was in that moment as the two of you sat in the dirt just talking about past experiences and how they shaped you as a person did he finally understand why it was that Optimus made him your guardian. He saw the similarities between the two of you, but it was deeper than that as the Prime was trying to teach Magnus a lesson, a lesson that has long since been overdue to be drilled into the thick processor he had inside his helm. You were teaching him that there was no point in fighting in a war unless you explicitly had something worth fighting for- before he met you he was just simply following orders and doing what needed to be done for the greater good of the Autobot command, but now, now he finds himself thinking of you every time he has to go face to face with a con that could potentially do harm to you and this world should he fail his mission to protect his new home.
-He kept most of these feelings to himself, but he was fairly sure that you and Optimus knew what he was already beginning to experience, after all you were the one that told him about the time you finally decided that living a life of a cold heartless machine was lonely and not worth the heartache it brought with it. You were the one that made him feel as if his spark was going to burst through its chambers in an attempt to try and become physically close to you. Primus, he hasn’t felt a pulse in his spark in years, and it was all because you shared one tender moment of weakness with him in the coarse and rough desert outside of your hometown in Nevada. He tried so hard not to cling, but you couldn’t help but poke fun at his new found fondness of you, but it was short lived as you placed your soft and tender hand on his leg as a way to let him know you were just teasing. You reassured him that this was a normal step in finally being able to find himself in all of the noise that was his past abuse at the hands of other bots in situations that was out of his control, you did the same thing when you clung to a friend who was helping you rediscover how to be a normal person and experience normal things. You knew he wouldn’t admit to wanting to having you around quit yet, but you reassured him that you weren’t going anywhere so long as he needed someone to lean on- he just grunted in response and crossed his arms over his chassis and turned around to walk away, but what you didn’t get to see was his servos shaking as he clutched his arms underneath his grip as he tried to stop himself from becoming overcome with raw emotions. He appreciated the sentiment more than you would ever know, and he swears with every piece of his being that he will protect you and your way of life no matter what, because even if you can’t be together romantically he knows for a fact that the universe would be a darker place without someone like you to light the way for bots like him.
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ask-drunk-wheeljack · 5 years
The Wrecker Code (Rules)
General Guidelines
Be nice. Prob don’t have to tell ya that.  If you’re not then you’ll go to the block list with all the porn bots and you don’t wanna be there.
Open to new RP’s with anyone.  Just hmu in the ask box or hit up my dm’s and let’s get this party started!  You can use a starter from a list I’ve shared whenever, or you can come up with one of your own.  I love seeing what people come up with.
Multiverse and OC friendly! Just gotta fill me in on yourself or your character and we can do it.  I RP with all continuities of Transformers.
I explore and rp potentially dark subjects (abuse, mental health/illnesses, drugs/alcohol use, etc). You’ve been warned.  I’ll try to tag things or use a cut when needed.
There aren’t a lot of subjects I won’t rp since nothing really phases me, but I’d rather asks and rp steer clear of politics/religion and stuff like that where people end up uncomfortable or highly opinionated.  We’re here for robots not human politics.
On that note, anything else is up for grabs.  I will do most anything but I would appreciate a dm if you’re looking to do anything that involves dubcon/noncon elements or brings direct harm to either your muse or mine.
You’re always welcome to send asks to Wheeljack or myself (mun Jackie). Make Wheeljack cringe, roll his optics, shake his head, become painfully insecure, whatever. He’ll answer according to his thoughts bout the subject but I can’t promise he’ll be fully honest all the time.
Please don’t reblog my rp’s if you’re not a part of the rp.  It creates confusion and honestly, if you think about it, is hardly productive since the thread is ongoing and you’re only ever gonna have part of it.  You’re interrupting the writers (literally, we are writing together) and that’s rude.  so please don’t.  You’re always welcome to send a starter for your own rp with me.
If you ever have any questions about anything (Wheeljack, rp, headcanons, whatever), my dm’s are open
Take a moment to read Wheeljack’s about section.  It’s the best way to get to know him and it might even inspire a question or a starter. Link in bio.
You can talk to SG Wheeljack (although he is a horrible boy so be careful!) and human Wheeljack at any point in his life.  I will do RP as all of them.  Just make sure to specify who you are directing the ask or starter to.
Shipping Guidelines
I am multiship.  Come ship with me ;) 
I accept all continuities for shipping and if I’m down for it, I will ship with human characters.
There are some ships I will not do: wj x Bulkhead (I see them as brothers so that would be weird), wj x ultra magnus (just don’t dig it all that much) are my main ones but I’ll let you know if I am not comfortable with a ship.  
Ships I am always down for are: Ratchet x Wheeljack, Wheeljack x Wheeljack (yes my boy needs to date himself, and I’m open to any continuity wheeljack for shipping), Wheeljack x OC’s (if the chemistry is right)
NSFW RP Guidelines
I answer NSFW asks, participate in NSFW RP, and joke about/discuss NSFW things. I have quite a bit of mature content on here since I am of age.  My jokes may not be funny to everyone.  If that bothers ya, this prolly is the wrong place for you, cos Wheeljack a filthy, dirty, nasty minded mech, and I am almost as dirty minded as he is.
NSFW rp is welcome to be brought up. I may not agree to every NSFW RP request, but you’re definitely welcome to ask. Just don’t start popping panels and wielding spikes before you inform me you’re interested and I agree to it. I love NSFW RP but my character is not just here for the taking at any time.  Character does not mean consent. Keep ya panels shut until everyone participating has agreed to it.
No NSFW RP with minors.  End of story.
If you would like to RP something NSFW but would not like to do so publicly on Tumblr, dm me and I have a discord server we could head off to and create a private channel in.
I will not do nsfw rp as human Jackie unless he is over 18.  
SG Wheeljack is very selfish and cruel in the berth so please do keep that in mind if you wanna do nsfw rp with him.  He brings up a lot of triggering content for some users.  DM me for nsfw rp for him bc there is usually dubcon involved and I want to plot that very specifically with someone beforehand.
That said, I am always open to subjects such as: rape, dubcon, bondage, etc.  I will also rp most kinks since Wheeljack is a bit of a freak in the sheets.  Again.  Please dm me first to discuss.
The name’s Jackie, and I’m 21+
I am an artist, writer, and in general creative person.  you can find my art here sometimes but mostly on @drunkjackieart, my art blog
I’m pretty much a goofy dumbass.  i don’t make the rules
I work 6 days a week between two jobs, so y’know.  if my replies are slow that is a contributing factor
sometimes i struggle to come up with replies, especially longer ones since i have to actually think these through.  so do bear that in mind.  i also struggle with depression, meaning my brain sometimes turns to literal mush when it comes to tryna be creative.  sometimes it’s hard to get into the headspace to write when ya can barely get into the headspace to get up and function.
when asking mun questions, DO NOT ASK EXPLICIT PERSONAL NSFW QUESTIONS ABOUT ME. I WILL NOT ANSWER IDENTIFYING QUESTIONS ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE, INCLUDING MY PRIVATE LIFE.  it makes me very uncomfortable, and while Wheeljack might answer those, i will not.
About, headcanons: #about jackie, #wheeljack answers
NSFW: #jackie’s frag life, #nasty, #valveplug
Mun stuff: #mun speaks, #mun post, #bitchjack speaks
Rule updates: #rules, #guidelines
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bigasswritingmagnet · 7 years
Fandom: Transformers Prime
Pairing: Bulkhead/Wheeljack
Summary: Miko is not as indestructible as she’d like you to believe. When she’s injured on a mission, it causes some tension between Bulkhead and Wheeljack. 
@snuffes commissioned me to write her 500 words of Wrecker fluff. I ended up writing 846 words, because I loved the prompt and I love Miko and also I’m trash. 
“I’m sorry,” Wheeljack said, again.
Bulkhead was silent, again.
“She’s hard to say no to.”
“When have you even tried?”  Bulkhead’s voice was razor sharp.
“I’m sorry,” Wheeljack said, again.
“You can’t keep letting her do this Wheeljack; she can’t keep doing this! This time she broke her arm, what about next time? She’s not one of us, Wheeljack! She’s fragile! She can break!”
“You think I don’t realize that?”
“Well slag, Wheeljack, you sure as Pit never noticed it all the other times!”
“She didn’t get hurt the other times!”
And that was it. She’d never gotten hurt, not seriously, any of the times Wheeljack let her tag along. He’d always known objectively that she wasn’t as tough as he was, but it had never felt like she was. Hell, half the time he brought her along she’d ended up pulling her weight in the fight. Miko acted like she was indestructible, and it was hard not to believe her.  
“Never had to worry about looking out for someone like that before,” Wheeljack said. “I’ll do better, Bulk, I promise.”
And he would. Not just for Bulkhead, but so that maybe he would stop hearing Miko’s scream of pain every time he shuttered his optics. No, the scream wasn’t the worst part. It was the soft, gasping noises she’d tried to stifle as they waited the agonizing minutes for Ratchet to open the groundbridge.  That would haunt him for a very long time.
Before Bulkhead could answer, the hospital doors slid open and Miko came charging out.
“Miss!” a nurse shouted after her. “Miss!”
“Yeah, be careful, no more roughhousing, don’t get the cast wet, I got it!” Miko yelled back. The nurse threw her hands up and retreated back into the hospital. Miko pelted across the parking lot and skidded to a halt in front of Bulkhead and Wheeljack. “Tadaa!” she crowed.  
“Hey kid,” Wheeljack said.
“Miko! What did the doctor say?”
“He put my arm in a cast.” She waved the injured arm, wrapped in a hot pink shell. “I wanted them to give me a black one but they said no. So I got one to match my hair, and I’ll draw stuff on it! I’m gonna get everyone to sign it.”
“Do you feel okay?”
“Psh.” Miko waved a hand. “I feel fine! Trust me, this is not the first time this happened to me. One time, I was at a concert, and I wanted to crowd surf, so I climbed up onto the stage, but then I slipped and—“  
“Miko, you could have been seriously hurt! You could have been—“ Killed, Bulkhead didn’t say. Couldn’t say.
“Yeah but I wasn’t! I’m fine!”
She pouted, but fell silent.
“You can’t come on missions anymore,” Bulkhead said.
People in the parking lot turned to stare. Miko opened Bulkhead’s passenger side door and climbed in.
“C’mon Bulk, you can’t let one little broken bone scare you!”
“Bulkhead’s right.”  
“Aw, Wheeljack, not you too!”
“I don’t want you getting hurt like this again,” Wheeljack said. “Scouting missions only from now on.”
“Wheeljack!” Bulkhead protested.
“Hey, if we cut her off entirely, she’ll just find ways to tag along.”
“It’s true,” Miko said, entirely unrepentant.
“Miko.” The seriousness in Bulkhead’s voice made Miko sit up. “Please. For me. If anything happened to you…”
“Nothing’s gonna happen,” she protested. Then she flopped back in the seat. “Fiiiine.”
“Lighten up you two,” Wheeljack said, needing to shake off the heavy feeling in his spark. “Miko’s gonna bounce right back. Let’s go do something fun.”
Miko brightened. “There’s this drive in theater doing a horror movie marathon! It’ll be totally sweet!”
“I don’t know…” Bulkhead said, uncertain.  “You know how I feel about those movies, Miko.”
“If we can find a place to stay out of sight, I’ll hold your hand when you get scared,” Wheeljack teased.
“Very funny,” Bulkhead grumped. “Just so long as it’s not that Body Snatchers one, okay?”
“I promise. It’s all old-school B-movies with rubber masks and guys in zipper suits and a million buckets of fake blood.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Ooh, ooh, can we stop for ice cream?”
“Only if you promise not to drip on me this time.”
“Hey, I cleaned it up!”
Wheeljack laughed.
“Now who can’t say no?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen Earth horror movies,” Wheeljack said thoughtfully.
“Oh man, you’re gonna love it! They’re awesome, right Bulk?”
“Humans are real imaginative.”
Wheeljack laughed.
“Okay, let’s go!” Miko said, drumming on Bulkhead’s dashboard impatiently.
“Alright, alright, horror movies, here we come.”
Miko threw her arms up and wooped.
Wheeljack reached out and put his hand over Bulkhead’s.
“I’m not that scared,” Bulkhead said.
“That’s not why I’m doing it.”
“Then why are you doing it?”
“What, I can’t hold your hand just because? The Pit kinda boyfriend are you?”
Bulkhead chuckled. He turned his hand so he could squeeze Wheeljack’s in return.
“Hey, lovebirds, keep it down! I’m gonna miss all the action!”
“Sorry,” they said, and settled in to watch the movie.
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Since I saw this going around again, I decided to join in again ^^
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dimension-heroes · 8 years
Synthetic Life Chapter 28
Well, I hope everyone’s day has been well. I managed to get a new chapter done. Hope things go well, @lonemaximal,
The Ground Bridge deactivated upon the Autobots returning. Ratchet turned to face the others. Knock Out in Bulkhead's grasp; Energon still leaking from his armor. “You brought him?” Ratchet asked. “Yes, and he'll die if we don't help!” Bulkhead growled. “Bulkhead.” Optimus called. (The two Autobots stared at the Prime) “Sorry Optimus; can you repair him?” Bulkhead asked.
    (The Autobot medic placed his servos onto Knock Out's chest. Bright blue optics focused upon the leaking wound. He stared at the green mech) “Take him to the medical bay, I'll handle the rest.” Ratchet said. (The Autobot Wrecker walked away under Ratchet's glare.
    Bulkhead looked at the medical berth. Various tools lay nearby; he was ready for anything. Black and red optics cracked open. He stared at Bulkhead) “Where, am I?” Knock Out whispered. (The green mech placed the former Decepticon medic onto the berth. Knock Out's fingers twitched, trying to grab for anything) “He's waking up.” Bulkhead said. “Step aside, let me handle this.” Ratchet whispered. (He pulled a syringe from the table. Ratchet grasped it; then stared at Knock Out)
    “Where?” Knock Out whispered. (Ratchet placed the needle into the red medic's limp arm) “I've heard you been through a lot. Rest for now.” Ratchet sighed. (That sliver of red and black closed; the Autobot medic placed his servos on Knock Out's armor) “How long will it take?” Bulkhead asked. “It depends, for now, let me work.” Ratchet replied. “Bulkhead.” Someone called.
    (Bulkhead faced Optimus, the other Autobots nearby. They stared at him) “What now, Optimus?” Smokescreen asked. “With Knock Out, we must set up rules for ourselves and the children.” Optimus paused. “Those would be?” Bulkhead asked. “As Knock Out was a former Dcepticon, we are not to harm him based upon the past. He has moved from that and we are to respect him. For the children, keep them a safe distance, for I fear they may make the wrong move.” Optimus explained. “Miko isn't going to like this.” Bulkhead sighed. “For now, we are to leave Ratchet to focus on his work.” Optimus ordered.
    “Understood.” Smokescreen said. “Never met you before.” Wheeljack said. (The younger Autobot stared at Wheeljack) “I know Bulkhead told be about you before.” Smokescreen said. “Sounds like you weren't in a lot of battles.” Wheeljack chuckled. “I was busy back at Iacon.” Smokescreen explained. (Arcee walked up to the two white armored Autobots)
    “Where will you go, Wheeljack?” Arcee asked. “Going to get my ship and fix it up. Would be good to see Miko again.” Wheeljack said. “Want me to go assist you?” Smokescreen asked. “I can do it myself, still, you can tag along.” Wheeljack said. “Are you alright with that, Bulkhead?” Smokescreen asked. “Yeah, I've got to pick up Miko.” Bulkhead said. “For what reason?” Smokescreen asked. “Their getting the school day off. I want to relax for a little after what happened.” Bulkhead explained. “Be sure to tell her I'm back in town.” Wheeljack chuckled. “Will do, Jackie.” Bulkhead replied.
    (Smokescreen walked up to Bumblebee) “And before I forget. (He revealed the present to the yellow mech) I found this out in the battlefield.” Smokescreen said. (Bumblebee stared at it; fingers moving across the red wrapping paper.
    Smokescreen walked up to the Ground Bridge Controls. He looked at Optimus; the Prime nodded, and the Autobot rookie activated the machinery. Both mechs transformed and drove off. Ratchet groaned) “Its best that you all go somewhere else. I need to focus.” Ratchet stated. (The four stared at the path leading to the outside.
    Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee transformed; driving out of the base. Optimus looked at Ratchet) “Its best if we move him to a safe place so you can work.” Optimus whispered. “Let me seal up some remaining Energon lines before we do so.” Ratchet replied.
    (The Prime stared at Knock Out's face. Still under Stasis Lock; yet it showed emotion. Faint tear marks on his cheeks. What happened out there that caused him to cry? Optimus walked away, leaving Ratchet to his work.
    Bulkhead parked in front of Miko's home. He sighed; last time he saw her was during the talk about Breakdown. How would he explain everything to Knock Out without her knowing? His thoughts ended upon sight of the Japanese teen running up to him. She pulled the passenger seat open and slid in)
    “Hey, Bulk, I'm so glad to see you!” Miko cheered. “Hi, Miko.” Bulkhead replied. (He drove off, heading back to base) “So, anything new happened while I was gone?” Miko asked. “Plenty, Jackie's back!” Bulkhead cheered. “Awesome! I missed him; so, whats he been up too?” Miko asked. “We fought against Megatron, it was something.” Bulkhead said. “You and Wheeljack against Megatron? And I wasn't there?! You should've told me!” Miko yelled. “Wish I could, it all happened at such a rapid pace.” Bulkhead said. “Why were you fighting?” Miko asked. “Knock Out defected from the Decepticons, so we protected him the best we could.” Bulkhead explained.
    (The teen said nothing; staring at the radio) “Does this have a connection to the dream about Breakdown?” Miko asked. “I'm not sure, Knock Out is at our base now after Megatron attacked him. Under Ratchet's care right now.” Bulkhead replied. “I don't trust him, he could still be against us.” Miko stated. “And he was best friends with Breakdown. I still wonder how they became friends to begin with sometimes.” Bulkhead mused. “Now that he's at the base, I'll ask him that.” Miko declared. “Yeah, can't wait to get that answered.” Bulkhead said.
    (Bumblebee stopped near a new home. Moving was over, and now things would return to normal. He noticed the door to the new house opening. Raf came out, waving goodbye to his family. With a smile, he entered) “How have you been?” Bumblebee beeped. “I'm glad that this whole move is all over. (The yellow sports car drove off, heading towards the main roads. A red present on the driver's seat) Bee, who's the present for?” Raf asked. “Oh, I forgot I brought it with me. Well, we have a Decepticon in our base.” Bumblebee beeped. “What? Why is there one in there?” Raf asked. “Its Knock Out, he's defected from the Decepticons. Ratchet is repairing him right now, so we can't disturb him.” Bumblebee beeped. “So, why did Knock Out leave?” Raf asked. “Because of Breakdown.” Bumblebee beeped. “Oh.” Raf said. “Anything happened during the move?” Bumblebee asked. “Not much, my parents did get me a new RC racer.” Raf smiled. “Can't wait to see it in action.” Bumblebee beeped. (He continued onward, getting closer to the outskirts of Jasper.
    Arcee rolled up to the KO Burger. Close to the end of Jack's shift. The door opened up, letting the black haired teen run up to the femme. A helmet in his grasp) “I'm ready to get going.” Jack said. (He placed the helmet on and got on the motorcycle. Arcee drove off, heading on the main road)
   “We have a lot going on.” Arcee said. “Like what?” Jack asked. “Do you remember that Knock Out is no longer a Decepticon?” Arcee asked. “Yes.” Jack replied. “He’s in the base. Ratchet is repairing him after a clash with Megatron.” Arcee explained. “Megatron, how lucky he is.” Jack sighed. “We don't have full details over his systems right now.” Arcee replied. “What will we do once he gets better?” Jack asked. “We don’t know yet, its Optimus decision.” Arcee said. (Jack nodded; looking upward to find Bumblebee and Bulkhead farther down the road.
    Megatron moved his helm across the snow. No one was around; except him. Did Breakdown escape without Knock Out's knowledge? Why did he abandon him? The Decepticon leader followed faint markings in the snow. Seems the blizzard was going to dampen his day far longer than needed.
    Time passed; leaving him without anything. The Autobots escaped with his main target. Breakdown still missing; was there anywhere else to go? Megatron sighed, closing his optics. He stared a com.)
    “I need a Ground Bridge.” Megatron ordered. (Silence, till the summon of a green vortex. He entered; finding himself back on the main bridge. Soundwave stood nearby; the Decepticon leader's face in his reflection) “Record?” (Tim) Soundwave asked. “Yes, I have an announcement to make.” Megatron ordered. (Soundwave nodded; the various screens changed to show Megatron's face.
    Vehicons and Insecticons stared at the Decepticon leader on the screens) “No, medic?” (Tim) Soundwave asked. “The Autobots took him; Breakdown is somewhere, hiding.” Megatron growled. (His red optics glowed. Five Vehicons stared from within their row of berths)
    “So, Breakdown is still alive.” Tim whispered. (A Vehicon nicknamed Giddy nodded; shivering under Megatron's glare) “All are to begin a massive search. We may not have Knock Out, yet Breakdown is still out there. Find him and report to me.” Megatron ordered. (The screen they gazed upon returned to a cooking show)
    “What are we going to do?” Daffodil asked. “Going to look for him.” Tim replied. “Megatron is going to kill him.” Abby said. “I wished I knew, for now, we are to start our mission.” Tim said. (The four noticed one Vehicon walking off) “Hey!” Giddy called.
    (She turned her helm to see the other Vehicons) “I have to get ready.” The Vehicon replied. “Right, well, get your stuff ready. We'll meet up on the deck.” Tim said. (The femme Vehicon ran off, leaving the others in their quarters)
    “What should we bring?” Giddy asked. “Some Energon, strong weapons, and a flower guide book.” Daffodil said. (The other Vehicons stared; Abby groaned) “Bring what we need to survive, not wood with images of useless organics.” Abby groaned. (Daffodil stared at Abby, her fingers clenched. Tim sighed; walking between the two female Vehicons) “Right, come on you two, we need to focus on the mission at hand.” Tim said. (The Vehicons scrambled; all while a woman spoke about cooking eggs)
    Three vehicles drove into the entrance of the base. Miko looked outside of Bulkhead's window, finding Bumblebee with Raf inside. She smiled and waved before looking at the other side and finding Arcee with Jack. The three Autobots parked, letting their riders get off. Optimus stood, Ratchet and Knock Out nowhere in sight. Miko looked around) “I'd assume you told them of our current situation.” Optimus said. (The soldiers nodded; Miko and Jack looking at Raf) “Hi Raf, its been a while.” Jack said. “Yeah, everyone is getting settled.” Raf said. (Miko's eyes drifted across the base)
    “So, where's Knock Out and Wheeljack?” Miko asked. “We moved Knock Out to an extra room so Ratchet can focus. Wheeljack is repairing his ship; Smokescreen is with him.” Optimus explained. “What? Oh come on.” Miko pouted. (Optimus sighed; Bulkhead walked up to the three children)
    “Um, how about some monster trucks?” Bulkhead asked. “Sure.” Miko groaned. “Hey, I know Jackie's coming back real soon.” Bulkhead grinned. (The teen rolled her eyes. Raf walked up to Bumblebee) “I have my new RC car, so we can test it out.” Raf said. (The yellow Autobot beeped; tilting his helm. Jack walked up to them; giving a small smile.
    Snow started to fall above the damaged trees. Some fell onto white armor. Smokescreen sighed; brushing away the snow off his shoulder) “How much longer, Wheeljack?” Smokescreen asked. “Still need to get it functioning.” Wheeljack replied. “How is it looking right now?” Smokescreen asked. “Decent, still need a few more wires plugged in.” Wheeljack said. (The Autobot rookie moved his helm. Nothing of interest; except for three shadow figures hiding behind trees. They then turned; Sparks visible, consumed in a purple flame. Frames shook as color appeared, the purple flame growing more powerful.
    Wildrider, Dead End, and Drag Strip grinned as Smokescreen stepped back) “Wheeljack.” Smokescreen paused. (The Wrecker turned; armor tensed upon sight of the three) “We saw each other before, now to make a proper introduction.” Wildrider said. “You've ended us once, Wheeljack, time to return the favor!” Drag Strip yelled. The three Stunticons fired at the Autobots.
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I just got to the episode where Wheel////jack comes back, and I'm 🥺🥺🥺 I love watching him and Bulk////head interact 🥺🥺🥺 I love them both so much 🥺🥺🥺
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