#Ultra Magnus x Shockwave
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tinydefector · 9 months ago
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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in1-nutshell · 1 year ago
How would the tfp autobots and decepticons react to the toy furby
Ooohhh! I remember furby's, granted they were a bit creepy in my opinion. These are a bit shorter than what I usually write, I was trying to get most of the characters in. Let me know if these needed more writing in them.
Hope you enjoy everyone's reactions to the furby's
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to seeing a furby
SFW, mentions of blasters
How did this all happen? One word to simplify everything: Miko. She thought it would be funny to start leaving these little menaces around the base and to get the bots reaction to it. How did she acquire these furbies, don’t ask any questions. Jack tried to stop her, but she successfully bribed him by promising to send him the video of Arcee’s reaction. Raf promised to edit the videos to be at their finest. Operation: Furby reaction is a go.
Optimus Prime
He notices the first furby as it sits innocently near one of the control panels. At first, he thinks that one of those ‘birds’ had entered the base and tried to move the thing.
“Hello little one. How did you get in here?”--Optimus
“I see… Ratchet did you let the creature inside the base?”--Optimus
“Did I do what now?”--Ratchet
Then it suddenly started moving and squawking its native tongue that may or may not have startled the Prime a bit.
He doesn’t mind the furby too much… but does sense something about it.
He notices when he sees Prime slightly startled by something.
He goes to investigate and nearly squashes the Furby thinking it was a scraplet.
“Ratchet! Do not harm the creature!”--Optimus
“Optimus with all due respect, that thing is definitely some sort of scraplet! It might be a different type of mutation but look at it!”--Ratchet
“It even looks evil Optimus! I’m getting my wrenches.”--Ratchet
He does not care about Optimus’s code on not killing living being. That thing looked at him weird and he is going to end it before it eventually causes trouble.
Nearly has a whiplash when he sees the little thing. He also thinks it’s a scraplet at first, but slightly calms down recognizing it as one of those human toys he saw on commercial with Raf.
Everything is fine… until it started screeching and moving by itself.
Does not like furby’s at all. Claims that they were trying to speak to him.
Her encounter with the Furby is short.
Mainly because she saw something move out of the corner of her optic and blasted the poor thing to bits.
“Huh? What on Cybertron—”--Arcee
“SCCCCRREEECCH—”—Furby remains
Blaster firing intensifies.
She doesn’t know what that thing was, but it started it.
He is running to see where Bumblebee is after hearing him screaming. He has his wrecking ball at the ready and ready to comm in back up if necessary.
“What is it!?”--Bulkhead
Absolutely loathe those things. It reminds him too much of the scraplet incident that happened. He would be swinging his wrecking ball if it hadn’t gotten stuck in the wall.
He is running as soon as he hears Bulkhead and Bumblebee screaming. His katanas are out as is ready for some slicing and dicing.
“Where’s the danger!?”--Wheeljack
“BEEPPP! (ITS MOVING!)--Bumblebee
“There, its sliced in half. Huh. You two where afraid of this little cute—”--Wheeljack
“SSSSSCCCCRRREEEAAAACCCHH!”--- The two remains of the Furby
Blaster firing and wrecking ball smashing intensifies.
Isn’t a huge fan of the little things. It’s a bit cute in a creepy way. Does remind him of scraplets if they had gotten some mold and gained some sort of upper-level sentience.
Like Arcee, his encounter with the Furby is short.
He accidentally stepped on one effectively crushing it.
“Hmm? Hmm.” –Smokescreen
He is completely oblivious to the tomfoolery that is happening all over the base. He is too busy with looking at the latest relic they managed to find.
Ultra Magnus
He finds a Furby near his work area. He tries to speak to the Furby as he would to anyone else.
“Excuse me but you are in classified—”—Ultra Magnus
“That was unnecessary and—”—Ultra Magnus
“Listen to—”—Ultra Magnus
“Ultra Magnus move!”--Ratchet
Furby is hit with 10 wretches in one go.
He doesn’t mind furby’s like Optimus. Mainly because he was trying to communicate with it and never got to finish his sentences with it.
No one knows how it was done, but the impossible was made possible. After Miko finished getting all the Bots’ reaction to the furbies she decided to do something else. Somehow, she managed to scatter the remaining furbies on board the Nemesis. How did she do this. Not even Miko quite knows how she did it.
He finds the Furby on his throne. He doesn’t know what this thing is, but it is on his throne, and no one sits on his throne except him.
“You! How dare you sit upon my throne!”--Megatron
Blaster firing intensifies.
The furby would be gone whether he is on Dark Energon or not. Will not admit it but the furby noise sent a little shiver down his struts. Good thing no one saw that.
He finds the furby in his habsuite. He is curious in how this weird looking organic thing managed to find his room. He takes the furby to the interrogation room.
“Who are you? Speak worthless organic!”--Starscream
“How dare you! I am Starscream, Second in Command of the Decepticon Army! You will—”--Starscream
“Two can play it that game!”--Starscream
He ends up staying in the room with the furby for a while. Takes the furby to his room and plays on doing a hostage exchange if it is needed.
Finds the furby on his desk. Lazerbeak deploys and flies around the small thing. Steps a bit closer to getting a good look at it.
He immediately groundbridges the furby outside the Nemesis to have it fall and burn on reentry. He does however keep the screeching noise recorded and will use it if necessary… or if he is bored.
Knockout and Breakdown
The pair enters the medbay and finds the furby on the medslab.
Breakdown looks at it and thinks it’s kind of cute. Knockout on the other hand.
“OH, PRIMUS KILL IT!”--Knockout
Breakdown smashes the furby to oblivion. Did he regret it? No, it was causing Knockout stress, and he was happy to get rid of it for him. Knockout knows the furby’s horrors, he knows…
His time with the furby is short. He accidentally stepped on it as he was trying to get some creates to his habsuite.
“What in the All Spark? Hmm…”--Dreadwing
He does wonder what the weird noise was, but he has other things to worry about, so he quickly forgets about the encounter.
He doesn’t know they exist. There were no furbies in the lab or in his habsuite. The two places he really goes to. He does hear from the others about the furbies though.
“They sound illogical.”--Shockwave
“You’re illogical!”—Starscream
He doesn’t care about the furbies, he has science experiments and war crimes to commit.
He finds one near his kennel and does not like it. Sure, the Nemesis isn’t the greatest place, but that spot is his!
“You! Vermin! Who are you!”--Predaking
Fire breathing intensifies.
Does not like the noises and is quick to end the furby.
She finds one randomly walking in the halls screaming. She just stabs it and puts it on her trophy case. She doesn’t have time for anything else. She has Arcee and Megatron to kill.
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riskyraiker · 1 year ago
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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chronossss · 28 days ago
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jhalocurse57 · 6 months ago
I did this one just for fun lol, you can think of whatever Gen of each of them you wanna, if you wanna comment which gen you were thinking of when you chose who you chose and explain why go on ahead I'd love to hear your answers and reasoning behind them 😄 I'd also love to hear what you'd do on Cybertron long before it fell!
I don't expect this to go viral at all like the last poll lol
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soundwave-is-far-superior · 2 months ago
Mechs when...
...you nudge their digit slightly and look at them like this :
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...you cup ther faceplate and place a soft kiss on their cheeks.
...he uses his holoform and adores how amazed and shy your face when sees him.
...you cry on his shoulder and wraps his arms around you, protecting you from the harsh world.
...he kisses you too long and completely smitten by the way your hands on his chest.
...he learnt how to pin you to the wall, and uses that as an advantage to surprise you and see how flustered you are.
...you try to make him jealous but in the end, he's always above you.
...someone harassing you and isn't afraid to teach them some "lessons", if not straight up slaughter.
...you're on your period. He'll be your teddy bear, your warm pad, someone you can do whatever you like with (e.g. punching them), and always brings your favorite food.
...he tells his backstory and past, while keeping you on his lap, twriling your locks, or pressing his nose to your neck.
...he bites your neck and continues to do so until your knees weak.
...he's not in the mood and pour it on you in the most romantic way.
...protecting you becomes his "never ditch never forget" principle.
...who has a strong sense of moral and pride, but will destroy everything including them for you.
...you tease him and act flirty, and the next day you're covered in bite marks.
...you wear these dresses and he'll go crazier head to heels over you than before :
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...he's being the sweetest and will tell you that everything is alright. It'll be okay. <3
...can't get his hands off you even for a second.
...he swore to every star in the sky that he'll love you for eternity.
...he'd rather die in the most agonizing and painful way than betraying you.
Characters ; Soundwave, Shockwave, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Knockout, Predaking, Prowl, Ratchet, Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe, First Aid, Breakdown, Smokescreen, Ultra Magnus, etc...
♡~ @sereneisstillhere
♡~ @andauserene
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kandy-sticks-zaza-blogs · 2 months ago
Hi, I was wondering how the TFP autobots and decepticons would react to a cybertronian with the personality of Vander from Arcane and has the same backstory?
You don't really have to do this and sorry for my english😅
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Transformers Prime x Vander!Reader
Well I guess I would try write this and make it correctly since Vander became you know spoiler alert. Sorry for not replying during 1st of march @savios-posts
Vander become werewolf but you become Empurata.
He is surprised that you treated Jack,Miko and Raf as your children.
He knows that you missed your sparklings
He met you before the war and when he used to be Orion Pax he always went to your bar drinking your energon and how he missed the taste.
Ratchet loves how you didn't break his gadgets when you came in.
You always cared about Ratchet health and worried about him when he overworked himself.
You always make Ratchet rest while your in charge.
She see you as a family since you fought along side her.
You cared that she got herself hurt that made you worried alot as she assure that she said that she is alright.
When Arcee missed Cliffjumper you comforted her when she lost him always reassure her.
Two gentle giant big robots that protective of eachother.
Miko love seeing you two play fight with eachother
Bee finds yo comforting seeing you as a parental figure.
Whenever you've gone to far beating up Decepticons Bee stops you by hugging your back if you have a problem.
"....Thanks Bumblebee."
Mentor and Student dynamic.
Mr Destiny Child loves being treated as a son when he is training with you alot.
Finds you pretty chill and amusing.
When he got injured you began to care and protective of him.
Ultra Magnus
He respected that your strength and protection for the one you cared.
When he lost his hands you touch his clawed hands reassure him that everything will be alright.
{Empurata Zombie version}
You two worked at the same cabe when you two were miners before the war.
When you started complimented him that he think that you are flirting with him which actually works.
When he became Gladiator you congratulated his victory all the time after when he became Megatron you both began to fight eachother and argue.
He never see you again as he misses you every stellar cycles.
He see you again when the portal opened, his spark drop when he saw you turn into a empurata victim and a zombie by attacking him.
When he wait for you to regain your memories you recognise his scent as you hugged him.
He see you locked up in the cell as he teased you by making funny face and making you as you clawed him.
When you regain memories you follow Starscream like a dog as he felt embarrassed about the whole situation.
He is ordered by Megatron to make you remember and cure you but its hard when you are clawing at his paintjob which mad him mad.
He regain your memory when Megs is near you.
You began to become more gentle around his tool as Knockout find you amusing how you are so soft.
He want to fight you but cannot because Megatron said he will handle it when he first met you.
You two would fight alot playfully but also hang out alot on the mission.
He find you inferior when he see you again he knew you when you were still a miner and a bartender.
You began to help around the ship when Soundwave is busy.
Empurata are a tragic when the damned get their head removed being replace by a unrecognisable face you don't remember who you were before.
You slept with anyone on berth all day for comfort as Shockwave let you sleep on his berth since he is sleep deprive.
Finds you intimidating but you are very nice since he cant hate you for this.
You protected Dreadwing from Megatron as you stopped him going full murder on Starscream.
Dw guys he's alive /Delusional
When you first met her began to feel snappy towards her knowing she's dangerous as she finds you interesting.
She try seducing you and manipulate you denied as she got annoyed.
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yoayoaa · 1 year ago
Hi nice to meet you can I ask the transformers prime bots and cons react to finding in a pod an bunch of sparkling beans I imagine them to be small enough to be hold by human arms and soft and squishy like alike mashmellows until they grown giant size
Prompt: Tfp Autobots and Decepticons reacting to a pod full of small sparklings
Warnings: no warnings, this is sfw
Notes: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I'd want to hold one or two tbh 😔😔
-well this is unexpected-
-the team found a stasis pod before bringing it back- although with a bit of hesitation due to some previous experiences...
-ANYWHO the last thing they'd be expecting for the pod to be FULL OF SPARKLINGS
-Ratchet is worrying his aft off about their health, he's old give him a break 😭
-Optimus and Bumblebee are worried for the sparklings, how long have they been in that stasis pod
-Arcee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack is confused onto why are there a bunch of sparklings in a pod, sent to Earth
-i feel like Smokescreen would have been worried yet confused at the same time, he has no idea whats going on 💀
-Ultra magnus...well i think he'd be worried about the team's availability but also minding the fact that the sparklings also need someone (somebot-) to watch over them
-the bots would be more aware of their surroundings with how small and squishy and sparklings are
-more so when Miko was able to hold them 😭
-Thankfully Ratchet deduced that the sparklings would grow much larger than their current size...now to think of where to house them-
-well well well what do we have here, a soon to be deceptico-
-im kidding 😭 (or not? Depends on said cons-)
-again they thought there was a relic in the pod, AND NOT A BUNCH OF SMALL SPARKLINGS IN IT
-bet most of the cons were to baffled to speak until Megatron tells someone to take care of this 'problem'
-Starscream would have the thought of making said decepticon army from sparklings, but probably forgot how hard it is to teach sparklings
-Soundwave would entertain some of them with his visor (the smiley faces, using his tentacle(?) thing by tickling the little sparklings)
-Knockout would check on the sparklings, probably let out a horrendous gasp or two from how dinged up the sparklings' paint job are
-Breakdown (lets assume he's still alive for the sake of this-) would help Knockout in the med bay
-We do not talk about Airachnid because we know she wont give a damn about those sparklings 💀
-Dreadwing would be confused on how to handle them, i feel like he'd be the type to stiffen up when a sparkling was handed to him
-Shockwave wouldn't really think much or spend much time with them, probably considered it "illogical"
-WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE VEHICONS. BET THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE SPARKLINGS. A bunch of light to the dark and gloomy lifes of said Vehicons
-Again both Knockout and Shockwave probably reassure Megatron that the sparklings would grow larger than their current size
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fandom-lover2 · 3 months ago
Commissions Are Open
Hello Transformers Prime Fandom!!
So, I recently got royally screwed over by my last job and lost a lot of money I'd been saving in the hopes of seeing my mom in San Francisco when she comes over from our home country and am trying to find ways to earn a little cash on the side.
Given my gift, I'm hoping this reaches the right people and you guys can help out a bit.
Here is my masterlist if you wanna check out my other works
What I write:
Comfort Letter - $5 (500 words)
Written as a pick-me-up/comfort letter from the character of your choosing. Great for a bad day or gift for a friend who's having a tough time
Personalized Comfort Letter - $7 (500 words)
Comfort Letter written by the character of your choosing addressed to you covering any topic of your choosing
(here is an example I did for a friend)
Drabble (500 words) - $5
Short story (1000 words) - $10
Full fic (1500 words) - $15
Full fic (1500 words) - $15
Long fic (2000/2500 words) - $20/$25
I also love rewriting scenes from movies and TV shows and adding in my own lines/lines for my characters to add, if you've ever wished you or your oc could have been present in a scene I will rewrite it and add your chosen dialogue. Price will depend on word count.
Ultra Magnus
Will write:
Hurt, comfort
Hurt, no Comfort
x reader
Oc x character
Oc x Oc
Oc x reader
Won't write:
Rape or rape fantasy
Hate speech - character cannot say anything racist, homophobic or transphobic.
Editing and proofreading (beta reader)
If you need help with editing or re-checking your fic, I'm your girl
500 words - $2.50
1000 words - $5
1500 words - $7.50
2000 words - $10
Please DM if you'd like anything or have any questions
Thank you!
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rowanmutt-afterdark · 4 months ago
I just realized I barely gave TFA any love this Kinktober so I'm changing that rn!
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tinydefector · 8 months ago
I was just interested if you were a suckered for the clothing and fabric and perfume trope as I am. In the sense where fabrics and a abundance of organic flora was considered more common for higher class cybertronains but that even then it was pretty scarce. Imagine a bot or con after getting over their fears or mild disgust of the squishness of humans so to speak the next few things they notice is how many types of hair there are. How many styles and how many different ways to dye said hair. It drives them nuts the feel such softer fibers all together to make a more denser form. Curled,staight,wavy it all catches their optics. Painted nails almost similar to paint for their frames. Tattoos so intriguing. A human willingly damaging their surface that is more fragile than their metallic frames. It's a living scar. And they can't help but slowly come to love it to when they see how much their human complain does. But fabric? God they almost get drunk off of it. When they get a hug they shiver at the smooth article that brushes on their frame. The variety. So many styles and colors. So many meaning behind patterns and techniques. They can't help but almost grow jealous hearing how far back a simple stich can come from in human history. Humanity dressing itself in plush silks and flimsy polyester but it's all gold compared to what the cybertronains have come to crave. Imagine them having made themselves smaller so they could be inside your living space and they can't help but notice all the fabrics. All the plush surfaces. Their in heaven fully convinced they're going to meet the great primes. And if you had a scented burning candle? Sweet or citrus they can't help but want to inhale deeply to capture the scent. Perfumes? God their drunk whenever a human walks into a enclosed space because all mechs and femmes are fighting themselves to not snatch you up and keep you. If you use scented body wash or scented lotion then can practically taste it on your skin if you are near or hug them. They crave it when it's late at night and they've got you sobbing and thighs shaking as they kiss and lap at your scented thighs. And if theirs multiple humans in a space? That almost has a bot slurring their words as iff they just had the best energon. Just some thoughts haha I'm very sorry it's so long. I'm just a suckered for all these headcanons and just how while they may be disgusted and have hatred for humanity some fo them can't help but swoon for so many qualitys of their human companions that are nothing like their skin. So soft and complaint and so very warm at heart.
So I do have some fics on this stuff one is
Ratchet x reader. Involving perfumes effecting cybertronians like a sex potion or sex pollen.
Then I have
Starscream x reader. Involving the infamous dress and him testing out different outfits on his partner.
This small collection of bots reacting to nipple piercings (was like my first fic I ever wrote here)
I am quite a sucker for the clothing and fabric and perfume trope. I really enjoy writing cybertronians who adore seeing their partner drapped in shimmering fabrics. Becuase to the human its could just be a satin sheet, but to the cybertronian it is luxury, it showcases so much about you and every chance they get they love getting to just feel or touch the fabrics.
Imagine: your cybertronian is sat on theirs berth which is a mix of almost foam matting(yoga mat/ expanding foam) They don't lay on just metal but it's not particularly comfortable for their human. So one day, they introduced them to memory foam, and its like the bots world has opened up. It becomes a soft, comfortable recharge. But as you start bringing sheets, blankets, and your pillows, it makes the bots feel as if they are falling in love. They love it when you drape the soft fabric over them and make yourself almost a next on their chassis with the soft bedding. To they it feels like a luxury that you are pampering them even if it's just to make yourself more comfortable. It's the fact you leave them in their suite on their berth take makes their spark clench in delight knowing you'll be coming back.
I also tend to write cybertronains have alot more nasal sensors and detectors to the point they can break down the partials to annalise them. The smell of fresh lining is something that effects them almost like catnip with a cat. They will roll around in the fabric optics wide. Engines roaring in delight. As their joints squeak and clank against the walls.
I also love writing that Fabric was something that only the Highest of society had on cybertron, but mainly due to have small the fibers are it is extremely hard for cybertronains to replicate the material, so it fetched for high prices when Imported from organic planets. If you were of the lower classes, you would be lucky if you had a tarp or some sort of soft plastic as it was also still very sort after. So you can imagine how the cybertronains reacted once on earth, even while undercover. Fabric is such a huge part of human culture that cybertronians, when they find even just a pretty scrap of Fabric, keep it as a token. As if to say "frag you" to the universe.
But I can also see a human finding the stash of Fabric cut off's and offering to sew them all together in an almost patchwork like blanket for their bot and you can bet your ass you will have that cybertronian on thier knees worshipping you for it.
"Hey, we have hail forecasted," their voice calls out to the vehicle parked in the driveway. The cybertronian is rather quiet as they register what was said to them. "It isn't acid rain, so it won't be anything too bad." they try to argue only to have a large old blanket thrown over them. "Hey, what are you doing?" It sends shock throught their system having something so soft drapped over their frame.
"I'm covering you up so you don't get hail damage, I sadly can't get you into the garage at the moment so the next best thing I can do is cover you up with some blankets and a tarp so you don't get damaged by ice falling out of the sky" they explain as they throw another over the vehicle. Making sure to fully cover the bot before throwing a waterproof tarp over them, too. "Sorry, I don't have anything better than this, but it will keep you dry and our of harm's way." Those words hit their spark in a way they never would have thought it would. They are left almost speechless, cosy, and somewhat warm as the hailstorm rolls in.
When it comes to hair colour, skin colour, and tattoos. It fascinates them so much to see such diversity and colour on a species they originally believed to be quite dull. It gets to the point when making their holoform avatars they love exploring and expressing themselves as if making a sims character. Even going as far as some get custom paint jobs of the tattoos, they get on their avatars because, for them, it's the closest thing they can have to tattoos. But think about you getting a tattoo in a shop right across from where your cybertronian partner is getting their paint job because it was a cute couples day out.
And don't get me started on how much cybertronians love human's hair. The fibers are so different to them and they love the feeling of it, they just have to be very careful when running a digit theought thier lovers hair as to not get it jammed in the joints causing you pain.
Another thing that cybertronians are fascinated by is humans' willingness to injure themselves in the name of beauty. From tattoos, piercings, injections, and surgery. In honesty, it's not that different from frame ulteration, but they don't know how a human can do it. The bots can turn their pain sensors off while humans are just soldier on through it.
I love the idea that the bots also horde car freshners that their humans get them. It becomes a full-on pokemon card situation of them trading double ups, begging their partner to get them others so they can rub it in their friends' faces. But air freshners weren't a thing until Earth, and the bots love how it makes their frame smell different from the oil, grease, and car smell.
But perfumes gods I love the idea that perfumes have a certain chemical reaction to Cybertronian systems to the point to turns them into a raging horny bot who can't get enough of how your skin taste and how desperately they try to literally lick the perfume off your skin as if it were the riches and most expensive high grade energex on the market. It also leads to a lot of personal working with the bots not being allowed to wear perfume/cologne. Deodorants don't affect them the same way, but they also enjoy how they smell quite a bit.
But yes I love the idea of perfumes pretty much working like a pheromone spray and don't get me started on actual pheromones spray, your not leaving that bots berth for atleast 3 days, they will bring you food, water and anything you want but it literally overrides their system protocol and makes them desperate to breed you.
In conclusion, DO NOT wear perfume or Pheromone spray near the bots unless you don't intend to be leaving the berth for at least 3 days if not more becyase they can and will keep you their.
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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dusty-demons · 1 year ago
I swear I'm not dead
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talonssurfacinganmask · 2 years ago
Two characters from the transformers x land of the lustrous AU Towers of Machines as transformers/As their actual counter parts W.I.P
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The Alexandrite Geo brothers (2/3 of them)
(Glow Sticks eaters mfs)
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revelboo · 5 months ago
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Transformers x Reader Masterlist
Or ‘look, I organized the nonsense.’ Only the first chapter appears here, with previous/next navigation added to the parts to make it easier to read. This is an 18+ blog.
Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/revelboo
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/RevelBoo/works
About/Warnings/Assorted Headcanons and Scenarios are here
Starscream x Reader/ Soundwave x Reader/ Megatron x Reader Everything Is Alright Everything Is Alright-full chapters
Wheeljack x Reader Circuits and Wires
Jazz x Reader Over it Now
Soundwave x Reader-stand alone When You're Around
Thundercracker x Reader Better Open the Door
Bluestreak x Reader Where I Belong
Prowl x Reader Stand Too close
Cliffjumper x Reader TKO
Sideswipe x Reader, Sunstreaker x Reader Can't Finish What You Started
Optimus Prime x Reader Gravity
Bumblebee x Reader Last Night
Skyfire x Reader Floating Down The River
Rumble x Reader Alcohol Eyes
Skywarp x Reader Stop Talking
Ratchet x Reader Feel Like Rain
Waspinator x Reader Worker Bee
Ironhide x Reader Hold Me Down
Vortex x Reader I Can't Decide
Grimlock x Reader Shiver
Constructicons x Reader Drive
Insecticons x Reader You (Don't) Know Me
Trailbreaker x Reader Too Tired To Wink
Hound x Reader Heavy Boots
Sunstorm x Reader Love Me Dead
Alternate Takes
Megatron x Reader Skin and Bones
Metroplex x Reader I Can Feel You
Seeker Trine x Reader True Romance
Soundwave x Reader, Shockwave x Reader Clumsy Heart
Rainmakers x Reader No Strings
Megatronus Prime x Reader Give It Up
D 16 x Reader Fight For You
Silverbolt x Reader Save World Get Girl
Lost Light
Megatron x Reader Invisible Monsters
Drift x Reader The Samurai Code
Rodimus x Reader Attractive Today
Whirl x Reader Delirium
Scavengers x Reader A Lifeless Ordinary
Ultra Magnus x Reader The Conversation
Swerve x Reader Lose Control
Swindle x Reader Hangman
Tarn x Reader L.G. Fuad
Pharma x Reader Pulp Fiction
Skids x Reader Hysteria
Starscream x Reader Overdone
Sunder x Reader Whipped Cream
Rung x Reader Anything For You
Brainstorm x Reader My Way
Chromedome x Reader x Rewind Circles
Tailgate x Reader x Cyclonus Chain Me Free
First Aid x Reader Hum Along
TF Prime
Soundwave x Reader Bad Idea
Ratchet x Reader The Weakends
Knockout x Reader My Favorite Accident
Megatron x Reader Broken Arrow
Wheeljack x Reader Crooked Ways
Shockwave x Reader Point of Extinction
Starscream x Reader Bottom Feeder
Dreadwing x Reader Anything At All
Smokescreen x Reader Resolution
Steve and Vehicons x Reader Coin-Operated Boy
Megatron x Reader It Had To Be You
Starscream x Reader Inside Out
B-127 x Reader The Coma Kid
TF Earthspark
Tarantulas x Reader Disappear
Megatron x Reader Give Up/Give In
Bumblebee x Reader The Future Freaks Me Out
Soundwave x Reader Son Of a Gun
Starscream x Reader Disaster Hearts
TF Armada
Starscream x Reader Even If It Kills Me
TF Animated
Optimus Prime x Reader Broken Heart
Blitzwing x Reader Hello Helicopter
Bulkhead x Reader Time Turned Fragile
Blurr x Reader A-Ok
Shockwave x Reader Safe In The Dark
Megatron x Reader The Devil You Know
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transformers-spike · 4 months ago
Suggestions Open:
Dos: Cybertronian x Human -TFP -TFA -TF:One -Skybound comics -G1 (to an extent)
Don'ts: Cybertronian x Cybertronian
Current writing: TFP -Grinding: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Mile High Club: Starscream x Reader (nsfw) -Fusion Cannon: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Voyeurism: Soundwave x Reader (nsfw) -Dreadful Intermission: Knock Out x Reader (links to AO3) tw:Noncon -Human Anatomy: Ratchet x Reader (nsfw) -Angst/Comfort: Optimus x Reader (nsfw but more fluff) -Threesome: Breakdown x Reader x Knock Out (nsfw) -Biting: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Bleed me dry: Megatron x Reader (links to AO3) tw:Noncon -Blueberry Drizzle: Knock Out x Reader (nsfw and links to AO3) -Pole dance ahegao: Soundwave x Reader (nsfw) -Let's talk: Starscream x Reader (sfw) -Kissing headcanons: Knock Out/Starscream/Megatron x reader (suggestive) -Blessed be your ignorance: SG Optimus x Reader (nsfw) -Be careful what you wish for: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -A little longer: Optimus x Reader (nsfw) -Visitors: Decepticons x Reader (nsfw and links to AO3) -Eating pussy headcanons: Autobots x Reader (nsfw) -Eating pussy headcanons: Decepticons x Reader (nsfw) -Mistletoe headcanons: Autobots x Reader (mostly sfw) -Tell me it's alright to cry: Dreadwing x Reader (nsfw + links to AO3) -Personal Worth: Starscream x Reader (nsfw) -Easy to seek hatred: Starscream x Reader (nsfw) -Guardianship: Starscream x Reader (sfw) tw: SH comfort -Pure adoration: Dreadwing x Reader x Skyquake (nsfw) -Cuddling headcanons: Decepticons x Reader (suggestive + AO3 link) -Pillow Talk: Breakdown x Reader (nsfw) -Tender is the flesh: SG Optimus x Reader (suggestive)
TFA -Soft Vore: Blitzwing x Reader (nsfw) -Petplay: Prowl x Reader (nsfw) -Never Enough: Ultra Magnus x Reader (nsfw) -Failure can be sweet: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Silence: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Exception: Starscream x Reader (nsfw) -To be loved: Blurr x Reader x Shockwave (links to AO3) tw:noncon -Cold shower: Blurr x Reader (nsfw + links to AO3) G1 -Unwanted Attention: Soundwave x Reader (links to AO3) tw:dubcon -Desired Attention: Soundwave x Reader tw:dubcon
TF:One -Derelict Desperation: Megatron x Reader (nsfw) -Spread your wings for me, golden boy: Sentinel x Reader (nsfw) (links to AO3) -Solitude: Alpha Trion x Reader (nsfw) -Unleash the beast: Alpha Trion x Reader (nsfw)
-Dreadwing (spike and valve) -Megatron and Soundwave (spikes and valves) -Knock Out (spike) -Dreadwing and Skyquake (spikes and valve) -Starscream (spike/valve and showing off) -Megatron x human (nsfw) -Knock Out and Breakdown (valves) -Megatron meme redraws (sfw) -Megatron x human from Bleed me dry (suggestive) tw:noncon -Hand holding (Dreadwing, Breakdown, Starscream, Ratchet) -Hand holding (Soundwave, Megatron, Knock Out, Optimus) -Megatron, Breakdown, Dreadwing and Knock Out valveplug redesigns (nsfw) -Starscream x fem human (nsfw) Fic fanart (they make me cry) Bleed me dry by @karinadele Bleed me dry meme by @athenafinn Bleedverse chapter 4 meme animation Eating out headcanons (Megatron) by @discountsurgery Breakdown spike (Dickdown) by @ace---hardware Tell me it's alright to cry (Dreadwing) by @discountsurgery Dreadwing failing at being a dad by @karinadele
Recommended reads (pls try them they're so good)
Fanfics -Burn a hole in the old grip of the familiar by @solain-rhyo (Ultra Magnus x reader) -We all go up in flames (going out in style) (Megatron x Reader) -All these false starts (Knock Out x reader) -Breaking Bread by @ss-shitstorm (Megatron x Reader) -Fortuna Primigenia (Optimus x reader) -Blackbird (Starscream x reader) -Physical Therapy (Ratchet x reader) -Faster Pussycat (Knock Out x reader) -Victory by @korpuskat (Decepticons x reader) -Multitasking (Megatron x reader x Soundwave) -Hideaway (Starscream x reader) -"Every breath you take" is not a love song by @hotdogharvester (Tarn x Reader/OC) -Take me Higher, Flyboy by @moodymisty (Starscream x Reader) -take a bite of my spark tonight by Monster Parade (Shockwave x OC) -Dreams of Woe and Metal by an Orphaned Account (Blurr x Reader) -Trauma Bay by Slyboots (Breakdown x Knock Out and Dreadwing & Skyquake) Tumblr ask blogs - @rawmeknockout - @rocksinmuffin - @smallestapplin - @pinkanonwrites Tumblr valveplug art blogs - @botmilf (maybe support them on patreon?) - @shapeofmetal
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xarology · 2 months ago
Transformers Highschool AU x Reader - Prologue
Instead of them being hs seniors, 99% of the transformers are staff.. which is like infinitely cooler. Anyway!
I would like to think this school is located near a military base for obvious reasons. It does not take place in the States but in the country of Cybertron, where the Highest ranking is 'Magnus'. It's basically a 1-1 parallel with TF: Animated (or at least the system of command). TF Highschool is a hot pot of all the bots from all the series so we're having fun here
You are a science teacher! With a recommendation from your old friend Megatron, you were able to snag this job! You're coworkers with Shockwave and Knockout. Shockwave teaches some science, nobody actually knows what he teaches but whatever it is, it works! Knockout teaches Health sciences and anything regarding medicine.
Megatron the head dean who does NOT play around. Kids fighting in the courtyard? automatic suspension and a stern talking to from Megatron. Do NOT let this guy call your parents because he will make the smallest incident seem like the end of the world. "You are here to learn, not horse around!" ass speech but I promise he's sweet! Works with Starscream and Soundwave.
Optimus Prime is a Librarian, who would've guessed? He definitely needs a raise though since he puts so much effort into the students and the school. He's taken the initiative to do fundraisers for clubs and the school. If he were fired the school would go down with it! He also holds tutoring after school for the kids who need it. What would we do without him!
Ultra Magnus is the principal (who's basically wrapped around Optimus' finger). He's the one who does the paperwork to make sure Optimus gets to do all these things he does. He cares about his students in the grand scheme of things but when it comes down to it he can NOT run a classroom for more than 15 minutes. It's a blessing he's around adults most of the day because he would lose his marbles at all the rules being broken with teenagers. He's also kind of a nightmare for teachers whenever he pops into the classroom to observe. If you teach something wrong he won't call you out as you're teaching but you'll sure hear about it in the reviews.
Starscream is the dean doing the paperwork. Or at least trying to. He's great at what he does but he barely ever does it. He's behind the counter all day in the discipline office getting all the drama from the students. The kids favor him over Megs because he's not as strict. Don't make the mistake of getting too comfortable because he will remind you of your place. He just likes drama! Having him as a coworker is marginally better but don't tell him secrets ever because he will stir the pot. Also fighting with Megatron all the time for no reason do not put them in a room together alone.
Soundwave is more councilor than dean? Legally he is a dean but he's often the one sitting down and really talking with problem students. He works closely with Rung to come up with solutions the school can provide for their students. The times when he is out of his office, he's being called down to collect a rowdier kid from class. I would like to say that those rowdy kids are rumble and frenzy but they're really not (most of the time). If Soundwave sees them in Discipline or has to personally get them from class for being disruptive?? He is going to be PISSED!!! "I KNOW I taught you better than that!". But also if rumble and frenzy pass by his office when skipping he doesn't mind that much. They get a snack and a "Go back to class" from him. Knows much more than Starscream when it comes to drama, his kids are always telling him everything!!!
Thundercracker is the Theater teacher/director and helps with the schools TV production when asked. Probably the only other person who really loves his job. His productions throughout year are absolutely amazing and a must-see!
I'm separating this into 2 parts, maybe even more because I have so much more to say and I've barely even scratched the surface... Also bitter exes Megatron and reader? thoughts? opinions? Not to spoil anything but Megatron def owed her that favor... this fumbler... Also just so everyone is aware I woke up in the middle of the night with this idea beamed into my head
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