#i need a literary valentine
ghostoffuturespast · 5 months
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Incoming, motherfuckers.
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
thank god i have realized that i can Post On Tumblr (make insane little personal posts whenever i want) since the last time i picked up paradise lost. the girlies in the gc were not very receptive to my screaming over milton's descriptions of satan and of hell but i know in my heart that the tumblrinas will come through for me
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heavenlymorals · 23 days
Why are you always trying to paint Arthur as a misogynist? When he clearly isn't??? I like your posts by why do you hyper fixate on stuff like that?
Hello anon and thanks for the ask.
Well, quite simply, I "paint" Arthur as someone who actively believes in and enforces gender roles because he does so in the game. It's a part of his writing and his character. The canon Arthur is NOTHING like how the fandom here on Tumblr portrays him as. That's also a reason why I started making these posts because I honestly hate when fanon becomes the accepted truth of characters and not the actual canon. It happens all the time.
I'm a very pragmatic person and this will show in my posts. I don't care about what characters COULD be and I focus more on what they ACTUALLY are. That's why my retrospective posts are usually looked at through a psychological, sociological, cultural, feminist, and/or literary point of view. I look at characters and learn things about them through their actions and words, as well as the time period that they are a part of. I do not care at all about making characters seem morally better, especially when it comes to historical attitudes because those historical attitudes aren't as historical as we make them out to be.
They still affect us every single day and only recently have we started pushing back- that's also not mentioning cultures where these attitudes are STILL encouraged, which then changes the way people think. Understanding historical attitudes allows us to understand not only our own cultures better, but people as well and why they do the things they do.
Now let's talk about Arthur. Arthur is a man born in 1863. Women couldn't even get a credit card by themselves without a man till 1974. To put it quite simply, he lived in a time era where women had almost 0 rights and those women who did succeed in life usually had some sort of male support. People supported this system, both male and female. Did you know that when the suffrage movement began, most American women didn't give a fuck because they believed that was men's duties, not their own? Point is is that even if Arthur is a lot more lenient regarding this stuff, he still actively believes in it because of how pungent it was in the society he lived in.
The first mission we have with the female gang members is heading to Valentine. The first thing he says to them is whether Miss Grimshaw could spare them from their domestic chores, already showing that in the gang, the girls' main duty is the domestic work and that Arthur supports this. Later in that mission, when he chases down Jimmy Brooks, he puts Uncle in charge of bringing them back home, even though he is an old ass man and they are three young, healthy, and capable women. In one mission, you got two examples of Arthur being an active encourager of gender roles.
And then there is Sadie- when she expresses her frustration over the work she has to do, he tries to shut her down. When she gets her pants, he mocks her: "You get a pair of pants and all of a sudden you think you're Landon Ricketts?" When she asks Dutch when she can go robbing with them, both him and Dutch laugh her off. When they bust John out of prison, he does it with her cuz literally no one else would help him and when they escape on the boat, he gets visibly annoyed that she doesn't take his hand. There are even more examples of things like this when he antagonizes her, but that's just the main game.
And there is the antagonizations of women performers. "Women shouldn't be doing this." "Go make someone some supper." "Go back to the kitchen." "This ain't ladylike." I'm sorry, but these need no explanations. His antagonize lines are just as canon as his greet lines and the fact that he says stuff like that shows that he believes in gender roles. It's an active part of his belief system.
There are so many more examples of this and the majority of them are subtle but I come from a culture that still treats its women like the 1800s treated theirs so when I ever pick up on these things, it's cuz I've lived it before.
And my final point- this is a historical game. Rockstar made sure to be as accurate as they can in regards to the time period- so characters not only react to historical attitudes but they are a part of it as well. Same goes for Arthur. He's a historical character with a historical background and historical attitudes- and that comes with the good, like chivalry, and the bad, sexism. You shouldn't play a game like RDR if you're expecting characters to feel modern in their thought processes.
Thank you and have a great day.
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demonsword586 · 4 months
A way to recovery| Marbas x reader
I made a short fanfiction based on what would happen if Beel didn't eat all the chocolate and....went with Marbas. (Honestly I just got na idea for Marbas pounding reader away into the oblivion and then just sticked with the valentine's card prolouge cuz I thought it could work)
Also small note:beginner writer here,this is my first oneshot...or an actual fanfic. Please be gentle
Trigger warning: female pronounces for the reader,dom!Marbas/sub!reader,the reader is a bit of a brat.....slight bondage?
Word count:7050
Fanfiction under the cut 👇
As Dong-gyun was offering you his chocolate,you humbly accepted it. He was a pretty sweet young devil after all and...free chocolate!Unbeknown to you,his kindness will bring you to the hospital...
And that's where you were now. Lying in a hospital bed in Paradise Lost,your body feverish and your breath short. The reason for your sudden visit: aphrodisiac poisoning...
What Dong-gyun hadn't told you was that he put a mandrake inside your chocolate. Now for a devil this is already a strong aphrodisiac but you are a human! Of course,something that could bring a normal devil to their knees,got you bedridden on the first bite. As soon as you had a taste of that sweet delight,your mind went into a frenzy before you passed out. Thankfully a few passers-by quickly rushed you to the hospital.
Now that the effects have calmed slightly and you are now conscious,all you can really do is wait for the doctor....if waiting wasn't so freaking painful! Your stomach was aching and you felth hot and bothered all over....especially in your pussy which by now was like a watherfall. Your wetness has already sipped through your underwear and making a small puddle under you,your skirt being the only clothing that left your dignity somewhat intact. On top of all that you just felt so pent up. The times you were in need of devil energy coudn't even compare.No this time felt the most urgent of them all. It felt...like you were dying. Dying from your desire and hunger. Gosh when will the doctor come already?!
Just as your hopes were being lost,you heard a creaking sound of the opening door and then something that sounded like heavy footsteps. As you lifted your heavy eyelids and slowly looked up,a big shadow covered your form. Your gaze tiredly followed the shadow's main body. You could see their bare stomach,covered by a few belts,their arms tightly bound together with a restraint jacket and their bare,muscular chest and shoulders before your eyes rested on their face as they gave you a look of dissapointment. The only hint of their displeasure in seeing you being shown in their look. They looked at you like someone would look at a drunk friend who got wasted even after they said they won't.
And just who was this mysterious figure bound like an animal? Marbas! You could feel your muscles relaxing just a bit as you sighed in relief,glad to see the person who could actually help you. But Marbas himself didn't look so pleased. He closed his eyes shut momentarily to compose himself before looking back at you,his normally formal aura back around him.
'Seems like you are in need of assistance,MC' he said in his soft and quiet yet a bit husky voice,as he looked down at you calmly. His eyes lingered a bit on your moving chest as you breathed and then on your thighs as they trembled,slightly from the aphrodisiac which was still invading your body and a bit more because of his intense stare. Though he wasn't completlly okay either. No,his mind was slowly falling into dirty thoughts as he could literary smell your desires,as well as see you in such a vulnrable state.
But he had to remain professional. You were his patient right now and in dire need of his help. You didn't deserve his deprived gaze to slowly strip you of your dignity in his mind. Marbas took a deep breath and quickly averted his eyes. He slowly slided his hands against each other in his straitjacket,uncliping the straps. The jacket gently slided off him,freeing his arms. He streached his sore arms for a moment before turning his head towards you,trying to keep his eyes only on your face. 'I been informed it was mandrake poisoning....I know it is not direclly your fault but you really should be more careful. If a devil gives you a gift,you shoudn't accept it so openly...after all,every one of us wishes to become closer with the child of Solomon,even myself. But such strong wishes can also lead to unfortunate accidents as this,so please watch yourself next time,MC.' he scolded you as if he was dealing with a small child who just accepted a candy from a stranger....which wasn't really far from the truth.
Normally you woudn't mind being told off as much,but in this case....your body was boiling! Your abdomen felt like it will burst,every breath you took felt like you were inside a smoke room. You needed a relief and your cure was right here,in a shape of a gigantic half naked muscular devil who was taking his sweet time just observing you. Even if it was for medical purposess,him staring at you wasn't helpful at all.
Out of desperarion you squurmed on the bed,your sweat glistering beautifuly on your skin as you tried to get into a comftrable position. But you knew that nothing would be able to soothe you other than Marbas,so you turned on your side and meekly pleaded with him.'Please Marbas.....please help...I need you' you said in a whisper,your voice barelly leaving your body.
What you have not realized though was that you were just testing an already struggling devil. He had to take a sharp inhale to calm himself even a little bit. He was already getting harder just at the whimp of your sweet scent but now you were even pleading with him while looking absolutelly ravishing. Your blushing cheeks,your plumb curves and your clothes sticking to them! It was all too much for him. You were really testing his self-control,weren't you?
He had fo close his eyes for a moment to keep himself together. Along with being unbound right now,meant that he had to really be careful with this. After a few moments he smiled at you. It was a small smile,mainly to reasure you and maybe just to delude himself that everything was alright. 'Of course,I am a healer...I'll have to touch you a bit since my abillity transfers through my hands. Please excuse me.....'
Just as he finished speaking,his hands were firmly placed on your thighs while he turned you over on your back. His hands then slowly creeped up your legs and under your skirt before swiftly lifting it and showing your soaking panties.
Wait....what was he doing?!Sure he had to touch you but does he have to expose you like this?! You were already embarrassed enough to be so openly aroused before Marbas,but did he really have to openly show to the world your shame?! You turned your head away and shut your eyes as if that would get you out of this situation. You tried to close your legs together...but you coudn't. Marbas tightened his grip on your thighs and even started spreading them.
But seeing the panic on your face,he leaned his head lower until his forehead was resting against yours. Feeling a bit bad for frightening you,he softly whispered 'Now,now...it's okay. I will be gentle. You won't even feel a thing,MC.'
While he was calming you down,his fingers sneaked behind the straps of your underwear and smoothly pulled them down,a slick trail connecting your privates to your garment before breaking.
He was right. You truly haven't felt anything. You were so focused on his quiet and deep voice as well as how your breaths intertwinning that his sneaky snatching of your panties went unnoticed by you.
Then suddenly,a small tingle ran through your core,almost like a small shock of electricity was sent through your clit. What caused it? Marbas's fingers of course....His thumb was gently tapping on your clit as his boney index and middle fingers entered you,slowly pushing inside you until their whole lenght was fitted in.
As soon as his fingers started working on your pussy,you immediately broke out from your peacfull transe. His skillful hands were too good at their job as he brought you intense pleasure. Was he using his healing abillity as well? Or are you just so desprate that everything feels too good?! Your voice came out in short and weak moans as you simply coudn't help yourself. How shameful...moaning in delight as this kind doctor tends to you! But as soon as you got your few seconds of ectasy,he pulled out...his fingertips were just teasingly resting against your entrance and even his thumb stopped and was just gently pressing on your clit.
You were cruely pulled out from your lustful delight and just left feeling unsatisfied. Your insides throbbing...wanting more... Confused and annoyed by him,you frowned and looked up at him,wanting to know why he was denying you. But as you saw his face...he was just as deranged as you were. His eyes wide,his breathing uneven and his cheeks giving a soft pink glow as he stared down at you. His gaze was lustful as he enjoyed watching you enjoy his healing in such an undignifying way. He clearly enjoyed this just as much as you....so why did he stop?!
Pissed off that Marbas has took away his fingers,you weakly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and glared up at him,as if that would intimitate him to continue. 'Marbas...why...why did you stop?....It felt good....'
What you had not realized though was....your glare looked more like a face of a horny bunny who just wanted a treat. Your face was hot,your brows were twiching slightly from the intense feelings inside of you and your eyes were simply breath-taking,your sweet voice wasn't doing you any favor as well.
He took a deep breath before lowering his face near yours,his lips close to your ear. 'Be patient...it's already hard for me to resist you on a daily basis....but now...you are simply ravishing',he growled into your ear before his fingers digged back into you again,this time with a tremendous force and speed. It was like his very fingers were fucking you,like they had a mind of their own. Pistoling in and out of you with almost inhuman speed. His thumb was busy flicking and rubbing cyrcles on your clit. It was all too much!
First you were edged by a simple gesture of Marbas' fingers gently placed inside of you but now you were feeling overwhelmed! It was almost painful how much stimulation he was giving you. You had to bite into his shoulder,to not yell out his name. Your fingers roughly scratching his back and even loosening the bandage that he was normally covered in.
As he felt your desprate attempts on grounding yourself back to reality,your nails digging into his flesh as well as your teeth,he grunted and growled. He brought his free hand around your lower back,holding you against him in a soft gesture. But to be honest...you weren't the only one going insane by all this. Even if he was the dominant one this time,he also had a hard time maintaining his calm persona. After all,he had a beautiful human in his grasp. A human every devil loved and desired...and they were clinging onto him like a prey. He didn't mind the slight pain that came with taking care of you,but what did annoy him was just how utterlly irresistable you were. He almost felt bad for doing this to you. After all you were so small and weak. He felt like a hungry wolf who has caught a little lamb....but at the same time,just why do you need to squirm so much?! Your wiggling was starting to irritate him. He was already turned on as soon as he saw you laying on the hospital bed,waiting for him to treat you,but with your squirming...your legs were rubbing against his boner which was still restricted by his pants and boxers.That made every little twich of it even more uncomftrable since it was still covered. Meanwhile you were panting and moaning into his shoulder while your inner walls were trembling against his fingers...while his hard on was basiclly pressed against your leg. He doubted you even noticed since you were too busy with your own pleasure. It was a bit unfair really. One was restriced by his own self-consciousness and just a few layers of fabric while the other was using him as her own personal vibrator. He needed to change things up a bit.
Suddenly his hand that was working tiredlessly on you has stopped and pulled away. His other hand that was holding you also laid you back down on the bed,a bit roughly as he moved away from you. His hair casting a shadow over your eyes as he got off the bed. Just what was he doing now? Was he....tired of you? Did you do something wrong? Maybe...were you too forceful?
While you were busy poundering over why he was leaving,especially in the middle of healing you....though it did kind of turn from a professinal doctor visit to him fingering you....he was busy rummaging through his pile of clothes,looking for something. As soon as he found it he went back to you,one of his belts in his hands.
When you saw him returning while carrying a belt,you breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he will finally finish what he started...but what did he need a belt for? Your question would fortunatelly or a little unfortunately for you,be answeared. Marbas's big form soon loomed over you again as he grabbed both of your hands before pinning them to the headboard of the bed. In just a few seconds,he pushed your hands against eachother and tied them with belt before tying them to the steel rod of the board. He was almost too good at it,though what else could be expected from a man who is tied up almost all the time.
You were a bit suprised by his sudden bold move. True you were being a bit handsy...but was this really necessary? Could it be that your lack of a gentle touch has made him decide to not indulge you at all? You were planning to touch him too...but just a bit later.
'Those nasty hands of yours won't touch me....especially in such a lewd manner. Clawing at my back like an animal...' he said in an almost cold tone as he stared down at you. His hands slowly traced your arms. From your fingers to your wrists which were bound and then down to your forearms. His fingertips softly gliding along your skin until they reached your button up shirt. He halted as soon as his fingers reached the buttons. He was almost tempted to open them..one by one....but what kind of fun would that be? You clearly showed just how submissive and bratty you truly are.
But no,he swiftly grabbed your shirt,his fingers going between the gaps of the buttons before he teared the fabric apart,making a few buttons fly off. As your shirt got opened,your plush breasts got revealed to him. Your nipples slowly hardening from the fresh air. You shuddered slightly from the new feeling. Your hands automaticlly wanted to go down so you could cover yourself,but you coudn't. Your hands were tied after all... That was a very bad day to go out without a bra. Marbas was already hard to read. You didn't know if he was just excited or actually annoyed by your perversion. But would he really think less of you,just because you didn't wish to have an uncomftrable bra today?
No he would not. In fact,he was quite enjoying the view. Seeing how you atruggled against the restraints,wanting to cover yourself a bit while your boobs jiggled a bit at your every movement. It was quite an enticing view. He smiled softly before one of his hands went up to touch your breast. Your flesh perfectlly fitted in his big hand as he kneaded it with his palm for a bit while being careful not to use too much force. He quite enjoyed the warm feeling of your skin and that he could feel your heart beating quickly under his fingers. His eyes slowly shited to your other breast,watching it with an almost warm and loving look. He slowly lowered his head until his lips were wrapped around your nipple. You gasped... 'W-What are you doing?!' you asked him,your voice shaking slightly from the gentle feeling of his tongue against your tiny nip.
'Making sure you aren't cold.It would be shamefull for a doctor to let his patient get sick while he's taking care of them' He lifted his head for just a second to answear you before going back to sucking onto your nipple. His suckles were soft to not overwhelm you yet his tongue was slowly swirling around your nipple,teasing it in a torturous way. His hand that was still on your other breast went to work as well. His fingers going along your skin until he found your other nipple and started playfully pinching and rubbing it between his fingers.
It felt...amazing. You touched your nipples a dozent of times yet they never felt this good before. Was it because someone else was touching you...or was he simply just an expert at your body? It didn't really matter since he made you whimper in pleasure anyway. Your body flinched every few seconds as he kept testing your sensitive bits,trying to figure out what made you scream the loudest. Your trembling and bound arms,fortunately had just enough slack for them to went up,hugging his head against you,pushing his face deeper against your soft flesh as your fingers ran through his black hair.
His emerald eyes went up to look at you as you brought him closer,taking this as a sign he was doing well and just maybe that you wanted more. Feeling a bit playful,he gently grazed his teeth against your nipple before carefully biting it. You quickly squilled as you felt a sudden pain. It wasn't bad but it did jumpscare you a bit. Understanding what it was you glared down at Marbas. He was staring up at you with a confident look as the corners of his mouth lifted just a little bit. That bastard was grinning at you! As soon as you saw that cheeky face of his,you decided to pay him back. Your fingers which were still tangled in his hair,suddenly tugged on them,making him arch his head away from your breast. He grunted from the stinging sensation before chuckling whole-heartedly,that stupid grin still on his handsome face. 'Alright,alright...I was only teasing,little bunny~'
His cheeky smile soon calms down a bit as he took your hands off of him. Maybe he was too easy on you...He decided to bind your hands fully to the headboard,rhat it was almost uncomftrable. You frowned and tugged on the retraints but they didn't even let you struggle properly. Marbas on the opposite of you,felt quite pleased with how helpless you looked. Still,you did deserve a little apoligy. He was the one pulling on your nerves after all.
His head slowly lowered again towards your chest but this time he gently kissed between your breasts. He slowly looked up at you,his uncovered eye looked at you lovingly. You immediately stopped resisting as you felt his soft lips on your flesh. He was suddenly so..gentle. Diffrwnt from the passion he was showing you before,almost as if he wanted to apoligise for going too far before.
He lazily closed his eyes before giving you another kiss,just a little below the first one. His hands gently traveled along your waist and hips,rubbing them in a soothing manner.Just like that he started giving you a trail of small but sweet kisses down your waist until he reached your belly button. He kissed it as well before looking back at you. 'Do you want more?' He asked you in a suprisingly soft voice. Your cheeks burned a bit at his question.You were already quite flustured before but...this gentle side of Marbas was good as well. Maybe even better,plus you can't really refuse a man when he's being so respectful,now can you? So you nodded slightly at him. A small smile garzing your lips.
He smiled back at you. He already knew you would be okay with it but having you confirm it to him that you want more...made him feel a bit proud of himself. He went back to giving you kisses. As he started just right under your belly button,his lips slowly traveled down your underbelly and pelvis,dangerously close to your pussy. You were excited about that part the most,feeling his lips down there,even if just for a few seconds would be divine....but just as he lifted his head to kiss you there...his eyes opened slightly,looking down at your most precious parts before....he kissed your inner thigh.
Eh? What was he doing now? Of course...of course! Even when he was being soft with you,he just coudn't help himself to tease you! Even now while you were pouting in disatisfaction,he still didn't touch you there. Oh no,his lips insted decided to settle on your other thigh now,licking it in a gentle way.
Still he coudn't tease you for too long now...you deserved to feel relief too as much as him. Out of nowhere you got hit by a strange wave of pleasure and shock. It was right in your little bundle of nerves...on your clit. Almost in an instant as soon as you felt this weird senastion of pleasure,you squezzes your plump thighs around Marbas' head,trapping it between your legs....actually what caused you to feel good all of the sudden? Marbas...he decided to finally show some affecrion to your precious privates when you let your guard down and gave you a gentle suck around your clit.
But with his head now trapped,he didn't have any other choice but to please you...not like he had other plans now anyway. His hands slowly traveled to your legs as he dig his fingers into your flesh,loose enough not to hurt you but just to have a good grip on those pretty legs of yours. Seems like he didn't want you to release him.
After a few more seconds he let go of your clit,yet his lips remained against your genitalia. He gently lapped at your labia,making long and slow licks against your whole pussy and then going back to suvking on your clit. Though it was more that he kwpt it in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. He was very good at it too. His tongue moved so pleasingly against you. If your arms weren't bound you would for sure pull his head even closer,but alas...All you could really do was moan meekly and let your legs tremble. You coudn't even squezze his head more since he was holding onto your thighs. His arms were almost as hard and unmoving as those belts. You teuly started to feel like a little bunny who got caught in a trap. But instead of a hunter taking you...it was a fellow lustful beast who tok you to his advantage. You coudln't even move a muscle.
Suddenly,Marbas' tongue moved away from your clit and slowly licked down until he found your hole. His wet and masterful tongue then slowly entered you. The wet muscle moving around your insides wildly. He moved it around without any specific rythem,only following the sweet taste of your wetness. You whimpered quietly at the new sensation in your pussy. It felt great to finally have something inside yourself. But after a little bit,he started pulling his tongue out just slightly and then back in. He was tongue-fucking you! It was amazing. You could feel every little movement as if your senses highened. But after already getring edged and denied your orgasm once,being tongue-fucked by him was like God himself took your eagerness and pent up feelings as a prayer and cast Marbas' long and quick tongue as your salvation.
'M-Marbas...I...I'm close! Please...so...good! Ahh!!' You could only scream in pleasure as you felt your orgasm approaching. It was so close. So so close....and then all of your delightfullness dissapeared. Marbas swiftly pulled his mouth away from you and sat up,spreading your thighs slightly so he could settle between them.
He denied you...again. How dares he...you were so close to an exploding orgasm...and he denied you. You felt rage,boiling inside you. You normally woudn't be so angry at him. He was the kind doctor who loved taking care of you when you are sick,who checks on you daily to see how your day went. He was just like a giant teddy bear...yet in bed he was the opposite. He was like a hungry wolf,patientlly waiting for the best chance to hunt down his target. But that still didn't give him the right to be so mean!
Just as you were about to yell at him,you stopped. Marbas....didn't really look so goofy and playful anymore...He stared down at you with a hungry gaze. His eyes looking down at your weak figure,bound to his mercy. His breathing got heavier,he was almost growling. Looks like the beast's patiance broke.
His hands slowly moved away from your legs,trusting you that you will keep them open as his hands occupied themselfs with his pants,slowly pulling them down along with his underwear in one swoosh!
You could feel something long and fleshy hit your thigh. As you looked down, Marbas' cock was now freed and out in the open.He had a very nice shape,which curved up slightly. He was pretty long but not too girthy...still he was big. He had a slightly larger tip than the shaft. The shaft itself had nice outlines of his veins and a small neat bush of black pubic hair on top. His erection was already leaking precum and twiching as if it was waiting for this moment. Even though he looked so in control while playing with you,Marbas was actually really restraining himself. He was used to being tied up which meant his mind was usually free to do as it pleased. But right now,his body was free to do as his mind commanded. Which meant this whole time he had to keep his devilish instincts at bay. You could give him a pat on the back for being so good. He had to endure your lewd display,your adorable moans and even as he felt your velvety insides with his fingers,he was being a good boy and not going wild on your poor weak human body....but now his aching dick could finally get relief and bury itself in you.
You could literary feel the joy and fear creep up in you. You were almost beaming with happiness. You will finally be dicked down like you deserve. It almost felt like a privlage now for you to feel this big and pretty devil take you after he kept you waiting for so long. Yet you could also feel a bit nervous....he was very big. You weren't sure if you could take him. But if you managed Mammon,surely you could take Marbas as well!....still his lenght was intimitating...
He could see you were a bit conflicted of his cock. A small smile appeared on his lips as he reached up and gently rubbed your cheek 'It's okay...I know what you're thinking and I am telling you...it will be okay. Plus I streached you out a bit already...I'll put it in slowly...I promise I would never done this if it would cause you pain,little bunny.' He told you softly as his thumb rubbed your cheek before he leaned up for a second and gave you a sweet little kiss on your forehead. It certanlly helped calming your overworking mind. It felt so nice when he whispered to you like this. You were starting to question if he was using his abillity on you.
As he straightened his back,he took a deep breath and gripped his shaft,planning to arrange it against your pussy. When his tip kissed your entrance,he could feel how you flinched. You were still a bit nervous and excited at once! Still you needed to stay calm...it was just one of the biggest dicks you will probably ever take....
His eyes slowly looked up at you,just to make sure you were ready. He was a bit suprised when he saw you dig your nails into the wood of the headboard. It was no use...true you had taken a lot of big things in yourself but normally your hands werwn't bound! And there wasn't a giant devil looking down at you! It was like all of those little worries turned into one big mess of overthinking in your head. You had to choke back a breath as if that would make you seem okay in Marbas' eyes.
Feeling bad for you,he leaned down and started softly whispering in your ear 'There there...it's okay...just think of how good you will feel once I'm all inside...and try to relax.If it's too much,I'll stop and we can just cuddle instead...or if you want more,I can always just rub it against you'
You took a deep breath as he whispered to you,his tender and gentle tone relaxing you. Your legs went limp and you layed your head to the side,it was like a calm before the storm. While you were focusing on his voice he was actually staring down at you. Gazing at your lovely privates. His hand which was holding his meat against you,slowly pushed it in. His tip went in quite easily so he continued. He made sure to continue pushing it in very slowly while also keeping check on your body language and face,to see if it was too much. You on the other hand,were feeling suprisingly fine. True it was only a little,but Marbas's dick was very pleasureable and comfy. Though it's apperance may be a bit scary with how big and hard it looked almost as if it got an actual bone inside...in reality his flesh was very smooth (probably from all that precum) and soft to the touch. It also hit just the right spots. You almost didn't realize how you started moaning his name in a short breath. It was truly amazing!
.....to bad that what you felt was only half of his cock. The other,slightly girthier part was still outside,preparing to be enveloped. Marbas after seeing and hearing how much you enjoyed him,smiled. It was a gentle smile as if saying 'I love your body as well along with you whole'.
He stopped for a second,just as he was half way in. In your blurry mind it seemed that he was inside you fully. You were slightly suprised by how easy you coudl take him...actually it didn't hit as deep as you thought it would. But on the other hand,Marbas was starting to prepare himself. He knew that as soon as he did this...he will lose control and slam into you as if death is approaching. His hands then slowly went along your waist before finding your hips. He gently rubbed your beautiful hips woth his thumbs before getting a good grip on them. And just as you were about to look down,wanting to ask for a bit more movement....he went balls deep into you. The force and sudden feeling of fullness along with a slight stink of your entrance knocked the air out of you. You arched your back and almost screamed. 'A-Aaahhh!!! Marbaaaass!!'
The sound which came out of you wasn't a scream of pain but a scream of love and lust! You screamed his name in a desprete tone. But who could blame you? Not only was Marbas's cock piercing though you but Marbas alone was already enough dominant and caring at the same time! Who wouldn't go crazy with him gripping your thighs while his cock made itself at home in you. The sheer pleasure of feeling full was overwhelming you but because of the girthier parts of his schaft which were inside you,almost slipping out from the amount of fluids from both of you but also...he was just so big he was streaching your hole to it's limit. It burned slightly...but the pain was being submerged by the amount of please you had in yourself.
Marbas wasn't doing any better. He was patientlly waiting for you to get used to him so he won't accidentaly cause you any more pain than necessary or even worse,tear your tissue....but in reality he was just star struckt. He himself was mentally edging his desires to breed you all this time. You thought you had it rough? Well he was doing twice worse! The most pleasure he gained before penetrating you,was when his cock rubbed against the fabric of his underwear while he watched you squirm. He coudn't even touch himself. Mainly because he wanted to make the actual sex just so much more delightfull for both you and him....but now the beast was released and it was buried deep in your depths. Your cute face which was now just so lewd,your beautiful voice screaming his name and oh...you didn't even realize just how much you were tightening around him. Your pussy held a strong grip on him as if not wanting him to go....but he had to. After all,as much as this felt god-like,he needed more to release his seed deep in you...to breed you.
He then shut his jaw close,grinding his teeth as his hips moved back slightly,dragging half of his cock out of you...before roughly slamming back in! The rough thrust taking away your breath again. His hips started repeating this motion. Pulling out in the slowest way possible,holding it like this for a few seconds before quickly and forcefully slamming back inside! Over and over again...He was fucking you in the most tormwnting way possible! Slow and rough! But...you actually loved it! You knew just how much of an impact he had on your body. If he went faster...you might actually pass out and die from an orgasm! So this slow thrusting which most would find annoying was perfect for both of you. Everytime he thrusted back inside you,his balls would hit your buttcheeks and your insides would quiver after just relaxing from the previous thrust!
Marbas was also enjoying this. He could feel how you uncounsciously tightened and trembled inside every time he went back in. He could see your body flinched and how you let out more and more beautiful sounds. All he could hear was the lewd sound of your voice,the slippery sound of sex and how his heartbeat was ringing in his ears! He didn't even realize just how crazed in lust he looked himself. His black locks sricking to his forehead from all the sweat he was producing,his face which was now flushed in pink,how he drolled down while grinning at you,how he was panting,heck growling even...and how tightly he was gripping onto your hips,waist and thighs.
His hands slowly explored your curves as he started to speed up. His hips trying a few diffrent angles. He was trying to find your weak spot with his lenght. And when he finally found it,you had to bire on your lip,preventing the loudest scream of your life and just letting out pathetic whimpers.
Suddenly his hands which were busy with your plumb flesh before,found themselfs in your mouth. He swiftly put two of his fingers in your mouth,opening it while his other hand held one of your breasts in a good grip.
The fingers invading your mouth and holding your tongue down made you squirm and whine 'Ma..ras...nwo...I...gaah...' You coudn't even say one word correctly and decided to vive up on speaking,just enjoying the moment with his fingers playing with your tongue as soft gasps and your slightly higher voice were let out,his cock now going at an even faster pace but still just as roughly as at the start.
Now that made Marbas' cock twich. Your submissive surrender to the pleasure...pleasure that he was providing you. He chuckled slightly at how pathetic you looked now. He finally broke that strong will of yours and made you look like a small,weak puppy.
He leaned down slightly,his face inches away from your face as he panted for breath while your mind was too preocupied by the amount of sensations in your body and soul. His voice then came out in a raspy tone as he mockingly smirked at you. He was trying to look cool but with just how much was going on...he was only a tiny bit better than you. His hips rappidly at you,he was finally starting to fuck you like the monster his enemies always described him as. He then started speaking in a hushed yet somehow still loud voice.
'Fuck....you look so beautiful under me...and guhg...that tight little pussy....it feels like it's milking me. I bet you're only like this with me huh? This cute....and weak...or could it be that you're just a hopeless cock-addicted whore who laps at any devil she finds attractive? God....I wonder...just what kind of a face do you make under his majesty Lucifer? Do you shed tears? ...It doesn't matter. You are a human who we devils cannot resist...just what kind of a spell did you put on us?...In any case,you're mine now...as for this moment you shall only show this lewd side of yours to me...and I shall only love you....MC' he told you while his hips were still hammerring against you. You could feel his pelvis against yours and his monsterous cock hitting your g-spot. His movements were rough and it his speed was just like a vibration now. It felt like the whole surface of your lower half has been attacked with a wave of pleasure,it almost became painful.
All you could really do was moan and scream. You coudn't answer his questions no matter how they turned you on. This normally polite and kind devil was now fucking you like a hound in heat and he didn't even have any aphrodisiac in his system like you! His degrading and possesive words were just a cherry on top. Not only were you mentally and physically exausted but now he was even playing with your emotions! Basiclly calling you a slut while wanting you only for himself....and that was what drove you to your peak.
At the every sound that came out of his mouth,your pussy tightened and cleanched on his cock until finally you felt the climax hit you and the small wave of fluids leaking out of you.
As Marbas felt how the consecuinces of your orgasm he grunted. It was like a chain reaction. As soon as you came,Marbas' arms wrapped around you and pressed your body against his own as he hammered a few more sloppy thrusts into you before his cock twiched and suddenly started releasing his warm semen into your womb. He slowed down in a few seconds just to make sure that every ounce of his release was inside of you. If you could look down,you would see just how much of it he was holding in. There was so much of his cum that your belly bulged a little.
As both of you were trying to get back your breaths after an intense fuck session,Marbas' arms felt a bit weak. Actually his whole body was exausted and covered in sweat which could be said the same for you. Still he needed to take care of you first before he took a break.
He gently dropped you back on the matress,his limp arms still wrapped around you as he lowered himself on top of you,his weight comftrably grounding you back to reality. He took a deep sigh before taking one of his hands away from you and using it to untie your own.
You could finally truly relax now that your arms were free. Maybe a bit sore from being reatrained for a while but it felt much better now. Even the aphrodisiac that was affecting your body not too long ago was now fully gone. I guess that means Marbas' method worked...even though it wasn't a tipical way of saving a patient,it still did wonders.
Now that you could finally take a breather,you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He hummed softly before laying his head against your collarbone,making himself comfrable there while he gently squezzed your body once again. You smiled as you saw just how tired he was and decided to give him a little kiss on top of his head.
You coudn't really see it since half of his face was hidden against you but his cheeks turned a bit red from the sweet kiss you gave him. 'Um...MC. I wish to apoligise. I have said some very crude things to you which I did not mean. I don't think of you in such a humiliating manner...rather I respect you. Even though you're a human you're still surviving in this bizzare and violent world with a smile on your face. I see devils break down not only their bodies but their minds as well everyday....but you somehow always manage to make anyone's day when you talk to them. Truly you do not deserve to be insulted like before...please forgive me for the words I have said in the heat of the moment.'
You blinked down at him in suprise but then shrugged it off with a soft laugh. That's Marbas alright. He's back to his soft professional side and honestly....you coudn't really bring yourself to hold a grudge against him. It's the teuth that he was quite mean to you all this time but he still brought you an immense pleasure and even got rid of the poison. Plus as much as you loved the soft and sweet Marbas,his slightly sadistic side was also fun. You gave him a little hair ruffle and smiled at him. 'Don't worry about it...I kind of liked it actually!' You tell him quietly as your fingers started brush his hair in a comforting way.
He let out a deep sigh of relief,glad that both of your minds were now cleared and you could peacfully enjoy cuddling in each other's arms...
....but after a few minutes Marbas broke the silence. 'I just remembered...there was rhis short devil that came with you. Dong- gyun,am I correct? Before I came in he was standing beside your doors saying he'll wait until you were discharged'
His words steuck you like lightning as your body froze. Could it be...that Dong-gyun heard everything?
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zenkindoflove · 3 months
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Here you can find the complete list of my SJM fanfictions, moodboards, and playlists. I mostly write Elucien, Satharion, and Eris x OC.
Multichapter Fics
Summer Heat (E) - Elain x Lucien, Eris x Alexius (OC)
Complete, 114,890 words, 18/18 chapters
Summary: Summer Court is hosting the Summer Solstice Summit and the Night Court is sending their best emissaries to attend. It will be Elain's first time mingling in another court, and it's a good thing she has an expert guiding her: the mate she's been ignoring for the last two years. Meanwhile, Eris has been sent to the summit to spy on Summer's developments. What he doesn't anticipate is entangling in a steamy, forbidden romance
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 7
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 12
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 16
Eris x Alexius moodboard by @animezinglife
Eris x Alexius moodboard by @teddyhoneybear
Burn Forever With Me (E) - Elain x Lucien
Complete, ~69,000 words
Summary: End of ACOSF. After Feyre's traumatic birth, Elain writes to Lucien seeking comfort and company. She soon realizes that opening up to him in letters is much easier without her family's constant presence. But how long can she keep falling for Lucien a secret?
NSFW art of Ch 13 by @works-of-heart
Dear Lucien, Dear Elain: An Epistolary Fic (M) - Elain x Lucien, collab with @crazy-ache
Complete, 13/13 chapters, ~28,000 words
Summary: Epistolary (adj., of a literary work) in the form of letters. After the winter solstice in ACOSF, Elain and Lucien exchange letters as a means to get to know each other away from prying eyes. This fic is a collection of those letters.
Pull Me in Deeper (E) Eris x Alexius (OC)
WIP, 8/?? chapters posted
Summary: Needing more alliances, Eris strikes a deal with Helion: go to the continent and find out information for him, and Day Court will support him usurping Beron. What he didn’t account for is the beautiful Day Court emissary accompanying him that makes his heart race while being such a thorn in his side.
Eris x Alexius commissioned fanart 🍂☀️
Short Fics
Kneel Before Me (E) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~11,000 words
Summary: Lucien arrives at the House of Wind, only to be drawn into a sparring match with none other than the Inner Circle's own Shadowsinger. Things get out of hand and Azriel discovers whether he really can defeat Lucien easily.
I Think I Saw You in My Sleep (E) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~10,000 words
Summary: The dreams of him come from the mating bond, but Elain wants them to stay.
Our Hearts Still Beat the Same (E) - Elain x Lucien
Two-shot, ~17,000 words
Summary: "She stood on the bridge for a few minutes, hoping that the rain might wash away the seething anger and bottomless anguish that crackled under her skin. More, more, more, repeated again and again to a steady beat. His heart beat." Part One is Cozy Tension. Part Two is all smut.
The Art of Seducing Your Merman Husband (E) - Sathia Flynn x Tharion Ketos
Two-shot, ~7,000 words
Summary: When Sathia realizes that Tharion is purposely ignoring all of her attempts at seduction, she decides on Valentine's Day that the only way to finally get her husband in her bed is to make a gesture so obvious, that even a merman with one brain cell would figure it out.
Embrace (M) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~2,800 words
Summary: Elain is on a journey of embracing her Faeness. When studying Lucien's pierced ears, an idea forms in her head that she can't shake.
Lone (T) - Andras x Clare Beddor
One-shot, ~4,300 words
Summary: Clare Beddor is dead, and she haunts the woods of The Middle. A skinless wolf shows up one day, he has a story to tell, and it reeks of revenge.
Taste of You (E) - Eris x Alexius (OC)
One-shot, 2,200 words
Summary: Eris and his mate Alexius are on a tour of Autumn. Alexius is feeling cooped up in the carriage and Eris has an idea of how to release some tension. PWP
Ficlets Masterlist - Mix of Elucien, Satharion, and Eris x OC.
Marry Me: a Satharion playlist
Elucien 1980s clinch cover fanart
You can find all of my SJM fanfiction as well as other fandoms on AO3.
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cemeterything · 1 year
Hello! I am terribly sorry to bother you but you have made a post about fallen angels as a metaphor for freedom and the idea crawled into my ribcage and festered into a poem, and I wanted to show it to you:
The speech of a suspicious individual spotted near the gates of the silver city, as attested by two seraphims and a nice old lady selling apples
Hello, have you considered falling? 
They say it's like flying but easier: of course they'd say that. Haven't tried either since the making of time. 
You there, sir with a thousand arms, what is your opinion on harps? On Valentine's cards with sweet little children with soft white wings? Do you remember what your face looks like? Did you have a face? 
On one of your deeds, great and terrible and not really yours, have you considered going off script? In your perfection, no mark of the passing eons on your pristine self, have you lived for a few minutes, sneaked somewhere in eternity a quiet evening and a cup of tea? 
Leave your halo on the coat rack, flaming sword in the umbrella stand - it might help with the migraine. If you were so far from Valentine's-card perfect you could never go back, what would you be? Speaking for yourself, would you find a voice? 
They wrote in their big old book that falling is a sort of hubris: they're so sure that makes it true.
In the mess of the universe it's okay fuck it all up, means you're living some. As old the platitude goes, be not afraid. 
i have no idea what i did to be worthy of personally receiving this when all i do is make pretentious philosophical and literary analysis posts on the internet sometimes, but thank you. this is a lovely poem and i'm going to keep it folded up in my pocket to take out when i need it again.
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crippleprophet · 3 months
hey, i don't want to put you out or anything, i was just wondering if like off the top of your head if you knew any disability studies articles/books/whatever that center (or even just feature) tic/involuntary movement disorders?
so the answer to this was pretty much no but i spent a bit of time poking around and turned up this 2023 undergraduate honors thesis (link) by a student with tourette’s which seems like a solid starting point for going down the citation rabbit hole!
that piece is “The Embodied Performance of Tics and Tourette Syndrome in the Academic Environment” by Benjamin Allen; i’m only ~1/4th through rn but they argue for a continuum of ticcing + criticize the diagnostic system so i’m comfortable reccing it on that front! the (non-medical) tic-related works cited there are:
Buckser, Andrew. “Before Your Very Eyes: Illness, Agency, and the Management of Tourette Syndrome.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2, 2008, pp. 167-192.
Buckser, Andrew. “The Empty Gesture: Tourette Syndrome and the Semantic Dimension of Illness.” Ethnology, vol. 45, no. 4, 2006, pp. 255- 24. https://www.jstor.org/stable/20456601.
Curtis-Wendlandt, Lisa. “Time and the Tic Disorder Triad.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, vol 27, no. 2, 2020, pp. 183-199.
Curtis-Wendlandt, Lisa, and Jack Reynolds. “Why Tourette syndrome research needs philosophical phenomenology.” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, vol. 20, no. 4, 2021, pp. 573-600.
Miller, James. “The Voice in Tourette Syndrome.” New Literary History, vol. 32 no. 3, 2001, pp. 519-536. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/nlh.2001.0039.
Trubody, Ben. “Ticced off: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of The Experience of Tourette’s Syndrome.” Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, vol. 25, no. 2, 2014.
i also searched a handful of disability studies journals for a variety of keywords (movement disorder, tic, tourette’s, involuntary movement, chorea, huntington’s) but didn’t turn up much unfortunately, so all but the first of this next list include someone with tics and/or involuntary movements rather than being about moving involuntarily.
haven’t read these so i can’t speak to the politics / quality (although i’ll make a post if i’m able to read more) but here’s what seemed potentially relevant! also if anything is paywalled please don’t give T&F your money lol, try SciHub or if you can’t find something i can ask around for somebody with institutional access!
Cultural Differences in Reactions to Tics and Tic Severity (2021)
Using virtual reality to implement disability studies’ advocacy principles: uncovering the perspectives of people with disability (2023)
I had every right to be there: discriminatory acts towards young people with disabilities on public transport (2020)
From comedy targets to comedy-makers: disability and comedy in live performance (2015)
From the Case Files: Reconstructing a history of involuntary sterilisation (2010)
i also want to mention “Movements of the Uncontrollable Body Part Two” by Bronwyn Valentine (2019), a creative writing piece about her experiences of embodiment + ableism with spina bifida that i first read pretty soon after it was published & went looking for after developing my movement disorder a year ago because it was so impactful. @fndportal also has some incredibly vital work.
also if you haven’t already read Rosemarie Garland-Thomson’s Staring: Why We Look, it’s not specifically about involuntary movements but definitely a core text for theorizing any visibilized disability.
i hope some of that is helpful!! if anybody checks any of these out i’d love to hear your thoughts/critiques! all the best to you & i hope these offer some resonance with + understanding of your experiences 💓💓
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blues824 · 1 year
Hi! It's the New Year and time for new requests! Can I request the 7 brothers receiving a Valentine's day bento lunch from their s/o?
Gender-neutral Reader.
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He walked into the kitchen after spending all day in his room filling out paperwork, just to see you working on something. He quietly walked up behind you and slipped his arms around your waist and his face into the crook of your neck. This was one of the few ways that Lucifer portrayed affection when he was tired, so you let him do as he wanted.
“What are you working on, my love?” He asked.
“I know you will be busy tomorrow for Valentine’s Day, so I’m working on a bento lunch so you can make sure that you eat,” You responded. 
You never failed to make his heart feel warm, especially as you finished making the bento and placing it in a hidden place so that Beel wouldn’t find it. He feels bad for not being there to make you feel special on Valentine’s Day, so he cleared up his schedule so that he can surprise you with dinner at Ristorante Six. 
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He wanted some spicy ramen so he went into the kitchen to get some, only to find you making something. He tried to look, but you ushered him away… However, this only got him more curious as to what you were working on. 
“What are you doing, human?”
“I imagine you’ll be busy with Valentine’s Day magazine gigs, so I’m preparing a bento lunch for you so you can eat lunch without going through the hassle of getting something to eat.”
How dare you? How dare you make him blush and swoon at the same time? You had no right. You surely must know what you are doing when you say such sweet things! Not just that, but he already felt guilty for being gone and not being able to spoil you for Valentine’s Day, but you still wanted to make sure he was fed. He definitely needed to take you out later.
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He wanted to know where you were because you were late to the anime marathon he wanted to do with you for Valentine’s Day, so he looked all around. He came to the kitchen and saw you working on something, and he grew curious.
“Y/N, you’re late to the anime marathon!”
“I know, I just wanted to prepare some lunch for us so we didn’t have to pause anything. I even made it look cute!” You stepped to the side to show him the matching lunches, and the blush that erupted on his face was enough to make anyone think he had a fever.
You went through all this trouble for a yucky otaku like him? Oh, his heart is fluttering and breathing is getting harder and harder to do. Did it suddenly get hot in here? Mans is almost gonna pass out until you grab the bentos and grab his hand to pull him back to his room.
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He had asked you if you wanted to go to the local bookshops and have a picnic at the park for a simple Valentine’s Day date, so he was with you in the kitchen helping you prepare lunch. You had the main course, and he prepared the basket along with a few snacks and fruits.
“Y/N, are you almost finished?”
“Yeah! How do they look?”
The Avatar of Wrath looked over and saw two tenderly made bento boxes, and his chest and face felt warm. He gently took them from you and placed them in the basket, and he insisted on carrying it as he grabbed your hand and led you out the door to a day full of literary and romantic adventures.
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Oh, this man definitely wanted to go shopping with you and he wanted to spoil you all day, so he asked if he could take you on a shopping date for Valentine’s Day. However, he couldn’t find you anywhere! You were going to be late! He looked all over and finally found you in the kitchen.
“Sweetie, we’re gonna be late!”
“Sorry, Asmo, but I know you wanted to try eating cleaner so I wanted to make us lunch so we didn’t have to grab take-out!” You exclaimed as you showed him the bento.
This man is literally down on his knees and wrapping his arms around your legs as he is shouting about how much he absolutely loves you and how grateful he is that you take care of him so well. You quickly put the bento in a basket and helped him up, and you both ran out the door.
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He woke up to his bed empty, and he was wondering where you went. So, his first thought is to go to the kitchen because he assumed you were either there or the restroom. Imagine his surprise when he saw you chopping his vegetables kind of early in the morning.
“What are you doing, babe?” He asked.
“I know you have a big game today, so I wanted to make you some bento to hold your stomach over until we get more food!” You said as you placed the vegetables into the box in a neat array.
Mans already felt bad that he had a Fangol game scheduled today, but the fact that you were still thinking about him and made him a bento for after made his height soar higher than the Celestial Realm. Now he knew that he wasn’t playing for his team: he was playing for you. 
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He also woke up to the bed empty, and he was worried that one of his brothers stole you away from him. He took his pillow with him and looked all over the House of Lamentation for you. He let out a sigh of relief when he found you in the kitchen.
“Why are you up so early, Y/N?”
“Well, you tend to sleep through the day without eating, so I wanted to prepare some lunch for you so you didn’t have to get up and get it yourself,” You answered.
A light blush appeared on the demon’s face as he went behind you and leaned his head on your back and put his hands on your hips. He was grateful to have someone like you looking out for him (even when he did try to kill you… still sour about that).
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andiftheycare · 1 month
Fics Masterpost
**Disclaimer: I’m making this for my own peace of mind and because I like to think that I’m actually writing most of these and seeing them in a post makes all my draft docs more real (insert here me sobbing). I’m not a native speaker so my English is wobbly at times. Cheers!**
How To Series
JJK shoujo manga au in which nothing bad happens ever.
How Satoru and Suguru Became Boyfriends
High School AU, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Valentine’s Day fic
Rumor goes Satoru and Suguru are dating, but are they?
OR High School au where Satoru and Suguru try to survive Valentine’s day and almost-surely-don’t-acidentally end up on a date.
How Satoru Knit A Scarf (one shot, word count tbc)
High School Au, White day fic, miscommunication, established relationship
Satoru decides to knit his boyfriend a scarf for White Day. Armed with Haibara sister's knitting needles and Riko’s unwanted comments, he sets himself on a mission of knitting it in two weeks.
Except that he can be as good at everything as he wants, but knitting is painfully slow, and he has to hurry up if he wants to surprise Suguru.
Meanwhile, Suguru is trying to ask his boyfriend out for their first date – as a couple, not as friends – and wondering why Satoru is doing his best to avoid him at any given opportunity.
Or: stupid teeangers being stupid.
7/11 (one shot, 2k)
High School Au, Nanami POV, established stsg
Exams are approaching and Nanami is not spending the summer in school, thank you very much. Geto helps (or tries to.)
Or: Nanami is the only person yet unaware of Geto and Gojo’s relationship. Now he wants to burn his eyes.
Parts of your soul, Publishing AU series
They don’t die at the end
Publishing au, writer Gojo Satoru, book publicist Geto Suguru, getting together, miscommunication, burn out, non linear narrative, email fic, mixed media
Gojo Satoru is one of Japan's most celebrated literary writers. At least, that’s what his publisher tells him.
Geto Suguru is his book publicist, which is slightly inconvenient as he’s also: 1) his high school best friend who left him before graduation and 2) the love of his life.
When Suguru hands in his notice, Satoru makes it everyone’s problem.
Untitled full they don’t die at the end (multichapter, currently scared of how many words this will be)
Publishing au, angst with happy ending, getting together, slow burn, like ten years long slow burn, miscommunication, inappropriate office behaviour, burn out, publishing lingo, power dynamics, eventual smut, light dom/sub in parts, overworking, possessive Gojo Satoru, Geto needs therapy, more tags to be added
Spanning across ten years of maybes and won’t, this is the publishing au no one ever asked for.
Untitled Itafushi (one shot, word count tbc)
Publishing au, getting together, slice of life, literally nothing bad happens in this fic, living together, editorial assistant Yuuji Itadori, Vet student Megumi Fushiguro, overall Queen Nobara Kugisaki
Nobara needs a housemate. ASAP. Because she’s on a publishing salary and can’t afford her monthly travelcard, let alone sharing the rent of a third empty room with Yuuji.
Megumi needs a flat. Possibly in the next 48 hours. His landlord is evicting him at the end of the week, and he refuses to go back living with Gojo. Let alone now that Gojo has a boyfriend basically living with him.
When he meets Nobara, Megumi thinks the place is too cheap to be true, but Kugisaki seems fine, and he can live for six months in a pet free house. Enters Yuuji Itadori, now bane of his existence.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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please note: my fics on AO3 are locked, so you will need an account to read them. if you need an invite please feel free to DM me! I also have a handful of non-Dreamling fics posted there :)
~the polished stuff~ [actual edited fics, posted to AO3]
what's in a name? (E, 9300 words) photographer Hob is on a road trip in California when he meets a mysterious stranger (Dream) in a diner | human AU, strangers to lovers
A Love Story (T, 23000 words) Hob is a voiceover actor, struggling to make ends meet; Morpheus is a literary novelist with a secret | Centennial Husbands Big Bang, human AU, getting together, rom com
Stormy Weather, or: Outside, the Wind (Inside, the Light) (T, 1600 words) Hob and Dream are having a movie night when the power goes out | first kiss, gratuitous use of archaic English
A Close Shave (G, 2150 words) retired and newly human, Dream needs a shave. Hob helps him and has a lot of feelings about it | gen, tooth-rotting fluff
would you go along with someone like me? (T, 1500 words) the 'omg they were roommates' college AU; Hob is a history major, Morpheus is studying poetry, and it's a very tiny dorm room | WIP, getting together, rating will go up
'cause every Dreamlord's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man (E, 4400 words) chapter two now up! | Dream enjoys Hob in formalwear at a fundraising gala, and Hob out of formalwear after the gala | established relationship, lovingly described tuxedo
it's warm, the skin I'm living in (E, 2400 words) the one with shapeshifting sex and emotional conversations about Dream's insecurities | established relationship, brief tentacle sex, Dream can have a vulva if he wants
Among the Stars We are Reborn (T, 5400 words) the one where Hob goes to space to look for a phoenix | sci fi, canon divergent, established relationship
First Time (E, 6000 words) after another bad breakup, Johanna encourages Morpheus to hook up with some dudes. Hob is only too happy to help with that | human AU, strangers to lovers
I'm stuck on you (I'm mighty glad you stayed) (M, 8700 words) Hob and Morpheus are stuck on an elevator | human AU, strangers to lovers
Headache (T, 3700 words) the one where Hob has a migraine and Dream ogles him in the bath | first kiss, getting together
Bleach (G, 1000 words) the one where Hob gets bleach on Dream's favorite sweater | established relationship, retired!Dream
it's the perfect time of year (E, 2500 words) spicy beach episode | established relationship
In the February Sun (T, 2600 words) Dream accidentally visits on Valentine's Day and has some feelings about being mistaken for a couple | first kiss, getting together
uneasy is the head that wears the crown (G, 1600 words) the one where Hob was secretly a prince on rumspringa when they met in 1389 | established relationship
let your heart be light (E, 2600 words) Hob and Dream spend Christmas morning together | established relationship, declarations of love
Kind of Blue, a kind of fire (E, 2900 words) the one where they drink whiskey and dance to Miles Davis in Hob's living room | first kiss, getting together
Fridays (T, 3000 words) Hob throughout history | gen, partly epistolary
~the rough stuff~ [little ficlets, extensive headcanons]
all my Fluffbruary 2024 fills
AU idea: The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
Hob and Dream meet ugly over a laundry argument (human AU)
Dreamling Bingo snippet: preview of would you go along with someone like me? chapter five
Dreamling Bingo snippet: excerpt from The Trenches Have Vanished Under the Plough (shellshocked WWI veterans AU)
at a Shakespeare in the Park performance, Hob misses Original Pronunciation
AU idea: Dream is a famous author with a secret career as a romance novelist and Hob is the voiceover actor who reads his audiobooks
assorted Smurch fills the coffeeshop AU hot and heavy in da club retired!Dream's birthday retired!Dream likes jewelry and piercings small follow-up to In the February Sun
what if Dream retired and he and Hob didn't immediately jump into bed and a relationship?
AU idea: Dream runs a famous haunted house and Hob is a famous wuss
AU idea: Roman Holiday (Dream is a prince and Hob is a handsome reporter)
the unabashedly, purposefully bad sex scene (click at your own risk. but make sure you read through all the additions in the notes.)
Rose takes a picture at a family picnic and Hob has a realization
Hob WILL fight Night and Time
acts of service as Hob's love language (which has art!)
please give me more sci fi in this fandom
~the I-guess-this-counts stuff~ [idk bro it's just random]
compilation of "and they lived happily ever after" (ie fairy tale endings) in different languages
how I would write a Jane Eyre AU if I ever wrote one, which I'm not going to do
what if Hob was actually in a relationship when Dream came back?
actually Hob should be a preschool/primary school teacher: part one, part two
actually Hob doesn't hate Shakespeare and I'm a little tired of that trope
and if you're looking for a real firehose, my writing tag contains pretty much all of the above, plus tag game replies, snippets from WIPs, and other little bits and bobs!
thanks for reading! I love you!
last updated 5/28/24
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encrucijada · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
♡ genre & categroy: literary fiction, adult
♡ pov: dual 3rd person
♡ teddy and i revisited the beginnings of mari & theo and came out of it with a rewrite of their first story that reclaimed its place as their real canon??, duology + all the novellas we want, alliteration galore, sometimes all you need is a personal project with your qpp
♡ a reminder that teddy is @teddywriting
♡ cw: drug addiction, child neglect, homelessness, imperfect recovery, unmedicated mental illness
♡ themes: second opportunities, self-love, family both chosen and born, gentleness, what if choosing to live your life was an option
a b o u t :
babylon boy - circa late 00s. theo and maripaz find each other while searching for meaning, but they're not quite the answer they were looking for. having independently run away from home they are focused on survival. maripaz left behind a family with more kids her parents knew what to do with and a boyfriend she never really liked. theo cut his family's losses and he hopes eventually they will stop missing him, his problems are his own. survival leads to companionship leads to friendship leads to i would be really bummed if you ever parted from me. there is no future as they hop from place to place, shoplift, and try to have a night of rest, there is only today and maybe tomorrow. gossamer girl - circa early 10s. the most earth shattering things still happen walking down the street or in the store.
in other words: a story told in two parts (plus a few others) about maripaz and theo—who ran away from home to spare their families the trouble. maripaz was only taking up space in her house and theo definitely does not have a drug addiction problem. they meet when theo helps maripaz shoplift from a grocery store and he steals one of the two necklaces she brought with her, this one with an angel charm (this is important). teddy is writing the theo pov and i am writing the mari pov and they go back and forth throughout.
c h a r a c t e r s :
maría paz "maripaz" vega. would rather die than ever express a want or need. should be dancing to abba at a discotheque. loves valentine's day themed stuff unironically. sixth daughter of eight kids. audhd. constantly interrupting her narration with snippets of the past. wants love to fix her so so bad. i think that i'm not who you think i am / but i like to be seen and i like to be wanted [better than this - lizzy mcalpine].
theodore "theo" rayes. hasn't had a problem ever his brain is so normal promise. should be doing silly tricks at the skate park. smartest stupidest pretty boy you'll ever meet. twin brother (older). autistic. constantly interrupting his narration with daydreams of the future. has these drugs under control (trust me). medicate, meditate, save your soul for jesus / throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason [call your mum - noah kahan].
the actual plot is less important than these two's emotional journeys. the conflict comes from... why isn't how much i love you enough to make everything right? what if you wanted someone to choose you and mean it. what if you wanted to be someone people can rely on. what if we were what the other person is looking for but where we're at right now is making it so hard but here we are, we are staying.
aesthetic: the changing lights of a carnival ferris wheel, tongues coloured from candy, heart-shaped sunglasses, intertwined fingers, the murmur of the ocean tide, fine white sand, pink and orange sunsets, hands sticky from melting ice cream, light refracted on a suncatcher, cramped secondhand bookstores, the buzz of fluorescent lights in a hospital waiting room, freckle-covered cheeks, the heads of strawberries, nightlife lights refracted on wet pavement, a necklace you never take off, rhinestone decorated flip phones, a steady heartbeat, graffities that scream for something more, homemade plastic jewellery, the light behind your head looks like a halo, tangled bedsheets, soft music at the grocery store, the cold of the frozen aisle, photographs from disposable cameras, porcelain angels
snippet for you:
Watermelon in triangles.
“That one’s mine.” Carla had grabbed one of the soup bowls, then the watermelon Maripaz had picked, and another one. Juan Pa had left then unattended after calling up the stairs if anyone wanted any.
“Girls,” Mum called from the living room, her telenovela was so loud Maripaz had been able to hear it from the second floor. Bringing herself to do homework before dark was hard enough. “No fighting, please. I don’t want to deal with this.”
Carla had watermelon juice, a single drop of it, rolling down her chin. “Don’t make a scene. It’s just fucking watermelon, just grab another one.”
Maripaz made a scene.
The soup bowl broke into six separate pieces when it crashed on the floor. Carla screamed, not from pain, but indignation and anger. She shoved Maripaz so hard she knocked over one of the kitchen table chairs.
“Girls! Por el amor de Dios, not one second of peace in this house.”
the universe as a whole has been baptised as HOME HABITAT. but you will see this tagged as #bb&gg, as well as any variation of #maripaz&theo. teddy and i have at least 2 novellas planned to bridge the gap between babylon boy and gossamer girl, and one prequel about maripaz's oldest sister. but more on that some other time!
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gothicprep · 4 months
even better, re: the cut: the ‘I think my husband is trashing my novel on goodreads’ article is the first of a NEW advice column by the same author of the disastrous ‘lure of divorce’ personal essay from last week.
lol i was debating talking about emily gould when that essay came out, but i figured "nobody cares about your weird interest in gawker media lore" and decided against it. but i'm going to interpret this as permission to just go crazy on main.
context for readers who don't know: emily gould, on valentine's day, published an essay that's ostensively about divorce, but it's actually about a lot of other things. not even *a* divorce, because she decides against getting divorced at the end of the essay. i wouldn't bet on anything that comes after the end of this essay, but that's a separate question.
it's probably important to establish who emily gould is for what i'm about to say to make any sense: she was a media darling in her 20s. she was one of the first people to get Very Famous from blogging, an editor at gawker, and probably the best known writer there during the mid to late 2000s. very american apparel indie hipster sleeze era personality. could probably be described as a "literary sex symbol" insofar as the literary world has those things.
there were two things that she was famous for in this era. one of them was this post she put on gawker about how she had broken up with her boyfriend and it was a massive success. if you comb through old archives, people were talking about this like it was the brangelina split. i want to say this was a dam breaking moment for a particular kind of personal branding/internet personality that involved revealing things about your personal life, which eventually took over more broadly and gave rise to the culture we have now online. the other thing was this very unfortunate appearance she had on larry king live or something after she'd been taken to task for the "gawker stalker" feature on gawker, where people would send in tips about celebrity sightings around the city. someone sent in a tip about jimmy kimmel being drunk and obnoxious in a bar, and because kimmel is the world's biggest baby, he flipped out and went on this whole tirade about how it was a threat to his safety. in reality, he was just mad that someone saw him drunk in public and said something about it. kimmel and a few other guys confronted her about this on larry king. she looked like a deer in headlights and either wasn't prepared/hadn't been prepared for what was coming. like kimmel told her she was going to hell on live television. mess. there was also some really public drama she had with lena dunham but i don't really remember the details.
she never really disappeared between then and now. she's been writing for the cut for a while, which i guess you could say is her aging into a different kind of women's journalism. she's published a few books, but she hasn't really found her footing since her breakout success in her 20s didn't turn her into the established writer she probably hoped she would be. there was a time where it seemed like she was positioned to be this generation's joan didion, but that didn't end up happening.
so that brings us up to this essay, which was preceded by the last little bit of gossip that i need to get out of the way, even though she mentions it in the essay. in her personal newsletter, she made a crowdfunding request for money to "taking an infinite hiatus from hetero marriage and monogamy. they are a trap for women, full stop. sometimes a trap can be cozy. mine was, until it wasn’t." she does mention she's having a manic episode. she's upfront about the fact that something is going on with her.
anybody who's at all familiar with gould and her financial challenges must question the wisdom of giving money to this, but she presents it very much in the spirit of "men are pigs. men are trash. divorce that man now." and as we learn later, gets money from lyz lenz, who has a book out that's basically the feminist case for divorce and being a single mom.
so gould is not just neck deep in this divorce literature, but producing it to some extent. maybe a crowdfunding request isn't truly a literary form, but it's written in a persuasive way that fits with other writing in the liberate yourself through divorce canon. but the valentine's day essay, while i don't think it's great, i do think it's interesting how it breaks from form. it's not an anti-man personal essay, and these always are. so it was nice to read something a bit different. well, maybe not different, but retro.
i've never been a fan of gould's work, but it did get me wondering "what itch are people trying to scratch when they read essays like this?" because it's like the reader wants them to be an explicitly moral fable, but they want it to be racy and spicy. like one of those mid century pulp novels with a painting of a woman on the cover looking kind of slatternly with a lot of makeup on. it'd be called something like "wild trash" and the subtitle would be "she couldn't wait for her divorce". it's smut about a woman who's sinning gratuitously and flouting society's expectations. and usually with these books, there'd be some kind of cosmic comeuppance for her where she'd get syphilis and die in a pauper's prison or whatever.
and i think people come to stories like this because they want to read something like that. you're gonna read about a woman who was debauched and all the naughty behavior in graphic, titillating detail. and at the end, you get served up a nice, neat conclusion. her husband divorces her and finds love with a kindergarten teacher from iowa. so it flouts the "rah rah divorce him" essay and the pulpy personal essay that some people want. if you're going to write a 3,000 word apology, at the very least, it is a novel take on it.
but i think what the problem is with an essay like this is that it's very... dated in its style. the expected thing with personal essays in the 2020s, the thesis of them usually boils down to something about what a great person the essayist is. most of them do this. that's why you get privilege disclaimers in them – the point of the essay is how the essayist is sensitive and kind and wonderful. even when there are flaws, they're overcome, or something systemic lead this to happen. a flawed woman is because patriarchy made her thus.
to give a better example of the kind of thing i'm talking about, you'll see an essay in the atlantic or new york times magazine and it follows the same formula. Woman Has Personal Life Grievance. Step Back. Here's Why This Is A Big Issue In Society, Bolstered With Statistics. Here's Why If This Woman Was Black Or Poor Or Gay Or Trans, It Would Be Even Worse. Back To The Personal Anecdote... you know what i mean? it's a very well established formula, but you can't have that with "also i'm a dirtbag". once you're talking about society and societal issues of which you're just a little representative – because those are the stakes. it has to be universal – you can't just be talking about yourself.
and then there's this question of personal writing more generally. you aren't a fictional character, you're yourself. and whether you want it to be or not, every personal essay is going to function like a cover letter. it's presenting you to the world. and i don't like these, but i don't want gould's style of personal essay to come back either. it straight up ruined a lot of women's lives who wanted to get their foot in the door in media, got $75 from xojane to write something lurid about their personal lives... and their career never took off. so now this is just on the internet forever.
this old piece in slate sheds a light on just how exploitative that whole thing was.
"don't make life decisions based on emily gould's writing" is useful advice for more reasons than one.
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cto10121 · 5 months
How Romance in Fiction Works
For this Valentine’s Day I dedicate this to all the “Romeo and Juliet/Twilight/[insert X] isn’t a romance!!1!1” clownery out there, because now I have to contend with the depressing fact that people—and not just illiterate randos, actual bookish people perhaps too used to the Hero’s Journey template—have no clue what romance in fiction (as the main plot) works. And no, it has nothing to do with ~fantasy or ~wish fulfillment or ~everyone is nice and in love and nobody’s mean or cheats ever!!!1!1 It has to do with the goals of a romance. I’ll be focusing largely on literature, but technically this can also apply to TV, movies, and other dramatic mediums.
(Disclaimer: I will not be talking about romance as a genre, either the knight/damsel tradition or the HEA conventions of modern American romance fiction. The former has nothing to do with romantic love and the latter has nothing to do with the art of fiction but what sells, so don’t @me. It should also go without saying that I won’t be talking about romance as a subplot to the main plot. You lot already know too much about that already.)
Romance IRL vs. Fiction
So romance in real life can be literally anything and occur anywhere and at any time. No duh. That is true for *waves hand vaguely* everything in reality. Fiction, however, is a different story. It must, in short, make sense. There is plot, character, tone, as well as your literary techniques and devices. Otherwise the romance will not work or be implausible. So far, the same as most any other fiction.
Where romance differs from most fiction, however, lies in its purpose. I like it to call it The Romance Novel Paradox. To whit: Romance in fiction functions on the premise that the couple cannot be together because of X reasons. As soon as the couple resolve all of their issues and be together fully, that’s when the romantic story is over.
Thus, the task of the romance writer is to prevent the couple from getting together before the point where they absolutely need to be. So in a way, writing a romance…is fundamentally writing an anti-romance.
Sounds crazy and weird and hard? It is. That’s exactly why writing romance is so hard in the first place. You have to juggle these two separate and opposite tensions tugging and tearing at the work. You literally have to do two things at the same time along with all the other things required of writing a romance.
The Goals
So with all this in mind, the goals of the romance is as follows:
That the couple meet and fall in love
That the couple enjoy and even consummate their love
That the couple overcome any obstacles that threaten their relationship
That the couple be successful in being true to their love and the first 3 goals.
The Plot(s)
Romances actually have two kinds of plot. I’ll just call them the Courtship Plot and the Love Story Plot respectfully.
The Courtship Plot essentially deals with the inner conflicts/obstacles that prevent the couple from being in love or falling for each other. This could be as short as a scene or two or as long as a whole book/movie/TV show, depending on the medium and intentions.
Beginning/Set Up: Establishes both the world, its stakes, and/or the romantic couple. Oftentimes, though, a romance does start with a different character(s) entirely who talk about the couple before they appear.
Inciting Incident: This is when the couple first meet. This could range anywhere from love at first sight (instalove) to absolute abhorrence (rivals/enemies to lovers).
Courtship/Investigation: Even if the couple does do instalove, they must first get an understanding of each other’s intentions, the depth of love/attraction, personality, etc. This time also includes Proofs of Love, in which the lovers each provide proof of their love for each other through words, acts of service, etc.
Internal Conflicts/Obstacles: These relate to the couple’s inner conflicts/hangups that prevent them from entering a relationship and what they must do to overcome those. In this type of plot they will mostly be internal but there can be some external obstacles as well.
Separation of the Lovers: Most often because of misunderstandings/internal hangups, but it can also be because of actual external shit beyond their control.
Resolution: These inner conflicts are resolved and the couple can get together properly. Traditionally this is shown through marriage (Cheers, bells, and Hymen the God of Marriage arrives to officiate your wedding. Congrats!). Or simply living together/dating.
This is more or less the plot of a romantic comedy, but this can be the plot of romantic drama as well, especially if those internal conflicts are truly heavy. There may also be some external conflict happening, but it’s usually not as significant as the internal ones.
The Love Plot, or Love Story, is concerned with the the love/relationship of a couple as well. However, it is less focused on the courtship side and more on the external conflicts/obstacles that threaten their love. To whit:
Courtship (Abridged): Some Love Plots may include this, but it is not strictly necessary. If they, it’s mostly in abridged form, quick montage, small flashback, or simply just as Proofs of Love.
Couple Is In Love (Status Quo): Most Love Plots begin with the lovers already together and in love.
External Conflicts/Obstacles: These include anything that prevents the lovers from getting together or keeps them apart. Family doesn’t approve, society doesn’t approve, natural events occur, personal enemies, other love interests, etc. Sometimes the couple has an internal conflict going on, but mostly not for this
Separation of the Lovers: Almost always temporarily and literally, due to above External Conflicts and, on occasion, Internal Conflicts. Very rarely metaphorically.
The Lovers Reunite: Almost always, although some media may skip this part.
Couple Triumphs (Or Not): The couple succeeds in vanquishing all obstacles and they come out stronger than ever, yay! Or they don’t and they die and/or their love dies, oh no! Yes, the latter is definitely an option and actually not an uncommon one with these plots.
The Love Story Plot does have its downside in that it can be harder for the audience to care very much for the couple if they haven’t spent at least some time getting to know them and their love. However, it is preferred traditionally if just because of the dramatic and much-clearer stakes involved. The lovers’ characters are also revealed/developed through adversity, which is always a plus.
So all romances are effectively love stories. However, not all romances are love stories. Most romances tend to have both, mostly in one or two books. In Epic Romance this is stretched to three or four at the most. Beyond four the book/TV show/thing turns from a romance into a full-blown soap opera (coughOutlandercough).
So here are a few examples of romances often classified as such and why they count as romances. I’ll start with two works people most insist are not romances: Romeo and Juliet and Twilight.
Example 1: Romeo and Juliet
Though tons of Internet clowns insist to this day that Romeo and Juliet is not a romance and is a comedy/satire/what have you, it skews closely to the Romance plot as outlined.
Romeo and Juliet:
Courtship Plot: Two families in a patriarchal, violent, and conservative society hate each other (Beginning/Set Up). They meet at a ball and fall in love (Inciting Incident). But of course they are heirs of two feuding families (Obstacle 1). However, Juliet is worried that Romeo is just playing with her (Internal Conflict) while Romeo is worried Juliet might choose to refuse him after all (Internal Conflict). As proof Juliet asks Romeo to arrange for their marriage and Romeo agrees right away (Resolution). Romeo pretends he is over Rosaline with Mercutio and Benvolio and meets with the Nurse to arrange the marriage (Proof of Love). They then get married and renew their commitment to each other (Couple Triumphs).
Love Story: This is the latter half of the play. Tybalt kills Mercutio, so Romeo kills Tybalt and gets banished (Obstacle 2), Juliet forgives him (Proof of Love), they make love (Proof of Love), and say goodbye to each other (Separation of the Lovers). Juliet is then forced to marry Paris by her parents (Obstacle 3) and so with the help of the Friar she fakes her death (Resolution). But Romeo doesn’t get the news in time due to plague (Obstacle 4), and so goes to her tomb and kills himself; Juliet wakes up and does the same (Couple Defeated…Triumphs?).
So obviously Romeo and Juliet is a love story in just plot alone. But is it also a romance? As you can see, they end up dead and do not succeed in having a full relationship.
That said. Romeo and Juliet do succeed in keeping their love for each other true and pure. They do not cheat each other, think about cheating on each other, or decide not to pursue their relationship. And that, I feel, is more important than the fact that they could not be together in life. So yes, I do think theirs is a romance too, and why most people consider it to be one.
Example 2: Twilight
Speaking of another work that gets a lot of hate for no good reason, Twilight! And of course you have the antis insist this isn’t a romance either. Unfortunately for them the plot hews even more closer to the romance plot and even has more of a Courtship Arc. To whit:
Courtship Plot: Bella goes to Forks to please her narcissistic mother and worries about fitting in (Beginning/Set Up). She meets Edward on the first day of her new school (Inciting Incident). Unfortunately Edward wants to eat her (Obstacle 1) and leaves for three days later. They meet again and talk about each other (Courtship). Edward then saves Bella from the van the next day (Obstacle 2). This, however, does not bring them together and they don’t speak for one month until Edward gets jealous of Mike Newton (Obstacle 3). Edward and Bella become tentative friends and Edward takes Bella to the nurse’s office when she gets dizzy smelling blood (Obstacle 4). He insists on driving her home and they talk (Courtship). Bella and Edward spend the weekend apart but still thinking about each other; Bella learns what he is (Courtship). Bella then goes to Port Angeles with friends and Edward rescues her from rapists (Obstacle 4). They then talk (Courtship) and Edward admits he is a vampire. The next day Bella and Edward go public about their situation (Courtship) and they talk at lunch, clarifying their feelings for each other; Edward invites Bella to the meadow on the weekend. Billy Black learns of their relationship and tries to warn Bella (Obstacle 5). Edward and Bella meet in the meadow and confess their love for each other (Courtship). Edward successfully resists his bloodlust all for his love for Bella (Resolution of Obstacle 1).
Love Story: This is basically the latter half of Twilight and the rest of the series. Edward saves Bella from James (Obstacle 1) and the lovers are together again (Lovers Triumph).
New Moon:
Love Story: Bella and Edward are in love (Status Quo), but then Jasper tries to eat her and Edward’s self-loathing and desire for Bella to have a regular human life kicks in (Obstacle 2). Edward lies to Bella and tells her he doesn’t want to be with her and she accepts it (Separation of the Couple). For six months the two are barely functional. Eventually Bella’s need for adrenaline leads her to a friendship with Jacob (Obstacle 3–yes, this counts) and starts to love him despite herself. Laurent arrives and tries to eat Bella (Obstacle 4) and tells her that Victoria is out there trying to hunt her as revenge (Obstacle 5). But then Alice comes and Jacob unintentionally tells Edward that Bella is dead; Edward decides to commit suicide (Obstacle 6). Bella saves Edward from the Volturi (Obstacle 7) and they are reunited (Reunion of the Lovers).
Love Story: Bella and Edward are in love (Status Quo), but Bella wants to keep her friendship with Jacob (Obstacle 3). Jacob is also opposed to Bella being with Edward for both ethical and personal reasons (Obstacle 3 again). Victoria is still hunting Bella but now she is making a whole new army (Obstacle 5 again). Bella realizes she loves Jacob in a potential-love-interest-way (Obstacle 3) but still chooses Edward (Resolution). The lovers decide to get marries (Couple Triumphs).
Breaking Dawn:
Bella and Edward get married (Status Quo). Bella and Edward make love, leaving Bella happy but bruised, which pains Edward so much he refuses to make love to her again (Obstacle 1). Bella seduces him successfully (Resolution) but then falls pregnant (Obstacle 2). The pregnancy is high risk, causing dissension between the two (Obstacle 3) but Bella convinces Edward to go along with her plan (Resolution). Bella delivers her baby and turns into a vampire (Resolution). She learns the ropes of vampirism (Obstacle 4) and harbors no romantic feelings for Jacob anymore; Jacob imprinted on Renesmee so he has no more love for Bella (Resolution). Irina finds out about Renesmee and think she is an immortal child, and tells the Volturi (Obstacle 5). This leads the Cullens to call their friends and prepare for any eventuality, and Bella learns to use her power (Obstacle 6). The Volturi come and try various excuses to execute the Cullens (Obstacle 7) but they are able to defend themselves aptly. The Volturi leave and Bella and Edward can finally be together with their little family (Couple Triumphs).
As you can see, a lot of Twilight's Obstacles double as Proofs of Love what with Edward and Bella saving each other constantly. That is perfectly acceptable and in fact a very common doubling in romance.
What Is Not A Romance?
Romances do have to have some provisos, a couple of quid pro quos. Again, though, there are some exceptions and writers can and will break the rules successfully.
They must be requited. Unrequited love on either side does not a main romance plot make. Unrequited love is mostly a romance subplot if that or as part of a love triangle.
They cannot be abusive (to each other). The lovers of a romance do not have to be good people at all. In fact, they (yes, it has to be both) can be bad or villainous…to other people. That said, their love must be actually mutual and good for each other, even redemptive. A couple who is bad for the world and each other defeats the point of a romance. Mutual enmity does not count (see: Enemies to Lovers).
Their love must be main plot. If the couple is not the focus of the plot, then it’s not a romance but a romance subplot. Subplots can be as complete or incomplete as they like, developed or underdeveloped, but they are subplots for a reason.
Can a romance focus on a beta couple as well? Generally no. In American romance novels, authors do set up the couple for the next installment, but that is not quite the same as page time and development. Romances focus on one couple at a time—once that couple’s love story is done, writers can move on to another couple’s romance. Stories that have more than one couple tend to be something else entirely.
What about second chance romance? Second chance romance is essentially the same as the Courtship Plot, since the work very rarely talks about the lovers’ relationship before they separated. So in plotwise it’s basically just like meeting each other for the first time.
What about love triangles? Unless Character C is framed as an obstacle in the overarching narrative, then love triangles do not really count; they are more for coming-of-age or slice-of-life fodder. Polyamorous couples, however, should count in theory if their story has the romance plot. But of course, that is the rarest kind of all.
Keep Calm and Love On
There are some unconventional romances out there, for sure. But they are ultimately rare; the standard romance plot should fit most works accepted as such. As always, romantic tropes and dynamics are neither good or bad—they all largely depend on the the execution.
The only plot that may be confusable with the romance is the marriage plot, which is something different. Marriage Plots are essentially comedies of manners and they may or may not include romantic love or attraction as a major plot element. They are less about the couple’s erotic compatibility and more about their social compatibility. Austen’s works come the readiest to mind; a contemporary example would probably be Crazy Rich Asians. Otherwise Marriage Plots have much of the same beats as a romance.
So if you’re not sure if X is a romance, see how it fits within this plot. Nine times out of ten, you should get your answer.
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ladyhindsight · 24 days
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Clary is looking for the lost faerie ring which ushers us into the chapter that gets utterly disgusting. Which, I’m sure, it fully intends to be. Yet it doesn’t negate the fact that the writing and approach here is irresponsible.
(Includes sexual assault)
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How is Jace’s neat and spotless room dusty? There was this scene before:
“Give me a second to clean up the room. It’s a mess.”  “Yeah, when I was in there before, I think I might actually have seen a fleck of dust on the windowsill. You’d better get on that.”
I can’t believe Jace isn’t as clean as they claim! I am clutching my pearls as we speak.
→ Also, no semicolon. Just period.
Sebastian interrupts Clary’s search and brings her a ceremonial dress for the big night.
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The Nephilim are very particular about what parts of the human culture they adopt and which parts they just come up by themselves.
→ Do they wear red in the parabatai ceremony? Or did we forget about that
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How is Jocelyn’s character so divorced from the whole concept of the Circle, the supremacist ideas of Valentine and being married to said Valentine, and yet she wore a ceremonial dress to the Circle ceremonies and attended them.
→ Also now it’s “our mother” when Sebastian was so adamant before that Jocelyn was only Clary’s mother when Clary dared to call her “our mother”?
Sebastian leaves Clary to get dressed, but instead Clary infiltrates Sebastian’s room to look for the ring. Which she finds. Dun dun dunnn.
Cut to Simon sitting in the car with the rest of the Team Good. Clary then contacts Simon via the rings, like finally.
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Completely unnecessary?
Clary spills the beans about Sebastian’s plan, but is then cut off. Simon orders the truck to be pulled over because the Team Good needs an action plan. We cut back to Clary which leads us to the most disgusting scene in the entire book, and what only feeds into the incest fetish going on in the series.
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This scene that suddenly takes a sexual tone, excluding the cuts to Simon, includes Sebastian forcing himself on Clary by kissing her and then trying to strip her jeans.
Inclusion of dark themes, exploration of those themes, is not the issue. Uncomfortable themes and scenes are not the issue. Bad and awful things happening to the characters is not the issue. It needs to be considered how responsibly the theme is handled in the book, the level of detail gone into, and also whether in which case is it geared towards adolescents or adults. It is critical to understand how the writing actually addresses these.
Sebastian’s villainy is used often to explain his sexual approach to Clary, his sister, and his disregard of human morals and taboos. It is also used to justify this type of content in the series. Because Sebastian is demon-like, corrupted by demonic blood—which ever shit excuse Clare manages any given time—it’s only natural for him to behave like this, to be so morally corrupted that he would do this.
While there is literature, fiction and nonfiction, that is/might be helpful dealing and coming to terms with SA and related trauma, especially considering still adolescent readers, Clare’s most definitely is not. What is the benefit here—narrative or otherwise—of having Clary being assaulted? By her brother no less? Its primary target is to underline and over-pronounce villainy of a character that we already know is evil. Child murder and the need to commit multiple genocides apparently were not enough build a convincing narrative of a villain. No, what we clearly needed was more incest and sexual depravity.
Inclusion of dark and difficult things should be in order to cultivate empathy towards the victim and understanding of what is actual lived human experience, not have your villain use SA as a literary prop to show the reader how bad and twisted he is and make another character go through horrible trauma just for the sake of it. Considering also that Clary has no reaction to it at all. Additionally, when looking at the tone of the writing, it is almost like intended as borderline sexy, but just enough to toe the line and then back away if needed in face of backlash.
TMI—nor the whole of TSC—does not deal with sexual assault (it doesn’t deal with incest truly either). If we go back to City of Glass, how was Aline or her experience considered at all? In similar vein, the writing here uses SA as dramatic effect. Almost shock value. Clary fighting Sebastian after this is probably intended as empowering, but does it make it less so even if the act of SA was not included? No. This was completely useless, disgusting, and negligent.
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Should have kicked him in the dick.
We cut back to Team Good at their Team Talk Time.
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Unintentionally hilarious mental image.
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What a useless piece of a conversation.
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Conveniently. Is there a habit of sending prank messages? What is the point of fire-messages—a form of quick and effective communication—if people don’t trust the contents? Plot convenience, that’s what. (While I get that delivering the information face-to-face is more effective, but maybe a heads-up?)
Cut back to Sebastian and Clary. Sebastian reveals Clary that he knew all along Clary would be a traitor to their cause.
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I am so tired. I don’t know how many of these you’re like me, no I am not, you’re like your mother, sajdkahsdkjsad conversations I can take. It has become so repetitive that I‘m going to barf.
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“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” ― L.P. Hartley, The Go-Between
A quote Jace and Sebastian cite themselves in this book. Should ponder more on that. Also, what the hell do the Nephilim even know about their DNA or how it behaves.
→ Strengthens the risk of genetic disorders, really.
My soul needs scrubbing after this.
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There’s no winning with this. The narrative around the whole incest bullshit twists in on itself that sometimes it’s hard to even understand where it stands or what it wants to even say. There must be something broken in me that I cannot kiss anyone but Jace who I believe to be my brother by the same parents. Not that there was something wrong with her that she wanted to kiss just someone who she thought was her brother.
The series makes this point several times: family is not defined by blood relations. But also these characters are related by blood (or think they are) and are in love with each other, because it’s kinky for the author.
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→ Unnecessary pauses take away the urgency of the action.
→ Clary just punched him, no need to reiterate that point. You can let go of my hand, thank you. “She whirled and kicked him hard in the stomach, hoping it was still sore.”
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→ Thank you for telling me right after showing me.
→ I wish Clary (or any character for that matter) stopped remembering things whenever Clare needs to call back on a scene. “Time slowed like during the fight in the junk shop in Prague, where she had disappeared into her own world…” Or something.
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*The Hebrew Bible.
Googled a bit about the Song of Songs/The Song of Solomon, and many have pondered on the incestuous aspect of it (4:1-5:1). Mostly the answer seems to be no, it’s not about incest but sublimity of love, the use of ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ is not literal and used differently in ancient Israel… I am not well versed in any of the Bible talk, but my quick research gives me an impression that Sebastian is interpreting the Song of Songs whatever way fits him and his feelings for Clary the best. Which, considering, would not be out of character for him.
→ Let’s not do the “It’s in the Bible” arguments or justifications ever again.
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In the end of the chapter Clary manages to outweigh Sebastian, and the chapter ends with a stupid cliffhanger Clary bringing a shard of glass down at Sebastian. (Spoiler: she strikes the floor inches from Sebastian’s throat because she can’t kill Jace as well. ...Yet :^D)
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shona22 · 11 months
Hello, Kuroshitsuji fandom.
I came back, hurling like a baseball, after S4 announcement. It's been almost 10 years and I need SebaCiel fic recs. I went back to my ffnet account and I...don't think I had particularly good taste as a 12/13 year old kid. Nevertheless, it occurred to me that I got into kuro before I migrated to ao3.
I thoroughly enjoyed Valentine's eve by Amanitus. I like literary exploration of their Predator/Prey dynamic. I don't remember reading modern au's that didn't seem too OCC (with reasons). So anything along this line would be great. I'm not looking for longfics, anything within 50k words would be okay.
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mystalwartheart · 2 months
name. Jill Valentine
nickname(s). Jillybean, JV, Val, Regina, The Master of Unlocking
title. Branch Captain, Special Tactics and Rescue Service Los Angeles-Pacific and Senior Field Agent, Bioterrorism Task Force
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Private, like a lot of Jill's personal life. She is either mixed or part of a diaspora though, so her spiritual beliefs likely reflect that blending of cultures.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience/ justice
primary goals in life. To be the best person she can for the people in her life, and to "protect and serve" where possible. She hopes to play some small part in building a better world for the Year 2000 and beyond.
languages known. English, Tahitian, German (fluent), Korean, Spanish, Dutch (some). Do please note her mun is not fluent in all these languages XD
quirks. - She's a young woman from Los Angeles. It's the 1980s. Do the math XD If you see this side of her, it means she trusts and feels comfortable around you.
savvies. - Physical strength, agility, martial arts, military tactics, operational strategy, criminology, leadership, navigation, maritime and civil engineering, stealth, the ability to sustain deep cover, lockpicking, explosive ordinance disposal, combat diving, classical piano, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, cooking, singing
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 172 cm (5 ft 8 in)
weight. 56 kg (123 lb)
scars/birthmarks. None to speak of.
abilities/powers. - Natural immunity to mutagenic viral strains such as the Clay Progenitor Virus and its descendants.
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Honestly? Probably hamburgers: They're fast, compact and filling. Hinano is right up the street from her, and In-n-Out is all over the city.
favourite drink. Smoothies!
topping. Your basic pepperoni.
favourite colour. Blue
favourite music genre. You'll most likely catch her listening to pop, but Jill is an ex-rock groupie from LA and her sis is in a punk/chamber pop revival band. She has harder stuff in her library, and don't forget this is also the era where there's a lot of overlap between those genres.
favourite book genre. Literary fiction
favourite movie genre. Anything lighthearted or thought-provoking. Jill doesn't like being reminded of work off the clock, so nothing super dramatic or angsty.
favourite season. Summer
favourite curse word. "Damn" or "Shit"
favourite scent. Giorgio Beverly Hills
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Top as a general rule, unless you're really special to her.
loud burper or soft burper. Uh, you won't hear anything because that's uncouth and not ladylike??
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no - More like tolerates. You'll get an exasperated groan, but she'll still probably smile at least a little.
their opinion on the mun. "She cares a lot, is very loyal and dedicated but she works too much. She needs to take care of herself and rest more. We're alike in that way."
Tagged by @red-man-of-mustache
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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