#doesnt make the poem any less good just figured you might want to know
cemeterything · 1 year
Hello! I am terribly sorry to bother you but you have made a post about fallen angels as a metaphor for freedom and the idea crawled into my ribcage and festered into a poem, and I wanted to show it to you:
The speech of a suspicious individual spotted near the gates of the silver city, as attested by two seraphims and a nice old lady selling apples
Hello, have you considered falling? 
They say it's like flying but easier: of course they'd say that. Haven't tried either since the making of time. 
You there, sir with a thousand arms, what is your opinion on harps? On Valentine's cards with sweet little children with soft white wings? Do you remember what your face looks like? Did you have a face? 
On one of your deeds, great and terrible and not really yours, have you considered going off script? In your perfection, no mark of the passing eons on your pristine self, have you lived for a few minutes, sneaked somewhere in eternity a quiet evening and a cup of tea? 
Leave your halo on the coat rack, flaming sword in the umbrella stand - it might help with the migraine. If you were so far from Valentine's-card perfect you could never go back, what would you be? Speaking for yourself, would you find a voice? 
They wrote in their big old book that falling is a sort of hubris: they're so sure that makes it true.
In the mess of the universe it's okay fuck it all up, means you're living some. As old the platitude goes, be not afraid. 
i have no idea what i did to be worthy of personally receiving this when all i do is make pretentious philosophical and literary analysis posts on the internet sometimes, but thank you. this is a lovely poem and i'm going to keep it folded up in my pocket to take out when i need it again.
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Hey! Its thing >:)!
Its the thing i was teasing at in that post last night, and technically for like... four months? five? huh its been a bit since i second changed my url huh. Im not gonna go check or anything. If I were a bit more patient i wouldve waited for the archive collection become canon but im not. funfacterdroid is just more of my bran! Anyway! This post is my first impressions and opinions on each song on Back to the Egg! The Wings album i temporarily renamed myself after. (told ya i was gonna ramble wasnt i ydbfyufjd). It also happens to be the only wings album i havent listened to yet. And sure theres a bunch of singles and b-sides i havent listened to either, but this is the last one! I figured it should get some of its own treatment! I know that its gonna sound different to London Town and the two before it, cause McCulloch and English arent here. I’ve also heard that this album is bad and people called Paul a sellout because he transitioned to New Wave. New Wave is my favorite genre and I guess Wings werent ever that far from it? But they’re still a rock band at heart so i dont know how that change is going to fare. Enough introduction: Lets just go track by track! -Side One: Sunny Side Up-
Reception: Its just some radio garble, an instrumental meant to introduce the album. dont really have any opinions on it. Getting Closer: JAHBUDHSAUHJDHS WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! I didnt expect such a threatening title to be so upbeat. Like... opposite of Beware My Love. I do think its odd that there is barely any backup singing? Its not horrible just weird that this song, out of all the openers, doesnt. That outro is very much meant to be like a darker part of the song, like the dream sequence from A Day In The Life, but god dammit this song is just so upbeat! so weirdly cheerful and gentle! And... only 3 minutes? Rockshow and Jet were 4... eh those albums had a lot less songs, this one has 13 not counting Reception! Same as London Town, which i also really like! We’re Open Tonight: Oooohhh!! Very soft, I think I know what its about but when taken literally, to me it sounds like a quaint little shop trying to lure you in, sinisterly. I think the bass is making it sound evil to me, but thats a great thing! Clearly its trying to be like another I’m Carrying but that song fucking sucks!!!!!! I also really like how its only 1 minute, something so haunting about it. Not sure if thats positive or negative but the songs cool! Spin It On: hHEHEYEHY!! Getting Closer.... 2! kinda. Its much much faster and i can barely understand the words hes saying... or what hes spinning. The backing vocals are really cool though. the lyrics mention a pinball table? Y.. you know pinball doesn't spin right? it falls.... Questionable lyrics aside, theres really not a lot of SPEEDY Wings songs! Glad that one of the few is also extremely good!
Again and Again and Again: WOW OKAY! this is sung by denny, all of these songs start pretty fast unlike a good chunk of their past work, but i really like that! But it also means i cannot process a single thing denny is saying, i think he said something about a school? and being in a bad situation? ah whatever. Denny used to be in an R&B band and i really think thats going to work here! This isnt an exactly a Rhythm-y or Bluesey song, but He’s clearly having fun! thats why i love wings in general, its easy to tell that the band was having fun recording a song! Old Siam, Sir: A-hmm. Paul’s doing his squeaky voice again... I guess that can work sometimes but its absolutely not complimenting the piano in the background. Also, I feel like a squeaky voice wouldnt work the best for a story song. A story thats pretty incomprehensible too? Who is this lady! What the fuck is this village!! This is the song you wanted to make 4 minutes? and it fades out too... how much did they record... Arrow Through Me: So this is the one that the critics liked? Its the most synth heavy which i understand why people like, I like synths too! I like how the bass (which i think is also from a synth?) lines up perfectly with the horns! Its alright, it might grow on me later, but now its just a passable song. One i wouldnt skip. Plus I really like the reverb effects, the whole album has em but this one really makes use!! Kinda bad overall though.
-Side Two: Over Easy- Rockestra Theme: Just an instrumental. But one thats really important to music history! I don’t actually know the full story to this one, but I do know that i really like it! Plus the vocal effects on Paul’s... Scatting i guess you could call it? Whatever it is, it works! To You: This sounds... eerily like Getting Closer. But bad... Eh I like that organ. Not much to say really... theres only like one verse. After the Ball / Million Miles: Oh cool another medley. Last one we got was two albums ago! I guess since this is technically two songs id have to... review them both? After the Ball is exactly what it sounds like. A gentle rock song about seeing your love after a party :)! Pretty standard for wings. Million Miles! Sounds a lot like After the Ball but with an accordian? Fuck I’m not complaining. But also who the fuck is Deo. Winter Rose / Love Awake: Uh- Something is,,, wrong with Paul’s voice. like he damaged it? I mean its not horrible it just kinda takes me out of the emersion? Oh we’re already on Love Awake! his voice is fine now..! Man this song is mediocre! No wonder the 70s are regarded as lame./lh Weird that Linda isn’t singing backup here? Or if she is that Denny’s voice is just drowning her out. Winter Rose itself is kinda lame but its... sweeter I guess?  The Broadcast: SINISTER!!!!!!! I do not know who is talking but this sounds... dystopian. I don’t even know what the poem is about its just... the whole song is slightly off. But i mean that in a good way! So Glad to See You Here: MAN! They were trying so hard to be punk... Okay as a punk song this sounds horrible! But as a song in general i like it! It’s not mixed the best but i really like the lyrics! And I-HOLY SHIT WE’RE OPEN TONIGHT PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really didnt expect that,,, thats.... genuinely cool! Baby’s Request: Oh the finale! H..huh... Jazzy! And its about going to sleep.. i think? Regardless, Paul’s good at writing songs to fall asleep to, this isnt an exception at all!! Although it is weird that at the end the same horn plays as the one in Thrillington’s Monkberry Moon Delight... Its probably just a coincidence, i thought it was funny though. ---- Okay! Overall, I liked Sunny Side-Up more as a whole since i like 4/6 of its songs, but MAN So Glad to See You Here and Baby’s Request are REALLLY GOOD-But then again. I only listened to all of these songs once, and i wont listen to them again until ive finished writing this post, just to keep my first impressions fresh. I don’t really know what else to say that album was fun as hell! So I’d give Back To The Egg a... 7.8/10! I really didnt expect to like it this much. even though New Wave is my favorite music genre, i didnt think paul would be able to do it justice! Especially since the genre was just starting itself up... heh.... hope it gets archived soon.
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internetdetectives · 5 years
12/4/19 - Chat with TheLaw
TheLaw 4:45 PM: "I hear you guys are actually trying to figure things out. Sounds like a cool deal.”
Xenquility 4:45 PM: "How are we doing?”
ARGdov 4:45 PM: "unless we're heavily over analyzing this and the first four entities are literall just the giants”
TheLaw 4:45 PM: "I'm not sure. What are you guys doing?”
Xenquility 4:45 PM: "Uh”
ARGdov 4:45 PM: "but that would also raise questions”
Xenquility 4:45 PM: "Discussing what IIIII is”
ARGdov 4:45 PM: "well currently were speculating what they all are, not just what IIIII is”
Xenquility 4:46 PM: "We've deduced that IIIII (The fifth) is probably a Thing, not a person”
Xenquility 4:46 PM: "And that one of the things might be Tenebris?”
Xenquility 4:46 PM: "That one we're still unsure of”
ARGdov 4:46 PM: "It really feels like we dont have enough information”
TheLaw 4:46 PM: "Sounds like it may lead to some interesting things.”
ARGdov 4:46 PM: "I feel like Im bashing my head against a wall atm”
Xenquility 4:46 PM: "The theory being that sacredartifact, guidance, and a poem of  serious reflection show Patrem and Tenebris making some sort of pact”
Wolfcat 4:47 PM: "nah”
Xenquility 4:47 PM: "Q: "“What do you mean, boredom and habits have forced your hand again?““
Xenquility 4:47 PM: "A:  " I pull us to null but he works the forces that desire us to carry on. I will be free when this dies but it makes me work more and more. Im very tired, this body is a cage. When I finally stagnate he stabs me again and we must fight all over again. Over and over, forever."”
Xenquility 4:47 PM: "This implies one of the I's control forces, and with Patrem possessing Greth, the pact would explain Tenebris being the one to control forces”
Wolfcat 4:47 PM: "well, on the other hand”
Wolfcat 4:47 PM: "maybe”
ARGdov 4:50 PM: "I should probs keep reading, need to see if I can find anything”
TheLaw 4:52 PM: "It's hard to figure out where you guys are at. What do you all call your wiki? I'm sure the new kid could give it to me, but he's away.”
Xenquility 4:52 PM: "Will giving you the wiki result in a Bomb Plans 4.0”
TheLaw 4:53 PM: "I can't promise it wouldn't, though I'm no longer anywhere near being able to carry that out at the moment.”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "hmm”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "Im wary of that as a promise”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "you guys cant share much information as iti s”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "and you presumably know more than we do”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "so wouldnt us giving you the wiki tell you what we dont know, which could potentially be an advantage for you”
ARGdov 4:53 PM: "@TheLaw any response?”
TheLaw 4:58 PM: "I'm sure the others know much more than you know. I know a lot less than they do, and therefore I feel I know a little less than you all as a whole.”
TheLaw 4:58 PM: "I'm more of a bullet. I get told to do something, and get pointed in a direction, and I carry out what is asked of me.”
TheLaw 4:58 PM: "I think that's the best way to explain my role in this to you lot.”
ARGdov 4:59 PM: "maybe so, but if someone in your little posee asked you for the wiki, you couldnt refuse right? thats not how you operate”
otherLiam 4:59 PM: "Who’s holding the gun?”
ARGdov 4:59 PM: "BUP probably”
TheLaw 4:59 PM: "Who do you think?”
Xenquility 4:59 PM: "To be fair, we hardly know anything about you. Unless we know something about you, why do you deserve to know about us?”
TheLaw 4:59 PM: "Be careful asking questions you know the answer to.”
otherLiam 5:00 PM: "Dude we don’t really know the answer to anything.”
ARGdov 5:00 PM: "ive found its when you start asking questions you dont have answers for is when the real trouble begins”
otherLiam 5:00 PM: "Our wiki would barely help you, it’s like 90% speculation and 10% shitposts.”
ARGdov 5:00 PM: "lol”
TheLaw 5:00 PM: "Maybe things have happened differently then.”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "so basically, we may already have the answer we've been looking for, we just havent realized it. cool. ok.”
TheLaw 5:01 PM: "It's understandable if you don't want to share. I was asking out of a curiosity.”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "actually, wait”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "hang on a sec”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "you know a lot less than they do, about whats going on, by your own admission”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "doesnt that bother you?”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "you're working for people, who are not sharing all the information”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "your working with people, who are involved in a conspiracy involving cults, time travel, cyber ghosts, alternate dimensions, and the ocassional bout of supernatural magic”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "and one of them has killed at least once and may again”
ARGdov 5:01 PM: "Im surprised”
TheLaw 5:02 PM: "It doesn't bother me.”
TheLaw 5:02 PM: "I'm the law. I'm not a lawmaker.”
ARGdov 5:03 PM: "right. I get that. still strange though.”
otherLiam 5:03 PM: "Well that’s a scary rationalization. Anyway, we’ve had like three seperate occasions recently where giving mysterious entities our info has been A Bad, so nothing personal but we gotta learn our lesson sometime.”
TheLaw 5:03 PM: "At one point I did know everything that there was to know.”
TheLaw 5:03 PM: "I'm happy knowing what I do now.”
Eevee Reborn 5:04 PM: "Ok, but the end of the timeline, the last update, better be a post by The Law.”
otherLiam 5:04 PM: "?”
Xenquility 5:04 PM: "lmao”
Eevee Reborn 5:04 PM: "Lol”
TheLaw 5:04 PM: "It would bring it full circle, huh?”
Xenquility 5:04 PM: "Ay, so that was you”
ARGdov 5:05 PM: "in a way”
ARGdov 5:05 PM: "and yeah- certainly a freaky rationalization imo”
ARGdov 5:05 PM: "can I aks another question then? this may make us change our mind”
ARGdov 5:05 PM: "@TheLaw who were you, before you became "the law"? where di dyou come from?”
ARGdov 5:05 PM: "do you remember anything from before?”
TheLaw 5:05 PM: "Sure.”
TheLaw 5:05 PM: "Though, not to do exactly what's expected, I need to go after this question. I was given a task and just happened to have some down time.”
TheLaw 5:05 PM: "I remember everything from before.”
TheLaw 5:05 PM: "My answer will be the same as before. Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.”
ARGdov 5:06 PM: "fine.”
ARGdov 5:06 PM: "ugh, you may have to leave”
ARGdov 5:06 PM: "but one last thing if you can”
ARGdov 5:06 PM: "WHO were you before?”
TheLaw 5:07 PM: "Yes?”
otherLiam 5:07 PM: "man we apparently have all the answers, but we don’t know we have them, so isn’t that the same as not having them at all?”
ARGdov 5:07 PM: "shhh let him answer my question”
ARGdov 5:07 PM: "(tho yeah I agree)”
TheLaw 5:08 PM: "I'm not sure what I should tell you and what I shouldn't. As it stands, you all haven't been open to share information with me.”
TheLaw 5:08 PM: "I wasn't aware that was the situation at first, so I'm going to refuse to answer unless given express permission.”
ARGdov 5:08 PM: "ok, next time we meet, maybe lets negotiate. assuming thats not something we have the answer to already, of course”
ARGdov 5:08 PM: "tell us what you want to know, one question”
ARGdov 5:08 PM: "and we'll consider answering it in exchange for an answer from you”
TheLaw 5:09 PM: "I have to carry out a task. I hope you guys remain lawful.”
TheLaw 5:09 PM: "Maybe talk to the new kid about this. He seems like he might have taken a liking to you lot.”
Xenquility 5:09 PM: "success”
ARGdov 5:10 PM: "alright.”
Xenquility 5:10 PM: "we have evaded bomb plans 4.0”
ARGdov 5:10 PM: "dont remember which of you is the new kid but ok”
Xenquility 5:10 PM: "(Prod)”
ARGdov 5:10 PM: "ah right”
TheLaw 5:10 PM: "Excuse me while I carry out my mission to bomb the next building.”
ARGdov 5:10 PM: "alright, good luck with that lol”
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