thejoanwatson · 3 years
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@milieumarch @kieronmayers @mrhenshaw @v8-gurl01 @s-d-marple @missbennu @bigten10 @etojealish @mattherondale098 @martin12345qwert @flowolfe @joyfullysparklydonut @memelovescaps @adifferenceinkind @gaylilbean @my-my-herecomethefuzz @wishtheworst @imaginariumgeographica @octopussheep @uzakhikaye @irrelevant-ramblings @sa1ntraphael @caroltrinidad @the-chickenshit-oddity @themoonwillsingasongforme @exhuming-your-potato @darnianwayne @queerfatale @luisan @beepbeepandie3 @tasania1492 @suffocatedmasterpiece @muthserra @jamillia556123 @waterrockz @deactiv8 @lebasilic12 @sane-as-luna @0babysworld @mcdarkandshiny @theteadetective @jejeasstuff @sysanya @imusthavebecomesomething @pepperparker @glowknight @littlewolfsthings @radi0clash @yourmindsoulblr @nerdsaredefuture 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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- I came to it in a hospital, when they told me I nearly died. Quite coincidentally around the same time, the adoption of Watson’s son was imminent. Prior to that I had considered a return to New York, a return to everything, really. But the thought of her little boy finding me dead with a needle in my arm… no I can’t go back.
- He seems happy. The work he’s doing, it suits him. It’s not the kind of work he and I could have done together, even before Arthur. I’m not gonna tell him anything.
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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After, perhaps you and Arthur and I could get some dinner?
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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Their Last Bow
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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I’m terribly sorry. I thought he’d be at school. It’s okay.
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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Kind of feel like hugging you right now.
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
i literally think about this every day and i can’t even DEAL WITH THE FACT that they no longer can do this again :( 
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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I’m staying. Of course I’m staying.
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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1.16 // 7.13
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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I’d lay down my life for you. So if you succeed in adopting a child, I’ll lay down my life for him or her. It’s as simple as that.
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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You really would have let me leave without telling me? You say that like I’m not planning to make it through this. I am going to see you again, Sherlock. I just…
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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joan/sherlock + first and last scene
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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What if he says no? He won’t say no. What if he does?
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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The Televekio case, I know what it is. I told him not to tell you. Why? Because I didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay. The captain said you had a lump removed a month ago and Televekio is the name of your oncologist. Look, I only told a few people. I didn’t want anyone at the 11th to worry about me. Huh. So the pathology report was positive for cancer. I’m starting chemo in a few days. 
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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thejoanwatson · 5 years
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7x13 Their Last Bow  Sherlock Holmes & Joan Watson
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