deltaboix · 3 years
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deltaboix · 3 years
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My new silkwing girl, Sulpher!
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deltaboix · 3 years
I might get some hate for this, but I have had it with all the "Superstraight" bs. Straight people are not oppressed and they never have been. They are not part of the queer community and never will be. There is nothing wrong with being straight, but they don't deserve a pride month or even a flag. When was the last time straight people were killed and beaten on the streets for being straight? When was their right to marriage taken away? When did they lose rights over who they loved? "Superstraight" is a perfect example of ignorance and homophobia/transphobia. Again, it's okay to be straight, love who you love, but when it comes to oppression and hate, the LGBTQ community gets the brunt of the violence because they are different. Straight isn't different, just like cisgender isn't different. It doesn't need pride because it is already accepted. Many countries kill people who even show a single sign of being queer. That doesn't happen to straight people, now does it? I am sorry if I upset people, but this is getting ridiculous.
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deltaboix · 3 years
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Demise! He do be flyin'
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deltaboix · 4 years
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I drew a friend's sona, had a lot of fun making him!
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deltaboix · 4 years
less “if you see a man and woman together at pride be nice! they could be bi/pan/trans/ace/aro” and more “stop gendering strangers to harass them anywhere, but especially at pride holy shit”
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deltaboix · 4 years
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I didn't include Saborn on my troll OC list, but he is one of my mains. He is a mutant blood and is... A little insane.
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deltaboix · 4 years
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I made this chart of my troll OCs, but I couldn't remember most of their names, so I just made stuff up
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deltaboix · 4 years
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My boy Caribu protecting his eggy!
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deltaboix · 4 years
Not to get dark or anything, but 9/11 is coming up in the USA
Or, let me rephrase that: an annual day where Muslims in the USA are scared to leave their homes. If you have Muslim friends or neighbors - watch their backs. Check up on them. Without fail, every year, there's always an attack. Every year someone I know or someone I know by extension becomes a victim.
One year I had to go pick up my roommate from the library because she was too scared to leave. Some grown ass men had followed her there throwing rocks and yelling threats.
Another year I got a knife threat slipped into my mailbox.
Another year someone shot up the side of our mosque while we prayed for peace inside.
Check up on your neighbors and call out racist and islamophobic behavior where you see it. This year, with all the unrest and elections coming up, it's bound to be bad and everyone I know is already on edge and taking precautions.
Stay vigilant and stay woke ✌️
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deltaboix · 4 years
Never used Zoom, but damn- that's not very cash money
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deltaboix · 4 years
R e b l o g
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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deltaboix · 4 years
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c.. cassius..
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deltaboix · 4 years
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A beautiful hybrid girl named Skadi! She is a Mudwing/Icewing hybrid and is a witch doctor.
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deltaboix · 4 years
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My girl, Otter! She doesn’t look it, but she is a Sandwing/Seawing hybrid. On my headshots post for my ocs, the one named Otter in the bottom right is now named Bromeliad now. I didn’t want to throw away the name!
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deltaboix · 4 years
i wanna prove something to stupidly trivial to my parents
Reblog if you think getting your ears pierced is a choice
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deltaboix · 4 years
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Request for my BF. One of his OCs
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