#i miss having a sub in rl
poetsoflove · 6 months
If your sub says "please" in his whiny, desperate voice while looking at you wide-eyed, don't give him what he wants. Make him say exactly what he wants more than once, let him get more desperate with each passing minute and enjoy it while asking often what exactly he wants with a smirk.
Hmm what is it puppy? Tell me what you want
I want mommy to touch me
And when he says that, then touch him somewhere, just not where he wants it. Believe me his whimpering will sound so sweet and usually tears of despair will form in his eyes and he is gonna look so cute!
You have to tell me exactly what you want puppy. Mommy can't know what you mean.
And don't forget to tease him. Let your hands slide down his sides, your lips briefly touch his neck, your fingers touch his inner thighs. Until your sub is so desperate and shamelessly admits what he wants you to do to him.
I want mommy to tie me to the bed and make me feel good, I want mommy to touch me everywhere and not stop kissing me, please mommy I beg you
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scarefox · 8 months
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fair-fae · 7 months
Without names tell us about this 6 month rp where you had to change your character to fit?
Someone approached me about writing a ship with Faye with the understanding up front that we would first have to see if the potential was even there, that it would be a slowburn, and that Faye was still hung up on her past relationship and would need time before she could be in a semi-healthy relationship. Despite this, I was rushed every step of the way.
There were times we would discuss one thing for an RP idea, start the scene, and then it would be something totally different--i.e. he threw out the idea of a fake dating scenario, and only after we started writing the scene he announced to me OOC, "My character would never settle for fake dating, only the real thing."
He wanted to start new RP threads even though previous ones were unfinished, which created continuity issues where we would have to decide on the outcome of an unfinished scene we would still be writing. It felt like he used this to his advantage, either to retcon to make sure his character did the "perfect" thing, or to make me feel pressured to keep the RP on the "right" course, often adding in surprise caveats for things Faye would have to promise to make that happen.
There was constant pressure from him for Faye to be more lovey-dovey with his character, for her to engage in more PDA with him, for her to always talk about him and inform everyone she was dating him, and for her to act in ways that made her more immature, irrational, airheaded, affectionate, and emotional. He asked me almost daily if Faye loved his character yet, if she was close to saying "I love you," if there was a timeframe, what he could do to make it happen, etc. He brought up marriage and engagement regularly. Remember when I said we agreed to make this a slowburn!
There were multiple instances I told him Faye wouldn't do something he wanted, but he would continue arguing or begging, sometimes even holding stuff over my head (saying that I owed it to him because I had cut into "our" RP time by RPing with someone else, or having to run AFK for RL things mid-RP). There were times he made comments about my glamours for Faye, particularly anything frilly and frou-frou or modest. He only seemed interested in "elegant and sexy" and didn't like anything that didn't give him "easy access" to her. Anytime any sexual situation didn't go perfectly as he envisioned, OOC he blamed it on Faye being "not a real sub" and "bad at BDSM" lol.
He would try to downplay Faye's competence and capabilities so he could be her hero in every situation. His character would speak over Faye or try to speak for her in her own business affairs, including my own FC's RP, an FC he was not even a member of. Every single "flaw" my character had, from her prosthetic hand to her PTSD to her heartbreak over her last relationship, he was insistent his character could "fix" and change her.
He had some "not like other girls" headcanons about Faye being jealous, vindictive of other women, or constantly needing to boast about him and their relationship, and insinuated she wouldn't be into "basic" things. He would send me memes, character inspo, quotes, etc. that I often felt didn't really fit Faye, and he didn't care to listen the few times I mentioned something was not in line with Faye or how I wanted to portray her, often stuff that infantilized her.
And lastly, he had initially discovered me through a mutual friend who I won't name (but hi if you're reading this ily girl lol), but it seemed his character had been hung up on hers, and her character had some similarities to Faye. I had a creeping feeling he really wanted my character to… fit into some mold of what he presumed her character to be like?
She returned to the game and he implied that she contacted him and wanted her character to be with his, but he had chosen Faye (phrased in a context that I was supposed to be grateful to him and indebted to him for making him miss out?). At that point I asked him if he wouldn't rather be RPing with her and told him that he could be up front with me and I would be fine with it, but he insisted that while his character had feelings for her character years ago, his character had changed and matured, her character was no longer his character's type and didn't interest him, and he would rather being RPing with me. I found out that while he was telling me this, he was begging her to ship her character with his, but she wasn't interested, and he continued hounding her as well as doing the same stuff he had to me with trying to push ideas he had about her character onto her to the point she was really uncomfortable. Anyway, there's other stuff that happened, but the rest just doesn't have to do with how he wanted me to play my character so I'll leave it at that haha.
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cosmo-production · 1 year
mario + rabbid inccorect quotes but i brought back rabbid yoshi; BTW were still going by initals so there RY now
mario: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
RR: What did you two do? RM: mario: RR: You’re not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
mario: Watcha doin? edge: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. mario: Scandalous. mario: Can I help?
RY: Hello, I'm RY. I work at a shop now. Here to help. Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget it. Very helpful, as that does happen.
mario: What are you talking about RR? You love it here! RR: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
RP: Hey RY, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this. RY, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah? RP: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, RY!
peach: RY, I am questioning your sanity… luigi: I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
luigi: look RP, I'm not shaming you but… luigi: Actually yeah, I'm TOTALLY slut shaming you.
RP: Sorry, who are you? peach: Oh, I’m peach. RP: Oh yeah, I’ve heard about you from mario. RP: Are you their friend or something? peach: No. peach: I’m their therapist.
RM: Dom or sub? edge: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
luigi: So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl…. edge: …. RM: ….. RP: …… RR: ..Who? luigi: That's the thing we don't- Everyone stares at RR
peach: What did you get on your shirt? RP: Rust. peach: From what? RP: Weapons. peach: Time for more adult supervision.
peach: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? edge: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
edge: Remain CALM! slaps RP multiple times
and now a word form the courageous duo mario: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. edge: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
RP: Where did you get that tomato soup? RL: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
luigi: Why don't I like this person? peach: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder. luigi: Maybe it's because their name is "RY". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous? peach: No. luigi: That's because your name is "peach".
RM, looking at a map: It’s a barren, featureless wasteland out there, isn't it? mario: Other side, RM…
peach: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult. luigi: Myself.
edge: So, luigi is late today. Anyone wanna bet why? =mario: I say they slipped through the subway grate and is having a fight with a terrible mole man. RY: I don't know about that…I think either their alarm clock didn't go off, or they're in line at the bank. RM: Take this more seriously! luigi was clearly taken in their sleep! RR: I bet they tucked themselves into the bed too tightly and got stuck. RL: Maybe they fell into another dimension where they're more interesting…? luigi arrives luigi: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank. RY, clapping their hands in excitement: HOT DAMN!
RM: RL said I was their second favorite person, and I was bummed, but then they said RP is third. They have no favorite person. They’re holding the position open.
peach: What do you do when someone offers you drugs? RP: Take them! RL: Punch them in the neck! luigi: Say thank you! RM: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance! peach: … peach: No.
mario: Are you good? luigi: In what sense? mario: Generally. luigi: Oh, definitely not.
peach:*working in her garden edge: *put money on her lap* how do i say leave me alone midnite in flowers!?
peach: Awww, why don't you like cats, edge? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love?? edge: I don't know your highness, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor. peach: edge: I'm ALLERGIC.
luigi: Why do humans have different blood groups? RY: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
edge, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? RM: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. edge: Ohhhh- luigi: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
luigi: Ow! peach: What’s wrong? luigi: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. peach: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was 1ST crowned.
mario: My friends say I'm the most charismatic out of the group. RP: Well, you always have a smile on your face. mario: Thank you. RP: RP: What drugs do you take?
peach: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons? RP: Fake?
RY, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? edge: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. RY: RY: Water you doing?
edge:if i die you can have what little i own peach: "if" you die??? edge: my life is fueled by spite, spite against my creator peach: okay time for another therapy session
RL: Truth or dare? RR: Truth. mario: How many hours have you slept this week? RR: RR: Dare. mario: Go to sleep. RR: I don't like this game.
RL: Woah dude, premarital handholding? That’s just not cool or groovy.
edge: You are a spineless twit! RP: You cannot talk to me that way, I am your superior! edge: A six-year-old girl could talk to you that way! RP: Yes, because that would be adorable. edge: No, it's because you are a five-year-old girl and there's a pecking order.
RY: mixing different alcoholic beverages together RL: What are you making? RY: A mistake.
peach, about to leave the house: Don’t spend all day watching YouTube, okay? RL: I FORGE MY OWN PATH!!
the rabbids trying to cook without peaches help RP: How would you like your pancakes? RL: Plain. RM: With sprinkles! luigi: Chocolate chips. RY: Potatoes. RL, RM, and luigi look at RY RY: What? They're good.
RM: bro… I’m bleeding… RL: Oh god… what’s your blood type?! RM: B positive… RL: I’m trying to but you’re bleeding-
game night or atleast how the spark hunters did it edge: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game… RM, nodding: Knife Monopoly. edge: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is. Don't worry shes learning
mario: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like… a lawyer to you. Ok? RP: Okay. later peach: RP! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. mario, whispering: Deny everything. RP, loudly: That isn't a chair.
RM: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter “A”! RR: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon. RY: ten buried zero found
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I just gotta ask... Does Dreamland have a licensed therapist? Because it sounds like a majority of the characters need one!
Dream Land is a really LOVELY place. The food is fresh and healthy for you. Even the fast food and the sweets, somehow! Lots of nature. Life is leisurely paced. The only jobs are the ones you want to work. There's plenty of activities for those who need some socializing and plenty of alone time for those who need their space.
There may not be a licensed therapist, but as long as you're open to your heart and the caring words of your friends, you can find your way out of the bad places on your own, in your own good time!
...In Dess's AUs, on the other hand...
Everything is bad. For everyone. I'm sorry. I feel very bad about it. :cough: ...That is, speaking frankly, as a creator, I trust that since everyone else does such a good job writing Kirby-verse fluff, no one will mind too bad if I have this little corner of the fandom where everyone can be sad and sometimes life does beat you down.
It probably doesn't come off this way, but sometimes the reason I hop back and forth to several different AUs is that in a few cases, characters DO get better! Marx and Magolor in the Branch AU? They're actually very happy right now running a theme park together for lost Souls! (Well, happier once Marx gets his body back.)
White-Haired Noir in the AU AU verse? He's...well, he's never going to be the same after the loss he suffered, but he is on the mend.
Adeleine, post-Apologies, is doing okay.
My personal Dark Meta Knight is a huge, incurable mess of issues but he gets to duel with his counterpart on occasion and loves it.
Some of my versions of the characters have REALLY awful, messed up traumatic backstories and yet they came out shockingly alright, re: Daroach. (And Elfilin too. Rats stay winning!)
I do enjoy fluffy things, a lot, but I don't write a whole lot of "pure fluff." Which arguably means, if you're not seeing me draw or write anything for someone, they're probably having a GREAT time! Take Taranza. Taranza is often characterized as the forever sad, "I miss my wife, Tails" character but I think he really is doing okay!
...Not great as could be. He lost his friend (and crush) of...some long period of time but he's healing. Dedede's probably got a whole routine set up for getting over possession trauma at this point!!
For my two favorite trauma puppy standbys, Marx and Magolor, I mostly write about them having lingering trauma side-effects because... it's just my favorite sub-genre to write in, I guess? Most of what I write are physical impossibilities anyway: curses, magic-induced ailments, body-snatching, etc. But I think they can be interesting metaphors for what I or others might feel in RL, so I like to write about them as a way to come to terms with those feelings.
[Warning: Things Get Personal Past This Point]
I almost went more indepth about this in an earlier ask this evening, but my favorite character from my last major fandom was a purely good character who, in the backstory, had his personality shifted 180 degrees by an evil god, driven to cuckoo levels of crazy, and possibly (at least, it was a fairly popular HC) trapped inside his own mind for a large chunk of time as he was made to commit atrocities that shattered every vow he ever made and everything he believed in.
(Mad Emperor Vector, my beloved... :sob: )
An anime backstory if I'd ever heard one! But one of the reasons he rose from character I loved to MY blorbo was because I was just understanding my autism at the time, and part of how I understood it for myself and how it affected me was through this character's traumas. You might think it was silly but it was shockingly useful!
Around when I started suffering from long-term insomnia is when I started to get really, really obsessed with the "Marx is a sleep-deprived Noddy" theory. When (not to get depressing but...) many of my dreams and aspirations started to fall apart, I became really attached to Magolor + the false promises of the Master Crown...
Noir's creation coincides fairly closely with my feeling massively overburdened with life's pressures and trying to support my loved ones, keeping a chipper exterior attitude despite home troubles while feeling like I couldn't tell ANYONE how much it hurt inside...
That's not to say that I only make these sweet characters have bad days because I'M having a bad day or that I'm "using" them like emotion sponges in place of just seeing a therapist.
It's more that, having experienced some of these things myself, I feel like I have a closer understanding of them. And I want to understand more. Or I want to explore avenues I didn't personally take.
...Or I want to celebrate my own life, shambles and all, by seeing how much worse it could be if only E~vil~ Magic had been involved...!!
TLDR, the actual Kirby characters probably don't need a therapist at all. Dess's versions are more likely to need one, but I'll probably write about the ones that haven't gone yet because that path is where I personally find the best and most meaningful stories...!
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creepykuroneko · 1 year
Time for a rant.
I hate it when I'm trying to decide what book I want to read next and the publishers decided that "hey we're going to try to piggyback off of other successful titles". So they'll have on the description "if you're a fan of X then you'll enjoy this!".
Comparison that makes me quickly put a book back up on the shelf include but are not limited to: HP, mean girls, the craft, Friday the 13th, anything in the MCU or the DCU, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Love Witch, the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires, survive the night, nightbitch, 1984, etc.
If the book actually is anything like the above mentioned media then I'm probably not missing out by putting it back on the shelf. Let's be honest though, a lot of publishers do decide to push whatever they decide is currently relevant in pop culture. Meaning they tend to flood the market with the same crap over and over again. Which sucks because take for example vampires. People have been writing stories about vampires for over a century. Yet some people get it in their heads that vampires go out of fashion? They think there's a specific time when vampires are trendy and that they fall out of fashion at other points? Maybe to YOU they do but to other people not so much. Can't even tell you how many people I've talked to who honestly believe that Millennials never read anything about vampires and never had any interest in Vampires until Twilight came out. 5-year-old me had a crush on Bella Lugosi and 8-year-old me was reading Vampire Breath by RL Stine. 🙄
So why is this bad? My issue with it is that companies will look at what's "trending" and use it as an excuse to publish certain types of media. Even if the critics absolutely hate it they will look at the numbers and decide we're going to push this as much as we can. So what happens is that you get these waves of whatever genre it is with sub par writing because the people doing the writing aren't writing a subject they are passionate about, they are writing what their Publishers told them to write. It's not unusual for New York Times best selling authors to write books outside of their usual genre because they were given in advance to do so. Publishers like to use authors who have already made them money rather than take a chance on unknown writers. Then you have writers who have been writing for years, decades even sometimes, but whose work never gets picked up by a major publisher because, " the Twilight craze is dead nobody cares about vampires anymore". So the genre gets flooded with mediocre media churned out for profits, meanwhile actual talented writers with a passion for the subject matter get pushed into obscurity, and the fans get bored with the mediocre flooding.
2021 gave us some genuine good slasher content like the Fear Street Saga and Stephen Graham Jones's novel My Heart is a Chainsaw. These movies and the book were fantastic I love them but unfortunately I see a lot of companies trying to piggyback off their success. I feel like every single horror novel I look at these days has somewhere written on it, " Stephen Graham Jones and Fear Street fans will love this!". The only thing they have in common is the body count! Just because I'm a fan of one thing does not mean I'll be a fan of another. I read a few slasher novels that were published this year and were being compared to my heart is a chainsaw, and guess what? They were crap.
End rant.
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pinkydec · 3 years
girl enjoy the game and make a write up for us afterwards (if you want to).... tumblr can wait 😂
are yall ready for this shshsh,
So I lost my shit when I first saw dec and a) squealed rather loudly which Nina got on video and b) punched the shit out of Nina’s arm (soz Nina)
They physically couldn’t stay away from each other walking through the tunnel, all the other players were spread apart behind one another and then you get mase and dec who physically were attached at the hip
The national anthems were so funny bcs you had most of the players singing it calmly and then you got dec signing it extremely passionately shshs
They walked to their starting positions together as well and it was so cute I swear
Both dec and mase are so so so so fucking pretty I legit died
Also dec in rl has this almost aura of maturity and responsibility to him and I won’t lie it’s v attractive
Side note we were sat so close to the subs I could let see chilly and Tammy and I tell you they looked d e v I n e
Not to mention I kept losing my shit when the subs warmed up to the point I kept forgetting to watch the match because I was watching the subs shshs
(Hendo is a dilf, there I said it)
Match wise? The game was shocking. we missed kalv and Harry maguire so much, our midfield was so exposed at times like there was just huge gaps over one side and it looked so stupid
Dec didn’t have the worse game in the world but it defo wasn’t his best, mase wasn’t the best either tbh
We played so many slow balls as well and it nearly shot us in the foot so many times I swear
John stones is stupidly hot and was easily our best player last night, Kyle Walker was definitely not
Phil didn’t play the best at all but did some very sexy little flicks
Kyle decided to strip in front of us and I will tell you that man has a very attractive back
decs hair w/o gel looks even nicer in person
Pickers has a v v v nice ass
The whole penalty was so weird like we didn’t have a clue what was going on bcs we all thought it was a free kick and then it was like no it’s a penalty wtf
The ref was bloody shit at times but it was a correct call after watching the replays tbh, but the Hungary player rolling around was v v exaggerated
Johns goal was a very nice feeling tbh, everyone erupted and it was just very nice
Dec was very pissed after the match and a number of the boys didn’t hesitate to get off the pitch asap tbh
Buk is so cute I cried I love one man
Sidenote the chills that went through my body when the fans made so much noise and it echoed was such an amazing feeling
We were sat intront of the two most annoying kids I legit wanted to scream tho
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lyrishadow · 3 years
I havent done anything in SWTOR recently. Its been that type of year already and we at this point where we had to suspend most of our subs for the year in fav of paying bills. 🙃 i have too much setup done to mess around on f2p or preferred so SWTOR has taken a back seat. I miss my bounty hunters. Miss Torian. Do not miss drama or the feeling like i had done something wrong. Its weird because gaming is a source of social interaction for me and i really want to have some of that again. I mis WoW in the same way. BUT. I do NOT miss the drama. I have enough RL drama.
For what its worth to anyone: friendship is sacred, im loyal to desth. Lose touch for 6 yrs and cone back its fine.
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actualaster · 3 years
Impressions of Episode 2!  Spoilers not just for the episode, but for the game--including parts towards the end of the game.  Screenshot-heavy
Also, NTWEWY Release Date Trailer reference at one point.
First up!  Love the proper intro!  Shame about what happened with the original intro being swapped out, there’s some spots where this version of Twister doesn’t quite fit.  But it fits better than the use of Calling they used as as a last-second sub in the first episode.
(For those who don’t know, one of the band members for the group that did the original song was involved in a criminal scandal so the music was pulled, apparently that’s not uncommon.  I feel more bad for the poor bandmates who’ve had their reputation tarnished by association, y’know?)
so!  first up on visuals!  New Noise!!  Wonder if these will show up in NTWEWY?  They don’t look as much like Noise as most others, missing that tattoo component, but they remind me of the Bats and the Sprogs.  Curious to see if that happens
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So, we get some interaction between Neku and Shiki right off the bat when the episode starts, which involves Neku’s whole “I don’t like people” thing, and we see Beat and Rhyme join ‘em and they have a discussion.  Get some of the talk of everyone’s values colliding, which IIRC is a W2 sort of convo w/ Asshole Jesus?  Can’t quite remember...  Either way, get some more insight into the characters.
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Ahaha...  This sequence hurts.  The framing makes it so clear what they’re getting at with these two being siblings.  Also this entire bit is good, helps establish details about the characters both overtly through conversation and subtly, like the framing of this shot.
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This part also hurts, Shiki getting so excited she forgets, just for a moment, what’s going on.
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Honestly the entire sequence with the Prince is funny, and helps give some good insight into the characters.
Also. Same, Neku, Same.  That’s exactly my face when people start losing their minds over some RL celeb that’s apparently sexy or something lol.  But also starts to work in the importance of fashion and trends in this sequence.
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The description is different but ultimatley the idea seems roughly the same for Imprinting--though Shiki knows what it is rather than Rhyme explaining memes.
(shame we couldn’t get “what’s a meme?” animated lol, but that’s probably just a funny thing in the ENG fandom and it IS based of the JP original ver)
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Interesting way they handled Eri here, with her wearing a different outfit.
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Dude talking to Makoto’s a Reaper, I’m betting--since he’s lacking that sort of washed out look the RG folks have.  Specifically planted here to give the Players the idea for what their mission is, if they’re paying attention to their surroundings and/or in the right area at the start of the day.
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Nao and Sota make another appearance after their Ep 1 cameo!  Good way to introduce them before W2!
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[knee-jerk reaction of screeching because THE FUCKING MOST ANNOYING FUCKING PINS EVER]
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Also the fact that the dude in Red who was talking to Makoto says his boss is pressuring him to spread them around makes me pretty confident, aside from the “lacking the washed out RG look” that he’s a Reaper.
This was very interesting--the Support Reaper let them through because Shiki was holding a Keypin.  Setting the precedent for “this pin caused a wall to be cleared for us” but at the same time...  Not opening the wall itself.  And I wonder why the Reaper didn’t seem to care that a Player was holding onto a Keypin?  I mean, the Reaper addressed it with “take care of that pin”, so I suppose they’ve acknowledged it but still feels odd.  Then again, might be a case of “Player with a Keypin?  Higher ups didn’t say anything about that.  Welp, not my problem then.” and just not wanting to deal with it lol
also look at the Support Reaper (guy in red w/ the facemask)’s outfit.  Compare it to what “Neku” in the end of the latest (as of this posting) NTWEWY trailer was wearing--it’s pretty much identical except “Neku” is wearing black instead of Read (Harrier Reapers wear Black), is this “Neku” in NTWEWY a Reaper now?  Or trying to blend in and appear similar to a Reaper for some reason?  Or is it just coincidence?
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see how similar they look?  (I know it looks purple here but the boxart it’s black so I assume it’s just lighting)
Then again, since the art seems the same between game and anime (or very similar, the eyes are handled looking the same it seems to me) it could be something else...  (Of course, who even knows if this is the real Neku?)
AHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh shiki, if only you knew that the second player pin is because of the bullet that wasn’t stopped XD
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Working trends in somewhat, interesting to see that.  Makes total sense they’d do it this way since the “trends change based on what Players use in battle” is a game mechanic that I can’t see being easily worked into the story in another format, so this swap makes plenty of sense.  Using Imprinting on the Prince to get him to plug the advert makes sense.
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I gotta wonder, though--using the Prince this way instead of the Players making it work, seems like that might not make Makoto get a big head about “his” success which would alter things in...  W2, right?  The ramen shop stuff’s W2.
So.  We have a few interesting massive deviations here.
First up, a look at the influence of the Red Skull pin on people.
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And second...
A Familiar Looking Noise Symbol, found on the Shibuya River...  Megumi’s Noise Symbol.
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Obviously a massive deviation as Players start getting Erased--despite the Mission being cleared.  Neku and Shiki are on the chopping block when...
A familiar bit of hair reveals their savior who’s not about to let Megumi end their little Game early using some underhanded tactics like “Earsing Players after the Mission is cleared”
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I’m very not sure how I feel on a personal level about this decision, but on a narrative level I fully get where they were going with this.
It establishes a very powerful Noise, and if they remain true to the game later it’s foreshadowing that Megumi’s involved heavily.  AND it establishes (through subtle implication you’d not necessarily get if this was your first time watching and didn’t catch the hair) that Joshua is a very powerful person.  Before being in the Game.
Shiki comments on the unsualness of it, too!
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I do, however, think they did real justice to the Eri and Shiki revelation.  I still wanna know what that “accident” is that killed Shiki, though.
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And here we see a person having his ENTIRE WORLD rocked by the revelation that he’s dead.
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Also we got a slight flashback to the incident that killed him, too blurry to see much but a little bit of one.  We saw a little of that in Ep 1, too, IIRC.
Well.  Except for the title card for Episode 3
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beyond-far-horizons · 3 years
It’s a silly thing and I know I post too much about Mortal Kombat, but with it coming out tomorrow I’ve been thinking again about one of my best friends on here and frankly in RL too. 
@fireeaglespirit​ You are still so missed! I just have this feeling knowing you that you would have played the game with your younger brothers back in the day and despite being a mild-mannered pacifist type, you would still have some hilarious violent anecdote about it that appalled your family or teachers just like DMC! It was one of the many things I loved about you.
I think you would totally be with me on loving Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s rivalry - it’s the fire vs ice thing all over again. You would love badass lady Sonya and I’m sure, given your appreciation for villains, you would get my Shang Tsung obsession! Also the multiple worlds and all the lore is like the worlds we created. I wish so much that yours had had a chance to be appreciated worldwide. You’re such a talent. Even now I can’t and won’t put you in the past tense.
It’s most been two years since you left and we still don’t know what happened. But I’ll always think of you and wish you well my friend and hope against hope you’re still out there safe. I remember you in art and fandom always, Pheonix Queen.
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zucchan · 4 years
for rl reason I couldn't watch the new word of honor episodes, but I think I will have some time in the next days so prepare for the gifset storm! I've missed wenzhou and their beautiful family🥺
ps. I heard that youku now have eng subs for VIPs too! Here I come, take my money bestie❤️
Btw I'm finally reading for the second time 2ha (I'm so hyped for Haoyixing!) and... is it so good? It's better than the first time! I've loved 2ha the first time, but now I know what is happening and all the feelings and the actions of the characters are 100% stronger than before (which means that I cried at chapter one but well...🤷).
If I think of all the little details and references that I missed the first time... ahh, meatbun is a genius. If someone of my followers wants to read a good novel, please try out The dumb husky and his white cat shizun ✨
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dionnaea · 4 years
all i know of vtubers are that they’re (usually) 3D anime girls in place of RL lol... 😔 is there anything special I’m missing out on
okay so... honestly yeah that’s what they are lmao BUT i find them a lot more entertaining than RL streamers?? i feel like they bring more energy, and the fact that they all have distinct personalities and characters they play is really fun
ALSO vtubers are wayyy better for learning japanese than anime imo. in anime subs, things are usually translated to english phrases (idk how to put it) instead of more direct translations which is what a lot of vtuber subs do. i’m a japanese studies major, so it’s been really helpful to watch them and pick up on intonation and speech patterns in normal talk. and you learn a lot of slang haha
if you wanna step into the scene, here are my recs (you can find them on youtube!):
Hololive’s Usada Pekora is super funny (she’s known as the comedian) and her interactions with other vtuber’s are great. overall, just really entertaining to watch subs or not
if you’re into gaming or watching people kick ass in games (i fall into the second category), i’d recommend Kanae and/or Kuzuha from Nijisanji. both are super talented gamers (a lot of Apex) and quite funny. a lot of teasing goes on between the two haha and they have a joint channel (Chronoir)
there are of course more, but these are good places to start! please please send in another message if you actually watch some or want specific video recommendations
(i’m so excited ok thx for letting me ramble about this bye bye)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
howdy// i pop in here every few months lookin for new rp partners n im here again just for that
if u messaged me before, but didn’t hear back, dont be afraid to message me again! chances are, either i missed ur message or simply forgot!
anyway, onto business:
- call me prince! use whatever pronouns u want on me/ - i prefer my partners to be 21+ (im 25, myself) - im in CST but im online….more than id like to admit tbh - im absolutely ditch friendly, and due to having memory issues, i WILL forget to post for our rp from time to time. pls dont hesitate to remind me, if it’s been a few days - or even WEEKS - since i’ve posted! i don’t mean to forget, its just something i have to deal with on a daily. - that being said, i’ll either post multiple times a day if im rly into our rp, or a few times a week, or once a week. i can work with whatever rp schedule (or try!) - i ONLY do queer-oriented rps; all of my ocs are intersex, poly/pan, and switches - i DO NOT do hetero rp’s. period. - i dont care if u want to dom or sub the entire time, as long as ur having fun - same goes for rp posts; i post in third person, past tense paragraph form, and can write 500-2k+ words per post, if im rly into the rp (and no, i cant write shorter posts), but as long as ur not giving me one-liners, i dont care for ur own post length. JUST HAVE FUN! - i prefer to play with humanoid (humans with animal features) or monster ocs over all else, but i do have some plain ol’ humans i could dig up, also! - I AM THE KINKLORD. i rly cant stress that enough. i cannot and will not kinkshame, though im not particularly partial to things like scat/vomit and feet. i adore writing smut and will absolutely indulge u in that aspect, for rp. i will cater to ur nsfw preferences as needed, without question. i ike to consider myself a safe space for all types of things, so dont be afraid of mentioning anything especially weird or taboo! - im really big on high/dark fantasy settings, but im also willing to delve into historical themes (wild west/victorian era/etc) and futuristic/space settings, as well! but since ive been on a hollow knight binge lately, i would LOVE some rl gritty dark fantasy rps the most// - i also have a rl big itch for some fandoms (soulsborne, dragon’s dogma, the witcher, LoZ, final fantasy mostly) - dont be afraid to ask of others, however! *note i will ONLY rp oc/oc or canon/canon characters for fandom rp! no oc/canon, sry! - i PREFER to rp over email over all else, but i can also rp over discord - just be prepared for ridiculously huge walls of text because of the character limit!
i think thats it..! if ur interested at all or have q’s, pls hit me up over at [email protected] or on discord at prince#3286! ;;v;;// good luck!
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edds-cola-can · 6 years
What'd I miss
someone posted sub to pewdiepie
i call him a nazi
me and a mutual agree the fandom is a load of shit
they bring up ppl drawing tord/rl as a nazi
i have a seizure 
and here we are
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castlearmorysl · 3 years
Hope Combats new Magic and Effect HUDs and Dragon and Dinosaur avatars from  Dawn Kingdoms @ Castle Armory.
Weapon addicts!  Its been a while since I have communicated with you guys and trust me I miss you guys!  RL has been busy also been working on a new business in sl that I will inform you about soon.  But...   What you guys really wanna hear about  is whats new at your favorite weapons store. Castle Armory has added 3 thats right "Three" new spell huds to enhance your roleplay from the master mind at Hope Combat.  ===================New from Hope Combat=================== The First is the "Helios Spell & Effects System" as implied by a HUD named after the greek god of the sun, this hud allows spell casters to wield the might of magical light.  This hud gives you a grandiose shinning spell abilities to befuddle friends and foes alike using various animesh object many of which emit the shining brilliance of Helios himself.  Become like unto the Sun God and let your roleplay shine. Next we have the "Ignis Weapons & Effects System" now this magical effects HUD imposes your will on those who stand before you in your roleplay.  you can smite foes with meteorites, hinder them with oozing lava, drag them from your presence with screaming volcanic skulls and more.  Get your all powerful wizardly role play on have enjoy the malevolent fun with this HUD. And then we also have the "Hexagonum  Weapons & Effect System" which is another magic and effect hud but with a Sci- Fi Slant!  Can we say technomancy nerdy boys and girls?  Launch sub orbital cannons, nukes and dreadful space ships to hinder, decimate and obliterate your enemies as part of your science fiction roleplay. ===================Dawn Kingdoms=================== Now I have a question who likes Dragons and or Dinosaurs?   Now... who would not mind being a massive Dragon or a dinosaur of your choice  or how about a massive creepy ass undead dragon or undead T-Rex?   Especially since Halloween is on the horizon we have added the Dawn kingdoms vendor filled with amazing full sized dinosaur and dragon avatars.  Who knows you may even catch me in my dracolich or dragon form or catch my wife as her zombie T Rex! Castle ArmoryWeapons for Weapon Addictshttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phoenix%20Determined/191/25/21
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Restless, Chapter One
This blog is for ages 18+ ONLY! If you are under 18, and interact with this blog, you will be blocked. No exceptions.
Series Summary: You are a hunter that has Restless Leg Syndrome. You live with the Winchesters and hunt with them. They finally know about your illness but don’t realize how bad it is until one night you have to share a bed with one of the brothers and your medication fails to stop the tremors in your body. Life, for the three of you, will change and you look forward to this new adventure.  Chapter Summary: You confess to the brothers about your illness. Also cute fluffy moment. Castiel arrives with a case for the three of you. Word Count: 3506 Characters: Reader/(y/n), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (brief) Pairings: None for this part, but a hint of what’s to come Warnings: medical related stuff (no blood or gore, just neurological), mention of arousal but in a clinical way, fluff A/N: I wanted to go into a lot of detail but i decided against it since this part was already going to be so long. If anyone reads this and wants to ask about my RLS, feel free to ask! I included a link to an RLS website, but I don’t mind answering questions about my specific type of RLS.
Link on AO3
Series Masterlist
(All links that do not work in the tumblr mobile app, will work in the mobile and desktop browsers - including the “Keep Reading” link. I have tried fixing this issue with zero success.)
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You have been a hunter for as long as you can remember. You moved in with the Winchesters, after you ran into them while hunting the same monster. You saved their lives, they took you in. Things were a little rocky at first, because being in a new place affects your illness. It flairs in times of stress or routine change. So when you snapped at Sam one morning and immediately apologized and explained you hadn’t had any sleep the night before, you had to come clean about what was affecting you. This was the third time snapping at one of them for no reason other than lack of sleep and you hated yourself for it. You loved these guys and you didn’t want them to think otherwise.
Your eyes go wide as it registers that your tone was less than friendly. “Oh god, Sam I am so sorry. I keep doing this. I haven’t had any sleep and I am on edge. You don’t deserve that.” You let out a sigh and your eyes beg the younger Winchester to forgive you.
He just looks at you with concern on his face. He knows what it’s like to miss sleep but you haven’t been sleeping well for a while and snapping at one of them has become more common than either of you would like.
“What’s going on (Y/N)? This has been going on for a while and you’ve snapped at me and Dean at least three times this week. You can talk to me. I am here for you. You know that.”
You take a deep breath “I know, Sam. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it just yet. I am a hunter. I’m not suppose to be weak. But this affects me every single day and I didn’t want you guys to think that I couldn’t watch your backs while out on a hunt. You know I’m good at what I do. Probably better than a lot of hunters even twice my age. I just don’t share this part of me because i worry that others won’t take me seriously. Once Dean wakes up, I’ll explain it all. I’m sorry again, for snapping at you.”
You both sit in comfortable silence. Him enjoying his coffee, eating his breakfast, and reading the news on his laptop, while you enjoy your herbal tea and try and collect your thoughts.
Dean walks into the silent kitchen and grabs a cup of coffee and sits down. You have a Winchester sat on either side of you and your nerves ease. You loves these guys so much. They have done so much for you. You didn’t know if your deep feelings were romantic or not, but you didn’t care. You just wanted to be with them. They were your family.
Quietly you whisper “When everyone’s done eating, can we meet in the library? I have something I need to tell you guys.” You look down at your hands, waiting for a response.
Dean puts his hand on your shoulder and you look at him with a shamed expression on your face “(y/n) whatever it is, it will be ok. We trust you. You are our family.”
Sam grabs your hand from your lap “What Dean said. We are here for you. We care about you.”
You exhale sharply and get up to put your dishes away, making yourself another cup of herbal tea. Lemon Zinger with honey always calmed your nerves. They watch you and you can feel their eyes on you. You can also tell they are doing that silent conversation thing with their eyes that they are known for. You only hope that their view of you doesn’t change. Your mind is made up, though. It is time.
You grab your cup and head for the library and open your laptop and bring up a web page you frequent often. https://www.rls.org/ It’s a website for Restless Leg Syndrome. You hope you can answer any questions they may have, but you have the page open just in case. You take a sip of your tea and wait for Sam and Dean to join you.
Sam and Dean quietly walk in, careful not to make too much noise. They know you are on edge and they don’t want to upset you further. You have a bit of anxiety, but they knew that already. Who doesn’t, when it comes to this life?
You wait for them to pull up chairs around where you are sitting on one of the tables so they can see both you and your laptop. You wait for them to be settled before you get started. You take a deep breath and exhale slowly, closing your eyes while you do it. You open them and begin.
“What I have is an illness. It isn’t terminal. It isn’t curable. It isn’t contagious. But it I do have to take medicine for it and it does affect me every single day. Because of this illness, I also have another illness that pairs with it. They sorta work together.” You observe them following your words attentively and continue.“The main one is called Restless Leg Syndrome. The name may not mean much. But it affects more than just my legs. Sometimes my arms, my stomach muscles, my back, and my pelvic muscles are affected. Its often body wide but it mainly affects my legs. 
My RLS is caused by low iron. I have had borderline and full anemia my whole life. No one knows why. But it is made worse by my period. I take medicine to control the RLS but when I am stressed or eat or drink something I shouldn’t, it does what we call ‘flare up’. When it flares up, sometimes the medication I take doesn’t work. Like at all. Which means I move a lot before I fall asleep. When it affects my hips and pelvic muscles, it… well it triggers the same feelings as being aroused. But it isn’t the same. Just the same muscles and nerves are engaged and it gets a little exhausting. The only bonus to this is that sex sometimes releases enough endorphins that it helps alleviate my symptoms. It doesn’t always work. But sometimes it helps.” (You noticed Dean makes a face at this but doesn’t interrupt. Sam just looks as concerned as always and smacks Dean for his facial expression. This makes you smile.)
“The second illness. I call it a ‘sub illness’ since i developed it as a result of having the RLS. is what’s called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. This sometimes makes my body move on its own, usually while I am asleep. You know that thing your body does when you are falling asleep too fast and you jerk awake? (Sam and Dean Both nod) It’s kinda like that but worse. When I was younger my bed was against the wall and I woke up in the middle of the night because I had smacked the wall in my sleep with the back of my hand so hard it bruised the bones in my hand. I’ve hit myself in the face before, waking up with a bloody nose. I also sometimes grip my own thigh so hard I leave hand shaped bruises. It isn’t fun.” You take a deep breath, moving a bit on the table you are sitting on, before continuing.
“The RLS affects me every single night. Before I was diagnosed, I would have body tremors during the day. It looked like a nervous tick but it wasn’t. Living with it is hard, since I don’t have insurance and technically I’m legally dead… my meds are expensive. But I manage. RLS and PLMD are considered both movement disorders and sleep disorders since it affects both.”
“This is why you’ve been snappy with me and Dean lately?” Sam offers, keen to show his observational skills.
You smile. “Yes, this is why I have been so snappy lately. I am use to going from motel to motel. They all look the same. But moving into a place that’s actually a home. The stress has made my illness flair and as a result my legs and hips are very sore and I haven’t been sleeping. When the nerves misfire in my legs causing them to move, it makes the muscles move so they get sore a lot. Its why I prefer baths instead of showers. Soothes the muscles.”
Dean rubs his chin before speaking. “Why didn’t you tell us before? We care about you, could have gotten you meds or at least helped you get some.”
You sigh guiltily. “I didn’t tell you because before I was diagnosed I couldn’t shoot straight. I couldn’t even hold a gun properly because my muscles were so tired and because my body was so tired. And I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t be effective on a hunt after learning what is wrong with me. I’m still the same girl. But knowing that I have an illness that affects my whole body every single day… I didn’t want you look at me differently.” You finish your speech and look at them hoping they don’t hate you.
Dean stands. He has anger in his eyes but not at you. You still flinch anyways, expecting the worst. Instead he surprises you and walks up to you putting his body between your knees and wraps you in big hug, pulling you off the table. With his arms still wrapped around you, you slide off the table and your feet hit the floor. He walks a little backwards and nudges Sam “Sammy get in on this man” You smile against his chest as you feel the other Winchester move behind you and wrap his arms around your belly, effectively sandwiching you in between their bodies.
“We got you. We got this. We trust you. We love you. We will never leave you.” You don’t know who said it or if they both did. All you know is that you are now sobbing into one brother as they both hold you tight.
Relief starts to wash over you and you sigh heavily. Your sobs finally subsiding. When you are done crying they both slowly let you go. You move so you can look at them both, putting your arms around each of their waists, and they do the same to you. “Thank you. I was so scared…”
They both look down at you and smile. Taking turns they both kiss the top of your head and squeeze your sides. Sam is the first to break away “I don’t know about you guys but I could really go for some Netflix time. How about we find something good to watch and relax together.”
Dean chimes in, “Tell us what you need and we will help you as best we can. You are not alone in this.”
You beam at your two boys. Well they weren’t really your’s, but you knew they weren’t going to kick you out. Time would only tell, if they’d trust you on a hunt. But you weren’t going to focus on that right now.
“Let me go get something and be right back.” You leave the room to change into some really short pajama shorts with pigs with wings flying in adorable circles all around the butt, and you grab some baby oil with chamomile in it. You were going to see if you could get them to give your legs a rubdown, since it’s awkward and difficult to do it yourself.
You walk back into the room. “Now don’t get the wrong idea about me. I really, really need a rub down. My legs hurt so bad today and I would really appreciate some strong hands to rub the knots out.” You wave the bottle of oil and they both smile and giggle at you. “Just throwin’ that out there.”
Sam has picked out one of the many superhero movies that are out that you haven’t seen yet and you sit between them on the couch. You prop your legs up on the coffee table, with your feet on the edge so your knees are bent just a little, and you set the bottle of oil between your feet before squishing down into the plush fabric and get comfortable, enjoying the heat from both their bodies.
Sam and Dean both get very quiet and you know they are doing that thing again. You sigh heavily and shake your head with a smile. “Quit brain talking and enjoy the movie, boys. Come on now.” You giggle.
Sam grabs the bottle, to your surprise, and squirts the gel like substance into his hand. He hands it to Dean and he does the same. You look from one to the other as they move to better reach your legs. Dean grabs the edge of the coffee table and pulls it forward so that your knees are bent more and they can better reach your legs.
There wasn’t anything special about what happened. It wasn’t sexual or suggestive. They both worked silently. Rubbing your leg muscles, starting at your upper thighs and working down. When Sam’s hand brushed against your core while rubbing the inside of your thigh, you gasped a little, he blushed, but you both moved on like it was no big deal. Dean eventually did the same and of course you and he had the same reaction. Can’t really avoid someone’s leg junction while rubbing their muscles unless you are very creative and things are awkward. But aside from that, it wasn’t a big event.
They both got down to your feet and you thought you were going to melt. Your calves and feet were the sorest and it was really hard to get in the muscles and get at where the pain was coming from. You start to moan a little when they rub your feet. Turning red from head to toe as you do it and you look at the two of them and they are very politely ignoring you. You let out a little giggle and they both relax. The last thing they both do is crack your toes. You sigh with relief as each toe pops at least twice.
“Thank you so much for that. You have no idea how much better I feel..” you smile at them. “Why don’t I pause the movie so you guys can wash your hands.” They both nod and walk towards the kitchen. You hear them chattering about something but you can’t focus on it. Your eyes get heavy and you start to slump a little. By the time they get back, you have fallen asleep. Rather than leaving you there, they sit on either side of you again after Dean grabs a soft blanket and drapes it over you. You snuggle down into it and as you fall fully asleep you whisper “I love you boys so much” and just like that, you were out.
Sam and Dean are sitting really close to you and you can feel their warmth. Eventually both have a hand on you somewhere, just resting in comfort. Several hours pass like this as you snuggle into your blanket and as your nap goes on you notice that two distinct snores are added to your nap. You shift in your sleep and snuggle against one brother and then the other. By the time you do wake up it is very late and your stomach is rumbling.
What actually woke you up, was the sound of a cell phone taking pictures. You slowly open your eyes and are greeted with a pair of blue eyes and a look of concentration. Castiel puts the phone down… you notice that it’s actually your phone, and looks at you and smiles.
“I am glad you were finally able to get some sleep. I saw you all laying here like this and I thought you might want to keep this memory so I found everyone’s phone and took a picture of you. I mean, moments like this are the kind anyone would want to savor.”
You smile at the angel and nod. Looking at both brothers you can’t help but giggle. They are both smooshed down on the couch with their heads on your shoulders and an arm draped across your torso. This cannot be comfortable for either of them but you can’t help but feel safe and warm. With a sigh you poke both of them, each in turn, gently waking them up. Both brothers snuggle deeper into the crook of your neck and you giggle because it tickles. “Boys, as much a I love this. And gods do I love it. We need to wake up. It’s late and all of our stomachs are rumbling.”
A muffled voice comes from Dean’s side “just five more minutes. Don’t wanna move yet.”
Another muffled voice, this time from Sam (and you can’t help but notice that his lips rub against your skin as he talks, giving you goosebumps) “mmm not moving. You can’t make me”
You giggle again and start poking them both in the ribs, right where you know they are ticklish, effectively making both of them jump a little. Dean looks down at you “hey that’s playing dirty!” you start laughing as Sam retaliates and tickles you back which makes you move into Dean even further. By the time you give in, you are in Dean’s lap, he’s got your hands behind your body and Sam is tickling you so hard you can’t breathe… and you couldn’t be happier. You love moments like this where you can just play and be yourselves and forget about the big and bad in the world even for just a short time.
This whole time, Cas was sitting on the edge of the coffee table, waiting patiently. He had popped in to talk to you all about a case and everyone got distracted. Once everyone calms down, Dean finally greets Cas.
“Hey Cas, what’s going on? Everything ok?”
“Yes, Dean, everything is fine. I found a case for you. Its vampires. In New Orleans. I thought it a bit cliché but it looks like a quick nest cleanout and that’s it. They are getting too bold and draining tourists.”
Sam goes off to order some Chinese food, while Cas gives you and Dean all the details of the case. This was going to be a cakewalk. Only about 8 vamps. No ancients. Just newborns rebelling and being stupid. Halloween is close and a lot of things have been happening around towns that are popular in pop culture for monster movies. New Orleans is no exception. Apparently they killed the new owners of one of Anne Rice’s mansions and were squatting there. How original. You roll your eyes at this bit of information.
While everyone eats, you all make a game plan about what to do. Tonight you will pack and rest and tomorrow you head out. This was gonna be easy. You liked a good vampire beheading. There was just something about the sound of the blade as it whipped through the air and sliced cleanly through their necks. You weren’t a “kill all monsters” type of hunter. It was case by case. But Cas had confirmed they were killing and being too open about it, so you all had to step in. And since you lot were the closest, Cas figured you would be the one to handle it.
You clean up your dinner mess and head off to your rooms. Cas goes to his room as well, and you hear the soft notes of classical music coming from his open door. You pack your duffel bag, your fancy clothes bag, you check the small bags that contain your identity cards and your toiletries, you make sure you have your phone charger, headphone, and you set your phone on your desk. You didn’t have to pack weapons since you kept your personal stash in a space in the trunk of Baby.
Satisfied that everything was ready, you take your meds, put them on the night table stand so you don’t forget them, make sure your small backpack was by your bed (this contained all your meds, and had pockets for bottled water and the like). You called it your medicine bag, since you were like a walking pharmacy. The smaller pocket even contained a full first aid kit complete with suture kits and antiseptic and stuff to perform minor surgery. It was more like an EMT bag but medicine bag flowed better. You settle into bed, turn 8track on, on your phone and plug into your favorite playlist, Beauty is Terror, that has some haunting classical music. The music washes over you as you feel your meds kicking in and you fall asleep. Tonight you would finally get the sleep you so desperately needed. Hopefully the trip out to Louisiana would be just as uneventful.
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Chapter Two
If you want to be added to any tag list, you MUST be age 18 or older (no exceptions), and have your age listed on your profile. If you qualify, please message me or send an ask off of Anon, so I can send you the link to my Google Documents tag list, privately. I do this so that not just anyone has access to it, since other writers have had issues with strangers destroying their tag document! Please keep in mind that tagging and maintaining lists takes time and effort so please consider leaving feedback when you read something you’ve been tagged in.
Series Tag List (closed):
(this chapter was published before anyone was on the series list)
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