beyond-far-horizons · 3 years
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Happy Birthday @fireeaglespirit. I wish that you would rise from the ashes and return to us.
It’s been almost 2.5 years since we last heard from you and nine years since I was lucky we enough to call you my friend. An amazing creator of story and art, a scientist, a compassionate friend and animal lover, you were one of the best people I’ve ever known. I always wanted to meet you in person, a kindred spirit from across the other side of the world, yet it was not to be.
I treasure the interactions we had, dear friend, especially in April 2019 when I was travelling and should have visited this exhibition but spent the morning in the garden sun of the Southwest messaging with you about deep things. It was one of the last deep conversations we ever had so in fact it was infinitely precious even though I didn’t know it then. I wish I knew what happened to you. Life is cruel when it takes away someone like you so soon and without explanation, but I’ll always remember you. The Phoenix lives in my memories and in my stories, it’s an ultimate symbol of ourselves that we both loved but it’s one now I always associate with you along with birds of prey. Fly free my friend. I’ll always love you and miss you. Fly free.
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viviane-lefay · 3 years
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In memoriam of my dear friend @fireeaglespirit, who would have turned 32 today.
Your loss is felt - always!
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Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro tweets explicit video in attempt to discredit São Paulo Carnival
Far-right leader's shares footage in apparent attempt to discredit Carnival following protests
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Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro has posted a sexually explicit video on Twitter in an apparent attempt to discredit Sao Paulo Carnival, the city's annual street festival, which has seen protests against his far-right agenda.
The footage, which he shared late on Tuesday evening, shows one man urinating on another person in front of a crowd of people.
"I don't feel comfortable showing it, but we have to expose the truth so the population are aware of their priorities," Mr Bolsonaro tweeted. "This is what Brazilian carnival street parties have turned into," he said."
He followed it up with another tweet on Wednesday morning, in which he asked, "What is a golden shower?". 
Critics accused the president of using the incident [as a gross misrepresentation of the festival] to tar protests which have sprung up at carnivals across the country, in which many attendees dressed up to mock a money-laundering scandal involving Mr Bolsonaro.
Continue reading.
Sent by @fireeaglespirit.
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naomimakesart · 6 years
fireeaglespirit replied to your photo “Me: *shows up a month and 6 days late with Starbucks* I started this...”
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rommaru · 7 years
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Aquila requested by the amazing @fireeaglespirit I can't express how much I love Aquila's design, she's totally gorgeous and fancy! Hope you like it because I had lots of fun drawing her. (And sorry for low quality)
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miss-miaumiau · 6 years
One day I might grow some courage and do this…
A few asks, for someone who is experienced..
1: Is it too hard to spread the ‘paste’ over all of your hair?? It looks so heavy and not very creamy… lol. Does it have to be really perfect, I mean, I fear getting some parts with paste and others not so much..
2: How frequently do you have to apply this? I heard about henna glosses, are you an adept? xD
3: The hair.. does it need to be really ‘clean’ to be dyed with henna? I mean, is it necessary to use a clarifying shampoo or anything of the sort?? Because last time I washed my hair and didn’t use a conditioner I lost half of it taking away tangles (lmao) and many ‘deposit’ dyes ask you to do this… (its a nightmare, I have really tangly hair).
4: Does it ‘freezes’ your head?? I fear having a headache, lol..
Well, this looks fine enough.. my biggest concern regarding the application are those, I think. I’d need to choose a very warm day and apply this early, etc.. I think I could manage this.
But well, its not something I plan to do soon. I just had a huge fall of hair and I’m struggling with other shitty-related hair things to think about coloring it.. even so, I have been considering henna for a few years (I’m slow to commit, lols)
Well, yes, it’s - admittedly - not the easiest coloration to apply. Maybe you can ask someone to help you.
Plus, when it’s applied to your hair completely, it may be favourable to thoroughly massage it in - as to make sure that everything is covered.
Me - an adept!? Hardly.
Never heard of henna glosses before - so I guess I haven’t done one so far.
As for frequency - once every two months.
Normal treatment with water and shampoo is completely sufficient. No conditioner, or the like.
No, not if you wrap your head with a plastic wrapper  (usually comes with the dye).
While waiting you should also wrap a towel around that to keep everything warm.
So sorry to hear about your struggles with hair loss!
I very much feel your pain concerning this issue, since it is something I, unfortunately, had to deal with as well - during my recovery from anorexia. It’s an absolutely devastating thing to experience - especially as a woman!
Hope it gets better soon!
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Quick heads-up to the (two or three) people who follow me
Recently I was notified that I have over 2500 posts on my "Liked" section. Since I use Tumblr primarily as a source of art that I like to look back at every now and then, in order to have an easier access to some of them I will soon be rebbloging a lot (and I mean a LOT) of stuff, and while some of it will be the usual stuff (Dragons, fantasy, etc.) a big portion of it will be stuff that I usually don't reblog like comedy comics and ship related stuff. I'm very sorry if I clutter your feed but I figured it would be best of I just do it all at once. I hope this doesn't turn into an inconvenience but if at some point during the week you see a lot of Pigeon Gazette comics or Persona 5 ship fanart in your feed, well... Now you know why. @fireeaglespirit
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bluestarsaber · 7 years
replied to your
I have never felt so tense for a an Election...
Is it tomorrow?? Wish you guys good lucky through those hard times..
Its on June 8 so now yesterday since It’s 1:23 as I’m typing, the fate of The NHS, Foxes in the UK, our internet history, Human Rights act and Brexit will be determined. I’m hoping for the best.
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janora00 · 8 years
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Costume/Make-up/Model: Me
Photo: Op-2
Design: Fireeaglespirit
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beyond-far-horizons · 3 years
It’s a silly thing and I know I post too much about Mortal Kombat, but with it coming out tomorrow I’ve been thinking again about one of my best friends on here and frankly in RL too. 
@fireeaglespirit​ You are still so missed! I just have this feeling knowing you that you would have played the game with your younger brothers back in the day and despite being a mild-mannered pacifist type, you would still have some hilarious violent anecdote about it that appalled your family or teachers just like DMC! It was one of the many things I loved about you.
I think you would totally be with me on loving Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s rivalry - it’s the fire vs ice thing all over again. You would love badass lady Sonya and I’m sure, given your appreciation for villains, you would get my Shang Tsung obsession! Also the multiple worlds and all the lore is like the worlds we created. I wish so much that yours had had a chance to be appreciated worldwide. You’re such a talent. Even now I can’t and won’t put you in the past tense.
It’s most been two years since you left and we still don’t know what happened. But I’ll always think of you and wish you well my friend and hope against hope you’re still out there safe. I remember you in art and fandom always, Pheonix Queen.
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viviane-lefay · 4 years
I know I going down the toilet with this and dragging you with me!! Wahaha such a bad influence…one might almost say…the Dark Side….
Sorry for possible spoiling/theories so don’t look if you don’t want -
I’m really not sure how they are going to do this. Personally, as so many including George Lucas and the current production team have said Star Wars is about family and the Skywalkers in particular, I have a feeling Kylo and Rei are both Skywalkers either twins, brother and sister or cousins (as do half the internet!). I feel from what I have ended up spoiling myself on (damn it I have no self control!) that Kylo was kidnapped as a child by the Knights of Ren and indoctrinated and that Rei was sent away to be protected from a similar fate (she says to the droid about how she is waiting for her family) she also looks alot like Padme and Leia. Kylo also has a little of this look too. Plus the most important thing is that dramatically and archetypically it has alot if not the most mileage because…well you of all people know about the power of da angssssst! It puts a huge amount of pressure not just on Rei but also on Kylo and his Dark side commitment if the one person whose never abandoned him (I have a feeling this will be the line told to him about his original family if this is the case), a family member - an descendent of his hero Darth Vader lived and is in danger because she working for ‘the wrong side’, the one he’s attacking.
However I would be really interested if either Rei or Kylo AREN’T actually Skywalkers because then you could have a romantic redemption which hasn’t actually been done (we’ve had romantic love as a big factor in Anakin’s fall). Plus it seems very obvious as a fan of the series to go with the family/siblings element and I’m hoping it will be in keeping with the Star wars themes but something less obvious. Plus the team have said they intend to do something different and ‘something that hasn’t been seen’ with Kylo. This could refer to a sibling battle which was a potential in the originals too though.
Also it would be fun if Finn turned out to be Luke’s son because we aren’t expecting it and Rei is very obvious because of the forementioned factors and the fact she is shown just like Luke in A New Hope in the trailers. Although I do want her to be Force Sensitive because we need a badass lightsaber wielding woman!
Either way I have a feeling that Kylo will end up turning to the light and someone on the light side will turn to the dark and they will fight and be redeemed. That will be very interesting! You know how much I love these struggles between Light and Dark.
I’m sorry on the short reply (I’m on course but can’t help :p). I don’t mind spoilers much, I’m overly curious..
I agree with almost 100% of what you said here, plus I love all the speculation going on about who is offspring of who, hehe. It is like GRRM said (if I remember rightly) that someone must have guessed the end of his books already and it is online somewhere in the vastness of internet.. I think it applies in this case. Anyway, with so, so many people speculating, it is hard to make surprises, still…
My personal view is, I want angst between the two, I don’t necessarily need romantic angst. I just think/feel they are connected on some way, plus I really hope (I think it is very possible considering it is just the first movie of a new era) that Kylo will be redeemed, and that it will have a lot to be with Rey.
What so you think?
I, for one, would hope that these two aren’t related this time - it would be kind of repetitive, given we had the separated siblings theme with Leia and Luke already.
The “romantic redemption“ thing sounds interesting indeed, but I can’t fully agree with the notion that it has never been done. Ok, for the most part - true, but to go back to the Snape thing …. actually his redemption was such in a way - indirectly perhaps, as Lily was dead then already, but the theme has still a close resemblance. But I agree, there should be more on that!
Admittedly, the scenario I had in mind (for a pretty long time actually) is based on this very theme you mentioned. In fact, you spoke out the very thoughts I had - “we’ve had romantic love as a big factor in Anakin’s fall”. So I wanted to use the exact reverse theme (this time, love being the redeeming factor), albeit with a conglomerate of different motivations, of which the “romantic” one is, of course, the strongest, the dominating one of them, but not the only.
One of the concerned characters I’m referring to is Mairon, as he has incredibly strong parallels with Anakin (well, to me), as in:
most powerful Jedi / Maia
passionate - strong fire influence, though not identical - I see Mairon’s hierarchy of elements as the following: Fire - Earth - Air - Water, whereas Anakin’s would probably be: Fire - Water - Earth - Air
Plutonian par excellence
strong ideals & visions
very ambitious & determined, even to the point that the end justifies the means - and no compromises, thank you very much.
being the subordinate Dark Lord with initial good intentions that got twisted along the way, and in a very manipulative manner by their superior (although quite different types of Achilles’ heel were targeted to convert them to the Dark Side)
they even have different names for their different, antithetical personae: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader  ~  Mairon / Sauron
both are introduced at a similar stage of the archetypical monomyth / hero’s journey (which you virtually can’t escape when it comes to character development - even with villains) - namely the nadir stage - the underworld, the deepest darkness that has to be overcome, so to speak …. anyway, it can take different forms - with them it meant becoming an actual villain for a certain amount of time. They started out innocent and full of high ideals, fell to the deepest abyss (where they are introduced to us), which then is followed by the redemption part - which, in Mairon’s case, is a very lengthy process (I mean, the dude has quite a shitload of negative karma to amend, and lessons to learn - I need to torture him a bit, I fear). It’s not like snapping ones’ fingers, and, lo and behold: Insta - Love, Peace & Harmony - that’s just not realistic. Step by step is how it goes.
There are some differences, too, though. Where Anakin is impulsive, hot headed and wears his heart on his sleeve (he certainly did with Padmé - no restraint at all), Mairon is way more rational and controlled (he has those moments too, though - like fucking up big time in critical moments in his war strategy, for example) - especially in his emotional expression. Still, there is a raging fire underneath - I love to compare him to a volcano under a thick layer of ice (but even though invisible, there are vast and deep subglacial lakes too - ah, I love symbolism). As for Vani, she’s a deep sea volcano. You can’t really see beneath the surface of either, as both keep their inner world hidden. But if they erupt …. shit is hitting the fan.
Frankly, she can be a bit icy too (so much for flaws). Hadn’t it been for a certain motivator and string of events, there wouldn’t have been a reunion between the two (they had a major altercation the first time they interacted that didn’t end well - due to major difficulties in communication, (not) expressing things, resulting misunderstandings, and many other failings).
Anyway, even so - the M/V relationship has a bit of a different vibe than Anakin and Padmé’s. Thing is, they just aren’t identical as individuals - Vani is most definitely no carbon copy of Padmé (who has a gentler nature), and I didn’t even think of the latter when I made her a diplomat (this has completely different reasons, more to do with plot elements, etc.) - actually, she is a scientist / artist / explorer, first and foremost.
Anyway, AniPadmé (or the SW universe) is still one of my major inspirations for it (a certain spiritual concept ranks quite as highly). But inspiration is all it is - I really wouldn’t like just regurgitating the exact same thing in a different fandom (same themes, yes, but not the details).
Sorry for drifting off to this topic (some things are inspiring, I fear). ^^;
As for the original subject - I like Lunna’s scenario, too.
Yes, lightsaber wielding badass women FTW!
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So, in Brazilian education news (they won’t stop coming!), our new executive secretary of the Ministry of Education has been announced. This is her.
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Her name is Iolene Lima and she’s an evangelical pastor. She was a principal in a school, and here’s how she described the education there, dubbed “education by principles”:
“It is an education based on principles, that is, based on the word of God. It is a Christian worldview. The student learns that the author of history is God. The director of geography is God. God made the flat lands, made the reliefs, made the climate. The greatest mathematician was God. One thing is for you to hear that you cannot brush your teeth with the faucet open. Another is for the student to hear that they can’t because there’s a principle in the Bible that says you have to take care of everything, which is the principle of stewardship. God has given it to you, but it is not for you to squander, it’s for you to cherish. The first year juniors, the first contact they have with math is from the book of Genesis. The entire school curriculum is organized from the standpoint of Scripture. They do not limit knowledge, it is from them that the teacher invades the areas of knowledge and presents the formal knowledge to the students. Only in Christ can we educate well".
Well, that sounds an awful lot like a not secular state thing and at least uncomfortably indoctrinating. But all that matters is that president Jair Bolsonaro is prioritizingly working on “breaking the cycle” of the lefties™ in universities, on “stopping at once the evil that has come so close to destroying our country”, stopping the “innate and organized malice” that comes from “only one side” (the lefties™) “from coming back with force”.
Indoctrination is over, y’all!!!
Thanks @fireeaglespirit​ for bringing this to us.
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gisagrind · 6 years
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Mito Uzumaki & Kyuubi
Photos: @alexandra_bochkareva_arts (Instagram)
Arts: @fireeaglespirit
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fireeaglespirit · 5 years
@fireeaglespirit​ I've never read Erich von Däniken, so I don't know what his theories are about. Which were the other ones that you mentioned upset you so?
Interesting question, to answer this I have to give you con context for a thing that happened locally:
I’m always up for speculation so I ended up reading like two books of this guy when I was younger so I don’t remember in full detail but the fact is that he forged some of his "ancient" artifacts allegedly depicting alien visitors, in a very low way it made lots of people believe those things were real and in my town specifically, back in my mom’s day at school they held a convention about that and for some reason it scared a lot of people, it seems like even today people remember said pictures that were shown there and as you know very simple minded people so they took it as a signal of apocalypse, etc... it was kinda weird from what my mom told me and I even heard that from some teachers of mine decades afterwards.
Small town, nothing ever happens here so it became some sort of token experience...
One of the pictures I remember was this one:
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I was so scared about it in my childhood, but I kept trying to understand it and for me it depicted an odd figure, seeming half angel and half demon of sorts and it is holding a ‘disk’ and has some clear modern features resembling an astronaut, even a respirator of sorts.
In the book the author claim that it is real, I don’t have the book with me now but from memory it is said to be found in a cave in the desert of Uzbekistan and have thousands of years.... turns out it was completely fake and the guy copied it from a russian magazine cover.
(there’s more about it here http://www.jasoncolavito.com/faking-ancient-art-in-uzbekistan.html).
There are many more like this, just the most famous example. The worst example as its just so ridiculous fake. 
Looking back, this is kinda obvious, like the art style is clearly contemporary, etc.. it doesn't look ancient at all but I was fooled because I was very young and uncultured and had no access to internet or libraries, etc.. otherwise we took books as ‘real’ and serious back in the day so I was often puzzled by this one.
So, well, what makes me mad is that this guy caused in my perception the understatement of aliens entered a state of disbelief and joke here. You have to imagine that this book was oddly famous here back in the day, for some reason the author had some sort of fanbase going on and his claims were famously debunked in an extremely popular show that airs here so it really harmed people’s perceptions about those things, in a way...
You know I’m as skeptic as it comes, but I do love speculations and these things should be taken serious, such as in a way it harmed the trust of people in anything containing the word ‘alien’, this is a local thing, for some reason I don’t know but it seems there was a wave of ‘ancient astronauts theorists’ in Brazil a few decades ago and we even have a few famous ‘aliens’ here due to this... all stem from that era.
Not entirely the author’s fault but he still claims those things are legit so he is clearly not interested in the truth and just selling books is his goal..
This upsets me.
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sharlyhime · 6 years
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Something old from Animuc 2015 💜 Two OC's which are very dear to me. Left is Midori Uchiha by fireeaglespirit (Tumblr) Mother to Madara and Izuna Uchiha. Right is my OC Reisui Senju (Shirokawa) Mother to Hashirama, Tobirama, Kawarama and Itama Senju. Unfortunately I abandoned my RP-account at Tumblr. Anyway, what do you think of both? They are so pretty ladies. 😍 I really need to cosplay them one day or do at least a proper fotoshoot. And yes I have a thing with beautiful white hair. #naruto #narutocosplay #senju #uchiha #oc #midoriuchiha #reisuisenju #cosplaying #prettygirls #germancosplay #Animuc https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq3MiWinzb0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=anx36wsf1v6h
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To a dear friend who is currently going through rough times.
I miss you and I hope you are doing better. You can always talk to me if you need anything.
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