#i might open them for real again tho idk
real-life-cloud · 2 months
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discord pfp commission i did for a friend :3
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#22: He Needs You (S4E11)
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Rick and Michonne are two highly competent individuals and yet they still have this beautiful need for each other. In every sense. It was clear early in their relationship when Michonne told Rick, "Either way you need me" during the season 3 msf. It was clear in No Way Out, the iconic episode just before Richonne became canon, when Michonne saw Rick walk out into that horde and urgently said he needs my help. And it was made especially clear that Rick and Michonne need each other in this season 4 moment right here...
In those two s3 and s6 examples, it was Michonne being aware that Rick needs her, but in this beautiful scene in the great episode that is Claimed, it’s Rick revealing he too is aware of how much he needs Michonne.
And he needs her in the most vulnerable and important way because, even as early as season 4, Rick knew he needed Michonne when it came to his most cherished connection in the world - his son. 
Now, this scene holds a lot of personal significance to me in my own journey of falling in love with Richonne because when I finally emerged from the sunken place and realized Rick and Michonne had actually been falling in love for seasons, this was the first pre-canon scene I went back and rewatched post-canon. And truly my eyes were just wide open to the fact that this romantic relationship was a long time coming. 
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All I had to do was see this scene to be a believer that Richonne was in the works early and that these two didn’t just love and respect each other but also were very clearly physically attracted to each other and drawn to each other in a special way.
This moment is so important because it’s Rick and Michonne acknowledging their need for each other and essentially agreeing to parent together from here on out. 
So I already love seeing the scene beforehand with Carl and Michonne bonding at the table and laughing over stories of soy milk. And then seeing them both saddened by the mention of Judith is heartbreaking. But I’m so glad Michonne and Carl had each other to relate to and process with, as they do so movingly throughout this entire episode. 
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And I’m not the only one glad Michonne and Carl have each other - cuz in the next scene, Rick expresses exactly that. 
Michonne enters the kitchen where Rick is going through drawers, and one thing that lovely man is always going to do is thank Michonne so the first thing he says is "thank you." I love that Rick is so willing to express gratitude for Michonne’s presence in his and Carl's life.
After Rick and Carl’s hard times in the After episode, it was feeling like those boys might need divine intervention to truly heal…cue the ever-so-divine Michonne reentering their lives. 😌
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Rick is such a good dad for real, and I love that he’s thanking her for getting Carl to laugh and then gets vulnerable that he almost forgot what that sounded like. It's one of those early ways of Rick letting Michonne see a more human side of himself. And truly to be able to give a kid joy in that world - I know Rick feels like Michonne is invaluable for many reasons, but for that especially. 
Also it's sad seeing how absolutely bruised and battered Rick is after that brawl with the Governor. And the crazy thing is he'd be looking worse than this or straight up dead had Michonne not saved his life and killed the Governor. That's another reason why it's fitting for the first thing Rick says to Michonne post-prison to be "thank you." In a lot of ways, he's still here because of her. And the way Rick and Carl bring Michonne back to herself, she's still here because of them too. 🥰
Also watching this back…the way Michonne is reacting as she listens to him tho. 🤭 I just have to note again - Sis likes him, y’all. Like this is truly the crush era for both of them cuz her energy in this scene is giving “he gives me butterflies” a bit idk. Like she’s always composed of course, but Rick brings out a different subtle nervous energy to her. And she brings out the same in him, and I love to see it in this phase of their relationship. 
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Rick continues to be very honest with Michonne when he tells her that he can’t be Carl's father and best friend. And then the best part is Rick outright telling Michonne, "He needs you." Carl needs Michonne. 🥹 It's true tho. And Carl's dad, who knows his son best, knows this to be true.
This moment already was so moving but packs an even bigger punch now that we know Carl will so sincerely tell Michonne that she’s his best friend on his deathbed. And she'll confirm that he's hers too. 😭
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And I love that, even here in season 4, just one season after meeting her - Rick knows not just that Carl enjoys Michonne but really needs Michonne. It’s another huge moment of one being vulnerable with her and also entrusting her with this knowledge that she’s super important both to Carl and to him. Because really if Carl needs her, then Rick absolutely knows he himself needs her too, and I love that he didn’t shy away from telling her this.
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It’s cool that this time last season they were strangers, and now here Rick and Michonne are in this house looking like a whole family and talking about needing each other. And it’s also great how this is the two of them talking in the early stages of parenting their kids when they will later go on to have a baby too. What a journey. 🥰
I love that Michonne gets to tap back into her mother side with Carl back in her life. She tried to shut that part of herself off after losing little Andre but it’s still so clearly in her, and it’s beautiful the way Carl (and Judith in that moving scene when Michonne cries holding baby Judith in the prison) brought that out of her again.
It’s also really sweet that Rick acknowledges that’s a lot to throw at her. Rick was thrown into being a single dad so suddenly in season 3, and while going through his own trauma and pain, he still tries so hard to be a good dad to Carl. And even knowing he needs Michonne in Carl's life, he still doesn’t want to overwhelm her with it, especially cuz he knows she’s the independent go-out-on-my-own-to-hunt-down-crazy-governors type.
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I noticed that even early pre-canon Rick seemed to be mindful of what Michonne wanted and needed, especially because deep down he didn’t want to lose her.  And I love that as Rick and Michonne's love story continued to unfold, he'd learn he never has to worry about losing her because she's with him always. 😊
So Rick says, "if you ever feel like you need a break..." but Michonne makes it clear that she’s here to stay when she speaks for the first time in the scene and assuredly says, "I’m done taking breaks."
I love how even tho Michonne didn’t talk a ton in the early seasons whenever she did speak it was just powerful and impactful. And you know she means it when she says this. She loves these Grimes boys and she’s not leaving them anymore.
This really is the season they become family and parents together without ever looking back. I love that Michonne gets this confirmation that she’s needed and valued and gets to give Rick this confirmation that so is he, and she's in it with them for the long haul.
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Rick nods and then they have those signature lingering looks. Then Michonne asks what the plan is and if this place is home. That’s always very telling to me because it shows she’d be willing to establish a long-term home with them. #family.
I really feel like if both of them had found different members of tf they might be thinking more urgently about finding others, but when the three of them found each other, they found who they most needed and who they could really stop and build a fulfilling life with if they wanted.
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Rick says, "Let’s just stay here while we figure it out," and then they have this quiet long moment of just staring at each other again. That clear sexual tension makes them fidgety a little bit. 😋 And like, why are these stares between them always so long? 🤭 #HereForIt.
I love this era where Rick and Michonne so clearly make each other feel a type of way in a way no one else could and they think they're being subtle about it when they're not lol. Like I know the direct quote from both their minds in this house is, “You’re about as fine as can be and now I’m really out here in an apocalypse catching feelings.” Lol, they just be mesmerized with each other and can’t help it.
Tell me both their expressions in this scene aren't a little bit or a lotta bit giving...
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And also I think Rick knows that he’s suggesting he wants her to stay put with them for an indefinite amount of time and is a little nervous about if Michonne would be willing to do that with them, hence his expression. 
Michonne shows she is willing to settle in here with them when she nods and says she’ll get the supplies they need with Carl, and Rick quickly offers to go. You know these Get Things Done Grimes are always willing to go get things done. Rick and Michonne have always had that in common.
But they’ve also always had it in common to look out for the other, and so Michonne reminds Rick that he was unconscious the other day, which 😢. Like hearing that made me think dang Rick was really fighting for his life with these injuries and still trying to be a good dad and thoughtful toward Michonne while even in and out of consciousness. Real one.
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Rick says, "I'm awake today" as if being full unconscious the day before is old news lol. He's like...
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But Michonne then expresses her and Carl's need for Rick when she says, "We need you strong." Again I love that they need each other, and they know it and voice it.
And I especially love that Michonne so soothingly tells him to "Just rest. One more day." Cuz truly resting is a rare luxury in that world, but Michonne really can give Rick that luxury.
As much as Rick and Michonne are go-getters, they’ve also shown they're good at reminding the other to take a break, and that’s so refreshing, needed, and important. We got us a balanced couple, y'all. 👌🏽
Michonne speaks to Rick so compassionately, it reminds me of how she speaks and looks at him when she tells him he gets a few more days in their honeymoon ep Say Yes. (Also, this s4 scene shows they’ve been giving each other the heart eyes for the longest.) And you know Rick is going to listen and agree after she tells him to rest.
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Michonne walks out of the kitchen, and seeing Rick turn and watch her go...that was my first moment of realizing oh he’s been checking her out for seasons. It’s great. (and it made his hand placement at the end of their canon ep make a lot of sense lol)
Lingering on this shot of him watching her walk gives such an indicator of attraction to me. Cuz yes Rick has an overall appreciation for her, of course, but he could’ve been appreciative while continuing to look out the window like he just was lol. That turn around and attentively watching her go was cuz Rick likes what he’s seeing. Always has. 😌
And I bet Michonne's walk would be on the list of things Rick loves about her, just like Rick’s walk is on the list of things she loves about him. 
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Both of their energy in this season 4 scene just screams that whatever they have between them is not just platonic. And they’re just such parents in this ep. I love that the next scene is Rick again sending Carl out on a run alone with Michonne. He seriously trusts her to have done this twice now so early in their relationship, both in this ep and in Clear.
And when Rick says, "follow her lead" to Carl, and Michonne winks at Rick, letting him know she’ll make sure their kid is taken care of and gets something to eat on their run - issa whole mom and dad. 🤗
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Rick, Michonne, and Carl really did find their truest home within each other, and in this ep, you can see how true that is. So I love this episode for really establishing Richonne as parents together and solidifying the lovely Grimes 2.0.
And it's great how Rick and Michonne’s deep need for each other so beautifully evolved into deep romantic love for each other too, as their family tree grew even more with the adorable addition of RJ. 🤗
Richonne's journey from Rick telling Michonne their son Carl needs her in season 4 to them having a son of their own in season 9, just goes to show we stan a ship with an abundance of riches. Boundlessly blessed, y'all. 😌
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kosmicdream · 4 months
im confident enough to post FFAK, which has anal prolapse, but i dont post the true drama....... my opinions about manga. *dramatic music* sometimes i kinda want to do some reviews.. its mostly me complaining.. it makes me sound so bitter like "do you like anything kosmic!" and..yes ! i do!!! okay!! i like a lot of things. once in a while, i dip my toes into a popular series to try to see if we are a good fit. Series like: Beastars, Dorohedoro, Dungeon meshi,ect.. and i kind. well. I dont like any of them LMAO. I mean, Ok, i actually really was into Beastars for a time, but after the fight with the bear guy (its been a few years sorry) and that story arc concluded.. it just spiraled to laughable levels and did not recover. I was genuinely laughing at it at times bc it kind of felt like a desperate scramble with the like. loopholes and power upgrades.. But I was invested for a time, it had a charm to me! I also loved the art and im curious about the authors next series about santa (partly because i too, am writing a story about santa). Dorohedoro has a great visual style, fun characters, i enjoyed reading but it also kinda didnt ...land for me beyond that, which is a shame. I feel like it is a series that "should" have clicked with me. And its like, not offensive to me but.. I'll forget that ive read the whole thing. I like STUFF in it. but thats not enough for me anymore. If i had read it when i was younger tho, it might have been a diff story. idk. My most unpopular opinion of all is that... I hated Dungeon Meshi.. Sure its ..pretty! cute designs. but i found it SO painfully boring and it actually was a struggle to finish. in the end, it felt like a waste of time.. SHOCKING take i know. That is the darling of everyones heart and i like, understand WHY its popular. .. but for me, i was not fed by anything. i am unfed and starved and going to eat elsewhere oh, and i.. as a person who has read a lot of fighting mangas.. I have tried to read chainsaw man, but i dont know if I can. I did finish Fire Punch. I'm surprised to say: i kinda liked it but it took a long time to force myself to read thru it. I honestly hated many aspects of Fujimoto's storytelling/character acting that i didn't think my opinion on it would change, but I'm a little more open to it now. I dont think i could ever super be into it or whatever, but i did find genuine enjoyment in aspects of fire punch. I did not really like look back. I haven't read his other one shot(s)? Where am i going with all this..I guess im giving some unrequested reviews after all...oops... a lot of this is spurred by how houseki no kuni is one of my most fav series, not only visually/characters/story/ect.. but i cant lie.... the ending... was kind of a flop for me... gorgeous and poetic ig sure but.. AUGH! it isnt what i wanted. maybe it'll be one of those "it'll grow on me" endings but thats mostly me having to go thru the 5 stages of personal grief and gaslight myself into it, but as the like actual honest first-reaction feeling it kinda lost me. I think it did not work when i felt the confrontation btwn phos/cinnabar wasn't the one i wanted to see. i will say tho, while im dissapointed, its not like a DEEP one or anything. I know its a miracle to even get to an ending.. i guess my take away feeling from it was like "everything fit together too well, too planned" but didnt feel planned, emotionally. I wasn't sold on it. Anyway, im here to speak my truth and my hot takes which, i honestly dont even want to have that one about HnK but its the real feeling i have for it.. Once again Utena's ending just has made all these other issues i have with various stories more obvious LOL
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forgottenroisin · 2 months
Macdara I of Malconaire, King of Oak & Tree, Lord of the Wood, Wielder of Guardian the Oakenbrand, Keeper of the Sacred Groves, Warden of Malconaire, called Oakensteel
ok so obv these titles are 10000% made up/aren't his real stuff etc etc etc (also defffff are considered a list of his seacred duties rather than his honors in this context!!), but!! i thought, in light of this new info we've got re: kings and their castles in astaira, we might wanna talk a bit about the malconaires' og kingly ancestor? now, we've talked abt how they're one of the oldest great houses in all astaira, so im guessing that'd mean this dude is probs a mytho-historic figure to them, a la king arthur?
we'd also talked asp a bit abt how, maybe way back when, astaira was maybe originally ~multiple countries~ that came together to fight the gods and, after that, set up elections between them and their whole culture/convention of elected leaders kinda sprang out of that? ~if we do go w that idea, im guessing that house malconaire and the other of the oldest houses were kings of their respective lands? like, lorcan and stafford seem to be some of those but calleary, for example, is one we've explicitly talked abt being a newer house, so they probs ~weren't, for example?
(note: @forgottenvalentina believes this is all nonsense btw!! she will stubbornly maintain they are ~not of the blood royal as she herself most certainly is! lkjasdklfjsdjf as lizzy said, they're of a ~broken line of kings whereas she is ~not -- roderick: 'wait didn't i kill those guys?' ;DDD)
either way tho! what i ~really wanted to talk abt a bit is ~actually castle malconaire or, more precisely, its guardian tree and an idea i think ive mentioned a bit that i actually stole wholesale from the odyssey #sorrynotsorry so, in the odyssey, its revealed (its a whole thing but anyway) how odysseus carved his marriage bed out of a still-living tree (in his case an olive but shhh) and it was still this living, growing thing and here's a recreation of how it is kinda described w like...the bed is a tree but lowkey so is the whole bedroom sorta thing:
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we've also discussed how the tree, like in the odyssey, is the center of the home and how its 1) a guardian and 2) also the sheath of guardian the sword. well, i thought it might also be, nestled upstairs amongst higher branches the lord's bed/bedroom even as it reaches out of the roof far above and to the sky, and possibly below...the ancient malconaire throne...
like, maybe those trees at the front door are all part of this one absolutely insanely mammoth ancient ancient ancient tree that's been built around to make a home/castle, and at its central stalk right in the middle of the great hall is the sheath and the throne a la
(idk why the above wont preview like the others???) or
but still living, growing out of the tree like
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or even
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bc perhaps ~it is also the portal to find the sword...and to free the gods. what if the reason the sword is lost is bc its acting as a key in a very, very ancient lock, one of many no doubt such as the eternal flame in kolchis and others im sure, that's helping to hold back the gods or smth????? idk?????
i was just thinking abt how, like, in celtic mythology trees sometimes ~are portals...and also prisons, think merlin walking inside the tree and never walking out again as a more modern telling of this concept. a lot of celtic heroes walked into the otherworlds by walking through the opening in a tree and arrived in faerie etc but once they went in they often never returned or, if they did, it was centuries after they'd left and that sort of thing...
so anyway basically the staffords, malconaires, and lorcans think they're doing good by reclaiming the lost stafford sword, and thus galvanizing astaira to fight for its freedom, hoping to keep the gods at bay, but in so doing, they're actually unwittingly making the jail that binds them weaker??? or smth?? idk...alskjfkljdsf like, there's a reason their ancestors sealed it away and ensured that none but their bloodline, its keepers, could ever undo what they'd done, etc??? but the secret of what they're keeping has been lost over the centuries and just the legends of the sword remain now unrelated to the tale of the irmprisoned evil gods??? idk!!!
this might also be part of why @forgottengodfrey is helping them bc he's read all these ancient tomes and sort of puzzled out that these families are significant to his apocalyptic dreams?
~also, side note, @forgottenrian regardless of all the above, v much wants the ancient stafford sword to prove his legitimacy as ruler of astaira so yeah!! lotsa threads here idk????
its also like...we can have parts of this be true w/o the rest necessarily needing to be true. for example, we can have the cosmetic stuff like the central tree and not the plot stuff, or like just the throne or just the portal or...whatever!! but yeah idk i was like 'we could maybe combine all of this???' and went a bit bonkers here hahaha i def will not be offended if you guys aren't feeling this it was just a wild notion i had so i wanted to share! lajksfkljsdf
EDIT! oh one more thing! what if the sword, guardian, is called such bc its actually -- or its hilt is -- a piece of the guardian tree and so its said that the blade shall always remain sharp so long as its wielded by a malconaire but for any nonbeliever who picks it up it shall return to a branch? and it has some eternal-living ivy twining around the hilt? some visuals:
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also the door:
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flowersbane · 1 year
Hihi! I love your writing!! Would you be willing to write a Joshua x reader piece of him comforting the reader who has a nightmare, or the reader comforting Joshua if he has a nightmare? I think either scenario would be really sweet 🥺❤️
hellohello! thank you so much!! i most certainly can! i’ve actually never written a nightmare comfort piece, so it’s not too bad. i am super used to having nightmares tho, lol, so hopefully that… helps? haha, idk. anyways, enough dilly-dallying! hope you like it!
When the Darkness Settles
Joshua Rosfield x Reader
It’s a bit shorter than my usual pieces, so I hope y’all don’t mind. Also, I’m also definitely gonna be writing the reverse comfort version of this, where the reader takes care of Joshua after a nightmare. Because I already have a title in mind for it, lol.
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 752
Tags: Nightmares, Comfort, Holding/Hugging, Head Kisses, Protective, Sweet, Unedited
Panic twisted around your limbs like a giant snake.
You were in the depths of the ocean. No matter how far you swam, you could never break the surface.
You were lost in the dark, scrambling around in desperation. No sign of light flickered to life.
You were caught in a heavy smoke. Your breath came in desperate gulps, aching for some reprieve.
Help me, you cried out to no one in particular. Please.
A hand plunged into the water. It gripped your wrist and pulled you upwards.
A flame burst alight, warding off the darkness.
Your lungs took in fresh, night air as your eyes flew open.
Your breaths came out in shallow gasps and hot tears began running down your cheeks. A familiar voice spoke your name. “It’s alright, it’s alright. It was just a dream.” A pair of hands found your arms in the dark. “I’m right here.”
Joshua’s voice began to soothe your worries. A candle lit without either of you reaching for it. Its glow illuminated his golden hair and concerned expression. His brows were knit. His blue eyes were completely focused on your face. He moved his hands from your arms to your shoulders. “It’s alright,” he repeated.
You expelled a shaky breath. “I was— It felt so real.” You pressed the palms of your hands to the sides of your face. “I couldn’t escape and I was alone and I—I just—” Another sob shoook your body, stealing the words from your mouth.
Joshua’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you into chest. “I know, it’s alright. Just breathe. Follow my voice. Take a deep breath in.” He inhaled with you. “Then out.”
It helped you relax into him, but your terror was slow to fade. You balled a handful of his shirt’s fabric in your right hand. He tightened his hold of you. He continued to speak so that you would have something other than your nightmare to think about.
“You’re alright. You’re with me now. I would never allow something to happen to you. Would that I could follow you into your dreams, and ward off any darkness that threatens to settle.” His hold tightened yet again.
You let the scent of his clothes ground you further. He always smelled faintly of a crackling flame, but more than that, he smelled like Joshua. He smelled like the earth and the sea. And flowers that bloomed under the harshest conditions.
You pressed your face into the cotton of his sleepwear. He moved a hand to the top of your head and ran it down to the base of your neck. He repeated the motion as he continued to speak. “I may not be able to prevent the terrors that plague your sleep, try as I might, but I will always be here when you wake. Always.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. His hand settled on the back of your neck. “I desire nothing more than to see you happy, but I will never shy away from your pain. Confide in me. Rely on me. Share with me your burdens so that we might bear them together.” He lowered his head so that it was resting in the crook of your neck. His breath fanned against your skin. His hold tightened even further. “I would have all of you, my love.”
You pressed your hand against his chest. “Thank you, Joshua, but—” you pushed a little harder, “your grip is a bit….”
“Hm? Oh!” He loosened his hold on you, a sheepish smile on his face. “Sorry.”
You laughed a little. “It’s alright.” You took his hand in yours. “Could you… hold me until I go back to sleep?’
His expression softened. “Of course, my love.”
You laid back down with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat seemed to send tiny vibrations through you. You count each one that passes as your body and mind begin to calm. With every one, you recall something about him that you love.
One, his smile. Two, his kindness. Three, his laugh.
Your breathing steadied.
Four, his bravery. Five, his eyes. Six, his unwavering loyalty.
Your eyelids began to feel heavy.
Seven, his hair. Eight, his patience. Nine…
You felt yourself slipping back into unconsciousness; but this time, you felt as if a part of him followed you. Ready to guard you from any monster, ready to fend off any terror, ready to ward off any darkness.
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therantsofawriterrr · 2 months
The Umbrella Academy Final Season: My Version
Part Four: Marigold Once Again.
Overview: Five and Clementine go on to search Gene and Jean's house. Jean and Gene find marigold, which then leads to something either hopeful or terrible.
TW: mature language, tell me if i missed anything Pairings in the chapter: Five×OC mostly (close proximity and all that) A/N: ok so the reason that I've written Five to be like a lot softer is cause imo in s3 he got like a little bit softer. and idk i just feel like he'd get even more softer in s4 but it'd be only for some select people to see. i do hope i've still kept his snarky personality tho lmao.
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"Is there a reason we're hovering around a neighborhood at four in the fucking morning?" Clementine asked Five with a big yawn, sitting in his car. Well, it wasn't exactly his, he'd borrowed it from Viktor. "Because you might not sleep, but I sure as hell do."
"Don't worry, I got you this," Five said and handed her a cup of coffee. He was in another outfit, wearing a pair of casual jeans, a t-shirt, and two jackets to battle the early morning cold. Clementine on the other hand was wearing jogging pants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie.
"I don't drink black coffee," she stated. "It messes up my system."
"I know. That's why I got you a cold coffee with dark chocolate," he said, his face twisting in disgust. "As much as it pained me to say those words, I didn't want you running to the toilet between our mission."
"We're here for a mission?" she said after a big gulp of the drink, already looking a little alert.
"Yes. That there," he pointed to a house in the distance. "Is Gene and Jean's house."
"Okay. So?"
"Well, we need to search their house," Five said plainly, turning his head to look at her with a matter-of-factly look.
Clementine's eyes only furrowed as she tipped her head back to finish her coffee, shuddering as she gulped it in. Then, after wiping her lips with her sleeve, she turned to face him.
Five threw his hands in the small space of his car exasperatedly. "Why does it even matter, Tina?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we should be focusing more on the missions that are assigned to us."
"Oh, fuck that," Five said in the same annoyed tone, his hands on the steering wheel. "It's easy as hell and you know it. This.. is a real challenge."
Clementine leaned back against the car door, looking at the house. Then, she sighed in defeat. "Fine. But this is absolutely off record."
"Obviously," he said, opening the door and exiting the car. Clementine followed, throwing the coffee cup into a trash can on the way.
They walked, keeping their heads down, shoving their hands in their pockets. They went round the back of the house, picked the lock on the back door, and entered through there.
"You know when the folks will be back?" Clementine whispered, switching her flashlight on, shining it around.
"Yeah, they'll be here till seven," he said, switching his light on as well. He'd kept a thorough watch on them for about two weeks.
They took different rooms to search, not really finding anything of importance, but making sure to place it perfectly as it was. After two hours, they stood in the hall tiredly, talking in hushed tones.
"Well, that's two hours of my life wasted," Clementine muttered.
"Believe me, Tina, I wouldn't have brought us here at an ungodly hour if I didn't think we would find anything," Five retorted back.
"Yeah, well, we didn't, did we? Do we have anything that we can write in a report? No."
"Yeah, fine, maybe I just need to tail them even more," he muttered.
Clementine took in a deep, calming breath, setting a hand on her hip. "Okay, no, alright? You're not doing that."
Five scoffed and looked at her with a challenge in his eyes. "Oh, what, are you gonna stop me, Clementine?"
She returned the look taking a step closer to him. "Yes. Drop this case or I tell Lance."
He let out a laugh with no humor, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You're gonna snitch on me?"
"Yeah," she stated plainly with a nod.
"I'd like to see you try," he said with a glare.
She opened her mouth to argue, but there was some noise outside. Keys jangling, one slotting perfectly into the lock of the front door. Two people talking excitedly.
Five and Clementine were frozen, Clementine's wide, panicked eyes on the door as Five's thoughts ran a mile a minute in his head.
He moved first, pulling her with him, to a basement downstairs that looked unused. Which probably meant that they didn't go down there much.
There were big shelves in there, and half of them were filled, helping them hide in a corner.
"I thought you said they don't come back till seven!" She whisper-shouted.
"They did for the last two weeks!"
"Well, darling, that was a nice find, wasn't it?" they heard from upstairs.
"That's Jean with a J," Five whispered to Clementine.
"Yes, darling. Though, what do you reckon it is?"
"And that's her husband, Gene with a G."
He saw her lip twitch into a smile, as she bit her cheek, making him smile in amusement as well.
"Oh, I don't know, Gene. And, y'know, who cares? All we know is we have more proof to get more people in on this," Jean replied happily.
Five and Clementine shared a curious look, straining to hear more.
"Oh, could you just hold this, darling?" Jean asked, followed by a noise of some tinkering, like glass against glass. "Oh, while you have that, just keep it outside the basement, yeah?"
Clementine suddenly jolted with a hand on her mouth, making Five jump with her.
"What?" Five gritted out.
"The door! We didn't close it properly!" Clementine whispered in panic.
Five looked at the door to check and found that she was right, the door was a bit ajar. They could get suspicious, given their nature and their jobs.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, and kept cursing, looking around and finding some old, dusty cupboard. He got up, pulling Clementine up by the hood attached to her hoodie, almost making her yelp as he pushed her into the small space and got in with her, closing the door on them, just leaving a crack to see through.
Both of them held their breath, Clementine's hands curling around his jacket as she looked through the crack. Five almost fell on top of her, his hand slapping onto the wall of wood beside her head and the other went to hold on to her hoodie pocket for balance. She gasped as she helped him regain his footing, both of them catching each other's eyes as they breathed once again, realizing their nearness to each other.
At the same time, Gene was stumbling down the corridor that led to the basement. Balancing one crate of these jars of golden, glowing bullshit was one thing, but two of 'em? That was another thing.
It was harder because he couldn't see where he was going. He was relying solely on muscle memory as his arms started going numb from the heavy weight.
"Jean! I think I'm gonna drop these!" He called out to his wife.
"Oh, shit! Hold on, darlin', I'm coming!" Jean answered.
But, she was delaying too much. Gene's arms went fully numb, and the crates slipped from his arms, falling down. All the jars broke, leaving the golden, glowing particles to float into the air, flying speedily outside the window, and as if it had a mind of its own, parted into small groups, going to find their respective destinations.
A few of them went into the basement, going through the items on the shelves, including an old radio which had a cassette stuck in it. The power of those particles caused the radio to start up again, playing the beginning of Sweet Caroline, making Five and Clementine jump in the closet, their eyes going to look through the small space that the door left.
The particles went through the crack of the cupboard, looking like very tiny fireflies, but they didn't really notice, more focussed on the fact that Gene was coming into the basement to collect the old radio.
He chuckled, going out and calling out to Jean, telling her that the old radio was working again. Five and Clementine heaved relieved breaths, the golden particles that had been sucked out of Five, permeating through his skin
In the corridor, where Jean was fuming, Gene started to lead her in a dance to cheer her up, and even if she was sad, she started smiling. Dancing with one's love was always nice.
Where it began
I can't begin to know where
But then I know it's growin' strong
A group of the marigold travelled through various buildings and ventilation systems, to end up in Luther's apartment. It filtered in through the gate of a shaft in his bedroom, flying up, twinkling and gleaming as it flew into his slightly open, smiling mouth. His dreams hadn't been giving him trouble and despair for the past few nights.
Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who'd have believed you'd come along?
A pair of groups travelled an even longer distance, ending up in the home of Allison Hargreeves Chestnut. Allison, who was practicing lines, in the bright living room, didn't even think of anything else as she just sighed and gave it another shot, the marigold seeping into her skin.
Touchin' hands
Reachin' out
Touching me, touching you
Meanwhile in the basement, Klaus was munching on some midnight cereal as he watched a cartoon on the television. He was finally happy with himself for once. Content. He distractedly put the spoon in his mouth as the marigold went into the skin on his arm, illuminating it for a second before disappearing.
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never could
Another ended up in a dingy motel room where Ben sat, lonely and bored, with his head bent and eyes closed. He was resisting the urge to call Klaus, to ask if he wanted to go for a walk somewhere. He took in a deep breath to calm himself, breathing in the marigold with the air.
But now I...
Look at the night
And it don't seem so lonely
We fill it up with only two
Another big group, travelled through a sweet neighborhood with houses filled with families, one of them being the house of Diego and Lila. The marigold entered through their bedroom window, where they were lying in bed entangled with each other. Lila hadn't been a big cuddler before Diego. But then, here she was, reaching for him while she slept, as he gathered her up in his arms, a hand cradling her head on his chest and hugging her to him in his sleep. Their shared breaths were filled with the marigold.
And when I hurt
Hurtin' runs off my shoulder
How can I hurt when holdin' you?
One group went to Dallas, to a little farm outside, going through the stables and scaring the horses, before entering the barn, where a boy was playing with his toys. Looking at the golden particles he smiled in awe, then went back to his toys, playing with them, as the marigold seeped into the skin on the back of his neck.
Warm, touchin' warm
Reachin' out
Touchin' me
Touchin' you
Another was floating in Nova Scotia, in a closed bar, where Viktor was drunk on half a bottle of whiskey, thinking about his fucked up dating life. The patrons had been right earlier, when yet another girl broke up with him. He had blown through all the girls in town. The last good relationship he'd had was with Sissy and he sighed. He missed her.
It was his last thought when his upper body fell facedown onto the table with a snore. The marigold went into his body by the skin of his hand.
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
The other particles went to various different places, to various different houses and rooms, just like they had into their mothers before they were born.
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
Awake or asleep, all 44 of them had the same vision. Albeit, for the ones who were awake, it was more like a flash of memory.
A world where all was fine. No powers. No apocalypse. No foreign elements. No mysteries to solve, nothing. Just people, living their lives, as time went about normally.
Only for seven people, was it truly a dream, one they would have liked to achieve the first time.
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Another A/N: Omg i hope y'all like this one. I had so much fun writing this one. I feel like I should use this technique when I write my novels too, it just seems like a lot of fun. But yup, stay tuned for more parts! And yes, i do recommend listening to the song while reading it, like maybe just the scenes with the song.
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated!!! Tysm for reading🩷❤️💖
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mood-2017 · 7 months
initial thoughts after finishing the first three episodes of the atla netflix adaptation bc I have thoughts in my brain (contrains spoiler)
first, things I really liked and appreciated so far:
the cgi looks GOOD, the animals actually look like they belong in this world
the bending looks insane (it actually has impact other than.. yk)
combat choreography and costume design is also a 10/10
idk a lot about score but I like what I hear lol
story progression is also interesting, of course they had to combine 2-3 episodes worth of information to fit their format and I feel like they put a lot of thought into that (it's more of a 50/50 tho)
starting the show with the air normad genocide was cruel but it really set the mood (I may have cried over that one aang and gyatso scene)
the actors actually look like the kids they are portraying
got nothing to complain about zuko, iroh, suki, zhao, etc.
I actually think that they portrayed zuko very well with him being very grumpy and goal driven but also has his awkward moments
I still have hope that they bring out irohs personality more
next, the bad and the ugly oof:
line delivery and interaction between the main characters feel a little stiff and awkward (might get better idk but where is the chemistry??)
I'm sorry but they sucked the life out of katara. If I didn't know the original character, I would find her really boring?? No hate to the actress tho, the lines she was given are just not it imo she did what she could with what she had
NO relationship building between katara and aang?? (they basically cut every important scene of their relationship out? like her being the one who breaks aang out of the ice, her being the first person he sees, her being the one calming him down after he goes into avatar mode at the southern air temple and probably more that I missed) > kind of makes me think that they're actually gonna go for zutara and idk what to feel (we all saw that scarf scene)
still don't know how to feel about them introducing azula, ty lee and mai so early? why introduce them so early when you already have to cut so much from the original to fit the 8 episode format? (their actresses slayed tho)
pacing lacks now and again and makes the flow a bit awkward (probably bc of how compressed it is)
I feel like the adaptation relies on the knowledge of their viewers who know the original a lot, especially when it comes to the main characters bc if this was my first introduction to atla I wouldn't feel connected to any of these characters YET
mind you, I still have 5 more episodes to watch so maybe this will turn around idk
I'd give it a 6,5/10 SO FAR but only bc I'm SO attached to the original so therefore I'm probably not as open minded as someone who hasn't watched the show 17 times
the original is a near perfect show and I think everyone knew, that there was nothing that the adaptation could do much better but you can still tell, that the people behind the scenes have a real passion for the original so I still appreciate everything that turns out better than the movie that shall not be named
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toastedjeans · 3 months
Races Tower Ziti lore/backstory/concept/idk what to call it
Okay first off, i think they'd be an Elf to ensure that they're taller than Peppino, which probably wouldn't work if they're an Elf/Dwarf hybrid. Also they're physically weak so they can't be a werewolf either. Ultimately it doesn't matter too much cause they're adopted anyway.
Now, i wanted Ziti's regular backstory to line up with this AU. So, since Ziti used to work for Pizzahead in the tower, i think a similar thing would also happen in Races Tower.
They used to have long hair, but Pizzahead always held them back by their hair to stop them from running away or as a way to punish/intimidate them. And one day they could gather enough courage to actually flee, but in the process while he was holding them back, they cut off their hair while Pizzahead was distracted and ran. They're now trying to let them grow out again.
Now i think at this point it'd be the same as their usual backstory. Gustavo and Brick find them, take them in, him and Peppino take care of them and eventually adopt them.
I don't think Ziti has a mark on their cheek yet (aka i don't know what it'd be). I thought of maybe a paw since they love animals and used to always play and hang out with the rats in the tower. I like to believe they can actually communicate with animals, which is why they got along so well with the rats, and later on with Brick too. But maybe that's too generic. Idk yet what else would fit tho, that kid has like no personality lol
And of course, they become besties with Fakey. Not sure if Matteo would already exist when Ziti gets adopted but if so i think it'd take a little while for Ziti to open up to him. They'd think that Matteo is "worth more" to Peppino and Gustavo cause he's their real son, while Ziti feels like.. kind of an outsider i guess? They sometimes think they don't deserve to have loving parents (Trauma from Pizzahead neglecting and abusing them)
While Ziti doesn't want to return to PH for obvious reasons, they often think they're a burden to their dads and should leave. With nowhere else to go, their only option would be to come back and work for PH again.. (no they won't do it, that's just their intrusive thoughts)
Yeah that's all for now. I might draw their design later
Forgot to add. Races Tower by @/creat0rstudi0
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lunevei · 2 months
helloo! volt here again to send u some emojis from the misceverse ask game & ask u some more misceverse questions if u don't mind :33
first; 💕, 👾, 😶‍🌫️, 🎆, 🍼, 🦋 (that much cuz i'd love to hear u yap abt urself !!)
second; u were talking about your heat, but i was thinking like "humans don't have the hormones to do that... right?" and now i'm a little confused, are you pretending to have a heat? or do yo u do some specific things or what do you ... do ? sorry if this seem ignorant or hard to understand or something, i just really wanna understand bc i idon't get it but idk how to convey my question.
(man- english can be hard sometimes)
— @r4inbowv0lt
hellooo! please don’t worry at all, i know it can be confusing bc it’s different for everyone— like, my way of being an omega might not look the same as someone else’s and that’s okay! i’ll answer the game questions first and then get into the biology/personal idenity section ;3
💕 ; do you have a mate(s)? if so, what’s your mate’s dynamic and scent? yes, i do have a mate! we’ve been together for three years, and bonded for probably two and a half of them. (if you want me to go into bonding i can!!) he’s a beta and his scent is mint and chocolate (sooo yummy hehe)
👾 ; do you have any friends who are misce? i mean, not really? nobody i’d really call friend rn (more like acquaintance!!) online, and defo nobody irl ;( hoping to make some here tho!! :33
be warned, u said i could yap so i have hehe!! but i put it under the cut to keep it short for everyone else <3
😶‍🌫️ ; are you open to being misce in real life? or do you prefer to keep your misce identity online? as of rn, definitely online. i don’t really act much differently online as i do irl, like i think that as a person i have (as cringe as this sounds) a very ‘stereotypical omega’ personality in that i’m pretty submissive and have people pleasing tendencies. but i don’t use misce terminology outside of the internet and my house :,)
🎆 ; what would you like to see more of in the misce community? weeeell i haven’t really been in it for very long, but i would love to just see more of everyone! like this has been such a great experience for me so far and i want to share that with ppl who are similar :33
🍼 ; do you regress? does being misce influence your regression? um i’m not sure! i’m still exploring regression, but i think i’m mostly just a very needy submissive rather than a regressor. like, my mate does take on a caregiving role and i am kinda helpless when i’m subbed out, but i’m not really sure you’d count that as regression as i know it’s not sexual for most people!! i tend to think of it more as being really in my omega (if that makes literally any sense??) rather than regressing!
🦋 ; do you have any misce needs/urges? hehehe yes absolutely! i love to nest, and my whole apartment is cozy to the max bc it’s basically one big nest. i love my friends and my mate, and i love to nurture the bonds between us (although i wouldn’t say we’re a pack, i still love them all). i think that a lot of my mannerisms are pretty misce omega, and as i’m about to go into in a lot more details, i have a fairly regular heat cycle. tbh i feel like there’s so much more to that answer that i’m not saying (bc u’re right, english is hard), but that’s all i can think of off the top of my head! :33
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okay!! now onto my personal misceverse (this might all be so tmi but i have no fear and unlimited characters)
so i’m afab, and i have a pretty regular human horomone/menstruale cycle. in the human horomone cycle, similar to cycles in misceverse/omegaverse, there’s a phase called ‘ovulation’ that lasts about a week and is when a person is most fertile. irl the person would get kinda horny (usually, it’s different for everyone) bc their body is prepping them for, ya know, procreation.
in omegaverse, this is turned up to the max. if u look at literally any omegaverse content you’ll see right away that it’s hornier than horny. like, week long sex fest horny. debilitatingly insatiable sex drive that leaves u house bound for days horny.
soooo, that’s kinda what it’s like for me. i’ve always been a very hormonal person anyway, and i’m also neurodivergent and i think (can’t confirm) that it makes me extra sensitive to, like, everything, including my horomones. heats for me are just (kinda painful) super horny times where i’m very easily overwhelmed and need the isolation of my home, my nest, until it ends and my horomones settle again. this is defo tmi but sometimes my mate (who is the love of my life and also a beta) can’t keep up with the omega-in-heat energy and has to tap out, and we’ve jokingly talked about opening up our relationship just for heats :,)
in terms of horomones/pheromones (which are a huge part of misce/omegaverse), humans irl actually do have pheromones that attract potential partners, and they are stronger during ovulation. in omegaverse, this is much much more obvious, given that everyone has a signiture scent in a way that humans outside of misceverse/omegaverse don’t! but yeah they are a real thing, and i use a lot of perfume/scented moistures/oils daily to enchance mine. my mate always say i sell delicous so i must be doing smth right hehehe ;3
OMG okay i have no idea if u’re still reading (i don’t blame u if u arent!!), but i hope that all makes sense ! truly, my yapping abilities know no bounds. anyway, i hope that was at least a little bit interesting and if u have any more questions pls ask!! <33
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
hi ari ! u don’t have to answer if u don’t want to, but ik you’ve been pretty open about ur sexuality and experience in the past.
i’m pretty new to exploring my own sexuality and what i’m into and such. to be clear, i’m not talking about sexual orientation! when it comes to sex, there’s some things that .. idk i feel like i’m not normal?? for liking those things?? i want to feel more comfortable with myself and my interests bc i know fundamentally, my thoughts are not “wrong” and “bad.” just doesn’t feel that way sometimes, i guess.
do u have any advice? again, u don’t have to answer! just thought i would ask since ur more experienced. all the love! 😊😊😊
hi!! i dont mind answering tho idk if someone as shameless as me has any decent advice for you but i think itll be good for you to internalize that what we are taught is sex is not the only way to have sex
sex is a really loose concept in practice. what might be foreplay to one person might be the entire act to another. some people define sex as any sexual contact where some strictly see it as one to two things. your idea of what constitutes normal sex and normal sexual intercourse is more than likely built on the cisheteronormative concept of vaginal sex and foreplay
but even among cishet couples sex is rarely that straightforward. sex is such a loose concept that there is no wrong way to have it, or feel desire surrounding it. there’s no real manual for right and wrong. you cant fuck wrong, even if it feels like you can. if you and your partner are safely having fun—there is no wrong way to have sex. your input and the input of who you are having sex with is all there is.
i think you should internalize this. itll rework the frame you might have of sex entirely. its something done between two people and there are hundreds of thousands of ways to do it. whatever is making you feel not normal is someones everyday play or fetish.
if theres anything my experiences have shown me its mostly that the line between kinky freak and vanilla are blurrier than you assume and not often that strict. you will meet people with random innocuous fetishes and have a good time with them. normal, average everyday people walking around with odder fetishes you could never begin to conceptualize
its less that you’re not normal but that everyone is a little weird. everyone has a weird place they like licked or stroke, or a name that does it for them, or a clothing or body part that makes them extra horny so there’s no need to feel too alienated
human sexuality is so fundamentally complex. like unimaginably. so the habit our society has around stigmatizing desire is similarly pointless
so my advice is try to remember that normal sex is more myth than anything. feeling abnormal for anything that isnt 10 minutes of missionary isnt uncommon but if you start to internalize the idea there is no wrong way to have sex i think your anxiety around your interests will lessen over time
then it becomes a matter of “who can i trust to share these desires with?” and not “who can i trust not to judge these desires,”
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abiiors · 4 months
a little review??? of brat?? just my silly lil thoughts really
before we start - i don't listen to hyperpop/dance music that often so this is going to be superrrrr amateur review/thoughts-sharing-thing.
my favs are marked in green
360: honestly such a good fucking opener, def see myself listening to it while i get ready to go out on like a friday evening or something. there's the something about the tune that's sooooo addictive!!
club classics: this one weirdly reminds me of her older songs?? think like boom clap or other songs off of sucker. obviously, i don't mean the entire song here, i just mean parts of it. also "i wanna dance with george"!!! iconic, cunty, a serve.
sympathy is a knife: oh this one felt so raw and real!!! def can see myself listening to it, full volume in a car at like 2 in the morning. once again george reference but booooo don't call her paranoid (/j)
i might say something stupid: yeah charli was right about being honest in this album and writing about her feelings and stuff. this one ends quite abrupt but i quite like that about it?? it feels like one paranoid spiral of "and i don't know if i belong herе anymore" only for it then to be cut off by another like upbeat song (pls understand my vibe, ik all the songs are upbeat that's the point of a hyperpop album) as it's someone drowning out their insecurities behind a "party girl" mask
talk talk: this was nice? don't have much to say about this atm like i liked it but it didn't leave an impression or anything
von dutch: cunty ass anthemmmm!!! i have been fucking obsessed with this one since it came out and it's still just as fucking amazing as it was when i first listened to it. also ik the addison scream isn't a part of this one but it's so iconic
everything is romantic: the romantic little music sequence??? oh so stunning!!!! apart from that, this was like okay?? i didn't hate it but didn't particularly love it either
rewind: oh my fucking god idk what it is about the little tape rewind sounds on this one but they're scratching my brain in the best way possible!!! i might just listen to this for those alone lmao 😭 ooohhhh and the outro on this was really good too!!!
so i: oh this one made me so sad :( SOPHIE's death was probably one of the hardest things in charli's life but this song feels like such a good fucking tribute to her. "would you like this one? (maybe just a little bit?)" referring to this song, oh charli i wish i could give you a hug :( ♡︎
girl, so confusing: "girl, it's so confusing sometimes to be a girl" - no ffr!! this was a nice song too, not one i see myself listening to on repeat but not one i might skip straight away either.
apple: pretty much same thoughts as girl, so confusing. this one has a distinct nostalgic vibe to me like idk how to explain it, it sounds like 2016 to me?? not in like a passé way, def more like a trip down the memory lane.
b2b: okay i have very biased feelings about this solely because of how fucking cuteeeeeee that george and charli photo is like she looks all fierce and cunty and he is just :)) hugging his gf :)). i def prefer the first half of this song to the second but there's like this little alien-sounding "ooOOOOoooOoo" in the background of the second half and idk why i really fuck with that
mean girls: no i love this one so much!!!! she's def talked about this before, about how girls who look like her ("dead eyes") are often considered mean girls. and this one is a whole song dedicated to them which i absolutely love
i think about it all the time: another one i'm quite ambivalent about. it's nice tho.
365: okay i love that 365 is a more hyped, more "party girl" version of 360 actually!!! love both of these songs so much!! the perfect openers and closers i think ♡︎
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oh i enjoyed this album so so thoroughly!!!! i'm going to listen to it again tomorrow on my walk and see if any of my opinions have changed, if i have anything new to say etc. and i might update this.
till then thank you for coming to my silly little ted talk. i am no zane lowe but this was fun! 💚
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symptoms-syndrome · 4 months
Hi! I’m curious to hear (in a vague way) what the process was like uncovering the DID if you’re comfortable answering. Like how long did it take? Did your therapist(s)/treatment team first consider other diagnoses? And anything else you feel comfortable sharing.
Hihi! This is sort of a hard question to answer for me, but I can try!
What constitutes my "treatment team" is sort of hard to define in this sense, because IDK if you mean "the ppl over the course of my life" or like "the one who wrote it on paper."
I've been seeing a therapist since I was 6 years old. I started going to outpatient programs like when I was in my early teens for Behavioral Problems. In those I was diagnosed with everything in the book so like. In that sense other diagnoses were considered? I think by the time I was 18 and kicked out of the house/able to see a professional of my own volition not connected to my parents/disciplinary programs, I was mostly labeled as BPD, PTSD, depression + anxiety, OCD, maybe NPD or ODD. I don't really give a single shit about any of those because I don't define myself by diagnoses anymore, or try not to, and my therapists as an adult told me it was majorly fucked that I was diagnosed with all that as a teenager. Most of them weren't even legit they were just labels to try and pin down why I was a Bad Kid. Spoiler for that, the answer was that generally teenagers act out when they're subject to intense trauma basically all the time and aren't listened to and are institutionalized. Tends to fuck your brain up real bad. I'm a lot better now not bc I got over the laundry list of diagnoses, but because I'm in like. A stable and supportive and independent environment.
I was officially diagnosed as an adult, exact ages escape me but probably like 19? It came as a surprise to me but fit like a glove re: my experiences with memory loss, not remembering where I am, meeting people who have met me before but I didn't remember, people telling me I did things I don't think I would, etc. It was really upsetting to hear because it's such a. Permanent and perception-of-life altering disorder. I was definitely hoping it was something that could be like. Cured more easily. It was also definitely hard to come to terms with the fact my childhood was That Bad, when I didn't really think it was before.
My therapist at the time said it was almost stupidly obvious that was what I had, even tho I wasn't like. Aware of it.
So like. How long did it take is hard to answer. Overall, if you count all the time I was being seen by psychiatric "professionals?" Over 10 years. If you count just that therapist? Like one year.
I'm a lil scatterbrained RN, so I might add more detail later or if u send another ask. I guess the question is so open and vague it's hard to answer without a full autobiography LMAO.
But I guess it would be useful to know why you wanna know. Then I could probably give a better answer. Are you considering the diagnosis for yourself? Are you trying to see if ur experience is shared w others? But also keep in mind I'm a weird little anti-psych dog who in general rejects the idea of seeking diagnosis for treatment. RN in therapy I mostly talk about my day to day struggles with whatever (like "damn, I've been really fixated on [specific trauma] this week" or "I made a friend" or "I'm really stressed about this argument I had" or "later this week im going on a date and i don't wanna fuck it up") and occasionally parts stuff comes up. Therapy hasn't majorly changed I don't think. Then again I'm real shit brain right now and my memory sucks ass. Maybe I can answer better later I just know if I didn't answer at all I'd forget.
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quodekash · 1 year
im already about to cry and the episode hasn't even started yet, so that's a nice sign that'll probably foreshadow how tonight is gonna go
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lmao nice joke
based on this scene being right at the start here, this episode is definitely gonna be the one where he properly realises his feelings for sailom (if he hasn't realised them already, which I dont think he has. he hasn't accepted it, at least)
AND BASED ON THAT LOGIC, generally the way these writers and directors etc base these ones, they fully lean into the fell first / fell harder dynamic, and almost immediately after the second person realises, they kiss
SO im very much hoping for a kiss at the end of this episode (but it also might not be til next episode)
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oh yup, oh yup, we've got the heartbeat sound in the background. kang's feelings are coming to lightttt (PLEASE LET THEM KISS TODAY)
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my theory that they're gonna run away during school hours is still going strong
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yup okay so that theory is definitely right
(the theory that saifah's gonna like steal from kang's house, and his dad is gonna get shot in the process. not my own theory, it's from @ respectthepetty and it's such a good theory, I love it so much)
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awh is he lonely?
he needs a hug
from kang
all through the night
it'll be insane if they do tho, its literally night one, there's no way
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im half convinced kang is gonna walk in or smth tho
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what I wouldn't give to be that driver rn
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I rly wish that screenshot was better but the wifi is being stupid for no reason (which isn't surprising since this is Australia and we have the shittest wifi there is)
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although I wasn't expecting it to be teacher/student
she is just a trainee teacher, but its still a bit ick
idk tho
I guess we'll see what they do with it
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gay panic in real time
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ooh yes ive been waiting for the familial need for an heir thing to crop up, yesyesyes
making me think of drarry now
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but the things I said are still true
the evidence we've gotten before just now havent really felt solid enough to argue that kang likes pimfah
but now... I guess I have to agree
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pimfah knows/suspects/ships it and no one can convince me otherwise
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I wasn't expecting imaginary scenes from this series but I deeply appreciate it
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also I like kang's shoes
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again, I wasn't expecting it to be teacher/student, but anyway
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I would do the same tho
June is so pretty
and so is view
and so is chimon
and so is Perth
(and so is satang)
(no I will not shut up about my satang and perth siblings agenda, its too good to keep to myself)
on the bright side, it took a lot longer to run out today than it did last week
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stellewriites · 18 days
hey stelle! I’m still thinking about the johnny western horror au you wrote and was wondering if I could ask some questions that have been rattling in my head??
does the new ‘johnny’ visit ghost/does this johnny even know about ghost? since he doesn’t have the same memories as the original Johnny, it’s making me think of how isolating it might be for the reader to be stalked by this ‘johnny’ and how she thought she was already free of this marriage. Like she if she does close the door on him and doesn’t let him, I can just picture him showing up every night and hearing his horse when she tries to sleep and the sleep deprivation turned into paranoia 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I picture this ‘Johnny’ as more like a body snatcher or something looking for a new body to inhabit, doesn’t matter who so she’s just the most technical option for him
But also! what if reader goes to ghost thinking he’s also getting stalked baring her soul on Johnny harassing her but ghosts not and he almost gets jealous? And angsty, not clicking that this isn’t the real johnny but just hearing that Johnny is back sends his brain in a spiral and that he has to back to him, flash forward some time and Johnny stops showing up at the house and ghost starts walking a bit weird
Okay sorry for the word vomit but I really liked this story hahah you did a great job on it!!
of course!! i love questions about my fics 💓 i’ve got to be honest tho and admit that i haven’t fully thought about the ins and outs about this oneshot further than what was written lmao so this might be all over the place
does he know about/visit ghost?
i’d say no
you’re right that he doesn’t have the same memories, i’d say whatever has taken his body might be going off vague recollections of places and where the scent of johnny is strongest. this was johnnys home before he got his wife, he’d have likely stayed there with ghost often until reader arrived, so it’d make sense to the parasite (?) to go there first. i’d argue that johnny and ghost travelled and camped all over once he had his wife move in, hence the long time spent away
how does reader feel being stalked by johnny?
stalking is the least of her worries - parasite johnny IS getting inside her home that night whether she likes it or not. he’s not fucking around waiting for her to let him in after she shot at him, he’ll force his way in if he has to. it just might’ve been easier for him in the long run if she’d gone along with it all sweet like he’d originally tried to play it.
reader knows this isn’t her johnny either (if he could’ve ever have been considered hers) so the pressure of a marriage holding her hostage again isn’t even on her mind - she’s got bigger fish to fry.
yes absolutely similar to a body snatcher to me too! i left it open in case people prefer possession or ghosts or zombies - but to me it feels very ‘supernatural parasite has taken over the freshest body in the graveyard’.
does reader go to ghost?
ghost isn’t in town anymore! he left as soon as johnny was buried since there’s nothing else there for him, just too many memories.
gaz or price would still be there but after they suggested medical help (read: getting her institutionalised for ‘hysteria’) i don’t think she’d be willing to go back and tell them an undead version of johnny is walking around 🥴
i’m a sucker for aus of aus,, so i think if she survived the night (maybe she made a break for it out the back and got on her horse) and she found ghost on the outskirts of town while he was laying low after the train robbery then he’d know straight away from her story that it wasn’t his johnny too. however i think he’d want to confront whatever wasn’t letting the love of his life rest peacefully and would be off like a shot to reader’s house despite her protests.
idk if i think the parasite would move bodies or not - i like the visual of simon wandering the dusty roads acting like edgar in men in black and the concept that the parasite logically wants a bigger healthier body - but i also like the thought of parasite johnny managing to convince simon it is him. and that he just needs simon’s help to get back to normal 🥺 won’t he help him, his johnny? and simon would just cave (even if that means killing strangers to feed him or whatever,, simon can justify it to himself given the people they’d hurt before - he’d killed for money, he can kill for love)
and thank you lainey!! i’m so glad you liked it :D
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Request is closed(dead)
RULES + info about me
NEW IMPORTANT RULE: PLEASE TELL ME IF UR A MINOR OR NOT IN YOUR REQUESTS, I DONT WANNA TRUAMATIZE ANOTHER ONE 😭 (bc either I forget to put all warnings/correct tags or put some smut or slightly sus pictures.) ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Edit: advanced apologies. I absolutely do not know how to lock my NSFW fics. And I might not have put specific warnings like, I put some bad words in it. I'm really sorry, I'll still try my best, tho.
Edit: Hello! Sorry if you found one of my posts, and it didn't have credit to the pictures. Sorry, sometimes I forgot while writing to put credit, and since every time I post, I delete the pictures. Storage problems 🥲
I'm so very, VERY shitty with my Grammer 💔
Please be very specific with your ask bc I'm a dumb little shi- I mean a bit...behind in my brain. Like what theme: angst, fluff, etc.
I prefer if you ask for part 2 in the requests and saying which writings, but doing in the comments is just fine.
Draft limits: 10.
I usually make the reader doesn't have a gender/specific gender or just do both genders. I also like dom reader so ahem...so like yeah, if you wanna do like (???) x reader and you don't want a dom one then tell me :D
(Again, I do mostly dom reader but can do sub reader <3)
I do some stuff like yandere, obsession behavior, etc. But reminder: I do not support this in real life. Just in fiction. I hope you understand, I'm not like bad or anything 😅
I've seen some people who like a character but they are like younger than 18 and either they don't know it or they look older for their age. So I'll allow it as long as the character isn't too young, like under the 15's, and I'll gladly age them up for any reason, although in some cases , I might decline so I apologize for that.
What Fandom I do
I can do anyone or something. Oh, even manga/manwha/manhua
But the fandom I'm mostly familiar with is:
1. Genshin
2. Obey me
3. Honkai star rail
4. Hazbin hotel
5. Jujutsu kaisen
6. MHA (I'm not actively in it, but I still kinda know most stuff in it, and I'd still do any requests from it).
But again, I can do anything. Well, anything I'm able to do properly.
(Unless you ask me about a character that exists, but I don't know them. Might take a while BUT!! I'll still do it because you guys are my lovely requesters ♡)
What I do not allow
I honestly don't know yet. No one has requested anything I don't allow. (Except for my friends, but I forgot what they said so...)
This is an like idk, a blog that has 18+ things. If you don't feel comfortable, I'm sorry. I have some fluff in here, but uh... yeah- anyway, my super close (and some what hºrny) friends have access to my account, so if there's a post about anything weird or something, I swear it's not me. (I hate to admit it, but they're scary, and if you're reading this, my friend, please stay from me. I have holy water, you demonic, spawn of Satan, and uhhhh scary chihuahua lookin thing. <3)
. . . Anyways I welcome you with open arms.
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kaito-kid1412 · 1 year
The Culprit Hanzawa notes
10/10 it was so funny. I love how Beika is just muder town. Kaito AND Hakuba make an appearance so anything less than 10 is unfathomable honestly.
This is so funny wtf
I love that Beika Town is Murder Town haha
Ran’s hair spike thing being in the top of her head is weird tho :/
Conan being called the grim reaper is so perfect lol
Why is Hanzawa so funny tho. Like he’s so incompetent and weirdly adorable?? Even when he’s having instructive thoughts about murdering people??
The ending song is lo-fi beats to plan a murder to lol
If you’re gonna murder someone, be considerate!!
‘Put down a tarp or something’
‘I’ll have to be considerate which might be stressful.’
Him blushing at Hanbayashi also wanting to kill the landlord LOL
Awww ‘sleepover’
He made a friend lol
Bento box fax machine pffft
He listened to his mum’s advice haha
The line to leave hahaha
100% CLEARANCE RATE!!!?? DAMN CONAN! ‘Collective of special crime fighters’ lol
All officers are out on the field hahahaha
They all hate Kogoro hahaha
His mum is the best :))))
The jet black shower scene
It still hasn’t said who he plans to kill. Is it Kogoro? I thought it might be because he moved to Beika specifically for a crime and idk if he would know someone who lives there, but he would know a celebrity and it’s definitely a ‘he.’ But he had no reaction to Mori’s name last episode…
Awww self-love :)
Pffft Hattori and Conan
Heiji’s squint haha
He doesn’t know where to buy shampoo?? What a disaster man
They’re tailing him but Heiji’s hat is backwards
‘Drugs are scary’…I love him
Conan has ice-cream and Heiji gave him head-pats :)
Heiji just holding him while he aims his watch hahaha
Smol sneeze
They followed him into the bath house ToT
‘Crime prevention goods’
Why is Beika Gotham??
The money his mum gave him :(((
They party because they’re gonna die???
Agasa lets go!
Professor this is why Haibara’s telling you to be more responsible with your money…
Wait Kogoro did grow more tolerant??
Are you trying to kill him…
…is he dying??
Is the bird in the opening Watson the Hawk then?? I thought a bird was a weird choice and the dog appears in the ending…
Also why is he in Beika? I know it’s not that far from Ekoda but like… why??
WAIT A MINUTE BEIKA ISN’T REAL!!!??? WTF I THOUGHT IT WAS!!!! I SEARCHED UP HOW FAR FROM BEIKA TO EKODA BUT WTFFFFF!!! Idk shit about Japan’s geography so I thought it was just another ward in Tokyo.
I love how he always sounds so sinister when he’s just talking about regular stuff.
He doesn’t know where his victim is? I guess it’s probably not Kogoro then…
He’s so enthusiastic for his job lol
On his first day as well hahah
Okay so Hakuba is 17… his birthday’s in August right? So he’s like a year older than Kaito then?? Since I’m guessing this is school time. If Kaito is born in June and Hakuba is born in August and Hakuba is 17 then yeah that’s nearly a year apart… weird :/ And Aoko is born in September and turns 17 wait is that AFTER Kaito turns 17?? I don’t understand the Japanese schooling system… Kaito and Hakuba should be in the year above then… unless Kaito is 16 when Aoko turns 17, then just Hakuba should be in the year above… unless they’re all in their last year now and went up a year since Aoko’s birthday / the blue birthday heist. So Aoko is the youngest then.
‘Blah blah blah’ LOL
Yeah Habuka IS brilliant :D
They’re ALL detectives??!
Aw he admires them lol
Their detective senses are tingling!!
Ofc Hakuba left haha. Bet it was a KID heist note
Was that a Moomin cosplaying Sherlock dvd?? That would be the best crossover EVER!!
Damn detectives…
Heck yeah Watson ATTACK!!!
Wait… I recognise that cowlick… is he trying to kill SHINICHI???
Watson has a ‘taste for blood’. Hakuba what does that mean. What have you been doing in England?
He took that so literally lol
Does Hakuba brag about his dad?? Hahha
…dogs can… lock doors? I mean I knew he was an idiot but what??
Solid 10 seconds of silent eye contact lol
Yes get the fluffball….
Haunted by the dog…
480,000 yen is ~£2600… Hanzawa don’t do it… how will you afford rent…
Why are Agasa and Haibara at a pet shop?
Hakuba’s house is so fancy. Why is there a horse carved into it?? Ofc he has an old telephone.
Woah hi Baaya!!
Yes Hakuba threaten him!!!
Ofc the dog is silly what did he expect??
Awwww he loves it anyway!
Does Hakuba really just trust Hanzawa with Watson? He can obviously take care of himself but still
Gin??? and Amuro??
…why can Pometaro talk…
Don’t make fun of him :(
His mum bought his clothes…how old is he?? Older than college age I guess…
Oh and now he’s insecure…
‘Hippie style’ lol
That’s from a corpse…
‘What exactly is being trending?’…same honestly.
What do you mean you don’t sell black clothes? Oh ofc. Conan would definitely be suspicious.
I love how we don’t see him wearing any clothes. It just makes it so much funnier. Especially when he was talking about his hair being messy and just patting at thin air.
Aw his mum comes to visit?
‘Have them buy you the entire manga series’ lol
The woes of customer service.
His mum is so nice :(
…is she also a criminal or is it just to show that they’re related.
He’s so mean to her :((
In the English translation/sub her accent doesn’t seem that strange.
He talks like Beika town is sentient lol
Yeah spend time with your mum!
I love that Watson is just living with him now. Like Hakuba where are you?? Are you back in England?
Does he think the gods are gonna help with his murder plot?
Why are there so many needles there? Conan what have you been doing?
Is he gonna kill Kogoro for littering? Deserved honestly :/
He recognises Ran by her hair spike lol
That’s definitely Kaito. No one else wears such clashing colours together. Also his smirk.
In the preview KID’s hair is brown… is that not Kaito then? Or does DC not make KID’s hair black like MK does?
AOKO!!! (For 1 second :()
Sonoko what is this? Why are people practicing KID’s tricks? Especially one he’s already done before?
He thinks Shinichi’s/Kaito’s voice is nice? Lol
Oh it is a different trick… but it’s still walking on air… I think
Wait so they want KID heists to happen to stop the murders… HAHAHA
Wait no Kaito’s hair is just brown
What does Hanzawa want revenge for? What did Shinichi do to him?
Also why is KID there? What is he stealing?
A clover… haha for luck
Ofc he’s blushing at KID lol
Bro he’s right behind you
‘See you next criminal’ hahaha stealing Kaito’s catchphrase lol
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