#i mean there are but of colors and like behind this wall but im cozy in hed
thinkingnot · 2 years
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adanaac · 1 year
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tierlist of my favorite color pages and stuff
gushing abt them below ⬇️
i did top 4 and not top 5 bc a lot of the 5th place for these is like a 5 way tie
Double page
ch102: what ive learned from this is i really like full scenes. cmon!! who doesnt!! also man the colors are really good. hatanaka really has a deceptively good character design, once again proving to be senseis blorbo
ch88: sorry principal color page u have been dethroned as my fav i still love u so so so much tho. love the umbrella and plum blossoms, and also obviously principal is really hot. im pretty sure i know the umbrella asset on clip studio and actually have it downloaded. also i just personally love the paper cranes bc my sona is based off paper cranes
ch60: culture fes arc has some of my favorite color pages and b&w pages and my favorite aesthetic in general really. also i owe hijita my life for proposing the chinese dress theme. haru looks so so so good in chinese clothes and the combo with hatanaka's hoodie in the underground culture fes is top tier. also my favorite non-cover color page and volume promo are from this arc too
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the color palette is also so good i basically stole all the colors for that halloween art i did (still love it so much). now u might be thinking. if i have so much to say abt this one why is it only 3rd. tbh its bc this one is the oldest of the 4 so ive had more time to savor it. also i just like the principal one better than this one, and i like the hatanaka one better than the principal one. (but i dont actually necessarily like the hatanaka one better than this one?? its a rock paper scissors situation)
ch79: 2 harus. im sold 👍 also makuragaeshi arc just means everything to me also i consider this color spread a package deal with the vol 12 inside color page which makes me like both of them more
at this point the seimeiliker part of me is yelling WHATT THE 2 SEIMEI COLOR PAGES ARENT EVEN HERE??? THE AME ONE ISNT EVEN HERE??? FAKE FANNN theyre tied for 5th!!! maybe even tied for 4th!! i just really like the ones that are full scenes!!!
Single page
ch25: this one isnt getting dethroned anytime soon its just so good. the COLOR PALETTE the LIGHTING AUGH ITS SO GOOD. and of course haruaki looking sexy as always 👍 this might be one of the sexiest harus tbh. i think its also one of my favorite official arts in general i cant think of many that i would confidently say i like more than this one. ITS NOT EVEN ATTACHED TO SOME DRAMATIC CHAPTER ITS THE PTM CHAPTER LMAOOO
ch46: miki pretty privilege.... i think miki arc has my 2nd favorite aesthetic, behind culture fes. tbh i like the 2 b&w cover pages from this arc just as much as the color page (maybe bc theyre more angsty by virtue of being black and white??)
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ch33: i am so married to this chapter. one of if not my number 1 fav chapter. tbh this one is tied for 2nd with the miki one, its just bc i like how colorful the miki one is. this is the only time haru gets drawn with just solid black hair and its very pretty 😳 this one is also a package deal with the 2018 october gfantasy cover in my head bc theyre both teacher trio, not really in their usual outfits, from around the same time, and gets made as merch together often
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ch75: im not exactly married to this one like i am with the top 3 but its just good art good composition good colors!! its just such a... cozy and normal scene contrasted with it being a color page. (wait fuck thats what the arc was about)
u may be wondering. why are all the single page ones sort of old. this is actually bc recently all the color covers are double pages (from 76 to 102 there's 1 single page and 9 double page covers)
vol 13: aughhh seimei...... punches walls etc im so normal about it hahahahah god i love the parallel with vol 1. sensei insane for this. i have nothing else to say this cover just fucks so hard i spent days oogling it why is seimei so hot. also aughh the unused draft for it would have been so good too but the vol 1 parallel was probably the right choice....
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vol 10: this one stockholm syndromed its way into being my number 2. ok not really its a really good cover everyone is rly pretty and its a very fun composition and u know i love culture fes. but also it was the thumbnail on a lot of manga sites for the longest time so it ended up being the cover i associate with yohaji in general the most, maybe even more than vol 1
vol 14: i am easily swayed by principal 👍 i see principal and i neuron activation. its so funny its like the most blantant spoiler cover
vol 9: i am also easily swayed by ebisu 👍 sensei sure loves her red and blues huh. also sano in the black shirt is really hot. can u tell i also love when theres parallels
vol 8 is tied with vol 9 tbh rintarou and ibara are so pretty
Cover flaps
i didnt do the back covers bc theyre all alright to me tbh theres not standout amazing ones that make me lose my mind. ok maybe the vol 6 and vol 8 one. i am easily swayed by seimei and ebisu
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now the cover flaps on the other hand. oh ym god
vol 14: WOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WHITE HAIR HARU WOOF WOOF THIS ONE MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME......... normal harus expression is soooo good...... the mini harus...... and Him... my cat..... sobs.... tanaka mai is a cruel god how dare she pull out this design and concept for 1 chapter and we're probably never gonna see it again..... UNLESS??? (<- mentally ill) anyway heres this promo art for no real reason other than i wanted to oogle him more
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v7 and v5: lumping these together bc theyre both harusanos. can u tell i love parallels. and vol 5 has the harusano handholding and vol 7 has the sano confession under the moon.... wow......
v13: i love animal trio they mean so much to me. also just look at weasel hatanaka i wanna squeeze him like a squeaky toy
Inside color page
for a while i was like "how come my fav inside color pages all seem to be from recent volumes" it turns out its bc sensei only started doing full scenes for them starting at vol 10
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the vol 11 one IS really good but its up against such bangers as "has principal" or "has haru" or "has seimei" sooooo
vol 10: look this one has principal and is culture fes of course its my favorite. easiest decision in my life. i think for all these categories the top 1 spot was super easy and 2-4 could all be shuffled around. it may not make me as mentally ill as the other 3 but its straight up good art i would set this as my phone screen any day
vol 13: hi this one makes me mentally ill. its so cool it has such cool imagery and its also so inscrutable. what does it all mean. why is saturn there. this one (and also all of kyoto arc tbh) makes me want a anime so bad
vol 12: you KNOW im a sucker for makuragaeshi arc aughhhh this one makes me mentally ill in a different direction from the vol 13 one. the fact he wore a blazer uniform when he was actually in high school and him wearing a gakuran in this arc. fucks me up every time
vol 14: aughhhh...... tanaka mai is out to GET me...... i care them so much.... so so much......
5th place probably still isnt the vol 11 one LOL sorry renpapa thats gotta go to vol 6 (the one with haru in the bath)
in conclusion. i am easily swayed by haru/seimei/principal/ebisu and i will never recover from white hair haru
and also culture fes has my no. 1 favorite aesthetic and miki arc is no. 2. time travel arc will probably prove to dethrone miki arc to become number 2 but idk if itll dethrone culture fes
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months
Dionysus and Charon.
Cw: suggestive themes,mentions of anger issues,depression,anxiety, abusive family, May be missing a few.
Summary: an elaborate fic for desmonds gay arc.
Wordcount: 10k ish.
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The car stopped with a Rumble, its lights turn off,as the night Sky is lit up by a full moon and thr stars,Lucas turns to see desmond-- Ya really never been to this bar before?
--I mean yes but I havent been here in a good while-- desmond replied, undoing his seatbelt and opening the door,his friend copying him.-- Last time I was here I think...I think I graduated
--jesus!--Exclaimed Lucas,Closing the door of the car, to then lean on the hood of it-- you never go out to places like this? --His Friend looks at him like "do I look like someone who goes out to places like this?"-- right...Alright! 'M 'bout to change that,cmon.
"Dionysus Bar"  the purple neon bar read, it was decorated with images of grapes And wines, it flickered a little. The outside of the building looked like a crossover between modern 90s architecture and old rustic decor. Its beautiful and cozy,they can hear the buzz of the inside.
--Good thing we came early, this place gets so jampacked sometimes-- Lucas walks to the entrance, hearing his therapist close the door of the car and catching up.
As they enter, the first thing they feel is cold,then they see is a few round tables, the wood they're made out of is pretty dark. The walls are a light cream color, some of the parts are decorated with paintings and a few TVs have the latest football game playing.
--Huh,slow night-- the ex soldier thinks out loud-- Lets go to the actual bar,cmon-- desmond follows along,compliant and just admiring the place-- did it change much since the last time you were here?
--no,not really. Its pretty much the same
They reach the bar and sit, waiting for someone to take their order. The room has music and chatter as background noise, theres a few other people in the bar but neither of the two pay attention to them.
--Good evening,Gentlemen! What can i do for you?--A Man said behind the counter,both men turn to see the bartender. He was around 6'1, plump muscles and alert greyish green eyes, his beautiful brown hair with Orange highlights And royal blue underdye tied in a tight bun,yet a few of his baby hairs fall and frame his face perfectly.
He smiles, and his cheeks seem to fill up as he does so, his sideburns frame the Lower part of his face.
--Lazaro?--Asked Lucas with wide eyes and a smile.
--Lucas! How are you buddy?--Lazaro replied.
Desmond looks at his friend and the bartender, trying to not get lost in his green eyes-- wait,you two know eachother?
--Yeah Man! Hes jericos older brother, dont you recognize him?
He takes a second look, he sees the few holes in the Mans face where their piercings usually sit, then the Many tattoos on his exposed forearms. And then it clicks-- yes,apologies. I didnt recognize him without the piercings
Lazaro laughs and oh its the sweetest sound hes ever heard, joyfull and genuine, yet behind his eyes the therapist sees a sad glint he knows a little too well from Jerico ,his patient and sister of the Man before him.
--So youre my sisters therapist? Goddamn,the world is small,huh?--He replied leaning on the counter with a smile. Des wants to pull away and move closer at the same time.
--yes it is, I uh did not expect you to look so much like her,though-- the doctor replied.
--Oh right-- laz replied with a chuckle-- Well, yeah im her biological brother but we do look extremely alike. Its a little inside joke. Anyway,whats your Poison?
--Just two beers for now-- Lucas answered-- whatever line you have as long as its good
--Ten-four lieutenant-- He leaves for a quick second and grabs two beers, he makes sure its the coldest ones they have and returns. His muscles flex as he cracks the Open and desmond finds himself staring.
--your tattoos dont get you in trouble with your boss? -- Lucas asked.
--My boss says chicks dig the tatts,men too--,Apparently-- The bartender said, winking at desmond and flicking the two bottle caps to Lucas before leaving.
--Jerico likes them-- The soldier explained,putting the two caps on his pocket. He realizes his friend is too stuck on watching Laz serve the other costumers-- doc?
Desmond turns to see his friend with a grin, oh hes fucked up-- What?
--Why are you looking at Laz?
--Drop it, Lucas-- He replied with Pink cheeks.
--you should totaly talk to him, Ive spent time with him before, hes the sweetest!
--Absolutely not!
--Cmon doc! Live a little! Youve been checking him out,at least buy him a drink!
--Can bartenders drink during their shift?
--Well they do switch in a few minutes-- the soldier trails off.
--How Many times did you come here? Youre not even from milton-haven!--Desmond protested, a little flustered.
--I came a few times-- Lucas shrugged-- 'sides y'know me,doc. 'M quite perceptive
A few minutes pass by and Lazaro returns to the two men, mostly to clean up after himself. Thats when Lucas says-- Hey Laz! Can you drink during break?
--Yeah, why?
Desmond feels Lucas kick him in the shin and he flinches. His eyes refuse to meet the bartenders and instead settle on his drink-- W-Well we were uh- wondering if youd like to have a drink wi-with us...?
He doesnt see the bright smile Lazaro has on his lips--Fine then, oh I could so use a drink.
The therapist forces himself to make eye contact-- Wh-what do you drink?
His smile,oh god his smile, its sun incarnate just like his sister. Desmonds heart does a flip-- necromancer Martini. Though I feel kinda bad just making one for me
The therapist doesnt even hesitate-- Ill pay, I mean I invited you to drink with us, its only fair
--Desmond you dont gotta-- the younger Man said.
--I insist
--Let me at least half the price?
--No. Im paying
In that moment,lazaro's chest warms up and takes the money-- You are too sweet,Desmond. My sister's right
Desmonds face heats up and he sees Lazaro put the money in the register and gets to make his drink. Its hypnotizing to watch, how he moves around the bar like its second nature,his hips sway to the latin beat playing.
《Havana, ooh na-na
Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na
He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na, ah
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
There's somethin' 'bout his manners.
Havana, ooh-na-na.》
Lazaro is absolutely stunning to watch,at least in desmonds eyes, hes so full of energy and larger than life. If it wasnt for how enamored he was with him, Des mightve felt jealous.
He sits with the two men after he grabs his dinner, Argentine empanadas and a little note in spanish "para el mejor hermano mayor del mundo. No te atragantes -Jerico" -- for the best brother in the world, dont choke while you eat them, Jerico-- Laz translated.
Lucas chuckles-- damn, what a meal you have going on
--Martini and empanadas? Dude im in HEAVEN-- the younger Man exclaimed,taking a bite out of his food-- and good company too-- he looks at desmond and smiles a little.
Desmond looks like a deer in headlights, Lucas tries not to laugh as his friend doesnt reply and takes a sip from his drink. For the rest of his break the three of them talk (its mostly Lucas and laz talking,though).
"God, hes pretty" the therapist thinks "Jesus! How Many times a week does he work out? And why does his shirt look so good on--"
--He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?"
When he came in the room
He said there's a lot of girls I can do with
But I can't without you
I knew him forever in a minute
That summer night in June
And papa says he got malo in him
He got me feelin' like...-- Lazaro sang, snapping Des out of his thoughts. His singing voice sweet as a nightjars,and as smooth as the way he moved behind the bar.
A few more minutes go by before Laz goes back to work, he pats desmond on the back and says-- Thanks for the drink, Doc -- he flirted.
The therapist looks up at him and, oh god, hes towering over him easily. His cheeks go bright red as jerico's brother smiles and leaves to get back to work.
--You need another drink-- Lucas chuckled.
--yes I do-- the other Man sgreed.
Desmond thanked the gods that another bartender took their order. He now swirls the double whiskey on the rocks looking at the dark wood counter.
--Theres nothin' wrong with likin' a Man,you know?--The radioman said.
--I dont-! I dont like him! Hes very...charming
--Dont like him? Dude! You were giving bartender boy over there them "Marry me" eyes.-- to emphasize his point he gestures at Lazaro whose currently making a Group of girls swoon for him with his charm and quips.
--Hell no!--Desmond shrieked with his face beet red,then he turns to look at Laz and he grips his glass.
Lucas raises a brow and chuckles. "Jealous much?" He thinks.
By the end of the night they pay their tab and desmond leaves for the car, then Lucas leaves a little more money for Laz alongside the one desmond left. He calls lazaro over and says-- Hey laz,this is from the doc, and heres a bit of mine
--Oh damn,thats a lot of money-- Laz murmurs-- thanks yo
--Dont mention it
The drive back home is spent with Lucas teasing the hell out of Desmond, who only sulks and looks out the Window. Once he drops him off at his appartment, the therapist goes to sink into his bed and pray to god he doesnt get hangover. He was a lightweight.
In the realm of the collective unconcious things were always changing, it had to make space to the New shadows that kept popping out of literally nowhere. Most of their little territorios werent much of a sight or even fun.
But oh, that wasnt always the case
When desmond had Fallen asleep, Agent Rainbow," 'Gent" as he preffered to be called, got to walk around that ever shifting realm, Freed from being tied up to his counterpart.
That night he came across something most peculiar, A bar. It was a mix of medieval and gothic architecture with its greyish yellow walls and black iron support beams decorated with those gothic motives. The neon sign read "Hades bar" with neon blue tubing and red spider lillies that shone crimson. Its overgrown with red spider lillies and other funerary flowers.
He fixes up his hat, he sees other shadows come in and out,shifting and morphing into different forms. For the Curiosity, and because he nothing better to do that night, he steps in.
《Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door》
The first he feels is a deathly chill, he does see a fireplace but the wood seems...frozen. the singer on the floor above sings, the strings and the piano give the bar a most ghastly appereance.
His eyes look for the bartenders and thats when he saw him.
《And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go》
A skeleton, tall and lanky,adorned with a long robe blackish desaturated blue ,it glimmers like fresh snow. Hes adorned with jewelry of crosses,skulls and harnesses, even just seeing the metal Gent figured it was deathly Cool. The crown adorned with red spider lillies and skull,the spikes that the skulls where impaled on looked more like sharp Pointy month antenna.
And this shadow,whoever he was, was alluring.
He moved with such poise, such elegance, he twirls and moves around the bar counter making drinks, its impossible not to look at him.
With a smirk,Rainbow goes to sit at the bar,in the same spot his counterpart had sat earlier this evening. He leans in and raises his hand.
--Evening, gentleman-- the skeleton said, voice raspy and utterly ghastly, as if he was speaking with his last breath every time. But its somewhat deep, and easy on the ear-- what can I get for you
--Double whiskey on the rocks,please handsome-- desmonds shadow flirted.
Amused, the skeleton grabs the whiskey,some jack daniels that is impossibly old, sets it on the counter and then grabs a round short stout glass. Their gazes meet, defiant but curious.
The skeleton opens his mouth and frost breath that gleamed like diamonds comes from deep within his mouth, his hand raises and grasps the breath, an uniform cube forms and without breaking eye contact he uses that same hand to break the Ice in two like one would do an egg.
Ice clinks as it falls on the glass, then he pours the whiskey and corks the bottle, pushing it to rainbow.-- Here you go, beautiful
'Gent chuckles and takes a sip from it, the whiskey is so cold it stings his tongue. But he doesnt flinch-- What May your name be?
The skeletal figure leans in,using his forearms for support-- People around here call me Decay or Charon.
--Call me 'gent-- the other shadow replied,taking decay's hand and kissing his knuckles,without breaking eye contact. Their energy together is almost electric like two impossibly strong forces colliding with eachother.
《Me and the devil walkin' side by side
Me and the devil walking side by side》
--Very well 'gent-- Decay says his name with defiance,he leans in,pushing his cold necromantic aura towards him,trying to show the Man before him that he wasnt in controll there-- I belive I havent seen you around here before
--Well..--Agent rainbow started,taking a sip from his drink-- I just happen to come across this fine stablishment. Which,no doubt,youre the owner of-- he shakes the glass a little, the liquid almost spills but only one single drop does slide down the surface of the glass. In that moment, as he sets down the glass, a coaster appears.
Decay feels for a silver of a moment, that the power is striped away from him, pulled away by the Man before him, the coaster is shaped like a cassete tape. The glass sits there anf agent looks smugly at him-- and it piqued my interest..
The other shadow looks at him impressed,a second of fear flashes through the skeletons gaze before returning to that aloof but defiant feel-- well, arent you something else? -- he gestures at one of his emplooyes,a smaller skeleton.-- lets go have a chat...
--Very well
Decay makes himself a drink, and both go up the stairs to the second floor. Its only then Rainbow realized that his companion easily towered over him.
《And I'm gonna see my man
Until I get satisfied》
They sit at a round table, dark wood and a beautiful greyish blue tablecloth, in the centre there is a skull with a red spider lily growing from it. The flower shines a faint red. The whole bar could be seen from here.
--Its the first time I see a shadow as powerfull as you-- Decay compliments.
-- Same could be said about you..-- he leans in with a smirk-- what is the ferry of the dead doing here?
Finally, the shadow before him chuckles,breaking the figurative ice-- my counterpart is a bartender,made sense that my realm was a bar, I felt like the world around needed some life
--The embodiment of death wanting to give life? Color me impressed
--Thats cheesy-- teased decay,also leaning in.
--You seem to be into it
--Never said I wasnt
Both make eye contact and they both chuckle, and then they Keep talking. The whole night goes like that, relentless flirting and conversation, its fun and a good time.
At some Point in the middle of the evening, theres a brief silence as Agent drinks from his glass, he notices that Decay suddenly zeros in on his drink,a necromancer Martini, and if eye sockets could go wide his would. His skeleton hand tugs at the ring hanging from his spike choker and a soft sharp gasp escapes Him.
--Are you okay?--Agent asked.
--Oh god, oh no. The tree-- decay stands up and bolts down the stairs, desmonds shadow follows Him. He tries to call out to him but he doesnt answer.
Outside of the bar agent watches as two giant moth wings sprout from the skeletons cloak,held together by a Giant skull. He kicks up in flight.
There were few things that could scare a shadow like that, rainbow follows him as fast as he can past the different territories of other shadows and finally reaches the cementary.
《You may bury my body
Down by the highway side
You may bury my body
Down by the highway side》
Agent finds Decay freezing the trunk of a Giant willow tree, the Bark is rotting away and the Ice from his fellow shadow seems to stop it.
--Okay...its okay-- he hears him whisper with a string of a voice. The skeleton kneels and hunches over the grave framed by the roots of the tree.
He approaches silently, putting a hand on Decays shoulder and kneeling with him-- Are you okay?
Decay's eyes fill with eyes that falls like tears from his eye sockets-- Oh im s-sorry I didnt mean to-- he sniffs and covers his face, hes shaking. Agent is quick to realize the symptoms of an anxiety attack, he figured its because desmond is a therapist.
--its okay. Youre okay, youre safe, breathe . --At this Point he didnt know if he was talking to decay or directly to the shadows counterpart. His arms hug him and holds him tight, hes freezing cold but he doesnt mind-- center on my voice, its okay.
Decay slowly stops shaking, his breath eventually evens out. When his gaze meets his oncemore hes calmer.
--What happened-- agent asked, letting his companion pull back a little.
--This tree- im tied to it somehow-- decay explains-- when my counterpart experiences the feelings that he represses, this tree rots a little, the Ice stops it but tonight...something changed. -- Agent reads the tombstone both are kneeling infront of. "L.Castro" it says.-- with every bit of anger swallowed, with every part of grief he doesnt process this tree rots, most of the times I can absorb it but when I cant then...
Rainbow coos,trying to calm him down-- its okay,you fixed it. Its fine now. Can I ask what happens once the tree rots away?
--Well..when it rots away,my counterpart,Lazaro, he'll release all those emotions thats eating him on the inside. Its going to be violent, either that or...or- well.. theres a reason im a skeleton
It clicks for agent in an instant. He nodds and rubbs soothint circles on his companions back-- thats not going to happen. I promise-- his hands wipe away the icy tears-- do you have anywhere to rest?
Even if shadows didnt need sleep, all had a place to rest-- I udually sleep in the boughs of the willow tree. Why?
Gent purses his lips-- Stay at my place tonight,I dont think its good that you sleep here after what just happened
Decay looks at him surprised--You just met me though?
Agent stands up and offers his hand-- no ulterior motives, cross my heart--- he does an X on his chest with his free hand.
The other shadow takes it and he pulls them up gently-- lets go,then
The walk to his appartment is silent,but desmonds shadow never lets go of his companions hand. Once they reach his appartment agent shared his bed with the skeleton.
Decay buries his head on rainbows chest,who hugs him tight against his frame. Sure, most of the time he was an asshole, but seeing a shadow so powerfull as him being scared shook Him. And because he had a crush on him too, he knows the tell tale signs and doesnt fight them. He just hopes that at least tonight,Decay And his counterpart relax.
The Next day for desmond was absolutely normal, no hangover thankfully just a weird feeling of worry. But worry about what? He doesnt know. With that hanging feeling he goes about his day,has a few sessions with his patients and by midday he goes back home for lunchbreak.
--Oh f--he stops himself from cursing, he purses his lips and closes the fridge. He had ran out of veggies for his salad.--How didnt I notice?-- he murmured, grabbing his appartment keys and his car keys. Usually Magdalena would get the groceries or at least remind him to get them.
Without her around well...hes re-learning how to live life.
The drive to homa mart is death silent, hes a little too annoyed for music right now. He parks the car and goes into the store, didnt Virginias boyfriend Dave work here?.
Desmond is currently picking out lettuce and a few tomatos and a few other things For his lunch,Thats when his eyes catch a flash of blue hair and he turns to see.
Lazaro is jamming out to some music, he has one earbud in while he grabs a few veggies. Seeing him with all his piercings was a trip for the therapist, he forgot just how Many he had,he stays a little too stuck staring at the snakebites piercings on the other Mans lips that look very soft.
--Oh Desmond!--Lazaro says with a smile, snapping the Man out of his thoughts. Hes wearing a tanktop with ripped holes, ripped up jeans and normal sneakers. All black. His tattoed arm pats the Mans back.
Des notices the beautiful sunflowers and red spider lillies on his bicep, and a Lion with its skull exposed and covered in its mane-- oh- laz-lazaro, good afternoon
--Man, what are the odds! We saw eachother yesterday night and now here?--He giggled,amused.
--Yes- uhm. Youre right-- his eyes look up at him and notices the heavy eyebags on his companion, for a moment laz's smile falters and though extremely built he seems...weak-- this May be too forward but..are you okay.
Lazaro looks away and scratches the back of his neck-- Ah well, family problems you know? Dont want to bother you with it
--no no, please do tell me. I mean its good to let stuff out...-- he trailed off, his eyes deviating to the Mans other arm, where it was covered from shoulder to wrist in a beautiful asian dragon tattoo, the tail of the dragon coils on laz's pectoral.
--Ah well,Our bio mo-- he stutters, he coughs out the Word with the same hatred and disdain jerico did--mother called last night, she was with our biological father, the call started fine, asking us how we were doing...but then she started to recall our childhood and well...she had it all wrong, what she put Us through. It ended up in a screaming match, And well-- he sighs-- every time it gets like this,I get in a really bad headspace, I didnt get much sleep last night..
Desmond pats his back and says-- thank you for telling me,and im sorry. You two deserve so much better
--Thank you,Des. I think I need some rest--laz replied-- Come by the bar tonight?
--I uh- 'm kinda busy with paperw-- he starts,but then he meets his tired gaze and he sighs-- Sure, just one drink.
--Cool, its gonna be a slow night anyway, sunday night? Nobody is coming for a drink on a sunday-- laz shrugged-- I like your vest,by the way.
Desmonds cheeks go bright red and he tugs at his tie-- uh-uhm thanks. Your tattos look pretty good t-too
--Oh,theyre my pride and joy!--laz exclaimed, going back to his cheerful persona-- you should see the one on my back, I love that one.-- his eyes catches the clock above the stand that had the veggies-- oh,i gotta get going. See you tonight
--good-goodbye-- Desmond replied,laz walks away and the therapist cant help himself but stare at his back, muscular and toned but still soft and a little pudgy. From what little skin he can see that isnt covered by the tanktop, the tattoo on his back have moth wings.
Night arrived faster than he wouldve liked, he grabbed a few of the documents and a few pens and left for Dyonisus Bar.
《Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine》
He caught the song midway through, but the lyrics speak to him more than he wouldve liked. He shouldnt be going out tonight. No,he shouldve stayed at home, he has paperwork to do and--
Lazaro waits for him behind the counter, des sits where he did last time.
--Thanks for the tip last time. It was too much money but i so appreciate it.
Desmond Recalled how much money he left last time and then it dawns on him. Lucas that sneaky bastard-- Its uh...nothing-- he replied with a shy,polite smile.
--what can I get you to make that-- the younger Man points at the documents-- less of a pain in the ass.
--Just a beer,thanks.
There was almost no-one in the bar that night, only a few costumers. Desmond scribbles down on his papers even when he gets his beer--Thank you-- he murmurs.
Lazaro makes himself another Martini necromancer, and sits beside desmond,looking how dilligently he works. It warms up his chest and finds it endearing-- hey,your face is a little too close to the paper.
Desmond's cheeks go bright red, he pulls back a little-- Ah sorry- uhm..force of habit
The other Man laughs and shakes his head-- No prob. Take a rest in a bit yeah?
《"I only see him as a friend, " the biggest lie I ever said
I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed》
The therapist nodds-- uh,thank you for reminding me. I can get stuck in work a lot.
--Hey, thats what im here for-- he drinks from his Martini and stares at him a little longer before looking at the football match.
A solid 40 minutes go by,until desmond drops the towel on the paperwork-- im done with this. I dont think I can handle one more file
Laz didnt move from his spot, he looks at his companion and smiles-- I was wondering when you'd put your feet on the ground
--Apologies- I guess waiting for someone to be done with paperwork can be annoying...-- desmond applogized meekly.
--I figured you'd be working-- "but I wish you talked to me instead" laz thought-- I dont mind. 'Sides, I couldnt help but watch you,youre so passionate about it, I can tell you like helping people. Im glad my sister is getting helped by you, thank you
With that,desmond short circuits-- youre- youre too kind laz, I uhm. Try my best
--yeah, s'no Biggie-- he replied-- so, whats after this? Someone to return home to?
--oh uh...-- the Man clears his throat-- 'M divorced. So -no
--Oh god,im sorry I didnt want to Open a wound-- he apologized.
--No no,you didnt. Hey uh why dont you pour me a whiskey? I think i can uh- stay for another drink.
Lazaro smiled-- coming right up, doc.
Thats how for the rest of the night, both drink a little. Desmond,being the lightweight he was he gets super drunk, slurring his words.
In that moment, Agent takes the reigns of his conciousness, deciding to finally put an end to this fruitless pinning-- are you booze? Because im getting dizzy just looking at you!-- he flirted leaning in.
The younger Man finds it amusing, he giggles-- thats so cheesy
--Alright-alright then, another one...I think all the bottles in this bar must be jealous, cause your beauty is the most intoxicating thing in this place.?
Lazaro laughs loudly and lean in-- that ones good!
--If- if you think that ones good..--Desmond also Leans in, eyes locked on his--What do you say we get out of here? I bet you’re way better to wake up next to than a hangover~
Agent is impressed to see Lazaro actually consider the proposition. But he shakes his head-- Des,youre drunk. Ask me when youre sober
"Thats the only thing keeping you from being together" desmonds shadow thinks before letting go of Desmonds conciousness.
That night, Lucas picked up Desmond from the bar since he was in no condition to drive. He apologized to Laz for his friend and left.
But lazaro sighs and watches them leave, he looks at the half empty glass of whiskey and finishes it himself. The closes thing To kissing Des as he had for now.
In the land of the collective unconcious, Agent Is laughing his ass off and coughing his ass off with Decay. The skeleton is incredibly funny and charming, and Agent cant help but stare at him with love in his eyes.
--Are you alright? That coughing fit sounded...intense--decay cooed, taking The Mans hand.
--Nothing you gotta worry about,handsome-- the other shadow replied,kissing his cold knuckles. -- come walk with me?
Both leave the bar,hand in hand, walking around the town in quiet conversation -- You truly are something else-- 'gent replied, his voice is raspy but so soft.
--Youre too kind
--No i mean it, you and your counterpart are something else-- he shyly stands up on his toes and kisses his cheek.-- so sweet and so funny..
Decay's face frosts up and he leans a little on his companion. The skeleton squeezes the hand hes holding and replies--You too,I never met someone like you either.
--Hey, let me accompany you to your tree? Lets go check up on it,...together -- Its almost amusing to watch someone like rainbow get flustered. His cheeks glow with the chemicals under his skin, his hands get a little sweaty but his companion doesnt mind.
At the tree,Decay traces the outline of the rotting bark-- Hold on...'gent look, the holes not as big as it used to be!
Gent looks and indeed, the rotting Bark seemed to heal somewhat, now the rotting hole looks like a heart.
--Oh my-- oh dear! -- he squealed-- did you do this?
Desmonds shadow thinks back to earlier this night, the flirting, it must have helped-- yes,I made desmond flirt with lazaro
--well- it worked! Oh I love you!--decay's face frosts over,looking Like a more gaunt version of laz's face. His boney hands grips the collar of his trenchcoat and kisses him, he kisses back and hugs him.
--Damn,didnt you you were so fond of me hmph!-- Decay kisses him again and tugs at his clothes.
--You are amazing,rainbow. I owe you
--How about dinner at my place huh? To repay your debt,of course. I guess a Man so powerfull as you doesnt like owin people...-- his finger playfully tugs at the ring of the skeleton's spiky choker.
--Youre right,Sir. I dont~
--Its a date,then-- he winks and both stay there just looking at eachother, enjoying just a little more time together.
For the Next few weeks,Desmond doesnt visit the bar, busy witt work. Jerico is kind enough to relay that fact to his older brother,who was fretting over if desmond was upset because of what had happened last time they saw eachother.
--Hey jer! Before you go to desmonds-- Lazaro called out one afternoon-- can you ask him if he wants to come over to my band's practice?
--Sure dude. Youll owe me though!-- jeri replied with a smile.
He shrugged-- I dont mind if its you,and thank you-- his sister pats his bicep reassuringly.
--Oh dont worry Man, he likes you im sure of it! Hes just really shy
--I hope so...-- He trailed off, before his sister hugs him tight.
--Cheer up, emo ass
Laz chuckles-- Punkass -- he teased,ruffling her hair.
--Asshole!--Jer yells as she runs to the door to leave.
--idiot!-- the Man yells back.
--salame!(dumbass!-- she Shouts,closing the door.
--Boluda!-- he exclaimed a final time once the door is closed. Then he goes to his room to finish his university assigments.
Next afternoon, Desmond reaches the small warehouse the band practiced. Jerico was with him, she opens the door and both step in, he sees Lucas also there.
--Desmond! Glad you could make it!--Lazaro said with a smile, he was in the same clothes he saw him in at the supermaket, but in Des' eyes hes absolutely stunning.
--Jerico spoke so highly of your band I had to come over...--Desmomd doesnt know where that came from but hes not complaining
--Oh youre too sweet-- for the first time the therapist sees his crush blush, it takes him a moment to realize hes the reason the cute guy before him blushes.
As the band settles in, he sees the logo of the band on the drums, "The Decayed" and the logo is a rotting willow tree with the letters above the boughs of said tree. And for some reason the image of that rotten willow tree sends a shiver down his spine. Hes seen it before and he knows its an omen,but an omen for what? Where has he seen that image before?
Soon,the music starts, Lazaro is the main singer and desmond knows from the first few words if the song that hes fucked. Hes fucked because this time he cant deny his feelings for the young Man anymore.
--This is it!
Now we've found it, I'm astounded
Every town will be surrounded
By a throng of marchin' death
Delicious the riches, they glisten ahead-- his voice is deep and easy on the ears,he playa the electric guitar with such ease, with the same poise that he had when working at the bar.
--It's a craze!
They'll devour every hour
Of these endless, non-progressive inundations of their kind
And lucky for you, you're the next one in line--the singer points at desmond and smiles, winking at him.
--When I'm necromancin', everyone's dancin'
No one can stop me, I dare you to try
The dead are infused with sensational groove
And they're comin' for you now
There's nowhere to hide-- laz moves his hips,its fluid and hypnotizing to watch
--Yeah! (Waltzin' forth, here they come)
I'm raisin' the dead (everyone, turn and run)
I'm lovin' the dread (killer moves that will stun)
Let's make some evil!-- hes so calm and collected, so stone cold cool and non-chalant. Hes feeling the song and hes enjoying every bit of it,  desmond is frozen in place, he cant move.
The rest of the song is a haze for the therapist,oh hes absolutely gone. He was so deep in love for him.
When the song ends, the three audience members cheer and holler at them. -- Oh, did you know each member has a god  of death associated with him? -- Jerico said while the band tuned up the instruments-- Lazaro is Charon,the ferry of the dead!
--Yeah! And jer here is designing our outfits for our concert-- Lazaro jumped in-- show 'em!
Jerico shows Lucas and Desmond the designs for the members, but when he gets to Lazaro's something inside of Des stirrs. Agent freaks the hell out because he recognizes the elements of design, he knows the Point of the crown with spider lillies, he knows the sway of the cape and the clinking of the metal jewelry.
Agent understands why Decay looks the way that he looks. And for a moment he tries to push into Desmonds concience but to no avail,he hasnt had any communication with his counterpart in a while. As powerful as he was in the collective unconcious, Desmond  was stronger, for now.
--Thats so cool honey!--Lucas exclaims,kissing jerico, she kisses back.
--Thank you!
Desmond tries not to scowl, hes so jealous. He wants that with Lazaro,but he knows he cant because hes a coward.
As hes about to leave, Lazaro stops him. He looks nervous but excited.
--Desmond wait!--His voice is a little raspy because of the singing-- I uh..got these two tickets for an emo music concert. I uh was s'pposed to go with jer but shes got plans...do you want to go with me? I know its not your kinda music but--
--As a date?--its what his grown dumbass asks. He tries to back track once he realizes how much hes just exposed himself.
--Oh -- Laz hesitates, taken aback as his heart seems to beat out of his chest-- si- yes. As uhm a date, ive been meaning to ask you out..
Oh wait. Hes serious-- Its uhm no problem, id love to go-- and he smiles just a little,to make sure laz stays calm and doesnt think hes fucked up.
--oh hell yeah! We're gonna have so much fun! You dont gotta dress up like me, plenty people go with their Every day clothes...!
"Cool! Cause he doesnt have any black clothes to wear!" Agent thinks,breathing a sigh of relief now that desmond said Yes.
Desmond says his goodbyes and leaves for his house. A smile on his lips and a Pep in his step.
That night,Agent found himself having dinner with Decay, its a splendid time as Decay seems less worried about his tree. Agent is glad to see him anyway,spending time with that skeleton is the hightlight of his days/night.
Music pours from the vynil player he has nearby. Agent offers his hand and says--May I have this dance,Lord of the dead?
--You may-- Decay flirted, taking his hand and standing up. Decay nos looked like a skeletal rendition of Lazaro,his body made of Ice. The other shadow simply hugs his waist with his free arm and both dance along to Ellas Fritzgerald's "The Man I Love".
The pace is slow and sweet, they had all the time in the world. Only the song can be heard as both sway, 'Gent feels the parts of his skin that make contact with the icy body of his companion freeze for a moment, even the liquid within his skin, and then return to normal.
Its not an unpleseant feeling, just one of the things that made Decay who he was, and gent loved every bit. --Im so happy Desmond accepted Lazaros date, the hole in the tree is so much smaller now! Its shaped like a heart too!
--Yes,im happy too, its about time he does something-- gent agrees-- I was tired of suggesting pickup lines and him having none of it. 
--Can he hear you?
The other shadow shrugs-- he thinks im intrusive thoughts, so no.
--Lazaro cant hear me either. But when you calmed me down from that anxiety attack, I think he heard you somehow... you calmed him down so it calmed me down! He thought he was hearing desmonds voice coaching him-- Decay explained-- im so happy,thank you
--Seeing you happy makes me happy-- he replied, pressing a kiss to his icy lips. He kisses back and both stop dancing. Instead,they make out for a few solid minutes.
--Next date is on me.-- the skeleton declared.
--What do you have in mind?
--Picnic under the moonlight, good booze and you know...-- His skeletal hand goes under the Mans trenchcoat.
'Gent chuckles-- can you even-
--Well, youre going to have to find out, wont you?
He smirks-- Hmm, youre right.
Both go to cuddle on the bed just like they did that first night. And just like last time,its comfortable and reassuring. Rainbow knows he would do anything to make sure he can Keep holding Decay like that.
Few days pass by, the concert day goes swimmingly, desmond even found brotherhood Among other "golden retriever" people that came to support their emo partners. But when asked if Him and lazaro were a thing,he'd become flustered and deny it.
After that, Desmond was sure he was in love,but he wouldnt admit it. Not even to himself, but he couldnt say no when Lazaro asked him if they could go on a second date, he cant say no to the idea of going to a café,anything relating to Lazaro he couldnt say no.
One day, Desmond and Lazaro are hanging out on the park with Lucas and Jerico. Its the few last days of summer, and the day is beautiful.
-- Laz! The ball got stuck on a tree again!--Jerico called out. She sees her brother looks away from desmond and his eyes spot the ball.
--I got it!--He called out, taking off his shirt because he was cooking himself. Black clothes on a sunny day? Nope.
Desmonds air leaves his lungs as he finally sees Lazaros Back. Still muscly, still soft. The tattoo on his back, a Giant Death's Head moth,black And white that expands down to his middle back.
Then, his eyes Lower to his hips and he realizes he also has a tramp stamp tattoo, it looks like a grave with bones,crows And of course, red spider lillies.
Lazaro climbs up the tre,His strong back muscles flexed with every move of his arms, the wings of his Giant skull moth tattoo look like its about to take off as his shoulderblades move, Des cant look away and he knows hes staring.
He gets the ball down and trots Back to the therapist. He sits and lets out a sigh-- Damn,what a day.
But oh no desmonds not there, hes staring at the minimalist sun tattoo under his collarbone, the underboost tattoo that accentuates his top surgery scars...
His eyes catch the view of the anarchy symbol on his throat and,staring right at him on the side of the neck that was facing him, a tattoo with spray paint typography that says "Bite Me".
Desmond feels like his soul leaves his body for a split second, oh he was not prepared for that.
--Im so hot-- Complained lazaro, fanning himself with a book.
"No arguing there" the therapist thinks,amused.-- I need fall to happen right about now
Des chuckles-- I feel you, do you uhm want water?
--Please -- Laz gets the coldest water bottle in the portable fridge, he drinks and lets out a sigh--What would I do without you,Doc?
--Its uhm..Nothing
--Pass by the bar later?-- laz asked.
--uhm...sure-- he replied shyly.
--Cool,ill save you your spot-- he winks and lays down on  the ground as a breeze cools his body.
Desmond likes that Laz considers he had a "designated" spot on the bar.
But little did he know that neither would see eachother that night. Desmond would get a package from Mayer pharmaceuticals that would knock him out for a few good days, he doesnt answer his calls or messages.
He spends days battlinga living hell, shadow forms of his patients, and of course,himself.
--and Poor lazaro!--teased agent rainbow during their fight-- you were such a coward! If it wasnt because of me you wouldnt have accepted his dates!
--So it was you!--Yelled desmond.
--Please! Do you think you could pull someone like that? If it wasnt for me your ignorance wouldve caused his death, and his shadowforms! Your rejection rotted away at what little strength that Man had! I saved him so you owe me!
--Like hell i do!-- the therapist replies with anger-- ill kick your ass and show you I dont need you!
And that he does, he beats his shadowself, and then hes plunged into darkness once he says goodbye to tonia, his dead cat.
Desmond Woke up incredibly cold, his extremeties feeling like two icecubes. He looks around at the cementary hes in, his breath materializes infront of him.
--What the-- his breath hitches as he sees a tall skeletal figure walk past him, they seem to almost float with a thin mist trailing behind him like the train of a dress.
The figure stops at a grave, sat Nestled between the roots of a large willow tree. Upon further inspection the trunk of the tree seeme to be rotting away. They kneel and place a red spider lily on it, and then they stand up and float silently out of the cementery.
Curious,Desmond walks up to the graves and cleans the few bits of Ice that stuck to the stone. His eyes go wide as he reads "L. Castro, beloved son,brother and great artist".
The world around him is so deathly cool, the wind blows and theres a certain sweet smell of Decay . Its a night of deep winter, nothing grows, the epitome of death, but its not depressing but rather comforting. The moonlight peeks through the heavy dark clouds in intervals,drowning the world in an almost absolute darkness.
"No...no no no" he panics,his eyes dart to the exit and the trail of light grey blueish mist that was left behind by that thing, he runs after it as silently as he can. A part of him knows better than disturb the figure he saw as he follows them.
Then,he follows them around the town, its desolate, theres mist everywhere and only moonlight filters through the heavy black clouds. Hes freezing alive,he Holds on to himself as his breath shakes.
Why is this figure so familiar? Why does he recognize the movements? The styling of the clothes is so familiar but he cant place it.
The figure moves with Grace like a dancer or a bartender on a busy night. Hes hypnotized by the swaying of their hips with every step they take. His breath hitches again, his eyes go wide a little and he forces himself to look away.
"Get a hold of yourself,Wales" he thinks, and follows them to a bar. The neon sign shines a faint light blue, theres red lillies made of the same tubing that shines red, "Hades' Bar"
The bar looks more like a Fantasy tavern mixed with gothic architecture, it standa tall in its blak wooden exterior and black iron supports.
The figure stops at the blackstone steps up the door, it lets out a silent sigh as its breath is pure frost. That explains the utter cold and ice everywhere.
They unlock the door and step in,and as they do so the dark wood door blooms with red spider lillies. Desmond hears a familiar voice call out to the figure-- Ah,Buenas Noches Decay!
Desmond managed to peak behind a Windows with its red curtains partially drawn. His breath stops.
Agent Rainbow--
He sat there, on a bar stool as the figure, Decay, goes around the counter to the mirrored shelf. And then it dawns on him, this is a distorted version of Dionysus Bar in milton heaven. And if thats Agent Rainbow,his shadow, sitting on the same spot Desmond always sat when he went to that bar,then the figure is--
--Lazaro-- he exclaimed under his breath and for a moment,Decay looks towards the Window,he doesnt see any eyes looking under the sharp shadow of the hood. But Decay just shrugs and pulls away his hood that made him look like a grim reaper.
He wears a crown with red lillies, the spikes that made the crown looked more like moth antennae rather than spikes, and at the base of each one there are smaller skulls.
Lazaro's shadow exhales that ghastly frost of a breath, the skulls of the crown exhale it too.
--oh Decay-- Agent rainbow breathes,sounding Like he was a teen in love in an overexaggerated cheesy movie-- dont you look absolutely cold and dead today
The skeletal figure laughs, it sounds like a gasping, ragged breath. Bone chilling. His black eyesockets settle on the Rainbow-- Dearest.. what are you doing in the bar before I opened it?
--I wanted to surprise you,of course!--The other Man replied, taking the skeletal hand, some of the liquid in his hand seems to freeze in a tricolor Ice, before melting-- Beside, I wanted to spend time with you before this place is packed with the dead and they steal your stone cold gaze away from me~
Desmond cringes a how cheesy it is, but Decay is into it-- Ah I see, and that prompted you to sneak into my bar?
--Yes sir--rainbow tips his hat at him.
--Hm, fine-- his skeleton mouth presses against the other Man's lips. As he does so, a gaunt face grows on the skeleton, its made out of frost and Ice. Desmonds eyes go wide as he realizes its lazaro's face.
--One day i hope my lips remain stuck on your Icey face,so I can Keep kissing you-- His shadow flirted, kissing the knuckles of the other Man.
--One day perhaps--Decay agreed--for now how about you settle for sharing a drink with me before I Open for bussiness?
--That would be splendid, my ferryman
Decay pours a double whiskey on the rocks for Agent rainbow, while he makes himself a Necromancer Martini, the same drink Lazaro drank aside from beer. The two men sit on the same side of the bar, Agent has his hand on his companion's knees as both drink,desmond has no clue how because one had no mouth and the other was a skeleton.
--Will there be a day where your counterpart finally asks mine out?--Decay asked, looking beautiful like fresh snow and elegant like glinting diamonds. He sits with such a Poise and confidence that its almost ethereal, his cold mist of icy death glimmers like snow under moonlight.
-- 'm afraid not,or at least I dont think so. I tried giving him advice and pickup lines but hes stubborn
--You can charm anyone, why wouldnt he accept your help?--Rainbow gestures at himself-- right...
--His loss-- The other Man says-- though its a shame, I really wish he finally manned up
Decay smiles somehow, his naturally cold gaze softens-- Well, Lazaro is thinking of asking him out,maybe all he needs is a kickstart
--And a big one at that--rainbow quipped,taking a big long sip of his whiskey.
--You are incorregible, 'Gent-- the skeleton said, incredible fondness and warmth in his tone.
--You love me this way
--And I wouldnt have you any other way-- decay gives his lover one last kiss and finishes his Martini.
Desmond watches as Decay gets ready for the night, picking out glasses and liquor. But what really knocks the air out of him is his shadow form.
Agent rainbow, the thing that tried to kill him multiple times, everything he hated about himself, was docile,domestic. He polished the wooden tables, fixed up the Chairs and lit up the Giant fireplace that probably made the chilly interior of the bar feel cozy and comfortable. He also figured that Decay couldnt start a Fire given he was pure chill.
--Ill come back to help you close-- Agent announced as he fixed up his fedora.
--Very well,Im guessing youre going to see blaze?
He nodds-- I Will, I hope his other boyfriend didnt steal her away for long
Decay laughs, that bone chilling laughter of the dead-- lets hope not,send my sister my regards
--Will do,Handsome -- and with that, Agent leaves the bar without looking back
Desmond sits by the entrance to the pub, hid away and out of sight. He watches blurry silhouette of enteties of light and shadow enter in conversation that sounds like radio static.
But he watches through the Window as Decay moves with Grace across the bar, smaller skeletons serve the costumers as whimsy clasical music played from an upper floor, the ghosts and skeletons playing are wearing masks and shine with a faint blue light.
As the night progresses it gets colder and colder, hes practically about to go into hypothermia when one of the souls exciting drops their cloak. Hes quick to put it on and notices that it had pocket and that there was money, some sort of iron coins.
Pulling the cloak over his head, desmond entera the bar, nobody seems to notice him and he sits in the back, watching as Decay attends the bar.
--Just a beer-- He ordered to the skeleton waiter, and he watches it leave without a Word spoken.
Its absolutely captivating to watch Decay twirl around the bar,make conversation with the souls,he walks- he floats with overflowing confidence that desmond wishes he had. He thinks it looks just like Lazaro when he works at the bar.
His beer arrives and for the remaining of the night he just watches the bar and how it behaves, its nothing like hes seen before. No other "mind realm" was as lively as this one, as if it existed between the realm of the living and the dead.
Chiron the ferry of the dead, the similarities were right there, the bar was called Hades(the name of the King of the underworld), the dead souls flowing, the skeletons, the coins that look so much like the ones used to pay the ferryman.
And of course,there was Decay himself, a skeleton King that seemed to float like a boat in the water, his energy that made the air ripe witt necromancy. If this was Lazaro's shadow, then he wondered just how much power he himself held.
Desmond leaves as the bar empties out, hoping that "Chiron" as he got to call decay now, didnt notice a living person walk amongst the dead. Maybe the cloak masked him?.
But he returns to his previous snooping place, he hides when agent rainbow comes to help him close shop. By that time it had to be before sunrise.
--Love-- Called agent,his raspy,gravelly voice is uncharacteristically soft-- 'm all done here
Decay looked up from the glass he was polishing-- splendid. I think ill leave the servants to close up.
-- Perfect-- Agent puts on his fedora and offers his arm, Decay takes it and both walk out of the Pub. They walk away leaning on eachother, the skeleton was bigger than rainbow by a lot, just like lazaro was with desmond.
Both look so in love, it makes him jealous. Both laugh and chuckle and giggle at inner jokes, they flirt and sometimes dance together under the peeking moonlight, the skeletons mist glinting Like diamonds. It looks Straight out of a movie, he hates it.
Desmond keeps a healthy distance from the pair, his mind is filled with thoughts about how he wishes that his relationshipp with Lazaro was just like that, but he knew the truth about himself,he was shy,awkward, and heavy in denial.
He never liked men- except a few times in his childhood but-- he was confused right? Then why is he so jealous? Why is he yearning for something like the relationshipp those two had? Why does it bother him that their shadows, that which they repress, are happy together. How can Agent Rainbow be together with Decay already, why cant Desmond have some of that confidence himself?
Agent parts ways with Decay at the cementery, he kisses him and whispers something about finding him in his appartment (Desmond guessed rainbow had the same appartment that he had).
He follows the skeleton Man back to that grave, but this time he makes no effort to hide.
Decay freezes the rotting Bark, another spider lily rests on the tomb. He turns and simply smiles to the best he can with his skull for a head.
--Desmond...-- He sounds..happy to see him.
--Laz- Decay -- Des replied, fixing his glasses and feeling incredibly flustered like he did when lazaro was around.
--This is most curious, what are you doing here?-- he kneels to eye level and tilts his head just the way lazaro does, it makes the Man's heart squeeze with yearning.
--I - I wish I knew-- he replied with a nervous chuckle,looking away-- I uhm ..didnt know you existed
-- I do-- the skeleton agrees--Its good to see you,though. --his voice fills with the same warmth it has when he speaks to rainbow, desmonds breath hitches and hes taken back. Was he really using that tone with him?.
--Oh..I uhm. Yeah I havent been to the bar in a while
--Yeah, i- he- he misses you--Decay confessed, cupping the Mans cheek and making him look into his eye sockets.
His frost breath fogs up his glasses, and desmond feels like hes going to die from how fast his heart was beating. The skeletal hand is deathly cool...but soft.
--O-oh..-- its all the therapist replies,enamored by the feeling of what he guessed was the skeletons gaze. Its overwhelming,filled with love and...yearning. yearning for Desmond and nobody else. Was this Decay or Lazaro himself?.
--Come by sometime-- begged the shadow form, genuine hurt in his voice.
They go quiet,both of them, all they hear is the whistling wind and the rustling of dead trees. He looks at the rotting tree and he feels...
Decay looks too,and sighs. The Ice keeps the rot from spreading, a short term solution but not permanent.
Desmond looks into the rotting willow tree, he feels overwhelmed with burnt out, with exhaustion, with a deep desire of realese, of yearning for the pain to end.
--Nurse him back to health. Please-- Decay Begged once more-- this garden...my- our garden is rotting. -- his skeletal hand moves to his chin, his face frosting over into a human one ,gaunt but still drop dead gorgeus.
And desmond, for once,doesnt fight it. He leans in, hands reaching for his cloak. And then....
Hes awake, in bed, glasses thrown haphazardly on the nightstand. He turns,heart Racing and almost beating out of his chest, his body feels warm as hes flustered.
But his eyes catch the sigh of something red on the other side of the bed, long time since it has been last occupied by someone, a loved one or a partner.
There, on the pillow is a Red Spider lily. The pillow feels deathly cool to the touch, and looking at the flower he tries to steady his breath.
The realm of the dead would call to him, its master, chiron, the skeleton King, Decay, would demand his presence, and who was he to say no to the ferryman?
--Jesus! Youre awake!--Lucas yelled, jumping out of his Seat as desmond comes out of his room.
--Lazaro-- he gasps out-- where is he-?
--The bar, where else-- the ex soldier stops his friend-- youre in no condition--
--i need to see him, hes- hes hanging on by a thread, his tree--His garden is rotting, Lucas please..!
--Tree? Garden? What are you on about?
--I saw- I saw lazaros shadow form, its tied to a willow tree, its almost about to die. You need to let him know im here, please Lucas hes unstable
Lucas recalls the things jerico told him,how upset and sad Lazaro was, how he couldnt get out of his rooms most days. How its like his personality wilted away.
--Go sit. Ill give you water, bottled water, ill call him.
And like that, Desmond listens to Lucas explain everything to Jerico and Lazaro. Hes sure that if it wasnt for Jerico, Laz wouldve thought Lucas was crazy.
But they dont see eachother, oh no they dont, Desmond is too weak to even get out of bed, he can feel Agent stirr and writhe unconfortably during the day. In his dreams his shadow shows him the decayed tree, how its almost all dead with the trunk rotted away.
Weeks go by, Lazaro is not in the right state of mind to even go visit. Jerico is mad at desmond even if she understand his situation.
And when he finally feels better, against his better judgement, he ends up at Dyonisus Bar. Lazaro squeaks when he sees him but he doesnt say a Word.
Neither do, but laz is kind enough to set a double whiskey infront of him. Desmond is wallowing in his loss, his dead cat,his wife leaving him,on that tree thats rotting away because of him..
--You were gone for so Long-- Lazaro croaked, eyes Burning with repressed tears-- do you have any idea how worried I was? How Many sleepless nights I had?
Desmond grips the glass, hes angry at himself and he lashes out, he should know better and he does, but he hates himself that much-- Why do you even care for me anyway?! -- his voice is just under a scream,and thank god its a very slow night.
The other Man sets down the glass he was polishing with force, his head snaps so fast towards him its like hes going to break his neck. He stomps towards the therapist, he grabs him by the neck of his dress shirts and yells-- BECAUSE I LOVE YOU,YOU SAD FUCKING ASSHOLE,because since I met you ive been able to think less of the hate I have for my parents,I dont feel abandoned when youre around! Because my anger melts away and all my grief of mourning a family I never had goes away! Because you make me feel alive! I dont have to walk on eggshels, im safe with you and i can be myself! I love you!--He kisses him with force.
Desmonds eyes go wide and with shaky hands he clings on to Lazaro's clothes. When the younger Man pulls away,hesistant because he didnt kiss back, Des pulls him for another,its passionate and needy but neither care.
--im sorry im sorry,im so sorry--Desmond apologized,his forehead against his companions-- I was scared,scared that you didnt actually love me, that I would drive you away! Im sorry,I love you too,im sorry.
In the realm of the unconcious,Agent is shaking as he clings to an extremely weak Decay who is no longer cold,just lukewarm. Hes terrified, hes terrified hes going to lose him too, he cant, he cant lose him.
--I love you,I love you-- agent whispers against his skull, over and over again. Decay's body is absolutely weak, its taking all his strength to not become dust, even his clothes seemed dead.
The willow tree's trunk is barely holding on with a piece of wood that looks like a spine, its slowly rotting away...and then...
The trunk grows back with not one hole to be seen, no rot or anything. He hears Decay gasp for air and the sudden return of that extreme cold body temperature makes him yelp.
--Honey!-- Agent rainbow yells,pulling Back.
--Desmond confessed!-- decay pulls back,with a smile-- the tree- lazaro got everything out!--He looks at the tree, healthy like the first day
--Fucking finally--exhaled desmonds shadow, pressing his forehead against his lovers-- I love you
--I love you too-- Decay whispered.
--I love you-- desmond murmured.
--I love you too-- Lazaro replied, gripping the mans clothes.
Finally together.
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hoezhatelola · 3 years
Pretty Little Head
Yandere Deku x Fem!Reader
warnings: yandere tendencies(obviously), 18+ NSFW, gore/violence, drug usage, bondage, dubcon/noncon, praise kink, oral(female receiving), oral(male receiving), MDNI
a/n: this was actually a request i received outside of tumblr but i decided to make one here too! i’m so excited to write this one, i think that underneath deku’s innocent appearance he would make one hell of a yandere.
word count: 4.1k
deku had never anticipated someone like you would be the source of all his stress, pleasure, and love. despite being quirkless and utterly small compared to deku himself, you were always so kind. you were always there to take his hand and help him up when bakugou would push him down. you were always there to ruffle his hair and reassure him he’d do great on an exam. you were always there to offer him a snack or some extra lunch, even if you were hungry.
it left deku confused in the dust, as a child and still now, completely lost in how or why you were so nice to him. even when he took off to pursue his career of being a pro hero, which he was very successful in doing, you were still there to visit him or patch up his scratches.
in his bright green eyes and from beneath his curly green hair, this was enough for anyone to reserve the right to feel a burning hatred towards your significant other. he watched in anger as you sat on that blue-eyed idiot’s lap, tangling your fingers in his dark hair and whispering dirty nothings into his ear. he watched in jealousy as a stupid smirk spread across his lips, well aware there was something threatening to spring upwards as he palmed the fat of your thigh in response.
much to his dismay, he couldn’t watch you all hours of the day due to hero work. that didn’t mean he didn’t keep tabs on you however, which he accomplished by using his friends to update him on your whereabouts. who you were with, what you were doing, what you were wearing, what time you got home, when you fell asleep and when you wake up- he knew everything.
at the end of the day, he was still your best friend. you had invited him over one evening and you were telling him about your day, him smiling in response and just looking at you in awe, listening to you babble away.
“and then it started raining! so i had to run to my car and i ended up slipping, see?” you pointed towards your thigh where a large, and honestly, painful looking scrape was. his eyes widened in his response as he analyzed the mark. “that looks like it must’ve hurt, bunny.”
your heart repeated that same fluttering that it has been ever since you were teenagers at response to that nickname of yours. you’d think by now you’d have gotten used to it, huh?
“it did! and i was just laying there like an idiot in the rain for a good two minutes.” you laughed, emphasizing the word idiot. he chuckled in response, seemingly distracted with something else as he admired your smile and the way it lit up your entire cozy apartment.
“hey, you okay?” you asked suddenly, running a hand through his locks, the two of you seated on your sofa with the tv on in front of you. naturally as best friends, the two of you have had a few intimate moments, but they were always platonic. even though he knew this, he loved you too much for his breath not to hitch at the feeling of your soft fingertips playing with his hair.
“oh! yeah, i-i’m fine!” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck and beaming brightly. “hero work just gets me tired and all, you know?” of course you didn’t know. what was he thinking saying that? you were always insecure of being quirkless, your childhood bully, bakugou, not being any help.
you pulled your hand back and looked away, your eyelids slightly lowering themselves, giving you a less excited expression. deku felt his heart drop and his stomach turn inside out, he hated himself for getting so caught up in his own thoughts of fluffy handcuffs adorning your wrists and your bodies colliding that he had forgotten to think before speaking.
“i didn’t mean it like that, bunny!” he said quickly, reaching out to grab your hand when you dodged him. “what are you-”
“this isn’t the first time you’ve said something like that, deku.” you muttered, immediately questioning yourself afterwards. were you being too sensitive? “even if you didn’t mean it this time, i- i just hate hearing you say it…” your eyes locked into the floor, your fingers now fiddling with each other.
although deku didn’t always have the strongest memory, he never failed to remember that some things in the world were far too fragile to be left out there. that they were too sensitive and too kind and too innocent to be yelled at. but sometimes- and only sometimes, did they deserve to be punished.
he did his best to soften his voice before scooting closer and placing a much larger and scarred up hand on top of yours. “bunny, i really didn’t mean it this time. you know that there’s nothing wrong with being quirkless, right?” he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, now revealing your tear-stained side profile.
head now resting on his chest as he sat next to you, wrapping his arms around you in attempt to comfort you, his heart beating through his clothes. “i’ve always wanted to be a hero, since we were little. pathetic how i thought i actually had a chance…” you mumbled into his chest, blinking back more tears and suppressing a sniffle. “when you got into U.A., and your quirk developed late, i was s’ happy fer’ you. i looked up to you and i- i always wa-wanted to be jus’ like y-you.” your words became more jumbled as your tears welled up and you hiccuped multiple times.
deku was then reminded of the significant fact that he never told you the truth about his quirk, and he never planned to. always wanted to be like him, huh? he allowed you to cry into his chest, enveloping you in all of the possible warmth that he could, feeling his opportunity nearing closer and closer.
“looked up to me? hah… bunny, i always looked up to you.” he tilted your chin up and wiped a tear away with his calloused thumb, his strong arms still around your smaller frame. “you’ve always been so kind and intelligent, and a lot stronger than me. hell, you stood up to kacchan when i couldn’t!”
a small smile worked it’s way onto your lips in response. “that’s my bunny, there’s that smile..” deku said, and you giggled, hugging him tighter than before. “aah, thanks deku.” you sighed, “maybe i was being a little, smh- dramatic.” you sniffled, shrugging your shoulders.
“not at all… hey, how about some of your favorite tea? you know i make it the best!” he said enthusiastically as you curled up with a blanket that he had gotten you on your last birthday. “why not?” you giggled as he walked into the kitchen and prepared your drink.
an unfamiliar, soft sensation could be felt on your wrists, restraining you from moving. the surface you were on was particularly soft and comfortable, and you hazily opened your eyes to be met with a large room. you looked up and spotted a pair of fluffy, pink handcuffs locked tightly onto your wrists above your head, keeping you restrained to the white, wooden headboard.
the four walls were painted a baby pink, a large mirror, decorated with swirls on the edges hanging in the middle, and the entire room lined with stuffies, trinkets, pillows and everything soft. from what you could see, the door had more locks on it than you could count with your blurred vision, and surely, heavy approaching footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door.
you held your breath and closed your eyes, turning your head and pretending to be asleep. your lips parted in a gentle breath for air, your body remaining still as the unknown person entered the room and locked the door behind them. you felt the right side of the bed dip as if someone was looming over you, attempting to get a better look at something.
“i know you’re awake, bunny. i heard you tugging at the pretty little handcuffs.” your eyes snapped open at the sound of your best friend’s voice. his eyes locked with yours as he set a plate down beside the bed and pulled you to sit up straight. “hey, pretty girl.”
“d-deku?” you stuttered, eyes widening as the feeling in your legs was now returning. “yes, my love?” he replied, the plate of food now in his lap as he began to cut the piece of meat for you. “what- what the hell is going on? why am i handcuffed to this bed? where even am i?”
“shh, shh… relax, bunny. eat a little first, i made your favorite!” he shoved the piece of steak up against your lips using the fork and you shook your head now. his knuckles gripped the fork so tightly they turned white, and so you complied and chewed. “remember how i told you i was renovating my basement? welcome! i made it all pretty and comfortable for you! i have all your favorite colors and i got all these fluffy plushies and blankets!” he said with too much excitement.
“ahh!” his eyes lit up, “we’re gonna have so much fun here, for the rest of forever!” you swallowed the bite you took before he was already offering you more, obviously eager to see you full. “deku… i’m still confused here. uncuff me, now.”
“tch… you’re really ungrateful, you know.” he muttered, continuing to feed you and caress you. “how am i ungrateful, huh?” you asked furiously, a complete fool for thinking you could even remotely amount to his level. you locked your eyes with his as he set the food to the side and forced you to drink water and remain hydrated. beyond his insane thought process and maniacal grins, even an idiot could see he still cared.
“first, i wake up in some completely random room, handcuffed to a bed! and then you come in here, offer me a meal, and then when i want to be uncuffed, im ungrateful? deku, you need to ex-” he leaned in a cut you off completely, your lips attaching.
you turned your head in attempt to look away, to which he grabbed your chin and held you still. his hands trailing down to between your thighs, effortlessly spreading them apart, your fighting back doing nothing at all. his hands tightened their grips on your inner thighs as his lips continued on your neck. he found your hopeless squirming adorable, but irritating.
“gah… stay still.” his tone firmed and his eyes narrowed, again looking into yours. you’d seen him mad before, of course, and you’d seen him determined and impatient and annoyed, but he was never so intimidating towards you. deku realized this shortly after, immediately softening his tone as he dipped his head down to between your legs, nibbling at the fat of your thighs.
“what are you- aah…” you gasped suddenly, your head snapping downwards to see his tongue run a long, clean lick over your slit from on top of your cute little panties. you knew you stood no chance against the number one hero, and you’d never admit to the growing dampness between your legs. your thighs threatened to grind together as his tongue and teeth continued teasing the edges of your panties, avoiding where you genuinely needed him.
“deku, pl-please don’ do th-this.” you gulped down, a tear making it’s way down your cheek. he looked up at you and smiled brightly and pulled down your panties, throwing them to the side, much to your confusion. “but look at you, bunny..” he ran two fingers along your now naked, glistening cunt as your juices coated them. “you’re completely soaked for me. you don’t actually want me to stop, do you? hmm..”he hummed.
“i… i don’t…” you struggled desperately to find words as your cheeks flushed red at the feeling of his eyes seeing things no one else ever has before. “right…” he smugly said both at the feeling of knowing how much you were second guessing yourself, and seeing you blush so furiously, spreading your legs apart even further, holding you down once again, effortlessly. “now just be my good bunny and take it.”
his words sent you over the fucking edge, your thighs grinding together for some type of friction as he laughed with a sense of superiority, now lying completely on his stomach and lapping at your folds. he wasted no time, and the feeling of his wet tongue slide across your womanhood was a sensation you were unfamiliar with. the last ounce of your strength was used when fighting back, and so you just lied there and took it, just like deku said.
your sweet taste drove him more insane than he already was. he watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your brows knitted together, and he swore he fell in love with you all over again. his thumb was brought to your clit before he ran careful circles over it, blowing hot air against your pussy when you attempted to squirm away, causing goosebumps to rise against your skin. you could feel him smirking against you, and at this point you didn’t really care.
“de-deku… i’m- what the f-fuck..” you were at a loss for words. obviously you knew what an orgasm was, you’re not an idiot. this time was different than all of the other times you had willingly explored there on your own. it was something so much stronger, so much better. “i know, bunny. go ahead pretty girl… cum for me.” he spoke, muffled against your juices and folds.
his command was all it took for you to feel a strong coil within your stomach snap, and your mouth formed a silent ‘O,’ shape as your body shook in pleasure and you saw white spots all over your vision. your orgasm washed over you like a crashing wave, your desperate and pathetic fingers digging into the soft handcuffs you still wore.
“deku? ‘m tired now…” you mumbled in response to him unzipping his pants and undoing your handcuffs. “already?” he said playfully, but his face was nothing but serious. you nodded and hummed quietly in response as he looked down at you, noting how angelic you looked in this warm lighting that he had set up throughout the room using small lamps, cozy lights, and candles. not real candles, of course- what if you got burned when he wasn’t there?
“we’re not done yet, pretty girl. on your knees.” he looked down at you as he stood at the foot of the bed, watching you crawl over to him. you looked up at him, unsure of what to do next. “why am i here?” his eyes widened in realization that you actually didn’t know what to do this time, and it only made him more excited and honored to be your first. he pulled his pants down a little more, revealing his black boxers and a huge bulge.
“go ahead, take it out.” you hesitantly reached towards the bulge and pulled his boxers down, his large and throbbing member springing up and slapping you right in the nose. “ow…” you mumbled to yourself, and deku laughed. “fuck, you’re so cute. now take it in your hands and pump it a few times, use that pretty mouth.”
you ran your fingers across the tip, not knowing how much that stimulated him. after hearing a soft grunt when you ran your thumb across the tip, dragging his pre-cum along a large vein down the base, you assumed it was a good thing. your eyes explored the strange new thing as he took a fist of your hair. you looked up at him and winced at the sudden sting in your scalp.
“suck on it, bunny. use your mouth.” he repeated again, growing impatient. you grew determined to make him feel good too, all thoughts of fighting back leaving your mind. your hand nearly wrapped around his entire girth, but he was too thick for your smaller hands to do so. once again, hesitantly, you kitten-licked the tip a few times as his eyes shut calmly for a moment. your warm mouth wrapped around the tip as he basked in the feeling of the wetness, you released it with an unintentional pop.
“like this?” you asked innocently as he looked down to watch you suck his length, moving down slowly as you attempted to take all of him in your mouth. you could only go halfway before he hit the back of your throat, and when you gagged cutely around him, the grip on your hair tightened and a quiet whimper escaped the back of his throat. you picked up the pace in response and sucked even more furiously as best as you could, repeatedly gagging and hollowing your cheeks. “y-yeah… aauhh, jus’ like that, bunny.”
you continued your sucking and gentle pumping and tongue swirling around him as he continued to yank at your hair and admire your tear stained face and saliva covered mouth and throat. “aah.. yer’ sure you’ve n-never.. mgh, done this before?” he struggled to speak due to his many grunts and moans.
you nodded quietly as you felt him harden and pulsate in your mouth, repeatedly hitting the back of your throat. he suddenly pulled your hair, hard, and you winced loudly. he got down to your level and cleaned your face using his hand and dragged a thumb across your lip, consumed in the way tears pricked at your eyes just for him. “wh-what was that for? ‘m not done.” you muttered, reaching towards his cock when he stopped you with a chuckle and a deranged grin.
“like it that much, hm? we’re not done yet, bunny. don’t worry.” you tilted your head, your eyes then widening. “y-you mean, we’re gonna..” you trailed off as he gently pushed you down by your shoulders onto you back, crawling on top of you and hovering over your body. he cupped your cheek with one large hand and used his knee to spread your thighs apart. he clicked his tongue and trailed kisses from your jaw down your neck to between the valley of your breasts, looking up at you with his emerald green orbs.
“don’t act clueless, bunny. i know you’ve thought about getting touched down here by a real man.” he chuckled, slapping his length against your cunt two times, causing you to jump. “d-deku, please don-” your own words were caught in your throat when he slid the first few centimeters in, causing you to gasp and tug roughly on your handcuffs. “g-get off.. aauh..” you whimpered, attempting to push him off of you, clearly doing nothing. you fought the growing sting in your velvety walls as he slowly inched in. 
“its okay, pretty girl. a little bit at a time..” he whispered into your ear, causing your walls to clench around his first few inches, to which he smirked and nibbled on your jaw.  “that’s it... good girl.” he praised as he filled you up completely. deku was so overwhelmed with the pleasure of his bunny wrapped around his cock, and the reality that he was your first that he forgot to wait for you to adjust before pulling out and thrusting back in.
“deku!” you cried out in pain as his eyes widened and he immediately wrapped his arms around you, hugging you into his chest. “i’m so sorry,” he rapidly apologized over and over again, claiming he lost control and would wait now. “i-it hurts...” you muttered into his neck before nodding a minute later, signalling he could now move. he slowly pulled out and thrust back in, his tip barely brushing up against your cervix. he moved once more and a swirling pool of pleasure slowly took over any remnants of pain. 
“mmph.. faster, deku.” you mewled out his nickname that you’ve had for him since you were little, and his heart picked up the pace before looking into your eyes and drowning in your expression as he slid in and out of you, your walls pulsating tightly around him, your thighs and his balls now soaked in your juices. “fuck... aauh, you’re such a good fucking girl for me, hah.” he said in a cocky tone, now slamming into you relentlessly.
“while we’re here,” he said, his pace growing sloppier by the second. “let’s get one thing crystal clear.” he continued, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look at his flushed face, his cock still pounding into your sloppy cunt, the lewd noises of him fucking you filling the room. “you’re mine, all fucking mine. this fucking pussy,” he said, punctuating his sentence with a light slap against your folds. “this body, that cute little expression in your eyes, and everything else about you belongs to me. not that blue-eyed shit-faced bitch.” he raised his voice causing you to flinch.
“we’re clear with that, aren’t we?” he asked as your eyes rolled into the back of your head due to him continuously hitting that spot with the tip of his member. “hey,” he growled, bringing a throat to your neck and squeezing it tightly, completely cutting off your oxygen. you clawed at his hand as best as you could despite your handcuffs, and your face grew a bright pink and almost purple. he hated slapping you or choking you or tying you up, and he hated himself for getting excited at that fearful look in your glistening eyes. he released his grip on your throat and you gasped desperately for air, glaring at him. “fucking answer me.” 
“y-yeah, mhnm...” you moaned out, still recovering from being choked. your pussy clenched around him as you felt your second, much stronger, orgasm nearing. he felt his own nearing as well, your beautiful moans not helping in holding him back. “yeah, what?” he smirked, knowing he was pushing your limits. “y-yeah, we’re ..mhgn, clear!” you yelled in frustration as he got a kick out of it, enjoying the idea of you thinking you could raise your voice at him. 
“you know what?” he pulled out rapidly, cumming all over your stomach before lying beside you, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. “wh-what?” you stuttered in shock and irritation, grinding your thighs together for some type of friction as you angrily yanked on your handcuffs. “now...” he kissed the tip of your nose and smiled at you brightly, as if all of this was amusing. “you don’t get to finish!” he exclaimed happily, giggling shortly after as you struggled and tugged at your restraints. 
“why?” you questioned the green-haired man, who said nothing. he wrapped a strong arm around your needy body and fought the urge to play with your clit using his fingertips. “why, deku? this isn’t fair!’ you whined as he chuckled dryly and tightened the soft handcuffs. “nothing is fair, my love. i have another shift now, so i’ll be gone for a few hours. need anything?” he asked in a condescending tone, knowing you would motion towards your dripping, aching cunt, which he wouldn’t help you with. he didn’t care to help your needy pussy.
he got up and grabbed the silver key he used to previously lock the basement door, glancing back at your distressed eyes one more time before leaving and slamming the door shut. 
“maybe next time you won’t get some silly idea in that pretty little head of yours that you can raise your voice with me.” 
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ghostie-the-haunted · 3 years
Im so sorry this is so late but I hope you enjoy the Christmas Theme! ALSO Merry Christmas Eve Sib!!
It was Christmas Eve! All day the Mega Pizza-Plex held a Holiday type party for all of the kids in town, Pizza, Decorations, Holiday themed shows and other fun festive activities.
The snow began to pile though, it was getting bad so unfortunately the fun had to end early, Each kid got a goodie bag full of merchandise and a gift card as the Pizza-Plex's gifts for everyone.
They thought that everyone had gone home so they closed the place up, all the gaurds went home, there was only a few cleaning bots that ran through the party center and most of the main animatronics have shut down for the night to rest.
That left you, alone and confused. You weren't on the Pizza-Plex radar of kids although you have come many times to watch the performances, you knew the area quite well so in your time of confusion you wondered to the Daycare. that seemed like the safest option for a place to stay the night, especially under these conditions. You had never been there but something about it just felt safe.
Sliding down into a ball pit you moved forward a bright yellow man appeared at the top of the platform above you before jumping in to join you.
It's definitely an animatronic so you entering the ball pit was probably a motion activated response
Trying not to disturb it you moved forward with caution before feeling two hands lift you up under your arms greeting you with a friendly smile. You shrieked quickly out of surprise from being lifted but also because it kinda tickled, his voice was warm, His name was Sundrop, nice.
"Helloo new friend! I didn't mean to scare you! What are you doing up so late are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends?" He continued to hold you up while taking you out of the ball pit and to the main floor.
After you explained your situation his voice softened "I see, well you've come to the right place, you will be safe here for the night I'll make sure of it!" This brought a smile to your face as you thanked him and apologized for the trouble
"Don't you worry about a thing Sunshine I just have one rule! Keep the lights on" he said the last part with a very serious tone, you listened and nodded.
As you looked around you realized that the entire Pizza-Plex had been decorated for this occasion
"You like the decorations! I made some of them myself! Like this snowflake! Do you what to make a snowflake too ghostie!"
You nodded before asking how he knew your name
"You're in our system aren't you? Hmm odd, I've seen you before at some of the shows that's how I know your name!"
I guess that makes sense, you didn't read too much into it, Snowflake time!!
"You want some glitter glue? I have glitter glue!" He showed you all the different colors and things he had in store.
"Amazing work sunshine! This is going right up on the wall! Help me tape it on, this masterpiece must be known to the world!!" He did a little spin and dance before picking you up again to tape it on the wall. Squeaking again at the sudden motion and of course because of your undeniable ticklishness, which did not go unnoticed by Sun, he smiled "You're a Jumpy one aren't ya' sunshine?"
You gave him a face as he let you down giggling, "How about we play a game yeah?! Would you like that?"
Eagerly nodding he smiled even brighter, "Perfect! Let's play hide and seek! You hide I'll seek! The only two rules are no going behind the counter and no leaving the daycare got it?"
You nodded once more before he smiled "Alrighty! Go hide I'll start counting 1,,,,2,,,"
You giggled and ran for the play area, even if he did find you there was no way he could catch you in here!
"98,,,99,,," You had found a cozy spot between two walls of the area that made a triangle
"100!! Ready or not here I come!"
Now he didn’t really count to 100 but who's keeping track! You held your hand over your mouth as you peeked around to see where he was, you saw him, with wiggling fingers he searched for you.
"I wonder where Ghostie went" he said playfully as he searched the Daycare, "Come on out Sunshine, Im gonna getcha'!" He entered the playplace that's when the adrenaline kicked in.
You held back the giggles that bubbled up inside your throat as you quietly made your way out of your hiding spot to try and out smart him
Unfortunately for you, you had tripped and fell down one of the slides, stopping yourself before you could reach the floor, Sundrop had left the play area from the opposite side.
To not make a sound you had stayed hidden in the slide, if you could not see him, he could not see you
"Oh sunshinee~ come out come out wherever you are" his voice sounded closer, alot closer then before but you remained in your spot, there's no way he's gonna find you in here, it's genius.
"Gotcha'!" He swiftly grabbed you from behind placing you down gently on his lap as you tried to get away he pulled you right back
"Ah ah ah, I found you fair and square so do you know what I get as a reward?"
You shook your head no before he wiggled his fingers all over your sides "You're sweet laughter!" He giggled as you giggled smiling to himself "didn't think I noticed when I held you earlier, I know a ticklish one when I see them"
He moved his quick fingers up your ribs and under your arms smiling at his victory,
"Tickletickletickletickle" he teased in your ear while tickling your neck with one hand and sides with the other.
"You have got to be the most ticklish person that has ever entered the Daycare!" He teased as you whined a bit
"Aww what's wrong, too ticklish Ghostie?, Tickle tickle tickleee" he smiled wiggling all ten fingers gently across your stomach.
"Ooo good spot! Very adorable sunshine" The Sun animatronic beamed with joy, as your laughter slowed down so did his tickles
He couldn't help a few pokes or light scribbles every now and again but he was pretty much done, rubbing away the remaining ghost tickles he carried you gently to a sleeping area for the night seeing how tired you were getting and how late it was.
After tucking you in he smiled to himself ruffling your hair gently "sleep well Sunshine and a very Merry Christmas to you"
Sun stayed up after that creating some homemade gifts for you to wake up to the next morning for Christmas.
The Daycare was the right choice afterall :]
Hehe I hope you enjoyed I think this might have been my longest one on our Fluster war/game too I love it! :]
Merry Christmas Eve Sib!!
This is amazing! Merry Christmas Eve to you too!!
If I can I’ll try to write one for you too!
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lol oops forgot the prompt: Skylla x Reader making pies :)
AGAIN thank you so so much for understanding,, I am very new to tumblr so so sorry! I’m learning ^^”Without further ado- HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
𝕊𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕡𝕚𝕖: 🧡𝕊𝕜𝕪𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣🧡
The crisp alternian moonlight shined on your eyes, blinking awake you sat up from your spot on the couch.
You had a short abouttt, looking at the clock hanging on the side of the wall, about a half an hour nap. You were staying at Skylla’s. She was sweet enough to let you move in with her, as much as your lil Ex Empress tower is all fine and dandy-
Being able to see Skylla every night(day?) is a lot better <3
It seems said troll has put a multi colored quilt blanket over you as you slept. It was extremely soft!
You lazily sat up wrapping the blanket around yourself and rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes
You smiled nuzzling your face into a side of the blanket next to your arm
You slipped off the couch to move around and get your legs working again
A bark came from the hallway ahead of you and out came big ol Ladyy! She was yipping happily and slightly bouncing up in down.You grinned reaching over with your free hand to scratch at the large lusus.
“You seen Sky Ladyy?” You chirped looking at the large dog as you continued to scratch
“right here!”
You blinked looking up at the other voice in the room other then yourself Skylla was walking out of the hall behind Ladyy in a more casual outfit.
She already finished her work for the day, so for the evening it was her time to relax
She was wearing a checkered brown and orange tank top with some pretty cozy looking blue jean shorts
She had her hair down as usual but the ends seemed a bit wet?
“just finished givin this lil miss a bath, my word was she muddy!” Skylla snorted slightly stroking at the top of the large dog’s head“but nuff bout that, how’d your nap go?”
She asked a soft smile on her lips“It was good! Thanks for the blanket”
you giggled basically wearing the sheet like a hoodie You kinda looked like a lil quilt ghost in that thing.
Skylla put a hand to her mouth laughing slightly into it “well ain’t you the cutest lil thing? oh are yya hungryy?”
She wondered into the kitchen looking through some of her cabinets Skylla’s love language was definitely taking care of someone. That cowgirl smothered you 24/7, if you needed something on the other side of Alternia- she’d run all the way over to it as fast as she could to get it for her beloved matespirt.
“Hmm..” you hummed hopping up the best you could onto the kitchen counter (which was a bit of a failed attempt- you kinda slipped and grabbed the side with your foot but hey you made it!)
“We already had dinner but, do trolls have pie?”
Skylla’s face cocked to the side at your question “yya mean those green ones?-“
“Oh Nono! Not those- like uh…not sofer pie, the sweet ones like- with chocolate or cherries or pumpkins in it?”
“ohhhh! well whyy didn’t yya say so silly quack beast!”
She playfully flicked your arm, actually punching it might actually hurt you. She is one strong lady, no pun intended
“im not toooooo sure what fruits we got to workin with here, but im as sure as a happy wriggler on 12th perigee's eve we’ll be able to come up with somethin! can yya grab that pan for me hunnyy?”
She gestured to a pie tin in the lower cabinet as she started washing her hands
You nodded grabbing the pan and putting it next to her other ingredients the bronze already had out
And of course you washed your hands too.
You learned the best from Ratatouille
The two of you were able to find some assortments of berries to put in the pie. You weren’t too familiar with these fruits, they were pretty alien to you- literally
The most you could recognize was a few berries looking a lot like a pokemon magost berry, a nanab berry, a colbur berry, and a lot of them looking a lot like wiki berries.
But they probably were just normal editable berries to Skylla
You had started smashing the said berries with a small wooden spoon as Skylla had put some flour out to make the pie crust
You thought to start some small conversation as sappy as that sounded
“Thanks really for the blanket Sky” you hummed looking over your shoulder up at her “I bet it kept all my nightmares away”
Skylla smiled sweetly at you leaning over to peck a big kiss at your cheek “i would hope so! i made it myself”
“You know how to sew??”
“course i do! what if your easy work pants rip? gotta be able to sew em with a single thread and a pin needle”
You giggled getting on your tip toes to kiss at the bronze’s nose, the only reason it sucks being shorter the her. Can’t kiss her pretty face as easy!
Skylla leaned over some more though so your legs wouldn’t snap trying to reach her. A gentle purr started from her as you continued to peck along her face. You held in a laugh seeing some orange tint her cheeks. Well ain’t that cute.
Soon enough the cuddling would have to come to a pause, that pie can’t bake itself! When it was all done Skylla put the pie in the oven. You both sat on the wooden floor looking at the pie cook. As it did a delicious sweet smell drifted into your nose from the oven. When the oven dinged out came the delicious treat!~
You were nearly bouncing on your feet as Skylla started taking the pie off the iron rack inside the oven. You waited for it to cool a bit before Skylla cut you both a slice and fed a bite to each other
It was delicious!! Even for a pie you’ve never had before made of alien fruit
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 3)
platonic! yosano akiko x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff but trigger warning!! there may be a sensitive topic for others
*getting grabbed and pulled to an alleyway! alcohol mentioned!*
please remember that yokohama isn’t the friendliest place, especially at night.
previous: part 2 : their beloved president
author’s note: same ages as last time!! (so that means everyone is one year younger than canon; that makes yosano 24)
this one is actually pretty long :0
i got info abt her likes on her wiki page (careful! there’s spoilers!)
and yosano is a queen and no one can tell me otherwise
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the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
going grocery shopping was an okay chore in your opinion
it honestly depended on your mood or whatever kind of shit happens when you go shopping
cause like something always, always happens whenever you go do groceries
sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and sometimes it’s just plain weird
one time some weirdo proposed to you in the middle of the store asking for a double suicide
he was good looking you’d admit but it’s not like you’d ever see him again
or so you thought
a n y w a y s
every so often, you’d run out of real person food in your apartment
you mostly survive off all of the leftover bakery treats and ingredients—which works out pretty well actually—but bakery supplies unfortunately also run out quite often
and also unfortunately, one time when both fukuzawa & ranpo took a visit to Sakura’s, fukuzawa argued that “no you can’t live off sweets for the rest of your life”
ranpo was scandalized and scrambled to cover your ears
you guys were at it for a while
in the end you sided with fukuzawa causing ranpo to go off about “betrayal from the people he cared most abt” or smth like that
you guys were okay again after bribing him with sweets :)
for bakery supplies you usually have them delivered bc you order them in large quantities bc ahaha no way were you gonna carry like 15-20 50 pound bags of flour no way
when days like those happen, you close up the bakery early so you aren’t walking home when it’s too dark
you scheduled it to happen every first saturday of the month
on those saturdays, you close at 5 instead of at 8
currently, you were at the grocery store looking for basic cooking ingredients such as proteins, vegetables, fruits, and most importantly, snacks
ranpo’s been rubbing off on you
the sun was starting to set and you were walking home with your two bags of groceries when shit went down
tbh you were kinda expecting it cause your grocery run was peaceful for once
but what you weren’t expecting was a wack-a-do to appear out of goddamn nowhere right when you were opening the side door to get to the staircase up to your apartment
like honestly
let a woman do her own thing
the man who grabbed you tried to covered your mouth so you couldn’t scream but you didn’t exactly make it easy for him
you kicked and thrashed around even using the grocery bags—that were somehow still in your hand—as a weapon and the man struggled but he was still bigger than you and was able to bring you to a nearby alley
he reeked of alcohol and you spotted a wedding band on his left hand
not that you cared about the detail in the moment
you kicked him in the groin and in response he let you go only to fall on broken glass that was in the alley way
using the wall to help yourself up, you grabbed a nearby wooden stick and struck him right on his back
your attacker fell and you immediately turned on your heels to escape only to fall back down on the hard cold ground once again
you lift your face up and look back to see the man holding onto your ankle
grabbing a shard of glass—cutting yourself in the process— you begin to swing it at him only for him to easily grip your wrist and stop you
you get ready try and kick him in the groin again but you’re interrupted as your attacker gets sucker punched and flies to wall
you look up to see your savior and you’re blessed to see a beautiful woman, probably not that much older than you are—she’s probably around ranpo’s age— donning a white long sleeve button up, a matching black necktie, knee length skirt, and gloves, along with tights, red heels, and a pretty butterfly clip in her short black hair
but what you really notice is her eyes
ranpo’s eyes were pretty but you like hers just a bit more
you’ve always liked the color magenta
the pretty lady holds out her hand and you take it graciously and thank her as she helps you up
as that’s happening, your attacker gets himself onto his feet and his groan catches both of your attention
he struggles to stand and the pretty lady simples saunters over to him and delivers an uppercut knocking him out cold
you’re stunned and you breathe out a “thank you” making her turn towards you
she notices the condition you’re in
bleeding scrapes on your hands, arms and legs, small rips in your clothes like your tights, blouse, and skirt, and the ruffled state of your hair and clothing
she asks if you live nearby and you tell her that you own the bakery that’s one or two buildings away
when you tell her that, it clicks in her mind that you must be the bakery girl ranpo’s been talking about and the friend fukuzawa was cat sitting for
it’s been abt two weeks since ranpo and fukuzawa first met you and since then, they’ve seen lucky in the office plenty and the boxes of your signature sweets even more
if those two trust you, she has no reason not to
she smiles at you, holds out her hand for you to shake, and introduces herself as the doctor of the armed detective agency
your eyes widen and you smile back at her shaking her hand
“ah! you must be yosano-sensei then! ranpo-san and fukuzawa-san have talked about you! it’s so nice to meet you! im (l/n) (y/n)!”
“they’ve talked about you too, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you (y/n)”
after that exchange she insisted on bringing you home to treat you wounds which you told her it wasn’t necessary
she gave you a pointed look and that was when you realized what state you were in
you sighed and weakly gave in to which she only grinned at
before leaving the alley she walks over to the unconscious man and pulls out his wallet for some sort of identification and home address as you try to see if there’s any groceries still salvageable
after texting the details to kunikida, yosano turns to you poking around the now ruined grocery bags
she simply rubs your back and tells you that the both of you could go buy more groceries together as she was meaning to get some anyways; she even said she’ll pay for you
you refused obviously but she, unknowingly, used the same tactic fukuzawa used with you
“so you’re saying you don’t need groceries?”
*cue an eyebrow raise from our resident queen*
“...you agency members don’t like making things easy for me huh.”
you gave in reluctantly and at this point you don’t even know why you try negotiating with them
and that’s only three of them
apparently, she was on the other side of the street on the way to buy groceries for the agency when she noticed different produce items on the other sidewalk leading to the alley and she went to check out what happened
ironically, the way to the grocery store from the agency makes you go past Sakura’s but she didn’t realize it until after the two of you had met
before you know it, the two of you are in your apartment kitchen as she cleans and patches up all of your wounds
as she does so the two of you have a little girl talk
you find it quite comforting bc since you opened up Sakura’s you haven’t really had the chance to connect to many people much less other women
you definitely see yosano as your cool, loving, badass older sister
she thinks you’re adorable and agrees with ranpo’s opinion
that’s right
the opinion that you’re like a little kid </3
you called it a betrayal and all she did was laugh at you <//3
“awhh that’s really cool yosano-sensei!—MFPH?!?”
*squishing your cheeks the same way ranpo did* “ranpo-san was right (n/n)-chan, your cheeks are squishy!”
after that small fiasco, the two of you talked some more and bonded over your love for flowers, japanese sweets, and much more!!
you even made a date to have a girls day to go shopping and eat out!
you’re internally squealing a bit bc it’s been a while since you’ve gone shopping
yosano notices and she giggles behind her hand not saying anything bc she knows you’ll only throw a fit
the two of you came around the topic of ranpo when lucky passed by
lucky quickly warmed up to the doctor and cozied up in her lap
“i wish ranpo-san was able to meet lucky when he came by the first time, but then again, he’d probably throw a tantrum if i don’t pay attention to him for 5 seconds”
she snorted at that and like fukuzawa, she shared stories abt the slightly older male
“ranpo-san doesn’t know how to ride a train?”
“unbelievable right?”
“for someone so intelligent i expected more from him”
“i’ll be telling that to ranpo-san, (n/n)-chan”
“wha—?! yosano-sensei please don’t!”
like ranpo, she’s also a tease </3
but you love her anyway <3
eventually, she finished patching you up and promised to treat you to a new set of clothes when the two of you go out
“you don’t need to lose a good set of clothes just because of a sleazy man (n/n)-chan! you deserve better!”
you were going to argue that the rips in your clothes were fairly small and could easily be fixed—except the tights—but you stopped in your tracks when you remembered that it was practically useless to argue against an ada member
the two of you walked to the grocery store and bought both of your needed supplies—along with some extra goodies—and then she walked you back to your place bc it was already a bit dark out
but even if it wasn’t, she would walk you anyways
besides, if anything happened to you, she’s 1000% positive that ranpo and fukuzawa are gonna flip the fuck out not that she wont cause she most definitely will
speaking of which
you were drinking a bottle of water as the two of made your way back to Sakura’s when all of a sudden
“(y/n) you do realize that i have to tell shachou and ranpo-san about what happened today right?”
you choked on your water
“yosano-sensei you can’t! if you do they’ll freak! they won’t leave me alone for at least two weeks! one if im lucky!”
“exactly the point”
you just accepted your defeat already knowing that you’d lose
but maybe you can simmer down their anger towards the bastard with sweets and lucky
you arrived at Sakura’s shortly after and after bringing groceries in, you packaged a bunch of pastries leftover from today—bc you closed early—and bc you’re well aware that ranpo doesn’t share any of the sweets you send him with
you even gave yosano her own special box filled with goodies she loves, and a thermos of fukuzawa’s favorite, your special hot honey lemon tea
other than the sweets, you prepared lucky to spend the night at fukuzawa’s
you really really hoped that doing these things would make them calm down
you shivered at the thought of what their responses would be
you felt really bad for giving yosano all these things to carry and that you were keeping her very late
she assured you that she was fine and that if someone tried to mess with her she’d kick their ass
and after exchanging numbers, the magenta eyed queen bid you a good night and walked back to the agency with lucky walking by her heels
arriving back at the agency, yosano was greeted with some concerns asking if she was alright bc she came back from her grocery run pretty late
(she usually goes in the mornings but today was pretty busy so she left in the late afternoon but now it was already dark)
she waved off the concerns and plopped a couple boxes of your signature bakery boxes at ranpo’s desk, the one for her at her own, the last few boxes in the kitchen for any other agent or clerk to grab, placed the thermos on the desk fukuzawa was by, and picked up lucky and handed him to the president
the two males were pleased with what yosano had brought them, and pleased that another agency member had the chance to meet you
fukuzawa was rubbing lucky and ranpo already snacking on treats as yosano expected
but here comes the hard part
or maybe it’s gonna amusing who knows
“i met (y/n) today.”
“we could tell.”
in goes another treat in the green eyed man’s mouth
“would you like to know how?”
“you bumped into each other, had girl talk, made plans to go out, went grocery shopping, and you brought me and shachou presents.”
“great job ranpo-san, you’re almost completely correct.”
this caught the attention of basically everyone bc they knew ranpo was never “almost completely correct”
“we ended up meeting bc she got attacked on her way home from grocery shopping, i treated her wounds, then we had girl talk and did all the other stuff”
ranpo and fukuzawa froze right in their tracks
“i sent all the info of the bastard to kunikida”
“yes shachou”
“find out everything about that man and bring it to me and ranpo”
“...yes shachou”
“and yosano”
“text (y/n) and tell her that her cat, tea, and pastries aren’t going to work as a bribe”
just as you finished taking a shower you sneezed
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h2bakugou · 4 years
could I request a headcanon where bakugo, kaminari, kirishima, and maybe todoroki (that’s not too many) react to their gf giving them a painting they made with their body
a/n: yes! im a bit late for this trend but it’s super cute and i wanna do this bruh, i have a canvas i just need to repaint it and then boom
headcanon: them reacting to receiving their s/o’s painting they made with their body
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, 16+ for mild suggestive themes?
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katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You’ve seen the trend a few times before you finally get the guts to do it for Bakugou. 
You’re super excited when the time comes. You’ve never done something like this. All the gifts you’ve given Bakugou before were usually store-bought, either a small piece of jewelry or a new sweater or shirt.
Never a painting that you made.
After getting all the craft supplies to make it, you turn on some music and get to work.
Painting the canvas a solid black color, you wait for it to dry as you look at the color of paint you’ve chosen to use on your body. A bright orange that matches the highlights of Bakugou’s hero costume.
You roll your shorts up and begin to apply the paint after feeling that the black has dried on your canvas.
Applying the paint is tricky, but with the help of a mirror, you’re able to apply it evenly. 
Pressing your bottom down on the canvas, you can’t help but laugh at the situation. You’d just printed your ass in bright orange onto a canvas.
You let your butt rest against the canvas as you lifted the leg you were going to paint and stamp next, applying paint to it carefully as to not let it drip onto the canvas.
You pressed your leg down and used your hands to push it against the canvas.
Sitting for a minute or so, you soon got up and did your hand last. Looking at it from afar, it looked great.
You touched it up some, made the color opaque and then cleaned up. You made sure to sign your name on the bottom in the matching orange paint carefully.
You got most of the paint off, but the rest you’d have to scrub off in the shower. You threw on some loose pants and waited for your canvas to dry completely before taking it to Bakugou’s room.
 Bakugou was finishing up some homework when you knocked on his door.
“Come in.” He groaned, not expecting to see you hiding behind a canvas in his doorway.
“Happy anniversary.” You smiled and handed him the canvas. When he turned it over his cheeks flushed red.
“Holy shit.” 
“I know it’s not much-”
“You’re a fucking piece of art.” Bakugou set the canvas down and pulled you into him, his lips landing firmly against your own.
The kiss was rough, but sensual.
“Does this mean you like it?” You pull away and giggle.
“I love it.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You’ve got the supplies and you’re ready to get to work. You’ve painted your canvas black and you’ve selected a nice electric yellow.
It’s an easy process of applying the paint.
But as you’re sitting on the canvas, stamping your ass on it, you begin to wonder if Kaminari would like it.
He’s can be a bit perverted, but he’s still super sweet. Is this going to make him short circuit?
You’ve been together for a few months now, and for just a random reason, you wanted to do this for him.
You’ve seen the trend and you want to surprise him.
After successfully stamping your body to the canvas, you sign it and let it dry before delivering it to him.
You dress in one of his electric pun related shirts and some sweatpants and make your trip to go give it to him.
When you arrive, he’s playing Mario Kart with Sero and somehow beating him.
You wait for him to be finished before you give him the gift, not wanting to interrupt his game.
“Alright baby! What’s an angel like you need?” He sets his controller down and walks over to you, giving you a kiss, totally ignoring the canvas your holding.
“I made you something.” You smile, turning the canvas over. 
And just like you’d feared, sparks of electricity begin to shoot off of him, his cheeks burning a bright pink shade.
“It’s-you’re...beautiful.” Kaminari mumbles, looking at it and then back up to you.
Sero looks at the canvas and his cheeks brighten up a bit too, but he looks away respectfully.
“This is amazing, can I hang it up?” Kaminari asks, his eyes wide and full of love as he looks at you.
“It’s yours, do whatever you’d like with it, silly.” You kiss his cheek as you watch him jolt over to his bed and quickly move a poster so he can hang it up.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
After seeing the trend, you’re set on making one for Kirishima. You’ve been together for a few months, and feeling a little confident, you decide to surprise him for training so hard these past few weeks.
You paint your canvas the day before you plan on doing the project so it’s already dry and ready for you to plaster yourself on it.
You’ve chosen a crimson color, similar to the shades of red in both his hero costume and his dyed hair.
Kirishima always tries really hard, and his determination inspires you. He has his moments of self-doubt, but it just goes to show that he’s human, like you.
This is something you wanted to do because of him. Kirishima is always telling you how beautiful you are, and it’s hard to feel beautiful sometimes. So, feeling confident, you decide to make yourself, and him a little gift.
The process of stamping your butt, leg, and hand to the canvas is fun, and something you’ll remember forever.
You love the way it looks when it’s finished, and you’re proud of yourself.
Kirishima is lifting weights as he studies when you knock on his door. He shouts for you to come in.
“Hey babe!” He smiles when he sees you. You walk through the door, shimmying the canvas along with you.
“Hey Kiri.” You give him a quick kiss on the cheek and smile as you hold the canvas behind your back.
“What’s that?” He questions, eyeing the canvas.
“You’ve been working hard, and you also reminded me that we’re beautiful. So I made you something to say thank you.”
You hand him the canvas and he’s speechless.
Kiri’s heart was racing as he stared at the perfection before him. He would’ve packed it up and sent it to the nearest art museum to hang it there.
“You’re so gorgeous.” He whispers as he sets the canvas down and walks toward you, pulling you into a hug.
“Thank you, you’re gorgeous too.” You smile, kissing him softly.
“You are truly a work of art.” Kirishima pulls away and nuzzles you closer.
“Can I make one of these for you?” He asks innocently.
“Kiri!” Your face begins to heat up.
“What?!” It hits him. He face palms and waves his hand at you.
“Shut up!” You two begin to laugh.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
After taking a few dates to art museums, and the trend you’ve seen all over social media, you’re inspired to give Todoroki an art piece.
It’s more of a gift for him being himself since your anniversary isn’t for another week or so.
But there’s nothing wrong with giving gifts to each other.
You paint your canvas black and let it dry. You’ve chosen a bright navy color, one similar to the color of his hero costume.
At first, you were going to do a classic red and white combo, but you figured he was probably tired of seeing the same color combo in everything.
So you rolled up your shorts and got to work applying the paint on your butt. When you sat down on the canvas, it was an odd feeling. The cold paint had gave you chills when you first applied it, but you soon got used to the feeling.
It was like cuddling up to Shoto’s right side on trips or whenever you two got time alone.
Applying the paint to your leg and pressing it against the canvas, you sat and waited for the paint to stick to the canvas. Standing, you did your hand print and did some final touches.
Letting it dry was surprisingly more agonizing than you thought. You were brimming with excitement, ready to go give it to him already.
when it was finally dry, you put on one of his sweaters, one you’d ‘borrowed’ from him, and some cozy pants.
Todoroki was reading in his room, skimming over a few chapters in one of the classes reading assignments.
when you knocked, he spoke up for you to come in. His eyes immediately noticed the canvas you were holding.
“Hey baby.” He says softly, a gentle smile on his lips. You could always lift whatever mood he was in.
“Hey Sho.” You respond as you tiptoe into his room. You bite your lip as you begin to speak.
“I made you something, and I hope you like it.” You turn over the canvas and hand it to him.
His eyes widen and his cheeks flush.
Your body was painted in a familiar shade of blue as he stares down at the art. It’s gorgeous.
“You made your body into art.” Todoroki hums quietly as he glances at a wall, ready to hang it up already.
“I did, it was a trend I saw-”
“You are a masterpiece, I am honored to have this.” Todoroki set the canvas down carefully and moves over toward you, peppering you with kisses.
“I love it, thank you.” Todoroki thanks you for your gift and your own cheeks begin to heat up.
“I’m glad you like it.” You smile, butterflies floating around in your stomach.
“You should make some more art, it’s lovely.” Todoroki admires it some more.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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stvrs13 · 3 years
" I love her but she hates me "
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summary: Ellie and y/n have been enemies for 2 years but they secretly have feelings for each other.
warnings: a lil smut maybe nothing to serious ( help-) , swearing
a/n: alright this is my first smut and im new to writing so no judgements! 🙌
You were walking on the snow when you saw a beanie, you picked it, realizing it belongs to the one and only ellie, your ex bestfriend, your enemy, and of course the one you have secretly have feelings for.. you sigh, debating whether or not to give it back to her but it all answers when you walk towards the corner of the street on her direction, you waved awkwardly. " hey ellie, uh i found this on the snow. " you said nervously. she glanced at dina and back to you with a serious look on her face. " what a joke " she said while getting her beanie off of your hands with a super human speed. she then walk away and dina follows her, leaving you standing on your position. mental facepalm! this was a bad idea, you thought to yourself.
You walked towards your best friend who was sitting on a bench playing with her fingers, Nancy, you sat beside her. " what happened? did she said something to you again? " she said. " uh its not biggy just found her beanie that's all. " you said, slightly frowning. Nancy notices it and asked, " hey you good there? " " actually can we talk about something? somewhere private? " you said, making an eye contact with your fav person (oh really? 😉) across you, there stood Ellie so close to Dina. You immediately lost it and walk away with your bestfriend following you.
You went at the back of a coffee shop and you both sat on the snow under a tree, looking at the dark skies, " so what's up? " she said. You started crying, tears fell free on your cheeks. " oh my gosh, are you okay? " she asked, worried. " its just that- " you hid your face on your knees, " i can't deny it, its always been her, its always. " you whisper the last part. " what do you mean? " nancy asked. " i love her nancy, i do and i just dont wanna do it anymore, i tried letting her go but fuck i cant, i cant stop thinking about her! every time i see her, i felt anger and hurt but also butterflies over my stomach, fuck this. why in the world im the only person inlove with my enemy! i hate this, but i just gotta accept the truth that she hates me, i love her but she hates me. " you said with a shaky voice. Nancy just rub your back, making you feel comfortable, she has nothing to say. to surprise to say something.
" holy fuck " ellie whispered under her breath, she was hiding behind the wall. joy filling her heart.
- 2 years ago -
" cat! look at this. " you said while standing outside the balcony. cat went into your direction. " woah " cat said with a wide eyes. you both saw a beautiful view of the mountains. " its pretty " " i know rig- " just before you could finish your sentence
a stalker came out of the other door and push you to the railings. you stabbed it with your pocket knife but its still alive, it keeps pushing you harder on the railing, " cat help me! " you yell. cat tried to stab it with her switchblade but before she could stab it, the stalker push you down, you hold onto cat but you three fall off the balcony. " shit!! " you yell. you land on your back while cat land on her elbow. the stalker was above you, you stab it again and again until you heard a gunshot, the bullet hit on the stalker's head. it falls on your side, leaving you breathless. you looked at cat who's trying hard to stand and you looked at the person who shot the stalker's head, its ellie. you quickly got up and help cat up. as she stands up, she wince. " my elbow broke " she winced again. ellie walks towards the both of you and says, " what the fuck y/n?! " she practically yells at you. you stood there, nothing to say until you felt a fist on your face. Ellie punched you. you were in shocked but you ran away and ride on your horse. " fuck you!! " ellie yells. Ellie and Cat followed you, ellie is mad at you right now even though cat telling her its not your fault. As you arrived at jackson, you wiped away the tears and the blood dripping on your nose. You dismounted your horse and take it back to the stables. You pet your horse awhile and as you turn around, you were slammed on the ground.
" motherfucker! why did you pull her with you?! " ellie yells. " its not her fault ellie. " cat says. " i- im sorry i didn't mean to- " " bullshit " ellie was about to punch you again when maria and joel stop her. tommy helps you up, blood dripping your nose and a black eye. great. tears falling down from your eyes as ellie look at you with anger in her green eyes. maria, cat and ellie went into maria and tommy's office to talk. while joel and tommy helps you clean your face. once you were done, you three went to maria, joel and tommy left the room and now its all four of you confronting. ellie,cat,maria, and you. you felt hurt, and sad. You talked about what happened and of course ellie sometimes yells at you and maria had to stop her. as the talk went cleared. Ellie can't stop staring at you, your nervous. she has a blank face when she stares at you, Ellie wanted to talk to you, apologizing for being a dick but she's stubborn but also afraid of you rejecting her. So she just did nothing and hid on her corner. She also felt a hole in her heart for you make her feel someting more than friends even though she had a girlfriend. And that, you two never talk, hangout and even maria doesn't let you both go on patrol together so you both were hiding on your corners.
- end of flashback -
" are you sure ellie? i dont think she wo- " ellie cuts maria off by saying, " i dont care maria, just tell her we're paired for patrol. " she demands. maria just sighs in defeat as she nods. Ellie then prepares herself for patrol and something 😉
- afternoon -
" hey maria, you need me to go on patrol? " you asked. " yes and actually you'll be paired with ellie. " she hesitantly said that. You looked behind maria to see ellie leaning against the wall staring at you. " but- " " no buts, you both will go to the mountain over there. " she point out the small mountain. you sighed, why us? you thought to yourself. Maria then nods at ellie and said " keep safe " to the both of you. When she disappears, you look at ellie who is staring at you, you brought out a shy smile. she just nods then walk towards shimmer (ellie's horse) as you do the same. You both got up on your horses and went out from jackson. the entire time was quiet, it disturbs you, its so uncomfortable, its weird, you wanna get back to jackson- you were cut off of your thoughts by ellie saying " check in is inside that cabin. " you looked at her with a kind smile. she blushes, she what?! maybe just the cold wind making her face a little red. You both stay in silent until you reach a small cabin. You got off from your horse while ellie ties shimmer in a tree, you did what she did. She opens the small cabin and it reveals a cozy living room, you took both of your jackets into the couch and you look around admiring the living room while ellie was busy going somewhere inside the cabin. She saw 2 bedrooms in the hallway, she open the other one and it reveal a queen size bed, she smirked. " y/n.. come here " she growls. you walk towards the hallway, fear rising in you. what does she have to do now? you thought. you saw ellie standing on the door of a bedroom with her hand gripping the doorknob, you went inside and admire the beautiful bedroom until you heard the door slam shut. before you could even look at the door, ellie push you through the wall. gripping her hands on your waist tightly. she look into your e/c (eye color) and quickly looks at your lips, asking for permission. you slowly nod, at first you thought she was gonna kill you but oh boy your dreams are coming true. she smashed her lips onto yours, slipping her tounge on your lips, you moaned. it only fuel things up when ellie removed her upper buttons on her flannel, revealing her chest. it was a sloppy kiss, she practically throw you in the bed and got on top of you, she then kiss and suck your neck, leaving love bites, you moaned, feeling your clit throbbed under your jeans and ellie sucking your neck, gosh this is ethereal. " ellie.." she looks at you, her lips still on your neck " we cant do this. " you frowned. she stop and sits on her heels while you sat and leaned in the headboard. she looked at you, tears on your eyes, she sighs. " im sorry " you said weakly. " we shouldn't be doing this " your tears falling now on your cheeks. she put her hand on yours, you look at her, you got surprise when her eyes were filled with tears and sadness. " look y/n, i've heard what you said to nancy earlier and i can't deny that i felt the same way on you. " she paused. " but you hate me? " " actually no, this entire fucking years made me felt nothing but regret and guilt. i can't stop thinking about you, it drives me fucking crazy. " she said. you looked into her eyes again, fear and guilt shown in her gorgeous eyes. you can't believe it, ellie feels the same way. you smiled at her and said, " i love you ellie " realizing to what you said, " i love you too y/n, a lot. " she said with a wide smile on her face. " wanna finish what we've started earlier? " she smirked. you laughed and laid back while she got on top of you again, savouring every moment.
a/n: jeez that's idk anyway, sorry for not posting sooner, i've been a little busy on school and sometimes my lazy ass gets me. hope you enjoy this story! dont forget to like and reblogged for motivation 😹
@akami-senpai, @ellieswife, @gayerforelliewilliams 🌈✨
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kpop---writings · 4 years
Playboy Prince 3
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Prince Im Jaebum.
Part 3.
“Welcome back, Prince Im Jaebum,” The butler does a 90 degree bow, “Hello, Princess Y/N.” He turns his attention to you, bowing again.
You nod your head with a smile.
“I’ll take your bags.”
He reaches for Prince Jaebum and while reaching for yours, he gives Jaebum a questioning look.
“You can take her bags to my room as well,” Jaebum already knew what he was thinking
As the butler walks off with both of your bags, Jaebum begins walking further into the castle. You right on his tail.
His castle was very much different from yours. Your parents loved the white marble and classy look. Almost everything in your castle was white, white marble, or some other shade close to white allowing for a slight contrast. With the occasional bright colored piece of decor.
But the Ims’ castle. It was very rich with gold details everywhere and darker shades. Completely opposite what you were used to. Not that you were complaining, it was nice to see something different. It made you feel like you didn’t need to be so cautious about leaving any kind of dirt behind. 
You hadn’t noticed Prince Jaebum had stopped walking and began to watch you admire his castle. 
“Not what you’re used to, Princess?”
His voice catches you off guard and you quickly look over to him.
“No.” You reply, walking towards where he’s standing, next to a large exotic painting of some animal. “It is very beautiful, though. I can see myself living here.” You give him a wink.
He smirks, “Wait until you see my room.”
Prince Jaebum gives a pretty intricate tour of the castle, showing you even the secret passage ways. You’re so in awe the whole time. Their castle gives of a completely different energy than what you’re used to, but you absolutely love it. The dark flooring and walls with gold detail was so captivating to you.
Jaebum, again, watches you closely. Taking advantage of you being completely distracted by his home to look at you. Specifically your lips.
As you’re looking around at everything, you catch his stare.
“What?” You ask confused, “Is there something on my face?” You began feeling all over your face.
He lets out a breathy chuckle, “No, you just look like a kid in a candy store. Have never seen any castle other than your own?”
“I mean I have, but most of the time they all have the same interior.” You look back at some of the paintings in the hallway you’re standing in, “Definitely not covered with such unique art.”
“And what’s with the kid thing again?” You ask.
Prince Jaebum shakes his head, “Just waiting on you to prove otherwise, Princess.”
“Come on. Time for the best part.” He grabs your arm and takes you up the stairs and down a long hallway until you reach a set of tall double doors, black and gold of course.
He pushes them open and steps aside for you to walk in first.
The first thing you notice is the big king sized bed in the middle of the room, with dark red bedding and a sheer, black canopy draping off the top from every side of the frame. You briefly wonder how many women he’s fucked on there.
Jaebum walks past you to the middle of the room and spreads his arms out, “So this is our room, what do you think?” With an extra emphasis on the word “our.”
On the outside you give him an annoyed look and roll your eyes, but on the inside, you’re actually screaming. That’s cute.
“It’s cute, actually. The bed, especially, seems cozy.”
He tilts his head to the side, “So the bed is what caught your attention, huh?”
“Because I like to sleep, Prince Jaebum.” 
You hear him sigh, dramatically.
“I know what you’re doing, you know.” He says, as you walk around the room, touching and looking at everything. 
You don’t look at him as a smile creeps on your face, “And what is it I’m doing?”
“You know. That thing where you keep saying things that could have a double meaning.” You turn to look at him and see he’s sitting at the end of the bed now. “What are you up to, Princess?”
He looks absolutely delicious right now. He’s seated so beautifully at the end of the bed, legs parted, and leaning back onto his hands. You imagine how he would react if you just got down on your knees in front of him right now. You subconsciously lick your lips, a little too slow.
“Hello! Princess!” He starts waving his hands around, “What are you thinking about?” He’s smirking now.
You ignore him and continuing looking around at everything. 
He lets you look around a little bit, allowing you to get a little more comfortable with your new home.
“Why don’t you come over here with me,” he’s lying down now, eyes on you.
You slowly walk towards the side of the bed he’s laying on and he scoots over and pats the bed next to him, signaling for you to lie down.
Okay. Laying next to him won’t cause any harm. Right?
You two lay in silence for a while, you momentarily forget about all the teasing and banter you two normally do. It’s nice actually. You guys are actually cuddling right now. His arm wrapped over you while you rest on his other.
Jaebum feels different with you. He’s never allowed any girl in his room, let alone his bed. He never cuddled any of the other princesses he fucked, he felt like that involved too much emotion and would complicate things. This, though, with you was very relaxing.
The sound of you speaking breaks the comfortable silence.
“Prince Jaebum ca-”
“You can just call me Jaebum, Princess.”
“Jaebum,” saying just his name feels nice. Like he trusts you.
 “Can I ask you a question and get a very honest answer?”
Jaebum just knows it’s about the rumors. Of course he’ll be honest with you, you’re about to marry him, so what’s the point in lying about it anymore?
“Princess, any question you have I will answer honestly. I have no reason to lie to you, we’re about to be married.” He responds
That makes you smile. You also think maybe it’s just because there’s nothing you could really do about whatever the answer is except just knowing about it from him himself.
“I want to know how many women you’ve fucked.”
 You lean up on your arm, facing him. 
“You want the absolute truth?”
“That’s what I said.”
“I’ve only been with four, one of them isn’t even a princess.”
You sit up fully now. Is he lying to you right now?
“You’re lying. You just told me you were going to be honest.”
“I also told you I have no reason to lie.”
He sits up too, so you’re now sitting across from each other.
“I slept with Princess Sooyoung , you know, the princess of all princesses. She wasn’t a good fuck so I never asked to see her again, which she did not take well. Apparently she thought us fucking meant I wanted her to be my queen, so with the help of her friends, they all spread the rumor about me.”
You can see the sadness in his eyes. He always seemed like he was proud to have such a reputation, but watching him tell the story you can see it actually did bother him, there was just nothing he could do about it and he knew it.
You reach up to rub his arm, in a comforting way. 
“Hey. I believe you, Jaebum.”
He looks up at you with longing eyes. He looks at your lips briefly and then back to your eyes.
You want to kiss him. So bad.
Lucky for you, he leans in first.
His soft lips against yours feels like heaven. You feel like you’re in a dream, getting lost in the motion of your lips moving in sync with his.
You feel his hand touch your thigh and you tense. He notices.
He quickly pulls his hand away and pulls away from the kiss. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I just-
“Jaebum,” You cut him off. “I wasn’t uncomfortable. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
You move closer to him and grab his hand to put back on your thigh, a little bit higher than where he put it. You lean in to kiss him, this time going lower.
You slowly give him an open mouthed kiss on his neck, sucking on the skin as you pull away and go back up to his lips.
Jaebum could feel himself growing in his pants at the way you just kissed his neck.  He moves his hand up your body from your thigh to your waist and pulls you onto his lap, never breaking the kiss. He makes sure to push his hard on into you so you know exactly how you’re making him feel right now.
The feeling of his dick lightly rubbing against your clit is making you unbelievably wet. You just want him inside you already filling you completely, you can just tell it’s incredibly thick.
Just as you start grinding down even harder against him, the phone rings. You look over and see it’s his mom calling. 
“Jae- Jaebum,” you breathe out, “It’s your mom, you need to answer it.”
He groans and throws his head back in frustration reaching for his phone.
You stay seated on top of him as he speaks to her. He looks really good under you, his lips plump, face red from the heated moment, and hair a little disheveled from running your hands through it.
After about 10 minutes you realize the conversation isn’t ending soon and you’re starting to feel awkward just sitting here and staring at him. You decide to go shower away the day of travel and the arousal that soaked your panties. It was beginning to get uncomfortable.
You move to get up and Jaebum grabs your leg and gives you a questioning look. You mouth ‘shower’ as you continue to get up. 
He looks sad almost.
You strip out of your clothes and step into the hot water. You hum in content. This feels really nice. 
Your mind starts to wander back to what was about to happen and you get that feeling in your stomach again. You close your eyes, lean your head back letting the water hit you, and slide your fingers down your chest all the way to where you needed it most. You can just picture what his dick looks like and you remember how it felt against you.
You let out a sigh as you rub your clit to the thought of Jaebum.
You don’t even hear his footsteps as walks in the very spacious shower behind you.
“Are you starting without me, Princess?”
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sleepy-exe · 4 years
Shapeshifter AU - 3
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>
Summary: Y/n has a mission to complete. Iwaizumi’s friend is in town.
Word count: 3k
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Warnings:  work stress mentioned, alcohol + bar location, y/n makes bad choices (following a stranger to a second location, hanging out with the person she should probably avoid), also is kind of a creep (the creepy-ness won't last i swear), some people are drunk, including Oikawa, bless him, best boy is also best wingman, kinda, y/n refuses to put real names in her phone contacts, someone gets dumped/ghosted, Oikawa is so drunk
Not a warning but: Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic Trainer. That’s what you’re here for, right? That’s what I’m here for.
Genre: sfw (for now, 18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, potential enemies to lovers
a/n: I introduced an OC in this part, Mizuki. I hope you come to love her. As someone who kins Oikawa, I gave him my “drunk persona” for the bar scene. He’ll be normal later, I swear.
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Part 3: So We Meet Again
It was no secret among Y/n’s friends that she loved to visit the bars in downtown Osaka, but a locally owned bar in Ikuno was a favorite of hers when she wanted a change in scenery. It was small and cozy with friendly staff. Besides university students, mostly middle-aged men frequented here, but everyone seemed to mind their own business and leave her alone, as she preferred. 
Double doors closing behind her, she was met with the sounds of chatter from other patrons and classic rock playing from the sound system. The smell of alcohol was not overwhelming and someone definitely has hot wings. The dark oak counter was straight ahead, lined in front with at least a dozen matching stools with black leather on the seats, and shelves of alcohol bottles behind. Booths lined the side walls and high tables with stools were spread amongst the center.
She walked up to a part of the counter no one was occupying and waved to the bartender. A short middle-aged woman with dark hair, only slightly peppered with grey. She usually worked here when y/n visited, but she could never remember her name and felt too awkward to ask for it again.
“Hey sweetie! You haven’t been in here in awhile! I was wondering if I was gonna see you again,” the woman spoke cheerfully as she always does, “What can I get for you? Something fruity or thinking something different tonight?”
She smiled at the bartender. “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” she winked, “And I’m thinkin’.. strawberry vodka-Sprite.”
“Can do!” She leaned in closer with a grin, “Should I make that strong?”
She leaned in as well, grinning back, “Hmm.. Why not.”
“I’ll get right on it,” the bartender took off and got to work on the drink. She went ahead and grabbed money for the women, dropping it on the counter in front of her with a hand resting over it as she looked around the bar. Sometimes a friend or two would be here and she’d invite herself to their table, otherwise she usually just picked a stool at the counter and chatted with whoever was bartending that night.
“Here ya go, sweetie,” the woman placed a short glass in front of her and Y/n pushed the money towards her.
“Thank you,” she picked up the drink and hopped onto a stool, spinning her back to the counter as she sipped the drink; tending to be more comfortable with people watching than socializing with strangers. A table to the left was full of older gentlemen, two of them seemed to be arguing, and oh look, they have the hot wings. Some college girls were squealing over something nearby, colorful drinks on their table. She continued looking around the bar, idly sipping her vodka-Sprite, relaxing after a long day of work.
Eventually, a man’s voice caught her attention from the right corner of the bar. He has styled brown hair and seems pretty tall now that he’s standing in his booth, waving his hands around while yelling. Is he telling a story or fighting with the other guy at his table? The other guy growled something at him with a smack to one of his flailing hands.
Buzzing in her coat pocket grabbed her attention from the two. Lifting her phone she saw a text notification from a friend. Turning to face the counter once more and setting down her glass, she opened the text.
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “im so mad at him”
Mizuki’s never ending boy trouble it seems. Her taste in men usually didn’t end well for her; meaning she often had to console a sad or angry Mizuki. She brought her drink to her lips to sip at while she texted her friend.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’:  “is that so”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “im serious! we made plans and he ditched me”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “AGAIN!!”
Didn’t she just say the other night that she wasn’t seeing this guy anymore? Either way, her plans are ruined and she’s not happy. She’s probably looking for someone else to hang out with tonight and vent to.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “okay okay I’m sorry”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “are you home?”
Someone was now standing beside y/n ordering a drink. The sudden voice next to her had her glancing up by instinct. Only to immediately snap her head back to her phone, now leaning over the counter with it. Hair falling around her face.
It’s him.
Well this wasn’t in the plan for tonight. So much for unwinding at the bar. She’s now fully winded and on edge.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “no I’m out. Sorry.”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “where?”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “in Ikuno”
Raising her head, she sees the man from outside the woods is no longer next to her. Phone buzzing once more as she takes a gulp of the vodka-Sprite.
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “ugh are you at that dive bar?”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “its nice here. You can join me if you want”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “no thanks”
>> From 'My Best Bitch <3': “When will you be home?”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “i just got here.”
The bartender appeared once more and offered a refill now that her glass was pretty much empty. She nodded and thanked her.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “what about blondie? I think he’s been dying to hang out”
Should she go see her? Probably. But Y/n’s on a spontaneous mission and her bestie was always up for a slumber party anyway, so he can help her vent and get all these negative emotions out. She looked over her shoulder to see if the man was nearby, only to catch his gaze from his spot at the table with the brunette man she determined to most likely be his friend. Neither of them are blinking and she mentally curses herself. Back to back buzzing broke her staring contest and she checked Mizuki’s messages.
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “yeah i guess he’s free.”
>> From 'My Best Bitch <3': “He’s coming to my place.”
>> From 'My Best Bitch <3': “If you get bored you know where to find us.”
The bartender handed over a new drink and she once again immediately paid for it.
What am I going to do about this? He’s staring too much to not know, right?
I could be overthinking this.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “love you. Sorry your date was a dick.”
But it couldn’t hurt to keep an eye on him for now.
Once again looking over her shoulder, a new vodka-Sprite in hand, she gained some courage. Some. She could always abort the mission and was sure the nice lady behind the counter would save her if she came running. Hopping off her stool and walking toward the two men’s booth, the brunette looked her way and offered a smile.
“Hello, pretty lady,” the brunette’s smile turned smug, “What do we owe the pleasure?”
Once he spoke, the other man looked in her direction, looking a little surprised. “Hey..”
“Hey there,” looking between the men before she continued. What’s the plan here again? “Mind some extra company? I was chatting with the bartender, but she seems busy.”
“Of course! You seem harmless enough. I’m Oikawa Tooru,” he waved a hand towards the other man, “And this is Iwa-chan.”
“Iwaizumi,” Iwa-chan intercepted.
“Y/n. Are ya sure I’m not interrupting you two?”
She sat next to Iwaizumi after he shook his head, “Oikawa has been retelling a story I already know.”
Oikawa looked insulted, “I come to visit and you’re going to complain?!”
“Oh, you guys aren’t from around here?”
Plan decided. Well, half a plan. A mini plan until she figures things out later - but there needs to be a later. Find out where he lives or at least get his number in the case that he does actually know about the whole wolf thing, so she can find him if needed. Getting his number should be easy enough; if not Iwaizumi’s, then probably Oikawa’s. Because she is a pretty lady.
Thanks, Oikawa.
“Well, no, weren’t not, but he doesn’t even live in Japan anymore,” Iwaizumi pointed to his friend.
So maybe Oikawa is out.
“We grew up together in Miyagi,” Oikawa chimed in, “but I moved away to become an amazing setter in Argentina! He moved chasing dreams too.” He winked at Iwaizumi, who completely ignored it.
“You’ve always been an amazing setter,” Iwaizumi brought his beer to his lips.
“So you live in Japan still?” She asked, swirling the straw around in her drink.
He didn’t have the chance to answer before Oikawa answered for him, “Yup! But enough of that. What brings you to this place? There’s so many nicer bars and clubs in Osaka.”
“I found this place back in college. There are lots of options here, but this place is one of my favorites.”
He shot a disgusted look, “Why?”
Iwaizumi flicked a balled up straw wrapper at him, “There’s nothing wrong with this place!”
“Hate to make myself sound like an alcoholic, I swear I’m not, but I’ve never seen ya here before and I feel like I would have recognized you two if I had.” She played with a piece of hair near her face. Oikawa mouthed ‘oh’ and wiggled an eyebrow. To be fair, as pretty as he is she would have recognized him if she had seen him before.
“Funny, I think I’ve seen you around,” Iwaizumi returned his attention to his drink momentarily. Meanwhile, Oikawa was looking between the two across from him, straw between his lips.
Quietly sipping her own drink, she tried to think of some sort of reply to pick at that comment. He could have seen her here, but what if he’s referring to the parking lot outside the forest? Oikawa interrupted her thoughts before she could gather anything useful.
“So you live around here then?” She went wide eyed for a second and he immediately waved his hands in front of himself apologetically, “It sounds like you’re here enough if this is a favorite. I just figured-“
She cut him off with a chuckle. “You’re fine! And you could say I live in the area, yeah..,” she glanced at Iwaizumi, “Is it safe to guess you’re in Osaka too?”
He hesitated, “Yeah. Not too far from here.”
Good good.
“So Y/n, where are you from,” Oikawa pushed his now empty glass to the side, “Or have you always been in Osaka?”
“Ah, no. I moved here for college and stayed after graduating. I grew up in Hyogo actually,” she giggled, “Guess we all moved from home, huh? Though I didn't move as far as either of you.”
“Excuse me,” Y/n let Iwaizumi out of the booth then scoot back to take his spot. He grabbed his glass and Oikawa’s, “I’ll grab us new drinks.”
He looked at her asking if she needed anything to which she shook her head, then he took off with the empty glasses.
“So you both moved here for careers then,” Oikawa nodded towards Iwaizumi who was already halfway to the counter.
“That so?” She blinked at the fuzziness in her head. Miss bartender did indeed make her drinks stronger today. Should probably call it quits after this one if she hoped to sober up by the end of the night.
“After college he moved here to be closer to- Well, he was in Tokyo then here. But anyway, he’s an athletic trainer for the pro volleyball teams here,” Oikawa leaned in as he spoke. “Though it's too bad he won’t come to Argentina to work with my team! I do miss him.”
She gave a sincere smile, “Do you get to see him very often? That’s so far away..”
Oikawa’s grin dropped and spoke somberly, “I usually fly back home a couple times a year, and every time I come to see him.. We do talk on the phone a lot though.”
“Here,” Iwaizumi set a new cocktail in front of Oikawa, but that was the only drink he had in hand, “You weren’t talking shit about me while I was gone, were you?”
“You didn’t get yourself anything!” Oikawa complained, then went right to sipping on his straw as his friend slipped into the booth next to her.
“I’m fine for now. Maybe later.”
“Fine, Iwa-chan,” he settled back down, “Oh! It sounds like Y/n has been in Osaka longer than you. Maybe she can tell you all the fun stuff around, so you can do something other than hang with the guys and go to bars.”
Iwaizumi looked less than pleased by that statement.
She snorted, “Well, it sounds to me like we have similar hobbies. I probably don’t know anything you don’t know.”
“Really,” Iwaizumi eyed her expectantly.
“Well.. If you get tired of the lack of grass around.. Most of the area is concrete, but there’s a few tiny parks in the suburbs, and I think one downtown, or near there at least. ”
He looked at her emotionless, “Yeah? I don’t remember coming across any of those. But I have found the large forest east of here. It’s not terribly far.”
By now she was finishing off her own drink. Oikawa was going on about something that she’s pretty sure is volleyball related. Watching the men bicker, she not-so-carefully sat the glass in front of her before placing her hands on her thighs.
Iwaizumi broke his attention from Oikawa at the sound of glass clicking against wood and looked at her glass then her. “Sure you don’t want anything?”
“I’m hoping to not leave my car here tonight.” She grabbed her phone to check that Mizuki hadn’t messaged her. With the lack of notifications she figured that meant she was happy now.
>> To ‘Blondie’: “you are with Mizuki right?”
“Oh! You drive?” The bottom of Oikawa's glass hit the table hard out of excitement. Hopefully he didn’t drive here too. “What do you drive?” He’s excitable and full of questions, that’s for sure. Isn't she supposed to be the one asking all these questions?
“I do.. I have a Civic.” Playing with the straw and leftover ice in her empty cup.
>> From ‘Blondie’: “ur just now checkin???”
>> From 'Blondie': “I’m the better friend of course i showed up”
>> To ‘Blondie’: “i figured i just checkin”
Slumping back in the booth she was once again watching the boys talk. Oikawa is really animated.
“Are you texting your partner?” Oikawa winked, “Oh! Let me give you my number!” And he nearly knocked over his drink trying to slide his phone to her. Iwaizumi let out a string of curses as he kept the glass from falling and moved it out of the way.
Laughing, she took his phone and entered her number, going ahead and putting ‘Y/n-chan’ as the contact before sliding the phone back. “You didn’t drive here, did you?”
“Iwa-chan! Give her your phone!”
He sighed and grabbed his phone, opening the contact app before handing it to her. “He did not. We Ubered here.”
She put her number in his phone too, being sure to text herself with his phone so she would have his before handing it back.
Phone number down.
Oikawa tapped around on his phone and chugged the rest of his cocktail. A buzz from her phone followed.
>> From ‘unknown’: “seroius do u have a lover??”
She managed to half contain a laugh and save his number under ‘Oi-chan’.
“Welp! I’m going to get going. My Uber is here,” Oikawa pulled himself to his feet and smacked a hand on the table in front of Iwaizumi, “I’m going back to the hotel. Go on and keep the pretty lady company, Iwa-chan.” He kissed Iwaizumi’s head which earned him a slap followed by a friendly goodbye and promise of seeing him tomorrow. Then he gave Y/n a big smile before heading away.
Thanks, Oikawa.
Turning to Iwaizumi with a grin, “Yer friend is entertaining.”
“Yeah.. He’s a really good person and friend.”
She offered a soft smile.
“Not to rush or anything,” he started, “but is there a particular time you’re trying to get out of here by?”
“No no,” she straightened, “I had no real plans for tonight other than to chill here.”
And added, “Also didn’t plan on the bartender treating me with stronger drinks than usual either. So.. I gotta sober up before I can leave.. You were smart with the Uber.”
He chuckled, “Maybe remember that for next time.”
“Yeah yeah..”
The two chatted for a good hour, maybe longer. Iwaizumi told old stories from high school of his best friend, as well as what he was doing in Argentina now. He also spoke briefly about the volleyball teams he’s worked with as an athletic trainer. Apparently he moved to Ikuno to be closer to the team in Higashiosaka that he’s been working with the most.
Sitting there she caught the bright street lights outside the windows of the bar, though not too bright with the bar’s tinted windows. She remembered how nice it was out tonight. It would be a good night for stargazing, but with all of the lights in town it would be hard to see any stars. The best place for stargazing here is the forest..
But there is a public park north of the forest. Far from where she runs. It’s probably closed after dark, but all parks were and that never stopped her from sneaking into the forest. Though, the forest itself didn’t have open hours. Pretty sure.
Still looking out the window she started, “Hey.. The sky is really clear tonight.”
Iwaizumi glanced at her. She continued looking outside, “Obviously you can’t see stars anywhere near here.. But north of the forest pass Higashi’ there’s a park with a large clearing that would be perfect.”
He gave her an incredulous look, “You’re not saying you want to go on what, probably an hour drive to look at stars? Are you even good to drive yet?”
Humming she decided she was set on it. Plus maybe from there he’d let her drive him home. Then she'd be two for two - mini mission achieved. “..Can you drive a manual?”
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Part 4 >>
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words-for-holland · 4 years
The Songs in Our Life: It’s Not a Date
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N & Tom learn more about each other on their night out together...but remember it’s not a date.
Inspired by: I Wanna Know You - Hannah Montana & David Archuleta
Album Description | Track 1 | Track 2 |
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Waiting. It’s the action of staying where you are to delaying something until a certain time has come or something happens. 
For instance, Y/N and Tom were due for a date at 5:40pm, and the wait was almost unbearable for them. Not that it was ever an official date....but the idea of seeing each other again the very same day brought a feeling of excitement. Something that neither had felt in a very long time. Seconds, minutes, and the remaining hours passed. Y/N had clocked out of work, shoved her laptop in her bag, and made her way down to lobby to meet Tom. As she approached the area, her steps slowed and ultimately stopping in her tracks. Seeing Tom, casually waiting brought a new found feeling. She smiled at him, already thinking about the possibilities of the if’s and’s & wants in her future, but immediately shook out the thought. 
“C’mon Y/N it’s way too early to be thinking like this. You haven't even gone on a date with him yet and you're already thinking about a future. Jesus.” Y/N muttered to herself, verbally smacking some common sense into her brain. 
As she continued to walk towards Tom, he looked up to meet her eyes and started walking to her direction. “Fancy seeing you here, darling.” he greeted with that boyish smile. He offered his hands, gesturing to allow him to carry her bag, but Y/N simply shook her head and declined the offer. “It’s okay. I got it.” 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
“Of course, but would it be okay if we stopped by my apartment to drop this off?” Y/N replied to him. “I really don't want to be carrying this around while I blow your mind with the best food in the city.” 
Tom hadn’t replied to Y/N’s question, he was too busy thinking about..well...her. In his mind, he would have been more bold and responded to her question like ‘Aw, here I was hoping you were just going to invite me in to stay there and I can show you a really good time’. Or ‘Nothing blows my mind more than you’.
Instead what came out was “Yeah, sure that’s fine.” he smiled back, mentally slapping himself for not being able to pull off something smoother.
“Okay, let’s go. It’s not that far.” Y/N lead the way, with Tom following behind. There it was. That awkward-but-not-so-awkward tension coming up as the two walked in silence to Y/N’s apartment. Both knew it wasn’t an official date, so why was it hard to just strike a conversation? Y//N and Tom fought with their inner conscious as they tried to figure out how to make the first move. It was then when both Tom and Y/N, took a deep breath and said out loud their questions the same time.
They laughed at their failed attempts to strike a proper conversation, and tried to make it better by saying “You first.” in unison and then “No you.” 
Tom gestured to Y/N to speak first. “So how was your press interview? Did you get in trouble for being late?” Y/N asked as they continued to walk the streets of 34th Avenue.
Tom looked at Y/N’s way, recollecting their first meet up. Indeed Tom was extremely late, but if he hadn’t been he wouldn’t be in this position right now with her. “Yeah it went well. I just got in a little bit of trouble, but it’s okay. Sometimes you’ve got to live a little dangerously.” he winked, which made Y/N’s cheeks display the most delicate shade of pink. “What about you? How was work?”
Y/N shrugged at his question. “Can’t complain. Im still new to the company, but the projects are fun and everyone’s welcoming and a pleasure to work with. Just hoping I dont mess it up.”
“Im sure you won’t. You dont seem to be that type.” Tom responds truthfully.
Y/N looks at him and smiles. “Oh? And what type do I seem to be?” She challenges him, but before he could speak, they make it to Y/N’s apartment.
She jiggles the key in and opens the door for Tom, allowing him to enter first. The first thing that catches his eyes are the cream colored walls and soft blue furniture accents. Papers are piled up on a table, and pictures of Y/N with her friends and family placed decoratively on the walls. Candles were lit and the T.V. was softly playing in the background. “Wow...this is really cozy.” Tom reacts, intaking the surrounding. “Though I must say I usually get invited inside the house on the second date.” He laughs at his sorry joke.
Thankfully Y/N’s sense of humor was extremely easy tonplease, and she laughed along with him, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Oh stop, I told you I need to set my stuff down. I —”
“Hey Y/N I was wondering what—” Y/N’s roomate and best friend comes in to the living room seeing a rare sighting of Y/N with a man. “Oh...I didnt know we had company.” She smiles, trying her best to contain her excitement for her best friend.
“Oh right.” Y/N closes her eyes briefly in hopes that her best friend doesnt embarrass her. “Um Tom this is Kaitlyn, she’s my best friend and roomate. Kaitlyn this is Tom H—”
“Believe me. I know who you are.” Kaitlyn smiles widely. “It’s...wow..a surprise really. Nice to meet you.”
“And it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tom greets back shaking her hand.
“So are you two like...” Kaitlyn gestures as she squiches her hands together. “On a date?”
Both Y/N’s and Tom’s eyes widen, both of their cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. They knew it wasnt such a bad thing to consider, them being on a date and getting romantic. But they just met, neither wanted to risk the chance of screwing it up. “Of course not. I was just planning to show Tom around the city, since he’s not from here.”
Tom would be lying if he said his heart didnt drop just a little, but he wasnt going to let that show. Even though he wanted it to be so much more than a hang out. “Yeah, I figured why not....since we’re friends.” There it goes again..that awkward silence.
“Uh huh. Im sure you both will enjoy your friendly hangout. Y/N knows all the best places to eat.”
“I wouldnt doubt it.” Tom smiles.
“And we should get going...uhh Kaitlyn you’re welcome to join us if you want?” Y/N interjects as she and Tom get ready to go out.
“Oh. It’s fine! You two go out. Im good here.” Kaitlyn rejects and winks at Y/N.
Y/N rolls her eyes as she leads Tom out. Not far from her home, the two make it to Chelea’s Market, where they indulge in all things Italian. From the flavorful pasta, to the fresh steamy focaccia bread that comes right out of the stone oven. It was Y/N’s go-to place to impress anyone visiting. The food was great and the scenery outside was beautiful.
While the food was incredible, Tom’s prescence was where the real magic came to play. She could only imagine what hanging out with a celebrity would be like, but Tom was another story.
She took in how engaged he was with her stories about growing up in a small town in New Jersey with her family, how Kaitlyn and two other friends had stayed together since they were 6, and how her life had felt so barred until she moved here in the city, feeling free for the first time ever.
He was interested in all of it. Tom’s eyes looked at her with endearment, and his smile grew the more he heard about her most heart touching memories, his laugh becoming more robust and joyus when she told him a funny memory. He was falling for her, even though he didnt want to admit it just yet. While he got a good chunk of her life, he wanted to know more.
Y/N on the other hand, wanted to turn the tables. “So what about you?” She asked, as they both made their way to the High Line, warm latte in hand.
“What do you mean?” He questions back, displaying a coy smile.
“C’mon you know what I mean. What’s your story? And when I mean story I dont mean how you got famous.” Y/N explains as they continue walking.
Tom looked down at the ground, thinking. He couldnt remember the last time a stranger wiuld ask about his life, and not just the story about his career. “Well, I have 3 younger brothers. A set of twins named Sam and Harry and a younger brother name Paddy but we like to call him Padster. I lived with my best mate Harrison for 4 years. Love sports but golfing all time has to be my favorite. Ironically, Im terrified of spiders and I hate cheese.”
Y/N took in his 5 minute biography, and thought about how genuine he was. Just like she did, Tom gave stories about his brothers and best friend, and the more he talked the real he felt to Y/N. Their friendship was blossoming and in this moment nothing felt out of place. “Wow, you hate cheese?! Cheese is single-handely the best creation on this planet. I feel sorry for the girl that had to deal with that.” Y/N stopped her tracks, realizing what she just slipped in. She didnt mean to mention about a potential girlfriend he did or didnt have, it just...happened.
“Haha Im sure she doesn’t mind. She doesnt particulary like cheese either.” He plays along, but Y/N’s spirit started to lower. So there was a girl after all. She should have known.
“Oh, so there is a girl. Isnt there?” She speaks in a monotone.
“Of course! Tessa shes been with me for awile. Cheeky little dog, but I love her so much.” Tom laughs as he takes a sip of his coffee.
Y/N shook her head as she caught on his words. Dog? Upon realization, she shook her head looking down at the ground hiding her embarrassment.
“Sorry. I had to.” He continued to laugh, “but your face and attitude was priceless. Its almost as if you we’re jealous or soemthing.”
“What?! Me jealous?! Please.” Y/N tried miserably to play off.
“C’mon I saw those lips purse and that cute nose scrunch. You looked wee bit jealous.” Tom stated as he lifted her chin to meet his eyes. The moment was tense and silent but not akward. They took in each others features, lips getting closer, eyes slowly closing until... “It’s getting late.”Y/N whispered. Both let down by the moment being ruined.
Tom pulled away with a look of disappointment. “Yeah...you’re right. I’ll walk you back? My hotel is not far from your place.” He offered.
“Of course it’s not. It’s the tri-state area. Everything here is 30 minutes or less.” She jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “I would like that a lot.”
They continued to walk back home, side by side with light conversations. Almost forgetting their almost-kiss on their unofficial date. As they reached the steps of Y/N’s apartment. The two bid their farewell.
“Well I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you Y/N.” Tom said smiling at her as he held her hand.
“Likewise. I cant remember the last time I had this much fun.” Y/N admits, hoping that this wouldnt be the first and last time she’d see him. “Maybe we can do this again?” She bravely suggests.
“I’d love that. See you soon, darling.” With that he kissed her goodbye on the cheek as he made his way to the hotel, but not until he made sure, Y/N got inside safely.
Proceed to Track 3.
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@horanxholland @peterspideyy @stan-ish230403 @averyfosterthoughts @eridanuswave @greatpizzascissorstaco
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writer-rochelle · 4 years
Statesman: Ablaze  Ch.2: Off the Grid
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(a/n: here is chapter 2 of the one thing im super frickin proud of. thank you @pomelloe-me​ for bullying me in our shared google doc to make sure i get things done. ily <3)
“Can you leave the window down? My car smells like fucking fried chicken, and while it may be your fave food it's not mine.” Alicia said, shutting her car engine off. Pom chuckled, obliging her friend’s request. Both women stretched, their joints popping, as they clambered out of the small car and started their walk up the small driveway. 
The Agents had opted to live as far away from the brewery as they could, wanting to make a safe and work free environment for them to escape to. It was a pale green  3 story victorian house with white accents, and a small front porch. Two white rocking chairs moved slightly in the wind, and a white porch swing on the far right end swayed with them. A black and white rip n dip doormat sat under a black double front door, the words "go away" floated next to a white cat flipping any visitors off. A purchase Pom had made while online shopping in the wee early hours of the night. One that Alicia and Dena had found rather hilarious and Carey had simply shaken her head. 
“I’m gonna murder your boyfriend, he’s as dumb as a fucking rock, I swear it!” Alicia exclaimed, walking towards the front door of the shared home, twisting her head this way and that in a vain attempt to pop her still stiff neck.  She could hear Pom curse at her under her breath. “What was that? Use your words miss ma’am” Alicia teased, knowing Tequila was a nuisance for Pom. He had been Alicia's friend first, and one-day on a whim she had invited them to a carnival accompanying the rodeo that was in town. Soon, the three of them were inseparable. Tequila however soon developed feelings for Pom, his endless pining no secret to anyone. The ex-rodeo clown meant well, and when he wasn't trying to convince the southern beauty to go two-stepping with him, the two got along very well. 
“I said he ain’t my fuckin’ boyfriend,” Pom responded, she was frustrated but smiled all the same. She reciprocated the crush but put her job as a Statesman agent first. She refused to let anyone or anything jeopardize her career. The brunette removed the brown cowboy hat sitting on her head, using it to fan herself in the heat, waiting for Alicia to unlock the front door. 
“Whatever you say!” Alicia sang, throwing the door open. Pom followed the woman into the entryway, shutting and locking the door behind her. The smell of delicious food wafted towards where the two girls stood, as they began dispensing the arsenal of personal weapons they had into their designated shelves in the entryway. Pom hung her hat on the hook on the wall next to the door. Alicia groaned, taking her box braids out of the ponytail she had forced them into, massaging her scalp. 
"I don't know how you can stand having those things pulled back like that!" Pom said, emptying her pistols before placing them back in their holsters. 
"Trust me, one I'm gonna shave my head, and I only kept them in because I spent so much on them for that one assignment. Why waste money? Carey Ann, is that your cooking I smell?" Alicia called, making her way further into the house. She paused a moment, kicking her shoes off in the mudroom off to the left. 
“Yup! I’m in the kitchen, y’all! Make sure you leave your shoes in that mudroom, I just swept!”’ Carey called out to them from the direction of the kitchen. 
Whatever she had been making since she had come home had made the house warm and cozy, the warmth of the oven lightly combating the aircon. Carey was the oldest of the four women living in that house. She had recently moved to New York, assisting Agent Whiskey in running the New York office. Occasionally, she would return to their humble abode in Kentucky. Most household responsibilities fell on her, their other roommate Dena had been away for almost a year on assignment in Europe seeking out an alleged brother agency. Usually, Pom and Alicia were left to their own devices, sticking to take-out orders, or the occasional soup and grilled cheese combo Alicia cooked up. It wasn't often Alicia or Pom cooked, let alone cleaned. It was nice to have their Agent Mom back in town.  
Pom hastily unzipped the sides of her boots, sliding them off to reveal her cute space patterned socks, ‘The best feeling ever is taking your shoes off after a fuckin’ long day of work.’ she thought to herself. Pom’s hair stuck up in odd angles, no secret the hat that had been resting on her head all day. She combed her fingers through it, the brown tresses fell to her shoulders in thick, uncontrollable waves. 
“It’s good to see you here, and not on a fucking screen, ma’am.” Alicia snooped through the pots on the stove, hungrily eyeing Carey’s homemade fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, and mac & cheese warming idly on the stove. Alicia only two kinds of southern cooking, her Grandma Beaulah's, and Carey's (a close second).  
"Yeah, bitch. I thought you might have forgotten about us.” Pom called out from the living room, where she had placed herself comfortably down on the couch, flicking through something on her phone. She sighed, still no response from Whiskey. Had she upset him without realizing it? ‘Fuckin’ Whiskey, I wish he could’ve told me instead of ignoring me like a dumbass.’ she thought, shutting off her phone and tossing it to the other end of the couch.
“Well, if y’all acted 24 and 25 years old and not little children, you wouldn’t need me to come home to cook and clean for y’all. Dena hasn’t even been here and she still keeps her room clean!” Carey teased, swatting Alicia’s hands away from the food. Even if she had been present, Dena and Carey were definitely the neatest of the four. Carey had tried in vain to get the other two younger women to help, even going so far as to leave everything to pile up. It had taken a roach crawling across Alicia's face one night in her sleep to finally get them to step up. Now they kept a chore list on a dry erase board in the laundry room, and the katsaridaphobic agent no longer left dirty dishes in her room. 
“Girl, they’re clean. And for the record, Pom and I do take care of ourselves! For example, I did all the laundry in the house and Pom got rid of that possum that was living in the roof. Perfectly responsible.” Alicia said smugly, giggling as Pom chimed in quietly from her spot on the couch about the ‘Cunt ass possum that tried to eat her fucking face even though she had given him a slice of ham as a fucking peace offering headass’. 
“Pom, why don’t you come join us instead of mumbling with your colorful vocabulary from the couch; the food is ready.” Carey laughed, shaking her head at her roommate's antics. She grabbed the rolls out the oven, before removing her apron and oven mitts. She moved to pull a pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge, and then stood back proudly to admire her work. Dinner was served. 
“You sound like my fuckin’ mom,” Pom uttered as she hoisted herself up from the couch, making her way into the kitchen to wash her hands. 
“I may as well be. But enough bickering, I missed y'all two!” Carey said, carrying her plate of food to the table where Alicia already sat eating. 
“I’m not really hankerin’ for anything, but thanks, Carey. I love you…fuck head.” Pom told Carey with her unique version of affection, leaning against the island in the kitchen and removing her rusty-colored jacket from her body. Pom's jokes and colorful nicknames were her own brand of love, and while it was offputting the first time she called you something like "hoe bag", you learned to acknowledge the underlying "I love you".  
“Well at least stay and sit with us, I’ve got something to tell y’all,” Carey said, patting the chair next to her. She needed to tell somebody about how she and Jack had recently started seeing each other. She figured he had already told Tequila, and felt justified in telling the girls. Pom sat down in the chair with a grunt after placing her jacket on the table. 
“Oh do tell, this wouldn’t happen to do with a certain mustached cowboy would it?” Alicia batted her eyelids, and suggestively wiggled her eyebrows. Pom knew exactly what this conversation was going to lead to. She wasn’t a fucking idiot; she noticed every small exchange between Carey and Whiskey, it was just something she had an eye for. The two had known each other for over two years and had recently started to go out with each other seriously. It was a wonder they hadn't started fooling around sooner.
“W-well...about that” Carey giggled nervously, maybe she wouldn’t tell them after all. 
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Carey Ann! Are you fucking Ole Jack Daniels?!” Alicia exclaimed, pointing her fork accusingly at the shorter Agent. Pom couldn’t help herself from letting out a loud chuckle, moving her long legs to sit cross-legged on the chair. 
“Alright, fine. Whiskey and I may or may not have been seeing each other exclusively for the past year while I’ve been back and forth from New York.” Carey said, casually taking a sip from her glass of tea, the clinking ice cubes being the only sound for a brief moment. 
“I fuckin’ knew it!” Agent Rum pronounced with great amusement, looking over at Carey with a menacing smile. 
“YAS BITCH, OH MY GOD! Tell us everything, and I do mean everything!” Alicia said, standing up and playfully pulling Carey into a noogie. 
The girls laughed, Carey pushed Alicia back into her chair before smoothing out her blonde curly hair. Carey was glad that the girls hadn’t reacted negatively like she thought they would. She had missed this comradery with the girls while staying in New York; she leaned forward fully retelling everything that had been happening. It was nice to finally be home. 
* * * * * 
Pom Graham was awake earlier than the rest of her housemates, as usual. Most nights she would stay up until midnight listening to her favorite kinds of music and trying to gain motivation to do her beloved hobby of painting. But she never slept for long as her natural body clock woke her up just a few short hours after she fell asleep. Still, she was always filled with so much energy. 
Pom tip-toed out of her room and down the flight of stairs in hopes of not waking her friends. She was already dressed in her usual outfit that the others rarely saw her out of. The living space downstairs was decorated with rustic, but comfortable furniture and pots of greenery scattered around. Photographs and posters could be found on the walls. 
She threw herself on to the couch in front of the large, technologically advanced television. With a press of a button on the remote, the screen came to life with the morning news channel. ‘Boring.’ Pom thought, ‘Carey must have been watching it last.’
“The daughter of beloved Kentucky senator, Xavier Dobios, is still missing and it’s sending everybody into quite the state of distress…..” Said the monotone voice of the news reporter on the TV. Pom scoffed at his words. 
“Fuck off, ‘beloved my ass’” Pom returned in a sharp whisper, smiling with amusement. She clicked another button and the kid’s channel started to play. Pom never really liked to watch television, but when she did, she would always turn on the channel that entertained her most.
“Good morning, Pomegranate.” Came Carey’s sweet but groggy voice from the doorway leading into the kitchen. Carey was dressed in cute, pink pajamas and her hair was quite the mess. She let out a big yawn. 
“Mornin’, you’re up early,” Pom responded, turning her head to give Carey a nice smile. Carey walked back into the kitchen to start preparing coffee and breakfast for herself and her housemates. 
“What do you want for breakfast? And I know you don’t like coffee, so what do you want to drink?” Carey asked from the kitchen to Pom. She sat there thinking for a moment before answering. 
“Peanut butter toast. And some water. Bless your heart, Carey.” Pom returned gently. Carey was surprised to see how calm she was. She was used to seeing the hot-tempered, mischievous, and swearing version of Pom. But she appreciated seeing this side to her too because Carey knew that’s who she really is. Pom never failed to make her laugh and smile. 
Carey made food and coffee with the sound of Pom watching the kid’s channel playing in the background. Alicia probably wasn’t going to be awake for a few more hours but Carey poured her a cup of warm coffee just in case. 
“I don’t know how you have so much energy all the time, Pom,” Carey said as she sat on the couch next to Pom, handing her the plate of peanut butter toast and a glass of water. She sipped on her own cup of coffee just the way she liked it. 
“I’ve consumed so much fuckin’ sugar in my life that I’m constantly on a sugar high.” Pom joked to her friend, smiling. Carey laughed, the sound mixing the soft sounds of the old Victorian settling over them. It wasn’t often they got a morning to themselves, and they knew they’d have to head to work soon, but for now, HQ could wait.
“GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!” Alicia yelled, bounding in the kitchen shattering the quiet moment the girls had settled into with their breakfast. Carey and Pom sighed, watching as she effortlessly leaped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. Her gray sweatpants slung low on her hips, her lilac sleep shirt wrinkled, and her braids still wrapped up in the bonnet on her head; she looked crazy.
“What in Sam Hill are you doing?!” Carey said, standing up and rushing to try and push the taller woman off. 
“I have some good news, bitches! Dena’s coming home sooner than we thought!” Alicia was elated, it had been almost two months since Agent Sangria had been in contact with Statesman, and more importantly her roommates. She had been advised to keep all communications, few and far in between. Should there be a brother agency, it would be in Statesman's best interest to not alert them of their presence in their territory; what if they were a rogue organization? The return of the lively Latina was definitely a cause for celebration. 
“Wait, how do you know?” Carey asked, realizing that Alicia wasn’t budging off her pedestal. She looked over at Pom who looked just as puzzled as she was, no one had any recent contact with Dena. Everything had been dark. Pom got off the couch to get closer to them.  
“Well, as y’all know, I spend most of my free time in the lab with Ginger. And I was able to create a concealable communication device!” Alicia said proudly, taking what looked like a normal bottle of concealer. But the girls knew better, Alicia was a crazy tech wiz and inventor. Her and Ginger both could put Tony Stark to shame.
“How does that shit even work… it’s fuckin’ makeup.” Pom questioned. She couldn’t remember the last time she had set foot in the lab, or the last time she wore makeup. Pom would rather be training and being troublesome with the male agents than behind a vanity or in a lab coat. 
“Listen, I know it looks a little out of sorts but I promise it works! And the cosmetic part of the contraption is fully functional.” Alicia opened the packaging and did a swatch of the makeup on her arm. A perfect match.
“Say we can’t take any phones or even our glasses with us? Who’s gonna suspect a woman with a compact mirror and bottle of concealer? The idea is we use the idea of the fragile female that men have created against them. But my feminist spiel aside, I talked to Dena and she should be here by the end of next week!” Alicia got down from the counter, slipping her “concealer” into the front pocket of her black backpack. 
Pom leaned against the counter as she smiled, "You’re a genius.” She said to Alicia softly.
“I’m no Ginger Ale, but I try! Also, I’ve been making a bat prototype for you in the lab! I meant to surprise you for your birthday but I can’t wait any longer.” Pom smiled at this. Alicia started to continue but paused. The Statesman designated ringtone grew louder from where it was playing on their tv. Well, duty calls.
The three agents made their way into the living room, Carey grabbing the remote from its spot on the ottoman. Once they had all settled themselves on the comfy couch, she pressed the answer button. 
“Good morning, Angels!” Champagne greeted; the great window behind his head visible on the tv screen. It wasn’t uncommon for Champ to contact them while they were at home; saving more discreet missions for the four of them to take care of. It saved time, resources, and quite frankly more lives than if they were to send Whiskey, Tequila, or any of the other male agents instead. Hence the moniker, “Angels”.
“Good morning, Champ!” Alicia crowed, shifting to sling her legs across Pom and Carey’s laps making herself comfortable. Pom hastily grabbed Alicia’s feet from her lap and started to tickle them with no remorse, and her loud and mischievous laughs filled the room. 
“Would y’all stop? Jesus Christ.” Carey said, pushing Alicia’s legs off the couch and inserting herself between her and Pom. “Sorry, Champ, continue please!” Carey said, turning her attention back to the man on the screen. Pom was holding back her laughter as best as she could. 
“Well, when y’all are done horsing around, I have something for y’all to take care of. As you know, the senator is hiding his daughter trying to make it seem like she’s been kidnapped. Tonight, he is hosting a gala to impress some of the big wigs in the country and gain more support. I need y’all to infiltrate the gala and expose this sun’ a bitch before he can carry this tomfoolery on any longer.” 
“Do I gotta dress all fancy and shit?” Pom asked, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She had makeup, she hated dresses, and if she didn't hate her unruly hair getting in her face, she'd hate doing it too. 
“I would prefer it if you did. The senator is very conservative, and has a strict dress code for this event.” Champagne said. Pom sighed angrily at this. 
“Awe, c’mon, Pomegranate. I thought you liked playing dress up.” the screen expanded to show that none other than Agent Whiskey sat next to Champagne at the grand mahogany meeting room table. 
“Whiskey!” Pom exclaimed with joy. A big grin was on her face now. She tucked her messy waves of hair behind her ears. Pom could feel her heart racing with pure happiness. Whiskey was the closest thing she had to a father, and she practically glowed in his attention. 
“Howdy darlin’, you ready to join your old man on the dance floor?” Whiskey tipped his hat, grinning at the young agent. 
The adopted father and daughter duo were the best partnership to come out of Statesman; Whiskey having taken Pom under his wing, saying that he saw himself in her. A troubled girl who needed a little guidance and TLC, and had unfathomable potential. Whiskey had promised Pom’s mother that he would ensure that the young woman would be taken care of while she was in the states. A promise that had been well kept. 
“While I’m all for sappy reunions, I need you, girls, to get gussied up and make your way to that gala ASAP! I’m sending Whiskey to pick y’all up at 0800, We got a party to crash.” Champagne said, ending the video call. 
Alicia stood and looked at her phone, an invitation addressed to a Penelope Vontrapp, and associates lit up her screen. “Well Miss Pom, or should I say Miss Penelope; it looks like you get to play the part of the daughter of some rich oil tycoon.” 
“Fuck you, I’m not wearing any fuckin’ makeup!!” Pom said while jumping off the couch to sprint up to her room before the others could stop her. 
“YOU’RE LUCKY THEY’RE MAKING A BIG DONATION IN YOUR HONOR! OTHERWISE, I’D BE FORCING YOU INTO A DRESS AND PUTTING SOME BLUSH ON THOSE CHEEKS!” Alicia shouted up the stairs, knowing that Pom was going to put on the same suede pantsuit she wore to all Statesman functions. It would be a cold day in hell before anyone forced her into a dress, and Alicia knew better than to even try and wrestle her into one.  
“Will you curl my hair, please? May as well get some joy out of tonight.” Carey remarked, making her way up the stairs. Alicia noticed the sad air around her friend, she stopped reaching out to grab her friend's arm. 
“What’s wrong? You were all chipper early, now you’re all….” Alicia made a fart noise with her mouth, hoping it would bring a small smile to her Carey’s face. 
“It’s nothing, I promise. Just forget it, okay?” Carey pulled her arm away, continuing up the stairs. But it wasn’t really anything. Was it right for her to feel a little envious that Whiskey hadn’t acknowledged her? Had Champ told him something? Or was she just overthinking? Either way, they had a mission to focus on, and this worrying and pining could wait. 
(a/n: thank you all for reading and standing by while i get in the swing of things. i now have a masterlist, and post with who and what yall can request will be coming soon. <3 roach)
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Tenaria Tale: Chapter 3, Colorful Intros
The ruins are beautiful. You agree with this, and walk around slowly, admiring the detailed carvings into the pillars holding up the colorful mosaic roof. Considering you are walking down a hallway staring upward at the roof, its inevitable that you bump into someone.
“What in tarnation?” A thick southern accent resounds from the tall man before you. His arms and legs a smooth chrome, dressed in blue denim overalls, a brown t-shirt, and a red baseball cap. He turns and looks down at you.
“What kind of Character are you? You look small, whats with that striped sweater? You must be a kid. Huh. “ He kneels down at looks at you in the eyes, his eyes a deep brown. “Well welcome to the ruins, im Farmer John, I grow grapes down here. Come visit my farm sometime, it’s down the hall to the right. To the left is the path to the queen’s house.”
He stands up and nods down at you. You nod back, what a pleasant conversation. Farmer John smiles slightly and walks down the hall, taking a right to go to his farm. You stand there for a bit and ponder, should you go to his farm? Or just keep going and get to Tracey’s house?
You decide to go to the farm. You recognize plot development when you see it. What do you mean I’m breaking the fourth wall too much, I’m the narrator, I can do as I please. Just get walking child.
You start walking down the hallway and take a right, immediately around the corner, rows upon rows of grape vines are filling the room, at the end of the hall was a small house. Standing at the porch of the home stood Farmer John, leaning on a post stood another man in a clean blue suit, and red rimmed glasses. The two seemed to be discussing something about cotton.
You approach and the suit man looks down at you. “Oh, a child, i can tell by the striped sweater”
He smiles and munches on an apple. You aren’t sure where he got the apple, you decide not to question it too much and move on.
“I’m Pointdexter, I help John here with the farming cause ya’know, “ he takes another bite from his apple, the previous bite somehow missing. “Fruits and stuff”
You decide to question the apple now.
“My apple? I made it”
His answer is too vague and confusing.
“I make fruits and veggies. It’s my magic. John’s magic is strength, mine’s making fruits.”
This answer is better.  He offers you an apple? Take it?
YES          NO
You decide to take an apple, even though you aren’t hungry.  You understand that it might come in handy later.
John and Pointdexter smile at you and let you know how to get back to the main path.
You wave as you walk out, heading towards Tracey’s house.
“Psst, hey kid”
A voice whispers from the hall. You turn and see two more men leaning against a wall, the one on the right dressed in a slick black suit, brown rimmed glasses and a black hat, with a red rim. The one on the left in a simple black suit and red tie, with dark black sunglasses hiding his eyes.
“You must be new down here” the Hat wearing man smirks down at you. “You must be new down here, allow us to give you a bit of expository information”
“Convenient right? “ The one in glasses comments.
“Lets start with introducing ourselves, I’m Don, and this is Agent Carter. “ The one with the hat began speaking, “And welcome to the ruins. The original home of the Characters when we first got banished down here. Set up by King Wechidna and his wife Queen Tracey, all of us lived in this area before the King began work on expanding out underground home. Now it is made up of six areas. Ruins here, Snowdin out there, then Waterfall, Hotlands, The CORE, and NEW Home. “
Agent Carter continues “The Readers trapped us down here with a magic barrier made by seven powerful readers known as Authors. The only way to free us is by the combined power of seven Reader souls. King Wechidna knew this would be an impossible task, gathering the souls and instead decided we would peacefully live down here instead. We, as people agreed and began settling in. “
“But that all changed when the first Reader fell down here” Don continued. “Their name had long been forgotten, but they were kind. Determined, but kind. King Wechidna and Queen Tracey took them in, and they quickly grew close to the royal son, Samexe. The Reader grew to love us Characters, and our culture, and began to grow angry at the cruelty of the other Readers. “
“So, as the legends go, the young Reader came up with a plan”
“They remembered long ago they accidentally made their father sick by feeding him buttercup flowers, so the reader gathered some up and ate them”
“Days, the reader lay sick in bed for days, the Underground grew silent, somber until the day they died. Samexe absorbed their soul and withit got past the barrier. “
“They took the body of their fallen friend out to the local Reader village. “
“The readers thought Samexe had killed the Reader. So they attacked. Despite all the power Samexe had, he never fought back, he simply set the Reader down on a patch of buttercup flowers and returned to the underground. “
“He fell to his knees as the entrance of the ruins, where that nice pumpkin patch is now and became the dust we all do. “
“It was after that, King Wechidna made a vow, no more Readers will pass through here, Royal Guards were put in place to capture all Readers and deliver them to the king. Queen Tracey was horrified by this behaviour after the next reader fell, another child. This child was one of Integrity, this one was captured here in the ruins, by you right don?”
“Yup, I captured that one, sent it to the King and Queen. I remember the Queen’s face when King Wechidna killed it,  capturing the soul in this jar thing. “
You step back from Don and Carter.
“Oh yah, we’re both Royal Guards kid” Carter replies. “But you have no reason to be scared, no Readers have fallen down here in years.”
“Yah, i hear they are super dangerous. Here” Don hands you a small pocket knife.
“Just incase a Reader falls, you can stay safe.”
You look at the SMALL POCKET KNIFE and shrug, putting it into your inventory. Agent Carter hands you an energy bar.
You smile and say goodbye the the two royal guards. They wave as you continue down the hall. You turn a corner and find the hall to be much narrower, blocking the path is a ghost sitting on the floor, he’s wearing a large puffy jacket with its hood up, the room seems to be much colder than every other room.
You need to get past, do you forcefully move the ghost? Or talk to it?
You decide to talk to the ghost. It looks up to you, startled “o-oh, sorry, n-normally no one comes through here so i like to sit here and wallow y’know?”
This ghost seems sad and pathetic, you should befriend it, cause its just like you. Sad and pathetic.
“M-my name? I’m H-Hail. I like to visit the Ruins cause it’s so quiet. D-Do you like music?”
“Y-you do? C-cool! D-do you want to listen to some of my music s-sometime?”
“You would!? W-Wow, I don’t have any of my music h-here, b-but come find me in Waterfall o-okay? I have my music at my house”
You cheered up the sad, cold ghost, he disappears and lets you pass. You walk through and find yourself in another long hallway. Leaning against a wall is a man in an all white suit, swinging a glowing cane. He smiles at you and motions for you to come over.
“Bake sale kid bake sale” He smiles as you approach “care to donate to a good cause?”
You ask what cause?
“I need to meet up with some friends in Hotland, but in order to get there I need to pass through Snowdin, but that's too cold. So me and my friend are raising money to hire a car to get there. Want to buy something and help?”
A little table stands before him with only two items, a little donut, and a bottle of cider.
“I made them both myself by hand, a rave donut and party juice. “
You dig through your pockets and pull out 15 gold and buy one of each item.
The man happily takes your gold and gives you the items.
“Thank you for your support of the ‘Bring Smiley Joe to Hotland” charity. Smiley Joe...smiles...and beckons you to go on your way.
You shrug and walk away. You take five steps before bumping into another character, its getting annoying at this point. You look up at quite possibly the most well built man you’ve ever seen, he’s dressed in hospital scrubs and a lab coat. He looks down at you.
“Oh hello Reader Child. Now don’t panic, of course I know you are a Reader, I am a doctor after all. I am Doctor Carter, pleasure to meet you. “ He suddenly gasps “What is that in your hands? Party Juice and a Rave Donut!” He quickly takes them from you.
“These should not be in the possession of a child! Joe! You are in big trouble”
Before you can object, the Doctor has run off, chasing Smiley Joe down the hall. You shrug and continue walking.
You exit the hallway and find yourself facing a large, dead tree, surrounded by fresh purple leaves, behind the tree stood a small, cozy house.
The cell phone in your pocket rings. You answer.
“Hey kid, it’s Tracey, listen I’m making you a pie, do you like cinnamon or butterscotch?”
“Huh, b-scotch ey? Alright, but you don’t hate cinnamon right? Nah, who hates cinnamon? Its amazing. Anyway, I’ll be coming back to get you in just a minute okay? I’m just leaving my house now”
With a click she hangs up, you hear the door opening to the house. Tracey steps out, her purple robe now dirty with flour and cinnamon. She dusts herself off and begins walking forward. She stops upon seeing you “kid!” She rushes towards you
“You made it here all by yourself? Wow, strong kid. Come on, your pie is in the oven”
Tracey takes your hand and leads you inside.
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Jaebum x Reader [featuring GOT7 x BTS]  →  angel!au / demon!au Warning: violence, language, & mentions/descriptions of death
→ Masterlist (including teasers) → A/N: chapters are updated every Friday
After breakfast, you find Mark, curious to know what his lessons were going to entail.
You were surprised when all he did was smile and tell you you’d start another day, for now Jaebum was asking for you.
You found him out on the balcony, away from the chatter of the others, opting for the conversation of the ocean instead. His eyes were shut, wind blowing through his dark hair. Hands gripping the railing, you peer over the edge to see the sand below. 
“Scared of heights?”
You snort, “Out of everything I’ve been through, heights are the least of my worries.”
Eyes still closed, he smiles, “I used to be afraid of them. When I was younger. Anything remotely too far off the ground and I’d run for it. You could imagine how fun that made amusement parks.”
Imagining a small Jaebum, clinging to his mother, you chuckle, “You must’ve been adorable.”
“My mother would’ve probably agreed.”
You fall silent next to each other, content at just watching the water before you. Somehow, Nora finds her way out, wrapping herself around his legs before deciding you were more comfortable. With her small body tucked between your feet, you sigh and tilt your head up to the sky.
“It seems as if Father made the weather quite agreeable today.”
“I asked him to.”
His eyes open as you turn to look at him, “What do you mean?”
He shrugs, “I asked him for a bit of nice weather. Today, for the first time in probably forever, you get a break.”
You grow excited, “A break? Like, no training? No history lessons? No dealing with the maknae brats that keep asking me to let them throw knives at me?”
Grinning, he turns towards the others, shaking his head in amusement, “They asked to throw knives at you?”
You nod, “They’re curious to see if I can turn my abilities on and off. To see how in control I am.”
“You discovered you can do that this morning. How much control do they think you’ve already mastered?”
“Jaebum. You said a break?”
Lips still upturned, he shoves his hands in his pockets, “Yes. A break. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to do it. Father’s only condition is that I stay by your side just in case.”
You jump slightly in place, ignoring the quiet meow from Nora, “Anything? Anything at all? Like, you won’t complain or pout or whine?”
“Yah, I’m not a child. But yes, anything. So what do you want to go do?”
Gripping his hand, you lead him back inside, “I want to go shopping.”
Shopping with Jaebum was oddly...nice.
He’d compliment you on what you tried on but told you if there was something he thought didn’t look good. He held all your bags but didn’t resist when you told him you could handle a few on your own. 
He didn’t whine. He didn’t complain that he was tired.
He’d just smile and say ‘okay’ when you asked to go into shop after shop.
“What about this one,” you ask, twirling in a lavender sun dress.
Looking up from his phone, he takes a moment before, “It looks good. I’ve never seen you in a dress before today. You bought like..four.”
Playfully sticking your tongue out, you turn back to the mirror, “You insisted. Which, by the way, you didn’t have to. I make my own money and can afford my own clothes.”
Attention back to a text from Yugyeom, he chuckles, “I know. But it’s my treat so just let it be. Save your money so you can travel and get out of here once you’ve saved the world.”
“You seem to have a lot of faith in my world saving abilities.”
“I’m an angel Y/N, I’m made of faith.”
“Well Mr. Made of Faith, let’s pay for these and then you can treat me to food. I’m starving.”
Heading towards the nearest register, you casually glance to a bright colored shirt that catches you eye. When you look up, your blood freezes.
In the corner of the store, staring at the shoes up on the wall, was Jung Hoseok.
It was unmistakable and you suddenly couldn’t move. You take a step forward and then falter back. 
His face changes, shifts into another and it’s no longer Hoseok you’re looking at. The boy now has black hair and bright eyes, turning to smile at an employee asking if he needed help. You clutch the side of your head as you grow kind of dizzy, and then Jaebum is near, his scent strong around you.
“What’s wrong,” he whispers, lips close to your ear.
“I thought...I thought I saw someone. It’s nothing. I’m okay, let’s go.”
His brows are furrowed, he’s obviously worried, but you guide him away and pay for your things. You’re a bit disorientated, not even noticing Jaebum slipping his hand in yours to guide you out of the store. He takes your bags, leading you to a bench in the open shopping center, under the shade of a tree.
“Stay here,” he says, clutching at your arm, “let me buy you something to drink.”
You nod and shut your eyes as he dashes away, head starting to clear. You turn back towards the store, wondering what in the world you saw, when Jaebum returns with a smoothie in hand.
Quirking on eyebrow, you smirk, “Usually people get water.”
Kneeling in front of you, he sticks a straw in the cup, “You mentioned you wanted a smoothie. Sometimes better than water.”
Taking a sip and smiling you agree and he grins back before he asks, “What happened in there?”
You find that you really don’t want to tell him. Your day together had barely begun and you didn’t want to ruin it. An odd feeling blooms in your chest as his hand lingers on your knee, thumb rubbing over the skin to calm you. You meet his gaze, lip trapped between your teeth. Seeing your own worry, he snickers, “What’s with the look? Come on, you can tell me anything.”
“I don’t want to.” “And why not?”
Sighing, you run your hand through your hair, “It’s gonna ruin our day and I still wanna eat and go shopping.”
“We can still eat and go shopping Y/N. But you looked freaked out in there. If there’s something wrong, something dangerous, you need to tell me so I can help protect you.”
Inhaling slowly, you rest you hand atop his, “I thought...I thought I saw Hoseok in the store. Against the wall by the shoes. But then I looked again and...and it wasn’t him. Like his face glimmered and changed within seconds. And then I got kind of dizzy.”
He comes to sit next to you, hands still pressed together, “Y/N that’s...that’s an ability of a Bone Witch. Rose could do it too. That’s how she saw the demons. She sees past their glamour, she can see their true faces.”
“So who I saw...” “...must’ve been Hoseok.”
You stiffen, “Oh no. Oh no Jaebum, if it was Hoseok...”
He grasps your shoulders gently, “Yah. It’ll be alright. He didn’t see you. So we’re safe.”
“But if he could sense me...”
He shakes his head, “They don’t make a move without Lucifer saying so. If he didn’t notice you, he’s playing human today. You’re alright. Let’s...let’s just go eat and then finish the day.”
You eye him curiously, “You seem so calm about this.”
“He poses no threat. Not now. They don’t do anything unless they’re complete. He was alone, right?”
“Yes. He’s the only one I saw.” “Then it’s just him. He can’t carry out an order without Namjoon’s direct permission and he wouldn’t send just one if they were planning on attacking you. Just try to relax, somehow, and let’s enjoy the rest of the day. We can worry about the world ending tomorrow.”
“I never knew Righteous Im Jaebum would leave the world burning until tomorrow.”
He shakes his head, amused, “Let’s just say today’s a break for us both.”
The next few hours pass just as the ones before. 
You pick a place to eat, somewhere cozy overlooking the shopping plaza. You play a game of twenty questions, which turn into more, over delicious food. It amazes you how comfortable you become, talking with Jaebum was simple and enjoyable.
There was never an awkward moment, just pauses in conversation to eat or laugh loudly. 
You spend most of the afternoon seated across him, sharing desserts and stories. He tells you of his life as a human, his dreams of becoming a music producer or maybe owning his own label. You regale him with your adventures as a detective, your life as demons slowly faded in the background. There’s never a dull moment and you wonder if saving the world could mean more time with him, like this.
After a bit more walking around, you notice the sun starting to fall behind the clouds, night about to descend. It seemed like such a short day even though they had left the house and the others hours ago, still munching on their breakfast.
Your stomach sounds, small grumbles in succession, and Jaebum’s gaze darts to your abdomen before he throws his head back and laughs.
“How are you hungry?”
You pout, “Lunch was awhile ago! And I have a quick metabolism. Don’t judge me, feed me Mr. Im.” 
Linking your arm through his, you send him your best aegyo. Still grinning, he pulls you forwards, his eye catching his favorite restaurant just a few doors away.
“Alright, alright detective. Let’s head over there. Mark took me once and I can never get enough, I think you’ll like it.”
You follow his lead, excited to see where he was taking you. “Jaebum?”
He hums in question, focused on weaving through the small crowds scattered about. “When you’re with me, do you think about Rose?”
He stops and your arm almost drops from his. Turning to you, he looks a little pale, “What?”
Your eyes search his, “When we’re together...do you imagine Rose instead? I know that you said you didn’t know what romantic love was, that you didn’t know what you felt for my sister. But we have the same face and I just..suddenly wondered if you were imagining her in my place. Which is fine! I would understand. But I was simply...curious.”
He stares at you, kind of like you grew an extra head, and you’re wondering if you should take it back, play it off like a joke and just drag him to whatever restaurant you were heading to. But you don’t, just waiting for his answer there in the middle of the plaza.
“No.” “...no?”
He shakes his head, resuming his walk towards the brightly lit entrance of the burger place ahead. “No. You’re different than Rose. The same face, yes. And at first, I saw your sister more than I saw you. Which wasn’t fair to you. I may have not known my feelings for her but it wouldn’t have been right to use you to figure them out. If there was something between us, it’s gone now, because she is. And you’re here. Working your hardest to save mankind when all you wanted was a normal life. Today, I saw you. And just you.”
He pushes through the door and you’re a little stunned, dragged behind him as he asks for a table. It’s when he’s looking at the menu that he finally notices you’ve been silent.
“You’re not broken, are you?”
“No. Just surprised. You’re turning out to be much more than I imagined Im Jaebum.”
He’s smiling again, the millionth one today, and your heart does it again.
It had been fluttering for months now, ever since your move into his home. You had gotten to see a different side of him, or maybe it was just who he was and you never really cared to notice. But now, sitting across from him, you look.
You look at his dark hair falling over his eyes as he searches for the burger he always gets when he comes. You look at his fingers as they scratch the nape of his neck and rest on the table. 
His broad shoulders. The upturn of his lips. The silver hoops in his ears. The moles above his eye.
You look and you can’t seem to avert your eyes.
You pick up the menu and search for something to eat, cheeks heating up. He doesn’t notice your small inner meltdown, sipping on the water that had come a few moments after they sat down. 
You’re a bit glad for his oblivious nature, focusing on the food instead of the handsome angel just an arm’s length away. 
Once you’ve ordered and calmed your racing heart, you notice familiar faces among the patrons. Just a few tables away sits Shan, arm linked through Jinyoung’s as she bends her head towards his in laughter. Across from them sits Fal and her husband, his own arm draped around her shoulders as his eyes wrinkle in amusement. You’re about to point them out to Jaebum when someone starts to shimmer, like Hoseok, and your stomach drops.
It’s Namjoon.
It’s Namjoon sitting with Fal, arm over her as he sits across from Shan and Jinyoung. Fear starts coursing through you and you can feel your power before you see it. Your glow builds slowly, casting golden rays across the table. Jaebum’s eyes widen and he grabs your hands, squeezing tightly.
“Yah. What’s wrong, what’s happening?”
You feel the panic bubbling in your chest but you try and inhale, breathing in and out while you hold on tightly to Jaebum, the glow starting to dim. “It’s Namjoon. He’s here.”
His grow serious, jaw clenching, “Where? I won’t look but tell me where.”
Your eyes dart over his shoulder and you’re slightly relieved to find they haven’t noticed you yet. “He’s sitting with Fal. And Shan and Jinyoung. Jaebum he’s glamoured. I think...I think he’s been pretending to be Fal’s husband. But they’re been married for awhile, how did I not notice? How could I be this stupid? I was at their wedding, how did I not put two and two together?!”
“Remember what I told you. Your powers were dormant. Which meant Namjoon must’ve used Fal to gain access to her circle of friends and co-workers at the precinct.”
“What do we do? If we go over, won’t he know?”
He shakes his head, “Probably not. Namjoon will recognize me but if he’s been able to play nice in front of Jinyoung, we’ll be fine. He doesn’t know you can see through the glamour yet. Just stay calm.”
You’re trying to, still breathing in and out as you approach their table. Fal recognizes you first, smile brightening as she waves, “Ohmygod Y/N! Hi! Fancy seeing you here!”
You smile and wave back, hand in Jaebum’s for extra support, “Hi! We came to eat and we saw you all here.”
Shan turns, chin coming to rest on Jinyoung’s shoulder, “You guys should join us and you can introduce this Mr. Handsome you’re holding onto.”
Bowing, he smiles, “Hello, I’m Im Jaebum. It’s nice to meet you all.”
Recognizing the voice, Jinyoung turns, “Hyung? Noona? What are you guys doing here? Where have you been all day?”
You shrug, “Shopping. Eating.”
“More shopping,” Jaebum says, chuckling. 
You catch Namjoon’s eye, trying not to vomit, “Hi Joon, it’s been awhile.”
He grins, “Too long, it’s good to see you again. And nice to meet you Jaebum.”
The table of four becomes a table of six, both you and Jaebum sitting in between Fal and Jinyoung. Food is scattered across the round tabletop and somehow the conversation is flowing and fun, laughter loud with one another.
But you kept your eye on Namjoon, watching him carefully when he wasn’t looking. Jinyoung now knew, revealed to him during a quick bathroom break with Jaebum, and tried his best to keep his attention on Shan instead of the demon close by. 
Everything seemed fine. Until it wasn’t.
“How cute. A triple date.”
You see Namjoon’s jaw clench but it’s Shan that speaks first. “Jimin? What are you doing here?”
Jimin grins, pink hair like an ironic halo over his head, “Why dear Shan I’m here to say hello. I haven’t seen you in awhile and well, I missed you.”
“I guarantee she doesn’t miss you,” Jinyoung spits, fists held tightly under the table.
“Ah. This must be the boyfriend. I’ve heard about you. Park Jinyoung. What an angel you must be, saving Shan when I didn’t show up to our little date.”
You can feel the tension growing but one look from Jaebum stops you from making any rash decisions. You can see Namjoon from the corner of your eye, cradling a worried looking Fal but glaring daggers at his fellow demon. 
“Jinyoungie is right Jimin. I’m glad you didn’t show up that night. I’m very happy now so please, leave us alone and don’t ruin our night.”
Anger flashes in Jimin’s eyes, irritation apparent on his handsome face. “Oh. You’re happy are you Shan? Apparently you’re the kind of bitch that sleeps around, huh? It seems it didn’t take much time for you to throw yourself at someone else all those months ago when you were dying to ----”
He doesn’t get to finish, Jinyoung’s fist connecting with his jaw. Jimin flies backwards and into some tables, knocking down the customers sitting. Jinyoung’s eyes are burning like Hell itself, chest heaving up and down as Shan gasps and tries to hold onto his wrist. “Yah Jinyoung-ah! Stop!”
He doesn’t, throwing himself forward in time to land another punch, this time to Jimin’s gut. Falling forward, he groans and looks up, blood staining his lips.
“Watch it you son of a bitch angel,” he growls, low enough for only Jinyoung to hear.
Namjoon wants to interfere, Father will be pissed if it continues, but his wife clings to him and stops any movement. Jinyoung continues to fight, Jimin now up and throwing his own punches. You don’t know what to do but it’s only a few more seconds before Jaebum is up and in between them both.
“Yah, what the fuck do you think you’re doing,” he whisper-yells at Jinyoung, trying to hold him down.
“He can disrespect me hyung but not Shan. Not Shan!”
“I get it okay? I get it! But calm down, Father won’t be pleased to hear about this. Think of the others. Think of Y/N. Think of Shan, for Christ’s sake, and stop.”
He does, the moment his eyes meet hers, fear evident in her face and posture. He relaxes, shoving past a weakened Jimin to cradle his girlfriend and whisper his apologizes into her hair. Jimin moves forward but it’s Namjoon that finally calls out, “I don’t know who you are but I think that’s enough. I think you should leave before anymore damage is done.”
Suddenly seeing the glamour, Jimin stops upon seeing Namjoon’s unhappy face. With a scoff, he wipes at his bloody mouth and exits, pushing past people that had crowded around. Jaebum turns, bowing and offering apologizes. 
“You know how much this shit is gonna cost to replace?”
Jaebum bashfully smiles, “I’ll pay for it hyung. You know I’m good for it.”
Park Chanyeol, co-owner of The Eve, shakes his head in mock amusement, “I know you are Jaebum-ah. But let’s worry about that later. Your friends alright?”
He nods, “We’ll all be fine. Let us at least help clean up.”
Chanyeol winks, leaning forward, “Leave it be. What good is being an angel when you can’t use your abilities to clean up your own restaurant. I’ll just throw a little something in everyone’s drink so their memory gets wiped. Just get home safe. I could feel some weird demon vibes all night.”
The younger nods, “Stay safe hyung.”
Chanyeol walks forward, laying a hand on a now calm Jinyoung, “Don’t worry about anything guys. Get some safe, I’ll take care of things here.”
“I’m really sorry hyung.” “Oh stop Jinyoung-ah. It’s fine. You protected your girl. Kai would’ve beat him to a pulp so he’s lucky. Just get going.”
They do as they’re asked and soon enough they’re out the door, atmosphere alot more melancholy than before.
Shan and Jinyoung head out first, the latter saying he was staying the night and not to worry about him. You wave them off and offer to get Fal some ice cream, her face still a little pale with what just happened.
Once it’s the two males left, Namjoon drops his glamour, “Your boy can definitely throw a punch. But Jimin doesn’t like being humiliated so he’ll be back.”
Jaebum chuckles, “Maybe you should keep him in line better. And while we’re having this nice little chat, let me ask you this: your wife has no idea does she?”
“Don’t bring her into this.”
“When it comes down to it Namjoon, she won’t stay untouched. I can see it. The way you look at her. The way you protected her tonight. The way you protected your little bundle of joy. You went and got her pregnant.”
“I told you. Keep. Her. Out of this.”
Jaebum tsks quietly, “Breaking the rules. I’m sure Lucifer is thrilled. Just remember this: she won’t stay safe. And neither will that baby. And once the battle begins, you’ll have a choice to make. How loyal are you and to whom?”
“I swear if you don’t...”
“Can we go home,” Fal whispers, clinging to her husband.
“Of course. Let’s go. Y/N, Jaebum, get home safe.”
You keep up appearances and nods, “You guys too.”
With them gone, you turn to Jaebum, “What in the world just happened?”
He sighs, head tilting to the sky, “Something bad. But let’s go home too. Like I said, we can leave the world burning until tomorrow.”
A/N: IT HAPPENED @kpopfanfictrash! The Jinyoung/Jimin showdown lol. Though I’m sure, like Namjoon said, he’ll be back. I hope you all enjoyed the fun cameo of a certain unicorn boy. Also I’m dead tired so if my editing missed any typos, I apologize. I’ll fix when I’m more awake lol.  Until next week. xoxo
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tobeyouthful · 8 years
Two Sinners and Tiny Demons | Oneshot.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader words: 6799 words warning: Mention of miscarriage and cheating. genre: angsty, fluffy, with a dash of smut a/n: This took two full days and im proud since its my longest fic yet. Shoutout to my sister for editing it for me, crying over it, and helping me pick who it should be he was your sun and your moon and everything in between and now he was nothing but a ghostly memory and a few pictures on your phone.
me. 10:48 PM. I’ve been thinking of you lately. Deleted. You shut your phone down and turned to lay on your side as it laid on the pillow behind you.  You had heard the rumors, the soft words exchanged in dimly lit rooms before you enter them. The lingering, half said sentences that make you falter in your step before you plaster a toothy smile onto your face. The snow fell quietly outside and in any normal situation, you’d find yourself lulled to sleep while watching it but now your mind is occupied with him. His beautiful dark brown eyes and the tiny smile he would wear when you first woke up in the morning. But all of the things you loved (still love) were being shown to someone else now and you didn’t have a right to ruin that. Especially since you had someone too. He treated you right, gave you everything you wanted from the other, but your smile didn’t last that long and his touches didn’t electrify something underneath your skin like before. You were stubborn and you couldn’t, wouldn’t, escape from this. You rolled over and for a moment you were expecting him to be there. His dark fringe covering his eyes but the smile still there, lighting up his whole face regardless with how small it was. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you reached out to grasp your phone, sitting up quickly as your fingers tapped eagerly against the screen. me. 10:53 PM. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, how have you been? Draft saved. The snow continued to fall well into the next day but you weren’t one to complain since the snow was your favorite. You worked as a receptionist for a private doctor’s office that was open six days a week with late hours. You got good pay for being the only receptionist. Your gaze moved to look out the glass door, watching the falling snowflakes. You met him out there, it was your first month working there and he ran into you, his phone and iPad falling onto the pavement. The first thing to come to your mind was that you were so glad it was his devices and not coffee. But wasn’t this how all love stories started? You weren’t sucked into his eyes but the stark color of his hair. The blond fit him, much to your amusement. And that smile. It was huge and boxy and it made your heart fill to the brim with curiosity and helped the butterflies in your stomach take flight. His large hands steadied you, almost like he had completely forgotten about his fallen items. “Are you hurt anywhere?” His voice deep and smooth, like melted chocolate. This foreign man had you hooked in only a few heartbeats. You were dragged out of your memories when the shrill ringing of the phone caught your attention.  You answered and went on with your duties, the snow still falling steadily outside of your cozy room. Kim Taehyung successfully leaving each of your senses and giving you a moment of peace. him. 8:15 PM. I miss you so much. Deleted. His hand gripped his newly bought phone tightly. Calm down, you can’t break another one. He threw his phone onto his neatly made hotel bed then collapsed into the office chair and ran his hands through his stiff, gel covered hair. You were on his mind lately. Even as he laid in bed next to her, you were there. The hushed voice of Jimin speaking to a mutual friend was forced to the front of his brain and he could hear the woman speaking about you and your new boyfriend and how cute you two were together. That was the first time he had broken his phone, shattering it easily by throwing it against the wall opposite of him. He refused to think that you could have moved on from him even if he had been able to move on to some random girl. The woman he woke up next to in the morning wasn’t you, she wasn’t as beautiful as you, and her smile didn’t spark a fire in his chest like you did. Her dyed blonde hair wasn’t as beautiful as your natural black hair. He didn’t think he got lucky with her, he thought of her as nothing but a replacement for what he lost before. He felt the familiar arms wrap around his neck from behind and it took a lot of control to keep himself from flinching. “Are you okay baby?” He could barely stand her voice anymore. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be? I just spent nearly fourteen hours on a flight only to be stuck in a hotel because you caught my kitchen on fire,” his voice was dripping with venom that he knew she wouldn’t be able to catch on to. She wasn’t you. She tightened her arms around his neck and laughed as she leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. “Our kitchen, Tae baby. And it wasn’t bad, it was minor and we’ll be home in two days.” He closed his eyes as she began to move her hands down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his toned abdomen. Her acrylic nails attempted to create marks in his skin as she kissed and sucked on his neck. Taehyung’s mind wandered to before, when you had done this to him. Your beautifully manicured nails dug painfully into his stomach as you trailed a line of kisses down to his shoulder before meeting his impatient ones. He turned the chair to meet you and his hands pulled at your hips, settling you down in his lap. Taehyung loved the small gasp you made when his fingers slipped past the waistband of your panties. The small whimpers leaving your mouth made his mouth water and his ego swell. He could be the only one to make those… He looked down at your hand that was gripping his arm and the small diamond that gleamed back at him caused a boxy smile to come onto his face. You were soon to be his forever. He was ripped from his memories when he felt her sit his lap, still wearing her dress and heels. He looked up at her and disappointment shot through him and shook his head. “I’m not feeling it.” “You’re never feeling it,” came the hard response. “Why can’t we have sex anymore? It used to be great, now it’s like the minute I get into it you’re against it. Are you impotent or something?” Her words didn’t affect him the way he thought they should have. No, he thought, you’re just not her. When she went to bed that night he grabbed his phone and went out to his balcony to look over his photos. him. 1:18 AM. We need to talk. Deleted. Taehyung wondered what he was doing here. The woman in the other room was madly in love with him, expecting him to propose every single day of the year while he was stuck in love with another woman who never wanted to speak to him again. You occupied his mind so often that he wasn’t sure what was real and what was just a memory. He felt the ghostly touch of your fingers on his bicep and when he turned he half expected to see your beaming smile and soft eyes beckoning him to come back to sleep. him. 1:21 AM. Can I see you? Sent. On your days off you spent much of it inside, cleaning and catching up with the chores you had forgotten about for the majority of the week. When your hand reached over to grab your phone you hadn’t expected to see a notification and when you did, you regretted waking up right away. Can I see you? What a simple question, but one that caused painful flashbacks. You knew he could see that you had read it but he probably sent it in a drunken stupor after a fight with the beautiful model girl he was dating. She was stunning and you were plain, you could see why he had left you for her. Did he touch her with a gentleness that caused her insides to liquefy or did he touch her like she was forbidden and only show her an excitement that felt unreal? Did he love her like he said he loved you? You buried your face into your pillow as a wave of nostalgia wash over you. The last night you two spent together was filled with hate and fury and you were sure that you two were going to end up killing each other before the clock hit midnight. Pain, that’s all you felt the last night. Taehyung admitting to buying a house back in his home town without letting you know, only expecting you to uproot yourself from Seoul to move to Daegu in less than a week. Then he admitted to meeting with another woman and your whole body stopped working. Your brain shut down momentarily. Taehyung watched you with desperate eyes and you could barely keep yourself together. “What?” Your weak voice betraying you immediately. “A woman?” He seemed to understand what you were insinuating and he tried to stop you from thinking anything but you backed away from him, hands coming between you two. “I thought… I knew you had a past, but you promised me Taehyung,” you whispered, your words catching in your throat as a sob threatened to come up. “No, please, I didn’t mean it like that. I was meeting with her to discuss wedding plans, remember that girl? That model Jimin was friends with? She was offering to help me get you a custom-made dress! I even was giving her your sketches!” He tried hard to grab you in a hug but you kept running away from him. You backed away from him even more and shoved hard at his chest. “No, stop it, don’t push me away! She tried to come onto me, but baby I have you. I don’t need anyone else! I couldn’t possibly want anyone else but you! I want to marry you and settle down with you and I want to have a family,” he whispered the final words, knowing they’d hit you like ton of bricks. You were so weak to him, to his words but this time… “Jungkook told me how he saw you with another woman, kissing her, buying her coffee, driving her in the direction of our home,” you whispered and suddenly the tension and disappointment was palpable. “You cheated on me, didn’t you?” Taehyung’s chest caved in. “I’m sorry,” your worst fear was real. In your mind, he would never touch another woman like he touched you, never bring her to the places you both deemed as yours, never bring another woman to your home… The home you experienced so much love and pain together. “After the mis—“Your head shot up and you weren’t sure if what you were hearing was real. He had betrayed you after something that broke you in more ways than one. He was using it as an excuse to hurt you. Kim Taehyung, the man you fell in love with in college took another woman in his arms because you miscarried your first child together. “I hate you. I hate you so much,” you whispered. “I didn’t want that to happen… I didn’t want to lose her. I’m 23 years old, I wanted to start a family with you! You decided to sleep with another woman because of something I didn’t want to happen!” Your voice raised and your hand landed a sharp slap to his cheek. “I always thought so highly of you… You were my dream man, I never thought about your past while we were together because I could see how you had changed,” your hands ran through your disheveled, slightly greasy hair. “I wanted a family. I wanted a life with you. You brought a woman here, slept in our bed together, all because I miscarried!” Right away there was regret in Taehyung’s eyes. You spotted it but no matter what there was no going back from this. “You can take this back and you can bring Jimin’s model friend here and fuck her, date her, love her, then break her heart,” you said as you (barely) walked over to him and handed him the beautiful diamond ring he had picked for you. Taehyung reached out for you but you pulled back. “You don’t have a right to touch me anymore.” You arrived at a restaurant of his choice and sat down at the designated table, ordering a glass of wine for yourself as you began playing with a ring on your index finger. You had dressed to the nines for this little meeting. A tight black pencil skirt and a beautiful maroon sweater tucked neatly into your skirt with your hair in loose curls and sky high heels that always made you feel powerful. You wondered if you should just disappear before the man you once thought of marrying sat down opposite of you with a sullen look on his face and a shattered phone in his hand. “I thought you wouldn’t come,” he uttered after ordering a glass of wine as well. He was dressed beautifully as well. A black suit with a matching maroon button up, his hair natural and fluffy. If anyone looked over they’d only see a power couple, something you both used to be. You saw the purple splotches on his neck and laughed bitterly, his attention shooting over to you immediately. You could see the realization in his eyes before a hand moved to pull his collar up slightly. “They mean nothing to me,” he whispered before turning to fully face you. He felt sick as he sat there because he didn’t have any right to be there, not after his mistakes. “I know they don’t. Nothing ever means anything to you does it?” You spat, your question was like acid and he could feel his face paling from the roughness. You two were apart for twenty-four months but you were still angry and you had every right to be angry. “I never… I never cheated on you,” the sentence was stupidly simple and it made you soften for a moment because for the first time in all these months you actually believed him. If he told you a year ago that he hadn’t cheated, you might not have believed him.  “I said I was sorry because I had been with a woman but it was just my sister, I kissed her cheek, I took her out to coffee, and then we went back to our place and she drew up plans for the wedding… I showed her your sketches and she had designed this beautiful wedding for us,” he said in this miserable voice, “I just wanted to keep a fucking secret so I could surprise you with everything…” Once again, a laugh was ripped from your throat and it startled both of you because it was so inappropriate. “Then why would you bring that up? Don’t you realize how stressed and sad and fucking miserable I was? I had just gone through that, only four months before and you…” “I was trying to say that after it happened I wanted you to see that I wanted you regardless of it. I wanted to continue to go on with it all regardless of us losing our first daughter,” his eyes held yours as he spoke and you felt yourself falling back into those deep, chocolate pools. “We had barely done anything after and I heard you talking with you sister about how you were scared I was going to leave you and I didn’t want that in your mind. I wanted you to see that you didn’t need to worry about anything because I’d always be there to help and take care of you.” For once, you hated how easy it was for Taehyung to take your breath away. “So, I’ve been believing you cheated on me for two years and it was a lie? And you didn’t try to convince me otherwise?”  What a fool. “Why? Why would you do that? I was so madly in love with you and the idea of being yours forever. I’m with another man, Taehyung. You’re with that model… Why now?” You were half angry at him and half upset with yourself. “Because this whole month has been nothing but you. Everywhere I go I see a spot we went to, I see your face, I feel your hands on me, and I see that insatiable smile that I can’t get enough of. That woman? Nothing to me. That man? Nothing to you. And you can’t lie because we both know there is far too much between us to keep it buried forever.” He was so cocky but he was true. You knew right away that if you left this restaurant without dipping your toes into the sinful deed you hated, you’d be alone forever. The lack of true happiness would swallow you up whole. The hotel was like the one you two shared when you journeyed to Jeju with the rest of the boys after they graduated from university. His hands felt like fire everywhere he touched you and it was too familiar for you to resist. He picked you up effortlessly and rested your back against the wall as your legs wrapped around his waist to keep a secure hold on him. “Taehyung,” you breathed as his lips ghosted down your neck, pressing open mouthed kisses right below your ear. “No marks.” A deep growl ripped from his chest and a shudder ran up your body at the feral sound. His possessiveness was showing and it made the small fire light up in your chest. His hands tightened on your hips for a moment as his lips made their way back up to yours. You gave in even more as one hand pushed passed your skirt and teased you over your panties. “Are you always this soaking wet? Fuck,” he murmured into your ear and you shook your head. The soft ‘no’ that left your lips made him moan out before he delved past your lace panties to feel just how excited you were. Another moan left his throat as he easily pushed a finger inside of you. You gasped out his name and tightened a hand in his hair. “How long has it been since you were properly fucked, Y/N?” he asked as his thumb moved up to rub at your clit haphazardly, barely able to keep himself from shaking in anticipation of the upcoming activity. “Twenty-four months,” you answered and he stopped himself for a second and it had you whimpering with need. You were about to speak (or whine) when you felt a hand at your face, grasping it tightly. Your eyes opened and stared at him, his pupils completely blown out with lust and you could see the hints of adoration and love floating around. “You’re mine. And I’ll mark you up if I goddamn well please. And I’ll make you scream my fucking name and your thighs will shake as you come when I bury my fucking head between them,” his lips pressed against yours as he pushed two of his digits inside of you, causing you to eagerly push your hips down onto them. “Yes.. god, yes, Taehyung, please,” you begged and he pulled away from the door to throw you onto the cushy hotel bed, allowing you to fully look over your former lover. “I love you,” the words came out easily and naturally and seeing his big, boxy smile only added into your excitement. “I love you too.” You woke up naked but surprisingly clean, your mind reminded you quickly that you had taken a shower after your little sexcapade. You squeezed your eyes shut because at any moment you could look over and realize that it was just a small little fantasy moment that meant nothing. You were happily not disappointed at the sight to your left. The moments you got to see Taehyung sleeping were one in a million and you always took a picture of it to commemorate what you had seen. But his eyes opened before you could lean over to grab your discarded phone (one that you knew had messages and missed calls wondering where you were). “I thought you were going to leave me here alone,” he whispered, his voice laced with sleep. “I was so scared.” You chuckled a little and shook your head as you leaned over to press a kiss against his familiar lips. “I can’t leave you now,” you whispered. As you laid there, wrapped up in his arms, you could feel the small, invisible demons crawling all over your skin. They were whispering against each and every mark Taehyung had made, reminding you about the man that was still calling, still texting, still worrying. They wanted you to feel guilty while you felt good, right, laying there in Taehyung’s arms while he whispered about a future you two could share together. him. 4:21 PM. Did I ever tell you about how hard it was to fall in love with you? me. 4:21 PM. And why was that? him. 4:25 PM. Because you did so many things that made it easy for others to fall for but I could tell they weren’t really you. Your little flirty touches and your skin-tight outfits… I knew they weren’t you. I couldn’t love someone that was so easy to love, not when I couldn’t see who you really were. When I first slept over and I saw you with that loose bun and the beaten-up sweatpants and the eager way you could shove a whole fucking waffle in your mouth without hesitation for $20… I fell in love there. You didn’t make it easy but the more I got to see the girl underneath the clothes and hair I could see the girl I wanted to make a family with. me. 4:30 PM. I never knew I made it so hard for you, but I would have to say the same about you. him. 4:31 PM. How is that? me. 4:34 PM. You were a fool who forgot that you weren’t the only one looking past barriers. Mr. My-Tiny-Smirk-Made-Panties-Wet-And-Hearts-Drop. The routine was set from that moment six months before but rather than it feeling exhilarating, the both of you were feeling wrong. You’d undress each other and spend those precious moments basking in each other’s glory but now you could see that it wasn’t as fun as the first time. It was much more obvious when both of you met the others at a party for Namjoon and his wife and the start of their joint company. You had a permanent frown on your face the whole time, not wanting to be there with this man as he schmoozed his way into every conversation, handing out his name card like it was something to be proud of. him. 8:34 PM. You look stunning. Spin for me. Your attention was stolen by the text before your head shot up to look for the familiar deep brown eyes that made your butterflies flutter. You caught his eye and did a small spin, the form fitting, knee length black dress not moving an inch. You wore a pair of red high heels that Taehyung had bought you four years before. He seemed to like the look based on the slight raise of his glass of champagne. me. 8:37 PM. Stop looking, pervert. Your eyes flickered over to the woman that was attached to his side before looking at him. The butterflies ceased their movements. Taehyung’s eyes held yours as if he was urging you to try and look away from him but you held your ground, the pain evident in your eyes. You didn’t like this set up. You should be standing next to each other and you shouldn’t be exchanging texts to relay messages to each other. That’s just not how this should be. You felt your arm being tugged on and you looked up at the man that you rarely shared a bed with. He uttered a soft, that’s Kim Taehyung, I heard he’s a great business man, let’s go introduce ourselves. Your stomach twisted up into knots are you walked over to the two, the woman recognizing you right away and grimacing. “Kim Taehyung! It’s so nice to meet you finally! I’m Park Jinyoung and this is my girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N.” The woman began laughing bitterly and the look Taehyung shot her was deadly, forcing her to shut up just as soon as she started. “We know who she is, Mr. Park. My Tae baby and your girlfriend dated several years ago,” she said, her chest practically puffing out as if her ego had swelled just from the mention of it. The emphasis on ‘my’ had your mind reeling. “We don’t wish to have any contact with-“ “Don’t mind her, she has no idea what business is like,” Taehyung extended his hand out to your boyfriend and you smiled sweetly at the model. “She’s a popular model but her business ethic is extremely off, unlike some women I’ve met.” He was mentioning you without being obvious and you were thankful. Taehyung and your boyfriend exchanged cards before you all broke away from the awkward confrontation. Your boyfriend shot you a few angry glances as you both went to grab another glass of champagne. He didn’t bother asking because he knew you wouldn’t answer anyway. When you finally got away from him and went to the bathroom you were graced with the presence of Taehyung and the familiar warm arms. “It’s too obvious if both of us disappear,” you whispered but still turned your head to lay it against his shoulder. You loved him far too much but this was not something either of you particularly liked doing. “Taehyung, let me go, I have to go to the bathroom,” you said as you tried to leave his arms but they tightened around you even more and he shook his head. He was acting like a child, the way he used to act whenever you had to leave bed in the morning to go to school. “I need to get back and congratulate Namjoon,” you muttered but you were weakening and you wanted to stay like that for hours. “You look stunning, my love, purely stunning. Wearing my favorite shoes… You did that just to tease me didn’t you?” his words were light and in no way insinuating either of you disappear into the bathroom together. “I fucking love you,” he said softly against the shell of your ear. Your body tensed up and you knew that this was wrong, you knew that this wasn’t going to end up well for either of you. “I love you too, Taehyung,” you answered and he let out a relieved sigh, almost like he was scared you weren’t in love with him anymore. That’s impossible, you thought, I’ve never loved someone else this strongly. After nearly a year of expensive hotel rooms, vacations, and late night text messages and phone calls, your happy little fantasy was crashing to an end. All with a simple little test you could buy at the drug store. Two small lines that could destroy everything.
him. 3:12 AM. Where are you? I’m scared. him. 8:56 AM. Two days now… Where are you? Call me. Missed call. him, 7:45 PM. Missed call. him, 8:00 PM. Missed Call. him, 9:07 PM. him. 9:09 PM. It’s been a week, fucking call me. Now. NOW. him. 5:39 AM. I miss you so fucking much, please don’t ignore me, message me back. I can’t get sleep like this. I need to know you’re not dead in a fucking ditch. Missed call. him, 6:30 AM. Missed call. him, 9:01 AM. Missed call. him, 4:15 PM. You avoided Taehyung for nearly two weeks before he ended up outside of your apartment with your six other friends. You knew right away that they knew what was happening and the looks on their faces spoke nothing but support and worry over what could possibly be wrong. Jimin was the first to speak. “You are idiots.” Then Seokjin. “Why didn’t either of you contact us?” Namjoon made you laugh a little. “Is sneaking around as much fun as the movies make it seem?” Jungkook stayed quiet and it made you feel awful because you knew he was disappointed. Hoseok shook his head. “Taehyung should have been smarter.” The last was Yoongi and he was always so calculating. Harsh when he needed to be and cool when he needed to lessen the blow he landed. “You’re making a mistake. Both of you have lives, have others you’re supposed to be in love with and starting families with, instead you’re running around like you’re part of a teenage summer fling. Don’t you realize how ridiculous this is? How much money have both of you wasted on each other this past year? For a whole fucking year, you’ve been running around hurting the people that are focused only on you two, while you are abusing that,” he was telling the truth, but you didn’t need to hear it again. You shook your head as you laughed softly, your hands rubbing at your face slowly. You knew very well that you had to end this. “Well then you all must be excited to hear that Jinyoung proposed to me and I accepted,” the lie just came out so easily that you even shocked yourself. You closed your eyes as soon as you felt Taehyung’s hands grabbing at your shoulders. He was begging you quietly to tell him it was a lie, that there was no way you could leave him forever. “He’s getting the ring re-sized so I don’t have it… And we’re expecting.” The words left without much hesitation and Taehyung’s grip loosened. “I haven’t told him yet so please, don’t spread the word, guys,” you tried so hard to sound happy but your throat was closing and you were trying so hard to keep the sob from coming up.   Taehyung backed away and then there was chaos. “No. No, you’re fucking lying. I’m the only man who has touched you! Don’t you fucking dare take away this dream from us! He didn’t propose and you’re not pregnant! Ignore what they have to say, fuck what they say. It’s just me and you now baby, now stop lying and tell me you love me and things can go back to normal,” he was needy and his hands slid up and down your sides in such a desperation that had you breaking down easier. “We can move to Daegu, we can raise our child together, and we can be together again, marry each other and live happily ever after.” You shook your head and finally looked into Taehyung’s eyes because this was it. This child would be raised alone and you would be exiled from every social circle because of your sins. You would raise this tiny bundle of joy all alone and you’d urge Taehyung to propose to his girlfriend, treat her the way she wanted to be treated, have him fall out of love with you because that was the best for everyone at this point. He couldn’t afford to lose clients and connections because you two were enveloped in your own passionate needs. Jungkook finally stood and spoke. “If you’re lying and the baby is Tae-hyung’s I think you’re making a mistake. We all know that if you’re pregnant with his child then there is no way you’ll stay with Jinyoung. Noona, think about this. Three years ago, you were ready to settle down with hyung and create a family and even if you weren’t exactly doing the right thing here… That baby is his and it’s yours and you both need to stop your unnecessary shenanigans and raise it together.” “I’m sorry Kookie, it’s my choice on what I plan on doing with Jinyoung and I’s baby and at this current moment, I just want to go and tell him because this is so fantastic! I finally get a baby… I finally get to live the life I wanted so long ago. I’m twenty-six. I’m getting too old to be fooling around and acting like a child, being able to settle with a man who loves me… and whom I love, it’ll be perfect,” you could feel a tiny piece of your dignity and soul leave your body in that moment and out of the corner of your eyes you could see them float away. Taehyung slammed his fist into your wall and he shook his head, adamant on not giving up this battle. “No. Taehyung, this is not your baby and I do love him. We’ve had sex while we were going behind his back, I’m not going to just give up on him like you wanted me to.” Those beautiful dark orbs were hazy and filled to the brim with a fury that scared even you. “I had a lot of-“ “If you say fun I won’t hesitate to take every single bit of money and all of your possessions. I will take everything away from you because that’s what you’re leaving me with right now,” his voice wavered and you could see the specks of anxiety and sadness mixing together as he spoke. His threats were useless because he knew you’d do whatever the hell you wanted to do. “How about you all just leave me alone? I’ve already lost one child, I can’t lose this one,” you said softly and the men all dropped their heads in respect. Each one gave you a hug before leaving, Yoongi’s lasting a few more seconds, his lips grazing against your ear to speak before letting go and disappearing past your front door. Taehyung’s presence was looming over you as you shut the door behind everyone. He wasn’t going to leave you here, you knew that. You’d have to tell him the truth… “How far along are you?” “The doctor’s said I’m two months along,” you said softly as you sat down at the kitchen island and laid your head down on your arms. “They say if I remain stress free then I’ll be low risk for another miscarriage,” you explained before turning to look at him. Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. His hair was disheveled and he had tears running down his face as he looked at you, a giant, boxy smile gracing his face. “You’re having a baby, that’s… That’s so fantastic,” you could tell immediately that he had accepted the fate of losing you forever and that you were no longer his girl. “Jinyoung… he’s so naïve but he’s going to make a great dad. Yeah, a fantastic dad. I’m rooting for him. What will you name the baby? Do you still want her name to be Eunha? I thought that was the prettiest name when we picked it out, god… I was so excited. R-Remember when we made up her room? All pretty and pink? I even bought her that ridiculously expensive transforming crib so we could keep it for when she grew bigger? I still,” he let out a sob but attempted to disguise it as a cough then chuckled softly, raising his hand in apology, “I still have it… the crib I mean.” Taehyung shook his head as he laughed, the pain radiating throughout each of his appendages in an uncomfortable fashion that made him forget that you were standing in front of him. “E-Eunha. God, she’s going to be a loved baby, isn’t she? A mother that has never…” You pushed off the chair and ran over to him, burying your face into his chest as you gripped at the back of his navy-blue sweatshirt. “A mother who has never done a bad thing in her whole life… so fucking pure and loved so dearly. Y/N, do you think… if I hadn’t screwed up, we would have already had a family together?” “Taehyung, please, stop,” you begged as your own tears threatened to spill over. “He’s not the father, fuck, I’m so so sorry, Taehyung please,” you knew you’d break down on him but not this quickly, you never thought you could actually get away with this in the first place. You both collapsed to the floor, a big mess of apologies and regrets and devastation. Thousands of words pass between you two, things you hadn’t been able to say to each other before and things you hadn’t bothered to say until now. You ended up with your forehead’s pressed against each other, tiny smiles exchanging between you. He was a handful, but he was your handful… He always had been. From the time you met until now, he was all yours and nothing was ever going to be able to change that. You stood at your balcony door, your hand settling on top of the slight curve of your belly. The snow was falling for the first time this winter and you were happy it was, just in time for his birthday party. You felt the strong, warm arms wrap around your waist and you leaned back against his chest. “Are you ready for the party? Jungkook just came so that’s the last of them… We still haven’t told them yet, y’know,” he whispered. “Do you think they’ll have a shit fit?” “Oh god yeah.” You turned in his arms and leaned up to press a gentle kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “Do you think they’ll think differently of me?” Yoongi’s words still poked at your heart, unsure if they’d still think negatively after two months of no contact. You and Taehyung had taken a reprieve, escaping from reality to enjoy the feel of each other’s skin without any hints of guilt. You had gone to Japan for a couple weeks before going to Hawaii for a month then coming back home to enjoy the move into your beautiful Daegu home. Eloping was also one of your finer moments while being back home. Taehyung dipped you back slightly to press a loving kiss to your lips before pulling away. “They’ve been bugging me to see you for two months, babe. I’m pretty sure they’d always love you regardless of what happened.” Someone burst through the door and you pulled away from Taehyung quickly. “Are we eating soon? Is it Y/N’s famous chicken marsala?” Hoseok’s voice was light and airy like normal and it put you at ease. Taehyung confirmed it was before waiting for the older male to shut the door. “They won’t see the bump until you show them, the dress is just loose enough not to notice.” His words put you even more at ease but the anxiety was still there as you left the room to greet your friends. Yoongi was the first to notice but of course he was kind enough not to say anything, only uttering soft, soothing words into your ear. Each boy made you feel like a damn princess as they showered you with love and affection. And everything made you feel so elated because you weren’t being pushed away, you were once again accepted into the group of boys that you had loved since day one. Like Taehyung, they were your everything and without their support… You didn’t have much to look forward to. They went a little wild when they found out you two wed at a courthouse and forced you both to agree to a proper wedding after the baby was born. Though you’ll never forget what Yoongi said before. Once saddened by the words, now enjoying the sentiment that came along with them. You’re just two sinners in love with access to cell phones. You couldn’t care much about your acts from before because now you were with the love of your life, living a care free life in a home you loved, and pregnant with your first child.   As Taehyung wrapped his arms around you from behind he showed you his phone, a simple draft saved in his phone. him. 7:04 PM. You’re glowing even though you’ve committed another sin. Didn’t you know getting pregnant before marriage was a sin? Even now, you don’t regret complying with the tiny demons that had once crawled all over your skin.
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