#no explosions
sorry i forgot this blog existed guys mb
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qoppybirdie · 2 months
uncool that stoves have to be so scary to me i literally just want to cook eggs and im like THIS THING IS GONNA BLOW
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thinkingnot · 2 years
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horseim · 2 months
我在不同的地方看到这首诗: No Explosions By Naomi Shihab Nye To enjoy fireworks you would have to have lived a different kind of life 一个很重要的原因是,它的作者是美国巴勒斯坦裔,而现在的加沙人道主义危机似乎需要非常非常多的“人道力量”,仅仅在言论层面都十分溃泛,更无论现实行动层面。因此,纳奥米·希哈布·奈和她众多的诗歌,就承担了诗应该有的责任,提供人道力量,即便距离遥远,即便温和,即便只能试图创造联系。 作为“政治叙事”的诗歌,它一点都不直接,但是我必须承认,简短的句子给我造成了很大的停滞,我觉得被击中。 “烟花”是个奇怪的语境。日本又到了花火大会密集的季节,但是去年的花火大会,想要好好整理一下“观察记录”的我一直没有动笔,youtube也没有录制。这是个有一点小小奇怪的体验。 小朋友们去和回的路上并不开心或者雀跃,当烟花在空中炸开时,还是惊呼并赞叹的。我省略了自己的观看和情绪,忙着用两个手机录制和拍照。我所有的体会都与烟花无关,而是组织方式、文化、人们的礼仪诸如此类。 总之,我似乎没有观赏到花火。 对于日本人所体验的花火,应该是镶嵌到它们的社区、童年、家庭、朋友们以及成长的过程之中吧,很多个夏天和家人朋友的记忆慢慢赋予了花火大会的特殊性,或者再跟“即时消逝”的文化审美有关。 对小朋友们,大概这么隆重和麻烦的一次观赏,也还没有办法“完成”。 或许今年、明年,也许是十年后,我应该能在一次花火大会上感到幸福的。毕竟我的童年是陪伴了烟花,被它照顾过的。省略掉回忆,对,我就是十分热爱烟花啊。 等我离开家乡到了北京,然后春节就开始陆续各种禁止。再然后,每次重大庆典,都有壮阔到让人畏惧的烟花——它慢慢变成了我所抗拒的东西,我认为,观赏它、赞赏它,就是一种羞耻。 某一年一次重大庆典前几天,出行时遇到鸟巢附近的交通受限,同时当晚暴雨,但依然进行了一次大规模的“礼花演习”,我下意识想到的全部是荒谬。 大概去年的花火大会,对我还没有完成治愈。 所以回到这首诗,它不仅是短促有力,而且是突然就变得十分开放。就是这首诗歌内设定的那个对象,是“你”自己,还是别人;究竟他是一个成年人,还是一个儿童;究竟“他”在一个已经不一样的生活里,还是其实还在和你一样的生活里呢? 于是,加沙人道灾难的现场就会浮现,于是我的生活和孩子们的生活,以及我们的将来都会浮现。 在我并没有那么灾难的过去,烟花也终归成为了特供,纳入极权叙事,变成庆典的、管制的,此外,那个地方,从不同的地方会发出不同形式的“轰然巨响”。 我们都想要一个 No Explosions 的生活。 为此,Naomi Shihab Nye 现在成为了一名巴勒斯坦诗人。 附:On growing up in Ferguson and Palestine 算是有 Naomi Shihab Nye 的自述小传。
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novakiart · 7 months
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spideypool but it's a comedy of errors
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slitherpunk · 1 year
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caemidraws · 5 months
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babygirlizu · 1 month
forehead katsuki 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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Bonus: Catsuki
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space-or-privacy · 7 months
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freedom of speech
(acrylic on canvas, 20. Feb. 2024)
art by op
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zerosuitsammi3 · 7 months
Tumblr will allow 1000 porn blogs showing cis women porn stars getting railed. Tumblr will allow porn blogs to steal content from trans women and pretend to be that trans woman. Neither of which will have proper tags or labels, but God forbid a trans woman voice her opinion on tumblr, or she'll be fully wiped and permabanned with no recourse without even coming close to violating ToS.
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witchinatree · 2 months
if jon wore glasses (he absolutely did) what if, during the wax museum explosion, the lenses shattered and blinded him
doctors said he would never see again (doctors said he was dead tbh wtf) and everyone martin was super worried
and then he woke up, opened his eyes and looked right at basira and georgie, with green eyes that he did not have
basically this is just like the brown to green eyes thing except his brown eyes were destroyed with the rest of them and his green eyes were the least human part of him
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,’ , |,’_’
im not american wtf is this
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npdemu · 11 months
reblog to blow up an ableist
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luchaaa · 3 months
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find a man who's love language is also an obsession with blowing things up
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dennydreadful · 2 months
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spiny-ant · 4 months
Could you please do a Bulldog Ant stimboard but with the most aggressive, batshit insane, stupid stims possible? I'm thinking glass getting shattered, dogs biting at the screen, all that
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I've done bulldog ant before but this was too fucking funny to not do 😭
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