#TBW: Part 8
twistedtummies2 · 2 months
i and many others were extremely excited for the requiem of the rose king adaptation, but then as soon as it aired people started saying it was awfully rushed (it is 17 volumes crammed into 24 episodes) and that the animation absolutely stunk. i thought it was a 7seeds anime situation and removed it from my tbw list... you were the first person i've ever seen not only talk positively about it, but love it as much as the manga fans love it. i looked at the reviews and they're surprisingly high too (8 and 9 in the featured reviews)! with a story so strong, ofc it's amazing... i do still STRONGLY recommend reading the manga, but i appreciate you bringing the anime back into my consideration!
Well, to be fair, I haven't read the manga. XD So it's entirely 100% possible the manga is better than the anime. I did learn about the complaints against it, including slams on the animation, the fact it was majorly censored apparently, and claims that the story was rushed. As far as the censorship goes...I can already presume where the censored parts are, but I can't say they bothered me. Quite the reverse, if anything; I've always felt the suggestion of certain things is better and more interesting than the direct act, and they did a good job there. As far as the story being rushed goes...for the most part, I can't even tell where things might have been snipped out, so that says enough right there. I will say the animation DOES show its constraints, however; if there is a flaw I can concur with, it's that they clearly didn't have the biggest animation budget. In the same breath, however, I would say they did a good job WORKING with that budget and making sure to use their animation where it mattered most. So, yeah. Even if the manga is better, I don't think the anime is bad. If you decide to look it up, hopefully you'll agree with me...and if I decide to give the manga a read sometime, maybe we can agree there, too. But I can't say that will be anytime soon. XD
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
For the WIP meme. You knew I would zero in on this one...
Star Wars - Damerey.docx (This is In Screaming Color)
Of course! :P
First off, if you haven't read what's been posted yet -- it's here on AO3.
I'm not going to lie, the main reason that I stopped working on it, and stepped away from SW/Damerey as a whole, is because the Damerey fandom became an especially toxic mudhole in a particularly toxic fandom. I still love this story, and I have a lot more written than is posted, but
a) I don't write longfic in chronological order, so I can't post what I have without writing the in-between bits that aren't as interesting to me, and
b) I stopped particularly wanting to give Damerey fandom nice things because it stopped being a place of people who deserved nice things.
The mass bullying of my bb @dracosollicitus in particular, who BUILT that ship on her BACK p much, was my kind of last straw, and at the same time, TLJ/ROS didn't follow through on the goodness of TFA, and also WandaVision came out, so my brain was just like, "I GUESS WE'RE A MARVEL NOW INSTEAD."
But, like I said, I DO still love this story and man, I have a lot of it already written and it doesn't totally suck, so I do intend to SOMEDAY finish it. But I literally mean "someday." Like, it may well be for The Force Awakens' 30th Anniversary Rerelease With The Poe/Rey Hug Scene, or something. It definitely isn't on my immediate TBW pile. But it IS still in the WIP folder and not the WIP Amnesty pile.
Here's a clip of the unposted-yet stuff:
“You,” Poe says, setting his tray down beside Rey’s, “Need to have a talk with your droid.” Rey looks up from her bowl of porridge. She’s covered it with so much sugar that it looks like Hoth in a bowl. “I don’t have a droid, Poe.” “Artoo,” Poe says. He takes the sugar shaker from her scavenger cache and tips some into his caf. “It’s corrupting Beebee-Ate!” Rey actually stops chewing at that, and she wipes her mouth first on the back of her wrist, and belatedly, a napkin. She’s learning. “Is Beebee-Ate alright? I didn’t even think about bugs when Artoo came back online, but do you know, I don’t think it’s been defragged since before the Clone Wars. I’ll take a look through its databank and give it a good wipe as soon as I’ve finished eating. Beebee, too, if you like?” “No, not—really, the Clone Wars?” Poe shakes his head. “Not corrupt like programming. Corrupt like—like—” Poe leans down towards his tray and starts to maim his toast with butter. “It is exposing Beebee-Ate to concepts that Beebee is too young for.” “Beebee-Ate’s much newer than Artoo.” Rey still sounds baffled. “If anything, wouldn’t Beebee-Ate expose Artoo to new material and concepts? Especially after so long in hibernation?” Poe stabs the joganfruit jam. It oozes satisfyingly. “I mean that Beebee-Ate is a child and Artoo is being inappropriate with it.” Rey makes a very strange sound. When Poe looks over, she is very kindly hiding her laughter in her knuckles, but her eyes are bright. “Poe… I don’t think droids work that way. Beebee-Ate’s got a cute little personality, but it’s not actually—” “I don’t want Beebee-Ate to swear and know about—merging programming,” Poe huffs. Of course Rey doesn’t understand this; she’s couldn’t possibly feel the same kind of compunction to protect vulnerable little star-bright things from the shameful, dirty realities of being an old, battered veteran. Like R2D2. (The kriffing Clone Wars, and it’s never been defragged? No wonder it went offline so long.) “Oh,” says Rey, sitting back in her hard plastic chair. “So that explains why Beebee-Ate rolled straight for Threepio this morning.” “What?” Poe half-stands to crane his neck and look around the mess. “I thought Beebee was in the hangar!” “No, they’re right over there.” Rey points to the far corner of the mess. Poe can just barely hear the words “parts assembly” and “motherboard,” and then BB-8 gives a surprised [beep!] and rolls back a half-measure. Its dome swivels in a circle that looks embarrassed, or maybe like the droid’s concept of ‘self’ has changed, which is entirely likely. Poe raises his eyebrows at it when Beebee’s optical finds him. He mouths, “You’re in trouble, buddy.”
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dying-roses13 · 2 years
Another tag game
@arany-studio thanks for the tag :)
How long is your TBR / to be watched?
my tbw is the fallout and the dark minds but my tbr...😭 its at least 150 books and most of them i dont remember i just write down on random scraps of paper so sometimes im cleaning my room and i find a piece of paper with a book title and author scrawled on it
Have you ever been to a fancy library like in the aesthetic pictures?
😭😭😭 i rlly wanna see some
Do people fall for you when you read in public?
Your favorite main character moment?
when i was in gr 8 in gym and the teacher told me i was part of the elite vball group - or when i walk in the hallways and because ik so many ppl, i always wave to at least 2 ppl everytime i go into the halls.
The best side character who gets no attention?
RED'S PET RAT FROM SKYHUNTER or like anika from soc lol
@rebelhorsebook @pourrii - il ur art sm
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latechlatam · 1 month
BIWIN lanza el SSD Predator GM7000 Heatsink
BIWIN Storage Technology, empresa especializada en la investigación, desarrollo, fabricación y venta de productos de aplicación de chip de memoria (IC), anunció el lanzamiento de su SSD GM7000 Heatsink de la marca Predator. El nuevo dispositivo de almacenamiento ofrece alta performance y posee un innovador sistema de disipación de calor.
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"Nuestro Predator GM7000 Heatsink establece un nuevo estándar en soluciones de almacenamiento de alto rendimiento con una gestión térmica excepcional y velocidades impresionantes de transferencia de datos de hasta 7400 MB/s. Al aprovechar el último controlador PCI Express Gen 4x4, el GM7000 Heatsink puede ofrecer una estabilidad impresionante y una experiencia de juego excepcional", dijo Cesar Moyano, Director de ventas regional de BIWIN. Y agregó: "El sistema de refrigeración del Predator GM7000 Heatsink integra un eficiente sistema de conductos de aire para maximizar la disipación del calor. El diseño puede reducir la temperatura del SSD hasta en un 25%, proporcionando un funcionamiento estable y confiable".
Gracias a su desempeño, el SSD Predator GM7000 se ubica en la alta gama de los dispositivos de almacenamiento. Su interfaz PCIe 4.0 NVMe y un controlador de 8 canales le permiten ofrecer velocidades de lectura de datos de hasta 7400 MB/s y tasas de escritura que alcanzan los 6700 MB/s. En tanto, las velocidades de lectura aleatoria llegan hasta las 1350 y 1150K IOPS (operaciones de entrada y salida por segundo), respectivamente.
"El Predator GM7000 Heatsink también se destaca por estar equipado con una memoria caché DRAM independiente que reduce las latencias y acelera las operaciones aleatorias de acceso a datos, además de extender la vida útil del producto. De esta manera, fortalece el rendimiento para la edición de video, renderización y juegos. Incluso las aplicaciones más intensivas se ejecutarán de manera fluida y eficiente, permitiendo a los usuarios experimentar una productividad mejorada y una jugabilidad inmersiva sin retrasos ni demoras", explicó Cesar Moyano.
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Construido con múltiples protecciones de datos, incluyendo ECC LDPC 4K, encriptación de hardware AES y protección de datos de extremo a extremo, el Predator GM7000 Heatsink ofrece altas velocidades de transferencia mientras mantiene la máxima seguridad.
"Disponible en capacidades de hasta 4 TB, el Predator GM7000 Heatsink puede almacenar grandes cantidades de datos, ya sea para uso profesional, juegos o almacenamiento multimedia. La gran capacidad de almacenamiento complementa la avanzada protección de datos y el alto desempeño. Así, resulta la solución definitiva para aquellos que exigen tanto capacidad como calidad en sus unidades de almacenamiento", señaló el Director de ventas regional de BIWIN.
Por otra parte, para facilitar la instalación del SSD Predator GM7000 Heatsink, BIWIN brinda de manera gratuita el software Acronis True Image OEM, que permite realizar backups, clonar y restaurar los contenidos de una unidad de almacenamiento.
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Características técnicas del SSD Predator GM7000 Heatsink de 4 TB de BIWIN
Interfaz: PCIe Gen 4.0, NVMe 1.4
Caché DRAM: 4 GB
Máxima velocidad de lectura secuencial: 7400 MB/s
Máxima velocidad de escritura secuencial: 6700 MB/s
Máxima Lectura Random (IOPS) 1350 K
Máxima Escritura Random (IOPS) 1150 K
Durabilidad: MTBF de más de 1.500.000 de horas
Temperatura de almacenamiento: -40°C a 85°C
Temperatura de trabajo: 0°C a 70°C
Resistencia al impacto: 1500 G/0.5 ms
Certificaciones: CE, FCC, RoHS, KCC, BSMI, VCCI, RCM
Garantía Limitada: 5 años o 3000 TBW
Otras Capacidades: 512 GB, 1 TB, 2 TB
Tamaño: 80,5 x 23,2 x 9,5 mm
Peso: <40 g
Más información del SSD Predator GM7000 Heatsink
PCIe 4.0 Gen4
El Predator GM7000 Heatsink dispone de un controlador PCI Express Gen 4.0 (NVMe 1.4) fabricado en avanzada tecnología de 12 nm. Permite una alta velocidad de lectura de datos, de hasta 7400 MB/s, que asegura una carga rápida de juegos y aplicaciones.
Caché DRAM
Equipado con una caché DRAM independiente de gran capacidad, el Predator GM7000 Heatsink ofrece un mejor rendimiento en lecturas y escrituras aleatorias, lo que disminuye drásticamente las escrituras de datos inválidos y prolonga la vida útil del producto.
Refrigeración mejorada
Diseñado con un disipador de calor personalizado, el GM7000 Heatsink integra un sistema eficiente de conductos de aire especialmente para la disipación del calor. Esto disminuye la temperatura de funcionamiento del SSD en hasta un 25%.
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govindhtech · 1 year
8TB SSD vs Other Storage: Which Is Right for You?
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The 8TB SSD U.2 offers high capacity storage at an affordable price
The cost of business software and hardware is nearly always and significantly greater than the cost of consumer software and hardware. After their prime, however, they are often available at prices that are more affordable to the typical customer. These prices may even be lower. This is the scenario with Intel’s corporate NVMe 8TB SSD, the DC P4510 (SSDPE2KX080T851), which can now be purchased at the price of $399.99; yet, its initial retail price was over $5,000. The original retail price of the product was over $5,000. If you buy it via the Server Part Deals website, you will get a discount of ten dollars.
During those times, the Intel DC P4510 was a fairly big deal and it continues to be so now. The Intel 512 Gb 64-layer 3D TLC NAND is used in the 2.5-inch 15mm drive, which offers capacities ranging from 1 terabyte all the way up to 8 terabytes and has a height of 15 millimetres. Because PCIe 5.0 solid-state drives are capable of pushing data transfer speeds higher than 14 gigabytes per second, the P4510 has very little possibility of succeeding in any contests held in the current context.
By using the PCIe 3.1 x4 interface, the P4510 is able to reach sequential read and write rates of up to 3,200 MB/s and 3,000 MB/s, respectively. These speeds may be achieved simultaneously. The performance while dealing with random data is likewise pretty satisfactory, with 620,000 IOPS reads and 139,500 IOPS writes correspondingly.
Because it only costs 5 cents per GB ($399.99), which is the entire price, the P4510 is a fantastic deal for an 8TB drive. The P4510 and the Samsung 870 QVO 8TB, which is now the product on the market with the lowest price for an 8TB SATA SSD, both have identical price tags. The P4510 is currently the market leader in terms of lowest cost. The Samsung 870 QVO, on the other hand, can only achieve SATA speeds, while the performance of the P4510 is on par with that of PCIe 3.1.
The P4510 has one and only one significant negative, and that is the fact that it uses the U.2 interface, which is a port that is seldom utilised on contemporary mainstream motherboards. This is the only major drawback that the P4510 has. A number of years ago, there was a lot of enthusiasm about the U.2 port, and numerous high-end desktop and server motherboards were outfitted with U.2 ports to accommodate this growing demand. It is quite unfortunate that the U.2 interface was never able to achieve widespread adoption in the consumer sector.
It is not a huge letdown when you realise that adapters that change U.2 drives into M.2 drives are available on Amazon for a price of $28.88. You can also acquire adapters that convert U.2 to PCIe, and the prices for them start at $35.61. These are useful if you would prefer utilise the PCIe interface. Even after taking into consideration the cost of the additional peripherals that are needed to get it up and running, acquiring the P4510 is still an excellent deal if you want PCIe 3.1 speeds for a secondary storage drive. This is true even after taking into account the price of those additional devices.
Drives like the P4510 use extremely minimal power in comparison to other models. The SSD requires 16W of power when it is being used at its intended capacity. Although the power consumption when the drive is actively working might be up to twice as much as that of a standard 8TB hard drive, the power consumption when the drive is not actively working is the same as that of an 8TB drive.
The P4510 has dependability on par with that of a business, as was to be expected. The solid-state drive (SSD) has a rating of one DWPD (drive write per day) and comes with a warranty from Intel that is valid for five years. Depending on whether you refer to it in terms of terabytes or petabytes, it is comparable to either 13,880 TBW (terabytes written) or 13.88 PBW (petabytes written). The P4510 is a solid-state drive (SSD) that is meant for ordinary consumer usage and is engineered to live for many years, most likely through all five of your subsequent system upgrades. It is constructed for longevity and is designed for average consumer use.
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danaya2021 · 1 year
How To Lose Weight Fast, According To Experts
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Implement Long-Term Lifestyle and Behavior Changes When trying to lose weight, ban the word “diet,” suggests Albertson. Dieting can be unpleasant and make you hungry, so you constantly think about food, which is exactly what you don’t want when trying to lose weight. Instead, she recommends thinking of weight loss as a part of getting healthier and concentrating on taking care of your body first. “Weight loss is complicated and you don’t have total control over the number on the scale, but you do have control over what you eat, how much you move and other factors that impact weight, such as stress and sleep,” says Albertson. She suggests setting SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-sensitive—goals and rewarding yourself when you hit them.
Focus on the First 5% to 10% Instead of saying, “I need to lose 25 pounds,” and overwhelming yourself with what seems like an impossible goal, look toward the health benefits that can come from even modest weight loss. “Set smaller, achievable targets,” suggests Bennett. “Losing only 5% to 10% of your total body weight (TBW) can greatly improve your health and lower your risk for illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.”
Reduce Your Intake of Ultra-Processed Carbs and Sweets A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals what you eat is most important for weight loss[4]. The pounds will come off more quickly if you improve the quality of the foods you ingest. “One of the healthiest ways to shed weight is to reduce your intake of sugar and rapidly metabolized carbohydrates,” says Bennett. “In particular, you want to cut out or drastically curtail your intake of high-glycemic-load foods, such as sugary snacks, processed carbs and soft drinks. When you avoid or cut back on French fries, chips, crackers and the like, you’ll speed up your weight loss.”
Eat More Plants Research shows a plant-based diet not only promotes weight loss, but is also easier to stick to than a low-calorie diet[5]. Plus, it’s nutrient dense and has numerous health benefits. “Produce supports weight loss because it’s rich in fiber and water, which are both calorie-free yet take up space in your stomach so you feel full,” says Albertson. In fact, a Brazilian study found a direct correlation between increased fruit and vegetable consumption and enhanced weight loss[6]. Albertson suggests aiming to consume five daily servings of produce to start and working up to seven to nine servings a day. “Start your day with a green smoothie, have a salad or cut up vegetables with your lunch and eat fruit for snacks and desserts,” she says. “For supper, have more stir frys, incorporate veggies into your pasta dishes and stir them into soups.”
Pump Up Your Protein Increasing your protein consumption can help reduce appetite and help prevent the loss of muscle mass. “Eating around 25 to 30 grams of protein—two scoops of protein powder or 4 ounces of chicken breast—per meal can improve appetite control and manage your body weight,” says Dr. Albertson. “The best way to do it is to make sure you have one serving of high-quality protein per meal.” Albertson also says women older than 50 need significantly more protein (1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight daily) than men and younger women (who require .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily). “Women need more protein after 50, especially as they approach menopause, because decreases in the hormone estrogen result in a loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and regenerative capacity,” she explains.
Drink More Water Research shows drinking more water is associated with weight loss independent of diet and exercise. Ample water intake can help increase satiety and combat sugar cravings. Water is also necessary for lipolysis, the body’s process of burning fat for energy. “I suggest following the eight by eight rule—8 ounces of water eight times throughout the day—for a minimum water intake recommendation,” says Florida-based celebrity trainer Jordan Morello who works for the fitness platform Sweat Factor. “My clients are usually surprised once they add this [rule] into their own routine [by] how much this simple thing can curb cravings and leave you more satiated throughout the day.” Another water trick? Try drinking two cups of water before each meal. Studies have shown this simple move can increase weight loss as well.
If you want to know more and faster ways to lose weight, you can check this.
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Thank you, Be fit and happy!
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iamnikoli · 1 year
AY22/23 Sem 2 Module Reviews
The overloading sem. I initially took 32MCs but I dropped to 24MC by week 5 because I couldn’t cope with the workload. It was difficult to simply adopt an S/U mindset and I found myself with very little free time. I also felt like I couldn’t enjoy the extra mods I took out of interest, so the overloading didn’t feel worth it. As a DSA major, I took HSH1000, HSI10000, DTK1234, MA2001 (which were pre-allocated to me because I was even-digit). I also bid for ST2131 (because a lot of DSA major mods have it as a prerequisite) and SP1541 (to S/U).
Module Coordinator: A/P Hans Tan
Tutor: Angela Tay
Lecture Topics:
Week 1-2: Intro Segment - Design Doing, not Thinking (Norman Door) Week 3-4: Segment 1 - Systematic Creativity (come up with problem statements, solution statements) Week 5-6: Segment 2 - Empathize (Empathize with user) Week 7-8: Segment 3 - Do, Undo, Redo (Prototyping) Week 9-10: Segment 4 - Evaluate with People (Evaluate prototype with user) Week 11-12: Wrap Up Segment - Thinking about Design Thinking
Intro Segment + Segment 1-4 Individual Learning Activity (ILA) - 6% x5 Intro Segment + Segment 1-4 Team-Based Workshop (TBW) - 6% x5 Interim Design Thinking Journal (DTJ) - 15% Final Design Thinking Journal (DTJ) - 25%
Other Comments:
Most people dread this module, and for good reason. This mod is just a lot of fluff and you’ll need good smoking and bullshitting skills to do well, no cap. The ILAs are generally quite doable and you don’t need much time except Segment 1 ILA. The TBWs are either worksheets and class participation through activities and discussions during the fortnightly tutorials. You might find some other reviews saying that how well you do depends on how much your T/A likes you. While I don’t advocate sucking up to your T/A, I think it doesn’t hurt to talk and connect with your T/A, and just participate actively in tutorials :)) As for the module content itself, it really is a lot of fluff and talks about the different phases and steps in design thinking. Just use common sense to figure out how to smoke and “relate” the design thinking concepts to your user and your solutions/problem statements. The DTJ is an extension of this, so you’re expected to reflect and consolidate whatever you learnt or did. Just to be clear, the interim and final DTJ are the same document, just that you do like the first half of the DTJ in the interim, and you do the second half + revise the earlier parts from interim based on your T/As feedback. There’s also a 100 sec video that you have to submit in the final DTJ. 
Note that in my semester, unlike the previous semester we weren’t given any of our scores, I only got my overall banding (BE, ME, EE) for the first half ot the semester which included ILA x3, TBW x2 and Interim DTJ, along with some comments.
I actually have very little to say about DTK lol, just don’t do your ILAs last minute, participate actively in the tutorials and smoke smoke smoke and you should be fine HAHA
Module content is fluff, just smoke through your assignments Try to consolidate and flesh out the design thinking concepts in your DTJs (and maybe ILAs) Make your T/A like you
Expected grade: B+ Actual grade: A
Module Coordinator: Prof Loy Hui Chieh
T/A: Nicholas Loo
Week 1-2: The Ones Who Walked Away From Omelas Week 3-4: The Epic of Gilgamesh Week 5-6: Hind Swaraj (Gandhi) Week 7-8: Xunzi Week 9-10: No Exit Week 11: A Number Week 12: Sexual Politics of Meat
Fortnightly quizzes (best 6 out of 7): 35% Peer Reviews and Surveys: 5% (note: these are just surveys about the mod and your peers, the peer review scores given by your peers don’t affect your 5%, as long as you complete your peer review of your peers you will get the full credit) Tutorial Preparation Tasks: 5% Tutorial Participation: 15% Meme Competition: 5% Group Discussions Summary x4: 20% (5% each) Final Project: 15%
Other Comments:
I’m honestly quite meh about this module. I think the texts covered are interesting but way too long (80-100 ish pages especially for Gandhi and Xunzi). Most people complain a lot about the quizzes whenever HSH is mentioned, and rightfully so. The quizzes are incredibly painful to do, if you actually try to do them well. You have to understand and analyse/scrutinise the texts and lecture recordings. Here’s a snippet of my work process for the quizzes:
Attempt the quiz myself, with justifications for each choice (whether a statement is right or wrong) written down
Discuss the quiz with my group, and note down the group’s consensus+justifications - this generates Attempt 1 of the quiz (note: you get 3 attempts for each quiz (best score of 3 taken), if Prof Loy is nice he might give an extra attempt)
Analyse Prof Loy’s written replies in the forum to all the hardworking students that asked questions about the quiz. Gather the quiz answers from two of my friends who’ve discussed with their own groups.
Psycho-analyse everything with one of the two friends while taking everything into consideration - justifications for a selection, what Prof Loy says, tele poll (take with a pinch of salt though), the answers generated between the 3 groups. This generates Attempt 2 and 3 (we used the two attempts for different permutations of the answers we weren’t confident about)
I initially put the tele poll answers for one of my attempts, but they were consistently lower than my Attempt 1 and 2. You can probably get a median score if you follow the tele poll, but to really do well I feel that you really need a good group of friends to discuss with. More importantly, you and your group should ideally justify/discuss the quiz answers factually or based on some grounded reasoning (eg. this was said during the lecture/shown on the lecture slides, or this appeared/did not appear in the text and in the context of the chapter/paragraphs, this deduction makes sense). Btw you don’t have to read the whole text before trying the quiz, just watch the lecture recording for a general understanding first, and ctrl-f and read the paragraphs around the paragraph discussed in the quiz sections. As for the rest of the mod, it’s pretty easy. There are tutorials every fortnight, and you have to submit 3 annotations on Perusall before every tutorial (this counts for your tutorial preparation marks). Tutorial participation was very chill, because we would all get full marks as long as we turned up and we all contributed during the group discussions. Tutorials with Nick Loo were quite fun and you can tell that he’s passionate about the mod. He would usually go through some interesting questions and responses by us from Perusall, and then go through some content and skills before making us discuss questions in our groups. Overall, tutorials in HSH are a lot more chill than HSA or HSS where tutorial participation is more harshly graded.
Group Discussion Summaries (GDS) were 400 word responses to one of the three or four questions given. It’s quite OTOT, your group just has to submit it by the week after the tutorial. Your experience with this portion will vary depending on your groupmates. I had very hardworking and smart groupmates so this was easy, while one of my friends had to tank the GDS because his group was lazy and uncooperative. GDS was usually a 2 hour affair every even-week weekend night. Most people should get full marks or close to full marks for GDS anyway. Chop chop finish to focus on your other stuff~
The final project has two versions, a generic one provided by Prof Loy, and a T/A specific one. Choose the T/A one (duh bc your T/A is gonna be the one marking). Mine was on exhibit curation, so I had to do a 700-word write up on two exhibit artefacts chosen for a theme related to what was discussed in any of the texts (you can choose your theme). I did mine on passive resistance which was discussed in Gandhi, then in the writeups I expounded on how each artefact showcased passive resistance in their own way, and linked it back to its relevance to society/me, ala HSA1000 style.
Quizzes and the final project make or break your grade Workload depends on how much effort you put on the quizzes. The tele poll answers usually suck lol Discuss quiz with friends (side note: i noticed those who didn’t tend to do a lot worse for the quizzes)
Expected grade: A- Actual grade: A+
Lecturers: A/P Ryan Bettens, A/P Adrian Lee, Mr Siva N.
T/A: Sankar (for workshops), Dr Angeline Shu (Exploratorium 1), Dr Ng Yee Hong (Exploratorium 2)
Lecture Topics:
Week 1 – L1: The Founding of Modern Science Week 2 – L2: The Baloney Toolkit Applied to a Simple Investigation Week 3 – L3: Scientific Explanations and Models Week 4 – L4: Experimentation and Uncertainty Week 5 – L5: The Science of Climate Change Week 6 – L6: Modelling Climate Change Week 7 – L7: On the Mongering of Doubt Week 8 – L8: The Reliability of Climate Change Predictions Week 9 – L9: Our forests, fragmentation and connectivity Week 10 – L10: Restoring Green Spaces & Human-Wildlife Coexistence Week 11 – L11: Climate Change, the Hinterland and the Sustainable City Dweller Week 12 - L12: Fallacies in the Name of Science & Module Wrap Up
Weekly Quizzes - 1% x10 Exploratoriums (Labs) - 5% x2 Workshops - 10% x3 Midterms - 15% Finals - 35%
Other Comments:
Prof Bettens did Block 1: The Scientific Method (L1-L4), Prof Adrian Block 2: Climate Change and Misinformation (L5-L8), Mr Siva Block 3: Climate Change and Biodiversity (L9-L11).
I think this module started out really promising, with very useful skills like the Baloney Toolkit, but it progressively got more boring and fluff. The workshops and labs were super annoying because they were in 3 hour blocks, so timetabling was difficult.
The weekly quizzes are very doable, just watch the lectures/read the notes and attempt. You get 10 attempts per quiz anyway, and you can see your results on Examsoft right after your submission, so you can tell if you’ve hit full marks or not. I used about 3-4 attempts every quiz. You should aim to get full marks for the quizzes because most people would be getting full marks anyway.
The labs and workshops are also quite chill. The labs are slightly easier because you just go there and play do the experiments, and fill up a vanguard sheet with explanations, drawing and other details about your thought process in the experiments. The workshops are also okay, you just need to participate actively and do whatever’s required. Workshop 3 had a field work component, so during recess week, my friend and I went to Labrador Nature Park and Labrador Nature Reserve to gather data and photos (they will have instructions on what to do). The field trip and report was (in my opinion) the most sian part of the module, because I was already so busy but I still have to go all the way to Labrador to measure tree heights??? Well anyway for the workshops, most people seemed to get about 7-8/10. And I have to say that my workshop T/A, Sankar, is a very chill guy who loves animals, he’s super funny too so the workshops are always fun.
Midterms and finals are the differentiating components. They are open-book, closed-internet exams, and you do it on Examplify (the same as the weekly quizzes). You only have 2 minutes per question for both exams, so ctrl-ing F everything isn’t going to work. You have to roughly know the course content, and know which lecture notes to ctrl-F from. Also, from Lecture 7 onwards, the lecture notes weren’t that helpful, and for Block 3 no lecture slides were given. For Block 3 especially, you have to watch the lectures and take down notes, and also save the information about certain policies (like SGP2030) from online because these are tested but only mentioned in passing in the lectures. I recommend collaborating with friends to split the workload in making the lecture notes. Try to get notes from seniors as well, because these can be useful. Overall, the tests weren’t super difficult for my semester.
Weekly quiz must get full marks Labs and workshops are chill, just participate actively in the latter Make your own lecture notes (recommended to split workload amongst your friends) for the second half of the lectures No time to Ctrl-F every question in exam, you need to know the course content roughly and which lecture notes to Ctrl-F
Expected grade: A- Actual grade: A+
Module Coordinator: (The one and only) Prof Wang Fei
T/A: Peng Fei (but I mainly attended the tutorials run by Zekun)
Lecture Topics:
Linear Systems and Gaussian Eliminations (Linear systems, elementary row operations, row-echelon forms, Gaussian elimination)
Matrices (Matrix operations, inverses of square matrices, elementary matrices, determinants)
Vector Spaces (Euclidean n-spaces, linear combinations and linear spans, subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimensions, transition matrices)
Vector Spaces Associated with Matrices (Row spaces, column spaces, nullspaces, ranks and nullities)
Orthogonality (The dot product, orthogonal bases, least squares solutions, orthogonal matrices)
Diagonalization (Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization, orthogonal diagonalization)
Linear Transformation (Linear transformations from Rn to Rm, ranges and kernels)
Homework - 6.25% x4 Midterms - 25% Finals - 50%
Other Comments:
I have a confession to make. Despite my grade for this mod, I still feel like I suck at linear algebra. I found vector spaces (chapter 3 and 4) to be the toughest because it was difficult to understand the rationale behind the various matrix operations as well as the mathematical terminologies. I feel that if you can understand vector spaces, the rest of the topics are quite manageable.
The workload is generally okay, you have two 2 hour lectures every week, as well as a 1 hour tutorial every week. You’re allowed to tutorial-hop and you can attend any tutorial slot you like, even if it’s not the one you registered for on ModReg. I took full advantage of this, and by a stroke of luck, the first tutorial I went to was Zekun’s. I found his teaching to be very effective, and he even offers consults to students. Guys please take full advantage of your T/As hahah make them work for their $40/hr pay but Zekun was very helpful and I feel that I learnt a lot from his tutorials. Of course, make sure you attempt the tutorial questions before tutorials (which are selected textbook questions) to maximise your learning.
The 4 homework assignments given often have a few difficult questions, and I highly recommend checking your answers with friends to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes. As with most math mods, the median for the homework is usually quite high, either full marks or a few marks from few marks so it is paramount that you try and secure close to full marks if possible.
Midterms and finals were generally quite tough. I didn’t do very well for midterms, I got 32/50 when the average was 29, upper quartile was 35. I think it was due to a lack of understanding of vector spaces, plus computational errors can really cause you to get penalised. I focused a lot on proving questions by practising the textbook questions, but the paper was mainly computational questions (like 34 marks out of 50), while only 6 marks were proving and 10 marks true-false questions. For finals, there were 70% computational, 20% proving and 10% true-false questions, so I changed my strategy and tried all the past-year papers and selected textbook questions to really make sure I get the computational questions right. These are quite standard so you just have to learn the different ways they ask the questions and you should be fine. Don’t worry too much about the proving questions, most people can’t do them anyway, but to really do well, you shouldn’t leave these questions blank. For the true-false questions, if you don’t know just guess and pray that luck is on your side lol.
I can only say that making full use of my T/A, working together with friends and a strategy of focusing on computational questions plus whacking and brute-forcing my way through the tough parts of the paper is probably how I could get the grade that I got.
Focus on computational questions, but try not to leave the proving questions blank in exams Work with friends on the homework assignments Attend tutorials and ask your T/A for help because clearing your doubts early on (especially the topic of vector spaces) is essential Brute-force and just whack if you don’t know the answer
Expected grade: B+ Actual grade: A
Module Coordinator: Ms Brenda Yuen
Tutor: Ms Isabel Poh
Book Chapter Reflection - 5% Science News Article - 20% Revised Science News Article - 30% Oral Presentation - 25% Reflective Commentary - 10% Interaction and Engagement - 10%
Other Comments:
This module basically teaches you how to turn research articles (which are meant for specialist readers) into popular science news articles for common people like you and me. They introduce you to various science communication strategies like explanatory strategies and evaluative language.
I didn’t like this module and it had quite a heavy workload. Two 2 hour sectionals every week and you’re expected to do readings and prepare some answers for the discussion questions. This module is just very dry and not enjoyable :( As for my tutor, I don’t really have much comments, she was helpful and answered all of our questions. But yes this module is really boring and I don’t think her style of teaching helped.
I honestly put very little effort into the assignments because I was planning to SU, and especially after I got 66.3/100 for my first science news article submission. They do take some time to do, especially if you’re planning not to SU as you might have to go through a few drafts. You may consider consulting the NUS Libraries Writers’ Centre. I didn’t bother because I wanted to focus on my other modules. For my second science news article which I really didn’t change much and just added some stuff that was required, I got an even more tragic 65.6/100 lol. Ironically, my book chapter reflection and reflective commentary got really high marks at 94/100 and 90/100 respectively (not me spending only 30 minutes on the 300-word reflective commentary :’)
The 8-10 minute oral presentation (I got 71.3/100) which is based on your chosen science news article isn’t terribly hard, just do your best and try to be natural, don’t use any scripts. How natural you are depends on your knowledge about your chosen research article topic, so choose well.
Prepare an S/U for this mod
Expected grade: B Actual grade: B+ (S)
Module Coordinator: Prof Chan Yiu Man
T/A: (Unnamed for...reasons...)
Lecture Topics:
1. Combinatorial Analysis (Permutations and Combinations) 2. Axioms of Probability 3. Conditional Probability and Independence 4. Discrete Random Variables 5. Continuous Random Variables 6. Jointly Distributed Random Variables 7. Properties of Expectation 8. Limit Theorems
Timed 30 minute online quizzes - 5% x4 Midterms - 20% Finals - 60%
Other Comments:
This mod is really just self-study lol. Prof was quite good at explaining stuff and he would elaborate on stuff with detail so you won’t get lost. However, be warned that the Prof is essentially a boomer the Prof speaks quite slowly and you’ll probably be better off watching his recorded lectures at x2 speed.
I have,,,no words for the tutorials. My T/A was so bad that I don’t know and don’t want to know her name. She was basically talking to her computer the whole tutorial and didn’t explain stuff clearly. I tried giving her a second chance and went up to ask her questions about some of the working after the lesson, but her explanations are very confusing and I left the tutorial room even more confused than when I entered the room .__. I ended up tutorial-hopping and going to the Prof’s tutorial slot instead, which was much better, though there was another T/A who I felt I liked best but unfortunately I was not always free for his timeslots. Anyway the tutorial questions are taken from the textbook and the tutorial answers are uploaded on Canvas so a lot of my friends ended up skipping the tutorials and self-studying.
Quizzes were generally okay except for the last quiz. I got 2/5 for the last quiz (oof) and it seemed like most people got around 2-3/5 also. It was tough because it covered chapter 6 and 7 which were difficult topics, and we probably didn’t have enough practice. Also another comment on the quizzes is that they are mainly in the second half of the semester (the quizzes were held online over the weekend of week 5, 8, 10, 12) which added a lot of unnecessary stress because the second half of the semester tends to have more assignments for other modules. It also didn’t make sense to leave the chapter 1 quiz to week 5, chapter 2 to week 8, chapter 3-4 to week 10. I would have liked a more even distribution of the quizzes over the semester. We were warned not to discuss quiz questions but tbh the quiz questions are mostly the same, usually with different values in the questions, so :)
The midterms were quite easy, and most people scored well for it. Contrary to some other sources, the median was about 22-24 according to the Prof (I heard it from the horse’s mouth). I got 27/30 which was decent but not amazing.
Finals is, as usual, the make or break. I did both the textbook questions (with solutions found online) and the past-year papers, but I think the past-year papers had very different topics and different focus areas and I couldn’t do most of the past-year papers. (Do note that this mod is run by the math department in the first semester, so avoid all sem 1 papers if you’re taking it in sem 2.) I went for a group zoom consult with the prof, armed with a few past-year papers I was unsure of and even he didn’t know the approach to answer the questions. That was the moment I realised that doing the past-year papers were probably not helpful and I should focus on the tutorial questions along with the textbook practice questions. In the finals, the first 3 questions were quite easy and standard, but the last 3 questions were apparently difficult for most people. As it turned out, 2 of the 3 questions appeared in the textbook practice questions in a similar fashion, and I was able to answer them pretty well I think. I only didn’t know how to do the last question which was a proving question. I essentially left it blank :/ But I thought most people would have found the paper easy because the ‘difficult’ questions weren’t really unseen, guess not hahah
Be prepared to self-study. If you get a bad tutor, don’t be paiseh to tutorial hop Make sure you score for the earlier quizzes Keep up with the content, and dedicate more time and effort for Chapter 6 and 7 Do the textbook practice questions to prepare for exams
Expected grade: B Actual grade: A
0 notes
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1. Implement Long-Term Lifestyle and Behavior Changes
Stop using the word "diet" when trying to lose weight, advises Albertson. When trying to lose weight, dieting can be uncomfortable and make you ravenous, which makes you continuously think about food. She advises focusing on taking care of your body first and viewing weight loss as a part of becoming healthier.
"Weight reduction is complicated, and you don't have complete control over the number on the scale," says Albertson. "How much you eat, how much exercise you get, and other things that affect your weight, like stress and sleep, are all things that you can influence, though." Setting SMART goals—specific, measurable, realistic, relevant, and time-sensitive—and rewarding yourself when you achieve them are her recommendations.
2. Focus on the First 5% to 10%
Consider the health advantages that can result from even modest weight loss rather than telling yourself that you need to lose 25 pounds and overwhelming yourself with what seems like an impossible goal.
Set more manageable goals, Bennett advises. Only losing 5% to 10% of your body weight (TBW) can have a significant positive impact on your health and reduce your chance of developing conditions including type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer.
3. Reduce Your Intake of Ultra-Processed Carbs and Sweets
What you consume is crucial for weight loss, according to a research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. If you up your food quality intake, the pounds will come off more quickly.
Getting less sugar and quickly digested carbohydrates into your diet is one of the best methods to lose weight, according to Bennett. You should avoid or significantly reduce your consumption of items with a high glycemic index, such as sugary snacks, processed carbohydrates, and soft drinks. You'll lose weight more quickly if you avoid or consume less of foods like French fries, chips, and crackers.
4. Eat More Plants
A plant-based diet is simpler to maintain than a low-calorie diet, according to research, which also suggests it improves weight loss. Additionally, it is nutrient-rich and offers a host of health advantages.
According to Albertson, produce aids with weight loss because it is high in fiber and water, both of which have no calories but fill up your stomach and make you feel full. In fact, a Brazilian study identified a link between better weight loss and increased fruit and vegetable consumption.
Albertson advises beginning with five daily portions of produce and working your way up to seven to nine daily servings. Start your day with a green smoothie, eat fruit for snacks and desserts, and have a salad with shaved vegetables for lunch, she advises. Have extra stir-fries for dinner, add vegetables to your pasta recipes, and stir them into soups.
5. Pump Up Your Protein
Increasing your protein intake can decrease appetite and aid stop muscle mass loss.
According to Dr. Albertson, eating 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal—two scoops of protein powder or 4 ounces of chicken breast—can help you better regulate your hunger and maintain a healthy weight. The ideal strategy is to make sure each meal includes one serving of high-quality protein.
Additionally, Albertson claims that compared to men and younger women, women over the age of 50 require much more protein (1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight daily) (who require .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily). Women need extra protein after the age of 50, especially as menopause approaches since lower estrogen levels cause skeletal muscle growth, strength, and regenerative capacity to decline.
To read more tips and tricks on how to lose weight fast check out my blog - Click here to read
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Jaebum x Reader [featuring GOT7 x BTS]  →  angel!au / demon!au Warning: violence, language, & mentions/descriptions of death
→ Masterlist (including teasers) → A/N: chapters are updated every Friday
After breakfast, you find Mark, curious to know what his lessons were going to entail.
You were surprised when all he did was smile and tell you you’d start another day, for now Jaebum was asking for you.
You found him out on the balcony, away from the chatter of the others, opting for the conversation of the ocean instead. His eyes were shut, wind blowing through his dark hair. Hands gripping the railing, you peer over the edge to see the sand below. 
“Scared of heights?”
You snort, “Out of everything I’ve been through, heights are the least of my worries.”
Eyes still closed, he smiles, “I used to be afraid of them. When I was younger. Anything remotely too far off the ground and I’d run for it. You could imagine how fun that made amusement parks.”
Imagining a small Jaebum, clinging to his mother, you chuckle, “You must’ve been adorable.”
“My mother would’ve probably agreed.”
You fall silent next to each other, content at just watching the water before you. Somehow, Nora finds her way out, wrapping herself around his legs before deciding you were more comfortable. With her small body tucked between your feet, you sigh and tilt your head up to the sky.
“It seems as if Father made the weather quite agreeable today.”
“I asked him to.”
His eyes open as you turn to look at him, “What do you mean?”
He shrugs, “I asked him for a bit of nice weather. Today, for the first time in probably forever, you get a break.”
You grow excited, “A break? Like, no training? No history lessons? No dealing with the maknae brats that keep asking me to let them throw knives at me?”
Grinning, he turns towards the others, shaking his head in amusement, “They asked to throw knives at you?”
You nod, “They’re curious to see if I can turn my abilities on and off. To see how in control I am.”
“You discovered you can do that this morning. How much control do they think you’ve already mastered?”
“Jaebum. You said a break?”
Lips still upturned, he shoves his hands in his pockets, “Yes. A break. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to do it. Father’s only condition is that I stay by your side just in case.”
You jump slightly in place, ignoring the quiet meow from Nora, “Anything? Anything at all? Like, you won’t complain or pout or whine?”
“Yah, I’m not a child. But yes, anything. So what do you want to go do?”
Gripping his hand, you lead him back inside, “I want to go shopping.”
Shopping with Jaebum was oddly...nice.
He’d compliment you on what you tried on but told you if there was something he thought didn’t look good. He held all your bags but didn’t resist when you told him you could handle a few on your own. 
He didn’t whine. He didn’t complain that he was tired.
He’d just smile and say ‘okay’ when you asked to go into shop after shop.
“What about this one,” you ask, twirling in a lavender sun dress.
Looking up from his phone, he takes a moment before, “It looks good. I’ve never seen you in a dress before today. You bought like..four.”
Playfully sticking your tongue out, you turn back to the mirror, “You insisted. Which, by the way, you didn’t have to. I make my own money and can afford my own clothes.”
Attention back to a text from Yugyeom, he chuckles, “I know. But it’s my treat so just let it be. Save your money so you can travel and get out of here once you’ve saved the world.”
“You seem to have a lot of faith in my world saving abilities.”
“I’m an angel Y/N, I’m made of faith.”
“Well Mr. Made of Faith, let’s pay for these and then you can treat me to food. I’m starving.”
Heading towards the nearest register, you casually glance to a bright colored shirt that catches you eye. When you look up, your blood freezes.
In the corner of the store, staring at the shoes up on the wall, was Jung Hoseok.
It was unmistakable and you suddenly couldn’t move. You take a step forward and then falter back. 
His face changes, shifts into another and it’s no longer Hoseok you’re looking at. The boy now has black hair and bright eyes, turning to smile at an employee asking if he needed help. You clutch the side of your head as you grow kind of dizzy, and then Jaebum is near, his scent strong around you.
“What’s wrong,” he whispers, lips close to your ear.
“I thought...I thought I saw someone. It’s nothing. I’m okay, let’s go.”
His brows are furrowed, he’s obviously worried, but you guide him away and pay for your things. You’re a bit disorientated, not even noticing Jaebum slipping his hand in yours to guide you out of the store. He takes your bags, leading you to a bench in the open shopping center, under the shade of a tree.
“Stay here,” he says, clutching at your arm, “let me buy you something to drink.”
You nod and shut your eyes as he dashes away, head starting to clear. You turn back towards the store, wondering what in the world you saw, when Jaebum returns with a smoothie in hand.
Quirking on eyebrow, you smirk, “Usually people get water.”
Kneeling in front of you, he sticks a straw in the cup, “You mentioned you wanted a smoothie. Sometimes better than water.”
Taking a sip and smiling you agree and he grins back before he asks, “What happened in there?”
You find that you really don’t want to tell him. Your day together had barely begun and you didn’t want to ruin it. An odd feeling blooms in your chest as his hand lingers on your knee, thumb rubbing over the skin to calm you. You meet his gaze, lip trapped between your teeth. Seeing your own worry, he snickers, “What’s with the look? Come on, you can tell me anything.”
“I don’t want to.” “And why not?”
Sighing, you run your hand through your hair, “It’s gonna ruin our day and I still wanna eat and go shopping.”
“We can still eat and go shopping Y/N. But you looked freaked out in there. If there’s something wrong, something dangerous, you need to tell me so I can help protect you.”
Inhaling slowly, you rest you hand atop his, “I thought...I thought I saw Hoseok in the store. Against the wall by the shoes. But then I looked again and...and it wasn’t him. Like his face glimmered and changed within seconds. And then I got kind of dizzy.”
He comes to sit next to you, hands still pressed together, “Y/N that’s...that’s an ability of a Bone Witch. Rose could do it too. That’s how she saw the demons. She sees past their glamour, she can see their true faces.”
“So who I saw...” “...must’ve been Hoseok.”
You stiffen, “Oh no. Oh no Jaebum, if it was Hoseok...”
He grasps your shoulders gently, “Yah. It’ll be alright. He didn’t see you. So we’re safe.”
“But if he could sense me...”
He shakes his head, “They don’t make a move without Lucifer saying so. If he didn’t notice you, he’s playing human today. You’re alright. Let’s...let’s just go eat and then finish the day.”
You eye him curiously, “You seem so calm about this.”
“He poses no threat. Not now. They don’t do anything unless they’re complete. He was alone, right?”
“Yes. He’s the only one I saw.” “Then it’s just him. He can’t carry out an order without Namjoon’s direct permission and he wouldn’t send just one if they were planning on attacking you. Just try to relax, somehow, and let’s enjoy the rest of the day. We can worry about the world ending tomorrow.”
“I never knew Righteous Im Jaebum would leave the world burning until tomorrow.”
He shakes his head, amused, “Let’s just say today’s a break for us both.”
The next few hours pass just as the ones before. 
You pick a place to eat, somewhere cozy overlooking the shopping plaza. You play a game of twenty questions, which turn into more, over delicious food. It amazes you how comfortable you become, talking with Jaebum was simple and enjoyable.
There was never an awkward moment, just pauses in conversation to eat or laugh loudly. 
You spend most of the afternoon seated across him, sharing desserts and stories. He tells you of his life as a human, his dreams of becoming a music producer or maybe owning his own label. You regale him with your adventures as a detective, your life as demons slowly faded in the background. There’s never a dull moment and you wonder if saving the world could mean more time with him, like this.
After a bit more walking around, you notice the sun starting to fall behind the clouds, night about to descend. It seemed like such a short day even though they had left the house and the others hours ago, still munching on their breakfast.
Your stomach sounds, small grumbles in succession, and Jaebum’s gaze darts to your abdomen before he throws his head back and laughs.
“How are you hungry?”
You pout, “Lunch was awhile ago! And I have a quick metabolism. Don’t judge me, feed me Mr. Im.” 
Linking your arm through his, you send him your best aegyo. Still grinning, he pulls you forwards, his eye catching his favorite restaurant just a few doors away.
“Alright, alright detective. Let’s head over there. Mark took me once and I can never get enough, I think you’ll like it.”
You follow his lead, excited to see where he was taking you. “Jaebum?”
He hums in question, focused on weaving through the small crowds scattered about. “When you’re with me, do you think about Rose?”
He stops and your arm almost drops from his. Turning to you, he looks a little pale, “What?”
Your eyes search his, “When we’re together...do you imagine Rose instead? I know that you said you didn’t know what romantic love was, that you didn’t know what you felt for my sister. But we have the same face and I just..suddenly wondered if you were imagining her in my place. Which is fine! I would understand. But I was simply...curious.”
He stares at you, kind of like you grew an extra head, and you’re wondering if you should take it back, play it off like a joke and just drag him to whatever restaurant you were heading to. But you don’t, just waiting for his answer there in the middle of the plaza.
“No.” “...no?”
He shakes his head, resuming his walk towards the brightly lit entrance of the burger place ahead. “No. You’re different than Rose. The same face, yes. And at first, I saw your sister more than I saw you. Which wasn’t fair to you. I may have not known my feelings for her but it wouldn’t have been right to use you to figure them out. If there was something between us, it’s gone now, because she is. And you’re here. Working your hardest to save mankind when all you wanted was a normal life. Today, I saw you. And just you.”
He pushes through the door and you’re a little stunned, dragged behind him as he asks for a table. It’s when he’s looking at the menu that he finally notices you’ve been silent.
“You’re not broken, are you?”
“No. Just surprised. You’re turning out to be much more than I imagined Im Jaebum.”
He’s smiling again, the millionth one today, and your heart does it again.
It had been fluttering for months now, ever since your move into his home. You had gotten to see a different side of him, or maybe it was just who he was and you never really cared to notice. But now, sitting across from him, you look.
You look at his dark hair falling over his eyes as he searches for the burger he always gets when he comes. You look at his fingers as they scratch the nape of his neck and rest on the table. 
His broad shoulders. The upturn of his lips. The silver hoops in his ears. The moles above his eye.
You look and you can’t seem to avert your eyes.
You pick up the menu and search for something to eat, cheeks heating up. He doesn’t notice your small inner meltdown, sipping on the water that had come a few moments after they sat down. 
You’re a bit glad for his oblivious nature, focusing on the food instead of the handsome angel just an arm’s length away. 
Once you’ve ordered and calmed your racing heart, you notice familiar faces among the patrons. Just a few tables away sits Shan, arm linked through Jinyoung’s as she bends her head towards his in laughter. Across from them sits Fal and her husband, his own arm draped around her shoulders as his eyes wrinkle in amusement. You’re about to point them out to Jaebum when someone starts to shimmer, like Hoseok, and your stomach drops.
It’s Namjoon.
It’s Namjoon sitting with Fal, arm over her as he sits across from Shan and Jinyoung. Fear starts coursing through you and you can feel your power before you see it. Your glow builds slowly, casting golden rays across the table. Jaebum’s eyes widen and he grabs your hands, squeezing tightly.
“Yah. What’s wrong, what’s happening?”
You feel the panic bubbling in your chest but you try and inhale, breathing in and out while you hold on tightly to Jaebum, the glow starting to dim. “It’s Namjoon. He’s here.”
His grow serious, jaw clenching, “Where? I won’t look but tell me where.”
Your eyes dart over his shoulder and you’re slightly relieved to find they haven’t noticed you yet. “He’s sitting with Fal. And Shan and Jinyoung. Jaebum he’s glamoured. I think...I think he’s been pretending to be Fal’s husband. But they’re been married for awhile, how did I not notice? How could I be this stupid? I was at their wedding, how did I not put two and two together?!”
“Remember what I told you. Your powers were dormant. Which meant Namjoon must’ve used Fal to gain access to her circle of friends and co-workers at the precinct.”
“What do we do? If we go over, won’t he know?”
He shakes his head, “Probably not. Namjoon will recognize me but if he’s been able to play nice in front of Jinyoung, we’ll be fine. He doesn’t know you can see through the glamour yet. Just stay calm.”
You’re trying to, still breathing in and out as you approach their table. Fal recognizes you first, smile brightening as she waves, “Ohmygod Y/N! Hi! Fancy seeing you here!”
You smile and wave back, hand in Jaebum’s for extra support, “Hi! We came to eat and we saw you all here.”
Shan turns, chin coming to rest on Jinyoung’s shoulder, “You guys should join us and you can introduce this Mr. Handsome you’re holding onto.”
Bowing, he smiles, “Hello, I’m Im Jaebum. It’s nice to meet you all.”
Recognizing the voice, Jinyoung turns, “Hyung? Noona? What are you guys doing here? Where have you been all day?”
You shrug, “Shopping. Eating.”
“More shopping,” Jaebum says, chuckling. 
You catch Namjoon’s eye, trying not to vomit, “Hi Joon, it’s been awhile.”
He grins, “Too long, it’s good to see you again. And nice to meet you Jaebum.”
The table of four becomes a table of six, both you and Jaebum sitting in between Fal and Jinyoung. Food is scattered across the round tabletop and somehow the conversation is flowing and fun, laughter loud with one another.
But you kept your eye on Namjoon, watching him carefully when he wasn’t looking. Jinyoung now knew, revealed to him during a quick bathroom break with Jaebum, and tried his best to keep his attention on Shan instead of the demon close by. 
Everything seemed fine. Until it wasn’t.
“How cute. A triple date.”
You see Namjoon’s jaw clench but it’s Shan that speaks first. “Jimin? What are you doing here?”
Jimin grins, pink hair like an ironic halo over his head, “Why dear Shan I’m here to say hello. I haven’t seen you in awhile and well, I missed you.”
“I guarantee she doesn’t miss you,” Jinyoung spits, fists held tightly under the table.
“Ah. This must be the boyfriend. I’ve heard about you. Park Jinyoung. What an angel you must be, saving Shan when I didn’t show up to our little date.”
You can feel the tension growing but one look from Jaebum stops you from making any rash decisions. You can see Namjoon from the corner of your eye, cradling a worried looking Fal but glaring daggers at his fellow demon. 
“Jinyoungie is right Jimin. I’m glad you didn’t show up that night. I’m very happy now so please, leave us alone and don’t ruin our night.”
Anger flashes in Jimin’s eyes, irritation apparent on his handsome face. “Oh. You’re happy are you Shan? Apparently you’re the kind of bitch that sleeps around, huh? It seems it didn’t take much time for you to throw yourself at someone else all those months ago when you were dying to ----”
He doesn’t get to finish, Jinyoung’s fist connecting with his jaw. Jimin flies backwards and into some tables, knocking down the customers sitting. Jinyoung’s eyes are burning like Hell itself, chest heaving up and down as Shan gasps and tries to hold onto his wrist. “Yah Jinyoung-ah! Stop!”
He doesn’t, throwing himself forward in time to land another punch, this time to Jimin’s gut. Falling forward, he groans and looks up, blood staining his lips.
“Watch it you son of a bitch angel,” he growls, low enough for only Jinyoung to hear.
Namjoon wants to interfere, Father will be pissed if it continues, but his wife clings to him and stops any movement. Jinyoung continues to fight, Jimin now up and throwing his own punches. You don’t know what to do but it’s only a few more seconds before Jaebum is up and in between them both.
“Yah, what the fuck do you think you’re doing,” he whisper-yells at Jinyoung, trying to hold him down.
“He can disrespect me hyung but not Shan. Not Shan!”
“I get it okay? I get it! But calm down, Father won’t be pleased to hear about this. Think of the others. Think of Y/N. Think of Shan, for Christ’s sake, and stop.”
He does, the moment his eyes meet hers, fear evident in her face and posture. He relaxes, shoving past a weakened Jimin to cradle his girlfriend and whisper his apologizes into her hair. Jimin moves forward but it’s Namjoon that finally calls out, “I don’t know who you are but I think that’s enough. I think you should leave before anymore damage is done.”
Suddenly seeing the glamour, Jimin stops upon seeing Namjoon’s unhappy face. With a scoff, he wipes at his bloody mouth and exits, pushing past people that had crowded around. Jaebum turns, bowing and offering apologizes. 
“You know how much this shit is gonna cost to replace?”
Jaebum bashfully smiles, “I’ll pay for it hyung. You know I’m good for it.”
Park Chanyeol, co-owner of The Eve, shakes his head in mock amusement, “I know you are Jaebum-ah. But let’s worry about that later. Your friends alright?”
He nods, “We’ll all be fine. Let us at least help clean up.”
Chanyeol winks, leaning forward, “Leave it be. What good is being an angel when you can’t use your abilities to clean up your own restaurant. I’ll just throw a little something in everyone’s drink so their memory gets wiped. Just get home safe. I could feel some weird demon vibes all night.”
The younger nods, “Stay safe hyung.”
Chanyeol walks forward, laying a hand on a now calm Jinyoung, “Don’t worry about anything guys. Get some safe, I’ll take care of things here.”
“I’m really sorry hyung.” “Oh stop Jinyoung-ah. It’s fine. You protected your girl. Kai would’ve beat him to a pulp so he’s lucky. Just get going.”
They do as they’re asked and soon enough they’re out the door, atmosphere alot more melancholy than before.
Shan and Jinyoung head out first, the latter saying he was staying the night and not to worry about him. You wave them off and offer to get Fal some ice cream, her face still a little pale with what just happened.
Once it’s the two males left, Namjoon drops his glamour, “Your boy can definitely throw a punch. But Jimin doesn’t like being humiliated so he’ll be back.”
Jaebum chuckles, “Maybe you should keep him in line better. And while we’re having this nice little chat, let me ask you this: your wife has no idea does she?”
“Don’t bring her into this.”
“When it comes down to it Namjoon, she won’t stay untouched. I can see it. The way you look at her. The way you protected her tonight. The way you protected your little bundle of joy. You went and got her pregnant.”
“I told you. Keep. Her. Out of this.”
Jaebum tsks quietly, “Breaking the rules. I’m sure Lucifer is thrilled. Just remember this: she won’t stay safe. And neither will that baby. And once the battle begins, you’ll have a choice to make. How loyal are you and to whom?”
“I swear if you don’t...”
“Can we go home,” Fal whispers, clinging to her husband.
“Of course. Let’s go. Y/N, Jaebum, get home safe.”
You keep up appearances and nods, “You guys too.”
With them gone, you turn to Jaebum, “What in the world just happened?”
He sighs, head tilting to the sky, “Something bad. But let’s go home too. Like I said, we can leave the world burning until tomorrow.”
A/N: IT HAPPENED @kpopfanfictrash! The Jinyoung/Jimin showdown lol. Though I’m sure, like Namjoon said, he’ll be back. I hope you all enjoyed the fun cameo of a certain unicorn boy. Also I’m dead tired so if my editing missed any typos, I apologize. I’ll fix when I’m more awake lol.  Until next week. xoxo
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sm-entertain-me · 3 years
Stray Kids Masterlist
Welcome one and all to my masterlist dedicated to the lovely young men of Stray Kids! I will only be writing smut for these individuals so I do apologize if you were looking for fluff. Personally, I’m just not as good at writing fluff like I am smut. Please stick around, read some fics, and don’t be afraid to tell me what you think! I love to interact with my followers.
LEGEND: TBW - To be written. TBR - To be released, typically the smut I plan on releasing next. NC - Not Completed/In Progress. Bolded - Popular
Last updated: January 6th at 8:42 PM (PST). Most recent: Second Session (M), smut for Hyunjin (official part 2 of Heartbreak Hotel)
Bang Chan/Christopher Bang
Customer Service (M) -  As a worker in a sex shop, you’ve seen people from all walks of life cross through your 18 and over store. Whether it be two young lovers trying to spice up their love life to respected dominatrices in the adult entertainment industry, you catered to everyone’s needs and were always willing to go above and beyond to secure a sale. So when a dashing you man asks you to help sample some toys for his future lovers, you simply had to assist him further.
Compulsion (M) -  While the rest of the guys are busy sleeping the night away, you, Hyunjin and Chan stay up to play... (feat. Hyunjin)
Hunter, Hunted (M) - Bang Chan: one of the world’s most talented vampire hunters, easily being the cause to your kind beginning to dwindle. In order to preserve your bloodline from being wiped out by Chan’s vicious hunters, you take an alternative approach to ensure amnesty between your kinds.
Training Day (M) [TBW] - It’s your first session with your new personal trainer today, hoping to get a decent core workout in more ways than one.
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Lee Know/Lee Minho
Kingdom Come (M)  - Prince Minho was feeling the pressure of finding a woman suitable enough to produce him a much needed heir if he were to continue his lineage. If not, he would have to relinquish his throne and destroy the dynasty the Lee’s have worked so hard to maintain.
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Seo Changbin
Muse (M) - Changbin has been working late to nail his raps for the upcoming album, but he just can’t seem to focus. Hopefully asking you to stay late with him would help him find the inspiration he needs.
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Hwang Hyunjin
Play Pretend (M) -  With the possibility of the ex that ruined Hyunjin’s life being at the party you two plan on going to, Hyunjin asks you a rather personal favor for one night and one night only. As his best friend, you were willing to do whatever it took to make sure Hyunjin felt whole again, no matter if it cost you the friendship you worked so hard to maintain.
Compulsion (M) -  While the rest of the guys are busy sleeping the night away, you, Hyunjin and Chan stay up to play... (feat. Chan)
Heartbreak Hotel pt 1/2 (M) - Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel, where all our services are specifically designed to make you forget about those who hurt you most. Extra fees apply for all night excursions.
Second Session (M) -  What other activities transpired at the infamous Heartbreak Hotel that night? (Heartbreak Hotel pt 2/2)
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Han Jisung
Off the Menu (M) - Usually you’re supposed to go home with your date, not the waiter…
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Lee Felix
Midnight Snack (M) -  Four rambunctious young vampires had taken to the streets for their weekly hunt, prowling for their victims which usually contained the elderly or those who were already knocking on death’s door. But when one of the vampires gets a look at you through your open window, he simply had to taste.
Making Movies (M) [NC] - Felix suggested that the two of you go to the local drive in theater for a movie, but he had no intention of watching any movies with you. He wanted to make movies instead.
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Kim Seungmin
Coming soon!
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I.N./Yang Jeongin
Knight in Paradise (M)  - Your husband is an atrocious ruler and an abysmal king, committing horrors across the land in the name of power and greed. Calling for a complex and intimate coup d’etat, you decide that the best way to prevent from continuing his lineage is to continue it with someone else more deserving of the throne.
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azenta · 2 years
recently i've been trying to discern what thought and action patterns i display that impact my relationships badly, but i have a hard time correlating them to an enneagram type, so wanted to ask you to help me out a bit.
i'm a secretive and rather lonely person, so i often feel like being surrounded by a membrane which doesn't allow the world and other people to affect me. consciously, i want to break my barriers down for specific people, and so i do, which is why i never were actually alone, but it never helped with the loneliness inside. most relationships seem very fragile and merely scratching the surface of my carcass, while i have always been longing for something deeper and eternal. since eternity isn't possible, and most people can't get through to me anyway, it's unlikely i'll ever be happy, so i may just stop trying. i got so used to the idea of myself being alone that i sometimes try to sabotage the relationships i have myself, so we part ways on my terms before i'm too attached for the farewell to crush me down (being uncharacteristically cruel just so the person leaves or disappearing from social media so the person can't contact me no matter how hard they try). i loathe myself deeply, so when i put my guard down and reveal something personal, i feel intensely humiliated and cannot accept that people would still want me around after knowing such things about me, which, in turn, makes me suddenly distanced after an intimate conversation or an act of vulnerability. sometimes it gets to the point i want to disappear from everyone's lives without a trace. i guess i hate myself too much to let people in, since you can't have a connection with someone without being, well, yourself.
what enneagram type does it sound like the most? sorry for the long read and thanks in advance.
Tbw, this pattern is beyond enneagram. It's about fear of intimacy and emotional immaturity. The need behind this is also shared by every human being, again intimacy. Arguably, every type can experience this difficulty and most types are likely to use those tactics. The reason why they will use those tactics will vary however.
Know that I relate to those issues and see myself in part of what you shared. I also have known a 3w2 core who also ended up isolating themselves and ghosting people because of fear of vulnerability, shame and self-loathing. And I know a 1w2 core who also fall into this same pit when revealing about themselves and tend toward self-loathing a lot.
I can still see some more likely options for you, but I cannot say for sure which core it is. Disintegration must be taken into account in this situation, since it's a pattern that err more on the unhealthy (difficulty to adapt) tactics.
There are withdrawal elements in what you say, so it's either you got a withdrawn core (4,5,9) or a disintegration into a withdrawn type (1,3,8). The fact you speak of being hard to access and don't want people to access you (unless on your terms) let me believe you are most likely an Sp variant, more likely Sp dom, and again, lead me more toward a withdrawn core, as it is not just when you open up or feel threatened that you retreat into yourself.
You speak about humiliation as a reason to withdraw and cut ties with your relationships, so there are image issues for sure, either as a core, wing or into your disintegration (1,3,4,5 - 2 and 8 less likely since explosive/unfiltered anger doesnt seem in the portrait).
You speak of relationship and seem to have a concern about people and opening up to them, but you feel threatened when actually being vulnerable and tend to cut out relationships anyway just to prove yourself right, so this seem less in line with 2 and 9.
There is no particular mention of anger/gut issues, nor head/fear issues, only one isolated mention of humiliation which doesn't bring much weigh to image core either. Feeling threatened when opening up could be related to head issues, but nothing in what you told forcibly prove that either.
From that ask alone, the few relevant parts to indicate enneagram aspects points toward withdrawn core with potential image issues and Sp variant. The best fit is therefore 4 core, and since there are maybe head issues, wing 5 might be a good guess as well.
To get a more nuanced view, here are your most likely options that I would suggest to investigate:
4s have issues with identity and everything revolve around finding ways to find themselves, their true unfiltered self. Be it through others or through projects, activities, name it, whatever means that makes them experience themselves and their reactions. They can tend to wallow in their feelings a lot, because it is their coping way to feel in touch with the notion of identity (reactive type). A wing 5 can make them even more shut ins, and will make them rely a lot on their own understanding/knowledge of things to determine their next move or approach. This can make them more anticipatory and more careful in their approach, out of fear, especially of not being enough. This is also why this wing creates a 4 much more potentially anxious, self focused and prone to more depressive tendencies or self-loathing. Wing 3 have the beauty to create a certain denial about self-worth and create a coping mechanism of "better-than-you" attitude, despite the 4 core that can take pride even as being the worst bitch in the neighborhood.
Sp 4 are also much less typically flashy. They are more careful in how to come off or how to reveal their color. They will be more picky with who they reveal those colors or try to explore those colors. Sp 4w5 will be the most shut in this core can be, very difficult to decipher and unlikely to open up unless they aim to grow out of their defense mechanism or their soc or sx instinct incline them toward that end.
Those are really abbreviated version of what a 4w5 is, if you already don't resonate much with that, it's a good sign to explore the other options I gave. I could be wrong, that's for sure.
On another regard, I know you didnt ask for advices toward this pattern, but I cannot not comment on it. You can at this point stop reading if you want, since those can come off as unsolicited advices. Tho, I will generalize those advices to rather fit solutions related to the issue itself and not you specifically. So, if you have the impression I am extrapolating on stuff, it's because I am and I am diving the pattern itself.
Loneliness is a feeling we experience when we crave connection, but more specifically intimacy. It is often described as feeling "loved" and "accepted", which is also true in some way. But to get that need met, it demands to be able to open up and be vulnerable. However people often forget that to meet that step you need before to feel secure and safe. However, those cannot be fulfilled thanks to other people. The feeling of security depends on the sentiment of capability, or in other words, how much I believe I have the resources to face unsafe/threatening situations or people. This means how much I can rely on myself to get myself out of shit. This is where the fear of intimacy usually builds up, because people have a poor sense of security. Mostly because they got shitty experiences that make them have a very specific set of "resources", that are usually about "how to protect myself from people", which becomes unproductive when you want intimacy.
This lack of security leads to this self sabotage loop of "I hang with people, open up a bit, feel threatened (fear of getting hurt), cut off the relationship and run" or the complementary variant of " I hang with people, I open up, I get scared of being abandoned/rejected/etc. and start clinging because now I feel a connection and don't want to loose it because aforementioned fear". This lead to that kind of weird place where we don't want to open up, but expect people to "get us", but when they don't, we see it as a confirmation that there is no intimacy so it is pointless to pursue. It makes us neglect our relationship or even the potential of a relationship, since we end up projecting on people the outcome we fear, provoking a feeling of threat even before anything happens. Or even we can project the futility and lack of depth on people also because we ourselves refuse to dive in our own vulnerable spots. Thus why choosing to not open up is an excellent plan to not be understood and entertain distance between "them and I". Futile tactic. Good at maintaining security, bad at creating meaningful connections.
The solution to this issue is to learn to secure ourselves properly by learning the basic necessities that makes us feel capable, useful or simply autonomous. So, when we encounter people we have a sense of ressourfulness in case we meet people that aren't worth our time or are potentially more threatening to our survival than helpful.
Last note, some people will not get us, but sometimes people don't get us because we don't understand ourselves either. So, it's important to question yourself and wonder if you are not being the reason why people can't get you. As I said, sometimes you really are just not compatible with some people, but some other times, you really are the author of your own tragedy.
Gonna end up on that. If you want to dig more your type, feel free to add up, or if you have any other questions. Anyone is welcome to ask about anything said here too.
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neshai-esper · 4 years
The Sites of Seth
― Distribution of the Land. Lands of Seth
Geb, the Earth god, arbitrated between the confrontations of the Two Contenders (Horus and Seth) and decided to grant the Upper Egypt to Seth because it was the land where the god was born; and the Lower Egypt to Horus, for it was the land where his father had drowned (Lichteim1975, p.52). Hereinafter, Geb changed his mind and decided to bestow the entire land to the son of Osiris. The Horus myth of Edfu (Egberts 1997) tells that Seth complained and challenged his nephew to be finally defeated. Geb took pity on Seth and his allies, and sent them to the four cardinal points becoming, thus, the patriarchs of the lands surrounding Egypt: Kushites to the south, Asiatics to the north, Libyans to the west and Bedouins to the east (Egberts1997, p.50). This could be an account for the strong association between Seth and the foreign countries.
― Cult of Seth in Upper Egypt
Seth is given the title of “Lord of the Nile Valley Land” in the Pyramid Texts (Allen 2005, PT 155). There were cities and temples devoted to Seth until, apparently, the XXV Dynasty when the cult of Seth became extinct (Redford 2002, p.264), at least in the Nile Valley. Due to the frequent instability during the Intermediate Periods, the areas involved in these cities do not always correspond with the geographical boundaries, arranged by the Ptolemies and called nomes. Hence, I have arranged the cities considering the course of the Nile with disregard of the Ptolemaic organization. 
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― Seth Lord of Ombos
There are two cities linked with “Seth Lord of Ombos”. One is the modern Kôm Ombo, 42 km south of Assuan, on the eastern bank of the Nile. The other is about 4 km on the northwest of the modern Tukh, in the area of Ballas called Ombos. The name of the former in Egyptian hieroglyphs is nbwty and the latter is nebwt (Daressy 1917, p.80). Ombos/Nebwt, was an important bastion for Seth and his followers during the Predynastic period around 3300 b.C. (Wilkinson 1999, p.37). Petrie (1896) found in this site the remains of an old city and a temple devoted to Seth. There are three steles from this temple exhibited in the Manchester Museum. One of them is the Anhotep Stele, where Seth appears as ‘Lord of Nebwty’ referring Kom Ombo:
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According to Brugsch (1879, p.318) Seth was worshiped in Kom Ombo under the shape of the crocodile Sobek, deem to be the son of Seth (te Velde 1967, p.150). As we will see, crocodiles and hippopotamus were usually considered manifestations of the god Seth. Another piece from Naqada temple of Seth is located at Petrie Museum, London. Seth is featured standing in front of an offering table with an inscription reading: ‘Seth of Nebwt’, alluding Seth of Ombos (web 7). In the main deposit of this temple, Petrie found pieces out of alabaster with inscriptions describing the labor of enlargement made by Tutmosis III, who is mentioned as: “The good god Menkheperra, beloved of Seth of Nebwt”. In a lintel of the Temple, Seth is referred as ‘Seth of Nebwty, Lord of the Southern Land” (Petrie 1896, Pl LXXIX). In a round topped stele, now at the Glyptotek museum, a bull headed winged Seth is called “Bull of Nebwty”. The bull used to be an icon of Seth: in the Leyden Papyrus, “the son of Nwt” (which is a common epithet of Seth) is called “Bull of the night, Bull of Bull”(Griffith 1974, p.80).
― Seth Lord of Wnw and Nashenw
These two cities are sited about 50 km north of Denderah, close to the modern Kasr es-Sayed. Seth is referred as the lord of these two cities, in an inscription engraved in the inner side of the exterior wall at Medinet Habu (Gardiner 1947, p.53).
― Seth Lord of Tjebw
Tjebw (Tbw) was the capital city of the X Ptolemaic nome called wADt. Ancient Greeks called it Anteopolis (the city of the giant Anteus) and was settled on the east bank of the Nile. In latter times, the name of the city changed into Djw-Ka (Dw-qa), ‘the high mountain’ (Barguet 1964, p.8), Qau el-Kebir in Arabic. The original deity of this nome was Antewy, portrayed as a double falcon on a boat and assimilated to Seth, as we can see in the stele of Nakht (XVIII Dynasty):
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According to Teeter (2003,p.42): “This dual identity is a reflection of the belief that a god could have more than one nature, and that he or she could have the attributes of several deities in order to express the extender power of the god”. This approach is important because all throughout the northern part of Upper Egypt we find the double falcon as the emblem of many cities that could be ancient centers of Seth cult. Over time, the cult of Seth was put aside and replaced by the double falcon, representing the reconciliation between both Horus and Seth (te Velde 1967, p.68). An inscription was found at Qâu showing the priest title sHtp nTrwy, that is to say, ‘Reconciling the two gods’ (Gardiner 1947, p. 53). According to latter versions of the myth, the battle between Horus and Typhon (Seth for the Romans) took place on the river bank close to this city, which was eventually destroyed completely. Today is El-Etmaniyah (Gardiner 1947, p.49). There was a cult to the Sethian animal, the hippopotamus, at Tjebu from the Predynastic period (Lang 1980, p. 361; Gardiner 1947, p.135) shown by a scene of the mayor of Tjebu worshiping a hippopotamus surrounded by papyrus. The inscription here is badly damaged but it could be read as: “Seth, the victorious, the hippopotamus, the Lord of the Tjebw in the nome of wADt” (Brunton 1927, Pl. 32). In the12292 Stele, now at the Oriental Institute in Chicago Illinois, a man called Pa-nehemi stands before Seth as a hippopotamus on pedestal (web 8) 
List of Places:
- Seth Lord of Ombos  ✔️   - Seth Lord of Wnw and Nashenw ✔️ - Seth Lord of Tjebw  ✔️ - Seth of Shashetep - Seth of Per Anty - Seth lord of Saka - Seth Lord of Sepermeru - Seth of Oxyrhynchus - Seth lord of Sw
- Seth lord of Avaris: Seth lord of hwt wart - Seth of Medjem - Seth lord of the Oasis - The temple of Seth at Kharga - Seth in Dakhla Oasis - Seth in Siva Oasis
Others: - Seth Lord of the Foreign Lands - Seth Lord of the Sky
― SETH AND THE ENVIRONMENT ( Maria Jose Amor Martinez )
Related post: The Sites of Seth: Seth and the Environment
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todaysdocument · 4 years
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Warranty Deed from T. B. Wallace and Madge Gates Wallace to Earl L. Munger, 8/13/1925.
These revenue stamps were used to pay taxes, and to show that taxes were paid, for the sale of this land.
File Unit: Wallace Family, 1860 - 1966
Series: Subject Files, 1860 - 1966
Collection: Records of the Jackson County (Missouri) Recorder's Office, 1860 - 1966
FORM No. 2--Class E
C.S. Demaree, 708 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.
Missouri Warranty Deed
This Indenture, Made on the 13th day of August A.D., One
Thousand Nine Hundred and twenty-five by and between
T.B. Wallace and Madge Gates Wallace, as Trustees under the
will of George P. Gates, deceased,
of the County of Jackson, State of Missouri parties of the first part, and
Earl L. Munger
of the County of Jackson, State of Missouri party of the second part,
of One Dollar and other considerations ["dollars" crossed out]
to them paid by said parties of the second part (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), do
by these presents, Grant, Bargain and Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the said party of the second
part his heirs and assigns, the following described lots, tracts or parcels of land
lying, being and situate in the County of Jackson, and State of Missouri, to-wit:
All of Tracts Numbers Three (3) Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8),
Eleven (11), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21) and Thirty (30),
in Blueridge Gardens, a Sub-division of the West thirty-two
(32) acres of the North Ninety-Nine (99) Acres of the South
East Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Eight (8) Township Forty-nine (49),
Range Thirty-two (32) in Jackson County, Missouri, according
to the recorded Plat of said Sub-division.
[Four green stamps, with profile of Liberty, "DOCUMENTARY / UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE / 1 / DOLLAR", hand-cancelled with "Cancelled / 9-11-25 / TBW"]
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD The premises aforesaid with all and singular, the rights, privileges,
appurtenances and immunities thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said part
of the second part and unto his heirs and assigns forever; the said
parties of the first part hereby covenanting that they are
lawfully seized of an indefeasible estate in fee of the premises herein conveyed; that they have
good right to convey the same; that the said premises are free and clear from any incumbrance
done or suffered by them or those under whom they claim; and that they will
warrant and defend the title to the said premises unto the said party of the second part and unto
his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
except Taxes, if any.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their
hands and seals the day and year above written.
[signed] TBWallace Trustee (SEAL)
under the Will of George P. Gates (SEAL)
[signed] Madge Gates Wallace (SEAL)
Trustee under the will (SEAL)
of George P. Gates
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Thor (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bruce Banner & Thor, Bruce Banner/Thor Characters: Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Thor (Marvel) Needs a Hug, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Thor (Marvel) Feels, Thor/Bruce Week, space bros, space boyfriends, Smart Hulk (Marvel), Thor: The Dark World Spoilers, Post-Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok (2017), POV Bruce Banner Series: Part 8 of (My) Thor/Bruce Week 2019 Summary:
Everyone, whether they are frail humans or strong gods, has feelings. Of course, having feelings also mean the possibility of losing control of them. For magic users, strong emotions leading to power outbursts are quite common, whether it is from joy and excitement, anger and helplessness or grief and torment.
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awais123posts · 4 years
Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB
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*Performance may vary based on SSD's firmware version and system hardware & configuration. For more information on the TurboWrite, please visit the manufacture website
Boosted Endurance:
Up to 8x higher TBW* than the 850 EVO. Feel secure storing and rendering large sized 4K videos and 3D data used by the latest applications.
*TBW: Terabytes Written:
Multiple Form Factors:
Whatever size your computer needs, there is 860 EVO for you. Choose among the 2.5-inch size for desktop PCs and laptops, and the SATA-based M.2 (2280) or the mSATA for ultra-slim computing devices.
Samsung Magician:
Management Software:
Samsung Magician software is designed to help you manage your SSD with a simple and intuitive user interface.
Firmware updates: Get notifications when new firmware is released, and easily install updates for enhanced performance, stability, and compatibility.
Performance benchmark: Check your SSD's sequential and random read/write speeds, so you can maintain superb performance.
Data security: The 860 EVO supports AES 256-bit hardware-based encryption and is compliant with TCG Opal and IEEE 1667.
Product description:
The SSD you trust: The newest edition to the world's best-selling SATA SSD series, the Samsung 860 EVO SSD is specially designed to enhance the performance of mainstream PCs and laptops. With the latest V-NAND technology, this fast and reliable Solid State Drive comes in a wide range of compatible form factors and capacities. Its enhanced performance delivers consistent speeds, even under heavy workloads and multi-tasking, allowing for faster file transfers. The 860 EVO performs at sequential read speeds of up to 550MB/s with Intelligent TurboWrite technology, and sequential write speeds of up to 520MB/s. The TurboWrite buffer size is upgraded from 12GB to 78GB (performance may vary based on user's system hardware and configuration). The 860 EVO also offers boosted endurance of up to 8x higher TBW (Terabytes Written) than the 850 EVO. Feel secure storing and rendering large-sized 4K videos and 3D data used by the latest applications. The smart compatibility of the SSD lets you benefit from faster, more fluid communication with your host system. The refined ECC (Error Correction Code) algorithm and a new JMX controller generate higher speeds, and the improved queued trim enhances Linux compatibility. The 860 EVO provides the reliability of 1.5 million hours (MTBF).
Warranty & Support:
Amazon.com Return Policy: You may return any new computer purchased from Amazon.com that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Amazon.com reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. Amazon.com will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.
Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here
To clone the existing HDD, I connected as an external drive w/ USB cable. win10 Toshiba recognizes as 'as2105 USB mass storage device'. how to clone?
Answer: I used the “Apricorn Notebook Drive, Upgrade Kit”. It is available on Amazon under: “Apricorn SATA Wire Notebook Hard Drive Upgrade Kit with USB 3.0 Connection ASW-USB3-25 (Grey)”. Even though it says a notebook upgrade kit, it works for a PC as well. I used it to upgrade my laptop and my desktop. I like it because it is c… see more
By T. V. Meyer on August 6, 2018
I recently purchased this drive for my Asus laptop. This laptop uses Win 10 and had a 650GB drive
However, only 97GB was being used so I knew it would fit on the 250 GB of the Samsung SSD.
I downloaded Samsung Data Migration, installed it on my laptop (current hard drive). Connected the Samsung 860 to the laptop using… see more
By John F on June 5, 2019
"as2105' is the model # of your USB cable/adapter, and that is 100% correct. Once you download and install the Samsung "Data Migration" software from Samsung's web site (do a Google search), it will recognize the Samsung SSD connected to your as2015 adapter. Then just click the "clone" button and wait for 2 or 3 hours,… see more
By vacuumtubejazzpro on October 19, 2018Question: To clone existing HDD, I connected as external drive w/ USB cable. win10 Toshiba recognizes as 'as2105 USB mass storage device'. how to clone?
Answer: I used the “Apricorn Notebook Drive, Upgrade Kit”. It is available on Amazon under: “Apricorn SATA Wire Notebook Hard Drive Upgrade Kit with USB 3.0 Connection ASW-USB3-25 (Grey)”. Even though it says a notebook upgrade kit, it works for a PC as well. I used it to upgrade my laptop and my desktop. I like it because it is c… see more
By T. V. Meyer on August 6, 2018
I recently purchased this drive for my Asus laptop. This laptop uses Win 10 and had a 650GB drive
However, only 97GB was being used so I knew it would fit on the 250 GB of the Samsung SSD.
I downloaded Samsung Data Migration, installed it on my laptop (current hard drive). Connected the Samsung 860 to the laptop uses… see more
By John F on June 5, 2019
"as2105' is the model # of your USB cable/adapter, and that is 100% correct. Once you download and install the Samsung "Data Migration" software from Samsung's web site (do a Google search), it will recognize the Samsung SSD connected to your as2015 adapter. Then just click the "clone" button and wait for 2 or 3 hours,… see more
By vacuumtubejazzpro on October 19, 2018
Read reviews that mention:
5.0 out of 5 stars Think you need a new computer because yours is slow?
Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2018
Capacity: 250 GBStyle: SSDVerified Purchase
It used to be that adding RAM was the easiest and cheapest way to speed up a slow computer. That never addressed the real bottleneck of a computer, which is the hard drive. I had a customer complaining that they probably needed a new computer even though theirs was only a little over a year old. Knowing that they had a standard platter-style hard drive, I suggested this. The boy is glad that I did! Saved her hundreds of dollars on a new computer and likely thousands on lost time waiting for her computer to 'compute' as her entire business relies on her computer to make her money.
Gary Goodnow:
5.0 out of 5 stars Quick and hassle-free migration from HDD to Samsung EVO 860 SSD on aging desktop
Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2018
Capacity: 500GBStyle: SSDVerified Purchase
I have a nearly 9-year-old CyberPower desktop with an Asus P6T Motherboard and wanted to eliminate a potential point of failure to eke out a little more longevity. And if I got some enhanced performance, all the better. Turns out it was a very good move.
Of course, the order came within the two day Prime window which one expects from Amazon. I also got the Corsair Dual SSD Mounting Bracket
that was an order option for another 6 bucks. I reviewed it separately but it's a must-have if you are installing into a 5 1/2 inch bay like I was. The SSD comes with an Installation Guide, which I didn't need other than to follow a web site link provided in order to install the Samsung Data Migration Software and Samsung Magician Software. Since I was installing the SSD to replace my C System drive, I needed to clone that drive onto the SSD. And the Data Migrations software works perfectly. After formatting the SSD (NTSF), I cloned 232GB to the SSD in just 31 min with a SATA 3.0 to SATA 3.0 connection. It would have been much faster has my PC supported SATA 6.0. Then removed the HDD and installed the SSD into the mounting bracket, connected the SSD to the SATA data cable and power cable (I used the same port as the C drive HDD was connected to), powered the PC up and it booted hassle-free, with no issues. It was indeed a perfect clone of the previous drive. There were no issues that required going into the BIOS screen. This will only be an issue if you do not use the same exact SATA data connection that was attached to your former C system drive.
I'm amazed how much faster the drive is. The Magician software not only carves out a bit of the drive for overhead, but it also has a cool performance test you can run on all installed drives. So I ran it on the SSD and a 6 TB WD HDD dedicated to pictures and the Random IOPS results were: for the SSD 8,789 read and 19,775 write vs for the HDD 178 read and 244 write. While that may sound unbelievable, it isn't. You actually experience this speed differential while working on the PC.
This was definitely $150 well spent!
Nestor Balleza G.
5.0 out of 5 stars Cumple lo que promete.
Reviewed in Mexico on February 13, 2018
Capacity: 500GBStyle: SSDVerified Purchase
Tenía instalado en mi PC un ssd Kingston V300 de 240GB. Todo iba bien pero sentía que podía ir mejor, utilicé una aplicación para medir las velocidades de lectura y escritura y me encontré con velocidades de lectura de 480 y escritura de apenas 120. Pensé que quizás algo andaba mal con la configuración pero después de revisarlo, todo estaba bien.
Investigando me di cuenta que ese modelo de Kingston es bastante lento, busqué en amazon y me encontré con el ssd que muchos especialistas lo consideran el mejor para usuarios en general, el nuevo samsung 860 evo de 500GB y al mismo o menor precio que otros de la misma capacidad. Lo compré, llegó en la mitad del tiempo prometido, lo instalé con la aplicación para clonar de samsung mucho mas amigable que otras y el resultado es extraordinario. Tasas de lectura y escritura de 550 y 520 respectivamente y más espacio para nuevos programas.
Muy recomendable samsung y más comprándo a través de amazon.
Nestor Balleza G:
5.0 out of 5 stars Cumple lo que promete.
Reviewed in Mexico on February 13, 2018
Capacity: 500GBStyle: SSDVerified Purchase
Tenía instalado en mi PC un ssd Kingston V300 de 240GB. Todo iba bien pero sentía que podía ir mejor, utilicé una aplicación para medir las velocidades de lectura y escritura y me encontré con velocidades de lectura de 480 y escritura de apenas 120. Pensé que quizás algo andaba mal con la configuración pero después de revisarlo, todo estaba bien.
Investigando me di cuenta que ese modelo de Kingston es bastante lento, busqué en amazon y me encontré con el ssd que muchos especialistas lo consideran el mejor para usuarios en general, el nuevo samsung 860 evo de 500GB y al mismo o menor precio que otros de la misma capacidad. Lo compré, llegó en la mitad del tiempo prometido, lo instalé con la aplicación para clonar de samsung mucho mas amigable que otras y el resultado es extraordinario. Tasas de lectura y escritura de 550 y 520 respectivamente y más espacio para nuevos programas.
Muy recomendable samsung y más comprándo a través de amazon.
45 people found this helpful
for buy click here
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ao3feed-thorbruce · 5 years
TBW Day 8 /// Walking by my side for all these years, seems that we’ve grown friendly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/331PkFI
by Binouchetruc
Everyone, whether they are frail humans or strong gods, has feelings. Of course, having feelings also mean the possibility of losing control of them. For magic users, strong emotions leading to power outbursts are quite common, whether it is from joy and excitement, anger and helplessness or grief and torment.
Words: 901, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of (My) Thor/Bruce Week 2019
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Thor (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Bruce Banner & Thor, Bruce Banner/Thor
Additional Tags: Thor (Marvel) Needs a Hug, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Thor (Marvel) Feels, Thor/Bruce Week, space bros, space boyfriends, Smart Hulk (Marvel), Thor: The Dark World Spoilers, Post-Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok (2017), POV Bruce Banner
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/331PkFI
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