marcepanki · 1 month
The intimacy of communicating and fixing things together be top tier
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marcepanki · 8 months
i don't pay attention to the world ending. it has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt
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marcepanki · 8 months
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Carry It Well, song by Sam Fischer
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marcepanki · 8 months
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marcepanki · 9 months
.. 2024 planning ! ☁️. *. ⋆
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I have a lot to accomplish this year, so lets plan it all out. ♡
Physical ! ⋆ - move my body at least once everyday. (yoga, pilates, lifting). - listen to my body when it comes to what i eat. - get into the habit of walking places! - try new recipes & new foods. - continue to take care of my skin & hair. - invest in clothes and items that make me feel confident. - drink at least three bottles of water a day.
Intellectual ! ⋆ - read at least one book a month. - focus on schoolwork (study or homework every week night). - continue to learn new things by choice. - take the time to read articles and learn of other views. - remember that the media you intake is part of what shapes your mind.
Social ! ⋆ - be kind to others, smile and say hi. - do what you can help if someone needs something. - if you are invited, say yes. - live. ♡
Self-Care ! ⋆ - take time when you need to. - keep praying, He is there for you. - be gentle and understanding to yourself. - cut out negativity from your life. - stay positive, but remember it is okay to cry. - embrace your feelings, do not force them away.
Non-negotiable Daily Habits ! ⋆ - make my bed every morning. - brush my teeth twice a day. - shower every day.
Goals ! ⋆ - pass the early college test. - take Spanish II online. - end sophomore year with all A's (and B's). - begin early college junior year. - join a club next school year. - keep up with academic and personal goals! - be a different version of my self in 365 days from now.
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marcepanki · 1 year
Speak of her over my grave
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And watch how she brings me to life.
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marcepanki · 1 year
The intimacy of "How did you know that?", "Because I know you".
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marcepanki · 1 year
im not religious but ill get on my knees for you
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marcepanki · 1 year
mam silny charakter, ale przy tobie wymiękam
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marcepanki · 1 year
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marcepanki · 1 year
You can’t hurt me i seen this shit coming months ago when i was overthinking
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marcepanki · 1 year
forgive the person you were before you learned the lesson
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marcepanki · 1 year
Ignore, not everything deserves attention.
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marcepanki · 1 year
The only therapy I know is distance and silence
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marcepanki · 1 year
does anyone miss the specific way that the sunlight used to fall over everything in childhood lol just kidding i am thinking about normal stuff like sending emails
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marcepanki · 1 year
i just want all my secrets back, i don’t want anyone to know anything about me anymore.
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marcepanki · 1 year
At the end of the day, choose peace over everything
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