#i mean shes a giant raging asshole but like
sieglinde-freud · 1 year
getting severa’s conversations with noire and cynthia back to back is such a trip. the speed at which she goes from “its ok to bother me, we’re best friends!” to “nobody fucking likes you” feels like a punch to the face
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Ask game: 39, 39, 39, 39, oh and also 39
Blease give me more of your writing your brain weirdness is extremely satisfying to my brain weirdness in a way that few others understand or can replicate
Immediately after the battle with Aizen, in what's left of Fake Karakura:
Something neon pink appeared at Shinji's elbow At Speed and he startled, yelping loudly and having to fight the reflex to kick what appeared to be a small girl.
"HeyifyouseemydadIwaswiththefallbacktimethewholetimeokay?" She spoke at a speed Shinji had only ever heard from a dangerously overcaffienated Mashiro before.
"I'm not lying for you, Kusajishi." sighed Kuchiki.
"YACHIRU!" someone bellowed loud enough to make the few unbroken windows ring, and Shinji turned to the sound of Ominous Jingling to see a giant of a man with a peculiar vertical hairstyle and a captain's Haori approaching, livid.
"Shit." She muttered, turning to grin sheepishly at her father as he stomped over, expression dark and a tiny, teal-haired toddler on his hip.
"Where were you supposed to be today?" The Giant growled down at Yachiru, and Kuchiki excused himself to sit down on a nearby piece of bench-height rubble.
"...You told me to stay with the fallback team in Seireitei." She sighed.
"So why are you here?" the giant growled.
"BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN WEIRD ALL MONTH AND IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU IN LAS NOCHES I'D NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF!" She shouted, reflexive foot-stomp blasting out a wave of enraged reiatsu.
"So, uh, who're Pinky and Punky here?" Shinji asked, limping over to sit down to watch next to Kuchiki.
"Eleventh Division Captain Zaraki Kenpachi and his daughter, Yachiru Kusajishi." Kuchiki nodded. "They're loud, but honorable and reliable."
"I'VE BEEN WEIRD ALL MONTH BECAUSE- Shit, it's- Its complicated, okay?" Kenpachi groaned.
"And the other girl?" Shinji asked.
"I believe Kurosaki said her name was 'Nel' or similar." Kuchiki nodded. "Not entirely sure why Zaraki is the one carrying her around but it's nothing to worry about. He's great with kids."
"Great with kids, huh?" Shinji glanced over at Kuchiki.
"Oh, nevermind, I see what you mean." Shinji nodded and there was the barest hint of a smirk on Kuchiki's face.
Yachiru sniffled, tearing up with rage. "WHAT? I'M NOT ALLOWED TO WORRY ABOUT YOU!?"
"Can I have a juice?" the teal-haired toddler asked from Zaraki's hip.
"-In a minute Yachiru, I need to-" Kenpachi started and stopped. He blinked a few times, then slowly turned to frown at Nel, then at Yachiru, then back at Nel, pointing between the two girls and expression shifting from rage to utter confusion.
"Did you see another abandoned baby and just pick it up because it was Yachiru-shaped and Neon Colored?" Kuchiki called, teasing.
Kenpachi looked up at him, bewildered "MAYBE??" and Yachiru rolled her eyes behind him.
"That’s the most 'Raised By Birds' thing you’ve done in a while." Kuchiki laughed, getting up to peer down at Nel with curiosity.
"Raised by WHAT?" Shinji asked, jogging up after him.
Kenpachi Stood up straight, shaking his shoulders like he was ruffling feathers. "One, I’m not putting her back, two, who the fuck are these assholes?" He asked, gesturing at Shinji and the other Visored who had started to gather in the rubble to catch their breath after the battle.
"Remember how half the captains had fallen in battle or otherwise vanished before you showed up?" Byakuya asked.
"No, because I wasn’t there." Huffed Kenpachi, rifling through his Kosode and producing a Juice Box for Nel. "-but I remember Ikkaku complaining about the employee turnover."
"-AND I WAS RIGHT!" Ikkaku bellowed from his stretcher behind them, too injured to stand but not about to stop fighting, as expected of someone wearing the 11th Division's lieutenant insignia.
"YOU'RE STILL IN DEEP SHIT FOR THAT BANKAI THING, CUEBALL." Zaraki holled back at his lieutenant, who only turned his head away, sulking.
"Apparently the assorted missing officers weren’t dead, they just caught an artificially induced case of hollowfication from Aizen, but managed to survive and stayed out here in the living world to recover and learn to control their abilities out of sight from him." Kuchiki explained. Beside them, meaningful eye contact was exchanged between father and daughter, and he gave her a juice box as well. "Tactical." Zaraki nodded approvingly. "Also, non-zero chance The Old Man would have killed y'all on sight."
"Er. Yeah." Shinji winced, looking over his shoulder to where a surprisingly non-apocalyptic-looking Captain-General was discussing something with Unohana.
"This man specifically is is Hirako Shinji, Aizen’s former boss." Kuchiki continued, introducing them properly. "Captain Hirako, Captain Zaraki."
"Hiya!" Shinji grinned, holding out a hand for Zaraki to shake, but instead, he too was handed a juice box.
Kenpachi eyed Shinji in a not precisely hostile but still unnerving manner, as he offered Kuchiki a juice box as well and when turned down, opened it for himself and drank, studying him.
"…This explains six or seven things." Zaraki finally spoke, nodding sagely.
Shinji glared up at the giant. "Excuse me?"
Kuchiki waved a hand between Shinji and Zaraki. "I promise, it’s technically a compliment."
"Yeah, if Ken-chan didn't like you, you wouldn't have a head right now." Yachiru giggled.
"Mostly explains the two sets of teaspoons in the 5th division break room." Zaraki nodded, holding his hands out to his sides. "You're, whatsit- tiger-tiger thing?"
"Huh?" Puzzled Shinji.
"Symmetry?" Tried Kuchiki. "I do recall Captain Hirako having immense talent with mirroring and reversing text and other things."
"That's the bitch!" Zaraki grinned. "Not a bad idea though, you always have enough spoons."
"Huh. I guess so?" Shinji pondered, eyeballing Zaraki in turn. "Kenpachi, so you're captain of the 11th? If I remember correctly, Kiganjo was the tenth Kenpachi- so how many Kenpachis did we run through while I was away?"
"Just him for the last century. Only the two serious challenges to his post." Kuchiki explained, looking almost... proud? There were strange political currents swirling here, leaving Shinji feeling adrift.
"For real?" Shinji asked with genuine admiration. Outside of statistical outliers like Unohana and The Old Man, it was rare for a captain to hold their post for more than two centuries, and the average in the 11th more like 60 years.
Kenpachi waved his hand noncommitally. "One and a half. Tetsuzaimon Iba was really challenging his Mother by proxy." he corrected, head tilting with a jingle and Shinji realized the vertiginous hairstyle was there to support a dozen or so small bells, before the rest of the sentence caught up with him.
"Tetsuzaimon?" Shinji blinked. "Wasn't that what Chikane Iba was going to call her son?
"Yah." Zaraki nodded, sounding like a sleigh full of presents.
Shinji stared blankly. "But- but- She was still pregnant when I.. left? He’s an infant!
"Nah, Lieutenant Iba's a whole-ass man now." Zaraki looked over his shoulder. "Ay Iba-" he called to a robust man with sunglasses wearing the 7th Division's lieutenant's badge, currently engaged in picking up Ikkaku and moving him out of the way for the 4th division triage. "-How come you're spotless when my vice looks like someone fucked up at the abattoir?"
"Hi Captain Zaraki!" Iba waved back, , Ikkaku slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "It's because he's a fucking idiot, sir!"
"FUCK YOU!" Ikkaku shrieked, flipping them off from where he hung awkwardly over his friend's shoulder.
"FUCK ME YOURSELF YOU COWARD!" Zaraki bellowed back.
Shinji watched the spectacle with wide eyes, slowly coming to an unpleasant realization, before slowly putting a hand on Kuchiki’s shoulder. "…Sojun." He sighed, using his colleauges given name with heavy morose. "I’m afraid we may be Old Men now."
Kuchiki turned and blinked at him, confused. "I’m Byakuya."
It was Shinji's turn to stare in confusion. "...Kuchiki Byakuya isn't even in the Academy yet?"
"No, I'm a captain now. Sojun, my father, died shortly after your disappearance." Apparently-Byakuya explained, arching a concerned eyebrow down at him.
"Fucking what." Shinji said flatly, feeling like he'd been drained of all color and redrawn with a sharpie by someone's off-hand.
"HAH!" Barked Zaraki. "Yer Old Fart, Tiger."
Byakuya scoffed up at Zaraki. "What’s that make you then?"
"An Ancient and Revered Relic, thank you." Kenpachi said, puffing up his chest in mock-pride.
"What's going on?" Nel asked Yachiru in a loud whisper.
"Bowlcut here is an old fart who is just now realizing that he's an old fart, but he’s younger than me, so he’s also a baby." Yachiru explained. "Either way, impressive bowel control for his age!"
"HEY!" Yelped Shinji.
"Drink ya Battle Victory juice, Tiger." Zaraki said, giving Shinji a consoling pat on the shoulder.
"...It's a bitter Juicy Juice I drink this day." Shinji sighed, disconsolately stabbing the box with the straw and drinking with despair.
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。:°ஐ ʚĭɞ The Bug Collector 。:°ஐ ʚĭɞ
{Ellie Williams x Reader}
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Summary: The one where you own a sweet little book store, and Ellie makes it her life mission to torment you.
an: a request from @ximtiredx !! (Thank you so much btw). Basically Ellie is a raging asshole with a giant fucking crush on you, and you’re too sweet and oblivious to even notice, so she just comes off as cocky and mean heh. ALSO! This is most definitely a small town fic! The summer is in full swing and it’s inspiring me so much to make something inspired by it. I strayed away from Ellie being a dickhead a tiny bit towards the end bc I can’t help but make her soft and enamored with the reader I’m sorry @ximtiredx 😭 Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! (Not proofread again SO SORRY)
Warnings: 18+ smut!! Ellie is kind of an asshole in this one and very bad at feelings. A tiny bit of angst? Reader is a little oblivious, thigh riding sort of?? Scissoring sort of?? I KNOW ANOTHER SCISSORING FIC IM SORRY it just made the most sense to me, pet names, Ellie is obsessed with readers tits, slight mean!ellie (she redeems herself later), super fluffy at the end, let me know if I missed anything!
The small fan you had perched up on your counter did nothing to cool you down.
The summer had been brutal, and business was extremely slow because no one wanted to set foot out into the miniature oven that was your town. You let out a soft sigh, doodling little stars and moons all over your notebook, which was completely fucking empty.
It was too warm out, and you were suffering the worst case of writers block. It was like any thoughts that came into your head were always involving how hot you were and how much you wanted to be anywhere else other than where you were right now.
And that wasn’t even like you. You adored your little book store, putting your entire heart and soul into bringing new stories to the people of your town, your heart fluttering every time you rang up someone and they had that familiar face of wonder and excitement as they waited for you to wrap up their books in your brown paper bags, your cute store logo written on the front.
But it was hard to be excited for that when the only person you saw was the baker next door, and when the summer was melting you from the inside out.
It was almost noon, and you were contemplating closing up shop early and going home. You’d still be hot, but you’d be hot in the comfort of your little home.
But then the bell above your door rang, signaling that a customer had arrived.
And your face was lighting up, because finally, someone was there that you could talk to.
But of course, out of everyone in your very small town, the person that happened to walk through your doors was of course none other than Ellie Williams herself.
You didn’t have a problem with Ellie, you loved all your customers equally. Giving each and every one of them the same sweet smile that you always did, making sure to throw in extra goodies with every purchase, because you truly adored them all for supporting your tiny store.
But Ellie was a little….mean.
Most things went right over your head, because you were too caught up with trying to help her find a book that she’d like (which she usually never even bought anything from your store). But other things, you did catch onto.
Like when she teased you for being an old lady stuck in a 20 something year olds body, that one sort of hurt your feelings. Or when she asked you when the last time it was that you went to a party or a bar and no tea parties didn’t count, also hurt. Or, when she’d make fun of your clothes, specifically calling you a farmer whenever you’d wear your favorite pair of overalls, they were cute, okay?
So some of the things she said did hurt your feelings, but you just assumed that she was just…like that, that all of that was just Ellie being Ellie. No matter what, you never stopped giving her your sweetest smile, because as much as she wanted you to.
You never took it personally.
Your sweet smile is on your face as you perk up once you see her, straightening your back out and adjusting your posture as you give her a wave.
“Ellie! Welcome in! Having a good day?” You chirped, and she’s already stalking her way towards you, smug smirk on her face as she leans her forearms against your counter, shaking her head as she turns your fan so that it’s now only hitting her.
“It’s fuckin’ hot sweetheart, do you think I’m having a good day?” Her voice is rough and raspy, and you can’t help but sigh softly before nodding in agreement.
“It is…I do wish it was cooler in here for you” you sighed, looking down at your fan that was blowing warm air through her pretty brown hair. “Looking for anything specific today? Maybe I can help”
And you’re flashing that sweet smile in her direction again, making her roll her eyes. “Are books all you can ever think about? God it’s a little pathetic, don’t you think sweetheart?”
Her words make you frown, but then you remember that, that’s just Ellie.
You let out a soft sigh before you shrug, your lips pouting out a bit as you speak. “I dunno…books are just…they’re comforting, you know? It’s nice to lay down after a long day and just read” you explain.
And Ellie is holding back a groan because she’s picturing you in bed, in her t shirt, reading a book, and she can already feel herself getting turned on. It’s pathetic because you haven’t even done anything to make her want you.
Maybe that’s why she picks on you so much.
You don’t even try and she’s putty in her hands, and that pisses her off. You don’t give her any special treatment, you don’t bat your eyelashes like the other girls whenever she compliments you, and you act like she’s just any other person when she walks into your store, trying to find it in herself to ask you out and not be a dick to you.
But she doesn’t, she’s always mean to you.
She likes the way your cheeks get red, and she thinks you almost like that she’s so mean. There’s just something about the way you take deep inhales after she’s said something particularly nasty that has her smirking like an asshole.
“That’s fuckin lame man…and you know it” she sighs out, pushing herself off of your counter. She finally gets a good look at you once she does, and she’s shamelessly letting her eyes drift down your pretty body.
The warmer months are Ellie’s favorite, because it forces you to wear less and less clothes.
Your white linen dress hugs your mid size perfectly, pushing your tits up more than she’s ever seen them before. It’s just short enough that she gets to see more of your plush thighs. She’s biting her lip like she’s staring at a fucking meal, her green eyes burning from a lack of blinking before she looks up at you, raising her eyebrows once she realizes she’s missed what you said.
You furrows your eyebrows as you watch her watching you, looking down at your dress. Was there a stain on you or something? Or maybe she was going to make fun of your dress?
When she doesn’t, and she continues to stare at you, you repeat yourself.
“I said, that it’s fine that you feel that way…we’re just different, that’s all” you nod to yourself before you round your counter and make your way deeper into your book store, busying yourself with organizing your shop a bit more.
Ellie follows you, leaning up against the shelves that you’re restocking as she's eyeing you up and down, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she watches you.
It's annoying because you're so fucking oblivious. You don't notice any of the attention that she gives you. You don't notice the way her eyes roam down your body, or the way she's dead silent whenever you bend over to pick up a stack of books, Ellie is positive that she needs to tattoo 'I want you' on her forehead for you to get the message, and even then it wouldn't be clear to you how badly she wants you.
She also hates when you say that, that you and her are different. It sounds like you're dismissing her attempts at trying to ask you out, and it pisses her off.
"No, means you're lame and i'm not" She huffs out, turning her back so she was leaning against the shelves. You sigh, standing on your toes to get one of your books on the higher shelves, huffing softly to yourself in concentration.
"I...yes thats nice Ellie...if you're not going to buy anything, you can leave" You sigh out, still struggling to reach the highest shelf. You were too focused on restocking your books, and frankly you had no time for Ellie and her games. It was too fucking hot, you were very fucking tired, and she was just so...so..
So fucking mean.
Your words make Ellie seethe, because you've never asked her to leave.
And she's scoffing, rolling her eyes as she finally pushes herself off the shelf, snatching the book from your hand and settling it on the shelf without any struggling from her end. "Get a fucking step ladder next time, princess" She spits, and her tone makes you flinch a bit.
You watch her as she storms out, and for a moment you think you might have been too mean for saying what you did. You truly didn't mean it, not in the way that she might have thought anyway. You were just...frustrated, and Ellie made you feel even more frustrated...
But then you're thinking about how rude Ellie is to you all the time, so cocky and smug. Bragging to you about the parties she attends in the city, or the amount of girls that are dangling off her arm whenever she's there, and she tells you that you could never be like that, you could never get out the way she does because you're just a boring little librarian who's only friends are the baker next door and the couple who owns the pet store a few blocks down.
Ellie is fucking mean, and you hate that you're blaming yourself for finally stand up to her...sort of.
。:°ஐ ʚĭɞ
The end of the day comes sooner than you expected.
Mainly because all you can think about is Ellie, and it's distracting you from the heat. No one else comes in for the rest of the day, only a few of your regulars to drop off some books they had finished and wanted to donate to you. Other than that, it was just you and the soft music that played out of your old little radio.
You close up an hour early, figuring that there was no use in staying open late. More times than not, people wouldn't be making an emergency late night run to the little book store in town.
You frown softly as you turn off all the lights, and flip the little sign on your door to the side that says 'sorry! come back tomorrow!'. You couldn't shake the sinking feeling in your stomach, the strange weight that you had been carrying ever since Ellie had left earlier in the day.
She didn't even say anything that was out of the ordinary for her, she was always witty and rude. It was just...she seemed so...hurt, when you told her to leave. You then realized that it was something you had never done, to her or anybody that set foot in your shop.
Even though you shouldn't, it made you want to apologize.
You pulled your bag further up on your shoulder, deep in thought as you only hoped she would return the next morning. You were already replaying the words in your head that you would say, trying your best to make amends with the girl that would never once apologize for all of the mean things she said to you.
You don't even notice her sitting on the bench thats set right outside of your shop.
Her fists are shoved in her pockets, and her knee is bouncing wildly as she waits for you. She had been waiting for quite some time, knowing that you would have to close up shop eventually.
When she does hear the little bell on your door ring, she's up on her feet in seconds, making her way towards you.
"Hey..um...you mind if I walk you home?" She asks, and you're blinking up at her almost in shock because you're positive you've never heard Ellie use such a gentle tone with you before.
You even go as far as to look around you, just to make sure she's speaking to you and not someone nearby. When you confirm that she is in fact speaking to you, you give her a small nod, and you both begin to walk into the direction of your house in silence.
She feels awkward, and stupid, and she regrets the way she's been tormenting you for god knows how long, and she finally has the chance to be civil with you and she isn't saying anything.
Because she's an idiot.
You break the silence first.
With a small clearing of your throat, you're tugging the strap of your bag gently, eyes glued to your shoes as you walk. "Um..do you live around here?" Your voice is soft, and Ellie feels like she wants to kick herself for being so rude to someone so fucking sweet.
"No, no. I live on the other side of town." She doesn't even fully finish her sentence and you're already stopping in your tracks, shaking your head quickly. "Oh no..you dont need to walk me all the way there then..I'd hate to make you walk across town in the dark."
Ellie stares at you in disbelief, because its already dark, and you'd be walking alone, and she is quite literally your bully, but yet you're still worrying about her walking home on her own, sacrificing your safety and comfort so that she doesn't have to make her way back,
She chuckles softly before she shakes her head, placing her hand on the small of your back as she urges you to continue walking on. "No fuckin' way, you're not getting rid of me that easily" She hums, and her words make you giggle, the air between the two of you already feeling less tense.
She sighs out softly, her hand dropping from your back before she speaks again. "Look I...I waited for you so I could apologize...its not cool the way I treat you.." She mumbled, almost sounding ashamed of herself for even being in this position to begin with.
You hum softly, staring down at the ground once again as you nod at her words. "Didn’t expect to hear those words from you, Ellie…” you mumble out, and it makes Ellie feel like shit.
She groans “I can be nice too you know..” and it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than she’s trying to convince you. You giggle softly as you look up at her, the warm summer breeze blowing her pretty hair back, brown fringe sweeping across her face before you speak.
“Oh really? I’ve yet to see that” you hum, and it doesn’t have any bite to it, and it isn’t harsh. It’s simply the truth. You truly have never experienced any sort of nice behavior come from Ellie that wasn’t used as a way to lure you into another one of her stupid jokes or pranks.
Ellie sighs, because she knows you’re right, and she’s annoyed at herself for it. She opens her mouth to speak, but you’re already in front of your house, and of course your house is just as fucking cute as you are.
It makes Ellie want to scream at herself.
She sucks in a harsh breath as you both stand outside your place, and she asking before she can even stop herself.
“Can I come in?”
。:°ஐ ʚĭɞ
Ellie is sat at your little kitchen table while you get her something to drink. She’s taking in the little trinkets in your home, and it looks like a cozier version of your book store, she wasn’t even sure if it could get any cozier than that in all honesty.
But it does, because it’s bright and colorful and it smells like you, and Ellie finds that she doesn’t even want to leave.
You return with a talk pitcher of fresh lemonade that you had made yourself the day before, knowing the weeks weather would be brutal and you’d need it for when you got home. You placed two glasses on the table and a pitcher before you poured some out for her.
“It’s too hot out for tea…I hope this is fine” you gave her a gentle smile before you sat down across from her.
It’s moments like this where Ellie doesn’t think you’re even real. As she watches you move from the kitchen to the table in your little sundress, pitcher of lemonade in hand, she realizes how badly she wants you. She’s always known that she’s wanted you…but it’s practically screaming at her as she sits there in your home.
The two of you talk for a bit, and she finds that it’s the first time she’s actually talking to you. Getting to know you, asking you about your store, and it’s the same for you. You’re able to ask Ellie things you were too scared to ask her in the beginning.
Ellie realizes her little crush for you is so much bigger than she thought it was in the beginning.
Soon enough, you’re both moving to the couch. The cool breeze that was blowing in through your window made you look like a dream to Ellie, and she was sure that she was staring like a dazed out idiot, but you seemed so comfortable around her, and Ellie had realized that she’s never actually seen you this way before.
Not around her at least.
You hum softly once your words die down, looking over at the large old clock on your wall. It was already so late, and you knew for a fact if you sat there any longer, that you’d be able to sit with her for hours and just talk.
“It’s already so late…I should probably start heading to bed” you sigh out, and Ellie can tell that you’re feeling tired. She nods quickly, standing up and grabbing both of your glasses and taking them to your sink. The gesture makes you giggle softly.
You pat down your dress before you walk her towards your front door.
As she walks out and turns around so that she’s facing you, you think there’s an angel at your door. Because the moon is shining down on her pretty face, and she’s staring down at you with those big green eyes, and you feel like she’s walked out of a dream of yours.
Your staring is how you end up in Ellie’s lap on your couch.
Because she knows that look, she’s seen it so many times before from other girls that have wanted her. But she feels like she’s dreaming because you’re looking at her that way, so she couldn’t help herself from leaning forward, wrapping her arms around your waist and pressing a needy kiss to your lips.
She takes advantage of the way you gasp into her mouth, pushing her tongue into yours as she’s already walking you backwards towards your couch, kicking your front door closed.
You’re a mess on top of her, straddling her lap, her hands pushing up her dress and squeezing the plush skin of your thighs.
You moan softly into her mouth, feeling like the first kiss from her made you want so much more. Your hands are tugging at her hair, pulling her closer to you and keeping her closer to you. “Ellie….” You moan out.
Ellie breaks the kiss, looking up at you with blown out pupils as she nods, just as breathless as you are. “What is it baby? Tell me what you need?” She sighs softly, giving your thighs a soft squeeze.
And you’re whining because you don’t even know what you need, you’re just moaning, and needy, and your skin feels like it’s on fucking fire because you haven’t felt want and lust like this in a long fucking time. So you begin to grind your hips down on her lap, moaning out as you arch your back at the feeling.
“Mmm….fuuuuck…just…need you Ellie…wanna feel you…please” you whine, and Ellie is staring up at you like you’re a fucking goddess because she’s only ever dreamt about you like this, on her lap moaning for her.
The feeling of you rocking your hips back and forth on her lap is making her moan with you, because your thigh is slotted right between her legs, and your movements are bringing her just the right amount of friction that she needs from you.
She grips your hips harder, forcing you to grind harder down on her lap. She let her head fall back against the couch, a soft hiss leaving her lips followed by a long, drawn out moan.
“Fuuuuck…that’s it baby, grind that pretty lil cunt on me…fuck you feel so good….” She leans forward, pulling your dress down so your tits pop out for her, and her lips are latching onto your nipple in an instant. The feeling of her warm mouth has your head spinning, and you’re positive there’s a wet spot on her jeans.
From you and from her.
You gasp softly as you stare down at her attacking your nipples with her mouth, biting and sucking, your hands still laced in her hair as you go faster.
“F-fuck! Ah…mmm…Ellie I’m…oh my god!…I’m gonna fucking cuuummm”
Ellie is nodding against you, her lips coming off of your nipple with a pop before she’s staring up at you again, strong hands guiding your hips to go faster, her own pussy grinding against your thigh as she moans loudly.
“That’s it princess, fuck…cum with me, be a good girl and fucking cum with me..” she groans out, and you truly don’t need to be told twice.
Because between her words and her moans, you’re throwing your head back and your hips stifle as you cum hard against her. She’s pressing her face into your chest, breathing hard as her orgasm washes over her as well.
The two of you sit there for a moment, the only noises in the room being the sounds of your breathing and the occasional kisses she’d press to your chest.
This time, Ellie breaks the silence first.
She sighs softly, her arms sliding up to grip your middle as she pulls you closer to her body, now pressing kisses to your neck as she hums.
“I wanna take you out…on a real date” she hums softly, and it makes you giggle. She smirks softly against your skin before she pulls back a bit, staring up at you with raised eyebrows. “You laughin’ at me?” She questions, and you smile softly as you give her a nod, brushing her hair out of her face.
“It’s a little late for asking me out on a date, don’t you think?” You hum, and she groans softly as her eyes flutter shut. She’s embarrassed because you’re right, you just made her cum on your thigh and she was choosing now of all times to ask you out.
“Better late then never? I mean…I know it’s really fucking backwards on my end but I just…I’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for a really long time..and I get it if you wouldn’t want to go out with someone who’s only been rude to you but I just really fucking like you and-“ you cut her off with your lips pressing against hers.
Ellie furrows her eyebrows, but still melts into the kiss nonetheless. She stares at you with a confused expression, because you’re giving her that sweet smile with pretty sleepy eyes and she feels like she’s being pranked or something.
“You’re cute when you ramble…” you hum softly, and it makes her cheeks go red. You giggle softly before you nod, pressing another gentle kiss to the corner of her lips.
“I’ll let you take me out on a date if you spend the night” you hum, and her eyes are nearly bulging out of her head because she couldn’t believe that someone as sweet as you is asking her to stay the next.
She nods eagerly, turning her head so she catches your lips against hers, making you giggle.
You spend the rest of the night in each others arms after the nicest shower Ellie has ever had, getting to know each other and making up for lost time. And as crazy as it may sound to you…
You are so fucking happy that Ellie was so shit at flirting.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
pregnancy scare with frat!peter… what would he do? would he ghost her completely or support her no matter what the test says?
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this is different than ya'll wanted but... IT'S WHAT I WROTE OK??
For the first time since he’s met you, Peter is filled with rage and is only seeing red. He’s never been this pissed in his entire life, this was his life and his future on the line and you didn’t say one word to him. What if he hadn’t come over? What if he hadn’t gone to the bathroom? 
It had fuck all to do with the results, it was the fact you hid it from him. Something that big, that life changing, needed to be talked about, at least shared with the guy you’ve been fucking. A common fucking courtesy if you will. And he knows he should give himself a moment to breathe and calm himself down before asking questions but he is so mad he could rip a car apart. 
Mid piss he looked around and his eyes fell on your trash can, eyes skipping to the next focal point. Then his mind registers what it saw and his eyes widen, chest tightening and a paused inhale. His gaze slowly traveled back to the trash can, clear as day, a pregnancy test. 
Zipping his pants with shaky hands, Peter reached down to grab the plastic. A clear negative, but it didn’t make him feel better, it made him feel worse. How fucking selfish could she be? Doesn’t she know this affects me too? Why didn’t she tell me? It went from panic to anger in a millisecond, he gripped the sides of the porcelain sink with white knuckles. 
Throwing himself away from the sink he ripped the door open, and sped walked to your small kitchen before slamming the test on the counter. 
“What the fuck is this?” Pure venom, it made your shoulders tense. Turning to blink at the negative and shrugging, feeling uncomfortable for the first time around him. “A pregnancy test?” Wrong answer, you just lit a fire in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, do you think this is funny? Or cute?” 
You feel like you’re shrinking under his glare, you didn’t know he could be so intimidating. 
“Why are you so mad? It’s negative.” 
His hand slaps the counter, “what if it wasn’t? I mean, were you just going to spring that on me? Would you even tell me?” 
“Peter,” Futile, he’s running his mouth. 
“Do you understand that this involves another person? This is my life and my future and you don’t say a fucking word to me? You spew a lot of shit about trust and then leave out this really fucking big thing?” Hands moving as his thoughts tumble out, you went from neutral to guarded, it’s his fault you didn’t tell him. 
“Is it my fault I thought you wouldn’t care? Or I don’t know, throw me out of your house? Tell me to fuck off and never talk to you again? How was I supposed to tell you I was late without you backing out entirely?” 
Insulted, “I wouldn’t do that. You really love painting me as a giant asshole when I’ve never been one, unless that’s some boyfriend bitterness seeping through.” Peter might be right, maybe you do paint him as a bit of an asshole, but throwing the boyfriend thing in your face was too far. 
“Fuck you, Peter.” 
As much as you tried to fight it, tears collected in the corner of your eyes, your throat felt raw and tight, blowing a breath out you swerved around Peter, you couldn’t look at him anymore, you needed to walk away and hold yourself. Arms blocked your path, wrapping around your waist, trying to push them away, but tugged into his chest. 
“C’mon, don’t walk away.” Pushing against him, sadness leaving and frustration piercing your skin, harshly fighting against his grasp. “Let me go! You’re a fucking asshole, like this time you really, really are.” Peter holds you tighter, “I know, I know I am.” 
Faulting in his hold but gently pulling his thumbs, “you do?” 
“I shouldn’t have said that to you, that’s unfair. It just really hurts me when you say I don’t care, I really, really, really care about you, trouble. And when something this big happens I want to know you can talk to me, it fucking kills me you think I’d kick you out or cut you out of my life.” 
Your bottom lip trembles, “I was petrified it would be positive, you know why?” Peter’s hands rub up and down your back, “cause you might ask me to be your girlfriend.” His head tilts, “that’s a nightmare for you?” 
“I want to be your girlfriend because you want me to be, not because you feel indebted cause we have a kid.” 
Peter takes a deep breath, “hey,” his palms cup your face, giving you a fish face he smiles, “I’m sorry, and,” he gives you a soft kiss, “the next pregnancy scare, I promise you you’ll be my girlfriend. So there’s no question.” 
You kiss him this time, humming when you pull away. “You could do it now, you know.” 
His voice is low, “nah,” his thumbs brush your cheeks, “let me earn it, make all the waiting worth it.” 
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okminer07 · 1 month
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 12
I don't know if I've said this before, but any and all feedback is appreciated, I'd love to be able to improve as a writer and hear what you think, any suggestions. Anyways, on with the story.
Cecilia was a little thrown off by the change of subjects, “Oh…. w-well a while. I guess”   
“Did you take a class or somethin’?”  
“N-not really, I used to work part-time at a bakery during high school if that counts.”  
Garret sighed, “I don’t miss those days, that’s for sure.”  
“You didn’t like high school?”  
He let out a short laugh, “Hated it. Mine started way too early and I lived a decent ways away, so I’d have to wake up even earlier to even make it on time. I don’t think my teachers liked me all that much either. There was this one woman, Mrs. Dechaseray and I swear she had it out for me. Always got mad at me for forgetting the date and then would give me an F because of it.”   
“That’s… harsh.”  
“Yeah, I know. And then there was our gym teacher. God, he was awful. One time he called me up to stand in front of the entire class and used me as an example of why exercise is important.”  
Cecilia’s eyes widened, her hand coming up to her mouth in shock, “That’s awful.”  
“Felt like it. And yeah, maybe he had a point if I’m being honest but it still hurt.”  
“What do you mean he had a point? That’s just horrible.”  
Garret frowned, “Well, my old man would say similar things so I was kind of used to hearing it.”    
Her eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry.”  
“What are you saying sorry for? You didn’t say them. Plus, they really did have a good point.”   
“Well, I think you look pretty good.”  
He smiled down at her, “Think so?” she nodded. “Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. High school wasn’t all bad. My last two years, I took up woodshop which was pretty neat. This one time, I helped make this huge-”  
A loud crunch along with the blare of a horn pierced through the air. Garret froze and looked down.  
“Ah shit.” 
Cecilia cautiously crawled and peered over the edge of his palm. All the color drained from her face as Garret lifted his foot to reveal the crushed remains of a red sports car. She began to tremble, it was nearly flat. Completely ruined and unrecoverable, like it had gotten caught under a steamroller. Was it empty? Oh god, had someone been in there?! She looked to Garret who was still staring down at the ground, cringing at the sight. 
His eyes flicked over to Cecilia, “I uh-”  
“What the fuck happened?!” both jumped at a voice screaming up from the ground. The two of them both looked back down to see a man dressed in a business suit running towards the remains, “My car! The fuck you do to my car?!”    
Garret looked around aimlessly before addressing the raging man at his feet “I’m uh- I’m real sorry sir. I swear to you it was a-”  
“You fucking son of a bitch! Do you know how much this cost me?! Do you?!”   
“N-no but I-”  
“Do you know who I am?!”  
“I uh- no” he glanced over at Cecilia, “B-but I swear, I can pay you back for-”  
“What is one of your kind even doing in these parts?! You lost or something dumbass?!”    
“It’s my fault sir!” Cecilia yelled, peering back over the edge nervously, “I-I was distracting him.”   
The man’s head turned to look at Garret’s hand, spotting her head poking out from behind it, “Who the hell are you?”  
“Oh let me guess” the man sneered, “You’re one of those lazy bitches who thinks they’re too good for traffic or cars. Thinks they're saving the fucking planet by hiring some giant to carry their sorry ass wherever-”   
“You shut your fucking mouth!” Cecilia’s hand flew up and clamped tightly over her ears which still rang from Garret’s thunderous yell.  
The man below had backed away, his hands slowly lowering from his own ears, “Watch it asshole. Don’t you be talking to me like-”   
“Don’t you be talking to her like that!”  
Cecilia shook as she looked up at Garret’s face. His jaw clenched as his gaze hardened. For the first time since she’d met him, he looked mad, furious even. It sent a shiver down her spine, seeing someone like him in a mindset where people don’t think before they act. She began to look uneasily at her surroundings, at the fingers thick as tree trunks and taller than her entire being. What were those fingers capable of when the person attached to them was tested? What could the rest of the person be capable of?  
She couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping her. Garret’s eyes, now looking ice cold rather than just blue, flicked over to her and they immediately melted. His mouth dropped from a sneer to a contemplative frown as his eyes fixed on her.  
“I-I think I should go,” she murmured, not wanting to spend any more time around these two arguing, “Would… would you… you know”   
He nodded, “Oh, right.” Cecilia jumped slightly as Garret turned and began to slowly kneel down. He placed his hand flat upon the ground and she hopped down onto the pavement.  
“T-thanks again, for lunch.”    
“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll text you, once I'm done dealing with all of this” he nodded over at the flattened car.  
Cecilia nodded as she turned and began to hurry away, the yelling of the man starting up again the moment she’d left.  
Her home as a child used to have this very vibrant wallpaper in the living room. It was covered in all sorts of different kinds of butterflies, and Cecilia had very vivid memories of almost everyday after school staring up at them all to pass the time. Her mother would be close by, sitting at the kitchen table with the phone in her lap while she stared out the window looking out into the front yard.   
There were hundreds of this day in her memory. At times, they all blended together. Some days she’d ask what was for dinner, often not getting a response. Other days she’d sit and do homework at the same table as her mother yet they exchanged no words. Sometimes she’d ask if she wanted to do something, bake, or go to the park, but her mother almost always said no.  
A lot of the time, however, she’d be stuck doing exactly what her mother was doing, waiting. 
It was either the phone or the door that broke the silence. Cecilia preferred it when it was the door. She’d lift her head off the couch to see her dad shuffling in, army duffle bag in tow. Her mother would finally move as she turned and smiled up at her husband who would lane down to kiss her, occasionally asking what their daughter was still doing up.  
She would run to her father and wrap her arms around his waist. He’d pat her on the back and ruffle her hair. Sometimes they’d all sit down on the couch, and he would tell them stories. Stories from his travels. Stories about- 
“Huh?” Cecilia looked up and across from her where Maddie was seated.  
“Are you even listening?”  
“I… yes.”  
She crossed her arms and raised a well-manicured brow, “Then what did I just say?”   
“Um…” she looked over helplessly at Rebecca who was sitting right beside her with her iguana, Enoch draped over her shoulder.  
She sighed, “Jennifer got the job.”  
“We don’t like Jennifer.”  
Rebecca glanced over at Maddie, “Honestly, I don’t know.”   
“Because she had the audacity to show up to the party after the whole thing with her and Kyle!” 
Cecilia blinked, “Whose Kyle again?”   
“Her ex” whispered Rebecca.   
“Oh. wow, the audacity,” she replied flatly.  
Maddie threw up her hands, “I know! And then she’s all like…”   
Cecilia began to tune out once again as Maddie continued to rant. A part of her sort of enjoyed listening to her drama, even though half the time she had no idea what she was talking about. Today however, she just couldn’t seem to keep her mind from wandering.  
It was no surprise to her that the day right after the whole cafe incident, Rebecca had called her and insisted they all get together. They did this quite often, usually all gathering at Rebecca’s place since it was the nicest and her friend was insistent that she couldn’t just leave Enoch for any longer than she already had when at work.    
Often these little get-togethers were when they could talk outside the cafe. Away from the prying eyes and ears of anyone else.  
“Here” Rebecca got up and held Enoch out to her, “I gotta go check on the pizza.” 
She nodded as the iguana was thrusted into her arms and Rebecca hurried off to the kitchen. Cecilia sat frozen as the bright green lizard clawed its way up onto her shoulder. Enoch had always been friendly, but she was still always nervous that he would one day try to rip her ear off.  
“So… what are we watching?” called Maddie over her shoulder.  
“I was thinking Grease.”  
She snorted with laughter, “Has it been too long since you’ve seen your darling John Travolta?” 
“Shut up”  
Maddie held up her hands, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I like tall, dark, and handsome bad boys too.” she smirked over at Cecilia, “And I think Cece does too if you know what I mean.”  
Cecilia shrunk away, “W-what do you mean?”  
Rebecca rounded on them “If you’re implying that guy Garret looks like John-”  
“Oh come on! You can’t tell me you see it just a little bit” whined Maddie.  
Cecilia felt herself trying to sink deeper and deeper into the couch. She knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them would bring… him up. 
“So everybody with black hair looks that way to you?” 
“Black hair and blue eyes,” she corrected. 
Rebecca scoffed, “If anyone we know is an accurate comparison, It's Xander.”  
Maddie rolled her eyes, “Yeah if Travolta forgot the gym existed.”  Cecilia couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“You’re just jealous I’ve got myself a man like him” Rebecca stated matter-of-factly, “Anyways, pizza’s ready.” She stepped back into the living room, setting down the large pepperoni and mushroom pizza before turning around to grab them some plates and napkins. 
Cecilia handed Enoch back to Rebecca as she sat down, his claws pricking tiny holes in her sweater. She grabbed a slice and began picking off the pieces of mushroom.   
“Maddie” groaned Rebecca, “Can you please be an adult and use a plate?”  
Maddie paused mid-bite, her slice gripped tightly in her hand, “What’s wrong? And what about Cece? What’s more childish than picking off the vegetables?” 
She paused, glancing up at the two, “What? I don’t like vegetables.”   
“Well, she’s still keeping everything on the plate where it doesn’t run the risk of getting sauce all over my couch.” 
Maddie rolled her eyes as she snatched a plate off of the coffee table, “Since when are you a neat freak?”  
“Can we start the movie now?” asked Cecilia.  
Around two hours later, once the credits had begun to roll, Cecilia got up and started to clear their plates and napkins. Rebecca was currently preoccupied with cooing at Enoch and letting him eat bits off her slice.  
Maddie eyed them with a slight air of concern, “Are you sure you should be feeding him that?” 
Rebecca ignored her, continuing to snuggle up with her scaly pet.  
Cecilia shook her head and smiled, “She’s fed him things like ice cream and donuts. I think he can handle a bit of cheese and marinara sauce.”  
Her friend shrugged it off as she got up from her seat, “I brought a bottle of red with me if any of you want some.”  
“I’ll have a glass” Rebecca got up and followed Maddie over to the kitchen, “You want any?”  
“No thanks,” said Cecilia.   
After her two friends had each poured themselves a glass, they plopped themselves back down on the couch.  
“So…” started Rebecca, “Gone out with anybody recently Maddie?”   
“No, can’t say I have” both of them kept not so secretly glancing over at Cecilia, “Everything going good with Xander?”  
“Yup, going alright.”  
They both turned to their friend who was very slowly turning a shade of pink. Oh boy. 
“So… a giant,” said Maddie.  
“Heh, yeah,” she mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.  
“How has that been?”  
“ Uh well, like I said… interesting.”   
“I would imagine so.” Maddie leaned back, “You know, I’m honestly quite impressed.”  
“Well, I’m just wondering what the hell you said or did to bag that guy.”  Cecilia’s face went from slightly pink to beet red.
Rebecca nearly choked on her wine, “Maddie!”   
“What?! It’s a reasonable question.”   
“They barely have seen each other!”  
“How would you know? What, you’ve been backseating all their dates without telling me?”   
Cecilia covered her face with her hands and groaned, “It’s not official or anything like that, guys. Like I said, I don’t even know what it is.”   
“Well, why don’t you tell us more?” 
A smirk appeared on Maddie’s face, “tell me more, tell me more,“ she began to sing. 
Rebecca joined in “Tell me more, tell me more.” she scooted closer while Maddie got up and sat down on Cecilia’s other side, “tell me more, tell me more.”  
She sighed, “Will you guys stop singing if I do?”  They promptly stopped and nodded, leaning in closer, “What do you want to know?” 
“Everything,” said Maddie.  
“How has he been so far?” asked Rebecca.  
She shrugged, “Well, like I said, nice. Very nice actually.” 
“Uh-huh, and what do you mean by that? Because someone not being mean to you doesn’t count as being nice.”  
“He’s just been… very nice.”   
“Is he the reason for the broken glass bottles I found when I opened the day after your first date?” shot Maddie.
Cecilia’s cheeks flushed, “Uh yeah. Sorry, I forgot to clean those-”   
“What was dinner like? What did he-”  
“Quiet.” Rebecca scolded before turning back to Cecilia, “You’re being careful right? Is he being careful? Like, he hasn’t put you in any danger?”   
“Rebecca, come on. There’s always an amount of danger when dealing with those skyscrapers.” continued Maddie, “And why-” 
“Because, and I don’t mean to be judgemental, but he doesn’t seem… particularly… you know… experienced in taking precaution.”  
Cecilia gulped, “He… he did say he hadn’t spent much time around humans” She looked down at her feet, “But… I think he’s trying. I still don’t know what to make of this.” she sighed, “And… and I feel bad th-that I’m still…”  
she nodded. 
Maddie tilted her head, “I mean, I haven’t known you as long as Rebecca has, but I’ve seen how you’ve reacted to giants in the past. Hell, remember when you nearly fainted when that group of teenagers started ruff housing in the parking lot? Sean had to coax you out from the back.” she waved her hand at her, “But just a little bit ago, I saw you voluntarily stepping into a giant’s hand. Sure you looked like you were going to faint at any second, but you still did it, and I’d say that’s pretty impressive for you.”   
“And I think you have every reason to be afraid. Like Maddie said, there is always a sense of danger around giants. But even putting that aside, there’s still the fact that we have no idea what his motive is.”  
Cecilia cocked her head, “Motive?”  
“Yeah, like why the hell would a giant want to be with a human in the first place.” 
Rebecca patted Cecilia on the shoulder, “It’s not that we think someone wouldn't want to date you. I just feel it’s a bit… odd.” That's the understatement of the century, “And again, this is nothing against you, but I just find it hard seeing a giant finding a human attractive.”  
Her eyes fell back to the floor. That had been something that had been in the back of her mind as well. Lately, whenever she passed by a mirror or saw her reflection, it always just made her more confused. She wasn’t hideous, but in no way was she pretty enough for someone like Garret to want to be around her rather than with… someone more like him.  
A loud ding filled the room. Rebecca pulled out her phone and groaned, “Damn it Xander.” her face was illuminated as she opened her phone and began to type.  
“What is it?” asked Maddie.  
“Oh nothing. Xander says he’s just feeling sad and wants me to send him a pic or something.”  
Maddie glanced over at Cecilia, rolling her eyes. Both of them knew by now what Xander meant when he said  ‘pic’, “Well, tell him that you’re busy.”   
“I just did.” Rebecca set her phone down and turned her attention right back onto Cecilia, “So… I know you said you’re still not sure what to make of this, but has Garret said what he makes of it?”   
She shrugged, “I mean… when he asked me to join him to grab lunch, he called it a date.” 
“And that night,” said Maddie, “Did he see that has a date as well?”   
“I-I guess so.”  
“Did you see it as a date?”   
She froze, her cheeks heating up, “I uh… maybe not in the moment, but looking back, I think so.”  
“How the hell would that even work?” Maddie chuckled, “I mean, it’s not like he can score any sex out of-”  
“Maddie!” yelped Rebecca. Cecilia went beet red, going to hide her face in her hands.  
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to bring up right now.”   
“Oh come on, you had to be thinking about it too, right Cece?”  
“Not necessarily no” she mumbled.   
“Well, I certainly would if I was in your place. You’re wondering what his motive is, and that’s been the motive of most of the douchebags I’ve gone out with. I’m just helping eliminate possibilities.” 
Cecilia groaned, I wish Sean were here right now, why did Jaffery have to change their date night to the day before? “Can we please stop talking about this and go on to you guys asking more normal questions?”   
“This isn’t a normal situation.”  
“Can we at least pretend it is?!”    
The room fell silent. Cecilia’s hands fell away from her face. Maddie and Rebecca both were staring at her, perplexed.  
“Please?” she murmured. 
This whole thing, everything since that night at the cafe, had left her mind reeling. She didn’t even want to begin laying out everything in her mind, it was too much. Too many questions without answers. Too many new and unexpected experiences. She just wasn’t ready to sit down and analyze it all, especially with an audience.   
She jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her. Rebecca patted her shoulder, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to… to get up all in your business.” she whipped her head around to look at Maddie.  
“Yeah, sorry I guess. This is just so-”  
“This all must be a lot for you, and if talking about it doesn’t help, then we won’t.”  
Cecilia looked her friend in the eye, and smiled, “Thank you.”  
Rebecca gave her shoulders a squeeze, “But we are still curious. Can we still hear about your first date or whatever it was? Like when Sean told us about meeting Jaffery?”  
She let out a short chuckle, “Yeah, I guess.”  
Maddie leaned in closer, “Oh yes, tell us everything!”  Rebecca shot her a look. She groaned, “Or whatever you feel like sharing I guess.”
Quick shout out to @ipilokko whose when helping me brainstorm ideas and as a whole helping me by being that second oppinion. You should totally go check out her comic, the artwork is quite impressive!
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navarice · 2 years
my dearest fellow mdzs stans, i really don't want to spoil anyone's fun but sometimes some things must be said. please do NOT mistake fanon characteristics for canon characteristics because by GOD is it frustrating to dissect a character when all anyone wants to do is blindly turn away from the very vivid and metastasizing flaws.
jiang cheng is an extremely complicated character, and that's why we love him. but by god, he is a jealous, self-victimizing asshole with a massive inferiority complex who likes to torture (probably) innocent look-a-likes of his (as far as he knew) dead adjacent family member. jesus christ this isn't some simple case of miscommunication (well it is but, you know no amount of communication will ever mend the giant chasm that developed between them. especially not with asians raised within the most classical case of asian parenting, i mean come on now) but a matter of deep and intense self-loathing developed since early childhood projecting violently outwards. let me be clear. he hates wei wuxian. he loathes him. he wants to kill him with his own hands again and again so some part of his convoluted sense of justice and superiority will be fulfilled. he's a classist, a bully, and abusive to everyone around him. ong at the end of mdzs, i was nearly crying tears of joy when jin guangyao flayed him flat on his ass bc that man needed to hear it. he needed to feel it. he needed to stop blaming others and blame himself.
and!! he's homophobic!! the entire cultivation world is, yes, but he's the only one we see give wei ying and lan zhan active shit for it!!
point is...his complexity makes him interesting. as a child, he was pretty alright tbh. he was understandably upset when three of his dogs got taken away and he saw his dad give a completely random kid such a gentle hug when jiang cheng never received one so far. he was a kid, and it was sad and helped the readers get a glimpse at the already dysfunctional family dynamics before wei ying came into the picture. as an adolescent/teen, yes he had a lot of unresolved rage and inferiority issues building up when he was constantly being compared to wei wuxian by his mother and not given enough reassurance from his father (once again, all present before wei ying...everyone just likes to dump the shit on him bc it's easier to point fingers at others than at yourself). perhaps he could have turned out differently if literally either of his parents stepped up and took accountability. however, after the burning of lotus pier? after the golden core transfer? after wei ying stuck around as his subordinate just as he promised, and protected jiang cheng like he promised, and defected just to save the yunmeng clan's reputation so jiang cheng doesn't have to put up with the other clan's shit, still continuing to keep his promise? after wei ying's death? idk abt y'all, but all bets are off bro.
mxtx makes it a point to make him so irredeemable. he's an exploration of what can go wrong if you let your traumas, self-hatred, and revenge fantasies blind you. he has the worst traits of his parents for a reason, directly contrasting with the other sibling, who is a perfect picture of eldest daughters born into a dysfunctional family. jiang yanli has the best traits of her parents (in terms of compassion and standing up for her family), but the family dynamics also made her the way she was. the responsible, the mediator, the occasional mother, stepping in where madam yu cannot.
there's just so much potential to hold him accountable buried under the pretense of misunderstandings and kinnie moments. he just had so many chances, more than any other character, to make a different choice. to actually look past his misgivings and unlearn the bad habits he used to protect himself as a child. i'm not saying he has to magically heal from all his traumas, but at the very least know not to be like his parents. but he wasn't written that way. because that is what happens when you give into your insecurities and generational trauma.
bottom line: jiang cheng is a fantastic archetype that needs to be explored in all his authenticity, including his moments of loyalty and cruelty.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Let Nesta or Azriel call out Cassian for laughing at Nesta when she hurt herself while going down the stairs. What a giant f*cker he is.
Just a little re-write of one of the scenes at the House of Wind taking some of the original text. In the original, Cassian storms away. I've changed this to Nesta leaving and eavesdropping on Azriel calling out Cassian.
Silence fell again. Azriel nodded at her.
‘What happened to you?’
She knew what he meant: the black eye that was finally fading. Her hands and chin had healed, along with the bruising on her body, but the black eye had turned greenish. By tomorrow morning, it’d be gone entirely.
‘Nothing,’ she said without looking at Cassian.
‘She fell down the stairs,’ Cassian said, not looking at her, either.
Azriel’s silence was pointed before he asked, ‘Did someone … push you?’
‘Asshole,’ Cassian growled.
Nesta jabbed her fork into her fillet of beef. ‘No. Cassian watched but didn’t think to help.’
‘It wasn’t far. One flight.’
‘And if it had been further?' Nesta probed. 'Would you have intervened at all?’
The taut mood simmered like a pot ready to spill over. The quiet shadow singer regarded both of them warily.
‘Maybe, one day, Nes, you’ll learn that staggering down the steps in search of alcohol in the middle of the night isn’t a good idea.’
Asshole. She’d needed it. The voices in her head had grown too loud, consuming all of her thoughts. She’d only wanted to stop them for a while, dimmed them enough to cope again.
Cassian went on, ‘I told her earlier today: if she’d bother to train, she’d at least have bragging rights for the bruises.’
Azriel took a calm sip of his water. ‘Why aren’t you training, Nesta?’
‘I don’t want to.’
There was nothing enticing in it for her. The desire to be a warrior did not exist in her. Spending time with Cassian in this way brought her no joy. The very thought of laying herself bare as a novice in front of swathes of sneering Illyrian males who already found her presence to be unsettling filled Nesta with dread.
‘Why not?’
Cassian muttered, ‘Don’t waste your breath, Az.’
She glared at him. ‘I’m not training in that miserable village.’
Cassian glared right back. ‘You’ve been given an order. You know the consequences. If you don’t get off that fucking rock by the end of this week, what happens next is out of my hands.’
Her next retort gathered on her tongue. A lashing against his beloved high lord’s character. Nesta wanted to rage at him. Drop her in the damn mortal lands for all she cared, at least she’d be rid of them all.
‘Go and tattle to your precious high lord about wicked Nesta not training.’
‘Don’t you fucking talk about Rhys in that tone,’ Cassian snarled.
‘I hate him,’ she seethed.
‘Good. He hates you, too,’ Cassian shot back. ‘Everyone fucking hates you. Is that what you want? Because congratulations, it’s happened.’
Azriel let out a long, long breath.
Cassian’s words pelted her, one after another. Hit her somewhere low and soft, and hit hard. Nesta scrambled to build her walls up, to muster a defence. Anything. Her face crumpled. Her food was abandoned as she scurried from the room, unwanted tears spilling down her face.
Nesta hated to cry. Hated anybody ever seeing it. Least of all these two preening Illyrians.
Her path diverted course. If they searched for her, they’d aim first for her room then the library then the stairs. She veered towards the small living room that she was never fond of being in. The door was ajar but no sounds seeped from the dining room. Good. At least they weren’t laughing that they’d succeeded in making her cry.
The shadow singer’s voice breached the heavy silence. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’
‘I didn’t mean to say it.’
‘But you did, Cass. You did fucking say it. There’s a reason she’s not training, more than obstinance. Stop seeing everything she says as a battle.’
Nesta heard Cassian’s shuddering breath. ‘But she acts like it is a battle.’
‘Because she’s hurting.’ A long pause followed Azriel’s words. ‘You didn’t even help her when she fell down the stairs? Seriously?’
‘I wanted her to learn a lesson.’
There was no shame or regret in his voice. Nesta bit down on her knuckle so that the pain would give her another outlet to focus on than the burning feel of tears.
‘And what lesson was that? That you won’t be there for her when she needs someone? That you’d rather she suffered? Fucking hell, Cass, what are you doing? Why are you punishing her more?’ Cassian’s attempts at speaking were quelled by Azriel’s swift words. ‘You will regret this.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Nesta fell down the stairs and you laughed. You could have helped her. You could have checked on her injuries. You’ve just made her cry. I shouldn’t have to tell you that the female you believe to be your mate deserves basic decency, not further punishing.’  
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thegreymoon · 8 months
The Story of Minglan
Wreck shit, Rulan!
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You're the only one with the social power to do so and I am so mad on behalf of all of you!
Oh, fuck off.
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I have no patience for this. I had one manipulator try to pull this on me. He was dating my (former) best friend and the whole relationship was a shameful disgrace. When she finally came to her senses and dumped him, his stupid ass started calling ME because she had blocked him, telling me how he would kill himself and how he had already swallowed a bunch of pills because he couldn't live without her 🙄🙄 He, of course, called again the next day, very much still alive and obnoxious as ever, and my first question to him was, "Why are you still alive? The next time I hear about you, you had better be DEAD!" He never called again. Smh.
I see everyone's point.
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I too am starting to like Rulan more and more and she hasn't even done any maturing yet.
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Yesssssss, Momo! Go for the jugular!
I'm so sorry for every word of disrespect I've uttered your way! I'd absolutely take you as my teacher, even if it means learning tea brewing and flower arranging (neither of which I can actually do, lol, so classes would actually be beneficial)!
But here you are speaking anyway 🙄
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The logic of this is going waaaaaaay over my head.
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It may be because my own brother was already an adult when I was born and I was raised as practically an only child so I don't fully understand sibling relationships, but if I was repeatedly punished and beaten because of my asshole sister? What mending affections! I WOULD TAKE THE RESENTMENT TO MY GRAVE.
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On an unrelated note, I read the entirety of 2ha MULTIPLE TIMES and never reviled Song Qiutong as much as I revile her now that I actually get to see that sort of behaviour in action. I can only imagine the rage of someone who had more exposure to c-dramas and this particular character archetype.
Props to Meatbun for stomping her.
LMAOOOO, Momo, I love you!!
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Please forgive my prior arrogance and ignorance 🙏🙏
Shut up, you liar.
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You haven't stood up for her in however many years it's already been, if it wasn't for Granny, who knows what would have become of her?
You only ever stand up for your own dick.
Good girl, Minglan.
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Mourn the father you should have had and put no stock in this useless one 🙄
Go, Big Madam, go!!
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But I doubt she will get a single strike in before her idiot husband comes in to stop her.
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Unfortunately, there is no authority short of the Emperor himself that can punish him.
You certainly are one big giant nothing in her eyes.
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I bet she rues coming to your house and bearing three children for you every single day of her life.
LOL, Minglan is the only one who will end up transcribing the poem.
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Those other two are fast asleep already!
Are you implying that your conscience is clear?
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LMAOOOOOO, please stop, I will laugh myself into an early grave 🤣🤣
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happyk44 · 1 year
Himeros, god of unrequited love, charging into Percy's room and demanding that he take it back. Percy has no idea what he's talking about but fights off this raging cupid-like child, who keeps screaming at him to take back whatever he gave.
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" he shouts before whistling through three fingers. Mrs. O'Leary appears out the shadows seconds later with a giant bound and wide doggy grin.
Himeros notches another arrow but it misses as Percy takes off atop the back of his dog. Giant angry red wings spread from the god's back.
Next time I see Carter, I'm taking him up on his offer to hide at the Nome forever, Percy thinks.
It's hard to fight with a sword atop a giant hellhound. Percy's not that great at it atop Blackjack either. In hindsight, he probably should've tried more at archery, instead of phoning it in after his second summer. Still he swats at the god with his sword while steering Mrs. O'Leary to the river.
It doesn't take long to get there. He dodges an angry swing and tackles Himeros down into the murky water below. The god screams, a childish wail. But watery tendrils pull his body flat. Water pressure keeps him pinned down.
Percy touches gray sand and states down at the petulant god child before him. "What the fuck do you want?"
Himeros glares. He's so small, it reminds Percy of Estelle when she's mad she can't have a second serving of ice cream.
"I want you to take it back," he hisses, each word deliberately pushed through his lips.
"Take what back?" Percy gestures erratically. "I haven't given anyone anything. I mean I bought a shitty doughnut at that bodega yesterday, but I already ate that and I'm not robbin' the store for a dollar fifty plus tax."
Himeros sneers. "You gave him your heart. I want you to take it back."
Percy stares, bewildered. "The fuck are you on about right now?" He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I hate you people so fucking much. This is why I don't answer Chiron's calls anymore." Mindlessly he paces back and forth. "Rachel hits me up and I'm like is this prophecy quest shit or friend shit and if the word "well.." comes out of her mouth, I hang up the phone."
"You weren't supposed to give him your heart."
"Give who my heart, asshole?" Percy shouts, spinning back to the god. "I can't read your fucking mind. Use your words, be clear. I know that's beyond so many of you, but I'm really gonna need you to work with me here."
Himeros' lip twitches. Percy wants to smack it. Just a little slap. This situation isn't funny. It's not amusing. It's annoying and bothersome. He doesn't like being driven out of his apartment by crazy gods, hankering on about help he doesn't want to give, babbling words that are vague as shit. Part of him is tempted to call Nico, or Carter - two people well-versed in godly nonsense - to interpret whatever Himeros is grumbling about.
"Oh my shit, is this about Carter? What is it, some pantheon's can't mix bullshit, because I know for a fact Walt and Anubs and Nico hang out every week so piss off on that." He kicks sand. "And my crush on Carter is none of your fucking business, pal."
"It's incredibly my business," the god says and, for a moment, his form slips and Carter is laying in his place, curly black hair and light half grin, smudge marks of pencil lead on his fingers, beautiful brown eyes.
Anger blisters deep inside Percy's chest. He pulls out his sword. It glimmers in the darkness, as threatening as the gesyers boiling below Percy's feet. Himeros visibly recoils. His pink eyes grow wide, lips stretching back nervously. A shark-toothed grin cuts across Percy's face.
"I'm going to ask this one more time." His words steam the waters around them. "What the hell do you want?"
"My mother appeared to you once, in limitless form of what you've found most beautiful throughout your life," Himeros says, done away with all his angry showboating. "My brother Eros appeared to your friends once-"
"So I've been told," Percy seethed. A flash of Nico's skin cut through his mind, the scar above the wolf clawed scratches. It didn't match and he'd been curious. The story was slow, unmade eye contact between them both, and left him hollowed out, slowly made whole again but Nico's cold hand resting atop of his.
"Diocletian's staff is all his business," Himeros mutters, "but Nico's heart was mine and he had no right to intervene."
"Nico's heart is his own," Percy snaps. "And something tells me he's not very interested in hooking up with love gods."
"I've watched him for decades!" Himeros spat back. "I took my claim on his heart, on his life from the moment he was born!"
"Well, you haven't been doing a very good job of it!"
Himeros laughs. Pressure drops until the laugh cuts out into chokes and gasp and godly blood begins to ooze from squishing arms and hands.
"You want to be loved back?" Himeros hisses, "then called Anteros. He'd show you who loves you as much as you love them. He even cried at your father's wedding because it was so true." The tone is mocking and Percy increases the pressure even more until Himeros is choking out, "St-ah-p."
He gasps loudly as it releases off him minutes later, breathing in murky river water and choking on it. This isn't his element and it shows.
"Nico's a sour precious thing," Himeros whispers. "Nobody stayed behind to hold his hand, and those who cared, those who he cared for so purely and who cared for him back, who fell under Anteros's spell still left him - his mother, his sister, even his father sends him away."
"They died," Percy growls. It doesn't sound quite human to his ears, a rumble of a hurricane caught between the chords of his voice. "And his father doesn't send him away, he works for him."
"You left him," Himeros carries on. "You were always supposed to leave him. Every time. Like a sailor off to war, with his pitiful wife behind him waiting on the rocks for a man who will never return." His eyes narrow and turn red. "And instead you gave him your heart."
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sorrowfulrosebud · 11 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: yandere Cetrion x earthrealmer headcannons
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: yandere, read at your own discretion
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: murder, mentions of flesh eating amoebas, she treats you like a pet, yandere behaviours, kidnapping, implied starvation/dehydration but it’s only hinted at, she overall one of the better yanderes to have in this universe lol
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༒ You can were most likely to catch her eye if you were some sort of activist on Earthrealm, or someone who cares about the planet.
༒ You could even be a doctor, someone who deeply cares about maintaining the equilibrium of the earth and who cares about life. (For this scenario we’re going with doctor).
༒ You caught her eye as she was examining Earth with the other Elder Gods, curious to see how you manage to beat the odds and save those with advanced diseases
༒ She watches you tackle patient care with curiosity, often watching you for hours as you tended to patients and fixed their ailments
༒ Cetrion knows she shouldn’t get attached to a mere mortal, but she loves seeing you go above and beyond for those in your care
༒ It brings her peace to know that someone else tries to keep her once beautiful planet somewhat safer, even in your day to day life. Never littering, walking to work where possible, helping those on the streets.
༒ It isn’t until she sees you being mugged by thieves on a dark night after work does she angrily change her form to one of a human’s to rescue you and take you to the Netherrealm
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“Give us everything you have, asshole!” One of the thieves demanded, a box cutter raised threateningly to your stomach area. The others formed a barricade, preventing you from escaping.
You slowly pulled out your wallet and phone before a feminine voice cuts through the air.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?!” She says angrily, green eyes glowing slightly as she takes in your scared form. Your eyes widened at her funky appearance; after all, it’s not every day you see a handsome woman with lilac skin and a delicate shade of green hair.
“Piss off you stupid bitch, unless you want to get stabbed too!” The thief starts waving the box cutter menacingly, accidentally knicking your cheek. You whimpered at the pain before clutching your bloodied cheek.
Cetrion could only look on in rage as you cowered, body starting to go into shock at the presence of fear. She relaxed her face before smiling darkly.
“Close your eyes my love, and this will all be over soon,” she promises, blowing some green spores from her hand in your direction.
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༒ She ends up brutally killing the thieves who threatened you, liquifying their insides with lava and allowing flesh eating amoebas to bite at their skin as they writhed in agony.
༒ When you awoke, she introduces herself and her role in the universe, before you promptly faint again. I mean, it’s not every day you see a giant woman claiming to be god.
༒ Cetrion keeps you extremely close to her, so you’re usually kept on her lap or by her shoulder. If you’re pliant, she keeps you with her in a small bubble that she creates, filling it with everything a mortal may need.
༒ If you’re not so pliant, then she has no problem slowly depriving you of these necessities until you beg her for help.
༒ She’s one of the better MK characters to have as your yandere since she loves to take care of you, although she definitely sees you as more of a pet.
༒ Cetrion isn’t necessarily a bad yandere, she just forgets that you had a life built before her and can’t understand why you would WANT to work or live in a small apartment when you have the entire cosmos to travel.
༒ If you’re insistent on living in an apartment, she crafts you a house that she visits you in when she’s human sized.
༒ For all she’s a literal God, she loves the idea of having a house partner. She loves going to her gardens to your little home, shrinking down and talking to you like a spouse. And even though she has no desire to eat, she enjoys watching you cook and even tries some food.
༒ She doesn’t punish you per se, she just ignores your base needs until you talk to her or apologise for what you did.
༒ Although she sees you as her pet, she definitely takes the best care of you, asking Kronika to expand your lifespan so you can rule the cosmos together.
༒ Cetrion tries to keep you out of Elder God business, but she explains what she thinks you can understand, because after all…
You’re her dumb little human.
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dujour13 · 1 year
11 for siavash >:)
Thanks Ella 💕 (good one, a chance to see a bard get a punch in the mouth 😁)
TW: language, blood, suicidal ideation
11. Blood at the corner of your mouth
Four of them, not a day over eighteen gauging by the lanky arms and cracking voices. One of them let out a wolf howl. From behind an overturned market stand they jeered and made obscene gestures.
“Hail Baphomet! Hang the Inquisition!”
“Piss off! This is our city now!”
“Hey! Crusaders! Suck this!”
One of them lobbed an empty bottle at Seelah. With an easy motion she dipped her head to one side and it spun past and exploded on the cobbles behind her. Her eyes went dark. “Enough. Cut the crap.”
“Go to the Abyss, asshole!”
“I am gonna throw you over my knee and spank some sense into you.” Seelah began pulling off a gauntlet with her teeth.
As Siavash joined her his eye caught the tail end of what he thought was a rag in the gutter, but that turned out to be a pale arm thrust out motionless, and then the upper part of a girl about the cultists’ age lying in a black pool, blood still dribbling from her slit throat.
“Oh gods,” he breathed. He was close enough to see one of the boys’ eyes rolling in rage as he tried to pry a board loose to use as a weapon. It was entirely possible they’d killed the girl themselves but he took a gamble. “She’s not dead. Help me get her out.”
The whites of the boy’s eyes stood out over the irises. His nostrils flared. “Get back!”
Siavash made a soothing motion, reached for his arm. The boy swung at him wildly. His fist struck him in the teeth with a surprisingly painful shock.
The copper taste of blood. Siavash spat, shrugged one shoulder and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Boy, he hadn’t taken a punch in a long time. His mouth felt numb but he managed, “She’s still bleeding. It’s not too late.”
The boy screamed an epithet and kicked the barricade. One of his companions pushed him out of the way and began to drag the girl out of Siavash’s range, but the boy tackled him and hovered over the girl’s body snarling like a wild animal. Arms spread, Seelah began herding the other three boys away like geese.
“You got a healer?”
“Yeah. Camellia!” Siavash called.
She wasn’t far behind him, already craning over his shoulder to look at the gash in the girl’s neck.
“Heal her, will you?” He kept his eyes on the boy.
“Hm. What a waste,” Camellia sniffed, presumably meaning the healing spell. She hiked her skirt and bent down gracefully, murmuring in Hallit.
He tried to catch the boy’s roving gaze. “She’ll be all right.”
“She wanted to die,” he said sullenly.
“She wanted to die?” It was an old diplomatic trick. Turn everything into a question. Get him talking.
“She was too scared…” the boy trailed off, scowling.
“Yeah. Me too.” Siavash sighed grimly. “Almost pissed myself when that giant bug showed up in the festival square.”
The boy’s lips twitched. “You oughtta run then, crusader. This city isn’t safe for pointy-eared foreigners. We’re making sure of that.”
“You’re right, the city isn’t safe. Even for cultists.”
The girl rolled to one side and coughed up a blood clot.
“We’re not…”
“You’re not cultists?” Of course they weren’t. Keep him talking.
“I mean, we’ll do what it takes. To survive.” The boy gave him a defiant scowl. “We know a ritual that’ll call up Baphomet himself and we already have the knives. We’re not scared.”
“What about this young lady?”
“I can look out for her. She’s safer with me than…” he stopped and looked away, shoulders hunched.
“I’m sure you can,” Siavash said softly. “Listen, we’re on our way to the Defender’s Heart. People are rallying there to defend the city. I guess you’re going to have to pick a side.”
The boy gave him a hostile glare from under his shaggy bangs. On his knee lolled the girl’s bloody head. She still hadn’t said a word. She coughed again, a weak, pathetic sound.
“I don't care.”
“Come with us?”
Lips quivering, the boy looked back at his friends and swore. “Inquisition’ll…”
“Well if you’re not telling them, I’m not,” Siavash said.
“All right. Get up, Uma, let’s go.”
As Siavash rose and dabbed at his mouth with his sleeve again, Lann shook his head. “Nobody tell them what’s all the rage with the underground kids.”
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Inuyasha - Chapter 17 of 559...
Chapter Index
Oooooooh shiiiiiit, Kagome...what have you done... Everyone is shocked that Kagome can remove the Tessaiga, but no one is more shocked than Jaken.
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At this, Sesshomaru goes to attack Kagome. Inuyasha tries to stop him, but it is in vain. Sesshomaru is a very fast guy.
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Sesshomaru tries to straight up murder Kagome. Like, MUR. DER. HER. with his poison claws.
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Sesshomaru's poison melts everything it touches. Inuyasha tries to dig Kagome out, but the poison even burns his half demon skin.
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Before, Inuyasha could not even catch Sesshomaru, but now that he's full of rage at Kagome's demise, he's faster and stronger. Even Jaken notices.
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Buuuuuuuuut...KAGOME IS OKAY! The barrier on Tessaiga protected her. She gives Sesshomaru what-for...vicariously by handing Inuyasha the sword.
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Sesshomaru transforms into his true demon form: a giant dog demon. Inuyasha tries to attack Sesshomaru with the untransformed Tessaiga, but it just bounces off Sesshomaru.
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Inuyasha is a complete jerk to Kagome and tells her she's probably going to die, which makes her cry, which makes Inuyasha freak out and shout that he's going to protect her...
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...and now the sword is pulsing...
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In this little arc, Sesshomaru really shines as a villain. Like, sure he was a dick for making Inuyasha think his mother was back, but he's a real diabolical asshole for actually trying to murder Kagome. Like, he even knows this is his half-brother's human companion and he's like, fuck it. YOU DIE.
One of the best things about Sesshomaru as a villain, is that even though he has a character arc throughout the manga, he never, ever, EVER loses the feel of being one cold blooded motherfucker. Even though he warms up to Inuyasha and the rest of the Inugang and he cares for Rin and like, tolerates Jaken and somehow sees Kagura, he has no problem murdering literally anyone else. The fact that he develops closer (read: less antagonistic) relationships with others throughout the story does nothing to diminish his vibe. This is super cool because in a lot of stories, the villain starts out bad ass, but then you find out more information about them and then they become decidedly less bad ass. Sesshomaru stays a bad ass, even though his intent to murder our main cast diminishes throughout the story.
Also, I don't remember if I've talked about this before, but Tessaiga is the star of this arc and a main character of the entire story once it shows up. Everyone feels a different way about Tessaiga and it means different things to different people, and it's QUICKLY established that this is the case. It's like there's a romantic/screwball comedy plot just around this one sword at the beginning. I LOVE IT.
Chapter Index
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taramaclaywasaterf · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the song The Other Man
Someone giving me an excuse to talk about Sloan??? Oh my fucking god anon, I’m in love with you, please marry me. Congratulations this is what has officially gotten me to post for the first time in like a year🫡😭
The other man is the Dumbfuck Lesbian Anthem fr fr… ok not really lmao but it was MY anthem during my late teens/early 20s when I was a raging dumbfuck asshole chasing women I definitely shouldn’t have been with. 
“You know he's not the one for you but that's no fault of mine. He knows that I'm a friend of yours but doesn't know I've crossed the line. I know you've got a man in the picture but it hasn't stopped me yet…”
I mean… come on lol. You can’t tell me a lesbian cover of this song wouldn’t be an absolute fucking banger.
For a, like, feminist analysis of the song…look, I’ll fully admit to being a giant hypocrite and super biased because I love Sloan and have hung out with all the guys before/after shows for the past 10 or so years I’ve been seeing them live. I’ve been listening to them since I was like 11. I fucking love this stupid band. I have a lot of good memories associated with them. One of my best friends who passed away loved the band too, so they’re just really special to me. 
That said, is the song misogynist? Yeah, women aren’t, like, objects for men to fight over. Men acting like they’re the victims of their own actions are gross. It’s about the time in 2002 when Chris was dating the singer Leslie Feist at the same time she was dating another guy named Andrew from a different band and how pretty much everyone except Andrew knew about it.
It also talks about how Leslie didn’t know there were rumors (“He's going to find out that the rumours are true, though they are still unbeknownst to you. He'll find out, so I'll tell you because, you gotta find out before he does.”) which is something he seems…proud of? Idk, I’ve never liked that part of the song. Well, the part of the song is fun to sing lol, but I never liked those lyrics because it just feels like a man flexing his power over a woman, getting off on her not knowing everyone knows her secret. It’s gross.
Chris has never been creepy or weird or misogynistic to me or anyone I know in the years I’ve known him, and he’s had multiple opportunities to take advantage of my friends and I, especially at the shows I go to alone. BUT, if anything comes out about him, I’ll believe the victim. I don’t care how well I know a man, I’ll always believe a woman first and foremost and I never allow myself to like/trust a man enough to believe he’s above being a piece of shit. 
If you have more Sloan questions let me know lol I will yap about this band all fucking day if you let me
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megamindsupremacy · 9 months
Misc Marvel Fic Recs (Part 6)
mistake on the part of nature by idiopathicsmile
Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face.
"Oh," he says. "Bucky found out about bananas."
In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you're thinking of.
The Ding Dong War by icewhisper
The year Hostess releases their limited edition Star Spangled Ding Dongs, they all suffer. (AKA no one should let Tony Stark have a credit card and history books never covered just how much of an asshole Steve Rogers really is.)
Look the Devil in the Face by prettybirdy979
It's increasingly becoming a world where the unbelievable happens every day. The Avengers team includes a defrosted World War Two solider, a giant green rage monster and a man who might be a God; and they battle aliens and magic on a regular basis. It's not too far fetched to believe the Devil walks Hell's Kitchen.
Matt, on the other hand, hasn't realised exactly why his new battle buddies seem terrified of him. It's not like they've even heard the rumors about him being the Devil... right?
Not Easily Conquered by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFears
In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
the stone's in the midst of it all by tognia
Sarah Rogers was born to fight an unwinnable war. She wonders how it could be, sometimes, that she gives birth to a boy who does not understand defeat.
and there will be music despite everything (sw/mcu au) by QueenWithaBeeThrone
She imagines it--waking up alone, scared, disoriented, not knowing who or where she is, terrified at every little thing. She imagines never knowing for sure. “Yeah, real lucky,” she echoes.
“Wish I felt that way,” says Foster.
or: Darcy Lewis, intern to Anakin Skywalker, not that either of them know that last part, and the time before they hit a man with their van.
Barnes and Rogers and the Goddamn Truth by orphan_account
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
How to Woo the Winter Soldier by writeonclara
“I think I’m ready to date again,” Steve said.
“What,” Natasha said.
“What?” Clint said, lowering his binoculars. He blinked at the dumbstruck look on the Captain’s face, then followed his gaze to where he was staring dopily at—at the Winter fucking Soldier.
“Steve, no,” Clint groaned.
Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
Embrace the Fire: The Avenger Games by lorata
Trust me, and I'll give you something better than a Mockingjay. I'll give you the Avengers."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Trust me, and you'll see."
Non-powered alternate universe fusion: the Avengers in Panem.
devil's gonna follow me (wherever i go) by Lyaka
The man who used to be Bucky Barnes lined up his shot. His finger twitched, only once, very precisely.
Help me, the bullet sang.
Ninety-eight floors below him, the bullet glanced off a vibranium shield with a musical ping.
And Steve Rogers looked up.
the sirens and the thunder by letege
“Hide that,” he says, forcing the words out past every instinct. “As well as you can, all right? Before morning.”
Steve stares at him blankly, like he needs a moment to work this out, then swallows once, sharply. "What's your name?" he asks at last—asks as he stands there with the pelt in his hands.
And oh, he thinks suddenly, what is his name? He can’t speak it, not with this mouth, he can’t sing it into the air like he can in the ocean. He just shakes his head; like his nakedness, it’s something he can't explain. Steve nods, just nods, his eye swelling shut and blood drying on his shirt collar, and says "we’ll figure it out."
(An AU where Bucky is a young selkie who is accidentally called to Steve and ends up staying around to help this poor, wretched kid not die.)
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
Finished the Dirge of Bilqis, Tadhla, and Apocalypse Now world quests (for now?). 
We do have a mysterious additional quest “Her Foes Rage Like Great Waters...” that is gated until Feb 6, which I can only assume will finally remove the giant sandstorm in the center. But I’m done with the story for now. 
And it’s... very disappointing. 
I’ve come to have some expectations of the major world quest chains, since Sakura Cleansing, Aranyaka, and Golden Slumber were all quite good, better than the archon quests imo. Yes, I didn’t exactly love Ruu’s stuff, and the sumeru quests had some pacing issues, but the story was still good on the whole. 
But I can’t really say the same for this. We have Jeht returning, and her parts were the best because they at least somewhat echoed the focus on family that Golden Slumber had, but the stuff with the Tanit and Liloupar was just kind of bad. 
I will admit some of it might come down to me simply not liking this kind of story and tone, but I also think it just wasn’t written well. 
There were also small visual issues that added up, like them using generic NPC models without any alterations for the Tanit (worst on Babel, who uses a stupid sexy model that just looks dumb, but also Tadhla who has a “coming of age” despite being very obviously a mature adult model) and the models having no expressions but the camera often zooming in on their faces. This isn’t unique, but it stood out more than ever here. 
As for the writing, it’s... So there are basically three main plots: 1) Jeht finds her father’s old tribe and decides to seek out an ancient mystical location to lay her parents’ spirits to rest there, 2) the Tanit tribe’s machinations and internal struggles, 3) Liloupar’s story and the destruction of the ancient city of Gurabad. 
As I said, 1 on its own is kind of okay. I still felt something because we already know Jeht. But unfortunately, she’s dragged through 2 and 3 as well, and she’s not strong enough to be our emotional connection to 2. They also do a number of “tell not show” on her personality, and in ways I don’t find beneficial to Jeht on the whole. When she goes off on the big guy and we fight him to the death, it really feels like Jeht is being unreasonable, even though she’s right by the power of writer clairvoyance. 
3 is the usual Genshin lore that is too convoluted and pointless. Liloupar is also just awful. She’s extremely abrasive toward every single person we meet, by way of what feels to be racial slurs, weirdly suggestive, and utterly unapologetic for having done completely monstrous things. Yes, yes, the fae do not follow human morals, etc, but like... it’s just not interesting and it’s deeply unpleasant. Her “final words” are also a mess because she seems to have put this shepherd boy on a pedestal when she fell in love with him ("I thought he was above mortals”), then fucked him over when he proved to be fallible, fucked over their children and an entire city, and now puts the Traveler on a pedestal too. It’ll be fine because the Traveler doesn’t have any flaws, of course, but it’s so stupid to read through. 
There’s also some really annoying patterns emerging, but I’ll complain about those separately. 
But 2, the Tanit... man. MAN. That was so bad. 
The Tanit are a tribe, so they’re a bunch of NPCs. We don’t have any room to really learn about them, except perhaps Tadhla in the most general way. But they are deeply fucked up. I don’t even mean Babel’s power struggles, because who cares, but everything else is just an endless parade of “look at the strange, savage ways of these desert barbarians.” It doesn’t just look bad for them, but also for eremites on the whole, since we have comparatively few eremite characters and especially groups. 
I guess maybe I hang out on Tumblr too much, because I found it both annoying and shallow when they just had to go with “the desert is so harsh and unforgiving, and that’s why everyone here is a merciless asshole who kills without hesitation.” Really reminded me of a post I saw at one point about how sad it is that the desert areas are never home to anyone and always portrayed as utterly inhospitable. 
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chubby-aphrodite · 1 year
Fun fact and profile rundown of my fantrolls. Because i havent posted about them in so long. feel free to ask questions.
Stygas Xillck (twilightCognizance [TC])
(Nightblood [Mutant]/Derse/Mage of Rage) [They/He]
Technically doesn't have a real lusus
what he likes to think is his lusus is actually just a giant salamander
Likes welding and making scrap metal art
Secretly going to explode at all times
Is actually an eldritch nightmare zipped into a bag of flesh (unaware of this fact)
Vesper Blusif (clandestineAchromic [CA])
(Silverblood [Mutant]/Prospit/Sylph of Space) [They/Them]
Does tarot and fights with it like yugioh
bitingly sarcastic but in such a way it wraps around to being sincere
(is very sincere)
knows morse
is actually an eldritch daydream zipped into a bag of flesh (is also unaware of this fact)
Venusu Hansol (cinnabarGravedigger [CG])
(Rustblood/Prospit/Thief of Heart) [He/Him]
is a butler (and hates it)
smokes (and also hates it)
committed domestic terrorism at least once
odd combination of abrasive and ass-kissing
i like to describe is pinterest board as "broken heart lovecore"
Alsyna Nimari (gritzyCamelus [GC])
(Bronzeblood/Derse/Witch of Hope) [She/Her]
scavenges for scrap in the desert and sells it
has an extremely high voltage double sided extendable cattle prod as a weapon
her girlfriend is in another ocean
she can be almost motherly at times
takes no shit
Colkis Safrin (goldenAutomaton [GA] (formerly goldenApothecary))
(Goldblood/Derse/Knight of Void) [She/Her]
very sweet on the outside
driven by guilt on the inside
she's all right now! (missing her left arm and leg)
pick you poison (or don't. she might not have your order in until tuesday anyway.)
plagued by visions (does not care very much)
Xeonii Gelgle (alaryAvian [AA])
(Oliveblood/Prospit/Page of Life) [They/Them]
acerbic in only the way they can be
got an avian lusus? going somewhere without them? have i got the birdsitter for you!
can't afford to refill their cocoon with slime
has a pet bird named archduke franz birdinand
plagued by visions (cares too much. may or may not be a cosmic plaything.)
Eraria Nekses (asterionsCrochet [AC])
(Jadeblood/Derse/Maid of Breath) [She/Her]
she drinks... wine. (she made it herself!)
nobody gets past her minotaur dad and lives to tell the tale. unless it's colkis or alsyna.
believes in second chances. and third. and fourth. and fifth.
she crochets in her spare time
missing an eye and part of her horn
Phaida Gliess (tremulousAria [TA])
(Tealblood/Prospit/Heir of Light) [She/Her]
works in the propaganda office (does not like it)
sad failgirl who inexplicably attracts peoples
it takes a lot to push her to extremes but when she's there she's there
the stupid hat is non-negotiable
self loathing up the wazoo
Drakoh Slygra (controlledChaos [CC])
(Ceruleanblood/Prospit/Prince of Doom) [He/Him]
asshole but he has a nice ass
violent and confrontational but somehow charming enough to pull it off
contractually obligated by the government to cause mayhem
hypocrite of the highest order
flirty to a fault (a really big fault. this man is in some kind of cheating mobius strip.)
Perisi Tarene (testyTrifler [TT])
(Purpleblood/Derse/Seer of Time) [She/Her]
she goes to church every week to start theological arguments
extremely blind without her glasses
likes to find meaning in numbers (thinks being good at math is a personality)
really short
might bite you
Sybell Myrrki (ghastlyGashes [GG])
(Purpleblood/Prospit/Prince of Blood) [She/Her]
if you touch perisi you will die a painful death by her hand
is the sole reason nobody has killed perisi for blasphemy yet
the bangs aren't just fashionable, they're functional! (covers her blind eye)
woman of few words
swings both ways. violently. with a bat.
Nemosa Laevis (commandeeredTrireme [CT])
(Violetblood/Derse/Bard of Doom) [She/Her]
doesn't do anything half assed
scourge of the seas, enforcing the rule of the empire without scrutiny
her girlfriend is in another desert
doesn't question much in life
if she puts on her jacket shit just got real
Amphia Reynas (abyssalTristesse [AT])
(Fuschiablood/Derse/Rogue of Mind) [She/Her]
well meaning, but sheltered and out of touch
gee amphi how come the author let you have TWO lusii?
Smart in a book smarts kind of way but dumb in the social interactions and real world wisdom kind of way
if you get between her and whatever she has her spear pointed at you are dead dead dead dead dead
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