#i mean all other 3 besides solas
coffeeworldsasaki · 2 months
Something I really want of datv is that you meet the first non white elf after the steam refund expiration time so the racist idiots can't get their money back and can just whine
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arkhammaid · 6 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x professional pianist fem!reader (fc: none)
about. y/n y/l/n is one of the celebreties who has gone viral during lockdown. when she publishes her first album, she raises a few eyebrows with a featured artist
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. this is a very self-indulgent fic... so you all better love it or else 🫵
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liked by zendaya, hanszimmer and 14'083'874 others
yourusername and 3 others we're proud to announce the album DEFINITIONS. each of the 26 original composed pieces embrace the title itself, the feeling of these words. they're defined by our language and passion, a gift from us to you.
yourusername so happy our baby is finally out, thank you adrian, charles and jamie, for this partnership. i couldn't have done this without you!
hanszimmer This is music.
charles_leclerc And it's finally here! I had so much fun working on this, thank you @/yourusername for allowing me to be part of your project🥰
jamieduffyy absolutely incredible!! stream definitions now!!!
zendaya I'm sobbing over the whole alphabeth, who would've thought... this is 🤯🤯
user holyyyyy shittttttt
haileybieber listening this on repeat and still getting shivers, this is incredible work 💗
user the butterfly effect is so real here...
⤷ user if you told me i'd follow this one tiktoker because she went viral with her piano only to become a fan of men who drive in fancy circles...
user sobbing over nepenthe on repeat
⤷ user what.
⤷ user for the love of god, please look up what the words mean... charles really thought he was slick with this one
⤷ user oh my god.
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From Viral TikToker to Record Holder, Y/n brings Classical Music back in Trend.
By Sara Ristan | Published February 24, 2024
If you know anything about music, you know the current trends. Pop and Rap is what the current generation likes, with a few outliners. From the very beginning, Y/n seemed to be one of them as well. Her first release, 'A Sailor's Wish', has been trending along with 'Solas', by her fellow artist Jamie Duffy for many weeks.
Her other composed pieces never hit the same numbers, that was until she released a full album. 'Definitions' has 26 original composed pieces, mixed with piano and full orchestra. It's an album full of masterpieces, fully deserving the high praise it has been receiving the past few days.
Every piece in the Album is named after a rare word, each one of them beginning with a letter of the Alphabet. Most of them were composed by Y/n herself, her signature moves regognizable, if you're familiar with her music. If you wish to read a full analysis of the whole album, click here.
Notable, besides the mindblowing compositions, are also the featured artists. We have Adrian Berenguer, Charles Leclerc and Jamie Duffy- each of them well known in their niche. What has raised eyebrows however, is that unlike Adrian and Jamie, Charles himself. He's an athlete, a Formula One driver in fact and very well known. While his fans knew about his releases, singles and even an album with Sofiane Pamart, no one was prepared for the partnership with Y/n.
Especially the titles of the pieces, two of them speaking about love, one is even titled as 'Leman', which means lover. Are these two trying to give us hints?
Beside that, five of the 26 pieces are currently in the charts, having already gathered millions of streams within days. Absolutely mindblowing!
click to read more
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liked by yourusername, zendaya and 3'099'738 others
charles_leclerc P1 in Driver Championship Standings, P1 in International Charts, P1 in your heart... I love you, mon amour
yourusername ugh, ugly sobbing crying rn, no one talk to me
yourusername i love you too you sap
⤷ charles_leclerc Guilty hehe
⤷ charles_leclerc Doesn't stop me from loving you, cherié
⤷ yourusername i never told you to stop
jamieduffy fucking finally
zendaya @/tomholland2013 why don't you write you love songs for me??
⤷ tomholland2013 you're the one who sings?
⤷ user lmao felt
user now we know how charles even agreed to y/n asking for a collab... he has always been down bad for her
⤷ yourusername you're so right
⤷ user OH MY GOD???
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part three ➸ here
Pt 3? Who do yall think she should end up with?
"Hola, ¿cómo te sientes hoy?" (Hey how do you feel today?) Pedri's voice rang from the other side of the phone.
"¿Quieres que sea honesta?" (You want me to be honest?) I sighed, leaning against the counter.
"Si." (Yes)
"Me siento como mierda, lo he estado ignorando durante un mes, no sé cuánto tiempo más puedo mantenerme fuerte." She said. (I feel like shit, I've been ignoring him for the past month, I don't know how much longer i can stay strong.)
She had been ignoring Gavi for the past month, she had been ignoring his texts, his calls, she even had to ignore some of Pedri's calls, because it was Gavi on the other side of the phone.
"Oye, no es tu culpa, lo sabes, ven después de la práctica y te prepararé algo de comida para tratar de animarte." Pedri suggested. (Hey, its not your fault you know, come over after practice I'll make you some food to try and cheer you up.)
"¿Puedes cocinar?" (You can cook?) She snorts, she had known Pedri for almost a year and she had never seen him cook.
"Ay, sí, puedo cocinar mensa, ¿nos vemos esta noche?" (Aye, yes I can cook stupid, so well see eachother tonight?) Pedri asked.
"Vale. ¡Tengo que ir, tengo clases, adiós!" (Deal, I have to go I have classes bye!)
"¿Estabas hablando con Y/n?" Gavi asked, Pedri turing to face him. (Were you talking to Y/n?)
"Si." (Yes) He kept his answer short, of course he was mad how could he not be mad. Yes Gavi was his best friend, but how could he be so dumb and push the only good thing in his life away?
He destroyed her with just three words,
"No te amo." (I don't love you.)
Pedri knew thats all she could think about it, those three words were eating her up alive.
It took Pedri one week to get her to stop crying.
It took Pedri two weeks to get her to stop trying to text or call him back.
It took Pedri three weeks to get her to come out of her apartment, besides going to University.
It took him a whole month to finally get her to not breakdown, and he was proud of her progress. Those three words took a lot from her.
And he wasn't going to let him destroy her again.
"¿Cómo está ella?" (How is she?) Gavi asked. "Sé que están hablando." (I know you two have been talking)
"Ella esta bien." He said. (She's fine.)
"¿Sabes por qué no me ha hablado? He estado tratando de llamarla." (Do you know why she hasn't talked to me? I've been trying to call her?)
"¿De verdad te estás preguntando por qué? Le rompiste el corazón, ¿sabes cuánto tiempo llevó tener el valor de decírtelo solo para que la despidas así?" (Are you really asking why? You broke her heart. Do you know how long it took her to get the courage to tell you? Just so you can dismiss her like that?) Pedri sneered. "Sabes cuánto tiempo me tarde pa que dejara de llorar por ti." (Do you know how long it took me to get her to stop crying over you?)
"No quise hacerle daño." Gavi sighed (I didn't mean to cause her harm.)
"Dememente tarde para eso, ¿no crees que lo mejor que podrías hacer por ella es dejarla en paz y dejar que lo procese ella sola?" Pedri sighed. (Its too late for that don't you think? The best thing you can do is let her deal with this alone?)
Gavi laughed, "¿Sola? Prácticamente te estás lanzando a ella cuando esta mas vulnerable". (By herself? You're practically using her at her most vulnerable state!)
"Hermano al menos ella no tiene que preocuparse de que rompe su corazón como lo hiciste tú". Pedri laughed anger starting to seep through. (Brother, at least she doesn't have to worry about me breaking her heart like you did.)
Gavi stared back at him, everyone knew he had a bad temper, Pedri was usually on calming him downside not the provoking side.
He chewed the inside of his cheek, fighting back his screams at Pedri, he tried not to explode on his bestfriend but how could he not?
It wasn't his fault he didn't feel the same way towards her, its not his fault he didn't love her back, he can't force himself to love her, because if he tried he would break her more.
But he did miss her. He missed his bestfriend, he missed watching the sunsets with her, he missed her laugh, her smell, her smile, her hugs after a game or training. Now it was gone.
She was gone.
Why couldn't she keep her feelings to herself? Why couldn't she had just stayed quiet? Their friendship was ruined, and nothing could fix it not while she was in love with him.
"¿Podrías al menos decirle que lo siento?" He clenched his jaw, still upset. (Could you at least tell her I'm sorry?)
"No, ella no te necesita de vuelta en su vida solo para que la rompas de nuevo". Pedri scoffed, walking away from him. (No she doesn't need you coming back into her life, just so you can break her again.)
Training was done, Pedri was now home cooking your favorite pasta. He heard knocking at the door, "Hola." He smiled seeing you. (Hey.)
"Hola." (Hey.) She smiled back at him. "Entonces, ¿qué hay para cenar?" (So, whats for dinner?)
"Estoy haciendo tu pasta favorita." He said, stirring the sauce. (I'm making your favorite pasta?)
"¿De verdad?" Y/n asked. (Really?)
"Sí, ¿qué tal las clases?" (Yes, how were your classes today?) Pedri asked, Y/n rolling her eyes, beginning her rampage over her professor whom she hated. Pedri just smiled, listening to her talk.
"Entonces... ¿habló contigo hoy?" (So did he talk to you today?) She asked looking at him, he stopped serving the plates looking at her.
"Si" he replied. (Yes.)
"¿Y qué dijo?" (And what did he say?)
"Quería que supieras que lo siente." Pedri sighed. (He wants you to know that he's sorry.)
"¿Estás bien?" He asked. (Are you ok?)
"Sí, ¿eso es todo lo que dijo?" She asked. (Yes, is that all he said?)
"Uh, creo que quiere hablar contigo, dijo que te ha estado llamando". (Uh, he said he's been trying to call you.)
"Si, pero no creo que esté lista para hablar con él todavía". (Yes, but i think i'm still not ready to talk to him yet.) She sighed, looking at him, his warm brown eyes staring back at her.
She was thankful for Pedri she really was, he helped her come out of her slump from the heatbreak. He was helping her heal.
She enjoyed his presence, she enjoyed not feeling like a fragile doll ready to break again when he was around. He was gluing her back together.
He was fixing what her bestfriend broke. But she couldn't help and miss Pablo. "Pedri, a veces lo extraño." (Pedri, sometimes I miss him.)
"Y incluso si no lo puedo tener, extraño su amistad". (And even if I can't have him, I miss his friendship.)
"Joder Pedri, lo extraño, nunca debería habérselo dicho". (Fuck Pedri, i miss him so much, i should have never told him.) She leaned her head on the counter. "No es tu culpa cariño." (Its not your fault darling.) Pedri resting his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Sé que tampoco es su culpa, lo emboscé con mis sentimientos, pero joder, me destrozó cuando dijo que no me amaba porque pensé que- Hasta Belen lo señaló, me siento tan tonta, Pedri". (I know its not his fault, I ambushed him with my feelings, but fuck did he break me when he said he didn't love me, because I thought- Even Belen told me, I feel so stupid Pedri.)
"Nena, no eres tonta, te hice decirle que técnicamente fue mi culpa, pero no puedes dejar que no te ame, que te destroza, eres increíble y hermosa". (Hey, you aren't stupid, i forced you to telk him, so its technically my fault, but don't let the fact he doesn't love you break you, you're incredible and beautiful.) He smiled lifting your chin off the counter with his finger.
"¿Tu crees?" (You think so?)
"Lo sé". (I know so.)
You both just stared into eachothers eyes, Pedri leaned closer, "No deberíamos". She whispered. (We shouldn't.)
"Lo sé, Entonces, ¿por qué no te has alejado si no deberíamos?" Pedri smirked leaning in closer. (I know, but if we shouldn't why haven't you backed away?)
"Pedri, estoy enamorado de Pablo". (Pedri, I'm in love with Pablo.)
"Lo sé." (I know.) He whispered "Olvídate de él por un segundo". (Forget about him for a second.)
You nodded hesitantly, closing the gap inbetween the both of you. His hands finding your waist, his lips now on yours.
You felt the butterflies you felt for Gavi growing in your stomach. Except now you were feeling them for Pedri.
You admit this was wrong, but if it was wrong why did you enjoy it?
Did you enjoy the fact one of the most handsome men in spain was currently making out with you? Or what is it the fact it would hurt Gavi if he ever found out about this?
Or what is the fact that you enjoyed it, because in the past month you have managed to develop some kind of feelings for Pedri?
I mean how could you not, when those chocolate brown eyes were hypnotizing you, the more you hung out with him.
But you couldn't do this, no matter how much you wanted to. He was Gavi's bestfriend and even if you did want to hurt Gavi this was not the way.
Yes you lost your friendship with him, but that didn't mean he had to loose his with Pedri.
Pedri was your anchor, he was the one helping you get over Gavi. But you didn't want to get over him by moving on with his bestfriend.
You continued to kiss him, his body trapping you against the counter, you knew it was wrong but you couldn't stop he was addicting, his smile, his eyes were addicting. He was like a drug, a drug you wouldn't mind getting high on everyday.
You snapped back in reality when you felt that his lips weren't on yours anymore, but on your jaw. It was getting to far, you had to stop yourself because if you didn't,
Who knows how far you would go.
You pulled away, looking at him, "No deberíamos haber hecho eso, lo siento, Pedri, tengo que irme". (No, we shouldn't have done this, i'm sorry Pedri, i have to go.) You pushed him away walking towards the door, the pasta long forgotten about.
Why did you do that? You knew it was wrong and you still did it. What would your friendship with Pedri be like? Did you have to start ignoring him like Gavi as well?
You were in love with Gavi, so why did you kiss Pedri?
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rosella-writes · 1 year
Happy Fridaaaay I have a POEM FOR YOU for dadwc, it's by Paige Lewis <3
When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows
what I really mean. He paints my name
across the floral bed sheet and ties the bottom corners to my ankles. Then he paints another
for himself. We walk into town and play the shadow game, saying Oh! I'm sorry for stepping on your
shadow! and Please be careful! My shadow is caught in the wheels of your shopping cart. It's all very polite.
Our shadows get dirty just like anyone's, so we take them to the Laundromat—the one with
the 1996 Olympics themed pinball machine— and watch our shadows warm
against each other. We bring the shadow game home and (this is my favorite part) when we
stretch our shadows across the bed, we get so tangled my husband grips his own wrist,
certain it's my wrist, and kisses it.
I love this one so much 😭 it's rewired my brain chemistry. For @dadrunkwriting
Pairing: Solavellan Rating: M Words: 744
It has felt as if some kind of epilogue has begun. 
Solas wakes beside me. He is tucked against my side, the one that lacks my hand, and my arm fits perfectly around him. The way he lays on my shoulder, nose turned towards my neck so he can breathe me in as he sleeps, reminds me almost of a child. As he extricates himself from dreams, I extricate us from the sheets that have tangled around our legs in the night. 
I remember our dreams — we find one another, sometimes, as we would when we were apart. Our pasts follow us like shadows, stretching behind, before us on the ground. I used to be afraid of them. Now they are old acquaintances, marks of our history and how far we have come. His shadow echoes a wolf’s as it wraps around our feet, between gnarled tree roots, through tall grass, beneath aravels — mine is winged, like a dragon’s, and chases. A game of cat and mouse, where the cat lets the mouse go in the end instead of eating it. 
Now that we are awake, he reminds me, in a voice thickened with sleep, how I had once chased him down in the Fade in the form of a Dalish courser. I promise to try that again next time. 
We can’t see those shadows as we move through our days. But I feel them. The wily, proud nature of that wolf is in Solas’s light footsteps, in the way he sneaks up behind our son and spooks him, in the way he approaches me with lanky, lazy strides and folds his body beside mine on the settee as I sketch out schematics. I hear it in his laugh when Tulin tells a joke he must have heard a thousand times. I feel it in the curve of his smile as he looks at both of us — pride, pride, pride. 
My dragon is less visible to me. Solas says he feels it in my fierce protection of Tulin, in my encouragement of both of them to try difficult, maybe even dangerous things so long as they go together. He does not tiptoe around it, but he does lean close to say, “Ir abelas, hahren, for treading on your shadow” if his teasing goes too far. He is not afraid of me — but still, he tells me he sees courage in this dragon, even valor. 
We have our time apart — we need it. We are solitary creatures, this roaming wolf come to a den and this dragon forming a nest, and without my time at my forge and his with his paint, we would unravel. But we fall into bed together at the end of all of it, and the sheets once again tangle between our legs. 
Our bodies tangle more now than before. It is as if we can be closer even than skin on skin, now that we have known each other. Even when Solas uses the sheet to trap my hand, only to kiss me so deeply that he forgets and lets go. Even when his hair catches in my armpit and yanks his head back. Even when he accidentally knees me in the hip as he leans over me. These silly foibles of gravity and physical form, made more fluid in the Fade, are welcome here in this bed where the shadows aren’t visible, but pool beneath us all the same. 
I wonder sometimes, in loving me the way he does, if Solas offers himself any of this. I hope he does. I can’t sustain him alone, and neither can Tulin — Solas must drive himself, motivate himself, feed himself. It feels like that is true when he loves me this way, awake instead of asleep. In loving me with joy, withholding no part of himself, he allows the most vulnerable parts of himself to be loved in return. 
At least, it seems that way, especially when he has wrapped his arms around me so tightly that when he upturns a wrist to kiss it, it is his own, not mine. We are so tangled that, despite me only having one, he has lost which hand is mine and which hands are his own. 
“Enough,” he chuckles. He traps my hand — truly mine now — within the sheets and twists. “Virelan, enough, you can stop laughing.”
I don’t — he has to kiss my laughter away, out of fear that Tulin will wake up.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Impatiens- impatience for aisling x cullen :3
Hello there!
I’ll admit this put me more in difficulty than I initially thought.
First draft was in canon and a bad misunderstanding, then I thought it was too ooc and… And well, a trip to Ikea gave me, thankfully, a better idea. Here you go, modern DadWolf AU past everything. u_u
(note: “Skogsta” means, in Swedish “Comfortable” and “Affectionate”. And it’s also the name of the Discordy Table.)
Tis the prompt list
Impatiens- impatience
“It will never fit, Aisling.”
“And I’m telling you, for the fifth time, that I measured the room. It will.”
They were at an empasse, standing right beside the acacia dining table on sale of Aisling’s dreams, apparently, and glaring at each other as if glaring could magically make the other less stubborn than both of them evidently were.
Renovating a house was difficult and stressful, they both knew it when they embarked in that folly, deciding in the span of a couple of hours that they would have been moving in together and buy a house, equally together. They’ve been childhood besties, friends and colleagues, and they had been together since three years: it was time he moved out from his sister’s basement and she from the small student flat she had been occupying with Sera. And move in together. They already were at his or her place anyway most of the times, so it would have been an easy and natural passage, they could give in to their mutual impatience and for once in their life to something crazy without overthinking it.
They found the house and bought it in the span of maybe too little, judging from the reactions of both their families. But it was the right size, it was close to both their mutual families, it had a home studio that could double as guest room and a decently sized garden. Sure, it needed to undergo some serious renovations, but they had the budget for it, joining forces, and after the Inquisition, defeating an organization of mages, Cullen battling dependence on lyrium and Aisling losing her left hand, how harder could it be?
It all came crumbling when the workers told them they were done and they were left with buying furniture.
And discovered all over again that they both were stubborn people. And that maybe Mia and Dorian were right in saying they would never have made it with just one long trip to Ikea, if they wanted to make it alive. Not that they would ever have admitted it.
They were standing there, Cullen with his hands on his hips, staring down at an Aisling that held her chin proudly up and just refused to let the fact that she was a full head and some shorter than him stop her.
“You can’t measure the space people need to walk around the table comfortably.” Cullen declared, finally, with a calm that was forced.
“You forget, venhan-” She rebuked, underlying the pet name. “-that I’m paid to measure things. I have a PhD in measuring things. I can and I did.”
“Maker’s breath, woman-” Cullen snorted, tossing his hands to the side, composure crumbling quickly and a deeper scowl forming on his face. “-You’re paid to measure lightnings created by magic and spells. Not furniture!”
Aisling opened her mouth, offended as if he just told her she was a mere engineer, scoffing in outrage at such audacity on his part. She looked around, trying to find help and agreement in some other people. All the other customers, tho, weren't stopping to listen, either used to seeing love stories crumbling and falling under a set of Billy libraries of the wrong colour and disposition, or not wishing to be taken amidst crossed fire in a quarreling couple. Aisling was left alone in her outrage, and had nothing else to do than turn to her treacherous boyfriend, and gesture at him with the one hand she had left, in a way that was all Solas.
“Exactly! I measure lightnings and magic spells!” She explained, out of patience. “How much harder can it be for me to measure how much space a person exactly needs to push their chair back to raise up, or what people need to walk around a table, and make but a couple of sums?”
“Don’t be so snarky with me, I know how to use a calculator as well!”
“Tell me the square root of 28.488.713.796 without one, come on!”
“This is ridiculous and childish, and-”
“it’s 168.786!”
“Well, congrats, you still remember high school Calculus!” Cullen exclaimed, circling to the other side of the table, and placing both hands on the surface. The nicely smooth and of a nicely warm light brown colour surface that indeed would match well with the colour of the walls. “It still doesn’t change that this table is too big for our damned dining room!”
“I’m telling you it is not!”
Cullen groaned loudly, pushing himself from the table and walking away from her, hands upward in the air in pure exasperation. And he thought that since she said barely anything on the kitchen, saving her opinions to ask for something not white that wouldn’t have look dirty so easily, it would have been all downhill.
“I just said we should consider an extendable!” He protested again, from the other side of the corridor.
“I just said that this table is prettier and sturdier, and it’s also on sale, the extendable ones are not!”
“We can make without the difference!”
“But why should we??”
“Why we have to choose now??”
“Do you really want to leave and get back another day to do another long queue, wait forever to have stuff picked for us, and quarrel more???”
“Fine, then, take the blighted table and you’ll lose all the money when it won’t fit!”
Fuming from his ears as he was, he still marched back close to her to place his hand on the paper sheet that held all their notes on where to find the pieces they wanted in the storehouse on the bottom floor, keeping it still as she wrote, grunting a thank you through her teeth and replied by an equal grunt of recognition through his. An older couple walking by looked at them, grumpily helping each other taking notes of the right aisle and shelf, with a knowing smile and a complicit look passing between them.
The two, tho, were none the wiser, and as Aisling finished writing and could slip the note and the pencil back In the pocket of her jeans, they marched on, both with their hands in their pockets and looking in different directions.
“Do you still love me?” Aisling asked after five minutes, as if it was a challenge.
“Of course I do.” Cullen replied, equally grumpily.
“Good, because I still do too.”
“Fine.” He replied stepping closer and circling her shoulders with an arm, hooking his elbow around her neck and letting his arm dwindle before her opposite shoulder, tucking her close to his side.
“Fine.” She answered, wiggling so she was a little bit closer and raising her hand to twine her fingers with his. “You can choose the chairs, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
The table was the biggest quarrel of the day and, thankfully, deprived them of most of their fire. It was considerably an easier task, later, to sit on each couch and see if they both could sit there at their worst and still be comfortable, hooking legs and taking the weirdest positions they could come out off. They were scolded and reminded they shouldn’t put their shoes on the furniture twice, but in the end they managed to come to a solution, for that, the bed and the majority of the rest they needed.
Probably their impulse decision to buy all the furniture they needed in just one go wasn’t the best idea either of them had. Particularly because they were greeted, when they finally got back after hours of choosing and bickering and a too long queue to get whatever boxes they could to fill Cullen’s old pick up to bursting, by a Mia Rutherford who was smirking from one ear to the other. She was met by a double set of very grumpy, extremely tired stubborn glares. Mia instantly knew that they would have teamed up instantly to show her she was wrong, they had made it work perfectly fine, thank you, she needn’t not mocking them, and chose not to comment any further. Even if they kept on speaking to each other in grunts through all the dinner - with all Rutherford siblings giggling at them. Even if they didn’t speak to each other at all, washing up and collapsing in his bed in the basement, too tired to speak or do much else than just collapse on the bed.
The table, in the end, fitted perfectly.
Provided people didn’t really want to bring their chair back so much, and were ok in wiggling behind the other chair if they wanted to get out the room as other people were sitting.
“I told-”
Cullen started, when he tried it from the first chair they put together and hit the wall with the backrest all too soon. But when he turned to complete the sentence, he found the green eyes of a very judging, very wounded in her pride Aisling daring him to finish the sentence. She was keeping a leg in position over the upturned seat of the second chair with both her feet and wielding the screwer as if it was a dagger. She pushed on the switch and let the machinery run for some seconds to underline the challenge, letting its whizz and whirls echo in the still empty dining room.
He couldn’t help but biting his lower lip not to chuckle too much at her, having a little pity of her wounded pride.
“-you that you look lovely today? Did I?” He corrected, still smiling and with laugh in his voice.
“At least you’re pretty, Rutherford.”
“Likewise, Lavellan.”
He slipped back on the floor and sat at her back, circling her bust with his arm to gave her some help and keep the leg upright so she shouldn’t need to use her feet. She welcomed it as a peace offering and just hoomphed, snuggling closer to his chest as she screwed the leg in place with a deft hand. He kissed her temple, and that was it.
They could stay with a pretty table that was all so slightly too big for the room, if it made her happy. As long as she left him the chaise long of the L shaped couch, that was.
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lillotte17 · 2 years
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I posted 721 times in 2022
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#lavellan - 47 posts
#rambles - 45 posts
#dragon age - 23 posts
#artwork - 17 posts
#smooches - 17 posts
#dragon age inquistion - 15 posts
#aili lavellan - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#ace so i wouldn't bang any of them but all my lavellan boys are hot and fun and i might have a tiny crush on juniper arley
My Top Posts in 2022:
Time for another round of: Lotte Thinks Too Hard About Elvhen!
So, I've been standing around in the Exalted Plains for days trying to get all the dialogue I want to trigger to happen (while working on commission stuff. It's weirdly soothing. Like those background nature sound tapes, except every now and then there's NPCs chatting or a wolf attacking you.)
Anyway, we get to that talk between Solas and Sera where she makes the comment about "who wants to think about stepping on dead elves?"
Solas mutters in reply, sounding extremely angry/upset: Din elvhen emma him?
And I swear I thought I had read a translation for that on the wiki somewhere? But it said the meaning was unknown. So, I was trying to work it out myself.
Din- death or end or ending
Elvhen- elves (duh)
Emma- doesn't have a solid translation anywhere, but seems to be possessive. 'Your' or 'our' depending on context. Possibly even 'my', since I'm pretty sure 'Emma lath' was 'my love'?
Him- make/making
He sounded so upset, I thought he was saying some kind of insult/threat aimed at Sera. I'm pretty sure the translation I read before was like, "I'll make you a dead elf." (which in retrospect is not his MO at all. Even when he's furious with other companions, he never threatens to hurt them physically.)
I'm pretty sure the loose translation is actually more like:
"Dead elves of my own making?"
As in "How could I not think about them every place we go, when it's my fault that all of them died?"
And just...oh buddy. 🥺
95 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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100 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
*sits down across the table from you and leans across real far *
You know, I love DAI. It is possibly my fave comfort game. Top tear. Very replayable. Lose myself for hours in the Hinterlands fighting bears and have a grand old time.
But the inconsistency with Lavellan and their understanding of Elvhen drives me bonkers.
Like, I get that Ancient Elvhen and Modern Elvhen have to be different. It's impossible for them not to be. Even the Elvhen spoken in the Dales would be different from Ancient Elvhen, because hundreds of years + slavery. Lavellan admits during Trespasser that Dalish cannot read Ancient Elvhen.
It makes sense that Solas can understand Modern Elvhen, because he apparently took the time to learn Qunlat at some point, so one would assume that a language derived from your native tongue would be easier. But it does not make sense that Lavellan swings back and forth between understanding Elvhen perfectly and not having a single clue what he's saying at all.
Lavellan understands the entire conversation he has with Wisdom before it dies. And one would assume it was not speaking Modern Elvhen for the sake of the other people there besides Solas, because it could have just as easily chosen to speak Common.
But later, Lavellan does not seem to understand what he and the Nightmare are saying to each other at all. Likewise, they don't seem to notice the discrepancies between what Solas tells Abelas and what Solas says he told Abelas. And they don't understand the random bits of Elvhen he throws at Sera either.
Like, I dunno about you, but if we were just walking along and my buddy just randomly said that he was responsible for all of the dead elves in Thedas...I think I'd pull over for a bit of a chat, yeah??
The Dalish honestly get so little credit for what they have managed to preserve from almost nothing, tbh. It makes sense that Lavellan wouldn't understand everything Solas says in Ancient Elvhen, but they should almost definitely understand more than a single conversation. At the very least, they should be able to know when he's switching to Ancient Elvhen instead of the modern form the Dalish use. And that by itself should be suspicious af.
(and they should absolutely know more than fucking Morrigan, but that's a whole other kettle of fish)
126 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
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261 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am definitely half asleep, which should tell you about the quality level of this post straight out the gate, but i was going through my old saves and watching the romance scenes for my different PTs (as one does) and like...
Everyone else has this slow build up to the Love end of things. Some of them don't even get there until Trespasser (looking @ you Dorian- yes yes he feels it but he doesn't say it.) And that's not a complaint! That's normal! You start with affection and attraction and see where it goes, and lbr all of the DA companions have some...Things to work through before nailing down Big Feelings.
And then we have Solas.
One kiss. One (1) singular kiss, and that man is gone. Lost. Sunk. Out to sea. Lost in the Sauce. Flung into the depths.
And I would argue that he's actually gone before that, but that's when he knows it. And he freaks out because 'oh no oh no this is literally the absolute WORST timing for this to happen holy SHIT.'
And he tries to fight it off, or figure out if there is some like...magical mark-induced reason for why he's absolutely banana-grahams for this mortal woman he has only known the tiniest fraction of his impossibly long life, but there isn't one except that he's lonely as fuck and her genuine awesomeness is just apparently the kryptonite to his rational thinking power.
This man, who is so so careful with the way he says everything always just... Once he caves, it is his first admission. In his native tongue, no less, as though he cannot help himself.
I cannot lose you. I love you. You are my heart. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Back in ye olden fandom days, there was a whole bunch of fights about the sincerity of Solas' affections, since he 'lies' and dumps you, but like...things are a mess because this whole-ass man is a mess and he doesn't do anything that is NOT a mess, but just...fucking hell. He has loved her for so long. He doesn't strike me as love-at-first-sight kinda guy, but like I'm giving him like...a month at Haven tops before he's a goner.
Solas is the one who falls first and hardest out of all of them.
552 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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icharchivist · 15 days
So how's the plan to replay all DA Games before Veilguard releases coming along? :D
oh, haha
it's going well!!! very, even
i'm actually only replaying DAI, i had replayed DAO and DA2 rather recently-ish when Veilguard was announced while i hadn't touched DAI in a few years, so i wanted to immerse me back into DAI properly. Besides since da4 will follow more on the themes DAI really kickstarted, it was better to really return to it for me.
In the end tho i am currently doing my second DAI's playthrough since the announcement, so boo ooh on "noo i replayed the other ones too recently". I'm in the middle of it and tbh i want to replay it AGAIN to replay the Solas romance AGAIN so. well.
fun fact, i bought the Steam version of the game a few years ago, which means, right before my current replay spree, but after all my other previous playthrough. However Steam still launch the game through the EA app (which i used for all my playthrough) so now i have two hours tally on the game: on EA, i have the whole tally of all my DAI playthrough. On Steam, i only have my tally of those last 3 months.
All of this to say:
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it's been going well!
I'm also still rereading Tevinter Nights -- slowly but surely. I read Neve's introduction story last time and next up is Lucanis', so i've been stalling so i'm in the perfect mood for it ahah
And there's still following up the updates + Vows and Vengeances coming out (in a couple minutes for the next episode actually! ... if i didnt get my timing wrong) so i'm well fed.
So ;D good DA mood all around for me, much focused, wow!
Thanks for the nice words ;D
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Dragon Age: Absolution Episode 2/3 It’s All About Dynamics
The episodes were short and the plot moved quickly, so I’m combining some episodes’ posts because I don’t have enough clever things to say for titling
Episode 2:
I like that the character that looks like Cartoon Matt Mercer is not one of the ones voiced by Matt Mercer 😂
Pavus, you say? An ancestor of my beloved and best, Dorian? Do we get to see him again? Please oh please say we do!
Since when do Spirits have names? Besides Cole. Wasn’t Solas’s whole thing that they weren’t really individuals and Varric was trying to change that making Cole a Real Boy™?
All of Tevinter will burn? I never had any intention of doing such...Solas, are you being a problem egg again?
This bitch stupid. And fully deserved Pride Demon to the face.
I like the way they fight together though.
Oh it's cus they're in love and haven't admitted it! Excellent!
"One way or another" ...bitch, why the fuck would you say that? That is on a list of phrases NEVER to say. Especially when dealing with demons and unknown magics.
Help. I am once again deeply attached to an accented, talented, and most importantly sarcastic man named Roland. Also to Qwydion and Fairbanks, but those aren't an "if I had a nickel for every time, I'd have two of them."
What? No!! Shit...I shouldn’t have said anything (RIP)
I agree with the dwarf
Episode 3:
You know, I respect it. But Roland ain't stupid: survival's always trumped by fame
Oh no, I ship it and I love them. They're stupid and probably going to die, but I ship it. The Magister/Templar Knight-Commander should-be-enemies angle just makes it sweeter
How the hell is this child of a man the highest ranking person in this place? Honestly where is anyone older?
That's...an Old God?
Oh Neb is a construct? A risen body by other means? Something that's going to be heartbreaking.
Always at The goddamned Hanged Man...
This is what you get for getting distracted watching your boss's cool stunts. Consider yourself lucky soldier
Not an Old God, still a dragon.
Planning is nobody's strong suit here, is it?
Except my girl Qwyd! Hot damn with the lightning rod. Anyone order their ghouls extra crispy?
Hira's going to come back evil isn't she?
Of course she knows them. It wouldn't be dramatic if she didn't. I feel foolish for not putting that together already
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Hi Lee! Hope you are doin' well, I really like your writing<3 I read the demigod Inquisitor ask and thought of something. How would companions react to finding out the different lil privileges growing up the makers child besides power. Like "wdym my fav fruit/berries aren't in season year round?? At home they were always in harvest, even in winter" or "Bees really sting ppl?! I thought that was something adults said to keep you from eating too much honey!" And "Why is xyz animal considered dangerous, in my experience they're pretty docile." Idk I just thought it'd be kinda funny.
Going to answer this one in gif form! And I'm glad you enjoy my writing <3
Cassandra after having to explain for the 50th time why petting bears usually ends in death:
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Varric makes sure every detail goes into his new book. He makes sure to put disclaimer warnings like "bees WILL sting you if you're NOT the Maker's child" at the start.
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Solas when he realises himself that berries aren't in season all year round:
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Dorian finds the whole situation funny and endearing. He's not afraid to burst their bubble on misconceptions about supposedly friendly wolves.
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Sera loses it laughing. Her pranks now include telling the Inquisitor false information, like how "In the real world, us mortals need to shed our skin after every wash. Fact!"
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Blackwall just smiles and nods. He honestly thought they were joking at first. At least they can't call him out for his 'knowledge' on slaying Archdemons.
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Cole knows why they would assume something like that: it's what the Inquisitor is used to after all. Besides, life as a spirit means things don't work the same way for him as they do for others.
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Iron Bull and his Chargers have a field day with this. "So you're saying your mug can always be full of ale even if you drink out of it? Boss, that's seriously cool."
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Vivienne has a little giggle to herself. It's quite endearing, but she makes sure to let the Inquisitor know when wild animal petting sessions get dangerous.
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Hiiiii 💖
Okay this list was hard to pick from aaaa, but what about
“At least let me clean it.”
I knoooooow it says fluff, but what if it had a sprinkle of angst sorry I'm a fiend for hurt/comfort lmao
A sprinkle of ANGST? In MY HOUSE? With my SOLAVELLAN?!
Of course bby who do you think I am 💖💖💖💖💖
ALSO set when Solas is in love, but Melly isn't yet, because I am a bad mean bad bad. >:3
(ones currently waiting in the inbox: 12, 16, 32. I will be doing the rest tomorrow morning unless I can chug out one more quick before bed, since I am now home! 💖)
50 Fluff Prompt List
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"Falon, please; come now--"
"Mellan, I assure you," Solas avoided the smaller mage, shaking his head as they both returned to camp. They'd gotten out of their scrape well enough, but not without a few of their own. Solas had received a particularly nasty little trinket from a wayward arrow, but he was trying to focus on literally anything else. It wasn't that it hurt all that badly, he'd certainly had worse, but keeping from blushing around the woman beside him?
"You needn't fret. I promise, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of this, da'len."
Now that he had accepted his fate that his feelings for her were inevitable and firmly latched within him, the harder part came: acting completely and utterly natural around her until he decided just what in the world he was to do.
"You've healed my hand enough times," Mellan smiled somberly, craning her head to meet the man's gaze as they made their way to the fire. She knew supplies would be readily available there, and Solas would be stuck with her, then. "The least you can do is let me tend to yours. At least let me clean it?"
Even through his sigh, Solas finally relented, letting the woman take his hand in both of hers. Taking forth the various salves and balms she needed to clean his wound, the other elf finally let his shoulders begin to lower as Mellan worked away at him. Her fingers flitting about his own, she operated with his skin and bandages with as much care and tenderness as she would a precious tome.
As if he deserved that same reverence. As if saying such things aloud in her presence wouldn't earn him looks of melancholy from her eyes. He knew that well enough, and so he kept still and silent. He couldn't stand that look, not from her.
"You're like a wounded pup, you know. Pouting like this."
Solas knew that Mellan was trying to get him to smile, but he was still too preoccupied with fretting over their situation. So, she continued, goading him in that way that she did.
"Hm, perhaps not. You're a bit too gruff right now. Bristly. And you are still technically my hahren..."
Where was she going with this? Delicate fingers laced final touches upon his hands, and Solas realized he hadn't felt a single twinge of pain as she'd worked. Perhaps she'd been watching him in his healing, as well. Clever little imp.
"A wounded wolf then," Solas' heart seized for a moment while Mellan only held a false pout, braids flapping softly as she shook her head. "Poor old wolf...!"
His hand was cleaned, and would heal with time, but Solas wasn't entirely sure his heart ever would should he part from her.
Poor old wolf, indeed.
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bearlytolerant · 3 years
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Solavellan (Modern AU)
Ch Rating: T
Ch WC: 2169
Chapter 7
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Another day at the office. Editing, emails and the ever elusive caller that enables equal opportunities for playing phone tag. A game Solas never enjoys participating in. The morning slides by and Varric is at his desk, twirling his keys around his finger.
Solas glances up and sighs. “I’m trying to get a hold of Seeker Pentaghast. Sera said she had more info on an agent that might have a lead on Crystal Red.”
“That sounds like a lot of maybes and probablys and a whole lot of I don’t give a fuck. You’re allowed to take a break and get some lunch.”
“What if they call while I’m away?”
“They can leave a message. Now let’s get out of here before we don’t have any time at all for food.”
Solas shoves back his chair and follows Varric. “I did pack a lunch today,” he mentions.
“Save it for tomorrow then. I’m craving some street tacos and there’s a truck just up the road. I’ll buy so you don’t have to worry about it.”
“I am less concerned about finances and more concerned about getting food from a truck.”
“Ah, live a little Chuckles,” Varric says as he gives Solas a whack on the back.
“If living a little, as you say, means spending two days on the toilet. Perhaps I do not wish to live a little.”
“Well come with me and grab something else. I’m sure there’s something you’d find worthy of your tastes nearby.”
A half hour later and Solas is holding a taco that’s worth the regret he’ll experience from his future self. Some chipotle mayo dribbles down his chin and he swipes it away while pulling out his phone.
He checks his messages. One from Sarya and one from Veda. He taps on the one from Veda first.
Connor went home sick. Pick me up after school today?
He checks the time and swears. How did he not realize he took such a late lunch? She needs to be picked up right now. He dials her number as he stuffs his arms into his coat.
“Veda needs to be picked up,” he tells Varric as he shoves the remainder of his taco in his mouth.
“Got you covered,” Varric replies.
He mumbles a garbled, “thanks” then takes off down the street. Solas is just a block away from his car in the parking garage when she picks up.
“Hey papae!”
“Hello. I apologize. I just now saw your text. I will be late.”
“No worries. I can always watch the band practice until you get here.”
“I will be there soon.”
“Okie doke.”
He says he loves her and hangs up. Sprints the rest of the way down the street, half choking and wishing he’d at least drank some water but makes his way to his little car without incident. He hops inside. Starts it and zooms out of the garage. He’s speeding which has him checking his rear view mirror constantly. But of course, the city has a million stop lights and he hits every red one. He gets to her school later than he ever intended.
He parks, shoving his glasses all the way up his nose, and searches for Veda at the stadium. He spots her in the bleachers, chin resting in her hands and her copper braids coming undone in the breeze. He takes the stairs to meet her two at a time.
“I am so sorry to make you wait,” he says as he wraps her in his arms.
“Seriously, papae. It’s not a problem at all.”
“But what if it had rained? Or stormed like yesterday?”
“I would’ve just stayed inside. Besides, that didn’t happen.”
He sighs, berating himself a little internally. Then he walks with her back to the car. Slides in and clicks his seatbelt in place.
“What’s this?” Veda asks.
Solas glances over at her. She has Sarya’s camera in her hands. He hadn’t even noticed it there. He calmly says, “a camera.”
“Pssh, obviously. But I don’t remember you having a camera.”
“It’s a friend’s,” he says. “We went out for lunch and they must’ve left it.”
“Oh,” she says. “How was work today?” She’s still fiddling with the camera.
“It was work,” he says. Thankfully she easily dropped the subject. “Not much was accomplished.”
She gasps. “Your friend is so pretty. You’ve never mentioned her before. New coworker?”
“No. Just a new friend I met.”
“She looks familiar—and she’s a wonderful photographer. Maybe we should have her take some pictures of us. We haven’t updated our family photos since I was ten.”
“That’s a wonderful idea Veda. However, my friend is only visiting for a short while. I’m not sure there would be enough time to squeeze some family photos in.”
“Bummer. You look so happy around her.”
“I don’t always look happy?”
“You look a different kind of happy with her. It’s nice.”
He takes her words and holds them close to her chest. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
“Yeah,” she says, then she unloads a multitude of stories. How one of her friends got their tooth knocked out by a basketball in gym. How she accidentally used Elvhen in her Tevene class and didn’t notice until the whole class was just staring at her.
“Did you feel embarrassed?” he asks as they pull into the garage.
“A little. But I mostly found it funny. The way the other kids looked so confused.”
“Does anyone treat you differently when you speak Elvhen?”
She shrugs. “There’s a couple of kids who say stupid things but I don’t hang around them.”
“Veda, I’m happy to speak with the administration if your having trouble with other students—“
“While I appreciate that, I can handle a couple of kids who are jerks.”
“Very well but if you ever—“
“I know.” She slings her backpack in her back then kisses his cheek. “Can I go to Varric’s house? I want to see the cats and hang out with Cole for a bit.”
“Yes, so long as you check with—“
“Already did.” She steps out of the car. “Going to drop my stuff off inside then I’ll see you later.”
“Text me when you want to leave. I’ll pick you up.”
“Okay. See you later, papae.”
Solas sighs. He’s glad she still talks to him and he still gets to see her but there’s also this tiny ache in his chest that misses her always being around the house. But he reminds himself that this is a good thing. It’s just new and he pulls out his phone to read his messages from Sarya.
Hey I’m going to try and stop by your work around 3:15 today.
I stopped by your work but you weren’t there. Saw Varric though! He introduced me to everyone and it was fun! I really like Sera. She’s hilarious! And Merrill was so sweet! Anyway, hopefully I’ll see you sometime soon. 😉
“I fold,” Sarya says, she takes a drag from her cigarillo. Then throws her cards face up on the table.
“Already?” Han asks. “What a shame.”
“Your mind must be elsewhere, Sarya. I’ve never known you to throw a game,” Vilanti says as she shows her cards.
Han takes the game and lets out a whoop as he gathers them all to shuffle.
“I still can’t believe Dallen just up and left us. Did he say anything to either of you? About his plans.”
Both of them shake their heads.
“It’s really odd.”
“I don’t know why you care. Easier to keep yourself from using him. Easier for him to be happy this way,” Han says.
“Ouch,” Vilanti grimaces, then gestures for all the cards to be handed over. She shuffles.
“I do agree with that actually. It’s just that most who move on from our happy little family tend to give us more of a notice. We didn’t get to give him a proper goodbye.”
“I don’t mean to sound callous here Sarya, but you were the only one who cared about the guy. Makes sense why he moved on.” Vilanti deals.
Sarya picks up her hand and stares straight through the cards. “That’s not true.”
“Basically,” Han argues. He draws a card.
“Sometimes you both are mean.”
“Not mean. Just honest,” Han says.
Vilanti draws. “On another note, I heard Makon made a new friend today.”
“What?” Sarya nearly drops her cards. “Our Makon? Makon—stoic, quiet, unsociable Makon?”
“Yep. Met her at the gas station. She was passing through on her way to Wycome and her motorcycle broke down. He fixed it up for her on the spot and they exchanged numbers I guess.”
“What the fuck?”
“Good for him,” Han says.
Sarya draws a card. “Yeah, seriously. I hope that works out.”
“Our next gig is in Wycome and he plans to see her then.”
“Was it love at first sight or something?” Sarya asks. She folds and picks her cigarillo back up. Her interest in cards declining by the second.
Vilanti shrugs and plays her cards, taking the game. “By the way he keeps talking about her, I’d say yes.”
“What’s her name,” Han asks, gathering all the cards into a pile.
“Athi. Athi Lavellan.”
“Another Lavellan huh?”
“Guess so. Maybe she’s related to you two,” Vilanti says.
“Doubt it. Or if she is, it’s very distant,” Han says.
In the distance they hear yelling and smashing bottles. They all exchange looks.
“Wonder who the hell set Deshanna off—“
“Let’s go see if we can smooth things over,” Han says with a sigh.
“You two can go. I’ll probably make things worse. I don’t think he likes me much.”
“That’s because you push his buttons. Definitely better for you to stay here,” Han tells her.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Then she waves at them as they slip out the door and finishes off her cigarillo.
It’s dark and quiet and Sarya gazes longingly out the window at a small patch of stars. The only patch not hidden by the clouds. She sighs and startles at the sound of knocking. Straightening herself out, she rubs the redness from her elbows and opens the door.
“Solas,” she says it like she’s expecting him but she’s truly surprised. She steps out with him, shutting the door behind her.
“You forgot your camera,” he tells her, holding it out in his hands.
She takes it from him, hanging it around her neck. “Thank you. I should really start keeping better track of my things or you’re going to start thinking I’m trying to bait you or something.”
“I would bite every time,” he says, his hands clasped behind his back. There’s a certain sparkle in his eye and she can’t read him. But she knows she wants to kiss him. So without another thought, she stretches up on her toes and takes him by surprise. He is frigid and she panics, certain she has misstepped. After all, friends don’t kiss like that.
“I’m sorry,” she says, a little out of breath. “I don’t know what…”
Her words are caught on the edge of his lips as he captures her mouth again. His kiss is unreserved but not what she’d call passionate. Like the kiss of a long time lover. A kiss of promise. Of commitment. Her mind screams at her to let go while simultaneously wishing and longing for more. His leg is pressed into her inner thigh and despite the chill of the air, she’s certain she is on fire. Her nails are in his shoulder, the camera even hurts just a little as it presses into her chest, and she doesn’t mean to let out a moan but it’s too late for regrets as he pushes her against the side of her trailer. One hand above her and the other in her hair. With each breath she steals between kisses, she studies his face. Memorizes it and stores it for always. Freckles for days and the tiniest scar above his brow. The only sign of his age lies in the lines of crows feet near the edges of his eyes and she tells herself to ask if he has a skincare routine. He certainly seems the type.
She studies his closed eyelids, there’s two freckles on the right and a singular small one on the left and she notices that there’s even some red in his brows and wonders if they’d have red headed babies.
She gasps then. Pulls away. Why in the hell is she thinking of babies?
“Perhaps I should…”
“Kiss me again,” she says to him. She won’t let one ridiculous thought ruin the moment. She knows that she’s falling for him. Too fast, too soon but she’s holding on for another day.
When they break apart she doesn’t want him to go. But it’s too much to ask him to stay. So she waves goodbye then clicks her camera, saving the image of him walking away.
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musetta3 · 3 years
Dragon Age OC as a Companion: Revka Cadash
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Trend started by @little-lightning-lavellan it’s an amazing one and I had such fun with it! Thank you for the template!
This will be under a cut, because ohhhhhh my, there’s a lot here <3
This is also on AO3!
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀) 
You have selected Revka Cadash to join your party!
Race: Dwarf 
Affiliation: Carta 
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue/Archer
Specialization: artificer
Revka Cordelia Cadash (born 8:95 Blessed) is a dwarven rogue and businesswoman. She is a companion and a potential romance option for a male human, dwarf, or qunari Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Revka is a member of the many-membered Cadash Clan, and daughter of Brygida ‘Cookie’ Cadash and Artur ‘Archie’ Cadash. She has an older brother, Tavi, as well as numerous cousins, including Edric ‘Dasher’ Cadash, the head of the Ferelden Carta.  
Revka grew up in the company of her rambunctious cousins, and thus views them like brothers and sisters. It’s common for Cadashes to play tricks and pull pranks on each other as a way to show affection, as is evidenced in the short story ‘Flapping in the Breeze.’ Some of Revka’s favorite pranks include spiking food with chili oil, switching people’s beverages, hiding belongings, and breaking into ‘private’ things such as journals, desk contents, or that box of cookies under the bed.  
Revka made a name for herself in the Carta accompanying her mother and cousins on patrol as a teen. Her deadly accuracy with a bow earned her the nickname ‘Hawkeye;’ her duties quickly expanded to include ‘problem-solving’ for the Carta, her solutions ranging from assassinations, blackmail, and negotiating contracts, to smuggling, and forgeries. Her successful business plans and battle tactics made her a valuable asset to the Carta.
In 9:13 Dragon, Revka married Iwan Feddic, a member of the merchant caste and a Cadash client in Ostwick. She helped her husband run his international shipping business, a venture she took over after his untimely death. When Dasher’s wife, Darya, died at the hands of the Orlesian Carta, Revka returned to Ferelden to help her cousin raise his five children, turning over the Ostwicker affairs to her brother, Tavi.
When the Cadashes eliminated a rival Carta branch in Kirkwall, they sent Artur Cadash to oversee operations in the city. 22-year-old Revka volunteered to accompany him, becoming her father’s second in command. Once arrived in Kirkwall, she helped him found Graywater Imports, an import/export company functioning as a storefront for both legal and illegal goods. She is a prominent member of the Cadash Carta branch in Kirkwall, often dealing with the Dwarven Merchant Guild and Varric Tethras.
Romance with Varric Tethras
Shortly after Revka arrived in Kirkwall, she met the young Varric Tethras. What began as mixing business with pleasure became a romantic entanglement that lasted until Tethras met the talented smith Bianca Davri, and broke off with Revka for Bianca. As much as Revka wanted to cut all ties with him, she maintained their business relationship… and an unrequited, one-sided love for the deshyr prince.
A special mission at the War Table will unlock a quest at Kirkwall’s Docks, ‘Ten Shades of Graywater,’ in which the Inquisitor will receive a mysterious anonymous letter inviting them to the coast to discuss a purveyor/supplier contract for the Inquisition. The Inquisitor will arrive in a seemingly abandoned alley, but is ambushed by Coterie thugs. After the enemies are slain, Revka can be engaged in conversation.
If Varric is in the party, he will be surprised to see Revka. It’s revealed that they know each other through various business ventures, and are old acquaintances… although the weighted, bitter quality of Revka’s answers imply that their relationship is more complicated than Varric had said.
Upon further questioning, Revka pitches her business proposal: wholesale lyrium for the Inquisition’s mages or Templars, with access to the Cadash Family’s network of spies, businesses, and Carta members for Inquisition purposes. Her only condition is that her family obtains an industry monopoly, becoming the sole provider of lyrium for the Inquisition and Southern Thedas.
Revka can be found near the archery targets and training dummies in Haven. Once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold, Revka spends time training in the courtyard, in Skyhold’s main hall talking to Varric, or in the rookery, spoiling her messenger crow, Cipher, with treats. Dialogue options will reveal that she uses the bird keep in contact with her family and business associates.
 Approval and Romance
Revka can be romanced by a male Inquisitor of any race, and will jokingly comment on the height differences if romanced by a qunari, elf, or human. A Cadash inquisitor of either gender can unlock Carta-specific dialogue. Revka is guarded at first, giving out only generic information about her family, but with some persistent questioning the Inquisitor can wear her down. Depending on dialogue choices, the conversation can end with the Cadashes exchanging stories of ‘colorful’ family members and an approval gain.
   Revka takes a more pragmatic view on politics: she supports whoever pays the most, and sells lyrium to both the Templars and mages without discrimination. Upon learning the truth behind the events Redcliffe, however, she is dismayed to learn what her products enabled. Traveling to Redcliffe with Revka in the party will trigger her personal quest ‘Scales Fall from Her Eyes.’ (this quest will trigger after the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold if the player sided with the Templars)
Revka approves of Inquisitors who are tenacious, calculating/far-sighted, and does what is best for the majority. She believes that the end justifies the mean, sanctioning death only as a last resort. She approves of bold plans, investigating all aspects of a quest before making a decision, and an Inquisitor who makes jokes (especially puns). Her sense of justice changes as the player completes more of her personal quests. She will approve of charitable acts and kindness as the game progresses and her personal beliefs change.
Revka’s romance can be initiated through the conventional method flirting and conversation. During the quest ‘Scales Fall from Her Eyes,’ the Inquisitor has an opportunity to embrace Revka, leading to a kiss.
If Revka is not romanced by an Inquisitor, she can enter a relationship with Varric Tethras, but only if the Inquisitor assists in reconciling the two ex-lovers. Revka’s romantic past with Varric is hinted at in party banter if both are present, the two bickering with each other. This series of quests are available post-arrival at Skyhold, and has conditional dialogue for certain scenarios.
Revka gets along well with Dorian and Cassandra, bonding with them over their mutual love of books. It’s revealed that the three of them have an unofficial ‘book club’ going on, where they read various novels and comment on them in party banter. Revka also gets along well with Sera, bonding over pulling pranks in Haven and Skyhold. She makes a special bond with Leliana over nugs, owning a nug, herself.
Revka does not trust Solas from the moment she meets him, stating he knows too much, and is fond of talking without saying anything. She also suspects Blackwall of hiding something.
Companion Quests
Scales Fall from Her Eyes
After the events of Redcliffe, the Inquisitor will receive a note from Revka to meet her at the abandoned cabin outside Haven. Or, if the player sided with the Templars, this will trigger once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold. At the meeting, she will share her guilt and horror at what occurred. She questions her personal beliefs, and offers an apology with the promise to amend her family’s business practices. After this quest, Revka is more empathetic, approving of selfless and charitable acts, whereas before she’d disapprove.
At the end of the quest, the Inquisitor has an opportunity to embrace Revka, which can lead to a kiss, if desired.
Varric’s Quest in Valammar
Revka can be found beside the fireplace in the main hall, arguing with Varric over the contents of a particular letter. Upon investigation, the Inquisitor learns that Revka has broken into the locked box in which Varric keeps his correspondence, which she claims he’s done to her on multiple occasions over the years. He neither denies nor confirms the accusation. Revka demands to know why Varric is still in contact with ‘that woman,’ declares she won’t set foot in the main hall until his ‘guest’ is gone, and leaves, demanding the Inquisitor ‘talk some sodding sense into him.’
This leads into Varric’s quests with Bianca Davri, and some cutting comments from Bianca calling Revka a ‘sore loser.’ Varric comes to Revka’s defense, much to the Inquisitor’s surprise.
If the Inquisitor takes Revka to Valammar, she disapproves and will grouse all the way there, cutting snide remarks whenever Varric says something. She becomes jealous during Bianca and Varric’s reminiscing, interjecting and muttering. Her anger only grows as the quest proceeds, Revka calling out Bianca for her selfish, pragmatic methods and carelessness. Once Inquisitor concludes the quest, Revka declares she needs some air, and says she’ll meet the Inquisitor at the nearest inquisition camp later.
Upon arrival at the campsite, a scout reports that Revka never returned to camp. The Inquisitor must search the nearby area; eventually, they find Revka injured after being ambushed by bandits (the Inquisitor and the party must defeat them in order for the quest to proceed).
If Varric is present, he will be upset, demanding to know why she would be so foolish as to wander around alone. Revka half-jokes, claiming how surprised she is that Varric cares about her safety, after all these years. Varric’s expression visibly shifts. The Inquisitor arranges for her immediate medical care, but it’s too serious a wound for her to remain out in the field. After this point, Revka is unavailable as a companion until after the Inquisitor returns to Skyhold.
Once the Inquisitor returns, they will find Varric in the central courtyard, pacing outside the infirmary/medical tents. The medic will inform the Inquisitor that Varric hasn’t left since Revka’s arrival, but refuses to go inside to see her. Selecting Varric for a conversation will show he can’t bear to face her after what happened at Valammar; he feels especially guilty, knowing that she got hurt in an attempt to calm down after the encounter. The Inquisitor can remind Varric that his apology should be to Revka, not them. To trigger their romance, the Inquisitor can encourage him to visit Revka and share his feelings.
If the Inquisitor visits her instead, they will gain high approval with her, and further unlock romance scenes. After the visit in the tent, Revka will invite the Inquisitor to her quarters to personally ‘thank’ him. The Inquisitor can choose to accept her proposition, or refuse. Depending on choice, Revka may sleep with the Inquisitor. There is an option to break relations off with Revka the morning after.
 Revka’s Family
Revka’s war table missions mostly revolve around business opportunities she’s scouted out for the Inquisition throughout Thedas. Some of these are triggered through conversations with Revka in the rookery or throughout Skyhold. Completing quests from her cousin Jon in Tevinter will reveal Venatori camps on all game-maps, and will reduce the cooldown time on war table quests dealing with Venatori in general.
Revka’s cousin, Czibor, can be encountered in the Hissing Wastes hunting Venatori. Accompanying xem in eliminating a Venatori camp can lead to xir recruitment as an Inquisition agent.
The Trouble with Tavi
After the quest Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, Revka will ask to meet the Inquisitor, requesting their assistance in a matter of life or death. She reveals that she’s received a letter from the Orlesian Carta, stating their displeasure at the Inquisitor’s choice of ruler, since they’re encroaching on the Orlesian Carta’s operations. They know Revka and the Cadash family has been helping the Inquisition, and threaten to exact revenge. She’d thought it an empty threat until her brother Tavi stopped replying to her letters. Upon investigation, it’s revealed that the Orlesian Carta kidnapped Tavi and have hid him at their base in Val Royeaux. Revka asks the Inquisitor for assistance.
Should the Inquisitor refuse Revka, she will greatly disapprove, stating that her brother’s more important that the Inquisitor’s ‘sodding principles,’ and leave the Inquisition to save him. She will not be available again until later in the game (post Adamant), when a war table mission will appear from Tavi in Ostwick, stating that Revka saved him and has returned to Kirkwall. She is still very offended, and is considering terminating the Cadash business contracts with the Inquisition. He urges the Inquisitor to please make her reconsider, citing the monetary gain the contracts net him but also Revka’s hurt (note: the letter will also reference a romanced Varric, asking the Inquisitor to enlist his help). The Inquisitor has the choice to make up with Revka and invite her back, or leave her be.  
Should the Inquisitor choose to help Revka, she will greatly approve and travel with the Inquisitor to Val Royeaux. Varric—regardless of the romance status—will also express interest in coming, but bringing him along is not required. Revka will be touched by his offer, regardless.
The meeting place mentioned in the Carta’s letter is an abandoned oil warehouse at the docks. Inside, the companions note the derelict condition of the place. The further they travel into the warehouse, following a trail of blood, the smell of rancid oil grows stronger. In a storeroom, there is a lone dead dwarf bearing a note, a man Revka recognizes as Tavi’s second in command in Ostwick. If the Inquisitor can find Tavi before time runs out, the note says, they’re welcome to him. As the Inquisitor reads the note aloud, a shadow darts in the periphery; the door slams shut, locking them in. A torch is thrown in through a window, setting the spilled oil on fire.
The Inquisitor may, through a series of dialogue choices, decide to rescue Tavi or leave him to his fate, opting to escape. If the Inquisitor chooses to escape and leave Tavi behind, Revka will greatly disapprove, running off to find him herself. If she is romanced by Varric, he will also greatly disapprove, stating that they should go after Revka. If the Inquisitor chooses this route, they can still save Revka and Tavi. Otherwise, the two Cadashes are not seen again, supposedly perishing in the fire. Revka will then be unavailable as a companion for the remainder of the game.  
The mission to save Tavi is time-sensitive, with several endings: should the Inquisitor take too long to escape or find Tavi, the warehouse will collapse on them, killing everyone. The timer, separated into quarters, is marked by sections of the roof collapsing: escaping by the third collapse will guarantee the party’s safety. Escaping post-third collapse can result in a 50% chance of the roof collapsing on the party: if this occurs, Revka pushes either her love interest or her brother out of the way of a falling beam, sacrificing herself for their safety. The mission then ends with the party barely escaping in time, mourning the loss of their lover and/or friend.
Various pranks around Skyhold and Haven are attributed to Revka via ambient dialogue and party banter. If the approval rate is high enough, Inquisitor has an opportunity to join Revka in pulling pranks around Skyhold post-Adamant. She claims that she’d like to cheer everyone up, and would like the Inquisitor’s help.
Prank 1: sneak into the kitchen and switch the sugar out for salt in a cake.
Prank 2: paint a smiley face on the back of a sleeping Solas’s head
Prank 3: Rearrange Vivienne’s furniture
Prank 4: Distract Varric so she can steal his letters and replace them with scrambled riddles
A cutscene follows, showing a crowd standing at the base of a flagpole the morning after. Revka pushes through the crowd, gasping: someone has nailed her frilly blue panties to the pole. Varric is seen leaning against a column, howling with laughter. Revka pulls a face at him and scowls, but eventually ends up laughing, too. (Note: this is inspired by the short story ‘Flapping in the Breeze’)
If Revka left or died during the events of the game, she will not be at the Winter Palace. Otherwise, there are several outcomes as to what she’s been doing…
If she romanced Varric, she returned to Kirkwall and is his lover
If she romanced the Inquisitor, she stayed alongside him as an Inquisition agent
If she did not romance anyone, she returned to Kirkwall
There is an option to marry Revka as a romanced Inquisitor, or urge her to marry Varric. If she marries, her brother Tavi and a recruited cousin Czibor may attend the ceremony.
 Combat comments
Kills an enemy
And stay dead!
Sodding nughumper, good riddance.        
Low Health
A little help would be lovely!
Oh shit. Not good.
Atredum na satolva! Toss me a health potion,     will you?
I’m too old for this…        
Low Health (Companions)
(The Inquisitor) Inquisitor!
(The Inquisitor - if romanced) Hold on, love!
(Varric, unromanced) Varric, you don’t look so     good...
(Varric, if romanced) Oh shit, don’t you dare die on     me.  
(Sera) Can someone check on Sera, please?
(Cassandra) Cass! Wait!
(Dorian) Dorian needs help!
Location comments
(Approaching Camp) Ahhh! Home sweet tent. 
(When collecting a shard) Ooh! I wonder how much it’d fetch at market.
Storm Coast
(sighs) They ought to call this place the ‘Soggy Coast,’ or the ‘Sopping Coast.’  My socks are soaked through to my boots.
Fallow Mire
The bugs will drain you dry before the undead will. Nug-humping bastards keep biting me…
Anyone else feel eyes watching you from the shadows?
(Laughs) You know, back when I was running jobs for the Carta, I would get so lost here in the Hinterlands. Good to know things haven’t changed.
Don’t go near there; bears love that place. I learned that the hard way…
(at Witchwood) Ah, the Which-Witch-is-Which-Wood. Da would warn my brother and I about this place when were children.
The Hissing Wastes
I have sand in places I never knew existed.
Why my cousin had to choose to hunt Venatori in the ass-end of nowhere is beyond me…
Emprise du Lion
(scoffs) Snow. Snow. More sodding snow. I’m up to my tits in the stuff.
We don’t get snow like this in Kirkwall.
(on seeing a snowfleur) Ooh, look! Fluffy nugs! Can I take one home? Lucky could use a friend.
Emerald Graves
I…I heard the reason why this place is called the Emerald Graves. Such a tragic story.
I didn’t expect such greenery this far south, to be honest.
Exalted Plains
(shivers) You can feel the sorrow in this place.
 Companion Comments
Blackwall: “Rev? She’s a bit… unnerving, to be honest. Never smiles, glares holes in the side of your head. Offered to sell my carvings in Denerim, though: two sovereigns apiece. I swear she could sell water to a fish, that woman…”
Varric: “(Laughs) Hawkeye and I go way back. Don’t let her innocent face fool you: she’ll bleed you dry at Wicked Grace if you let her. Learned some of my best tricks from her—Don’t…erm. Don’t tell her that.”
“Do you know how Hawkeye got her name? She shot a fly from across a room, once. Still don’t know how she did it.”
(If Inquisitor romanced Revka) Hawkeye’s a sweet girl, under all the Carta bullshit. I’m glad she has you; she deserves some happiness in her life.”
(If romances Revka): “I know they say don’t mix business with pleasure, but I get all the best discounts at Graywater Imports, now. You want anything? I think they’re running a sale on Antivan leather, at the moment.”
“She’s probably upstairs feeding Cipher, knowing her. Or taking another order for Dagna; buys crafting supplies like candy, that one.”
Sera: “Rev’s fun, not all stuffy just ‘cause she’s someone back home, yeah? Takes jokes well. Can’t shoot for shit, though…”
Cole: Ash, steel, gray, withering inside at the sight of him smiling at her. Don’t look back, you’re not going that way; old coals don’t rekindle. It bleeds under her armor, but she can’t bandage the wound. I want to help. (if she romances Varric) but he helped her feel whole again. (if she romances the Inquisitor) but you helped her feel whole again.
Solas: “Is it wise to allow a known member of the Carta in our ranks? She actively seeks information and passes it along to her superiors.”
“Do tell Mistress Cadash that if she breaks into my desk one more time, I shall ward the drawers to set her on fire. I can tolerate harmless pranks, but one thing I cannot abide is liars who snoop.”
Iron Bull: “They say still waters run deep, and she’s no exception. She might appear all laughs and smiles, but that woman knows exactly what she’s doing. Don’t underestimate her.”
Dorian: “Ah, my darling Rev: she has excellent taste in literature and baked goods.” (if she romances Varric) “And dwarven merchant princes.”
Cassandra: “I doubted her intentions, at first, but she has proven herself quite useful to the Inquisition. If you see her, tell her to return my book, will you? She ‘borrowed’ a week ago, and I want to know what happens to the poor Guard Captain.”
Vivienne: “Mistress Cadash would do quite well at court; she understands the Game surprisingly well for one who’s not a courtier. Too strong from the onset, however: the idea is to gain a person’s trust, not frighten them into submission.”
Cullen: “I knew Mistress Cadash back in Kirkwall; I’d frequent Graywater Imports often. They carry three kinds of hair pomade there, did you know?”
Josephine: “Mistress Cadash has many useful connections throughout Thedas; I’m pleased she offers them to us so freely. But then, we’re making her a rich woman with all the business contracts. Quid pro quo, as the Tevinters say.”
Leliana: “Rev is a shrewd woman, fierce and good at her craft. Did you know that she has a pet nug in Kirkwall? She always has something for the birds when she comes here; I like her.”
It’s said that the young Varric Tethras wrote his  first novel, The Dasher’s Men, about Edric Cadash, Revka’s cousin. The femme fatale who assists the hero of the tale, Revka, is heavily inspired by Varric’s lover at the time, Revka Cadash. An autographed copy of The Dasher’s Men can be found in the rookery, where Revka sits.  
Revka adores cookies, and has been trying to get the secret brandy snap recipe off of her cousin, Edric, for years. She has tried everything  from recipe book publisher scams to impersonating the Viscount of Kirkwall’s chef to obtain the recipe
In party banter, Revka will mention her nug, Lucky, which, according to the short story, she won  during a rather raucous evening of Wicked Grace.
When Revka isn’t reading, answering correspondence, or training, she enjoys baking, sewing, and embroidery.
Despite being an adept businesswoman, Revka is terrible at bookkeeping, and will often complain about it to Varric… sometimes enlisting him to do it, with a bribe of cookies.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Is it just me or has this week been going kind of slow? It feels like Thursday, but no! It is WEDNESDAY! >:D That means it’s time to shaaaaaare! X3
So, I’m finally getting back into writing, but I’m doing bits and pieces at a time. I think I may have put too much pressure on myself, so everything I wrote and then read looked..bleh. 
However! Due to an ask that @the-dreadful-canine sent me, I found some inspiration! >:D
Thank you @noire-pandora for the tag! I send you all the hearts in the world! <3
Halamshiral brings out the best in the both the wolf and the dragon~ >:3
"She was friendly.", Fane said, face blank, arms crossed as he let his eyes follow after the elven servant that had just left where he and Solas were against the walls of the Winter Palace; the two of them keeping to the shadows and niches the soft darkness held.
He had sought out the Elvhen man, thankfully without much interference, to mention another spike in the air around them. There was magic somewhere in the palace, but he couldn't pinpoint its exact placement. Solas had agreed with his assessment after the first time, and the few times Fane had passed through this particular hall, the one lining the small courtyard, he had noticed his sky's brow furrowed slightly and his eyes glued ahead as if he were listening for something.
So far, neither of them had had any luck determining a focal point, but it had to be a rift; his mark proved that. It wasn't flaring violently, but the pulse was deeper than usual and his arm burned as the magic scorched through his veins. It was why, even after notifying the other about the fluctuation in the Veil, he had lingered.
Now, Fane wished he hadn't as his eyes continued to watch the retreating servant girl, her cheeks rosy and her eyes shining with something he knew all too well: infatuation. That would be fine on it's own, he wasn't one to judge or condone another's feelings as his very nature encouraged them to blossom, but the person that gaze was directed towards…
That was another story entirely. Why did he feel so...bitter? This prison of marble, gold, jewels, and stone was infuriating and confusing.
Solas chuckled, his eyes, too, following after the young woman, but they were still, clear, uninterested, but yet, Fane felt odd. "Indeed she was. Many of the servants have been. I believe they find my presence intriguing, and perhaps, comforting.”
"Makes sense. You have a certain air here. More relaxed, even if every shadow holds a knife. Confident, really. Makes you approachable.", Fane muttered out his observation absently, glancing down to be met with questioning orbs of blue-grey; the color was mixed due to the shadows dancing within and around them. They looked midnight in hue and they were trained on him now; no one else. “The responses to me have been the exact opposite. Not surprising, but annoying. I tried to question a pair of them outside this hallway, and they shooed me off.”
Solas gave him a small, but reassuring smile. “So I saw. Merely a precaution, I think, vhenan.”, he said, casting midnight orbs around once more, essences of lavender glinting from starlight. They landed upon a small group; three servants, each elven and they appeared to be wholly uninterested in ferrying about between the nobles. “Servants have long walked within the halls of power, unnoticed, but ever-watchful of those who see them only as inconsequential. Wariness is their greatest weapon against those who flaunt without reservation. The elves along these walls and in these dark corridors know what you represent, and so they keep you at arm’s length. ”
Fane hummed, pursing his lips a bit. "So, they’re fearful of me. Again, not an uncommon reaction.”, he said. albeit a bit bitterly. Typical. He should have known that was the case. Dressing a wolf in sheep’s clothing didn’t not make it a wolf, after all.
Except, he was a dragon. A dragon playing politics, playing with power. Fane was surprised he hadn't combusted as soon as his boots had touched the inner gate's threshold. The night was young, though. Sadly. Unfortunately. Miserably. How his sky, who was now leaning against the pedestal of a bust, appearing calm, collected, and enthused as eternal irises gazed up at him had done this almost day in and day out was baffling and honestly? Terrifying.
Solas shook his head. “No. Not of you as you are, my dragon.”, he denied simply, glittering jewels of deepest blue shifting like the sky just visible through the windows they stood beside. “They’re fearful of the power you possess. Elves have long been the victims of misused power. They wonder if you are the same as the Grand Duke, the Empress, the Duchess, or any here that have dealt a heavy hand without provocation.” A sigh and a warmer smile, midnight shifting to the paleness of moonlight. “However, I have seen gazes begin to linger among the groups each time you pass. They hold hope; a dream of opportunity. You are proving you are not the same, ma’isenatha. Unlike many, who believe themselves entitled. Continue to do as you’re doing, and a society will open up to you. Be patient, be mindful, and be true in a place rife with lies.”
Fane raised an eyebrow, keeping their gazes locked. “So, continue being a near ass to every atrociously dressed fop and priss that gets it in their head to waltz up to me?", he questioned before growling in the next moment. "The last prick I had the misfortune of walking within sight of nearly got a claw up the ass when they touched my arm.”
The mage smirked,  but it seemed...dark, eyes sharpening like metal at his last statement. “I would not call how you’ve been carrying yourself being a ‘near ass’, vhenan. It is far more nuanced than that.”
“Oh? How would you label my attitude then?”, Fane asked, keeping his eyebrow raised before a light of mischief and nostalgia flashed within blue, turning his curious expression into a blank slate. “What’s that look for?”
Something about the air was shifting due to this conversation. It wasn’t magic or anything, but it was...heightening, taking on a heady blend, power and emotion, present and past mixing with odd harmonies. Solas had mentioned something like that when they first arrived...
Solas hummed, eyes taking on a softer edge, primal darkness dispersing in both the curve of his mouth and the depths of his eyes. “It is nothing.”, he dismissed, the glint of nostalgia apparent upon every sharp line and curve of his sky’s face. Razor sharp eyes of blue steel shifted away casually once more, a single finger beginning to tap against where hands overlapped. “Suffice it to say, I am...pleased with this side of you as I am with every facet of personality you gift me with. The evening has been full of surprises, and hopefully, it will end on a high note."
Fane scoffed, leaning back a bit to rest against a windowsill; the marble was cool against the back of his legs and it helped soothe both his mind and the scars upon his legs. The material of his pants were better than most, but not what he was used to. “You’re just tempting the world to answer with that call, my sky.”, he said with a sidelong glance in Solas’ direction.
Solas responded with a sidelong glance of his own. “And what if I am?”, he retorted. There was something...cheeky about the elf’s tone and it wasn’t something Fane heard often, if at all. Yes, things were shifting, but not detrimentally so.
Fane kept his face blank, but he felt..light; a feeling of warmth in his chest apparent. “Then I would have to intervene on its behalf.”, he quipped, dropping his voice a few octaves and narrowing his eyes. These words falling from their mouths, mixing with shadow, candlelight, hushed whispers, and quiet refrains were interesting. They came with ease, they fell with grace…
...they sang with pride. That would usually terrify Fane, one of seven sins that could, but right now, with the sky gazing up at him from the side, body lax and garbed in black much like his own was, and expression titillating, ethereal, he was anything but frightened.
He was enthralled.
Solas hummed, eyes tempting with silent wishes. “My voice would harken a dragon to respond, would it?”, the mage pushed, or rather, pulled him in with that hushed question; the silk that Fane associated with his sky’s voice wrapping around his hearing like a gossamer sheet.
Fane shrugged a bit, bringing his arms up to cross them as he did so with his legs a bit; boots scuffing against pristine marble. He leaned back further against the ledge of the window now, but part of him wanted to inch away, ascend to the sky gazing up at him from hooded lids. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Remember,”, he began before pausing, a tight feeling of warmth ensnaring his chest as Solas’ eyes flashed with quiet indigo and so he pressed back with velvet. “...Fen’harel?”
*screeches* Why do I love these two being suave fools?! The brain worms are strong in this Chili’s tonight! 
Tagging (with no pressure, but all the court intrigue! >:3): 
@oxygenforthewicked @the-dreadful-canine @little-lightning-lavellan @varric-tethras-editor @dreadfutures @dungeons-and-dragon-age @blueheaded @drag-on-age @shift-shaping @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold and anyone else who’d like to share and revel in the court! *cackles* 
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whumpzone · 4 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 11
this chapter was tough, and I might never be totally happy with it, but I hope you all still enjoy it! I’m doing my best to keep to the fortnightly updates <3
taglist: @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @misspelledwitch @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @ghostcomit @cupcakes-and-pain @frankieswhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @mybrokenlittletoy @kiretto-laorentze @morelikepainsley @lave-e @tears-and-lilies @whump-me-all-night-long @newbornwhumperfly (just ask if you want to be added! thank you all!)
CW: pet whumpee, dehumanisation, hospitals
"Hey," came a voice. When Rowe didn’t immediately wake up, a slap landed across his face. It ground the muzzle deeper into his flesh and forced him awake, wide-eyed and cowering. He was lucky to be spoken to first, of course. Usually he’d be hit without any warning. "Wake up Mutt. You’re finished here."
. . .
"Why couldn’t he come meet me in the waiting room?" Tomas asked the orderly.
"The exit is just this way. We find that most Pet owners like to be discrete in this kind of situation."
The ‘discrete’ room was divided into small curtained cubicles. The orderly left without a word after pointing Tomas towards Rowe, and Tomas was grateful for that at least. Rowe looked horrific. His wrists were strapped into a wheelchair- like he had any intention of running away, given the splint fixed around his left leg. His head flopped to one side, eyes closed, and a thick muzzle was clamped over poor Rowe’s face. His Rowe, that someone had bound and muzzled and hurt. The surge of protectiveness scared Tomas. It felt too close to ownership.
He went to take a closer look at Rowe’s legs, when a hand appeared in his line of sight. Tomas shook it without thinking.
"Hello, you must be the owner. Mr… Grzegorzewski? I’m Dr Scarlett Easton, and this is Dr Jacob Clerval."
"Ah, pleased to meet you both," Tomas said weakly. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Rowe’s head twitch. He’s awake, then. "He was bad enough to need two doctors, then?"
Rowe flinched, ever so slightly, at the word bad.
"He? Aw, that’s quite cute," smiled Dr Easton. Tomas wished everyone would stop commenting on that. "Dr Clerval here is quite new, so he’s been observing. We thought he might be needed, but only one leg was broken, as it happens. We’ve put it in a splint. The other one just needed stitches."
"Right, that’s good then. And the restraints, I… was he being troublesome?"
Tomas chanced a glance in Rowe’s direction. His eyes were full and apologetic, and Tomas wanted to reassure him that everything was okay, but he couldn’t. Not yet.
"Spoke out of turn."
"Mm. But we could get the arms down without a problem. So there’s hope still," the young doctor said with a smile. Tomas realised a few seconds too late that he was making a joke. It felt too weird to speak about Rowe like he wasn’t even in the room. Discussing him without letting him have a say in the matter. Rowe, of course, looked completely used to it. He sat perfectly still, and it only angered Tomas more. It was normal! Rowe was on his best behaviour despite being muzzled like a bad dog because he’d be hurt if he wasn’t, and that was just normal and expected and understood. It made Tomas’s blood boil. He needed to get Rowe home.
. . .
Rowe’s heart jumped when he heard Master’s voice. The painful fog lifted. Master Master Master. He was here. He didn’t abandon Rowe. He was here and that was worth any punishment he’d give out when Rowe got home. He didn’t remember ever being so happy to see his old master, but he didn’t dwell on that. Master, they fixed my legs. Please take me back home. You said I can have wants. I want to go back home and serve you and let you do whatever you want to me.
The two doctors were talking about Rowe, and Master glanced over a few times, but not to look at Rowe’s legs. He was looking into Rowe’s eyes, staring at him from under his blond curls and Rowe couldn’t understand because that wasn’t where he’d been hurt. He wanted to survey the work the doctors had done, right?
"Okay, thank you," said Master, and his voice was so familiar, so calm and clear and measured, and even through his shame Rowe’s spirits lifted. "I don’t think this wheelchair will be necessary from now on, thanks."
. . .
"That’s handy, because we need it back anyway. And the muzzle."
Tomas tried to act like someone who didn’t care because he had one at home anyway. Rowe kept his eyes down as his mouth was released and again Tomas just wanted to scream at them, because for goodness sake he’s bleeding, and it was fastened over a barely-healed broken nose, and you’re all acting like it doesn’t fucking matter.
"Have you brought a cage for it?"
"If you haven’t brought a cage then he will need carrying, sir."
"That’s- I can get him home fine, thanks."
"Whatever," Tomas muttered, scooping Rowe into his arms without a second thought. He was still light even with the addition of the splint. Rowe didn’t react except to bury his face into Tomas’s neck as he turned on his heel and left.
"Hey, Rowe," he said gently as soon as they were outside. "How do you feel, pal?"
"M-Master," he said weakly.
"I’m here, I promise. Does it hurt?"
"It d-doesn’t matter…"
No Master for once. That was probably not a good sign, right now. "Can you tell me anyway?" Tomas was careful to avoid sounding like Rowe was being rude, or disobedient, or forcing him to tell him out of fear.
"U-uh, it hurts on m-my legs, M-Master. And m-my face."
"From the muzzle, right? Little bastards. I never said they could do that to you."
"I s-spoke without permission, Master."
"Well, I like it when you speak. I like hearing what you have to say." He kept his tone matter-of-fact. Rowe shuddered against his chest, and it could have been a laugh. Yes, I suppose that isn’t said to Pets very often. "And your poor legs. Well, we’re going to try this out, but let me know if it doesn’t work, okay?"
Tomas gently hoisted Rowe onto his back, climbing onto his bicycle very carefully. Rowe clung on; his frail arms hooked over Tomas’s shoulders and the brittle scabs forming over Rowe’s newest cuts tickled his jaw. This is fucking stupid.
"I’ll go slowly," Tomas promised, pushing the bike into motion and vowing never to go back to that wretched place.
. . .
Rowe savoured the last few moments, tucked protectively against his owner’s chest, before they got home and his punishment started. He had wasted Master’s time, he had spoken without permission, he had got blood everywhere upstairs, he was ugly, he was useless, and he was due a punishment. He was due more pain until he was a pitiful, twitching wreck, sobbing that he’d never trouble Master like that again. This was all he could think as he was carried into the house and- not dropped on the floor, as he’d expected, but placed onto the sofa. But- but- Pets couldn’t-
"You’re allowed on the sofa," Master Tomas said, like he’d read Rowe’s mind. "You’re always allowed. But right now, I don’t want any argument, okay?"
Rowe nodded nervously, and didn’t resist as Master unclipped the collar from around his neck. It was insolent and rude and selfish, but Rowe had got used to life without one. He tried to sit up and be pretty, but he was still faint and clumsy with pain.
"H-hurts, Master. M-my legs hurt."
"Rowe?" Master asked, and Rowe’s heart sank because of course, Master would notice immediately. Pets were too stupid to hide things from their Master. The truth always came out, eventually. "You doing okay?"
A pause. "They did… you got painkillers right, Rowe? They gave you anaesthetic?"
Rowe shook his head and immediately Master’s eyes darkened with rage. Wrong answer.
"What the fuck?" Master cried. Rowe flinched. He knew what that tone predated. "No, I’m not- I’m not angry with you. I’ll get you some painkillers."
"P-please, it’s n-not wasted on Pets," Rowe protested weakly, even though he knew Pets never argued with their Master. What was he thinking? Besides, he still opened his mouth obediently when Master approached him with two small pills and some water.
"Okay," he exhaled. Master crouched before him and took Rowe by the hand, ever so gently. Rowe still felt ice run through him at the contact, expecting him to clamp and wrench and pull, but he didn’t.
. . .
I have to do it, thought Tomas as he looked at Rowe. …but I don’t have to do it tonight.
. . .
"Rowe," Master began as he often did, and Rowe liked being reminded that he was important enough to be named. It made him feel wanted.
(made him feel like a person) (no it didn’t)
Master was looking at him so warmly that it made Rowe just want to shy away because he hadn’t earned this kindness. Why was Master even here? What did he want? Why was he here if not to get something from Rowe- to punish him for causing such a fuss?
"When people get hurt, it’s important to be extra nice to them. This doesn’t mean that you can only have nice things if you take pain first, okay?"
"O-okay, Master." But what does that matter?
"I want to do whatever you want tonight. Anything at all. I know having wants is still new, so this is a good chance to try them out." Master ran his thumb over Rowe’s hand. His fingers weren’t rough like old master’s were. They were soft. "Wanting something won’t make me angry. I won’t get angry, I won’t laugh at you, I won’t ignore you."
"I can want s-something?" Rowe timidly confirmed. "I’m not being punished?"
The worst case scenario flitted before his eyes, as it always did- Master’s grip turns painful and he smacks beats hits kicks whips burns hates me and it was all a cruel joke- but it didn’t linger, it didn’t make him seize up. It-
It passed. And all that happened was Master nodded.
"I want-" Rowe’s breath hitched. He knew what he wanted. He couldn’t believe he was even capable of wanting. And now that it wasn’t a dream, or a private thought, the desperation came crashing into him almost too fast to keep up with. It tore and wrenched and made him ache. "Please- please p-pet me, Master, please hold me and ruffle m-m-my hair. I want to b-be held so badly. Please."
. . .
Oh, Rowe, Tomas thought, feeling his heart break once again. I’ve really been cruel to you, haven’t I?
"Of course, pal, of course," he said gently, sitting down next to Rowe and putting an arm around him. "Why don’t you lean on me and get comfortable?"
It felt wrong, Tomas couldn’t deny that, it felt so wrong to let this small, traumatised human rest his head on Tomas’s chest and be pet like a- well, like a Pet. But he also couldn’t deny the way Rowe softened against him. Sure, Rowe went limp a lot, his training making him unresisting and pliable, but this was different. Tomas worked the fingers of his free hand into Rowe’s hair and stroked, all the way down to the top of his spine and back to his crown. Rowe let out a shuddering breath, like all the defences he’d had to keep raised since Tomas got him were being lowered, just for tonight.
The words kept dying on his lips, but Tomas promised himself that if Rowe didn’t respond then he wouldn’t say them again. "You’re- you’re a good boy, Rowe."
Another shudder, and a sniff. Rowe’s face pressed harder into Tomas.  
"Such a good boy. You were so brave today."
And then- Rowe’s shoulders trembled, in the way Tomas had quickly learnt they only did when Rowe was crying silently.
"Th-thank you," Rowe whispered between sobs. "Thank y-you so much, Master."
"I mean it," he soothed. "You are so good, Rowe. I’m happy I have you as a Pet."
It was a confession to himself as much as it was a comfort for Rowe. The words sank in, for both of them. Rowe’s crying didn’t abate, and Tomas felt a few tears of his own drip down his face. They landed perfectly on the hand in Rowe’s hair. That’s for the best. Proper Masters don’t cry over their Pets.
Tomas couldn’t help it. All his anger at the hospital had settled into sadness. He wasn’t being selfish. Rowe so desperately needed to feel safe and comforted, even if by morning he would be back to his usual fearful servitude. But Tomas also wanted to drop the pretence, just for a night, and let himself be kind and gentle without confusing his poor precious Pet.
He continued stroking his hair until Rowe fell asleep, his head rising and falling in unison with Tomas’s slow breaths.
(ending loosely inspired by this post)
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macgyvertape · 3 years
So how’s Trials of Osiris now?
I’ve been wanting to do a follow up to on my essay “Trials of Osiris has been corrupting Guardians with Darkness“, and I figured no better time than when Bungie made a lot of changes to Trials gameplay.
No leak info or spoilers beyond week 1 of s15, this season’s Trials weapon is available in game from turning in last seasons bounty. I’ll cite like (this) the name of the lore, it can all be found on ishtar-collective since I’m having issues with links.
 to recap: before Stasis and before Savathun!Osiris, Trials was a corrupting influence related to the Darkness, affecting both Ghost and Guardian, and driving them try to perma-kill each other.
What I find fun about this storyline, is that it has shifted from being about creepy unknowable Darkness into a story about the clash between Guardian’s use of darkness powers vs faith in the Light, that’s clearly meant to continue the themes from Seasons of the Drifter and Opulence. Bungie isn’t going to put this plotline ingame, so IMO it’s fine all the lore implications are obscure.
thesis: in universe characters directly list the obvious parallels for Shayura “"You're no better than the Dredgen ," he says ... "…or Malphur ."” (SW, Shayura's Wrath) but also Shayura is set up as a foil to Aunor Mahal.
Since Season of the Chosen where the Trials Armor lore detailed Shayura’s descent into some degree of madness from 3 points of view; the lore has mentioned that while Savathun!Osiris is interested by guardians being corrupted by Darkness they aren’t the cause of it, and didn’t know of it till Saint-14 brought it up (In Memoriam Shell) (IH, Igneous Hammer).
Basically Shayura’s belief that the Traveler wants her to do this, and her willingness to kill Guardian is her own (PAB, Pyrrhic Ascent Bond) (Shayura's Wrath). Although there is confirmed final death for a Hunter in Shayura’s Wrath lore, it is implied that she has killed an unknown amount of Stasis users “Fragments of Ghost shells are scattered atop the console” (PAB)
There is an additional trophy “the Human skull sitting in the middle of her command console. Its hollow eye sockets stare back at her” (SW) following Shayura’s attempted murder patterns, I’m guessing that skull was her fireteam member Aisha who is one of the few humans mentioned in the context of Shayura’s breakdown, and who “betrayed” her by using stasis. Further evidence would be that Shayura’s story was told from the 3 points of view of her fireteam: the only point of view since the Shayura Wrath lore has been from that of Reed-7(Reeds Regret).
side note: it doesn’t seem like Shayura is treating her Ghost well either. “A Ghost reduced to little more than a bare sphere of metal, deprived of a shell” (SW)
Dredgen Yor:
It’s hard to make direct comparisons with Dredgen Yor, most of his lore is from D1, and contradicts in points where it seems like it was handled by different writers. The other point of similarity besides being infamous and reviled for murder of other Guardians is the lore being clear that they suffer from the emotional toll of endless war.
"Can Guardians be unfit for duty?" Shayura wonders aloud, her voice muffled by the tabletop.
"I mean…" Aisha replies. Her hesitation has a palpable sting. (PAG, Pyrric Ascent Gloves)
To Rezyl, the Captain was already an afterthought. ... Rezyl’s attention had shifted to the unknown, but inevitable, battles to follow.... Rezyl was growing tired of small wins, however meaningful. (Rezyl Azzir - War Without End)
It’s not the same emotion, but it’s not often Guardians doubts in their role in such a way. You could say Shayura is the Light version of what Dredgen Yor was, but while the Darkness encouraged Yor (Ghost Fragment: Darkness 4), I HIGHLY doubt the traveler is encouraging Shayura the way she thinks it is. (Pyrrhic Ascent Boots)
Taking the the ending words of "I killed an agent of the Darkness," Shayura says, ... .Bile rises in the back of Shayura's throat."They come in many forms." (SR). I don’t think its much of a stretch to think the lines refer to her as an agent of darkness as well.
Shin Malphur:
Shin Malphur and Dredgen Yor, have a fair amount of parallels, especially considering Shin Malphur = Dredgen Vale twist, but it’s unclear how widely known that twist is in universe and if that is what the dead hunter was referring to.
Shayura’s Wrath item text “"But here you are. This is truly a beginning…" —Shin Malphur” (SW) parallels Dredgen Yor’s last words “But here you are. This is truly an end” (Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 4)
it’s heavily implied Shin is speaking to Shayura, but do I think Shin Malphur would be helping Shayura? Not unless Bungie is planning on changing his characterization yet again. There are obvious surface parallels: two solar wielding vigilantes who hunt Guardians who wield Darkness and love extra-judicial murder (Source: too many pages to count where Shin talks about culling those who have gone too far into the darkness). But Shayura’s zealot belief in the Traveler and her crusade against darkness wielders are the opposite of Shin’s beliefs of using both Light and Dark:
“the building of a new world, one where absolutes cower to the might of compromise, where Light tempers dark and the dark opens new insight into the Light's many undiscovered gifts.” (Nothing Ends: The Long Goodbye)
“the shadows of dark power that tempt us are not inherently evil. In fact, they are simply another tool to be used if we hope to bend the unknown to our will, an impossible feat we must learn to master if we wish to push back the ever-aggressive tide of extinction.“ (Nothing Ends: The Liar's Trap)
I think in the end Shin Malphur is more of a contrast than a comparison to Shayura, I’d also be suprised if Bungie brings him back as they’ve had him give his retirement twice now (Letters from a Renegade, Nothing Ends)
Aunor Mahal:
both are/were members of the Praxic Order, both strongly oppose Guardians using power of darkess.
A key difference is Aunor still has faith in the Vanguard while Shayura does not (Pyrrhic Ascent Hood). Shayura is what the fandom who only listened to Drifter’s side of the story thought Aunor was, someone more than ready to kill Guardians and Ghosts.
While Shayura only consideres execution, Aunor has faith in rehabilitation
“You're costing us Ghosts—means to fight enemies of humanity. These Guardians represent more than potential Dredgens” (The Warlock Aunor: The Salt Mines).
Following the Trend of other corrupted Guardians like Sola or Trestin, whom Aunor confrots; I’m expecting to see Aunor eventually confront Shayura, it seemed implied in the Igneous Hammer lore.
Side note:
Even before Guardians used stasis, its clear there was a ramp up from when Gambit appeared with Guardian’s going too far with the darkeness to the Guardian and ghost corruption seen in Trials
 “will face Praxic justice. Perhaps exile. We haven't had to lock anyone up in decade“(Message from Aunor VIII)
"It's affecting Ghosts now too. We should bring them back to the City. This makes five." (Temptation's Hook). “ You think she'll be lucky number…  how many are we up to now? At this point, the only chance I'm giving them is the chance to kill me first” (The Messenger)
Shayura mentions she was locked up and escaped (SW), and it’s clear that the Praxic Order is stretched thin
“Aunor scowled. She was perhaps the most diligent of the Hidden ...Each time they met, she seemed a little gaunter than before. A little testier" (IH)
Aunor’s morals and loyalty to the Vanguard are some of her defininging characteristics and I don’t see that changing. But if this storyline continues in Witch Queen then I see things hitting a breaking point.
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daitranscripts · 3 years
Champions of the Just Pt. 9
The Plan
Champions of the Just Masterpost First: To the Templars Previous: Up and Out
The Envy demon is thrown into the Great Hall through the doors and screeches as the PC stares on. It then flings itself further into the hall, conjuring a green barrier as it flees.
Barris: The Lord Seeker!
PC: No. An imposter.
Barris: That monster ensured we weren’t prepared. I still don’t know what we’re up against.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Where’s Cole? [2]
General: Envy took the Lord Seeker. [3]
General: The demon wanted me, too. [4]
General: It’s Envy. How do we kill it? [5]
2 - Investigate: Where’s Cole? PC: Did anyone else see a young man appear beside me? Barris: What young man? Mage PC: Pale. Strangely dressed. Clearly Fade-touched. Non-Mage PC: Pale. Strangely Dressed. He was with me? Barris: I saw no one. The Lord Seeker was alone when you revealed his true nature. [Back to 1]
2 - General: Envy took the Lord Seeker PC: I’m sorry. An envy demon replaced the Lord Seeker. [5]
3 - General: The demon wanted me, too. PC: That fake Seeker was an envy demon. Apparently I caught it’s fancy. [5]
4 - General: It’s Envy. How do we kill it? PC: It’s and envy demon, and I need to know how to kill it. [5]
5 - Scene continues
If Cassandra is in the party Cassandra: Envy! Then the Lord Seeker… Barris: Is caged or dead. Maker.
If Cassandra is not in the party Barris: Envy? Maker. Then the real Lord Seeker is caged or dead.
Barris (if discovered captain’s secret): And my captain knew. It’s the red lyrium, isn’t it? I knew that retched stuff was risky! Barris (if captain’s secret was not discovered): It used the red lyrium to corrupt the Order, didn’t it? I knew that miserable stuff was risky!
Barris: They often give us new kinds of lyrium. Our commanders… some used the red stuff first, to prove it was harmless. The knights would have been next. That demon turned our leaders so we couldn’t question when this started!
Dialogue options:
General: Then your order caused this. [6]
General: Don’t underestimate it. [7]
General: Then let’s finish it. [8]
6 - General: Then your order caused this. PC: Then your leaders all but corrupted the templars for the demon. Barris: Then we will fix it. [9]
7 - General: Don’t underestimate it. PC: I can tell you firsthand, it’s a clever liar. Bring your best to stop it. [9] Barris: Our best…
8 - General: Then let’s finish it. PC: Will you keep blaming yourself, or help me end this? [9]
9 - Scene continues.
Barris turns to some templar knights standing nearby.
Barris: Templar! What is Envy?
Templar 1 (Tavus): A coward, brother!
Templar 2 (Esmia): It studies, makes less mistakes. But most of all, it hides.
Barris: We need our veterans. Our commanders have turned, but our lieutenants may still be fighting. We’ll hold the hall. You find the lieutenants and uncorrupted lyrium stores. Bring them here, and I’ll give you envy. Show those things no mercy.
Cutscene ends. You can choose to speak with Barris again to clarify the plan.
PC: What’s the plan, Ser Barris?
Barris: Envy’s rare. Rank and file aren’t trained for that. That’s why it took us top down. But there’s a few left than can handle it: veterans. Bring them here. With them and enough normal lyrium, we can punch a hole in that barrier.
Party comments:
Blackwall: Good to know there are some of you left. That means your order can be saved.
Solas: These templars have just enough power to be dangerous to themselves and others.
Sera: Whatever. You make it so we can kill that thing, I’m happy.
Iron Bull: Sooner we get these guys back on their feet, the sooner we can get them to close the Breach.
Cassandra: We need templars, but we do not need the Order. It is so filled with corruption, there is no saving it.
Vivienne: Some sanity remains. Good. We need them to have their wits.
Varric: Glad to see Curly isn’t the only templar left who isn’t crazy.
10 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Anything new on the Elder One? [11]
Investigate: How will Lyrium help? [12]
Investigate: Why willingly use red lyrium? [13]
General: We’ll be back. [14]
11 - Investigate: Anything new on the Elder One? PC: Envy claimed to serve the “Elder One.” Just like your knight-captian. Barris: Maybe it’s to do with the war with the mages but… I don’t know anymore. This is all above me. But bring me the tools, and I’ll stand to the last.
Dialogue options:
Investigate: When did the takeover start? [15]
Other options [Back to 10]
15 - Investigate: When did the takeover start? PC: When did the Lord Seeker start taking over? Barris: I’m shamed whatever I say. If he was fake at the start, we let a demon walk in. If he was genuine, Envy took the Lord Seeker from under our noses. Barris (if discovered captain’s secret): Who knows how long the knight-vigilant has been dead? The knight-captain “relayed” his orders. Barris (if captain’s secret was not discovered): Arrogant fools, all of us. [Back to 10]
12 - Investigate: How will Lyrium help? PC: You’re not mages. You need lyrium for this? Barris: Templars deny magic, but envy demons are tough. Especially when they’ve had time to entrench themselves. The veterans can show us how to push. The lyrium will help, so when we break, we break the enemy. PC: “Break”? You mean you could die? Barris: A demon holds the honor of the Order. There isn’t a man or woman here who will let that stand. [Back to 10]
13 - Investigate: Why willingly use red lyrium? PC: I need to understand how you could accept the use of corrupted lyrium. Barris: We didn’t know it was corrupted. The Lord Seeker only said it was better than Chantry lyrium. PC: That’s it? Barris: You have to understand. All magic is corruptible, all magic is dangerous, and yet all magic can serve. The red lyrium was just a tool. Or so we thought. [Back to 10]
14 - General: We’ll be back. PC: I’ll return. Barris: It’s the only plan we’ve got.
Next: Holding the Great Hall
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