#i may have just changed my lockscreen to this
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megalony · 1 year ago
Pretty Please
This is a new Eddie x Buck x Reader imagine I've come up with, based on a few different requests I've gotten. I should be doing a follow up part to this if anyone is interested. Any feedback would be amazing.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen
911 Masterlist
Summary: Eddie and Evan used to be single parents, but not anymore. Now, alongside (Y/n), they're co-parenting their kids, Chris and Lottie, and are about to move in together.
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"Are you okay? You've been looking at your phone every five minutes," Evan pushed his weight down onto the pull-up bar, swaying his feet back and forth in the air for a few seconds before he dropped down to the floor.
"I'm just… my boy likes it when I pick him up from school, and I'm not, so,"
A gentle smile formed on Evan's lips as he watched Eddie wave his hands about before he settled them back on his thighs and stared down at his phone. It was a look Evan had worn quite a few times over the past year, one he wasn't used to seeing on anyone else.
"So, you're hovering?"
"I guess. He's got a new home and a new school, and now it's not always me getting him from school. It's a lot to get used to, and it's just us now." Eddie tried to smile but he couldn't find it in himself to do so, it was too hard contorting too many muscles when all he wanted to do was sigh and go home. "Doing this alone ain't great- I don't expect you to understand,"
Pulling away from the weights, Evan wiped his hands on the towel before he plonked himself down next to Eddie on the bench in the gym. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, tilting his head to the side to look at his new work partner with a perplexed look.
"You're not the only single dad here, you know." Evan tried really hard to keep the snarky tone out of his voice but he couldn't quite manage it.
Something inside him told him to be protective, put his defences up around someone new. Someone who didn't know Evan like the rest of the team. But if they were going to be partners, they may as well open up and share a few things.
"You have kids?"
Evan reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, tilting it so Eddie could see his lockscreen. "That's my baby girl," A calmer, more soothing tone came to Evan's voice and he cracked a smile when he looked at the picture. It was a more recent picture, he had only just changed the lockscreen. For the past year and a half the picture had been the same. The picture Maddie took of Evan the first time he held Lottie.
Now she was a bit older, Evan finally changed the photo to a selfie of them both where he finally got her to grin at the screen after almost twenty minutes of trying to take a good photo of them both.
"She's sweet… sorry, I uh, I didn't think you…" Whatever way Eddie worded it, he was going to sound rude. When he looked at Evan, he didn't think of him as a dad, but then again people probably thought the same thing when they looked at Eddie.
"No one here believed me when I told them, either. And I get it, being here is hard when you just wanna be home, and when you're all they have… it's tough."
Part of Evan still had a tiny, miniscule bit of anger towards the team, despite how much he loved them all like his own family. He was angry that after working with them for three months, none of them took him seriously when he said he was going to have a baby. And Evan understood why. He had fucked around a lot since before he started at the 118 station and he couldn't remember half the girls he slept with.
So when Leigh turned up on his doorstep and said she was pregnant, Evan hadn't been as thrilled as he should have been.
But he thought the team would have been more considerate and he had blown up when they acted like it was a joke.
"Her mum's not in the picture?"
"Nah, I'll admit I wasn't great at the time, I fucked around and I thought I was careful… Lottie proved me wrong though." He clasped his hands together in his lap and bowed his head. "My ex wasn't happy. And you know I tried, I went to the scans, I sorted my shit out and I was there when Lottie was born. But Leigh left. She seemed to take one look and just… just decided she didn't want her. But I did."
Evan knew if Leigh had the choice, she wouldn't have chosen Evan to be her baby's father. He barely remembered her name when she showed up on his doorstep, he didn't even remember that he'd brought her back to his apartment- more than once.
From the moment she told him, Evan cleaned up his act. He tried harder at work, he stopped sleeping around from the moment Leigh showed up. He attended all her appointments and he had been there when Lottie was born. Maddie made him do a DNA test, she didn't trust Leigh but when it came back positive Evan didn't care. It could have said he wasn't Lottie's father and he would have kept her anyway.
When she was in his arms, his world slotted into place. And Leigh's world fell apart.
"One week later I had sole custody and I haven't seen her since."
It had been the right thing for all of them. Evan wanted his daughter, Leigh didn't and they just drifted immediately. After one week, Leigh was certain a baby wasn't what she wanted in her life. She signed all the papers and Evan didn't have a contact number or a forwarding adress, and that was how he wanted it. If she didn't want contact, Evan would make sure Lottie knew that all she needed was him and her aunt Maddie. No one else mattered.
It was just the two of them against the world.
"Buck?" A tender smile flitted across Eddie's lips as he leaned over the back of the sofa and looked down at his partner. He clasped both hands on Evan's shoulders and pressed a kiss to his temple, jolting him back to the waking world. "If you need some sleep, go in the bunker room."
"I- no, that was a two minute power nap, I'm good." He groaned through the words as he pushed himself up so he was sitting upright instead of slouched down on the sofa. He had barely nodded off for five minutes, his watch proved it. He didn't mean to fall asleep, he just got comfy, slid down and then he was out.
"Aren't you getting enough sleep at home?" Eddie jested as he slouched down next to him on the sofa and took a gulp of coffee.
"Not when Lottie's coughing her lungs up in my ear I don't."
He usually slept like a log and Lottie was at the stage of sleeping fine through the night. Until four days ago, when she got a chest infection. Since their trip to the doctor, Lottie had been sleeping in Evan's bed and she only managed to sleep when he wrapped her up in his arms and snuggled her against his chest with a blanket. And then she would cough and splutter and wake herself up, going into fits of tears.
She fell asleep properly just two hours before their morning alarm and screamed when Evan told her he had to go to work and she was going to spend the day with Maddie.
He hated leaving her when she wasn't well and she made it impossible for him to leave. Now he was regretting not calling in sick and just spending the day in bed with Lottie. It would have calmed his raging nerves to know that she was tucked up safe with him and that she was alright. Being at work just made him panic that she was getting worse without him there beside her.
"Chris used to get a lot of infections. In the end he'd just spend hours in the bath, the hot water worked best for him."
"Do you remember the last time you were round my house at bath time? My daughter somehow believes she'll get sucked down the drain." Evan had never heard his daughter scream as much as she did when bath time was over and it wasn't even in a tantrum or protest.
Lottie had a horrible fear of going down the plug, she thought as soon as the water started to disappear that she would also get pulled down the drain and be lost in the pipes forever. Either Evan had to get her out the bath first, or he pulled the plug and risked her launching herself on him and harming them both so she could get out as quickly as possible.
And she wasn't even three years old yet.
"Then it's a good job my place has a shower," Eddie grinned around his coffee cup and drained the last drops while he jabbed his elbow into Evan's side in jest.
In about two weeks, Evan, Lottie and their partner (Y/n) would be moving in with Eddie and Chris. It was going to be a big step for all of them and a change for the kids.
Chris couldn't remember the time when his parents had lived together, it had been years and he was only a toddler when Eddie and Shannon split up. And for Lottie, all she knew was Evan. No one else had ever lived with them, she had her dad and that was it. Now, Lottie was going to go from having one parent to gaining two more. She adored Eddie and she seemed to attach to (Y/n) whenever they were in the same room, but living together was a new experience for everyone.
Eddie's last relationship was his marriage and that ended horribly. (Y/n)'s previous relationship hadn't been enjoyable and she had never lived with any of her partners before. And Evan had lived with only one girlfriend before and that had lasted all of three months before he found out about Lottie and the relationship ended on the spot.
All three of them were praying this move would be the right choice for everyone and that it would go smoothly.
"Buck… I think you have some visitors,"
Evan's hand found Eddie's knee and he gave a light squeeze before he leaned his head over the cushion, rapidly looking around to see where Bobby was. He found the Captain at the top of the stairs, smiling as he pointed over his shoulder to signal where the visitors were.
He could feel himself livening up as he jumped up from the sofa and headed over to the stairs. There weren't many people it could be visiting him and he had a sneaking suspicion it was his daughter. A bubble of panic burst to life along with adrenaline in Evan's stomach at the thought of it being Maddie and Lottie turning up. That had to mean Lottie was getting worse if Maddie was bringing her down to the station to see him.
He scooted past Bobby, trying not to trip as he hurried down the stairs towards his sister who was just walking past one of the trucks.
She was smiling at him which was a good sign and calmed down one of Evan's many nerves. She had Lottie's bag on her shoulder and the two year old bouncing on her hip, clinging to her as she coughed into Maddie's neck.
"Hi babygirl,"
The moment Lottie registered Evan's voice cooing at her, she lifted her head and her pale lips pulled into a smile, briefly obscured by another cough. She stretched her arms out and whined, bashing her feet into Maddie's stomach and back until Evan was close enough to scoop her up.
He flashed his pearly whites, grinning like a shark when he picked her up and reeled her into his chest like a fish on a hook. His large hand smoothed up and down Lottie's back, rubbing soothing circles to try and help ease her cough. Evan could feel her nimble fingers scrunching up in his shirt and she smothered her face against his exposed neck, bending his collar out of her way so she could breathe crackling breaths into his neck.
"Poor baby," Evan mused with his lips meshed into her wild sandy curls that resembled his own. His nose ruffled her curls and he turned his head, squishing his cheek against the top of her head as he started to sway her side to side.
When his eyes locked on his sister, he could see the exhaustion on her face and it made him feel bad. He definitely shouldn't have come to work today. Lottie played up for anyone but Evan when she was ill. If she was her usual self, she would be a Godsend, never made trouble or put a toe out of line and she loved spending time with Maddie. Just not if she was sick.
"How's she been?" He wasn't sure he dare ask and when Maddie pursed her lips and raised a brow, Evan winced.
"Mostly coughing and crying which wasn't a problem at all… it was the screaming when I tried to use this that nearly made her pass out." Fumbling around in her bag, Maddie found the inhaler and spacer that had caused such havoc between her and her niece.
"Oh dear."
When Evan took Lottie to the doctors a few days ago, they could see how congested she was and how hard she was finding it to breathe. So the nurse suggested trying an inhaler but with how young she was, she would need a spacer to go along with it.
A spacer was a plastic tube that the inhaler slotted onto and once the inhaler was pressed, the tube spaced out the steroids so Lottie could inhale it much slower rather than one bout of medicine all at once.
But it did look frightening. She barely let Evan use it with her and when Maddie tried, all she did was scream and say her aunt was being mean. She acted as if Maddie was trying to hit her with it or as if it was full of poison that would kill her instead of make her feel better.
She needed to use it to feel better, she had barely been breathing due to coughing so much. And when she started to scream, her little face went red and she fell down, lightheaded and close to passing out. The only thing Maddie could think of doing was bringing her to the station to see if Evan- or possibly Eddie- could get Lottie to use it. He always managed to calm her down and she knew an hour with him would settle her enough until he finally came home from shift.
"Pass it over, I'll give it a try." He leaned his chest back, tilting Lottie further into his chest so he could reach out and take the inhaler and spacer. Hiding it behind his thigh so Lottie wouldn't see. "Come on baby, let's go watch tv while Maddie gets a drink."
Evan looked over at Chimney, then back at his sister. He knew if he took Lottie for a bit and gave Maddie a break, she could have a drink with Chimney while Evan tried to work his magic on his daughter.
He kept his lips pressed to Lottie's head, smiling to himself when she started to mumble 'daddy' over and over into his neck. His eyes locked with Eddie when he got upstairs but the moment Eddie clocked onto the inhaler, he whistled and raised a brow as he passed to go towards the kitchen. On his way past, Eddie pressed a quick kiss to Lottie's temple, muttering a round of 'good luck' to Evan on his way past.
"You're not sitting with them?" Hen leaned around Eddie as she watched Evan move towards the sofa in front of the tv that was blaring out the latest news. She thought Eddie would have sat with them and made the most of Lottie's visit before they had to get on with their work.
"Oh I'll be able to hear her scream just fine from over here," He dumped his cup in the sink and leaned his forearms down on the kitchen counter. Arching his back out as he looked over at his partner across the kitchen. He wasn't standing close if Lottie was going to try and use her inhaler.
When Evan first tried to get her to use it, Eddie had been on the phone and Lottie had screamed so much Eddie thought he had gone deaf. He heard her call Evan a meanie and cry and wheeze until Evan was almost crying that she was about to turn red.
Eddie would rather wait until Evan had tried his luck with the inhaler before he went to sit with them for a little while.
"Alright babygirl, deep breath for me." Evan sat down on the sofa, hiding the inhaler behind his feet as he perched Lottie on his lap. He pressed a hand to her back and one to her chest, feeling her crackling lungs when she tried to inhale deeply, ending in a cough.
Lottie tilted her head back to look up at Evan, wheezing and tensing her shoulders to try and smother another cough. Her eyes were already watering from the need to cough and she looked paler than she had this morning when he left her. Just looking at his poorly girl made guilt rack up in Evan's stomach and sent him reeling.
"Alright baby, you need to have some medicine."
Evan pursed his lips as he glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of Hen, Bobby and Eddie all looking at him with smiles and nodding his way. They weren't going to help, only spectate.
He lifted Lottie up and set her down next to him so he could slide off the sofa and kneel down on the floor in front of her instead. She tucked her legs up beneath her and held onto her little legs, leaning back and forth as she continued to cough and croak. Her tiny button nose crinkled at the end and she shivered.
Her little eyes stayed closed for a few moments which was long enough for Evan to clip the inhaler into the spacer but once Lottie opened her eyes, she paled and leaned back.
"No! No daddy."
Evan predicted Lottie would try to swat at the spacer which was why he held it up above his head, out of her reach. He held his free hand out and gently grabbed her hand as he shook his head.
"Hey now, I thought you liked magic?"
"S'not magic. Nasty, don't want it,"
"It is magic because it will help you breathe better. Come on, be a big girl. Look, I can do it." Evan pretended to press the inhaler and pressed the spacer against his nose and mouth. The last thing he wanted was a deep breath of steroids he didn't need but he would happily play pretend if it got Lottie to go along with him.
He told her it was a toy when she first saw it and pretended to speak into it so she would do the same. But when he pressed the inhaler and she took a deep breath, it tickled her throat and made her chest ignite. It helped, she had enough air to scream at Evan and she didn't trust him after that. Every day since, Evan had to bribe her to try and use it and it was trial and error with her.
Lottie shook her head and leaned as far back into the sofa as she could until Evan reached his arm around her and pulled her back towards him.
Eddie winced and hid his grimace behind his hands that were clasped together in front of his face. He could see the pain in Evan's eyes from this distance when Lottie tried to scream but all she ended up doing was slouching forward with a horrid gargling cough.
"Please babygirl? Come on, where's Lottie gone?" For a brief moment, Evan pressed the spacer near his eye, acting as if it was a binocular he was trying to look through.
That was enough encouragement for Lottie to lean closer, apprehension vivid in her eyes but when Evan asked where she was, curiosity got the better of her.
As quick as anything, Evan pressed the inhaler and puffed out his chest, trying to get Lottie to copy him and take a deep breath. He held his breath and puffed out his cheeks that curved into a grin when Lottie tried to breathe into the tube. Her eyes snapped closed and her small fingers scratched into Evan's arm as she tilted her chin down into her chest and squirmed. The deeper breath she took, the more her chest hurt and tickled and it felt like something was physically expanding her lungs for her.
But it helped. She coughed before taking a crackling breath and itching around in Evan's arm until she could push the spacer away. Her head flopped forward onto Evan's shoulder and she curled her arms around his bicep, clinging to him as she took deep breaths.
She felt his arm coil around her waist and his large hand engulfed her hip so he could pull her up into his chest while he kissed the back of her head.
"See? You're so brave. One more for me, just one more then you can go see Eddie, hmm?"
Evan balanced on his heels, feeling a pain burning in the back of his calves from crouching for so long, shifting from his toes to his heels. He kept his left arm around Lottie, holding her against his chest and shoulder and wrapped his right arm around his front until the spacer was near her face. He would gladly cuddle her and hold her close if she would try the spacer again. If he could get her to use it tonight before she went to bed it might help them both sleep better.
She tilted her head from side to side, grumbling and whimpering until Evan pressed the inhaler and held it as close to her nose and mouth as he could manage.
It didn't quite cover her mouth properly and Lottie clenched her hand around Evan's hand that held the spacer, preventing it from completely pressing into her face. She breathed as quickly as she could, inhaling half of the air she was supposed to from the spacer but it was enough for now.
"That's my baby, all done. Good girl," Evan placed the spacer down on the coffee table behind him before he scooped Lottie up in his arms and stood up.
He let her bury her face between his shoulder and chest and curl her legs around his broad chest. Her arms tightly cocooned around his neck until Evan had no choice but to lean forward or have his neck snapped. He kissed the top of her head and pressed his free hand to the back of her neck, smoothing his thumb up and down her cheek as he walked over towards the kitchen.
"See? Didn't I tell you she was brave?" Evan bounced her on his hip, raising a brow when Eddie reached forward to take her. He wasn't so eager when she was screaming but as soon as she returned to the little doe-eyed girl, Eddie was all for her.
"Hi Lottie-cake," Eddie kissed the top of her head, wearing a broad grin when she easily slid from Evan's arms and into his.
He missed having a toddler. He had missed out on a lot of Chris's early childhood and it had taken a lot of trial and error after Shannon left, but Eddie wouldn't have it any other way. Getting together with Evan and (Y/n) had been one of the best things to happen to Eddie. And he got another child in this new relationship. A little girl to spoil, which was exactly how everyone felt when they met Lottie.
"And she's asleep." Eddie wasn't sure whether he was insulted or proud as he looked down and realised her eyes were closed and she was breathing evenly into his neck. He could feel how croaky she was and little grumbles and huffs left her lips every now and then, but she seemed very settled.
"Can you stay like that for the rest of the day? Pretty please?" Evan slumped himself down onto the counter and ran his fingers through his hair while he looked lovingly over at his boyfriend.
Couldn't Eddie just stay at the station for the remainder of their shift and hold Lottie? If she was sleeping in his arms like that, she might just get a good rest and feel a bit better. She would wake up as soon as Eddie let her go and when she realised Maddie would be taking her home soon, she would start crying and screaming again.
"I wish. Go sweet-talk Cap and see what he says," A proud smile lit up Eddie's face and he leaned his hips back against the counter, smoothing his free hand through Lottie's mess of curls. He couldn't resist kissing her head and he started slowly swaying from side to side, lightly bouncing Lottie in the crook of his elbow to try and keep her settled and drifting off to sleep.
Evan knew one thing for certain, he wouldn't be at work for the rest of the week if she continued to be this sick.
Eddie hummed a quiet tune at the back of his throat to try and keep himself awake, but he could feel his eyelids flagging and his view of the bathroom was starting to blur and become obscured.
He coughed and let out a small grunt before he went back to humming and looked down at the little girl in his arms. Every few seconds, Eddie jostled his arms up and down, moving Lottie up and down while he kissed the back of her head and hummed into her hair.
He trailed his lips down to kiss her cheek and tilted his neck so he could check and see if she was still awake or not. She had suddenly gone rather quiet in his arms.
It had to be sometime around one in the morning.
This was the first time Evan, Lottie and (Y/n) were staying the night with Eddie and Chris. They were all moving in next week so they were doing a trial run for two nights to try and get the kids used to being under the same roof and see how things went.
The night would have gone a lot smoother if Lottie still wasn't down with a chest infection. She loved her room here which was almost finished and she had been so tired she fell asleep during the movie with them all in the living room. Evan put her to bed and every hour or so, one of them checked in on her.
The three of them actually managed to go to bed and get two hours sleep. Then Lottie woke up.
She had been crying and coughing so Eddie gave her some medicine but she suddenly started to croak and wheeze and then she could barely breathe. He had resorted to the bathroom to try something new. Eddie filled the sink with boiling water, put some vapour drops in the water, lathered Lottie in vapour cream to try and clear her airways. And now he was holding her over the sink, getting her to breathe in the steam to clear her chest.
He thought she would scream at him like she did with the inhaler, but the steam seemed to help straight away. Her coughing got worse but in a good way, it was deeper and allowed her to take proper breaths.
Almost twenty minutes Eddie had been doubled over the sink with Lottie in his arms and he felt like he could sleep standing up. But she was keeping him awake on his toes, if he stopped bouncing her in his arms for more than ten seconds, she would whine and bat at his hand to make him continue.
"Atta girl Lottie-cake." He spoke quietly, grinning when he realised she was asleep. Her head lolled onto his bicep and she snuffled, croaking as she dozed off in his arms.
As gently as he could, Eddie lifted her and turned her around in his arms until she was settled on his chest. Her head fell just beneath his chin and she slumped against his upper chest with her palm pressed over his collar bone. Eddie left the sink full and turned off the light, he was too tired to deal with it now when he could tidy up in the morning. After they all got some sleep.
"You can come sleep with us," Eddie kissed the top of her head and made his way to his room. He knew what would happen if he put Lottie down. She wasn't fully asleep yet and if he woke her whilst trying to put her in her own bed, she would start to cry. It would be easier to let her stay with them tonight and try her in her new room again tomorrow.
When Eddie padded back into his room, he carefully eased himself back down onto the bed, making sure Lottie stayed motionless against his chest. He laid out on his back next to (Y/n), inhaling slowly to adjust to the new weight on his chest. Lottie snuggled up until her head was pressed right beneath his chin near his Adam's apple and her arms secured around his neck to keep him close as if he was going to try and escape.
A smile worked its way onto his face when (Y/n) pressed her face up into his shoulder and draped her leg over his, rubbing her foot against his lower leg.
"Come on, breakfast is ready!"
Evan jolted forward when a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and nudged him until he moved off balance. His eyes snapped open and he gasped as he rolled from his side and onto Eddie's chest, promptly scaring his partner awake in the process.
"Breakfast!" Chris whined again, nudging Evan until he groaned and ran a hand up and down his face to try and wake himself up.
"W-what time is it?"
"Where's Lottie?" Evan pressed a hand against Eddie's chest and pushed himself up until he could sit up in bed. He ran his fingers through his hair while he looked around the bedroom. Early in the morning he remembered Eddie going to check on Lottie so he and (Y/n) didn't have to and an hour after that, Eddie found Lottie snuggled in bed with them.
Every now and then when she coughed, Evan had reached out to rub his hand up and down her back or kiss her temple if he could reach her. She had climbed over all three of them, moving between who she wanted to lay with.
When Evan's words sank in, Eddie's hands moved to his chest that suddenly felt light and empty. Lottie kept coming back to lay on him during the night, he hadn't realised she had left the room. And so had (Y/n).
"They're making breakfast."
"Alright, we're coming," Eddie pushed up, stretched his arms above his head and climbed out of bed behind Evan. It seemed like the girls had gotten up and got breakfast sorted while the rest of them stayed in bed. Chris's hair was all over the place and he was still in his pyjamas.
A grin took over Evan's features when he padded into the kitchen, still rubbing his hands over his eyes to wake himself up.
There was Lottie, perched on the kitchen counter beside the fridge, a teddy in her arms and (Y/n) stood beside her with a spatula in hand and plates of food all served up around her.
"Morning girls, what are we making?" Evan wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s waist and reeled her into his side like a fish on a hook. His bare chest pressed up into her back and he tucked his face into her neck, pressing a tender kiss there just to feel her shiver against him.
His free hand moved out to cup Lottie's chin and he brushed his thumb across her cheek, smiling when she grinned up at him.
"Bacon and eggs."
"Buck… aren't you forgetting something?" A smirk flooded Eddie's face as he picked Chris up for a morning hug and leaned across to put the kettle on to make some coffee. He watched his partner tilt his head and frown in confusion that mixed in with tiredness.
Reaching out, Eddie grabbed the spacer and inhaler from the counter and waved it over at him. He grinned when Evan's jaw slacked and his shoulders slumped before he dropped his face back into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck and curled around her like he was pretending to disappear.
Morning and evening, Lottie needed to be encouraged to use the spacer until her infection cleared and she wouldn't let anyone but Evan use it.
He smiled shyly into (Y/n)'s neck when she turned her head to press a gentle, wet kiss to his forehead. They all knew he needed to be more awake and alert if he was going to bribe his daughter to take her inhaler. Breakfast would have to come first to ensure he woke up.
He was glad they all had the next three days off together.
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 2 years ago
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
You have heard it before: if you feel like your life sucks and you’ll never be truly happy - take a shower. Have a snack. Drink a glass of water. Stretch gently. Take a nap. 
Basically, take care of your very basic physical needs and you may find that your emotional and mental well-being improves as well. 
This definitely falls under the category of advice that sounds ridiculously oversimplified, especially when you are right in the middle of a bad mood - and of course it needs to come with the caveat that this won’t cure depression. But even if your low mood is a symptom of depression (or another mental illness), taking care of your physical needs will help stabilize your mood and is a good foundation for further treatment. 
But in this letter, I don’t actually want to discuss that. There are already plenty great tumblr posts doing so. I just want to remind you of another basic need after water, food, sleep, movement and hygiene: Enrichment. 
Enrichment means stimulation of the brain, and you may know this term in the context of people working with animals. Dog owners, zookeepers etc. try to stimulate the animal’s brain by offering them physical or mental exercise. For example, a dog may be encouraged to search for hidden treats! 
You are not a dog, but your brain also needs stimulation. Being understimulated easily leads to feeing unfulfilled and unhappy! 
A really easy way to provide enrichment for yourself is to just change something small about your daily environment or schedule, or try a new activity! Some simple ideas: 
You don’t necessarily need to buy new furniture or even new decorations to change your environment. You could just switch around some pieces you already own! 
You could take a different route home from school/work, go to a different grocery store or even just sit in a different place in your own home than you usually do 
You could try a new recipe, prepare a favorite food in a different way or buy a snack you haven’t tried before 
You could try to move in new ways. That could mean trying a new workout routine but also just doing a silly little dance to your favorite song in your own room! 
These things sound too exhausting? That’s fully possible - being understimulated can, ironically, drastically lower your motivation! If that’s the case, remember that tiny baby steps still help! You don’t need to start with anything too exhausting. It can be something quick like:
change the lockscreen of your phone if yours has been the same for a long time
challenge yourself to read a random article on Wikipedia 
listen to a song, but pick one from outside of “your” genres 
Slowly working your way up to bigger changes can make it easier. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad
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djarinova · 1 year ago
"Am I your lockscreen?"
jean kirstein x gn reader
content - modern au, fluff, jean calls reader pretty, jean gets embarrassed when you look at his phone words - 1k
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"Do you seriously think you have better moves than me, Kirstein?"
Jean tilts his head, but keeps his eyes focused on the screen, not wanting to let your taunting get to him. 
The two of you had been engaged in a close battle of video games all afternoon, currently playing a 3 round game of tennis on the Wii to decide which one of you gets to choose the place you'll order food from for dinner. 
"Babe, just watch this serve and you'll be eating your words." He brings his arm back in preparation for his tennis serve. "Just like you'll be eating Chinese food for dinner!" 
Jean ends his sentence with a whoop, clearly already planning his victory as he prepares to undergo what he assumes will be his final few swings. 
The first swing is his serve, a nice and solid start in which he had you leaping to cover your end of the court. 
"You know if I win this set I win the entire match, right? It's match point, baby."
You scoff, trying your best to ignore him. 
His second swing has your heart beating frantically, and even though your eyes have been trained on his every move on screen, you still almost miss it—managing to save it by the skin of your teeth. 
"I love you baby, but there ain't no way I'm letting you win right now."
And he's right. His third swing is his most forceful yet, and you're pretty sure he almost let go off the Wii remote—thank god you told him to use the remote straps. 
You groan the second your Mii misses the tennis ball, but it's drowned out by Jean's incredibly loud, and giddy, cheering. 
"Wooooooo! Aw yeah, ah ye— did you see that, babe?—ah yeah, I'm a genius, I literally nailed that!—that was amazing." 
His cheering bleeds into something more along the lines of a song, and you can't help but laugh as you reach across the sofa to pick up Jean's phone, thinking that you may as well get the menu up and ready to browse while he finishes his gloating.
"Yeah yeah yeah, it's probably for the best anyway, you're such a sore loser—" 
Jean turns to look at you—ready to take all your teasing about how much of a bad loser he is, and how you let him win this game to save your poor ears from having to hear all his whining—when his eyes widen.
“Am I your lockscreen?” You ask, stunned.
Jean grimaces. 
Act dumb.
“What are you talking about? I… I don’t think I have a lockscreen at the moment.”
Not that dumb.
You smile, narrowing your eyes slightly in amusement as Jean’s mouth opens and closes. 
"And you're sure about that, huh?" 
"I think maybe Eren changed it the other day…" 
You stare at him, watching the cogs turning in his head. 
"I never change my lockscreen—I wouldn't even know how to—and if I did I'd only ever change it to something really good—not that you're not good—shit—I mean like, a good photo of the sky or a nice group shot or a pic of my dog—not that I think you're like my dog—you're really pretty—not that my dogs not pretty—it's a different type of pretty, you know? You wouldn't compare apples to oranges—no wait—that's not right…"
Jean looks to the ground as he trails off—not daring to meet your eyes. He could feel the tips of his ears burning. His face felt hot. His heart was racing wildly. 
God. That was a mess.
He continues avoiding your eyes, willing the ground to open up and swallow him right where he stood.
“Jean?” You ask again, “Is this photo from my instagra—”
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” Jean says quickly. 
You look at him for a second—watching his chest rise and fall rapidly, and seeing how his hands are beginning to shake—and you take a step towards him. 
“Jean, would you please look at me?”
He doesn't.
“Baby, I’m serious,” you try not to smile at his stubbornness, “it's very, super, extremely important that you look at me right now.”
You step in front of your boyfriend, placing your hands on his cheeks and angling his head so he is forced to look at you.
“I’m not mad, Jean. I’m not upset or confused or embarrassed, or whatever it is that you think I'm feeling right now.” 
Jean furrows his eyebrows, but he doesn’t dare to interrupt. 
“I love it. A lot. And I can't believe I didn’t know—wait, is this what Eren was teasing you about the other day?”
Jean nods, and you're unable to stop the smile that lights up your face.
“Oh my god… you’re the sweetest guy ever.” 
You move your hands from his face, and instead settle your arms around his waist, pulling him ever so slightly closer to you.
“Why didn't you want me to know?”
“I don’t know… I think maybe I thought it was too soon…?” Jean says, his voice rising as he reaches the end of his sentence.
You shake your head.
“It’s not too soon, definitely not at all. I love it, okay?”
“Okay.” Jean smiles.
“Just promise me one thing—”
“Next time you want a photo for your lockscreen, just ask me. I don’t want you to be forced to use the same photos that everybody gets to see. I want you to have something special.”
Jean feels his cheeks flare up with warmth at your words, but he nods his head.
Satisfied, you untangle your arms from around his waist and plop yourself down on the sofa, holding his phone out towards him.
Jean’s puzzled look causes you to let out a small giggle.
“Baby… You won, now come over here and order me some Chinese food.”
Jean grins, his cocky winner demeanour suddenly returning as he sits down next to you, flopping himself practically on top of you and slinking his arm around your shoulder.
“Give me that phone babe, it's time for the winner to choose the dinner.”
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dancinglikebutterflywings · 11 months ago
Daisy Chains | Han Jisung
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Request: No. This is a repost from my old account and part of my summer drabble challenge.
Synopsis: Making daisy chains turns into a crowning ceremony.
Warnings: Pure fluff
Word Count: 274
Requests: Open.
Stray Kids Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead
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Likes, comments & reblogs are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. 
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Jisung leans in closer to you and gently places something on your head, saying, "For my Princess."  
She looks up, puzzled by his actions. He snaps a photo on his phone, a smile beaming from ear to ear as he messes around on his phone before turning the screen to show her what he did. He’d made the photo he just took his lock screen. That’s when she sees the daisy chain crown sitting on her head. 
"Can we try taking the photo again?" she asks, feeling that her confused expression may have spoiled the first one.  
"Only if you change your lockscreen," he teases, referring to her current lock screen featuring him with his cheeks full of food. It was too adorable to resist.  
“Nevermind,” She mumbles deciding to let it go and return to making the daisy chain she’s been working. Jisung joins in by picking daisies and passing them to her. 
As the daisy chain grows longer, Y/N can't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness. It's moments like these, simple and pure, that make her appreciate her relationship with the man beside her more.  
After what feels like an eternity of laughter and daisy picking, you finally finish the daisy chain crown. With a sense of accomplishment, you carefully place it on Jisung’s head, feeling like a princess crowning her prince. “My prince.” 
Jisung's eyes light up with admiration as he gazes at her with nothing but pure love, his smile widening. He picks one more daisy and hands it to her. “I love you, my princess.” 
She takes it from him, “I love you too, my prince.” 
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TAGGING: @staytiny2000 - @everythingboutkpop - @kpopmenace143 - @alexxavicry - @rainydayteacups
@tinyelfperson - @laylasbunbunny - @skz1-4-3 - @pinkies-things - @kayleefriedchicken
Tag List Sign-Up
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artsy-book · 3 months ago
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2024 art recap!! \^-^/
surprised at the amount of art i made this year and very proud of how lovely my art has looked this year <3333 cant wait to see what i make in 2025 and see how my art style improves and changes ^-^
(links to the artworks will be below for anyone interested :D)
January - honestly just really loved getting to play with dressing up my xisuma and evil xisuma designs hehe ^-^
Febuary - now this may be my only art post in feb. but i also loved how this turned out <3333 and i loved getting to play some with with my red panda scar and bunny mumbo ^-^
March - my first ever dtiys!! i think there are many things that i would love to go back and fiddle with and change but i think for how much i struggled with this drawing it turned out pretty alright ^-^
April - genuinly love how this pfp turned out ^-^ drew this as part of me rebranding my youtube channel to better match my current art style and i think it might be one of the cutest drawings of artsy i have done hehe
May - its my dadoes drawing!! \^-^/ seriously still super proud of how this drawing turned out, especially considering i could not find a good ref for the angle i was drawing xisuma in. so i think for as slightly wonky as the drawing is it is a real good show of my improvement ^-^ also love all the lil easter eggs and dbhc refs i put into that drawing hehe
June - i really love how my vex skizz turned out <3333 i really need to draw more skizz bc he was fun to draw hehe ^-^ also i want to do more hermit swaps in 2025 cause they are so fun :D
July - i started art fight off with a bang what can i say :) i am still so so happy that my last minute idea of writting souls in the sand in the stars turned out so well ^-^ i still have this as my lockscreen background on my phone <3333
August - i also still have this drawing as one of my backgrounds on my tablet <33333 made this for my friends birthday and i am beyond proud with how this turned out!!!
October - his drawing was very much a trust the process drawing and a lot of learning on the fly, but i think it turned out incredible! also abolutely love the costumes i drew for gem, pearl and etho so so much <3333
November - i really love how this lil drawing turned out ^-^ i think it is also one of the cutest i have drawn artsy and i also just love drawing my lil guy with my friends hehe :D also love the lil 24 i drew <333333 i need to draw my lil guy with my friends sonas more in 2025 i think hehe
December - very proud of this one a lot! for one i cranked this oout in like a day!! how i, a very slow artist, cranked this out in a day urprises me a lot. and the experiments with my mandala designs in the background were very fun and i think will greatly improve my designs in the future ^-^ and again i love all the lil easter eggs i left in the snow globe and i think this is the prettiest i have drawn sean to date :D
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changingplumbob · 6 months ago
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Some days Glenn would go to the magic realm. He hadn't been much when he was growing up and was always flummoxed by the doors. Doors that should lead nowhere actually moving you? Weird. He wasn't the only member of the coven to enjoy some time there though.
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The main building had been magically fortified. It was one of the few places Jackson and Coleman could test the limits of their magic without risking detection or uncontrolled destruction. Sometimes Glenn would watch them practice. Jackson doing his best to set everything aflame while Coleman worked on starving each flame of oxygen, fascinating and usually got the attraction of other young spellcasters. Koko had an astronomy group she would meet with while Ophelia searched for valerian root for Glenn to grow.
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Vendor: Hello, how may I help you today?
Glenn: Woah, I forgot they had ghosts here
Vendor: Not ghost sir. I am an astral projection
Glenn: A what now
Vendor: I'm not really here, just my spirit. Actual me is sleeping in my cottage right now
Glenn: In a cottage? That sounds like the life
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Jackson: Stop holding up the line certified loser, some of us actually want to buy stuff
Glenn: I want to buy stuff
Jackson: Sure you do. Excuse me sir, do you have any bone wands in stock yet
Vendor: Not today. They are hard to make
Glenn: Jackson I thought you had a wand
Jackson: I do but I'm trying to collect some. They have different vibes, inspiring you know. Gets the creativity going
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Glenn: I always forget you write poetry. How'd someone like you even get in to that
Jackson: Who's being rude now? Words are like flames to me, they just make sense. And I do have a talent for pushing buttons
Glenn: No kidding. So you're collecting? Plan on getting shoes like Carmine?
Jackson: Ruby slippers? Nah. There's only one pair of them in existence. And I'm plenty tall already, no heels required. You coming? Some of the others were talking about dueling. Coleman and I were going to take some wagers from the apprentices that don't know better
Glenn: I'll be along. I need to see what seeds they've got
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Koko: Don't be trying to hit me with any water spouts
Marisol: And don't be trying to blind me with light
Koko: Deal. You ready?
Marisol: Ready
By the time Glenn got there they were near the end. Koko won which wasn't a large surprise, she was far more curious with her magic study and Marisol was still adjusting to the move. Jackson and Coleman collected their winnings from disappointed apprentices and the group headed home together.
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Time passed and Glenn got better. He got to the point where Grayson wasn't the first thing he thought about in the mornings. He changed his lockscreen, and got back in to a routine. Some nights he would go over to Henri's or Miranda's and watch a film. Miranda had the best set up in her room, but Henri had the best snacks. The twins did tease him for his celebrity crush on Devin York but a man could dream.
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Cooking comforted him, not as much as gardening but close. Glenn loved food and felt a freedom when playing chef. He slowly started to dream of what his future might look like, or who would be in it. It wouldn't be Grayson, but he thought about what he'd like in a partner. Someone to share life with, someone who wouldn't mind him cleaning dirt from under his nails every time he came back in the house. Someone who liked abs, and told him he looked nice.
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Humans were nice but humans were... tricky. They didn't understand what the occults had been through. But maybe that could be good? Once he finished his breakfast he always took a tray up to his grandfather who liked to read in bed in the mornings, and got on to the rest of his routine.
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Each day his affirmations became easier to say. With time he got back to believing he was a catch, he just had to find someone who was fishing... and didn't have anything against the colour green. He flowed through his exercise routine most mornings. Push ups and sit ups until he hurt, but a good hurt. Then if it was sunny he'd go for a run, if it was raining he stayed inside and did a dance workout.
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Little did he know someone had no choice but to stay in the rain.
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Reminder that Glenn and Silver are moving to my weekends rather than every second day, but they meet in the next part I promise!
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shurislover · 1 year ago
meg the stallion headcannons
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a/n - i’ve never written for Meg before so let’s see how this goes and these are just my personal thoughts on how i think she’d be in a relationship. hope yall enjoy 😊 im not sure if anyone has done headcannons for her either.
also this will probably be a mix of sfw and nsfw but honestly it’s mainly fluff.
divider - @firefly-graphics
tags - @oceean @beautybyfire @notapradagurl7 @onyxstones-world @blkgworlamplified
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you’re her plus one for EVERYTHING , no matter if it’s a fashion show, basketball game , award show she always has you by her side.
she really loves having you around, even if it’s just to sit in complete silence, she’s satisfied as long as you’re there.
extremely clingy but you love it. she either has to be near you or touching you at all times tbh personal space doesn’t exist to her & if she’s away doing shows or photoshoots you’re on call with her all day long.
“ baby we are in the house you don’t need to hold my hand “ “ what if you like disappear?” you laughed at how serious she was “ you’re cute but baby i’m not going anywhere gimme kiss “
her lockscreen is of you and her on you guys first date, and it’s been her lockscreen for as long as y’all been together and she refuses to change it to anything else.
absolutely loves spending money on you, even though half the things she buys YOU DONT NEED.
definitely surprises you with vacations when she has a decent amount of time off from work. “ my love , pack maybe 2 weeks of clothes our flight leaves in about 5 hours “ “ GIRL WHAT ?” “ y/n we don’t have time for this pack up and let’s go “
gives you all the deets on new projects or songs she’s working on, so you always know all the words to her songs before they drop & gets all the new merch before anyone else
HUGS ? megan loves hugs, every chance she gets she’ll hug you. in the kitchen cooking ? she’ll hug you from behind and kiss your cheek. coming home from work ? she’ll run from wherever she is and jump on you. you’re her comfort person.
her favorite thing to do after a make out session is resting her forehead on yours and just stare into your eyes, she always says “ you have the most beautiful brown eyes i’ve ever seen, i get lost in them everytime “
now she knows when she’s pissed you off because you’ll give her the silent treatment, but that never lasts long , she does this pout and she KNOWS that’s your weakness so the moment you look up at her face , your face instantly softens.
megan loves when u have rough day at work because she thinks it’s so cute to find you knocked out on the couch, that means she gets to carry you to bed , slip on your pajamas and bonnet and tuck you in then leave a goodnight kiss on your forehead.
her favorite names to call you are :
“ babyyyyyyyyy “
“ my loveeeeee “
“ beautifullllllll”
“ princessssss”
wifeyyyy “
She cares about you very deeply & does not play about you. The day she dropped a hard launch photo dump on instagram the hate you got was horrible. It wasn’t even coming from her fans it was other people & Megan always reassured you :
“ Dont listen to them. You’re the most special person in my life, someone i hold very dear to my heart. Those people don’t know you, they don’t know how amazing and wonderful you are. They don’t know about the love we have & fuck them !!! You my baby and that’s all that matters.
she knows how to fluster you out in public and every single time you fold.
she’ll walk up behind you while you’re mingling with friends and whispers things in your ear like “ i can’t wait till we get home “ “ you look so good i could eat you out right now “ “ we should have another round of last night “ & once megan walks away you have about 5 minutes to say your goodbyes and hop in the car
now meg may be the dominant one but she LOVES when you put her in her place. she loves when you take control
she’s a B R A T . a brat to the T ! and it’s you’re fault because you spoil the fuck outta her. so once she hears that word “ no “ it’s a wrap first she’ll catch an attitude then she stops talking to you & lastly she goes and hides in your shared bedroom until you change your mind
“ baby please let me in “ silence “ pleaseeee ill give you a kiss “ silence “ “ fine , ill buy you that chanel bag despite you having it already in every single color “ you listen as the door unlocks and she’s just there cheesin like a kid on Christmas “ thank you baby “
big baby at heart.
loves when you tell her she’s pretty in between kisses . she starts blushing then hides her face
one of her favorite memories with you is when she had a really bad day at work so you surprised her by setting up a fort with all her favorite snacks and drinks and ordered in from her favorite restaurant and binge watched all her favorite anime
A HOODIE STEALER ! especially when she travels for work all your hoodies seem to go missing.
loves that you let her be outside and enjoy her time with friends because at the end of the day she’s coming home to you. everyone thinks you should have a problem with her twerking when in reality she’s been doing it long before yall got together and it’s her favorite thing to do so why have her stop.
little does she know you already have a ring picked out for her and can’t wait till the day to make her your wife.
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onlyrains · 2 years ago
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— t/w: none
you and your boyfriend, fujio, is having a free time together when you receive a non-stop messages from an unknown number while laying on the bed and fujio sit on the carpet working on his new lego.
actually, you received it since last week and the first time you opened it you didn't understand the thing the sender was talking about. but then it caught your attention when they mention fujio a few times. it's getting on your nerves but you thought it wasn't a good idea too to tell him right away. so you just switch your phone to silent mode and trying to act like you're not uncomfortable.
“why is it so hard to build?” you hear your boyfriend whining. he have tried to build his lego for an hour and still can't make it.
“i can help you.” you say in a very cheerful way.
“oh, yes, please! come here,”
you sit next to him and place your phone between you two.
“you need to put on this first.” you mumble as you put a small part on its body. fujio watches you intensely and start redo it on the other side.
“ah, i know now!” he shout enthusiastically then he reach your head and kiss your forehead repeatedly. “thanks for tutoring my stupid ass, baby.”
you laugh so hard at his exaggerated reaction. “okay, okay, calm down. i'll help you finish this.” you move to the side which makes your phone visible. you glance at the screen that shows tons of message notifications on your lockscreen and think.
maybe it is the right time to tell him. you two are just chilling now and he's in a right state. the curiosity in you is also annoy you most of the time. and he needs to know anyway. so after convincing yourself, you call him.
he turn immediately cause he knows something must be going on when you call him by his name.
“what did i do wrong this time, babe?” he pouts with his hand hanging.
you smile. “no. you didn't do anything wrong.”
“then what bother you?”
“do you know this number?” you show him an unknown contact info on your phone.
“i don't think so…” he frowns. “why?”
“actually,” you start. you can see his gaze is changing when he looks at you. “someone kept sending me messages since last week.” you add.
“last week?”
you nod twice. “yeah, but i was waiting for the right time to tell you.”
“what is it about? let me see.” you hand him your phone and let him read it. his expression change a lot as he scrolls the room chat from the serious one, shock, until a deep frown which the sign that he is upset.
“what is it?” you ask carefully. he clenches his jaw instead of answer it. you know something really gone wrong and it is that serious.
“is there any other number than this?” he asks in serious tone. fujio the leader of oya kou has been activated now. he is 100% sure that this is one of his enemy doings.
you shook your head. “i don't understand what they're talking about but they mentioned you. does it means you are in danger?”
fujio smile a bit and pull you to his embrace in a sec. “you don't need to worry about me.” he strokes your hair. “i'm completely fine.”
you hug him tighter. “okay, then.”
“but we still need to see todoroki and tsukasa.”
“yes, you are coming with me.”
“just them?”
“no, we'll meet in oya tomorrow.”
you back away to meet his eyes. “the others will be there too, right?” you grin.
he nods and pull you back to his embrace. “oh my god, i didn't know i can be this excited to meet your friends?”
he giggles. “they're your friends too, pretty.”
“oh, right.”
he kiss the top of your head. “i know i’m an idiot but you know i take my love for you seriously, right?”
you nod. “i know.”
“you need to tell me immediately if you still receive messages like this, okay? thank you for letting me know.”
you smile and rest your head on his shoulder comfortably.
to be frank, his heartbeat still beating so fast but he try to control it, the same with his rage. you are now his top priority and he won't let you feel afraid or worry.
he also won't let his enemy knows that you are his biggest weakness. he may not forgive himself if something bad happens to you.
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acrossthewavesoftime · 4 months ago
I was tagged by @basket-lily, thank you, friend!!
ೃ⁀➷ hiii hi here’s just a random question form ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur fav color: Green, dark reds, dark blues and the colour of the sea in a specific spot I am at times nostalgic for.
: ̗̀➛ how long have u been on tumblr for: I'd say I joined sometime during the Pandemic, I think it was the summer of 2021.
: ̗̀➛ wheres a place u always wanted to travel to: I have quite a few, currently I would like to re-visit Het Loo Palace.
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur fav clothing brand(s): I feel that in the end, one pays extra for the supposed 'privilege' of becoming a walking advertisement for a company, and thus avoid anything with visible branding. I wear clothes that I like, that fit me, and that, in a best case scenario, are from materials that aren't plastic. There is a particular shoe brand I like for their durability and quality materials; they do not put visible logos on their shoes, though.
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur fav singer/band(s): I have a few! Currently, I am listening to a lot of different folk artists again.
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur current phone lockscreen: ...I have not changed my lockscreen in over a decade, I realise. At this point, I have grown too attached to it to change it, and it is a little reminder of my interests back then, and how they continue to shape who I am today. It is a piece of art I found when I was lurking on Tumblr some 10 or more years ago. The original artist's blog seems to no longer exist, despite my best efforts to find them again via reverse image searches. It is a depiction of Richard III in armour, viewed from the back, and surrounded by medieval weaponry pointing at his head. The background is red, the outline of Richard and the weapons are done in greys. He appears to stand up straight, and over his head hovers a yellow crown. His back is overlaid with an anatomically correct outline of his scoliotic spine, also in yellow. It may be a long shot, but if anybody remembers the blog, or the artist, please tell me!
: ̗̀➛ most recent/current hyperfixation: I don't know if it counts as a hyperfixation, but I really enjoy reading about the Stuart family currently.
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur relationship status: There are some things that I would like to keep off the internet.
: ̗̀➛ what’s ur dream job: I am in the lucky position that I have been told more than once that I have a "dream job." As my industry is not too big however, I am not going to disclose exactly what I do. All I will say is that I may not be the first person you should approach regarding Sword Safety.
: ̗̀➛ outside of tumblr, fav social app: I don't really do social media, Whatsapp aside which I have in order to keep in touch with dear people fom my life.
: ̗̀➛ do u have pets: Not currently, sadly. I do have some very strong-willed potted plants, though.
: ̗̀➛ if u do have pets, what kind/how many: A pink syngonium who guilt trips me for abscences (despite always being cared for), a tall bird-of-paradise who is #not like the other strelitzias and enjoys everything it technically shouldn't, a Christmas cactus who has waged war on Christmas, and a "Prince of Orange" philodendron who, presumably like the person it was named after, doesn't grow quite straight.
: ̗̀➛ do u prefer tea or coffee: Tea!
: ̗̀➛ whats ur fav ice cream flavor: Chocolate, by far. Blackcurrant and mango are firm favourites as well.
: ̗̀➛ tag at least three other tumblr accounts
@mycological-mariner @cedarboots @clove-pinks - feel free to participate!
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stray-tori · 2 years ago
some chen bin / ep2 observations
hello. today i’m putting ep2 under a microscope. 👍
I’m going to argue that Chen Bin was probably not directly controlled by red-eyes in the discussion scene, especially after handing Lu Guang the phone.
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assumption: the glowing eyes are only for the audience, as no one has pointed them out so far (unless I'm forgetting).
Which means the show has to work around giving the audience more info than the characters -- a great example of them doing that is Liu Min in the dark room (red eyes in a red scene), but it’ll be hard to always pull off natural obscuring.
And what’s interesting to me is that... they didn’t really try to obscure CB all that much? So it made me wonder about the implications of that.
So, afaik what happened was:
Qian Jin (green haired dude) got the photo from his home for red-eyes
At some point, CB switched the phones (his and Liu Min’s)
CB gave the phone to LG.
Then CB vanished to yeet out a window.
I'm assuming he was controlled for 2) & 4). Assuming he didn't do 2) right in the room with them, it must have happened at some point during/between all of the hospital room scenes. Because the call QJ has with CB is before QJ hands red-eyes the photo and that call was while CXS was changing, so he couldn’t have done 2) (under control, at least) until the hospital room scenes.
Still, assuming 2) happened before the red-eyes ability discussion scene, we have a lot of far shots of him with his eyes seemingly blocked in (not the same as lineart, but not 1:1 his actual color tbf), implying to me that he was not directly controlled in this scene - but was at some point prior (to switch the phones).
So, red-eyes seemingly controlled him more than once.
Which, for me, opens a ton of questions:
Assuming CB switched the phone out a while before he handed it to LG, did he not notice it was his while handing it over?
if it was shortly before handing it over, why would red-eyes stop the control for such a short timeframe?
how did they know when to possess CB again to do 4)?
do they not have the 1-use-per-photo limitation that our MCs (allegedly) have? or did they have another photo? (Did they get the lockscreen photo while he was controlling him to switch the phones, perhaps?)
Or... is there something entirely different going on? Like some sort of hypnosis? Some freaky puppeteer or voodoo stuff with the plushies?!!
I'm half joking, but he really is quiet in that scene. He doesn't talk/discuss anything, no close-ups and just hands over the phone when he's told (looking kinda dead inside while doing so, too lol).
(could of course be because he’s controlled - and who knows, maybe the lack of close ups is their way of obscuring his eye color, but tbh in comparison to the dark room scene that seems kind of... lackluster.)
I doubt it’d be something other than control, considering red-eyes was actively given a photo - but maybe we’re also being tricked with the assumption that this red-eyes is the person controlling people; considering their natural eye color is a lot more direct than CXS and LG, which almost makes me suspicious of it.
I’ll stop throwing darts at a wall now, but I do hope that my limit observation OR the lack of CB substance in that scene will somehow be relevant in the future :D
Or this may all be the ramblings of a crazy person, we shall see.
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hyeahgaku · 2 years ago
> Greetings. I'm Soy (they/them), & thanks for comin by or following me here. This blog is dedicated to Yūto Suzuki’s incredible masterpiece called “SAKAMOTO DAYS”.
> In an effort to make this blog resourceful for all Sakadays fans, i do my best to post whatever i can get my hands on related to Sakadays here; interviews, poll results, draft sketches, mangaka's comments, magazines extras, etc.
> Since this masterlist could not hold as many links as i thought, i have created new separate page sections/tabs here for everyone to access. Scroll & just follow thru the links!
> Most importantly: This blog is NOT spoiler-free.
> Second most importantly: If you use any of my translated works, please credit me. You can attach the hyperlink to my original post, or just credit my username "hyeahgaku". Reason being, if there are any errors to my translations, at least people know who wrote it originally, and it'll also be updated when I make amends.
> I read both EN & JP versions of Sakadays and I do JP->EN translations sometimes but it's all self-learn. I am not a certified professional translator. English is also not my best language so I'm not 100% fluent in both languages (MEGA LOL). So my translations aren't 100% accurate and are subjected to changes with the official versions. Forgive me for any grammar, spelling & translation mistakes that you may encounter.
SAKAMOTO DAYS News & Press Release
Manga-related news
Anime-related news & interviews, etc.
Commemoration things!
Chapter update schedule announcements
Characters birthdays
Merchandise & goodies, etc.
Official anime website
Character designs, key visual & trailer, theme songs, etc.
Voice actors & actresses + Comments
Weekly Episode Preview & Synopsis
My Translated Works.
Please visit this page for my unofficial, mediocre translations for SAKAMOTO DAYS materials; such as character profile sheets, interviews, Q&As, etc.
SAKAMOTO DAYS official fanbook translations by me
Please visit this archives page to access all the links (light novels illustrations, manga volume extras for every volume in Japanese & also in English, etc) that I've compiled since they can't be fit into this Masterlist anymore.
Please visit this archives page to access things related to the spin-off series by Tetsu Okawa, "SAKAMOTO HOLIDAYS".
WSJ Magazine featuring SAKAMOTO DAYS:
Suzuki-sensei’s Weekly Comments
Compilation of Sakadays Featured on WSJ Magazine Covers
Compilation of all Sakadays Coloured Pages in magazine issues
Other stuff from officials, or done by me:
Suzuki-sensei’s Oneshots
Compilation of all Sakadays Volume Covers & Info
Compilation of all Sakadays English Volume Synopsis by VIZ Media
Sakadays Official Lockscreen Wallpapers
Sakadays Behind-the-Scenes (BTS) for Volume Covers (done by me)
Sakadays Movie References compilation (done by me)
Sakadays Trivia (done by me)
2nd Character Popularity Poll Results (full namelist) (done by me)
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stevensaus · 2 months ago
Closing Your Digital Front Door Before Protesting
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As protests continue — and hopefully, continue to grow — there are some things to take into consideration.
First, it’s possible to quickly get striking, good looking signs inexpensively. I outlined how I made these superhero-themed signs back into 2018 in a blog post for about $5 each in this blog post: https://ideatrash.net/2018/03/howto-get-striking-and-inexpensive-foa.html
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However, the other thing to consider is digital security. ActivistChecklist and The Markup have good resources; I did something slightly different though, and I thought I’d outline that as well.
I had purchased an old Android phone a while back to serve as a barometric pressure sensor off of eBay; I’d won that bid for about $30. It doesn’t have a SIM card, which means that it can only use wifi, but also isn’t tied to me in any way through the cell modem. That wasn’t a problem for my original use for it, but also meant that the guidelines above had to be modified somewhat.
The basic guidelines — turning off biometric unlocking and a lengthy PIN — still hold. I also put my emergency contact phone numbers as the “owner information” on the Android lock screen, so that the numbers are visible without unlocking the phone. (The process may vary from model to model, but some guides and examples are here and here, or you can create a lockscreen photo that has the appropriate information. This is an adjunct to writing those numbers on your arm with a permanent marker.
I installed Organic Maps for directions (because I suck at land navigation). It works completely offline without any problems whatsoever, including looking up points of interest that are already on the map. It’s good enough for regular use as well, in my opinion.
The biggest problem/hurdle is communication. Without a SIM card, you’re reliant on bluetooth or wifi to send or receive data. I did not install Bridgefy — partially because of the required Google login, but more importantly, because it kept crashing. I also tried Briar, but while it installed fine, and even was able to add contacts between this phone and my regular one, no messages got back and forth either via wifi or bluetooth. Signal, my normal go-to, was unfortunately out of the question, because it seemed very unhappy trying to link a second phone as a device. So I ended up putting DeltaChat on this secondary phone, which while meaning I’d be reliant on wifi, does have encryption and can also just use email as a back end as well. Worst case scenario, it’s like I’m back in the 1990s, oh well.
I also have an XMPP server running that could also provide encryption via Conversations. I also have a Matrix server on a homelab that can bridge connections to other networks (including SMS and Signal) as well. While there’s a small break in the E2E encryption with that setup, that break happens entirely and only on a computer entirely under my control that’s sitting in a reasonably secure location. (Also, I think I can enable it, but I haven’t, since it’s literally just me on there.)
After doing all of that, I disabled and deactivated and force-stopped every other bit of Samsung and Google installed on the phone that I could.
I’m perfectly aware that this is not a perfect or impenetrable setup. Ultimately, the best digital security here is to not take your phone at all and rely on paper maps if needed. I made compromises based on my technical ability and how much inconvenience I am willing to accept in the name of security. I’d compare this to locking your doors at night instead of leaving the front door wide open. Someone can still break in, but it’s not trivial for them to do so.
Your security requirements, technical ability, and resources will vary from mine. Mine may change as the environment in the US becomes worse.
But take the time to consider what you are able to do and are comfortable with doing instead of walking to a protest or other action with your digital front door entirely open.
Featured Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay
via ideatrash
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realultimatepower · 5 months ago
my friend @marchperi tagged me in one of those "what's your last X" posts, which is the first time anyone has ever tagged me across two accounts on here, so here we go.
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The Vault-Tec-esque style has always been dependable for me. Shit, I gotta plug this thing in.
Last Song Listened To
I was originally gonna say that I couldn't remember and that it was just some song off Yacht Rock Radio on SiriusXM (don't judge me, I'm white, you may as well ask me to stop breathing before I stop listening to Steely Dan) BUT I actually just finished watching the latest episode of The Penguin, and they played a song by SWANS over the end credits, so I'll put that here.
Last Photo I Took
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This picture has a story attached to it that I don't feel comfortable sharing because it ended an argument that I still have some lingering frustrations over. Whatever.
Last Movie I Watched
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Rewatched this for family movie night yesterday. First time I've seen it again since I was a kid. I liked it a normal amount back then, and I like it the same amount now even if some of my thoughts about it have changed as a result of being slightly more analytical about the movies I watch. I think my only gripe with it is how the romance between Kim & Edward is a little bit too easy. It's not rushed, it just seems to fall in place just because rather than any actual connection between the two. Maybe there's some commentary about how Edward represents a world unlike either of the ones Kim currently inhabits (the 90s rebellion of her generation against the 50s sensibilities of her neighborhood) and that's tempting to her, but idk. I usually write up these letterboxd reviews for the stuff I watch (no, I won't share my account on here) but since I got up for a few minutes to cook my dinner, I didn't wanna write up my thoughts based on a partial rewatch. I'll probably refer back to this post later, though.
Closest Thing to My Left
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The remote to my ceiling fan. Lame, but that's the closest thing to me. I'm being fully honest with this.
Last Meme I Saved/Screenshot
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This shitty little squirreljak, because the topic of that republican who adopted a wild squirrel came up in the politics channel of this server I'm in, and there's this other guy in the server who posts this pic so often that it's become an inside joke. My opinion on "Peanut"? I think this is a stupid thing for people to rally around, but that's the point. The right is always playing these dudebro games about not taking anything seriously so when anyone calls them out on it the Leftists trying to treat it that way end up looking even sillier. That said, I saw that tweet from some pundit about Trump "winning 48 states if he [puts on a squirrel suit]" and thought it was some gaga about securing the furry vote because I hadn't heard about the Peanut debacle prior to seeing it, and since I doubt that's what the guy intended when he made the post it makes it so I'm laughing at him instead of him laughing at me. All-in-all, I really hope the next time I hear about Trump after he loses in 2 days is about him dying, and then I'll never hear about him again.
Most Embarrassing Song You Have Saved
I don't have a Spotify because I can listen to music on youtube for free with Ublock (or on SiriusXM through my parents' account), but I do keep a playlist on youtube so I pulled the song for this prompt from on there. It took some searching, because i've got over 800 songs spread out over 3 separate playlists that while others may find me to be embarrassing to have in there, I feel no shame over because that's simply the person I was at the time and most of it is still objectively enjoyable (things like a PSG AMV set to the song Danger Days or a Mother Mother song I liked long before they became hip to dunk on). But, I eventually found a song that I thought was funny at the time, but now I think if people knew I ever liked it they'd think I was an actual fan of his.
Most Problematic Movie You Still Watch for Nostalgia
Originally I was gonna edit this to be the most problematic film I feel nostalgic for, because I don't actually rewatch movies that often when there's so many that I haven't seen yet and time is a precious commodity, BUT there actually is a somewhat problematic feature that I do rewatch at least once a year.
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Well, "problematic" in the sense that soooo many fans of the original absolutely despise this remake and Matthew Broderick for "butchering" the role of Harold Hill. I still haven't seen the original to compare it against yet, but I have a feeling I'm still gonna prefer this one simply because I love the hokey mid-2000s acting in it as much as I do the musical performances. If you think this is a copout, just ask any theater major you still have contact with their opinions.
I don't know if there's usually a limit to how many people you can tag for this, so I'll pick 5: @visonoda @emosighcrylaugh @st4rm41d @theinsanewombat @thepleasuregoblin
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1overbaby · 2 years ago
Admit you already are.
If you are trying to become someone, because you understand that means you will be the person who has your desire, then guess what. You already are admitting you are the one who has their desire. Think about it. To try to get, means you secretly, implicitly know that you are capable of being the person who has it. Otherwise, why put in the hard work and the effort to try and attain it? If you truly did not think you were capable of being that person, you simply would not even try. You know you can become it. Let’s accept this first.
Let’s take this a step further. That means you already are it. You already are that person. You’re making the mistake of trying to become it instead of realising you already ARE it. It is about self realisation. It is simply that easy! You realise you already are that person - that is how you change self. You gently accept you already are it.
Example: I understand, with loa, that I can be with sp. I accept that and try to become the person who has that sp. This hard work and effort indicates to me that I know I can become that person, I have the potential within me to become irresistible, loved, chosen, valued. That’s why I am trying, no? Otherwise if I truly believed i cannot be chosen or valued, why would i even try?
INSTEAD -> i understand, with loa, that i already have sp, because creation is finished. If i already have sp, that means i already am the person who is irresistible, loved, chosen and valued. All i must do is realise that and accept that i am. That is all you have to do. And continue living, with that acceptance (being).
Example: i understand, perhaps not even with loa, but in general, that i can go to my dream university. I try and work hard to become the person that the university would accept.
INSTEAD -> why not just skip the trying? If i know that with hard work i can become the intelligent, chosen student - then i must accept that i already know that i am that person. I just haven’t embodied them yet. If i know i can be chosen and intelligent and smart, it means i have critical thinking skills, i work smart, i am good at writing essays, all the stuff, already! I just need to realise this, and tap into that.
Having it indicates who you are. You do not become to have.
Say my mother walks into my room right now and says she bought me a new iPhone, and it’s waiting for me downstairs (i now have an iPhone). At first instinct, what do i do? I accept i have a new iPhone. Then, questions may arise such as: why? Since when? How? What for?
All of these questions, i first answer internally (without realising, sometimes) and the answers depend on my self concept. ‘Oh, because i am cherished and my mother loves spoiling me! Awh it doesn’t matter when, i am grateful she went out of her way to surprise me. I am so loved and spoiled, that’s what for!’ Something along the lines of that in whatever way you think. I don’t literally say these in my head. Not all the time at least. Sometimes i just feel that about myself.
The how, when and why does not matter since i already now have this iPhone. I just quickly feel whatever i feel about those questions, and then in imagination enjoy the feeling of having an iPhone. I may begin to imagine using it, what my friends will say about it, what lockscreen I’m gonna use, how fancy I’d feel with it! I’m already onto the next, while feeling gratitude for my mother for gifting me it.
How to apply this in daily life? -> gentle acceptance.
If i say to myself that i have my sp. It means i already have it. Say my sp walks into the room right now and says ‘I love you. Dinner tonight at 8?’ At first instance I’d just accept that i have my sp in love with me, and i am going on a date with him, because he wants to be with me! Then, questions may arise. And I’d feel the answers within based on my self concept. ‘If I’ve been asked on a date, and i am with my sp now, then it simply must mean i am irresistible! I am wanted, valued and chosen.’ I do not fight them, do i? Because it has happened - sp is mine. It would be silly to contradict myself. Instead, i gently accept these about me.
NOW. The example of my mother walking into the room, and my sp asking me out: YOU DO THIS IN THE 4D! This is what going to the end mean, and accepting you have your end, IN THE 4D. Then, accept that this already means you must be loved, chosen and valued ALREADY. IT ALREADY IS SO. I do not first BECOME loved to be asked out or spoiled. I simple AM loved and spoiled already within, which is why i have these things! Once i accept it already has HAPPENED - I live enjoying it with gratitude.
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mitamicah · 1 year ago
Hell yeah asking time and you are damn right you took some sweet time 😂😸
Get ready for my asks:
📷💌🐸🌿🌸🧸🐶🐰🍫🎵 (👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)
Well I was too busy excitingly drawing Vogue Jere 😂(and sleeping OVO)
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I can already see this will be long so here's a line for those not interested in the replies x'D
📷 My phone lockscreen
Well I should probably think about changing it but...
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Leaves x'D
💌Do I talk to myself: All the dang time OVO both in first, second and third person x'D
🐸My aesthetic: As mentioned a few times I feel like I'm multitudes but I guess what is true for pretty much all of them is that I'm kind of like the mixture of a peacock and a fairy that is stuck in the body of a oversized gremlin - I have this flamboyant, flowery, feminine-but-in a masc way side I love yet at the same time I am drawn to comfy oversized clothes that may or may not fit me well x'D I hope it makes sense :'D
🌿Describtion of my favourite outfit: This is hard because I have a few :'D So I'll take two you already know :3 (Hopefully you can guess from the description). One is this burgundy shortsleeved shirt that just screams flowerqueer often paired with a dark green shirt with a subtle leaf design on it. To finish up the outfit I have some puffy, green coloured jeans in a loose fit (they are now so big I need a belt for them) paired with my sunflower band that has pronouns patches and aro flag on it ^V^ The other one is this seethrough longsleeved crop top with stylized print of suns, moons and stars (give me shagadellic rock vibes aka Joker Out but in a goth way). Since I still haven't had top surgery I will often pair it with either a black binder or a black tanktop and then for the pants I can either go fullblack shorts, these black pants with thunder design running down the legs or these tube formed pink pants (because Barbie core). To hold up the pants and to amp up the aesthetic I have a twolined stud belt with chains falling down is upsidedown waves. The look wont be complete without some necklaces so I mostly go for a black choker, this fairy-on-a-moon necklace I own (and probably now also my Thor's hammer I inherited from my grandmother). Fishnet hands and black racoon makeup is optional :3
🌸Best compliment I ever received: It is an old and probably worn out story for me to tell but I think the best compliment I received was when I was told that I had been lying to myself when I said I couldn't sing. Hadn't I been told that I am not sure I'd pursued music as an active hobby through attending summer camp and had I not been there I am not sure I would be this open and confident like I am today :'D
🧸Favourite place to nap: I wish I could nap :'3 I am so bad at sleeping in the daytime :'D
🐰What do I think says most about a person?: Hmmm... If I should go with my gut feeling on this one I'd say it is how they view others. It sounds strange but what I mean is that if they scowl at others for being different (having tattoos, fun hair, bipoc, disabled etc.) and/or am being bigotted openly to your face I think it says a lot about them more than it does about the people they are judging. I hope it makes sense :'D That said the option of not saying these things but instead show disgust through actions (internalised bigotry? I am not sure that's a phrase) can be just as revealing
🍫Cheese of chokolade: I am NOT a cheese person like at all :'D Some cheese will do but only on pizza. Other than that give me chokolade every day :'3
Thank you for the questions, Jay ^V^
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aajjks · 1 year ago
Haha, I don't know if this counts as the best version of me, but it's definitely the most real.
I come from a very strict Muslim family, so they all expect me to be so holy all the time. I used to be religious, but I think I've just drifted away over time, so I'm not that pious anymore. I still respect the moral values of Islam, but I don't feel inclined to practice Islam as strictly as I used to. I still think it's a beautiful religion with many beneficial practices, I just don't always want to be a perfect goody-two-shoes all the time. I still love the people in my life, but I guess I'm just scared to cause unnecessary conflict with my family, so I didn't say anything.
If they knew that I like reading stories about yanderes, they'd think I'm a psycho and that I need help, when I feel perfectly fine and not disturbed by fictional violence. I actually like music, I like dance, I like boys, I swear in my head and make dirty jokes, I actually want to scream and cheer and not just sit like a lady with my legs crossed, sometimes I want to make my hair look nice instead of wearing a scarf, etc. But to my family, that's all taboo. I'm not hurting anyone, so it can't be so wrong, right? Everytime I do anything vaguely fun, I get a whole long lecture. I'm not even allowed to put a picture of BTS up in my room or on my phone's lockscreen because it's a picture with faces. They're that superstitious.
I like to think that I'm still a good person because I don't hurt anyone intentionally and I'm still a kind respectful human being even though I may have some impure thoughts. They'd probably say I'm going to hell if they really knew me and they might just be right. I don't know. They'd probably disown me if they knew what I actually think and feel. I hope that someday I'll be comfortable enough to be able to be myself instead of acting like this quiet innocent child even though I'm almost 20.
Someday, I'll build up the courage, but for now, I'm just happy to be here. That's actually one of the reasons why I like hanging out here so much. Not only is there entertaining BTS content, but I feel like this is such a safe space. I don't have a single person in my actual life that I can joke with and feel unreserved with, whereas here, I have no inhibitions whatsoever. Yeah, some of the stuff that I send in here is anonymous, but I still bother to click send whereas I would never say it in real life.
I also appreciate that you're Muslim, so I can relate to you. It makes me feel less bad about being from a Muslim family and reading smut, lol. Where I come from, people would neeeever talk about sex. I'm not perfect. There's no such thing as perfect. That doesn't change that I feel like the most two-faced bitch out there. I feel like someone who's in the closet. I'm not gay, I just mean figuratively, like no one knows how I feel. Sorry, I know this was a bit of a long rant. I just needed to offload. Sometimes I wish I could meet you in person, Alina. Then at least I'd have one real friend that actually knows the real me without judging me. You're the kind of person who stands up for her friends no matter what. I know I call you a princess, but you're truly more like my night in shining armour who saves me from hating myself and from being alone. You have a heart of gold and I love you for it. Thank you for being my friend, even if it's virtual.
P.S., If this sounds off-putting to a non-Muslim about Islam, please don't use this as an example. Islam is a beautiful religion once you get to know it. My family is just a bit... extreme. They're not terrorists or oppressors. They would never force me to do anything serious against my will. I'm willingly like this. I've created this façade for myself and don't know how to get out of it. They're just very morally sound and staunchly religious. They're a little bit condemning and restrictive, but they're still good people.
I’m glad that you feel comfy enough to share your struggles n that’s okay, I’m just blessed enough to have parents who are open minded, I definitely love my religion a lot and i practice it daily but yeah….
Yay!!!! another Muslim!!!!
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