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For the official baby shower Glenn and Silver attempted to host the whole coven. Glenn was a bit worried about what so many people in once place might do to Silver but the werewolf assured him it was best they host. That way he could always duck into the bedroom for a minute of peace and any grumpiness would just be seen as him having high standards as a host.
Elise: Glenn! You look great. You're glowing like one of my moonlight charged gems
Glenn: Oh thanks I-
Jackson: Marisol is angry she couldn't bring Sandy
Marisol: Hush Jackson, I didn't say that
Jackson: She said she misses her dog so it's basically the same
Elise: Do you not miss Throttle
Jackson: Not right this second, my dog can take care of himself. Plus he has Thrash for company
Elise: Luckily BooBoo doesn't need company, he's a very self confident cat
Koko: Glenn, I have a baby shower gift for you
Glenn: You do? You really like gift wrapping huh
Koko: It gives me something to do. Will you open it now?
Henri: What are we talking about all the way out here? The dangers of crowds?
Howard: *laughing* Oh I think we all know the dangers of crowds
Silver: I mean... I'm doing better with them than I was a year ago right?
Henri: Oui, indeed
Silver: Thank you for bringing the snacks Henri. They're not uh... you know?
Henri: Laced with pleasure? Everything I bake is, but just low doses for everyday bakes
Silver: But... could that hurt the kid
Henri: Kids are stronger than you think Silver. Surely you saw your fair share of werewolf cub fights, no?
Silver: Oh the battles between the young ones were ferocious but they couldn't get seriously hurt, werewolves can't
Howard: I do find it fascinating how impervious your kind is to damage
Henri: Your kid is bound to be just the same, even if they're a spellcaster
Silver: I hope so. Losing parents was hard enough, I can't imagine losing a kid- sorry Howard
Howard: *soft smile* I'll see my boy again when my time is through
Glenn was doing the rounds when he noticed Ophelia standing in the corner, staring at the treefish in the tank.
Glenn: You alright there Ophelia
Ophelia: Me? Yes. I was just wondering what it must be like for Oakley
Glenn: What do you mean
Ophelia: He's a proud only child. How can he comprehend a new sibling coming in to his world?
Glenn: Uhhhh, you think he has that much awareness?
Ophelia: Oh I've no idea. But I think he looks like he's getting ready
Glenn: Right... why don't we sit down for a bit Ophelia
Ophelia: Of course. I was just waiting for you to suggest that
So the pair sat down at the table beside Gillian and began to snack.
Glenn: I don't suppose you can tell me if I'm growing a baby boy or baby girl
Ophelia: I can't. They haven't decided yet
Glenn: They haven't decided yet?
Ophelia: Gender is a social construct anyway but their body hasn't decided which sex they most want to be like. It's as if their inner boy and girl are playing tic tac toe for it, like their inner spellcaster and werewolf are
Glenn: Wait, are you saying they'll be both genders and both occults
Ophelia: I can't give you hints about the future Glenn, you know this
Phoebus: How are you coping Silver
Silver: Better. I wanted to apologise for my behaviour in your house right after we learned Glenn was pregnant
Phoebus: Silver, I may not know what it's like to have been alone as long as you were but I can understand that unlearning behaviour takes time. Now here, I got Drusilla to help me with this
Silver: What is it? Is it- wait... how?
Phoebus: Drusilla does blood magic. From the blood sample of your child she was able to work backwards along the family lines. Does it look right?
Silver: *happily* The sketch looks exactly like my mom looked. Thank you. Thank you so much
Phoebus: You're very welcome. Oh no need to hide your tears from me Silver, they're a sign of love
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#sims 4#the sims#simblr#my sims#ts4#active simblr#GWG#GlennSutherland#SilverClawcrestByCawthornTales#HenriHart#HowardSutherland#EliseAnnabella#JacksonDavis#MarisolMichaels#KokoHallet#PhoebusStone
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CW: Low level sim spice, language - Guide to content warnings
Glenn: That was fun, thanks for teaching me how to do that
Silver: No problem Babycakes. You okay?
Glenn: What do you mean
Silver: You seem fidgety
Glenn: Oh I just don't feel very well
Silver: You shouldn't have swallowed
Glenn: No it's not that, I think it's just my stomach bug
Silver: Wait you still have that? You didn't say on the phone yesterday
Glenn: Course not. You've knocked yourself down to two days of traveling a week. I'm not going to interfere with that by telling you how many times I've thrown up
Silver: I mean... did you throw up a lot while I was gone
Glenn: Only three times but it's easy enough to clean up with magic. I mean technically I could clean myself with magic as well but I do love my showers
Silver: But that makes almost two weeks you've been sick
Glenn: Yeah, and? I know you are blessed with not getting sick because you're a werewolf but the rest of us do have to suffer through bugs
Silver: *thoughtfully* It just seems to be getting worse, not better
Glenn: I'll survive
Silver had a thought, but he really didn't want to have that thought. It wasn't possible right?
Glenn: What the heck just flew past the window? You stay here, I'll be back
Glenn pulled on his pants and went downstairs while Silver sat up in bed, his mind racing. Downstairs Glenn let in Koko who had just crash landed in front of the door.
Glenn: What are you doing
Koko: Practicing, I still prefer horses
Glenn: No I mean it's the middle of the night
Koko: Glenn, Ophelia was very precise about my delivery time. You know I don't sleep so she figured I was best for this job. Here you go
Glenn: A box?
Koko: I wanted to gift wrap it
Glenn: Did Ophelia say when I could open it
Koko: Now. I believe her specific words were "Please give it to Glenn for me and make sure you get the timing right. Oh and tell him to remind Silver to breathe"
Glenn: Why would I need- the heck is this
Koko: A pregnancy test
Glenn: No I know that but why are you giving it to me?
Koko: Because Ophelia told me to
Glenn: No but I mean, I'm not female
Koko: I am aware. You do have feminine sparks of energy but mainly it's masculine energy that you give off
Glenn: Koko I... I can't get pregnant. Can I?
Koko: Why are you asking me
Glenn: Well quite aside from the fact that you flew past my window, making me rush downstairs and giving me a pregnancy test, you told me your family knew healing magic
Koko: Some but healing is not the same as pregnancy
Glenn: You know all about light right? Am I... do I look like I'm glowing? Could you tell that
Silver sat on the edge of the bed panicking. How long had Glenn felt nauseous for? Silver had grown up in a time where pregnancy was taboo but he still knew a lot. Someone had always been pregnant in the pack. When women were pregnant they had trouble keeping food down but the men, normally the men didn't feel the nausea as bad.
Maybe it was because Glenn was a spellcaster? But shit! Male pregnancy was meant to be a werewolf thing. If the pair had gotten pregnant it should be Silver carrying their child. Glenn... Glenn had struggled so much with his self esteem growing up. One of his points of pride was his abs, that he was able to maintain them. Well he wouldn't be able to keep them if he was pregnant. And if he was pregnant then it was definitely Silver's fault.
Silver didn't know what to do. His mom would have known, but she wasn't here. Watcher he missed her.
Glenn: Silver?
Shit. Silver was really out of it if he hadn't heard Glenn come back up the stairs and in to their room. He should apologise. Wait no, if he did that Glenn might think he didn't want a kid. Then Glenn would be pregnant and sad and both would be his fault.
Glenn: That was just Koko. Ophelia wants me to take a pregnancy test I guess and uh... and remind you to breathe?
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#sims 4#the sims#simblr#my sims#ts4#active simblr#GWG#GlennSutherland#SilverClawcrestByCawthornTales#KokoHallet
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Some days Glenn would go to the magic realm. He hadn't been much when he was growing up and was always flummoxed by the doors. Doors that should lead nowhere actually moving you? Weird. He wasn't the only member of the coven to enjoy some time there though.
The main building had been magically fortified. It was one of the few places Jackson and Coleman could test the limits of their magic without risking detection or uncontrolled destruction. Sometimes Glenn would watch them practice. Jackson doing his best to set everything aflame while Coleman worked on starving each flame of oxygen, fascinating and usually got the attraction of other young spellcasters. Koko had an astronomy group she would meet with while Ophelia searched for valerian root for Glenn to grow.
Vendor: Hello, how may I help you today?
Glenn: Woah, I forgot they had ghosts here
Vendor: Not ghost sir. I am an astral projection
Glenn: A what now
Vendor: I'm not really here, just my spirit. Actual me is sleeping in my cottage right now
Glenn: In a cottage? That sounds like the life
Jackson: Stop holding up the line certified loser, some of us actually want to buy stuff
Glenn: I want to buy stuff
Jackson: Sure you do. Excuse me sir, do you have any bone wands in stock yet
Vendor: Not today. They are hard to make
Glenn: Jackson I thought you had a wand
Jackson: I do but I'm trying to collect some. They have different vibes, inspiring you know. Gets the creativity going
Glenn: I always forget you write poetry. How'd someone like you even get in to that
Jackson: Who's being rude now? Words are like flames to me, they just make sense. And I do have a talent for pushing buttons
Glenn: No kidding. So you're collecting? Plan on getting shoes like Carmine?
Jackson: Ruby slippers? Nah. There's only one pair of them in existence. And I'm plenty tall already, no heels required. You coming? Some of the others were talking about dueling. Coleman and I were going to take some wagers from the apprentices that don't know better
Glenn: I'll be along. I need to see what seeds they've got
Koko: Don't be trying to hit me with any water spouts
Marisol: And don't be trying to blind me with light
Koko: Deal. You ready?
Marisol: Ready
By the time Glenn got there they were near the end. Koko won which wasn't a large surprise, she was far more curious with her magic study and Marisol was still adjusting to the move. Jackson and Coleman collected their winnings from disappointed apprentices and the group headed home together.
Time passed and Glenn got better. He got to the point where Grayson wasn't the first thing he thought about in the mornings. He changed his lockscreen, and got back in to a routine. Some nights he would go over to Henri's or Miranda's and watch a film. Miranda had the best set up in her room, but Henri had the best snacks. The twins did tease him for his celebrity crush on Devin York but a man could dream.
Cooking comforted him, not as much as gardening but close. Glenn loved food and felt a freedom when playing chef. He slowly started to dream of what his future might look like, or who would be in it. It wouldn't be Grayson, but he thought about what he'd like in a partner. Someone to share life with, someone who wouldn't mind him cleaning dirt from under his nails every time he came back in the house. Someone who liked abs, and told him he looked nice.
Humans were nice but humans were... tricky. They didn't understand what the occults had been through. But maybe that could be good? Once he finished his breakfast he always took a tray up to his grandfather who liked to read in bed in the mornings, and got on to the rest of his routine.
Each day his affirmations became easier to say. With time he got back to believing he was a catch, he just had to find someone who was fishing... and didn't have anything against the colour green. He flowed through his exercise routine most mornings. Push ups and sit ups until he hurt, but a good hurt. Then if it was sunny he'd go for a run, if it was raining he stayed inside and did a dance workout.
Little did he know someone had no choice but to stay in the rain.
Reminder that Glenn and Silver are moving to my weekends rather than every second day, but they meet in the next part I promise!
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#sims 4#the sims#simblr#my sims#ts4#active simblr#GWG#GlennSutherland#ColemanDavis#KokoHallet#OpheliaRamon#JacksonDavis#MarisolMichaels#SilverClawcrestByCawthornTales
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Glenn had a good sleep his first night, like his body was relaxing into the surroundings. When he woke up the sun was shining and after going for a quick run and showering he headed to another spellcaster's house. He had meant to visit Harmony yesterday but Drusilla had kept him too busy. Practicing his smile, he knocked on the door of the house she and Koko shared. He stood for a minute before hearing the sound of it unlocking and took that as his cue to go in.
Glenn: Good morning
Koko: Morning. Harmony this is Glenn, I met him last night during a gap in my meditation
Harmony: Nice to meet you Glenn. Are you getting settled back alright?
Glenn: For sure, I did miss all my plants when I was gone
Harmony: *chuckles* I know exactly what you mean, they're like my kids. I'd hate to be parted from some of my favourites
Glenn: You're in to gardening?
Harmony: I enjoy nature. I'm not a massive academic on plants though, I just have a few favourites. I enjoy water based magic, not as much as Marisol obviously, but enjoy using all the elements together
Glenn: So your powers are like Jackson and Coleman
Harmony: Not quite. They mainly deal with the transfer of heat, I work all elements and make new ones
Glenn: New ones?
Harmony: I have a gift for conjuring
Glenn: Like Carmine then?
Koko: Harmony is more powerful than her
Harmony: I'm just older and have been at this longer. Carmine transfigures, she takes what is there and changes its form. Similar to how Gillian changes her form. Conjuring is different
Glenn: I thought they were the same
Harmony: Not quite. Conjuring is crafting something from nothingness. The creation of matter rather than the manipulation of it
Glenn: I mean... is that even possible
Harmony: I've conjured a lot and I assure you, it's possible
Koko: It's just your science brain telling you it's impossible
Glenn: I said I don't follow science much anyway
Harmony: But you like plants, yes? There is science in that. Ph of soil, grafting of different types-
Koko: How much light they should get, that's super important
Glenn: I suppose. I just didn't think it was that technical since I understand it so easily
Harmony: Lesson one Glenn, never downplay your talents
Koko: Others will do that all by themselves, it's best not to help them
Glenn: Well... I guess I do have one good trick
Harmony: Care to share?
Glenn: Well, I can tell what a flower is going to be
Koko: Like what species
Glenn: That sure, that's easy if I've seen the type of plant before. But I mean like when the flowers are starting to bud, I can tell what colour they'll be when they flower, even if I'm not sure what type of flower they are
Harmony: Oh now that's pretty cool. See, we'll have you shouting about your talents in no time
Glenn: I'm normally pretty good at showing off. The whole bc experience just shook me a bit I think but I want to get back to who I am
Harmony: Sounds fair. First time I got my heart broken I was awful company for months, it really stifled my practicing
Glenn: Practicing! I almost forgot that's why I'm here. Phoebus wanted me to check in with you for any magic tips. He said you're the best at untamed stuff
Harmony: Untamed is just a category for stuff people can't fully comprehend but sure. I might be able to teach you to conjure small things, or umm... you enjoy plants, can you move the earth?
Glenn: Move the earth?
Koko: Earthquakes *makes rumbling noises*
Glenn: I don't know about earthquakes
Harmony: There are smaller applications. Scooping dirt and moving it with magic rather than your hands. Being able to tell what bugs are in the soil, that kind of thing might be helpful
Glenn: For sure. Oh, do you reckon I could cast a barrier to keep aphids off the plants
Harmony: Probably but with such small creatures it requires a lot of finesse
Glenn: I'm good at finesse
Harmony: Okay. Well I'm often busy with my own studies in conjuring but I'm sure I could fit in some tutoring once or twice a week
Glenn: That would be amazing
Koko: Oh if you're wanting to learn more everyday type of magic you should talk to Elise
Harmony: Oh absolutely! She's right next door, gems are her thing
Glenn: Alright. Well thanks for the chat
Harmony: Any time Glenn, good luck with that confidence building
Koko: And happy dreams
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Glenn sets about cutting the gem for Druisilla. It's much harder than he thought to hold it in place and shape it. He fumbles many times but is determined to finish, he wants his hair colour back! Hours pass but he thinks he's gotten the shape Drusilla needs. He does a quick check in his phone camera and yep, the green is back! He must have done it right.
Tidying up his mess he heads back down the ladder. He was planning on heading to bed, it had gotten late, but spotting an odd shape out the window he decided to go investigate first. Rounding the corner of the tower he saw... a horse? With a flower crown, a big tail ribbon and a spellcaster lying on its back. Glenn wasn't sure if he should disturb them, they looked peaceful, but he had no idea if he could be spotted under the spellcaster's hat. Surely it would be rude not to say hi if she had seen him.
Glenn: Umm, hi. We've not met but I'm-
Koko: Glenn. Phoebus said you would be returning
Glenn: Uh, I can't actually return if I've never even been here
Koko: You are not returning to a place, you are returning to family, your grandfather. You're in his dreams
Glenn: I'm in his dreams?
Koko: Can you feel them like Pepper and I can
Glenn: Feel what
Koko: The dreams. All around us creatures are sleeping. Your grandfather dreams of your family, Phoebus dreams of the past, the field mice dream of full bellies and soft beds
Glenn: Sorry, I can't
Koko: Don't apologise. I feel them because I'm connected to the night. To the moonlight. It may be reflected sunlight but it holds a power all it's own, just like each of us. I'm Koko, and this is Pepper
Glenn: Nice to meet you. Do you always go riding at night
Koko: Oh I wasn't riding, I was meditating
Glenn: Meditating?
Koko: I don't sleep much. Light gives me energy, sunlight in the day, moonlight most nights. The starlight from trillions of miles away. Even the auroras give me energy.
Glenn looked up, he hadn't even thought about examining the sky but there they were. Stars back-dropping coloured auroras that seemed to dance. It was mesmerising and he could understand the desire to simply stare.
Koko: How was your first day back
Glenn: Strange. I've never been around so many spellcasters before
Koko: We draw strength from each other, and community
Glenn: Even Drusilla? Because they stole my hair colour for a bit. Well they said they did but it was black not white
Koko: That makes sense if you know how light works
Glenn: What do you mean
Koko: Colour comes from light. Light hits something and is either absorbed or reflected. That's not too important but colour, what we see as colour, is what is not absorbed. What we see as white is when light hits something and all of the light gets reflected back. What we see as black is when light hits something and all of it gets absorbed
Glenn: So yeah... science was never my best subject
Koko: That's fine. Basically light gives colour, no light reflection or black can be seen as colourless. I imagine Drusilla borrowed that for a while
Glenn: Is that why you're dressed in such light colours? White is light
Koko: *smiles* Yes. It's all the colours together, and the colour from the moon
Glenn: You really never sleep?
Koko: I... can go in to a trance I guess. Where my daydreams can become more vivid but I never disconnect from the world like others do in their sleep. My brain never writes the story for me anymore. It must be nice to dream, I haven't done it since I was a kid
Glenn: Sometimes, but nightmares are not good.
Koko: You have nightmares?
Glenn hesitated. He hadn't really talked about them, but from the sound of it Koko would be able to sense them anyway.
Glenn: Not as much as I used to. Grandfather got me out of the circus when I was young, but mom and pop didn't make it. He had to set a fire to get out. Sometimes in my sleep I'm just surrounded by smoke, with no way out. I worry that's what happened to...
Koko: I understand
Glenn: Are your folks...
Koko: Not sure
She walks over to Pepper and brushed her mane for comfort.
Koko: My ancestors were ill treated for more than just being spellcasters. So many times they would settle only to be driven off, told where to go and where not to go, what to do and not do. More than just my parents were my family but I haven't heard their dreams in a long time, I miss it
Glenn: I'm sorry
Koko: It's not your doing. Have good dreams Glenn
Sensing the conversation was over Glenn left the spellcaster with her horse under the stars.
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Some brief Koko history and download link below.
Koko comes from a large family of spellcasters and grew her talents alongside her siblings and cousins. Large groups of magic wielders can be dangerous in a world where occults are only starting to gain acceptance. Many times as she was growing her family and tribe were forced to relocate for an array of reasons, most of them steaming from human greed.
She has a gift for light, and as she got older it became clear that light gives her energy. Too much energy to sleep. So she spent many nights alone staring at the stars, studying their constellations, until she felt she knew all her tribe could teach her. At that point she decided to seek out somewhere she could study further. In the magic realm she heard of Phoebus and he has been happy to have her curious mind growing in his coven.
Interested in Koko? She is available to download & has a human version. Feel free to rewrite her story!
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