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changingplumbob · 1 month ago
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For the official baby shower Glenn and Silver attempted to host the whole coven. Glenn was a bit worried about what so many people in once place might do to Silver but the werewolf assured him it was best they host. That way he could always duck into the bedroom for a minute of peace and any grumpiness would just be seen as him having high standards as a host.
Elise: Glenn! You look great. You're glowing like one of my moonlight charged gems
Glenn: Oh thanks I-
Jackson: Marisol is angry she couldn't bring Sandy
Marisol: Hush Jackson, I didn't say that
Jackson: She said she misses her dog so it's basically the same
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Elise: Do you not miss Throttle
Jackson: Not right this second, my dog can take care of himself. Plus he has Thrash for company
Elise: Luckily BooBoo doesn't need company, he's a very self confident cat
Koko: Glenn, I have a baby shower gift for you
Glenn: You do? You really like gift wrapping huh
Koko: It gives me something to do. Will you open it now?
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Henri: What are we talking about all the way out here? The dangers of crowds?
Howard: *laughing* Oh I think we all know the dangers of crowds
Silver: I mean... I'm doing better with them than I was a year ago right?
Henri: Oui, indeed
Silver: Thank you for bringing the snacks Henri. They're not uh... you know?
Henri: Laced with pleasure? Everything I bake is, but just low doses for everyday bakes
Silver: But... could that hurt the kid
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Henri: Kids are stronger than you think Silver. Surely you saw your fair share of werewolf cub fights, no?
Silver: Oh the battles between the young ones were ferocious but they couldn't get seriously hurt, werewolves can't
Howard: I do find it fascinating how impervious your kind is to damage
Henri: Your kid is bound to be just the same, even if they're a spellcaster
Silver: I hope so. Losing parents was hard enough, I can't imagine losing a kid- sorry Howard
Howard: *soft smile* I'll see my boy again when my time is through
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Glenn was doing the rounds when he noticed Ophelia standing in the corner, staring at the treefish in the tank.
Glenn: You alright there Ophelia
Ophelia: Me? Yes. I was just wondering what it must be like for Oakley
Glenn: What do you mean
Ophelia: He's a proud only child. How can he comprehend a new sibling coming in to his world?
Glenn: Uhhhh, you think he has that much awareness?
Ophelia: Oh I've no idea. But I think he looks like he's getting ready
Glenn: Right... why don't we sit down for a bit Ophelia
Ophelia: Of course. I was just waiting for you to suggest that
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So the pair sat down at the table beside Gillian and began to snack.
Glenn: I don't suppose you can tell me if I'm growing a baby boy or baby girl
Ophelia: I can't. They haven't decided yet
Glenn: They haven't decided yet?
Ophelia: Gender is a social construct anyway but their body hasn't decided which sex they most want to be like. It's as if their inner boy and girl are playing tic tac toe for it, like their inner spellcaster and werewolf are
Glenn: Wait, are you saying they'll be both genders and both occults
Ophelia: I can't give you hints about the future Glenn, you know this
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Phoebus: How are you coping Silver
Silver: Better. I wanted to apologise for my behaviour in your house right after we learned Glenn was pregnant
Phoebus: Silver, I may not know what it's like to have been alone as long as you were but I can understand that unlearning behaviour takes time. Now here, I got Drusilla to help me with this
Silver: What is it? Is it- wait... how?
Phoebus: Drusilla does blood magic. From the blood sample of your child she was able to work backwards along the family lines. Does it look right?
Silver: *happily* The sketch looks exactly like my mom looked. Thank you. Thank you so much
Phoebus: You're very welcome. Oh no need to hide your tears from me Silver, they're a sign of love
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
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Glenn knocked and the door was quickly answered by a pastel wearing spellcaster.
Elise: Hey, Glenn right?
Glenn: What gave it away
Elise: Apart from the fact that the property is shielded to stop trespassers, absolutely nothing. Did you want Marisol? She's down by the river
Glenn: Oh no I was looking for you actually
Elise ushered him in and Glenn took a moment to look around the room. Was that a clay llama in the display cabinet? Well okay then...
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Glenn: Nice collection
Elise: I like to display some of the nicer ones rather than just use them up
Glenn: Harmony said you liked gems
Elise: It's more than simply liking them, they're my area of focus
Glenn: There's enough variety for you to do that?
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Elise: They may not be as obviously varied as plants but yes, there's plenty of difference in them
Glenn: Harmony said you could give me some helpful pointers
Elise: Because you're trying to shape gems?
Glenn: I guess last night I tried
Elise: Not as easy as it seems huh? You've still got jade dust on your sleeve
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Glenn: Oh, I swore I shook it out
Elise: *smiles* Gems can have a mind of their own
Glenn: Are there any I should try and find
Elise: It depends if you want them for decoration or charging
Glenn: Charging?
Elise: Koko and I have been working on stands that will funnel moonlight in to cut gems
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Glenn: That sounds... pretty?
Elise: It's more than pretty, it's useful. They can be used for many benefits
Glenn: Such as?
Elise: Charged jet allows you to contact the Grim Reaper directly, and having it around will mean he has to grant your plea to spare a life
Glenn: Wait- I thought you'd be talking about like, happy moods
Elise: Well charged amber can make you happy and brings the sun around
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Glenn: They can control the sun???
Elise: Everyone always underestimates pretty sparkly things
Glenn: So which ones would be useful? For like everyday
Elise: Hmm... I'd say try find an amethyst. That'll be inspiring and means you don't need to sleep as long to be refreshed
Glenn: That'd be useful
Elise: Oh for sure, it's the next best thing to creating new hours in the day
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Elise: Then, umm... sapphire makes it easier to focus on upskilling. It stops you getting burnt out, but if you're more in to creative stuff I'd say look for an orange topaz
Glenn: There's different colours of topaz? I thought they were all yellow
Elise: Misconception. There are many different shades of colour for that gem but orange ones are the only ones I've tested. If you want to focus on your magic I'd say search for some moonstone
Glenn: What does that do
Elise: Stops your basic spells failing unless you're overcharged
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Glenn: Well thanks, I'll scout about for those
Elise: If you find any you're not sure of come see me, I may have already figured out their properties. Oh hi baby
Glenn looked down to see a very white cat had just let themselves in.
Elise: This is BooBoo. He's my familiar
Glenn: Oh he is very handsome
Elise: He's got a mind of his own don't ya baby
BooBoo: *meows*
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
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Some brief Elise history and download link below.
Elise comes from a family of miners who made their fortune pulling minerals from the earth. When the line they were working on ran out the family had to move and adapt, after all they were spellcasters and faced the prejudice that came with it. Elise begun to study the minerals to try and find more than their monetary value.
When she began to theorise that crystals could be used for great power the parliament suggested she join a coven to keep her research out of the hands of those who would use them against occults. Phoebus' coven seemed the most appealing and she and Koko have created a way for crystals to maintain moonlight for a couple of days, allowing the gems to be used for many things.
Interested in Elise? She is available to download & has a human version. Feel free to rewrite her story!
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