#i love this chapter
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erzbethluna · 5 months ago
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"Until he turns it on me.
“Fu-Frig!” I raise a hand, deflecting the stream. Simon laughs, flicking the muzzle up so water splashes into my hair. I duck low, glower, and turn my water gun on him. “You will regret that, Snow!”
“Do your worst, Pitch!”
My jet of water catches him in the face. He backs off, laughing, but I track him. Then he decides he really doesn’t mind getting wet and renews his war against me." - For all intents and purposes, ch. 5
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@hushed-chorus says I shouldn't apologize, but I'm sorry nevertheless :c this chapter took a long time to be released because I lasted an insane amount of time drawing this piece. Life has been intense, but I finally finished my master, so yay! :D
I truly hope you keep enjoying this story, Demi and I are taking so much time and love co-writing and drawing. We got the chance to work on it together at the UK <3 so it is maybe one of the best projects I've worked on. I'm very proud of our efforts :D Please read it and support us here !
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dandelioneffect · 4 months ago
Mr Blackbell is actually the biggest girl dad there is 😭
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Also so real of Emile, maybe these kids have one correct opinion
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seltelm · 6 days ago
Chapter 172 of Wind breaker, additional thoughts
No Sakura, everyone doesn't have a shed where they make one of their kids live instead of the main house. You were just neglected 😔
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But really it's sad how he probably honetsly thought it was normal only to hear it's not from Nirei... Like... Damn🥲
Anyways, all the excited faces Sakura had this chapter
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Dude's so excited just to be at a friend's house... Can't blame him, I would too. (there's more of him being excited but dnag that 10 Pic limit) Also Nirei expressions are great, you can see parts of it in a few of the photos I cropped lol, also also, Kiryu's face omg, he just looks like he's chilling when not drawn detailed(I love it)
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Aww they care so much for each other:( it's really funny that they see the other as an air head but not the self as one (at least that's how I interpreted it)
Last but not least...
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Mitsuki being patted on the head by Akari! So very cute, so very fluffy(very needed 'cause the chapter really just shoves angst down your throat)
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galaxynajma · 1 year ago
Here’s some of my favorite comments from manga plus for chapter 238
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lightning please come back
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Can’t believe panda is probably going to survive this whole series 💀
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gabbyp09 · 7 months ago
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briebysabs · 1 year ago
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ellesthots · 4 months ago
new chapter tomorrow <3
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katscythe · 1 month ago
Chapter 9 ~ Protective Instincts
~~~ Vic reached down to help Garfield up, threading a massive arm under his uninjured shoulder and supporting some of his weight as he stood. He grabbed the boy's green wrist with his other hand and held it steady between them, sensors in his fingertips taking his pulse.
Blood dripped softly onto the tile.
“Let me see your shoulder—”
“What the fuck was that!” Raven's low voice cut through the room with a boom of sound.
Shadows exploded out from her, racing across the floor and casting the whole space into darkness, the light from the window suddenly dimming as if a heavy cloud had passed in front of the sun. Every piece of furniture in the kitchen shot away from her, chairs toppling over backwards to crash on the floor, the ceramic canisters on the counter shattering, contents spraying out in every direction as they hit the tile. Cabinet doors slammed open then rebounded back into their frames with sharp cracks, hinges shrieking, the lights above her bursting with little pops.
A burst of shadow slammed into Victor's chest, shoving him away from Garfield and sending him stumbling.
“What—” Gar's eyes shot open wide as Raven stepped aggressively towards him.
Every hair on his body instantly stood on end, dangerous energy crackling through the room. Everything else faded away as his mind focused in on the predator coming at him.
He staggered back, trying to catch his balance.
Vic and Kori retreated immediately.
Raven advanced on him, visceral waves of anger rippling off of her body, strands of chin-length black hair lifting to curl around her face
He backed away from her as quickly as he could, nearly toppling over on his unsteady legs.
“I don’t need you to protect me!” she snarled. Her voice dropped impossibly in pitch, a strange, harmonizing note echoing through it as if another person was speaking through her mouth at the same time.
“I wasn’t—I just—”
“You almost got yourself killed, you fucking IDIOT! If he had shot me, I would’ve been fine!” She threw her arms out with the words and darkness slashed across the few remaining feet of space between them. Glass shattered.
Gar flinched back. He hit the counter behind him, pain searing across his back, and grabbed onto it desperately, trying to stay upright. His chest heaved with sharp, rapid breaths, every beat of his racing heart stabbing into his head.
Raven leaned in, her shorter frame somehow towering over him.
They held that position for a breathless second, gazes locked. Darkness crawled up over every surface around them, slowly devouring the room.
And Gar saw the tears tracing silently down her icy cheeks, the terror dancing in the darkness in her eyes.
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kalolasart · 7 months ago
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I can't remember to forget you
I keep forgetting I should let you go,
But when you look at me,
The only memory is us kissing in the moonlight,
linked is a cover, the original song by Shakira and Rihanna
Illustration for chapter 46. The red carnation from Paper Hearts Black Clover fan fiction.
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shimohyo · 2 months ago
Spoilers for Chapter 3 culprit
I feel so fucking autistic about this. I was fully convinced that Tamba was the one who killed Tsuno, but this, this was so much better.
Okazaki. I love you so much. During your villain monologue, I was literally kicking my feet while listening to you. You are insane. You are objectively a horrible human being. But that’s why I love you.
You went on such a long super villain rant. I love you for it. I can’t think of a better end to your story. Your ‘rivalry’ with Tsuno was an excellent reveal. I love how cleverly it was foreshadowed by you both being from the same place.
What you did was awful. I will never forgive you for killing Kazutoshi. He was one of my other favorite characters besides you. But it was worth it just because you were so entertaining.
I’m glad I was wrong about it being Tamba, because then you wouldn’t have been so entertaining.
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fruity-blogs · 6 months ago
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shyphonics · 10 months ago
Salad Days, Chapter 6: Just You and Me, Punk Rock Girl
(Rodrick Heffley x reader)
chapter directory here
Light sex warning for the beginning- 18+ plz
This chapter took me a while - I wrote the beginning the same night I wrote the first and second chapters. Then I realized I think I'm more comfortable writing horrific and sad moments than sweet moments and I kinda froze trying to fill the plot in around it lol.
Thank you so much to everyone reading this!!! The fact that it's actually getting notes makes me really, really happy :)
Also this chapter's run of songs contains a secret song in the spotify playlist oooooh
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Oh my mama mama mo-my-mum
Have you kept an eye, an eye on your son?
I know you've got problems, you're not the only one
Since your sugar left, left you on the run
The gas cans felt good in his hands. Heavy. Smooth plastic snug in his fingers. His grip was tight. He reveled in the sound of the liquid sloshing around. The unmistakable smell.
Everybody fucking hated him. Every second of every day, he felt like his brain was on fire. A full body burn begging him to get out.
Get out now.
It's not like anyone was inside. The old library had been gutted weeks ago. They were supposed to demolish it next week. If he really thought about it… he was doing them a favor.
Yeah. So do it. Who gives a fuck.
He busted a window and stuck his leg inside, stepping into the decayed, old building. It smelled like dust. It smelled like school.
Stupid Frank and Susan.
Stupid Heather Hills.
Stupid Rodrick. Going nowhere, doing nothing, being nothing. Stupid.
The smell was strong, but he liked it.
He grinned, he nearly hyperventilated as he doused as much as he could.
Dizzy in his head, laughing maniacally
Breathing in fumes, killing brain cells.
What did it matter.
He shook the last drops out of the second can and tossed it across the room.
He struck a match. Let it burn out.
Struck another. Toss.
The fire erupted.
He stood there to watch it for a second, and ducked back out the window.
He knew he wouldn't have much time to admire his work, so he started running.
Deep into the woods.
He stopped and saw a ball of flames rise in the distance. The ground rumbled. His eyes went wide. He ran all the way home.
Nobody even knew he was gone. He'd left music playing in his room so it'd sound like he never left.
He watched the living room from the top of the stairs. A news report was on.
The library was directly on top of an open gas line. No fucking kidding.
Half the street went up in flames.
It's not like there was much on that street anyway, besides a strip mall with one or two active tenants. Closed for the night. No injuries reported.
His mom was crying. His dad was in shock. Greg and Manny were already asleep.
How could something like this happen? his mom whispered.
They're saying it was just some freak accident. They can't put it out. It's going to burn straight down to the foundation. Frank, incredulous.
Rodrick was silent.
Words to memorize
Words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I'm in your thighs
“Hey,” a cool hand on his face, “where are you? Are you okay?”
He’s sent flying back to reality suddenly, looking up into your eyes. He looks frazzled. He’s not sure where that came from. All he knows is that he can never tell you.
“I'm fine,” he breathes, his hands moving to your hips, squeezing. Like he’s making sure you’re real.
How could he not be fine? The realization of what's going on hits him like a brick and he squeezes you harder.
He looks up at you like you're a goddess. Hips perfectly situated on his, eyes glinting in the low light of your bedroom. Every subtle movement you make sends a twitch through his body. Breath hitching through plush pink lips, mouth agape.
“I'm fucking amazing,” he sighs.
“Okay, good. Thought I lost you for a second.” you smile, placing a hand on his chest. His heart is racing.
You move your hips, just a little, testing the water.
He throws his head back and huffs, moving with you. He always figured that this- all of this- would be good, but he never dreamed it would be this good. It must be something special about you, he thinks.
You keep smiling down at him.
“If you wanna pick it up a little bit, go ahead,”
“P-pick it up?”
You raise yourself up off him a little, and then send yourself back down. He shudders, a grin spreading across his face. You keep it up, laughing softly, slowly bouncing up and down, skin slapping skin. Obscene, wet sounds. A groan comes from deep within his throat. He's thrusting up to meet you, knuckles white on your hips.
You haven’t had an impressive amount of sex in your life, but you’ve certainly had some experiences. Nothing has ever been like this. Rodrick is looking at you- not your body- he’s looking into your eyes. His eye contact has a sense of pleading, his lips are trembling. You lean down to kiss him. It’s tender. It’s intimate. You’d figured he’d be quick and chaotic. Experienced, maybe, but not learned.
Everything just feels so good.
His hands are gentle on your back, rubbing up around your shoulder blades. You feel his hips roll, and it sends waves of heat through your body. You keep a slow and passionate pace together, it feels like your bodies are perfectly in tune with each other.
“I can't believe that you… I…” Rodrick breathes, his brain turned to mush.
“I know,” a sharp breath leaves you as he hits a certain spot.
You speed up, both of you seeming to know what you need. Your bodies glisten with sweat, and you throw your head back, hands anchored to his shoulders. His hands move up to your chest, gently squeezing, then ghosting down your ribcage. His hands- so large, so strong. They’re slightly weathered, calloused from his drumsticks, and they’re so warm. His bony hips poke into your thighs with every thrust. You can just feel him. All of him.
Then you feel him twitch inside of you.
“I think I…” Rodrick gasps.
You look down at him, your eyes warm, reassuring him. You feel close too, still warmed up from earlier. He ruts up into you, flushed and panting. You feel yourself squeeze around him, your vision blurring slightly, as a rush of tingles runs through your whole body, and that seems to send him over the edge. He stops suddenly, breathing heavily, holding your hip down onto his, the other cupping your face. His eyes squeeze shut, then open wide, and roll back into his head.
You both sit and recover for a second, gasping for air, looking at each other. You roll off of him, and lay next to him, exhausted. He reaches out desperately to grab your thigh, as you turn to your side and throw your arm over his chest. You reach up and feel his cheek. His skin is hot, and slightly stubbled.
“I’m glad I didn’t wait.”
“You were gonna wait?” He pants.
“I don’t usually do that. That fast. But now I know.”
“Know what?” He turns his head to look at you, eyes tired.
“That I really, definitely like you.”
He laughs, pulling you closer to his chest and kissing the top of your head.
“I really, definitely like you too.”
You wriggle the comforter out from underneath you, and throw it over the both of you. It doesn’t take long for you to drift off, hands on each other, legs tangled.
For the first time in a long time, Rodrick dreams of absolutely nothing.
I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand
Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?
Lose sensations, spare the insults, save them for another day
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away
Rodrick wakes up before you, lifting his head in confusion at his unfamiliar surroundings. Until he feels your arm draped over him, and remembers where he is. It’s still early, and you’re dead asleep. He smiles, pulling you closer to him. He gazes over your face, lit up in the early morning light. You stir, coming to rest your head on his bare chest, and he’s so happy he could cry.
“Go back to sleep,” you mumble.
He does.
You wake once the sun is all the way up, blinking at the beams coming in through your window. Rodrick has an iron hold on you, and little snores are coming from him.
You can see your alarm clock from where you are, and it’s a little after 9 AM.
You turn slightly onto your back, and feel Rodrick moving.
“You up?” You look over at him. His eyelids are heavy, and there’s a lazy smile on his face.
“I’m up,” he sighs.
“Glad you didn’t sneak out on me.” You chuckle.
“Why would I do that?” His voice is sleepy, and a little whiny.
“I don’t know. Boys are weird.”
He gives you one last squeeze before he lets you up.
“You wanna shower?” You ask, running a hand through your hair.
The water is warm, and you can finally see Rodrick’s lanky body in all its glory. Steam fills the bathroom, and his face is slightly flushed.
“So, last night,” Rodrick stretches under the stream of water. You find yourself admiring the lightly defined muscles in his back, and fighting the urge to smack his ass. Maybe later.
“What about it?” You smirk, squeezing some body wash onto a washcloth.
“It was… real? Like, it happened, right?” He turns around, eyebrow raised, grinning smugly.
“As far as I'm aware,” you laugh, beginning to scrub yourself.
Rodrick pauses, water running down his shoulders.
“Wow,” he smiles, then his face falters just a little, “and… you enjoyed it?”
You give him a look, wringing out your washcloth. Instead of answering him, you just step forward and kiss him, warm water flowing over you. Your hands travel over his body, slick with water and soap. You pull away.
“Duh.” You smile.
You dry off. Rodrick's wet hair is wild, and he still has a little bit of eyeliner on.
He grabs his clothes from the night before, and you stop him.
“Are you sure about that?”
He freezes, holding his boxers with the tips of his fingers, like a deer in the headlights.
“I can… turn ‘em inside out,”
“Ew. I have clothes you can wear,” you laugh, “boxers make good pajamas, and most bands don't really make women's shirts.”
You toss him a pair of plain, black boxers, then get an idea. You head to your closet, where you keep your band merch.
“Y'know what? I'm returning the favor. You look like a medium.” You root through the box, and toss him a shirt with your band’s logo on the front. He holds it up to himself and smiles. You find your Löded Diper shirt, discarded along with your purse by the front door, and put it on. As you come back, he's pulling the boxers on, and you take your chance.
“Hey!” he yelps, turning to face you, blushing just a little.
He sees your shirt, and a giddy grin appears on his face.
You find yourself at the coffee shop across the street, sitting on the little patio. The streets are packed with groups of people, enjoying the spring day. Rodrick mangles a croissant as you sip from a large, white mug. You appreciate the fact that the two of you can sit in a comfortable silence like this. You flip through the local alt paper, The Eye.
“Ooh, there's a Pyramid show tonight, my friend’s band is playing. That'd be a good place to show you. They have an entire wall of pinball machines.”
“Are you friends with all the bands?” Rodrick asks, pouring 4 packets of sugar into his coffee at once.
“Not all of them. But a lot of them. I try to network.” You shrug, reading through the event calendar.
“All the major bars are kind of in one strip, with a few outliers. Then you have your DIYs and house venues.”
Rodrick sips his coffee, makes a face, and adds 2 more sugar packets.
“Do you think we have a chance at any of them?”
“You guys are gonna have good word of mouth after last night,” you nod, “I bet in a week you'll have an offer from Pyramid or Dime Store.”
“Wow,” Rodrick breathes, assuming that must be really good.
“It looked like your guys got along with everyone, too, and Mike likes you. You've got a great start. You might even get to open for a real band once they start coming in the summer.” You smile at him, looking up from the paper.
“We are a real band,” he looks confused.
“Yeah, but, y'know. A touring band. The Casualties are coming back this summer… Circle Jerks usually run through with Descendents once a year, D.R.I. has been on a ‘retirement tour’ for the past few years,” you say, adding air quotes, “your name's on the opener list now. And most of the time, picking someone from that list falls to me… but don't expect any obvious nepotism. I try to match people up by sound.”
Rodrick grins, stars in his eyes.
“Do any bands around here, um,” he pauses, unsure how to word it, “make it?”
“Sometimes,” you lean back, thinking, “it's hard nowadays. There was this super popular indie band last year. They got picked up to be on a movie soundtrack, and they're huge now. That's what sells, these days. I'll let you work out the irony of indie selling.” You smirk.
“So, what? Heavier bands are just shit out of luck?” He takes another sip of his sugary coffee.
“That's how it goes,” you shrug, “you give up most of the hope of being famous to be a real musician. There's a reason that even huge punk bands are still just playing at bars instead of stadiums. It was never marketable. Punk’s not even a genre anymore. To me, it's having the attitude of ‘I’m pissed off, and I'm making it your problem.”
Rodrick laughs, “Okay, I do like that.”
You finish the last of your coffee, and roll up your paper, tucking it in your bag.
“You ready?” You stand up, stretching.
“For what?” he looks at you, draining his mug.
“I'm gonna show you the strip, rookie.”
You smile, holding your hand out, and he takes it.
“The Strike’s back that way, you’ve already seen it. There’s a pretty big gap of old shops and abandoned buildings from here to there.”
You lead him down the street, pointing out bars. Most of them will be closed until the late afternoon.
“There’s Pyramid, there’s Dime store. That one’s cool, the upstairs is a drag bar called Fluorescence, and the downstairs is a dive called Dim Bulb.”
Rodrick laughs, taking in the sights of the street.
“First time I ever came down here, I was with a bunch of friends who were 21, and I was still 19. Dim Bulb is all ages if you put the X’s on your hands, but Fluorescence is strictly 21+. My friends went upstairs. Downstairs was dead that night. They told me to wait in the bar and not go off walking by myself, but…”
“You went off walking by yourself?” Rodrick smirks at you.
“How’d you know?” You chuckle, “Yeah, and I had just gotten these leather pants, and I felt so fucking cool. But I was so stupid. And this gross, old guy stopped me and asked if I was ‘working’, and I said ‘no, fuck off, get away from me’,” you say, your tone nonchalant.
Rodrick raises his eyebrows, his mouth falling open.
“So, he starts chasing me down the street, yelling, ‘I’ll kill you’, and I was yelling back all this bullshit, just totally bluffing,”
You stop in front of a bodega along the street.
“And the guy who owns this place came out and scared the guy off. He’s good people.”
You wave at the man inside, who perks up and waves back.
“That place has everything. 9-volt batteries, first aid stuff, you name it. If you find yourself in a jam, head over there.”
Rodrick looks through the windows as you walk by.
“This whole street is, like… a tiny little town all on its own. Also, I'm glad you didn't get murdered.”
“Yeah,” you sigh out, looking over the strip, feeling proud, “it really is. I love it here. I’m glad I could show you around. And thanks.” You laugh, squeezing his hand.
You keep walking, down towards the point where the bars end and the shops begin. Rodrick walks slowly, swinging his hand with yours. He keeps his head on a swivel, trying to take in all there is to see. Old neon signs, graffiti-covered brick walls, and show fliers absolutely everywhere.
“I think you’re gonna like this place,” you turn to look back at Rodrick, who looks absolutely awestruck.
The bell on the record store door rings, and you're greeted by the familiar woman behind the counter, Jennifer. She’s tall and muscular, with a smoker’s voice, and impeccably curled baby bangs.
Rodrick stops as the door closes behind him. It’s a cozy, dark little room. There are houseplants everywhere, among long boxes of records on high tables. The walls are exposed brick, and light is coming in through two long, skinny windows. An orange cat rests on one of the tables, in a sunbeam. The walls are completely covered in posters, framed records, and old fliers.
“It's you! I have pulls for you,” she looks over thick-rimmed glasses at you, reaching under the counter, then sees your shirt, “what in the hell is that?”
You look down at the bold, white letters on your shirt and laugh.
“Best new band in this town. You really haven't heard of them?” You say, teasingly.
“Diaper…?” she squints, looking at you, bewildered.
“I'm just messing with you, they played their first show last night. This is the drummer, Rodrick,” you gesture to Rodrick. He approaches the counter and sticks out his hand, smiling politely.
Jennifer looks back to your shirt, then at Rodrick.
“Kid, I'll level with you. There are worse names out there.” She barks out a laugh, looking down at her hands, both being used to hold a stack of records.
Rodrick notices, and retracts his hand, laughing nervously.
You kill about an hour in the shop, looking at all the things Jennifer has hidden for you over the week. It was once a very kind thing she did when you were flat broke and new in town, but she kept it up as a tradition, because she said you got it.
Rodrick exhausts each box, looking in amazement at all the different records. 'Dad Rock,' 'Punk Rock,' 'Rockabilly,' 'Psychobilly,' 'Synth Shit for Weirdos.'
The ‘misc.’ box contains a Jane Fonda home workout, a square dancing instructional record, and a full album of canine heartbeats, meant for veterinary students. Rodrick pulls it out and looks at it, reading the cover in confusion.
“See something cool?” You perk up and walk over to him, reading the record.
“Canine Heart Sounds? Is that a band?” You squint. He stays quiet, holding in a laugh.
“‘4-10 acquired murmurs', what the fuck?”
You see the text for ‘Berkeley Medical Veterinary Group’ and let out a cackle, lightly punching Rodrick on the shoulder. He breaks too, putting the record back in the box.
“You totally thought I was all cool and underground for a second.” Rodrick laughs.
You leave the record shop, and you decide to take him to see everything. You try on leather jackets way beyond your means at the biker shop, spiked collars at the goth shop, and hats at the western shop. You point and laugh at each other the whole way, except that some of that leather had looked pretty good on Rodrick… and he might’ve thought the same about you.
By late afternoon, you’re both a little worn out, and you wind up back near where you started, at a tall, yellow building. It’s an ancient pizza joint.
Inside is a massive, wooden staircase, and yellow walls covered in sharpie graffiti. Dumb little messages, from mystery people. From who knows how long ago. It feels like a million little voices yelling at him all at once.
Penelope was here!
Aaron is a cheating douchebag!
George Dubya, suck my dick!
And band names. So many band names.
“Whoa,” Rodrick looks up. It’s even on the ceiling.
You lead him to a large window, with a greyed, wooden frame.
You fish in your purse and find a sharpie, handing it to him.
“When we first started the band, we came here to make it official. I wrote our name, right here, under the window.” You look down, away from him, feeling a little sappy.
Rodrick looks at the smooth, black writing.
The Shrieks
He smiles.
“And, if you’ll notice, there’s an empty space right there next to it…” you say, trying to sound nonchalant.
Rodrick smiles, then crouches down, uncapping the sharpie.
He carefully draws his logo, adding the little horns and tail, with a small safety pin and the date underneath.
He stands up, handing the marker back to you. You look down at your two logos together, then up at your coordinated shirts.
“Yeah. They look great together,” you smile up at him, “now it’s official. Welcome to the scene.”
Rodrick feels a swell in his chest, looking down at your genuine smile. He’s been just a little guarded all day, but… now he gets it. You actually want him around. It’s not a joke. It’s not a trick. You’d wanted his band to be immortalized next to yours on this greasy, strangely beautiful wall.
He catches you off guard, pulling you into a tight hug. You blink once or twice, then wrap your arms around him, smiling against his chest.
You pull away from each other, and turn to where the voice came from. It’s Ward, in an apron, by the counter.
“I got a job!” He’s grinning.
The two of you walk up to the counter and catch up, refusing to give him any details, no matter how much he wiggles his eyebrows.
So we jumped up on the table, and shouted “anarchy!”
And someone played a Beach Boys song on the jukebox
It was “California Dreamin’”
So we started screamin’
“On such a winter’s day!”
The two of you sit at your little table, the sun beginning to set outside. You’re laughing at some high school story he’d been telling you- something about how he’d been in love with some girl and ruined her sweet 16.
He pauses, taking a sip out of his glass bottle, beaming.
“God, and she was really into N’Sync, so we spent all this time learning ‘Tearin’ up my Heart’,”
You cackle, slamming your hands on the table, “Oh, god, no!”
“But last minute, I told Ben I wanted to sing, and he could play drums-”
“Can he play drums?”
“Nope!” Rodrick laughs, “And I sang in this high pitched voice- she wanted us in tuxes, but, um, I kinda wasn’t listening when my brother told me that? Also didn’t have the money. But I figured all black was good enough.”
“Did you learn any boy band moves?” You wipe away a stray tear that had escaped your eye.
“I wish. That would’ve been awesome, but, no. We did set off a bunch of pyro, and I jumped off the stage.”
“Ben’s brother is in demolition,” Rodrick laughs, but feels a little pang of anxiety with the words that leave his lips.
You don’t notice his face change, still laughing. Rodrick grins at you, wanting to make the big reveal good.
“This family was loaded, okay? Country club rich. So, the pyro goes off, and it’s chaos. I was, like, dancing around her? And I backed up right into a giant ice sculpture of her head.”
You look at him, in shock, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah, and then she tried to kill me with a mic stand, but ended up knocking over a chocolate fountain, and everyone got absolutely covered in chocolate… and then she hated me forever. Still hates me. That’s the girl from last night, by the way- my ‘girlfriend’?”
“No fucking way,” your eyes go wide. “That’s why you were staring each other down.”
Rodrick gives a satisfied nod, chuckling slightly.
“Well, I guess you learned your lesson: don’t trust the rich. First rule of punk.” You tease.
“Yeah, and if she’d actually liked it, I… I would probably be miserable,” He says, a look of realization on his face. You raise your eyebrows.
“I’d probably be at some fancy event right now wearing, like, a polo or something. Oh, god. I’d probably be working for her dad.” He looks down, eyes wide.
You boo him, giving him a thumbs down.
“I wouldn’t have met you,” He stares at you in surprise.
You smile, leaning towards him, your elbow on the table.
“I’m… so fucking glad all that bullshit back home happened,” He shakes his head, smiling, “Because now I’m here.”
“In a greasy, old pizzeria?” You smirk.
“In a greasy, old pizzeria, with you,”
You laugh, at a loss for words. Something about Rodrick seems to have bloomed today, and you like it. It’s like he finally evened out. You lean closer to him.
“I’m glad I’m here with you too,” You smile.
Your lips almost touch, but the buzzing of your cell phone interrupts you. You groan. It's Mike.
“Hey, what's up?”
“They got us! They fucking got us!”
Rodrick hears Mike screaming through the phone, and feels his heart drop.
“What? Who got us? What are you talking about?” Your heart skips a beat.
“They smashed the window! And wrote all over the walls! It's like Sharon Tate all over again!”
Your jaw drops. He's serious.
“Mike, who?”
You hear the sound of glass crunching down the line, along with Mike's enraged muttering.
“How many people did we kick out last night?” He spits.
You take a second to think.
“A lot. It got crazy.”
“Did we have to put anybody on the list?”
You make eye contact with Rodrick. His eyebrows knit together in worry.
“Yeah, there were a few.”
The List is only to be used in extreme circumstances. Any bar patrons found guilty of irredeemable asshole behavior have their IDs taken, photocopied, and returned as their asses are kicked out the front door. You're not sure how legal it is, but it's very effective.
The guy who had punched Rodrick last night, along with all of his friends, had absolutely made The List.
“I know who it was,” your voice shakes, “I’ll be right over.”
You hang up, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Did he say someone smashed the window?” Rodrick breathes in disbelief.
“Yeah,” you put your head in your hands, “do you know the name of that guy who punched you?”
“Ugh. Bryan Kent.” Rodrick frowns.
“Do you think he'd do something like that?”
“Yeah.” He says, without hesitation.
“Fuck!” You sigh, “At least we have a name.”
Rodrick looks at you, guilty, like he might cry. You feel a pang of sadness.
“No, no, sorry. Shit. Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault, I’m just pissed off.” You ramble.
The bar is like your baby. Though you’ve only worked there a year, it means a lot to you. Mike had drunkenly promised to leave it to you several times, and you feel a strong protective urge over it.
“I gotta go,” you grimace, “Should I take you home?”
He nods, looking dejected.
There are two cop cars parked outside Rodrick’s apartment building, and you notice him gripping the door handle tightly.
“Wonder what that’s about?” You murmur.
“Could you take me around the back?” Rodrick’s voice shakes.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow, but circle around back anyway.
 He opens your car door and gets out.
“Hey,” you stop him, “that was really fun. I hate that it ended this way, but… we’ll see each other again, okay? I don’t want this to be a one time thing. I… I really like you.”
“Me either.” He nods. His voice is cold, and his eyes are void of all emotion.
You know something is wrong, but you have bigger problems on your hands right now.
“Okay,” you give him a weak smile.
He grimaces, and shuts the door. You watch him walk through a grimy back entrance, and pull off.
“Rodrick, dude,” Ben looks at him with bug eyes when he walks through the door, “the fucking cops were here!”
Rodrick freezes.
“Did they leave?”
“Yeah, but they were looking for you, man.” His voice is hushed and panicked.
Rodrick checks the window, and the cop cars are gone.
“What did they say?”
“Something about your name being associated with a crime scene?”
Rodrick turns to look at him, “What?”
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fuckin’ thorn in my side
Oh my god, it’s a mirage
I’m tellin’ y’all, it’s sabotage
tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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probablynb · 4 months ago
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dathen · 9 months ago
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Riz Gukgak energy
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gabbyp09 · 1 year ago
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"Beautiful, clean and pure... She was an existence filled with the ugly desires of people"
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"I will become a star just as i am. I will not become like Mom"
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Hirano to Kagiura Ch. 22 Reaction
lmao why is the first page so funny to me? I do like Hirano setting boundaries whenever Kagiura tries to push too far.
Dates are kinda weird, aren't they? There isn't really much difference between them and going out with a friend except that it's called a "date" and therefore has romantic connotations.
Oh right, Kagiura never actually told Hirano for how long he has liked him. Doesn't seem like he'll tell him for a good while. (Also, Kagiura looks kinda when he says it's a secret, which is always a treat.)
Oh, so he's making it telling it contingent on Hirano's feelings. DEFINITELY won't be telling him for a good while at the rate this is going.
I love Niibashi and Kagiura interactions. Also, can't really blame Niibashi for feeling a bit awkward when he's together with kagihira knowing what he knows.
NIIBASHI BEST WINGMAN!! I do suspect that Niibashi would have done a better job than Hirano is going to, though.
DEFINITELY would do a better job, lmao. Nice wingmanning, but it did mean that the only one who knows how to sew left lol
Hirano can be... kinda oversensitive when it comes to Kagiura. I don't feel like that's the right word for it, but he's so nervous about doing anything wrong way past the point of it being reasonable. Like, before even meeting Kagiura he was worried about being a good roommate and not scaring him. Which is perfectly reasonable! At the time. But it has almost been a year now, with Kagiura almost constantly talking about and showing how happy and grateful he is for Hirano. Hirano has seen how hard Kagiura worked for them to stay roommates. And yet he tries so hard to make up for perceived failures. Not that he shouldn't apologize and make up for things he does wrong, it's just... him sewing the button because he thinks it's his fault reminds me of why he accepted the touching–making up for hurting Kagiura's feelings–and it kinda rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Well, not so much the things he does to make it up to Kagiura, it's more the face he makes when this happens. He feels way worse for doing these things than he needs to and risks going above and beyond for it. I want him to do these things because he wants to, not because he feels guilty.
Well, it's still sweet. It's not like Hirano doesn't want to do these things for Kagiura, I just wish Hirano wouldn't feel so guilty when no one is blaming him for acting the way he does. But in the end, I guess Hirano simply isn't the type to be satisfied with a simple apology.
I KNEW Kagiura would want to touch him for this!
The domesticity of this whole scene is *chef's kiss*
"...It doesn't make mine race, though."
"But... It's still not bad at all."
With how comfortable Hirano is with Kagiura touching him, I really think the only thing keeping him from being fine with adding cuddling to their relationship is the romantic connotation. It also reminded me of my relationship with my boyfriend. Not that we are anything like them, it's just that I'm aspec and he's not. (Realized that I was some kind of ace about five years into our relationship and some kind of aro about 10 years into our relationship. In my defense, we were 14 when we got together and I really wanted to reciprocate his sexual and romantic feelings for me, so I was kinda in denial. Autism and ADD also didn't help.) Point is, I love my boyfriend but not romantically. He knows and we chose to stay officially boyfriend and girlfriend, even though it's not really romantic on my part. (My boyfriend is the BEST.) Anyway, I just feel like they're at a point where that kind of relationship could work. But then again, I feel like Hirano would feel guilty for not loving Kagiura romantically if they did that.
Hirano's heart might not race, but his gaze sure does linger.
Miyano: Shipper mode, ON!
...Did it ever get mentioned that Miyano is in the Literary Club in Sasaki to Miyano?
It's kinda fun to see a longer scene of Hirano and Miyano interacting outside of the 4-koma format. Miyano: "I do not mix BL with my real life." Miyano with Hirano: "He is an uke!!!!"
There's something funny about Hirano seriously talking with Miyano about BL and reflecting on his feelings for Kagiura. There's something ESPECIALLY funny about how strongly Hirano jumps on anything that disproves that he has feelings for Kagiura lmao
Though what I'm really getting out of all of this is that Hirano's heart definitely raced when Kagiura hugged him.
Anyway, Miyano's rambling about how the heart racing is only for new couples and you feel calmer once they feel like family makes me think of how I've long felt that kagihira kinda just skipped the crush part and went to being married. (Or want from married to crush in Kagiura's case.)
Oh? Oh??
Hirano is getting closer! He doesn't feel romantic love the that it's usually depicted, but he's getting there! ... Although I wouldn't be surprised if he manages to graduate before then...
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