12 posts
I am Will!!!!! I do things like art and writing!!! Here is a personal page!!!
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oop-petal · 7 months ago
Where do I find smart people clothes?
As a highschooler I've been invited and accepted into a lot of very prestigious organizations and groups. And I'm very honored! I go to meetings and events and get interviewed and it's great! I love it!
Now, here's my issue.
The clothes I wear every day are pretty nice, but still very casual. Too casual for the types of groups I'm invited into. BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO FIND FANCIER CLOTHES!!! WHAT STORES DO I GO TO??? WHAT ONLINE STORES CAN I GO TO??? WHAT DO I CALL THESE CLOTHES IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?!?!?!!?
I also have autism and struggle a lot with sensory stuff regarding clothes. I hate wire-rim bras, tags, certain fabrics, tight/form-fitting clothes, pants, etc. So I need not only fancy clothes, but fancy clothes that won't distract me and make me want to rip my hair out.
Someone PLEASE please help. I've literally been wearing my nicest clothes to these meetings but they're NOT. IT. For reference, I live in Texas (SA) so local stores around there would be great. Any advice or suggestions will help. :')
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
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Polkowice, Poland ( via )
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
Sir, I have trauma, I do not know what my favorite childhood movie was
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
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OP made this post unrebloggable but me and my bf made this meme in a fit of obsession and it had to be shared
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
i feel like i've been made for tumblr- like my humor and the way i speak/type is perfect for this platform but i've never ever ever had tumblr before?? it feels like when you know everything about painting cause you love it and then randomly decide to join a painting club and everyone is also like you? but it's unsettling and weird feeling? basically like that.
edit: i posted this before how did i not remember?????
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
i think i stay awake to try and find something better. maybe i fight falling asleep waiting for something to come. waiting for something to make me feel good. someone to tell me they love me. a video to entertain me. music to fill the void. but then i drift off anyway. and i wake up and i think i'll be disappointed- i want to be disappointed. but there was nothing there. nothing came. nothing waited for me. there was never anything better.
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
anyway when i think of you i can't help but think of our lips pressed together, of our bodies close. and i know i shouldn't but i love you. i love you so much and i don't think i'll ever be able to stop loving you. and i'm so scared to love you forever but i can't help myself. i could lie and tell you i won't. i could tell you i won't and i could tell myself that if i tell you enough times it'll be true but i would always know. i would always know.
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
see i feel like i was made for tumblr but i get too weird on this site. like some kind of alternate self comes out and posts instead of me. some kind of.. anti-me.... a Won't, if you Will.
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oop-petal · 1 year ago
Art supply shop suggestions?
I'm trying to find places to buy quality art supplies- specifically supplies for watercolor and pencils. I want brushes, paint, palettes, paper, colored pencils, and/or mechanical pencils.
One website I've found is https://choosingkeeping.com/ . They sell a multitude of art supplies, but I want to look at some other, similar shops/websites. I like the homey, vintage feel of the supplies. I'm not looking for something professional, if that makes sense.
If anyone, aNYONE has aNY tips on how to search for these types of shops/websites or has any in their noggin, please let me know!!
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oop-petal · 2 years ago
my personal art pet peeve
Okay, so I’m taking Art 4 next year for one of my classes, and thinking about it has awakened some ideas and memories that really bother me.
Art 1 and 2 were all about learning how to do art. How to charcoal sketch, how to create perspective pieces, lots of traditional art stuff. Art 3, though, was about using those learned skills to make your own art. In periods of like.. 5 weeks, we’d have to choose a prompt from a group of prompts that our teacher made up. They would range from things like, “create a piece from a dream,” or “express a strong, daring message through art”. There was a “free choice” option, but we could only use it for one of the 5 week periods throughout the whole year.
Now, this isn’t a bad system at all. In fact, the way my teacher executed it was fantastic and is probably the best way to allow students to freely create something while also keeping it gradable.
But it does push one little tiny button in my body.
In school when you are told to draw, it is required to be something important and meaningful. But we are taught that importance is one thing or the other. Family, friends, trauma, grief.. those are meaningful things. Me, though, I wanted to draw flowers. I wanted to draw bees and bugs. I didn’t care about my family dynamic. I mean, my parents were divorced. I definitely could have made art about how I felt about it. But I didn’t want to. I just wanted to fricken doodle.
In English, people only wrote about their family. In Art, people only drew their traumas. And I am in no way saying that these aren’t valid forms of art. My SO thrives off of venting through art! But... why do we need to push this idea that art is only meaningful when it’s about like.. 3 things. Why do teachers, parents, adults in general! think that something is only revolutionary when it’s super preachy or philosophical.
I paint a landscape and it’s missing “spice”, it’s missing “meaning”. Why does art need meaning? Why can’t you look at my painting and just say “wow, this is beautiful. this is nice looking :)”? Why are you straining your eyes to see grey when there is only black and white? And by that I mean, sometimes people can just create to create. Sometimes, I smudge paint together because it looks nice. It can still be meaningful art.
Do you think children draw a flower because it represents the purity and delicacy of childhood, and sends a message of irony? Hell no! Kids draw flowers because they’re fucking pretty! And that is revolutionary in of itself!
Enjoy the fruits of life! Paint them! Draw them! Sculpt them! And do it because you like it! Don’t bother making up reasons to create something and make it meaningful just because someone else needs to understand. Simply understand beauty.
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oop-petal · 2 years ago
being an adhd person living with an adhd person sometimes means having to come up with interesting solutions to problems
I have a very good medication taking routine, I very rarely miss my morning and night meds, my roommate is not good at this, so my roommate sheepishly asked if I could remind them to take their meds when I take mine
in order to remind myself to do this I have had to keep their medication right next to mine (this is fine I will not mix them up because I am very careful about medications to a slightly excessive degree)
however my roommate is leaving early tomorrow for a work trip, and we forgot to sort out what will be done about their morning medication before they went to bed, I'm currently very sick and have been sleeping in a lot so I might not wake up to an early alarm
I can't leave the meds out in the kitchen with a note because the ✨adhd✨makes the chances of them simply not noticing it very high (also I don't know where my stationary is)
I thought of putting it on top of something they'll take with them but I have no idea what they'll be taking and also their stuff is kind of everywhere because we're both still unpacking from moving house
the solution
I put them in a little pill carrier and sat them on top of the bag of cat biscuits
because if there is one thing they will definitely do before they leave, it's feed the cat, because the cat sure as fuck will not let them forget
I also left the pill box sitting open so they wouldn't just move it out of the way automatically without realising what was in it, thankfully the cat biscuits are kept up high where the cat can't reach and knock the pills over (not that she would try anyway she is exceptionally lazy)
adhd roommates by theory sounds like it should be a disaster (and admittedly when it comes to washing the dishes it is) but it's nice to live with someone who thinks the way you think so we can do little things for each other like this in ways that make sense to us
I'm certain if I were neurotypical I would
A) have left the pills on the counter with a note and incorrectly assumed that would do the job just fine and
B) I'd be able to do that because I would probably know exactly where my stationary is
and to add an extra dash of ✨adhd fuckery✨ while writing this post I just looked up at my pills container and noticed my roommates pills weren't there for tomorrow, and got very confused before remembering I had JUST put them out on the cat food and was also literally in the middle of writing this post about how I put them out on the cat food
no fucking wonder neurotypicals can't figure us out
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