#i love this ask tyvm
mrsterlingeverything · 3 months
he thought the age of fire was for one cycle only, he mad
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What the fuck happened lasy night
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Any favorite book analysis posts/essays (not necessarily on tumblr) from the past few years?
Oh, there's so many brilliant and/or funny people writing so much good meta these days. I wish I had the spoons to update @asoiafuniversity, but at least I've reblogged a bunch of personal faves under my #asoiaf meta tag (uh at least when I didn't drop my tagging spoons 😭). But for one that left me jawdroppingly impressed, I have to cite @mummer's essay on Sam Tarly (tumblr reblog link), it's amazing. (And their other metas too.)
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themintman · 3 months
mongoose for aiden? :3
SOMEONE isn't happy to be here!
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jovenshires · 6 months
Single parents spommy au where Trevor is Tommys son
yes. yes agreed 100% this is everything to me
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tojiscrack · 2 months
in honor of the new soano chapter- my thoughts
i actually also love the fact that y/n is so iconic in this so here's a list
- shadis, badis, madis, and kadis
- forcing jean's lookalike to eat peas
- scheming with hange after running away(for the first, but definitely not last, time)
- "remember me?"
- insulting erwins eyebrows😭
- pulling a turn around on badis after LOCKING HIM IN THE WOMENS BATHROOM??????
- drawing flowers instead of answering the math problem
- actually befriending malakai😨
- convincing everyone that the schedule had changed
and saving the best for last,
- "OH SHADIIISSSS!!, guess who's baaack"
i probably forgot to write a few down but i hope ur happy with this list😈
i loved the new chapter so much like i actually was kicking my feet and giggling from the shenanigans ilysm pls never die i actually wish i could smooch u bc this was beautiful 😔😔🙏
start of a new obsession masterlist here:
MALAKAI ORIGINATED IN LIAR, LIAR BUT WILL BE IN EVERY UNIVERSE OF EVERY STORY I WRITE 😭 him and y/n will meet a millions times. and yes, he’s 10000x worse here and it’s actually like that for a reason — in aot’s universe, they don’t exactly have much to lose. we don’t know much about how their jobs work and stuff. all we know is that if you have a criminal record, it stays. if you’ve done something incredibly grave, it stays (as seen with eren and mikasa’s murder crimes committed at 9 years old LMAO). but we notice that even with that, eren was able to join the cadet corps and even ended up ranking 5th before joining the scouts. so, malakai truly has nothing to lose when he goes feral 💀
please you basically just summarised the entire chapter DKMMM 😭😭 i had sm fun writing it for the few readers that are actually invested despite how little traction it gets. soano will always be my favourite to actually write simply bcz of how much crack it consists of.
had to make her punch boris cuz he was so annoying when i watched him in the ova. she’s doing what i wanted to do so badly. and her friends will understand why she ran off 😭 they know her well despite only knowing her for a week.
y/n in liar, liar, despite the way she acts with malakai, sees him as a friend. it’s the same thing in the soano verse. y/n and malakai 🤝 being a chaotic duo in every universe.
miffysmittens, i wait for ur notifs EVERY time. i’m gonna mwah both of your cheeks, i wake up in the morning for you, don’t YOU ever die 😤‼️
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
Imagine a make-out session with Henry, where the sessions end up with you biting and fighting each other's necks, biting a little harder as things heat up, just to see how much pain one can take until things end up back in the bedroom and most of the time, it's Henry who wins, however, seeing the marks on his skin is a spectacular sight, so losing turns out not to be so bad.
he would definitely have a preference for inflicting light pain, especially in combination with teasing a body part as elegant and frail as one’s neck. leaving marks wouldn’t specifically be an objective of his, however, as i can imagine it’d be more about the passion and the ailment part of the deal for him, rather than leaving behind evidence of your indulgences. he’d mostly get carried away with his mind conquered and fogged by the desire to thrill you, scorch you, feel you. his sheer want would be to imprint the heat of his lips and intentions onto your skin, so that it would linger for days and days to come — posing a reminder of his ardent, passionate want, and the reward you received as a result thereof.
as bonus content, i’m attaching an image i recently encountered on twitter that suits this ask so well i absolutely couldn’t resist.
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realbeefman · 1 year
am i overthinking this….., but when house says i love u to wilson after he says that hes going to order extra pain meds for him…, is it because wilson is the only enabler in his life, because he needs that amount of enabling. because that pain haunts him, and they keep telling him its not about physical pain, BUT IT IS. even after rehab he still prescribes vicodin to house. because he loves him, because he hates to see him in pain. and house needs someone that maybe doesnt fully understand, but enables. because everyone keeps telling him to just get over it and go to therapy. and the pain is unbearable. and he does mean it . he fully does. he loves him for that. — sorry, this is all just rambling of a person in pain that loves enabling
yup yup yup 100% this is why he says that. im someewhat of a believer in there being a psychological component to house’s pain (since it’s been shown that when he’s in emotional distress his leg will hurt more) but i think either way you look at it, house’s reasons for saying he loves wilson in that scene are the same - wilson cannot bear to see his best friend in pain, and he’ll do anything he can to help him. hilson are incredible because they constantly violate each other’s boundaries but they always ALWAYS do it out of love. they want the best for each other and they’re both actively trying to will the other into submission (being happy and healthy) but. they can’t stand making the other upset at the same time… they’re sooo codependent this is why wilson is the only one who can match house. he wants to fix him but he knows he can’t do that without house also wanting to help himself and so he just loves and supports and enables him even as it’s killing him to watch his best friend hurtle down a destructive path over and over again..
i also love enablement please know i was biting my fist and kicking my feet while reading your ask.. they love each other soo much AUGH
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superchat · 9 months
Having a Jack-o funny Halloween moment? Or is someone you follow having one and you’re reblogging everything they do (that’s what I’m doing with all the Jack-os)
im havin a jack0o moment :3 always rlly rlly rlly loved her design a ton and earlier today was listening to her theme song which was just rlly cute!
its been a while since i went oiut of my way to see her design and her animations so i thought itd be good to do another tumblr dive
i say this as someone whose barely played GGS much less fighting games in general tho....if i were to ever pick it up id start with her tho simply cuz i like her....
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haysprite · 1 year
Yippee, Susie Headcanon time! This isn't even close to all of the HCs I have for her, just like with the other three, but some of em are like super specific or are Joey/Susie related (which I'm saving for later teehee), but this'll have to do! As per usual, this is my interpretation of her character, blah blah blah, whatever, let's get to em <3
• AuDHD REAL (y’all should expect this by now)
• Has a special interest in plushies/stuffed animals and the 80s/90s My Little Pony shows/toys
• Is really quiet and shy when you first meet her, but once she grows to like and trust you, her personality shines a lot more! She’s a lot more talkative, bubbly, and loves to mess around with you!
• It takes her a while to warm up to people, though, and often finds it hard to trust others unless Julie or Joey are already friends with the person
• Looks up to Julie big time, who’s always been her cool, older role model
• She’s a BITER lmfao, it's her main way of showing affection as off putting as it can be for some people. It’s also a great way for her to get people to back off, since who tf wants to get bit. Tries not to do it as much since she got her braces, but sometimes she just can’t help herself
• Will hide her hands in her hoodie sleeves and whack the hell out of people
• Was really insecure about her braces at first, and got teased about them quite a bit at school. She still gets insecure about em every once in a while, but Julie, Joey, and Frank all make her feel a lot better about having them, so she tries to have fun with them by choosing fun colors every time she gets her bands replaced
• Has an extensive plushie collection! Her favorites consist of a lil black n white cat, a seal, and a worn out teddy bear
• Also has a collection of MLP merch, most of which were gifts from Julie
• Rarely ever seen without a hoodie or some sort of jacket on, both out of comfort and cause she gets cold very easily
• Her room is covered in random art supplies just laying about, and her desk is stained with a shit ton of paint
• Rarely ever stood up for herself when she got bullied, she just had a really hard time with this, so most of the time Julie or Joey would come help her out. Being a part of The Legion helped her gain a bit more confidence outside the mask, however, so she started standing up for herself more often
• Has the most energy of the group, and is practically always bouncing in her seat wanting to do something, whether it's just talking to her friends or going out and actually doing something
• Despite all her energy, though, she will CRASH at the end of the night, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to wake her up until morning, as she’s a very heavy sleeper and will sleep through just about anything
• Owns a lot of clothes with cats on em :3c She just really loves cats
• She’s a nail biter, so Julie started painting Susie’s nails so that she’d stop biting them as much
• Heavily dislikes the holidays, since they tended to feel super lonely and depressing for her growing up. She just felt like she got jipped for most of them, and got pretty jealous seeing how happy other people compared to her.
   • Struggles a lot in school, so she tends to get Julie’s and Joey’s help a lot, and sometimes they’ll have little study sessions just to help her out. She excels in her art and English classes though
• She knows a little bit of French! She’s not at ALL fluent, but she can read, speak, and understand some here and there
• Either has to work in dead silence or with her favorite music on, there is no in-between
   • Whenever she’s not at school or out n about with her friends, she loves to spend time alone in her room working on her art 
   • Has a little diary that she writes EVERYTHING down in, including some of the most insignificant details about her day. Nobody’s allowed to look inside it, not even Julie. She made the mistake of bringing it to school once, and just barely managed to grab it back from some girl who snatched it from her before the girl got to read any of it
 • Hates coffee with the PASSION, she thinks it's absolutely disgusting. She’s not a big fan of tea, either, but she does enjoy milk tea
• She enjoys reading, and has a few books that she loves to reread over and over again
• Loves to bug her friends a lot, and will find little things to do that’ll annoy them without making them upset at her
• She tries REALLY hard to fit in, especially within The Legion, and wants to prove to her friends how cool she actually is. Of course, the other three already love her dearly, but sometimes she doubts herself and thinks she has to try harder despite not even needing to try at all in the first place
• After finding out that Julie liked Frank, she bugged Joey to get him to tell her if Frank liked Julie back. After getting this confirmation, Susie annoyed the HELL out of Frank nonstop about this, and always called him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie or somethin, much to Frank’s annoyance
• She was the one who made the friendship bracelets for the group, and she was SOOOO excited to give them to everyone, since she spent quite some time making them
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WOKE UP TO YOUR TAGS THIS MORNING AND I MAY CRY,, you reading my work made me actually so 🥲🥲 getting feedback from someone you follow is always such a wonderful thing. I love poly satosugu with my whole heart, I had that in my drafts for a long time but I was afraid to post it cause usually I do NSFW so I wasn’t sure if people would like it. I’m planning on doing another one with Gojo and his love language, which I think is physical touch and gift giving, but suguru is such an acts of service man to me I love him so much, I love our soft man
U DESERVE ALL THE PRAISE N MORE REM <333 i rlly did love it soso much!! definitely a new comfort fic for me!! :’3 aaa and i totally get that… its always so nerve-racking posting content u dont usually post but pls just know i ate ur fic right up <333
AND YES I AGREE COMPLETELY we r like this 🤝🤝….. gojo is so gift giving/physical touch and sugu is literally SO acts of service coded its insane. u get him so well i swear!! i cant see him any other way tbh. our soft soft man <333
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jazzzzzzhands · 3 days
Oh I got an ask!! And ohh it feels good to draw again!
It's nice to have an excuse to doodle!
Please I welcome asks of art requests during this time of art block!
(i also miss my Groovy au if someone wants to send me an ask..)
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jovenshires · 11 months
Saw Spencer was today's guest on Smosh Mouth and immediately thought of you -dot hell anon
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me: oh i cant watch podcasts they're too long for my attention span not enough stimuli
me when spencer agnew is on one:
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lilies-and-pigeonpeas · 2 months
Your ocs are very cool ! Not sure if I already sent an ask like this but hey it's even funnier the second time
TYSM 😭✨️ I'm glad you enjoy my disaster children lol I worked hard on them
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jyndor · 1 year
Yeah I don’t get why people are surprised with the teaser, it’s always been said that Bixcassian were meant to be since the beginning 😂 I guess people were just living in denial all this time
alright anon meant to be is a bit strong given that rogue one came out six years before andor lol
but people need to understand that exes get together all the time, I don't like on and off again shit lmfao I've SAID that before, and tbh this kind of seals my feelings that bix is getting fridged.
cassian ends up alone by rogue one. idk if you saw rogue one but that's the movie the show is a prequel to? cassian is alone by then. that's the point. andor is how he gets to be that man (agree or disagree with the show). so no, they're not meant to be. if you ship it that's fine lol go ahead and ship it, but canonically jyn is his person in the end. doesn't make bix less important, doesn't mean he didn't love her, but bix doesn't make JYN less important either.
now for the love of God can people stop being cunty.
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realbeefman · 1 year
Ever just have a screaming fit about ptsdee (and nightman cometh, and missing out on childhood so you go see a robot’s boobs) and Charlie/Dennis feeling connected over suffering ‘real trauma’ the others haven’t, but also absolutely never admitting What Happened?
PTSDee is one of my favorite episodes because I just absolutely love episodes that explore the gang’s trauma through absurd hijinks (dee’s self esteem issues n mac n frank daddy issues exploration r also favorites of mine) but charlie & dennis’ connection is just soo special and i love the way it’s portrayed. they’re such different people but the way they can see through each other’s denial and bullshit to recognize the specific ways that each of them was hurt KILLS me. they can only truly comprehend and try to process That Thing That Never Happened through projecting onto each other it’s so tragic. Real Recognizes Real and such… the charden worms in my brain r wriggling so fast rn AUGH
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anto-pops · 1 year
So… I did a thing… I copied and pasted bits of your latest Sebastian fic into the Sebastian CHAI and it was nothing short of 🥵💦🤤 thank you for your gift and work 🙏🏻 you are a saviour *bends down on my knees and kisses your feet*
FUCKSGDJWUHSG PLEEEASE I’m picking you up by the scruff of your shirt cause I am morbidly curious to know more now
That’s so fucking funny that it worked cause there is nothing discreet to be found in any of my writing, how did the AI not implode 😂💕
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