#i love the devils?? tonight we dine well
aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: [Mad Love] Chapter 25 His POV
Chapter 25
“Welcome back. I’m sorry to bother you when you’re tired, but would you like to have a party tonight?”
*“If YES, dress up and come to the dining hall.”
(After being dragged around London all day, to receive such an unreasonable message,)
(If there is anyone who would dress up and come to the dining hall, they are a genuine fool.)
With the polished silverware in place and the wine poured into the glasses, the dinner setting is complete.
All that's left is to wait for the "fool"... or rather, Kate to come here.
(The old me would have thought it didn't matter if she didn't come--no, it would be better if she didn't come.)
(But now, I am certain she will come.)
(What's more, I even wish for it, so life is unpredictable.)
As if tracing my conviction, hurried footsteps approach the dining hall---,
Kate: Alfons, what on earth do you mean--...huh!?
Kate, dressed in a sexy dress, rushed in and swallowed her words at the sight of the luxurious dinner.
Alfons: Even after being dragged around so unreasonably, you still follow me.
Alfons: You really are a fool, aren't you?
(Did you want to see me so much that you ran in out of breath?)
I'll keep such a mean question to myself.
The answer to that question is tonight's main dish...I want to save it until we at least get to the table.
I politely extend my hand, and Kate's hand is placed on top of mine.
(It seems like she has completely forgotten the anger she had when she rushed in.)
The purity with which she meekly allows herself to be escorted makes me laugh from the depths of my throat.
Kate: What's wrong, why are you... Oh, did Victor prepare this...?
Alfons: No? I prepared it while I was busy dragging you all over London to buy time.
Alfons: Amazing, isn't it? Praise me with all the vocabulary you can muster.
Kate: Alfons, you did all of this...?
Alfons: Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm good at cooking.
Alfons: Maybe it's a reaction to eating so much garbage food, but I have a weakness for delicious things.
Alfons: It's a surprise, you see.
(Surprises are a must for anniversaries.)
Today is the last day she fulfills her role as a "Fairytale Keeper," a desperate contract she made to escape a life-threatening situation.
(It is the first day you take a step towards tragedy)
Alfons: Hey, Kate. How was it breathing the London air today?
I ask while spreading a napkin on Kate's lap as I sit her in a chair.
Kate: Huh...?
Alfons: The post office must have brought back memories. You're so honest and earnest, I bet you missed it.
Alfons: I'm sure you don't have many good memories of the pub. Well, the place itself isn't bad.
Alfons: The boy you helped must have blended well into the peaceful everyday life of London.
(Familiar scenery, close friends, new and exciting places other than Crown Castle,)
(The smiles of people who have stepped out of the darkness and into the light, living peaceful and happy lives)
(Witnessing such things)
Alfons: ... Didn't you want to go back?
The answer, whether yes or no, is obvious since she is here.
Even so, I ask because this is the question that will bring tonight's main dish to the table.
--Wouldn't you be happier if you went back?
By dangling such a devil's whisper, I make her realize the true intention behind my actions today,
To bring out the main dish within her, the most exquisite and delicious flavor,
The main dish of pure love.
Kate: You're really the worst, you know that?
Alfons: Oh my, how hurtful.
Kate: If I were to say I'm leaving the castle and going back to my old life... what would you do with this feast?
Alfons: Of course, I'll tearfully eat it all myself.
Alfons: You'll be spared from tragedy, and I'll just continue dancing merrily as usual.
Kate: I see...
Kate: Then... this is my answer.
Kate lifted herself slightly from the chair and pressed her lips against mine.
She gazed back into my eyes, provocatively biting my lips sweetly.
(Huh... Are you trying to blame me with such a gentle bite?)
(You're truly adorable.)
Alfons: ... Very well, I understand.
I deeply capture the lips that were sulking, having been insulted and tested in her love.
Kate: Nn... ––Kyah!
While our lips remained locked, I lifted her body and placed her on the dining table.
The napkin, which had been conveniently placed on her lap, sensed the end of its duty and fluttered to the floor.
Alfons: I'll give you a kiss in return, directly on your body.
Kate: ––On the table? That's... improper...
Alfons: The one who's being improper is you, tempting me in such a sexy dress, isn't it?
Ignoring her protests, I press our intertwined hands against the table.
Alfons: Heh....
Kate: Nnnn...!
As I slid my hand along her thigh, through the slit in her dress,
her body jolted, and the wine glass tipped over with a clink.
Alfons: Besides, you...
Alfons: You already know that I don't have the integrity to value manners, don't you?
Kate collapses onto the table.
(Look... she looks more delicious than any dinner I could prepare with all my might)
(With such a feast before me)
(It would be more uncouth to touch any other dish)
I stood up to take off my coat and leather gloves.
A deep, lustful look appeared in her eyes, and her soft chest rose and fell with excitement.
Kate: ...All day today, while walking around town, I couldn't stop thinking about you.
Kate: All I could think about was how we might meet again somewhere.
Her hand grabs my hanging tie and pulls me in.
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Kate: There’s no room for my old life anymore… everything is filled with you.
Kate: What’s so bad about tragedy…?
Kate: I’ll make you laugh so hard you’ll fall over on stage—
Kate: I’ll turn it into the most delightful tragedy in the world.
(That's what I wanted, Kate.)
Your words, filled with desire and ragged breaths, your gaze fixed directly on me, speak of your unwavering love, unyielding even after being toyed with so much.
Even if tragedy awaits at the end, it erases any hesitation I had about devouring this love.
Alfons: …Hehe, I see. A delightful tragedy, huh?
Alfons: If you’re my dance partner, that sounds rather interesting.
Alfons: You know, Kate… In truth, today was all for this.
Between our intertwined gazes, the memories we've built since that night we met melt together.
Kate: For this...?
Alfons: Your words just now, the angry look on your face when you burst into this room,
Alfons: The anticipation that, despite being so angry, you dressed up so beautifully for our party,
Alfons: To savor the genuine love that seeps through all of that… That was my aim.
Kate: ...Nn, ah...
When I tickle her skin, having completely given into pleasure, her body begins to melt.
I press my hips against her, spreading her legs apart, and her thighs tightly grip my body in response.
Alfons: …Tonight, unlike last time with the cupcakes, you’re not saying anything about dinner, are you?
I can see through her aroused body and abuse her with my words, so much that she can't say anything anymore.
Kate's cheeks flushed so much that it's hard to believe we've done all sorts of lewd things together,
It's so cute it makes me laugh.
Alfons: What happened to your earlier bravado? Come on, tell me.
Alfons: When two people truly love each other, what do they do… at a time like this?
(Because you're the one who made me want you so much)
(Lick, bite, rub, let me taste you more... until we make a mess)
(I crave your love so greedily -- burn this shameless me into your eyes.)
Kate: …D-dinner can wait.
Kate: We… we get messy and make love, that’s what.
Alfons: -Ah, good.
Alfons: Actually, the menu is full of dishes that are delicious even when they’re cold.
Whispering, I kiss her neck.
Kate: You…you planned this from the start…?
Alfons: Aha! Don’t make it sound like I’m just after your body, that’s not a nice thing to say.
Kate: It’s half true, though…
Alfons: The other half might be sincerity, love, or something like that.
Alfons: Whatever you want to believe is the truth.
I can only convey it like this for now, but...
(I want to love you... just like you do.)
(You, who are so serious, honest, devoted, and easily deceived - you're pitiful and cute.)
Alfons: You won’t say you’ve reached your limit, will you?
Alfons: …You’ll entertain me more, won’t you?
I don’t know if our ending will be a tragedy or a comedy.
But that’s what makes a story interesting.
The characters just believe in the ending they want and push forward.
Whether this love is a spice that makes the tragedy more cruel,
Or the key to turning it into a comedy—
The “truth” I want to believe in is already decided.
Mad Love Epilogue
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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novacorpsrecruit · 9 months
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
Steddie Dad(s) inspired by this
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Steve is a single dad of two preschoolers. His two kiddos are well loved by their Auntie Robbie, Auntie Nancy and Uncle Eddie, along with the gaggle of kids — who are no longer kids — that are more than delighted to be babysitters.
Steve does his best to protect his kids from the monsters in the world, hoping to keep them away from the Upside Down and people who were outright mean.
And he strived to keep the magic alive for them.
Every year, he read them The Night Before Christmas and they would watch A Charlie Brown Christmas and Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. And every year, he took the kids to Melvard’s to meet Santa.
Except this year, the flu bug hit hard.
First Wyatt, his four-year-old, caught the flu from his preschool. Then he gave it to Sarah, his three-year-old sister. Then she gave it to Steve. A series of the flu bug made them miss all three of their chances to meet Santa.
Steve was bummed. The kids were bummed. It was too late to send a letter to Santa, it would never get there in time even if Steve promises the several stamps on the envelope would make it get there faster.
It was Christmas Eve and it seemed impossible to make the kids happy about Santa. Steve was complaining over the phone to Eddie, trying to brainstorm ideas.
“I’ll be by in 30,” Eddie said over the phone. “Don’t tell the kids, it will be a surprise.”
So Steve directed the kids to work on paper snowflakes at the kitchen table while he started on popcorn and hot cocoa, pulling out the Tasmanian devil mug reserved for Eddie for when he comes over. They’ve been dancing around their emotions for years now, only growing stronger since Steve moved back to Hawkins while Sarah was still a babe on his hip. Eddie took well to his uncle duties, Steve wishing he could gain the courage to make a move on Eddie to make him something more than just an uncle. He sees the way Eddie looks at the kids, looks at him. But what if he’s wrong?
Suddenly, the kids were making a ruckus. No longer quietly working on their snowflakes, calling for his attention.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Look!”
He moved the milk to the back burner, turning off the flame as he went to see what they were hollering about. He entered the dining room, wiping his hands on the little apron around his waist when he felt his heart skip a beat.
The scrawniest Santa was in his yard. A few dark locks of curls peeking out of his Santa hat, the coat jacket sleeve falling to his elbow as he waved at the kids, revealing the bat tattoos on his forearm. If Steve wasn’t already in love with his best friend, he was now.
“Daddy! Santa!” Sarah cheered.
“Can we go see him?” Wyatt asked, already climbing out of his chair.
“Yeah, invite Santa in,” Steve said, helping Sarah out of her chair and onto the ground. “Tell him we’re making hot cocoa. Wyatt! Don’t go outside without shoes!”
He could hear their small feet pitter patter as they ran on the hardwood floor to the front door. “Santa! Santa!”
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie — Santa — cheered. “Is that Wyatt and Sarah Harrington?”
Sarah gasped. “He knew our names,” she whispered. “Santa! Did you get our letter! Daddy mailed it out yesterday!”
“We couldn’t see you,” Wyatt said. “We were sick when you came to town.”
“That’s what I heard!” Santa said, greeting the kids in a hug. He looked up at Steve, standing in the kitchen doorway, and gave a wink. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Santa it’s awfully nice that you were able to visit,” Steve said. “Isn’t it kiddos?”
“Yeah!” Sarah agreed.
“Yeah, ‘specially if you gotta deliver presents tonight,” Wyatt added. There was a brief pause as a thought went though Wyatt’s head. “Did you bring our presents early?”
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie — Santa — laughed. “You have to wait until Christmas Day to get your presents.”
“Kids, why don’t you show Santa your snowflakes and I’ll get us hot cocoa,” Steve suggested. “Santa, do you want hot cocoa?”
“I would love some hot cocoa,” Eddie nearly beamed under the Santa beard. Steve wondered if the beard would get in the way of Eddie drinking or if it would get stained… where the hell did he find a Santa costume in 30 minutes?
The evening was full of excitement. Santa and the kids made several snowflakes, hanging them in the front window by the table. Steve handed out cups of hot cocoa, with a slight protest from Wyatt.
“Daddy, that’s Eddie’s mug,” Wyatt said, as Steve handed the Tasmanian devil mug to Eddie. “Santa can’t use it.”
“I bet Eddie would be okay sharing with Santa,” Steve said. “Especially since this is a special night.”
“Yeah,” Sarah nodded. “Special night.”
“Okay,” Wyatt said. “You’d like Eddie, Santa. Some people think he looks scary, but he’s nice. I bet you he’s on your nice list.”
“Oh, ho ho! I know Eddie well,” Santa said with a smirk. “Years ago before Eddie was friends with your daddy, Eddie was on my naughty list.”
That made Sarah gasp.
“But he’s on my nice list now!” Santa added. “I think your daddy helped straighten him out.”
Steve had to snort at that. Neither of them were what you considered straight. Eddie gave him a knowing look. Steve scooped extra marshmallows into Eddie’s cocoa, just like he likes it.
After Santa read the kids a bedtime story, the kids sat on Santa’s lap whispering what they wanted for Christmas. Steve watched from the other room, hoping that he had whatever they were wishing for underneath the Christmas tree. Wyatt whispered his gift, Eddie nodding with such confidence. Sarah sat on his lap next, a quick whisper and there was a quick flash of emotion across Eddie’s face that Steve couldn’t read. Eddie whispered back to Sarah and she gave a slight pout as she thought it over before nodding.
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie laughed. “We will see. Now off to bed! I have to go deliver presents.”
“Good night Santa!” The kids said, giving a good night hug before going upstairs to their bedroom.
Steve followed them, stopping by Santa to whisper in his ear. “Stay? I’ll be down in 5.”
Santa nodded, waiting in the living room.
Steve followed the kids upstairs, ensuring they brushed their teeth and promising Santa will stop by later tonight to drop off their gifts, but only if they fall asleep.
When Steve came back down, Eddie was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, still in his Santa get-up.
“Hi Santa,” Steve said softly. Eddie smiled.
“Hi Mr. Harrington,” Eddie said. “Some kids you got.”
“Thank you, for this,” Steve said, reaching out, running his hands down the edge of the red jacket, lined with white fabric. “I have to ask. Where did you get a Santa suit on Christmas Eve?”
Eddie’s cheeks blushed. “I — uh — I have to confess,” Eddie half laughed. “Wayne’s Santa.”
“What?” Steve laughed. “Why didn’t you ask Wayne to dress up?”
“Because then I wouldn’t have an excuse to see you,” Eddie said softly. “Sarah’s got a really good Christmas wish.”
Steve sighed, “Please let it be a Baby All Gone. I went to three different stores to find the right one.”
“No,” Eddie said, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist, gently tugging him closer. “She wished Uncle Eddie would kiss her daddy.”
Steve gripped the edge of the Santa jacket a little tighter, as if he let go, Eddie would disappear. A smile broke out on his face. “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” Eddie nodded, a matching grin across his face. Steve let his hands slip under Eddie’s jacket, holding onto his waist. “You didn’t tell me what you want for Christmas, Mr. Harrington.”
“You,” Steve breathed. “I want you.”
Eddie leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against Steve’s lips. “Merry Christmas, Steve.”
Steve closed the small gap between them with another kiss. “Merry Christmas, Santa.”
A little gasp came from above them, followed by the telltale sound of pitter patter of small feet running back to their beds.
Steve let out a soft laugh, pulling Eddie back into the living room, out of sight from the upstairs railing. He lightly tugged the Santa beard down, exposing Eddie’s slight scruff and the faded scar on his cheek. “Guess we’ll have to find a way to explain that in the morning.”
“We?” Eddie asked, eyebrows raised to his Santa hat. A soft smirk played across his face.
“Stay?” Steve asked. “Unless you have to deliver presents tonight.”
“No,” Eddie said. “I — uh — actually brought the kids’ presents.” He let out a soft laugh. “Wasn’t sure if Santa was supposed to bring them.”
“You’re really something, Eddie Munson,” Steve said, sneaking another gentle kiss. “C’mon, we need to get to bed. I heard Santa’s coming tonight.”
“Oh, is he?” Eddie asked, eyebrow raised. “Well, Merry Christmas to me.”
Steve laughed, pushing Eddie down the hall to his bedroom to find Eddie a change of clothes for the night and a way to hide the Santa suit and another way to thank Eddie for all he’s done tonight.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader
summary: Javier and the terrible, no good, very bad day (and how you now might be his reminder of better days)
word count: 4.8k
warnings & tags: post season 3 and lovestruck Javi, fluff, just extreme sweet goodness, light sexual allusions but even with that my work is 18+ only mdni
a/n: I’ve been having a tough time & just needed to write something sweet and tender and thought Javi deserves some of that too or maybe we all just do. the title of this is from the juanes song of the same name that inspired this. thank you so much for reading! also a sweet thank you to @skeletoncowboys & @lowlights for everything always
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For a Friday, Javi thinks it has to be one of the shittiest he’s seen in a while.
He’s already wondering if he might be fucking cursed. 
First he spilled coffee all over himself this morning. After that his trip to the hardware store to just get one item for his dad turned into an hour long hunt with the piece of shit hardware store owner Javier swears is the devil incarnate. Then once he returned home to finish up some last minute chores, Javi caught his finger on the fence gate latch and it hurt so damn bad.
And the only thing that has been getting him through this damn ridiculous day? 
Knowing he finally is going on a date with you tonight.
And not just any type of date, he’s doing this one right because it’s with you. 
Jesus, you’re special. Javier knew it from the first time he saw you at the bar here in Laredo and you snorted at his corny joke. You rolled your eyes of course, already seeing right through him like he was a damn crystal glass.
But he likes that about you.
There’s honestly so much he likes about you. 
It’s why he wants to do this first date right. Because shit, he can’t even remember the last time he had a true first date. 
“Don’t forget to pick up flowers.” Pop repeats for the third time and Javi sighs annoyed. 
“I know Pop, I know.”
Chucho now sighs understanding to step back. Yes Javi knows he might be letting the nerves get to him, but he does appreciate his dad’s well meant support. Before he leaves, Pop pats his shoulder firmly with a fond warm smile.
“Enjoy tonight mijo, you deserve it.” Then Chucho adds-
“You deserve to be happy again.”
The words weight more than Javi can put his finger on. He can’t help but nod appreciatively at his dad.
“Thanks Pop.”
His Friday can only get better now.
When he arrives at the flower shop by the ranch, Javi can’t even be upset it’s closed. Because he proudly says fuck it and simply drives to your place. And the minute he shows up to your place and you greet him at the door, you brighten his day ten fold.
You’re beautiful, looking so pretty and dressed up that his heart skips over itself. 
Javier has to stop from leaning down and kissing you as if it’s the most natural way to greet you, as if he’s always been doing this. Him showing up to take you out, admire how gorgeous you are, and just get knocked out at how lucky he is to be by your side. 
Or maybe that’s just what Javier hopes for. That this is the consecration, the start of many more dates with so many sweet moments in between. 
“You ready to go?” Javi calmly asks, trying to hide how giddy he truly is. He’s here, with you, and he doesn’t wanna fuck it up. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” You smile and it illuminates him from the inside out. 
With that he drives you to the restaurant.
He picked this place the same day you agreed to go on a date with him a week ago. He made the reservation that night because he knew how stupidly lavish it was. 
The most elegant and fanciest restaurant in town was a daunting one. It’s why he’s in a stuffy blazer and too tight dress shoes. But for you? He wants this. He wants to wine and dine you like the lovely treat you are. Besides, a fancy first day is classic. This feels like it’s the best way to start whatever this is on the right path. He knew it couldn’t go wrong.
Except apparently when it can.
“I’m sorry sir,” the hostess sighs sadly for the second time. “But we’ve checked twice and there isn’t a reservation for Peña anywhere.”
“Are you sure?” Javi is about to scream, maybe even beg. He can’t believe this. 
“Is there even a spot at the bar open?” He’s getting desperate. Panic leaks out of his voice like a broken dam he can’t stop.
The hostess frowns, shaking her head. “I’m afraid not. We’re a packed house tonight.”
On a Friday night of course they’d be packed as hell. And of course this would happen.
“Javi, it’s okay.” Suddenly your hand gently rests against his back and your voice floats out a comforting balm. You effortlessly become a steady lifeline.
“Come on, let’s try and figure something else out.”
Javier lets you guide him out of the restaurant like a deflated balloon.
Back in his truck, the most bone aching defeated sigh leaves him as he rubs his face in his hands. There’s no way any of the other upscale restaurants Javi has in mind will have availability this late. 
Something inside him starts crumbling. He should’ve known this day was cursed to crap and just rescheduled. 
A piece of him wonders if this is the universe telling him he doesn’t deserve an actual sweet normal relationship. Like all the bad shit he’s done finally has cultivated into this bad cloud of some twisted form of karmic punishment and Javi can’t even argue with its arrival.
You’re too good, too dang smart and lovely for him.
This might be the universe just reminding him of that. 
“Javier,” your voice floats out a concerned whisper. “Javi, please talk to me.”
When he turns to look at you, he’s mentally kicking himself for making you this upset. Even if you do look adorable with your soft endearing eyes, he doesn’t want to worry you this much.
“I’m sorry cariño,” he reassures you as his hand moves to rest on top of yours. “This night…this day has just been shit. You deserve better.”
“Better?” You ask a bit confused.
“Yeah. You deserve a good first date. Not this.” Javi mutters disappointed.
A moment passes in the stillness of his truck.
“Do you…want to take me home?” Your voice comes out small and Javi swears he catches an underlying thread of disappointment.
“If you want.” He leaves the final decision up to you. 
“Javi,” you squeeze his hand and now stare directly at him. A delicate seriousness settles among your lovely features. “I’m sorry this day was hard for you. And I understand if you’re tired and want to reschedule. But…”
“I’m still open to see if we can figure something out tonight.” Your voice floats hopeful and light, a delicate olive branch reaching out to him. Javi swears he feels his mouth drop open a bit in surprise.
“You still wanna go out tonight?” He doesn’t even recognize his own stunned voice. 
“Of course! And with you, definitely.” You grin playfully and it sparks a crawl of something warm against his neck. 
“Are you sure?” He offers you one final out, like he’s trying to bargain with a damn narco.
“Yes Javi I’m sure!” You laugh. “Now come on, I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat!”
His heart flutters at how warm your voice is and he squeezes your hand.
“Alright grumpy pants. Let’s get you some food before you chew off my arm.” He teases playful and you cry out without any malice as a smile tugs at your lips.
God he’s already down so bad.
It’s why he’s only thinking about how good your perfume smells in his car, how his hand still feels so warm from holding yours. Javi is so caught up in your presence that he doesn’t even let his nerves get to him.
Except when he arrives at the spot.
The parking lot stretches out among a small cluster of closed shops. Cars are already parked in various spots and in the distance, his plan for tonight glows. 
“Okay,” he begins cautiously taking off his seat belt. “I can argue how I think this place is honestly one of the best damn places in town. But, I get if this… might not be your thing or what you had in mind for a first date.”
His eyes rapidly whip to your face to gauge your reaction. 
Your eyes stare out from the window and Javi holds his breath. He waits for this day to hit the final nail in the coffin with you wanting to go home.
“You brought me to a food truck?” Your voice sounds intrigued and Javi wonders if maybe you’re staying this composed for his sake.
“…yes.” He hesitantly replies.
“Oh hell yeah!” That’s when you answer so effervescent, so excited, that it colors your voice and dances across your face. Javi swears you’ve never looked more beautiful.
Your eyes sparkling flicker to his. “Alright, let’s go!”
His heart flies out of his ass but in the best damn way. He scrambles out of his seat and rushes to open the door for you. He even slides his blazer off to keep you warm in the cool late Laredo evening air.
The music swirls to greet you and him with buoyant rhythm. Javi tells you about how he and Pop have been coming here for years, that’s it’s a favorite spot of theirs.
Javi holds your hand in line the entire time. 
“Oo, Peñita! Who’s your cute new friend?” Marco, the man who runs the window, wiggles his eyebrows curiously and Javier wants to shut the window on the old man’s face.
“Did you bring a date here?!” Marco's curiosity spikes even more as he soaks in yours and Javi’s fancy attire.
Before Javi can bark at Marco to shut up, you surprisingly jump in and answer. 
“He did!” You sound proud, so proud that your voice clutches Javi’s heart. Marco cackles an amused laugh and winks at you. Then he tunes to Javi and grins wide. 
“I like this one.” 
Me too, Javi thinks. Maybe more than he can admit even to himself.
Now Javi can’t help but watch you take the first bite. It might be weird. He knows this. But shit, he's nervous.
Sauce pools by your cheek. Your eyes light up and you beam brighter than all the damn neon lights illuminating the parking lot. 
“Holy fuck, this is amazing.” You cover your mouth from the last bit of chewing but he honestly wouldn’t even care if you spoke with your mouth full. Because right now? You really are the most beautiful force on this damn earth. 
On the hood of his truck, with his blazer around your shoulders, bathed in the fluorescent glow, Javi thinks his world melts to focus simply on you.
You and him stay in that parking lot for hours. Laughing and exchanging stories that range from the funniest holiday memories to worst date experiences.
“This…isn’t one of those bad dates right?” Javier can’t help but ask, nervous again like a damn school boy praying his crush likes him back.
You hum playfully and even pretend to be in deep thought.
“Well, so far it’s going great.” You admit light and Javi’s heart drops a bit.
“So far?” He asks as casual as he can.
“Yeah,” you begin. “I mean, just between you and me, it’s actually one of the best. Might be a top five actually. But you know what will make it the best ever?”
“What?” Javi hates how quickly he asks. You grin so big it crinkles your eyes. You nudge your face to the truck.
“If we split one of those ice cream sundaes I’ve been seeing everyone walk around with.”
Javi laughs, so warm and true that he feels it in his damn chest. He doesn’t hesitate to push himself off the truck he’s been leaning on. 
“For you cariño, I’ll get you two.”
Your laughter carries Javier all the way to order at the window and even all the way back to your place. Your hand stays in his the entire time he walks you to the door. Something echoes in him, a small ache of a thing, upset that he has to leave you. 
In the quiet space of your apartment door, Javi whispers out your name. 
“Thanks…for making tonight great. Sorry if it wasn’t what you thought it to be.” He adds still feeling a bit of shame for not giving you the elegant first date he had in mind. 
“I get it and it’s okay. But honestly, I think it turned out way better than expected.” You beam. 
“Yeah?” Javi asks soft.
“Yeah.” You smile back beautifully. 
Javi can’t help it. His hand gently cradles your face and his thumb strokes your cheek.
He hasn’t felt this way about anyone in so long. He hasn’t been caught up in someone’s orbit this fast.
So when he watches your eyes soften as they flicker to his lips, he leans down and kisses you like you’ll float away. Because he’s worried you will. You’re just so good and he doesn’t know how much time he will have with you. So he wants to stay caught up in your atmosphere for as long as he can.
Immediately he tastes the lingering sweetness on your lips of the ice cream you kept playfully stealing scoops away from him. Then he realizes, underneath that, that delicious sweetness is just you. And you taste so good, like the delicate hope of something special and Javi wants to let it consume him. Your lips are so soft and Javi continues to chase their plush warmth.
“Thank you for tonight Javi.” You whisper soft and genuine against his lips. He kisses you again. 
“You too baby.” After that Javi floats back home on cloud nine. 
When he goes to grab the drink he kept from dinner, he finds a receipt from tonight tucked into the other cup holder.
His name is scribbled on it and Javi’s heart jumps.
When he opens the receipt he finds a note.
“Thanks again for tonight! I really did have so much fun, can't wait to see more of your secret food spots!”
Javi knew he was falling for you so bad. But now here he is getting tripped up over how much he likes your handwriting. He's even getting weak over the sweet little heart you drew.
Yeah, you really did taste like a sweeter tomorrow…
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“Whoever said you don’t get to eat at your wedding I hate that they were right and I want to fight them.” 
Javi snorts amused at your huffy comment then kisses your bare shoulder.
“I’m being serious Javier! We should’ve taken a plate or something to go!” You try to sound aghast but it’s hard, especially when your new husband continues kissing up your neck. You giggle in his arms.
After running around the reception hall the entire night earlier, to Javier deciding to celebrate the minute you and him stepped into the hotel room, your legs are practically jello. However, you welcome this exhaustion with a coy pleased grin. 
“We could order room service.” Your husband offers while he tenderly kisses your jaw. The two of you are tangled in the afterglow of exhaustion and pure newlywed marital bliss.
“It’s one in the morning my love, you know it’s too late.” You sigh defeated as you pray maybe there’s a bag of chips or something in your travel bag. 
“I can go get us something.” Javi suggests. Although the temptation of a delicious late night drive through dinner sounds heavenly, you don’t want to get out of this bed or see him leave.
You twist in Javi’s arms and cling to him as if to lock him to you. 
“No, I’m fine. You know I’m just being…a little grumpy.” You mutter out and Javi smirks against your forehead.
“A brat. You’re being a brat.” Javi clarifies with a bright tone. 
“No!” You argue back. “I’m just grumpy from being hungry.”
“Uh huh.” Javi says unconvinced.
“Hey, I’m a Peña now. That means I have to work on my cute grumpy pout so I can compete with yours.” You tease, leaning back in Javi’s arms to grin up at him.
You expect a semi classic Javi complaint about him not being grumpy, about him not wanting you to be grumpy. But instead his molten eyes stare down at you with something achingly tender that sweeps you up in a landslide.
“Damn right you’re a Peña now.” His voice croaks, thick and beautifully weighted down by unwavering adoration.
He swoops down and kisses you, passionate and so loving it seeps into your soul. You think this might spark another round until Javi sighs against your lips. Your poor husband, he is tired too and you know it.
It’s why he kisses you soft now once, twice, until he draws you into his chest again. 
“You know,” Javier begins lightly. “I like it when you act like a brat sometimes.” He lightly squeezes your bare ass making you squeak. 
“Naughty, naughty.” You teasingly chide him.
“I just state the facts baby.” Javi simply shrugs casual, unbothered, and you laugh. 
That ignites him to pepper playful kisses all across your face and your laughs bubble louder.
“Besides, I’m your husband.” Javier’s voice almost comes out a low growl. “I’m always gonna take care of you, especially when you wanna act like a brat.”
His voice is rich, begging you to drown in him. You pull your handsome husband’s face to yours and kiss him again. It’s all you can do and you find it’s all you want to do. You discover there is something simple, unwaveringly strong, that knocks you breathless just knowing you’re kissing the love of your life, your husband.
You can’t even stay grumpy even with how hungry you are.
“Wait here.” Javi mutters your lips. Then suddenly he untangles himself from you and slides out of bed.
Curiously from the warm sheets you watch him slip on his pants. He walks over to the side of the hotel room where all his bags and other things clutter together.
He simply grabs the brown bag folded and sitting unsuspectingly on the counter. Now you sit up, intrigued at what’s inside. Javi places the mysterious bag beside you as he takes a seat on the plush mattress. 
“Are there snacks inside?” You can’t help but sound hopeful.
Your husband simply shrugs casual, almost bored. You narrow your eyes at him but then greedily scramble to open the bag up.
What’s inside greets you like the warmest friend. A few plates, plenty of napkins, a small bag filled with various to go items and then a couple of hearty rolled up aluminum treats, all get poured out onto the bed.
“What’s this?!” You can’t help but exclaim in both confusion and adoration at your husband now helping you set up your makeshift table on the sheets.
“Just grabbed us something earlier.” Javi says casually. 
He continues to be so casual about this, not even meeting your eyes.
But you know your husband.
This is a response to being so overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling around that he doesn’t want anyone to see how greatly it affects him. Because what your sweet husband sometimes doesn’t want the world to know is how deeply he does feel. But you understand just how much Javi loves, how much he can get swept up in his true golden heart. 
And right now, that is evident in the meal laid out before you.
“You got us food for later.” You say the words so gently as Javi grabs a few drinks from the mini fridge.
“Knew we might be hungry.” Now he grins so boyish as he shrugs again.
“Well thank you.” You tell him earnestly as you slide out of bed to slip on your robe. Of course you scurry over to kiss all over your wonderful husband’s face who soaks it up with an amused grin.
“Come on cariño, let’s eat.” Javi softly kisses your forehead and pats your ass softly. 
There on the hotel bed you sit down to enjoy your first true meal with your husband.
Then you take the first bite and your eyes go wide. 
You snap your face towards Javier who simply pours out a whole salsa cup on his torta.
“Hm?” He doesn’t even look up at you as he looks for a lime slice.
“Did you get us food from our truck?” 
Our truck. You can say that because it has become yours and Javier’s.
Anytime you didn’t feel like cooking or even after bad days at work, the truck was the first place offered to go to. Of course the food was delicious every time and you loved becoming friendly with all the workers who relentlessly joined you in teasing poor Javier.
But if you think about it, the food truck had transformed into something more. It now stands a strange but beautiful concrete evidence of you and Javi growing with each other since that very first date all those years ago. 
“Well yeah. Like you said, it’s our place.” Javi says simply. Your throat tightens heavy with adoration.
“And besides,” he suddenly adds. “It’s the spot we went to on our first day. Had to get it for tonight.”
Earlier, when the exact moment came when you were officially announced as husband and wife, you thought your heart was going to burst out of your chest into millions of bright confetti pieces.
Now you don’t know why, but this moment overwhelms your heart just as much.
Maybe even a bit more if you were being honest. Mainly it’s because it feels so much in so little. It’s Javier wanting to take care of you that he got food for later. It’s a visual representation of just how far you and Javier have come wrapped up in the most simple to go bag. 
That first date, you were so worried and heartbroken seeing him so upset. Now here you were, married to the man who on that same first date playfully joked about fighting you for the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae 
You can’t help but blink back tears before you wipe them away.
Of course your dear wonderful husband notices as he slides closer to you on the bed.
“Honey, what’s wrong?! I can go get you something else if you want. I won’t be upset I promise-”
“No.” You laugh through the tears as you wipe more away.
“No baby, this is perfect.” You mean every word as you finally turn to look at your handsome man, your Texas sunrise who’s brought so much tenderness and love into your life. 
“I love you.” You croak happily.
“Love you too, mi amor. You sure you’re okay?” Javi thankfully draws you into his arms and presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
This sweetly grumpy heart of gold man you can’t believe is yours. 
“I am. Thank you.” With one extra thank you kiss, you readily jump in to feast. You consume the late night meal through drying tears and the most tender warmth blooming through your chest. 
As you start to clean up you spot the folded receipt tapped to the other side of the brown bag. 
Your name is scribbled in the familiar handwriting of your husband. With greedy fast hands, you happily scramble to open it.
“To my wife,
Thank you for making me the happiest man every day but especially today. Here’s to more food truck dates 
I love you”
You remember when you had left a note for him on that first date.
You had done it because Javi had seemed so upset about the restaurant cancellation. You just wanted to reassure him that the new route your date took only seemed to make you fall for him more. You even had written the note in secret when Javi went to grab you more napkins.
Now here he is leaving you a note just as sneaky and twice as sweet.
You don’t care that you’re exhausted or that you and Javi might fall asleep any moment now.
Quickly sliding off the bed you rush to Javier’s side as he cleans up in the bathroom. You embrace him tight.
“Honey?” His voice even weary and tired more than ever still sounds so comforting.
“Thanks for taking me to that food truck.” You kiss his bare arm as you snuggle into him as close as you can.
“Nah, I’m the one who needs to thank you. You were the one who agreed to go with me. Can’t even believe you even agreed to marry my stupid ass today.” Javi snickers a soft tired chuckle and you reverently kiss his warm skin.
“Easiest decision ever.” It was. It is and will always be the easiest decision to pick Javi every and any time.
Javier abandons whatever he’s doing to completely wrap you in his arms, holding you tight, strong and true. 
In your husband’s embrace, exhaustion finally catches up to you. Your mind melts under the whirlwind of the day, and from the overwhelming love you have. You don’t even realize you’re being tucked into bed until Javier turns off the light by his nightstand.
“Night baby.” You slur half asleep barely staying awake.
“G’night cariño, get some sleep.” Javi kisses you goodnight. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And every day after that. 
The promise of getting to greet every day with Javier by your side eases you into the most peaceful and beautiful sleep.
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You’re still knocked out cold when Javi wakes up the next morning.
He can’t help but snicker at the sight of you. Practically hogging all the covers, lightly snoring, and now curled on his pillow, you’re his favorite sight to wake up to.
As he starts going through all the shit he brought back from the wedding a soft knock comes at the hotel door. Freezing with every caution he would’ve used at a drug raid, Javi stares at you waiting and worried you’ll move. 
You barely make a sound and that again makes him almost snicker. 
At the door stands a hotel worker with a small and beautiful bouquet of flowers.
“They were sent in for you and your new bride.” He warmly explains and Javi smirks. 
That first date he forgot the flowers, but this time he knew he wouldn’t. It’s why he ordered these in before to make sure. 
When Javi pulls out a few bills from his wallet to leave a tip, he cant help but spot the white paper still folded in his wallet. His lips already twitch wanting to grin like the lovesick husband he is now.
He quietly places the flowers on your nightstand so you’ll be surprised to see them when you wake. Then he pulls out the white paper.
It’s faintly faded and he refuses to throw it away. Just like how he didn’t want to throw it away those few years ago when you first left the receipt in his truck’s cup holder.
Javi unfolds it with a delicate touch. The message is still the same. Your little heart still knocks him breathless. It still brings the goofiest smile on his face and fills his body with an incredible amount of love he never knew he could have for another.
As if on cue, the sheets start to rustle. Then comes the softest sigh from you almost like a siren’s song luring him to your side. And who is he to deny you? 
Besides, he’s already excited about celebrating your first morning together as husband and wife.
As he slides back into the sheets, into the warmth that radiates beautifully from you, Javi thinks that even on the worst day, it will never truly be a bad day because of you. 
He can’t help but think of that first date and how awful that day had been. Then you just effortlessly transformed it into something damn magical he still can’t believe he witnessed. 
His mind always goes to the image of you in his blazer, looking so gorgeous in that elegant outfit, leaning against his truck as you giggled.
Javi might not have known it, might not have fully processed it, but in that moment his life became tied to yours. To find someone as understanding as you, who even back then was so eager to face whatever changes, whatever stupid hiccups life threw at him, he can’t believe how lucky he is that he found you.
Maybe it’s because some part of him is still in that parking lot. He’s still in his truck under the neon lights waiting for you to leave him any minute. He’s done so many terrible things, probably doesn’t even deserve you, yet you never left.
You simply stayed by his side, firmly even told him that’s where you felt you were always meant to be. 
His sweet stubborn little love, his wife. 
Javi knows he’s the lucky one who gets to stay by your side. You’re not just his good luck charm to beat any kind of awful as fuck bad days, but you’re his sunrise. You’re his tomorrow and forever.
And for that, he can’t help but thank that fateful shitty Friday that led him here. 
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"bendecido" en inglés: blessed
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punderdome · 3 months
The Fine Print: Chapter 3
Words: 2500
Rating: SFW, some suggestive comments
Summary: After receiving an accurate translation of her contract with Raphael, Tav starts to realize just how badly she fucked everything up.
Chapter 3: The Contract
Tav never thought it was possible for a living being to panic this much.  Her heart was pounding in her chest so hard she thought that Raphael was immediately just going to be rewarded with her soul.  The devil owns her now.  The three days between her delivery of the Crown and tonight was just giving him time to prepare to claim her.  Her survival instincts kicked in and she opted for flight instead of fight.
Slippers kicked off of her feet as she ran as fast as possible back to the dining room.  She didn’t know anywhere else in the house to which she could flee safely, lest she end up in the Flaying Room giving her new husband sordid ideas.  Perhaps there was an enchanted doorway that would take her to the surface of Avernus to search for Wyll and Karlach.  Wyll probably wouldn’t want to help her, but Karlach still would.  Tav hoped she would anyway.
There was a crack and shower of embers as Raphael appeared before her.
“That is enough!” he roared but took no steps closer towards her.  “I will not tolerate this behavior in my House.”  Her wide eyes looked up at him, and his narrowed menacingly.  “I have been very patient with your little outbursts thus far, but do not think you will be permitted to continue this unbecoming and disrespectful behavior forever.”
Tav weakly nodded at his Infernal scolding before pulling her chair back and seating herself again at the barely-touched feast table.  She looked down at her hands as they rested in her lap.  Her sprints through the House of Hope had caused several curls to escape their pins and free themselves, resting at the sides of her face.
Raphael strolled towards the hearth in a menacing calm.  “The Archduchess of Avernus representing my house will display far better manners and much more respect for her station.”  Raphael adjusted the collar on his doublet to his satisfaction.  “Do I make myself clear?”
Being referred to as the Archduchess seared in her mind, and the concept of being an Infernal lady with Infernal nobility was beginning to feel like a horrible new reality.  “Yes, my Lord,” and the clockwork toy response wound again and sprang to life anew.
“My Lord,” she started timidly.  Raphael cut her off immediately.
“You do not have to refer to me as ‘your Lord’ while we are away from the presence of the Infernal Court.”
“What should I call you then?”  As Raphael was beginning to calm down and some sort of terrible punishment no longer felt imminent, she began to disperse the lingering anxiety.
“You may refer to me as Raphael, your husband, your love, or any variety of pet names provided they are appropriately dignified .”  She twitched a tentative smile as she wondered if “my fuzzy owlbear” would be anywhere close to dignified.  She was certain Raphael would not find that amusing.
“Very well.  Have we been officially married since I signed the contract at the Devil’s Den?”
“Indeed we have, my Little Mouse.  Officially sealed in an Infernal marriage contract.”  He seemed to find this question peculiar.  She had been wondering if Infernal marriages had some sort of ceremony that she was somehow never invited to.  The events felt like a whirlwind: she was betrothed to Gale then she was married to Raphael while betrothed to Gale then she was dumped by Gale but still married to Raphael before finally moving in with her husband who was a terrible surprise.  The entire situation felt like a trashy romantic novel, exactly like the kind Shadowheart and Wyll tended to quote.
“What was the real purpose of our feast tonight?” she prodded quietly.  “I thought this was supposed to be a celebration of you obtaining the Crown of Karsus.”
He grinned broadly, his devilish teeth flashing in the firelight.  “This is our wedding feast, my love.  A celebration of our union, finally to be fully realized.”
Her mouth fell open dumbly, and she was reasonably confident that Raphael was expecting the next question.
“And tonight is?” the question fell limply from her mouth.  She already knew the answer and had no idea why she even asked at all.
“Do you truly need me to answer?”  His hands clasped behind him in a gentlemanly fashion.  “Though should you need anything explained, I will be happy to answer and demonstrate.”  The smile he presented to her was dangerous, hungry, and mocking all in equal measure.
“No!” she sat mortified by her own stupidity.  Though her own stupidity was the cause behind her having an Infernal wedding night at all. 
Her contract.  She needed to read it translated into Common tongue, so she could understand exactly where everything in her life went to shit.
She steeled herself for what was sure to be a full evening of humiliation all the way from her contract to her new bedroom.  Their new bedroom.  Gods.  Their new bed.  Their.  Bed.  Gods.
“I would like to reread our contract,” she requested plainly.  She rose from the dinner table to stand calmly in front of her devilish husband.
He gave her an odd playful look.  “Well-” he started.
“Well what?” she snapped back.
“Manners, dear Mouse,” he explained with a rapidly widening smile.  She could tell this wouldn’t be the last time in their marriage that he was going to play this particular game with her.
“Please, my husband,” she finished, lamely.  Raphael grin indicated he was relishing putting her on the defensive.
“In which language would you like a copy presented to you?” Raphael’s taunting was obvious, and her abject failure ran deeply.  As a researcher on the arcane powers of the Hells, she should have been able to figure everything out on her own.
She groaned and gritted her teeth.  “In both Infernal,” she started but had a hard time finishing the rest of the request, “and in Common tongue.”
“Your request shall be done, shall we review the terms in my study?”  Raphael offered her his elbow to escort her through the house, and she knew she had no real choice but to accept it.  The resignation felt incredibly bitter.
What else had she fucked up? The realization hit deeply into her chest.  A moment passed before she realized another unintentional catastrophe she caused.  Gale.
Gale’s confrontation with Mystra had gone worse than terribly.  Gale was loath to talk about specifics in too much detail with her, even after she watched him being violently vomited from the portal following their confrontation at the Stormshore Tabernacle.  From what he had revealed to her, Gale had vowed to ascend to godhood using the Crown, and Mystra had vowed to obliterate him as soon as he tried to use its power.  While she was unaware of everything that had been said, Gale had revealed some specific phrases that had been screamed between the two former lovers.  “I am destined to be the true master of the Weave.” “I will destroy you before you’ve ever set eyes on Elysium.” “I am destined to become a god.” “You are destined to become a failure.”
Gale would never have any sort of happy future.  He ruined his only chance at Mystra removing his Orb, and Tav deprived him of any attempts to save himself from its power.  The odds were good that Mystra would vengefully let the Orb consume him.  Either by some miracle, Mystra would help him keep the Orb inert, or else he was doomed a second time to anticipate an eruption.  Tav reflected that she presented Gale an impossible choice between begging and death, and it was definitely her fault.  She stole the only chance to prevent this outcome.
He was out there somewhere, probably discussing a plan with Tara.  A desperate and impossible plan.  Tav doubted Mystra would be merciful to a magus she knew was trying to overthrow her.  Maybe the Crown of Karsus was the only real choice at survival that Gale ever had.  What would have happened if he had promised Mystra a Crown that she already promised to Raphael?
With the signing of the contract, Tav had signed away her fate as well as Gale’s.
The House of Hope was far more vast than she initially realized.  The perpetual daylight of Avernus bathed the hallways in a bright, reddish glow.  The dimness of candlelight that had bathed the dining room during their wedding dinner was purely for Raphael’s pleasure by projecting a romantic atmosphere.  Raphael led her through a large set of double doors into a grand room with a vast window on the far wall overlooking the horizon of Avernus, surrounded by bookshelves containing scrolls and heavy tomes of Infernal and Faerunian law.  A heavy, wide wooden desk sat in the center of the room with two inkpots, several quills, and a golden candelabra all organized neatly on one side.
Atop the desk lay two black scrolls with glowing orange writing.  One written in Common tongue and the other in Infernal.
Raphael gestured to a comfortable chair on the opposite side of his desk and sat at his standard workspace.  He handed her the scroll in Common tongue, and Tav eagerly unfurled it to find out exactly what terms she had agreed to.
Her jaw fell open the moment she began to read her contract in the Common tongue.  Everything she read was incredibly different from the document she read in the Devil’s Den.  She immediately opened her contract written in Infernal and began to compare notes.  There were so many additional details outlined in the Common version, where had all these additional subclauses came from?
To her great surprise, Raphael sat there silently and didn’t erupt into some sort of musical number where he proclaimed how wonderful and clever he was.  He remained still for a time before snapping and summoning a new bottle of red wine and two goblets.  He poured them each a goblet and set hers next to the contract while she worked.
Some parts of the contract were as she remembered:  The Crown for the Hammer.  Soul collateral Tavara Aureum.
Other sections read differently.  As requested, Raphael wouldn’t use the Crown to dominate the Mortal Planes.  There was an additional piece that she hadn’t remembered seeing there before.  He wouldn’t use the crown to dominate the Mortal Planes, though this agreement would void immediately upon  any mortal armies of strength of greater than 10,000 invading the Hells on a conquering mission or invading for any other reason.
The second half.  Where did it come from?  That wasn’t what was written in the original text.  A dark feeling slipped into the lower part of her abdomen: it wasn’t what she thought was written in the original text.
She sifted back in her memory, trying to remember anything else of note from that afternoon in the Devil’s Den.  She recalled the impatient tapping of Lae’zel’s feet on the floor and Raphael’s taunts.
Raphael’s voice that day rang through her mind.  “Do you require assistance?”   There was a section she couldn’t read.  She had glossed over it in her memory and recalled there was a term she didn’t understand.  Pater… something.
She searched through the Common tongue document until she found something strange.  She cross-referenced the Infernal document and directly compared the two sections.  Raphael raised an eyebrow and a smile upturned on his face.  This had to be it.
The signee of this contract vows to immediately enter into protection under a paterfamilias pact with the countersigned upon signature of this agreement, with the signee agreeing to a carnal relationship.  The terms of this pact will follow with the primary terms laid out in Canian law tome 75, subsection 381.  Any additional modifications to this paterfamilas pact will be outlined in the Appendix.
“What is a paterfamilias pact?”  Tav turned to Raphael.  He studied her.
“It is an ancient term that roughly translates into Head of Household.  You are agreeing that you have entered into my household.  The carnal relationship indicates you are my bride.”
It had been right there all along, hidden in plain sight.  Other than her very obvious problem of being fucking married, she had no idea what were standard terms for a Canian relationship.  What if this wasn’t a standard Canian relationship and Raphael had gotten her to sign up for a completely fucked up r elationship?  With the additional stipulation this was a carnal relationship , she realized she had agreed in writing to have sex with Raphael.
Raphael rose from his desk and grabbed an ancient tome from one of the bookshelves that easily weighed as much as a warhammer.  He opened the tome and turned to a specific page, pointing to the section outlined in the confusing passage.  This, too, was written in Infernal.  He laid the heavy tome on the desk and slid it to her.
While her contract was written in complex Infernal legalese, whatever the fuck this was was significantly worse.  Whomever wrote the original document spent a lot of time and energy thinking of how to trap someone in a fucking relationship.
“Does this clarify things for you, Little Mouse?” Raphael inquired.
“No, Raphael, it makes it worse.” she answered breathlessly.
He nodded.  “Would you like me to explain things to you, Little Mouse, or would you prefer to come to the conclusions on your own?”
The condescending sneers and offensive jabs of her colleagues in the university returned to the back of her mind.  They also thought she was worthless and stupid and that her research would never come to fruition.  She felt their scorching superiority lingering on her skin and seeping into her scales.  That same feeling returned now only orders of magnitude stronger.
Tav looked briefly up at Raphael then down at the contract in her hands.  She nodded to him and waited for his interpretation.  She felt like she was standing on the gallows at her own execution.
“You may have linguistic skill with the language of the Hells,” Raphael started, “but I believe your tutor was a Tiefling, correct?”  She nodded to affirm.  “Tiefling Infernal is a relatively recent dialect and a downward language evolution from Devilish Infernal.  Tiefling infernal is much simpler and easier for mortal brains and mouths to comprehend.  The sentences are simpler and have fewer subtextual meanings.”  As he explained she felt the pieces fall into place.  The hidden clauses in the Common tongue variant of her contract were there all along, but she didn’t know how to make sense of them.  Her Common tongue translation looked to be almost double the length of its devilishly complex Infernal counterpart.
“Further,” Raphael continued.  “Infernal Law is an ancient tradition, and all contracts are required to be written in the original linguistic style that has existed since the dawn of time.  While Devilish Infernal may flow and change with the millennia, the language of the laws of the Hells must withstand the passage of time eternal.  The same rules for law are also applied to Infernal magic, but I trust you realized this while conducting your research on Hellfire.”
She had not realized that.
“Your research prior to your adventures with the Illithid wasn’t going very well, was it Little Mouse?”
No.  It had been going very poorly.
“Well then,” Raphael concluded his lecture.  “Would you like me to read it to you?”  He motioned to the tome of Canian law in front of her.  While her face burned with embarrassment and tears threatened to fall from her eyes, she curled up the Infernal version of her contract and handed it back to Raphael.  The Common version remained firmly in her grasp.
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lostfirefly · 8 months
Trembling, crawling across my skin, feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine (Ch.2)
This fanfiction story is my present for my friend @yujo-nishimura.
Two things inspired me to write this fic: One of my fav songs from which the title is taken and Elena and Damon's dance (from The Vampire Diaries, S1).
Description: Yujo is a young girl whom her father has betrothed to Mr. 3. She and her sister come to the ball, where she meets one of the members of the Cross Guild Corporation Sir Crocodile.
Warnings: The action takes place around the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century
Words: 1481
Sir Crocodile x OC
The title is taken from "Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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Chapter 1
The girls returned to their estate late in the evening and went straight to the bedroom.
"What an amazing evening!" Helena could not contain her emotions and collapsed on her stomach on the bed. "And this Sir Crocodile. Did you like Sir Crocodile, Yujo?"
“He seems like a nice person. But I don’t know him at all, it’s hard for me to say.” Yujo sat on the bed and started removing the clips from her hair. "Besides, I'm engaged to Mr. 3. Why should I think about some Crocodile."
“Oh, by the way, we were chatting with Emma. She said that her father saw the swordsman. They say that he is very handsome and brave. I’ll have to somehow hint about this to our father. My husband must be from the Cross Guild Corporation.” Helena lay on bed and dangled her legs.
“If dad takes you and marries you to some clown, what are you going to do?” Yujo asked mockingly.
"Ugh, sister, what are you talking about? A clown can't be in the Cross Guild. This is a place for handsome men!" She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
In the morning the girls went down for breakfast. The light walls of the dining room were flooded with bright morning light, making it seem even brighter. The maids had already placed fresh flowers on the spacious white table. These were yellow lilies.
Yujo and Helena sat down at the table and were immediately brought breakfast. Eggs and bacon for Helena, oatmeal with fresh berries for Yujo.
"Good morning, girls!" They heard their father's voice.
“Good morning, dad!” The girls answered in unison.
“Selena,” the father turned to the maid, “I’ll just have a cup of coffee, please, and a fresh newspaper. Well, girls, how did you have fun yesterday?”
“I had a great time, and I also got to talk to Emma,” Helena picked at her bacon with a fork.
“And what did she say? She’s probably spreading gossip about their neighbors again, the family of poor Monkey D. Luffy has already suffered enough from her long tongue,” the man stretched, sitting on a chair and took a sip of the coffee he had just brought.
“No, really. She told me about a certain swordsman Mihawk. They say he’s not married yet and he doesn’t even have a bride and he’s handsome!” Helena had difficulty sitting in her chair. "I think I'm in love with him!!"
Yujo choked on her porridge after hearing those words. "How did you fall in love with him if you haven't even seen him?"
“Don’t spoil my moment, sister. It’s good for you. You’re already matched. Dad, please, when you're going to choose me a husband, make sure he’s from the Cross Guild. Just don't marry me to a clown, daddy. Please!” She looked at her father with pleading eyes.
The father smiled and opened the newspaper. "By the way, Yujo. Sir Crocodile was interested in you. He invited us all and Mr. 3 to dinner at his castle tonight."
Yujo put down her spoon and looked at her father.
"Don't look at me like that. He offered me a good deal, we'll have to discuss it. Getting Cross Guild's support will be great for our estate."
"This means...?" Helena looked at her father with burning eyes.
“It doesn’t mean anything yet, sister. Please, calm down and finish your breakfast. You’re already giving me a headache.” Yujo silenced Helena with a look.
“In any case, I have already asked one of our servants to prepare the carriage. You are going to the city today, you need to choose the best outfits. We are going to visit an important person after all.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Sorry, girls. I have to go, see you later.” 
Yujo and Helena spent half the day in the city, choosing outfits. The second half of the day is devoted to reading, studying and preparing for dinner, of course.
By the evening, the maids prepared their dresses. Helena chose a light pink dress decorated with small flowers and white lacy gloves. Yujo, on the other hand, chose an indigo dress that beautifully emphasized her figure and a black velvet bracelet.
They got into the carriage and headed towards Sir Crocodile's castle. Helena was again looking forward to the evening, dreaming that she would finally see the swordsman. Yujo, on the other hand, was worried. Her dance with Sir Crocodile could not leave her mind. And every time she remembered his gaze or the hook on her waist, she felt how goosebumps run through her body. She tried to drive herself away from various thoughts, convincing herself that her fiancé Mr. 3 was a wonderful person. He is handsome, rich and respected. But Yujo’s thoughts kept returning to the dance with Crocodile.
"Sister! Sister! We've arrived!" Helena snapped her fingers in front of Yujo's eyes. "Come on, they're already waiting for us."
The girls climbed the massive stone stairs. Yujo looked around the castle. He seemed huge. The gray stone facades and large black windows clearly matched the mysterious image of Crocodile that was pictured in her head.
"It's like Dracula's castle..." Yujo muttered.
"MIhawk?!" Helena asked.
“God, when our father marries you, it will be the best day ever,” Yujo rolled her eyes.
They reached the main door and entered the castle. The first thing that caught your eye was the number of gargoyle-shaped figures. A long red carpet led towards the huge dining room. And a large wooden staircase clearly led to the second floor.
Plucking up courage, the girls walked towards the living room. The room was furnished with massive furniture made of mahogany. Candles in golden candlesticks hung on the walls. And large cabinets against the wall were filled with books.
Yujo noticed Mr. 3 talking to her father, she took her sister's hand and walked over to greet her fiancé.
"Yujo, you look great today!" Mr. 3 couldn't contain his joy.
“Thank you for the compliment. How are you doing? How are our wedding preparations going?” She asked in a calm voice.
"Everything is fine. Everything is going according to plan and there are no hiccups. But if you suddenly want to make changes, please let me know." Mr. 3 took Yujo's hand and kissed it. "Can I off..."
"Mr. 3, it's not nice to talk to your fiancée and not bring her a drink," a deep voice came from behind Yujo and a chill ran down her spine. "Ladies, I brought you a glass of sparkling wine."
Yujo looked to the side and saw Crocodile holding two glasses in his hand. She could hardly hide her joy at seeing him. He was wearing a cutaway tailcoat, close fitting trousers and clean white linen garments.
“You know, I suggest we go to the living room for now. We’ll discuss business a little later. It’s not good to discuss business in front of the ladies.” Crocodile took out a cigar and lit it.
He showed the way to the dining room with a detour.
"Sorry, I'll be gone for a second!" Yujo felt the trembling begin to take over. She walked out into the hall and randomly entered a small room.
“Damn, this looks like an office.” Yujo looked around. The desk was again made of solid oak, cabinets with books, a fireplace. She walked over to the office and gently ran her hands over the backs of the books.
"Please be careful, some of the specimens are very old and need to be handled with care." Crocodile's voice came from behind Yujo. She froze in place. "Sorry, I scared you."
"No, no, it's okay. Sorry, I didn't know this was your office." Yujo was nervous and didn’t know what to answer, so she said the first phrase that came to her mind.
"You know, it seemed to me that you were avoiding me." Crocodile grinned slightly and took a small step towards Yujo.
"No. I'm just a little nervous about my upcoming wedding to Mr. 3, that's all." She took two steps along the bookcase.
“What did such a young beautiful girl see in this not very young man?” Crocodile tilted his head and began to glare at Yujo.
"He is a good and respected person and that's the main thing." She took two more steps along the closet and ran into the wall.
“And it already seemed to me that you liked me.” Crocodile took another step towards her.
"It seemed to you." She tried to hide her stutter.
Crocodile walked closer to Yujo and ran his hand along her neck. “It’s a pity, otherwise I already wanted to talk to your father so that he would break off your engagement with Mr. 3.”
Yujo felt his hook rest on her waist and how he touched his lips to hers.
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1150: The Devil's Sister (?) (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Tekken)
3:23 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Halls.......
Zelda: (Sighs While Crossing her Arms and Walking Along with Mewtwo and Ganondorf) For the last time, Ganon, Mewwy and I are not interested in joining your little heist tonight.
Ganondorf: Oh come now, you two, it'll only be one night and the obtaining the sacred jew will be twice as short and less time restraint than originally planned with your assistance around and about.
Mewtwo: But everyone else in the League will take part in this too, right? Couldn't you have one play the distraction role instead?
Ganondorf: I already assigned everyone to their roles ages ago and even then, I can't really say I trust either of them with this task in question. Bowser and Ridley wouldn't be able keep their mouths shut for the likes of them, Dark Samus' shape-shifting abilities would rise suspension, and the Devil Brat-
The trio's eyes begins to widened as they see Kazuya repeatedly banging his head on the table while everyone else present watching him and Hades chuckling maniacally at the scene itself.
Ganondorf: (Raises his Eyebrow in Confusion) Is not currently banging his head on the table like a madman, what's going on here?
Mewtwo: (Notices a Young Woman Sporting a Purple Colored Tips Faded into her Black Hair, Standing Behind Kazuya with a Smirk on her Face) And who's this?
Hades: (Gets Up From his Seat) Ohohoo! You three are in for a helluva treat right now! Princess, gentlemen, allow me to introduce you Reina Mishima.
Reina: (Causally Waves at the Three) 'Sup.
Zelda: Wait, Mishima? Does that mean you're-
Reina: (Smiles Brightly) That's right!~ I just so happen to be Kazuya's baby sister~ (Was About Ruffle The Top of Kazuya's Head Until....)
Kazuya: (Angrily Points at his "Sister") DON'T!....Touch me.
Reina: (Moves her Hand Away From Kazuya) Fine. Whatever you say, Onee-san~
Ganondorf: Okay, I'm confused. (Turns to Kazuya) You have a sibling this entire time?
Reina: Make that "siblings" actually. There's many of us around believe or not.
Mewtwo: (Raises an Eyebrow) How many are we talking exactly?
Reina: Oh I dunno~ Nine....Eighteen.....Maybe twenty-five of us perhaps~
Everyone: TWENTY FIVE!?
Hades: Yeeeeeeup!~ And none of them belongs to Kazumi either. Old Hachi-Boy might've gotten over that train wreck real quick that day cause he was getting BUSY in these past few years!
Bowser: Oh God the Child Support Payment must've been off the roof for the guy. (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) Does even PAID Child Support to begin with?
Sephiroth: Given the the history we were given about him so far, I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case.
Pichu: (Nodded in Agreement) Pi.
Reina: Nah I wouldn't say that's the case entirely. The old fart never activately been around in any of our lives, bit he has provided all of us the funds and resources we needed to survive in the outside world. Well.....(Smirks Down at a Severely Pissed Off Kazuya) Almost all of us.
Zelda: (Still Surpised at What is Happening Right Now) This is all so much to process at once.....I need something to snack on ASAP!
Mewtwo: Got it. (Summons a Bag of Chips in Front of Zelda With a Snap of his Finger)
Zelda: (Catches the Bag Before Letting Out a Loud Gasps and Pulling her Best Friend into a Very Loving Hug) Mewwy, I love you with every fiber of my soul!~ Let's go!~ (Grabs Mewtwo by the Hand and Rushes Over to the Leagues of Villains' Table to Having a Much Better Viewing Experience)
Ganondorf: So....Given that you're Heihachi's daughter, have you learned a thing or two about his family fighting style as well?
Reina: For the most part. I took a few lessons from his training guide videos a while back and it's been proven beneficial so far. (Let Out a Bit of a Chuckle) A few of peers would usually go on and on saying that learning Martial Arts is a waste of time, but I dunno. It feels nice to fight your own battles for once. (Wiggles her Fingers a Little Before Balling her Fist Up, Creating a Small Purple Electricity Around the Knuckles) It's also satisfying to crush any weak, small fry that tries to get in my way.
Ganondorf: Assertive dominance and power hungry.....(Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face) Not bad. Ever thought about joining our League-
Kazuya: NO! NO! NO! She is NOT joining our group!
Ganondorf: (Casually Shrugs) Don't see why? We ARE in need of new recruits.
Ridley: Plus, she does seems to fit the qualifications of a villain so far, so-
A Devil Beam starts coming towards Space Pirate's direction before quickly dodging it completely.
Ridley: (Glares at Kazuya) What the hell, man!? I was just saying!
Kazuya: (Glares Back at Ridley) And you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut, bird!!
Ridley: Hey, don't get pissy at me for stating the obvious! And I'm a freaking dragon!....I think?....
Reina: Oh come now, Kazu, there's no need for you get so mad~ I personally don't see anything wrong with us working together from time to time.
Kazuya: (Turns to Reina) I do not associate myself with snot-nosed brats. Let alone one who doesn't seem to know her PLACE!
Reina: No need to get so hostile. Your crew mates here were only presenting me an offer I have no reason to refuse.
Kazuya: And I decline you from EVER joining our ranks!!
Bowser: (Nervously Raise Up his Finger) I don't really think you have a say in the matt-
Kazuya: SHUT UP!
Kazuya angrily shoots another Devil Beam at Bowser, whom quickly dodges it as well.
Reina: ('Sigh') Honestly. Have you always throw hissy fits whenever things don't go your way? At your own age nonetheless?
Mewtwo: You think that's immature? You should've seen all the times him and his subordinates drinking celebrating around your father's grave every chance they get.
Reina: Really?....Can't tell if that's sad or pathetic.
Mewtwo: I say it's the latter.
Kazuya shoots yet another Devil Beam at Mewtwo, only for Zelda to stop it from hitting him by using her manipulation power with the palm of her hand
Zelda: (Glares at Kazuya While Slowly Erasing the Beam Entirely) Don't. Even.
Reina: (Gives Zelda a Impressed Smile on her Face) Gotta say, that's some nifty telekinesis powers you got there, princess.
Zelda: (Turns to Reina with a Bright Smile on her Face) Thanks!~ Mewwy's been teaching me a thing or two on how to use them more fluently
Reina: (Chuckles Lightly While Pointing at Mewtwo) This cutie suppose to be your teacher or something?
Zelda: Not just that. (Happily Hugs Mewtwo Again) This cutie is also my bestest friend in the whole wide world!~
Mewtwo: (Looks Away While Blushing) Nothing about me screams cute, Zelda......
Reina: Intellect and cool collected. (Turns Back to her Shakingly Enraged Older Brother) You should learn a few things from him, Kazu. Maybe then you wouldn't be deemed as a failure to the Mishima Family's name. (Casually Shrugs) Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if your mother thought the same way too before she di-
Before Reina could even finish the rest of her sentence, Kazuya delivers a powerful, electric surging punch towards her face, only for the young woman to catch it at the last second woth an iron grip, much to everyone's surprise.
Bowser: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) Oh shit!
Ridley: Another escalation happening here, people!
Sephiroth: (Rolls his Eyes) No surprise there.
Hades: And the sparks begins to fly at long last!
Ganondorf: (Smirk Grew Wider) Excellent.
Reina: Well, would you look at that!~ (Forms an Evil, Cocky Smirk on her Face While Still Holdong onto Kazuya's Fist) We're actually getting somewhere here.
Kazuya: (Tries His Very Hardest to Power Through Reina's Grip While Grunting) Sister......or not.....I WILL kill you.....With my own BARE HANDS!!!
Reina: You're more than welcome to try. But I must warn you though.....I never take my punches lightly....nor do I take lightly to those who are all talk....So unless you wanna know what it feels like to grovel on a solid floor, cut the bullshit, try your hardest, and push me towards my. Absolute. Limit.
Kazuya: Gladly.
Kazuya uses his other fist to try and punch Reina for the second time and-
Kazuya's eyes suddenly starts to widen as he turns to see a ghost of his own mother, Kazumi, stand beside him, silently shaking her head at in disappointment. It was long for only son take a deep breath and loosen the force of his punch.
Kazuya: No. I won't kill you. Not yet anyways.
Reina: (Raises an Eyebrow as She Slowly Starts to Losen her Grip) Really? You're giving up just like that? Pretty disappointing if you ask me-
Kazuya: Quiet, you insufferable brat! That's not what I'm doing! I'm only putting this on hold for now. But the next time I see you, I won't be so merciful.
Reina: (Stares at Kazuya Fore a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) Fine. Whatever you say, Kazuya. (Finally Let's Go of Kazuya's Hand) I have a busy schedule on my hands already. (Properly Bows to Everyone Else at the Table) So I must bid ypu all adieu for now.
Ganondorf: (Walks Up to Reina) Wait. Before you go anywhere, here. (Gives Reina the Leagues of Villains Business Card) The offer still stands for you to join our League if you like.
Reina: (Smiles Brightly at Ganondorf) Why, thank you very much, Senpai!~ (Place the Business Card in her Jackey Pocket) I'll be sure to keep you all in touch going forward. In the meantime, I'll actually take my leave for real this time. (Walks Away Before Suddenly Stopping in her Tracks) Oh and......Onee-Chan? If you still wanna try and kill me with your own bare hands, you know where to find me. (Turns Back to Kazuya One Last Time With an Evil Grin on her Face) And I'll be sure show not to show you any form of mercy on my end either. (Turns Away Before Walking Away, Waving Goodbye to Everyone)
Zelda: (Happily Waves Goodbye to the New Girl Along With Almost Everyone Else) Byeeee, Reina!~ It was nice meeting you!~
Hades: Come back amd humble Kazu-boy anytime you want!~
Sephiroth: Till we meet again I suppose.
Pichu: Pi-chuuuu!~
Ganondorf: (Let's Out a Satisfied Sigh) Well now. I suppose an agreement is in order. All in favor letting Reina join the League: Say 'Aye'! (Raises his Hand Up)
Everyone: (Raises Their Hands Up as Well) Aye!/Pi!
Kazuya: (Angrily Transform into his Devil Form) ('GRAAAAAAAA') FUCK IT! I'm going out for fresh air and you all can kiss the stone cold part of my ass!!
Kazuya sky rockets himself out of the mansion, breaking parts of the ceiling as it falls down on the table.
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Great. The devil brat's tantrum destroyed the ceiling again. All in favor in telling the ladies what happened- Not it!
Bowser: Not it!
Zelda: Not it!
Mewtwo: Not it.
Hades: Not itttt!~
Sephiroth: Not it.
Pichu: Pichu!~
Dark Samus: Not it....
Ridley: Not it- Ahhh Damnit! Again with this!?
Bowser: (Shrugs) Sorry, man. Rules are rules.
Dark Samus: I'll miss you~
Ridley: (Sighs in Defeat While Getting Up From his Seat) Yeah, yeah, I'll miss you too, babe. (Starts Walking Off) I swear, I can't have anything good in this place.....
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lyranova · 1 year
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Hmmmm… How about you self indulge? Would you care to write Zerilliam for the Touch Me Like You Do prompt 16 “Tell Me What You Want”? And heck, make it the Zera Lives!AU and she straight up asks for another baby! 😆
Hiya anon! I was so excited when I saw this in my inbox and the muses got a little...carried away, which is why I'm posting the more suggestive and SFW version here and the other version on Ao3. Because I got a little nervous 😅, anyway I hope you enjoy~!
Explicit Version HERE Minors DNI!
Word Count: 1,701 (original word count 2,473)
Warnings: Suggestive Content, Mentioned Breeding Kink, Mentions of "Swimmers" 👀, Kissing, Minors DNI
Zera hummed softly as she sat in her chair and waited for her husband to come home from work. He had been awfully busy lately due to chasing after stray devils that were still roaming about due to Lucius and the other Zogratis siblings. And due to being so awfully busy, the two of them hadn’t gotten to spend any time together. Any time together.
Zera took a good look around the room, she had beautiful scented candles around the room to create the perfect romantic atmosphere, and she made sure they were far away from her plants. She had a nice meal sitting on the table and a yummy cake sitting in the kitchen, courtesy of the other Golden Dawn members, as she couldn’t cook…at all. And she had a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice right beside the table.
Everything was perfect. Now all she needed was her husband, who was late. Again.
She suddenly heard boots clicking against the floor outside their living quarters and jumped up, she hadn’t realized just how nervous and anxious she was until she began to fidget with the hem of her dress. Would he like what she had planned? Or would he find it bothersome? She hoped he wouldn’t.
The door opened and in walked her husband William, who had a tired look on his face, at least until he saw how the dining and living areas were decorated. When he saw the candles, food, and Zera standing there biting her bottom lip nervously, his tired look quickly disappeared.
“ What is all of this?” He asked curiously as he walked further into the room and towards his wife. She smiled and shrugged a bit.
“ I thought, since it’s been a while since we’ve had alone time together, we should change that tonight.” Zera said softly as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist and she put her hands onto his chest. “ If you’re not too tired, that is.”
“ Well, I was tired, but after seeing all the effort you put into this evening for me, I’ve suddenly become full of life and energy again.” William said with a warm smile before he bent down and kissed his wife gently on the lips. “ But where’s Alistar?”
“ Yuno and Neva offered to baby sit him for the evening, they didn’t want us to be disturbed by anyone tonight. Not even our son.” Zera said as she gave her husband another kiss, although that wasn’t completely true, as she had to practically beg Yuno and Neva to watch him until tomorrow. But eventually they agreed.
“ I see. Well, should I get us something to drink?” William asked as he began to move away and head towards the table. He quickly opened it and poured the two of them a glass before handing one to her and keeping the other for himself.
“ Maybe we should go ahead and eat? I’m sure you’re hungry-.” Zera began as she set her glass down and reached out toward the food but was quickly stopped as her husband wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his chest.
“ Hm, I don’t feel like eating right now,” William muttered softly as he kissed his wife’s cheek and then her neck, and then finally her shoulder. “ At least…not the food.”
Zera smirked a bit and felt her heart begin to race at his implication, this was what she was hoping for when she set all of this up. Initially, she had just wanted to spoil him and show him how much she loved him. But at the same time, she also wanted the two of them to have a little fun together, since they had their entire home to themselves for the evening, which was a rare occurrence after Alistar had been born.
“ Is that so?” Zera asked curiously as she turned around to face William, she took his glass out of his hand and set it down onto the table before walking towards him, making him step backwards. “ Then what would you like to eat?”
William smirked a bit mischievously at her as he looked her up and down for a moment, still walking backwards.
“ You.” He said, his tone warm and loving, but with a hint of lust mixed in. He suddenly felt the back of his legs hit the arm of the couch and stopped. Zera walked up to him with a grin on her face, she looked like a cat who had cornered its prey.
“ I was hoping you would say that,” She said softly, her voice dripping with sensuality. She leaned up as though she were going to kiss him, but quickly pushed against his chest with enough force to knock him onto the couch.
Zera chuckled before she walked around, climbed on top of him, and began to straddle his waist. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, pulled him close, and captured his lips in a hot and steamy kiss before lowering her hips and grinding herself against his lap.
She grinned as he husband groaned into the kiss, he had such sweet and heavenly moans. She felt his hands slid up her thighs and when they reached her waist, she reached over, grabbed them, and pinned them beside his head. She shook her head slowly, telling him he couldn’t do that, as their tongues continued to fight for dominance.
“ Zera,” Her husband started as he tried to break their kiss. “ Zera wait just a moment.” He said as he pulled away, and Zera immediately stopped and sat up to look at him.
“ What’s wrong? Are you okay? I was a little too forceful, wasn’t I? I’m sorry.” She began to ramble quickly and William blinked at her before he began to chuckle and shake his head.
“ You didn’t do anything wrong, dear, not a thing.” William said, breathing heavy as he tried to catch his breath. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled. “ I actually wanted to ask you something.”
She watched a small blush appear on William’s cheeks as he tried to think of how he should formulate his sentence.
“ Tonight, you decided to spoil me with this amazing dinner, these beautiful candles, and this lovely dress,” He said as his fingertips moved and began to play with the bottom of her dress.
“ If you like the dress that much, just wait until you see what’s underneath,” She said teasingly and with a wink, causing her husband to blush a bit more as he chuckled.
“ See, that’s what I mean. You’re always spoiling me, and you never ask for anything in return. So tonight…I was thinking…maybe you should be the one who gets spoiled tonight…if that’s alright?” William stammered a bit as his face was as red as a tomato, and Zera felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as well.
Zera suddenly leaned forward and captured his lips in hers again, but this time in a sweet and loving kiss. William smiled and kissed her back before she pulled away.
“ That’s totally alright!” Zera told him as she giggled before placing another kiss against his lips. She squeaked a bit as she suddenly felt William hands move behind her legs and hoist her up. She giggled quite a bit as she wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly and placed multiple kisses against his lips, as he walked her into their bedroom and gently set her down onto their bed.
“ Tell me what you want,” He said breathlessly as he began to remove his shoes and his robes, until he was left in nothing but his undershirt and pants. He leaned forward and placed a kiss against her lips, her cheek, and her neck. “ Go ahead, tell me, and I’ll do it for you” He whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver.
“ Can it be anything I want?’’ She asked softly, her breath becoming a bit heavier as he kissed and sucked on that spot on her neck. William hummed before nodding.
“ It can be anything.”
“ Then,” She bit her bottom lip and grinned a bit. “ I want another baby.”
William paused for a moment, his breath caught in his throat as he stared down at her collarbone. She wanted another baby? He glanced at her out of the corner of his purple eye, she had a nervous look in her eye, but there was a bit of mischievousness in them too.
“ I-If you don’t want another one-.” She stammered a bit as he remained silent for a lot longer than he had intended. William blinked before he reached over, placed a hand against her cheek, and kissed her deeply.
“ If you want another baby, then I’ll give you another baby. I’ll give you three, five, or even ten babies if that’s what you want.” He muttered hotly as he pulled away and stared into her ice blue eyes.
“ I think 10 is a little much, but three or five doesn’t sound too bad.” She said breathlessly as she stared at him with lustful eyes before pulling him down into a kiss.
The husband and wife laid on their sides and faced each other. Zera laid with her head on her husband’s pillow, as he had one arm around her waist and used the other to prop up his head in his palm.
“ Do you think…it’ll take?” William asked curiously as he moved one hand to the top of Zera’s stomach. Zera’s eyes followed his hand before she hummed in thought and grinned up at him.
“ If it doesn’t we can always try again, and again, and again,” She told him in a teasing tone, then she moved her hand to the side of his face and stroked his cheek gently with her thumb. “ Go little swimmers, go!” She muttered jokingly as she leaned up and whispered into his ear.
“ Oh my gods, Zera!” William groaned and shook his head and pulled her closer, she began to laugh and kissed his lips again for what was probably the millionth time that evening.
Suffice it to say, Zera’s plan for the couple to relax and have fun was a success!
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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whatharrysang · 3 months
Harry Styles & want
Harry Styles
Woman - But I don't ever want to see you with him
From the Dining Table - Why won't you ever say what you want to say?
Fine Line
Watermelon Sugar - I want more berries and that summer feelin'
Watermelon Sugar - I want your belly and that summer feelin'
Falling - What if I'm someone I don't want around?
Falling - What if you're someone I just want around?
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Want you more than a melody
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - I couldn't want you any more tonight
Treat People With Kindness - All we ever want is automatic all the time
Fine Line - I don't want to fight you
Harry's House
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - I don't want you to get lost 
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - I don't want you to go broke 
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - I want you 
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - Music for whatever you want 
Late Night Talking - 'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin' 
As It Was - I want you to hold out the palm of your hand 
As It Was - He just wants to know that you're well, oh 
Cinema - Tell me what you want and you got it, love 
Cinema - I want all of you 
Love of My Life - It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind
Songs Harry wrote for other artists
I love you - And I love you, now you don't want me to 
I love you - Now you don't want me to 
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - Just a little bit of your heart is all I want 
Changes - As if to say, "You're not the only one who wants a way out" 
One Direction Songs Harry wrote on
Taken - You suddenly want me 
Taken - You only want me cause I'm taken 
Taken - You don't really want my heart 
Taken - You only want me when I'm taken 
Everything About You - Now ask me why I want to 
Everything About You - And you have always been the only one I wanted 
Everything About You - And I wanted you to know without you I can't face it 
Everything About You - Let them say what they want 
Back for You - And every time we both touch I only want more 
Summer Love - And I know there's nothing that I want to change, to change 
Summer Love - But she don't want anyone to know 
Summer Love - But every time I tell her that I want more 
Happily - I just want it to be you and I forever. 
Something Great - I want you here with me 
Something Great - I want to rip it all to shreds and start again Something Great - You're all I want 
Where Do Broken Hearts Go? - Is at the top of the list of the things I want 
Night Changes - Having no regrets is all that she really wants 
Night Changes - Heart is beating loud, she doesn't want it to stop 
Perfect - Or the arms that hold you any time you want them 
Unreleased Songs
By Your Side  -  And I don't want to change my mind
Coco - Sometimes the devil just wants a friend 
Complicated Freak - I do what she wants anywhere 
Half the World Away - I want you around, 'round, 'round 
Him - I don’t want to hear about him 
Endlessly  -  Oh, I’ve been wantin'
Endlessly  -  But now I’m on the outside and I want in
Make My Day  - They make me feel wanted, make me confess 
Make My Day  - I don't want you perfect, don't want too sweet 
Oh Anna - I don't want your sympathy 
Ophelia - Do you want the sweet or the truth? 
Super Pretty  - I don't want to know, my love 
Talk - Through the fog do what you want just stick around (hey) Talk - Do whatever you want, know that I'm gonna stick around (hey) 
Talk - Love is what you want, love's a broken bone 
Too Much Sauce - I keep you up all night, you'll never want it back 
Too Much Sauce - Keep you up all night, you'll never want it back 
Too Much Sauce - Be what they want you to be 
Too Much Sauce - (Good time, make you feel alright, keep you up all night, you'll never want it back) 
Try Honey - Darling I know that you want 
Without You - I found out too late this is what you wanted 
Without You - Waiting everyday i don’t wanna wait for you
See also wanna
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stevenstamkos · 7 years
The! Devils WON on pride night and Nico scored the game winning goal when I was wearing my Hischier Mooseheads jersey and I almost cried. And the rainbow Devils logo was everywhere so my gay ass was :)
Also like 2 minutes in Nolan fell on top of Nico and got a penalty and the Devils scored on that PP so that was sexy
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can’t buy me ~ jimmy smith jr.;8 mile
word count: 1577
request?: yes!
@girl-toxxic "reader and Jimmy are in a relationship not long ago but Jimmy was always in love and they both live in the same place, ok but let's say that reader meets a new friend at work (she is a waitress or can be a babysitter for a rich girl) and this new friend has a lot of money and is very interested in reader and the reader get along well and this makes Jimmy insecure, since reader's friend gives him small gifts and helps him a lot. But you can add something that is more interesting as the boy confesses his feelings to the reader and she rejects him since Jimmy is her great love and he tells her how can she go out with that poor devil ... or something else interesting what occurs to you. And that this ends in a lot of love and smut, bah if you feel comfortable🤗💕💕"
description: in which her new friend keeps trying to make advances through gifts, but her heart belongs to one man
pairing: jimmy smith jr. x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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I walked through the door and made a beeline for the kitchen to throw away yet another gift from my not so secret admirer. The last thing I needed was for Jimmy to see what Mark had give me and to get upset about it.
I worked as a waitress at a bar and grill down the road from mine and Jimmy’s house. The hours were only okay, but the tips more than made up for it, especially after our newest regular, Mark, started dining there and specifically asked to have me as his server whenever he was in.
Mark was in his late 30s, handsome, worked a good job that paid good money. He came in one night after he had a particularly hard shift. He sat at the bar, and it was the night I was working it, so I talked him through his rough day. Next thing I knew, he was coming back and asking for me again. We became friendly, but it took me a little too long to realize he wanted to be more than friends.
I turned the corner and yelped as I realized I wasn’t alone. Jimmy was leaning against the counter, almost like he was waiting for me.
“Hey babe,” I said. “I thought you were at the Shelter with Future tonight.”
His eyes flickered to the gift bag in my hand. “He wanted me to come home. We haven’t had a night together in months.”
“Doesn’t help that we both work late night jobs,” I tried to joke. The bag felt heavy in my hand as Jimmy kept looking at it.
“That rick prick buy you more useless shit?” he asked.
“Jimmy,” I sighed.
“Sorry, I forgot it was okay for some rich jackass to buy my girlfriend expensive gifts.”
He wouldn’t meet my eye. He kept glancing around the kitchen, every so often looking down at the bag in my hand. I dropped everything I was holding onto the floor, including that stupid gift, and raced over to hug him.
“Hey,” I said, softly, resting my head on his chest. “Hey, you know there’s nothing to this. It’s just a guy who doesn’t understand I’m not interested.”
“It’s a guy who has money.”
I lighted my head to look at him. “What does that have to do with anything?”
Jimmy shook his head. “Nothing, never mind.”
I pulled away from him. “No, tell me.” When he didn’t speak, I took his chin in my hand and forced him to look at me. “Jimmy, do you think I’d leave you for someone who makes more money?”
“He’d be able to give you what you deserve,” he responded. “A house, a car, expensive gifts - ”
“We have a house,” I cut him off. “You have a car, and I don’t want expensive gifts. I don’t want materialistic things, I want happiness and love, and that’s what I get with you. You really have nothing to worry about in regards to Mark. You’re the one I’ll always want.”
Jimmy sighed and pulled me close. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll give you that reassurance any day.”
I leaned up to kiss him. He relaxed into the kiss and I leaned into him more.
When he pulled away, Jimmy turned to look at the forgotten present on the floor. “What did that asshole get you this time anyways?”
I picked up the bag and pulled out the box that was inside. Jimmy opened the box to reveal the gold necklace Mark had given me. The pendant was gold to match, and it was my initial.
“I was gonna chuck it when I got home,” I told him. It’s way too flashy for me, it wouldn’t match anything I own.”
“Don’t throw it out. This is, like, real gold. We can sell it for a good chunk of money.”
I smiled. “I like the way you think, Rabbit.”
The next day, Jimmy had the night off from the Shelter so he drove me to work. He followed me into the bar and grill with the intentions of sitting at the bar for an hour or two before going home. One of my co-workers spotted us as we walked in and gave me a panicked look. I immediately knew what she was trying to tell me.
I saw Mark sat at the bar before he saw me. I was about to turn to Jimmy to warn him when Mark spotted me and rose from his seat. He had a wide smile on his face, until he saw Jimmy behind me.
“Two nights in a row, Mark?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Those wings and nachos are gonna start getting to you.”
“I went to the gym this morning, so it cancels out,” he responded. “Who’s this with you?”
“This is my boyfriend, Jimmy. I told you about him, remember?”
“Oh yeah, the...rapper,” Mark said. I didn’t miss the way he sneered the word “rapper”, and Jimmy didn’t either.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Mark shrugged. “Nothing. Just stating a fact that (Y/N) told me. Although, rapping at that rundown warehouse probably doesn’t pay as much as a real job would.”
Jimmy stepped towards Mark, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Hey, he’s not worth it. Just go home. Thank you for the ride.”
Jimmy glared at Mark before turning to walk away. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the situation seemed to defuse easily.
And then Matt spoke again, “Yeah, go back to the trailer park, white trash.”
Jimmy snapped and charged at Mark before I could stop him. He knocked Mark to the ground and reared up to hit him. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as I could until Jimmy was off of Mark.
“Get out before security gets called,” I told him.
He got to his feet and walked out the door before anything else could happen. Mark was getting to his feet and adjusting his clothes. I was trying to calm myself down as I regarded him.
“Please leave, Mark.”
“Seriously? Your trailer trash boyfriend attacked me, but you’re kicking me out?”
“You provoked him.”
“I wasn’t saying anything he hasn’t heard before, or anything that wasn’t true.”
“Fuck off!” I snapped, my anger finally bubbling over. “You are fucking insufferable! I’ve told you on multiple occasions that I have a boyfriend, that I’m not interested. Most people would take the fucking hint and move on. The way you’ve been acting, especially tonight, is way out of line. I want you to get the fuck out and if I ever see you here again I will contact the authorities and have you charged for harassment.”
Mark blinked, realized I was being serious, and finally left. He muttered some less than ideal names towards me as he walked out the door. I sighed and buried my head in my hands. I was grateful that there wasn’t many customers in the area as all of this went down.
“Hey.” I looked up at my co-worker, who was now in front of me. “Go check on your man.”
I thanked her and quickly walked out the door. I didn’t expect him to still be outside, so I was surprised to see him stood by his car, almost like he was waiting for me to come out.
“Did I get you in trouble?”
I gave him a small smile and shook my head. “No. If anything, you did me a favor. When it became evident that Mark wasn’t taking no for an answer, all of us wanted to ban him from the place entirely, but we weren’t allowed unless he really caused trouble. I think it’s safe to say starting a fight is more than probable cause to make sure he never comes back.”
Jimmy was nodding and rubbing the back of his head. “I probably could’ve handled that better though.”
“I didn’t expect you to handle it any other way,” I said. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”
Jimmy chuckled slightly. “Cocksucker didn’t even try to hit me. Did you see his face when I tackled him? He looked like he shit himself.”
I giggled. “Yeah, he’s definitely not a fighter. He’s too much like a high school mean girl for someone who works an office job and makes as much money as he does.”
Jimmy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, resting his chin on top of my head. “I’m glad you stopped me. I wouldn’t beat the shit out of him if you didn’t.”
“I would’ve liked to see that.”
We both stood in silence for a while. I buried my nose in Jimmy’s sweater, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne. It made a warm feeling swell inside of me, like a safe feeling. It reminded me of how I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than in Jimmy’s arms, or with anyone else besides Jimmy. No amounts of money, or people like Mark could ever change my mind about that.
“I should actually go to work,” I said, reluctantly untangling myself from Jimmy’s arms. “I’ll see you when I get off?”
“Of course, I’ll come pick you up.”
I smiled and kissed his cheek. I started back towards the restaurant, but paused to turn back to Jimmy. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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thot-writes · 3 years
reposting since my accounts back! even added a couple more paragraphs. i’m startin a series of one-shots where various twinks get fucked w tentacles (not restricted to BNHA btw), but the first one is dabi! let me know if there’s anyone YOU’D like to tentacle fuck queens 💖
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adventures in tentaculum: scene I — Dabi (18+ NSFW);
you were blessed with a quirk that allows you to spawn eight, tentacle-like tendrils from your back. they’re strong, fast, can extend up to 25 metres, and are able to secrete fluids to make them slick or sticky. while they look more ghostly than animal, they have suckers on the undersides much like an octopus.
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Love is simply overrated.
You’ve always thought so.
The notion of dedicating your life to someone else, limiting your own freedom for a single person? It’s preposterous. You’ve encountered hundreds of people in your near three decades of life-- most of them strangers, some of them friends, few of them lovers.
None of them more.
It didn’t suit you. Not even the polyamorous route -- you could barely find one person worth your while, how were you supposed to find multiple? Your idle fancies would always pass, and you doubt there’s a man or woman alive that would be able to retain the flames of interest once the spark started.
Dabi, your newest companion, felt similarly. Aside from the obvious factor of his looks, that was what drew you to him in the first place.
Your relationship was limited to clandestine meetings after dark, anywhere you could find a place. Love hotels, seedy clubs, abandoned buildings a couple of times, or the backseat of your car if nothing else was readily available.
Tonight was a little special though. Your friend had won a contest for a couple’s stay at an inn, but work wouldn’t let them have the weekend off so they gave the coupons to you. You weren’t sure why, they knew you’ve never dated anyone before, but you took them anyway. Might as well.
Dabi was surprised when you waved the tickets in front of his face and told him to come. “I didn’t think we were that kind of couple,” he said suspiciously.
“We’re not,” you assured him. “My friend gave these to me, plus I figure a tatami room is better than my shitty car, right?”
He put a finger to his chin in thought. “Your car is shitty. It’s not like we have to stay the whole night either... Alright, give me one. I’ll meet you there.”
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You decide to bathe separately, since you knew how dangerous it’d be to go in together. You’d never leave the baths that way, and you wanted to spend at least some time in the cozy tatami-matted suite. It was a heartbreaking decision, not be able to see your lover coax you with his soaking wet body... but you like to believe your sacrifice was a noble one.
You finish before he does and take the time to lounge in the room. Your robe is open and loose, barely covering any part of you as you lazily sip on some sake and gaze upon the world outside.
The shoji screen doors are open, and from your room is the sprawling view of dark emerald trees swaying in the night’s summer wind. You can hear the sound of a shishi odoshi just out of view, the tranquil flowing of the water before the bamboo rocker hits the stone. You can distantly hear a shamisen playing, probably from the dining hall. You’re propping yourself up with your elbows as you lay, half on the tatami flooring and half on the wooden deck outside, and you feel as if you could drift off at any moment. Where is that infernal sack of scars anyway? He’s making you wait too long.
“You look relaxed.”
Speak of the devil. Dabi’s familiar soothing voice brings you out of your thoughts and you glance back at him over your shoulder. “You took your time. I started drinking without you, hope you don’t mind.”
He grins and shuts the door behind him. His own yukata hangs open and is carried further by the gentle breeze wafting through the room. He sits beside you and you hand him an ochoko already filled with sake. He sips on it as your hand finds its way to his exposed thigh. He chuckles when you squeeze him, but says nothing.
“You look good in a yukata, y’know,” you say, your eyes settling on his profile as you rub your fingers in a circular motion over his scars. “Not that you’re wearing it properly. You’d get done in for public indecency if you went out like that.”
“You’re one to talk.” He looks down at your exposed nipples and reaches out to caress one. “You look like a seductress laying there like that, you know I’m a man right?”
You give him a lop-sided smile. “Hm. I wonder.”
“That’s cruel.”
You sit up and a translucent purple tendril flows from your back and snakes through your yukata to stroke his lips. He opens his mouth and lolls his tongue out, licking the appendage before he takes it into his mouth and sucks it. It tastes like water, perhaps with a hint of tartness; no distinct flavour to speak of even if its covered in its secretions.
You watch him watching you as he lewdly suckles on your tendril, the sensation making your body shiver. Using your tentacles during sex isn’t exactly sexually pleasing per se, it’s a completely different feeling altogether - like scratching an itch you couldn’t reach, or that first gulp of water after a hard day’s work in the sun.
The tendril slides out of his mouth and a string of saliva connects it with his tongue. You grab him by the back of the head and kiss him, and he moans into your mouth. Your tongues connect and stroke each other the same way they always do, the same way you both love.
You spawn a second tentacle, covering it in its natural slippery lubricant and coiling it around his fast growing erection. He moans into you again and massages your breasts with his hands. As you part, you bite on his lower lip and he sighs pleasantly.
You start peppering kisses all over his face as your tendril jerks his cock, squeezing it tightly and filling the room with the sounds of lecherous squelching. Dabi moans as he spreads his legs for you in an indecent display.
“Uunh... feels so good...” He hooks his arms around your neck and sticks his tongue out, you respond in kind and he licks along your tongue and your lips. You settle between his legs and spread them further as you tease his pink hole with your first tendril.
He bites his lip and pushes your yukata off your shoulders. “You’re so sexy... you should walk around naked all the time. I might get jealous, though.”
“Want me all to yourself, huh?” you tease, your appendage twirling around his entrance. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t fuck anyone the same way I fuck you.”
“How considerate of you.” He kisses you again as you enter him, and he writhes in pleasure. The pleasant feeling of his tight walls around your tentacle makes you bite your lip and grin. A comfortable heat travels from your lower back to your core, then spreads to your limbs. He just feels so good.
You stop jerking him off and replace the tendril there with your pussy and he can’t help but cry out. “Fuck— your pussy is too good, you’re going to make me cum like that.”
“That’s fine. I drugged your sake,” you smirk.
He starts to laugh, but it’s interrupted by a moan. “Again? You’re insatiable— ah!”
The remaining six tendrils fan out from your back and grope, fuck, and stroke his body. The one in his ass thrusts in with greater ferocity, and Dabi bucks his cock up into your pussy desperately as his orgasm builds up.
He looks to where you connect and whimpers. Your pussy always fucked him the best, and he made sure to tell you so. A deep pink dusts his cheeks as he becomes entranced with the sight of his cock entering you, it looks almost as good as it feels.
“It’s hot...” he pants out. “It’s so h-hot..”
“The sight or the feeling?” you tease.
“Both. It’s hard to hold back— fuck, I want more of you—mmmh...”
You wrap one of the tendrils around his upper torso, using the suckers on and around his nipples, leaving red, puffy circles on his chest. The sensation is staggering, his senses have all but left him a babbling, powerless mess beneath you.
He throws his head back and grabs your hips, fucking up into you as drool trickles out of his mouth and down his chin. “Yes! Fuck me— more! I’m gonna cum inside you— can I? Please let me cum in you— haaahh...”
You bounce on his cock as your tentacles fuck him raw. “Go on, Dabi, cum for me,” you moan.
He wails as he spills his hot seed into your cunt, and you clench your walls around him as he does, milking him for everything he has. His thrusts slow as he rides out his high, but you don’t. You continue fucking him with your tendrils and your pussy, and he falls back to the floor and thrashes helplessly at your merciless assault.
Blood spills from his eyes, the closest thing he can do to cry since he lost his tear ducts, and you stuff a tentacle into his gaping mouth. He sucks it eagerly and desperately grabs at the other tentacles, squeezing their soft jelly-like forms as his body is overcome with stimulation. He convulses as he orgasms from his prostate, but he still somehow manages to feel your own cum dripping down his cock.
The tentacle hits the back of his throat and he gags, his face slick with sweat, spit, and bloody tears. You’re sure he’s saying more filthy words, but they come out muffled against your limb.
The intensely satisfying feeling of using your tendrils to fuck someone coupled with Dabi’s perfectly sized dick hitting your g-spot could almost make you transcend the mortal plane. You won’t, of course— you have to finish making a mess of your lover.
Dabi clearly feels the same. You look down and admire that lewd expression of his, his eyes rolled back and his mouth hung open, tongue flailing around your tentacle like it’s the last thing he’ll ever taste. Were it not for said tentacle quieting his voice, you imagine the whole inn would be able to hear his desperate cries.
Cum weeps from your cunt as he finishes again. You can tell he’s reached his limit, so you show him some mercy. You come off his dick with a wet pop, and his cum flows from you. You slowly bring your tendrils back and let them return to your body.
Dabi’s body has gone almost completely numb, his toes curling and uncurling as he feebly attempts to refocus his gaze. You’re quite worn out yourself and collapse into a heap on top of him, and he instinctively wraps his arms around you.
His breathing is still coming out in pants and gasps when he breaks the silence. “Shit... that was the best sex of my life. That quirk of yours is really convenient huh...”
“Yeah,” you agree. “If the people I beat up with these things knew what I do with them they’d have a heart attack.”
He cackles and runs his hands through your hair. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
You lay there, a mess of sweaty, sticky limbs until you regain your energy. You roll off of him and stand up, and you see him frown from the corner of your eye. “Well that was fun, but I’m gonna head off now. To the baths, that is. Then I’m going home. What’re you gonna do?”
He rolls to his side and casually props his head up on his hand. “Probably the same. I’ll need a minute until I can walk again though.”
You pick up your yukata and drape it over your shoulders. You’re not sure why... it could be the endorphins from multiple orgasms, or maybe the oddly intimate setting, but for once after sex you’re not immediately running out the door.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you didn’t outright hate his company. Ugh. What a weird feeling.
Dabi picks up on this and raises his brows in expectation. “You look like you’re thinking. Don’t hurt yourself.”
“Ha-ha,” you laugh sarcastically. “I was just thinking... do you want to take a bath together?”
He ponders this for a moment, then his lips level into a smile. “Sure.”
For the first time in your life, you spend the night with your lover. It’s odd, completely unfamiliar, but not entirely as bad as you thought it’d be.
Perhaps it’s something you could even get used to. As long as it’s with Dabi.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Troubled - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Kinda Angst(?), Storyline
Summary: Even though the two have been dating for about 2 years, Bakugou never knew about Y/N’s troubling life. With Y/N being lost and needing to find herself again, here’s how he finds out.
Bakugou and you were so happy. The relationship was incredible. He loved you and you loved him. You were both so loyal to one another, so protective, so honest...sorta. That’s where you faltered a bit. You see, you had a secret.
In the 2 years that you have been together, it was obvious that you’ve already met Bakugou’s parents. However, he never met yours. You told him “they’re really strict. I doubt they want me to be dating so I don’t think it’s best for you to meet them just yet. Don’t worry, they’re awesome! Just overprotective.”
And like the good, loving, trusting boyfriend he is, he believed you! He so badly wanted to change your parents’ minds but he’ll meet them whenever you’re comfortable. He can wait. But it sucks that he could never go over even when there were times where it would just be you and him. Apparently your parents “didn’t allow anyone over while they were away.” Whatever, fair. He still loved you regardless. And besides, you always went over to his house anyway! So everything was fine.
You fed him these lies and kept the truth away from him. In reality, you did have parents. Divorced parents. A loving mother who is sadly always working from early mornings to late nights and a runaway father who eventually got a new family with new kids.
Your father left you. He left you and your mother when you were just 5 years old and you never told anyone. This caused you to be so..angry..and confused..and hurt. Your busy mother was never around to help you cope and so you resorted into actions. You took on this rebellious bad girl persona. Yes you were in the hero course, but you put up a front that displayed you as the rotten apple among the group. You were still lovable and very friendly (a little teasing but still) and people loved you. What they didn’t love was when you went over the top with your bad girl image and even Katsuki got a little peeved at it from time to time.
“Your homework assignment: Create a visual or report on the history of Japan’s hero industry. Japan has had a lot of unfair rules when it came to heroes and so it’s your turn to speak on them, who rebelled against them, and tell us something you rebel against. I expect it to be done next week. Don’t forget it...understand L/N?” Aizawa said as he stared you down.
You sat with your legs crossed with your chin in your hand as you blew a strand of hair out of your face. “Yeah, we’ll see how well that goes.” You sarcastically said with a nose scrunch and devious smile.
The bell rang and students began to leave the classroom. You caught up with your boyfriend, Katsuki, who waited for you at the door. You pecked his cheek before you both began walking to the dorms.
“Hey, dumbass,” He called for you.
“Yeah Suki?”
“You are gonna do the assignment right?” He questioned. You chuckled a bit as you looked at him.
“Suki, c’mon. We both know that’ll never happen.” You said with a laugh but Bakugou just looked at you with a concerned face.
“And why not? You know you can do it and you choose not to. For what? You act like they won’t kick you out of UA.” He reminded you.
“Because they won’t. It’s just homework and I make up for it by excelling at everything else,” you said proudly but he wouldn’t budge.
“Okay but first it was skipping class, then it was skipping school, now it’s dropping class and home work. When are you gonna get off this bad streak?” He asked. You felt a little hurt due to the misunderstanding. He truly didn’t understand but that wasn’t his fault. You didn’t say anything so you have no one to blame but yourself.
“Never!” You laughed, “I’ll be fine Katsuki. Besides, you like my bad side. It makes us balanced. You’re the rowdy and rude hidden Angel and I’m the sweet and pretty devil.”
“Heh, so I’m not pretty?” He jokingly asked. You faced him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You’re the prettiest,” you joked with him. You both giggled a bit before sharing a sweet kiss for a moment. You both separated and you began to walk hand in hand as you led the way.
“But seriously babe, be cautious. Okay? S’all im asking for. And at least try to do your homework. There’s no reason for you to be acting up like this.” He said but his words stung a bit. He..really...didn’t understand....at all. Your eyes went wide but you minimized them before turning to face him. You grew slightly silent as you stopped walking for a bit and he looked at you with a concerned yet serious face.
“....Um...yeah. Sure. And you’re right Suki. There’s uh.....no reason for this.”
After Katsuki walked you home, he kissed you goodbye for now before you walked into your very empty home. You sighed at the quiet and walked to the kitchen to find another note and your dinner placed in tupperware.
‘Hi baby. I’m sorry I’m not home again. I’ll be back later tonight. I have your dinner all set, just heat it up before dining.
Love you, -Mom’
Great. Another empty house for the umpteenth time in a row. You appreciated everything your mom did for the two of you. I mean, she is working 3 jobs to pay for the house and your school. Not to mention, put food on the table. But sometimes you couldn’t help but hate her for being gone so much. You missed her.
You took a shower and changed into some sleeping clothes. You brought your school bag with you to the kitchen and placed it on the seat before heating up your dinner. While waiting, you pulled out your homework.
Listen, it’s not that you didn’t want to do the homework. It’s more so that you couldn’t. You weren’t the smartest student and a lot of the time, you’d need help with the work. In class, it was easier because you had Katsuki but recently he’s been a little busier so you didn’t wanna be a bother. You didn’t wanna ask anyone else and so you resulted into helping yourself in some way. People always told you to confine in the help of your parents but one of them was gone and the other was always busy. There’s no one that could help.
You read the itinerary and came to the conclusion that it was just too hard for you to understand on your own. It would have to be another failed assignment but whatever. It was just one of many. You ate dinner, put away your work and bags and opted to sleep. Just drift away into dreamland where things were better. Where your dad was still a part of your family. Where your mom didn’t struggle in bringing home cash. Where you were a better student and person who did her work.
A Week Later
“So did your little brat ass even write down a sentence?” Your boyfriend teasingly asked.
“What do you think Suki?” You said with a smirk as you faced him from your desk. His eyes went wide as he stilled in his seat next to you.
“...Did you even try?” He asked, worried for your academic career and you. He tried encouraging you all week and you didn’t do anything?
“Relax babe. I opted for a visual,” you said with closed eyes and a smile. He smiled too, proud of you for getting it done.
“You actually did it? Nice work princess,” he said and leaned over to peck your cheek but you only giggled as you clarified.
“Well, more or less.” You said as you stated ahead with a smirk.
“More or less? The hell does that mean Y/-“ he was cut off by the sound of the door opening and their teacher walking in. Aizawa had walked up to the podium and began role-call. Eventually, he made it to the topic of homework and his attention was immediately focused towards you.
“L/N!” Aizawa called out in a non-aggressive or angry way. More like his form of enthusiasm.
“Yes sir?” You replied back with actual enthusiasm.
“Time to present your homework.”
“Can’t do that sir.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t do my homework sir.”
“Why not?”
“That’s what I’m rebelling against sir.”
You smiled with a very devious demeanor and Aizawa sighed again before he continued. “Did you at least do anything for the assignment?”
“Sort of. But I’m gonna need a certain someone else to go first. Iida, I’m talking about you,” you said turning to face the very robotic and precise young man.
“I’d be glad to present first!” He said and quickly left to the hallway to bring in his visual. Now, the reason why you called on Iida first was because you knew he’d be the only one to actually do a visual and he went above and beyond. Aka, he used sparklers to give it a “wow factor” for creativity points. You would know. You had watched him do his work to see what you can rip off of him but oh well. A new plan already came into mind and so here we are!
Iida walked in with his visual to stand at the front of the doorway and yes, the sparklers were lit! You smiled at the sight and only allowed him to get a sentence out before you interrupted.
“Perfect! Thank you Iida!” You said as you got up. “But now I’m gonna need to show my assignment. You just stay right there.”
“Y/N..” Bakugou quietly called out as he watched you walk around to every student.
“Now, I’m gonna need a piece of everyone’s assignment. So I’ll take this,” you said and took Denki’s paper off his desk and went for everyone else’s as well. You lastly took Bakugou’s before walking over to Iida and taking a sparkler.
“So! For my assignment based on a rebellion, I chose to ignore the whole history part and decided to show you what’s gonna be happening in the now. This is my rebellion. Homework! Why all the homework, Aizawa?” You asked as you walked back to your desk. You kept talking as you kept walking. “We wake up at early hours, go to school, then go to hero school/training and head home with more work to do aka homework. As students, we never get to take control of what we want to do because we’re so preoccupied with school, school, school.”
“L/N...” Aizawa warned as he watched you stand on your desk.
“My rebellion? No homework, more freedom.” You said and began to bring the spark close to all the paper assignments but Aizawa snatched them out of your hand before you and the chance to start a fire.
“Al-Alright! That’s enough L/N!” He warned but you stood firm as you raised the sparkler to the roof.
“No homework, more freedom! No homework, more-“ You were cut off by the sprinklers being activated due to the spark being so close. Students ran out the room to avoid the water but Bakugou stayed with you along with Aizawa as the three of you became soaked.
10 minutes later
You and Katsuki waited outside the room together waiting for Aizawa to return to most likely scold and reprimand you. You were both drenched in water as you looked towards the ground and Katsuki grinded his teeth together. While waiting, it was clear your own boyfriend had been pissed with your actions and surprisingly, he decided to scold you as well.
“What the hell was that all about Y/N!?” Bakugou shouted as he stepped infront of you staring you down. You looked up at your boyfriend in shock. You’ve known each other ever since Junior High and not once has he ever been truly angry with you and your rebellious side. So this shouting was a shock to you.
“What? I did the assignment. I showed what I rebelled against-“
“Y/N quite acting like a dumbass! You know what I mean!” He shouted again. “You’re smart! I know you are! You have intelligence and yet you refuse to do anything useful with it! You get yourself into so much damn trouble and I’ve been trying my fucking best to lead you away from that shit but nothing seems to work! I want you to be yourself and I love you with my everything but this bad girl image isn’t you! Do you even realize how fucking disrespectful and wild you get sometimes?! It’s getting out of hand!”
You bit your lip as you looked to the floor once more. A silence over came the two of you.
“I’m sorry..” you softly said while looking up at him before the silence had a chance to grow alarmingly loud.
“I am too! Because you go too fucking far!” He said with stern eyes and a booming voice. You felt tears reach your eyes and you tried to blink them away as you looked at him and spoke again.
“....I have no one at home who helps me with my homework...” you said brokenly. Bakugou looked at you with a confused and kind of worried face as another silence grew. You said nothing and did nothing as you walked away from him, not even bothering to wait for Aizawa anymore and just went home.
Bakugou constantly tried to reach out to you. He called you always, spammed you with texts, left voicemail after voice and nothing. After that day, you stopped going to school. Bakugou occasionally tried going to your house to knock on the door, but it wasn’t too often due to him still believing your “strict parents” story. And either way, you never opened the door.
On the inside of your home, you were in your room. You ignored all of Bakugou’s attempts to contact you. You couldn’t be around him right now. You couldn’t be around anyone right now. You didn’t even wanna be around anyone at home but I guess that was the usual already. Your mom was too focused on working to notice her sad child but luckily she was also too busy to notice the constant phone calls from the school trying to inform her of her child’s absences. She always had a meal prepped for you when you “returned home from school,” and so that would be your meal. Including anything else you guys had laying around in the kitchen.
Days past by and most of the time, you were in your room staring down at the homework itinerary. You constantly thought about Bakugou’s words.
“You’re smart! ...... This bad girl image isn’t you!”
Was he right? You had no idea. Your dad left when you were five and it blindsided you. You’ve been lost and in the dark for 11 years. Was this bad girl who you were? Were you smart? Did you even know who you really were? You would constantly stare at yourself in the mirror trying to figure out and recognize who the girl in front of you was but you never figured it out. You thought you did but maybe you were wrong.
You spent a lot of time on your phone, specifically through the photo album on it that was filled with pictures of you and Katsuki. It made you smile looking at all the memories. You smiled at the fact that you were blessed with him. He brings out a better you...the best you....the real you. All the times you were with him were all genuine. It was the real you. And you had finally realized that. But you couldn’t be sure.
The bad girl you was still a part of who you were for over a decade of your life. Maybe that was who you were now. And there was only one way you could find out.
It’s been a week and you still weren’t in school. The day ended and Bakugou still waited and waited for you. He never stopped trying to reach out to you. He never stopped because he loved you but now, he also had questions.
‘What did you mean when you said you had nobody at home to help you?’ He thought to himself. The end of the day bell rang and Bakugou, too lost in his mind, didn’t realize all the students leaving. He didn’t even realize Mr. Aizawa walking up to him.
“Bakugou..” he began.
“Tch...the hell do you want?” He said while still staring down at his desk. Aizawa stared down at the sad blonde, slightly in shocked. He had never seen his loud, angry, prideful student this way.
“How’s L/N doing?” He asked.
“Like I would know. She hasn’t spoken to me in days.” Bakugou easily confessed. He honestly didn’t care how he looked. He’s been bottling up everything and needed to talk to someone. He was a little glad it was just his teacher and not one of his peers who he thought would just tease him for the weakness he was displaying.
“Well try to keep an eye on her.” he said and Bakugou looked up at him in confusion. “L/N may put up a tough front, but she’s human. She can only take so much before she explodes like a volcano. Knowing her, it can go 2 ways. She either breaks down in tears and gets everything off her chest or most likely, she’ll follow her rebellious behavior and utterly screw up. Who knows what trouble she could get herself into.”
Bakugou’s eyes shot open at the thought of you committing such terrible things. Aizawa walked back to his yellow sleeping bag once he realized Bakugou got the message.
“However, I will say this,” he said and got into his bag. “She’s very lucky to have you as her light in the dark. Make sure you continue to be her light until she’s completely away from the shadows.”
Bakugou nodded his head in silence as he stood up and went home. Tomorrow, he was going to get to the bottom of this. He won’t let his little volcano blow.
The blonde had gotten ready and planned to head over to your house to talk to you. Not try to. He will speak to you and he will help you. As he walked into the gates of UA he was shocked to see a pretty face waiting for him at the entrance.
“Hey Suki!” You said with a smile as you walked to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/N...” Bakugou gasped out quietly. Once he felt your embrace around his neck he was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hold you tight. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and melted into the scent of you. He held you so close you were kind of losing oxygen.
“Umm..Suki. Can’t breath!” You said jokingly. Bakugou was quick to let go but still keep a loose hold on you.
“Sorry! Sorry- I just- I-“
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m glad you missed me,” you said with a wink and Bakugou smiled. He truly did miss you. “But right now, we should get to class.”
Bakugou was shocked you were choosing to go to class but he nodded with a soft smile and followed your lead nonetheless. You walked into the classroom and took your seat after making eye contact with Aizawa. When you were seated, Aizawa looked at Bakugou and gave a signal of an explosion with his hands and mouth. Bakugou got the idea.
At any time, this might be the buildup to Y/N’s explosion.
Bakugou took his seat and was quick to talk to you. “Baby? You’re not gonna....burst or something right? Everything is fine? Yeah?”
“Uhh, kinda? I mean, I’m pretty secure. I just wanna find myself after all the years of being so lost. .....I’m sure that soon I’ll get those answers.” You calmly said.
“What do you mean?” Bakugou said. He knew it. You were gonna explode. And he also realized he needed answers too. What the hell was going on with you and why didn’t he know?
“Don’t worry love!” You cheerfully said as Aizawa began class. Time went by and class continued. Bakugou was constantly looking your way to check for any signs of agitation. Suddenly, the fire alarm rang and students jumped at the loud sound. Some began walking out as Bakugou sighed in relief.
“Oh thank god! You exploded,” he sighed with his head back and hand on his chest.
“What do you mean?” You questioned.
“You. You exploded. This is you getting all the frustrations off your chest,” he stood up and addressed everyone. “It’s fine idiots. This is just Y/N being a little delinquent,”
“Your blood pumping?” You calmly asked.
“Yup,” Bakugou said with a satisfied smile.
“Good, I didn’t do it,” you calmly said to Bakugou but he continued.
“Yes you did! Im assuming she started a fire but it’s fine. S’not a villain or something so don’t sweat it.” He said aloud. “Go ahead and get out of here Morons, I’ll make sure she’s in check.”
“I-...I didn’t do it,” you still calmly said but this time to reassure the class as Bakugou grabbed your wrist.
“Yes you did, and it’s fine! Because this is how you get all the bad out so now you can’t do anymore bad for 3,000 years.” He said happily but you still looked at him with a bored stare when out of nowhere, the alarm stopped and Principle Nezu came onto the loud speaker.
“Sorry students. False alarm. No need to worry, please proceed with your studies.” The students sighed in relief and Bakugou’s smile dropped as he finally realized this wasn’t you going boom.
“You didn’t do this? You aren’t a volcano?” He asked.
“No explody,” you said in a sing-song voice as you shook your head.
“You need a nap?” He asked. Maybe instead of exploding, you could just sleep off the issues.
“Wide awakey,” you replied.
“..You’re gonna burst and destroy the whole village, aren’t ya?” He sadly and metaphorically asked. You nodded your head as you replied.
“......And the neighboring towns.”
Bakugou just groaned and dropped your wrist as he sat back down with an annoyed face. You giggled as you took your seat too.
The bell that signaled the end of the day rang and you were quick on your feet as you skidded to Bakugou and pecked his cheek. He looked up at you with a soft smile, poked his lips out a little, and pointed at his lips for an actual kiss (which you gladly gave.)
“What’s the rush dumbass?” He asked.
“I’ve got somewhere to be. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine!” You reassured him.
“..Alright I guess? You still coming over later for dinner with the old hags or...?”
“I���ll be there Suki!” You said and his nerves settled a bit. He kissed you on your cheek and nodded before he allowed you to leave the room and head off to wherever. As he watched you go, he couldn’t stop the uncomfortable stress he felt in his chest.
A few hours had passed since Bakugou’s last seen you. After school he went straight to the gym before dinner. While working out, his mind couldn’t help but wonder what you were up to. What was so important that it had you rushing around like that?
While Katsuki sat at the gym questioning your whereabouts, you were walking to the park with a book bag. You walked into the closed park. It was beautiful. The calming winds, the soft grass, the shining moon, and the beautiful gardens that held happy statues. Too bad you were here to find out who you were.
You placed the bag down on a bench and pulled out your tools. A brick, a hammer, spray cans, and matches. You looked at the instruments you brought and sighed at your actions. Were you really going to demolish a beautiful place just to discover yourself? Was this bad girl image really worth it? You hesitated before you went in to pick up the hammer but before you could, a familiar voice spoke up.
“Well look what we have here. Miss Y/N L/N, the rebel herself.” You turned around to see a few old friends. Haruki Gen, the professional gambler and money hussler and Izumi Tobio, the ruthless fighter. These two were your old friends. People you used to get into a whole lotta trouble with. You three were a delinquent trio that were all about no rules and no restraints. You completely forgot this was the usual hang where you three would just relax after a hard day of mean pranks, harmless stealing, and bullying.
“Haruki. Izumi. S’been awhile,” you said with a nonchalant smile.
“Of course it has. You left us after you got with that blondie boy-wonder.” Haruki teased. You chuckled but were offended as they picked at your boyfriend.
“His name is Katsuki.” You said with your hands in your back pockets.
“Whatever,” Izumi interrupted. “It’s a little dark out here. It gets scary when it gets dark around here.”
“Oh, I appreciate the warning.” You softly said with rudeness laced into the message.
“So where’s boy wonder?” Haruki asked.
“Boy wonder. We see you got a brick and hammer here. Boy wonder isn’t gonna stop you?”
“Once again, Katsuki.” You warned.
“Yeah yeah. You gonna tell us what you’re doing here with those things. Whatcha’ gonna do? Build a house?” She teased.
“She’s Y/N L/N. She’s gonna burn the place down,” Izumi said as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Nah,” Haruki Said. “She’s changed. She’s gone soft. Just like boy wonder.”
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to start calling him Katsuki.” You warned.
“You’re soft like Katsuki. Better?” Izumi said softly into the side of your face.
“I’m not soft.” You said but Izumi disagreed.
“Yeaaahhhh you are. You’ve gone soft. But that’s okay. ‘Cuz we can fix that. And you know how we fix things? With a hammer.” She said and looked to Haruki. You both watched as Haruki went to pick up the hammer you brought and walk back to her spot next to you. “We could do a loootttt of damage with this equipment. Is that what you came here for? To see what you’re still capable of?”
“....Yeah....yeah I came to see what I’m still capable of.” You replied with a quiet but dark voice.
“Really?” Izumi said. “Because I’d love to have you back here doing damage with us.”
“Mhm!” Haruki agreed. “Now...watch and remember that this is what we do with a hammer.” She said before she bashed the head clean off the neck of a statue that oddly resembled your own boyfriend. You slightly flinched at the sound and sight of destruction while Izumi walked to Haruki.
“Okay slugger, let’s give someone else a chance,” she said and took the hammer from Haruki before placing it in your hands. “Show us what you got....softie.”
You took the hammer and once again hesitated before you raised the tool in the air to smash the statue. You freezed midway before you could finish the job. The statue really did remind you of Katsuki and you didn’t know if you had it in you to destroy anything reminding you of him. You paused for awhile and Izumi sighed as she took the hammer out of your hand.
“You’re soft L/N. I know it. You know it.”
“You’re not one of us anymore.” Haruki said.
“Exactly. You’re too soft to be one of us.” Izumi pushed you a bit, causing you to stumble forward slightly. “You chose the wrong group of friends. Chose the wrong person to associate with....you chose him. And he made you weak. So why don’t you just admit he made you weak and go home-“
“No. Because I’m not week.” You said as you faced them.
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Haruki said as she walked towards you and you to her. “Take this hammer from me and prove it. Or else I’m gonna bust up Mr. Perfect right in front of you. ‘Cuz I don’t see anyone here who can stop me.” She said as she motioned towards the statue. She went in to bash it once more and you were quick to grab her arm and snatch the hammer out of her hand.
“Yeah there is,” you said and walked to the bench and picked up the hard piece of rock. “‘Cuz I’ve got the brick, and I’ve got the hammer.”
The two girls smirked at you and Izumi spoke up once more. “Good for you L/N. You know what you’re gonna do with those?”
You sighed through your nose before taking your arm and wrapping it around Izumi very casually, but brought her below your level and whispered in her ear but remained loud enough for Haruki to hear. “I know exactly what I’m gonna do with those.....I know exactly who I am.”
You pushed Izumi off of you and watched her backup to Haruki. They both looked at you in shock and slight fear as you held the weapons that you were capable of harming them with. You stared them down as they watched you with caution.
Hinata L/N. Your mother. She returned home at a surprisingly early hour of the night after finishing her final shift. She was exhausted and completely overworked, but knowing she made some money to support her and her daughter made her smile. She was glad she got to come home and spend some time with her daughter but when she called out your name, only silence filled the air.
She walked to the kitchen but stopped in shock to find the dinner she left for you completely untouched. It remained on the island with the Saran Wrap still covering it. Worried, she went up to her daughters room only to open it and see no one. Hinata’s eyes went wide in shock. Where was her baby girl? She ran to the closet in hopes of you being there, went to the bathroom to find it empty, and even went to the backyard to no avail. The entire time she screamed your name with tears filling her eyes. In a panic, she called a close friend of hers, telling her that she was on her way for a quick visit. It may have been years since they’ve spoken, but the bond was still there and help and comfort was all she needed right now.
Bakugou had finished his time at the gym, took a quick shower there, and made it home. When he walked through the front door, he didn’t expect to find his worried parents consulting a sad woman.
“The hell happened?” The young blonde questioned. The adults in the room took notice of the boy as he walked into the living room and Mitsuki was the first to speak up.
“Katsuki, this is my old friend Hinata. She’s come here for help.” Mitsuki quickly explained. Usually, she’d check her son for his abrasive language but let it slide as she wanted to out her full attention of her dear friend.
“That still doesn’t explain what happened, ya old hag.” Bakugou said placing his bag down and taking a seat. He was a hero trainee and it was in him to help those in need. Granted, he was kinda peeved at not seeing his girlfriend for a few hours and helping out some random, sappy, sad stranger wasn’t really intriguing but a hero’s gotta do what a hero’s gotta do.
“My daughter, Y/N, had gone missing.” Hinata explained. She was worried, yes, but she had always allowed Y/N to wander the city so in the back of her mind she hoped her daughter was just extending the time of her little stroll or whatever she was doing.
“Y/N?” Bakugou whispered to himself.
“Katsuki, you idiot! Your girlfriend!” Mitsuki shouted at the boy. Bakugou’s eyes popped open as he stood from his seat in a rush. He felt his heart about to blow in fear of something bad happening to his Y/N.
“WHAT?! Where the hell did she go?!” Bakugou screamed in fear with a worried look. Before any adults could answer a cop walked through the open door.
“I can answer that.” Officer Haru said. The four of them all looked towards the door to see the officer at the door way. They watched as the officer faced the door and tilted his head inwards. In came another officer that dragged along Y/N. The officer kept Y/N’s arm behind her back as she stumbled forward the slightest bit.
“Baby girl, what happened?” Hinata said as she got up in concern. You remained silent as you allowed officer Haru to speak.
“I’ll tell you what happen. Musutafu code 459 and 623.” He said.
“Vandalism? And Physical Assualt?” Masaru said concerned.
“What?!” Mitsuki said in shocked.
“What?” Hinata said in follow.
“Y/N...what the hell did you do?” Bakugou said in concern as he faced you. Your boyfriend kept his worried but stern gaze on you but that was because Bakugou was shocked. He knew you would explode but committing crimes and assault? Not to mention getting arrested? That’s not what he expected at all.
“You...” you began as you slanted your sight to your Pomeranian of a boyfriend. “You did this to me! Lock me up and put me in jail for the rest of my life and don’t allow visitors or else he’ll show up and bring me my stupid homework!” You said as you walked towards him but the officer held his hand out infront of you to keep you from getting any closer.
“Well first of all, I’d be helping your dumbass!” Bakugou said in reply. The officer took a look at Bakugou and spoke again.
“You’re the kid who’s head she put back on,” Haru said as he pointed towards Katsuki.
“What?” The blonde boy said.
“He’s my boyfriend and he ruined me!” You said still being held back by officer Haru’s arm.
“She’s my girlfriend and I love her,” Bakugou said with a stern voice and his hands in his pockets as he glared you down. “Look, Y/N. Just tell me what you did.”
“She assaulted two teenage girls and did a number on a public park. My park. I watch that park every day and it has never met harm not once until she came along.
“I’m sorry...” you softly said. A quick silence filled the room before Haru spoke once more.
“You all care about this girl?”
“We do.” Mitsuki said with 100% sureness.
“Then let’s all take a field trip down to my park so I can show you all just what she did. Let’s go.” Haru said and guided everyone out the door. Katsuki tried to grab your arm to get an explanation on his own but you shook your head, took his hand, and guided him as well.
After a short walk, you all made it to the park. All of you had walked through the gates to find the concrete area had been completely altered. The walls were painted in beautiful colors with inspiring murals, covering them in words of hope. Extremely precise and intricate chalk designs were covering the ground and the once broken statue had been fixed completely. You all looked around in awe. You walked towards the statues and Bakugou followed you.
“.....I had a brick in my hand.”
“Why?” Bakugou asked with a soft voice. You looked up to him with an equally soft expression as you spoke quietly.
“..because somebody went after you..I know you can defend yourself Suki but..still.”
“Who Y/N?” Mitsuki asked with worry. You took a breath before continuing as you opened up about your past a bit.
“..These two girls I used to know. These two troubled girls I used to know. I could’ve been them..I was one of them. And Suki, even today I would’ve been one of them.” You said but you made eye contact and broke into the smallest smile as you stared into his ruby eyes. “But I’m not. ‘Cuz they think a hammer and a brick makes you strong and as much as I wanted to throw a brick through a window..I knew it would’ve made me weak. I’m strong. And I know it’s because there’s something inside me that stops me from being weak and being one of them, and you are the reason why I have that something. And that something is the reason why I’ll never do any true damage.”
“Because you’re not bad, Y/N.” Bakugou said with a soft smile. You nodded your head and agreed.
“Yeah....why am I not bad?” You asked in confusion. Bakugou chuckled as he took your hands in his and placed his forehead to yours.
“Because it’s just not who you are. You may be a rebel at times, but you’re a rebel with a cause....it’s why I love you.” He softly said and you whimpered a bit at his words as he pulled you in for a tight hug and you slightly weeped into his shoulder. He kissed your temple to calm you down and you pulled your face away from him and just allowed your body to rest against his.
“What happened to the girls?” Masaru asked. You pulled away from Bakugou but allowed him to hold onto your side as you explained with a quivering voice.
“Oh, well they may or may have not insulted everyone and everything I love, so I may or may not have used my hero training against them until they learned their lesson.....especially since they were the ones who destroyed the statue.” You explained and they all just chuckled at your explanation.
“Yeah....they ran away so fast,” you chuckled out softly.
A comfortable silence came around until officer Haru spoke again. “My park. I watch this park everyday.”
You pulled away from Bakugou and stepped to the officer. “...I’m sorry..” you quietly said as you placed your wrists together, expecting the old officer to cuff you. Instead he stared at your wrists before softly grabbing them with his hands and just holding them.
“..You know I’m not gonna give up on that Izumi and Haruki. But I don’t want you to be anything like them.” Old officer Haru said with a comforting voice.
“Heh...I can’t....Katsuki won’t let me.” And the group all chuckled and laughed at that. Haru let go of your hands as he spoke again.
“Musutafu code 459 and 623. Vandalism. Physical Assualt. I’m gonna write this report down. And I’m gonna put it into a file. And then I’m gonna “misplace” that file. And if I never hear from you two hoodlums again, then that file remains misplaced.” He said, admitting to letting you off the hook. You sighed a little as Katsuki walked up to the two of you and softly spoke to you.
“....Ima hoodlum.” He said. Oh, the comedic relief this boy is bringing. You looked at him but went back to the officer as you looked at him in confusion.
“Why’re you letting me off the hook?” You asked but officer Haru just looked around at his newly renovated park.
“My park....I look at this park everyday....I have hope for this park too.” You smiled at him before he nodded with his cap and walked away from you all. The adults all looked at the two teens and saw Katsuki nod his head as he held you. They decided to give the two of you some space and head back to the house while you and Katsuki took a seat on the bench. You sat next to each other in a warm silence as Katsuki kept an arm around your waist and held you tight.
“...You still owe me an explanation Y/N.” He said and you nodded as you looked to him. He was right. You not only owed him an explanation but he deserved one too. And so you told him everything. All the lies, how your father left early on, how it was just you and your mother who struggled to keep the lights on. You told him you lied to him to prevent him from worrying, claiming that the troubled life was everything you knew and you thought you would be able to survive without his help. When he asked how his mother knew yours but didn’t know that you were the daughter of her dear friend, you told him how she did know but you begged her to not tell Katsuki. You told Mitsuki you would tell Katsuki eventually but eventually never came until now. Katsuki, being the great boyfriend that he is, listened to everything. He didn’t judge you for anything. Was he a little mad at the lies? Yes, but he understood. And he still loved you nonetheless.
Eventually, it became so late that the sun began to rise over the park and you were all cuddled up into Katsuki’s side with your knees pressed up against your chest. He rested his head on yours as you rested your own on his shoulder. You both just reveled in the intimate moment and savored every second.
“Hey princess?”
“Yeah Suki?” Bakugou looked towards the statue and smiled before speaking.
“Thanks for putting my head back on.”
You looked at him, pecked his cheek, and snuggled in closer.
“Yeah.....same to you.”
A/N: Hey Cubs! I know this wasn’t really a Bakugou x Reader kinda thing but I like the story line of it and I wrote it so HAH! Truthfully though, I hoped you all enjoyed it. Stay tuned. Oh! And part 9 of “Oh, The Lies You Tell” will be out shortly! See you soon Cubs!
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ethanharli · 3 years
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Requested; No.
Pairing(s); Kuroo Tetsurou x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s); Drabble(?), Angst, Heartbreak, Swearing, Depression, Overthinking, Yelling.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I wanted sadness with my comfort character cause I'm an emotional masochist, and I needed to vent somehow. 🙇
A smile settled on your face, as you slowly got everything set up in the kitchen. You planned on making a special dinner tonight since the weeks been stressful, for both you and your lover. Though Kuroo looked like he's been put through the ringer. He's been extra snappy lately and wouldn't dare make eye contact, or try to hold a conversation, hell, he wouldn't even bother. It'd be a lie if you said it didn't hurt, but you tried your best to be understanding and hoped that he'd feel better soon. So, you thought why not have a relaxing dinner? He always loved those, especially when you both watched a movie together.
Speak of the devil. Your eyes practically lit up when you spotted Kuroo entering your shared apartment, and you went to greet him at the door with a kiss as you usually did, only to be nudged out the way and brushed off. You stood there for a second, trying to ignore the way your heart dropped in that moment. "How was work baby?" You asked, walking into the kitchen while he set his stuff down in the dining room. "Same old" His voice was neutral, same as it has been these past two weeks. "Well hopefully it'll get better right? Though I decided to make something special tonight, want to help?" You smiled, trying not to think about how his brows furrowed in possible annoyance.
"Fine" A small sigh slipped past your lips, trying to let the blunt answer wash over you. Handing him a cutting board you started to wash the vegetables in a painful silence. "What movie would you like to watch tonight? I was thinking-" A harsh slam came from beside you, making you jump and look towards Kuroo in concern until he spoke. "Shut up already! Fuck I can't do this anymore!" The look in his eye made your heart drop to your stomach, he looked mad, frustrated even, but guilty to. He looked so tired and drained, and you wanted to help him, to comfort him, but refrained, "Do what anymore?" You mumbled softly.
"This! Us! I don't- I don't love you, [Y/n], and I don't think I ever did" His voice quivered as he spoke, stuttering the words as tears gathered in his eyes. However, tears were already running down your cheeks and your heart felt hallow, almost completely numb as you tried to muster a smile. "Oh, so.. These past few months, it was all a lie?" You said, barely above a whisper as Kuroo quickly shook his head.
"No- I mean yes- I don't, I'm sorry, I think, I think I only loved the attention you showed me, that you gave to me, but I know I, I never loved you." Every word just hit harder than the last. Every I love you, every cute pet name, every kiss, every happy moment you've had together. All went down the drain, knowing now that, "It was all fake then huh."
"[Y/n] I'm sorry-"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Your tone was cold and neutral, as you tried your best not to break apart in front of him. "I didn't want to hurt you" You couldn't help but bitterly laugh at that, while more tears slowly fell from your eyes. Everything hurt, it's like you just awoke from a painful nightmare, and yet this is reality, staring you in the face.
You basically lived a lie.
"Not telling me sooner only makes it worse Kuroo, I guess we're done then right? I'll pack my bags" Before you could walk off he grabbed your arm, turning you to look at him, noticing the tears that now trailed down his cheeks, and the desperation in his eyes.
"We can still be friends though, right?"
"No, cause unfortunately I actually loved you."
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alj4890 · 3 years
All Through The Night
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A Choices: The Royal Romance Dark AU fanfiction. 
A/N Other than my few Bloodbound shorts, I’ve never written anything with supernatural overtones before. After receiving requests to see Liam and Riley’s story if he was a vampire, this storyline was born. Since it is set in one of my favorite books from Pixelberry, I had to include as many of the main and supporting characters as I could. The following chapters will explain more where they and what our main characters are. Not going to lie, I am very anxious to step out of my comfort zone for this, but I’m also super excited to see how it goes. Along with The Royal Romance, I will be referencing and altering both The Crown and The Flame and The Royal Masquerade.
@gkittylove99​​ @krsnlove​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @yourmajesty09​ @mom2000aggie​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @twinkleallnight​ @lodberg​ @twinkleallnight​ @amandablink​ @neotericthemis​  @mm2305​ @sfb123​ @iufilms​​ ​ ​
Once upon a time...
"Father!" Zenobia rushed down the stairwell. "Kenna is at the gates!"
King Luthor's frown deepened as he studied the places his troops had been destroyed. His hope to unite the five kingdoms and wipe off the abomination was for naught.
Kenna would not stop until he and his surviving offspring's heads were on pikes.
...until their blood filled the crystal goblets of the Dark Queen.
"What do we do?" His son, Diavolos, asked.
Luthor knew it was only himself Kenna wanted. After he had killed her mother, hoping to stop the monsters once and for all, Kenna would have her revenge.
If only he had known that she was a vampire...just like her mother.
"Listen carefully." His voice trembled at this possibly being the last time he was able to speak to his son and daughter. "A Nevarkis must always be ready to fight the creatures that prey on the weak and vulnerable."
"But..." Zenobia sniffed. "How? How can we possibly kill the unkillable?"
"She can be killed just like her mother before her." Luthor snapped. "Sunlight. A dagger to the heart. Cutting the head off." His features hardened with resolve. "Know that those are our true allies. Continue your training with daggers. Never stop being vigilant. Educate your children. And remember: where there's one vampire, many more lie in wait in the shadows."
Diavolos stepped forward and gripped his father's shoulder. "We will fight for you."
"No." Luthor corrected. "Fight for our people. The innocent. Fight for a chance to live without fear of monsters."
He cleared his throat. "If I should die--"
"Don't say that!" Zenobia screeched. "We'll be--"
"Kenna is coming for me." Luthor interrupted. "I know I must face the consequences of my actions."
"But--" Divalos lowered his head. "What are we to do?"
"Kill her." Luthor ordered. "Let your emotion be your strength." He took their hands. "And remember that a vampire is nature's evil incarnate. They will do whatever they want and kill anyone who they think is in their way." His voice turned to pleading. "Kill Kenna before she has a chance to kill you."
Zenobia nodded in a jerky manner. Diavolos swallowed with tears in his eyes.
"Good. Now prepare yourselves." Luthor pulled his sword from its sheath. "The devil herself is here."
Two years later...
Kenna cuddled her infant son, humming a lullaby.
Dom came in, a soft smile gracing his lips at the sight of his family.
"How are we this evening?" He asked, placing a kiss first on her lips then one on his son's forehead.
"A little fussy." Kenna explained. "But otherwise perfect."
"Good." Dom stretched then went to stoke the fire. "I will be going out later tonight."
Kenna's head jerked up. "Why? Are there more rumors?"
He nodded, a determined frown formed on his lips. "The Nevarkis brats refuse to let us live in peace." He moved to stand before the window that looked out toward the kingdom he had once lived in.
High in the mountains, the couple and those like them had found sanctuary. They built a kingdom, one of darkness and shadow that allowed them to live freely. He and Kenna were crowned the rulers, chosen by their people...those that were cursed as monsters.
"Si and I will be standing guard." He explained. "I will not risk you or our child."
"Dom..." Kenna pulled him close, capturing his lips in a long tender kiss. "This must end. I was foolish to let my need for revenge take over." Tears sparkled in her eyes. "Luthor might have left us alone if I had given him a chance."
Dom's face contorted into furious hatred. "A Nevarkis can never be trusted!" He gripped her waist, hands heating as he lost his temper. "He would have plunged a dagger into your heart the first chance he had."
"Dom." She said softly when he singed her clothes.
He wrenched his hands from her with a grimace. "I didn't burn you, did I?"
She shook her head. "I'm fine." She tried to lighten the mood. "Just a little overheated."
He took deep breaths to get himself under control. "Stay here where it is safe." His eyes searched hers. "Have you fed recently?"
"No, but I should be fine until you return." Kenna lifted a bottle with blood for their son. "I can call on one of the servants to help me if I need to."
"Promise me you won't go outside." He pleaded.
"Only if you promise to come back to me." She responded.
His lips quirked in that cocky smile she has always adored.
"Always, my queen." He kissed her once more, then slipped out the door to search out their enemies.
Present Day New York...
"Cordonia...land of both beauty and mystery." Riley wrinkled her nose. "Boring."
"No, it isn't." Hana argued. "I think that is the perfect beginning."
"Look at the comments from our last video." Riley swiveled her laptop so her friend could see. "People love our walkthroughs and all but hate my narration."
"Well..." Hana's brow furrowed. "Maybe we should try to add more to it than just narration." She pulled out some sketches. "We could add some animation of the history before showing our footage of the country."
"That might work." Riley mumbled, tapping her pen against her notebook.
The two set to work planning their next project.
After years of trying, they had finally achieved their dream of traveling for a living. The two college friends had taken every class they could on how to make their hopes into a reality. With Riley's love of history and business and Hana's talent with art and fashion, the pair had created a successful travel channel that showcased rarely visited countries and cities around the world.
Hana took care of all the shopping and dining found at their chosen destinations. Her "day trips" were hailed as must see for anyone planning a vacation. Riley took over for what could be found at night. Myths and legends blended in with what could be discovered once the sun set. A place's nightlife was thoroughly researched and reached a wide variety of their audience, causing many to plan a vacation just on her recommendations alone.
"Did your mom suggest where we should go first?" Riley asked, after skimming the same few articles about the elusive country.
"Not really." Hana hedged.
Riley glanced up. "Is she giving you a hard time again?"
"Yes." Hana slumped in her chair. "She told me to call when I was done playing tour guide."
"Geez." Riley grumbled. "Does she not realize that we have created a legit business?"
"Ladies shouldn't be involved in anything that does not pertain to their husband and family." Hana quoted. "I was supposed to have my debut to Cordonian society last year." Angry tears filled her eyes. "She still hasn't forgiven me for missing out on the Masquerade Ball."
Riley wrapped her in a comforting hug. "I'm sorry."
Hana patted her back. "Don't be. I finally feel like I can accomplish anything."
"That's because you can." Riley sat back with a grin. "Especially with planning out what we should focus on first."
Hana giggled as she went to search out some of her old books she had inherited from her grandparents. "These might help you with your part."
Riley's eyebrows lifted over the titles. "The Crown, the Flame, and The Night Queen."
"That is the earliest recorded story of vampires and monsters in Cordonia." Hana explained. "Queen Kenna Rhys and King Luthor Nevarkis both fought over uniting the kingdoms that make up Cordonia." She shook her head in disbelief. "There is a legend that Queen Kenna was a vampire that married a man who could transform into a dragon."
"For real?" Riley eagerly opened the book. "What happened?"
"Luthor died." Hana reached for another history book. "Some say it was a sword fight while others say she ripped his throat out with her fangs."
"Whoa. Either way, she sounds pretty epic."
"His son got revenge though." Hana flipped to another chapter. "He sneaked in one day and supposedly dragged Kenna into the sunlight. Before her husband could save her, she burned to ash."
"Brutal." Riley shivered. "What did the dragon do?"
Hana shrugged. "Supposedly he left with their child to protect him." She pointed at some drawings rendered from the Dark Ages. "Kenna's son came back to extract revenge. He eliminated one entire side of the Nevarkis family tree."
"And let me guess," Riley picked up another book. "The remaining Nevarkis's struck back?"
"It's supposedly been a feud for centuries between the Nevarkis and the Rhys' families." Hana pulled up an image on her phone. "Though one is currently ruling Cordonia."
Riley studied the image. "Queen Olivia Nevarkis. Looks like the Rhys lost the throne."
Hana shrugged. "There's a myth that they still rule Cordonia from the shadows."
"Mythical royal vampires, huh?" Riley laughed at the thought. "I hope I bump into one just so I can figure out who's really in charge."
Hana giggled at the thought. "You would be the only person to ask a logical, government question instead of the usual, whoa you're a real live vampire!"
Riley threw a pillow at her. "Hey! I can be calm and collected when faced with the unknown."
Hana threw the pillow back. "Tell that to the supposed haunted house we visited on our last trip." She broke out into laughter with Riley's defense that squeaking doors were the true villains. "On that note, I'm going to start packing. Our flight leaves first thing in the morning."
"I'll be ready." Riley promised.
Once alone, she flipped to a more current timeline of the supposed Dark Kingdom.
King Constantine Rhys the Third rules over what is his rightful kingdom. Rumors swirl that he is simply biding his time until he can eliminate the usurper, Queen Olivia Nevarkis, First of Her Name. The people know that one day, a Rhys will sit upon the throne, uniting the Dark Kingdom and Cordonia once and for all.
Cordonia's Royal Palace, 2 a.m.
"Heeeerah! Olivia threw her daggers as hard as she could while doing a roundhouse kick.
The blades struck into the chest, head, and groin of the makeshift dummy.
She brushed the few strands of red hair that had escaped her hair clip out of her eyes. With a great deal of scrutiny, she studied her dagger placement.
"The one to the head needs to go deeper."
She spun around with a start at that all too familiar voice.
"You're late." She folded her arms and tapped her foot.
Liam rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. Had to stop off for a quick bite."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "That's not funny."
"Not that kind of bite." He teased, holding up a styrofoam box.
"Oh." She blinked in surprise. "I forget that you enjoy normal food too."
He chuckled at that. "There are certain foods that I don't think any man could ever give up."
Olivia decided to ignore that as she wiped the sweat from her face and neck. "Now that you're here, let's get the formalities over with."
"Very well." Liam gestured toward her. "You may go first."
She sat down on a bench lining one side of the palace gym. She motioned for him to join her.
"Not you!" She hissed when she saw his all too familiar guard.
Drake Walker bristled at her tone. His brown eyes clashed with her green.
"Give us a moment, please." Liam asked him.
"Don't let your guard down." Drake warned. "Remember, she's a Nevarkis."
Olivia tensed. "Perhaps you should remember what happened the last time you said something like that."
She quirked one eyebrow at the man and felt a sense of glee when he winced in memory.
His hand automatically drifted to his side where one of her daggers had once struck true.
With a quick bow to Liam, Drake stepped back out into the hallway.
Liam shook his head. "Are you two ever going to get along?"
"Stop talking stupid." Olivia snapped. "Now then, as you know...I must have my revenge."
"I know." Liam folded his arms and leaned casually against a column.
She eyed him for any sign of hatred.
It drove her crazy how unvampiric he could be.
He seemed almost human.
He seemed...kind.
A vampire is nature's evil incarnate. You can never trust a Rhys.
Those words had been drummed into her skull by her parents and then her aunt after their deaths by Constantine's hand.
And yet...Liam had done the unthinkable.
He had actually been a friend to Olivia.
The night after her parents' funeral, five year old Olivia had been sitting alone before the fireplace, weeping over them.
Her aunt had left her to deal with her own grief and to plan the next attack upon Constantine.
As she searched for a tissue, Olivia jumped back with a shriek at the little blonde haired boy that held the Kleenex box.
His eyes were filled with unshed tears as he handed her a tissue.
"Who are you?" She asked, remembering that a Nevarkis must always be brave.
"I'm Liam." He explained. "I wanted to...I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about your parents." He sniffed and took a tissue for himself. "My mom died too."
Olivia blinked and took a cautious step forward. "Are you...are you a vampire?!"
He nodded.
She whipped out the dagger her mother had given her and rushed at him.
Liam moved faster than she could comprehend, gently keeping her hand above her head.
"Let go of me, monster!" She ordered. "You're why I'm all alone!"
"I didn't do anything." He told her, anguish taking over his handsome features. "I don't want to hurt you or anyone."
"Liar!" She snapped. "That's what you do. Lie and kill." Her tears ran faster down her cheeks. "And now you'll kill me."
"I won't." He promised. "I swear I won't hurt you." He ignored his own tears trickling down his cheeks. His blue eyes burned with resolve. "My mother made me promise never to hurt a human."
Olivia shook her head. It had to be lies. Isn't that what vampires and monsters do? Lull you into letting your guard down so that they could have an easy kill.
"Your father will pay for what he did." She said, hoping to see his true, evil nature. "He must die!"
"I know." Liam slowly released her and took a step back.
Olivia watched in surprise as he sat down before her fireplace and pulled out a silk blue ribbon from his pocket.
He motioned for her to join him.
She slowly lowered herself down, dagger poised in her little fist in case he made a move.
"May I have your hand, please?" He asked.
He patiently waited on her to decide whether or not to give it to him.
She tentatively placed her hand in his.
His lips turned up into a relieved smile as he wrapped the ribbon over their joined hands.
"What are you doing?" She asked, lowering her dagger.
"Making a bond." He explained. "I, Liam Rhys, Crown Prince of the Dark Kingdom, promise to never seek out revenge and to end all vendettas against the Nevarkis family." His blue eyes held her green. "Just as my mother, Queen Eleanor wanted me to."
Oliva's lips parted. "You mean it?"
"I do." Liam's voice held a great deal of sincerity. "I would rather walk into the sun than not do as she asked."
"Oh." Olivia sniffed. She could understand that kind of devotion.
"Do you," Liam's cheeks colored. "Do you think we can be allies?"
"A Nevarkis will never be friends with a monster." She repeated the rhetoric that she knew by heart.
"But," Liam's shoulders slumped. "We're not all bad."
"All monsters are bad at heart."
"I'm not." He pouted. "I don't want to be."
"You're so weird." She muttered.
"Am not." Liam grumbled. "I hope I'm not."
Olivia looked down at their hands still bound together. "I guess since you promised something, I should too."
He didn't bother to hide his surprise.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "I, Olivia Nevarkis, The Crown Princess of Cordonia, swear that after I kill Constantine Rhys, I will lay down my weapons." Her brow furrowed. "I'll pick them back up though if you or any other monster tries anything."
Liam's smile grew. Before she could react, he tugged her into a quick hug.
"Now we can be friends!" He cheered.
"Friends?" She shook her head. "I'm a Nevarkis and you're a Rhys. We can't be friends."
"We will be." He vowed, jumping to his feet. "I have to go before Father finds out I've sneaked out. I'll try to come back in a few nights."
Olivia didn't have a chance to tell him whether or not she wanted him to. In the blink of an eye, he had jumped from her balcony and was already out the palace gates.
That had been the beginning of Liam's visits. Through the years, he had remained true to his promise. He did all he could to befriend her and never tried to sway her from seeking vengeance.
Olivia had once asked him how he could take her threat against his father so easily.
He had merely shrugged, explaining that he knew it was the way of things. His father had killed both her parents, while he had only lost one. He hoped she didn't since he did not wish to see his father or her dead.
Olivia had then told him again how weird he was, bringing another smile to his lips.
And now here he was again, calmly taking her promised vengeance well.
"So what business brings you here tonight?" She asked.
"Father thinks it is time I chose a wife." Liam responded. "I thought you should know that I will be spending more time in your kingdom to find one."
Olivia shot up off the bench. "What? But you promised to never hurt a human!"
"And I will keep true to that." He explained.
"But..." Olivia's brow furrowed. "You'll turn her into a vampire."
"Only if she wishes it." Liam explained. "I won't force her to make such a decision."
"I see." She began to pace while thinking. "You'll have vampire children."
"Only if she's a vampire." He reminded her. "Remember my brother."
Olivia paused. She had forgotten about Leo Rhys, The Great Disappointment of the Dark Kingdom. His mother had begged Constantine not to turn her. It had never been asked before, and in his mercy he had agreed. That was when they all discovered that a monster and a human could only produce a human child. In order for the heir to the Dark Kingdom to be a vampire, both parents had to be the same being.
"And you'll be fine having human children?" She asked. "If you're chosen bride refuses the Vampire's Kiss?"
"Of course." He responded.
"Lord, you're so weird." She muttered.
His smirk flashed. "Let's hope the woman I choose doesn't think so."
"Are there no women in your kingdom you can choose from?" She asked.
"I've looked." He shook his head. "It's hard to explain, but if one doesn't have an arranged marriage, then we must search until we see the one meant for us."
"And you somehow got weirder." She brushed her hands down her pants and held one out to him. "Good luck, I suppose."
"Thank you." He grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. "I'll keep you updated on my progress."
"There's no need."
"Of course there is." He winked at her on his way out. "We're friends."
Her lips parted to once again remind him that they couldn't be. For some reason, she decided not to say it.
Liam had somehow wormed his way into her life and had become the closest friend she had ever had.
The Lee Residence, Shanghai, China...
Lorelei paled as she reread the report. 
It can’t be. Not Now!
Of all the times for this to happen, it would be when her stubborn, foolish daughter decided to visit. 
Given the nature of her relationship with Hana, she knew that there was no way she could convince her to postpone her trip to Cordonia. 
There was only one course of action left to take. She would have to call the one man who was capable of protecting her daughter. She would promise hiim anything as long as he kept Hana out of Liam’s clutches. As much as wanted her to give up this ridiculous hobby she called a job and settled down with the right sort of man, she would never put her in the path of becoming the next vampire queen. 
Setting down the packet of information from one of her informants, she checked to make certain no servant was out in the hallway and then searched for the needed phone number.
Taking a deep breath, she placed the call.
Her trepidation grew when he didn’t immediately answer.
"Lord Beaumont?" 
"Yes." She could hear a door closing in the background. "Who is this?"
"Lorelei Lee." She replied.
"Lady Lorelei." He responded with a recognition. "How can I help you?"
"My daughter and her friend have got it in their heads to come visit Cordonia." She began. "I'm not certain how long they intend to stay, but I was hoping that I could retain your services."
"For what exactly?" Lord Beaumont asked.
"Protection." She replied. "I have heard through certain channels that the dark prince is beginning to search for a bride." She took a deep breath. "We do NOT want our daughter anywhere near that vile creature."
"I understand." He replied. "I usually don't do personal security. With my brother, Bertrand, retired," he hesitated, "it is left up to me to help protect Cordonia's borders."
"My husband and I would be in your debt if you could watch over her in the evenings." Lorelei cajoled. "I've heard that your brother is planning on extending his vineyards. We would be more than happy to invest in the production and distribution of his sparkling wine. Perhaps even let it be the only sparkling wine we serve in our hotels."
"Send me her information and picture. Call her and tell her that since our family is an old friend of yours, that I've volunteered to show them around. Find out where she's staying and when she plans on arriving."
"Oh thank you, my lord. We--"
"I'll also need a contract prepared and signed for all that you offered." He added.
"Yes of course. I'll get everything to you at once." She promised.
Once he ended the call, she sank back down onto her chair. 
She bowed her head and began to pray that her daughter came to no harm these next few weeks. To lose Hana to one of the many creatures that roamed the night in Cordonia was too horrible to even contemplate.
If anyone could keep her daughter safe then it was none other than Lord Maxwell Beaumont.
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stormykatie · 3 years
December 15, 2019
Hey, it's me. We talked before. Now I am back to tell you more stories like I promised. My clock reads 11:30. I'm in bed, drinking my third mug of coffee. I am reading your favorite novel. It's silly but I feel nostalgic as I read it. Every chapter reminds me of you, my darling Ana. Your rawness, your beautiful flaws are all engraved in the words stained in each and every page. But before I totally lose myself in it, I feel it appropriate to ask first, how are you doing tonight? 
How are you doing there, in your time? Are you in bed reading too? Or are you in your desk writing the first line of your poem? It's something about him, isn't it? Oh don't worry, I know. 
I know that you think about love more often than you should. And you stain your notes with things associated with it. I want to tell you it's okay. It's okay to savor the moment. It's okay to fall in love. I don't know what age you are now. Maybe 16? All sweet and innocent. You know I fell in love for the first time when I was 16. Got my heart badly broken six months after I turned 18. It was a lot to go through but I survived. After that I stopped writing for a while. 
They say heartbreak makes a poet. Well it made me numb. I never loved again after I got my heart broken for the first time. I watched my shattered pieces,millions of screaming pieces bleeding on the floor. I spent years trying to mend me. But wholeness seemed evanescent. Lovers came and went, I taught myself to pretend. For years I rolled thousands of I love you's on my tongue while I felt so empty. So empty I wondered if anything could ever fill me up again. For something in me has died that day he ruined my faith in love and destiny. 
But he's a lovely memory. I never regretted loving him. He taught me how to sway in gaiety and laugh with the daffodils. He has to leave all right, and life was never the same. I began drinking when I was 19. I theorized liquor could drown my feelings, wash them all away. Since then I couldn't stop drinking. I took shots after shots as the crowd applaused me until I pass out cold. I was young and broken and stupid. Above all, I was numb. 
At 23, I became totally cynical. I took love for granted. Love took me for granted in return. I played fire like a fire dancer. I got burned but never minded the scars. I slept with lions but never feared death. Those moments, I was gladly signing my death sentence. At 25 I was totally addicted to loneliness. I began dining alone. I began doubting promises. I began driving people to the wall. I began breaking hearts. 
Are you still there?  I hope I am not scaring you with my stories. If I disturbed your poem writing, I'm deeply sorry. I just want to feed you tales. Tales you will search in your mind as precedents, before you make a decision sooner or later. Before you catch fire and burn. Before you catch cold and die. You know they always say, look before you leap. Well I say, listen to all these tales I keep. They waited years to be told. 
I was 27 when I realized it's time. It's time to  lower my guards down. It's time to trust love again. But that one person worthy of everything that I am never came until I was 28. And you know, when I caught a glimpse of him for the first time, I fell dazed. The familiarity was striking. The smile, the voice, the scent, oh it's him. He's the one I've been waiting. I looked at him and the world around me stopped. Everything else stopped. All of a sudden, it's just him and me. Even the cacophony fell silent to hear my heart drum erratically. It was surreal. 
We've been going out for months now and it always feels like the first time. It's crazy but I am head over heels in love with him. And you know what's even crazier, I actually got drank one Saturday to tell him what I feel. Oh, don't laugh at me. It's a clumsy move I know. But I was too nervous like a teenager. Too nervous I can't even act cool when he's around. 
Anyway, I hope you're happy my darling Ana. But if you're somewhere trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea, don't fret. Whatever it is that you're facing in your time, trust me there'll be better days. Tears are temporary. You will feel whole and loved again. If you're currently tearing yourself apart, don't revel too much in the pangs of brokenness. But if you have to, remember it isn't the end. Love will find you, slowly, eventually... 
Sorry I took a little of your time to tell you things you will later discover. You can go back to your poem writing now. Write about him, your love at the moment. Pour all your emotions, ink your diary with words that describe him. You will read them one day as I do now. And you will smile. But I would like you to know, your masterpieces will come years later. When you're 29 and start to write passionately about the man I told you about tonight. 
Wait for him. He will come. 
All my love, 
Your older self
Plot twist: I MARRIED HIM. 💗
-katie, 15:14
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