punderdome · 2 hours
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punderdome · 4 hours
WIP Whenever!
I haven't actually posted a WIP in a while, so here's a Sunday treato! This will happen sometime in the future.
Infernal Jurisprudence: The Creche
The view over the surrounding lands was exquisite in the dusk.  The sun was rapidly setting as Tavara sat on a wall by a cliff face overlooking the monastery. With a flurry of embers and the smell of sulfur and cherries, Raphael appeared on the cliff side with her.
“Such a beautiful sight, don’t you think?” Raphael offered as he observed the horizon, stepping grandly towards the edge to see the sun fading.  Tavara still sat on a large boulder.  
“It is beautiful,” she offered without any further explanation, and she shifted away from him, seeming hesitant at his presence being so close.
“I can see that you are eager to enter a Githyanki creche, but are you eager to leave in the same state?”  Raphael offered, falsely examining his nails.  He smiled at her with a smug grin.
“What are you getting at, Raphael?” Tav demanded.
Raphael sat on the boulder next to her.  He snapped, and a bottle of wine and two goblets appeared.  He poured two goblets of wine and handed one to her.  Tavara took it reluctantly.
“You know I’m never going to give you my soul,” the Little Mouse protested.  She took a quick sip of his wine before holding the goblet tightly in both of her hands.
“I never thought so, my dear.  I did think you needed a respite from your journey, so here I am to indulge you.”  Raphael drank from his own goblet.  “It is not every mortal that can protect a druid’s grove and survive a long encounter with the various beasts of the Underdark.  Given that your heroics tend to keep you quite busy, I imagine that you are in dire need of relaxation.”  Raphael motioned to the goblet in her hands.
“Why do you keep coming around if not for my soul?  I never thought you to be the kind that tended towards charity,”  The Little Mouse caught his gaze directly with her accusation.
“Alas, dear Mouse, I am not.  Though I am a devil who knows what he wants,” Raphael taunted.  You.  The Crown of Karsus. 
Tavara drank from her goblet while contemplating their conversation.  “What is wrong with the creche, Raphael?” she demanded.
“I’m sure your Gith friend has told you all about the zaith’isk,” Raphael gave a quiet chuckle.  The Gith warrior was obviously bound by covenant to say no more details about the procedure because the she herself knew nothing more about it.
“To purge our infection,” Tavara responded shakily, suddenly seeming to doubt everything that she had been told by the Githyanki.  She is certain to start asking more questions now instead of trusting the propaganda that her Gith colleague had been feeding into her ear.
“Yes, to purge your infection,” Raphael responded.  “Tavara, if I may give you some advice, do not go first.”  Raphael stood up and turned to leave, and his Little Mouse stared at him with her jaw gaping.
“Raphael, what’s going to happen?” she demanded more information.
“Do not go first,” was all that he replied.  He grinned, trusting his Little Mouse understood his instruction.  She was always a clever Little Mouse.
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punderdome · 23 hours
Why no romance with the sexiest character?
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This scene is truly magical...
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punderdome · 5 days
Infernal Jurisprudence: Chapter 5
Summary: Raphael sees two sides of Tav and decides he wants them both.
Rating: 18+
Chapter 5: The Priest and the Priestess
Raphael’s pet adventurers ventured further into the goblin camp.  He imagined that the camp was infested with a permanent stench much the same as when he tortured his debtors by turning the food of his dining hall into rot.  Except, the food the goblins consumed appeared to be mostly fresh, the rot in this case seemed to be inherent to the goblins themselves.
Tavara negotiated for an Owlbear cub.  Raphael was never a fan of animals, as they brought too much chaos with their very natures.  The Owlbear cub would not be welcomed in the House of Hope.  Raphael had reluctantly decided that should Tavara demand it, he would allow her to bring her white dog to the House of Hope when she became his consort.  Though the beast would never be allowed in his room or his bed or his archive or his study or his parlor or really most rooms in the House of Hope.
Raphael’s investments entered a dilapidated temple of Selune searching for a healer.  They happened upon a rack and a half-naked man being beaten crudely by goblins. Amateurs.
Tavara managed to convince the torturers of her status as an agent of their goddess and bid them to leave.  Raphael was highly disappointed that his Mouse had decided not to continue to torture the bloody man strapped to the rack in exchange for information.  It would have been invigorating to discover such a delectable streak of violence within her soul.  Though, he should not have expected such violence from her hands, as they preferred to caress instead of cut.
The vampling quickly freed the prisoner, and the tortured man limped through a passageway in the temple wall to escape.
A nearby room held a priest of Loviatar praying to his goddess with acts of self-flagellation.  Raphael found the gods insufferable, though Loviatar’s cruelty made her significantly more tolerable than Lathander or Selune.  At least this priest seemed like he was likely to provide more interesting conversation than a tortured man who could barely speak a few sentences or an entire camp of goblins.
The priest stood and addressed the Little Mouse.  “Greetings child.  I’ve met few aside from goblins here.”
“A follower of the goddess of pain?” the Sharran asked with a smile and a light laugh.
“Loviatar?  You didn’t want to assist with the prisoner they were torturing?” the Mouse asked him.
“I live for pain and its intricacies, you see, but they insisted on being so primitive.”  Raphael agreed with the priest.  Torture could and should be significantly more inventive.  The man Tavara freed would have been singing for his captors the moment he was forced to drag his cock through a pile of broken glass.  That would have been significantly more interesting to watch than a simple beating.
“Pain without purpose is such a terrible thing, wouldn’t you agree?”  Raphael didn’t like the way the priest was looking up and down over Tavara’s form with a smile on his face.  If the priest wouldn’t have liked it so much, Raphael would have whipped him a few times with his own scourge to teach him a lesson in manners.
“It’s appalling,” Tavara answered easily.  Perhaps she had a more ruthless side to her soul after all.
“Exactly, pain is an intimate thing.”  Raphael hated the insinuations the priest was making with  his Little Mouse.  “It should be delivered with a loving and measured hand.”  There was a distinct purr in his voice that Haarlep often used in the Boudoir.  If Tavara wanted that kind of pain so much, Raphael would be pleased to demonstrate it for her instead of her learning it in a filthy goblin camp.
The priest appeared empathetic as he looked into the Little Mouse’s eyes.  “Forgive me, but there’s a look in your eye, something terrible has happened to you, hasn’t it?”  Nothing that Raphael couldn’t fix.
“There are many terrible things that have happened to us, but I am hoping to have a solution to our problems very soon.”  Of course, the answer was Raphael.   “The situation has been quite a burden.”
“Dear child, please let me alleviate the pain of the burdens you carry.”  Tav cocked an eyebrow at him.  “I can alleviate this pain through penance, delivered by a skilled hand.  As the Maiden of Pain, the goddess Loviatar teaches us.”  While Raphael hated the sexual undertones of the priest’s commentary, there was no chance the situation would become carnal with all of Tavara’s foolish companions standing in the room.
The Tiefling was laughing and encouraged Tavara to experience the rite.  “I just have to see this!”  The Warlock looked deeply uncomfortable and offered the Little Mouse a reluctant smile.
“Alright,” Tavara shrugged.  “Why not?”  The look of shock on some of her companion’s faces was delicious.  Raphael was excited to see how his Mouse would take to the scourge.  He hadn’t even started to mentally catalogue which bedroom activities she enjoyed.
“Oh I have something exquisite in mind.  Both Loviatar and I are interested in seeing how you handle pain, dear one.”  As was Raphael.  “Should you delight her, you will receive her blessing.”  Raphael was amused as he watched the Priest of Loviatar slowly circle his Little Mouse.  She had a slight smirk on her face.  “Face the wall, and we can begin.”
Tavara moved across the room to a small alcove.  She stood close to the wall, facing the bloodstained bricks.  Her soft hands undid the fastenings on her sorceress robes and she pulled them down over her shoulders, exposing her corset.  She began to unlace her undergarments, and the foolish wizard quickly fled from the room, followed closely by the Warlock.
Tavara was naked from the waist up with her robes still tied around her hips.  She handed the discarded corset to the Sharran, who took it with an amused smirk.
“This is a side of you none of us have seen before,” the cleric teased.
“We’ve bathed in the river together, you’ve seen the other side too,” Tavara mused back.
Raphael was eagerly waiting to see what would happen next and wishing he could reach through the mirror and turn her around so he could see her face.  And her breasts.  He very much wanted to see those.
Tavara braced herself on the stone bricks, taking a deep breath to try to relax through the rite.
Singing sweetly from his dreams
Loviatar called to use the scourge,
His brave Little Mouse is bare and screams
A delightful image to sate his urge
The crack of the scourge left a bloody mark on the Little Mouse’s back and she cried out.  Her knees buckled slightly and her fingers were desperately clinging to the mortar between the bricks on the bloodstained wall.  Despite this, she regained her composure quickly.  Raphael was fixated on watching her.  He had no idea she had these kinds of tastes.
“You are doing so well, do not give in now!”  the priest praised her.  Did she like that too?
“Would you have joined up with Tav if you knew she was indulging in this sort of thing, Astarion?” the Sharran asked while the Tiefling behind them was cackling with laughter.
“I mean, I had my hopes,” the vampling admitted as another crack was unleashed across Tavara’s back.  Blood trickled out of the two lash marks.
“Don’t wear her out entirely, priest, I may have use for her when we get back to camp,” the Sharran said in a flirty voice.  Raphael hoped she wasn’t serious, but if she was it would make the decision on whether the Gith or the Sharran was the expendable party a significantly simpler decision.
One more lick of the scourge and Tavara cried out again.  She didn’t falter or give in.  Her cries were loud.  The sight of her half naked, bloodied, and willingly enduring more was something Raphael found fascinating.  
The penance was completed and a blessing was given after Tavara had redressed. The vision of her like that was completely erotic.
Raphael set the scrying mirror down on his desk.  If he kept watching her, there was no way he was getting any more work completed that day.
Raphael received several sendings from Korrilla that Tavara was in danger.  She had made a mockery of Gut the goblin priestess and had been taken hostage and locked in a cell in Gut’s chambers.  Korilla had assured him that she would step in if the sorceress wasn’t able to free herself or talk the priestess down.
Raphael immediately grabbed his scrying mirror to observe and noticed several things that Korrilla had failed to mention within the short word limits of the sending spell.
The Little Mouse was chained to the cell floor on her knees by thick iron manacles around her wrists and ankles.  Her wrists were bound to her ankles and she knelt completely helpless.
The other critical piece of information that Korrilla had neglected to tell him was that the Little Mouse was completely naked.  The pathetic priestess had disrobed his Little Mouse in case she was carrying any weaponry or lockpicks.
Raphael took his time observing her.  There was a slight glisten of sweat on her skin from nervousness.  Her thighs were splayed, giving Raphael a full view of her sex.  There were shimmering white scales decorating her inner thighs.  His Little Mouse was such a sight to behold, and Raphael drank it in completely.
If the goblins had decided to attack his Little Mouse right now, Korrilla would spirit her away to the House of Hope, and Raphael would have a full view of a naked and chained Mouse on the desk of his study. She would definitely want to thank him for his heroism.
Tavara was chained for the better part of a day, the priestess was waiting for an Illithid transformation that would never occur.  Her companions were panicking, but the priestess had convinced them that the extraction was successful and her hostage needed to rest in a quiet and comfortable space.  Raphael never would have believed such a ridiculous lie.  Even the pathetic wizard wasn’t questioning the word of a stupid goblin.
Raphael checked on her often, seeing her small mortal form shift to try to find a comfortable position with the chains on the stone of the cell.
When the priestess returned to find a stiff and sore human woman chained and sleeping in her cell, she became irate.  “Open your peepers, freak!”  The goblin slapped Tavara hard across the cheek hard enough to knock her over onto her side and a yelp of pain emerged from her lips.  Unlike her cries at the lick of the scourge, Raphael was not enchanted by that noise. 
Raphael was fuming at both a goblin and a Dwarf.  Where was Korrilla?
“You should be sprouting tentacles by now, but you’re still the same kind of ugly you always was.”  Raphael felt personally insulted by this.
He spotted his favored Warlock emerging from a portal on the other side of the chapel.  Korrilla burned the heart of the priestess’s Ogre protector into ash within the creature’s chest.  The large beast immediately fell dead on the stones.
“Disappointing not to have my own squiddie, but your giblets will make for a tasty supper,” the priestess raised a dagger to harm the helpless Little Mouse, but Korrilla came up from behind her and slit the goblin’s throat.  Blood sprayed everywhere, covering Tavara’s naked form. 
This, too, was a highly erotic sight.
His disheveled Little Mouse sat naked and chained in a cell, bound for him and completely helpless.  Blood dripped down her body.  Raphael could almost taste the scent of sulfur and iron.  A trail of blood ran over her scales, leaving small red crystals where they froze.  She was unable to cover herself or clean the blood away.
“Sorry - I may have left that a little late.  No lasting damage I hope?” Korrilla inquired as she went to break the chains.
“And who are you?” Tavara asked, running her hands over her wrists and ankles, raw from the manacles.
“Korrilla Hearthflame, at your service.”  Korrilla was certainly being polite enough, but Raphael would have bowed.  Manners .  “You’ve made quite an impression on my master, he sends his regards.”
“Your master?  Raphael?” Tavara asked with an incredulous look on her face.
“Yes, yes,” Korrilla said hurriedly, anxious to get back to service.  “He’s very interested in your condition,” she explained but trailed off slightly.  “...and you.”
“Thank you,” Tavara offered quietly as Korrilla disappeared again.  She bent over to pick up her clothing, realizing that all of it would be covered in blood.  The Little Mouse searched for a ewer of water, but she settled for placing an iron cauldron of frost from her veins into a pot over the fire in the hearth to melt.
There was a click in the lock on the door, and it swung open with a pack of angry and concerned adventurers.  The Tiefling ran to Tavara’s discarded clothing, and she and the Gith quickly searched the room for their missing companion.
“Soldier!” the Tiefling exclaimed as she saw his Little Mouse, tending a cauldron of slush on the hearth.  “We thought you were in trouble!  Why are you covered in blood?” she demanded with the flames on her skin flickering higher.
“And why are you naked?” the Gith demanded.
“She’s what?” the wizard exclaimed before quickly covering his eyes.  He should, or else Raphael would have to pry them from his skull with a butter knife.
“Well, Priestess Gut is dead,” Tavara offered lamely.  “She was about to cook and eat me, and one of Raphael’s warlocks killed her.  The blood isn’t mine.”  Raphael puffed his chest out with pride.
“Tas’ki!  Again, istik, why exactly are you naked?” the Gith demanded again.
“Priestess Gut disrobed me before chaining me in that cell over there.  She was waiting for me to start ceremorphosis.”
“So the goblin priestess was unable to remove the parasite?” the vampling asked, blatantly running his eyes over bloodied and naked Tavara.  “Oh, my my,” he purred.  “ Twice in a row, it seems.”
“No, she was unaware of her own infection,” the Little Mouse confirmed.
“Bloody Hells,” the Sharran said with an exasperated tone at the sight of Raphael’s Mouse.  “Gale, can you just come here and clean Tav using prestidigitation?”
“No,” the wizard whined in refusal.
“Fine,” the cleric said with a grumpy, frustrated tone.  “Aqua pura!”   Water splashed over the Little Mouse’s form, and diluted streaks of blood washed from her body.  She was still covered in diluted goblin blood but was significantly cleaner.  The Sharran handed her her robes and clothing.  Tavara dressed herself quickly.
“Can we look now?” the foolish wizard asked with exasperation.
“You can look,” Tavara said hurriedly as she pulled on her boots.
“Well, this was certainly interesting,” the vampling continued to muse.
Raphael set the scrying mirror down on his desk.  He snapped and arrived in the Boudoir.
Haarlep greeted him with a low, lusty purr.  They crawled to him on all fours, their wings gently flapping behind them.
“Change into the Archduchess,” Raphael ordered.  His incubus immediately complied.  The purring continued at a higher pitch.
Raphael snapped and both of them were moved into an empty cell in his dungeons.  His cells and the cell in the goblin camp weren’t exactly the same, but that was starting to matter less and less.
Haarlep growled.  “Master, well this is certainly an exciting development!”  They paced around the cell, absently touching the dim torches and rusty chains dangling from the walls.  “If I had known you liked this kind of play so much, we would have done it far more often.”
Raphael collected a set of manacles from a rack.  “Strip,” he ordered quickly.  Haarlep removed their harness and proudly stood naked before him.  “Kneel,” Raphael instructed.  The incubus dropped to their knees.  Raphael chained their ankles and wrists together.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was close.
There was certainly a debtor he could obtain fresh blood from.  Though the Little Mouse probably wouldn’t like that.  She would rather be clean when bared for him like this.
Raphael pushed Haarlep onto their back on the stone floor.  Raphael snapped to remove his clothing and knelt between Haarleps spread knees.  The incubus was twisting to give him better access.  Raphael knelt between their knees and promptly entered them.  He let out a deep groan of satisfaction.
He closed his eyes, picturing how she looked on the floor of the cell.  She was so tight and wet around him.  She was thanking him for rescuing her.
Haarlep kept trying to capture his mouth to give him venom.  Raphael refused.  He didn’t want to be raging with demonic lust while he lay with his Little Mouse.  He pressed his mouth to the incubus’s neck to avoid receiving their saliva.  He buried his face in Tavara’s hair.  Hells, he wanted to lick the sweat off of her neck while he lay with her.
“Master,” Haarlep cooed.  Yes, in this state, the Little Mouse would probably call him master.
“You’re lucky I was able to save you, my dear,” Raphael groaned between thrusts.
“Yes, I am so, so lucky,” The incubus murmured in his ear. Raphael tried to ignore every grunt or moan coming from the incubus.
“I would never have let her kill you,” Raphael said softly into the Little Mouse’s ear.  “I ensured you were protected.”
“Oh my hero,” Haarlep moaned below him.  He did save her.
Raphael closed his eyes again and remembered the lewd noises the Little Mouse would make while she pleasured herself.  She was making those noises now.  Now, she wouldn’t need to cover her mouth to stifle them.
Raphael came inside of his incubus with a deep, chesty groan.  He rode out his pleasure and withdrew from Haarlep.  They were licking their lips and seductively spreading their knees, so Raphael could see his seed dripping out of them.
“Defiling a beautiful maiden you saved from a dark dungeon, my gallant knight?” the incubus teased.  “I could have been so much more virginal for you.”  They demurely pressed their knees together.
“No,” Raphael didn’t elaborate.  He snapped and was redressed.  Without another word, he turned away from the incubus and left the dungeons.
Huge thanks to @courier-jackalope for her idea about torturing someone by running their dick over broken glass. I struggle to think of enough really deranged ways to torture people. Raphael would not be impressed by my torture prowess. Leave me a message, suggest a new torture method! I'll add it and give you a credit for the idea!
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punderdome · 6 days
Prompt requests: Raphael (x Tav)
I need some prompt reqs for little one-shots. Multichapter fics are really fun (I accidentally wrote multichapter fucks, and I honestly should have just left the typo), but it's nice to have something short and sweet once in a while.
Dark, angsty, funny, Haarlep, ridiculous smut, whatever.
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punderdome · 8 days
Raphael would definitely win. That cambion fights dirty.
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I want Gale and Raphael to fight over the Crown of Karsus. Ideally while both naked and oiled up.
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punderdome · 9 days
Fandoms. Fandoms never change, but their meeting places evolve!
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Some things never change
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punderdome · 11 days
Hello friends! Here is your email indicating that I spent lots of time over the last week-ish writing porn I imagined!
Ao3 subscriptions are so fucking wild to me. Every time I write my silly fanfictions and post them 124 people get an email just to let them know that this idiot is posting their fanfictions again. I send 124 people an email every time I write smut. Imagine sending 124 physical letters out just to be like “hello everyone, I put some guys we made up in our heads through the horrors again.” Absolutely absurd. I am kissing all of you on the lips.
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punderdome · 12 days
The Fine Print: Chapter 14
Summary: Guests from Mephistar provoke both Raphael and Tav.
Rating: 18+
CW: This chapter does contain some dialogue that involves sexual assault threats. None of it is acted on, but if you are particularly sensitive to discussions of sexual abuse or domestic violence threats, consider whether or not you want to read. If you want I'll send you an overview of what happens in the chapter, just leave a message or response in the comments, and I will be happy to provide plot synopses so you can keep up with the story while maintaining your well-being.
Chapter 14: The Emissary
The emissary from Cania was arriving that evening.  
Tav had never been more fussed over in her life.  An army of maids stormed into her room and made sure she was thoroughly washed.  Her hair was pinned into an elaborate style at the back of her head.  Her hair was twisted and curled around itself with a thin silver chain.  Tav’s eyes were richly drawn with precisely applied kohl and her lips painted red.
She was given a pair of lace red smallclothes and helped into the outfit Raphael had selected for the evening.  He wanted her to wear the plunging red gown with the slit up the side that he enjoyed.  Her ruby necklace was clasped around her neck and the bracelet around her wrist.  When Tav went to put the ring on, one maid stopped her.
“The Master of the House has asked you not to wear your ring this evening.”  Tav nodded.  There was a deep ache in her chest that Raphael hadn’t wanted her to wear her wedding ring.
Wearing a pair of delicate slippers, Tav was ready for the evening and to be presented to her husband.
There was a knock at her door.  Tav and the maidstaff exited her room.  The maids all bowed in turn to Raphael before fleeing back for their tasks for the rest of the evening.  Raphael’s eyes scanned her appearance before he gave an almost imperceptible nod of approval.
“Good evening, Raphael,” Tav greeted with a smile.
He was richly dressed in his finest silk doublet of black, red, and gold.  Not a hair was out of place.  The Crown of Karsus was worn proudly between his cambion horns.
“Good evening, wife.”  He offered her his elbow, and she took it.  They started to walk together through the House of Hope.
“They do not know much about you, and I do not wish them to know.  Do not speak unless I tell you to, do you understand?  If you do need to answer, only speak in Common.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
As they neared the parlor, Raphael’s entire demeanor changed.  He went from being terse and irritable to adopting a magnanimous and hugely prideful posture. Tav had no idea what to expect as they entered.
A dozen male devils wore the sigils and colors of Mephistopheles.  They were lounging around various padded armchairs around the parlor.  The room was aglow with bright beeswax candles and the aroma smelled sharply of Hellfire whiskey.  Valets flitted in and out of the room refilling glasses of whiskey and serving canapes and other hors d'oeuvres.  There was harsh Infernal chatter that quieted as Raphael entered the room.
“The Master of the House of Hope,” Raphael was introduced to the room by his highest ranking valet in Infernal.
The party of visitors stood to greet them.  Tav recognized elaborate golden chains and jewelry on horns of one of the devils that indicated he was the primary emissary sent for negotiations.  He went to greet Raphael.  Raphael removed Tav’s hand from the crook of his elbow and greeted his guest.  Unsure of the etiquette on what to do next, Tav stood silently nearby and lowered her gaze to the floor.
“Master Raphael,” the devil boomed in formal Infernal.  “I want to thank you for the pleasure of your hospitality.”
“Arrakos Maalphus,” Raphael greeted in return.  They must have already been acquainted from the Eighth Hell.  “It is my pleasure,” Raphael responded proudly, but Tav could recognize the slight edge of contempt.  Raphael gestured for the party to sit.
Tav’s devil husband walked over to the most ornate chair in the room and sat down.  He gestured for her to follow him.  “Come,” he said in Common tongue.  There were a few slight snickers at Raphael’s language change to address her.  Tav took a seat on Raphael’s lap.  One of his claws wrapped around her waist.
She kept her gaze mostly at the floor, trying to avoid the heat of various devil eyes staring at her.  She was perched on Raphael’s lap like an exotic cat.  Hellfire whiskey was served to Raphael, and nothing was offered to her.
The devils started to mingle, and Tav paid close attention to the conversations around her.  Raphael was given news from Cania and some of the latest court gossip there.  He would occasionally give a booming laugh at some of the commentary from Master Maalphus.
“Do you think we can feed her some Hellfire whiskey?” one of the devils mused to another, his mouth clicking away in Infernal.
“Mortals cannot drink the stuff, it will burn her gullet out,” the one next to him responded.
“Exactly.  It would make the evening exciting in such a dreadful palace.”
“Do you think he enjoys breaking her?” another mused.  Tav kept her hands calmly placed in her lap.
“I would enjoy breaking her.”
“We should ask if we can have her services in the boudoir later.  Maybe we can watch her get fucked in the ass by the incubus.”
“Or maybe we can fuck her in the ass ourselves while the cambion watches.”
Tav was glad to have Raphael’s steady hand around her waist.  Her husband was calmly discussing news with Master Maalphus, and Tav was trying to ignore the banter from the guests that involved her being fucked or broken.  She had to tightly hold onto her skirts to keep her hands from fidgeting.  
She raised her eyes slightly, seeing the devils talking about her while making raucous laughter.  One of them waved at her mockingly.  “Stupid mortal bitch,” he muttered to his comrades.  Tav used her magic to cool her face before it became red hot, but as it melted on her skin, she worried it was just making her appear sweaty.
The devils chatted amongst themselves for a time while Tav sat in silence, listening to the discussions in the parlor.  The stench from the Hellfire whiskey and concentrated devil musk was making her agitated.
Raphael’s favored valet returned and announced that their feast was ready to be served.  Raphael gestured to Tav to stand, and she took his elbow as he led the diplomatic party through the House of Hope to the dining hall.
A long rectangular table had been set for Master Maalphus and his entourage.  Raphael led Tav to the far end with the lower ranking devils and bade Tav silently to sit down.  He returned to the opposite side and sat with Master Maalphus and the senior devils.  Tav couldn’t really hear what was being said at Raphael’s end of the table.
Wines and other liquors were poured for the guests by servants.  The feast was laid out before them.  Most of the dishes were meats of Infernal origin, but Tav did catch a glimpse of decidedly humanoid roasts.  Her stomach turned.
The devils around here were laughing at the green twinge on her face while they passed around cuts of Drow steaks.  Tav took a small scoop of a potato dish, but mostly ended up pushing it around on her plate.  Since she was ordered to be silent, she also tried to avoid eye contact.
Raphael was deep in conversation with the devils around him.  He glanced up at her every once in a while, and she offered him a weak smile.
“Open up, I’m sure you like the taste of Drow,” the devil to Tav’s right had cut a piece of steak and was holding it out in front of her face.
“Caahor, probably only when sucking one.  She would probably eat it if it was cock,” another devil responded gleefully.
“She would definitely swallow in that case.”  They didn’t know she could understand every word that they were saying around her.  She couldn’t let them know.
Tav took a small sip of wine.  She had to maintain tight control over herself and not disobey Raphael’s orders at his important diplomatic meeting.
The devil Caahor was still trying to get her to open her mouth.  Tav looked up at Raphael with a quick pleading look.
Raphael quickly stood up and clinked his goblet with a piece of silverware.  “I would like to propose a toast to my esteemed guests.  To a most fruitful partnership.”   His marriage toast.  Raphael toasted and looked directly at her, as the devils around the table gleefully drank from their glasses following his Infernal speech.  Tav paused an extra moment or so before taking a sip of wine. 
She wasn’t supposed to appear to understand Raphael’s toast, but his message was loud and clear to her.  Whatever was still happening in their marriage now, it was the two of them versus Mephistopheles’s diplomatic party.   
To signify she understood, Tav tapped the gemstone on her wrist.  Raphael grinned.
Raphael, ever the magnanimous host, sat down to entertain his father’s emissary further.
“DO YOU ENJOY AVERNUS?” another devil spoke loudly and slowly in Common tongue as though she couldn’t understand him.  Tav put on a polite smile, the mocking was at least more palatable than the forkful of Drow Caathor was trying to shove into her mouth.
“IT IS NICE.”  Tav responded slowly with exaggerated Common tongue enunciation.  A few of the devils around her snickered.  “I’m quite pleased with the weather and the view,” she continued calmly.
“She would have a better time in Cania with a real devil cock,” another devil further down the table said under his breath in Infernal.
Tav smiled and tried a demure blush, pretending she thought the comment was some variety of kind compliment.
“Tell me, gentlemen, are you enjoying your visit to the House of Hope so far?” Tav asked sweetly in Common tongue.  The devils around her were merely Hellish patriars.  Tav knew her way around a patriar party.  Master Maalphus’s entourage didn’t know she spoke Infernal and so far all seemed to think she was stupid.  Tav could assist Raphael by learning as much as she could to help him turn the tides of the negotiations.
The devils near her didn’t respond.  “Was the Drow steak to your liking?” she tried starting up a conversation again.
“Of course,” Caathor answered, “you should have indulged in a taste.”
“Drow has too much of a mushroom flavor for me,” Tav answered easily in Common tongue.
Tav started to formulate a plan at the table.  Devils didn’t typically take challenges from mortals well.  If she pushed back against them just enough, the dam would break, and the party would be easier to manipulate.
Tav played it slowly with quiet discussions of Baldur’s Gate in Common, as the Infernal beings around her made small talk.  The devils near her were taking in a lot of Hellfire whiskey and becoming rowdy.
Master Maalphus slammed the table with his fist.  “Quiet, you absolute fools!” he commanded in Infernal.
The conversation around her ceased.  The emissary addressed her directly.
“Tavara Aureum, the Savior of Baldur’s Gate,” Master Maalphus stated in Common tongue.
“Yes, my Lord,” Tav affirmed.
“How in the Hells did you get her?” Maalphus asked Raphael in Infernal.
“Seduction,” Raphael answered easily.  Tav looked and smiled sweetly at the two of them.  The emissary huffed an assent.
Despite the orders to be quiet, the devils around Tav were continuing to consume more Hellfire whiskey and picking up the noise of their conversation.  Maalphus slammed his fist on the table again to silence them.
“Let them enjoy the finest liquors the Hells have to offer,” Raphael offered congenially.  “This is a night for the celebration of our diplomatic discussions tomorrow.”  Tav sat silently, listening for the loosenings of devil tongues.
“Abarex, what position would you fuck the mortal slut in first?” Caathor gestured to her.  Tav sat silently, listening in on their conversation.  “I’m planning to take her from behind, the cambion is too busy sucking Maalphus’s dick to notice if I take her back to our room.”
“I would make her suck my cock dry,” Abarex answered, the Infernal consonants starting to slur.  “I think I should take her around the corner and show her what a real Infernal consort does.”
“I think we grab her when her master isn’t looking and show her real devil cocks.  We have to break her in before Mephistopheles gets his hands on her.”  Caathor answered.
“Then let’s all take a turn before bringing her back to Cania.”  Abarex countered.  The devils around them laughed.  Tav remained passive, but internally, her magic was roiling.
“Let’s just grab her before she makes it back to the cambion’s bedchambers.  We deserve to be serviced while in his home.”  Tav now understood exactly why Raphael had commanded her never to be alone with them.  Tav blinked demurely at them.
Raphael called for the party to retire for the evening.  He rose magnanimously and offered an elbow to his wife.
“My Lord, should we show them the archive, it’s quite impressive,” Tav suggested in Common tongue.
“Do you have a true collection, Master Raphael?” the emissary asked quickly, humoring her.
“My master has a true collection that I have enjoyed.  There are eight tomes that I think I must have read and reread a total of thirty seven times. ”
Raphael stiffened.
“Eight different tomes read that many times?  I think I must bring in more varied works into my archive,” Raphael mused.
“Yes, you know I am an eager reader,” Tav agreed, pleased that Raphael seemed to catch onto her reference of Canian law tome 8, part 37.  The Laws of Hospitality.
“It is a nice suggestion, but I must show our guests to the Boudoir for the evening.”  Raphael offered in Common.  The drunken Fiends were easy to corral.
“That is such a pity, my Lord,” Tav said with a tinge of disappointment.  “So many of your best works should be observed a minimum of three times.”
“I doubt the cambion has any of those types of works,” a Fiend behind her stated in Infernal.
Raphael snapped, and Tav was sent back to his bedchambers.  Tav was praying to some sort of absent god or goddess that Raphael understood what she meant.  The more times they threatened her, the stronger Raphael’s claim against them would grow.  It was forbidden in Infernal culture for Fiends to threaten property of their hosts.  Three distinct threats from a Fiend would rescind all Laws of Hospitality for that Infernal being, and she or Raphael could kill them as they chose.
It would take quite a bit more for the entire diplomatic party to be discharged, but Tav didn’t doubt that if she laid a trap, many of them would fall into it.  Four of them.  A third of the diplomatic party breaking Infernal laws was enough to doom them all.
Tav was Raphael’s property.  Her pact ensured that she fell under the Laws of Hospitality in a very strict sense under one of the highest ranking Infernal contract types, while other consorts were seen as sharable or communal property.  Atmos had drilled the Laws of Hospitality several months prior, but Tav knew them by heart. She was ready to keep a strong tally of the sins of devils.
Raphael hadn’t come back to his bedchambers that evening, likely preparing himself for several days of discussions.  Tav noted everything from the following day.  Which sexually charged statements were direct threats against Raphael’s wife?
Caathor and Aberex were both doomed.  “Down, down, here come the claws,” Tav mused as she documented everything.  Abduction.  Assaults of various kinds.
Six more violations would allow Raphael to send the entire party away.  Tav just needed to listen and document carefully.
Tav was bathed again, but refused the maids’ service to do her hair.  She put on the boreal blue gown and ruby bracelet.  She put her hair up into a Trobairitz knot.  She donned a lacy black thong that wouldn’t show under her gown.
Lady Tavara, Archduke of Avernus.  Lady Tavara who wouldn’t take any shit from the Hells.
When Raphael picked her up from his chambers, he nodded in assent again at her attire.
“The Emissary and his party are being pleasured by Haarlep.  Master Maalphus has requested you be present for the negotiations.”
“Why, my Lord?” Tav asked, confused.
“It’s an old superstition in the Hells that the presence of a consort at a negotiation makes the discussion easier.”
“I do not intend to fulfill that specific role, My Lord.”
“I did not expect so, my Little Mouse.”  Tav smiled up at him.
“Where should I sit today?” she asked quickly.
“On whichever being that happens to request your company,” her husband answered.  Tav squeezed Raphael’s elbow.  She didn’t like it, but she knew what had to be done.  She was bait.
Tav waited in the study for Raphael to return with his diplomatic guests.  The latch to the door clicked and Master Maalphus entered the study.  He sat opposite Raphael.  Tav stood still behind Raphael’s chair, waiting to be summoned.  It wasn’t long before the emissary invited her to sit on his lap.  Tav swallowed her disgust and reluctantly obeyed.
“I love the scent of a good consort, and you have claimed one of the finest.” Master Maalphus pressed his nose into her hair and inhaled deeply.  He continued his Infernal chatter that Tav wasn’t supposed to be able to understand.  “I could ease up on a few points of the proposal if you give her to me in the Boudoir for a ride or two.”
“She isn’t so cheap,” Raphael answered easily in Infernal.  He opened the document the emissary provided him from his father.
“I think it is a generous deal.  Mephistopheles will ensure you are Archduke of Avernus and a total defeat of Zariel and her forces in exchange for returning his Karsite Crown.”  The Emissary moved to reach down Tav’s bodice at her breasts.  Tav slapped his hand away, and he ceased his ministrations with an amused look on his face.
“I have a Crown provided to me through contract.”
“Yes, by the mortal cunt.” Maalphus gestured at her.  “You do realize how quickly I could have one of my associates impregnate her, don’t you?”  Tav tried not to smile at the threat.  “You should not exchange a layer of the Hells for a cunt.”  Tav listened to the Infernal beings spar.
Raphael looked impassive.  “My father is a cunt, and I would rather have her than him.”  Several devils looked back to where Tav sat on Maalphus’s lap.
“He is willing to forgive your slight in your last meeting,” the emissary offered.  Tav knew how much Raphael despised his father.
“He is a fool to think I would offer tribute.”
“I can easily bring him his tribute, boy,” the emissary threatened again.  Tav mentally documented it.
“She’s feisty, and I doubt you could handle her.”
“She’ll be handled the second my palm strikes her face.”  Three.  Three times threatened.
“I didn’t think we were here to talk of consorts,” Raphael answered easily.  
“If you agree to Master Mephistopheles’s demands and kneel, he will be sure to reward you with armies to help you take Avernus, Master Raphael.”  Devil claws gripped Tav’s waist.
Raphael’s eyes narrowed.
Raphael’s valet knocked and announced drinks before dinner.
Tav once again sat perched like a doll on Raphael’s lap as he treated the diplomatic envoy to Hellfire whiskey in the parlor.  It was excruciating.   Raphael needed to be successful, and he was the only thing protecting her.  Object at a party.  She had done this so many times before.
Raphael and Master Maalphus prattled endlessly over several glasses.
She was so close to sending them away to their own layer of Hell.
Three more threats.
The valet announced dinner again, and Raphael bid Tav to rise.  Raphael led her into the dining room, but she wouldn’t let him seat her at the farthest place setting.  She took a place near the center of the table on one side, devils surrounding her.
“I did not wish to be away from my Lord for so long,” Tav reflected in Common as to the place setting change.  Raphael made a dramatic showing of rolling his eyes and specifying “as the lady wishes.”
The Law of Hospitality.  Her trap.
“Are you enjoying the House of Hope, my Lord?”  Tav inquired to a more senior devil seated to her right.
“You’ll be enjoying my cock significantly more tonight when I fuck you as you scream,” the devil hissed in Infernal.  Tav smiled as though she had been complimented.  Hells, how much more of this?  Twice.  Two more threats.
“I’m so glad of your enjoyment,” Tav offered in Common slowly.  She was trying to not let her smile fade.  Just two more threats and she could send them away.
She could fucking kill them if she wanted.
Hells, she wanted to kill them all.
This devil did not set out to force Drow down her throat, so Tav set out to be as annoying as possible.
“Tell me stories of Cania, the frosted gardens must be ever so beautiful,” Tav offered to the grumpy devil at her right in Common tongue.
“They are a glory to my Lord,” he offered back gruffly.  “All mortals are so fucking stupid,” he moaned in Infernal.  To that, Tav could agree.
“I wish we could have frost gardens here in Avernus, but the weather doesn’t allow for it,” Tav prattled endlessly in Common.  “I wish we could, to honor my ancestors, but we can’t have them here.”
“If this meeting wasn’t important to Master Maalphus’s promotion,” the devil said in Infernal under his breath.  He didn’t continue.
Tav went on further, “I beg your pardon, my Lord, I didn’t catch the last thing you said.” Tav pretended to mishear.
“I said your dress is very nice and… blue,” the devil answered as he sat next to her.  
“Oh thank you, my Lord, it was a gift from my Lord.”  Tav smiled brightly.  Pride and wrath were two potent sins to cause devils to break Infernal laws.
Tav giggled.  “Oh!  My Lord and My Lord!  Such a funny set of statements don’t you think?”  The devil picked up his knife.  “My Lord!  My Lord!  My Lord!” Tav chirped in a sing-song voice.
“I am going to stab you in the neck with this knife.”  The devil next to her said gruffly in Infernal.  
“My Lord!  My Lord!”  Tav continued and giggled some more.
“Stupid fucking cunt,” the devil groaned again.  A devil across the table shook his head in an almost imperceptible dissent.  The knife was set down.
“I see how your mortal likes musicality and… wordplay,” Maalphus tried to offer in Infernal.  Raphael just looked amused.
“She is quite often like this,” Raphael responded in Infernal.  None of the devils made any sort of response.
Tav quieted down, and the devil next to her breathed a sigh of relief.  She would just have to wait until he had imbibed more liquor.
Tav started cheerful discussions with other devils around her.  She asked them about the frost gardens in excruciating detail.  She told them how Raphael wouldn’t get her a dog.  Tav talked about all of the dishes on the table from Toril as she ate a bite of lamb stewed with fruits.
Some of the devils around her were receptive to shallow conversation in Common tongue.  Tav smiled at them.
More Hellfire whiskey was being poured, and the devil next to her filled his glass at every opportunity as she chattered on about meaningless things.  Tav buttered a piece of bread before setting it on her plate as the devil next to her drank another swallow of whiskey.
“My Lord,” she leaned in close to his ear.  “Would you like to hear a story about my first time in the Elfsong tavern?” Tav asked quickly.  She smiled sweetly.
The devil raised his knife and pointed it directly at the scales on her sternum.  “Shut the fuck up, bitch!” He said gruffly in Infernal.
All talk that had been taking place at the dining table immediately ceased as the knife was held out.  Master Maalphus slammed his fist on the table several times in rapid succession but said nothing.  Raphael let everything play out.
The knife was set down, and Tav laughed.  The entire table looked at her as though she was completely mad.  The devil next to her buried his face in his hands.
Tav quickly stood up and went to stand behind her chair.
“My Lord,” Tav motioned to her husband in perfect Infernal.
Sudden realizations of her language aptitude appeared on the devils’ faces.  A pleased half smile resided on Raphael’s face.
“Your property was threatened a multitude of times while under the protection of your hospitality and the penalty for that violation is death, according to Canian laws,” Tav told Raphael in perfect Legal Infernal.  He smiled and held her gaze.  
Her husband patiently waited for her to elaborate.
“Hospitality laws for visiting devils are immediately voided for all ranks of diplomatic visitors provided at least one third of the party has violated the law a multitude of times, so you’re free to kill all of them, my Lord.”  Tav said calmly.  Master Maalphus spun around, looking to see which of his subordinates was guilty.  The devil that she had spurred into wrath just sat with his head in his hands.
“There has been no such mass violation of Master Raphael's property, and if you weren’t such a damned foolish bitch, you would know that.”  The emissary raised a finger and pointed it at her as if he was about to take his claw and stab her in the heart with it.
“Yes they did, a total of four different Fiends, including you, Master Maalphus, has threatened me a total of three times each,” Tav reminded him.
“Mortals are prone to bouts of deception or exaggeration, aren’t they Master Raphael?”  The devil turned back to her husband.
“You may have been able to make that argument, Master Maalphus, had you not done so in front of me while she sat on your lap and had your colleague threaten her with a knife,” Raphael countered easily.  He could have stepped in at any point in the discussion and ended the entire situation, but he patiently waited for his wife to continue with a half smile on his face.
The emissary took a second to consider a reply before making a different argument.
“Consorts are communal property.  I and my party cannot threaten something Raphael doesn’t solely own,” the emissary laughed with a toothy grin.  “Mortals are so cute when they try to play tough with you, aren’t they?”  Devils around her snickered and mocked, but Tav was not going to back down.  “This one has a sweet little bite to her.”
“You would normally be correct on that point, but I am not a consort,” Tav responded easily to his mockery.  “I belong solely to Raphael.  I signed a very different type of contract.”
Master Maalphus’s eyes darted quickly around the room, realizing that he was dealing with something far more dangerous than an angry consort.
“You’re all pathetic,” Tav spat over the emissary’s shoulder as he looked away.  He twitched.  
“The Lady of the House raises expertly argued points,” Raphael responded to her.
Tav circled the table, conjuring random stalactites of ice that hung from the ceiling of the dining hall ominously.  “That’s why Mephistopheles sent you isn’t it?  Because you’re pathetic.”
“I am not pathetic,” Maalphus protested.
“You’ve been bested by a mortal, and you’ve signed your entire party into a death sentence,”  Tav reminded him.  “You’ll be returning with your tails tucked between your legs and nothing to show for it.  Hell has its laws, and you broke them. How do you think the Lord of the Eighth will take that?  You’ll be lucky if you’re still alive in an hour.”
“Lord Raphael kneels before no one, you pathetic fucking rejects,”  Tav asserted in Infernal language.  Raphael was grinning as he stood opposite her.  
“The Lady of the House has spoken.  Given that your party has broken the laws for diplomatic guests, it is time for you to depart.”
Tav took her husband’s elbow before accompanying him to the portal room where the Emissary and his party were fleeing back through the exit portal.
“It has been a pleasure,” Master Maalphus offered generally in Infernal.
“Tell the Lord of the Eighth to send smarter diplomats next time.”   Tav spat back in Infernal.  Raphael said nothing, clearly enjoying his father’s plans being upended by his favored mortal.   The look in Master Maalphus’s eyes was one of pure hatred and rage, but Tav didn’t back down, challenging him with an easy, confident smile.  
Tav relished in the power of being able to tell the Hells to fuck off. 
Tav breathed a deep sigh of relief.  Adrenaline was coursing through her veins.  They couldn’t treat her like that.  They couldn’t treat them like that.  
Raphael was still grinning at her.
Raphael’s lips caught hers as soon as they were alone.  She ran her hands roughly through his hair, pulling him hungrily towards her.  She traced the seam of his lips with her tongue and his chest hummed as her tongue met hers.  Tav drank Raphael in as he ran his hands all over her.
Hells, she had missed Raphael.
She had missed the force of his desire.  Raphael had always been an excellent kisser, and Tav regretted she had never told him that. 
“Raphael, I love it when you kiss me,” Tav told him sincerely.  She swallowed, unsure of what he would say.  His claws grazed her hips for a brief moment, unsure of whether they should be seeking affirmation.
Tav pulled his mouth back towards hers, and Raphael roughly grabbed her hips.  She moaned into his mouth as his forked tongue twisted around hers, and Raphael pulled her close to him.  She ran her hands over his doublet, grasping handfuls of the fabric.
Raphael broke the kiss and ran his thumb over her lower lip.  He said nothing but smiled hungrily.  Tav let herself lean into his touch.
Raphael put her hand in the crook of his elbow and led her through the halls of the House of Hope.  He eyed her hungrily every so often.  Tav looked back at him, and flashed a bright smile that despite their argument, they were at least together again.
He quickly pulled her into his study.  Tav was abruptly set on the edge of his desk.  Her husband was quickly pawing at the seams of her dress, but Tav encouraged him to slow down with a deep, passionate makeout session.  She was already wet from Raphael’s kisses, but her husband would have the Hells before Tav admitted this to him aloud.
She let him kiss her.  His body was pressing her into the wood of his desk.  She hiked up her skirts and wrapped her legs around him.  The deeper Raphael’s tongue went into her mouth, the closer she pulled him towards her.   Fabric was restraining them now, and Tav felt a deep pain of uncertainty in the status of their relationship.  Raphael had been angry.  Raphael had wanted Haarlep and not her.  She paused briefly and let Raphael make the next move.  
Raphael’s hands scrambled to the laces on the boreal blue gown.  Tav aided him.  He tossed her gown onto the rug underneath his desk.  The black lace thong she had been wearing was quickly pulled from her body, leaving her bare in front of him.
Tav undid every button on his doublet.  She traced a gentle hand between the lacy collar of his undershirt and his neck.  She worked his undershirt off of his body, surprised at the ease of working a shirt over his wings.
“Raphael,” Tav murmured, as he began to fuck her.  He was insistent but grinding down on her.  He put great energy into grinding against her with every thrust.  Hells, he felt incredible.
“Beloved Mouse,” Raphael responded, moaning into her neck.  
Raphael always finishes first.
Tav shifted and moved a leg onto Raphael’s shoulder to change the position.  He accepted it eagerly and thrust deeply into her.  Tav pulled him closer and deeper.
“Raphael,” Tav started again, unable to finish rational thoughts.  The mention of his name resulted in several deep, hurried thrusts that gave Tav a remarkable amount of pleasure.
Raphael leaned down to kiss her again.  Hells she was close.
Tav could feel an orgasm approaching.  Pleasure coursed through her abdomen.  Raphael was still grinding down onto her clit with each thrust.  Tav found she was squirming underneath Raphael’s touch.  She lay back on his desk and arched her back.  Raphael angled her hips with his claws so that he kept good contact with her clit while she writhed below him.  Tav tensed and shook as she came, keeping eye contact with Raphael before her eyes closed as she rode out the aftershocks.
Raphael wasn’t much further behind her.  His moans were ragged and his thrusting was quickening.  Tav wrapped her legs tightly around him and captured his mouth with hers, swallowing every moan.  She ran her hands through his hair and held him tightly to her, extending his pleasure as he came.  She broke the kiss and gently kissed his neck as he panted.  
Raphael was still breathing heavily, and Tav’s legs quaked around him.  He pulled her off of his desk onto the floor with him, their bodies entwined and leaking fluids from their coupling onto the rug and discarded clothing beneath them.  They laid as a sticky woven mess atop all of their discarded clothing.  Raphael pulled her onto his chest and hummed gently.
Tav ran her hand over his horns softly knowing she should apologize for an argument long past but was completely unsure how to accomplish that feat.  She touched him in silence, unsure of what to say next.
His deep baritone cut the quiet.  His hand stroked her jaw.  “You are the only one I truly desire.  You are everything to me, and I will spend eternity with you.”
Tav stared deeply into his eyes.  “Husband, can we go back to your chambers?”
With a flurry of embers, Raphael snapped.
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punderdome · 14 days
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cheers to this gang of dysfunctional nerds, my life wouldn't be the same without them
the tadfools + text posts (part 2)
5K notes · View notes
punderdome · 16 days
Is now a bad time to admit that I have sided with the emperor in every play through?
I’ll just break into the house of hope, sleep with Haarlep and leave
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true rare pair?
150 notes · View notes
punderdome · 17 days
Infernal Jurisprudence: Chapter 4
Summary: Raphael observes more than a magic lesson.
Rating 18+
Chapter 4: The Weave
Raphael was incensed at the audacity of one of the two beings contained within the Astral Prism.  One of them was bound in Infernal chains.  The other was an Illithid trying to worm its way into the minds of his investments.  Raphael was not pleased.
He wanted to know what kind of figure the Illithid appeared as in Tavara’s dream.  Clearly someone tall and handsome with a regal air about him.  Raphael imagined a human figure with chestnut brown hair and golden eyes, well dressed and well spoken.  Much like himself but less attractive.  
The adventurers were all buzzing about their strange shared dream, and discussing the various figures they had seen.  Golden paladins, beautiful women, distrusted Githyanki.  The Little Mouse never mentioned what kind of figure she saw.  She sat by the campfire eating leftover stew and a small piece of stale bread in silence.
Her gaze seemed far away that morning, as she likely pondered what the day would hold.  Raphael wished he could reach into her mind and learn all of her secrets.
Tavara pulled the vampling away into a hidden corridor of their camp.  “Astarion, you need to tell them,” she implored.  Hells, the other adventurers were so blind.
“But why, darling, there is no reason to shake the boat, if you will.”
“They all think this shared dream we had was because of the dehydrated boar that you fed us yesterday.  I’m sure that’s the result of you feeding on it, and then feeding it to us.”  All of them were idiotic, including Tavara, to have assumed that carrion was safe to eat.  Raphael would make sure Tavara was well fed.
“I had a similar dream, but my figure was not a happy one.”  Astarion rubbed the back of his neck and asked for everyone to come forward.
Tavara looked at him with pity.  “Astarion, it’s going to be worse the longer you hide it.  It’s better now than someone discovering you feeding on something.”
The vampire spawn called the others over before explaining that he was a vampire spawn.  Tavara placed her arms around him in an embrace and immediately defused any irritation.
“Astarion, don’t forget, I taste absolutely awful,” the wizard exclaimed before taking his leave.
“Astarion, it’s ok.  We love you,” Tavara asserted.
Later that night, Tavara passed the location of Jergal, waiting for her by the river bank.
“Withers, what will happen to all of us after we die?” Tavara asked, uncertain of the answer.
“Every soul must reckon unto itself a fate.”  Jergal answered her.  Raphael was frustrated.  Tavara was to be celebrated.
“Am I to be part of the wall of the faithless?” Tavara asked the former god.
“No.”  Jergal answered.
“Can you elaborate?”
Tavara sighed.  She stormed off into the depths of their camp.
The wizard was standing at his tent, blatantly pining over a conjured image of Mystra.  He touched the hair on the conjured image.  Tavara stumbled upon him as he gazed at the image of his goddess.
“Mystra?” she said with a hint of surprise.  The wizard immediately let the image falter and dusted off his hands quickly.  He turned to face the Little Mouse.
“Oh! You startled me, I was miles away,” the wizard chattered nervously.
“It’s perfectly fine, you can conjure up the Lady of Mysteries all you like,” Tavara assured him.  “I’m no stranger to wizards conjuring up images of Mystra.”  She put her hand on her hip.  The wizard smiled nervously.
“You aren’t?” 
“I have a wizard’s education.  I’ve seen more wizards conjuring images of her than I can count.  I’m certain at least a few of them were their fantasies for later when they were alone.”  Gale of Waterdeep visibly cringed.  Fascinating.
A flurry of snowflakes fell from the Little Mouse’s palm onto the dirt outside the wizard’s tent.
“Magic is my life, I’ve been in touch with the Weave for as long as I can remember.  There’s nothing like it, it’s like beauty, music, and poetry all rolled into one.”  The wizard paused for dramatic effect.  “Is it the same for you?”  Raphael was curious to see what the Little Mouse would say.
“My magic is ancient and raw, sometimes even volatile.”  Raphael closed his eyes and thought about Tavara’s power.  The universities had been lucky to have her.  She was singular.
“Yes, as raw and ancient as the veins of Bahamut,” the wizard mused.  Raphael didn’t like the way her power was so easily discarded.  “Perhaps I can show you what I mean by reaching into the Weave together.”  Raphael’s eyes narrowed as he watched the wizard interacted with the Mouse.
Tavara smiled.  “Of course,” she grandly gestured for the wizard to continue.
The wizard demonstrated an easy set of somatic components meant to channel the Weave.  He moved quickly and clapped his hands together to pull the magic forward and bring the two of them into its circle.  “Now you,” the wizard motioned for Tavara to follow his motions.  She imitated his somatic component with ease.  You absolute fool, she doesn’t even need the somatic or verbal components to access the Weave.   Raphael sneered at the blatant disrespect of his Little Mouse.  He wanted to reach through the glass of the scrying mirror and drag the nitwit by his hair to his dungeons for a proper punishment.  A few dozen turns around the windmill would set him right.
“Now, repeat after me: Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao,” the foolish wizard instructed.
“Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao,” Tavara repeated easily with a look of amusement on her face.  The Waterdhavian donkey really did think his stupid little incantation was significantly harder than Hellfire or any other arcane arts, didn’t he?  He clearly thinks too much of himself.
Raphael watched the shimmer of the Weave appear around them.  He wanted to burn the rosewater-scented sanctuary and replace it with sulfur and Hellfire and true power.  The Weave connecting them disgusted him.
“You’re channeling the Weave,” the wizard started.  Obviously, she’s a sorceress, she’s done this hundreds of times before.   “How does it feel?” The wizard’s dull brown eyes smiled down at her while Tavara ran her hands over the spell connecting them.  Her fingers traced gracefully over the glowing satin of the Weave.
“The same as it always does,” Tavara replied with a smirk.  Raphael knew she wouldn’t accept his patronizing attitude forever.  She had a wizard’s education, but that contemptuous fool would never see her as his superior, which she clearly was.
“You’re hard to please, aren’t you?” The bearded donkey didn’t seem displeased at her blatant disrespect, but Raphael was certain it was an attempt to send the wizard away.  The Little Mouse clearly had no interest in such a weak and pathetic man.
There was a long pause as the Little Mouse held the fool’s gaze.  The Little Mouse smiled at the wizard, and Raphael despised the look he was giving her.  The elation behind the wizard’s half smile left Raphael fuming.  She should be furious at how little the wizard respected her talents and education.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting…” the wizard failed to finish his thought.  Finally, he’s silent.  “A pleasant image to be sure.  Most pleasant, in fact, most welcome.”  Raphael was displeased by the long gaze between the Mouse and her companion.  “There it goes,” the wizard mused as the Weave evaporated.  Hellfire is a much more potent arcane art.  The Mouse understands this.   “How easily things slip away from us, no matter how hard they were in the obtaining.”
The wizard smiled, but hurried to excuse himself from the situation.  Good.  “Goodnight, I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you.”  Raphael was rolling his eyes at the vision in the scrying mirror.  Tavara was the powerful one, and he should be learning from her.
The two parted, and Tavara returned to her tent.  Fuming, Raphael set the scrying mirror down on his desk.
Raphael was irritable after seeing the wizard get so close to the Little Mouse.  He paced around his study for a time, before deciding he needed to return to his work.  First, he pulled out the scrying mirror again, as he often did, to check to see that the Little Mouse had fallen asleep.
Tavara laid comfortably within her bedroll in her tent, but she definitely was not sleeping.  Raphael watched her moan softly.  Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was heavy and panting.  Her legs trembled slightly as she stroked herself underneath the blankets.
Raphael was intoxicated by the image in the scrying mirror.  He immediately unlaced his trousers and started to pleasure himself alongside her.  He watched her chest heave as she moaned, and her legs tensed.  She was struggling to relax her limbs, and Raphael was greedily awaiting seeing her come undone.
She was thinking of him.
Raphael was getting too close to his climax and slowed down pumping his shaft with his fist.  He was hard and aching for her.  He had watched Haarlep touch themselves in several forms on many occasions throughout the centuries, but it had never excited him like this.  Raphael desperately wanted to pull the blankets down to see what her fingers were doing to her.  Was she clothed or bare?   He paused again, needing to slow down or else he would come before the Mouse.
Her power.  Her strength.  Her charm.  Her beauty.
Raphael had seen consorts and wives of various Archdevils throughout the millennia, but many of them were cowardly, weak things.  They were submissive to their Archdevils.  That was not her.  Tavara was suitable to be the consort of the Archdevil Supreme.  He would take her to his bed in Nessus and make her produce all these beautiful little noises as he ravaged her.
Tavara’s back arched on her bedroll.  Raphael wanted nothing more than to climax at the same time as the Little Mouse, feeling their pleasure together across different planes.  He watched her writhe on her bedroll, she had to be getting close.
She clasped a hand over her mouth and moaned into it.  She was quaking.  It was too hard to resist the sight of her like this, and Raphael let himself come, Infernal seed covering his hands.  The pleasure of being with her was intense, and he found himself breathing hard as he came down from his high.
The Little Mouse hadn’t quite come yet.  Within a few seconds, he watched the euphoria appear on her face.  She ripped her hand away from her mouth, panting and breathing hard.  Raphael preened that the image of him had given her so much pleasure.
Tavara’s eyes drifted open sleepily.  “Gale,” she murmured softly into the solitude of her tent.
Raphael’s eyes narrowed, and he stiffened in his chair.  He was not going to let that pathetic wizard get any closer to his Little Mouse.
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punderdome · 18 days
WIP Wednesday!
The emissary from Cania was arriving that evening.  
Tav had never been more fussed over in her life.  An army of maids stormed into her room and made sure she was thoroughly washed.  Her hair was pinned into an elaborate style at the back of her head.  Her hair was twisted and curled around itself with a thin silver chain.  Tav’s eyes were richly drawn with precisely applied kohl and her lips painted red.
She was given a pair of lace red smallclothes and helped into the outfit Raphael had selected for the evening.  He wanted her to wear the plunging red gown with the slit up the side that he enjoyed.  Her ruby necklace was clasped around her neck and the bracelet around her wrist.  When Tav went to put the ring on, one maid stopped her.
“The Master of the House has asked you not to wear your ring this evening.”  Tav nodded.  There was a deep ache in her chest that Raphael hadn’t wanted her to wear her wedding ring.
Wearing a pair of delicate slippers, Tav was ready for the evening and to be presented to her husband.
There was a knock at her door.  Tav and the maidstaff exited her room.  The maids all bowed in turn to Raphael before fleeing back for their tasks for the rest of the evening.  Raphael’s eyes scanned her appearance before he gave an almost imperceptible nod of approval.
“Good evening, Raphael,” Tav greeted with a smile.
He was richly dressed in his finest silk doublet of black, red, and gold.  Not a hair was out of place.  The Crown of Karsus was worn proudly between his cambion horns.
“Good evening, wife.”  He offered her his elbow, and she took it.  They started to walk together through the House of Hope.
“They do not know much about you, and I do not wish them to know.  Do not speak unless I tell you to, do you understand?  If you do need to answer, only speak in Common.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
As they neared the parlor, Raphael’s entire demeanor changed.  He went from being terse and irritable to adopting a magnanimous and hugely prideful posture. Tav had no idea what to expect as they entered.
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punderdome · 18 days
Infernal Jurisprudence: Chapter 3
Summary: Raphael finds more things to covet.
Chapter 3: The Orb of Karsus
Raphael was in an excellent mood.  Several important deals with various patriars had been signed with another dozen or so ready for final drafts.  He smiled to himself, pleased at the level of depth and brilliance his contracts wrought.  Loopholes closed and souls to be harvested.
He put ink to a new scroll of infernal parchment preparing a first draft for the most important contract yet.  He needed the infected band of adventurers to bring him the Crown of Karsus.  Raphael was toying with ideas of how to claim both their souls and the Crown, flitting between different ideas that he noted in the margins.
The Little Mouse would see right through anything he wrote, and he couldn’t trick her so easily.  If he wanted her soul, and he very much did, he would need to find another argument or method of enticing her.  The feather of the quill tickled against his cheek, and Raphael replaced his quill in its holder, examining the fiery orange runes on the scroll.
Raphael lifted his scrying mirror to see what else the adventurers had done on their grand quest towards granting him the Crown.
Some sort of Tiefling child was in trouble for theft of a druidic idol and being threatened by a viper.  Raphael rolled his eyes.    Raphael’s Little Mouse spoke quickly with the ornery new leader of the grove over the life of the careless child, and Raphael wasn't sure why she was wasting her precious time.
The death of a child.  A timeless tragedy that never grows old.  
Raphael wanted the snake to bite and reveal its full lethality.  The victim was only a little girl, but that did not matter.  The most satisfying violence was always amongst the least expected victims.  The girl’s parents could easily bear another little brat.  Maybe that one wouldn’t be so stupid.
To the delight of her companions, Tavara managed to convince the druid that the girl was no danger to the grove and would not act out again.  Such a pity, death by poison tended to be an entertaining sight.   The Little Mouse brought the girl back to her parents, and as thanks they gave her a scratched and dusty locket.  They should be groveling at the Little Mouse’s feet.  She was the only reason their child was still alive, after all.
The wizard, Gale of Waterdeep, caught Tavara’s elbow.  “Why don’t we take a little break?  Allow ourselves a few moments of rest.” he asked motioning for them to seek privacy away from other tadpoled adventurers.  “This gives me a chance to talk to you about something, well, rather important.”  Raphael was intrigued at what types of secrets the wizard would reveal.  Hopefully, something that Raphael could use to blackmail him into Warlock service.
As the pair of them slipped away to privacy beneath a tree, Tavara spoke.  “You said it was important,” she started.  “What’s the matter?”
“We’ve been on the road for a while now, haven’t we?  We’ve survived some perils, overcome some obstacles,” Gale started his speech.  Raphael was simultaneously bored and intrigued.  When Gale of Waterdeep became his Warlock, Raphael would see that he abandoned his long-winded speeches.   “Ever since you freed me from that stone, I’ve seen you display remarkable guile and courage.”  Finally, someone admitted how capable the Little Mouse was.
The wizard continued.  “The way you defused the tension between Zevlor and Aradin.  The way you stood in front of a crossbow to prevent a murder.  The way you got Kagha to release the girl-” Where was he going with this list of the Little Mouse’s deeds?  She didn’t need a reminder, she had been there handling the situations while the wizard merely watched events unfold before him.   “-The way you handled Nettie when she poisoned you.  In short-” It wasn’t in short.   “-I’ve grown to trust you.” 
Raphael would definitely have to curse the wizard’s tongue to inhibit his ability to be so long-winded when he became his Warlock.
“That’s quite lovely, thank you,” the Mouse said graciously with an air of confusion.
“The reason I make a point to say this, is that I have grown confident enough to tell you something that I have yet to tell another living soul, well, except for my cat.”  The wizard was trying to avoid a confession that Raphael was salivating over.  Blackmail indeed.
“You see, I have this condition… Very different from the parasite we share, but just as deadly.”  Probably some plague the wizard picked up in a dirty brothel.  
“Is it contagious?” Raphael was pleased at the Mouse’s prudence in her question.  He didn’t want her to pick up whatever brothel plague had infected the wizard’s nether regions.
“No, no, nothing like that,” the wizard assured her.  “Though if I fail to treat my condition, the consequences will not be felt by me alone.”
The Little Mouse raised an eyebrow, but she looked sympathetic.  An incurable malady was always such a solid foundation for a Warlock pact or claiming a soul.  So many souls in Raphael’s care had been terminally ill.
“What it comes down to is this: every so often, I need to get my hands on a powerful magic item and consume the Weave inside.”  Interesting.
Raphael thought of all of the possible afflictions that would require consumption of Weave.  It could perhaps be a curse of some kind.  It could be a tribute required by another devil, but Raphael hadn’t detected any indication that the wizard had existing connections with the Hells, unlike the newly-horned Warlock who stank of Mizora’s filth.
The only other thing Raphael could think of that consumed Weave had come from Netheril.
The wizard had been an archmage in Waterdeep and one of Mystra’s chosen.  He was now in disgrace, but why?
Raphael picked up his scrying mirror and moved the focus from the Little Mouse chest to the wizard’s face.  He had a strange tattoo or mark that went from his left eye down to his chest.  Raphael would have to investigate this further.  If the mark was what he thought it was, it would change everything.
“Of course, I’m happy to help.”  The Little Mouse offered.
“Thank you!  I see my trust was not misplaced,” the wizard responded with delight.
Raphael set down the scrying mirror.  He would need to wait until nightfall to test his hypothesis.  He paced in his study, looking forward to a visit to their camp on Prime Material.  Being so close to what he wanted, Raphael could stand to wait a few more hours.
Raphael waited until his investments had all fallen asleep in their tents.  He approached a tent that obviously belonged to the wizard.  Telescope.  Alchemy equipment.  Books stored outside the safety of the tent ready to be soaked in the next downpour.
He silently approached the tent and opened the tent flap.  The wizard was asleep in his bedroll, wearing nothing but an enchanted pair of smallclothes.  Such a waste of Weave.  If he needed to consume so much magic, he should start with his undergarments.
Raphael took a close look at the scar on his chest.  It wasn’t a scar at all.  It was a void.  It was a storage container for arcane power, ready to store and hold power for use at another time.
The Orb of Karsus.
Raphael felt incredible glee at the discovery.  The Scepter.  The Orb.  The Crown.
The full Regalia of Karsus was nearly within his grasp.
It took everything in Raphael’s power to resist touching the scar to feel its power and hunger.  The Orb was the final piece of the Regalia that Raphael hadn’t located.  The Scepter was stored safely in his vault.  The Crown was perched atop an Elderbrain.  The Orb was buried in the chest of a wizard that he wanted in his service.
Raphael could fix it all for the wizard, should the need arise of course.  Raphael would even give the mage a favorable deal for the Orb.
Karsite relics of considerable power,
All the Weave want to devour.
The last hidden within a wizard’s chest
To be extracted upon request.
Raphael was giddy.  One or two contracts and he would have everything he had ever wanted.  The Nine Hells of Baator.  The Little Mouse would bring him the Crown of Karsus.  The full Regalia of Karsus.  
Raphael made the correct investments, indeed.
With a snap and a flurry of embers, Raphael left the campsite and got back to his work.
Tavara had been calming a goblin camp, asking for entry.  After a few short discussions about a fictional goddess and Tavara being her divine instrument, Raphael’s investments had been let into the front gates.
The wizard didn’t look well.  Sweat was dripping from his brow, and he could barely hold himself upright.  He was clutching his stomach tightly trying to stop it from aching.  Tavara offered the wizard some water from her waterskin, as she placed her hand on his shoulder in support.  The rest of the adventurers appeared concerned as to what sort of strange malady was affecting the wizard.
“My affliction is worsening, and I fear-” Tavara thrust the dusty locket she had been gifted into his palm and tightly cupped his hands in hers.
“It has an enchantment, and it should hold some Weave,” Tavara let go of his hands and went to rub the wizard’s shoulders.  “It’s ok, and I can always get more items.”
Raphael watched closely.  The wizard brought the locket to his scar, and Raphael watched gleefully as the enchantment from the locket drained and the wizard seemed to absorb it with a dark aura.
The Orb of Karsus.
While he was gleeful to have the Orb under his watchful eye, Raphael was less than excited, as he watched his prized investments approach the goblin camp and immediately fall under the influence of the Absolute.  With a drawn out show of the Astral Prism the Sharran cleric held in her hands, the Absolute quieted its assault on their wills.  Raphael knew this was bound to happen.
The Sharran and the Gith quickly started fighting over the Sharran’s possession of a Gith relic.  Tavara tried to soothe the conflict, but it was clear neither party was willing to bend.  While Raphael would have been entertained watching them fight to the death, he needed both the Sharran and the Gith alive for now.  One of them was likely to be expendable later.
After a quick look around the Goblin camp, the Little Mouse looked worse for wear.  She started to develop a sheen of sweat and look of general malaise.  She indicated the adventurers should seek their camps for the evening's rest.
Raphael paced, and Korrilla had indicated through a Sending that the adventurers weren’t well and were likely on the edge of ceremorphosis.  He could fix it for them, but then he would never get the Crown of Karsus.  The Scepter.  The Crown.  The Orb.
The Hells.
He hated it.  He needed to let the mindflayer in the Astral Prism take control.  It disgusted him that he had no real say in the matter.  Should the mindflayer fail in his task, Raphael would take the Orphic Hammer and smash the damn Prism to bits himself.
The Mouse was sweating and restless by the riverbank, trying to cool a fever with the running water.  The Gith ambushed her and held a blade to her throat.  “Ch’k’l ghaik Vlaakith m’zath’ak!” If she uses that dagger, Raphael would have to kill her with Hellfire out of spite and put her ashes in the chamber pot for the chamber pot debtor to clean with his tongue.  
“Don’t be a damned fool,” Tavara warned angrily.
“We are transforming,” the Gith protested.
“We are ill!  This is just a fucking fever, and it will pass by dawn.  It’s probably just the result of eating that weird meat that Astarion found at the side of the road.  Don’t do something stupid that you can’t undo.”  The Little Mouse ripped the dagger away from her throat as soon as the Gith hesitated.
Tavara stood, weary and sweating.  As the Gith rose again, she snatched the dagger away.
“Go to sleep, Lae’zel,” the Mouse ordered, pocketing the blade.  Raphael beamed at how easily the Little Mouse controlled the situation.  The other fools would be truly lost without her leadership.
They returned to their tents for the evening.  Raphael was uneasy.  His pet adventurers were soon to meet the disguised Illithid.  Raphael would have to show them the correct being to trust.
I'm definitely looking forward to get out of Act I because Acts II and III have so much more fun Raphael stuff. I want the devil man to have more opportunities to be active in his own story. He is a patient devil. More smut next chapter (which I'll probably post tomorrow or Friday). Enjoy!
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punderdome · 18 days
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punderdome · 18 days
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Man is serving
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punderdome · 18 days
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"The devil's in the details, and the details are in fine print."
Couldn’t help but doodle Raphael. Something about him just screams ‘draw me’! I’m lowkey obsessed with this devil.
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