#i love sam winchester
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puerile-fawn · 6 months ago
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pangolin2b · 7 months ago
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You fucked up Sammy
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choerypetal · 10 months ago
Sam with a pink Laptop is living in my mind rant free
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Tbh it is such a coquette thing and I’m not complaining 🤍💅🏼
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ethelignota · 3 months ago
my fav version of sam is his l’oréal shampoo advert era
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season 8 rapunzel sam winchester save me, let me braid your beautiful locks into pretty dutch plaits and put little flowers in them please
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entropyofnuance · 24 days ago
Sam Winchester, one season after being manipulated by an average grade demon to free Lilith and then spending the next 20 episodes angstily and guiltily atoning for it: yeah I think I’m mentally strong enough to fight off Lucifer. Give me the good shit.
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samwchs · 5 months ago
okay so I'm gonna go on a little rant here, Sam is way nicer than Dean is, he always saw the good in people and always wanted to do good, so why was Sam made out to be the villain?
In this fandom, many people hate Sam for stupid reasons and try to vilify him. "oh, but Sam let Lucifer out the cage-" because he was manipulated into doing so, and Dean also broke the first seal so BOTH of them were at fault, don't just blame Sam. "He didn't look for Dean when he went to purgatory" because he thought Dean was dead, and he also didn't know WHERE to look so what was he supposed to do?
I'm sure Dean told Sam NOT to look for him if anything happened, Sam just did what Dean asked and suddenly everyone is mad at him? Sam antis are so fucking petty and hypocritical it's insane and they won't even listen to your arguments, it's like talking to a brick wall.
The fact most of the Sam antis are Dean stans is hilarious because Dean would absolutely DESPISE them, we all know he doesn't play when it comes to Sam.
In conclusion, Sam antis are fucking delusional by trying to always paint Sam as the "bad guy" when he is NOT and will NEVER be a villain. They can go cry about it idc.
fyi if you hate Sam and you come across this post, Just scroll because Sam antis aren't welcome here ty!
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sadeay · 2 months ago
it’s sam winchester getting non conned 2025!
This is the kind of thing I look forward to. Just hit Sam January, Fuck Sam stupid February, Moan in his mouth March, Ass fuck April❤️
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supernaturaldoll · 1 month ago
coming from a deangirl: I’ve never understood sam hate….like at all. it’s VERY forced tbh😭
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he’s so precious how can you NOT like him?!
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bitchface24-7 · 7 months ago
Exasperated!Dean w/ Oblivious!Sam
Dean knows Sam is smart. With the amount of knowledge he has in hunting, lore, and being a straight A student in school even though they move constantly throughout the year. Sam is undeniably smart.
But he’s oblivious as shit.
He doesn’t see the looks, leers, and lusty check-outs he’s constantly receiving. Dean doesn’t understand how. Sammy is beautiful. He was such a cute kid, turned pretty teen to handsome man. His personality makes it even better, he’s snarky and sarcastic; but it always has an undercurrent of sweetness.
Dean doesn’t get how his little brother can be so oblivious.
Okay… so Dean teased Sam throughout the years. His knobbly knees, his “princess hair”, the very odd time Sam experienced teen boy acne and stink. Dean wasn’t being serious, he was being an asshole older brother. Like how all older brothers are.
But maybe Sam took it to heart.
That just won’t do.
Dean confronts Sam when he has no chance of running. When they’re in the impala driving to the next state over for their next hunt.
“You’re dense as fuck.” Dean casually stated as he continues to drive serenely down the highway. It’s 3:00 in the morning, they’re the only vehicle on the road right now.
“What?!” Sam incredulously questions, his tone sluggish and eyes bleary. Dean woke him up to insult him? What the fuck?
Dean repeats himself, “You’re dense as fuck.” Sam scoffs, rubbing his face with his hands; and trying to tame his messy hair from his tossing and turning, “No I’m not.”
Dean snorts a laugh and the indignant tone Sam has, his pouty face isn’t helping either.
“Yes, you are. Do you know how many times I’ve had to direct you to someone who wants to climb you like a tree? ‘Cause for some reason, you never seem to notice them? Too many times Sammy. It’s getting embarrassing.”
Sam’s eyebrows furrow as he looks at Dean, “Look man, you’re over exaggerating. There haven’t been that many people.”
Dean actually laughs now, before bringing out the receipts, “Shirley from Montana, she was the waitress at the diner we went to after hunting some werewolves. She looked like she wanted to eat you. You didn’t even notice.”
Sam rolls his eyes, “She was being friendly. Waitresses don’t get payed well, they rely on tips.”
Dean continues on, ignoring Sam’s defences, “Amber from Nashville, she was the receptionist at the motel we were staying at. She was pretty flirty. Noelle from Chicago desperately wanted into your pants, she practically wrote it on her forehead. Didn’t matter her husband was just killed by a vengeful spirit. Ashley from Detroit was eye-fucking you the whole night as she served us drinks at the bar. Don’t get me started on the men. You’re as blind as a bat Sammy. There’s been a few times I’ve had to step in cause these people didn’t understand the concept of No or didn’t see your disinterest.”
Sam’s mouth subconsciously gaped open at Dean’s assessment. There’s no way there’s been that many; especially right off the top of Dean’s head. Dean can barely remember what he ate for breakfast that day. There’s no way he remembers all these girls that tried to… “get in Sam’s pants” as Dean so aptly put it.
“You’re bullshitting me. There’s no way there’s been that many.” Sam states as he laughs in confusion. Dean smirks, “Oh yeah. Let’s make a bet. The motel we’re staying at is about 20 minutes away, you’re going to do the whole spiel about getting us a room if the receptionist is a girl. Let’s see how quickly she flirts with you. $50 bucks it’s within 5 minutes of you talking with her.”
Sam wants to laugh at the confidence his brother has in him. Sam barely gets flirted with, not like how Dean does. But Sam really wants to prove his brother wrong.
That 20 minute drive seemed to go way too quickly in Sam’s opinion. He’s not even sure what to feel right now, he’s on autopilot. Dean glides the impala smoothly into a parking spot before stopping the car and turning the engine off. The two brothers go to the trunk and grab their duffel bags, Sam is startled when Dean snorts. Sam looks up to see where Dean is looking and sees through a window that there is in fact a girl working the front desk. Sam internally groans.
Dean hits Sam on the shoulder with a big ‘ol smile, “Go get ‘em tiger!”
Sam wants to choke Dean.
Sam sighs as he enters the lightly run down motel. The girl at the front desk doesn’t react to the two men entering; she’s too busy doing something on her phone.
She’s pretty, Sam admits to himself. She’s got brown hair lazily thrown up in a ponytail, quite a few pieces frame her face. From what Sam can see she’s tall, about 5’10 if he were to guess, green eyes, and clear skin.
She doesn’t look up at them until Sam and Dean are standing right in front of her, “Hi, welcome to the Lazy River Inn. How can I help yo—“ she cuts herself off as she looks up at the two men. Her eyes widen as she looks between the two of them, she lightly bites her lip.
“A room please, two queens if possible.” Sam states with a sweet smile, his dimples popping out at the flustered young woman.
She giggled airily before inputting the request into the computer, “What name do I put that under Mr…?” She trails off as she hungrily looks Sam up and down. This can’t be happening, Sam thinks to himself. He uses his periphery to glance to Dean; who just looks smug.”
“Uh, Smith. Sam Smith. Sorry about that.” Sam stutters, the girls eyes light up, “My names Veronica. So, any correlation to the singer Sam Smith?”
Sam laughs nervously, “No. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked that.”
Veronica giggles sweetly at Sam, Sam has no idea why though. He didn’t say anything funny.
“So,” Veronica starts, twirling a piece of hair, “What’re you here for?” Veronica smacks her gum a bit before blowing a pink bubble.
“We’re here to investigate the unusual murders that have been happening. You know anything about them?” Dean finally cuts in. Oh that god. Sam felt like a deer being hunted by a wolf with the way Veronica was looking at him.
Veronica turns her stare from Sam to Dean, still appreciative; but not as much as her previous gaze. Dean doesn’t know if he should be offended or not. “Unfortunately no. I’ve only been here for a few weeks now. I’m on break from college trying to make a few extra bucks before the next semester starts again.”
Veronica looks back towards Sam, “You guys cops? You’re too handsome to be a cop.”
Sam coughs a bit at the blunt statement before replying, “FBI actually.” Veronica smiles, her eyes sultry as she hands Sam the room key, “That makes more sense, you got cuffs on ya big boy?”
Sam just stares at her for a moment before answering, “… Yeah.” She looks victorious at his confirmation, “Well if you ever need any practice using them, you know where to find me.” She trails off as she blatantly checks Sam out.
Sam feels like he’s going to die. His face feels like it’s burning, his palms are sweaty, and his sweater feels restrictive. He needs to leave. ASAP.
“Good to know.” Dean replies with a small chuckle before ushering Sam to leave the front desk. Veronica glares at Dean, her arms crossed over her chest as she pouts at him.
The two brothers quickly make it to their room before all hell breaks loose.
“What the hell was that?!” Sam damn near yells as Dean closes the door behind the two of them. Dean just starts cackling at his baby brothers disbelief and embarrassment.
“That Sammy, is me being $50 bucks richer.”
Sam throws a glare Deans way, “Shut up Dean. I felt like she was going to eat me.”
“Yeah you would’ve enjoyed that, huh?” Dean pats Sam on the shoulder as he snags one of the queen sized beds for himself, ruffling through his duffel bag.
“Screw you Dean!”
“You wish. Go ask Veronica, she seems more than happy to get screwed.”
“What Sammy?” Dean questions. “I told you you were dense as fuck. You’re a handsome guy Sammy, I don’t get why you don’t see that.”
Sam pauses his little bitch fit. Dean thinks he’s handsome? He’s not handsome. Dean is handsome. Sam is… okay. Attractive on a good day. He doesn’t have that irresistibility that Dean has.
“You think I’m handsome?” Sam questions quietly, Dean scoffs, “Do I have eyes dipshit? Yes you’re handsome.”
“Don’t call me a dipshit you jerk!”
“Don’t act like one then, bitch.”
The two have a minor stare off before Sam sighs, “Alright, you win. I don’t know why you bet money though. We share the stolen accounts.”
Deans mouth opens and closes like a fish, “Shit you’re right. Uh… I’ll figure something out. I won the bet; so I deserve a prize.”
Sam just fondly rolls his eyes at his brother, before claiming the other queen sized bed and going through his own duffel.
Sam Winchester is a handsome man, it’s about time he realized it himself.
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starfilmz · 6 months ago
finally on s4 in spn!!
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d3ath4mybirthday · 2 months ago
sam winchester couldn’t forgive his dad like dean did. sam winchester represents the OPPOSITE of forgiveness. he understood what happened to him was unfair— and this extends to other characters.
and yet we watch him work with and be forced to empathize with his abusers; from john to meg to lucifer to the men of letters. it isn’t typical resentment, it’s knowing that they aren’t forgiven. they aren’t trusted.
meanwhile, he’s been told to be unforgiving towards groups of “monsters”, which included him. he understood the countless “monsters” he’s befriended and indulged— even if they eventually betrayed him. in other words, sam winchester isn’t blind in his inability to forgive— he just can’t excuse those who’ve damaged him irreparably.
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labellsstuff · 6 months ago
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he makes me angry i want him so bad 😊
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deanspunchingbag · 1 year ago
sam with religious trauma!!!
he was so into heaven and its angels being righteous and gods higher power in the early seasons. only to be so devastatingly wrong about all of it. chuck was literally their big bad, end game villain. the god he prayed to every night was the one who ruined his life, and got enjoyment out of it. there is no way sam wasn't bitter every time he saw a church. he would get violently angry if anyone ever said 'i'm praying for you'. scream crying 'why' to a god he used to worship, but now knows that he never even cared. he tried so hard to have faith, only to learn he was supposed to be one with the actual devil? there is no way that doesn't leave some ugly psychological scars. 
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sammyzs · 9 months ago
chat, is it concerning how sam winchester is my comfort character⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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twinkletoejam · 3 months ago
Chat let me cook 🧑‍🍳
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Fem Sam my beloved❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been wonder what kind of body fem Sammy would have, like will she have big boobs and a small ass or small boobs and a bubble butt🤔though the second choice seems like the right one😮‍💨
Yeah this is just a wip and I’m showing yall this just in case I don’t finish it and just abandon it
Also Sammy’s pants are flammable boot cut jeans because those are my favorite type of jeans to wear🙋‼️
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sams-sass · 2 years ago
Part One
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Hey hey hey!! Here is my new Alpha!Sam fic. I really hope you guys enjoy this! Its somewhat of an AU, but Sam and Dean are still hunters. 
Read Part Two Here: 
Summary: You learn something new about yourself, something that is brought on by a stranger. Your life is turned upside down when you present as an Omega and are immediately taken and kept away from him. Your Alpha.
Warnings: Eventual smut, talk of capture, talk of mistreatment, talk of fear and anguish, reader is a virgin. This is angsty, but it ends happy because I literally cannot make Sam sad.
Note: @never--doubt, @emoryhemsworth, @hintsofhoney and I were talking about an innocent reader fic. So this is mine. 
I would like to give a special thank you and shout out to my beautiful and brilliant Betas @emoryhemsworth @440mxs-wife​ @makeadealwithdean and @never--doubt​ you guys helped me so much with this fic. Reading and rereading. Listening to my ideas. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Pairings: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
It started with the war. Hundreds to thousands of boys and men were sent to fight and die for a country that didn't provide the service back. Most of them were Alphas. Their Omegas were left at home for months, years, or sometimes until the boney hands of death also claimed them. Their natural cycles and heats were not being met with what they needed most—their Alphas. The Omegas called for their mates. Their desperate and wild howls filled the night air. The moon wept alongside her sisters.
Generations came and went, and as time passed, a dip in the presentation of Omegas occurred. Not only were they becoming increasingly rare, but they were also going extinct. The mother of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas became a commodity. Bought and sold to the highest bidder in hopes of breeding an Omega.
Once held in the highest regard, their presentation became seen as weak and dependent. Omegas were to be captured and stowed away in a house of their own kind. They would be kept pure, letting their heats dissolve them every month in agony. They do not allow them any contact with Alphas. A select few Betas can be in their presence. The only Alphas now who could claim an Omega have to pay the price.
Only a twist of fate can undo the ties that bind. -------------------- As you strolled through the farmers market, you let your hands touch soaps, fruits, vegetables, and fabrics. The spring air blew strands of your hair off your shoulders, filling your nose with its new and crisp scent. You turned your face toward the high morning sun, feeling the heat soak through your t-shirt and leggings.
"Hey, Ness." You greeted your friend as you ducked under a tent.
"Hey, Y/N." She called back, looking at you over her shoulder.
"Got anything good for me today?" You asked, bending at the waist to check out her selection of fruits and vegetables.
"Well, seeing as you are late..." She said, turning to face you fully.
"Ugh, I know!" You said. "I couldn't make myself get out of bed this morning. I just felt this pull for more sleep." You explained, picking up an orange for inspection.
"Still, I saved you the best tomatoes," Vanessa said, her smile wide as she handed you the brown paper bag.
"You are literally the best. I love you." You said as you took the bag from her hands, peeking at the red and orange heirloom tomatoes.
"Love you more." She said back. You fell into an easy routine with your friend. She was a Beta. Her sweet and clean smell filled your nose. Vanilla and ripe summer strawberries. You were also a Beta. Your presentation had not been typical, but it wasn't entirely abnormal.
You were about to ask Ness if she wanted to come over tonight when it hit you. The scent filled your entire body. It smelt of soft sandalwood, the woodsy and fresh aroma reminding you of springtime. Green and young foliage kissed by the sun and air for the first time. A heavy musk lay underneath. Old books with spines that crack from time passing. Your fingers could almost feel the worn and read pages between them. The wind shifted, and you could now smell pine. The ever-true and mighty trees covered with heavy snow still stand tall in the changing environment. Your mouth watered at the scent of orange. You could practically taste the sweet and tart juice rolling across your tongue and sliding down your throat. It's supple nectar refreshing and filling you. You could feel the heat of a bonfire on a cool summer evening burn across your flesh, its incandescent smell warming you from the inside out. Soothing mint was the final scent you picked up. Clean and bright. Fresh. It cleared your senses until it was all you could scent...all you could feel was him.
"Do you smell that?" You asked out loud. Your eyes rolled back in your head, and your knees buckled involuntarily. You let out a gasp that turned into a moan. Your tongue felt thick with moisture. Your head lolled back on your shoulders.
"What is happening?" You asked through panting and panicked breaths. You felt like you were being watched, and your head snapped forward, looking...for what, you weren't sure. You flicked the hair out of your eyes, and that's when you saw him. He was tall. Standing above everyone else. He wore a blue jacket with a black flannel underneath. His brown hair blew softly in the breeze. He was incredibly handsome. Long limbs and broad shoulders. Defined cheekbones and a strong jaw, softened by baby-pink lips and expressive eyes. His mouth sat slightly open, his chest heaving with full breaths. His eyes locked onto yours, and the cramps rolled through you.
"Oh, my god." You practically shouted, your hands flying to your stomach.
"Y/N, what the hell is going on?" Vanessa asked, her voice worried and confused. You gasped as you fell to the ground, your hand knocking over fruits and vegetables as you tried to catch yourself.
"Holy shit," Vanessa said, covering her mouth. "You're an Omega."
You curled inward as a fresh wave of cramps moved through you. When you looked up, there he was. Crouching in front of you. His hazel eyes were determined yet concerned. He held his hand out to you, offering you help. You couldn't explain why, but you trusted him. Your fingers danced over his, his body pulling you back to standing. The moment your skin touched his, you knew. You had read about his. True mates. There was no record of a true mate in over a century. They had been eradicated from the treatment of Omegas. Or so you thought. Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt the slick leak between your legs. He caught the smell of it, and you saw his eyes turn wild. His hand practically yanked you toward him, his opposite arm holding you tightly against his chest.
"Omega." His voice was thick and weighted with arousal. Your knees buckled again, but he caught you this time. His hand came up to wipe the hair away from your forehead.
"You're my..." You mumbled through panting breaths and moans. Your cramps were getting worse, overtaking your entire body. He looked deeply at you then. His sunset eyes were staring into yours. Intertwined in green, blue, and gold, you saw your life waiting for you. It was then that you realized the others around you. Alphas from all over the surrounding area were closing in on you. He noticed them too. A protective and possessive growl came from deep within his chest. He turned and tucked you behind him, his arms holding you tightly. Using himself as a shield as he slowly backed up while assessing the situation.
A whistle broke through the crowd. Your head turned to see dozens of guards racing through the farmers market. They had nightsticks, guns, and gas that they were threatening the descending Alphas with.
"No." Your Alpha said, moving you to the front of his body and wrapping you into an unyielding embrace. Despite all the action, you couldn't help your body's response to being surrounded by his scent. You fisted his shirt in your hands, trying to get as close as possible.
The guards came for him. There were about 20. Your Alpha tried to hold onto you, but there were too many. He unwillingly let you go and began to fight them off. Sometimes taking two of three at a time. You watched in fear and amazement as his massive form made quick work of each guard. His arms and legs struck their target each time precisely. Another Alpha jumped in as well. He fought off the guards alongside your Alpha. Their movements were calculated and practiced. They were experienced. You stared at the two of them, still wrecked with cramps and sweat.
Suddenly, hands wrapped around your arms. You tried kicking. You tried yanking your arms away. You tried flailing your entire body. They were too strong. Alarm and panic coursed through your veins. You let out a scream, your desperation evident. Your Alpha turned then. His nostrils flared. There was so much anger and aggression in his focused eyes. You watched his large hands ball into fists at his side. His lip curled over his front teeth as he charged at the guards, his body only seeking yours. The other Alpha, who was fighting with him, ran as well. The guards all blocked you, standing between you and your Alpha. You watched as he screamed, punched, and kicked. You saw the agony and peril written across his handsome face as they threw you into the van. You made eye contact with him. You reached out your hand, desperately trying to get back to him.
"I will find you! Do you hear me? I will come for you. My Omega!" He screamed, his eyes holding yours with certainty. His voice was the last thing you heard before the needle pinched your skin and sleep took you. ---------------------- "Come on, man! I just wanna sleep!" Dean whined, his head turning to the other side of the pillow.
"I can go without you. I just wanted to let you know I'm taking the car." Sam said, already picking up the keys.
"What?" Dean shot up. "Why do you need the car?"
"Because it's a few miles away," Sam explained.
"Fine. They better have coffee." Dean mumbled as he dramatically threw the covers off him and stumbled into the bathroom.
"It's a farmers market, Dean. Of course, they will have coffee." Sam said, rolling his eyes and waiting for his brother.
"And bacon!" Dean shouted.
"I'll call ahead." Sam shot back sarcastically. ---------------------- "What the fuck, Sam? I don't see any bacon!" Dean asked, his face twisted in annoyance.
"Have a muffin," Sam said, pointing to the first thing he saw.
"You have a muffin!" Dean poked his finger into Sam's chest.
"I told you, you didn't have to come," Sam said.
"Right. Like I'm gonna let you leave Baby here with all these..." Dean paused, flailing his hands around dramatically. "Vegetarians!" He whisper yelled before he stalked away.
Sam shook his head and laughed lightly at his brother's usual antics before returning to the canvas bag display before him. He lifted his head to look at the booth next to him when it hit him. The purest and most intoxicating scent filled his lungs.
It smelt of jasmine, its sensual and feminine smell wrapping around him. He could see the fields of lavender in his mind. Their gorgeous purple color contrasts the lush green grass in which they grow. The floral scent was wild yet tamed, making his hands ball into fists at his side. His tongue felt heavy at the taste of honey, his mouth savoring its nutty and woodsy aroma. He smelt spices, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. Their nostalgic and balmy perfumes reminded him of autumn. How the seasons change brought new life to the earth. Sam could virtually feel the rain dance across his body. Goosebumps covered his flesh at the humid and earthy smell bringing him almost to his knees. His pupils dilated at the fresh and invigorating fragrance of freshly cut lemon. Its sticky and citrus juices awakened his senses until all that was left for Sam to see or feel...was you.
He saw you then, hunched over and panting. Your eyes locked on his, and his world stopped spinning. All the air left his lungs, and the blood ran hotter in his veins. You grabbed your stomach, your face scrunching in confusion and pain. You fell to the ground, and Sam took off toward you. Shoving and pushing anyone and everyone out of his way until he was crouching before you. He stretched his hand out to help. He knew the instant your delicate touch caressed his scared and calloused skin. Sam caught the scent of your slick sliding down your legs and had to keep himself from ripping your clothes off. He ran his hands over your hair, feeling the heat from your body as he pulled you close.
"Omega," He claimed.
"Your my..." Your voice was breathy and dazed. Sam knew what you meant. True mates. Even in his delirium, he knew this was exceedingly rare. He tilted your head back to look directly into your eyes. Swimming among the specks of Y/E/C, he saw everything he could ever need. ----------------- Your hand was reaching toward him. His love. His Omega. His unclaimed mate. He reached back. Your beautiful eyes were full of fear and agony. It killed him to watch you in pain and sorrow.
"I will find you! Do you hear me? I will come for you. My Omega!" He pledged to you and himself. The guards slammed the doors of the van and sped away. It took over 15 guards to hold Sam and Dean back from you. They finally broke away and raced toward the Impala. Dean jumped across the hood to climb into the front seat.
"What the fuck is going on, man?" Dean screamed once they took off driving. Sam didn't answer right away; he just sat in brooding silence. His hands balled tightly into fists on his lap. Dean screamed his name, and Sam finally snapped out of it.
"I don't know," Sam said truthfully. "I think...no...I know, she is my true mate."
"True mate?" Dean asked, looking over at Sam. "When was the last time that happened?"
"Over a century ago," Sam answered.
"Whoa." Was all Dean said, his hand running through his spiked hair.
Despite their best efforts, they lost the van carrying you. Sam shook with anger and frustration. His mind and body swinging between hectic depression and chaotic rage. Now that he had seen you. Scented you. Heard your angelic voice...he could never be without you.
They pulled into Singer Auto the next day. Sam closed the door and immediately started pacing. Bobby greeted them outside with beers in his hands.
"What's got you two all riled up?" Bobby asked around the lip of his beer can.
"I met my true mate. They took her from me, Bobby. They took my Omega." Sam said. His voice was primal sounding. Bobby lowered his beer can, his brow stitching together on his forehead. He looked at Sam as if he was crazy, glancing between both boys for more information.
"Your true mate?" Bobby asked. "Sam...there hasn't been a documented case of true mates in..." Bobby trailed off. His head shook in disbelief.
"Over a century. I know." Sam finished for him. He sounded impatient.
"It's true, Bobby. I saw it all. She presented in the middle of a farmers market." Dean piped in.
"What?" Bobby looked as if he had just been punched in the stomach.
"Yeah. Us and about 50 guards from the government had to fight off like 25 other Alphas who were all called there by her presentation." Dean explained.
"And you're sure it was you, son?" Bobby asked. Sam pricked at the question but remained in control.
"It didn't happen until we made eye contact." Sam verified.
"My god," Bobby said. His eyebrows raised to his hairline.  
"Bobby. I need to know where they are kept, the Omegas. I need to find her. I need to rescue her. Every minute that I am without her is agony to me. It has only been a day, and I feel like I'm gonna combust. I feel like a part of me is missing. I need to be with her. I need...her. Just her." Sam said, his voice softening.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know. I-I don't even know if there is just one house or several." Bobby said regretfully. Sam let out a breath that turned into a growl, his hands raking through his hair.
"Well, boys, it looks like we have some work to do," Bobby said more confidently. ----------------------- You awoke in your new room. It was bland. All sense of individuality was gone. The walls were beige. The bedding was beige. Even the furniture was a withered beige. You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes and feeling the tears come. In all the turmoil at the farmer's market, you didn't have time to fully understand what was happening. The fear settled over your shoulders like a cold, scratchy blanket offering no warmth.
Your body curled into itself tightly. Cramps still sat deep in your abdomen. A constant and aching reminder of your new reality. The tears fell hot and heavy down your cheeks, their salty taste getting caught in your mouth. You sniffled and pressed the palms of your hands into your eyes. Your breath was wet sounding as you cried in your lonely room. You got out of bed and went to the door, swallowing thickly from nerves. Eyes closed as your fingers felt the cold metal of the handle. You turned it. Locked.
"No. No. No. No. Please. No." You said in total defeat. Your voice pendulated from small and meek to loud and angry as you continued your protest. You ran your hands over the door, looking for any way out.
"You can move around the house once your heat is over." Someone spoke. They were right outside the door. Your breath caught in your throat, and you stepped backward in fear.
"Don't be scared." She spoke again. There was the sound of a key turning in a lock. The door opened, and a woman walked through. She was beautiful with wavy raven-colored hair that fell to her mid-back. She wore a long black dress that accentuated her cleavage. Her olive skin was highlighted with freckles and beauty marks. Large dark brown eyes found yours, and a calm smile sat on her lips.
"My name is Violet. I am the head Omega of this house." ---------------------- Four months Later The Omega house was strange. Most women here were kind and compassionate. Most days passed with walks around the property. Reading in the small library and eating meals with some other Omegas here. You had classes on how to be a good Omega. How to best manage your heats. And how to keep your Alpha happy. It was misogynistic and disgusting, but you were holding it together. It was alright per se, but it wasn't home. There were two times when the house was miserable. Once was when you had your heat. You were forced to stay in your room. Given only essential over-the-counter medication for the pain. No matter how bad the cramps were. No matter how loudly you pleaded. You were not allowed to touch yourself. Not allowed anything that could provide some relief for the aching pulse between your legs. Some have even been tied down because they could not stop. However, the worst days were the days when the Alphas visited. They came in with confidence unlike you had ever seen. Their fancy cars and clothes could not mask their true nature. They saw you all as property. They didn't ask permission to touch or scent you. They didn't want to talk to you or find themselves in any kind of courtship. They tried to claim you as their own. They wanted to own you. Today was one of those days.
You took a deep breath, running your hands over the white dress you had to wear when the Alphas were here. It fits tightly across your chest, flowing slightly at your waist. The hem fell around your calf, showing your bare feet. You rubbed your bicep nervously and prayed that you didn't get chosen. You had lucked out the past four months and hoped your luck could get you one more month. A bit more time for him to find you. You knew he was looking. You closed your eyes at night and pictured his handsome face. His strong yet gentle hands holding you. His warm and perfect mouth...
Violet's voice calling all of you interrupted your thoughts. You rolled your eyes and made your way downstairs to greet the Alphas. You stood with the other Omegas. Some of them like you, begging to not be chosen, while others did whatever they could for an Alpha's attention. The door opened, and several men walked through. You could feel the arrogance and pride rolling off of them.
Violet introduced all of you. You felt like you were up for auction. It was sick and twisted. There was nothing weak or feeble about you or anyone here. All of these women deserved love and affection from someone of their choosing. Someone who loved them the way they deserved to be loved and adored. You left your body, flying high into the air, your mind conjuring up memories of your Alpha. His lips. His hands. His pointed nose. His green and gold eyes. How protective he was of you. Holding you like it was his last day.
A finger trailing over your neck pulled you back into the room with everyone. You slid your eyes over to the Alpha smiling in front of you. He leaned in, moving your hair out of the way so he could put his face into the crook of your neck. He took a large breath. Goosebumps covered your skin, and you did everything possible to not look as disgusted as you felt.
"I like this one." The Alpha moaned. His lips gave you a small kiss before he pulled away.
"Yes, I would like to have her." His eyes raked over your body. "Whatever the cost." He added.  
"Very well, Alpha Luke," Violet said, her eyes staring forward. Your heart sank in your chest. What? You had been bought? You were going to be this Alpha's wife? Panic began to drip down your spine. Your stomach felt sour and sick. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood to keep yourself from screaming.
"When will she be ready?" Luke asked.
"Tomorrow evening," Violet said.
"I'll be here at 6 sharp." He turned and took a few steps before turning back around. "Have her in more revealing clothes." He said with a wicked grin.
The door to your room closed. The lock slid into place. Its sound echoed as a physical manifestation of your sealed fate. --------------------------- "Oh, my god," Dean mumbled around a pancake.
"What?" Sam asked, lifting his head from his laptop. He hadn't slept or eaten in days.
"I found it," Dean said. His face was bright, and his smile wide.
"You found..." Sam trailed off.
"The last house," Dean assured him, turning the computer so Sam could look.
"Let's go," Sam said. His voice was authoritative and raw.
Over the past four months, Sam, Dean, and Bobby had been on a never-ending search. They watched and observed wealthy Alphas. Following them to Omega houses. Sam trying to find you through your scent. Every time he walked away more disappointed than the last. He knew you were waiting for him. Sometimes, in the still hours of early morning, he swore he could feel your heart beating in his chest. He had to get to you. You were all he could think about. He could not rest until you were safe in his arms. Food lost its flavor. Whiskey no longer burned. All the things that once brought him joy felt useless and limp. He needed you. ---------------- You sat in the bath as it was custom for Omegas on their selling day. Four other Omegas sat around you. The water didn't feel warm to you. You had lost all sense of perception of the world around you. You almost felt catatonic from ache and anguish. You no longer felt the soapy sponge on your flesh or the delicate fingers that washed your hair. Your mind receded into itself. Not allowing you to accept that tonight you would be wed. Tonight a stranger would take you as his own. Laying a claimed mark on your skin. Time was up. Your Alpha couldn't find you. And now, even if he did. You would legally belong to someone else in only a few short hours.
This house and its customs. This society and its rules. They may contractually bind you to someone for money. But your heart could speak for itself. Your heart belonged to him. Your soul resided with his. Your Omega was his absolute pairing. A man whose name you didn't even know. And yet, he was yours. And you were his until the end of your days.
The Omega's helped you dress. A white outfit sat in front of you. It was what the Alpha had requested. The top was a lace corset highlighting your breasts with a matching skirt that fell to your upper thighs. The lace was not opaque. You could see your white underwear and a gathering of lace hid your nipples. Although it was clearly made to be removed, it was rather elegant. You looked in the mirror and closed your eyes. Even though this was one of the most sensual and beautiful items you had worn. You never felt more disgusting.
The ceremony started, and you practically lurched forward from nausea. You caught yourself on the railing, descending the staircase as you were told. Another Omega had been chosen as well. Her name was Tanya. You didn't know her well, but having her next to you was helping slightly.
You reached the end of the stairs and saw Luke waiting there. His eyes looked over you with a controlling lust that made your skin crawl. You lowered your head and walked over to him. His scent reeked of wet dog to you. He reached up and touched your cheek. It felt almost kind. Until his hand wrapped around your jaw and he yanked you towards him, your lips pulled uncomfortably together at his harsh touch.
"Mine." He growled in your face. The tears prickled in the corners of your eyes. Then...you smelt him. That delicious woodsy and citrus scent. Your eyes rolled back, and a sharp breath pulled into your lungs. Luke smelt him too. His lip curled. His head turned toward the entryway. The large doors began to shake against their hinges. Your breathing became loud and erratic. The wood began to creak and moan against the assault. Luke pulled you toward him, his arm wrapping around your waist. You tried to fight him off, pushing on his forearm.
The doors finally gave. They hit the house's walls with a resounding bang that echoed throughout the room. He stood in the middle of the doorway. His massive form was emphasized under the milky glow of the full moon. He wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans. His muscular arms were defined by the shadows of night. His face was stoic and stern. He wore a few days of stubble across his chiseled jaw. You stopped struggling when his eyes connected with yours. As soon as he saw you, his shoulders pushed back. His body stood to its full height, his head tilting up in dominance. It was as if time stood still. Your pounding heart was the only thing you could hear.
"'Mega." Your presentation was rounded beautifully by his flawless lips. The moment his boot crossed the door's threshold, guards were on him. Luke sneered, shoving you behind him. Your Alpha pushed the guards away one by one, his large and powerful hands all but throwing them aside like ragdolls. The same Alpha from the farmers market slid behind him on his knees. His body attacking with the same ferocity as your Alpha. The guards didn't give up without a fight. They continued to attack. Your Alpha landed several punches that knocked guards out cold. You swallowed, watching the sheer power coming from him. The guards left the other Alpha, and all came for yours then. His body taking hits from every side. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. Luke pounced, his fists flailing. The sounds of a fight filled the room. Hard contact of skin on skin. Low and heavy grunts.
You flung yourself into the pile, jumping on top of Luke. He threw you to the ground forcefully. You got back up and flicked your hair out of the way.
"Go! I got them, go!" The other Alpha screamed. He squeezed himself into the pile so your Alpha could break free. You started walking toward him, but Luke once again grabbed you. You flailed and kicked, and your Alpha pumped his arms to fight him. You spun in Luke's grasp, holding onto his shoulders and kneeing him hard between his legs. He fell, letting you free. You ran to your Alpha. He held his arms out for you. You jumped onto him, your body wrapping around his chest. He encased you fully into his arms. He backed you against the wall, looking deeply into your eyes. He lowered his head and ran his nose over your neck, scenting you. Your eyes fluttered.
"Omega." He mumbled.
"You came for me." You whispered. Your breath was low and deep in your lungs.
"I promised you I would." He moved his head to the other side of your neck. You gripped his shirt in your hands, rolling your hips against his. He groaned in your ear, his fingers digging into the exposed flesh of your thigh.
"Are you kidding?! Get in the fucking car!" The other Alpha screamed, breaking free from the assault. Your Alpha then ran out of the house with you, throwing you into the back of an old but well-taken-care-of car. The other Alpha jumped into the driver's seat and sped off. The two of you looked at each other in the back seat. You were both breathless and wide-eyed.
"I'm Sam." He said, turning fully to face you. You let the sound ring in your ears. His name. You finally knew his name.
"Y/N." You said with a genuine smile. You watched as his lips silently repeated your name. Sam reached forward and pulled a jacket from the car's front seat. He draped it across your shoulders and smiled at you. He had dimples that eased his dominant appearance and gave him a boyish charm. You lowered your nose to the collar and inhaled deeply. You curled inward at being completely surrounded by his scent.
"I'm Dean, by the way." The other Alpha said. "Not that anyone cares." He mumbled.
"I care." You piped up. "Hi, Dean. Thank you for helping to save me." You said politely.
"You're welcome." He looked at you in the rearview mirror.
Dean drove like a madman to ensure you would not be followed. Taking numerous side streets and even dirt roads through fields. The trip lasted a while until you finally pulled into a motel. You and Sam got out; they had already gotten two rooms. Dean went to stow the car somewhere in the woods.
You walked into the motel room, and suddenly everything felt real. This was real. You were with your Alpha. You swallowed nervously, and your fingers played with the hem of Sam's jacket sleeve.
He reached up to touch your face, and you instinctively backed away, cursing yourself as soon as you did it.
"Were you...?" Sam trailed off, letting him fill in the blanks. You looked down at the floor and tried to think of how to tell him.
"I don't want you to be frightened. You probably saw some scary things locked away in there. I want....No. I need you to know that I would never hurt you. You are my true mate." Sam said.
"Don't worry, Alpha. I assure you, I have been kept pure." You said, keeping your eyes down.
"You think your purity concerns me?" Sam asked you, his face tight with disbelief.
"They told me it was important." You explained. Your voice was small.
"Maybe to some Alphas, it is. To me, however, your well-being is what concerns me. I am your Alpha. Your protector. Your provider. I don't care what they told you in that house. I am telling you now that I am only concerned with your safety and happiness." Sam took three steps to close the distance between you. He took your face into his massive hands.
"I am not asking you if you are pure. I am asking if they hurt you?" His thumb came under your chin to lift your face to look at him.
"Not in that way, no." You said, feeling your confidence starting to emerge again from his words.
"Good." He said, keeping his emotions under control, although you did see him bristle. He glanced down and then back up, his eyes narrowing.
"When you say 'pure'...?" His voice questioning.
"Uh. Yes. I am a virgin." You said, your words were shakey with fear as you spoke them. His eyes widened, and his lips parted.
"What? I...Y/N..." His shocked face read so many different emotions.
"Does that scare you?" You asked.
"Not at all. If anything...it makes me want you even more." He confessed.
"Oh." Was all you said, looking away sheepishly.
"Can I ask why?" He asked.
"It just never felt right. I guess now I know why." You touched his face, running your thumb over his cheek. His eyes closed at the gesture.
"Have you done...anything?" He asked, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair.
"Yes. I have done some stuff." You answered honestly.
"Have you ever...had an orgasm?" He asked you, his voice shy.
"Yes." You admitted.
"But never during your heat?" He asked.
"Yes, it was during my heat." You corrected him.
"But I read the Omegas are forbidden...you weren't allowed to touch yourself," Sam was confused.
"They could stop my hands but couldn't stop my mind." You said. The confidence you once had coming back.
"Your mind? You thought about something?" Sam asked, his voice growing heavier.
"Not something, someone." You whispered, turning your head to kiss his wrist. Sam brought you even closer to him.
"You thought about...?" His body melted into yours.
"I thought about you, Sam. Only you. Thinking about my Alpha. My perfect mate. Even without your touch, you brought me to highs I never thought I could reach." You said, your body pressing harder into Sam's.
"I thought of you too, Y/N. When I was in my rut, I felt like I was about to explode. Thinking of you. Picturing your warm and pure scent. Imagining your soft body against me. Wondering what your name would feel like to finally fall off my lips. I could have sworn I could taste you. Thinking of you gave me the greatest pleasure I have ever known. Until now." He suddenly fell to his knees in front of you. Sam's long arms wrapped around you, his breath becoming heavy and fast. His hands tentatively removed his jacket from around your shoulders. His eyes watching yours to make sure it was ok with you. You nodded, silently begging him to continue.
"I am yours." He whispered. His nose trailed down your chest, his hot breath fanning your breasts.
"From the moment I scented you, I knew you were the most important thing in my life." He dipped his head down to your stomach to deeply inhale your scent. His lips caught on your shirt as he moved back up your body. His fingers gripping the fabric of your skirt. A desperate groan left his mouth.
"We are bound from this day forward. And if fate should be so cruel as to rip me away from you, I will find you in any life after this. You are mine. My Alpha submits to you. My Omega. My moon and stars. My Y/N." Sam's voice was barely above a whisper.
"I am yours, Sam. My Alpha. My sun and skies. Take me." You said through heavy breaths. Your hands took his face between them. Your fingertips traced the outline of his lips.
Sam didn't waste a moment. He instantly stood, grabbing you and taking you with him. He lifted you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist. His mouth overtook yours. Hot, wet, and possessive. You kissed him back, your tongue finally tasting him. Of all the times you had imagined this, nothing could have lived up to the real thing. The moment his lips graced yours, the cramps started. Your body fell into its natural heat from being with your Alpha. You gasped and gripped Sam tighter. He could sense it instantly, his primal instincts responding to his Omega. Sam's teeth sunk into your bottom lip, drawing a small amount of blood. You moaned into him.
"Claim me." You instructed. You twisted your fingers into Sam's hair, pulling his head back and forcing him to look at you.
"Show everyone who I belong to." You breathed, your voice low and confident.
To Be Continued...
Tagging: @never--doubt @emoryhemsworth @makeadealwithdean @nancymcl @babymxxse @kazsrm67 @zepptte @maliburnee @brooklyn-glen-2014-blog @katherine-ann1 @samfreakingwinchester @idreamofplaid @reconsidering-my-life-choices @clarinette07 @440mxs-wife @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @writethelifeyouwant @squirrelnotsam @prettysourabbie @fanficorwhatever @spnexploration
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