#i love my hellhound baby already
hellsurvivr · 21 days
Rhea ripley
*      ―    ﴾  𝙽𝙿𝙲 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴  ﴿ // still accepting ( @ anon )
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AGE : 2000+ ( tbd in earth years ) SPECIES : hellhound JOB : supernatural tattoo artist.
    INTRODUCING :    calliope ricci. who prefers to be called callie. one badass bitch, and also the best tattoo artist around for those, who are of a more supernatural lineage. or those who need protection against the supernatural.
                Callie, is one of the few humans who were unfortunately chosen by lucifer     ━  to be guinea pigs in a pet project he had decided to undertake.   it was well known between the angels and demons, that lucifer loved to twist souls into becoming his demons, loved to make demons that were stronger than any of the others and capable of killing angels should the need arise. thus his project over a thousand years ago didn't raise too many eyebrows from his demons. plus none of them argued. the only ones who had an issue of course, were the angels, but they couldn't stop him, not when he had his knights ready to fight, ready to go to war with heaven.
                callie was born in what would one day come to be known as australia     ━   and for all intents and purposes was a normal child.   until the day lucifer set his eyes upon her, knowing she was a perfect specimen for his project. thus at a mere five years old, Callie is kidnapped from her bed and taken to a derelict-looking room, deep in the bowels of hell. and it is there, she comes to know only pain and anguish, as lucifer sets about preparing her body for his true intentions. those intentions, being to create a hellhound within human skin. the project had spawned deep in the twisted psyche of lucifers mind after he had witnessed hunters, killing his hounds, over and over with no remorse. nor with any true struggle once they learnt the hounds weaknesses. and so he wanted to create a pack of them, that were not only stronger than the original species. but ones who could slip deep into the human world, and move amongst them without hunters having a clue. these new hounds would be blessed with all the same attributes as the others, but on a much larger scale. as in their very touch, could send a soul to hell if they wished it.
                when callie came of age at 21, lucifer stepped up his experiments and had a hellhound, possess callie's body. something that had killed the others. but for the first time out of everyone     ━  callie survived.   thus she now became lucifers favourite. the one he knew would be the 'alpha' of this new pack. and for the next four years, had the hounds constantly possess callie's body, sometimes four at a time, so that she could come to terms with the true vastness of the power she would one day have. that day coming on what was her 25th birthday. when with a very well-placed spell, lucifer's own blood and the sacrifice of ten hellhounds. lucifer created his first human hellhound. the process was painful for callie, given her human soul had to be ripped apart into a thousand shreds and merged with that of the hounds. and after ten days of agonising pain, to the point she passed out numerously. she awoke as her new found self. a new self that had an unbridled loyalty to lucifer. her creator. her master. and from that day forward she set out to be his new collector. the leader of his new hounds. his new weapon.
               callie's loyalty to lucifer     ━   was unbreakable till one fateful day.   when callie ran into a group of hunters, she thought nothing of it. given it had happened multiple times and she walked away unscratched. but not this day. they managed to get the jump on her, leaving her injured and clinging to life. two of her fellow hounds found her and brought her back to hell, where the demon who helped with the experiments, helped to heal callie and repair the damage. something that didn't pleasure lucifer. finding out that callie had nearly been caught, had nearly died. he demanded someone needed to die. not the hunters. but callie herself. for being a failure, for letting herself appear so weak. and it's in that moment she knew, she meant nothing to the man she'd been so loyal too. she was just a pawn. a toy for him to use and discard as he pleased. so regaining her strength, she kills both the doctor and some of the other hounds and demons around her. before running as far and fast as she could. putting distance between herself, and hell.
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pt IV good omens but all i know is i watched three episodes on a stream with you all
Three hours being in a server with good omens fans in the wild *insert random emojis to sound like optimum clickbait youtuber except this ain't clickbait*
Okay I woke up. Before everything just WASHES out of my brain, I'm gonna describe whatever happened last night best as I can, because that's what I do.
Some of you were unable to attend the stream, and were sad. But don't worry I got you guys here's the rundown:
people joined the server. people were confused. i was afraid. i was assured that i should be, which was meant to comfort me.
people introduced themselves. someone said they had worked in a brothel as a bartender, which was cool, they said they had many stories. they did not elaborate for fear of scaring the newcomers. The newcomers, aka, me, were already scared, and it was not of the brothel stories.
I brought an emotional support orange with me. It looked uncomfortable. I thought it would be rotten. It was not, but we would not know that until later.
@thescholarlystrumpet entered fabulously, and started the stream.
i didn't realise the show had started for a good two minutes because there was a random voice over that was telling us about Earth's star sign (Libra) and somehow that didn't compute in my brain as being part of the episode. I thought we were checking audio.
It turned out, the episode had begun, and everyone was acting like this is a completely normal way for a show to start.
We time-jumped from the fall of man to modern day society so fast that I got whiplash.
There were a lot of orgasmic noises. I asked why. I was told in no uncertain terms that those were screams of labour. I'm sorry to everyone who has given birth ever.
There were three babies. I tried to keep track, it was hard. I thought the Antichrist won prizes for tropical fish. I was wrong.
I fell in love with Crowley and his hips and was very gay on the chat. This was heartily applauded.
I didn't realise an hour had passed when the episode ended, which it seemed was to be a common theme. I said nothing happened which everyone found funny for some reason.
I was very concerned about Armageddon. Everyone assured me that it would take place over the course of the season. I asked why we'd speedrun through millennia in five minutes but eight days took several episodes. I was a naive fool. Time is a social construct and this show cares not for social constructs.
They fucked up the mission. This was also to be a common theme.
I begged for a break and had to shake my head to try and get the brain rot out. I did not succeed.
The second episode commenced. The intro concerned me, because the cartoon Aziraphale looked pregnant or like a chicken. I asked if Crowley had impregnated him. He had not.
The pornography scene had to be replayed because I was so lost and had not relished it properly.
There was a lot of crying on the chat. Every few minutes someone would say a normal sentence in English and everyone would respond with crying emojis. Needless to say, I was concerned. This was also to be a common theme.
I asked why we were talking about random children. I was told it was The Them and they were the Antichrist's friends. I liked the hellhound.
I wanted to adopt the Antichrist, and grew more thirsty for Crowley every time he was a casual accessory to murder. I'm relying on this fandom not to use this as evidence with the cops. The chat was not reassuring, they said maybe.
I thirsted for Crowley more. This was also to be a common theme.
Aziraphale was very cute, I realised. That was nice. It was not nice when he had gay panic and said mean things to Crowley and they broke up. This was also to be a common theme.
I got so gay for Crowley that I ate the emotional support orange. It was gaseous. The chat was concerned, and everyone got excited every time oranges were mentioned after.
The third episode was a fucking roller coaster. Crowley and Aziraphale were your average high school couple but biblical for 6000 years.
Both were casual accessories to murder, and sometimes the cause of the murders, before going out for a date. Crowley got horny and he stopped listening every time Aziraphale ate. This was also to be a common theme.
The chat was keeping count of the husband breakups. This was not nice.
The Bentley was silver in many scenes, and people were forced to concede that they saw it. I was smug.
Crowley was sexy. She served gender, or as some people in the chat said, she served cunt. Her hairstyles got better and better. No one liked the 60s one. I did. I like everything she does. I love him.
Things happened. The fandom infected me. Someone mentioned how the book said Crowley felt lonely. I was near tears.
Crowley walked down the aisle for Aziraphale. We all were happy.
The book case, the thermos, the bandstand. I was broken.
Everyone said very emotional goodbyes.
I made a post on tumblr that was absolutely incomprehensible but accurately conveyed my love for Crowley. I fell asleep.
Same time next week, I believe.
I hope this was an adequate summary of the livestream for everyone, I am broken irreparably and if anyone mentions the bandstand I will have to start drinking and not stop till I get a happy ending. I cannot afford alcohol. I will ferment grapes myself if I have to.
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Can you do fizzaroli and asmodeus comforting their teenage adopted child after she/he/they had a rough day today?
Ooooh! My second Helluva Boss request, that’s so exciting! I can’t wait to work on some Helluva Boss! Let’s give some love to best Achillean couple!
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus- Ruby in the Rough
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Fizzarolli is an energetic and somewhat crude man, that energy is also applied to his parenting style. He is caring and affectionate but also energetic and can accidentally be oblivious about his child’s problems with his jokester attitude. Though, he will make up for his mistake and unconditionally spoil his child rotten
Asmodeus, on the other hand, is the most doting and considerate parent of this pair. He’s more calm and a bit playful, though. He loves chatting and bonding with his child as often as he can, cuddling his child and can recognise every problem they may have instantaneously. He is one of the best comforters and huggers in Hell
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, together as parents, as a married couple, as a father and father tag team, for their adoptive young teenage Hellhound daughter. You. A cute fluffy red fox-patterned and red fox-coloured Hellhound; Fizzarolli absolutely adores you and Asmodeus wants to squeeze your little cheeks
Asmodeus is the first one to notice his and his husband’s daughter’s distress. The way your fluffy tail is drooped and dragging on the floor, your voice is softer, your attention is averted. Fizzarolli, unintentionally, doesn’t notice your problems until his husband points it out
Then. As the usual wholesome doting couple they are, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus let you go to your bedroom and speak to one another in how they’ll approach comforting you. Of course, Fizzarolli offers buying you a gift whilst Asmodeus proclaims they should just raise up your self-esteem
And since they can’t decide inbetween each… they pick both
Fizzarolli barrages into your bedroom and basically throws a new phone case present into your lap whilst jumping up onto your bed to hug you as Asmodeus calmly sits down and hugs you right away after his husband, brushing through your hair gently with his mighty claws
After a bit, both fathers respond to hearing their precious fluffy Hellhound cry at her parents’ loving hugs. Crying in relief that both are immediately coming in to help you. You already feel so much better with both Fizzarolli and Asmodeus silently waiting for you to speak and hugging you
Of course… your problem is that people were mistreating you for being a Hellhound, a species of demons considered as meaningless animals, not as people. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli are already psychically speaking to one another on hiring assassins to kill the demons daring to harass their beloved little gemstone
“T-they… he was just so rude” You mumble out gently, long dog-like snout pressed into Asmodeus’ mighty big feathery chest whilst he holds both you and his husband, Fizzarolli to him whilst Fizzarolli keeps his thin but metallic robotic arms coiled around his hellhound baby girl like rope tied around your waist. His long imp tail wagging, Asmodeus couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath at seeing his imp lover so excited to hold their child, even when she is so upset
Asmodeus then whispers out, his dark blue beak slightly brushing over your soft hair, inbetween your tall fluffy red fox-like ears. Fizzarolli is mainly there for physical support, having the right as your upbeat and cheering up father whilst Asmodeus is the King of Lust and the king of Emotional Support, speaking for the both of the parents
“Darling. Whatever those fools said. They are wrong, you’re not ugly, you’re not a useless gross canine, you’re not a pet. You’re a beautiful, unique young lady that deserves all the love and admiration in the Lust Ring”
Just hearing Asmodeus’ smooth, silky and comforting voice alongside Fizzarolli’s warm big hugs is a one-two punch of extreme love to your heart and make all the dread, heartbreak and image problems wash away… well, mainly all of it. Though, both can sense when you’re not fully happy and both are still hugging you. The Sin holds both his husband and his daughter to his chest whilst the Imp snuggles his daughter in his husband’s hold
“I-I… I’m not a flea-ridden gross mangy mutt?” You ask gently, almost like a little child. Not even like a fourteen year old. It’s precious, both dads’ hearts are melting and Fizzarolli openly expressing how cute he finds their daughter with a soft ‘awww~!’ under his breath, even with his deep raspy voice. Asmodeus then nods and speaks gently again
It doesn’t take a big pep talk for this dads to cheer up their child from any problems she has
“Never, babygirl. You’re gorgeous, you’re talented, you’re filled with loveable joy and you have much ambition. You’ll slap down those fools when you become successful”
As soon as Asmodeus finished, Fizzarolli chimed in. Unable to stop himself from stating what’s on his mind and what he’d considered comfort. Asmodeus doesn’t really mind and your fluffy long tail flicks in curiosity at your Papa for what he wishes to add in to his husband’s truthful statements. As classic Fizzarolli fashion; it’s energetic, playful and a bit silly but passionate
Both promise they will make sure you’re successful, wealthy and beloved when you’re a fully grown adult
“You’re warm as well! People should be pouncing on you for snuggles and affection, rosydoll”
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bunneclair · 3 months
I have something for you guys ….
here are my redesigns of the four known 7 deadly sins from the hellaverse! I’ll go in order explaining.
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Here’s Lucifer — the adjustments I made were primarily to his hair and smaller features, such as giving him goat eyes, a snake themed cane, and pulling more classical and biblical inspiration forward. I love a lot of the artistic liberties in the Hellaverse designs but I do think that him being a curly-redhead is a pretty important thing that I hated to see left out of his design. I also gave him hooves and claws because I felt like he was a bit too human compared to the other sins, and wanted to make him stand out a bit more!
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Next is Asmodeus! My main focus was to make it more evident which sin he represented — while I love Ozzie’s design, I felt like his color palette could be slightly more representing of the sin of lust, so I shifted toward warmer toned colors such as red and purple, while sacrificing the green and blue. I wanted to bring across more gender-fluidity since lust is something I think it is important to represent through various gendered lenses and so I went for the whole upper-half masculine lower-half feminine thing that you see here with a vest+button up and a long slit skirt! I also wanted to show more heart motifs that appear to be evident in ironically all of lust and its inhabitants besides Ozzie most of the time, and so I curved his tail and head feathers in a way that made heart shapes, and I placed Bull and Ram in a way where they’re more visible and stand out more so as their own little entities since it’s implied they’re separately sentient.
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My girl Beelzebub! I LOVE her design, but I do feel like it leans heavier toward hellhound (and fox somewhat) and not enough toward her insect features, so I gave her Bee stripes as well as putting more emphasis and effort into her wings. I kept the multicolored lava lamp hair and belly but made an extra effort to highlight the gold in it to emphasize the honey/bee theme, while also placing this texture in other places such as her paws and inner-ears. I also gave her a honeycomb crown, and more loose-fitting flowy clothing to display her fun and laid-back nature, while referencing her bee themes again by adding a yellow gradient meant to mimic pollen that gets stuck on bees during their pollination process. I also gave her the funky bug eyes :) anddd sorry but I took away the mohawk, it just felt too cluttered for me to draw among other things.
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Here’s Mammon! I may be biased but I love his design so much already that it was difficult to change a whole lot. However, I did find things that I wanted to change. For one, you may notice there are hat and no-hat versions of Mammon here, and that’s because I wanted to display the broken imp-like horns I gave him. In biblical mythology, Mammon often disguised himself as someone who was poor or in need so that he would be able to garner profit from pity, and I think that there is no better way to represent that than ripping off his favorite little brand-baby. I edited a lot of the black in his color palette to be gold instead, as well as adding gold to the fingertips of his gloves as a reference to Midas’ touch. I gave him more of a spider-like appearance since according to a lot of the fandom his species is fairly ambiguous, and I made his shirt (or whatever you call that lol) a bit shorter and less cluttered because I often struggled with drawing it. I also attempted to adjust his proportions a bit as I feel like the designs for the fat characters in Helluva and Hazbin often struggle a bit with proportions and it feels important to me to better represent them.
That’s all I got, but I also created my own takes on the sins that haven’t been revealed yet, which may end up being one of my next posts! I’m doing my best to stay active in the art community and this media has given me some motivation and fuel. Any input is welcome as long as we stay positive ❤️
Reminder as well that my commissions are very open!
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agendabymooner · 1 year
baby said ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member! ofc)
"i'm not afraid of you being vulgar, but why are you so vicious?"
summary: lester and danny ARE NOT in love. OR go dumpster diving in the comments section of daniel and lester as they continue to love each other, disrespectfully <3 (and is danny serious about his proposal?)
content warnings: it's literally just danny and lester being messy in twitter and instagram (bit of thirst tweets incoming), brief use of explicit language, some shitty proposals because i don't know how relationship transitions work lol, simp!lester and simp!danny. maneskin members appearance in the comment section.
note: demon time but it's daniel ricciardo this time. just so you guys know, this series is not done in order. i'm just posting certain headcanons that i can come up with as my brain keeps functioning. by the way, have you checked out my toto wolff fic yet?
let me know what you think!!! enjoy xx
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tagged loressandro
liked by ykaaar, landonorris, carlossainzjr
view 2132 more comments
ethaneskin wow loressandro hows it like being the hottest out of the two of you liked by loressandro and danielricciardo
danielricciardo please suck up to her on her page thx
loressandro i was going to say my boyfriend is actually hotter than me but nvm i guess 🙃
redbullracing she's a beauty she's grace 😇
scuderiaferrari she still wouldn't go to your paddock even if you say that to her face 😜
maxverstappen1 when she doesn't look like a hellhound for once 🤯
user1 and ur the one to talk 💀
loressandro i love u liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo you should marry me
loressandro you should ask me in person
danielricciardo okay i'll see you tomorrow :)
loressandro okay safe trip :)
user1 mA'AM?
user2 y'all I-
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tagged danielriccardio
liked by scottyjames, maneskinofficial, tillywolff
view 2231 more comments
tillywolff omgggggg!!! congratulations mia cara!!!
landonorris let the ipad kid be the ring bearer 👉👈
danielricciardo try harder then maybe we'll allow it
charles_leclerc welcome to the fifth circle lester !! liked by loressandro
loressandro thanks! dante didn't disappoint at all!
user2 danielricciardo bestie when you say shit like that online you wouldn't actually do it.
danielricciardo i like to fuck around and find out.
user3 lester allie? nah, rizz-ter rizziardo. liked by loressandro and danielriccardo
user4 rizzter arizzandro-rizzardo liked by loressandro
loressandro this one takes the cake.
ethaneskin wooohooooo i hope that 2015 ticket was worth it liked by danielricciardo
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tagged loressandro
liked by maxverstappen1, ykaaar, pierregasly
redbullracing we'll hold the reception in our paddock
scuderiaferrari you're not the first to try and snatch our italian paddock princess from us
maxverstappen1 congratulations!
pierregasly getting my suit ready what's the dress code?
loressandro nobody said you were invited tho???
pierregasly your gift from me will be nothing but disappointment.
carlossainzjr so will you finally admit that you searched for her twitter username after seeing her at their eurovision performance?
loressandro what.
user1 daniel ricciardo you are F U C K E D big time lad
danielricciardo hahaha that was meant for our 20th anniversary tbfh sorry babe.
user2 that's a nice ring! is that the one that you stole from my grandma? that's in her will i think.
danielricciardo i promise i'll find a way to feed your family
user3 there was some grave robery thing going on in our city. weren't you here yesterday?
danielricciardo i dunno what you're on about...
landonorris i lost the twitch money in my bank account. it says there was a purchase from a jewelry store. didn't you ask if you could borrow my card the other day?
danielricciardo i already paid you back?
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bonus !!!
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tagged danielricciardo
liked by ykaaar, thomasraggi_, georgerussell63
pierregasly you are so thirsty.
user1 i want her energy.
user2 i want the vibe that she gives.
user3 i want someone who'll hype me like her
user4 i want her.
danielricciardo oof same!
danielricciardo man i can't wait to smother my face with a neck pillow. liked by loressandro
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Can I request Sully with a reader who one day arrives at the mansion with a surprise for him, and the reader reveals that it is a baby animal for the two of them to take care of as a couple?
choose the baby animal you want
This got very long, welcome to the morning fluff train.
Sully, for the most part, is not good with surprises. They make him anxious and worried, even if he has a hard time admitting to that, so when you texted him earlier that day, saying you'd be bringing home a surprise for him, he'd spent a majority of the day incredibly anxious and worried about whatever it might be. When you get back to the mansion and you call him outside, he feels the anxiety clawing at him, but when he sees you clutching a wrapped up blanket he's instead replaced with confusion. When you look up at him and smile, tilting the blanket towards him, the last thing he expected was a two-headed hellhound to be nuzzled up in your arms, fast asleep.
You explain that knowing him and his love for baby animals, you'd been planning for a while to get a pet for the two of you, and you'd found this little guy lost and alone in the woods that morning. You'd taken it to the vet, and since it was a wild hellhound, they'd informed you that it was yours to take if you wanted, and you'd quickly gotten it registered. Sully is barely processing most of what you're saying as he's completely enraptured by the cute little pup in your arms, one of the heads sleeping and the other one tiredly yawning, its little eyes looking dreamily at Sully. He didn't know it was possible to feel this happy and excited with anything other than you. You ask him if he'd like to name him, and he feels as though he might cry, realizing that you're actually serious about caring for it with him, and he nods eagerly. He decides to name the little guy Hades.
As the two of you go on to care for and raise Hades, Sully becomes extremely attached to this little guy, and everyone is aware of it. Hellhounds are known for growing quite big very fast, and as a wild hellhound that turns out NOT to be the runt of his litter (for reference, my Smile is the runt of his litter, and stands at five feet tall at his shoulders fully grown, which is actually considered small), Hades is starting to become a very big boy. Of course, despite any bad feelings Sully might have towards Jeff, he made sure both Smile and Hades could be good friends, and they turned out to be very good playmates. Smile teaches Hades how to play without getting too rough, and he turns out to be a wonderful babysitter whenever you and Sully are busy with something, keeping the fellow pooch entertained. Sully does the best that he can for your dog, making sure he's eating the best food and getting the right amount of space and exercise, and he also makes sure to drill it into every other resident's head what they should and should not do with Hades. 
Everyone thinks it's cute how protective and caring over Hades that Sully has gotten, even if you're the only one brave enough to say it to his face. By the time Hades is a year old, he's already almost close to Sully's height (who stands at 6'3"), but he's very calm and well-trained, and he knows not to cause issues or be too rough on anything or anyone smaller than him. Usually, the only people Sully fully trusts with Hades are you and Liu, but it makes him happy to see the rest of the mansion caring for the big dog and willing to take care of him, some of the other creeps even offer to take Hades out on walks during the day when both of you are too busy to do so. Sully has always thanked you for bringing Hades into his life and will continue to do so. He thinks back so fondly on his puppy stage, the two of you giving him baths and so many snuggles and treats, having fun training him and play wrestling with him when he was still small enough. He's always thought baby animals are the cutest, but even as Hades continues to grow, he's still the cutest animal in the whole world to Sully. It melts his heart to have a pet to care for with you, and it makes him unexplainably happy that you're the one he gets to care for said pet with. He loves you more than anything in the world, although he always says that Hades is a close second.
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Baby, I Got Sick This Morning
Chapter 10 I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses (For tonight I sleep on a bed of nails)
Rating: Explicit
Ships: Harringroveson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Word Count: 56,393
Status: On Going
Chapter Summary: Our boys take a break, Steve gets some rest, there is talking and- not talking. Beware Teddy Bears, for they are fierce ❤
Chapter Notes: Yes, sorry for the late update. Health has been dragging me down and I've stayed busy with work on top of it. But I hope this chapter finds you all well!
Thank you to my partner for his support and to my amazing beta, Leti, who could use all the love right now ❤ go read and support her fics on @leticheecopae! Tell her Harle sent you ❤
The next update may take 2 to 4 weeks, hopefully not that long but I like to let people know what to expect as I'm writing as I go.
Thank you all for hanging in there with me ❤ your support means a lot!
Story Summary: Steve is dying, but what hurts the most is watching how it's affecting his family, his friends, everyone around him.
Nothing seems to be helping - not his community rallying around him, not magic itself, and not the devoted attention of Eddie Munson. Eddie is a rock and a hurricane in Steve's life. Steve might also be a little bit in love with him.
Then, one day when all other options run out, Eddie introduces him to one Billy Hargrove, and Steve's already-screwed-up life might be taking a turn. But is it for the better or for the more dangerous?
Notes: not all of Steve's chronic issues will be healed. He will always have some disabilities because I ain't about about that 'cure all' shit. They're just saving his life here.
As for the magical pregnancy: it will be in the sequel, so you'll be able to read this as a stand alone if it's a squick for you. I gotchu buddies ❤
Tags: Terminal Illnesses, Chronic Illness, Fantasy, What If Stranger Things Was More Like Buffy The Vampire Slayer?, Magic Shit, Mentioned Malpractice, Magic Practice, Magical Healing Cock, Future Magical Pregnancy? It's all complicated and Fairy Tale Rumplestiltskin bullshit, Magical Creatures, Demodogs are Hellhounds, Steve is bad sick from an injury, head injuries, Head Injury, Past Torture, Past Relationship(s), past Stancy, Tinnitus, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Chrissy lived and is living her best life somewhere, mention of cults, Steve's having a bad time but it improves, Steve Needs a Hug, he's gonna get one and more, Billy Hargrove is Bad at Feelings, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve with long hair, I'm running out of ideas for tags so I'll add more later, please suggest tags if you like, slow updates but please comment it helps so much
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passionateseadruid · 2 days
Snake Kings Bride 11
notes: Unfortunately this will be my last chapter for a while... I need to restructure the story, figure out some personal matters, and focus on College and my dreams. I will however be posting a new mini series. Chapters will be longer and release monthly and I should be back to this in a month or two.
You felt bad for your new baby Fenrir. You and Lucifer adopted him and brought him home just yesterday and Lucifer is already being possessive over you two. He placed a strict order over the entire palace. All doors and windows were to be locked, all curtains were to be drawn. No one was allowed to leave the building much less look outside. So it was just the seven of you here today. You, Fenrir, Renesmee, Nina, Styx, Pluto, …and Lucifer. 
Lucifer had been acting weird since last night when he placed the order. He promised that it would only be for today. Before he locked himself in his room.
And stayed there surprisingly… no breakfast in bed, no snuggling up to you in your sleep, no watching you from the corner of the room or from beside the bed… he was actually giving you space?
You hoped out of bed and got showered and dressed for the day. You may not be able to take Fenrir out with you today but that certainly doesn’t mean you can’t make his first day memorable. You dressed up an a maroon turtleneck, black leggings, and some fuzzy socks, going for a full wine-mom/soccer-mom vibe. 
“It’s so weird that I’m a mom now!” You excitedly tell Nina as she escorts you to Fenrir’s new room. For some reason, last night Lucifer insisted that Nina stay posted by your side at all times today. Nina looked different today, wearing a black double breasted mundir jacket and fitted pants.
“I’m sure Hell is buzzing at the news of a new prince joining the royal family.”
“Him and I are going to have the best day ever!” You had no idea what the future held. Would you even be able to escape Hell? Could you take Fenrir with you if you can? What will happen to him if you can’t? Would you be willing to stay in Hell for him? How are the rest of the staff going to react to his presence?
“Mommy!” The young hell hound smiled and ran to you as you entered his room. Renesmee has just finished buttoning up his vest as she young pup came running to you. He was a bit plump for someone who was in a rough system like the hellhound adoption center. His fur was as white as snow, much like one would expect from a Samoyed puppy. A gray cotton vest, light blue shirt, and black pants. Renesmee wore a gray shirt and black plaid dress.
“Hello my sweet darling!” You pick him up. “Look at you! From pauper to prince!” 
He giggled and hugged you. “Thank you for the new clothes mommy!”
“Of course sweetie! You’re so polite! What would you like to eat for breakfast today?” You walked toward the kitchen with him in your arms. 
“Bacon and eggs!” He cheered.
You two walked into the kitchen and Pluto was glaring at you two. She wore a simple black dress that went down to her knees with a v neck cut, the sleeves were frilly and went to her elbows, and to tie it all off there was a red fabric belt nestled right under her chest. You set him down at the kitchen Island, gave a small friendly wave to Pluto, and set up some music you could listen to while you cook. The song-Baby I Love You by Random Encounters-ramped up slowly as you pulled out the carton of eggs and pack of bacon from the fridge and the frying pan from the lower cabinet. You swayed back and forth as you cooked. Not noticing that your new tot was being escorted into the parlor by Pluto as Nina watched and shrugged it off. 
After about ten minutes you finally finished  making the food and were ready to serve him when you saw that he wasn't there anymore. "Oh no." You started to panic. you set the food down and started to run through the various halls and rooms of the palace as Nina was hot on your tail. "Fenrir? Fenrir?! Come out sweetie!"
"Oh you're looking for the boy? He's in the parlor with Pluto." Nina finally informed you.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" You both ran to the parlor.
"You didn't ask me sooner. I'm a succubus, not a mind reader." She said nonchalantly, not out of breath or breaking a sweat at all.
The two rushed in to the parlor to see him transforming into a human form. His human form was again small and round, but instead of white matted fur he has short messy platinum hair, and instead of red eyes and white irises he has red irises. She looks over and sees a human woman with dark drown hair and an olive skin tone, round cheek and a beautiful curvy, plumper figure, as well as the same dress as Pluto was wearing. The two look over at you shocked.
"P-Pluto?" You stuttered as you pieced it together
She looked down bashfully and folded her hands behind her back. "Y-yes... my lady." She transforms back in shame. 
She walks towards Fenrir and picks him up. "Why did you take him?"
She hesitated before you motion for her to speak her mind "I... I don't want him to be raised by a racist who only wants to use him for sport or for work!" She yelled at you, anger brewed on her face.
"I Would never! I love him with all my heart! I love all the hellborn species equally." You try to reassure her.
"Wait... really?" She seems genuinely surprised
"but... his majesty-
"Is not me! I'm not like him and I never will be!" You set Fenrir down and took Pluto's hands. "I stood up to Lucifer and Charlie because of the way they treated your kind. And I'll do it again in a heartbeat..."
She looked away. "I'm sorry your highness."
"Dont call me your highness. We are equals Pluto. don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." You pulled her face up and noticed the tears in her eyes. You wiped them away and smiled at her.
She hugged you, her figure shaking slightly as you held her. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I've been so rude to you since you got here, yet you've done the one thing I've never been brave enough to do!"
"What do you mean?" You pet her trying to calm her down.
"You stood up to the king! and the princess to boot! I-I could never..." She looked at you in awe.
"Are you kidding? Pluto you the bravest and strongest person I've ever met! Plus the only reason that I'm still standing is because for some insane reason he's in love with me! But regardless... I did it because for as long as I'm here, I'm going to protect the most neglected of society."
"I promise." You gave her a reassuring smile. You then turned to Fenrir to see him working on a puzzle with Styx who had joined the group in favor of Nina who had disappeared. "Where's Nina? and how long have you been here?"
"She went off to go make out with her wife. And since Pluto started crying." Styx's response made Pluto stutter embarrassedly.
"Why's your hair blue? Why are your horns different? Why are you so tall compared to the other imps? Why are you so stoic and sad?" Fenrir kept asking them questions about themself as they were the only one really focused on the puzzle.
"I'll go make you three some breakfast." Pluto offered.
"Thank you but that's really not necessary." You smiled.
"I know but I'd rather be anywhere than here right now..." She rubbed the back of her head and left.
You giggled a bit and placed Fenrir in your lap. "Focus on the puzzle. It's good for a growing boys brain."
"Okay Mommy!" He happily started to jam pieces together willy-nilly.
You sighed and looked over at Styx. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course you may." They said not taking their eyes off the puzzle.
"Why is everyone wearing black today? Is it a national holiday? ...Is hell considered a nation? A region? A province?" You said that last part more so to yourself than to Styx.
"To answer your second question, Hell itself works as both a nation and a kingdom. Each ring works as a micronation or a territorial state. And within the pride ring there are nine cities-formerly called the nine circles-and each city holds subsections, usually ruled over by either an overlord or a member of the Ars goetia."
"Of yeah Renesmee told me about that. Each ring is stacked on top of each other like a cake!"
"Like a cake?" Styx raised their eyebrow at me.
"That's what she said... though, she was hungry when she told me about it..." You trailed off in thought.
"Well she's not exactly wrong." Styx shrugged.
"Can I ask you one more question?" 
"Sure." They shrugged again.
You hesitated for a moment, only for a moment. "What do you know about this ring?" You showed them your ring.
"This is known as the Serpents grasp. It's said that whoever is in possession of it is doomed to have their soul devoured by the devoured by the devil himself! But that's just a false allegation. See the real story is far more interesting. See about 250 years ago a man fell in love with a beautiful woman, but she was engaged to another man so he made a sacrifice to Lucifer himself to give him charm unlike any other to woo the maiden and the girls family into giving her to him instead of her fiancé. But in exchange for this deed Lucifer demanded the first born girl of their family tree. Which was the girl you took the place of. Most believed he wanted her as a wife or a concubine. But he already had Lilith who... really only cared about the sinners of Hell instead of people like me and Pluto. Pluto had it the worst though, Lilith seemed to personally despise the Hellhounds so in the last years of her marriage to the king Lilith would often give Pluto outlandish tasks. But she got away with it because Lucifer couldn't bare to loose her..."
You looked at Styx in disbelieving, shocked by what you just heard. "But if he was so happily married why did he want the first girl from that family?" 
"He wanted a nanny for Charlie." They said nonchalantly.
You were taken aback by their attitude. When you went to say something you were cut off by Fenrir handing you two puzzle pieces.
"Mommy… the puzzle is broken." His lip quivered.
"It’s not broken! It’s just that those pieces don’t go together." You searched for the correct puzzle piece. "See?" You connected the pieces and they fit together nicely.
"Mommy’s magic!" He stared at you in adoration.
You guys spent a few hours watching movies and TV shows doing puzzles while you watched. Giggling, snacking, and cuddling. Fenrir even wanted to frame all the puzzles you did together. 
But it all came to a stop when Pluto cleared her throat and you, Fenrir, and Styx looked at her. Pluto motioned to the door, her and Styx gave each other a look (a silent understanding of sorts), before Pluto nodded at Styx. Pluto then took Fenrir from your lap and held him as Styx pulled you to your feet and pulled you out of the Parlor.
Through the winding labyrinth Styx lead you to Lucifers study. You don’t get why he needed a workshop, an office, and a Study. Rich people shit.
Much like everything else in the palace it was garnished with white and gold and covered head to toe in red. There were beautifully intricate book shelves. Horns and wings carved and painted into the walls and furniture. There was a beautiful curtain at the far wall satin fabric with embroidered Fleur-De-Lis on it. The curtain weren’t fully closed. A small piece of the fabric exposing the marble window.
You slowly crept closer to the window, curiosity pulling you closer with little to no resistance.
And there it was… the reason Lucifer didn’t want you to leave. The reason why he didn’t want you to look outside. The reason he locked himself in his room today. There were monochromatic angels descending from the skies. …And they were slaughtering every soul in their path…
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cutepastelstarsalior · 3 months
Helluva Boss episode 9 review
Ok so immediately we know it’s been either a day or two since the last episode. Blitzo keeps trying to talk while Stolas is giving him the cold shoulder.
“I want to feel like I’m earning my way to earth”
Ok. So Stolas is being passive aggressive, and Blitzo is bad at communicating. This is already starting to go bad.
“It’s not an imp’s place to protect a Goetia is it?”
“Think I’m a prince that so much better than you. Why would I allow everyone to see how much I like you? How I tried so hard to spend time with you, to support you? You don’t owe me those things but you can’t just ignore all that.”
“Oh sorry this entire time I assumed the worst because I was convinced a prince could never love someone like me and I’ve let my self hatred stop me from apologizing to anyone I could care about.”
Ok. So both Stolas and Blitzo are aware of the issue right? Yes blitzo has self hatred issues. Yes he would think that a prince would look down on his race/class, why wouldn’t he? Stolas is in the wrong for not understanding why Blitzo would feel that way. Especially since Stolas was showing off their relationship.
Also Stolas bring up Striker 👀 I hope he comes back. I hope he and Blitzo can talk. Also Blitzo was kind of right that he assumed that Stolas can take care of himself since he’s so powerful. And didn’t he knew that he was being assassin on? Like his wife literally talk about this to his face at the dinner table once…
Timeline! This is now in October?? On Halloween?? Ok. :/
Ok, so in the party Blitzo seems to have many ex that are other imps, demons, shark or Aqua people, and hellhounds? Did Blitzo meet those people before he adopted Luna? Also Verosika voice is much noticeably different, it more high pitched and she call people baby. Tho that might be because she’s drunk. It’s very interesting to see that Stolas is the odd one out. He’s both royalty and a bird.
Stolas VA is a very good singer. I think the genre fit the guy the most! The other songs he sung were slow and more melodic, why this is also slow it has a more rock feel to it?
Stolas wants to be someone’s someone. To be wanted in a romantic way. But Blitzo can’t give him that. Both of them have issues. But him and that demon guy? I feel like Stolas moving on from the relationship would be for good for both of them.
Blitzo and Verosika talk was interesting. Verosika is right that it’s hard to be valuable, and that she wanted to help the other exs to move on. But Blitzo was also in the right, because why is he the bad guy for being bad at relationships and not being valuable? There a communication issues that goes both ways and we know that Blitzo is bad at feeling.
Verosika singing voice is so beautiful.
Besides the songs the episode was kind of pointless? Yeah it finally shows Stolas knows what Blitzo was feeling during the relationship. And the two going their own separate way, but yeah that bout it. Man I do done with the dumb love issues.
Rating out of 5, I give this a 2.
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ranger-ribbons · 2 months
ANOTHA ! Cactus, fern, Kalanchoe, Magnolia, peony, ursinia, and yellow bell for Ryan/Carter??? 🤪
You're cheating now. You know how much I love my boys!
Cactus - Passionate Love
Carter throws himself into everything, Ryan knows that. Carter is an all-or-nothing kind of man. Ryan just didn't realize how much.
"Wow, you're really going for it, huh?" Ryan asks, leaning against the wall. Carter nods. "Well, be careful," the Titanium Rangers cautions. "Don't want you to hurt yourself."
Carter nods again, clapping his hands together and looking up. Ten minutes and a lot of effort later, he's sitting victoriously on top of the rock wall that he hasn't been able to best since he was put on Deactive Ranger status. He grins down at Ryan with brilliance and passion.
Ryan smirks back up at him. "Congratulations," he says.
Carter grabs the rope he's still connected to and whoops as he pushes off the wall and falls back down to the ground again.
Fern - Sincerity/Ursinia - Trickery
Carter looks up at Ryan with confusion. "Ryan?" he murmurs.
Ryan grins wickedly. "Don't you know a trick when you see one, pretty boy?" The demon assigned to watch Ryan curls a hand over his shoulder. It's so easy to fall back into that old persona. So simple to return to the lies and tricks, that it almost makes Ryan's head spin. He looks at Carter with eyes both soft and vicious and prays that Carter understands.
"Ryan, you don't have to do this," Carter pleads. There's a look of understanding in his eyes. This is a trick, the look says, a magic trick.
Ryan smiles again, this time more sincere. "Come with me, Carter," he says, offering his hand. "We'll do this together."
Carter doesn't hesitate, eyes full of flint and stone. He takes Ryan's hand, and Ryan grins again.
Kalanchoe - Persistence and Eternal Love
The worst part about it isn't the refusals. The worst part is that Carter knows why.
"Why would you tie your life to mine?" Ryan asks again and again. "I'm dangerous and will hurt you? Everything I touch has claw marks in it when I let go!"
"Why can't you understand," Carter returns, holding on to Ryan's wrist with steely eyes and a calm tone, "that I accept the risk of pain. I accept that you will hurt me. I accept the claw marks, because I love you."
Ryan snarls. "Love is for children."
"Love is for you," Carter retorts, stepping closer. "And mine is yours to have if you will only reach out and take it."
Ryan's eyes go wide, then tear-filled. "I don't want to hurt you," he whispers.
Carter smiles. "I know," he murmurs back. "But you're already hurting me by staying away."
Ryan reaches forward, grabs Carter by the collar, and drags him into a kiss.
Magnolia - Dignity
"I'll let you choose who dies," laughs the demon. "And please try to die with dignity."
Ryan doesn't let the demon get a step out of the room before he bolts forward and reaches out. His hands hit solid flesh, and Ryan shoves for all he's worth. The demon screams as it falls of the edge of the ground and into its own trap.
Carter gasps as the demon is torn to shreds, but Ryan has no regrets. He stands at the edge and watches the hellhounds rip the demon to pieces. "Try to die with dignity," he deadpans back, then turns away and checks on Carter. "You okay, baby?"
Peony - Anger
"Ryan, 'm fine!" Carter mumbles, laying exhausted and drugged to the gills in the hospital bed.
"You're not," Ryan refutes. "But it's okay. I'll stay here until you are."
"Y'r not mad?" Carter asks sluggishly.
Ryan leans over and kisses Carter's forehead. "Furious. But not with you."
Yellow Bell - Rebirth
Being in love with Carter is like finally being able to breathe after so long in toxicity. Being in love with Carter is like being able to lift the strongest rocks and not feel the repercussions afterward. It's waking up and knowing that day will be the best you've ever had. Carter is the sunshine to Ryan's moonlight, and Ryan has never been happy.
Because being in love with Carter... being in love with Carter is like being reborn. The person Ryan was is gone, washed away with the water he'd risen from when he stole the Titanium Morpher.
Loving Carter is rebirth. And Ryan will never let that be taken away from him.
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warriorverse · 1 year
Obey Me Characters with a MC diagnosed with Autism (Pt. 1)
Obey Me x GN!MC
When you open up to him about your Autism, he’ll ask you for any accommodations he and Diavolo would set in place for you to make your internship the best experience
Makes sure your teachers are following said accommodations
Will research human resources on how to understand Autism better, possibly thought Autism Speaks was a good resource until you correct him
Introduces you to other nobles like; “This is MC, my partner.” Without mentioning your disability unless you are comfortable with it being known
When you open up to him about your Autism, the poor guy doesn’t know what it is and asks; “Are you okay?! Are you gonna die?!”
When you correct him, explaining what Autism is, he immediately feels guilty for his reaction, and apologizes for his inappropriate reaction
Not many demons have disabilities in the Devildom, since my headcanon is it’s hard for demons and angels to gain disabilities, so Mammon would have to look up ways to help with Autism and ask you what your comfortable with
If you have a chore you don’t like doing due to sensory issues, Mammon will fight tooth and nail with Lucifer to get that chore instead, even if he hates it, he wants you to feel comfortable at HOL
He WILL listen to you ranting about special interests, and he will not judge you if it’s something like My Little Pony (it’s one of my special interests too), he’s willing to actually listen to you!
He will try to not baby you, but the first few days he accidentally babies you, so you had to advocate for yourself
If you have mobility issues and use accommodations like wheelchairs, then he would make sure every building you go to is accessible in the human realm and the Devildom
If no buildings has ramps, he and you will personally ask Diavolo to set in place a disability act like the ADA in America to make future human transfer students and interns with disabilities to have a safe place
Has watch an anime with a bad portrayal of Autism once but has been doing research if he ever gets into an online argument
So when you mention you have Autism, he would immediately make a small mistake by saying; “I knew researching Autism because of an anime was good!”
He has accidentally supported Autism Speaks, but immediately removes the website from his search history and computer tabs when you tell him how bad the company actually is
Will ask you before cuddling you suddenly if you two beige watch anime’s or play video games together
He will try to not introduce you by your disability
Back to back compliments
There WILL be late night sessions of talking about each other interests but will also let you have time to speak
If your into aviation, he’ll recommend anime with aviation
He will listen to you when you need someone to talk too, he has no one, so he wants you to have someone to talk too.
He already had a guess you had autism, some of his books from the human realm has Autistic characters portrayed in a good light with each character different so he already has an understanding
If you need a service dog for public spaces, then he can offer some places in the Devildom for training if you end up getting a hellhound
As I said before, the Devildom doesn’t have a lot of demons with disabilities, but some places have training for service dogs in place if the Devildom gets a soul that has a disability, unlike the Celestial Realm just, ‘curing the disability after you die’
Will recommend book series based on book genres you potentially love, he’ll help you with your room sometimes too.
(I will make Pt. 2 soon.)
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
canon family ask game response:
i had a second kid after charlie. me and adam had adopted a hellhound together, little dalmatian girl with heart shaped spots. he named her after lute.
charlie LOVED her. i remember handing baby lute over to her for the first time and she bawled her eyes out. i was so worried that shed be jealous, but she was already an adult by then and she was more than happy for us.
she grew up a lot quicker than charlie because she was mortal. when she was about 17 we made a deal where if she was okay with becoming an official princess, she could be immortal with the rest of us.
i think id count lute the angel as part of my family too. actually, id count all the hotel residents my family (yes including alastor). but lute (we called her aunt lute to ease the confusion) would come to visit us sometimes. it was really nice :'>
-lucifer (can i take 🍀🍔🦆 as my tag?)
party note: I do not check if custom tags are taken, please check for yourself if they’re free to use and then go from there! Thank you!
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mastercherry · 1 year
Okay so... Sterek. But like... Supernatural. You know what I mean?
Let me explain.
Demons in Supernatural right? You make a deal, you get 10 years, you get hunted down by hellhounds, you die.
Stiles in Teen Wolf right? Lost his mom as a boy? Maybe, let's say, he was 10 years old?
You see where I'm going with this?
Maybe you don't. There's a couple ways it could go I guess. But hear me out.
Claudia made a deal with a demon when she was in the hospital to give birth to her son. John/Noah wasn't there yet. He was on his way to the hospital after getting a call that there were complications. See, she wasn't due for another 2 weeks.
Anyways, Claudia prays for anyone that's listening to save their son. And one demon happens to be lurking around looking for a body to use. He hears her pleas.
There's something about this request that intrigues him. She doesn't even care what happens to her, she just wants their son to be okay. The problem is, his young soul is already gone. All that's left is a tiny body clinging to life.
Here's the deal they work out, the demon will take over the child's body and it be exactly like having a baby and raising a son. He'll even set it up so no one remembers anything until the 10 years are up. Within months of the 10 year mark, they'll both regain the memories and the knowledge of their deal.
So Claudia and John/Noah have a son. When they give him a bizarre first name, they're both convinced it's one of their relatives' old family names. He goes by a nickname, Stiles.
And then, 10 years pass. Stiles and Claudia both remember what happened and what's going to happen. But here's the thing... Claudia... She isn't scared. She doesn't regret it. In fact... She... She sees his true face, and she kisses his cheek. "I know you're not human, but you're still my son. I love you," and she uses his real name.
And here's the thing. He loves her too. And his da- John/Noah. He loves them both so much. He wants to spare them both the pain that this deal will cause, but he doesn't have that kind of power. He's strong, but he's not strong enough to take on the powers of hell, not even for Claudia.
What he CAN do is prevent the hellhounds from tearing her apart. And try to give them all more time.
They get a few extra months after his 10th birthday before she's entered the hospital one last time. The one bad thing is that she forgets who and what he is sometimes and she screams at him and calls him a monster. He could fix that, but he wants it to hurt. He wants to feel this pain. He wants to see that look in her eyes. He deserves it.
Anyways.... so yeah. That's the real story of how Claudia died and how Stiles got his first name.
And so Stiles is a demon. Who has stopped demoning to be the human son of the sheriff of a small town in California. He doesn't use his powers anymore, hasn't since Claudia. He doesn't want to be found. He wants to spend as much time with his dad as he can.
And then all the werewolf shits happens.
And yeah, so many possibilities. I could keep going on and on about it.
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octagledestroyer · 1 year
I’m watching Good Omens for the first time after having read fanfiction of it for years so I’m just gonna...live post as I watch the first episode. 
Did anyone else have absolutely no idea what was going on when they watched the title sequence for the first time? I’m so confused 
lol “it wasn’t a dark and stormy night” is that quote directly from the book? And yes, I have neither read the book nor seen the show- I went about this the chaotic way. 
pppft crowley enters with Bohemian Rhapsody- I’m not surprised. Also, I’m not sure, but I may possibly have been pronouncing his name wrong this eNTIRE TIME
whoa he just lit his hand on fire to sign the sigil that was cool 
he’s so fLUSTERED this is hilarious also I’m...pretty sure the thing in the basket is the anti-christ aka Adam... 
well its definitely a baby anyway
ppfft I know Gabriel is horrible but this first scene is hilarious. 
...i have, in fact, been pronouncing Crowley’s name wrong this entire time and I am  t h i s  close to banging my head against a wall
adam is absolutely a d o r a b l e 
i’m pretty sure that’s adam 
“This father of a male boy son is all yours Mr. President” I wasn’t aware you could have any other type of son
hehe he took down all the cell lines and then can’t call Aziraphale. 
How is it that I’ve been pronouncing AZIRAPHALE correctly but not CROWLEY
“just celestial harmonies” i friggin love david tennant
“get thee behind me, foul fiend. After you.” dude I laughed out loud
ok this scene with them being drunk is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. I can see why it’s featured so often in fics. 
Crowley’s lullaby is killing meee
hm- is that bald guy Sandalphon? 
I think that demon that got thrown in with the hellhound is that Eric I’ve read so much about
wow he is terrible at magic
gonna be honest- not what I expected the hellhound to look like
Ok that’s the end of Episode 1- what a cliffhanger ngl. I’ll probably watch the second episode tomorrow or the day after so if anyone’s interested in my incoherent ramblings as I watch a show whose plot I’m already aware of for the first time, keep an eye out 
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themoonbunni · 1 year
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Meet my newest baby, Angel Cake!
I adopted her from one of my best friends and I love her sm already QvQ
I think she'd be besties with Creme Brulee, and a frequent partygoer to Bee's events! Maybe also a fashionista too! She def has a social media addiction so that's her gluttonous trait lmao
I seem to have a tendency for dessert themed hellhounds so lets keep that going
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The Afterparty: Vivían & Zoë
How are you fellow sleuths doing now that the mystery has been solved? I’ll miss the weekly theories and fun but I can’t wait to see how they’ll up the theatrics and clues in season three. Now that the mystery is solved here are my takeaways from the episode.
This episode was full of laughs, drama, and new beginnings and I enjoyed all 31 minutes of it. They surprisingly fit a lot into this episode so I'm going to break it down into parts:
Lights, Cameras, Action!
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Someone on Reddit said they wanted to see S3 be an afterparty for a film adaptation of Xavier's murder and it looks like we're getting just that! Seeing Keke Palmer show up had me screaming internally! She's going to be a perfect Danner and I need season 3 now so I can see her mind movie. Also Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe too?! Like they better give this show all the budget money because they're about to sweep award season. I hope they do get Alia Shawkat to play Chelsea like someone suggested since it's been joked about already that she and Ilana Glazer look alike (I personally don't see it though).
"Fetch that, bitch!"
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Zoë fighting Colonel and throwing him out the window took me out! The way she was spinning him around and etc and that whole encounter being a horror story was brilliant. And the fact that he survived by landing on Isabel's trampoline?! He really is a hellhound! I love how someone just had that theory earlier that Edgar mentioning a devil was a response to looking out the window and seeing Colonel bouncing lmao.
Travis Becoming the House
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Travis beating Sebastian at his own game was so rewarding to watch. The big theories floating around were that he either recorded the confession and sent it to the police or that he was secretly an investigator, but I really like this ending. Now he got back the money lost and in my mind, he took a trip to meet Weronika in person and they hit it off.
Love is in the Air
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Happily Ever Aster, indeed! Aniq and Zoë both proposing to each other was so cute and I love how she was the one who proposed first. I don't know if the rings were meant to show the engagement was still on or if they've already married, but I personally don't care to see a wedding between the two. I'd rather hear they had a great ceremony that was drama free and keep it moving. Hannah and Grace living happily ever after is so sweet because we all know how tv writers love to kill their gays or find some other way of ruining their ending. I need them to show up in a future season happy with a quirky little Wednesday Addams type of baby please! And last but not least, Vivian and Feng. You can tell that they both really love each other and I love that not once in the season did we see Feng holding the affair over her head. Like they're really ride or die for each other and I love that for them. And now that Feng's fees are cleared, they can travel and see the world together since they weren't able to before when Vivian danced with Ulysses. Speaking of Ulysses:
Ulysses Killed Edgar
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I didn't want to believe it was him because it really did seem too obvious, but that's the same thing that happened with fans last season right? Although last season I did guess Yasper and that was me watching without knowing of any clues or that the subreddit existed (and I watched it like a week before season 2 so there's that). So everything was exactly as a majority of redditors theorized:
-He brewed the tea during the extremely long shower in Aniq's mind movie
-The whiskey glass was poisoned and accidentally swapped when Feng had Edgar taste the baobing; So Feng being high on adderall in the found footage video was correct
-It did all come down to Ulysses wanting Feng out of the way so he could be with Vivian
-He is delusional as all get out which does mirror Yasper's delusional story in S1
-When he ran to Feng and Vivian's room he expected to find Feng dead hence the shocked expression
-He had a knowledge of the devil's trumpet from his work as a shaman
What was missed was that Grace said she hated whiskey in episode 2 and he was swabbing a whiskey glass in his mind movie so that went right over our heads
Danner said he knew Grace wasn't his daughter so I applaud the writers on fooling me bc I spent the whole season thinking there was a paternity thing going on and nope, just Ulysses being a delusional buncle who is now headed for prison!
I find it so funny though that even though I changed my mind on who the killer was, I still figured out that he was sus because of the koumiss. But I'm a bit confused now bc he gave Travis the koumiss infused dutch babies but he used his horn to brew the tea so where did he store the rest of the koumiss? Did he have two horns? Because he tried to stop Vivian from drinking from it but this was after the days' events played out Does anyone know?
The End
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All in all, this was an amazing season and I had so much fun sharing theories with you all and getting to talk about the show weekly. Season 3 is about to be off the chain so when the time comes we've got to More Horse it up! See you all then!
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