#i love mk btw
fayeangel25 8 days
so i won first round of lmk oc competition now have this, THANK YOU!!!
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Original by lemus on twitter 馃ゲ馃ゲ
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thisonehere 12 days
Thinking of you
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Part 1 "A match made in Hell"
Part 2 to 4 (???)
A/n: Ngl, I was pretty intimidated to write this. You all gave so many awesome ideas on what I could do in part 2, I'm honestly pretty scared this won't live up to them.
Tags: @maulsgf @sweetpanda18
C/w: slight angst, Bi-Han cries a little
Silence. That is all Bi-Han heard as he leaned back in his chair. It was evening time and he was alone in his office attending business, signing important papers and planning specific events for the Lin Kuei. He had gained so much new resources for his clan that he had so much to plan for. As he worked, he couldn't help but be distracted by the silence. It was so loud, and he thought of you. Normally you would wander into his office many times to pester him. You try to urge him to come to bed, try to bring him food, or just sit with him. Bi-Han never paid much mind to it, he often brushed you off. Insisted how much he needed for work, sometimes he would eventually relent to you, other times he wouldn't.
He had never noticed how silent the room was before, but now that you're gone. He hadn't noticed how dark the room was without your smile to brighten it. Nothing's been truly the same since you left. He hasn't been sleeping enough, not eating enough, when he's wounded he goes to the nurses now that you aren't here to tend to his wounds, they lack your gentle touch that makes him feel at ease. Bi-Han stares down at his desk and thinks about those stupid letters you'd leave on his desk. Nothing major, just a letter that would remind him to do certain things, to remember to drink enough water, to remember how much you loved him.
Perhaps...perhaps he took them, took you, for granted. Bi-Han shook his head and rose from his chair and walked out of his office. He matched through the halls, the sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls. Lin Kuei passed by him and he passed many Lin Kuei, they all side eyed him. He heard whispering as he passed by. Some even so bold as to shoot a glare at him. It's been like this since you made such a big commotion before you left. So many are wondering what happened, some speculate that you had a big argument and you were going away to cool off, other suspect that you had divorced, some even theories that you just left on your first ever mission. All that knew was that you were gone, and when you left, for baby it felt like you took the only bit of warmth and love in this place with you.
Bi-Han tried not to think about you, especially the moment when you left, it hurt to think about. It had only been 2 weeks since you had left, but he still thought about it like it was yesterday. He remembered your eyes, the hurt that was in there. He also remembered the distant glare in there, as you were done with it all, was done with him . "Why" he remembered your words.
"Why wasn't I good enough for you? What did I fail to do that a demon could? I-I love you, I'd kill for you, I'd die for you. Why wasn't I enough for you? You were enough for me... you're everything to me..."
Bi-Han let out a sigh as he made his way up a flight of stairs. You were being ridiculous, he thought to himself. You were enough for him, you always were...he just...wanted more. He huffed as he pushed through the door to that to his chambers. "You're back early." There he found her, Sareena, sprawled across the bed. A annoying part of him wished it was you there. She seemed to avoid your side. Maybe out of respect to you, or because she wanted to be on his side to annoy him, something you used to do...
Bi-Han just rolled his eyes and marched into the room, "I finished early." He lied with a grumbly voice. His eyes wandered over to your vanity, once broken now repaired. He remembered how you would spend hours perfecting your image in it's reflection, your always tried to get perfect for him, though you thought he hardly noticed, but he did. He always noticed when you did something new with your hair, if you wore a new lipstick, when you were proud of how good you looked.
"Move over." He growled. Sareena begrudgingly obliged and turned over just enough for him to lay down, but not enough for him to have a lot of space. With a sigh, he laid down next to her in the little space she offered. He could go over to your side, but he just couldn't. Whenever he did he thought too much about you, he could almost swear he could still smell your perfume in the sheets.
Thinking about you was something he tried to do less and less these days. He tried to close his eyes, maybe enjoy Sareena's warmth as he attempted to drift off. But as he closed his eyes, he saw you. It was as clear as day. He saw you, he saw your quaint smile as you laid your head on his chest during the cold nights at the Artika. He wasn't bothered by it, but you were so he would hold and try to keep you warm. He thought of your warmth and how you cutely shivered a little at some points and how he would you tighter and bury you and him under a pile of blankets. He hated remembering this, he was trying to forget you, but you found a way to haunt him even though you weren't dead.
"You know, I didn't know much about her before she left. But I just say, she bloomed the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen." He heard Sareena say finally. Bi-Han eyes shot open and there he saw Sareena holding a flower crown. "Give me that." He says as he quickly took it from her. You had decorated your hair with them to celebrate his return home, you always decorated your hair with flowers to celebrate. Bi-Han remembered how he imported the most exotic flowers he could find just because you showed an interest in them.
He had an entire garden created just for you. When you left your garden died. Bi-Han tried to tend to it, but he didn't have that much of a green dumb. He had managed to collect those flowers you were that night and turned them into a ring of flowers, he used a thin layer of ice to keep it a permanent state of frozen preservation. He cradled it gently in his hands as he thoughtfully looked at it. "You miss her?" Sareena asked as she turned to look up at him. "What? Of course not! She left me, I could not care about her! She-she isn't important to me anymore." Sareena just stared at him, a knowing smirk on her face. He saw the way she looked at him and he immediately felt the need to get defensive. "Y/n is nothing to me!" That only caused Sareena's smile to griw bigger.
That's bullshit, he could no doubt imagine she was thinking. Bi-Han's gaze falls to the ground. "She-she's nothing to me..." his voice was much more subdued, melanchoic and almost defeated. Sareena leaned in forward to Bi-Han. She softly plants a kiss on his forehead. "Get some sleep, okay?" She said softly, she laid her head down onto the pillow, your pillow, her black eyes flutter close and she began to snore sweetly as she went to sleep, if demons could sleep that is. But Bi-Han couldn't sleep, he just sat there and miserably looked down at his bedmate. "Y/n means nothing to me." He repeated to himself silently.
The next day wasn't much easier for Bi-Han, the Lin Kuei still stared at him with wonder and suspicion. Bi-Han was tired from a lack of sleep, he spent the night tossing and turning. He dreamt of you. He dreamt that everything was alright, that you were in your garden reading your favorite book as he laid his head in your lap and rested under you.
He awoke in darkness, Sareena was gone, to where? He didn't know. She often went missing for a certain amount of time, then she would randomly show up again. Bi-Han didn't care too much for this. Sareena seemed so cold and distant on so many days, hardly there, and when she was present, Bi-Han tried to enjoy his time with her. But something was missing. You are always a warm and welcoming thing about you, he often feels safe around you. With Sareena, he did not feel quite so safe. He often felt like he had to constantly prove himself to her, show her his strength and hope that it was enough to keep her around.
"You were enough for me... you're everything to me..."
"Bi-Han?" Kuai's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and back into the present. In his office having a meeting with his brothers to discuss future plans for the Lin Kuei. His face hardened as he stared down at his brother. "I'm fine!" He snapped. His brothers stared at him and stay silent this outburst. They have been silent towards Bi-Han a lot lately ever since you left. A firm of solidarity to you, and disappointment towards Bi-Han. It was bad enough that he went against Liu Kang and started to form alliances with dark forces for his gain, him betraying you crossed another for them.
Bi-Han cleared his throat, he reorganized the papers onto his desk. "Anyway...with the sisterhood of shadow, we can now--" the meeting went and Bi-Han started elaborating on all the plans he had for their new assets and allied. His brothers stayed quiet and just stared at him. Which annoyed Bi-Han. He wanted something, anything from his brother, some response, to give him any ideas, to yell at him or berate him, anything that would make him feel like he still had his brothers. "Alright." He leaned back into his chair and rubbed his temples. "If you have something to say to me, just say. We're men, not children. Pouting will get you nowhere."
"How could you do that to Y/n?" Tomas immediately sprung into action, as if he had been waiting for an opportunity to say it. "Tomas, please." Kuai tried to get Tomas to calm down, but he was obviously so riled up. "She loved you! She loved you when no one else could, a-and you did this to her! You're not the least bit ashamed? You don't feel any guilt at hurting the only one who truly loved you!?" Kuai placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, and this seemed to cause him to calm down. "What Tomas is trying to say is, we feel you dealt Y/n a unfair hand. This affair, it is horrible for everyone involved."
Bi-Han just let out a small huff as he rose from his chair. "I would suggest that both of you stay in your place. Especially you, Tomas. What me and Y/n are dealing with falls out of your concern." He calmly strolled over to the window, hands folded behind his back. This only riled Tomas more as he jumped to his feet. "What? Do you think that since you're a grandmaster that suddenly gives you the right to treat everyone else like this?" Kuai quickly rose to his feet and grabbed Tomas's shoulder again, this time with a little more force.
Bi-Han didn't answer, he just stared out the window. "Why? Why are you like this? Is this all you are, bitterness, cruelty, and dishonor? Did you ever even care Y/n? Did you even have the capacity to care for anyone other than yourself?" Bi-Han stayed silent. Tomas gritted his teeth, turned on his heels and marched out the door. Kuai turned to follow him, but before he walked out the door, he looked back at his brother, his eyes softened with disappointment. "Th-there is done truth in Tomas's words. Bi-Han, you wound me with your actions. As your brother I will always love you. But I cannot respect you anymore as Grandmaster." And with that, Kuai gently closed the door behind him.
Silence. With his brothers leaving, the room is flooded with defeating silence. He clenched his hands together and he pressed his eyes shut. Tomas is a fool and so is Kuai, he knows not what he talks about, Bi-Han thought. He began to shake slightly, his breath gets shaky as he presses his eyes tighter. Against his best efforts, a single tear falls down Bi-Han's cheek.
"You asked to see me?" It was later in the evening, Bi-Han had summoned one of his most competent Lin Kuei warriors to his office. "Yes." He said in a low voice. His eyes were slightly red, slightly puffy, but the warrior decided that it would be best not to question it. "I requested you here for a specific task, something that is important, something that I never thought I'd ask." The Lin Kuei leaned forward, eager to hear. "I need you to find my wife. I need you to bring her back to me."
A/n: In the next chapter we'll be seeing what Y/n's been up to since leaving
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waterghostype 9 months
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this is for the monkie kidders
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ccircusclwn 8 months
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sm dumb little sketch of mkulia i did 2day on my phone bcs im on a trip.........
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charcoaledrocks 6 months
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guh i hate gay people
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gophergal 1 year
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SubScorp Week 2023 - Day 5: Mortal Kombat Legends
"Such sloppy footwork, Sub-Zero. Get up and try again! Unless, that is, you'd rather stay down here..."
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tired-all-the-time22 2 years
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Everyone run to this fic immediately! ! ! Good spicynoodles content!!
Quick edit: make sure to leave kudos as well!! ^^
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chillbean-427 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time Jack De Sena voiced a character I cherish with all my heart only for them to go through the worst horror and trauma you can imagine, I鈥檇 have 2 nickels
Which isn鈥檛 a lot, but it鈥檚 weird that it happened twice
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pinguplanet 9 months
Team skunk butts this season:
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bruciemilf 1 year
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Things Bi-Han is good for:
1. Murder
2. Carrying pretty wife
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vikingpoteto 1 year
ever think about the fact that Kenshi started as a member of Sonya's special forces and in the current timeline he basically steals her husband.
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harbingersecho 1 year
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you will accept chaos, by choice or by force!
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yourthirdparent 15 days
btw the fact that liu is typically a surname and yet is used as a given name for liu kang very often is so funny. who the fuck named this kid. also implies that outside of english his name is kang liu which is just lovely.
secretly my headcanon (for the second timeline at least) is that raiden named him. like little baby wiuwiu got dropped at the temple doors and the monks presented him to raiden and raiden was like "yeah let's keep him. let's name him Liu Kang" and the monks were like "whatever you say lord......." and just accepted that this little baby was gonna have a backwards name for the rest of his life. cuz raiden doesn't know liu is a surname he's not chinese and he doesn't like Study chinese naming. he just thinks it sounds nice. so he names him liu. and kung lao forever bullies liu kang for his backwards name amen
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jombenz 8 months
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kenshi magazine !!! who next!?
also side note hes shirtless to show off his top scars because i think top surgery scars are badass
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amphirrhvx 2 months
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TOMORROW 鈥硷笍鈥硷笍鈥硷笍
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astralzeraphias 1 year
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bit of a redraw!
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