#i love holding all of the knowledge i have of this show over my mom
levelofyoureye · 1 year
there is absolutely nothing more entertaining to me right now than showing rebels to my mom for the first time while simultaneously watching ahsoka episodes as they release each week. for context she hasn’t seen any of the animated star wars shows, but she keeps up with live action so she was very confused the first couple of weeks of ahsoka. after episode 4 came out, she couldn’t take it anymore and was like “literally what is the big deal about finding ezra??” naturally i put on the pilot episode of rebels and we watched it together, and have been watching a couple of episodes a night ever since.
she’s had a lot of funny moments and commentary that i’ll probably share in another post but i think my favorite happened tonight—we just got to the season 2 finale. unfortunately, since she’s very smart she was able to piece together the fact that kanan’s dead by the time that ahsoka is taking place. BUT she had no idea that maul blinds him. when it happened she literally screeched “WHAT THE FUCK” at the top of her lungs. and then she looks at me and goes “he got him in the eyes?” a couple of minutes passed by, and then she finally starts to realize and goes “wait… is he blind now?!?!” and y’all…
she is so mad about this. during the ending sequence of the finale, she went “okay so they blind him and then they kill him later? what the fuck kind of a show is this?!?!” she is so mad on his behalf and i don’t even blame her lmao that man has been THROUGH some shit.
if she was this mad over him being blinded i am so curious to see how she’ll react to his death when the time comes… she has no idea how he dies yet. it’s gonna be interesting that’s for sure
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aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x you
Prompt:Henry & y/n invited to his moms for thanksgiving. Mom also invites his ex.His mom is super strict so everyone is supposed to have separate rooms, mostly for his ex to slip into his room but she opens the door to find you sitting on his face.
This one was kind of tough but, ended up being a super fun story to write!Hope you guys enjoy it !Thanks for your ask, hope this lives up to the expectation.
“Are we going?” you ask quietly.
“Do you want to go?”  he says, cocking an eyebrow in your direction.
“I mean….. It’s your mother. We kinda have to.” he pulls you in closer letting out a low hmmm. 
“Yes. but, I don’t visit her often for a reason.” he says quietly. The heft of his arm and the sheets around you calling you to relaxation. 
“And what’s that reas-”
“She’s crazy.” he says bluntly. You laugh,immediately knowing he’s joking . It was very out of character for him to call anyone out of their name. Much less his own mother. You look up at him to notice he isn’t laughing, not even smiling.
“O Henry, come on! She is not crazy, I’m sure she just misses you. That’s why she calls so often.”
He caresses your face “My mother is a tiny, blonde psychopath. I love her with all my heart but, everytime I bring a woman home she gets so attached I- it’s hard to explain.” he trails off.
“Guess I’ll just have to meet her then!” you squeal sleepily into his chest before drifting away in an ocean of plans.
You packed, you brushed your teeth, and were ready early in time for the flight. Henry slept most of the way but, you were too filled with questions of if she would like you, and what he of all people meant by calling his mother an attached psychopath. The hours ticked away and you looked worriedly from the clock on your phone to Henry.
“Maybe she just forgot we were coming today?Should we call?” you ask
“Nooooo. No. She has forgotten nothing. This is what she does. Constantly trying to keep me on my toes, I guarantee you she’s up to something.”
You snort through your nose “Henry I guarantee your mother is not that malicious.”
“Have you met her yet?” he jokes flatly. Just then the car pulls up a decently clean but embarrassingly tiny red kia soul, flying like a bat out of hell. 
You exhale, taking a step off of the curb and waiting for your moment of truth.
She jumps out of the car and runs to her son, jumping into his arms. He smiles for a minute holding her and you see the light of a little boy flicker in him for a moment. He pulls back at the sound of the trunk popping open and begins to load the bags into the back for the weekend. 
“Mrs. Marianne I am just so excited to finally get to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you and I’m really excited to-” She cuts you off turning back to her son.
“And Hen you remember Ellen.”
That’s when you see her, a leggy blonde with a perfect smile stepping out of the car that just makes your heart drop. Ellen fucking Whitaker. Ofcourse, champion show jumping horse rider from a family of professional horse trainers and not to mention gorgeous but, most importantly Henry’s ex- fiance. 
“Cool, cool ,cool ,cool” you can hear yourself muttering under your breath trying not to explode.
“Mum this is y/n! She was very excited to be invited.” he confirms, giving you some comfort that he’s on your side. 
“Mmm. Well that’s darling.” she spins on her heels heading back towards the driver’s side of the car.
You follow Henry as you both hug Ellen and exchange your greetings. She seems to think his mother bringing her here is just as ridiculous as you do and while you still despise her presence that knowledge makes it vaguely reassuring that she hasn’t come to fight for his love. 
“Henry, dear sit up here with me I want to hear all about LA.” he rolls his eyes, making his way to the passenger side while you and Ellen assemble yourselves in the back of the tiny car with the luggage. You flip your phone over in your lap and notice a text from Henry. “I love you.Don’t stress out. She’s just like this.” you text him back a heart emoji but, it’d be a lie to pretend your heart wasn’t still caught in your throat. Not only did his mother refuse to acknowledge you. But, she brought some random ass woman that she obviously plans for Henry to be with instead. Actually , no.Not random, which is even worse! Am I spirialing ? I feel like I’m spiraling. You had completely zoned out of the sweet family reunion happening infront of you an attempted to string some words together in your head that would help you explain how you feel to him when you finally got alone time. You entered the driveway of the estate and his mother handed the keys to the valet , excusing herself and calling Ellen to follow her inside. Being excluded from the girl’s powwow didn’t bother you as much since if gave you a chance to speak to Henry. The Butler offered to help but, he insisted on doing it himself, calling him by name. And you were momentarily reminded of the things you did love about Henry. You followed behind him as he carried things to the room. You tried to make small talk with him as you unzipped your suitcase and began pulling out your necessities for your facewash routine. “O ummmm-” Henry looked at you as if trying to hide back from saying something. More bad information you were sure. 
“You actually have the room down the hall.”he says sheepishly.
“What do you mean?” your eyes widen despite your attempts to quell your emotion. He has to be crazy. There’s no other way to explain.
“My mom doesn’t want me to share a bed in her home unless its with the woman I’ve marrried.” he says , hands up in a defensive position. 
You exhale slowly repacking your things. “Sure. Ofcourse. What wouldn’t she want that.”
You knew it sounded bitter but, you couldn’t help it. 
“Hey -” he grabs your arm as you head towards the door, pulling you in and kissing you .His hand coming to your cheek, fingers resting on the back of your head, giving you the comfort he couldn’t offer with words. 
“Plus” he whispers into your lips “It will be fun to sneak around like kids for a few days.”You roll your eyes at him as his hands make their way to your ass. He gropes you for a bit before you escape his grasp headed to your room or Marianne created dungeon. Actually the room was quite nice. The flowers on the wall paper felt like a bit much but, the room got great sun and wasn’t to far from the bathroom . You liked that the estate had an old-timey feel of walking down the hall to use the toilet. Plus, it allowed you more excuses to be where Henry is. You unpacked your room and then sat on the bed next to your empty suitcase before exhaling,and finding the strength to get dressed for dinner. 
You stepped gently down the stairs ,trying to avoid the steps that creak when your hear the door close behind you. Looking up over the landing you see Henry at the top of the stairs.
“What are you doing?”he asks flatly.
You become aware of your hunched back and your body language from testing the step with your toe.
“I- I just don’t want to go.” you confessed.
He rushes in your direction, “Sweetheart you don’t have to.”
“No I mean I want to I just ….I was so excited to meet your mother and she just-”
“Listen” he leans against the wall scratching the side of his face. “I was trying to protect you. I should have tried to explain her more but it’s- she’s just so embarrassing. If you want, we can cut it short and go home tomorrow.” he seems genuinely saddened that his mom had been so rude. You hadn’t even had the chance to tackle Ellen’s presence before you hear a fumbling downstairs and his mother calling for him. He looks at you silently giving you time to decide. 
“I still want to try and win her over.” you whisper back to him. He laughs a little at your  determination and offers you his arm. You walk to dinner together and his presence gives you comfort.  
At dinner your seats are assigned. Shockingly your seat is not next to Henry’s but one of their family friend’s who was also visiting. You thought it a smart call on Marriane’s part. Had it just been the four of you for dinner the meal was sure to mostly be had in silence. You sat across from Henry and although he and Ellen had a few hushed moments this test actually caused you to feel more confident in your relationship. His mom was being a bitch but, when she did he’d nudge your foot under the table. This nudge eventually turned into a quiet game of footsies but, as adults your were grateful for the reminder that no matter how it seemed he was always prioritizing you. By the time dessert came you decided you wanted to try pushing the boundaries. His mother hadn’t said anything rude to you, she simply had not spoken to you at all. And if she had already decided she hated you  then there wasn’t much left for you to do but, enjoy the sculpture of a man that she had created. You slipped your foot from your shoe and let your footsies progress to you rubbing him through his pants with your foot. His eyes shoot to you across the table,but he doesn’t give you away. You can feel him growing harder under your toes as he melts into his chair. His face looks so small and innocent, looking at you, trying so hard to be in control, to be good. His mother hurls a few rude words but, you are to turned on by the view across from you to care. Once dismissed from the table, the tempered dash to the bedroom is quick. His hand presses into your back as he practically pushes you up the stairs. His room was the closest to the stairs , as you walked past he grabs your arm , pulling you in. 
“Heeeeey hey hey.” you whisper to him as he slips his hand up your dress. “I think your mother will notice if I’m not in my room.” he groans into you. “Shhhh. I’ll come back later” you pull back winking at him. He slowly removes his hand and you turn, switching out of the room. 
You promptly switch into your best lingerie and robe while counting the minutes, listening as the sounds of the house grow softer and softer. When the coast seems clear, you softly make your way to Henry’s room. You push the door open slowly trying to mitigate the creak as much as possible.You can see his figure sitting up in the dark. You drop your robe to the ground as he closes his book. “ I thought you’d never come!” he exhales. He places his book on the nightstand and you jump into bed, straddling him. His hands reach around to cup your ass and your grab him by the wrists. 
“Don’t touch.” you warn. He cocks his head to the side as if to question the change from your usual power exchange. 
“Only with your tongue.” you smile, leaning in to kiss him. He smiles coyly and you move yourself up the headboard of the bed. You grab onto it as he pulls your panties to the side. He hums into you and you are doing your best to keep quiet as you grip down onto the headboard beneath. You reach your other hand down cradling the back of his head while his tongue explores further into you. Biting your bottom lip in an attempt to keep from crying out ,you pull his hair and his hand smack your ass in response.
“Fuck” you exhale into the darkness and just then you hear the door creak open. 
“Oh no!” you turn around to see Ellen, and no sooner than you lock eyes, you grab the duvet pulling it over both of your bodies.Henry is confused and ends up being mostly exposed during the shuffle.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Ummm your mom told me to- I’m sorry I-” She turned , rushing out of the room; a flurry of nerves and embarrassment. The door slammed behind her and you both looked at eachother, momentarily embarrassed too. But, then you both broke into laugher. This entire trip had been absurd, this is almost just on brand. You lift your leg in an attempt to end your straddling of him , when he stops you with a hand to your lower back. Smiling while looking up at you he says 
“I wasn’t finished yet.” and you melt back into him. 
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Status: Infatuated
kageyama tobio x reader words; 1189 synopsis; The tree at the end of your street had your initials in it, it had Kageyama’s initials in it. It was the best tree ever. It really is as simple as that. dorks in love is the best trope
Promises are meant to be kept. Promises are meant to be engraved into stone and hailed as pure scripture. And that’s exactly how Kageyama treated them.
Which is why the tree that he had engraved both of your initials into was so important for him. The mere thought of that tree possibly getting torn down was agonizing. The tree on the end of his street had been planted sometime when he had turned the ripe age of four years old.
He had always tapped the top of the tree when his grandfather took his six-year-old self to the park. He had begun to sit under the tree and flip through his comic books at age eight. He had practiced lightly tossing a volleyball by hitting it against the trunk when he was ten. He had climbed all of its branches by the time he was thirteen. And of course, he had carefully whittled his initials and yours as well, into the truck when he had first started crushing on you when he was fifteen.
“Tobio, wait just a second.” You asked, wiping the sweat from your brow and taking a sip of the strawberry lemonade Kageyama’s mom had made for you. “It’s too hot outside.”
“I know it’s hot, but please, just let me show you what I've been wanting to show you.” Kageyama grinned, fiddling with the pocket knife in his hand. It was made of a sleek oak wood, and had an iron blade that he had sharpened just barely for a camping trip the two of you were planning.
“Kageyama Y/n. Pick up your pace, let’s go.” He called out, before walking over to you and then pulling your hand to a tall tree. He put a hand on the trunk, just letting the rippled wood roughly brush against his palm. “This is what I wanted to show you.”
“A tree Tobio, you wanted to show me a tree?” Sipping on the last of your lemonade, tucking the glass water bottle into your backpack.
“A very important tree, mind you.” Kageyama cleared his throat. Before handing you the knife and then smiling widely.
“What do you want me to do?” You let the weight of the tool be held in your hand, the cool oak warming up in your hand.
“Carve your initials in the tree.” He said, patting the spot where he wanted you to put them. “Including the one I gave you.” He added with a rush of urgency.
“Of course, I was going to write your last name. It’s my last name now.” You rolled your eyes before poking him in the chest with the hand that wasn’t holding the pocket knife.
Kageyama let the simple joy of you having his last name soak into his entire body. The knowledge that you two were going to be together forever sinking into his skin and warming him up differently than the sun ever could.
Silently, with only the sound of the wood being slowly chipped away you engraved your initials. After, you took a step back and blew the remnants away. Kageyama immediately took the knife from your hand and wrote his own initials underneath yours. Adding a little plus sign between the letters and then drawing a heart around it.
Smiling wildly, Kageyama looked at you and then turned his head back to the drawing on the tree. “Okay, now let me show you the other thing.”
“I swear, if it’s another-” You paused. Freezing up as Kageyama pulled you around to show you an older engraving. Of your initials before you married him, along with his in a similar design to the other one. “When did you do this?” You lightly traced the indented wood.
“In the first year of high school.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his head as he looked away from you in a slight sheepish manner.
“That long ago?”
“I fell fast and I fell hard for you. The only person to ever completely take me off my feet.” Kageyama tugged on your hand and swung it back and forth as the pair of you looked on at the carving. “I think for a while there, when I was fifteen, I was completely overwhelmed with how I felt about you.”
You didn’t have any words. Nothing seemed to match up to what he was telling you.
“I love you.” You pressed your lips onto his shoulder and rubbed your nose in the crook of his neck. Tickling him lightly so he let out a small chuckle. Memories of the little set up the second and third years pulled for him and you were faded, but still clear enough for him to remember. Like a vintage photo that had a vignette around the edges.
“Kageyama Tobio. Age fifteen, status: completely in love with that one first year who studies with Yachi.” Sugawara stated, handing out clipboards to everyone in the clubroom. Asahi flipped through the pages and raised his hand but Daichi put Asahi’s down , shaking his head slowly as he looked to the ground.
“Their name is L/n. L/n Y/n.” Kageyama clarified, sipping on a small carton of banana milk, seeing as the vending machine had run out of his usual two percent milk.
“Fine, updated status: entirely and utterly obsessed and infatuated with L/n Y/n.” Sugawara made everyone cross off the printed status and rewrite the new one on top of the old.
Sugawara’s updated status still rang true, even ten years later. Kageyama still cringes at how much effort Sugawara put towards figuring out your schedule to plan ‘accidental bumping into each other’ moments, or going as far as making Yachi drag you to practice so you could study. Hoping that when you took a break you would look up and see Kageyama in his natural element of setting volleyballs to everyone, displaying ‘great teamwork skills’ as Suga had so bluntly described it as.
Somehow, Kageyama didn’t actually have to ask you out. You did that all by yourself, only after you had seen Kageyama muttering to himself about the ‘stupid’ plan to get you to fall in love with him. If you hadn’t asked him out, then it was likely that he never would have worked up enough confidence to ask you out himself.
But luckily for him, you had liked him for just as long as he had liked you. Except, not quite as obviously as he had made his feelings for you. You still remember all the times he gave you volleyball keychains, despite not being in the club. All the keychains had been moved to your various bags and purses as you grew up. You still remember all the times he asked if you would help him with math, he was a lost cause but at least he got to see you up close working on an example problem for him to observe.
The tree at the end of your street had your initials in it, it had Kageyama’s initials in it. It was the best tree ever. It really is as simple as that.
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neo-my-geo · 11 months
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Hey gang, it’s your old pal Neo here. If you know me, it’s probably from one of the several very stupid TF2 comics I’ve posted to Tumblr.
However! I am also an English major (unfortunately). One who has read millions of words worth of fanfiction in their life. I have been part of the Sherlock, BNHA, Disco Elysium, and, of course, TF2 fandoms; I’ve been around the block.
The further I’ve progressed into my English education, the more I’ve noticed which mistakes are the most common in fanfiction. Many of them are easily fixable; writers just need to be pointed in the right direction. 
“Neo! Does this mean you think people shouldn’t be allowed to post their works online without a background in formal English education?”
Of course not! I can explain why if you’d care to venture below the cut with me!
Yes, I will explain how to use commas.
It’s important to note that this is NOT a post about formal writing. You aren’t writing an essay. Please, for the love of god, do not write fiction like you’re writing an essay.
There are no stakes to writing fanfic. No one is going to get hurt if an author doesn’t know what a dangling participle is. One of my favourite things about fanfiction is that it’s one of the only art forms left that’s done exclusively for fun! You should write what you enjoy, and share what you make with like-minded people. 
What I want to do is provide assistance as best I can to writers who want to improve their fundamentals without having to take the same university courses I did. Nobody is going to be getting a formal education to write fanfiction unless they’re ridiculously dedicated, and I’m not expecting that of anyone. 
The point I need to stress is that knowing these grammar fundamentals can instantly improve the flow of your writing. Punctuation is a ridiculously important tool for writers, ESPECIALLY in fiction. Commas, semicolons, and full stops (including periods, exclamation points, and question marks) steer the pacing in the reader’s mind; did you notice how your brain stopped for a second after that semicolon? I can show you how to do that.
You may be wondering why I’m going through so much effort to teach all of this to strangers on the internet. The answer is that I enjoy sharing this knowledge with others and helping them grow. By seeing this, my goal is to help you become more proficient at self-editing. Showing this to people who actually want to learn will, hopefully, benefit the community as a whole, and I think that’s very worth it. 
Also, while this post is obviously themed around TF2, the points I’m making can be applied to any fiction. Grammar is for everyone, and the church of the semicolon always has room for more initiates. 
Also also, as an edit, I should clarify that this is meant to cover the more objective facets of self-editing, which is why I'm mostly covering punctuation. Maybe I'll do another post about using adjectives someday.
With that out of the way, let’s get going!
I’ve teamed up with several English teachers (real ones! One of which may or may not be my mom!) and an editor to gather a list of the most common problems we see in amateur fiction. This post is going to be split into three broad sections: apostrophes, commas/semicolons, and other common problems. 
The apostrophe
This section is short, but it holds weight. Other than commas, apostrophes are the most typoed grammatical tool in any fanfiction I’ve edited. This is because, much like the rest of English, the rules surrounding them can be annoying and inconsistent. 
Apostrophes have two main uses: possessives and conjunctions.
A possessive is a word that denotes the ownership of one thing over another. The vast majority of the time, this is done using an apostrophe and an S.
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There is, however, one glaring exception to this rule, and it’s the bane of my existence. 
When denoting possession of an object over something else while using the pronoun ‘it,’ you do NOT add an apostrophe before the S.
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A conjunction, on the other hand, is when a writer uses an apostrophe to combine two words. The following are examples of common conjunctions:
What’s (what is)
They’re (they are)
It’s (it is)
Conjunctions are not often used in formal writing. Thankfully, we aren’t dealing in formal writing. Go crazy.
Time for a lightning round of the most commonly mistaken for each other possessives and conjunctions!
Your is possessive. You’re is a conjunction of ‘you’ and ‘are.’ When you can’t decide which one to use, imagine replacing it with ‘you are’ and seeing if it makes sense. If it doesn’t, use your.
Their is possessive. There indicates a location. They’re is a conjunction of ‘they’ and ‘are.’ 
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The comma and the semicolon
You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. It’s time to talk about commas.
Commas and semicolons are far and away the biggest grammatical hole in the toolset of fanfiction writers everywhere. They’re often treated like the rules surrounding them are complicated and difficult to understand, but the exact opposite is true! 
The big issue I’ve heard time and time again is that the rules of commas are often explained through metaphor instead of example; this means that writers everywhere have slightly different ideas of how you’re supposed to use them. The fact of the matter is that, yes, there are correct and incorrect ways to use commas. Knowing when they’re appropriate and when they aren’t is easily the fastest way to bring your writing from looking amateurish to sounding professional and experienced. 
In order to know how to use a comma, you must first understand the difference between a dependent and an independent clause. 
An independent clause is a section of writing that functions perfectly well as its own sentence. It MUST have both a subject and an action/verb.
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A sentence without an independent clause is known as a fragment, and they’re the bane of English teachers with highlighters everywhere. 
A dependent clause is a section of writing that does not have both a subject and an action; it does not function as its own sentence.
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Now, let’s say you want to combine the two. When joining a dependent clause to an independent clause, the order in which they are placed is crucial to whether you use a comma or not. 
When joining a dependent to an independent with the independent clause first, you do not need to use a comma.
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When joining a dependent to an independent with the dependent clause first, you MUST use a comma. 
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Keep in mind that, if one strives for total grammatical perfection, all narrative sentences MUST have an independent clause. This, however, does not apply to dialogue. Human beings do not think about whether what they’re saying is a dependent clause, and neither would the vast majority of fictional characters. Don’t be afraid to break the rules of grammar as long as it’s contained within quotation marks. 
Alright, that’s the easy part. Time to learn about joining two independent clauses. It’s semicolon time, baby!
If you join two independent clauses without properly using a comma or a semicolon, it is a run-on sentence. You do not want these in your writing. They’re awkward to read and mess up the flow.
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When joining two independent clauses, you can use EITHER a comma or a semicolon. You just need to follow these rules:
If you’re joining two independent clauses with a comma, you MUST use a joining word (and, but, so, etc.) AFTER the comma. 
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If you’re joining two independent clauses with a semicolon, you do NOT need to use a joining word.
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Did you know that a sentence with a comma counts as its own independent clause? This means that you can make a sentence that includes a mix of both without it being a run-on! Just make sure that, no matter what, the semicolon is between two independent clauses. 
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Still, try not to write more than two clauses in a sentence too often. Sentences with a lot of punctuation are very attention-grabbing, but shouldn’t be overused. Full stops aren’t your enemy and variety is the spice of life. 
It’s also important to remember that you should avoid using more than one comma in a clause (with the exception of the rule below). That part loops back to the 'avoiding run-ons' bit.
It’s really that easy! 
Commas are also used in informal writing to inject a separate thought or descriptor mid-sentence without breaking the flow by adding a period. This is often used when describing the perspective of a character experiencing something in a story, but not (usually) when using omniscient perspectives. 
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The final issue I frequently see with commas in fanfiction is in regards to dialogue. Sometimes you end it with them, and sometimes you don’t. What gives? 
Well, my friend, the answer is, thankfully, much simpler than the previous section.
When following dialogue with a dialogue tag, use a comma instead of a full stop. If you’re continuing the previous sentence after the tag, use a comma after it as well. 
Note that a dialogue tag is a short phrase that identifies the speaker. It isn’t a complete sentence on its own.
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When following dialogue with an action that does not serve as a dialogue tag, use a full stop instead of a comma. 
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Other common problems
This section is dedicated to putting specific grammatical errors into words, along with how to solve them. 
Not sticking to the chosen point of view
Always choose your point of view before you start. Is it in the first, second, or third person? Is it omniscient or limited? Does the point of view switch during the story?
First person perspective is told as if the POV character is directly describing their experience to the reader. The character uses I and we to describe their own actions.
Second person perspective is told as if the reader is a character in the story and their actions are being described to them. This is the rarest, and the most difficult to write.
Third person perspective is the most common and the simplest to write. The events of the story are a separate entity from the reader altogether and the narrator uses they/he/she/it pronouns for characters. 
Omniscient perspective means the narrator of the story knows all, including the thoughts and feelings of each character. 
Limited perspective means the narrator of the story only knows what the POV character knows. 
Past and present tense
When you decide between writing a story in past or present tense, it is crucial that you do not switch between them unless it is narratively intentional. Reading a past tense story that mistakenly switches to the present tense is like being pulled out of the room someone is telling a story in and suddenly taking part in it yourself. It’s disorienting and gives the reader unwanted pause.
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Overly-long paragraphs
A common adage spread by English teachers is that most paragraphs should be at least eight sentences long. This is great advice for beginner essays. You’re writing fiction. 
If you have a new thought, start a new paragraph! A concise and well-read single-sentence paragraph is infinitely better than one that drags a thought for too long. Aim to have a blend of paragraph lengths when you write, alternating between the descriptive and the punctual. 
Dangling participles
A dangling participle is when a word is used to describe a noun that isn’t actually present in the sentence. Much like how a sentence without an action isn’t grammatically correct, neither is a sentence without a subject. 
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A malapropism is when an author mistakenly uses one word or phrase instead of another similar-sounding one. I’m not about to list every single malapropism ever made, but these are the ones I notice most often:
To comprehend is to understand something, to apprehend is to arrest someone, and to be apprehensive is to be anxious or fearful of something bad happening.
Could care less means you do care. Couldn’t care less means you don’t.
A lot means a large amount of something. Alot isn’t a word and you shouldn’t use it.
The only real solution to using malapropisms is to make sure you fully understand any words you use in your writing. Never guess, and make sure you always google it. Having beta readers also helps.
If you made it this far, congratulations! You now know the most common errors in amateur fiction and how to solve them! Thank you for listening to me complain for two thousand words. 
The most important thing to remember is that it’s okay to make mistakes. First drafts are always gonna be a little bad. The real key to success is knowing what your end goal is, and how you plan on achieving it. Here’s hoping this was a helpful tool for that!
Shoutout to @salmonandsoup for helping me think of the list of issues to address! You're a real one. Also shoutout to my mom, who doesn't have Tumblr. Also the third person. You know who you are.
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Request from @steveharringtonsgirl04: Hey! I have a request you can totally say not to it but it just keeps coming back in my head lol  soo dad hotch x teen reader where she just wants her dad to hold her :( like all the hotch hugs so he takes her to the BAU and nobody knows he has a daughter btw I absolutely adore your writing it’s literally my favorite!
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: Hard days are always made better by Hotchner hugs.
A/N: I fully admit that I am lacking in creativity at the moment and I don’t love the “secret family” trope, so this is just short and fluffy Hotch being the best dad
CW: reader gets her period, mentions of vomiting, suggestion that reader’s mother is Haley but could always be adopted or from another relationship
“Everyone has his day and some last longer than others.”
Well, you were having your day. And it was bad. Before the lunch bell rang for the day you’d already gotten a terrible night sleep, had Jack spill juice on your favorite top, been late for class, gotten locked out of your locker, tripped over your own feet causing you to face plant in front of the upperclassmen, and gotten your period.
It was safe to say that you were having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
You riffled through your backpack, looking for the bottle of Advil to ease the cramps, but when you found it, it was empty. You cursed under your breath.
Terrible. Horrible. No Good. Very Very Bad Day.
With the knowledge that you’d be unable to get through the rest of the day without being in pain, you swallowed your pride and went to the nurse’s office.
“I’m going to have to call a parent or guardian to bring you something,” the older lady told you. “It’s against school policy for me to give students medication without a doctor's note. Is there someone I can call?”
Usually the answer would have been Jessica, but for once she was the guardian who was out of town.
“Yeah, um, my dad,” you said.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look and left. She came back a few minutes later. “He’s on his way,” she informed you.
Feeling exhausted and uncomfortable, all you could do was nod.
When Hotch walked into the nurse’s office an hour later, he thought you might be on the verge of vomiting. While you tried to look as stoic as him, the paleness of your face gave away how you were actually feeling, and the guilt that he couldn’t get there sooner made his heart sink.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted you, sitting next to you on the cot. He pulled a bottle of Advil from his pocket and handed it to you.
“Thanks.” Your hands were slow but your voice was grateful. “Sorry you had to drive all the way here.”
“No need to apologize.” He kissed your forehead before you downed the pills. You leaned into him slightly and he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”
“‘S not your fault,” your voice was muffled by his suit. You leaned into him and he held you gladly. Just like your mom, you’d always liked hugs, even more so when you hurt.
“Do you want to come to work with me?” he asked. “You can come lay on the couch in my office for the rest of the day.”
You didn’t even question it. “Yes, please."
He signed you out at the front desk. You got a few funny looks, probably doubts that your cramps were really bad enough that you needed the rest of the day off school, but nobody was going to question the glock on your dad's hip or the ID on his shirt.
He helped you into the car, always showing you how any future partner you have should treat you. By the time he climbed into the drivers side, you were already slumped against the door, fast asleep. A gentle smile crept over Hotch’s face as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, careful not to wake you, and then began driving to the office at Quantico.
“Do you need anything?” Your dad asked before he sat down at his desk.
You were curled up on the couch in his office, a warm cup of tea on the small table in front of you and a fuzzy blanket. Halfway through the drive, your dad had stopped to get your favorite food. You had your laptop out so you could relax and watch your favorite movies. Really, you had everything.
“A hug?” you requested. That was the one thing he’d never say no to. He sat beside you on the couch and pulled you into a hug- the safest feeling in the world. As he let go, he kissed your forehead and then pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
You put the headphones on and turned on the movie. Your dad began his paperwork.
It was no longer a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 1 month
"Oh and You!" ~ Ethan Morgan x Reader
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sum! Glue song by beabadoobee, also just cutesy moments with your boyfriend Ethan. (different moments/days)
tw! super fluff in gonna cry
this is so cute, also did yall know i do these a/n's before the fic lolzzz
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"I've never known someone like you, ooh. Tangled in love, stuck by you, from the glue."
You and Ethan recently started dating and oh my goodness is this boy the most perfect amazing person boyfriend ever, and my golly he is whipped. He is so so sweet and treats you so so good. Not only that but he just loves you so much. Probably more than you love him.
Nonetheless, even though its been less than 6 months it is still the most perfect relationship and perfect boyfriend ever!
You were walking up to him and his friends at lunch. You sat next to him and he looked at you with those sweet eyes full of adoration and love. God, he loved you so much.
But much like every relationship there were flaws. He would forget to do some things that you had gotten used to, seeing as how this is his first relationship. He doesn't do it on purpose he's just not used to having say 'love you bye!' whenever one specific person is in the same room as him and he's leaving. He mostly gets in trouble over the phone for that though.
The bell rang, signalling that they're lunch was over and they were to head back to class. Leaving you alone.
Ethan was about to just leave. No kiss, no hug, no 'love you bye'.
"Uh, Ethan!" you grab his attention with your somewhat snarky yell.
He looks confused, scanning where he was sitting to see if he had dropped something, "hm?"
"Don't forget to kiss me!" you couldn't hold back your smile as his face came to the realisation.
You then changed to a more smug look when continuing on, "or else you'll have to miss me..."
He smiled and gave you a small but sweet peck on the lips before leaving the cafeteria.
"I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue, oh and you!"
Later that day you were in class together and there was a... pretty girl sitting next to him. She was new to school and needed a tour. She was asking Ethan, before you could interrupt he responded with, "Yeah, me and my girlfriend can show you around."
She immediately shut down the offer and he refused to take her without you. 20 minutes later while the teacher was in the middle of a lecture there was a paper ball wadded up that had hit your shoulder and was now on the floor. You open it up to see in green ink, 'Im stuck by you'
"Finding the right words to use for this song. I have you in mind, so it won't take so long!"
Ethan met you outside of your English class, one of the classes you don't have together. The assignment was, write a poem. About anything, horses, eggs, boyfriend, mom, dad, cat- wait boyfriend?
So you wrote a poem for him, you grabbed the paper out of your bag and read it to him. (im not good with poems you cant make me write one.)
"Never thought I'd find you, but you're here, and so I love you! I'm not wrong when I say,"
It wasn't unknown that Ethan was unpopular. It also was common knowledge that he got bullied. Usually it didn't bug him, but today it did. He walked home by himself. Shut himself out all day. Was consistently zoning out.
You went to the store, bought his favorite stuff and went to his house. You even got him some chocolate and flowers, because how often do guys get those when they feel bad. He immediately let you in when he found out who it was, he just wanted cuddles and you to rub his head. Then he saw you with matching star wars pajamas, chocolate, his favorite food, and flowers. As well as a scarf from his hogwarts house.
He gave you the biggest hug. He didn't ever think he would date you, or even end up knowing you! But you are. And you show up when he's upset, and so he loves you.
"hey, I've been stuck onto you. Like glue." He said peacefully. And while he was acting like you and him were stuck together, you knew he meant metaphorically. And he knew you would understood that.
"I've been stuck by glue. Right onto you!"
"I've been stuck by glue."
"I've never known..."
"I've never known someone like you"
"I've never known..."
Ethan whispered, "I've never known someone like you."
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luthienne · 2 years
there's just something about the fact that sometimes we are genuinely given too much to bear and we think i cannot do this anymore i cannot bear this for even another minute for even another second and then we do. until either the circumstances change or we change how we react to them. and then we have to find the courage to do it again and again and again. and everyone you've ever met has had to experience this in some form because that's just living.
and the knowing that we can never go back to how it was before feels too heavy sometimes. like i can't swallow that sometimes. we drove to my dad's last fall because i couldn't bear my life. we went to go spend the day with him and then just didn't leave because i couldn't bear the thought of coming home and living my life; i couldn't bear the thought of facing the grief that slept there and kept me from sleeping, i couldn't bear the thought of starving in my kitchen and sobbing in my shower and watching my ceiling spin above me from where i wept on my couch.
over the next few weeks we accumulated belongings in my brother's childhood bedroom. mine has since been turned into the room where boxes of stuff live. so i cried myself to sleep in his bed. i sobbed in our childhood shower. i forced myself to eat in my dad's kitchen. i forced myself to practice in his living room. i wept on his couch. i stayed up all night staring at the dark sky through his windows.
i sat in the dark and wished i could go back countless times and i grieved for myself and i grieved for my mom and i grieved for the life i thought i was going to have that was gone now. and i started a gratitude journal like my therapist told me to because sometimes in very difficult moments i couldn't remember anything that made my life worth living anymore. i found no joy in anything. and i felt like time was running out on me and i was powerless in every way.
and it felt so unfair, like no matter what i did i just couldn't catch a break. like it didn't matter what i did.
my therapist asked me if i could remember the first time i ever had that terrible thought: what if this lasts forever, what if this feeling lasts forever. i was seventeen. trapped in my own body in someone else's bedroom, staring up at someone else’s ceiling painted blue with white clouds. wishing i could go back to before, when my body did the things i told it to do and didn't exist as a traitorous, useless creature separate from me and my wants. i'm still wishing that.
i know she wants me to challenge this terrible thought with the hard-won knowledge that that moment didn't last forever, and so this one won't either. and i try. i develop a routine and i try to follow it, to give myself a sense of normalcy and purpose: wake up, meditate, make a smoothie, journal, practice, go to work. my dad tells me the names of trees on our walks and points out his favorite leaves on the sidewalk. we wrap my mom in scarves and take her to the foothills. my beloved sits with me and holds my hands when i fall apart, and in the dark i sit with my body and remind myself that nothing lasts forever.
i am eating again, and sleeping. i am singing again. i am noticing how beautiful it is when the light catches on wings of birds in the sky and remembering how much i love the smell of the desert in the rain. i am reading, and watching old comfort shows that bring me comfort again.
i finally moved back home. and the grief is still there and i still can't bear the unbearable sadness sometimes. but also sometimes right before dusk the sun turns the mountains pale pink and the sky is soft slate above them and the light that comes through the windows feels impossibly warm and close like a physical presence. like i can almost touch it back. and then the air turns impossibly blue. like i am living inside of dusk and breathing dusk, inhaling blue and exhaling blue.
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moonlit-typewriter · 8 months
I love how we got to actually watch Percy realistically figure out that Kronos is behind everything instead of him just knowing it with no explanation or having to be told.
“I don’t really do “jealous.” My brothers, on the other hand, have the market cornered on “jealous.” Family drama is why I don’t go up there anymore. These grudges, they go on forever; super unhealthy. Someone stole Zeus’ bolt and it wasn’t me.”
While Hades is speaking, the camera stays on Percy’s face the whole time. He’s not looking at Hades at all; instead, he’s seemingly not looking at anything, eyebrows intensely scrunched together and eyes narrowed.
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As the scene continues, the camera continues to zoom in on Percy’s face and Hades voice - while still intelligible - fades into the background. We can’t see inside Percy’s head like we could in the books, so this is a great way to show that he’s mentally going through all the information he has. He’s not paying attention to Hades all that much because he’s remembering something that he heard before
(Several episodes earlier)
“You’re new to the family young one so let me fill you in on how we work. See, years before I was born, my grandpa Kronos ate my aunts and uncles. Then, my dad made him puke them back up, then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked him into a bottomless pit so that kinda set the tone right out of the gate”
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Percy was 100% listening to what Ares was saying in episode 5. As he’s thinking, his eyes dart back and forth, kind of like he’s reading something. He’s quite literally mentally connecting things.
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Holding grudges, family drama going on forever?
Seems fitting.
Bottomless pit?
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So happens that he and Grover nearly got dragged into one of those.
Sally taught him all about Greek mythology during, assumedly, the entirety of his cognizant life. There’s no way you spend ~9/10 years learning about Greek mythology and never go over the titans. Given his connection with his mom, it’s an important topic to him. When it comes to neurodivergent people, the more important the subject is to them, the more they’ll remember it.
We can see the exact moment where all the different pieces click together.
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His eyes widen, mouth drops open a bit more, and eyebrows go up and slightly (but visibly) uncrease.
He immediately looks back at Hades and does what most neurodivergent kids do when they figure something out: he blurts out the answer, completely interrupting Hades.
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In that moment, he looks so confident in what he’s saying; there’s such a clear difference in his expression when he’s thinking and once he’s figured it out.
When neurodivergent people, especially students, blurt out answers, it usually means they’re sure they’re correct.
Percy had all the necessary knowledge to realize that Kronos was behind everything but because he was so focused on Hades, it wasn’t until his initial theory was proven false that he actually stopped and thought everything through. From there, everything fit exactly where it was supposed to.
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
heyyaa, HOW ARE YOUUU? 。 ゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
i hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if i could request some gwen stacy x fem! reader dating headcanons! 🙏🙏
please and thank youu!!!<33
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gwen stacy x fem! reader
-> gwen stacy dating headcannons (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
-> hello!!! i'm doing good thank u for sending this in, the idea is so cute ^__^ hopefully i did ur request justice (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) , n e wayzz she def listens to alex g she is the number one alex g fan ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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• i feel like she’d confess first, but it’d be in private and right after you two hung out so that way if you'd reject her she could quickly run back home never to be seen again. but, her overthinking was all in vain, as you accepted her confession.
"and i've felt this way, for. . a while! and it's okay if you don't feel the same way—"
"aw, i'd love to be your girlfriend, gwen."
"i know i know it's weird—"
"gwen i like you too."
"i knew you wouldn't feel the same way but i just—"
• at the beginning of your guys' relationship she feels very insecure and is unsure of herself, she knows she's closed off, she knows she's not the prettiest, but all of these thoughts seem to vanish as you hold onto her hand and give her a soft smile, a smile that reaches the depths of her heart and ignites a feeling of emotions she hadn't felt in a long while.
• all of your hangouts before felt like dates to her, so she doesn't really have the need to go out to a fancy restaurant or go to the park for a picnic, she feels as if there's enough romance and passion within your hangouts it could count as a date.
• she keeps her identity from you, it's a huge secret, like a lock it in a safe and throw away the key kinda secret. her identity already cost her one lover, she doesn't want it to cost her another.
"what are your thoughts on spiderwoman?
"hm? oh! uh, i don't really care for her."
"haha that's kinda funny, i don't either but i thought you would!"
"what makes you say that? 😒"
"i don't know, i always see you after i see her, so i thought you were a fan or somethin' i dunno 😣"
• loves touring music stores with you, she'll always try and show off her knowledge about the drums because it's the one thing she feels confident in, she'll go on and on about it as you watch how her face lights up and lips curl up in a smile as she talks.
• speaking of music, she loves, LOVES, listening to music with you. she believes that music says a lot about a person's aesthetic, personality, taste, etc. so when you both are just sitting on the school bus, on a field trip, you'll share a pair of headphones listening to a playlist you both contributed to.
• she doesn't deal well with jealousy, she'll let it bubble inside her until it goes away, which it eventually does. whenever gwen sees you with another person she can't help but imagine that you like them better than her, that you'll eventually see that she isn't the best and that you deserve better.
• aside from this, you guys are a very cute couple! no denying that. she'll most likely spend more time at your house than hers, being around you and your family is (embarrassingly) one of her favorite things, just watching a movie or helping with dinner makes her life feel normal and domesticated.
"do you wanna come over for dinner tonight? my mom's making [insert dish here]."
"duh, oh my god her food is so good!"
"pfft, you're so cute 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩"
• cuddling is her favorite thing to do with you, whether its at your home or hers she just enjoys embracing you because it's a situation where she feels calm. her father walked in on the two of you holding each other, fast asleep on the couch completely disregarding whatever movie you were watching. he's glad his daughter has moved on and finds comfort in you.
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elizabethwritesmen · 9 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 4: with or without you
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pairing: firefighter!steve x reader
summary: steve’s coma drags on and you drag on with it. you learn a lot, though, in his absence and get a glimpse into how he really feels about you.
warnings: completely inaccurate medical knowledge and descriptions (don’t come for me i’m not a doctor), pining, angst, idiots who can’t admit their feelings. smut to come. jealous and violent steve. (not violent towards you!)
a/n: eddie’s a mechanic for halloween, which is a little nod to @pinkrelish <3 love you and typ!! there SHOULD only be one more chapter but if it drags on there will be 2. i know for sure the next chapter WILL be a Christmas chapter! (:
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
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The next morning, I woke up bright and early and went straight to the hospital. My parents showed up soon after me, worry a mask on their faces.
“Y/N, sweetheart, are you okay?” My mom asked, fretting over me momentarily out of nervousness.
“I’m fine, Mom.”
“I know how much you love him, I’m just worried about you. He’ll be ok, he’s a strong boy!”
“I know,” I smiled politely, but she was more optimistic than I was.
“Honey, why don’t you let her breathe? She’s stressed enough already,” Dad stepped in, pulling Mom away. “How is Steve, anyway?”
“Stable. Still in a coma. That’s all I know,” I shrugged, “They’ve told me more than anyone else but I’m not family so there’s only so much they can share.”
“That’s ridiculous. Where is his actual family at?” Mom outbursted, “I bet they’re not even concerned. They couldn’t care less about their own son! God, I’ve been more of a mother to him than that dreadful woman!”
“I know,” I sighed, “I’m not happy about it either, but it is what it is.”
“Maybe I could have his dad call the hospital and tell them to treat us as his family in their absence?” Dad suggested.
“Not a bad idea, they could sign a release or something.”
So he pulled out his phone and dialed Mr Harrington up, getting him after a few rings. He walked out of the waiting room and into the hallway to talk to him and Mom sat beside me, stroking my hair.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” she asked me, “You’ve got that look in your eye.”
“What look?”
“The guilty look.”
“I don’t have a guilty look.”
“You’ve been my baby for decades, I think I know your looks. Spill!”
I sighed, “I saw Steve yesterday, before he got called into work and got hurt. He came to the music shop and brought me flowers, then took me out to eat. We went back to his house to hang out and, Mom, he has this huge picture of me on his dresser. Not me and him, just me. Like I’m his wife or something. I got overwhelmed when I saw it and I went off on him.”
“Why’d you go off on him for having a picture of you? I’d imagine that’s a good thing!”
“Because I’m sick of being lead on,” I shrugged, “Or at least I was. But now I’d let him lead me on forever if it meant he wakes up healthy and happy.”
Suddenly, a thoughtful look crossed her face. She bit her lip as if she was holding something back, and furrowed her brows.
“What is it?” I asked.
“You need to talk to your father about this.”
“Because he knows Steve better than you think, and I think he’d know exactly how to make you feel better about all this.”
“I will later,” I nodded, leaning back in my chair and waiting for Dad to get off the phone.
Only a few minutes later, he did exactly that, walking back into the room.
“They’re calling the hospital now and asking about faxing a release. Y/N should be informed of everything from now on.”
“Perfect!” Mom clapped, a small smile crossing her face.
“I’m gonna see if we can go in there with him.”
I walked to the nurse’s desk and asked, and she said yes, so I lead my parents into his room. He looked just as rough as the day before and my heart shattered a little bit.
“Oh,” my mom sighed, and I could tell her heart was breaking as well just looking at him. She and Dad really did care a lot for Steve. They always had. He was included in family trips, family photos, everything. They basically adopted him the second we became friends. I think at first they just felt bad for him, but it didn’t take long for pity to turn into love. He had that affect on everyone, everyone but his own family.
I sat in the chair by his bed, grabbing his fragile hand in my own and squeezing lightly.
“Hey Steve,” I quietly greeted, “I brought Mom and Dad to see you. I knew you’d want them here.”
My naive heart waited for a response, but of course, there was none. I could feel the pitiful eyes of my parents burning into my skull.
About an hour passed of them simply sitting with me. A couple other people dropped in, some of the firemen and Robin to be exact. Eddie was at work and wasn’t able to make it yet, but he had called me to see if everything was okay.
“You guys don’t have to stay here all day, I’m okay,” I told Mom and Dad.
“We’ll stay here until they make us leave.”
I smiled lightly at that, turning back to Steve. “You hear that? I think they like you more than they like me.”
“I’m gonna go get something to eat from the cafeteria,” mom got up suddenly, “but I think you two should talk.”
“About what?” Dad asked, but I knew.
She didn’t bother answering him, just shood him my way before making her exit.
“Tactful,” I scoffed, smoothing out Steve’s sheets and making sure he was covered up enough to be warm. If my dad noticed, he said nothing, watching in silence as I doted over the closest thing he had to a son.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” he asked.
“Well…. nothing, really, it’s just I feel a bit guilty because I went off on Steve yesterday before the accident. I yelled at him to stop leading me on and then I left even though he begged me to stay. I wouldn’t even let him get a word in.”
“I see,” he nodded in understanding, “And I heard from one of the firemen that he was on the way to the cabin when he got called in. Is that why?”
“Yes,” I nodded, “I mean, I’m assuming. I’m sure he wanted to make things right. Steve never could leave well enough alone.”
“Not when it comes to you, at least.”
“I can’t help thinking I messed things up for good. What if I never get to apologize?”
“You will, but you don’t have to. He forgave you before the words even came out of your mouth. He loves you that way.”
“I know, I know. I’m his best friend, he’d never hold anything against me.”
“No, Y/N, you don’t know,” Dad sighed, “Steve and I go golfing every month. It started as a way to cope with you being gone, both of us missed you and honestly I missed him. He’s like my own son and when you stopped being around, he stopped hanging around. We golf all day and then head to the house and your mom makes us a great spread of dinner.”
“I know that already, Dad. He told me.”
“What you don’t know is that the fifth or sixth time we golfed, he’d gotten real comfortable with me and started talking to me. He told me, ‘Mr. L/N, if Y/N ever comes back I swear I’m gonna marry her.’ I asked him what in the world he was on about and he told me that he knew you were the only woman he’d ever want the second he laid eyes on you at Scoops Ahoy. Nobody ever compared for him. None of those girls meant a quarter as much as you. Why do you think he hasn’t had a girlfriend all these years?”
“Are you saying Steve is in love with me?”
“Steve has been in love with you just as long as you’ve been in love with him.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me? I would’ve come home right then!”
“Because, sweetheart, you were chasing a dream bigger than me or Steve or anyone. You flew away and I didn’t know if you wanted to come back, you seemed happy where you were. I didn’t wanna burden you with things that would make you feel guilty. Besides, I promised him I wouldn’t tell.”
“But you just did.”
“I don’t think he’d mind,” he winked, “I’m gonna go meet your mom in the cafeteria. You say your piece. He can hear you, you know.”
I smiled lightly as he walked away, turning to my handsome, bandaged up boy the second he was gone.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me, Steve?” I implored, sadness overtaking me. “This could’ve been so different. I never would’ve left.”
My parents stayed the whole day, just as they said they would, and they came back every day to check in. They really were worried about him, and about me as well. I never left his side. I was there every day, all day. And nobody seemed to mind. They all just respected me for what I apparently was; the girl Steve was in love with. But was I, though? All those things my dad said, I believed them but a lot of time had passed since then, and a lot of anger and distance had built up. There was a chance he didn’t even feel that way anymore. There was a chance he didn’t even mean it when he said it.
Two days before Halloween, Robin asked me what I planned on doing. She told me she was set to go trick or treating with Eddie and Candy, and they both wanted me to tag along. Apparently it was a tradition for all of them, and then afterwards they’d leave her with Wayne and do whatever adult activities they could find.
“Oh, Robin, that’s sweet but isn’t that you guys’ thing? I don’t want to intrude,” I spoke into the receiver of my cell phone from Steve’s bedside.
“Y/N, shut up. You’re just as much a part of this group as any one of us. And Candy specifically asked for you. She said she thinks you’re nice.”
I sighed, “Okay. Fine. It’ll have to be after visiting hours, though, I can’t leave Steve here alone until I absolutely have to.”
“Great! We’ll all meet at Eddie’s after visiting hours and go from there, sound good?”
“Yeah, where does he live now again?”
“He has a trailer, not far from the cabin. I’ll send you the address. Oh, and you have to dress up. Participation rules!”
“Robin, I am not in a dress up mood,” I scoffed.
“Y/N,” she sighed, “Nobody wanted to talk to you about this because we didn’t want to make you feel worse than you already do, but everyone agrees that you need a distraction. Something to cheer you up.”
“Who is everyone?”
“Me, Eddie, your parents. Wayne. My parents. The other guys from the station. Everyone. Steve is in a coma, but you’re not. You’ve got to carry on living.”
“So you’ve all been talking about me?” I asked, “Robin, if this is about me not being at the music shop I-“
“It’s not,” she assured, “Don’t even worry about that. I told you, stay with Steve however long you need and come back when you’re ready. Your job will be there. I’m not hiring anyone else, even if you don’t come back until he wakes up.”
I sighed, “Fine. You’re right. I’ll dress up and try to have the best time I can.”
We hung up, and I couldn’t help but feel the faintest spark of excitement, followed by guilt. I desperately needed something, anything besides a stale coma ward room. The only company I’d had that whole month was the people who visited Steve, never surprised to find me there perched beside him.
I didn’t have a lot of time to throw a costume together, but I managed. I was quite proud of it, actually.
I changed in the en suite hospital room bathroom, looking myself over in the mirror, cringing at the awful fluorescent lighting. I still looked cute though, or at least I thought I did.
I walked out of the room and did a little spin for Steve’s lifeless form, pretending he could see me for the sake of it.
“How do I look?” I asked, then followed up with, “I’m gonna pretend you said I look great.” I giggled at myself and sat back down beside him, “Only about five minutes until they kick me out. I wish you could come with us tonight, it would be so much more fun with you. This is my first Halloween here in years! Remember the last one we spent together? Oh, it was so much fun. Much better than that year’s Christmas party. I still cant believe you punched that guy!” If he’d been awake, he would’ve laughed at that, and I would’ve loved the sound. “I dressed up as an angel again. You liked my costume so much that night, I just had to recreate it for you, even if you won’t see it. You always did like me best in white. If Robin was here, she’d say it’s because white makes you think about us getting married. I don’t know about that, though. But I know I like that look you give me when you see me in it.” I sighed at the dead air between us, giving his hand a tight squeeze, “I wish you were awake, talking back to me. I can’t make it much longer without you, Stevie. I miss you, so much it’s killing me. I wish I hadn’t screamed at you that day. I should’ve just been honest about how I feel instead of lashing out about it. I know that now, but it’s too late.”
“Y/N,” the nurse, an older woman I’d become quite familiar with, interrupted, “Finish up as quick as you can. Visiting hours are over.”
“Yes ma’am,” I smiled as she walked away. I turned back to Steve and left him with the words, “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow” and a kiss on the forehead.
Once I got to Eddie’s, I was struck with a bolt of pride at what I saw. He didn’t live in a trailer park, he owned his own trailer on about two acres of land. It was a nice one, too. One of those remodeled units with nice painted shutters and clean vinyl. And beside it was a little shed, overflowing with Candy’s toys and such. I imagined it was supposed to be his before she overtook the space with her things and smiled.
He opened the door, a grim look on his face and his daughter crying in his arms.
“Oh goodness, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“All month she’s wanted to be a fairy. Now, the day of halloween right before we go trick or treating, she wants to be a princess. The costume store is closed, there’s nothing that’ll make her happy.” He sounded simply exhausted, and my heart squeezed with pity.
“Hold on,” I offered, running to my car and rifling through a bag in the backseat full of rejected costume items. In it was a golden tiara with pink jewels on it, cheap but cute and it matched what Candy was wearing. I brought it back and presented it to her with a, “Tada!”
Her little eyes widened, taking in what I handed her as Eddie helped put it on her head. “Thank you!” she squealed.
“You wanna take the wings off or leave them on and be a fairy princess?” I asked.
“Leave them on,” she smiled, “Why don’t you have wings? You’re an angel! We could match!”
“I was supposed to but they were itchy,” I cringed and she giggled, reaching out for my hand. She jumped out of her dad’s arms and dragged me into the living room.
“Come look at my bag!” she ordered sweetly, and I obliged, taking in the pumpkin shaped monstrosity with a smirk. 
“She’s showed me her bag ten times already, wonder how many times she’ll show it to you?” Robin chuckled, and I followed.
“It’s cute!” I assured.
We all piled into Eddie’s car, me in the back with Candy because she wanted to sit by me.
“How’s Steve?” Eddie asked on the way to whatever neighborhood we were going to.
“Same as he was a week ago,” I shrugged, casting my eyes down.
“Well same is better than worse, right?”
“I suppose so.”
Robin and Eddie exchanged a look, but then they dropped the subject as if they were silently agreeing it was better not to talk about it.
We arrived at a small park a few minutes later, parking next to a bunch of other cars and getting out. We looked silly, for sure. An angel, Jessie from Toy Story and what Eddie called a “sexy mechanic” but was really just him in blue coveralls and a wife beater, except the cover alls were tied around his waist. I suspected he pulled a couple random items from his closet and threw them together, but I had to admit, he looked nice. The short hair worked better for him than I would’ve ever thought, and while I missed his curls, he looked handsome and grown up. I was struck again with that bolt of pride for him and all he’d accomplished.
Candy wanted to stick beside me, so I held her hand as we walked from house to house. One house we came to was particularly nice, a sign out front that said “the Byers” in a nice cursive font. We knocked and, once the door opened, I gasped at who I saw.
There was Nancy, a baby in one arm and a bowl of candy in the other. The baby was cute, too.
Her eyes got a little wider when she saw me, “Y/N!” she exclaimed, “You’re the last person I expected to see tonight!”
“Hey Nance,” I grinned, “I know! I moved home a couple months ago!”
“That’s great! For good?”
“I think so, yeah,” I nodded. Things between Nancy and I had always been a bit awkward, granted I hadn’t talked to her in years or seen her. When she dated Steve, I tried to like her but she was always a bit cold towards me and then when she cheated on him I just gave up trying. Now, I didn’t know the dynamic, but it didn’t feel awkward at all. Just unfamiliar.
“Oh Steve must be thrilled about that. Does he know or did you get here after the accident?”
“No, he knows. I was with him that day, actually, until he got called into work.”
“Oh… Me and Jonathan went to the hospital to visit, but the nurse said a girl was there and I didn’t want to interrupt. That must’ve been you?”
“Yeah, I’ve been there every day. But you wouldn’t be interrupting anything! You should come by tomorrow, I think he’d like that!”
“Okay! We will!” she smiled, handing a chocolate bar to Candy. I couldn’t help but notice the flashy ring and band on her hand as she did so, and I grinned, happy they made it.
“That was weird,” Robin mumbled as we walked away.
“Not really,” I shrugged, “I figure it’s time we buried whatever hatchet there was. Guess we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.”
We hit a few more houses, and Candy got some really great stuff. Full sized bars, stuffed animals, all the fancy little treats. I was actually impressed. Finally, we reached the end of the street and she looked exhausted.
“Tired?” I asked her, giggling as she leaned into Eddie and almost fell over. She nodded, reaching up for him to pick her up but he was already carrying her bag and a separate bag full of extra stuff.
“Here, I’ll get you,” I sighed, and she nodded, reaching up to me instead and letting me carry her back to the car.
Once we were all settled in and on the way back to Eddie’s, we all breathed out a sigh of relief.
“I love doing this every year but I’m so glad it’s over,” Robin stated, and we all nodded in agreement.
“At least it passed faster than last year. Steve always wants to stop and talk to everyone he sees, it’s so exhausting,” Eddie chuckled.
“Yeah but I missed him, though. I wonder what he would’ve dressed up as?”
“Probably whatever Y/N told him to.”
I perked up at that, “I would’ve forced him to be a devil. Cause I’m an angel.”
“That would’ve been some freaky se-“
“Robin!” Eddie scolded, “Candy is in the back seat!”
“She’s sleeping, you nitwit. Obviously I would never say that if she could hear me.”
I looked over and, sure enough, she was dead to the world, her head reclined against her car seat.
We made a quick stop at Wayne’s, and Eddie gently carried Candy inside then returned to the car. “Where to now?” he asked us.
“24/7 liquor,” Robin perked up and suggested, eliciting smiles from both of us.
“Wanna get drunk in the hospital parking lot so Steve can kinda sorta be with us?” Eddie asked me, smirk on his face, and though the idea was admittedly flawed, I couldn’t help saying yes.
Eddie got a case of beer for himself, Robin bought a bottle of rum and I settled on two bottles of wine. I was positive none of us would drink all of what we had, but regardless, we were prepared.
Once we pulled into the parking lot, we all settled in comfortably, seats leaned back and limbs thrown wherever they fit. Surely there was some camera watching us and we’d get in some kind of trouble. None of us cared much. Eddie was a fireman, so he went hand in hand with the hospital and the law, and he had our backs. The whole fire station had our backs, really. They’d all grown a liking to me over the time I’d spent in that hospital room, visiting and talking with them like they were family or old friends.
I unscrewed the cap of my moscato and started with a big gulp, earning a giggle from Robin. “I know things are tough, Y/N, but they can’t be that bad.”
“I gotta drink double in Steve’s honor!” I exclaimed, taking another gulp. They followed suit, taking big swigs of their own.
“So. When the dingus pulls out of this coma, what happens?” Robin asked me suddenly.
“What do you mean?”
“Well you had that whole falling out with him and now he definitely knows beyond the shadow of a doubt how you feel, and I hope by now you know how he feels too.”
“I’m still not convinced he sees me that way, guys. A couple of cryptic comments does not a love story make.”
“Yeah, but it’s not just cryptic comments. He’s flat out told people how he feels and they tell you and you don’t believe them.”
“Maybe,” I shrugged, thinking it over, “I don’t know, I’m hoping he’ll get better and we’ll just forget all about it and pretend it never happened.”
“What if he does something crazy like propose marriage?” Eddie mused with a chuckle.
“Nah,” Robin shook her head, “Steve wouldn’t do that. Not right after getting out of a coma. My bet is they date for a year and he has us help him plan some extremely elaborate proposal and he’ll get me to help him pick the perfect ring.”
“Probably. What do you think the wedding would be like?”
“Guys!” I huffed, “I’m right here!”
“Well then tell us, what kind of wedding would you want?”
“Are we seriously talking about this?” I scoffed and they nodded, so I sighed and gave in. “I want a Christmas wedding with lots of red and green, lots of Christmas lights, a big beautiful tree. Christmas themed food and drinks. I want it to be like a winter wonderland.”
“I think Steve would like that. Then again you guys have never disagreed on anything.”
“That’s not true!” I half shouted, “We disagree all the time!”
“About what?”
“Well… about…. things!”
“What things?”
“Well I can’t think of them off the top of my head.”
“Sureeeeee,” they laughed as we all drank some more.
The night passed by entirely too quickly, but it was the most fun I’d had since Steve got hurt. I really appreciated being invited, and the fact that they’d been there for me in what was such a hard time.
The next morning, I showed up at the hospital bright and early, dressed comfy and warm. I looked a little worse for wear from the tiny hangover I was sporting, but it wasn’t bad at all. Just a little messy hair and dark circles under my eyes.
“Morning Steve,” I grinned as I sat beside him, grabbing his hand like always. I proceeded to tell him all the details of the night before, sparing none on the off chance that he could in fact hear me and wanted to know how Halloween went without him. “I’m probably gonna have to tell you all this again when you wake up, huh? Well it’s a good thing I never get tired of talking to you.”
“Y/N?” a voice called from behind me, and I turned to see Nancy, baby in her arms.
“Hey Nance,” I smiled.
“You look better than I expected. No hangover, huh?” she returned the polite gesture.
“No, not today. I’m surprised, I drank a lot!”
“I’m glad you all had a good time! A few years ago I would’ve offered to join the fun but those days are over for us.” She gazed sweetly at her baby and I couldn’t help but grin.
“Well, I think it’s great that you’re focusing on your family! I always knew you’d be a great mom. You just have that way about you.”
“Yeah, well, I hope so! It gets difficult sometimes and I feel like I don’t do enough but then he smiles at me and speaks his baby gibberish and the world fades.”
“He’s so cute,” I pouted just looking at his smooshy face, and she raised a brow at me.
“Wanna hold him?”
“I - I couldn’t,” I shrugged sheepishly.
“Believe me, you could. I hold him all the time, I love giving other people a turn!”
“Well… if you’re sure,” I reached out as she placed him securely in my arms. I melted instantly, rocking him gently back and forth. “He’s so perfect, Nance. I just adore him.”
“Just wait til you and Steve have one. It’s gonna be a whole different level of adoration.”
“Oh - me and Steve, we’re just friends,” I laughed her words off like they were nothing.
“You’ve both been saying that since high school and it’s not any more believable now than it was then.”
“You, you dated him in high school. Why would he date you or anyone else if he liked me?”
“Because he’s stupid. Believe me, he wished I was you. Why do you think I hated you so much?”
“I just assumed you didn’t like my personality.”
“Y/N, you’re like, the sweetest girl ever. Hating you was hard because you never gave me anything to work with. But I knew how he felt about you, so I couldn’t exactly like you either.”
“Well, I think you’re exaggerating. He loved me as a best friend. Or a sister, even.”
“Best friends and siblings don’t sneak off in the middle of the night to skinny dip together, you weirdo.”
I laughed at her bluntness, “I guess that’s true. But either way, your feelings for Jonathan are what broke you guys up. Not Steve’s feelings for me.”
“You’re right, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but you should know that when I started caring about Jonathan, I stopped disliking you. Mostly because I finally understood how Steve felt. How awful it can feel to be with the wrong person. But I acted on it, and Steve never did. I think that says a lot about the kind of man he is.”
“Well I never disliked you. Not even when you cheated on him. I mean, I wasn’t thrilled with you, but I didn’t like, curse your grandchild’s cow or anything.”
“You’re so weird,” she laughed, walking over to Steve’s bedside. “I hope it works out for the two of you, I’d love if you stayed. Maybe we could finally have a chance at being friends?”
“I’d like to be friends,” I nodded.
“I hardly get to have intelligent conversations these days, with Jonathan working all the time. Let alone girl talk!”
“I have Robin but sometimes girl talk is hard with her. She’s very… unconventional. In the nicest most loving possible way!”
“I know what you mean. All of my friends have kind of embraced the party girl life, and the few that settled down have more kids than I do so they’re always busy.”
“Well I’m always here. And I never do anything after visiting hours, so I could come over one night if you wanted and we could have a good old fashioned sleepover?”
“That would be perfect! Maybe you could bring Eddie’s daughter? I have a feeling she never gets girl time and I bet he’d love the break!”
“Oh, that would be fun. And she likes babies so she’d definitely keep him occupied.”
“How about next week sometime?”
“That works for me.”
We made some more small talk, and we even included Steve in some conversations, though he couldn’t respond. But then the baby got fussy and she had to go. The next week, though, we had a sleepover just as we had planned, watching silly movies and doing a makeover with Candy. And after that, Nancy and Jonathan were invited every time we hung out.
Another month passed and suddenly it was Thanksgiving. My parents tried to convince me to spend it at home and not the hospital, but I wouldn’t budge so instead they just moved their celebration to evening instead of day so that I could join in.
I hung out with Steve for the whole day, then headed to my parents’ house to see the entire family already there.
“Y/N!” They all exclaimed when I walked in, and I gave everyone a quick hug. It was nice to see them all, I just wasn’t in much of a people mood, so I immediately sat down on the couch when greetings were over and leaned back into the cushions.
“How’s Steve?” Mom asked me.
“He’s okay. Still the same.”
“Oh honey, he’ll wake up soon. I just know it!”
“Maybe,” I shrugged, resting my eyes and waiting for dinner to be served.
Finally, a few minutes later, everyone piled their plates high with food and settled into the living and dining room.
I was interrupted in the middle of eating, though, by my phone ringing. It was the hospital. I dropped my plate on the table abruptly and answered, “Hello?”
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“I was just calling to let you know that Steve has just woken up. You’re welcome to come and see him, the doctors are in with him right now but we’re allowing you to visit when they’re done if you’d like.”
“I’ll be right there!”
I didn’t even hesitate, grabbing my things and heading for the door. “Steve is awake,” I rushed out an explanation to my expectant mother, “I have to go.”
“Well do you want us to come with you?” she asked.
“No, stay and enjoy the holiday! I don’t want everyone to have to go home early!”
“Okay, well… call and update us! Give him our love!”
I nodded with a quick smile and left, gunning it to the hospital.
I rushed up to the coma ward, and the second the nurse saw me, she smiled.
“I’ve been waiting for you! The doctors are almost done, you can sit in the waiting room while they finish up!”
I nodded, walking to the small waiting room and eagerly pacing back and forth. It felt like it took forever for the doctors to walk in the room, but when they finally did, I breathed a sigh of relief.
“What’s going on? Is he okay?”
“He’s doing remarkably well. The only issue is that he doesn’t seem to remember the day of the accident at all. He says the last thing he remembers is putting up your Halloween decorations.”
“Oh,” I furrowed my brows, “But thats normal, right? And not a bad thing?”
“Not bad at all, and completely normal. With the kind of trauma his body went through, it’s natural that his brain suppressed it. It could eventually come back, or it could stay in a vault forever. But regardless, you’re welcome to see him now for a few minutes. He’s perfectly healthy from what we can tell, but we’ll be keeping him for the next two weeks just to make sure he doesn’t fall back into the coma.”
“Of course. Thank you, doctor,” I grinned, racing past him and into Steve’s room.
“Stevia!” I squealed as his eyes landed on me. He gave me a smile, the million dollar kind, reaching his hand out for me.
“There’s my girl,” he sighed, voice as content as can be and his eyes settled on me like they never wanted to look at anything else.
“I can’t believe you’re awake!” I grinned from ear to ear, sitting in my regular spot beside his bed and grabbing his hand.
“I’m so glad to be. I didn’t know how much longer I could listen to you talk and not be able to answer.”
“You could hear me?”
“Vaguely. Like it was a dream, but I caught some of it I think.”
“Oh, that’s so good! That means I wasn’t talking for nothing!”
“The doctors told me you didn’t leave my side the whole time I was here. Is that true?”
My cheeks flushed red and I stared down at my lap, “Yeah, I suppose it is.”
“There’s nobody else I would’ve wanted here.”
I couldn’t help the giddy look on my face, “A lot of other people visited too, you know. The whole fire station rotated in and out. My parents came a lot, and Robin and Eddie. Even Nancy stopped by with her new baby.”
“Nancy, huh? How is the baby anyway?”
“He’s the cutest thing ever.”
“I bet he just loves you,” he smirked, giving my hand a slight squeeze.
“I think he does,” I shrugged.
“My parents didn’t come by?”
“No. I’m sorry, they didn’t wanna interrupt their vacation. They called the hospital and put me in charge of everything.”
He nodded, “I expected as much.”
“Let’s talk about happy things, you just woke up!” I sighed, “Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Happy Thanksgiving,” he responded, “Wait, it’s Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, and my entire family sends their love. They wanted to come but I didn’t wanna overload you with people.”
“Well… I’m really glad I got to spend it with you. Our first Thanksgiving together in what, 7 years?”
“Yes,” I nodded, “but you did miss Halloween. It was a lot of fun but I wish you’d been there.”
“I wish I’d been there, too. I bet you looked good in your costume.”
“Oh, shut up,” I laughed.
“No, really. You gotta wear it for me one day so I can see what I missed out on.”
“Well, you always did like me in white,” I smirked, batting my eyelashes at him.
“Oh, it was white? Damn, I really did miss out.”
“I’ll put it on for you as soon as you get out of the hospital.”
“Or you could wear it here tomorrow?”
“Wear a halloween costume to the hospital? That’s silly!”
“But it’s what I want!”
“Ugh,” I groaned, “Fine, but you owe me!”
“We can just call it even since, you know, you left for seven years and all.”
“But I also completely ditched my life so I could sit by your bedside crying over your lifeless body for two months, so…. We’re already even. You still owe me!”
Just then, the nurse walked in with an abrupt knock, “I’m sorry Y/N, you gotta go. You can come in again tomorrow during visiting hours. We’ll update you if anything happens tonight.”
“Okay, I’ll just say goodbye and be gone in a second,” I politely stated, and she nodded, leaving us in privacy. “Guess I have to go for the night.”
“It’s okay, I’ll see you in the morning, right?”
“Of course. And you can always call me if you need to,” I gestured to the bag in a corner of the room. His phone and charger were in it, and I quickly retrieved them for him, plugging the device in.
“Thank you. I - I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what I did to deserve you staying with me this whole time.”
“Steve,” I stopped him while he was ahead, “I’m never leaving you again.”
He looked like he might cry, overwhelmed with emotions and the stress from the coma. I leaned down and kissed his forehead, as I had been every night, and left.
Senior Year Christmas
The music was loud, drowning out all rational thought. I heaved out a deep sigh, wondering again why I let Steve talk me into having a party at the cabin. “It’ll be so much fun!” He’d said, his words a clever guise.
Now, where was he? Off in a corner talking to some guys he knew, while I sat on the couch, bored out of my mind, sick from the smell of shitty booze. He’d spent most of the night with me, as he always does, but I sent him away. After all the party was his idea, and I didn’t want to ruin it for him just because I wasn’t in a social mood.
“What’s got you so down, Y/L/N?” Danny Bolen, a boy from my grade, asked me, planting himself on the couch beside me. Danny was nice, the kind of guy who lent me pencils and complimented me in the school hallway.
“Just dreading cleaning all this up,” I shrugged, clinking my solo cup to his and taking a big swig.
“Harrington is gonna help, huh? And that band girl you always hang out with? And maybe that Munson kid too? I always see you around him.”
“Yes, of course, but they’re all drinking more than me, so..”
“Well I’d be more than happy to stay and help, too, if you’ll let me.”
I glanced at him to see only sincerity in his face, and I smiled, “That’s really sweet, Danny, but you don’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense, I want to. Especially if it’ll get you in a better mood, this is your party after all! Now what do you say we get you a fresh drink and try to have a good time?”
I nodded slowly, letting him grab my hand and hoist me off the couch. He walked with me to the kitchen and, once in the doorway, the people around us started to whoop.
“It’s mistletoe!” a girl yelled out, and I looked up to see that it was, in fact, mistletoe. I let out a sigh, glancing at Danny, and he looked just as awkward as I did.
“Who even put that there?” I asked him with a small giggle, and he shrugged. My mind drifted to Steve, wondering if he was witnessing the spectacle. I didn’t see him in the group crowded around us. “We don’t have to kiss, it’s just a silly tradition.”
“Yes you do! You HAVE to, those are the rules!” a random guy said, and I rolled my eyes.
“I’m fine with it if you are,” Danny said, low enough for only me to hear. After glancing at the eager people around us, I gave a curt nod.
He leaned in, and his lips touched mine just long enough for me to know it didn’t feel right, but I didn’t have to suffer it for long. There Steve was, pushing us apart, ripping down the mistletoe and throwing it in the trash.
“What’s your problem, dude?” Danny furrowed his brows and angrily asked Steve.
“No problem, it’s just a dumb tradition. I don’t think Y/N should have to kiss someone just because of a plant.”
“Is that it? Or do you just wish you’d been the one under it with her?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I just… I want her to make her own decisions.”
“Steve,” I interjected with a hand on his arm. He turned to me sharply, expectantly. “I did make the decision. I told him it was okay.”
“You what?” he spat, “So what, you’re just kissing everybody now? Did Eddie get a turn? Bobby?” He turned to the closest guy to us, “What about you? Did you get a turn?”
“Steve!” I hissed, “Stop!”
“Seriously, man, just back off,” Danny spoke up, stepping between me and him.
“Oh, what a hero,” Steve rolled his eyes, shrugging off my arm, “The party is over, go home.”
“The party is over when she says it’s over,” Danny challenged.
“Danny, stop. Just go. All of you, please. Everybody.”
People filed out in droves at that, Danny lingering until the place was nearly clear and pulling me gently to the side.
“Are you okay here with him?” he asked me, nodding his head at Steve who was glaring intently in his direction.
“I am. He’s just angry for some reason, he’ll calm down when I talk to him.”
“I think I should stay here, you shouldn’t be alone.”
“I’m not alone.”
“Just in case he tries something, I-“
“Hold up,” I scoffed, “What are you trying to imply? I told you he’s just angry, he would never do anything to hurt me.”
“I’m sorry, I just don’t trust it. He’s not a good guy Y/N. I know you’re close or whatever but, listen, I’ve liked you for a long time and if you’d just realize he’s a piece of shit you’d see I could be so much better.”
“Get the fuck out of my cabin,” I growled, taking a step back.
“I’m just trying to-“
“I know exactly what the fuck you’re trying to do, you’re trying to weasel your way into my pants by being a hero. Well I don’t need a hero, I’m perfectly safe here with Steve and you can go the fuck home,” I went off. He looked taken aback for a moment before it turned to anger and he aggressively grabbed my arm, pulling me into him.
“I’ve been nothing but nice to you and you’re going to treat me like this? Do you even realize how much better I could do than you?”
“Let me go!” I squealed, trying to shake off his hold but failing. Steve once again interrupted us, though, pushing Danny roughly off of me.
“She said go the fuck home. Do I have to make you or are you gonna do it on your own like a big boy?”
“Fine, fuck this. She’s not pretty enough for me to care.”
He tried to storm out, but Steve grabbed him by the arm and yanked him hard, forcing him to turn around. Once they were face to face, Steve landed a hard right hook on the shorter boy’s jaw.
Danny grabbed the side of his face roughly, spitting out blood and glaring as he left. Steve turned to me, giving me a once over, eyes landing on my very red arm.
“He grabbed you that hard?” he asked, voice soft and sweet just for me, “Let me see.”
I pulled roughly out of his reach, “You need to go home too, Steve.”
“It was your idea to have this stupid party and you ruined it! Why? I don’t understand what the big deal about me kissing him was!”
“I just-“
“Don’t even! You slut shamed me, too. YOU slut shamed ME! You have girl after girl falling at your feet and I haven’t dated anyone, not one single person, since the day I met you but you’re slut shaming me like I go around kissing ever man I see? Fuck you! Leave, now!”
“Y/N, please,” he huffed, hand resolutely on his hip.
“Steve, you made a scene. You embarrassed yourself and you embarrassed me by acting like a complete idiot. Thank you for getting him off of me but I don’t want you here.”
Our screaming match ended there, as he sadly cast his eyes downward.
“I’m sorry, I just… I just wanted to help,” he sighed, “I’ll see you later.”
As he walked outside, I was hit with a pang of guilt. I turned to Eddie and Robin and they both had shocked looks on their faces.
“I’m doing the right thing, making him go, right?”
They shrugged and I groaned, my head falling back. I knew I couldn’t go through with it.
I ran outside, just as Steve was climbing into his car. I was surprised to see it was raining, somehow I hadn’t noticed. I suppose I’d been distracted.
“Steve!” I screamed over the storm. He turned to me, expectant. “Come back!”
He did as I asked, “You changed your mind?” he inquired as he approached me.
“I know it’s bad at home. I’m not sending you back there. Not tonight.”
“I can go. I know you want me to.”
“No, I really don’t, I just want to know why you acted that way.”
“I don’t know why,” he shrugged, cupping my face in his hands and I shoved him off again.
“That’s bullshit, Steve,” I scoffed.
“I’m sorry, I just… I don’t know what came over me. I just got so angry when he kissed you, I don’t know why. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I don’t know what’s going on with me.”
“Well you need to figure it the fuck out because I don’t want this complicated mess. And if you can’t, I’ll leave.”
“I’ve applied to a lot of colleges, Steve. Not all of them are close. I have my pick of them, too.”
His jaw hung open for a moment before complete melancholy overtook him, all the light draining from him. “Please,” he whimpered, “Don’t leave me. I promise I won’t ever act like that again. I swear, I’ll be better, I’ll do better for you. Please don’t leave me.”
He pulled me into a crushing hug and I sighed, giving into him like I always did. He was shaking against me, his clothes soaked and I was sure mine were too. He seemed so close to breaking down, terrified I would really leave him. Terrified to be without me. Despite it all, there was nothing better than his warmth wrapped around me.
“I’m not going anywhere, Steve.”
He held me for a while longer before pulling away slightly, “You’re freezing,” he commented, “Let’s go inside and get you some warm clothes.”
I nodded, following him back into the cabin and into my heart.
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m living for Frenchie and Colin but I wish they’d explored a different aspect of Frenchies back story this season. like how he finally escaped from his dad (did he kill him in the end or run away?) or being homeless and having to become a prostitute to survive when he first came to the states.
I’m also convinced that Frenchies dad actually killed his mom but he’s blocked it out due to trauma. If they went down that route then that would have been an interesting way of linking his and Colin’s storyline.
when little nina mentioned his abusive father, and when he mentioned turning tricks’ in a flashback, i instantly wanted to know so much more about his backstory. those were two story arcs that were already set up for him to explore! but instead we get him and colin, which feels a bit rushed and kind of pointless anyway since we know nothing about colin. we know frenchie is going to lose colin, there’s no way this will work out. but we don’t care if he loses colin because colin has no emotional weight on the story. maybe if we got to see colin and frenchie’s relationship develop from the start we’d care more about them, but it was thrown at us just for it to be taken away immediately in an attempt to force the audience to pity frenchie. but we already know frenchie feels regret for his kills. i want to see how other aspects of his past shape him as a person.
we could still delve into frenchie’s guilt for being a hitman — but let’s explore what drove him to become a hitman. like you said, anon, did he have to kill his dad to finally be free? did this + turning tricks in america make him feel like the only thing he was good for was his body — his physical form, only made to please or hurt others, only made to follow commands. we see how he yearns for true individual freedom, but he struggles so much to actually free himself from those who hold the end of his chain. why is that? why does he not let himself to decide his own fate when that is all he wants? does he not trust himself — after a life of listening to others, does he not feel he can think for himself? does he think that if he tries to make his own decisions he’ll fuck up, so he only lets himself do what others tell him? or does he think he doesn’t deserve it — after killing so many people, does he think he deserves to be kept on a short chain for his sins?
frenchie is SUCH an interesting character, and they could be doing so much more with him. i’ve loved how they’ve explored his character over the past three and a half seasons, but i wish they would keep going further. clearly he has issues with his perception of his own autonomy. how did an abusive, controlling father affect this? anon, if your theory about his father killing his mother is true (it makes sense to me), how would that knowledge affect frenchie? how did turning tricks to survive in america impact his own self image and worth. how does selling his body for survival — first as a prostitute, then as a weapon — affect his perception of autonomy and identity? who does frenchie think frenchie is? these are all the paths i want to be explored with his character. if the writers wont do it, give me the pen.
all my kudos to the writers and the actor for creating such a great character. to leave the audience wondering more about your character like this is a compliment — it means we’re invested and we want to see more!!
also anon, feel free to message me to talk more about the show!! having the boys brainrot rn and id love to discuss it. or you can keep sending anons!
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lady-severus-snape · 2 months
Sub head cannon post #9 from headcannon #19
Severus being a big old teddy bear. The moment you earn his trust, friendship, and love, there is no one more loyal and protective than him. To the point that you can't even carry a single grocery bag.
🌠y/n was excited to attend yule ball at Hogwarts. Grandma Minnie had invited you to attend since she hasn't seen you after your mom moved to the U.S.
🌠Showing up a few days early to surprise her.
Y/N: surprise!
Minerva: my word! Y/n! When did you get here?
Y/n: just flew in. There was room for an earlier time so I took it.
Minerva introduces y/n to everyone on staff bar Severus.
Y/n: who is that grandma?
Minerva: that is Severus Snape, potions master and Dark arts master. He is......a character.
Y/n: grouchy. He is cute though.
🌠Y/n going out of their way greeting Severus at every turn.
Y/n: Good morning Severus, breakfast is off the chain today! Them waffles are scrumpdiddlyumcious.
Y/n: hi Severus! I got us coffee, it's too people-y out today.
Y/n: have a good night Severus. Don't party too hard.
🌠Severus was annoyed as hell. Y/n was an irritating little chit. Did they not understand that he didn't want to interact with them?! Everytime he turned around y/n was right there. Being all happy, cheerful, kind, and... and....and....nice. They made really good coffee.
🌠Severus begrudgingly looking foward to seeing and talking to Y/N. They never pried into his life, or demand anything.......it was refreshing to say the least. They had a broad level of knowledge as well, from the latest potions guild article to some obscure arithmacy formula that was the 'bomb diggety' for maintaining room temperatures. Anything they were not knowledgeable on, they would sit and listen to him drawl on about it.
🌠y/n could be seen walking along side Severus in the corridors whenever possible (when they weren't spending time with grandma). The students tripped over themselves as Y/N wheezed laughed at whatever Professor Snape said.
🌠Severus smirked and felt the wall around his heart melt as Y/N was crying, laughing at the dry witty statement he made. The staff at hogwarts looking out the windows to see if the sky was falling. The first time Severus used one of Y/N slang lingo, the students thought he was possessed. Hearing y/n picking his lingo made for rumors that they 'switched' bodies.
🌠y/n sneezed several times, their arms became full of potion vials. Green for allergies, lavender for boosting the immune system (winters in Scotland are rough), fever reducer, pepper up (you looked at little pale to him), sinus decongestant, mild pain potion (he noticed you were stiff)
🌠Severus and Y/N being attached at the hip whenever he wasn't teaching class. Y/N would go hang out with him in the lab. Even if they didn't talk, severus brewed and y/n doing whatever they brought with them. Yesterday was a muggle book about the effects of maladaptive daydreaming and Autism. Severus had dibs on reading it after y/n was done.
🌠next came touches. The two always softly bumped each other with a shoulder shove. That moved to lingering touches, and lead the biggest event of all.....a hug. A truly sincere, heart warming, serotonin boosting hug.
🌠Severus and y/n became best friends, closer than even Lily was to Severus before the fallout. He talked about the major events that formed his life and the soft ones he adored. Y/N sat patiently listened, not an ounce of judgement in their eyes. When Severus showed them the faded Dark Mark, y/n caressed it and placed a small kiss on it.
Y/n: I'm happy you survived and I get to have you in my life. We can't change the past and I wish you never had to go through what you did, but if it meant that's why you're here talking to me. Im happy.
🌠Severus unable to hold it anymore crushed y/N to him and cried. Heart wrenching soul cleansing crying. Y/N hugged him back just as hard as if they were each other's life line. And they were.
🌠they were each other's date to Yule. Dancing to almost every song even after the ball ended. They got so drunk in his quarters that Severus woke wearing a bunny suit and y/n was dressed as moose. With a hangover from hell.
🌠when y/n had to return to the U.S. severus literally went through withdrawal. Rude, irritable, snarky, snappish, sadness, patience size of a mustard seed, restlessness, you name it. Gryffindor was in the negative, hufflepuff lost 3/4 of all their house points, Ravenclaw was almost in the negative, slytherin lost HALF of their collective points.
🌠Minerva firecalling her grandchild to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE visit the grounds before Severus demolished the castle! Y/N acquiring the new rage 'wizarding wireless' and showing Severus how to use it. They called, texted, and/or face timed everyday.
🌠y/n answered Severus's phone call in a teary, sniffling mess. Severus without warning shows up at Y/N living room. Y/N bawling their eyes out to him because they are going through a manic low and that bitch Becky from work said 'you're so fucking weird, and that's why no one liked them'
🌠Needless to say Y/N had to crawl on top of Severus like a spider monkey just to keep him from leaving to go murder Becky. The next shift Becky said not one word and scurried around you. Weird.
@wandering-avian I hope I did justice to your idea. 💚💚 enjoy.
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joequiinn · 4 months
The Dos and Dont’s of Fake Dating - inspo guide!
When I'm working on a story, I draw on all kinds of media as inspiration. I make lists of characters' fav movies or playlists that remind me of them, etc.
These are just some things I took inspo from/relate to Dos and Don'ts! I'm taking a brief pause in writing, so hopefully these will hold us over!
@sheneedsrocknroll92 and @steeldaisies because yall showed some interest!!
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I have a lil playlist full of songs that fit this fic's vibes in some way or another. There are various genres and tones and themes, so if you aren't afraid of bouncing around between types of music, this may be a fun way to vibe with the fic!
Mystery by Dio - this is 100% THEIR song, I've associated this with Eddie and ice princess since day one; it will also make an appearance in an upcoming chapter~
Just Tonight by the Pretty Reckless - this song is one I associate with a particular chapter that is drafted but not out yet, and the vibes in general really mesh with some of the themes of this fic.
Ghost, HIM/Ville Valo, & Twilight Creeps - I just listen to these artists a lot while brainstorming and writing this fic; some particular songs are on the playlist mentioned above!
David Bowie & Fleetwood Mac - sooo ice princess isn't really a music person, because I think it's a funny contrast to Eddie; however, I do think she has a few Bowie and Fleetwood vinyls/cassettes lying around that belonged to her mom, so that's the extent of her music knowledge lol
Can't Buy Me Love - originally, I wanted to write a story inspired by this movie; the setup is ridiculous and I love every minute of it, so if you want to see an early prototype Eddie x ice princess, I suggest watching this one!
10 Things I Hate About You - this was also a movie that I considered using as plot inspo; although they're not the same, I do think similarities can be found in the characters to some extent, especially Patrick = Eddie.
Heathers - the vibes and fashion speak to be, and in another world maybe Eddie and ice princess would serve up some JD and Veronica vibes~
Halloween - it hasn't come up yet in the fic, but ice princess is a closet horror movie fan whose favorite is Halloween (no it's not her fav bc it's my fav what do you mean).
Bride of Chucky - Chucky and Tiffany speak to me on a spiritual level, and I feel like Eddie x ice princess give some of these vibes??? Also RIP Eddie Munson, you would've LOVED Child's Play.
Labyrinth - I picture ice princess having a lot of similarities with Sarah, which I didn't initially notice when I was first writing. There have been many lines I've written that I can SO clearly hear in Jennifer Connelly's voice, so she's a big inspo for this fic. Also, I love Bowie
That 70s Show - putting aside all the real-world controversies, I was obsessed with Jackie & Hyde when I was a kid, and I think you can clearly see a similar character dynamic with Eddie and ice princess.
Married... With Children - have yall SEEN Kelly Bundy??? enough said.
Evil Ernie - maybe you've seen my other Eddie posts, but I've mentioned before that the vibes of this comic series and it's titular character remind me of Eddie, so that's all.
Flight of Icarus - yes, yes, I know that this is literally a book about Eddie, but I still think it's worth noting that I've used the book as some reference, but for the most part I haven't included it too much (I also haven't read it sorry not sorry)
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chiiyuuvv · 11 months
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• PAIRING — xikers x couple female reader (uses her a few times) and yechan
• GENRE — silly, unserious, mentions of tongue, just how the members would react
• WORD COUNT — 641
•AUTHOR'S NOTE — (request on wattpad) debating on if i should make a minjae version..
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It was 3 in the morning when yechan knocked (banged) on the door
"Hyung, im no longer a single pringle." He'd say quickly but minjae was still half asleep
So yechan would have to repeat himself
I kid you not, minjae would sit up straight, looking dead into yechans eyes.. and bursted out laughing
"You-youre kidding! How could you get a dat- oh my god.." ♡
Yechan had brought you over to the dorm as junmin was in the kitchen
Since hes the "mom" of the group, we all know how he would act
Knocking on the door to give out some homemade (store bought) cookies
All nice and sweet until yechan leaves the room and you're all alone with junmin
*pulls out a book of yechan as a baby and all his embarrassing moments, showing you page for page* ♡
sumin would give out the weirdest advice
"When you hug her make sure your hands are wet." "Why?" "So you'd have the excuse to hold her hand"
He says its from personal knowledge
When hes never had a date before
And long story short, his advice didnt work </3 ♡
jinsik was shocked at first, but nevertheless is he happy for his little bro
Loves listening yechan rant about you with the most doe eyes, its so cute watching yechan fall in love
And if youre ever out together, and show the tiniest bit of pda, the amount of "aw's" jinsik would let out
A little teasing, whenever you're alone he'd tell you how much yechan likes you
And his heart would melt when you would let out the softest of giggles, your cheeks red
"You're dating who now??" His over protective side comes out a little bit
Asks a lot of questions and if you're out on a date he wants to come with
Kinda like the "dad." If you do anything wrong you WILL see him in your room at midnight
But after learning that you're a sweetheart
He threatens yechan instead ♡
"hyung im dating-" "i know." "What?! How did you know what i was going to sa-" "you wouldnt shut up about her."
They were roomates
Unlike jinsik, he wasnt intrigued with yechans yapping. More so grossed out
Had to tell him plenty of times that you liked yechan back. And he should just man up and tell you his feelings
But behind his sarcastic aurora, he was pretty proud ♡
"YOU'RE DATING WHO NOW?!" his jealousy side comes out.. a lot a bit.
It felt like his whole world had stopped when he watched the two of you hold hands
He was supposed to hold his baby's, yechan's hands. With a big kiss on the cheek
"Stay away from him." He'd randomly grab yechan and hug him, and pouts at him when yechan wants to let go
"Dont worry, he's just like that." -yechan ♡
That teasing smile when yechan tell him. Yechan was actually trying to avoid him
"Oh my god, do you use tongue?" "YUJUNN!!"
hes defo the type of guy that would wiggle his eyebrows whenever you two are together
"OMG YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTEE!!" he'd shout from across the room, and everyone's eyes would shift to you, the two of you getting embarrassed
He would also defo take pictures of the two of you doing the usual pda, snickering like crazy ♡
hunter isn't offended that yechans dating, his offended that he wasnt the first to know
"Why didnt you tell me?" He'd hit yechans shoulder
Hes really sweet towards you, that you see him as a brother
And so you always talk to him when you want to get something for yechan, but you dont know what
And he makes a deal. If he tells you what yechan likes, you have to give him your friends numbers ♡
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
As someone who’s recently delved into the anime community, I’ve noticed a profound connection many fans have with characters like Itachi and Sasuke. Their stories are undeniably tragic, and it’s clear they hold a special place in the hearts of many.
I’m curious about the depth of affection and empathy for these characters, considering they are fictional. What is it about their journeys that resonates so deeply with you? Is it not challenging to experience heartache over their struggles and sacrifices on a daily basis?
From my perspective, anime is a source of enjoyment and escapism. While I understand the impact of these characters, I wonder if focusing on their sorrow might overshadow the joy and adventure that new anime series can bring.
Itachi’s tale has concluded, and Sasuke’s safety is assured within the narrative. Wouldn’t exploring new stories potentially enrich our lives with diverse experiences and emotions?
I hope this question comes across as sincere and not dismissive of your feelings. I’m genuinely interested in understanding the emotional bonds fans create with these characters.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Any piece of media that explores emotions and emotional bonds between characters is likely to click with a lot of people and leave profound impact on them. I'm not into anime or TV in general either, so I haven't seen many shows except for a handful few I can count on the fingers of my one hand.
To me, personally, while both Itachi and Sasuke are special because they're well written, there's also a kind of relatablity factor.
Sasuke grew up being compared to Itachi, no matter how hard he tried he didn't get the acknowledgement he deserved, because his brother was considered better than him. Maybe Itachi was better than him in skills and knowledge, but Sasuke was a different person with a different personality who shouldn't have been compared with Itachi at all. I've been through the same. Being compared with my classmates, friends repeatedly no matter how hard I worked. It just wasn't enough for some reason. It poisons you from inside and leaves you feeling insecure with a lot of sell-esteem issues. We know Sasuke went through them.
It's the same with Itachi. Kids experience different versions of parents. Older kids meet more immature and flawed versions of their moms and dads. The mistakes parents made with them aren't repeated with the second and third-borns. That doesn't mean it doesn't damage the older children who didn't ask to be born and bear the brunt of their parents' traumas. They're older so no they're expected to take the burdens and the responsibility. They kind of become mother and father to their younger siblings but more tender ones.
That's how Itachi and Sasuke's relationship before the massacre was as well as Itachi's relationship with his parents. I find this very relatable. The way he's not allowed to voice his opinions yet he cares about his brother. His ideals aren't really considered relevant, and his feelings don't matter to any adult in his life. That is so, so, so relatable to me. I learned a lot about my relationship with my parents when I watched and analyzed Itachi's with his parents. I learned to forgive my own parents after that. This is getting a little personal, but yeah, it happened. I don't feel as angry and bitter with them as I did before I watched Naruto last year.
Other than that, there are people who watched Naruto and also other anime, and they love these two along with the characters from other anime. I'm just not all that interested in it even though, yes, more stories would mean more entertainment. But I'm not someone who moves on easily from things and people.
Plus, I like the 'flavour' of angst some characters provide. It's hard to explain in the words, but it's like seeing colours. And it doesn't happen with every character I read about or watch. With Itachi, I 'see' red colour, and yes, it's the colour of his susano'o as well, but I'd had this feeling about him before it was introduced. It's like his aura that has some kind of purity to it. It doesn't have anything to do with his morals or how I perceive them, but something else. With Sasuke, it was bluish-purple. Again similar to his susano'o, but I'd had this 'vision' about his aura from the beginning. A character from a show in my country made me think of transparent snowflakes - pure and unblemished, and when his character was ruined, I started to see the 'muddied static' and I lost the connect with him. It never happened with Itachi or Sasuke. I love them both so much.
And I don't think I'm missing out on anything by not watching other anime. They might have other well-written characters that I might fall in love with too, but I love what Sasuke and Itachi make me feel. They're my comfort characters and they're therapeutic to me too, and they both feel very personal to me. Their pain made me feel less lonely. I don't really have friends irl (not the ones I can talk to when I feel alone), okay, this is getting even more personal but yeah so I spend my time either reading or writing. And it's also probably because if you've been depressed for too long, this kind of pain becomes addictive. So I need something to latch on to because I don't want to go to therapy.
This whole answer probably hasn't made any sense, because I don't know.. I tried my best, I swear.
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