#i love getting asks about strahd
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vanhelsingapologist · 2 years ago
question, what happened with Demetria at Castle Ravenloft cause I remember awhile back something with her being kidnapped if I remember that correctly
You do remember correctly!
Massive spoilers ahead
So the first time around, Volenta had intercepted our party about halfway to Vallaki. Demetria ended up being nearly killed and then dragged away, but our barbarian (rip) saved her life by holding off Volenta’s attention. This gave us just enough time for Strahd to arrive, who absconded with Dima’s barely conscious form.
They ended up keeping her in Ravenloft to ‘heal.’ This was three days of in-game time that consisted of Strahd subtly manipulating, gaslighting, and trying to coax Tatyana out of Demetria. He’s told her that they were meant to be married, that she was killed escaping an assassination attempt, and that the positive surges of emotion she feels he uses (read: strahd’s charm) are her true feelings emerging. I think he believes the last one wholeheartedly. In the meantime, I got to play my backup, a half dusk-elf named Emilia.
Demetria returned to the party after the St. Andral Debacle, and Emilia was written out.
She’s back in Ravenloft NOW because Strahd came to the Abbey of St. Markovia to check up on Vasilka and to retrieve an old enemy that we had brought back to life. Our Bloodhunter tried to stop him and he bemusedly went to kill him for interfering.
There was some bargaining on the behalf of the party, but the Bloodhunter was defiant one last time so Strahd killed him in two turns, stating he regretted that it had to happen. We also found out that our Warlock’s children were being held captive in Ravenloft in exchange for manipulating the party to Ravenloft’s ends.
Terrified for the fate of the party, our Druid (who is also spying for Strahd) pulled Dima aside and proposed a plan to keep Strahd off the party’s back, as we’d just gotten the tome and the sunsword: go to Ravenloft. The Warlock told Dima to pretend to be falling in love with him to keep his children alive. It’s all so, so bad.
Between the two of them, they convinced Dima to go for another three days, leading to Ravenloft Imprisonment: Electric Boogaloo. Only the Druid is there too, seeing what betraying the party could potentially win them in terms of safety. So the party has like a couple days of breathing room, but Dima’s being mentally fucked with 24/7.
Currently, Strahd has succeeded on biting Demetria once and believes he’s succeeding in seducing her. He is not. Dima’s stay is drawing to a close, and Strahd has already started fucking with the party again via Rahadin, so it didn’t even work the way we wanted it to. I think he knows we have the tome, and if he does, we CANNOT pull the ‘Dima go back’ card again. We’ve used that up, and my DM will thwart us.
Also, I’ll mention that my DM is pretty much superhuman at making sure everyone has time in the spotlight. I don’t always mention everyone else’s plot lines because my writing’s already so fuck-off long, but our Warlock is super tied to Strahd, our Bloodhunter is/was VR’s second, less impressive apprentice, our Druid is the chosen of the Fanes + a double agent, and our Cleric has a big Mother Night/Lycanthrope plotline.
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eliotbaum · 1 month ago
Hey! I love your art so much. My friend found your page and sent our whole group chat one of your pieces because we are all currently playing a Strahd campaign. I know you said you are open for commissions right now, but I was wondering what your price range was and what exactly you are open to drawing. I would love to wait until your commissions are open, but if there are only certain things you do, then I don't want to waste your time. You are soooo talented! Thank you for sharing your pieces.
Hello! Wow, thank you so much. Every time someone tells me they personally get my art sent to them, or shares it with their group my heart grows tenfold :') ❤️
I've actually considered opening commissions briefly this year for fundraising! Hope I'll have time after my busy Q1 and Q2.
GOOD QUESTION…. I have not thought about commission pricing in a while. Or what I'm open to? Hm maybe not animals…? But I'd try that too! Erotica etc is also something I'm not super confident in. But overall there's nothing I'm not willing to give a shot?
Pricing… Lowest would be 100€, a bust for example. Most interesting is likely half-bodies, which would range from 200-600€. for example, 200€ is for inked greyscale/simple color style, 600€ more towards fully painted style like my Hidden Isle character art. and full illustrations start at 1400€!
Ask awayyy if there's anything specific y'all would wanna know!
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m0llymauk-tealeaf · 10 months ago
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well. enjoy a dump of doodles of stuff from the strahd campaign i play in, more details under the cut
1 and 2 are my pc, Jett (he/she) the half elf bard. he was kidnapped by fey and grew up in a punk bar in the feywild before being sent to Barovia to try to find her father. so far its! certainly going
3 is a quick little sketch of Izmark, i am obsessed with him. he is blorbo. i put him in a little jar and shake him around gently. Jett is also a little bit obsessed with him. him and Jett are very similar people, they get along very well. they are like… both fascinated by each other
4. a little Viktor. he’s our very gay autistic wizard friend who keeps trying to get his alone time, but the party refuses to let him get away without being our friend. jett and izmark are his adhd golden retriever coded (reluctant) besties. we love him. last session jett and viktor stayed up all night and took a point of exhaustion just talking over sending stones. theyre fwiends
5. well. its jett and izmark again. they are. dating? kind of? they cuddle and kiss and act like a couple all the time, have told each other that they love the other. maybe while both of them were on the brink of death and scared. but they are. lovers. i made jett specifically to embrace the horny flirtatious bard trope and just be sleeping around and shit, and then izmark asked him to be his date to a dinner party run by strahd, and well. Plans Changed. Very Quickly. izmark was acting charming and cute as hell and just expected jett to Not fall hard for him
if i posted some of the art ive done for the curse of strahd campaign i play in would yall wanna see it,,,,,
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thechekhov · 1 year ago
Hello! Just wanted to say I love all your content but I wanted to ask if you had any advice/tips for running curse of strahd? I'm working on getting ready to run it with some friends/my partner and while I've run a fair amount of homebrew stuff this is my real first attempt at a legit module so I was curious if you could share anything since I believe you also are running/had run that module as well?
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Thanks for asking! This is a very fun question!
I have indeed run Curse of Strahd. It was my first foray into long-term DMing and my team and I finished that campaign a little under a year ago. It was awesome, and I'm always excited to talk about it. Curse of Strahd had be a great game if everyone is on the same page!
First of all, I'm gonna say
Having Experience with Homebrew will be a huge boon
When I ran CoS, I followed the actual module about... 60% of the time. It was good... as a baseline/blueprint. But the reality is that I changed up a lot of the details. Either because I didn't like the vibes of the story, or because the plot points were antithetical to my team's goals. I changed up an entire floor of Ravenloft. I threw away a whole storyline for a major NPC because I felt it was too boring.
I think most people who run Curse of Strahd do this, actually. I've heard countless tales of how others Homebrewed their own meat onto the skeleton, and still came out of the campaign with an awesome, Strahd flavored experience. So don't worry about that part.
Here's my advice:
1. Everyone should vibe with what Strahd IS as a game.
Strahd can be a lot of things - you can Homebrew your own motivations into him, or make him a her, or change the history of his castle if need be. But if there's one thing Curse of Strahd is... it is DARK.
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The Venn Diagram of Parties Who Understand That Suffering Can Be Fun To Roleplay and Parties Who Had A Good Time Doing CoS is probably a circle. You cannot do this adventure with a group of people who just want to hit monsters a whole bunch. It's an inherently 'oh my god this SUCKS' adventure. That's the main theme. Your players need to be able to enjoy that sort of game, otherwise they will just be miserable.
One of my players, upon arriving in Barovia, immediately said 'I hate it here' and then continued to say it for the rest of the campaign. That is kind of the catchphrase of CoS. Your players need to be comfortable with that sort of bleak horror and overall misery. It makes the end and the potential to finally end Strahd worth it.
That being said, Strahd can also just be... a lot. It has death and torture and psychological horror in there. KIDS DIE. Please discuss this stuff with your table, and remove elements if they guarantee a bad experience for everyone!
(Yes, you can trim down some of the viscera if you need to, that's fine. But keep in mind it will still be tragic. It SHOULD still be tragic. I set some boundaries for myself, but I also killed a whole town in an avalanche. It happened to be the only town my players had grown to like. It was a dick move. It was exactly what you would expect to happen.)
2. Read ahead - A LOT AHEAD.
For a self-contained world, Barovia isn't actually that big. It's a very small map, compared to some that span continents. That means you have the ability to flesh it out, as it were.
To add to that... some areas are... severely underdeveloped plot-wise. Sometimes there are places your players will go where it FEELS like it should link up to another point in the game but it just... doesn't. There is room to expand there. Use your Homebrew skills to connect the dots that the module doesn't!
I greatly recommend taking the time to either read through the whole adventure OR listen through some video-essays. There IS some cool stuff that comes in in the later game that you can grab and put down breadcrumbs for from day one. Or add to your own story twists.
My recommended resource for this is the Curse of Strahd DM's Guide video series.
...and to that end...
3. Start living in Ravenloft Castle WAY before your players get there.
Listen..........listen. look.
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Look at this, and suffer as all GMs have suffered.
Castle Ravenloft is unarguably the biggest, stupidest, most architecturally ludicrous hurdle when it comes to GMing CoS. And I am here to tell you - IT IS DOABLE.
You can understand the castle, you can grow comfortable with it. But you need to start early. Hell, I think I began to set up Ravenloft maps before my players even knew it existed. Then I stopped, because I was scared.. but then I went back, and I.... roleplayed SOLO on my off-days! I set up little scenes between Strahd and others and imagined him setting traps, and doing other things. It helped me understand which staircase led to where, and what floors were accessible from which angles.
A part of me actually thinks that there should be a mini GMs-only class where a more experienced Strahd GM takes some time with other GMs to guide them through a map of the castle. A CoS Learning Oneshot, if you will.
There's also a LOT of talented mapmakers that create beautiful, digital CoS maps! Here's one:
Even if you are playing analogue, at a physical table, I greatly encourage you to check it out for reference. The official CoS maps are bleak and a little bit more... rustic? Than they are gothic.
Anyway, in order to avoid talking your ear off, I will end it here.
My last bit of advice is... to have fun!
Yes I know I just said that Strahd is an inherently bad-vibes game. But it's actually GOOD to let your players goof off now and then. Don't be afraid to let them do shenanigans. It builds character, and allows them to regain the energy they need to role-play properly heavy elements later.
My group did a whole bunch of funny stuff. They felt so bad about losing Ireena that when they saw Ismark, instead of explaining themselves to him they cast Darkness and tried to scramble away. There was a running joke that the cleric was too good to know about sex, so they used the euphemism 'play cards' around her, much to everyone's amusement. They got kicked by a walking house once and never forgot nor forgave. And finally, they defeated some Flame Skulls by putting them into a bag of holding.
Anyway, the point is... have fun! I wish you and your party the best of luck. :)
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hellofromthehallowoods · 6 days ago
Hi Mx. Wellman!! I've seen your posting for hosting D&D and I would LOVE to sign up if possible! I did wanna ask first though for budgeting purposes -- and I know this can have some variance depending on how things go per party -- with your experience, would you have a *rough* estimate of how many sessions we might expect to run? Thank you!!
Yes for sure! Let's break it down. So far I've been running two campaigns, and both are at roughly 28 sessions! Which I reckon, for where their stories are at, is about 70% of the way through.
For the upcoming Curse of Strahd, I think it may be on the shorter side compared to of Out of the Abyss and Vecna: Eve of Ruin - especially depending on the actions of the party. But it's hard to pin down where the narrative will take us, so between 16-30 sessions would be my guess.
For Vecna: Eve of Ruin, we've been lucky enough to have a single cast of players/characters from start to present. But for Out of the Abyss, it's been a rotating cast of players able to play for a few months before getting their (scripted + planned) exit from the campaign. Both fashions are fine by me! Folks are welcome to stay only as long as the budget allows, and have their character arc within the frame of the time we have to play together.
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themyzzinglink · 1 month ago
Hi, I saw the wonderful art Snejkha did of your lovely characters and absolutely fell in love with Thyme (I also have a small ranger with a badger companion!) Would it be weird to ask for the story behind those two characters?
Hello there!! I'm so glad you love her so much!! Badgers are such nice beasts to have as companions in dnd, I agree <3
gonna put a read more because this is longgg
So out of character, I made Gilde as my first big dnd character about five or six years ago. She was a ranger because I understood that class the best when I just started dnd ^^. As I levelled her, she got her beast companion! Yay! That was Thyme, a big lovely fluffy giant badger. With Thyme being so big and Gilde, as a gnome being so small, Gilde could ride her and she even had a little windshield made to protect her from dirt as Thyme tunnelled and dug in the ground ^^. Now a few years later I started playing a Curse of Strahd campaign that I am.still playing right now and I decided that I wanted to rewrite Gilde as her class did not match her backstory, really. So now she's an artificer with a badger steel defender! I did manage to explain that all in her story though, so:
In character back story:
Gilde Fisher is the proud heir of a big toy making family in her home country: the Fisher-Price enterprise. She loves tinkering, making toys, making plushies and she loved experimenting with these. A girl with a (not so) secret love for explosions who would make exploding toys and fire breathing plushes with her little brothers. A great life, but not much adventure, besides her experiments with toys she made.
One day a big, scary woman entered town. A woman on a mission, a woman who everyone wanted to stay very far away from. Gilde got overwhelmed by the sense of adventure this lady gave, and she fell in love with her, with Conquest. She went with her on an adventure and went through many many hard times together. (This was Gilde's first campaign heh) The love didn't last, Conquest turned into a vampire (we don't have time to unpack all that) and Gilde took refuge in the Emerald Enclave, to rest, to heal. In her adventures she gained her best friend in everything though, her lovely furry baby: Thyme. A giant badger who loves three things: soft earth, big mushrooms and mama Gilde.
Gilde stayed there for a while, grew in her tinkering abilities, really found herself and became an artificer. Her confidence grew and she was a big help to the people there. But luck ran out, and on a day where a big old rotten tree had to be taken down... Thyme was too curious... and got too close. The tree fell right on her. A horrible accident, that couldn't have been prevented. Gilde's life was crumbling... Until an exceptionally shabby looking elf put his hand on her shoulder and told her "no worries, I can reach out and get her soul for you. I've needed practise anyway. No charge for all the help you give us" and he did. And in no time Gilde was standing there, with Thyme's soul in a cookie tin, in her hands. She grieved for a bit. But she picked herself up, and with this chance she got, this spark of hope for her beautiful baby, she got to work. And in many many months and years of work and fine tuning, she made 74YM3. With right in the middle the soul of her girl, still kept safe in a stroopwafel tin and being the same silly girl she always was. 74YM3 lovese four things: soft dirt, mushrooms, motor oil, and mama Gilde.
Now I'm playing them in a Curse or Strahd campaign with Snejkha and some other friends and hooo boyyyy we are going through it. Gilde lost her left hand for starters hhh, but she has a prosthetic now ✌️
This is a long post lmaooo hope you enjoyed!! Thank you for the ask, I love taking about my ocs a lot. Glad you love Thyme so much!! I love her very very much also
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thelikesoffinn · 1 year ago
Hello Finn! You said you'd give advice for fanfiction, I think and I'm a bit desperate so I hope you can help me!
A follower asked me to write about Tav killing herself to be free from ascended Astarion and I have a lot of trouble with writing his reaction because I really don't know how he'd react to that???? It's stressig me out so much pls help me
Hello there, petal!
I think this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while, I'm so sorry. I haven't been on top of it lately. (But I'm getting to it, I swear! I know a few people are still asking why I hate Astarions reaction to Tav's romp with Mizora and I'll definitely get to that, do not fret!)
But anyway, let's see how I can help, shall we? I did a bit of research and watched a ton of ascended Astarion content so that I could actually give you proper advice and ohhh boy, when I tell you that I've had clients like him before...blegh. But, as always, do take it with a grain of salt because I'm no expert. Just a social worker with a lot of time to watch vampire videos, apparently, haha.
So, to recap: Your Tav committs suicide in order to escape from ascended Astarions grasp. And I guess he only finds out after, seeing as you need his reaction, yes?
I can see why that would be stressful, but it's probably less because you really don't know how he'd react and more because there's a disconnect between the reaction he'd actually have and the reaction we all want.
As both a writer and a reader I'm not ashamed to admit that I'd want him to suffer. I'd want him to realise all his faults and where he went wrong and I'd want him to cry because he fucked it all up, so much so that he's now lost the one person that loved him despite everything he has done.
But with ascended Astarion, I don't think a reaction like that would be very likely. True vampires are a bit difficult when it comes to things like guilt and shame and loss, as in they don't really seem to take it the way normal people would.
Or, rather: They can't react to them the same way normal people would.
Where a normal person would go through an entire circle of mourning, a true vampire is probably going to throw a tantrum and create a demiplane that he can sulk in. (Looking at you, Strahd.)
Instead of sadness, It's very likely that he'd react with anger. A LOT of anger. The anger likely won't be self-directed - at most a little annoyance because he didn't lock them up harder and more securely - but it will most definitely be directed at Tav.
I don't think I need to explain that while ascended Astarion does not really love Tav anymore he does want them.
Tav is his. Their entire being belongs to just him. Only he get's to decide when and if they're allowed to die. They're his to destroy and his alone. So how dare they kill themself without his permission? How dare they take away what's rightfully his!?
And just as anger replaces sadness, it's very likely that blame overshadows guilt and shame. So he doesn't feel shame over how he treated Tav. He doesn't feel guilt over how he drove them to suicide. No, instead he blames Tav for their decision because they're spoiled and unthankful.
He is not the problem, they are. He gave them everything. Everything one could ever want, they had. He game them power. He gave them wealth. A palace. A life filled with all sorts of pleasure, right by his side. He granted them eternal fucking life. What more could they want? What more could anyone want? He did everything for them, and they threw it right back at him like a spoiled little brat. He should've been sterner, should've kept them on a tighter leash. Should have showed them his bad side so that they'd learn what staying on his good side meant.
The only thing he'd probably actually feel is loss, but once again... it'd be different. It's probably less the gut-wrenching feeling of loneliness that suddenly haunts you when you remember that you won't ever get to speak to someone again because they're no longer here and more the upset of loosing a beloved item. So more of a 'fucking hell that was my favourite fucking thing and now it's gone'. There'd probably be some despair in there because he can't simply replace Tav but that despair is, once again, likely tied to his possessiveness and not to true loss. He'd be desperate because he wants them - he wants them - but not because he's just lost the one he loves.
That's probably the reaction I'd expect of ascended Astarion and, as you can tell: It's not what one would expect of a fanfiction, yes? We'd expect the heartbreak and the sorrow, the guilt and the tears because we love Astarion and Astarion is supposed to love Tav. We want him to love Tav. And those who like him ascended want him to love Tav even as his ascended self.
Now, does that mean the reaction I described wouldn't make a good stroy? Absolutely not! In fact, I do believe it would be a nice switch up in between the very heavily romanticised ascended-fics because it adds that shot of realism. (As much realism as a high-elf-vampire can have, at least.)
So, what I'm trying to say is: Don't worry too much about what is "correct" and what isn't and instead focus on what you want to achieve. If you want to hit your readers with the sad truth of ascended Astarion, maybe go for the approach I described. And if you want to be a bit softer and more romantic, have the boy cry tears of woe.
Or you could go totally crazy and do both things - have someone watch him and describe how they see it - the points I just mentioned - but once you describe what's happening inside him, go full on romance novel and break our hearts!
Find your own path, petal, I'm sure it will be a lovely read either way!
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saribrum · 4 months ago
Love seeing all of your Curse of Strahd work! Atropa is so so cute! Hes a vampire yeah, how did that happen? Sorry if you have already explained im just super curious!
Oh gosh, hi! Thank you so much, that’s so nice of you to say, I’m glad you enjoy my lil guy! He brings me a lot of joy, and no you’re totally fine! I think I only talked about it in the long recap doc I did but you’d have to dig for it haha. You can find a more in depth answer in there with the play by play, but I’m happy to answer any questions! 🥰
So, this is kind of a long explanation, so bear with me!
From the beginning for context, Atropa and Strahd worked together to “unlock” Atropa’s magic, and their pact was formed from Strahd drinking Atropa’s blood, and Atropa drinking a mixture of their blood in return. Strahd then did a ritual linking the two of them together and empowering Atropa’s tome with the ability to communicate directly with Strahd as pen pals. Strahd has also done a few experiments to give Atropa blood magic and what not by injecting his blood directly into his veins. So that’s the base of everything.
Later in our campaign, SABR had an encounter with a group of vampires in a cave outside of Vallaki, and a ton of them were targeting Atropa because they loved the smell of his blood. When we came face to face with an old vampire in the cave who had been imprisoned for a super long time, he got his hands on Atropa during the fight and ended up killing him. He drank Atropa almost dry, and though he was only dead for a couple seconds before he was brought back up again, and the vampire (Lacomie) was killed, that encounter started a chain reaction.
The next few days, Atropa wasn’t feeling well, but they chalked it up to all the blood loss, until he was helping to escort a guard back to Vallaki (another long story for another time). When Atropa didn’t come back for a while, the rest of the team went looking and found him acting feral in a small cave, drinking the unconscious man. Luckily they were able to stabilize the guard and get him back to Vallaki, not remembering a thing, but Atropa was distraught.
All of our Vallaki shenanigans and horrors happened after that, so he hasn’t really had a chance to process everything or even tell Strahd what happened, but he is going to be sending him a letter about it soon. He and I are both kinda nervous to see how he’ll react lol I’m pretty sure that Atropa is a vampire from Strahd’s influence with all the blood drinking and injecting, but in game Atropa thinks it was because of Lacomie draining him. He’ll be pissed if it’s because of Strahd, cause he told Strahd specifically that he didn’t want to be a vampire right now
We are just kinda getting back into playing and some more stuff has happened that is still being uncovered, but has basically turned this strange form of vampirism Atropa is experiencing into a homebrew Sorcerer subclass that I have the option of taking. I’ll let you know how that pans out when I know more, but yeah that’s the circumstances right now!
Thanks so much for asking :>
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chaotic-miserables · 5 months ago
A greeting from Strahd
A silly little story but I had each of my players meet Strahd at the gates of Barovia.
He was charming, polite and powerful (I added some thunder sounds and used the beginning of Thunderbringer from Epic). The man introduced himself (they didn't know the name) gave each player a luxurious coat and warned them about the road ahead in a mildly ominous way.
Our druid gave him her baked goods and was mildly smitten, he expressed great interest in her cooking and complimented her endlessly. Our ranger was suspicious (Strahd killed his family when he was young so he gets a vague sense of deja vu) but cautious, Strahd complimented his hunter skills before giving him and ominous smile. Our paladin was weary, shaking his hand with a silver cross. He failed the slight of hand so Strahd saw what he was doing. But he still shook the man's hand, not flinching as the silver gave him a little burn. I described how the silver burned his skin, causing a mark that quickly healed. My paladin knew what he was but quickly ran through the gate without asking many questions.
I have two new players and I asked my existing ones if I should give them a Strahd intro. They said I 100% should and that they loved it.
I would like to think my playstyle of Strahd has multiple stages so I look forward to seeing how things go. At the moment he is in the amused stage where he is playing with the group to see how they react, casually making power moves.
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eliotbaum · 8 months ago
I absolutely adore your Curse of Strahd character! where did you find the blood domain if you don't mind me asking? I've seen a couple of different ones around.
Ohh thanks!! 🥺 I'm flattered... I watched Critical Role where it first came up, and then found it here on the dnd wikidot. They later changed details in a new rule and campaign book, so maybe that explains the different versions?
I bought the Tal'Dorei Reborn Campaign setting which made some significant changes to it, also available for free on dnd wikidot! (I'll discuss them under the cut LOL you've activated my cleric trap card) But I don't love the changes too much. In the end, my DM and I did a mix and match of both versions.
no one, absolutely no one: me: okay let me tell you everything about the blood domain jk but. the most significant changes between the first link and 2nd are, Reborn setting one is the spell list and how some abilities function. I personally like the spell list of the Reborn setting, but the abilities like Blood Puppet get a "charmed" condition and Wisdom Save instead of Con, which seems nonsensical to me when you control someone else's blood...
the new Crimson Bond also has no information about how much blood you'll need for the scrying lite ability, nor does it have an expiration date. We stuck to the 2 ounces rule and the blood losing its potency after 30 days. Also getting this ability at level 2 is quite powerful.
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shatterstag · 4 months ago
I. Am. In. Love. With. Bellamy. nerdy question, but what are his stats?
OH MY GOD THIS LOVELY ASK IN MY INBOX FROM SO MANY YEARS AGO!!!! This is a billion times late but I will answer now as an excuse to start talking about My #1 Guy again!!
For current art-related context, Bellamy is my oc who ive been writing for 7 years alongside my bestie/housemate, @jacobin, who writes Indrejk, Bellamy's other half/other main character, and love interest/best friend/antagonist. We've written a billion and 50 original aus for them but recently really got into FFXIV together, and Salem came to me and said, 'I want to write a comic about them as viera bunny boys' and that was how PAWS UP came to be.
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that my guy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
SO it's been like, 6 or 7 years since I played Bellamy in the dnd campaign he was originally part of (Curse of Strahd!!), that era of Bellamy still holds a special place in my heart. We got up to level 6 and did maybe two dozen sessions before my DM (who is now my said bestie/housemate/cowriter) had to put it on hiatus because of stuff, but because we loved the characters so much (Bellamy and Indrejk, his god, who was their oc-turned-pantheon-member), we just... kept working on them as original characters loosely still tied to the original dnd campaign, until eventually we took them into a completely original new setting and plot. We've never been able to settle on a name for this story, but we call it 'Canon,' and it's the ultimate expression of our writing and storytelling that maybe one day will finally get to come out of the basement and into the light of perception.
ANYWAY thats the backstory of how he was made as a character! He's very different now, in aesthetics, in vibe, in personality, in the atmosphere of the original story he's the deuteragonist/main pov in, but I still hold a special place for OG dnd Bellamy in my heart. He was originally super Bloodborne inspired, as we agreed to make a cast of super gothed up characters for the game and I was playing it at the time. He was the party's 'healer'/sub dps Grave Cleric, and I rolled him as a sun elf + Unearthed Arcana Revenant subrace. His character vision was that he was an robotic and disconcertingly alien plague doctor who would never take off his mask, and the players, both in-game as their characters AND! out-of-game as players, would have no idea what his true appearance/fantasy race was until it was revealed in game or they guessed the truth: that he was an undead revenant ghost that puppeted an empty plague doctor suit. 😈
I thought the idea of a grave cleric (who were RAW flavoured as seeing undead as abominations that must be slain and returned to the afterlife) who was actually an undead ghost trying to exist in secret among the living, was a really interesting archetype oxymoron.
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this is super old art from 2018!!!!
ANYWAY here's his character sheet he was left off with at level 6!! It's very High Gothed Up for the campaign lololol. Any reference to the Hidden One is about Indrejk, who was the enigmatic evil god Bellamy/our party had gotten entangled with, and who I fell HEAD OVER HEELS FOR as a character, and who is now my oc godson. 💜💜💜
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(open in a new tab because that text is tinyyy)
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some things never change
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months ago
I don’t know if this was asked previously so I apologize if that’s the case, but what was your inspiration for Rosalie? Including her character, class, backstory etc.
Hey anon!
I have answered variations of this before, but I'm always happy to talk about my girl!
The inspiration for Divination Wizard is that it's my favourite D&D subclass, along with Divine Soul Sorcerer 😅
Her character and backstory did not have a specific inspiration, but it did have some clear influences! I've described Rose as an "immune response" before, and it's my best analogy so I'll repeat it here. She was made, in response to other characters I'd encountered. And lord, those characters made me want to double down, HARD.
I had just played a Curse of Strahd game with a bunch of edgelords in the pandemic. Now, people not wanting to play Lawful Good in a campaign is obviously not a problem, and being an edgelord is not a crime, but it was a poorly managed game without a session 0, so a lot of people were at cross purposes, and it made wanting to be good-aligned pretty stressful. I could've been less stubborn about it, but I was wanting to save the world.... in 2020. I didn't understand why this wasn't everyone's power fantasy... in 2020. So we can see why I clung to it till the bitter end. Which is absolutely on me and I'll never pretend otherwise, but the game was also high stakes, so understandably (and irrationally, I quit the game in the end when I realised how silly it was getting) I got anxious every time more obstacles to this presented itself.
And then I got BG3, in early access. Rosalie is very informed by the EA characterisation of the companions. I loved them, but the jokes at the time were that you get bullied for being a nice person - by everyone, not just Astarion (Wyll, you were always a real one). It was very reminiscent of the stress I felt in the game outlined above. It made me feel like "why am I doing this, for fun? why does being good matter to me so much in my silly imaginary world?" I kind of wish Larian had stuck with that vision, bc it led me to think about what kind of person would persist with being nice and doing the right thing in that environment where all your friends are judging you for it... and I realised, it was someone who flat out didn't care what other people thought about them. And thus Rosalie, and a new power fantasy of No Social Anxiety, was born!
As for the agoraphobia - I then took that 'No Anxiety' prompt to an extreme that would give me an interesting story. I met two people in the pandemic who were or had been agoraphobic, and given that it was 2020 and everyone was inside and scared, it was something that fascinated me and that I could also relate to. I am not agoraphobic, but it has since been pointed out to me that I made an OC immune to her mental illness during a period of intense and scary change, when I had a mental illness, during a period of intense and scary change. So I guess that's another inspiration, that I only unpacked afterwards... in fact, I only really unpacked it when I returned to writing her last year, when I'm in recovery and she isn't, and I realised with hindsight what parts of myself I'd put in there.
This is why I don't see Rosalie as a self-insert, but a power fantasy! I will never be her, bc my mental state will never have a magical cure, and I don't think I'll ever be effortlessly nice or fearless. But that's certainly something it's fun to imagine and explore!
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tuffgreg · 2 months ago
For that ask thing: question 19 for florian please.
character ask game! about my first extremely basic dnd character turned bw fanfic background character, florian greenbottle, a half elf bard who is the worst
19. What is your general favorite thing about the character? What is your least favorite thing?
honestly my favorite thing about florian is probably just that they are kind of terrible. florian started off extremely well adjusted with a very silly on the nose backstory for baby gay's first dnd character, and then after a curse of strahd game just kind of took a hard pivot into being increasingly Like That. now they are a mean nonbinary lesbian in a toxic relationship with a trust fund baby industry plant because they lost the love of their life to borovia and decided that makes it fine for them to just be a bystander to the shitty behavior of people they mire themselves in. sometimes they are also a werewolf
i think florian kind of represents my fondness for characters that are grappling with a propensity to get lost in the mire of reflecting the worst of their situation -- gale and astarion -- or who can just be like, deeply unwilling to even recognize the situation is shitty and might have fucked them up some -- gale and to a different degree merrick lol
my personal opinion is it is very easy to be nice (florian won't kick you when you're down) and very hard to be kind (florian won't help you up either) and florian is just always on the cusp of becoming the worst person you ever met depending on whether they are willing to be around people that make them want to be kind and not just nice (mostly fifi, their sister)
this is a cop out but probably my least favorite thing is not thinking about the werewolf thing before i started writing my ongoing bw fic because its just fun lol. werewolf gimmick by the mountain goats has been on my florian playlist forever and yet still i didn't really start thinking about it until i started writing bw and dropped the greenbottles in.
i put the greenbottles in because i love waterdeep and ran a game there (fifi is my bestie's character) and i wanted to start anchoring the fic in waterdeep as i like it, and just by coincidence and the general nature of tropes it turned out they fifi and florian also somewhat mirror gale and astarion in a way that is fun for me to write about and also just makes it fun to keep finding ways to make florian a fully formed person and also to make their life worse, though florian is honestly pretty chill about being a werewolf
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bingerzone · 4 months ago
Hey!! So about the OCs in your most recent art post, what’s going on there? I see a lot of drama there and i would love to know more 👀
I love you for asking this. Insane amount of lore under the cut. I'll also be adding the art I've already done when I talk about that part of the story! Btw fair warning this Yaoi sure can toxic!!! (Some light cnc and sex is mentioned)
So, firstly, I'll explain who these ocs are :)
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So, this is Dios Apate- he is a hexblood who, after running away from his mother at 14, was raised by a thieves guild known as The Veil- mostly by it's leader, Erwin Mourningmoon. He's a cocky, flirtatious conman who probably? Maybe? Has a heart of gold under all of his greed, but with him actively trying to hide any hint of goodness in him, who's to say?
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(^Art by @kiwibyrd ) Ok, next up,
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Dante is the son of Erwin Mourningmoon, Heir to The Veil and Dios's childhood friend. They were trained side by side by Erwin, who, much to Dante's chagrin, treated Dios like a second son (Although they never saw each other as anything even close to brothers- in fact, Dios had a crush on Dante from a young age). One day, Dante overheard his father and a higher-up in the guild discussing which of Erwin's "sons" would inherit the guild- and the moment Dios's name left his father's mouth Dante ran off, not listening to the rest of the conversation... So, Dante planned to have Dios arrested by tipping off the guards where the next place he would be robbing was. That... didn't quite go as planned. The guards decided one dirty street kid wasn't worth the trouble, and decided to just kill Dios outright. However, Erwin, who had a bad feeling about the job, had been tailing Dios, and jumped to his rescue- only to fall after taking down well over a dozen guards. Dios believed he was caught because of his own stupidity- and therefor, that Erwin's death was his fault... so he ran. However, in The Veil, when you fuck up, there is a way to atone. A gift is traditional- but it must be as valuable as the mistake you made. So, Dios set off to be the richest man the city had ever seen, hoping to give everything he had to Dante- the new leader of The Veil- and beg for forgiveness for causing the death of his father. Dios finds himself in a new land- a new continent altogether, about to start the pre-written adventure Call of the Netherdeep (We haven't started yet, we gotta finish Strahd, so to stave off my brainrot I have been just talking about possible things that could happen with my partners- after this point none of it has actually happened yet, and might not happen at all, but I consider it a type of canon, even if it won't be canon to the main timeline) So, that's when Dios meets Harlow
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Harlow Goldbriar belongs to my boyfriend @aberranteidolon ! He is an Earth Genasi paladin who has a stick so far up his ass that you can see it when he talks. Harlow is a walking weapon, and is treated like nothing but a tool by his peers and family. He is serious and convicted, which makes him the perfect toy for Dios to play with. And, even better, he's married! (Little does Dios know it's a loveless, abusive marriage- his wife married him only for the precious little gem in his chest. She has plenty of jewelry made from his amethyst heart). Still, Dios has zoned in on this man and is dead set on fucking him and ruining his marriage, for fun. Dios is a little shit. They get into many, many arguments and physical altercations, and whether they admit it or not, getting each other bloody and panting is the most they've ever enjoyed themselves. And yet, when he finally see's Harlow's heart for one reason or another (probably in a 'only one bed' situation lets be real) he realizes two things. 1. Inside of Harlow is the biggest gem he's ever seen, and not only is it huge, it's laced with magic. This alone could pay off his debt to Dante, and 2. He can't do it. Harlow is asleep beside him, and his fingers are wrapped around the sharp stone- it would be easy, just one tug and it was his and Harlow would be gone. But he can see the way Harlow's chest is rising and lowering in his sleep, and the way his expression is so soft, so serene... and he lets it go, deciding to make his fortune in other ways.
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They grow increasingly obsessed with each other, and just closer in general. Dios starts sneaking copies of Harlow's favorite book series (trashy vampire romance, of course) into his bags while he's away. Dios's flirting starts to really get to Harlow, and he can tell there's something... wrong. He's actually considering cheating on his rich, powerful wife with this sneaky little thief... all because it's the first time he's ever felt loved.
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After weeks of adventuring together, the tension FINALLY snaps and they fuck. We have many, many ideas for how their first time would go, but my personal favorites are "A fight gets so sexually charged that Harlow just starts fucking him" and "Dios says it's not cheating on his wife if Harlow doesn't consent and fucks Harlow while Harlow half-heartedly goes 'wait, dios, no, please' and makes absolutely no move to stop him".
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The second one is extra fun because if Harlow wanted to he could easily toss Dios across the room, and has before. From there, it goes from sexual tension to romantic tension...
And then, Dante enters the picture again. We don't know why yet or how it will go down, just that we will have the ability to have him in our party at some point. So, of course, Harlow and Dante don't get along at ALL. Harlow is jealous of how sweet Dios is around Dante, and of how close they are/how long they have known each other, and Dante is jealous of how head-over-heels Dios is for Harlow and how Harlow has actually had sex with him. Dios has been in love with Dante since they were kids of course, but he is also deeply in love with Harlow at this point and terrified of it. It leads to some fun possessiveness and probably some rockin "I bet I could pleasure him better than you" sex that Dios gets stuck in the middle of :3
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Eventually, though, they all start to get closer. Still- Harlow confesses to Dios first. Dios is the first person to ever treat him like... a person. The first person to be upset on his behalf, the first person to learn about his interests, the first person to hold him softly and treat him with reverence, like he was fragile... It sort of breaks something in Dios to hear the confession, so he completely reverts to his old self and laughs in his face, "Love me? You don't even know me! I... I can't believe you fell for my loverboy act, are you an idiot? I... I could never fall for... I would never..." And he just runs off, and Harlow is left alone. Dante tells him to chase him- and Harlow does- he finds Dios hiding, nearly sobbing in a closet, and he holds him. He holds Dios tighter than he's ever held him, and Dios scratches and bites and says awful things to try and get away, but Harlow doesn't let him. He holds him and takes every bit of it until Dios calms down, telling him over and over again that he loves him and that he's not going to let him run off so easily... and once Dios's body is exhausted from thrashing and his voice raw from yelling, he says "I love you too."
And, this part is far less developed, but eventually Dante and Dios get together romantically as well, and it becomes a hinge polycule... Dante starts off a shitty little asshole- he's always treated Dios like his property, and he didn't start getting better until he realized if he didn't start treating Dios well, someone else would. He does love Dios- I think he has for a while- but that doesn't mean he respects him as an equal. On his adventure, Dios gains a lot of self confidence and the ability to stand up to Dante, which scares Dante to death. He has to learn to respect Dios, or lose him forever, and he mostly does the former, eventually. Because Harlow puts the fear of god in him lmao. I have no idea what would happen if Harlow found out that Dante is the reason that Erwin died, and was the reason Dios almost died... but the drama would be fucking INTENSE. If Dios found out (which he probably would) He would attack Dante, using only his fists, no daggers or rapiers, and Dante would take every hit while Dios dissolves into a sobbing mess above him. I love the idea of Dios's voice cracking "I... Dante I loved you..." and him responding through busted lips, "I love you too."
That's a lot of it, but far from all of it, so if you have any more questions or want more info on certain parts, PLEASE ask, I LOVE talking about them so fucking much!!!!!!! And here's the TLDR (An old thing I made honestly before they were very developed at all:)
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k0xytocin · 3 months ago
3 and 6???
Hey, thanks for asking me!
I wasn't expecting any asks but I can go for it. :)
I rambled a lot haha. Curse of Strahd spoilers below.
So, I DM Curse of Strahd for two different groups of players. I'll call them A and B.
3. What did your players do with Doru?
A: My players' characters are very sweet and are trying to help Doru.
They've been taking him along with them and protecting him. They tend to keep him out of conflicts, even though he's still stronger than them by this point. The Warlock (Great Old One) has even been giving Doru vials of his blood to keep him fed.
They recently met Van Richten (who is very against vampires regardless of the context in my game) and managed to persuade him to spare Doru so long as he doesn't harm anyone.
The party heard about the Abbot from Donavich, so their plan is to try and take Doru to him. In my game, there is a "cure" for vampirism, but it involves fully killing the vampire and reviving them as a mortal once more. Since Doru sees himself as an abomination in the eyes of the Morninglord (who hates undead in the lore), he agreed to it.
B: Most of my players' characters are unhinged lmao.
They're also taking Doru with them. The Warlock (Raven Queen) is mostly in charge of him, and she always intimidates him into listening to her. They mostly get him to do silly things, like wear the "maid outfit" in the Death House (Durst Mansion).
But they take good enough care of him lol. The Artificer in the group is very sweet to him, too.
Like my other group, they heard about the Abbot from Donavich. They have a similar plan. However, the Warlock intends to kill him if he endangers them or if the "cure" doesn't work. Her patron, the Raven Queen, doesn't like undead because they defy the natural order of life and death. So if the cure doesn't restore Doru's mortality, she'll just make him dead-dead.
6. Did you make any NPCs more sympathetic than in canon? Or less sympathetic?
I'm using the same lore for both groups so I don't have different answers for this one.
In general, I made the characters more sympathetic. I feel like a lot of the characters are badly written in 5e, they feel too one-dimensional and one-note. Somehow, so many characters are just secretly irredeemably evil. Like, that's their whole thing, and that' s all they get to be.
Even someone like the Abbot who is built up as this light in the oppressive darkness is secretly evil and unreasonable. I expanded his backstory to be more sympathetic and changed his goals. He's still cooking up flesh golems, but for a different reason (in summary: he thinks if he can recreate the night of Sergei's murder and have Strahd see the error of his ways and choose differently, he can lift the curse). He's also actually reasonable in my game lol.
And don't even get me started on Strahd! I could write an essay about him, haha. When it comes to the I, Strahd Novels, he has a lot of depth, and his evil actions are given a lot of sympathetic context. Meanwhile in 5e, he's just this emotionless husk who couldn't be reasoned with to save his life (unlife?). I won't go off here, but suffice it to say, when it comes to Strahd, I'm much more inspired by the I, Strahd Novels.
I made Rahadin much more sympathetic, and not outrageously evil. I removed the whole "Patrina is killed, which leads to Strahd ordering Rahadin to punish the dusk elves, which leads to Rahadin killing all the dusk elf women so they can't have anymore children" thing. It wasn't just to make Rahadin more sympathetic, but also because I just despise how women are treated in this module lol. (I'm even keeping Patrina alive and plan on doing something completely different with her).
I'm making Baba Lysaga more sympathetic by expanding on her backstory and having her motives of love and protection come through. But she operates from the shadows, because she knows deep down Strahd wouldn't accept her and it breaks her heart.
The Vistani as a whole got a revamp. I wanted to characterise them as a people with their own history, culture, and reasons for being in Barovia. Not just a bunch of messed up stereotypes Wizards of the Coasts defined them as.
My one exception is Van Richten, I guess. I'm keeping his backstory as sympathetic as it's described (with what happened to his family). But, given that he's planning a hate crime on the Vistani (who are already handled horribly in the module lol), I really don't see a way to make that sympathetic. When it comes to racism, I wouldn't want to spin it in a sympathetic way, either. I could just remove that from his story, but I feel like this type of story (with Van Richten being more of an antagonist) resonates more with my players.
Thanks for the ask! And thanks for reading.
I love Curse of Strahd so I could go on and on lmao.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 9 months ago
WIP title ask meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was poked to do this months ago, twice at least - once by @docholligay and I think the second was @jeejyboard, but I can't find the tag for the life of me. SORRY. I felt like doing something a bit more meta today re:writing and post about The Process, and this was a perfect excuse - thanks for thinking of me. So here's some actual effort! I went and dug deep, trawled through some really old stuff, which was fun. I write and scribble down way, way more than I actually polish and post (which I assume is probably normal, but who knows). 
General info, for whoever is interested: I mostly use Google Docs with offline backups for fic writing, as I shift between computers a ton, and I put fandom tags at the start of my filenames for organisation. I have a ton of prompt/meme/ask/event collection files - for example, the very latest: "[BG3, STRAHD, SM] Fic Prompts 2024". In these I jot down both the prompts people send or that are listed and the ideas/outlines/notes for each, then when I really get going with a certain fic I spin it off into a separate document. 
I hate coming up with titles and usually do that last, so most of my document names are silly references for my own amusement or just a boring old brief description of the main concept. For instance, my latest posted fic Cerimonia Compedum was for most of its WIP-hood known simply as "[BG3] Tadpoled Isobel". Sometimes I keep different versions/revisions/parts of the same WIP in different files, and if that's the case I've grouped them here. Note that for simplicity's sake this post includes my "solo" fic only, no collabs or coauthored stuff, of which there is also a bunch. 
Some of these are ancient and hit me in the face with "12 years ago" timestamps. Some ficlets will never make it out of the mixed prompt plot bunny dumping grounds into their own doc. I think Sailor Moon 10-ish years ago was the one outlier fandom where I actually wrote most of my concepts out fully and posted them. The ol' brain is currently overproducing stuff for the more recent BG3 flavoured moon lesbians (and no, that ship name will never stop throwing my HaruMichi-loving ass for a loop). Note that some of the SU WIPs on the list I've already posted about here, here, here, and here.
Obviously all of these vary wildly in terms of completion level, word count, refinement, and age (and capitalisation, apparently). So yeah, here's the list, roughly sorted by fandom - ask away, if you feel like it!
[BG3] Moon-chosen, Moon-guided | Moon-chosen, Moon-guided - Part III [BG3] Cerimonia Alārum | ISOBEL TO THE RESCUE AU [BG3] Tremulous Cadence followup | The Return of the Moon Daughter [BG3] Wizard Tower AU | Aylin & Rolan stuff [BG3] Karlach/Minthara Act 2 conclusion aka why are paladins Like That [BG3] I'm having something very strong indeed
[STRAHD] The d'Avenir Treatise verse tidbits [STRAHD] Road Trippin' [STRAHD] In-character notes & ficlets
[SU] eeEEeeeeEE BISMUTH | Bismuth ficlets | Like talking to a wall | Muse. Galatea. Suffering. [SU] SU Daemons HDM AU [SU] The Adolescence of Rose Quartz | But I don't think anyone turns into a car  [SU] Freedom To And Freedom From | Pearlrose Fixit | i love suffering!!! [SU] Forge Showdown AU [SU] Pearl Playing the Field TM | All I need in this life of sin is me and my pearlfriend [SU] The Grand Aventurine Heist (Not Really Grand And Only Slightly A Heist) | oh no who let Rose read the Scarlet Pimpernel
[SM] Future Vision blatantly ripped me off THANKS REBECCA | PUU fic [SM] Outers fall of SilMil | michific | The End is the Beginning is the End
[DS9] Kira fic bits
[TLOK] Five Times Kya Healed Lin and One Time She Couldn't | Kyalin fluff [TLOK] R.C. Noire | Lin BAMFong
[WATCHMEN] Silhouette fic bits
That's it! I don't think I have a single person that I know writes fic left that hasn't already been tagged in this, so feel free to do it (again) if it strikes your fancy.
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