#i love geoff
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meltybottle · 2 years ago
i am struggling. i will figure this out in due time. in Geoff we trust
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queatherine · 11 months ago
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stolen glances
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scarlett-fever · 1 month ago
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was overcome with the urge at like 1am to draw a bunch of total dramsters ive never drawn before/haven't drawn a lot. i get so alenowen brained like its always those three + izzy + maybe a harold if im feeling adventurous. 😭 they're my favs but like. i enjoy basically every character!!!
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zombieshaveheartstoo · 27 days ago
Geoff’s comment on a clip of gerard singing demolition lovers
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afinestoutlove · 2 months ago
things i love about heartstopper 32/?
The moment in ‘Truth/Dare’ where Charlie tells Harry he can’t come in and Nick looks at him like he’s so fucking proud and all his friends are celebrating him and then… Ben.
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Oof that moment was so good. It’s quick, but it’s so important. (Also feel like this relates to my earlier post about Charlie rebelling against his mum.)
This moment shows how far Charlie’s come with his friends and with Nick. He’s standing up to the bullies now. It’s not that long ago that he told Nick he was used to being treated like shit, that Nick shouldn’t ditch his terrible "friends" because of Charlie. When we get to ‘Promise’, Charlie is telling Harry to piss off. It’s for Nick, but it’s a big step forward. But here, in ‘Truth/Dare’, Charlie’s telling Harry no for himself. He’s starting to want better for himself. He’s refusing to stay “used to it”.
What’s so poignant for me about this little moment is the contrast between Charlie’s friends and Ben. It really emphasises the change in Charlie. For Ben, a happy and confident Charlie is the worst possible outcome. The only way Ben could ever keep Charlie in his life was by convincing Charlie he was worthless (and that only worked for so long). Nick and the rest of the Paris squad are all helping Charlie realise he’s priceless.
Yeah, we know that it’s a rough journey for Charlie from here. Love can't cure a mental illness, after all. And sometimes starting to heal and want more for yourself can be more painful (in the beginning) than accepting the shitty treatment. Trauma doesn’t go away in five minutes (thanks Geoff), but you can see the start of what might be possible for Charlie and I love that for him.
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anothersuperstition · 2 months ago
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geoff rickly of thursday at the fillmore in philadelphia on 01/10/2025
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radioactive-earthshine · 2 years ago
NGL I have STRONG opinions about digital releases omitting the letters to the editor section of older comics. I feel like the letters are a part of comic history and should be aggressively preserved.
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asthenniaa · 4 months ago
was thinking abt the pookies </3
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asexual-shelly · 10 months ago
Haven't been catting it out as much as I've liked, so as compensation here's all four leaders + some lore about the clans: Thunderclan
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Born a kittypet named Christian, Eaglestar initially joined Thunderclan after being cast out onto the streets by his twolegs and the leader taking pity on him. However, Eaglestar proved to be incredibly cunning, working his way up the ranks and using his connections to eventually take the reins of the clan altogether. With this newfound power, Eaglestar naturally abuses it for all its' worth through using it to solve petty disputes and get out of hunting for the day. He has deep-rooted beef with the Shadowclan leader who he's been rivals with since apprenticeship, constantly taking any opportunity he can to one-up or antagonize her.
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The youngest of the four leaders at just 23 moons, Reedstar was far from the first pick for leader in the eyes of his clan. After a flood destroyed most of their camp and took the lives of both their leader and deputy in one fell swoop, the clan waited with bated breath for the medicine cat to announce the decision of their new leader. To every cat's surprise however, the medicine cat chose to appoint the easygoing Reeddance of all people, much to the shock and outrage of most of the clan who saw him as unfit. Reedstar tries his best to meet the needs of these agitated cats, but his inexperience just leads most of his efforts to be used as more fuel for the hate mob as rumors of a possible civil war in Riverclan began to spread around like wildfire. Shadowclan
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Azaleastar took up the mantle of leader many moons ago after the former deputy was mysteriously found dead in their nest, and she just so happened to be the next best cat to take on the new position. Being one of the best ambush-fighters in her clan, Azaleastar had always had a knack for spotting points of weakness she could exploit... and what better opportunity was there than a broken, divided clan with a hare-brained idiot for a leader? After the flood, she's been picking at Riverclan bit by bit, giddily exploiting their lack of unison for free territory with the intention of taking over their entire hunting grounds and putting her name in the history books. The only thing keeping her from invasion is the threat of Thunderclan, who've been making advances on her territory while they're busy with Riverclan. Windclan
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Not wanting to engage with the other three clans, Mangrovestar keeps Windclan in a strict state of isolation. He doesn't care to involve himself in the conflict between Riverclan and Shadowclan, instead just wanting to maintain the prosperity that's reigned in his clan for these past few moons. Of the four leaders currently active, he's easily the most popular amongst his clan for his amicable nature and appearing (mostly) morally good in comparison. However, Mangrovestar tends to be very biased and easily swayed in regard to his judgement which can rub cats the wrong way whenever they're forced to clean the elders' den for a moon while his favorites get little more than a slap on the wrist.
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oceanicairways · 2 months ago
i feel like i’m going crazy whenever i see people say that sinestro is an anti hero who can be redeemed and rejoin the GLC. because (murders aside) for me that ship sailed when he had kyle’s mom killed and proceeded to kidnap him, strip him naked and hold him down in front of the entire sinestro corps to humiliate him, psychologically torture him to the point where he was crying, and then use his body as a vessel for a murderous evil entity. the whole scene was creepy and abusive as fuck. not to mention the times he’s said that he’s going to “have” kyle. i don’t want that ugly mf anywhere near him ever. and to make things worse i don’t think hal, john, and guy know how things went down on qward and of course kyle isn’t going to tell them.
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meltybottle · 1 month ago
sighhh... fiiiiiiine... I'll hand over my shadow milk cookie art.......
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please don't chomp too hard you may hurt your teeth
( Please do not repost art without permission or credits. Thank you!! ♡ )
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leadyouinthesummer · 9 months ago
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months ago
the more i think about it the more im convinced the way to fix the luthor retcon is just "using the female characters". that's it. we bring in the contessa (say she duped westfield by putting lex luthor's dna in there, somehow, and this is the actual retcon part. it's smaller, and doesn't contradict rots), say that it was some secret plan of hers that never came to fruition. then we get lex being as blindsided by it as kon, and we get the contrast in how he treats baby lena vs how he treats kon (his child vs a failed tool that's nothing to him now). and we can keep the superfam as a found family, with clark, the steels, and the eradicator all reaffirming their love for kon, regardless of whose 0.01% of human dna was used to stabilize him. AND we can keep his eventual bond with lori luthor. best of both worlds!
bam!!! fixed!!! luthor retcon, now with 100% less eugenics, and 100% more of keeping kon's original scifi themes and strong feelings on personhood and conflicted feelings on how he yearns for a family!! that's it babey!!! it could've been that easy!!! the key is just... its the female characters. it's the female characters!!!!
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crispytubes · 2 years ago
Disgusting ectoplasmic creatures I would put in my smoothie: a messy group drawing
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I actually had a lot of fun with this drawing, tysm to mollycord for suggesting some ghosts for me :)
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afinestoutlove · 1 month ago
things i love about heartstopper 48/?
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This is such an interesting point! Charlie is actually really brave. He puts himself out there a lot. He was the one who instigated their first kiss. He was the first to say “I love you”. Yeah, you could argue that there were pretty obvious signs that his feelings were reciprocated, but this is a kid who doubts himself so much and he still took that step.
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It’s so great to see this verbalised, because people often assume “person who hates/devalues themselves” is the same as “person who isn’t confident” (and also that the opposite is true). People also assume that if they don’t feel a certain way, they lack confidence or courage. But it’s not that simple. I think it’s so important for people who struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, shame, etc to see this spelled out.
I also think this is an important point because people underrate Charlie’s courage. Yes, he misdirects it sometimes, and he doesn’t recognise it in himself to his own detriment, but this kid is so brave. He’s dealt with so much shit, from school, from his family, and from his own mind, and he keeps getting up and trying again. I love him so much.
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savedthescene · 29 days ago
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Geoff rickly met me today! 🤗
Ok in all seriousness he is so sweetiepie angelface and he said he liked my nails...I DID THEM JYST FOR YOU GEOFF!!!! First time posting face on here eberyone be nice...
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