#td blaineley
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dramaticallytotal · 3 days ago
I've Been Around The World! TDWT Rewrite Headcanons: Part Nine
Idea Post Part One Last Part
• This will be true in a lot of my aus, but Izzy was adopted by Noah's mom after she heard of how Izzy's mom treated her. She was prepared to take it to court if she had to, but Izzy's mom willingly terminated her parental rights, and it was deemed the best option for Izzy in the court. So Abbi adopted Izzy. When it was official and she moved in after season two was wrapped up, Izzy cried genuinely for the first time in a long time.
No one on the show besides Eva, Owen, Chris, and Chef know about Izzy and Noah being siblings.
Izzy did not change her last name, though, because it's her grandparents, and she loves her grandparents. Her grandparents are still very upset with their daughter for just terminating her parental rights and not telling them. But they are also grateful to Abbi because they aren't really fit to take care of Izzy due to their age. Plus, her grandma needs around the clock care.
• Izzy is the one to help Noah win the comeback challenge. She knows he's capable of doing it himself, but she wanted to give her bro a boost just in case.
• I said it before, but once again, Owen being voted off just as Noah came back was one of the reasons why he decided, "Fuck it," and became the schemer Chris knew he could be. His sights are immediately set on Blaineley. No way was she staying when she had the biggest hand in Owen's elimination. He immediately began as soon as he and Alejandro were in First Place, so Alejandro got a front row show to Noah scheming.
He's definitely not swooning! You're swooning!
When Blaineley started going around broadcasting the "pros" of forming an alliance with her, Noah immediately went to Chef and basically threatened his father figure that if he joined the shedevil he would have hell to pay. Chef isn't intimidated easily... but the kid is scary when he wants to be.
• Before she was taken off the show, Izzy had/has a habit of biting her friends. Everyone else on the plane was baffled, though, when she did it to Noah, and he just bit her back. Like??? Hello??? (Izzy shows affection through biting, [though she just bites a lot in general], and Noah bites a lot, but he's better at masking the habit than Izzy. But if she is doing it affectionately, then Noah has no problem reciprocating. Actually, to be fair, he is always down to bite back. Affection or not.)
• When Noah was kicked off and on Aftermath, he overheard some of the interns talking about the whole Aleheather plot line and at first he was pissed and hurt and felt like he needed a good cry when he heard the said interns talk about how it was a deal with the show. That had Noah pausing and actively eavesdropping as the interns spoke over the phone (he noticed that now) to interns he knew were on the plane.
They were complaining about how hard it was trying to sell the relationship with Noah on board, and now that he was gone, they could try and focus on it more. But an intern on the plane just laughed at that and went on to gossip about how sad Alejandro was now that Noah was gone.
It gave Noah hope. But he still needed to find proof of this deal.
• Thus, a Team E-Scope heist commences. The target was the Deals folder on the networks computer systems. No hacking would be needed considering Noah knew all the passwords and logins, but he needed enough time to get into an employees only area, then find the computer/editing room and access the system. And he needed no witnesses.
Izzy is so down, and so is Eva, but mainly because she's bored.
• Noah ended up confirming the deal and had never felt happier but then depressed because he realized how he had been avoiding Heather and how he had let Alejandro get between their friendship. He really liked Alejandro, but now he was frustrated because he also really liked being friends with Heather.
This was also a reason he fought so hard to win the comeback challenge. He wanted to fix his relationship with Heather, maybe see if a relationship with Alejandro was possible, and to piss off the producers.
• When Owen was voted off, he was sad because he just got his little buddy back, but before he jumped, he revealed to Alejandro that he knows the guy doesn't like being called Al but Owen did it one purpose and got the others to call him that and that he's not sorry. He gave Noah one last hug before he jumped and laughed maniacally the whole way down as he remembered everyone's shocked faces. But especially Alejandro's.
This may or may not have earned him a teensy weensy bit of Alejandro's respect.
• After he got Blaineley out, Noah's next target was Sierra. Views be damned!!! He is done taking shit and doing what the producers wanted, and he is going to make it everyone's problem. This basically started a chain reaction of Alejandro and Heather putting a stop to their deal because at this point, it wasn't worth it and from their understanding, things were already not going the way the network/producers wanted.
Chris started hosting more like how he wanted than what was expected of him, and he did it all with the biggest smile. The smile may also be because Noah gave him blackmail to use in case his job was threatened.
• No Chinese Fake-Out...well, definitely not the way it happens in Canon. It's still a race and an eating competition, but it's more of a roulette situation where most of the food is great, but one is awful and Chris has to correctly guess who has the awful food. If he guesses correctly, the person is eliminated from the round.
Noah's got this in the bag because his sister Nila likes playing food games at home. Such as challenges from Hell's Kitchen or even the old eating challenges in Survivor, and of course, she roped her siblings into participating.
Alejandro decidedly does not have this in the bag.
Trent is traumatized from his season one eating challenge and is very hesitant to do this. (Yes. Trent makes it to the merge. :D)
• When Sierra was gone, Cody had been so overjoyed that he immediately hugged Noah and kissed his cheek. It probably would have been more than one kiss, but Noah pushed the guy away at the same time Alejandro pulled Noah away. Noah just said the most basic welcome that was a little fond because yeah, Cody was his friend, but Cody couldn't focus on that because Alejandro was glaring at him like his very existence was offending him.
• Now that Chris gets to run the show how he wants, there are way more costumes! For him and the cast!
• Alejandro keeps pulling the, "As your husband..." card with Noah, and even though secretly he is pleased, it still flustered him like no tomorrow, and he just yells, "That marriage was not legally binding!"
Heather is all for this development and responds with, "I was a witness. You're totally married."
• All the viewers are confused about the switch up of dynamics between Alejandro and Heather, but more are all for the new dynamics between Noah and Alejandro.
• Trent and Gwen made the merge instead of Duncan and Courtney! And since they see Noah not give a shit they just decide not to care also and start to flirt with each other as much as they can.
• Sierra got a major talking to once she was on Aftermath about her behavior and had to watch clips of herself. Many of the cast refused to be in the room with her there and waited until her segment was over, and she was escorted away before they came back. Is this the catalyst of change? Maybe.
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tooblindtizzy · 10 months ago
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new favourite hobby: redrawing album covers with total drama characters (og covers under the cut)
(also chuck me some requests for some more td album redraws these are fun!!)
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footemoji · 10 months ago
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been playing regretavator a lot with my friends so i drew my top 5 td characters in the game
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trollsenjoyer · 4 months ago
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Pals offered characters to draw, and finally I drew. It was a real challenge I'd say
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doobledabbadoo · 2 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: These designs are simply made for fun. Constructive criticism, feedback, and suggestions are appreciated as long as it’s respectful.
batch 1 (duncan, gwen, courtney, owen, leshawna, heather, geoff, bridgette, trent, and harold)
batch 2 (lindsay, tyler, izzy, eva, noah, cody, justin, ezekiel, dj, & beth)
sadie & katie
roti batch 1 (dawn, dakota, sam, lightning, scott, b, & staci)
roti batch 2 (brick, jo, zoey, mike, cameron, & anne maria)
chris mclean
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cloudwasdead · 16 days ago
This picture is so unsettling why are only two of them wearing shoes?? Why are heathers eyes black?? Whats going on with blaineleys mouth?? Why are codys ankles out???
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asexual-shelly · 1 year ago
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wine aunt blaineley and her fuckass niece
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megalopolus · 1 year ago
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they're all divorced coded (it's okay chris and chef got remarried. and divorced again)
set 1 | set 2 | set 3 | set 4 | set 5 | set 6 | set 7
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octopiopa · 10 months ago
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he be judgin u
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tdwt content in 2024????
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its unealthy brainrot at this point
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same-name-supremacy · 1 year ago
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New genderswaps just dropped!
Though I have no idea to keep Chefs last name as hatchet or change it to something differentiate her from the other Chef… any suggestions?
Click here to see the campers
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jaypilled · 11 months ago
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characters who unfortunately parody a song that was also parodied by a homestuck character
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dramaticallytotal · 2 months ago
I'm Back In The Game, Except Not Really
In this au, the events leading up to Noah's elimination happened much like canon with little things here and there being different.
Instead of jumping off the plane, though. Chris announces that since Noah was no longer a competitor, he was rehired and back to being his personal assistant. Owen is happy even though he knows it means his little buddy wouldn't be able to talk to him or the others because it could be seen as him working with or helping someone. He at least gets to give him one last hug!!
Alejandro is pissed. What do you mean he's staying?? What do you mean I still have to see his stupid cute face??? What do you mean Alejandro now has to face his guilty feelings for tossing Noah out because of a completely true observation on the bookworms side???
In this au, Noah and Chris did plan his elimination still, but unlike my other aus where the producers don't give Noah his promotion and raise right away they do in this one because of how much a cluster fuck everything was without the teen.
So now he is a PA squared. Personal Assistant and Production Assistant. UwU
Everyone kind of expected not to see him much, so they were surprised when they saw him before the Greece challenge. It was right as Chris was about to announce where they were going when they heard his voice.
"Hold it, McLean. The interns gave you basically fanfiction. I don't know where they did their research, but wherever it was, I need to blacklist it from my resource pages. Here. Edited version, and I already let Chef know the destination change." They watched as Noah walked in and handed Chris some papers.
Chris read the papers and looked pretty pissed but before he could say anything, Noah cut him off, "And before you think of throwing out an intern for this. Don't. We don't have any to spare."
Chris was definitely pouting after that but snapped out of it and shooed Noah away so he could host.
All of them were in shock except Owen, who had seen assistant Noah in action in well...Action. Alejandro was practically swooning. Heather complained about why he couldn't be that motivated and in charge back on Island.
They see him again after Gwen wins her challenge. What they don't expect is to see him riding a bear past them. Like he didn't even acknowledge them. He went on his business, which apparently was riding a bear???
The next time he was seen is in the Australia challenge. Alejandro was the first to make it to Chris and Chef and sees Noah bring the two some drinks, all the while talking to an intern who was walking with him. Alejandro just stared even when he heard Heather approach because Noah wasn't just talking to the intern he was smiling and chuckling at the intern. And the intern? The guy was definitely flirting! Flirting!
Alejandro would know! He always knows when someone is flirting!
And the fact Noah was reacting???
The two left with Noah giggling about something that probably wasn't even worthy of his giggles, and it had Alejandro grinding his teeth.
The next, he saw the two because apparently they can't go anywhere without the other now (he says this despite this is only the second time he's seen them together) is the next challenge actually. In Sweden. Noah is once again bringing Chris a drink, a hot chocolate this time, and that same intern is with him smiling at Noah as he carries a big box that apparently has their jackets in it.
When Alejandro goes up to get his, he throws Noah his most charming smile and says, "Thanks, amigo!" But Noah's doesn't even look at him!
That pinche cabrón replies instead with a smile of his own, "You're welcome, dude. I'm just doing my job."
At least his failed efforts got a snicker out of Noah, and when they locked eyes, it took a whole 10 second before he looked away.
Not exactly a mission success but not a complete mission failure. He'll take it.
Then Noah was walking away so they could start their challenge when Noah started to slip and Alejandro had been completely ready to run and catch him, distance be damned. But that intern (he found out his name was Ace) caught Noah and even had his hands on his former teammate's waist and looked at him like he hung the stars! (Alejandro knew that! Ace was not worthy of acknowledging that!)
Alejandro was in a bad mood from that point on until Noah returned and told the guys they had to change into a costume for the upcoming song. The costumes were hideous, but Alejandro was confident that he could pull his off. After all, he was a Burromuerto!
Alejandro had even mumbled this to himself, but to his embarrassment, Noah overheard him.
"Wow. And here I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger."
I know something bigge- no bad Alejandro!
"I'm glad I can still suprise you, Mi Zorro~!"
"Yeah, whatever. Better hurry and change Casanova."
"You could stay and have a show." Alejandro couldn't help but tease with waggling eyebrows and all.
He tried not to be too captivated at Noah's abrupt laughter and the light blush that dusted his cheeks, but he failed. "I'm afraid I didn't purchase any tickets for that show, so I'm good. I hope you lose, Eel."
There was no way to miss how fond Noah sounded. It made Alejandro's heart sing.
Thankfully, the next time he got to see Noah, the boy was alone, but he was also dressed to the nines in a three-piece suit that matched with Chef's dress in Niagra Falls. He was helping wheel out the huge slot machine.
It was that moment that Alejandro knew. This wasn't a small crush. He was falling in love with Noah. And once he made that realization he vowed to woo his boy.
(Did he ask Chris if he could trade Heather for Noah? Maybe. Did he enjoy the blush that brought to his amor's face? Absolutely. Was the comment worth Heather screeching in his ear? He wants to say yes, but said ear was still ringing, so the jury was still out on that one.
Will I ever make an au where Alejandro isn't a pathetic simp? Never.
That boy is so affection starved that the second he gets a hint of his affection being returned, he turns into a puppy.
Assistant Noah, my beloved! You are showcased yet again!
Alejandro is a jealous guy, and I love it, and I absolutely will utilize it.
Just overall a very humorous, fluffy au again with Alejandro being my favorite pathetic boy and Noah just being along for the ride and realizing "Dammit I actually really like that damn Eel." And not fighting it.
Just reluctantly accepting it.
This will definitely showcase protective dad figures Chris and Chef.
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tooblindtizzy · 1 year ago
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stewing in my mind for quite some time
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footemoji · 7 months ago
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i wish the total drama fandom was a safe space for women but until that happens i’ll be here with all the girls that should get more love
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weston1101 · 9 months ago
can you draw. mildred blaineley stacey andrews o'halloran.
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horse-plinko · 8 months ago
made these last night but forgot to post them, designs for an mlp au I made a while ago
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Celestia and Luna if they were Blaineley and Noah
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