#i love ‘em
mishori-o · 1 year
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blitzy-blitzwing · 1 month
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I wanted to make a one-eyed demon. 🤓
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thebirdsofgay · 2 years
My favorite thing about watching Joel Smallishbeans is that he is literally always vibing on entirely his own wavelength
Like,, oh, you’re all terrified of a demon on the server? Doesn’t exist.
You’re all herding cows to prevent the inevitable food shortage of late-game Life Series seasons? I’ll just ahaha stab that for ya’
You’re all doing Serious Lore? I think the sheriff is a toy and I’m a massive God so I’m gonna turn his town into Andy’s bedroom from Toy Story and sell toys of the sheriff, get sued for copyright infringement by said sheriff, and then willingly forfeit the trial because it furthers my Toy Sheriff Agenda
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pushing500 · 4 months
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I am working on the next post of Mechi’s story, I promise, it’s just taking a long time thanks to some very unhelpful housemates… pictures attached 🙄
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sakuraloid · 2 years
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Coloured pencils are lush ngl
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poedays · 11 days
Fools!Warden is Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
—- —- —-
—- —- —-
‘Wanted to do things to her, it was making him crazy
Now a little crush turned into a like
And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her
I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, close your eyes, girl
So lovely, it feels so right
I want to hold you close
Soft breath, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I wanna fucking tear you apart’
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jellisdraws · 1 year
Your own… personal… blorbo…
*90’s synths*
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143bc · 1 year
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yelena-bellova · 8 months
What’s been your favorite Pedro look so far from the past two weeks?
Ooh, honestly? It’s gotta be the WOF ceremony with the rainbow pants ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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ejzah · 17 days
My nepehws and I play this game where we pretend my hands are spiders crawling on them (you know, like you do) and they smack them away. Today, my younger nephew asked if the spider was radioactive. When I said yes, he laid down and covered himself up with a blanket, while looking very morose. He then informed me he needed to sleep, and upon further questioning, confirmed that he was sick Peter Parker. He kept it up off and on for the next hour.
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eljd2r2 · 9 months
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I seriously. I have been thinking about Ghostbur. so much lately. Like yeah he’s my favorite guy he’s my bestest little dude he’s great he’s amazing he’s wonderful I think about him often but like. I feel as if he’s been occupying my brain-space much more frequently and loudly as of late.
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all54321 · 11 months
The Price of Being the Oldest Sibling
Back to the whumptober grind. Gonna be posting these a lot the next few days.
Summary: Grian acts as a diversion to get hybrid hunters to chase him and not his siblings. Nothing matters besides keeping his siblings safe, not even…
Day 24: Hunted Down
Grian puts a hand on Jimmy and Pearl’s shoulder, giving them a stern look, “I’ll be fine, I can handle myself. It’ll be easier on my own.”
“But-“ Jimmy goes to protest, but stops when Grian shakes his head.
“Jimmy, please, as your older brother it’s my responsibility to protect you.”
Pearl shakes her head this time, “It’s to help us survive, not to leave us.”
Grian huffs, “If they catch up to us there’s no guarantee we all escape. Me leading them away, that’s helping you survive. I’ll distract them enough for you to get away and then I’ll meet up with you once I ditch them.” He stares at them with narrowed eyes, refusing to back down. Especially not when every second passing means that they are getting closer.
Pearl and Jimmy share a glance before sagging in defeat. Pearl pulls Grian into a tight hug, Jimmy joining a moment later. He returns it, holding them tightly.
It feels like a goodbye.
Grian doesn’t let the hug last long, the urgency of the matter making him hurry. He gives his siblings one final nod before turning and going back where they came from.
His wings itch to spread out and take him up and far away from here, but the canopy is too thick. Grian will only be able to run when he finds the hunters.
That’s fine, he can do that.
That’s fine, he can climb.
That’s fine, the forest is his turf.
That’s fine… isn’t it?
Grian gets pulled from his thoughts by rather loud voices. He stiffens and hides behind a tree trunk, listening for a bit. Yup, definitely them. He fights every instinct in his body and spreads out his wings.
He circles around where he hears their voices, trying to find them. He hears a sudden exclamation and knows they saw him. Grian pulls his wings tight to his body and runs. He weaves between trees and ducks under branches.
Grian wants to run at full speed, but he can’t. He needs to keep them on his tail until they’re far away from Pearl and Jimmy. Then he can as fast as he can. For now, he keeps running, making sure they’re still in earshot.
He runs, and runs, and runs, and runs. He doesn’t know how long he’s been running for, it feels like an eternity. His lungs would probably be burning if he was a human, but he’s an avian, his lungs are able to take in way more air than a human can ever dream of. So the hunters should be slowing down soon.
Grian lets out a shrill trill when an arrow whizzes by his head and lands in a nearby tree with a loud thunk! He veers to the right, away from the arrow, heart-rate picking up.
He realizes too late that they could have easily hit him.
He realizes too late that missing was their intention.
He realizes too late that he’s running into a trap.
Grian is picking up speed now, but his light steps and fast pace aren’t enough to save him. His foot connects with the ground, and then he’s suspended in the air. He lets out a loud squawk in surprise and immediately begins struggling.
He tries to tear are the net with his talons, but it’s made of something too sturdy to claw through easily. He whines high in his throat as the net digs into his wings where they’re pressed up against it.
Grian is on his back, and he tries to fix that, but he can’t right himself. One of his legs had slipped through the gaps and the other is raised awkwardly above him, talons gripping the net. He can’t move either enough to help him.
He whines again, high-pitched and long, a desperate call for help, for his flock, for anyone.
Chuckling voices approach Grian and he just curls up, fighting back tears. He knows what happens to captured avians. He knows what they want with him.
He hopes they kill him first so that he doesn’t feel the pain.
Grian ducks his head to avoid looking at them when they arrive, all fight drained out from him the moment he got pathetically trapped in this net. An avian shouldn’t be trapped dangling from anything, yet here he is. Pathetic.
A hand grabs him by the hair and yanks his head back, making Grian cry out. He’s forced to make eye contact with the hunters, there’s only three of them, all looking some form of tired. It doesn’t even give him joy like it normally would. He just feels despair.
One of them frowns, glancing worriedly at the one still holding Grian by his hair, who he presumes is the captain, “Are you sure that it’s enough?”
The other one catches on, frowning as well, “Yeah, aren’t they looking for a… y’know.”
The leader just scoffs, “Avians are funky creatures, you don’t know what they’re like unless you cut them open.”
Grian flinches at the words, but the motion only causes another painful tug to his hair, making him yelp again. Pathetic.
“So,” the first one begins cautiously, “you think they’d want this one?”
The guy shrugs, finally letting go of Grian’s hair, letting him curl into a ball again. “Don’t know, we’ll just drop it off and they’ll let us know. They’re going to want us to find other hybrids too, so it’s not like this one will go to waste anyways.”
Grian digs his taloned fingernails into his arms, trying not to whimper, of course they want to experiment on him. Of course they’re going to torture him. Even when his mind swirling in misery, one positive thought slips through the rest, at least they won’t take his wings.
He’s so lost in his mind that he doesn’t realize the hunters did something to him until his vision starts darkening around the edges. Only a few seconds later the darkness completely claims Grian and he falls unconscious.
When Grian blinks his eyes open again, he’s laying in a clearing, trees not to far away. He feels sore all over his body, but he still pushes himself up, fight or flight response roaring in his veins. Everything feels wrong.
The lack of breeze is his first clue, the rough dirt he feels when he digs his claws into the ground is another, the light is off, his wings feel weird, something is yelling in his head that everything is wrong.
Grian turns around and- oh.
He’s facing a wall, gray and metal, reaching way above him. The ceiling is almost like a sky, but it’s too off.
He shakily gets to his feet, stumbling towards the forest, his mind yelling that it’s safe in there. Grian doesn’t get more then a few steps inside before realizing how wrong that is. The scent of this place is wrong on so may levels. The trees and grass may technically be real, but they reek with a fakeness that makes Grian gag.
He falls to the ground again, forcing himself not to cry. He wraps his wings around his body to shelter himself, and he lets out a sob at the sight. They were of course a mess from the net, but that’s not what catches his eyes. The primary feathers were all sliced through, neat and precise.
He’s grounded.
Grian curls up tighter, not hiding his sobs now. He’s a downed bird now. Flightless birds don’t survive.
Even if he escapes now, without flight there’s no hope for him.
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midnight-candy-goblin · 11 months
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A distinguished gentlefrog.
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Mmmm butter is so tasty. My amount of butter consumption is not healthy. (My asks are slowly becoming more unhinged.)
- Bitey child anon
….bring butter into my ask box again and I’m drop kicking it back out.
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lihikainanea · 1 year
To do list:
1) Landon Liboiron.
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