#i look like pippi longstocking
rustbeltjessie · 1 year
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June 27 & 28
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jeremy-lemon · 7 months
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Villa Villekulla
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alaspoon · 1 month
braiding my hair makes me think about how many times my ancestors must have repeated the same motions I have, braided the same style of braid I have. the motions of my hands holds history.
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hole34 · 2 months
poor person fits go crazy sometimes what the hell am i wearing
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i have five pairs of pants and they are all at the laundromat
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daredivaing · 2 years
I wear pigtail braids to bed and while it is amazing for keeping my hair from turning into a matted mess overnight, it has the unfortunate side effect of making my redheaded ass look like Pippi Longstocking
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perlukafarinn · 8 months
i bet at some point pete lets steph braid his hair. she asks and he pretends he's doing her a favor by saying yes but feeling her fingers run gently through his hair is the most intimate, tender experience he's ever had
she puts his hair in two braids and tells him he looks just like pippi longstocking. it's okay though because it makes her laugh and then she says he's cute and kisses him. if you even care
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roboticlover20 · 2 months
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Looking at all the humanoid kinito designs i never found one that personally satisfied me
This is no dis to the artists who make kinito humanised designs i just struggle really hard to see it
So this is my attempt on making a kinito humanised design
The one with the pink glossy eyelids is my au kinito overprotective!kinito
I love this design personally because i wanted the hair to be incorporated as his gills
Also kinito with glasses being cracked whenever he’s possessive kinda fits within the game, he loses control over you etc
I think giving him pippi longstocking braids is so cute tho ahaha kinda fits his goofy persona
Also it just makes him look androgynous which i like since he’s technically genderless but goes by he/it
Even then i still slightly struggle to see kinito humanised but i really like this design of him :))
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william-he-they · 11 months
Hi I'm tired and thinking about narnia so here are random sleep related headcannons I don't actually know what to call this but here it is.
Susan is an insomniac.
Caspian needs a ton of pillows and blankets to sleep He also gets really like huggy and cuddley and quite when he's sleepy.
Edmund sleeps like a psychopath without any blankets and maybe occasionally one (1) pillow.
When Susan dose get sleep she's like a cat in a way and sleeps under her blankets curled up in a ball in the middle of her bed.
Lucy sleeps with her head under the covers and her feet on the pillows pippi longstocking style because she read the book tried it out and just hasn't gone back to sleeping "the normal way." Since.
Eustace will find a way to take up all the space he can while sleeping this bitch is sprawled out like a starfish or just what looks to be the most uncomfortable positions but he sleeps fine but yeah he will find a way to take up 80% of the bed.
Peter has to wrap up in a tight burrito blanket to be able to sleep it keeps him from moveing around other wise man moves constantly in his sleep.
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-High school days-
Anne: -Working on a project with Sasha-
Sasha: -Balancing a pencil on her nose for fun - Haha look I can do tricks.
Anne: -As a joke- Maybe you should join the circus.
Sasha: -Actually thinking about it-
Anne: -Sees Sasha actually thinking about it- It... it's a joke you know that right?
Sasha: But think about it, I could be the strong woman, kinda reminds me of that old cartoon what was it called? Pippi longstocking?
Anne: Please don't go running away to join the circus.
Sasha: But it would be fun.
Anne: I wouldn't be able to spend any time with you
Sasha: -Looks at Anne and turns a little red- I mean it wouldn't be fun, it would suck, it could be a backup plan though when l'm older.
-Present day-
Sasha: And that's why I didn't join the circus.
Marcy: All because you have gay thoughts.
Sasha: ... I mean true.
Anne: Our family is a circus enough -Currently kid Lily is laying in Anne's hair-.... But we love it.
As if Sasha wasn’t clowning on herself the whole time she was panicking about if Anne liked her or not back in high school. She didn’t need to join the circus, she already was one herself (same for Anne but she was a bit better at keeping it together. Marcy would probably be the ringmaster if she’d thought to play matchmaker and get her clowns together)
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oatberrytea · 4 months
omg! can i ask where the pippi-longstocking like hair in post /743160624840933376/happy-new-year-and-dont-worry-if-you-lost-a?source=share is from? It's so cute I've been looking all over for a hair like that. Also Juliet is so adorable omg
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Hi! 👵 I know what you mean, I'd also had an eye out for a hair like that for a very long time - the original hair is for adults and I couldn't find anyone who had made a conversion for kids so I just did it myself. I know that's probably unhelpful to you but maybe someone can do a proper conversion of it for kids (mine doesn't even have hat chops and I only put Juliet's hair color swatch in, heh) 💙
Plutorienos Pippi Longstocking Hair
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fortist166 · 4 days
Thanks for the tag @duckirubb3r!!! Glad to hear you like my arts man it makes me beyond happy. Sorry for the late reply since it's been quite hectic recently.
Rules: answer & tag 9 people you you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Favorite color: Black since it's the cleanest-looking color.
Last song l listened to: A full list of Dragon Ball Ops and Eds. And Je ne parle pas français - Namika (currently obsessed with this song. So good!!!! Lieblingsmensch too!!!).
Last film I watched: Inside out 2, which was such a fun ride.
Currently reading: Twenty-Four Eyes & Pippi Longstocking for novels, Gene Bride & Spy x Family for manga, excluding Dragon Ball and Ranma reread (I need st to read on the bus to stay awake like, so badly).
Currently craving: Nothing, I'm too sleepy to even feel hungry.
Currently watching: None... I need to finish this damn project first.
Coffee or tea?: Both! Both are awesome! I'm Asian so tea is a given, but since I'm from Vietnam and our coffee rocks, my taste kinda fluctuate based on which time of the day I'm dying for a caffein boost. Join me if you could make the time to or feel interested @tinyconfusion @palabraasinnecesarias @mercyll @cambot77 @cheeseiskey3 @lassify @chillbunnie @peanutseagle @aw-phooey2u (Arg, more than 9 already and there're many people I want to tag but don't know their usernames).
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Boy in the Iceberg
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58 seconds in and I can already see why people say this show is gorgeous. Look at those colours! Although the double image around some of the line art is distracting.
Can water do that? Just have random fast currents in an otherwise pretty still ocean? Also, Catara couldn't have grabbed a spare paddle and helped? Actually they seemed screwed anyway. If they were going any faster they probably would have landed harder, or not on ice at all.
Judging by Sokka's lack of reaction to Catara's temper tantrum, I'd say she has that exact rant at least three times a week.
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It's a face!
Maybe the giant orb created the current to summon them there?
Catara has no self-preservation instincts at all. Giant glowy orb washed up in front of you, don't poke it!
Tiger seals.
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Solitaire. Neat.
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That haircut is not good. Also a very unique choice for a voice. Wait this is Zuko? The guy everyone's obsessed with?
I love Appa already.
"this is Catara, my flying sister." A man after my own heart.
They really would have been stuck without Aang to offer a ride. What was their plan to get home?
Zuko is a prince? Hunting the avatar to reclaim his honour. Not sure how those two go together but ok. I guess 100 years ago the avatar stole a time-travelling Zuko's honour.
Appa can swim through the night? Why does he have six legs?
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I didn't know this was a dream sequence at first and I was wondering where Sokka and Catara were. For future reference: dreams are brown.
Aang should have frozen to death by now. That's nowhere near enough clothes. And Catara can't be only just noticing the blue lines now.
Seems like the village has hit a rough patch.
If this is how catara reacts to a bald child, she's gonna spontaneously combust the first time she meets a teenage boy who isn't her brother. And how is an air bender going to teach her water bending?
Between the Appa snot and the watchtower gag, I sense Sokka will become the butt of many jokes.
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You know, if you want him to actually learn, maybe tell him what he did wrong rather than reciting philosophical stuff and then shooting fire at his face? His presumably scarred face? Scarred presumably by fire? Kudos to Zuko for not flinching.
Is there a stick in Zuko's hair that's supporting it upright or does his hair just do that? Does Zuko have Pippi Longstocking hair? Speaking of hair, why does Catara have her hair like that? Surely that gets in the way of seeing stuff? It does look good when her hood is up though.
Good sneaky exposition dump Zuko. Didn't notice it until I thought about it after.
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There's something hilarious yet tragic about Sokka spouting the wartime equivalent of live laugh love quotes and losing the battle with potty breaks. He has no idea what he's talking about but he believes in what he's saying so much.
Did Aang spend an hour in there?!?
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So pretty.
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Appa has six legs and penguins have four wings. Is the rule in this show that animals have 50% more appendages?
Last airbender smothered by penguins, more at 11.
"I haven't done this since I was a kid!" "You still are a kid!" That line feels like something that's going to come back.
Was the whole 'being a bender is showing no fear' or however that line went actually about bending, or do you really just want to explore the ship, Aang?
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Gerbils at the south pole?
Would the fire nation send people back to rig a lost ship or are all fire nation ships rigged at all times and the crews are just used to working around the traps? Actually that would be a great way to catch spies.
I would jump to brain-damage induced amnesia from being trapped in an iceberg for a few hours before I'd ever think of a century long cryo-sleep. "it's the only explanation." Really?
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All of these backgrounds are so pretty.
Air bending gets you some serious air. Those hops are stupid big, even accounting for cartoon physics.
I really like the end credits music. And according to the credits, I've been mispelling Katara's name this whole time.
Some final thoughts:
Katara (with a K) is too idealistic and trusting and Sokka is too cynical and suspicious. A perfect sibling pair. Also I love Sokka's sense of humour.
I like Aang's specific flavour of goofiness. He seems secure in himself and genuine. He has attention issues though.
Appa is a sea bison actually. Common misconception.
I like that they introduce the antagonist like 10 minutes into the first episode, but they're going to have to flesh him out way more before I read Zuko as anything other than an asshole. Also the voice is going to take a while to get used to. It's not that it doesn't fit the character design, it's just that I've never heard an actual human talk like that naturally. It's kind of muppet-like. Maybe he damaged his throat when he got that scar?
The voice acting is just superb. Even single lines like Gran Gran have distinct character. I did have to rewind a couple of times to catch what the old man with Zuko was saying.
The shading on the snow, the clouds and the skies, it's all so beautiful. You could watch this episode on mute and still be satisfied.
Katara is the only waterbender in the whole south pole, Sokka is the only man in the whole village, and Aang is the only air bender in the whole world. Gonna be a lot of lonely kids in this show. I sense a theme. I bet Appa is the only sea bison too.
Sokka is my favourite so far, but I think Aang is going to grow on me. Katara is a little bit too much of a Little Sister (TM) and Zuko just feels flat. But that just means more room to grow for both of them as characters. Of course Appa reigns supreme. I hope there's more of him in the next episode.
Even though this was half of a two-part episode, the cut off didn't feel abrupt. Maybe not a full self-contained story, but they left off at a perfect place.
Rereading this before posting, I asked a lot of quetsions. That's good! So many hooks to get me into the show, all in the first episode. I'm looking forward to the next one.
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thelemoncoffee · 7 months
heads up! my sleep scedual is in a weird spot right now so i'm likely to sleep over posting time- like i just did-
So uh- here have an art
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little silly dude
my dad told me the way i drew him here makes him look like Pippi Longstockings, but i can't see it
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For @flynniecat
Pippi Longstocking's autistic-coding explained
She has basically no idea what is and isn't considered normal (granted, this is partly because she grew up at sea, but also just seems to be who she is as a person) and subsequently does a lot of things that other people think are strange
She talks a lot, usually when she's not supposed to, and sometimes says complete nonsense, like when she tells that ridiculous made-up story to the little girl in Chapter Five
She takes things literally, also demonstrated in Chapter Five, when the girl says, "Surely you don't mean that you've seen a man walk past here with big ears like that?" and Pippi says, "I've never seen anyone walk with his ears. Everyone I know walks with his feet."
She wears big shoes so that she can stim, i.e. wiggle her toes! (I do that too)
She also sleeps with her feet uncovered so she can wiggle her toes
She misunderstands other people's emotions, for example in Chapter Ten when she says to two boys, "You look so sad. Do you have a stomach ache?" when they're literally in a burning building
When she has coffee with the ladies in Chapter Nine, she tries so hard to join in with the ladies that she ends up completely dominating the conversation, infodumping about her grandmother's maid. There's also a bit where she throws sugar on the floor and then steps on it with bare feet, because according to Pippi, "nothing feels better" than walking on sugar. (Sensory-seeking? I think so.)
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literary-illuminati · 8 months
Book Review 62 – The Ballad of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings
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This is the latest book I never would have heard of if it wasn’t for an award nomination (WFA for Best Novel, in this case). Overall, I was left dearly wishing I had liked it more than I did – it was so thoroughly soaked in imagery and references to a whole milieu I only barely know enough about to catch all the references flying over my head. Unfortunately by the final act the whole thing just collapses into a mess of spectacle without much in the way of connective tissue or context.
The story follows Perilous “Perry” Graves, his kid sister, and his best friend/crush Peaches (who is clearly an ersatz Pippy Longstocking but for some reason this is almost literally the only reference the book doesn’t explicitly acknowledge). They live in Nola, a fantastical alternate New Orleans full of zombies, animate graffiti, sky trolleys, and music that is indistinguishable from magic. After the magical songs that sustain the city escape/are stolen, it’s up to the three of them to get them back before Stagger Lee (the song) hunts down and kills the others for his mysterious partner. There’s also an extended subplot with Casey, a recently returned Katrina refugee in what seems to be our world, discovering that his and his cousin’s graffiti and other art is very literally magic and can come alive when he isn’t looking. Things just generally get messier and harder to explain from there.
Above everything else, the book’s a love letter to New Orleans. The sheer fascination and affection Jenning’s has for the place just about oozes out of every page. The geography and the culture and especially and overwhelmingly the art. Now I know barely anything about modern pop music and even less about classic jazz, but Jennings is either a massive fan or an incredibly confident bullshitter, and either way it’s an absolutely loadbearing part of the book – famous jazz musicians appear as magicians and ghosts, snatches and stanzas of different songs are quoted liberally, and of course the songs themselves are the driving engine of the plot. I, at least, just kind of let all the references wash over me and try to figure them out from context, and also started listening to the namedropped songs as I read. But even without really knowing the subject, the sheer love for the culture that just suffuses the book is really incredible endearing. Which is good, because it’s absolutely the main actual draw here.
The dialogue also deserves a shoutout – both because there’s a fun line you can draw between the characters that talk like actual people and the ones that intentionally present themselves like cartoon characters, and also because it’s the first book I can recall reading this year where people speak in AAVE. Plus, as a matter of style, when songs or certain ghosts were speaking telepathically the book used a different font for what they were saying, which is the sort of flourish that I always like when it’s not too overused.
While the surreal, exaggerated sort of magical absurdism works very well for the setting of Nola, the plot is...just kind of a mess. You almost get the sense the book was written in one sprint and then never revised – the protagonists are constantly getting help out of nowhere exactly as they need it to solve their latest problem, and revelations of plot critical information exactly when it’s needed to keep things moving abound, whether there’s any setup or justification for it or not. The metaphysics that underpin Nola are all vague and confused, which really wouldn’t be an issue if the entire third act didn’t turn on on the villain being wrong about them. The end result is a finale that feels like a bunch of big set piece scene the author had been looking forward to writing without any real connective tissue linking or supporting them.
Also, like – it is a major part of Perry’s arc that a year before the events of the book he had a run in with a monstrous caricature of a Jim Crow era hanging judge, and it has traumatized him sufficiently that he had steadfastly refused to try and do any magic since. The judge is later revealed to be an escaped bit of living graffiti, with absolutely zero relevance or deeper significance, and never appears on-screen again. Which just feels like some sort of narrative malpractice, honestly.
I’m also just left a bit disappointed with the villain – or, specifically, the wasted potential. Like, the idea of The Storm as this primeval elemental force that wants nothing more than to drown the world is a pretty great villain for a magical New Orleans, honestly. And there was something there of graffiti and music and just art being this engine of joyous hubris letting the city exist in defiance of its inevitable doom – but you really have to dig to get at it, and most of the other personal plots and heroes journey stuff burying it was far less compelling to me.
Anyway yeah, in the end this very much felt like it was style over substance, but on the other hand the style was excellent. In the end I kind of feel like this was ill-served as a book? Not that it’s necessarily impossible to write a novel that’s mostly about music, but this was really begging for a medium that could include a soundtrack.
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Hyperspecific poll time!!
Here's a bunch of things from movies/shows that traumatized me as a kid... and I need you to know I'm not american so some of these things might be like. Well not so familiar with the general public ;) (with the general public I mean non-europeans and/or non-swedes). BUT, obviously I grew up with some more "mainstream" things too that traumatized me.
So let's go!
**I wasn't scared, more REALLY uncomfortable and it's been stuck in my brain every since I saw it and gives me the ick. And this is a Dan Schneider show and it's interesting that THIS was the thing that traumatized me
****A kid was gonna visit something called an "apple grandma" (this is how they translated this in the swedish dub so idk), but they go to the wrong apartment and has to hide around the house as this man comes looking for them and YELLING and it felt so scary knowing what would happen if they got caught. Like it felt like a life or death situation (probably because they shot it from the kids perspective), but I have also not seen this since I was literally 5 because it stopped airing after that
***** Pippi had this magical power in the 1969 series where she could mimic other voices perfectly, and the most scary voice was the deep man voice. In this episode, she sat in her tree, and then the camera panned to the mannequin hand that she stole earlier in the episode, waving from the little hole inside, and the DEEPEST MAN VOICE said "goodbye, thanks for today". Freaked me out so much.
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