#i literally forgot if i made this same post before but whatever making it again
hanzajesthanza · 2 months
“I feel within me,” hissed the vampire, smiling nightmarishly, “such strength that I could probably fuck up this entire castle.”
regis during this moment:
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patroxlos · 2 months
home base . ch2
"friends who reconnected and who certainly don't want to be more" - 2.8k words
ultraman: rising (2024). kenji sato x reader
master post. ao3 link.
previous: ch1. "friends who have dinner once a week"
next: ch3. "friends who believe in mpreg"
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A few months before the first chapter, you pick your best friend up from the airport.
You would've expected nothing less than banter and unresolved tension.
A few months ago.
Ken Sato knows he would get mobbed at the airport, but he is pleasantly surprised at the crowd that had formed just to see him arrive back at the homeland. Didn’t hurt the ego to see how the entire room seemed to literally light up as he stepped into view.
Sure, this isn’t the most ideal career move. But he did not have much of a choice, so he is going to try to make the most out of it.
He flashes well-timed smirks towards his adoring fans as he walks, adjusting his shades coolly as he is bombarded with a flash of lights. Oh yeah, no matter where he goes, he still got it. He is it.
His mood instantly dampens however when instead of a black luxury van, a beaten up jeep was waiting for him at the end of his airport runway. The windows are tinted, but he knows exactly who it was. As one of the men nearby open the doors of the jeep for him, he begrudgingly climbs in.
“Ugh, dad, I told you I didn’t want you picking me up from the airport,” Ken scowls. He does not spare a glance to the driver’s seat as he begins stretching out his legs. “I’m not going to whatever family lunch plans you made. Just drop me off.”
“Want to try speaking to me like that again?” A voice, that is decidedly not his father, says. You look back from the driver’s seat, a disgusted look on your face. “You talk to your dad like that?”
He feels his breath leave his body.
You look the same as he remembers you.
He bolts up from the back, nearly lunging forward. “I– I didn’t know—”
“No worries sir. I am just your humble driver,” you mock as you begin to set the jeep to drive.
“Wait! Wait.” He presses a hand over yours that held the stick shift, before exiting the jeep quickly and switching to the passenger seat at the front. The crowd screams once more when they see him emerge from the car.
As soon as he sits in front, he reaches over the console to give you a hug. “Hey! It’s been a while.”
You click your tongue, before returning the hug. “That’s more like it. And watch how you speak to Professor Sato. He’s getting pretty old these days.”
He winces. “I will,” he half-heartedly promises, fully knowing he won’t. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you were still studying at some fancy grad school in Europe.”
You laugh. “I graduated. Say hello to the upcoming CEO of Motsubishi. Wear your seatbelt.” You drive out of the airport, and he notices two black cars follow them closely behind. Your security detail.
“Oh bro no way! You got the gig.” He gives a light slap to your shoulder in excitement.
“I’m getting the gig. I can still fuck up before my dad retires.”
He grins widely, getting a good look at you. “You’re some bigshot now.”
“Compared to you?”
“Especially compared to me. I hit balls with a stick.”
“You normally don’t downplay your stunning career running the longest tour of the Ken Sato Show. I should take that as a compliment.” You take one hand off the wheel to nudge him back. “But seriously. Nice to see you again. You look…good.”
“You too— like, you look great,” he grins. “It’s just been so long. When was the last time we’ve seen each other? Two years?”
“Three,” you corrected him. “When I went to see you play at Dodger Stadium against the Angels. I was with your mom—”
“Hm, I think you’re remembering it wrong.” He chuckles. “I don’t think you came to see me play.”
Your cheeks burn as you drive a little faster. “I thought you forgot about that.”
“No no, I think I would remember when my best friend cheers for another guy at the opposite team instead of me.”
“He’s not just some other guy,” you retort. “He’s Shohei Ohtani.”
“You know he’s a Dodger now,” he points out.
“Yeah…” You bite your lip, trying to suppress a giggle. He didn’t like that. 
He sulks into his seat, arms crossed. “And, he’s only the second-best to me.”
“And are you a two-way player like him?”
“Why? So I can be mediocre at both pitching and batting? No thank you sweetheart.”
He remembers they had the same conversation before, but instead of inside a musty jeep it was someplace much darker and crowded. He had leaned close to her ear, his hand hovering over her waist. They were fighting to have a conversation over the music, and he was desperate to prove he was a much better player than the entire team he just lost to. Oh yeah, he remembers the last time he saw you pretty clearly, three years ago.
He also remembers the mess that happened after, and the promise they made to never talk about it again.
He realizes that they tended to fight a lot whenever they met up, yet it does not dampen their closeness. To him, you are still the spoiled yet easygoing rich kid that hangs around whenever his dad has meetings with your parents. To you, he is still the little crybaby who likes playing Ultraman in the kindergarten playroom.
He denies it to this day, but you know for a fact that he bawled when you said goodbye before him and his mom left for good.
“I missed you,” you aren’t looking at him when you said this, but he feels the affection all the same. “Zoom isn’t the same as seeing you in person.”
“Is that why you’re picking me up? I figured it’s so that your dad knows his favorite endorser is in good hands.” He leans back into the soft leather cockily, raising his arms to position them behind his head. Ken feels like he’s practically part of the family at this point— he owes a lot of his career success to the ardent sponsorship of your parents. It’s kind of hard not to stick out as a player in the little leagues when you endorse one of the biggest technology and automaker companies in the world. He’s lucky that the kindness stretched on to his professional career.
“I figured you would’ve wanted to see a familiar face,” you say.
He did want that. Really badly. He struggles not to show it. “Aw, you miss me that much?” He teases, leaning forward to catch your eye.
He is not really prepared for the sincerity that met him when you reach over to pat his knee before returning focus back to your drive. “I know this move isn’t easy for you, Kenji…You sounded really beaten up over it the last time we called,” You sigh.
He looks out of the window, feigning some nonchalance when he asks “Yeah yeah, so when will you fly back out?”
“You know, when you’re off on a yacht somewhere with your college buddies or doing some business at a convention for your dad.” He recounts your jetsetting habits. He has seen it all on your socials and some unsavory gossip articles he immediately scrolls away from.
‘Young heiress making the most out of life— and her parents’ bank account.’ Or so the tabloids say.
It doesn’t matter that you came to pick him up. You’ll be gone soon anyway, no reason for him to get too attached to having you around. It feels like fate will never allow you two to be in the same place at the right time, when he is too busy running bases and you were too busy leaving on jetplanes.
“Actually,” you sound unsure as to how to say it. “I’m…I didn’t tell you this last time we called because I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to get your hopes up but— I guess I will be indefinitely staying here for now. Same as you.”
He whips his head to face you so fast he nearly got strangled by his seatbelt. “Oh.” He keeps his tone casual. “That’s great.”
“Yeah. Even with how big Tokyo is, it feels like we would practically be neighbors now,” your voice was even, but slightly strained— as if you also couldn’t believe that you both found your way back within driving distance.
The car ride is unbearably silent for him.
It is for you too, as you rush to fill the quiet. “We’ll be seeing each other a lot. I’m staying here for the time being because—”
He didn’t really process anything else you said after you mentioned that you will be seeing each other . A lot.
“...and I just want to make sure you’ll be alright adjusting back here.” You finish. “If you renew your contract it’ll be easier for me to see you—”
“I’ll get to see you?”
It strikes your heart, how soft his voice becomes, far removed from the arrogance he often carries. You approach the docks of Tokyo Bay. “...Yes? That’s what I said. So you better renew.”
“Renew what?” He could not focus.
“Your…contract with the company? You are still staying onboard with us, right?” You activate the private sea bridge that leads straight to his house. He is not sure how you got the authorization— maybe you talk to his dad more often than he realizes.
“Uhuh, yeah… So when can I see you again?” He is already planning to take to the streets of Tokyo with you. You can go on a food crawl at Harmonica Yokocho. The Tokyo Skytree seems tempting but he was not sure if you are still scared of heights. He can make fun of you either way. “Should we get annual passes to DisneySea?” He asks aloud. He could easy acquire them for the both of you, but you might have some secret corporate connections to see more exclusive attractions—
“Dude, I just told you.” You laugh as you drove through the sea bridge. “I might not be able to see you outside of work that much, so you should renew with us or else I won’t get to see you at all. I’m here in Japan because I’ll be busy training to take over the company.”
“Oh suddenly I’m not good enough to kick it with Ms. CEO?” He jokes but deflates slightly at your words. “It’s okay. I…I’m busy with my…own things too.”
“You sure are. You have a photoshoot tomorrow. I arranged for it. Make sure to clean up nicely. You’re representing my brand you know?”
He groans. “Ugh, come onnn… can’t you at least let me get over the jetlag? I heard there’s this great club in Shibuya that would definitely let us in.”
“You couldn’t be any less specific right now. Any club would take us in.”
“So we will hit them all up! Club crawl! A Ken Sato Homecoming Round.”
You pull up at his front door. “Hey, your agent told me you approved of the schedule last month. This conference is part of your contract.”
“Well that was before I knew you would be here!” He unbuckles his seat belt to fully face you. He is always such a drama queen.
And no matter the distance, he always will be your drama queen.
You placed the jeep on park, mulling over his insistence. “...After your shoot. I think I’ll be free. For a quick dinner,” you emphasize the word ‘quick.’
He grabs your shoulder and gives you a hefty shake. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Where ya wanna go? I think DisneySea can be considered a quick squeeze—”
“Maybe someplace near the venue?” You laugh at his eagerness. “I don’t really wanna go anywhere too far from it in case another kaiju attack happens.”
He stills. You notice.
“Oh don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it seems,” you try to reassure him. “It’s just…Ultraman has disappeared for the past several months that it is kinda hard to anticipate when these attacks resolve themselves– what with how the KDF is.”
He knows. Fuck, he knows. “...Do you often worry about that?”
You think for a bit, before shrugging. “When I’m in the country I guess I do, but like everyone else here you just get used to it.”
He does not like the idea of you being used to it.
And maybe this is one of the rare instances where he is thankful for inheriting such a responsibility as Ultraman; the thought of being able to keep you safe gives him a renewed sense as to why he begrudgingly agreed to take on the mantle in the first place.
He…He remembers that he promised his dad he would start the gig no later by tomorrow, after he was barraged with dozens of video messages from his dad urging him to start training to host the Ultra.
“Kenji?” You furrow your eyebrows at his lack of response.
He came back to Japan to be Ultraman.
Millions of people depend on him.
“U-uh oh yea. Definitely. Tomorrow works.” He’ll just deal with his dad another day. Not like I even wanted this job.
The grin on your face made him feel like it was worth it, especially when you reach forward to clasp his hand in yours. “Welcome back Ken.”
His brain short-circuits. He puts his other hand over yours, his grip tighter than your own. “What can I say? Can’t disappoint my No.1 fan.”
The airconditioner ran as you both stayed like that for a little longer. It was only then that he realized they didn’t even put on any music the entire trip down there. He leans in a little closer, his side pressing against the center console.
“Thank you for picking me up.” He says, voice low.
“You’re welcome.” You squeeze his hand, your grin softening to a smile.
New lipstick, he notes as he studies the matt new shade of your lips. He wonders whether it tasted like the strawberry balm you used to wear when you were teenagers or maybe it is just waxy like the last time he saw you.
You let go of his hands, bringing them back to your lap and bringing him back to reality. “Hey, um. It’s not weird right? That we’re meeting up tomorrow night?”
“Huh? Why would it be weird?” He blinks.
“You know…three years ago. When we agreed that we would just like…Stick to being friends?” It is tricky for you to find the right words. “That it won’t work out because we’re just in different places and we shouldn’t…try?”
“It’s not like we were together in the first place,” he says before he could stop himself. He sees the hurt slightly flash in your eyes before you regained composure.
“Right…well…I hope this doesn’t change our agreement?” You fiddle with your fingers. “I know we said those things because we felt like we would never find ourselves close by to one another but now all of a sudden we find ourselves…here.”
You gesture to the both of you.
“I think it’s important for us to remember that…we’re still not really at a place to pursue anything and we are better off as…friends who meet up for dinner.”
He claps your shoulder, a little harder than intended, but with a need to convey a strong sense of camaraderie. “Yeah of course. Friends, we can so do that. Bro.”
“Yeah, okay. Yes. Sorry I had to bring it up because it felt a little awkward earlier in the trip.”
“I didn’t even notice!” Lie. “I totally didn’t think that it would cause any problems.” Double lie. “In fact, I think I’ve moved on. Got some bigger things on my plate.” Triple…No. That’s true. Yes he has. Maybe?
“Oh good,” you smile tightly at him. “So have I…I’m super over it. Bro.”
Oh. “You are?” His voice lilted a bit higher.
“...Yes I am.”
“Okay. Cool.” That’s totally fine with him. “Glad we’re on the same page, Ms. CEO.” You had bigger things to worry about, he had literal bigger things to worry about, it was no biggie. He definitely wasn’t going to lie awake in bed tonight.
Because it was definitely never going to work out between them.
It’s why months from that point, freshly off an argument with you at the yakisoba place the previous day, he nearly chokes on his katsu when Ms. Wakita asks him:
“So if you’re not going to talk about your father, do you have any comments about the gossip channels saying that you harboring a secret love child with the scion of the Motsubishi Group?”
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
Hey, I saw a post claiming you ship AJ and Pinkie together despite that they’re related I guess? It would be nice if you could clear that up if it’s just a misunderstanding.
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it was for a post where i made a joke about the crew round robin dating before twilight showed up AND if you'll notice: it is not colored. i color nearly all of my horse drawings before i send them out. this was because i had 15 minutes to get this made before i had an event i couldnt miss but i wanted to get the idea out, so I doodled it up real quick. the characters are also fucking copypasted
So the reason is ONE i wanted fluttershy and rainbow to be next to each other and i ALSO wanted to have AJ and RD next to each other and then since i literally had, once again, 15 minutes, i didnt think about putting pinkie and rarity in the positions they were.
reason 2: i forgor. the moral of that episode was that it didnt matter if they were related by blood, AJ accepts pinkie all the same. so i just assumed in my head it didnt matter and they werent related, and even if its some great great x45 grandfather relation that would be a cousin so far removed it wouldnt even matter. when i made this image i completely forgot it was ambiguous if they were related or not and i had forgot the episode existed by the time i posted it. oops oh well!
3. that post probably got made because people on twitter are mad at me and looking for other reasons to justify it aside from me supporting just being chill with queer identity. i dont know how you could extrapolate that im some sort of incest-crazy pinkie/applejack shipper when i haven't really ever drawn ship content of them (or anyone) in the first place, and especially since round robin format works by everyone competing against everyone so literally it would be all of the 5 before twilight shows up. its silly. its silly!!! i literally meant ntohing of it bc i made it quick and im a dummy and forgot about one of the 80+ episodes that id watched up to that point.
i literally have a sibling who's awesome and i love and the idea of incest SERIOUSLY squicks me out so its fucking wild that someone would even suggest im some sort of proshipper incest artist or whatever. i can guarantee its just people deliberately looking for ways to make them more uncomfortable with me so they can justify what they're doing more. i think its very bizarre!
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Talent show with Modern! Aizetsu
Heyyyy!!! So y’all remember my last post I talked about the hidden talents that they have & how Aizetsu has the voice of an absolute angel & how he needed to expose his talents! Yeeee well in this HE ACTUALLY DOES ALL THANKS TO YOU, (THE READER) and HIS BROTHERS.
Reader is gender neutral & has a crush on Ai (your nickname for him) & it’s very obvious that he has the same feelings for you. (And a Little surprise at the end ) 💙
• You had been knowing Aizetsu for some years & over time, you started having romantic feelings for him. You’re the only one outside of his brothers/parents that knew he could sing.
• The first time you heard him sing, you were with him when “This Woman’s Work” by Maxwell came on from his Spotify when y’all were on your way from grabbing a quick bite to eat.
• You were literally so moved by his voice and he was so into the song that he got carried away and damn near forgot you were in the car until you spoke up afterwards and spooked him a bit. 😅
• Ever since then, he’s singing around you very often and every song he sings effortlessly took your breath away. His voice is so smooth. Every note was so clear and beautiful.
• One day while you were in town shopping, you found out that a small local club was hosting a talent show and were handing out flyers and you’ve been telling Aizetsu foreverrrrrr to sing in public so you took the flyer and immediately called him.
• You told him about the small club hosting the talent show in 5 days and he wasn’t really sure of himself so you reassured him that he definitely has the talent and should consider giving it a shot.
• He was with his brothers at the time and they were all at their parents place (they love coming together and visiting them every week) & Karaku heard the conversation and asked what was the phone call about and Aizetsu simply told them that you called to tell him that a small local talent show and of course they all were more so wanting Aizetsu to go for it and Aizetsu was really doubting himself saying what if he goes there and humiliates himself so that prompted the oldest of the brothers, Sekido to tell him that he’s talented enough and has the potential to do whatever he set his mind to do. Like they gave him a full blown pep talk and was able to get him to do it! One of The driving forces was when Urogi said “think of y/n being the only one in the room”because they all know that he really likes them.
• Aizetsu then called you back and told you that he was going to do it and even had a song in mind that he could sing a play his guitar. He told you what he picked was a surprise ( the song he picked was one of the songs you’ve been asking him to sing and originally he was gonna wait until your birthday but this was special to him as are you.)
• You were over the moon excited when he told you that he was gonna participate!
• He rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed every night leading up to the talent show.
• The day of, he stayed cramped up in his apartment without returning a call from his brothers, or you. The stage fright got him and his anxiety was high. He was thinking of calling you and telling you that he was going to back down until he got a knock on his door.
• It was his mother & you, coming to check on him to make sure he was alright. He then told her about the talent show & how he finally had the courage to sign up but deep down he was still scared that he would mess up somehow & of course you both told him that he wasn’t going to mess up and reassured him that you loved his singing voice and that he was talented beyond everything else. His mom then told him that she’s been in predicaments before where she felt like she was going to fail but then her parents and her loved ones were really a strong support system and that he has the same thing and you agreed with her.
• Aizetsu then started feeling better and felt like he could do it again! Which made you and his mom very happy! He then called his brothers and told them that he was alright & that he was feeling a little doubt but his mom and y/n came over and gave him a talk and he started feeling better about the talent show again.
• It was already 1 hour and 30mins until the talent show so you and his mom had to get going so he could get ready to go. Before his mom left she embraced Aizetsu tight and whispered “Orire” ( which is “good luck” in Yoruba) before telling him that she will see him later.
• When you, his parents, and his brothers pulled up to the venue, his car was already parked there and it was already starting to get crowded.
• Aizetsu peeped out the curtains from behind the stage and saw how many people were starting to flow in and started to panic a little and then he laid eyes on you and his family then started to feel relieved. He started to feel the nervousness kicking in then he started meditating.
• After others performances, it was finally Aizetsu’s time to shine. He was nervous but all he heard was the reassurance he received from his family and you. The song he chose was “All Night” by Beyoncé.
• He sung the song so beautifully that he received a standing ovation from just about everyone in the club. You and his mother stood up and tearfully clapped and cheered. His brothers were cheering loud, Sekido smirked while standing up and clapping.
• After he went backstage you and his family rushed and told him how great he did. When he hugged you, he picked you up & spun you around a little and then he kissed you and told you thank you for believing in him and you kissed him back and told him that you always believed in him. He also thanked everyone as well but like Urogi said, you were definitely a driving force for him to do it.
I Hope everyone enjoyed my little fluff fic for Zetsy 🥹🥹🥹 there’s more to come for the brothers soon though so keep your eyes peeled!
I Tag @hakujisstuff @hardt4rein @ch3rriiii-bunn @its-freaking-jordan @yunaarts @i-karaku-swear-i-dont-smoke-weed @bbkook @doesfairieshavetails
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Watched the first Paw Patrol movie with my dad, this time entirely in Brazilian dub (first time I watched was entirely in English), in the early hours past midnight today. Have the best of his reactions. Honestly, most were the same as mine when I watched the movie for the first time too, so let's go XD
"How did he SEE that tiny turtle up ahead???? Oh geez, there goes the bridge."
"I decree this trucker as the only sane person in the entire movie and the movie didn't even start for real yet." "Dad, he spilled his ice tea or whatever was that on himself." "It was the road's fault." "........ Ok you got a point."
"Lary, pause." "They look cute sleeping, right?" "They look like us after we eat. Post-dish depression." (It's our personal pun with "post-birth depression") "Tag yourself, I'm Marshall." "I'm Chase. Your brother is... What's this one's name again?" "Zuma? LMFAO YES HE IS"
"When did he have time to get this thing built?" "Who knows. I always joke that he's out there spawning stuff at will." "Are his parents like millionaire or something?" "No one knows about his parents or family, not even the official website gives any info on that." "HOW DOES HE PAY FOR ALL THIS--" *Cue Skye asking the same thing and Ryder responding* *Dad chokes on nothing and I have to pause so he can cough it out and drink some water*
"Oh fuck. He's-- He's lighting up all the fireworks." *Stops what he was doing in the living room to pay full attention* "THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD."
"Sure, block the roads to launch the cars. This is so HotWheels. They have THEIR OWN LANE."
"Isn't-- Isn't Chase their POLICE dog?" "Yeah" "Chase why are you ALLOWING this, how many traffic laws did they JUST BREAK"
"Sweet Jesus, don't mess with Marshall. He's got a mean cannon and he's LOVING it."
"Wait, Liberty's a street dog?" "Yup" "I thought she had an owner. So she's like one of those lovely strays who make friends with just about everyone they cross paths with." "YUP"
"... What the actual fuck is wrong with Humdinger?" *Shrugs* "He shouldn't be allowed to run for elections on anything."
"Oh no, Chase froze. Looks like those panic attacks you used to have." "........ You remember those too, huh" "Yeah. You made me freeze a lot too. I didn't know what to do with you so I'd freeze like that too." "Oh."
"There goes Marshall saving the day again. I see why you like him too." "He's cute." "I like his fire truck. Are you going to buy his toy too?" "You bet it." "Nice. As you should."
"Okay now I'm afraid of Liberty." "Why?" "Did you see how sure she was about her bait plan?" "Yeah?" "SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE TIME OF HER LIFE MESSING UP WITH HUMDINGER I'M CALLING IT"
*Liberty calls Delores a toilet brush* "OUCH THAT WAS BRUTAL I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW"
"Literal prison BREAK. Nice." *Thumbs up to the TV*
"Aw that was cute. Ryder is a good boy."
"That thing is sucking way too many clouds."
"Omg she's so excited HER FACE IS SO CUTE! Repeat this entire scene please."
"Why is her number 22?" "Ryder numbers the vehicles, not the pups." "So they have 21 vehicles before hers." "Yup." "How many are there?" "Last I checked, last one was an Aircraft Carrier ship, number 25." "Wow."
"Did-- Did Zuma just BREAK his-- Oh, it's a boat too. Two-in-one. Ryder DOES really think of everything, huh?"
"Okay that was nice, I thought we wouldn't get to see Zuma doing anything in this entire movie at all." "Aquatic rescue dog in the big city, right?" "Yeah it's not exactly his natural habitat." "I feel him." "... I forgot you were a beach kid." "In my heart I still am."
"PULL THE LEVER, KRONK!!!!!" *Hysterical laughter* "OKAY HE DESERVED THAT."
"Chase KNOWS how to drift-- MOTORCYCLE???-- DRIVING UP THE WALL???????" *Slowly clapping for the entire scene*
"Is he afraid of heights? He didn't seem to be when he rescued the trucker and I see him doing a lot of stuff in the show." "I think it's not the height itself, it's mostly the panic remembering the times he failed at these tasks." "Trauma, then." "Yeah."
"Is he gonna-- Yup. Spirit jump. Of course." (For reference, the leap of faith scene from the movie "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron")
"Okay now I'm afraid of Skye too-- Did the clouds just went POOF." "Yeah they did." "Damn, we just had such a badass scene, it killed the badassery."
"Ouch the helicopter-- DAMMIT ROCKY AHAHAHAHAHA"
"Awwww Liberty! That's my girl. Nice." "That's literally the name of the song that was playing when she was riding her new scooter for the first time." "Perfection. So she officially joined the team?" "Yeah I didn't get there yet but she's in the show after the movie came out too." "Did they do that because there was only one female pup in the show?" "Actually there's Everest too, that Husky Siberian! But she doesn't live with Ryder and his pups, she was adopted by the guy who lives in the mountain. In the main team, yeah, it's only Skye." "Still too few girls, they need more." "Tell me about it..."
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kari-go · 2 months
Don't know if you've mentioned it before, But which akumas are you keeping in your AU?
I already did but! considering I'm changing around the timeline again because I realized some stuff didn't make sense (like why is Gato there during Wishmaker, he's gone at that time lol) this is more of a ramble than an actual coherent post sorry
Stoneheart, Akuma!Juleka (still no name lol), Reverser, Bubbler, and Stormy Weather happen in that order. I don't think I'm gonna change this because this has been the same in almost every version of the timeline I have made so far.
I also have some plans for Befana, Ikari Gozen, Syren, Pharaoh, Collector, "Frozer", and whatever Dark Cupid's name will be. I am like 95% sure these will appear (because they're important, a new miraculous appears in 3, technically 4, of these and I also just like angst lol by that I mean there's angst in 2 of these xd)
I want to include Lady Wifi, Style Queen, Wishmaker, Gigantitan, Vanisher, Mr Pigeon, Copycat/Pixelator (I won't do them separately, only one of those), Gamer (I just think it would be really funny if Stephan beat Max at a game he's never played (I also figured out how it can make sense!)), Sandboy (literally the akuma that made this au, the ending is actually more important to me than the actual akuma lol).
I also have an urge to make Prime Queen happen but that would just be me being really fucking petty so I don't think I'll do it. it would be purely self-indulgent cringe
I'm unsure (because of previous importance or an interesting concept that's too good to abandon or I just haven't thought of it much further) about Anansi, Rogercop, Sapotis, Zombizou, Evilustrator, Princess Fragrance, Horrificator, Reflekta, Silencer, Puppeteer, Animan, Mime, Weredad, Lies, and Kwamibuster.
Definitely (or I'm not planning it) won't happen and why:
Riposte, Oni-Chan - Kagami just wouldn't let herself get akumatized lol we stan
Guitar Villain - No Jagged stuff
Captain Hardrock - she just doesn't make sense with the rules I fear :(
Chameleon - Lila gets akumatized once (maybe twice but it's definitely not this one nor Volpina)
Bakerix, Kung Food - ew no
Malediktator - Andre gets akumatized as Wishmaker instead, he also looks fucking stupid lmao
Catalyst, any group akumas, Robostus, akumatized sentis - doesn't make sense with the rules
Christmaster, Frigtingale, Party Crasher -I'm just not feeling it bro, I should also rename Chris to something different (probably not Noel what the hell)
Timetagger - no fucking time travel please
Miracle Queen - Chloe would not do that shit
Cat/Gato Blanc - even though this was the thing that started this au (paired with Sandboy) no. I don't like it, it makes no sense, it's horrible
any Zoe akuma - no Zoe
Santa Claws - Santa isn't real
If some of them aren't here, they're probably not gonna happen or are undecided because I forgot about them xd
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Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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halfbakedspuds · 23 days
Thanks to @orion-lacroix for the tag! I was gonna get to it earlier but... life happened and I forgor.
Eto bleh. Anyways.
(Also I'm writing this while incredibly tired, so I'm sorry if my English isn't up to scratch)
Writeblr Questionaire
How long have you had your Writeblr/writing Tumblr?
I've had this Tumblr account since the beginning of lockdown (March/April 2020 by us) and I created it because of a PM Seymour video. I made like one post that has now been banished to the void, then forgot I even had a Tumblr account until about ¿June/July? last year when a friend of mine brought up the idea of using Tumblr to share her writing, and I decided to do the same.
What's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
Due to reasons that include but are not limited to me barely having time anymore, I have a tendency to sometimes take a while to reply to people on here.
Don't worry if it takes like a week for me to respond, I'm just like that sometimes.
What's your favourite thing about the Writeblr community?
The amount of people who are infinitely more skilled than me that I can learn and take inspiration from.
Which WIPs or Writing Projects have you been Noodling about recently?
I've had a few emotional scenes for the Tempest Prince brewing in my head (plus I have like an hour with nothing to do after every exam I write, so daydreaming it is)
I'm also somewhat noodling for a small game I'm working on as a side project, but that's less story-related and more technical shenanigans at this point.
Do you remember what inspired them/got you started?
Children of the Stars I don't remember exactly what inspired the story aspect, but I know what the setting evolved from. Basically, I was a huge Mass Effect fan in primary school. Actually, I was a fan of Scifi overall but Mass Effect was peak gaming for me back then. Then somewhere along the line I played Bulletstorm and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, and this half daydream of an Alien Empire locked in an eternal war for survival began to evolve in the back of my head before turning into the first recognisable precursor to Children of the Stars somewhere in late 2021.
Echoes of Shadows was inspired by the game Tails Noir, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and a Call of Cthulhu campaign run by a friend of mine way back when.
The Tempest Prince was originally conceived of because my first playthrough of Bloodborne coincided with my first reading of the Percy Jackson books.
Is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Comics and short stories. Look, I don't have time to read a full length book until, like, November again, so a little episodic escape is a nice way to detox from the crap we need to deal with for these exams.
Name any characters you've created: side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you pulled from your rear... whatever you like!
Artemis is a Siberian ARX-11 mechanized shock-drop trooper who was deployed in a conflict so violent that future historians in-universe consider it less of a war than a outright cataclysm.
Quite literally, like the humble sea-turtle: she was born feet first into a hell she never asked for.
She's also one of the incredibly few Androids who not only survived the Fall of Earth, but after her inevitable 'death' by running out of fuel sources, she managed to remain intact for another six hundred years before a Union archaeology team found her and her enclave and managed to restore some of them to working order.
How much time- in your best estimation- do you spend thinking about them?
Outside the story of Children of Strife, this also makes her one of the oldest sentient beings in the known universe and technically the great great grandmother of almost all modern Androids and Biosynths.
It's also rumoured that she helped to raise a child orphaned during the fall of Earth who would grow up to be the military advisor of the first Empress, which technically makes her an important theological figure in the (now dying) Imperial cult.
Who's the most unhinged?
See, I'd say Adrian from Children of the Stars because he has a tendency to just do shit that makes you worry about his safety, but the thing with him is that he is fully aware of what he's actually capable of and is very cautious to not overstep those limits.
Lyanni, However...
One of Adrian's many nicknames for her is Miragran, which is Callistoan for "Big miracle", because that's what it must've taken for her to have not gotten herself killed yet.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
The fact that the answer is Adrian Castellan does not speak kindly about my mental health, does it...
Do you ever cringe at them?
How much control do you have over your characters? Do they ever write themselves, refuse to co-operate or do things you didn't expect? To what extent?
Not really.
Well, except for Adrian being a typical 27th century child who has no conception of sexism/racism/homophobia etc. beyond it being a footnote in a half-forgotten history textbook, which puts him in situations where it takes him a minute or two to realise that someone's being a prick to Lyanni.
I'd say I have relatively decent control over them. With the exception of the Haliday brothers in the Tempest Prince, 'cause they speak the same dialect of English as I do but I need to dial it back a bit because what's understandable for us has moments where it barely looks like English to foreigners.
And every so often I need to go back and un-Saffa their lines a bit because guess what? My dialect is annoyingly insistent on manifesting itself in these characters.
Are some less co-operative than others?
The old version of Adrian's character was really damn uncooperative. Like, he kept feeling like he was sitting on a story that he couldn't tell, and that was why he kept feeling like he was acting wrong no matter what I wrote him doing.
His current iteration tells that story in a way, and that element of tragedy playing into who he is has made him a lot more co-operative.
When someone asks the dreaded "What do you write about?" question, what do you usually say?
See, most people who know that I write are either close friends who already know what I write, or don't care enough to ask.
My grandmother, however, did ask the one time. That was also the day I realised that I know absolutely no scifi terminology in my home language.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters and do you have a preferred way of receiving said questions?
Listen, if you wrote the question as a note, folded it into a paper airplane and threw it through my window, I'd firstly be very concerned about how in the nine hells you figured out where I live, then I'd be utterly ecstatic for the rest of the day because someone asked me a question.
I keep all my socials separate, though, so if you have any questions then asks, comments, and reblogs on Tumblr are pretty much the only way to go.
What makes you follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow them as you see them? Scope them out first to make sure you align with its content? Or do you follow based on WIPs or vibes?
Imma be honest there are like two people on here whom I followed simply because I know them IRL, and like three total writeblrs whom I followed first.
Everyone else followed me and I said "Ey, sha'p," before following back.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to.
Do your mutuals' OCs occupy a space in your Noodle?
No pressure tag for @honeybewrites and @thatoneterrariaplayers-vault,
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moongothic · 9 months
You know I realize I forgot to mention this before in the Crocodile Power Level Speculation Post/Ask (btw I did go back to edit it so it's actually legible and has a point now lmao)
I really wanna know if Croc has any new tricks with his hook
Like in Alabasta the dude had a poison hook under his regular hook, which was also hiding a tiny blade beneath it as well. This is all fine and dandy, absolutely iconic etc etc
And then we never see him reuse either feature again.
Now to be fair, the only other time we could've seen Crocodile use them would've been in Marineford, but the dude just escaped from prison. Although people are quick to meme about the Marines being 'kind enough' to let Crocodile keep his gigantic fucking hook in prison-- If we're being realistic here, they probably let him keep the base of the hook simply because without a hand any shackle would just slide off his wrist and fall off. Of course he wouldn't still be able to escape or anything since he'd still have the Seastone cuff on his right, but if they wanted to keep him properly shackled then letting him keep even just the hook base would just be the easiest option for the Marines.
It's the fact that the Marines went out of their way to retrieve his missing hook attachment and gave it back to him that's a bit wild
But let's keep in mind that Luffy did break the poison hook back in Alabasta. Even if the Marines let Croc keep the hook attachment, I find it extremely unlikely they would've gone out of their way to fix/replaced the poison hook when the guy's going to jail anyways. If anything it'd make far more sense if they got rid of whatever poison might've still been left in the base and confiscated the blade. Like there's an argument to be made for the Marines letting Crocodile keep his hook due to disability reasons, but the poison and the purely stabby weapon? Not so much
So really, it's very likely the reason Crocodile never used his other weapons in Marineford might've just been that he literally didn't have them on him at the time, just the basic hook
But hey, it's been two whole whooping years. That would be plenty of time for him to replace the broken hook and blade and get some new poison into the hook base too while he's at it
Are there any new weapons Crocodile could've gotten inserted into his hook base that he could whip out
Tumblr media
Like just because he could get a new poison hook it doesn't mean he has to get a poison hook, same for the blade as well, right
To be fair, dude feels very old fashioned so I'm not expecting any Inspector Gadget kinda tech from him. Like I don't think Crocodile's knowledgeable about stuff like that himself, at least not enough to install any technically advanced weaponry into the hook on his own, and IDK if he'd trust his hook with anyone to "upgrade it" either for an extended period of time either
But could you imagine if Croc had gotten access to a busted ass Pacifista and stole a laser and had it built into his hook base. He just pulls of the hook and starts blasting people with the laser. How fucking funny would that be. Franky eat your heart out
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#A machine gun inside his hook would also be funny as hell but. Dude can create giant sand blades what does he need a gun for#Honestly I think the coolest and unironically the most useful new hidden weapon Croc could potentially have in his hook base#Would be some kind of a Seastone weapon. Like a Seastone Hook or a blade or even just a stick like Smoker's#That shit would be so OP but also make him such a massive threat. Like much more than his poison hook ever did#It's just where the fuck would he even get a custom Seastone weapon to build in to his hook#Like it's the WG who hoards the shit for themselves so getting one would not be easy. Or cheap#Since you can't just make stuff out of Seastone yourself like you need specialists for it etc#But like I said. I think it'd be the coolest fucking thing he could possibly whip out#Aside from a Pacifista Beam but lmao that ain't happening as funny as it'd be#For the record yes it is possible Croc's hook isn't detachable at all#I just have to question how he ever changes clothes if he can't even take the hook off#Also for the record. Croc's hook could've been treated the same way his clothes were treated in Impel Down#Like Oda totally could've just drawn him without the hook and then just told us in the SBS the Newkama had stolen it from the guards#And returned it to Crocodile after he escaped since he could use it etc. While he got some fresh clothes to wear etc#Like that totally could've been an off-screen thing that could've happened. But if it was something that unimportant then why even bother#He might as well keep the hook for the brief scene in the jail cell because it doesn't actually matter for the narrative
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a counterargument: colin bullied nate pretty relentlessly, including physically. nate was openly scared of colin in the for the children ep. not that that makes what said okay, but he also apologized to colin afterwards.
you know i did think about this when writing the post so here's my thoughts on that:
you're right, colin did bully nate in season one, but unless i totally misread shit (which, possible, i did watch a lot of it fairly late at night and watched the other part of it while writing an essay), the bullying was explicitly ring-led by jamie, and was stopped pretty much entirely by roy yelling at them in the club. as far as i remember, there was nothing specific that colin did that jamie and isaac didn't, and while i also don't remember a full apology to nate, it also seemed like they all got along fairly well afterward, especially after nate's promotion to assistant coach.
and then the Headspace episode happened. i had thoughts abt what i was going to say and then i went "hey lemme pull up the episode to make sure i have that right" and i forgot those thoughts and now i have new ones and they're way more thesis-y than i thought they'd be so here we go!
nate is a bit of a dick to colin during practice, following some ribbing of nate's new nickname of the "wonder kid," coming from him mispronouncing "wunderkind/wonderkind" (as far as i can tell these are the same word? just different spelling?). dani, jamie, and colin all make essentially the same joke, but colin is the only one that nate gets mad at. could this possibly just be because of the lingering resentment from the bullying last season? sure. but colin actually goes to nate's office to figure out what he did wrong and if there's something else he should be doing, and nate literally tells him he did it because dani and jamie have more talent and recognition than he does (incredibly paraphrased). my rant about how colin could end up being THE most inspiring member of the team if the show/the character decides to go that way will be saved for another post, but in essence, nate explicitly tells both colin and us as the viewer that he picked on colin because he doesn't think he has that much power to retaliate, and nate's position as assistant coach gives him a level of authority over colin as well.
crazy. almost like a role reversal over here or something.
anyways, beard calls nate on his shit, nate apologizes to colin in front of the team, the apology is accepted. in all, it was kind of a one-off thing that was resolved fairly easily, and i am realizing that my view of that specific instance may have been clouded by the rest of the episode, but there is one more point i want to hit on before we get to that part, which is that: colin is a gay man in a sport with (from what i've heard) no visibly out queer men, and nate had no way of knowing this, but that probably made his comment cut deeper than he even intended. i know in season three colin says he doesn't want to be some big statement or representation or whatever, and i think that's totally fair and if the show wants to stick with that i think that's chill, but i do still think telling a closeted gay man that "you aren't special, you don't inspire anyone, shut up and do the work" would have a biiiiit of a mental impact beyond just the visible hurt we see from colin as he leaves. again, this bit isn't necessarily on nate since he didn't know and may not have factored it in even if he did, but to me it's just kind of another drop in the bucket of "wow this man is just saying anything now cause he's got an outsourced sense of superiority."
and that's actually where my main problem comes from. because after the apology the team gifts nate a jersey with "wonder kid" on it. and they are happy about it, and they think it's cool, and they give the credit to will (the kitman, you know, nate's old job) for coming up with it, and will says "it's a pretty awesome nickname." and then nate sees one fucking negative meme on twitter, in a flood of literally hundreds of positive ones, plus headlines and fucking podcasts praising him to high heaven, and nate goes "clearly will was trying to embarrass me, guess i better go physically threaten him so he never does that again."
because he's an insecure prick that doesn't actually believe in himself or have self-confidence. he's done a bit of growing, sure, and he can stand up for himself and voice his opinions a bit better now, but despite his stupid fucking posturing and spitting in the mirror (cause its tough? a metaphor for him hating himself? whatever it's fucking stupid) he gets all of his confidence from other people. he hasn't internalized it yet. he feels good when ted praises his ideas, he gets overly insecure when roy does literally anything, including give the proper credit to nate, feels lighter than air and higher than heaven (i don't usually invoke holy shit this much the show must be rubbing off on me in terms of metaphors) when everyone is praising his name, and it can all be ruined by one comment from his father and the same picture of his face on the internet only this time it's saying shit instead of giving him glory. so he's hearing all of this praise from pretty much all corners, and he feels good about it, but he can't hold onto it. he can't internalize it. so when he sees a sliver of criticism, it all goes out the window, and he doesn't want that! that makes him feel bad! so he has to get rid of that, too, and the easiest way to get rid of it is to turn it around on someone else. someone with less power who won't fuck you up and who doesn't visibly have enough support to come back at you (because while i love colin, we really don't see him shine on his own that much. and neither does nate). and sure whatever nate's dad is a jerk to him and childhood issues shut the fuck up that's a grown man with an actively growing support system. which he throws under the bus like five seconds later by the way.
anyways. my point here is really that the episode is kind of a perfect summary of nate's character at this point in the narrative. he's abusing his power out of some weird sense of superiority one good win got him, he's got enough humanity to realize (re: be forced to realize by a large man with a beard and ability to disappear from offices) when he's fucked up no actually hold on. he literally only apologizes cause coach beard confronts him on it and is expecting it. he wouldn't have done this otherwise and we know it because look at how he's treated will literally since he got there. ok sorry for the detour that hit me literally as i was writing and i don't have the energy to go back up and revise to fit that in. so: abusing power, will apologize when made to by those he still views as having more power than him, externalizes all of his self-concept, positive and negative, and continues to take out all negativity on anyone he views as having less power. WHICH AGAIN FUCKING SUCKS SINCE THAT LITERALLY USED TO BE HIM IT'S LITERALLY "WELL I WENT THROUGH X SO YOU SHOULDN'T GET Y" BEHAVIOR FUCK OFF. GOD. okay i need to end this before i get real fucked up about it ok closing statement.
yes, colin bullied nate in season one. yes, nate ostensibly apologized to colin and colin accepted. no, the reason this grinds my gears isn't necessarily the colin thing specifically, but the situation is kind of a microcosm of everything that's going on in the world of nate, and is therefore condensed, and therefore saturated, so it sucks more ass. yes, i understand that pretty much everything i've laid out is why nate is such a well written character, but that doesn't make him a less shitty person. i'm sure i had more things to say and forgot them so if you wanna ask questions shoot.
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
“Occasionally, we don’t get to finish dinner.”
This is part 3 of food days, please click on my profile for part 1 and 2!
18+ no minors! Thanks.
Im so sorry that I haven’t been posting any new fanfic, I’ve just been a horrible art-block. I literally tripped my way thru this whole fic until the end haha. Food days is a comfort fic for me so it’s first I go to when I need to learn how to write again.
are you ready for some turbo angst?
Cw time: angst, a lot of it! Stalking, mentions of harassment, talks about readers former life (as a sex worker nothing graphic) , reader down playing her own trauma, self sabotage n self doubt. Fingering and unprotected sex. Oh! And typos :)
Your reblogs And comments are much appreciated.
3946 words.
You grab one of the meal prep kits you made out of the fridge, Peter’s eyebrow quirks as he watches you put it in your bag.
“Where are you going hon? It’s not a work day?”
You hum as you grab a bottle of water, “Oh, I forgot to tell you.. I’ve been taking nurse classes.”
You turn to face him, you smile as Peter’s face is dumbfounded, “Why?“
“Uhm, because my boyfriend is a superhero? And he loves to get hurt and refuses to go to a hospital and I can only do so much with the basics- should I go on?”
You grip your bag handles as Peter’s face grimaces, “You don’t have to do that for me..” you sigh as you bend down to slip on your shoes, “Peter, how do you think I feel every time you come home, bleeding out and all I can do is try not to cry as I apply pressure to your wound?” Your eyes lift to meet his eyes, his lips are pressed into a thin line. Your hands grace the knob of your front door before you can turn it you feel Peter’s hand's ontop of yours.
“I’m sorry” Peter’s voice is low in your ear as you let your eyes trace his upper body to his face, though his face was serious, his eyes Fien guilty. “It’s fine, Pete. But I’m not the type to be helpless, or useless for that matter.”
“You’re not useless” Peter’s head moves to the side like a puppy. Your lips press into a thin line, “Plus, It can be useful to know this stuff just for everyday life, just in case. Never know when someone will have a stroke or a heart attack, you know?” Peter’s eyes piercing yours makes you gulp.
You nod, turning away again, Peter’s hand grabs your wrist twisting you back to face him, “Peter, I’m going to be-“ his lips smash into yours, your hands grip his shirt as he roams your body. His tongue whirled against yours as he pushed you against the door, you try to pull back but Peter captures your lips again making you whimper.
His lips finally release yours, as you try to catch your breath
“P-peter please, I’m gonna be late!” His lips trailed down your neck, giving little love bites.
“I-I’m sorry.. I didn’t- God, I can’t control myself around you..” Peter’s eyes stay glued to your lips, before moving away uncaging you between the door, fixing your clothes as he sniffs.
“I meant to give you a kiss, g-goodbye but uhm.. I-I got carried away” Peter’s hands rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke averting his gaze from yours.
“Yeah, you did.” You speak flatly as Pete’s eyes lower in shame, you feel your heart tug.
You lift his chin, kissing his cheek then giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“It’s much appreciated though, I’ll be back soon.”
Peter waits for a moment, watching you cross the road before scrambling to put on his suit, He was out the window in seconds.
He knew he shouldn’t follow you, he knew you’d be pissed but he couldn’t help it. I mean what was the harm of making sure your girlfriend gets to her Destination safely, wasn’t like he was stalking her,
Cus it’s like chivalry or whatever.
His hands gripped the side of the building before leaping off in the direction you turned, he never realized how quickly you walked when you were trying to get somewhere. He watched as your legs switched left and right, as your head did the same watching out for potential dangers.
You captivated him, you made him swoon, The way you looked at him, the way you snored in your sleep, all of you just made him drool.
He sighs as he watches you grab a quick snack from the small stands that line every New York street before you make your way toward the above line station. His webs shoot onto the top of the train, he crouches to avoid being seen, He felt a strange sense of deja vu hanging on a train.
Soon he watched you run off the train recklessly jogging down the stairs before breaking into a mad dash down the street, if he wasn’t web-slinging he would have definitely lost you.
He chuckles softly as he watches you catch your breath before smoothing over your clothes and walking inside the mystery building.
He could feel the weight off his shoulder, you were safe, now he could leave. But, what about when you get out? What if someone hurt you when you left- no he couldn’t let that happen, not again.
Peter’s hands rest above his head, “Breath, Pete, breathe.” He could feel his body trembling as he took deep breaths, his hands slowly came to his side.
“God, I am so pathetic.” Peter’s hands smash into his eyes before blinking then pulling out his phone.
Me: Hey babe! Wanted to make sure you made it safely.
My love: Hi, yes I made it safely. Thanks for checking on me.
Me: Yay! Do you wanna get lunch when you get out?
My love: sure that sounds good.
Me: :C whyyy you type it like that, do you not lubbb spending time with meee?
My love: I love spending time with you, Peter. You know that.
Me: yeah I know.
Me: what time should I pick you up?
My love: 3:00 pm Gtg class is starting, please don’t worry about me so much, I have a taser for a reason.
Me: Can’t help it, see you at 3:00.
Spidey straightens up, “Enough moping spider, you got a job to do!” With that, he took a leap.
Spider-Man checked his watch, 2:00 pm..
“Well, might as well be early..Sorry to leave you hangin’ but I have a date with a smokin’ hot babe!” Peter’s words pierce the webbed criminals with anger as he swings away, making sure to swipe some chocolates on the way.
A quick change in the alleyway, and he stood in front of your building at 2:30 pm, tapping his foot to an invisible melody.
A sudden ring of his phone makes Peter scramble to answer it.
“Hey, baby!”
“Hey, Peter. I’m probably going to be late- the classes ended earlier than expected- Peter?”
“In the flesh, with chocolates!” His hands extend to you holding out your favorite sweets as your mouth is ajar.
“Peter…” You slowly hang up on the phone, sliding it into your purse.
“Yes, my love?” Peter’s cheery voice set you off even more.
“Peter, I never told you where my nurse class took place.” You watch as Peter’s face morphed into horror.
“Peter, d-did you follow me?”
“I-..I can explain?” Peter’s voice was just above a whisper, as his eyes cast downwards.
You sigh as you straighten up, “I guess this means we’re getting food to go..”
Your ride home with Peter was silent, all the way up to the front steps of your apartment.
“I don’t.. have my key on me cus I used the window..” Peter’s voice barely broke the silence, you just nod and open the door.
Silence once more as you both set the living room table of food, it’s a practically tradition now. The table was now deliciously decorated with various side dishes and fajita meats.
Each of you reaches for a Tortilla, fingers gracing each other’s hands.
You and Peter’s eyes lock onto each other, hands still hovering over the tortillas.
“I-..I’m” your eyes scan his face, he looked like a hurt puppy. His lips in a slight pout, puppy eyes attached with tears, a new small cut dons his slightly bruised lips.
God, he looks so cute right now. You clear your throat, focus.
“Peter, I-..I’m not that upset at you, you know?” You sighed, your eyes cast down at the food again.
“Yo-you’re not?”
“I-…I understand why you did it, you’re a superhero. People want to hurt you, which means people also want to hurt me” you pause, eyebrows arching, what a sobering thought.
“So- I know why, you wanted to protect me, make sure I got there safe.” Your eyes met his again, Peter’s body was practically hanging on to your words.
“But, you know how I feel about my privacy and how I feel about being… w-watched unknowingly.” You could feel your emotions well up, tears stinging. “I-I ..just wished you’d talk to me about it..” you sucked in air through your teeth, stay strong, don’t cry if you cry he won’t take you seriously, he’ll say you're overreacting, he’ll say you didn’t give him a choice.
“Have I been unreasonable or so weak? For you to undermine me like this, Peter? Have we not always talked things out, hm? I mean you know how scared I am when you go out there! But I don’t follow you around, do I?!” Your words came out in a hiss, venom coated your tongue, it made you want to gag.
Peter whispered your name, softly grasping your hand before you pulled away. “I didn’t mean to undermine you, it-it was totally spare of the moment and I’ve never followed you before, this was the first time, I swear.”
You bite your lip, feeling the metallic taste fill your mouth, “why’d you do it?”
“I-..” you watch as Peter’s eyes search your face, his eyebrows knitted together.
“I’ve.. lost some people, family…friends, lovers- because I wasn’t- I wasn’t attentive enough, and ..some bad people.. took them from me. I just- wanted to make sure you got there safe, hun.” Peter's watery eyes made contact with yours, you felt vile.
God, how could you be so selfish? “I-..I’m sorry, Peter. I didn’t know.” You whispered, you couldn’t look at him anymore.
“Hey, it’s okay. I mean I-I never told you about it, so don’t feel bad. You’re right I should have said something about it..but hey, we should eat before our food gets cold.” The warmth in his voice returned, yours did not.
“I..I’m not hungry anymore, I’m gonna go lay down. Please eat though..” You spoke softly as you rose from the floor, slowly walking into your room.
Your hands shook as you closed the door.
Why? Why? Why were you like this?
“What the fuck is wrong with me..?” You muttered.
Peter cares about you, he’s never once been mean or said hurtful shit to you, never once argued but you have to go and try to fuck it up. You remember your therapist saying that self-sabotage was a thing but you’d never thought you’d do it to Peter, Spider-Man of all people.
You let your fall back onto the door, hard. Before undressing to fall into the bed, clothes thrown whatever to the floor, you didn’t care where. Soon you were just in your underwear.
Usually, you like to fill the whole bed with your body, and stretch out. you felt like you needed to take advantage of it, plus it was fun, made you feel like a little kid again. You never had a big bed growing up, and your adult years weren’t much better, until now.
Something about being in the Fetal Position made you feel weak, tiny, and insecure.
“Stupid..” you sighed. Huddling yourself to the corner of your bed.
“What’s stupid?” You felt the cover dip as he spoke.
“Nothing thinking out loud” you sniffed, sinking under your blankets more, you didn’t want him to see your tears, to see you weaken.
The covers began to shift, cracks of light poked yours before you gripped them, closing them shut.
“I don’t want to get up right now..”
“I’m not goin’ to make get up, I just want to see your face..”
“No.. I don’t want to see my face either.”
“Why? I love your face.”
“Because.. I-I just don’t want to, Pete. Please..”
You wanted to finish with “leave me alone” but you couldn’t cough the words up in time.
You couldn’t feel him next to you anymore, you sighed in relief, sniffing. You needed to be alone, you deserved to be alone, you sniffed again as your tears started to flow.
You felt the cold air hit your back freezing you in place, soon your body felt a warm wall against it.
Fingers brush against your waist, sending tingles down your spine.
His lips grace your shoulder, “I’m not mad at you.” You bite your lip, scooting away from his touch only to get swallowed by it again.
His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you completely to his chest, “Mm, nope. I’ll be here as long as I need to be to make you smile again.”
You sniffled, “I’m sorry..” you sob as Peter peppered kisses down your skin.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You squeaked out, “I didn’t know.”
“I know you didn't, it's okay.”
“I’msoselfish, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“You are not selfish, it’s okay.”
“Please don’t leave me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry”
“I’ll never leave you, never.”
Your sobs turned slowly, whispers, then hiccups as you slowly drift to sleep.
“Baby..babe” your eyes flutter as you groan.
“Mornin’.” His hands brush your cheek as you stare up at him.
Peter’s thumb softly rubs the sleep from your eyes, kissing your forehead. “Sleep well, love? I got you some tea for your throat.” You sat up as you grabbed the tea, staring into the abyss of the cup.
The memories of you being a blubbering mess in his arms last night flood your systems, you felt like shit all over again, tears silently started to slip into your cup.
“I’m sorr-“
You shudder looking up at Peter, his eyes were a brown ocean.
“But I-“
“Stop” his hands gently taking the tea from your hands.
“Peter, please- I just-“
His lips pressed against yours gently, like you were glass.
“You don’t need to tell me more about your past, at least not until you're comfortable enough.” Peter's thumb stroked your lip.
“I-I am comfortable..” your hand wraps around his, kissing his palm. “I want to tell you..”
You watch as Peter chews his lip, “Okay..shoot.”
“I..well. I-I had this customer, he was a regular. S-sometimes we wouldn’t even have sex.. we would just talk, it was nice.” You smiled picking at your fingers as you talked. “He was always so sweet and a little awkward but we all were once, y’know? But I always thought it was a bit strange that all his dates would fall flat. He would say, ‘oh they weren’t the right one’ when I asked. Soon, he asked me out on a date. It was okay, I had fun but he asked me to stop doing sex work which was my only job so of course I said no. I thought that would be it, y’know?”
You sucked in air, “ Of- of course it wasn’t though, to make a long story short. He started stalking me, showing up at my apartment, breaking my windows, even showing up at other clients' houses to harass me. Luckily, some of my customers were well off, bless them. They helped me with the harassment case and even got some of the other girls to testify. He’s been locked up ever since. ” Your eyes peeked at his, “Please don’t think less of me..” your eyes drifted back down to your fingers.
“I would never, you know that.” Peter’s gentle voice made you glance at him once more, watched as his lips trembled and his eyes watered.
You sigh, “ I mean it wasn’t that serious- I-I didn’t get rap-“
“Stop. Stop downplaying your struggles!” Peter’s sudden uptick in voice made you tremble, his eyes softened, lowering his voice. “Stalking is a very serious thing and clearly it caused you trauma. You don’t have to be strong with me, you’re allowed to be weak and You’re allowed to cry.” Peter’s hands cup your cheeks, “Being a couple means being vulnerable, with each other. I-I’ll try as long as you do too.” Your eyes softened as he spoke.
“Can I kiss you?” Peter’s lips hovered just above yours
You could smell his minty breath.
“Yes please.”
Kisses lips slotted against yours, hands sliding up and down your torso. “P-Peter.” Your hands fiddle with his shirt.
“Yes, love?” He grins as he speaks, “I-I-! Can we ..y’know?” His eyes flicker to your lips then back to your eyes as you speak, smirking.
“I don’t know, mind telllin’ me what’s on your mind?” His voice was low as he licked his lips, god you hated when he did this.
“Peeeteee! Don’t make me say it!” You whined, your hands picked at the hem of his shirt,
“I can’t know what you want if you don’t tell me.” His fingers rubbed circles in your skin as teased you.
“I-I wanna.. have …sex, please?” Your voice was barely a whisper, your eyes trained on the floor.
“Ooh, she has manners. Such a good girl” his hand gently tipped your face up toward his.
“Of course, we can have sex, thought you’d never ask.” Peter chuckled.
His hands roamed your body, “Lucky me I don’t have to take any extra clothes off, straight to business. “ he snapped your waistband, making you squeal then focused on his shirt and pants.
“I love you.” Peter’s eyes connected with yours, “ I know”
“Do you now?” Pete’s chuckles warmed your heart as he climbed on top of you. “I’ll really make sure you’ll understand tonight.” His words sent a shiver down your spine.
Peter’s hand slipped into your panties, pawing at your clit you sigh at the soft contact.
“So pretty.” Peter’s gentle circles matched his voice, “Do you mind takin’ your bra off for me, love?” You simply nod, pulling off your bra before covering your chest.
“Can.. we turn off the light?”
“Why would we do that?”
“Cus- I’m embarrassed..” you could feel the sweat forming on your skin as you stared into his eyes.
“Mm, why?” Peter’s free hand slipped between one of your hands covering your chest to fondle one of your boobs.
Your mouth makes shapes but only little noises come fluttering out, you pout as Peter laughs at you.
“No worries, I getcha” he winks as your eyebrows pinch together. “Then why'd you ask?!” fake irritation in your voice.
“Cus I like messin’ with ya.” his nose bumping yours slightly as he captures your lips. His hands traveled down again to your panties, pulling them swiftly down as his lips bombarded yours.
You pull away for air, “Pet-” you groan as his fingers enter you slowly, abducting your will to speak. “Sweetest sound I know.” Peter’s eyes were lowered with lust as he picked up the pace. Your pants became more vocal as his fingers pumped, “I-ah! Peter- plea-!” Your hands wrapped around his wrist, you could feel your legs going haywire.
“Please what? God, you’ve never been this sensitive before. Is it because we haven’t done it in a while?” You arch as he spoke, unable to answer him, trying to desperately move his fingers faster, whining at his pace, it was but not fast enough.
“P-please more! Mm- I - can’t!” You threw your head back as his thumb hit your clit in the perfect spot. “Cant cum? Oh, that’s intentional.” His fingers pulled away from your aching hole, your whine of dismay made him vibrate with desire.
“Shh, I got ya” his hands gripped your sides as he lined himself up, letting you adjust to his size. You shake as his cock jerks suddenly, your face no longer controllable.
“See, this is why I can't turn the lights off. I would miss this gorgeous face of yours.” you could feel his cock pulse inside you as he watched your face squeeze together.
“A-shut up, f-fuck me, Pete!” your hands weakly hit his chest as you attempt you grind against his cock, urgent for more friction.
“Aw, so bossy. Your wish is my command!” Peter's lips smacked against yours as his speed made you see stars in seconds. His tongue swallowed yours as you wailed.
“Gonna c-cum already, love?” you nodded as he spoke, tears in your eyes made it hard for you to see his face. “D-don't worry I'll make it even easier for you.” before you could process what he meant, you were screaming his name as he pounded into you.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as you felt his cum spill inside of you, your nails scratching his chest as your head tilted back.
“Oh- God…!” you croaked, eyes fluttering, “ That was..really good Pete.”
“I-I've never come that fast before, I guess I'm a bit sensitive too. “ you chuckle at his bewilderment, tracing circles in his hair.
“Well, it's welcomed. But now I do need to shower to get your cum outta me. So would you kindly remove yourself from me?” you hummed, giving him a smirk.
“I have a gift for you before you do that tho, one sec!” His hands gently helped you off his penis. You watch as he scrambled out the door before producing a teddy bear.
The teddy bear was dressed in spiderman gear equipped with a mask and all. In the teddy’s hands was a box, your eyes lit up.
“I love stuffed animals, Pete! How’d you know?” You faked a suspicious eye.
“Lucky guess I swear.” your hands brush against his as you take the bear into your arms, plucking the box way in its hands.
“What's this?” you hugged the bear pinning it to your chest as you picked at the box, sneaking a glance at Peter who was clearly nervous.
“Oh! Mr. Bear must have grabbed it for you as a gift- you.. should uh, open it!” Peter's hand rubbed the back of his neck.
You giggled as you opened the box, and two beautiful crimson diamonds blessed your eyes. One is a necklace with a dainty gold and white chain the other was a ring with a black band, with amazing little rich blue sapphires surrounding it.
You gasped, “Peter!”
“Before you say anything! I handcrafted everything in a friend of mine's lab, including the diamonds. I got the sapphires from a jewelry store I helped stop a robbery. I-i also made us matching pairs.” you watched as his cheeks redden.
“Peter- It’s lovely. Bu-”
“I-I'm not finished yet. I-...” Peter sighs, “I- put a tracking device in both of our rings and necklaces. You told me you get worried c-cus you don’t know if I’ll come back and I get worried when I can’t be with you all the time. This way we can both ease our worries, plus if you want you can take it off and not wear it if you want! I promise I won’t follow you if you do.”
Your eyes searched his face, his eyes were firm but soft, it made you melt. Your hands took the ring, “So, is this an engagement ring then?” You held it up, twirling it in your fingers.
“If.. you want it to be.” Peter squeaked.
“Mm, only if you put it on my finger.” You grinned as you watched Peter get on one knee, whispering your name.
“Will you give me the honor of being your fiancé?”
“Yes, of course.”
Peter grins as he slips the ring unto your finger, before tackling you to the bed with a bone-crushing hug.
“I love you, Peter Parker.”
“I'm starving, we should eat those leftover tacos.”
Tags: @theorgansarerotting
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luxwing · 8 months
For the Astarion query you had and will not say any spoilers/will be normal lol.
My first time playing I missed a few companions so less choice. He's hard to miss so anyone in the same boat as me would have had more time with him. Some you can almost miss till end of act 1 so again you'd end up with him for more.
Everyone that I did get for act 1 till maybe a little into act 2 was on the same level of fuckable for me (in that I wasn't too bothered as actually went into the game not knowing the romance was that well developed)
The most romanced characters are Shadowheart, Lae'zel and Karlach. So a lot of people agree with you. I would argue its more that Astarion ticks the right boxes for the people that create stuff for tumblr and tiktok and also has a lot of content/a lot of content that is easily quotable. Then because of algorithms etc the hype train kicked off.
My hope is that it doesn't end up going the other way and he doesn't end up getting hate because of counter culture or whatever. He is a very good character, as they all are and his story is also very moving. Again without spoilers, at release there were some people grateful that they could connect with his story and felt they hadn't seen it, as it is in the game, in media before.
Astarion slowly made his way up that list for me for the following reasons
Interesting backstory that gets more we will say interesting as the acts go on
Backstory has moments of oh fuck I get that trauma
He has the ability to change either way possibly the most
He literally has the most hours of dialogue etc and a bunch of romance scenes when some characters sadly don't
Now I have done more times through the game, personally I think they all have pretty good character development and are all very fuckable as yous say.
If you held a gun to my head and made me pick 1 I would pick karlach, gale and astarion in no set order and take the bullet. But honestly the others are really pretty much just as good to me.
Now the hype is dying down I feel like a lot of convos have been moving onto other characters including wanting to fuck NPCs.
I've gotten far enough not that my character did spend a night with Astarion and it's opened up some more information about his backstory, so I'm starting to see what draws a lot of people toward him. Also, someone mentioned this on my other post, but yeah Neil Newbon's performance does so much heavy lifting that you can't help but find him a bit charming.
And God I forgot this game has three acts my ass is just now almost finished with everything in act one I'm only level 5 after nearly thirty hours oh my god
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But I guess one reason people might not be fans of Astarion (not just because they're tired of the fanmedia saturation mind you) is because of his approvals. He gains approval from you being mean or snarky and from some displays of cruelty, so that might be a quick turn off for people. Ive bypassed this by leaving him at camp whenever I wanna be nice along with the other "kindness is cringe" people.
But yeah, he's a well written character, I'll agree to that. Honestly, all the party members seem really multifaceted whether for better or worse, and I actually like that a lot. I do wish Shadowheart and Lae'zel would stop trying to kill each other and make out already, tho.
Tbh I haven't seen anyone 'hate' on Astarion. Joke about him, sure, but i think I've seen way more people shit on Shadowheart than on him. Which, that's a whole nuther discussion to be had in itself, but yeah idk.
God I still have so much of the game left to do what the fuck
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yukidragon · 2 years
Hi again dearie~ Sorry but I don't know if you posted anything about it, but, do you have any of your beautiful theories on as to Why, the MC doesn't remember making the deal with Jack when they met him?
It's really raking my brain on if it's important, that they remember or not, and as to what caused them to forget and the reason behind it....
Gosh, you really flatter me with such high praise. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy my theories so much. 💖
The fact that MC can’t remember what happened is quite interesting. We, the players, are given glimpses in both versions of the demo of at least some of the initial conversation between MC and Jack. The fact that we don’t get to see it all and that MC forgets it hints to me that whatever happened that day resulted in their special bond.
There’s not enough clues to indicate what exactly happened, but I do have my own personal headcanon that I’m using for Sunshine in Hell. I’ve briefly mentioned in past theories among other topics that I think Jack and MC made a deal that created a bond between their souls. Specifically, they have a piece of each other’s souls.
The reason why I think this is because of the threatening monologue Jack gives an unknown person. He mentions that a piece of him is in a place the person can never reach and it’s growing bigger and stronger. In the “no” route he “taking some part” of MC. I think this piece mentioned in both cases is a piece of their souls, which creates the connection.
Considering consent and Jack being literally unable to do anything MC doesn’t want is a big part of the story, this leads me to believe that MC willingly agreed to this exchange. They can also choose to end the deal at any time.
Now... given Jack might be able to make MC black out, as we’ve seen after their conversation with Ian, it’s possible that he intentionally made them forget the deal. This would obscure the details of it and the limits of what they both can do while minimizing the risk that they might choose to end the deal.
However, what I personally believe happen was that it was an unintentional side-effect of the deal. Jack has spent the past 40 years having his soul tormented in hell. MC has not had their soul meddled with. I think having a piece of their souls exchanged was too much for MC to take and they blacked out from the pain. I mean... we’re talking literally taking a piece of their soul and replacing it with someone else’s. Trauma from intense pain can lead to memory loss, hence why they forgot their first meeting with Jack and the deal they made.
Why it doesn’t cause the same amount of pain in the “no” route when Jack is taking more is probably because their souls are already bonded. It’s possible that he could make the process painless at that point, as he did surround them in a thick cotton candy haze that made it hard for them to think. It might even have been done specifically to avoid making them experience the same level of pain as before when making their bond deeper... with their consent of course.
Why doesn’t Jack tell them the deal? Well... I think we can all agree that MC would have probably freaked out suddenly having a giant clown in their apartment without any memory of who he was or how he got there. If he tells MC about the deal without them remembering that they agreed to it might make them choose to undo the deal, thus sending him back to hell.
Jack can’t let that happen.
Sure Jack is keeping secrets from MC and in ways lying by omission, but someday they’ll understand... they just have to trust him. It’s for the best. He just wants what’s best for them, and what’s best for them is if they stay together... forever.
Anyway, this is just what I think is going on. I could be totally wrong here. We’ll just have to see when the full game comes out when the truth is finally revealed...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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howlinghound11 · 11 months
can you believe that i um, forgot that i was going to post my dan vs the sims screenshots lmao
anyway here they are before i forget completely again lol starting with outfits cus i spent a really long time on them, i was literally just like playing dress up with them like dolls lol which i dont usually do with my sims but like i also spent a long time looking at different clothes theyve worn throughout the series (except i had to work with what i had yk) but anyway!
Dan's outfits
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All my thoughts here: i just had to try to give him a black shirt in every outfit lol i wish we could make custom clothes like in sims 3 but yk, i didnt have many body/face scar options bc i only have the werewolf pack i think that contributes scars but i did what i could (transmasc dan real lol), i don't have much to say about Dan's outfits (except that i spent like forever picking a pair of jeans for no reason lol) but like did you notice that hes got on "Chris' shirt" in his swimming outfit hehe, Also i kinda really like the shirt hes got in his summer outfit i was like 'this is a cool ass shirt id wear that shirt' lmao
Chris' outfits
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Thoughts: i was going to download a mod to fix the color of chris' shirt but then like i didn't want to lol, also i went through a lot of hairstyles but there wasn't one i liked so hes actually got the same as dan but whatever lol, i gave him a dog tag in case he gets lost lmao, about his scar: its a bitemark (from dan lmao) oh also he has a tramp stamp bc uh i thought it was hilarious lol like if he lost a bet or something, i could go on explaining how the majority of his outfits are based off of ones from the show but like i dont think i will lmao, i made his party outfit sort of match elise's lol
Elise's outfits
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Thoughts: Elise! I think i spent the longest on her outfits for some reason, the mod i downloaded was to fix her hair color, i could not have her going around with just red hair it didn't look right lol, i gave her scars too bc like why not lol i also gave her a full back tattoo bc it was sick lol, oh i also gave her a watch that looked like the little communicator she wears, can you believe that the only long shirt option was a button up for sleeping?, her party outfit is actually my favorite lol idk if its something she'd wear but i went back and forth with a couple different things and like that one was so cool lol
and finally, Mr Mumbles (she doesnt have any outfits lol)
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I actually had another Mr mumbles made but i didn't like that one so i went back a spent a really long time trying to make her perfect lol i think she came out pretty good
Other screenshots will be in another post! Cus this one is really long lol
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
You're one of the few Sam critical blogs I know and I need to vent if that's okay? I'm rewatching spn, I'm up to S2 Playthings where Sam made Dean promise to kill him if he goes darkside. I've never seen anyone talk about Sam's actions here, it's so horribly selfish of Sam to ask that of Dean and it's EXACTLY what John did right before he died. John and Sam are similar, both were selfish and emotionally manipulated Dean and often treated him like a tool instead of a family member!
Yes, hello! You're always welcome to vent here, about this or any other topic! (Sorry for the delay in response; I saw the notification a short while ago, but I felt as though this deserved a better response than something tapped out on a phone and wanted to wait until I got my laptop :) )
But yes, I absolutely agree! (And I thank you for reminding me! I had wanted to say something about this last time I rewatched the episode, but clearly I forgot about it! Thank you!)
Dean had just told him the episode before that "I wish to God [Dad had] never opened his mouth" --- and, in that aforementioned episode, Sam had been pissed that John would demand the order of Dean, which makes this is as hypocritical as it is selfish --- so it's absolutely atrocious that he turns around and pulls the same manipulative crap in "Playthings", right after condemning John's actions.
I mean, on the simple side of things, Dean's entire thing is "saving people, hunting things." Murdering the innocent goes against everything he has, hands-down. And, regardless of whatever John or Sam or anyone else might say, Dean's rarely if ever going to see Sam as something other than innocent.
And it's even worse because neither John nor Sam should have any questions about what Dean's priorities are. John spent the few minutes before delivering the save-him-or-kill-him order musing on how Dean had always taken care of Sam (and, of course, John); meanwhile, Sam has been the benefit of unconditional care --- to an unhealthy degree --- for all of his life. And yet, knowing that family (and, specifically, protect Sammy) is Dean's main motivation, they still see nothing questionable about demanding that he violate that prime directive and murder his little brother.
In short, that sentence from later in the show --- Sam to Dean: You are certainly willing to do the sacrificing as long as you're not the one being hurt. --- would be far more aptly applied to Sam (the one asking his brother to defy literally every fiber of his being) than it ever would be to Dean.
One of these days I'm going to have the time and energy to put together a whole post about the similarities between John and Sam --- they're extensive and horrible in equal measure --- but for now, I'll settle with saying thank you again! I very much appreciate the ask, and I'd absolutely love to hear from you again should you so choose! My inbox is always open, and it's always nice to hear from people!
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
A moment of silence for the golden deer girls...
jk jk! Personally I don't really hate any characters (even Edelgard, but I DO hate her stans LOL )
so to sort of reframe it.. As a writer (and in your personal opinion) how would you improve Bernadetta and Marianne as characters?
And how did Hopes do better in regards to Bernadetta?
NGL I was pretty surprised when I found out how popular they were. Though I can see them working for the JP audience moreso than the Western audience.
Like I can see why some may not like Bernadetta and Marianne when they both have passive personalities , can be extremely pessimistic, and are so wrapped up in their own anxiety and trauma to the point they don't have the capacity to deal with everything else that's going on (That and the writers 100% treat Bernadetta as a joke). Whatever the reasons are it's valid, sometimes characters just dont work for someone!
With Marianne she improves if she survives to post time skip.
With Bernadetta it kinda does and doesn't? though I think she improves in her supports with Raphael and is much more tolerable (in general) in her supports with Leonie.
This is super old and I forgot to finish replying to it but! Look! I'm replying to it now!
Yeah see when it comes to EdeIgard I actually hated her but like... not with the same vitriol I do now because of the stans. I already found the writing for her to be bad (must I once again mention for the unknown amount of times: Ashnard lol), but then the way the stans who go far beyond "I like this character" shove what you already didn't like down your throat? Yiker pikers on a stick. It's one of those things where I didn't like her, but then the fans just made it so much worse. :/
I'm definitely not a fan of the GD girls lol. I mean like I probably said in the last ask response, I don't hate Lysithea or Hilda, but I don't have a strong attachment to them. Really it's GD in general I'm not that fond of, because the only characters I care about from that house nowadays are Lorenz and Claude, with a side of Ignatz lol. That is, I'm not big on Ignatz but I do like him and he'll always have a special little place in my heart for being my very first recruit in my very first playthrough.
For Bernadetta, I posted about her in response to this ask here.
With Marianne, it's not so much that I like, actively despise her. I don't like that she's just... extremely aggravating. She does get better post timeskip for sure, but pre-skip is just awful for me.
I get having anxiety and being afraid and all that, but she takes it too far. Her insistence that "something bad will happen" is used so much that it begins to feel like a poor excuse. On the writers' part, this is irritating because they could've written a character who had anxiety and just... had anxiety. Instead they gave her the whole backstory of thinking she's cursed. I feel that she would be more relatable if she was just a normal person with anxiety.
Because of the supposed "curse", she behaves rudely to people and cuts them off to "yell" at them (not literally yell, but I think you get what I mean?). People seem to give her a pass for usually saying "I'm sorry" before leaving, but it's so abrupt and someone will just be trying to talk to her and/or be nice to her, but she makes them feel bad for talking to her and trying to be nice.
I don't know that it was meant to be intentional on the writers' part, but it comes across as disgustingly manipulative, because that's what people do irl who are trying to garner sympathy. They play the woe is me part and apologize and all that, but it leaves their conversation partner feelings badly toward themselves for doing nothing wrong.
Typically conversations with Marianne are one-sidedly complimenting her and being super nice to her with nothing in return. She makes them feel bad about talking to her, then they compliment her and are still all nice to her. It rubs me the wrong way.
The thing about Houses' supports is that even if you get to the timeskip, if you have C and/or B conversations left, the characters' personalities will still be their pre-skip personalities. Even if she's grown in her timeskip personality, I still end up having to get through supports of her pre-skip personality during the second half of the game. It makes feeling better about her growth a lot more difficult.
And like I said, I don't straight up hate her... but her attitude in the first half of the game is definitely something I wouldn't be able to put up with if I knew her irl. It also gets to the point of being so over exaggerated that I don't feel sorry for her at all anymore. At first you're like oh poor girl, but then it happens so often and with so many characters that it just gets annoying and irritating. It's a boy who cried wolf situation.
I do think she was handled better than Bernadetta in the sense that she was definitely not played for laughs, but I think that's also because there's a huge gap in understanding between the mental illnesses they have. Anxiety is much more commonly understood nowadays, whereas agoraphobia isn't taken seriously and is usually written off as lazy people who just don't want to bother going out. Since it's also become a trope, whereas anxiety is seen irl as a more serious mental illness that is almost always coupled with depression (which makes it even more extreme), it's used as lol look I know that trope, rather than actually diving into what makes people behave like that.
Marianne has some similar problems that make me not like her as Bernadetta, but they're not entirely as bad, she does get much better development, and her situation isn't meant to be funny. I don't mind her being passive and pessimistic - I mean hell I'm super pessimistic irl, thanks society! - but it's the way she treats the people around her and uses the woe is me excuse every single time.
She doesn't want to feel responsible for something bad happening, so she instead puts those bad feelings onto everyone else so they instead feel poorly and she gets to feel better knowing "nothing bad happened". It's like, oh wow, now I feel so much better since I don't have to feel responsible if they die, even though now they're upset because they think they did something wrong when they didn't. It's extremely selfish and while sometimes being selfish isn't a bad thing, imo it kinda is when someone else gets hurt for the sake of oneself feeling better about the situation.
I agree that some characters aren't for everyone! While you don't have to hate the characters to not like them, there can be some that irk you and some you just aren't interested in (I mean take Raphael for instance. I don't care for him either way. He's a sweet guy and I wouldn't want him to die! I just don't have an interest in that type of personality for a character, and also because it's so immensely tropey with little else to him that I'm just very eh about him).
So yeah, Marianne is more along the lines of I can't stand her pre-skip but I can definitely tolerate and appreciate her post-skip. The supports just make it a lot more shaky because like I said, the way they work in Houses just makes the part of her I didn't like come right back instead of me getting to see just the development.
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