#i like how i drew sonic here he looks really good to me
chalkodareal · 1 year
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sonic and homestar they are my friends. theyre my buds
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multifandom-pleasures · 4 months
A/N: sonic boys and babies ? sonic boys and babies. pregnancy down below as forewarning !! pregnancy announcements and such.
you sat patiently waiting on the couch of your home, waiting for sonic to return. he was out doing his hero work, and you had finished your job for the day as well; and now you were waiting to show him what you held in your hand. two very positive tests between your fingers.
you had felt somewhat sick the past few mornings, your usual favorite foods made you gag, and you’d become irritable. even sonic was growing concerned for you, and you waved him off. you were probably just tired. but after speaking with amy and rouge about how you’d been feeling they suggested you take the tests.
and here you were. pregnant. you knew sonic would react well to the news, no matter what was thrown his way he took it in stride. but you were still nervous. who wouldn’t be nervous? you instinctively hid the tests beneath your thigh as the door swung open, the blue hedgehog striding in with a bright smile.
“ (y/n)! “ he practically cheered, shutting the door and zipping over to you. he plopped into the spot beside you on the sofa, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple, “ you okay? you don’t even have the tv on. “ he looked over at the screen across the room, brows furrowed in slight concern at the dark screen.
“ yeah. “ you replied, lips instinctively into a smile, “ I was just thinking was all. how was work? “
“ ah y’know! same old. helped a few people, saved a few pets, beat up a few of egghead’s bots. “ he sighed, leaning back with his hands resting behind his head, “ you? “
you appreciated the talk, it eased your worries, tension leaving your shoulders and your smile growing.
“ good. “ you replied simply, fingers grazing the tests still hidden underneath your leg, “ I actually had some news for you; maybe it can be considered a gift. “
“ ooh, a gift? “ sonic perked up at that, sitting up properly and his smile stretching across his muzzle, “ what is it, babe? “ you took a breath.
“ well, you know I’ve been feeling sick. “
“ yup; I have been kneeling by you in the bathroom in the morning. “
“ and that I’ve been kinda.. mood swing-y. “ he winced and nodded.
“ yeah, definitely noticed that. “
“ and some foods kinda gross me out. “
“ even your favorite. “ he pouted slightly, “ did you go to the doctor? I’ve been worried you were getting sick. “ you laughed and nodded slowly.
“ sort of? not a doctor but, i did find the reasoning for it. “ he sat patiently, silently waiting for you to continue. you instead slid the tests from under you and took his hand, setting the two plastic sticks into his palm. his eyes drifted downwards and stared for a moment, and the silence drew a bit too long for comfort. you almost started to worry again; until he jumped up and practically dragged you off of the couch.
“ you’re pregnant? “ he exclaimed, a grin on his face, “ like; you’re absolutely, positively, a hundred percent sure? “ you squealed and clung onto sonic as he lifted you by your waist, a shy smile on your face.
“ yes! I took a few more tests to make sure. “ you replied, and sonic looked down at you with an expression of absolute adoration and joy, “ you really are happy about it? “
“ of course I am! I mean, I never had a set plan for kids, but, I’m not gonna say no to them either. “ he replied, setting you down onto your feet, “ so long as you want them too, of course.. I would treat you and them so well, I hope you know that. “
“ I never expected anything less. “ you replied softly, unable to keep the smile of your face as he pressed kisses over your knuckles and hands, “ I want them; I want to have them with you.. “
“ I can’t wait. “ he sighed, bringing your hands to his chest. his smile grew more mischievous as he added, “ I hope they can run just as fast as me! we’ll be the fastest hedgehogs around! “
“ sonic. “ you rolled your eyes fondly, snickering. they would be the death of you; and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
you’d never been more nervous in your life. you hadn’t planned for this sort of thing to happen; you had one lovely night with shadow, one thing led to another and now here you stood in the bathroom. three tests lined up on your counter, and each had two very solid, and very obvious lines. you could deny it all you wanted, but you were indeed pregnant.
how were you going to tell him? kids were never a thing you’d discussed, he was much too busy with G.U.N and still freshly healed from his traumatic past. this would be the very last thing he could want. you contemplated just keeping it to yourself, mull over your choices and then decide when you were ready.
that idea flew out the window as you heard said hedgehog coming home, his familiar routine of setting his motorbike keys onto the table, along with his weapon, and then making his way to the kitchenette to spy on what was made for dinner. you hadn’t made anything. you were too queasy to eat, which ultimately led to you meeting your wits end and deciding to finally take the test you had in your bathroom cabinet for a week.
shadow then made his way down the hall, and you threw the tests into the trash, haphazardly wasting some toilet paper in an attempt to hide the sticks. you left the bathroom just as shadow made it to the door, and as he looked down at you he hummed and dipped down to give you a kiss.
“ you weren’t hungry tonight? “
“ no. “ you replied quietly, “ I was feeling a bit sick. sorry, love - I know you love to try what I make. “ he gave a small shrug and smile.
“ it’s alright. “ he slid past you to look at himself in the mirror. he cleaned off a few smudges of dirt and whatever other muck he’d gotten in his fur during his mission, “ are you feeling better at least? “
“ still a bit sick. “ and you spoke honestly, your stomach was coiling with anxiety with how closely he stood beside the trash. you weren’t all to sure if he could see the tests or not. he sighed and looked over at you, eyes flitting over your form.
“ do you know what it is? “ you blinked and replied, voice croaking slightly as your hand instinctively settled on your stomach.
“ what? “ his brows furrowed and he tilted his head.
“ do you know what it is? “ he repeated, ��� a stomach ache or are you coming down with something? “ you let out a breath and shook your head.
“ just a stomach ache. “ shadow was quiet for a moment, and when his eyes flitted to your stomach and back to your face, you nearly lurched towards him as he stepped back towards the trashcan.
he gingerly lifted the stressfully thrown strand of toilet paper and peered into it, then took the tests from the can.
“ you are a horrible liar. “ he sniffed, setting them onto the counter and observing the positive lines, “ and you are horrible at hiding evidence. you’re lucky you aren’t a criminal; I would have caught you immediately. “
you sighed and covered your face shamefully in your hands, almost expecting a negative reaction to it all. instead, your hands were pulled away from your face and you looked up to see shadow’s surprisingly gentle expression.
“ what is your plan? “
“ I don’t know. “ you replied quietly, fingers curling into your palms, “ I was.. I was thinking you wouldn’t want them. “
“ why wouldn’t I? “ he replied, almost sounding offended by the thought, “ I don’t know much about.. children. I can count how many I’ve known in my life with one hand; but, it is your choice more than mine. “
you were quiet for a moment, thinking. you shifted in place as you slid your hands into shadow’s, interlacing your fingers.
“ I would want to keep them.. “ he nodded, kissing your forehead.
“ then we will. I’ll learn. “ his lips curled into a small, faint smile, “ admittedly.. I’ve wondered what it would be like to have children. with you, at least. “ you blushed and ducked your head, “ I do worry I won’t be a good father.
“ you will. “ you replied as you wrapped your arms around him, hugging onto him. he returned the gesture with a sigh, “ I just know it. “
“ i can only hope.. “
it was knuckles who had convinced you to take the tests. he can be awfully perceptive when he wanted to be; and when he noticed the mood swings you had, your changes in meals, and how often you’d been napping, he insisted. you were sure you weren’t, but he said he’d witnessed it a few times with the women in his tribe, and you relented.
you felt idiotic as the test showed you the two solid red lines, and you triple checked on the box that it meant positive. that damned echidna. the door swung open when the silence had stretched on a tad too long and he decided you were done taking the test. he looked down at you and almost looked smug at the result.
“ and I was right. “ he puffed up his chest, hands on his hips, “ as I knew I would be! rarely am I wrong. “
“ shut up. “ you groaned, throwing the test at him which easily bounced off his chest. he laughed and knelt down to pick it up.
“ careful; we must cherish this! the first sign of our kin! wouldn’t you wish to keep it for memories? that is what people do, is it not? “ you felt your face burn as you took the test back, his excitement for it all endearing and annoying all at once. how could he always be so positive?
“ you mean you do want them? “ you stood up and set the plastic strip back onto the counter. he looked at you as if you had three heads.
“ of course! I would want nothing more than to revive the echidnas with the one I adore most. do you not wish to have them? “
“ no. “ you replied, then quickly added, “ I mean; yes! I do, but, it’s just.. a lot all of a sudden. “ you sighed, resting your palm to your face as you looked down. sensing your worry, knuckles set his hands on your waist and pulled you closer towards him.
“ what are you worried for? “ he questioned, and you looked up at him. curse your hormones making you tear up so quickly. you sniffed and shrugged.
“ I just worry I won’t be enough for them.. “
“ of course you will be. “ knuckles replied without hesitation, brows furrowed and a frown on his face, “ you are resilient! and ever charming, and intelligent, and considerate, and patient, and.. “ you raised your hand to cover his mouth, knowing well if you let him talk he would continue on. you let out a small teary laugh.
“ you really think so? “ he nodded, eyes focused on you as if to assure you, since you did cover his mouth. you uncovered it and were immediately met with a kiss.
“ I know it. if there was only one thing I was sure of, it is that. I have faith in you. “ he murmured, “ you will be a wonderful parent to our kin. “ you sniffed and nodded.
“ we can do this.. “
“ that we can. “ he replied with a bright grin, and you returned the gesture.
“ and I will train them to be the best warriors this planet has ever seen! “
“ knucks. “
you paced the throne room anxiously, worrying to yourself on how you would tell scourge. the scourge, king of anti-mobius and previously known non-monogamous ladies man. until you, of course. he had never let a single thing tie him down before you, and because of that you always had the inkling in the back of your mind that for any little reason, he would leave you. even if he’d assured you many times before it wasn’t true.
you nearly threw up alone as you heard the doors open and the said hedgehog came waltzing in. he looked rather cheerful. he had his sharp-toothed grin, glasses resting on his head and his eyes were focused on you. you nearly melted as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into a kiss, which you distractedly returned. he pulled away with a small huff.
“ what, don’t love me anymore? c’mon babe, what’s with that kinda kiss? “ he frowned, almost a pout, as he pressed a few more kisses against your jaw. you wiggled in his hold and gingerly pushed him back, and his frown only grew, “ you okay? what’s up? someone say somethin’ t’you ? y’know I’ll fuck ‘em up. just say the world, doll. “
you shook your head with a soft snort, trying to calm him down before he riled himself up at the thought of someone making you upset. he was cute was he was so protective.
“ no - no. I just.. have something to tell you. “ he was quiet and then led you to his throne, where he sat and pulled you into his lap. he looked awfully serious now with the tone you had given him.
“ what is it, then? “ you wrung your hands together, contemplating how to word it. it didn’t help with scourge eyeing you, tapping his fingers against the armrest of his throne.
“ I’m.. “ you trailed off, then took a breath before continuing, “ I’m pregnant. “ you looked over at scourge, who’s eyes were wide and all motion had stopped. you could feel how tense he was and as you set a hand on his chest, you could feel his heart pounding beneath your palm.
“ you’re sure? “ he said as he finally found his voice.
“ extremely. “ he nodded slowly, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“ you’re keeping it? “ you looked up at him with a small frown.
“ do you want it? “ you asked instead, and you could feel his heart racing further underneath your touch. his chest was heaving slightly, “ I don’t have to if you don’t want me to. “
“ ‘s not my choice, doll. “ he replied with a soft huff, a forced laugh, “ ‘m not the one with somethin’ growin’ in me. “
“ scourge. “ you said sternly, moving to rise from his lap, “ if you don’t want it I won’t have it. I won’t get stuck raising kids on my own. you don’t have to avoid the question. “
he pulled you back down, and you huffed as you looked up at him. his fingers twitched around your arms before he let you go, realizing the action was wrong of him to do. you still stayed seated.
“ I do want ‘em. that ain’t what ‘m worried about. “ he said after a moment of silence, mulling over his words in his mind. he had learned to think before he spoke for you. he didn’t way round unintentionally upset you, “ I.. don’t know what a good dad’s like. “
you softened, recalling scourge’s past. his father had put his kingdom before him, and after many attempts to try and garner his attention; he’d given up, and stuck to himself. it ultimately let him to the bad group he’d found himself in for the rest of his life.
“ that doesn’t mean you won’t be a good dad. “ you replied quietly, reaching up to cup his face. he twitched away for a moment before melting into your hold, “ and I’ll be here with you. it’s not like you’ll be doing it alone. “
“ I just don’t want ‘em to turn out like me.. I didn’t do a good job - growin’ up. “ he sighed, closing his eyes, “ only good thing I did was find ya. “ you brushed your thumb against his cheek, and he scrunched up his face, “ ‘m not gonna lie, doll, I.. “ he trailed off, unable to finish. you knew what he wished to say. he was afraid.
“ I know. “ you whispered, “ do you want it? “
he nodded slowly, and you smiled, “ then I’ll keep them, okay? and we’ll figure it out.. you just gotta treat them like you treat me okay? you’re always so sweet with me, and patient.. and protective. that’s all I want you to be with them. “ he huffed through his nose and finally opened his eyes to look down at you.
“ y’really think I can do it? “
“ course I do, baby. I know how good you can be. “ he nodded slowly, and leaned down to give you a kiss.
“ let’s keep ‘em then. I’ll do my best for ya; and I give ya permission to give me a good smack if I fuck up, yeah? “ you giggled and shook your head. you knew he’d do well; he had the ability to do it. especially for those he cared about.
“ I love ya, doll. “
“ I love you too, scourgey. “
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Sonic Seducer - 2008, interview with Flake
thanks to ramjohn for the scans.
While his colleagues from Rammstein are working at full speed in the studio on the still untitled successor to their 2005 album 'Rosenrot', we invited the eccentric keyboardist to our psycho couch for an entertaining one-on-one chat. Flake Lorenz on success, idols and the advantages of not owning a wallet!
What is your profession?
I'm forced to call myself a musician, anything else would be a lie! The last thing that would probably apply to me would be the term entertainer. You can't really call me an artist either...
Why shouldn't you be considered an artist?
Because such a view presupposes that I would make art! Music does not necessarily have to be art at the same time. As is well known, there is also dance music that is artistically less valuable.
Do you still have stage fright before performances today?
I still have stage fright, but mostly in situations where I'm not 100% sure about how the performance will go — like during my solo performance at the Berlin Volksbühne some time ago, for example. I prefer to follow a precise schedule with times and other details. I feel very safe knowing the band is standing here, I'm standing there and the crowd is standing over there etc.
Are you a generally insecure person?
Yes. I chronically doubt myself and all other people and things.
Would you describe yourself as a perfectionist?
Not at all! Quite the opposite: I'm a real Schludrian - fortunately!
What was your career aspiration as a child?
I really wanted to be a piano player. In the early days I had lessons, but I didn't have my own piano. So in my free time I practiced at the kitchen table on sheets of paper that I drew the keys on. At some point my parents saw that I was serious about playing the piano and bought me my own piano.
Were you a good student then?
At first, but later I became very bad. From the 7th grade I basically saw myself as a punk and school didn't interest me that much anymore.
Did you have to be bad at school to be a punk?
No, not necessarily. I became a bad student all by myself... I actually would have liked to have done better. In the early days of Feeling B I was still in 10th grade - when I came home from our performances at the weekend, I couldn't be completely rested and fit again at school on Monday morning!
What do you like?
What do you hate?
Very much! I probably hate a lot more than I like. I couldn't come up with a top 10 hate objects without neglecting the rest of the stuff.
Where is the most beautiful place in the world for you?
At my home in the country, just outside of Berlin.
Who would you want to swap roles with for a day?
Actually with nobody. I've got enough trouble with myself that I don't necessarily have to take on another role!
What do you have in your pocket at the moment?
A tissue.
That's all?
And money. I always keep my money in my ass pocket — I've never used a wallet in my life!
Out of pure post punk conviction?
No. It's just that I wouldn't think of keeping my money in a wallet in real life. So far it has always looked like this: I kept my credit cards loose in my pocket on the front left and small change on the right. In the ass pockets, notes and banknotes for free use. That's how I got through life for a long time. A friend was very concerned that this would scratch my credit cards and ultimately render them unusable. So he gave me a small bag with a magnet closure. However, this magnetic clasp erased the magnetic strips on all credit cards, garage door openers and alarm system code cards the first time I opened it, so I had to apply for everything again! A clear sign of non-improvement! I dare not imagine what could happen if I used a wallet!
How important is success to you?
There's small successes and big successes — it doesn't bother me that a lot of people think I'm great. With the fame I get from working with Rammstein, the positives and negatives are roughly balanced. It is important to develop your own position on these things. If the TV program annoys me, I turn it off — the same with Rammstein: If I don't want to have anything to do with the band, I put my hat on, go to the back room and have my peace.
What will your life look like in old age?
I don't want to say anything wrong at this point. Mick Jagger said at the time there was no way he would still be on stage singing 'Satisfaction' when he was 50... I also never thought I would live very old. The way of life in this band is anything but healthy: the touring life, the flights every day, the excitement, the noise pollution...
Also, there is a lot of drinking. It has gotten better, but in the past people often drank to the point of unconsciousness; especially in the east. Always. With a reason or without.
Do you have idols?
I think Helge Schneider is very good.
What's your biggest fear?
Quite factually: before dying.
What are your goals in life?
There are none today — I'm done, I've done everything I set out to do!
Do you have any regrets?
My only regret is that I didn't do various things. Then nothing.
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allclawsart · 8 months
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Another beginner artist update! This doesn't look like much but I'm actually really proud of it. Well I'm not so proud of the dog with anxiety on the right, but it was good practice for drawing snouts since I've mostly been drawing sonic the hedgehog style characters. That first face on the left, the one that looks better, was drawn by my husband @pawtimer when I asked how he made his eyes look so expressive. He drew that, then I drew the next red sketch. I thought I did pretty good! This was drawn before my Clash the Rat piece and you can probably tell I used some of what I learned here on that. My goal with this blog is to have new art on here every day, that way I hold myself to practicing, and so I have a good timeline of how my skills are developing. My hopes are that I get actually good at this art thing one day and have my early art super visible so other people might be inspired. Maybe that's too ambitious, but I'm gonna try anyways.
If anyone has tips or resources for me on my journey, or if you just want to suggest something for me to draw so you can see it drawn poorly I'm all ears! I think I'm decent at sonic characters so I wouldn't mind drawing people's OCs either.
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dismaldonut · 11 months
Exerpt From Ch3 of "Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Doctor Crowley"
“...So where’s yours then? This ‘Doctor’ whoever-he-is?” 
“Out there looking for me I reckon. Sorry about earlier. It’s just what he and I do. We try helping people.”
“I’m not regular people,” Crowley winked, wordlessly forgiving her. “What’s keeping you?”
Her eyes rolled. She could use for an apology, but whatever. “Well the rain, for starters. Secondly I haven’t a clue where to start.”
She moved to the front door and opened it. The smell of rain filled the air along with the heavy sound of it rolling to the ground. It was a proper thunderstorm, made worse by Crowley’s emotions. “Hold on,” He sighed, dragging himself out of the comfortable leather chair. Standing beside her at the door, Crowley peered out to the sky. He held his hands up a moment then concentrated. The rain slowed. “Stop, stop stop…” He muttered a growl towards the sky. He had to be careful to not accidentally trigger a drout. 
The rain finally stopped, going from a heavy downpour to nothing.
Rose stared at him trying to not seem impressed. It was brilliant, what he just did! She had seen weather changing devices, a human stretched out so thin she was transparent, the true end of the world with the Sun’s expansion… But never an entity controlling the weather on command like that. He was the real deal. Still not her Doctor. 
“Thank you.” She said flatly, looking back out into the road.
“Any time.” He shrugged.
It only took a few moments for her to hear a familiar whirring sound. It was a sonic screwdriver. 
“Rose?” A familiar voice. It was him! Finally!
Crowley squinted from out in the distance as a man shrouded in the dark came in running for them. Rose’s face lit up and she darted out to greet him. “Doctor!”
The Doctor was grinning ear to ear. He found her! They ran for each other and met in the middle. She lept into his arms and he chuckled, twirling Rose around once. “Good, the teleport worked! I was getting nervous, parallel universe and all. The TARDIS is working somehow here and I don’t know how, but gift horse.”
Rose giggled and drew back to look up at him. “Let’s just be glad it is.” She sealed her words with a kiss.
He hummed contently afterwards as the rest of this alternate world fell into the background. For just a moment. They continued holding hands. Their relationship had blossomed as of late. There was no darkness threatening to consume the multiverse. No Daleks. She had slipped, by total accident, into a secondary parallel universe. With endless branched off parallel worlds, Rose Tyler managed to find him. He wasn’t her original Doctor, but he was close enough, and she was not going to let him go. Never again, especially after hearing the end of his sentence. What he had tried saying back on the worst day of her life.
Crowley made his way onto the soaked and empty road. He was intrigued, wondering who this woman mistook him for. 
She heard him walking towards them at a distance. “There’s someone you should meet, Doctor.” Rose turned towards Crowley and beckoned him over. The Doctor locked onto the stranger, smiling with cautious optimism.
“Who is this?”
Rose spoke quietly to her Doctor. “Anthony Crowley, a demon. Not an alien but… Here I think angels and demons are real. Also, I think he needs our help. He mentioned something about the end of his world. There’s to be a war of some kind. That is what this Agnes Nutter wrote down? Some sort of psychic from the 1600s, it’s connected to now somehow.”
If there was a world that needed saving, perhaps they should stay. Or not. He wasn’t sure if this was something they could handle on their own. 
“Aliens and demons are typically one and the same, Rose, what is he really?” The Doctor frowned.
“You must be the Doctor. Heard tons about you.” Crowley greeted with a tight smile. He locked eyes with his own face.
The Doctor grinned nervously. “I hope they were all good things.”
“The best. I see now why Rose here mistook me for you in the dark. Still, the eyes are all wrong, too… Brown!” Although it was night and the only things illuminating the streets were lamp posts, Crowley could see like it was day. Both of th em tilted their heads to the side like pups. 
The Doctor stopped first and looked to Rose.
“No fair, he has red hair. I told you, I would look good as a ginger!” He rambled on, referring to when he first regenerated past being bald. Rose giggled again and patted his chest. “What again about my eyes? What color are yours ?” The Doctor asked as he squinted, unable so see through the demon’s sunglasses.
“..Not the most..-” Crowley started when someone grappled him from behind.
 All three were abruptly flanked by a group of demons. A strong demon had a vice grip hold on Crowley who thrashed. Another had taken hold of the Doctor and Rose was pushed aside. 
“Rose!!” The Doctor cried out. “Let go of me!”
Shax strolled in forward between Crowley and The Doctor. “I told you that we need you, Crowley.” She mused, looking to the Doctor. 
“I’m right here, you idiot.” Crowley sighed, barely putting up a fight.
The Doctor glared daggers at the demon. “Let. Me. Go.”
“Oh, sorry. My mistake. The similarities are uncanny .” Shax chuckled dryly.
The muscular demon holding the Doctor didn’t let go. “What if this is a trick?”
“Yeah he’s really good at weaseling his way out of things, like the last armageddon,” The smelly demon holding Crowley added.
“This is not a trick! Miss, look at my hair, look at my eyes. Can Crowley change his appearance at will like that?” The Doctor pleaded, throwing logic Shax’s way.
She pursed her lips and thought a moment.
“Yeah think about it. I’m not that good.” Crowley said.
“Quiet, I am thinking.” Shax insisted, looking between the two of them. “You. Not-Crowley. You don’t smell human nor wield the same energy. What are you?”
The Doctor took in a breath. “I’m a Time Lord.”
“A time what?”
Meanwhile, Rose was being held back by Melted-Face Demon. It had to be the ugliest creature she had ever seen. “Let me through!” She insisted. Melted-Face didn’t let her budge. She was ready to gut him with her elbow, but she was worried her arm would get stuck.
“A Lord of Time. I am not a demon, I am of no use to you.”
Shax squinted at the Doctor. “Does that mean you can forsee the future?” A wicked grin began to rise over her lips.
“No, time doesn’t work that way.”
Crowley groaned and gritted his teeth, stoping his foot like a child having a tantrum. He knew what was going to happen next. The sky grumbled threatening rain again. “Rose, find Nina. She works that coffee shop over there. Hide in the bookshop 'till morning.” He called out.
“Who??” Rose replied in confusion.
"AUGH I don't like repeating myself. Nina!"
“If you’re a ‘Time Lord’ whatever that is, perhaps you might be of use to us. Bring them both down.” Shax declared. “Let the girl go. I’m in a gleeful mood.”
“What? What no, NO!!” The Time Lord panicked, thrashing hard as he could against the strong demon keeping him still.  He just found Rose again. The TARDIS was parked safely, but she didn’t know where it is and he was too focused on trying to not get dragged to Hell to think.
“Shax! Keep this Doctor close to me, I need him.” Crowley belted out as the ground disappeared for all of them. "For what?" The Doctor asked.
They all fell into the earth, save for Rose Tyler standing alone. Full Fanfiction is on AO3 here:
Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Doctor Crowley - Chapter 1 - Haunted_Wallflower - Good Omens (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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love-is-a-pearl · 4 months
wait, in one comic where you drew Ash around 5 years old (The one where he got the Z marks on his cheeks) he was already masc presenting there. Does it mean he had been trans since he was a toddler or something? That's highly critical to me, good for him if he really is trans but it seems like Delia really wanted a boy if he'd been trans for so long
is more like.. for me in pokemon universe people just leave their kids go ungendered until they're 10? Kinda?
Like, think homestuck "you only get a name at 13" kinda deal and the whole "what's your name?" and "what do you look like?" that the professors ask in pokemon games intros.
I like to think those are not by accident, they're more like a way to make sure kids are being gendered in the way they prefer once they become "working class", "official adults" or whatever being a pokemon trainer means in pokemon society.
Is more like.. up to the point they get a starter, kids are free to do what they want, go by different names every other day and just have fun exploring that shit yknow?
And when they get their starter, they get to make a BUNCH of important decisions, like picking their forever partner, the name that will go in their ID, their pronouns, all that shit, yknow? So, most parents will raise their kids taking that into account.
(changes can happen of course, I mean I LOVE the idea of gender fluid Ash but that's something i cant say its "canon" in my AU since I havent explored that idea in detail yet)
Is not really "he always knew he was a guy deep inside uwu" but more "kids in pokemon universe are raised in environments that just lets them test this shit out" kinda deal.
And like, I favor drawing the characters close to how they look in the anime cause I prefer that for continuity sake, but since they are cis in there they will never look too different, but I will always try and tweak some small things here and there (like, giving Ash longer hair in that comic) to imply something more.
(also Ash was canonically bullied by his peers because of the issue with his father so.. i wouldn't put it past him to dress up more "boyish" or even using his father's clothes to prove he would go and be like him but better yknow? before realizing that "Hey, is not that I wanted to be like dad. I just wanted to be a dude" lmadopaspd)
But for real... sometimes... is just not that deep? People will give sonic top scars and he is like.. 9? and a hedgehog asopdjasiodj
pokemon is just my little escapist solarpunk utopia and I like pretenting it is a better place than real life even with the smallest little things QwQ
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kageokami21 · 8 months
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Sonic the Werehog
Oh my goodness, this is only my second time EVER drawing Werehog and I cannot believe how good it turned out! Like, what?? I drew this! Not tryin' to brag or toot my own horn here, but I'm actually really, really proud of this piece. I'm a little bit hesitant to say this but, I think my drawing skills really are - albeit really slowly - getting better.
Also, I dunno about anyone else, but I still have a time time this guy is Sonic underneath all of the fur and fangs and claws. He just doesn't even look like himself in his Werehog form (which I know is the point), but still... Anybody else? XD
Sonic the Werehog belongs to Sega
Artwork belongs to me
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1104: Dad to Dad Phone Call (Sonic)
11:34 a.m. at Crocodiles' Household: The Chaotix Detective Agency's Office........
TEAM CHAOTIX! Great Detectives! You want-
Vector: (Answers the Call) Yello? You've reached the Chaotix Detective Agency's Office hotline where we solve cases for an honest living-
A loud, wet sounding cry suddenly rings through the phone's speaker as Vector quickly pulls it away from his ears for a few seconds, recognizing that voice from anywhere.
Vector: Eggman? Is this really you?
Eggman: Yes. ('Sniff') It is I.....('Sniff') Dr. Ivo Robotnik Eggman....('Sniff') Evil scientist....('Sniff') And FATHER OF TWOHOHOHOHOOOO!~ (Continues Crying on the Other Line)
Vector: Uhh.....You good there, doc? You wanna....call later or-
Eggman: No! No. ('Sniff') Don't hang up. ('Sniff') There's something VERY important I need to tell you! ('Sniff') and it involves Sage and Metal.
Vector: (Eyes Widened Before Quickly Getting Up From his Chair He Was Sitting On) You serious!? What happened? Are they okay?
Eggman: Yeah. ('Sniff') They're just fine. ('Sniff') Wonderful even! ('Sniff') The best in the whole world! ('Sniff')
Vector: (Starts Getting Even More Confused by the Call) ......Ooookay. (Sits Back Down on his Chair) Sooo what did your kids do that made you wanna call here exactly?
Eggman: ('Sniff') Okay, so.....('Sniff') Earlier this morning, I was waking up, getting ready to ruin someone's day or whatever till the kids walked in the room and....a-a-and...I...
Sage: (Shows Her Father of Each Drawing She and Metal Drew Together With a Sign that Says "The World's Best Evil Father" on the Top ) Here's Big Brother Metal carrying the sign while igniting his mechanic hover shoes.....
Metal Sonic: ('Scarps Noises')
Sage: Cubot blowing on this gold like musical instrument known as the trumpet, Orbot throwing the confetti around the area, and here is Sonic the Hedgehog groveling on the ground in defeat while you bask in the glory of finally defeating him once and for all. It's not much and our respective artstyles are not much to write home about, but we do hope that this gift is enough to show how much we love you and that we will continue to root for you until the ends of time and space as we know it.
Sage and Metal then puts on the biggest smiles on both of their faces towards their teared up creator and father.
End of Flashback
Vector: (Burst Out Laughing) Ahaha man! Is this what the big fuss is about? A drawing your kids made?
Eggman: (Stops Laughing Before Growling in the Other Line) I am having an emotional breakdown right now and you are LAUGHING!?
Vector: (Dies Down his Laughing) Sorry, sorry.....I wasn't laughing at you. For the most part.
Vector: I wasn't! Really! I was just laughing at the time when Baby Carrot drew a picture of me for Father's Day a year or two ago. (Chuckles Lightly at the Memory) It was so adorable and sweet that I went bursting into water works myself. I can show it to you if you want.
Eggman: (Finally Calms Himself Down) Sure, but..... ('Sniff') Do you mind showing it to me later? Something tells me my eyes wouldn't last a second seeing it without crying again. Is this really one of the few things you have to go through as a father? Tearing up over some..... basic drawing?
Vector: Hey, when it's your kids who went out of their way to make that basic drawing of you, you tend to get emotional real fast. It just goes to show how much they care.
Eggman: Yeah.....(Turns to see Sage and Metal Watching Something on Their Tablet Together) It's nice to have yiur kids fondly of me, isn't it?
Vector: (Happily Nodded) It sure is. I may not be their real, biological father or anything, but....It always makes me happy to see them look up to me as one, you know? It's like I have more of a purpose in life than just being a detective.
Eggman: Yes, well, I suppose despite that minor fact, you still managed to become a marvelous father in your own right.
Vector gets taken aback by a compliment from Eggman of all people, in a brief second before putting on a bright smile om his face.
Vector: Thanks, Doc! I think you're a good dad too. For a evil nut job.
Eggman: I'm an evil scientist, you mindless dolt! There's a difference.
Vector: Uh-huh. Suuure it is-
??????: Ohhhh Vector-Kins~
Vector turns to see his wife, Vanilla, and four of their kids standing together in front of the office's doorway holding freshly baked cake that says "Best Detective Dad" written in green icing. This, in turn, causes his eyes to widen in surprise.
Everyone: Happy Father's Day!~
Vector: No way....You guys did all of this.....(Eyes Begins to Water Up) For me?
Cream: (Smiles Brightly) Why, of course!~ There's no other daddies that lives here but you~
Charmy: And what better way to show how much you mean us than to make this awesome cake, which I call dibs on the one and three quarters of it by the way.
Espio: Charmy.
Charmy: What? This cake looks and smells delicious!
Cream: (Pouts at Charmy Along with Cheese) And it's meant to be shared by daddy and all of us!
Cheese: Chao!
Vanilla: (Gives The Young Bee The Motherly Glare) Charmy Bee, what do we say about sharing?
Charmy: ('Sighs in Defeat') Sharing is most certainly caring.......
Vanilla: That's right. And it would be very rude to eat most of it up from your father and the rest us. Isn't that right, Vector? (Turns to See her Husband in Tears) Vector?
Vector: (Too Emotionally Moved to Speak Properly)
Eggman: Uhh....Vector? Is everything alright over there?
Vector: M-M-My kids.....M-M-My b-beautiful wife.....THEY MADE ME A FATHER'S DAY CAKEEEEEEEEEEEE!~ (Finally Burst Out in Tears as He Drops his Phone Down on his Desk)
Vanilla: (Quickly Rushes Over to Her Husband's Side to Hug Him with Cheese and Cream Doing the Same Afterwards) Oh my sweet Vector-Kins, Its okay~
Espio: (Walks Over to the Gang While Holdimg the Cake I'm his Hands) It seems you've been holding your emotions in for a while now.
Charmy: Yeah......So does this mean I can have most of the cake now or-
Everyone: CHARMY!
Charmy: I'm kidding! I'm kidding!.....Sort of.
Eggman: So is this your way of saying I should call you back or what?
Vanilla: (Picks Up the Phone amd Continues the Call) Dr. Eggman, is that you on the line? Happy Father's Day!
Eggman: Yes, yes. Happy Father's Day to you too. Is your husband gonna be okay?
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) Oh, he'll be fine. (Gently Rubs Vector's Shoulder) He just need to let his emotions out from his system is all. Tell you what. If you're not busy at the moment, would you like to the park with us and then join us for dinner afterwards? I'm making lasagna~
Eggman: Hm. Don't really have much to do on my schedule at the moment.....Sure. why not.
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) Spendid!~ I'll call you back as soon as we get our hardworking detective to calm down. See you soon~
Eggman: Yes, you too. Bye.
End Call
Eggman: (Starts Stretching his Arms Up in the Air) Welp! It's better than doing nothing and cry all day along. (Turns Back to Sage and Metal Sonic) Kids, get yourself ready! We're visiting the Crocodiles again today.
Sage/Metal Sonic: (Holds Both Their Hands Up in the Air in Rejoice) Yay!~\('Scrap Noises')
Happy (Late) Father's Day!
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peachiesnake · 11 months
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My little tl;dr and questionnaire for @sonic-oc-showdown !! tl;dr/questionnaire:
Genesis was born as Project Genesis! Due to his constant emotional outbursts and effectively ripping a hole through the ARK, Genesis was deemed a failure and put on lock down in the worst corner of the colony. There he was mistreated horribly to the point of becoming selective mute and losing the smile he always had. Shackles were also placed upon his wrists that effectively drew out his chaos energy and made him useless, only a select few could remove them with a certain key. On a late night walk with Shadow at her side 3 years later, Maria happened upon Genesis' pod, she wasn't supposed to even be in that area. She sets him free every few nights and he hardly ever speaks but when he does his voice sounds torn and like it hasn't been used in forever. Eventually they find out they found Genesis and allow him to live with the siblings as their big brother. (SKIPPING THE FALL OF THE ARK AS IT'LL GET TOO LONG HERE) Genesis awakes in a pod decades later, after the events of SA2, and finds himself with mild amnesia, not really understanding why hes not on the ARK but instead inside a home to a rabbit and doctor named Vita. They spend their time looking for Shadow and Maria not knowing shes passed.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I knew I wanted something that meant first or original! I couldn't find anything for a while that I really liked until I asked my bf his thoughts and he just said Genesis!
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
His mental age is 18! But he can as a trauma response age regress.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Hes with a rabbit named Vita!
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
He loooooves Taro! Specifically the raw root that you get slices of at hotpot!
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Doing usually what he wants but for a majority of his time in the beginning he spends it looking and hunting for Shadow.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Not really, he plays around with Cream a lot when Vita visits Vanilla!
🎯 -What do they do best?
Pretty much everything that's physical like Shadow, but hes exceptional at puzzles!
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves gardening! It can calm him down usually. He HATES being in groups, when there gets to be too many people even if he likes them he can feel trapped.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The second time Maria and Shadow came to visit! He wasn't sure of them at first, even scared. But he could see the kindness in Maria's eyes and felt a familial buzz in his ears looking at Shadow the second time around!
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
The abuse he endured that almost made him catatonic but was forced to live with because they threatened to do it to Shadow too if he didn't cooperate. (empty lies he had no choice but to believe).
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
No actually!! He had one other design to him that was a bit more gnc but I didn't like how the quills looked so I scrapped it.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I was originally making me and my friends as sonicsonas!! Just some silly fun but then I became deathly attached to Genesis and Vita and made a story with them with my bf!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
I'd definitely say more psychological horror/thriller. A lot of what makes Genesis, Genesis is his mental state and how he views things. When he's done most of his healing then maybe slice of life?
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He's male, but you can call him they or it too he doesn't care so long as you don't call him a girl. His sexuality is gay and he's aro!
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Two!!!!! Shadow and Maria. :)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
His relationship with Gerald was actually good! Though he very much still felt like a new kid around him despite knowing Gerald cared for him even a little. Genesis didn't meet doom, during the events of Shth he was looking specifically for Shadow to kill him and midway had a horrible mental break.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
He's got a huge heart despite it all!!!!!!
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
NOT ENOUGH!!! I have a full time job that usually takes a lot of my energy away, esp as the holidays are approaching.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I mean! Not officially. More like au's or for what if's.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Yelling, small spaces, being restricted in any way, the dark. ect
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
He doesnt have one yet! I made some fun art with Moss' oc Franz but nothing official. If anything, he fights Shadow but thats more personal and less rivalry.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
A couple months!! Hes just a baby :)
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ybetzarts · 5 months
random question, what draws you to knuckles as a character? do you have a favourite version of him?
Okok...bear with me, I have to start from the beginning..
I first encountered Knuckles during the time when he was mostly portrayed as, as they described him, a character merely for comedic relief. I watched the boom series back in 2015 and so my first impression of him was that he was an all-brawn-no-brain kinda guy. I found him funny, i guess...i had no clue back then. To explain why i didnt bother to do any research, here are some screenshots of my response on IG...(see below the break)
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I was a shallow "fan". I find the sonic casts' design interesting and fun to look at. At that time, that was enough...
1. What drew me into Knuckles then?
I'll get into that, but first...The 2nd movie...The only reason i gave Sonic(by Sonic i meant the whole franchise) a chance was because i saw how Knuckles was portrayed in the 2nd Sonic movie. Very different from what i knew of him at that time.
I began researching about him, after watching the movies. There was something. Yea, i was on an info hunt of just about the guy for months! Along the way tho, i also discovered a ton of things about Sonic, the cast, etc. BUT, i was mostly so eager to know about Knuckles. Then man! There was so much to know about the guy...He wasnt just that all-brawn-no-brain type of guy. Those character analysis videos of Knuckles explained a lot of things about him. He's the most interesting of the cast(for me)---his personality(Most of all), his backstory, his sacred duty, being the last of the echidnas, angel island as his home, what's left of his kind(relics, tech, architecture, art, etc.), so much to unpack...and YET there were almost nothing said about them??? The mysteries about the guy continues. Lots of angles to look into his character.
Hmm... I also realized that there were many ways to interpret(?) Knuckles. The tons of fanfiction you can make about the guy, tons of ways to do headcanons about him---one can look at him through his duty as a guardian, through him being a warrior, through his ancestors--and then recently in Frontiers--through the hidden and long lost and forgotten structures within angel island, also, through the M.E. and through the power that resides in the M.E. Am I making sense even???
[I should say that i liked a lot of these things first, before i even liked Knuckles for his design LOL (gawsh, those times when i struggled drawing the dude. I was so eager to learn how to draw him. Usually i would have given up, but surprisingly i didnt), and the "why did he have to be RED" XDD I didnt like red, until Knuckles...] His personality drew me in at first, then came all of these things...
About his personality/character...I can really relate to that. I also happen to like characters who are tough on the outside and are good (not exactly gentle) in the inside LOL. Knuckles looks so tough, immovable as a mountain, but deep down, he's carrying a lot. Rarely or almost never opening up. I can only imagine him as he got older, him thinking like
"No one will be left to take care of the island after I'm gone anyway...so why should i even bother? I could be doing something else, I could be anywhere, I could make use of what time ive been given, of what time i have left."
*proceeds to chuck them thoughts away* Then just like that, back to guarding duty again, still feeling loyal and determined to fulfill his role, and to who knows until when...
For that, Knuckles is the only fictional character that ive come to genuinely like and become interested in. So much so that i got out of my demotivated-uninspired-artist-prison and began drawing again, and for the fun of it!🌟💥
2. As for my favorite version of him?
My gosh! um, currently Renegade, I suppose??? Man, this is hard gah! Theres always something to like about every version of Knuckles. The Knuckles version in my head, the one i created after consuming a ton of Knuckles info, yea i also like that version LOL XDD🌟
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lea-andres · 2 years
Okay, bitches, I warned you. You better be firmly gripping your butts or long gone, it's Team Chaotix Point and Click rant time.
Now, let's be perfectly clear: I don't actually want Sonic Team to make a point and click adventure game. If one was announced tomorrow I'd be VERY scared. Despite the simplicity of the mechanics in the name this is a complicated genre to master. I'd feel better if Sonic Team reached out to someone with past experience for assistance. Like Double Fine (run by Tim Schafer from LucasArts), or Skunkape (A lot of the early TellTale guys who worked on the Sam and Max games), or even the man, the myth, the legend Ron Gilbert himself (he made Monkey Island, the objectively best point and click ever made.) to give a few examples. I'm not saying Sonic Team's bad at game design, I'm saying making the "gotta go fast" games and making the "rub everything in your pockets on everyone you can talk to until something happens" games are two very different skillsets and I wouldn't expect a company that does one to be able to pick up the other and do it flawlessly.
Alright, we all on the same page? Cool, let's continue.
Now, here's step #1 to making a good Sonic the Hedgehog Point and Click Adventure Game: LEAVE THE SPIKY BLUE RAT THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE PLAYING AS HIM, I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A FETCH QUEST FOR HIM, GET HIM THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!
Sonic the Hedgehog characteristically does not work in a point and click. Slowly wandering around an environment examining every detail and talking to everyone about every possible point of discussion is NOT how he rolls. And waiting around for you to do something for him before he'll help you is also not in character AT ALL for him. Luckily, he's easy to get rid of. Just load him and Eggman into a catapult and launch them somewhere else to go fight. Bonus points if what they're up to is a mainline Sonic game you also release, because that's always fun when there's in game hints that two games canonically happened at the same time.
So... Why do Team Chaotix work? The fact that they're detectives makes it make sense they're acting like a point and click protagonist. Examining the surroundings in great detail? They're looking for clues! Speaking to everyone around at great length? Questioning witnesses and suspects! Picking up everything that isn't nailed down? Collecting evidence! The Nancy Drew point and click adventure games exist for a reason: THIS GENRE WORKS REALLY WELL FOR DETECTIVE TYPES.
And I fully insist we play as Team Chaotix. Gimme all three of them! Trust me, having Vector, Espio, AND Charmy playable at any time opens the door to SO MANY fun puzzles! We can do a combined Day of the Tentacle/Sam and Max method of having three protagonists. The two you aren't playing as are roaming around the scene with you, giving you the freedom to talk to them whenever you want (Sam and Max), but you swap between them at any time with buttons in your inventory (Day of the Tentacle).
Why would we want to do this? Vector, Espio, and Charmy have canonically established skillsets that could be utilized for some unique puzzles:
-Vector is quite strong. If you encounter an item you need to get past, but Espio and Charmy cannot move it, Vector can move it.
-Espio can turn invisible. If you need to get in or out without being seen, Espio can do it.
-Charmy can fly, and is quite small. He can reach high areas and fit into small gaps.
Also, if we borrow the dialogue mechanics from TellTale Season 1 and 2 of Sam and Max (where Sam and Max each had their own dialogue choices you could pick from), we can set up mechanics for each detective in dialogue puzzles.
-Vector's a big, intimidating guy. Some of his dialogue might get a bit more threatening, because maybe the suspect'll talk if you scare the pants off of them.
-Espio is a straight shooter. I wouldn't necessarily call him the *nicest* of the three, but he's the most likely to be the direct and blunt one. Some people need to hear it how it is.
-And Charmy's a little kid. He can get irritating, he KNOWS he can get irritating, some of his dialogue options would be him cranking it up to 11 to see if he can get the suspect really mad and confess to something they shouldn't while telling him off.
Now, I'm gonna give you guys what the opening of this hypothetical game might look like. By the time this opening segment would end, we're gonna establish the following:
-How the controls work
-How inventory works
-How swapping between the Chaotix works
-How dialogue works
-The concept that each Chaotix member has a special ability that can be used for puzzle solving.
Ready, whoever stuck around this long? Let's go:
The scene opens on a news broadcast. The news anchor is reporting on whatever latest Sonic vs Eggman fight is occurring, we slowly pan back, and it's being played on a crappy TV set. We slowly turn, we're in the Chaotix's office. We pass Espio meditating in the corner, and come upon Vector, who is snoring away in his desk chair.
The phone rings, startling Vector awake, who loudly knocks a bunch of stuff over retrieving it before the person hangs up.
"Chaotix Detective Agency! Vector speaking! ...Ah, Miss Vanilla, what can I do for you?" We can't hear Vanilla, but Vector looks alarmed by whatever it is she says.
"Don't worry ma'am, we'll be over right away!" He hangs up.
"What's going on?" Charmy asks curiously.
"Miss Vanilla needs us over at her place right away! Where's Espio?"
"He's over there." Charmy points. Espio is still mediating, and he hasn't moved. Vector crosses his arms.
"We can't wait for him to wake up! Charmy, go fetch the pepper grinder!" Charmy salutes.
We are now in control of Charmy. Talking to Vector will just repeat the "Go get the pepper grinder!" instructions. You can interact with Espio if you want, a thorough game would give you a couple different moments of Charmy poking and prodding him before the comment's made that he won't budge when he's in deep meditation like this. There should also be lots of stuff around the office to interact with (including a picture of Mighty and Ray tucked away somewhere for the more detail oriented players to find! Interacting with it will make Charmy comment about it.), but you're supposed to leave the room and head into the kitchen.
There's not much in here. Opening the cabinets will eventually reveal the pepper grinder, which Charmy will automatically grab. It will now be in your inventory. Head back into the office.
"Great! Gimme the pepper grinder!" Charmy hands it over.
"Now step aside!"
The pepper grinder is gone, and there is now a picture of Vector in the inventory. Clicking on it will switch you to being in control of Vector. The picture is now a picture of Charmy, AND the pepper grinder is back in your inventory (this will be the only time an item will need to be passed between the Chaotix like this. They will have a shared inventory from this point further because TRUST ME WE DON'T WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF WHO HAS WHAT THAT GETS ANNOYING AND COULD POTENTIALLY RENDER THE GAME UNWINNABLE IF WE LOSE ACCESS TO SOMEONE AND THE STUFF GOES WITH THEM!)
Drag the pepper grinder onto Espio.
Vector cranks the pepper grinder over Espio's head, black flecks dropping onto his face. Eventually the chameleon sneezes.
"I keep telling you guys to buy an alarm clock!" He complains as he climbs to his feet.
"Miss Vanilla needs us at her place right away! Let's go, boys!"
We are now free to leave the office. Leaving will give us a map of all the areas we will go to during the game. Only Vanilla's house is visible and labelled at this time, but this map would get filled in as we access new locations.
However, the Chaotix get stopped halfway there by the road blocked off by barricades and a guy standing guard at the opening in the barricades.
"Sorry, fellas, I can't let you through. Active construction site!" He announces.
"But this is the only way to our destination!" Vector complains.
"Yeah, let us through!" Charmy demands.
"No dice. Take your little bee there, and buzz off!"
A couple different things should become obvious as you talk to this guy as Vector and/or Charmy:
-He's only going to move if the bell behind him is rung, as that's the signal to go take his break.
-He's not scared of Vector. If he tries to intimidate him, he's gonna calmly remark he's getting paid to stand here and tell people not to enter, so he doesn't care what Vector says or does to him.
-He has kids, so Charmy's antics don't get to him.
-He has not noticed Espio's with them.
Assuming you exhausted all Vector and Charmy dialogue options, you'd end up on Espio's list eventually. It doesn't matter what you pick first, the guy will interrupt you regardless.
"You scared me!" He complains "I didn't notice you were there at all! You're like a ninja!"
The construction worker shoots about a foot into the air the moment Espio speaks up.
"I AM a ninja." Espio crosses his arms in irritation.
None of Espio's dialogue options reveal any new information, but it should be obvious by this point what needs to be done. (If it's not, don't worry, leaving conversation with the construction worker and talking to any of the Chaotix members will prompt to suggest Espio use his ninja skills to sneak over to the bell.)
Once you leave the conversation with the construction worker and regain access to your inventory, there will now be a picture of Espio in it. Click on it to become Espio, and then click on the bell.
Vector and Charmy will huddle up to block the construction worker's view of Espio as he turns invisible. He then hops the barricade, goes over to the bell, and rings it. The construction worker, who definitely has the intelligence of the Boom villagers but leave him alone lmao, tells the Chaotix not to enter the construction site while he's on break.
"We wouldn't dream of it!" Vector promises. The construction worker leaves, Espio reappears, there's a beat...
And then the Chaotix march straight through the construction zone.
They get to Miss Vanilla's house... And I'm gonna stop there. We've learned the bare bones mechanics of how we would get through this game. Everything else would be taking what we understand and making us combine it. If you want an example of a more complicated puzzle, let me know, I could revisit the one I explained AGES ago where we "convince" Knuckles to hand over a Chaos Emerald.
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
Wall o’ Text : The Nintendo Direct
Figured I may as well type up my thoughts on everything from the Direct.  I have it going in the background to remember everything that was shown.  So yeah, if you care about trailer spoilers, now’s your chance to bail, yo.
So let’s get to it, and hopefully not get interrupted by another powerout.
1) Pokemon ScVi DLC - I’m looking forward to these.  ScVi can be a buggy mess, but I still overall enjoyed the games.  Since I’m not super competitive, I don’t look at a bunch of new legendaries as “OH GOD WHAT WILL THIS DO TO THE META QUICK BAN EVERYTHING,” I just see them as “Oh, cool, new things to collect and train, yay!” I do however hope there are still some things they might be hiding.  I’d like to see some new Paradox forms show up.
2) Sonic Superstars - Honestly looks pretty good.  I do wonder if we might get more characters as DLC.  I’d especially love to see what a Classic style Cream would look like.
3) Palia - ...... (checks “cozy farm sim off the bingo sheet”)  Nothing really stood out to me here, other than the phrase “free to play,” meaning microtransaction heck.  No thanks.
4) Persona 5 Tactica - Tactics games usually aren’t a go to for me, though this looks maybe more like the kind of tactics used in things like Mario + Rabbids, which I enjoyed, so I might be interested in this one?  Not super high priority, but on the radar.
5) Mythforce - This honestly might be on the “I’ll want to see more” list.  The artstyle is actually pretty dang nice, it definitely captures that He-Man style saturday morning cartoon look.
6) New Splatfest - Well, I can’t play online, don’t even HAVE Splatoon 3, but as far as choice, I’m torn between Strawberry or Mint Chip, love both of those.  But hey, Vanilla is good too.  Honestly hard to pick on this one.
7) Detective Pikachu Returns - Okay, was NOT expecting that.  I enjoyed the original, so definitely happy for it.
8) Super Mario RPG Remaster - Oh gods it looks beautiful.  It’s one of the rare RPGs that I really did enjoy, so I’ll likely be interested in this one.
9) Untitled Peach Game - Intrigued, but we know like, nothing.
10) Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Port - I have the 3DS game, but never actually played it, so this might spur me to do so.
11) Batman : Arkham Trilogy - I might actually want this.  I loved Assylum and City, never got to play Knight, but I quite enjoyed the ones I did play.  A case of “wouldn’t mind an excuse to play them again.”
12) Gloomhaven - No real strong thoughts on this one admittedly.
13) Just Dance 2024 Edition - (checks the year)  Hey, you can’t do that!  Anyway, no real strong feeling here either,
14) Silent Hope - I’m not sure anything really drew me in on this one.  The concept of no one being able to talk, I at first wondered what that would do for storytelling, like, how they’d work with that concept.  I figured it could be interesting, but also would run the risk of if everything’s just pantomimed, it could get tiring.  But then we just get an NPC that talks for everyone anyway, so... (shrug).
15) Fae Farm - Oy, I already got the “cozy farming sim” checkmark.  No strong feelings here.
16) Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged - I never played that previous Hot Wheels game that came up, but it looked like it could be interesting.  Was the original any good?
17) Manic Mechanics - Basically Undercooked but with car fixing?  I’ve played Undercooked solo which, uh....  Oof.  It’s a lot to keep track of, haha.  Definitely something that would be more fun with other players.
18) Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC - I still need to finish the first game, but it is enjoyable.  So happy for this, and already have the pass so got it downloaded.
19) Dragon Quest Monsters : The Dark Prince - Heck yeah new DQM, I did enjoy those games, so might want this.
20) Pikmin 4 - (hype intensifies)  Super looking forward to this.  I’m happy to see Pikmin 2 style dungeons return, I enjoyed those.  Wonder if we have a time limit this time or not, I can enjoy with or without, but I do wonder if this might be more PIkmin 2 style “take your time,” which I can appreciate.
21) Pikmin 1 + 2 - Heck yeah, all four Pikmin games on one system?  Well, no Hey Pikmin, but the mainline ones, which heck yeah.  I’ll probably wait for the physical version though.
22) Metal Gear Solid : Master Collection Vol. 1 - I’ve never been too into the Metal Gear series, buuuuuut I might be thinking of getting it as a holiday gift for my uncle.
23) Vampire Survivors - Already got it on Steam.  And still haven’t figured out how to survive a full minute past Death’s appearance which is like, a requirement on every stage.
24) Headbangers Rhythm Royale - My only real thought here is Team 17 made a pigeon game, so they will explode violently and not where you told them to.
25) Penny’s Big Breakaway - This looks super fun, I hope it turns out good.
26) Mario Kart 8 DLC - I’m kind of surprised Kamek got in as the Tour rep over Pauline.
27) Star Ocean The Second Story R - I have no real nostalgia for this one, never played the original, don’t know much about the series.
28) WarioWare : Move It! - My only concern is how responsive will the motion controls be.  I usually find motion controls frustrating.
29) Nintendo Live - No way I’d be able to attend, so no real thoughts.
30) Tears of the Kingdom amiibos - These look cool, definitely want them.
31) Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Honestly, yes please.  This looks super fun.
So yeah, all in all, very strong Direct.
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wunidz · 8 months
Richard and Sonic the Tulpa
TW// blood, self harm, Tulpamancy, abuse, drug abuse, pills, school massacre, death and murder
I’m Richard Pastel, I don't have any social life nor any friends, just acquaintances that barely tolerate me. I've been jobless for about two years, I'm barely living by a thread at my university. My comfort series is Sonic The Hedgehog, I love the series with the amazing gameplay to the funny shows and the complicated comics. I love the blue blur, he’s so cool in every aspect.
As I was searching up random shit on Reddit, I came up with a new discoverie, Tulpas, some kind of imaginary-friend on steroids? From what I've read I can make one with my mind, to be whatever I want it to be, a being materialized in my brain.
I want one. I deserve a friend, I’m tired of being alone, I'll create one, and make it my best friend forever…
I went all out, I went to all of the posts that talked about it, and started taking notes on how to do it step by step.
I could not wait, I was so excited, I can finally have someone to talk to! someone who would understand me, someone who wouldn’t abandon me.
Now, it’s pretty obvious who’s gonna be the lucky one, Sonic. I've loved him since I was a child. His games,shows and comics were there for me, now HE will be here for me.
So it started, I wrote some notes on how Sonic would act, his personality, basically how I want him to be, alongside I drew a small doodle of him, sadly I messed up by how fast I was doing it, I colored his arms blue, such a dumb mistake, god dammit.
But let’s get to the point. I've set up in my bed laying on the wall, while my computer was playing Marble Zone from Sonic 1, I closed my eyes and started… praying? 
I was really concentrating on creating Sonic, I didn't open my eyes for a while.
until, i’ve heard something, I opened my eyes, the sound continued, was coming off the kitchen, i’ve ran into there to see what happened, 
Standing there it was, Sonic the Hedgehog, the blue blur himself, but there were some noticeable differences, he was not wearing his gloves nor his shoes, and his arms were blue? But i was too excited to care about it now, I couldn't believe it, it worked! My cheeks were burning from happiness
“You good there lil buddy?”
I jumped up and down
“Hey buddy! Slow down there!!”
“Sorry- I just got a little excited”
I kneel down to be in his view.
“So, you’re the tulpa I created?”
“Yup! on the flesh! Or whatever i’m made out of haha”
“Hehe, What an awful joke!”
Sonic made a silly face.
We get out of the dorm and went to the campus.
“What a beautiful day!”
Sonic said while running in circles around me.
After we spent the afternoon walking and taking interviews for job opportunities, I got in my dorm.
I invited Sonic to my room, and he rapidly sat in my bed.
“damn what’s all this stuff? How do you sleep in here?”
He remarked looking at all my hoarding stored in my bed.
I felt pretty offended, so I ignored the question.
I lay in bed and fastly sleep
The tulpa decided to sleep next to me, similar to a cat.
I slowly wake up, to a sound of Sonic trying to wake me up
“Richard, wake up, wake up you’re gonna be late for class!!” 
“uuuugh okay, i’m getting up!”
I get my materials packed up and go to the classroom, and there i am sitting alone near the window again, but now i have Sonic, he sit on the empty chair, he gives me a huge smile, i give back a small smile
the lesson goes as normal, as i was leaving Tom raynott came up to me
“Hey there Rich! How’s it going my guy?”
“What do you want Raynott?”
“Sorry to bother you, but you’re still looking for a job, right? Me and friends found a ice cream shop nearby that’s hiring and i though-”
“You think I need your help?! I can do this myself, I don't need your pity, okay, Raynott?!”
Kyle Goldman get’s in front of Tom, towering over me.
“Look my guy, Tom just wanted to help you, I don't know why you’re acting up like this!”
“Kyle it’s okay-”
I let out a sigh before I left the classroom, and when I was in the corridor I heard Tom’s voice from the classroom.
“See you next class Richard!”
Walking to the cafeteria, i heard fast footsteps behind me, ii give a look behind my shoulder and see Sonic
“Hey Rich, what happened there?”
“Look, i don’t like people rubbing my struggles in my face”
“Don’t you think he was trying to help?-” “Are you just gonna be nagging me? Look i don’t need help”
“i’m sorry…”
“let’s just get something to eat, i’m starving”
“Yeah me too…”
We get to the cafeteria, get a basic cheap lunch, i fastly eat it, and I see Sonic with a sad expression.
“I still feel hungry…”
“Me too, but I barely have money to buy anything that will fill my belly.”
“Just let’s go…”
We get in class, as the professor talks, i get light headed, not a surprised, this is normal at this point, i briefly try to close my eyes, but Sonic comes up to me, talks loud so i don’t sleep
“Rich! Don’t sleep, you need to pay attention!”
“Richard! Wake up!! Wake up!!”
Then I notice everyone starts to look at me, And the professor glares at me with an angry expression.
“Sir Pastel, if you don’t want to take this class, the door is right there, I think it is better for you to leave if you’re gonna keep up this attitude.”
Everyone starts to laugh, I pick my bag, and quickly get out of the classroom, my eyes watering in rage by the shame I felt. As i fastly walked to my dorm room, I slammed the door shut, I sat in my bed and started crying. Sonic gets near me.
“Rich, Why did you scream? You needed to pay attention to the class!”
“I’m… only trying to help… I'm sorry…”
Sonic looks down with an expression of guilt and fear, almost crying.
“I’m so-sorry…”
I get a boxcutter in my drawer, I extend it, and fastly cut my wrist.
“AAAHHH!!! w-wha…” 
I get scared by the sudden scream coming from Sonic, he’s holding his wrist, with blood coming out of it, the same spot i cutted it my wrist.
“What was that?!”
“you… hurted me…”
“I did nothing to you!”
“it hurts…”
“Can you stop whining??”
“Rich, please, it hurts…”
“It’s just a cut, it will heal soon, can you please stop whining?!”
“It hurts…”
As I screamed, I heard I knocked at my door, I let out a tired sigh and went to answer the door.
“Hey Rich! Just wanted to check up on you, is everything alright?”
It was Tom Raynott, trying to nag me again.
“I’m alright Raynott, please leave.”
I try to close the door me Tom pulled the door to not close
“Hey man, you had an outburst in the class today, you know i’m always here for you, just tell me what happened.”
He makes that cute but annoying puppy eyes
as he’s holding the door, he notices my bloody wrist.
“What 's that?”
He picks my wrist with a strong grip, looking at my cut, then at me with a disappointed expression.
“If I tell you what’s happening will you leave me alone Raynott?”
“Pinky promise! just let me help you Rich”
“I’ve been hearing voices these past days, i can’t barely concentrate, and and i can’t find a job, and i’ve had barely nothing to eat, and I’m just tired… I just feel like I’ll drop dead at any moment.”
“oohh… i’m so sorry to hear that Rich, look, i can’t do much, but i can give you some help”
“I feel pretty ashamed, but I'm very desperate. anything that works is good for me at this point.”
“Well me and my friend Romeo are able to get some meds, I could lend you some to help calm the voices down a little, how does that sound?”
“Sounds great, thanks Tom.”
I immediately frowned and slammed the door in his face.
With a muffled sound I hear Tom.
“HEYY!! Richh, don’t be so meeeeaan”
“Stop acting like this, just give me the meds Raynott”
“Oki doki! brb! And please, don’t hurt yourself, is not good”
“Okay Raynott.”
“W-what do you think you’re doing?!”
I see Sonic standing with a worried look on his face.
“P-please Richard don’t, i promise i’ll be better, i promise i’ll stop nagging you, just please don’t”
“I don’t even remember why I created you.”
He gets on his knees and starts sobbing.
I hear the knocking again, I open the door, Tom Raynott again, now with Romeo Jones beside him.
“Hope you don’t mind i bringed Romeo too!”
“It’s okay, did you bring the meds?”
“Oh yeah it’s here!”
He brings out a pack of Xanax and Paroxetine, I picked up the pack and thanked them.
“Thanks Raynott”
“Don’t forget to thank my pal Romeo too, he’s the one who gets the meds”
“sigh…  Thanks you too Ivey”
“Don’t need to act like it’s a chore man, and don’t call me that, just call me Romeo.”
“...You two can go now, i’ll see if it works, thanks for the help”
I close the door, and hear their footsteps heading out, as I turn my back and I see Sonic still sobbing on the floor.
“P-please give me another chance! I’m sorry
I’m sorry
ⓘ’𝓜 𝓢𝐎ℝℝ¥”
He grabs my feet pleading to me, to not take the pill, i can’t handle this pity party, i can’t handle this brat anymore. In rage, I kick his face, it starts to bleed immediately from his nose, now he’s crying louder than before. I fastly get to the kitchen and get a cup of water, I drink both pills down, as I wait for them to take effect, I look and see Sonic on the floor mopping.
“I-i’m so-sorry, I'm sorry for failing you Rich… I promise I'll be better…”
I just get in bed and I try to sleep. As i wake up, i pick up my phone seeing i was late for class, i get my bag and quickly get in the classroom. As i open the door everyone looks at me, I can feel each one’s thoughts on me… and the professor looks at me with a very disappointed look.
“Hm… late again i see Sir Pastel, go to your seat”
“yes sir…”
I get on my seat, and everything goes as normal. Finally, that brat is not in my ear 24/7 anymore. I feel my head is spinning, and my vision is blurry, but I stand my ground. I won’t leave the class until it is over this time. And before i even know it, the class is over, Tom comes near me and touches my shoulder.
“Hey Rich, you good?”
“yeah, yeah, the annoying voice stopped now”
“Glad to hear that! Also would you like to change contacts? Since we’re friends now hehe”
“huh…? okay…”
I pick my phone and give it to him so he can put his number, while he does the same with me. 
“Call me whenever ya need Rich!”
“Thanks Raynott.”
He made a peace sign and left the classroom with his friends, with Kyle Goldmann strangely missing? those two were glued like moths to lamps, but whatever not my problem. I wanted to eat something, but my money ran out. I feel my eyes water, but there’s nothing for me to do.
I just get to my room, and get on my bed, just feeling tired and sad.
Why can't I do anything right?
I just want to die.
as my self hating thoughts consume me, i slowly fell a sleep
I woke up five hours later, all sweaty and hyperventilating, I felt my heart sink, I looked at the end of my bed, standing there… was Sonic…
but he looked a little different, his fur had grown a little darker, some fluff growed from his cheeks and he was filled with bruises on his thighs and wrists.
𝕀 м𝐈SS𝕖𝒹 Ƴόย
ᔕỖ 𝓢ⓞ BⒶᵈ 
my head felt so dizzy, i couldn't see anything, but YOU’RE BACK! “
“The meds effect wore off, but i’ve learned my lesson, i promise i’ll not fail you this time.”
He looked desperate, but I was having none of that shit. I tried to get to the kitchen to get the last pills but Sonic was desperate to not disappear again.
When my hands get near the pills, he starts screaming, and hears bleeding screaming, and I accidentally dropped them.
As the screaming continued, it came to a pause when I heard a knock at the door. I opened to see it was Maxwell Jones, my neighbor. I think he heard me screaming.
“Hey mate, you good? I heard some screaming from my room.”
“I’m just- Wait you’re Raynott’s friend right?”
“You mean Tom? yeah we are-”
“No i don’t… but i do have adderall”
“Would that calm the voices down?”
“Fuck no, that’s a focus drug”
“I can call Tom if ya want”
“Sheesh, okay just wait a sec”
Maxwell picks his phone and calls Tom, i just observe while he’s talking
“Hey Tom, you know your friend Richard? 
Yeah the smelly one.
Look, he said he needs some help, and can you be here to help him out a lil bit?
he has been screaming, and i want to study, please come quick.”
As we wait, we hear some fast footsteps, we see Tom running down the hall, when he gets near he almost trips over himself.
“Sorry! Got here as fast as I could! Here I bringed some more meds!”
He brings out a small plastic bag with some drugs, I could not recognize most of them.
“Would these help silence the voices?’
“Well, not forever, I've noticed you’re not that well put together, so I recommend talking to a professional.”
“That’s not an option.”
he looked at me with a worried expression, then he looked at Maxwell, Maxwell made a shrug expressing i was a lost cause.
“Be careful with those, just take one at a time, it might be dangerous”
“Is okay, thank you.”
“Are you really gonna do this?”
I see Sonic standing in the corner, strangely more tall and thin than before, with even more cuts on his wrists and thighs.
“I thought you wanted me? I thought you wanted a friend?”
Tears started to fall from his face, he gags a little.
I pick up the pills, he immediately notices my intentions.
“Don’t you dare Richard.”
I picked all the pills at once and gulp them down, was hard with no water, but I did it.
“NO NO NO NO Ňσ η𝐎 几𝕆!!!”
He starts to contort, scream, and… grow?
His body expands, his ribs tear through his skin, exposing it, his face disappearing, a X scar expands and his body gets more abstract. like gas is coming out of him??
My head gets a little dizzy, it seems like taking all of the drugs at once was not a good idea at all…
Sonic… no. that thing, starts to laugh like a maniac, As the laughter gets louder and louder and I feel my body getting heavier, and it all went black.
As I slowly wake up, or atleast hope I woke up, I see that I'm in my bed, but… 
Why? Why? WHY???
As i try to struggle, i hear a laughter
I try to speak, but I can't.
Is that thing again, i can’t even make out what expression it’s making.
“Seems like your plan backfired hahaha…”
Those meds! I shouldn't have taken them all at once, maybe they’re the reason I'm paralyzed now.
It slowly walked near the bed, then it got up in the bed, holding my shoulders and breathing near my face, I could feel it like it was real. Is this really happening?? I’m scared
Please just let me go
He screamed in my ear for what felt like hours. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I want to call for help, but I can't. I want to scream; but I can’t.
It feels like days i’ve been in here, unable to move, hearing this screaming non stop, please make this torture stop!
Then he stopped, he looked directly in my eyes. Those terrifying dilated eyes.
“I promise I'll make you happy…”
As it said those words, I hear a loud bang coming from my door, It was Tom?? please Tom save me.
As i hear the fast footsteps get to my room
I see a dagger go through the Tulpa’s body and stab me in the abdomen. I could not recognize the person who did this.
The Tulpa fastly notices what just happened, but it screams in confusion and denial.
“NO NO NO NO Ňσ η𝐎 几𝕆!!!”
it got on my Arteries, I don’t want to die! Not this way, not right now, please… It feels so cold.
I feel all my blood coming out, I feel my bed all wet.
I don’t want to die, please, I'm sorry Tom.
I feel lighter, and… i… can’t… hear… him… anymore…
“NO NO NO NO Ňσ η𝐎 几𝕆!!!”
“I Can’t feel him anymore… where did he go?”
“Rich? please… i’m sorry”
“What happened…?”
“Where did he go…?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“Please come back!”
“I promise i’ll do better”
“i-i i promise i won’t annoy you again”
“Rich… please come back…”
As Tulpa was weeping, a police officer passed by the door and saw Richard’s body
“CHIEF! We got another one!”
“Wow, he got killed in his sleep, poor guy.”
“This is such a tragedy…”
Tulpa screams, but they can’t hear him, so his only choice is to ignore them.
After some time a team comes and take Richard’s body
Tulpa tried to stop them, but he couldn't 
After they got in the car, Tulpa was unable to keep up.
“Please don’t go…”
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nyctocounterfeit · 2 years
Sonic Redraw challenge or practice
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I’ve been seeing this post everywhere on Twitter and want to give it a try because I’ve been on a sonic kicks a lot lately and also I’ve been practicing on my linework, which I’m starting to like. Coloring on the other hand, wellllllll….. I still got work to do. For me, I think color I can be overwhelmed or lost or what to do so sometimes with some drawing it may look muddy or not as polish or not to my liking. (I know I can be my worst enemy) So I need to find materials to read to understand coloring more. So this was a practice run before I draw anything serious.
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I have been reading the IdW sonic scrapnik island and I really like it a lot. It just a fun horror esc story of eggman scrap robot on a mysterious island. I like how sonic is more valuable and tails is geeky out. ( he is sooo flipping adorable 🥰) so I drew Min Ho Kim cover art, I like there’s a lot going on. I thought it would be a good challenge to practice.
I actually start drawing this before the sonic above. I was more focused on the linework here because I’m starting to not like the flat clean style of linework on some of my work. so I’ve been just using the hb pencil on my procreate instead which honestly I like it more. It somehow give it more dimension or something instead of looking stiff. Maybe it just look like I can control the lineweight easier eventhough I am technically using the same method as before. Where I just line and erase if it’s too thick or add more weight by overlapping it.
I kind of want any critique or opinion on these. Again these were more of a practice run. I am drawing a quick sonic sketch I had in mind because of a little silly joke lol 😂 but I do want to get back to something more serious soon, so maybe something with this linework? Who knows?
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doodleduds · 9 months
hi 🥺👉👈 hello i think i would like 2 enter the sonic fandom. how do i partake in sonic. i dont know where 2 start 😢 ive been vaguely watching some of the fandubs and i just played the murder mystery steam game and !!!! i didn’t grow up with it bc i was a pokemon and mario baby but yea [: ALSO if you see me perusing your art that is why [:< !!!! (and because you are very talented and a beloved bestie mutual)
HI!!!!! Always love seeing u beanie I hope you’re good!! This might be a long response so I’m preemptively putting a cut lol
HI AGAIN BEANIE!!! Disclaimer I’m certainly not an expert BUT i’ll try my best 💙💙💙🫡🫡🫡
The murder of sonic the hedgehog is REALLY good. Its definitely got a lot of love packed into it and it shines through the whole thing. Its a favorite because its a little silly but they still work to take the characters seriously (idk. U can tell the devs really loved doing it. I think its all around a fantastic introduction to the series!)
I’ve been hooked on Sonic from a SUPER early age. Like playing on hand me down consoles and stuff. My favorite game ever was sonic and knuckles or sonic 3 and then it was sonic the fighters. And then every game after that until Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) for the xbox 360 came out and despite the glitches and everything else im sure anyone could tell you about it younger me just found it SO striking. Everything about it. I used to sit and watch all the cutscenes on youtube on the family computer like it was my JOB. Idk where the turning point was I’ve played all the other titles except for a couple here and there more recently but I def think you could start where-ever you want!!!
Theres some games I think most people in the fandom would agree are unplayable or just Bad (for any number of reasons, everyone has their opinions! But think like notoriously bad like sonic boom..or specifically sonic colors nintendo ds version) BUT I’m a firm believer that if Sonic 06 specifically didnt have game breaking issues it would have been a masterpiece (look up project 06…! its a labor of love and it made that game feel like what I thought it did when I was itty bitty and more. Beyond my expectations. Genuinely impressive and really shows how much could have been fixed/polished for gameplay/overall) obviously I’m very biased but 06 is something I’ll never get over and I think more people should see Project 06 because the work put into it is immaculate and really showcases what I loved and still love about that game
The fandubs are good! If you’re looking for more watching stuff instead of playing stuff the original remastered Sonic OVA movie is up on YouTube for free and I think you’d really enjoy that too! There’s some design choices (like knuckles just flying for half the movie/not gliding like he would in later titles) that are more timeline based (like they hadnt gotten a firm grasp in franchise what was what yet etc etc) but it really sticks to that charm that drew me in to begin with so its a 10/10 in my book.
Games I think you could start anywhere you’d like (even if people say you’ve GOTTA play x or y or z or whatever you do what you think you’d like) but as a die hard fan you know I’ve got to mention Sonic Adventure 2 or Heroes or one of those. More ‘recent’ games I’ve really enjoyed that didn’t feel rushed/scrapped halfway through.. Sonic Generations is good, Sonic Unleashed is good (and theres a short film called night of the werehog thats official you could watch!) Frontiers obviously is the best I think we’ve gotten in a while narratively.
And im biased but I really. REALLY like sonic and the black knight. I think it being on the wii was a little bad controls wise but it has some charm! The storybook ones (Sonic & The Secret Rings and Sonic & The Black Knight) were super interesting to me when they came out just because it was a fresh art style lol.. Still very charming to me
The Shadow The Hedgehog game will always hold a special place in my heart and I know you like that guy so if you haven’t checked out that game (it has so many endings.) I think you’d personally love it!!
Other than that I think IDW comics are really great if you can get your hands on em! I don’t read them very often if at all anymore but I keep up to date on new characters in gen (more out of interest for the designs and direction theyre going) but if you EVER get the chance to read the arc with the metal virus you absolutely should. All the comics are great but I think you especially would think that arc in particular is incredible
I’ll link the ova and the werehog animation below but every games cutscene you can find on youtube if you’re ever interested! I can always find more stuff and link you if you want : - )
ONE FINAL NOTE IS THAT SONIC GAMES SOUNDTRACKS DO NOT EVER MISS A CHANCE TO GO HARD AS FUCK FOR NO REASON!!!! All of the games OST’s EVER have at least one song for everybody on planet earth and I will not retract that statement ever. If u havent listened to any I highly recommend it
THANK U FOR THE ASK!!!! Always love to talk about whatever so holler if you want!!!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Cryptomnesia —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: See you in March!! -Danny
Words: 1,746
Phase Five Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Phase
Listen to: ‘Shampoo bottles’ -by Peach Pit
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xxxv: Cliffhanger
"What's in your bag?"
Cat snatched the satchel out of Kate's hands. "You don't wanna see that."
"What is it?"
"Your head."
"What?" Kate tried to take the bag again, but Cat moved it out of reach.
"Don't! I don't know how strong the spell is, better to leave it alone..."
"Oh! Before I forget..." the archer searched in her pocket: M.O.U.S.E. "You took it off and Sergei didn't bother to take it."
"You kept it!" Cat grabbed the earpiece and gaze at it with adoration. Sergei had taken her suit and her spear, but Tony's gift was still hers.
"Mouse, give me a flea."
The A.I. dropped a miniature drone on her palm, she put it on the sole of her shoe.
"Grant access to Kate Bishop," she pointed the earpiece at the girl's face so it could scan her. "Say your name."
"Kate Bishop?"
"Access granted."
"Why can't I get access?" Peter asked in hurt. He was now in the backseat, wearing his mask.
"Because you have Edith, don't be greedy."
"So now what, you kill me?" Kate asked.
"We should wait for nighttime," Cat looked out the window. "So we don't get unwanted attention."
"And once that's done then what?"
"You track down the flea I have on," she explained. "You'll see where Russo's taking me every time I hand in my homework. Spider-man will be wearing my old suit— you know where the sonic grenades are?"
"Yeah I remember, you used one on me once," he huffed.
"Alright. You do that, and then you get the remote," Cat pointed at Kate. "And we free Kurt. Easy."
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'll release myself with Wanda's powers," she explained vaguely. "If that doesn't work Webs here can release me."
"Okay," Kate replied.
Cat could feel Peter staring at the back of her head. "What?"
"What do we do about Russo and Sergei?" He questioned.
"They're mine," she said shortly.
Peter hummed, looking out the window. "They are your bad guys..."
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"You're not coming to L.A. with me, are you?" Kate asked her as soon as Peter left them alone.
Cat avoided her eyes. "Do you really think now's the time to talk about this?"
"I might not know you as well as Spider-man does, but I can tell when you're avoiding a question."
"I'm not avoiding it."
"Then answer me."
Cat stopped what she was doing.
"I can't leave. That city's the only home I've ever known— and I know I could be happy elsewhere," she added before Kate could. "But I don't want that. I refuse to be chased out of my city."
Kate stared at her hard. Her fist clenched around nothing. "You could be happy if you wanted to. I would love to be enough for you..."
The mutant approached her and held one of her hands.
"You're way better than I ever was, Kate. You deserve more than the crumbs I can give you. Yeah, I could be happy... I might be happy after this. But only after this is done."
Kate hugged her. "Why do you have to be so freaking difficult?!"
Cat chuckled, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I've always been a Stark at heart."
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Kate's acting while pretending to kill her had been a bit dramatic, but now they had Peter doing background noises, so it sounded like a formidable fight that the archer eventually lost. Cat went as far as to say very loudly that she would kill her own parents to save Kurt's life. Although she didn't know if that was such a big deal considering she'd never met them.
As soon as the show ended, the trio shared a silent look. It was time. Cat grabbed their hands, and teleported them to the rooftop of her building, her collar activated right away. Kate signed "GOOD LUCK" and Cat's only response was "LOOK AFTER MOUSE."
Spider-man didn't move, he was acting strange, so she just waved at him briefly before going to her apartment.
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Sergei blindfolded her, she was once again thrown at Billy's feet with her bloody satchel in her hands.
"Let me see."
Cat drew out the head with shaky hands, she looked at it, and gently placed it on the floor. She crawled away as soon as it was in sight.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Russo asked mockingly. "Such a well-behaved kitten..."
"Are you going to release Kurt?" She questioned boldly.
Kraven laughed. "He's mine."
Kurt groaned above them, he wasn't speaking at all and she worried he might've fallen back into a feral state, the one they'd both been in when they were children. Cat looked at the men with annoyance, but she didn't argue.
"Finally, she learns to be quiet!" Billy smirked. "I feel merciful, Kat. You won't kill anyone else this month. But that means you'll have to do twice as much next time. Any ideas, Kraven?"
"I think Stark's daughter and Mr. Keener are next."
"Great choice! What do you think, Katrina?"
She saw a shadow on the rooftop, Cat tilted her head.
"I think you've been in control for long enough."
Spider-man threw the grenade between her and the men. The lights and noises startled them as it was supposed to, and Kate, who was held by Peter on the roof, was wearing M.O.U.S.E so her ears remained safe and she didn't lose focus.
The young archer shot an explosive arrow at Kurt's cage, right on the lock. Peter shot a web at it and pulled it toward them. He and Kate seized it as quickly as possible. Russo reached for Kurt and Cat's remotes. Feeling disoriented and in pain, but still able to move, Cat charged against him. Kraven roared like a madman and captured her by the back of the neck.
Kate shot a sonic arrow and they got thrown to different sides. The mutant stopped hearing. Spider-man came down in stealth and they watched as the remotes lifted themselves up in the air and away from Russo. Kate had released a half-blind Kurt from his enclosure by the time Peter came back to the roof, he carried them out the wide window with almost no effort.
Cat waited until they were out of reach, her collar beeped as it deactivated, but it didn't open. She didn't hear it but she felt the vibration against her neck. Then she grabbed the sonic grenade and closed her fist tightly, breaking it with her bare hand.
"If you're going to keep your pets on a leash," she spoke, struggling to hear herself. "Make sure they don't chew it off."
She reached for her inhibitor knowing it would blow up as soon as she tried to rip it off. Her fingers had just wrapped around it when a blue blur appeared in front of her, grabbed her by the waist, and teleported her out of the building.
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Kurt fell on top of her.
"No!" She pushed him away, and Kurt rolled over coughing blood. "They have to die!"
"Edith, activate Scooby-Doo protocol," Spider-man walked away from them and back to the edge of the building, she wasn't able to hear what he was saying so far away.
"You're an idiot," Kurt said weakly, but she could read his lips. They were on the rooftop of an old building. "You really thought Spidey wouldn't pick up on what you were trying to do? He told me as soon as he got me out."
"I was going to die so you didn't have to keep fighting them!"
It felt like all they'd done was for nothing. Sergei would go missing again, and the next time they would kill all of her friends themselves.
Kurt was in a terrible condition but he managed to sit up without help. "Where you go I go, and I really don't feel like dying yet... though I feel a little dead right now."
Kate knelt next to him to check his injuries, Spider-man following close.
"We should take Kurt's inhibitor first," Kate said, her voice sounding like she was behind a wall. "Jesus, look at his neck— all the fur's been scorched..."
"Have you ever minded your own business, Webhead?" Cat asked in a bad mood.
Peter barely reacted to her question. "Yeah, for almost two years. Then my ex-girlfriend tried to kill me, then she tried to kill herself, and I had to go back to my bad habits."
"How did you know?" She pressed.
Spider-man stopped and looked at her. "How could I not know? Every time things get hard your first reaction is to jump off a cliff. You got all your memories back, you should've known better than to do what you always do."
"Honestly I'm starting to understand why Clint can't stand her," Kate muttered.
"Oh yeah, she loved being a bully for the older Avengers—"
Cat groaned, she let her head fall back against the ground and stared at the sky in annoyance. "They're getting away..."
"No they're not, my spiders are following them," he pointed at the glasses he was wearing over his mask. The hero groaned in frustration then, lifting the remotes. "These control the on and off and the shocks system... I don't know how to deactivate the explosives."
"Get out of the way," Cat sat up, nudged them aside, and did what the witch had advised her to do: She messed with magic she didn't really understand but could control out of instinct.
The inhibitor was there, but in the blink of an eye, it looked... different. Cat snatched it off Kurt's neck. Kate and Peter swore loudly, and Kurt hissed, but Cat lifted the broken item triumphantly: She'd turned the collar into ordinary plastic.
"Remind me to send Wanda a thank you note," Kate breathed, looking at the broken inhibitor as Cat threw it aside.
"That was awesome!" Peter laughed. Cat smiled a little, at heart he was still the same boy she'd known at fifteen.
A loud beeping startled them, Kate shielded Kurt and Cat looked around in confusion.
"That's— is that your collar?" Kurt tried to get closer but he was too weak to push Kate away.
She looked down, but the noise wasn't coming from her. She and Peter recognized the sound at the same time. "Who's got my bag?"
"I figured you'd want it back," Peter had it hanging on one shoulder. He placed it on the ground in front of her. "That beeping... I lost mine years ago!"
"You didn't lose it," Cat stuck her hand inside the bag, pulling out her beeper. The object was blinking and making loud static noises as if someone were trying to reach out. "I gave it away... to the other you."
"Who?" Kate asked in confusion.
Spider-man understood what the mutant was saying.
"He's here?"
A new beeping initiated, this one coming from her inhibitor: A countdown had appeared on the side.
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Next Phase—>
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