#chaotix family
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tooshnado · 14 days ago
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sleepy snuggly detectives
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rednexxsaysthing · 20 days ago
im just a lil curious..
I wouldn't be surprised if 2026 goes to Blaze and Silver cuz of Sonic '06, it would be the 20th anniversary.
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knuckie-head · 2 years ago
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Espilver and Vector being a dad okay
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the-sonic-crew · 4 days ago
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How could you guys forget 😔
Yeah! They've never forgotten! Charmy's, AFTER THEM!
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beauh · 16 days ago
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Vector: drunk father, drives the band around in his van
Eggman: predatory record label manager
Charmy: first adopted son of vector, little rascal
Espio: second adopted son of vector, loves japan a lot seemingly...
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amiderpsva · 28 days ago
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Trying to figure out how to draw the reptiles of the Chaotix.. Charmy's easiest to draw, his body shape is simple like a Classic character...Makes since for Charmy.
What messes me up most with Espio is his freakin' HEAD SHAPE and horn, one wrong move and bro's face becomes a lopsided banana split.
As for Vector?
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the-sky-queen · 7 months ago
Vector being a supportive dad and going to Cream's ballet recital
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blackhakumen · 4 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1241: Speed, Wholesome Recovery with the Family (Sonic)
5:34 p.m. at the Chaotix Family's Household's Living Room.........
Charmy and Cheese, now wearing sunglasses, suits, and ties, roll over and hide themselves at their respective sides of the living room's entrance. They then proceed to look around the area in front of them. Other than Cream sitting at the sofa, happily waving at them, there's really nothing in the living room that raise any suspicion for the time being.
Satisfied with how the room look, the two self-proclaimed bodyguards nodded at one another before turning around to their escort and him cheeky thumbs up
Charmy: The coast is clear, boss!
Cheese: Chao Chao.
Espio: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Standing There, All Patched Up) What would I ever do without you two? (Follows is Two "Bodyguards" to the Living Room)
Charmy: (Puts on a Proud Smile on his Face Alo g with Cheese) No need to thank us here, our faithful cilent.
Cheese: Chao Chaochao Chao Chao-
Charmy/Cheese: (Immediately Stops Espio in his Tracks) HALT!/CHAO!
Espio: (Eyes Widened atvthe Sudden Stretching Halt) What? What happened?
Charmy. Stay right here for a second. (Walks Over to the Sofa and Takes a Cushion Out of the Sofa) Your seat needs to go through a thorough examination.
Espio: (Raises an Eyebrow) You really think a seat cushion would hurt me?
Charmy: (Starts Straightening and Fluffing the Cushion Up) Hey, you'd be surprised by how much damage these bad boys can cause to people's tushies. (Forms a Teasing Smirk on his Face) Especially for those as big as yours~
Cream and Cheese begins to giggle softly at Charny's wise cracking joke to Espio's dispense.
Espio: (Comically Glares at Charmy) Shut it!
Charmy: And....there! Nice and fluffy! (Puts the Cushion Back Down on It's Spot Right Next to Cream's) Just for you, boss!
Espio: My lifesav-ER!? (Suddenly Gets Picked Up and Carried to his Seat by Cheese)
Cheese: Chao Chaochao Chao!~
Cream: Careful, Cheese!~ We don't want Espio's big, fat tushie to be in pain too!~ (Giggles Some More Along with The Boys)
Espio: (Facepalms Himself in Pure Annoyance and Embarrassment) Cream, could you PLEASE not play along to Charmy's foolishness today? I'm imploring you...
Cheese: (Gently Places Espio Down on his Seat Before Patting him on the Head With a Smile) Chao Chao!~
Espio: ('Sigh') Much appreciated, Cheese. Now, what movie are we watching again?
Charmy: Man of Steel. 3-D version.
Espio: Ah, I see. I think I still have my 3-D glasses sitting somewhere in my room-
Charmy: Up! Say no more. Cheese and I will find them for you in a heartbeat.
Cheese: Chao Chaochao. (Gives Charmy a Competitive Look on his Face) Chao Chao.
Charmy: (Turns to Cheese) Oh, you are SO ON!!
Espio: Thid doesn't need to be a competition, you two- (Watches Two of His "Bodyguards" Zips Towards his Bedroom) -and they're off. (Sighs While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) They're gonna make my room a huge mess in there, aren't they?
Cream: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'm sure they'll clean after themselves once your glasses are found. Hopefully.
Espio: Mmhm- (Suddenly Felt Cream Hugging Him Before Chuckling a Little) Glad to see you're feeling better at least.
Cream: Thank you!~ I'm so happy you're back in this house with me!~ (Gets Up and Gives Espio Four Kisses on the Cheek Before Sitting Back Down Before Frowning) I don't like seeing you get hurt out there, Espio. (Then Starts Pouting) And I definitely don't like those three bullies that did this to you at all.
Espio: ('Sigh') You and me both, Cream. I'm sorry I made you all worried the whole time....
Cream: (Gives Espio a Reassuring Smile) There's no need to apologize. You being here, safe is all that matters to us now. Mommy made extra sure of that, huh? (Playfully Winks at Espio)
Espio: (Chuckles Lightly) Exactly. (Starts Frowning a Bit) But speaking of which, I fear that incident is taking a toll on her as we speak.
Cream: ('Sigh') Yeah. She was so scared when I first told her what happened. (Smiles Again) But it's gonna be okay. She's the strongest mommy we know and love, you know?
Espio: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Yes. The strongest there is.
Meanwhile at the Kitchen........
Vanilla: (Covering her Face While Crying Softly)
Vector: (Consoling the Love of his Life) Hey, it's gonna be okay now that Espio's home and safe. We'll keep making sure it stays that way going forward, am I right?
Vanilla: Of course, we will. It just- ('Sniff') Happened out of nowhere. I was so scared.....
Vector: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah.....No doubt about that. But one thing's for sure though. (Angrily Pounds his Fist Onto the Palm of his Other Hand) That Zavok guy and his cronies better hope and pray we don't see them again.
Vanilla: (Starts Getting Livid as Well) Oh, I am going to MURDER them if they lay another hand on Espio again! Or hurt the rest our babies for that matter!! (Takes a Deep Breath While Calming Herself Down) But that neither here nor there. (Gently Grab Hold of Her Husband's Hand) Cause right now, I just wanna spend the rest of night with the family I love so very much~
Vector: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) We love you too, Vanilly~ Always.
The two married couple share a kiss on the lips before the dinging sound from the microwave is heard.
Vanilla: Ooh, popcorn's ready!~
Vector: About time too! (Walks Over to The Microwave and Take the Popcorn Bag Out of There) I'm starving here.
Vanilla: Honey, you just ate a chicken sandwich an hour ago.
Vector: (Dumps the Bag of Fresh and Popped Popcorn Down on the Blue Bow) Yeah, but I wouldn't exactly call that the ideal meal to eat on movie night, you know? (Holds the Bowl in his Hands While Walking Over to Vanilla) Plus, the popcorn we got here smell pretty delicious right now, sooooooo......(Eats a Bit of Popcorn in the Bowl)
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Whatever you say- (Playfully Pulls on Vector's Cheek) My silly crocodile you~
Vector: (Chuckles Ticklishly by His Wife Playful Affections) There's that beautiful smile!~ Starting to feel better now?
Vanilla: A little bit, yes. I'll feel even more better when we watch the movie together.
Vector: Well, whaddya we waiting for then? Let's go.
Vanilla: (Happily Nodded) Right. (Grans the Other Snacks From the Kitchen Table and Make Her Way to the Living Room With Vector Following Behind) Ohhh Kids!~ Who's ready for movie niiiight!?~
Vector: With snacks and popcorn!!?~
Charmy/Cheese: MEEE!/CHAOOOO!
Both Charmy and Cheese zips out of Espio's room and towards the living room until-
-They came to a screeching holt in flight thanks to Espio's booming command.
Espio: Were you able to find my glasses?
Charmy: Yep!
Cheese: (Hands Espio his 3-D Glasses) Chaoooo Chao!~
Espio: Thank you. Did you clean up after your search?
Cheese: (Simply Nodded) Chao.
Charmy: (Simply Nodded as Well) 100%!~
The two boys gives Espio the most innocent looking smiles they can both muster as they blink their eyes right. on cue.
Espio, on the other hand, stares at the two with uncertainty in his eyes as he begins to get himself up from his seat until Vanilla stops him with her hand on his shoulder.
Vanilla: Oh no don't, mister~ You're supposed to seat down and rest, remember?
Cream: (Gives Espio a Sisterly Pout) That's right! (Went Back to Hugging her Big Brother) You owe me cuddles!
Vector: Want me to go and check for you, champ?
Espio: ('Sighs in Defeat') No. I thought of an alternative. (Forms and Speed Through a Few Hand Signs Before Screaming Out.....) Shadow Clone!
Espio summons his identical clone standing right beside the edge of the sofa. This in turn, causes everyone in the room to be amazed.
Everyone: Oooooooh!~
Vector: It's like it's his twin brother.
Vanilla: (Happily Claps her Hands to Espio) Very lovely indeed, dear!~
Espio: (Simply Bows to his Mother) Thank you. (Turns to Espio) You mind going in my room and see if it's clean or not?
The clone shakes his head before sprinting off to his creator's room. It only took a few seconds before it returns back to it's post.
Clone: It's clean.
Espio: From top to bottom?
Clone: Yup. (Disappears in Thin Smoke)
Espio: (Genuinely Surprised by the End Result Given to Him) .....Huh.
Charmy: Told ya so!
Cheese: (Pulls his Sunglasses and Eye Lid Down to Taunt Espio) Nyaaaah!~
Charmy: (Pumps his Fist Up in the Air as He and Cheese Make Their Way to the Sofa) Now let's get this movie night started.
Cheese: Chaochao!!~
Vector: Hooold it. Before we do any of that, we gotta talk about everything that happened earlier first.
Vanilla: (Simply Nodded in Agreement to That Plan) I agree. It's best we get it out of the way now than having it plague our minds later on.
Espio: I see no issue in doing that.
Cream: Me neither.
Charmy turns to Cheese, now shrugging at him, before sighing in defeat and understanding..
Charmy: 'Kayyy. If we gotta, we gotta. Who were those three jerks that hurt you in first place, Espio?
Espio: Zavok, Zazz, Zomom. Three members of the six members of imposing group, the Deadly Six.
Vector: Deadly Si- (Immediately Comes to the Realization) Hey, wait a minute. Blaze told me about those guys a while back! They're the ones responsible for trying to steal her Sol Emeralds away from her kingdom in the past.
Vanilla: (Frowns in Displeasure of Thinking About Another Member of the Deadly Six Group) I bet that Zik person you faced is their leader this whole time, isn't he?
Vector: No, I think he was more of a founder of the gig if anything.
Espio: Correct. Zavok's their leader. He's just as cruel and ruthless as now as when we first met back at the temple. Always took every chance he had to belittle me and my worth. (Rolls his Eyes) Probably due to me challenging his "precious master" all the time......
Charmy: (Comes Up With Something) Wait. Is the reason he came after you was because of that fight you and that old guy had on that bridge? (Raises an Eyebrow and Crossing his Arms Together While Thinking) Or was it he jealous that you got more attention from him in comparison?
Espio: (Shrugs) Either one of these reasons can be possible really. But if there's one thing for certain, he detest my mere existence from very beginning and the feeling has been mutual ever since. ('Sigh') It's unfortunate that it'll probably won't be the last we'll ever see of him and the others......
Espio suddenly felt Cream's hand placed down on top of his on the sofa as she gives him a reassuring but very confident smile on her face.
Cream: That's okay. This just mean we'll be more than ready to face those bullies again head on next time!
Vanilla: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) That's right. We'll keep making them think twice about ever messing with this family again if we have to.
Vector: Vanilly, I think you Hot Fang persona alone can scream them straight outta the globe.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Perhaps~(Places the Back of her Hand onto her Forehead in a Overly Dramatic Fashion) But what if those terrible fiends ever managed to harm little 'Ole me!?~ (Lays Herself Right Side of Vector's Chest With a Seductive Smirk on her Face) Surely a handsome, strong gentleman just as yourself could fight for my honor once more, can you?~
Vector: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on his Face) Heck yeah! I ain't gonna let anyone bad mouth my wife and get away with it. (Grab Hold of Both of Vanilla's Hands and Smirks Back at Her) Especially if that said wife gets more and more gorgeous and irresistible by every second of the day~
Vanilla: (Giggles Some More While Blushing) Ohohoho!~ You sweet-talker of a man you!~
The two married lovebirds giggles as they share a romantic eskimo kiss with one another, causing Charmy and Cheese to stick their tongues out in digust, Cream to giggle softly at their cuteness, and Espio to sigh at whole entirely before smiling a bit.
Espio: Glad to see you feeling now, Mother. 'Least I hope you are.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly at Espio) I am, baby. Even more so now that you're in here under our protection.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) Good. It pains me to see you sad. Or.....cry for that manner.
Vanilla: (Gasps as Her Heart Begins to Melt) You really mean that?~
Espio: Of course. You're a mother to me first and foremost- (Turns Away While Blushing a Little) And your kindness and presence alone always manages to put a smile on my face every waking morning, soOOOOO? (Immediately Gets Pulled into Another Loving Momma Vanilla Hug)
Vanilla: Oh sweetheart of a shinobi!~ You make us happy toooo!~
Cream: (Happily Joins in on the Espio Hug Fest Along with Charmy and Cheese) Not to mention we all love you with all our hearts!~ Never ever forget those two things, okay?~
Vector: Yeah. (Forms a Teasing Smirk at Espio) Unless you want another installment of "Scolding Time with Vector" instead?
Espio: (Gives Vector a Deadpinned Look on his Face) I rather you didn't. (Starts Smiling Again) But still, I thank you all for being in my life......As a family.
Meanwhile Outside the Time Square Mall......
Zavok: (In the Hologram Call) We're about to to head back to headquarters as we speak. I expect you two be there once we arrived. Am I clear?
Zor: (Too Busy Slowly Picking Pedals Out of a Read Rose He Briught) Suuuuuuure..........
Zeena: (Looking Away From the Call This Entire Time, in Silence) ................
Zavok: Zeena!
Zeena: (Groans While Turning Back to her Leader) Yeah, okay! Meet you back at the headquarters, I get it.
Zavok: (Stares at Zeena Some More With his Glare) You better. I'm signing off.
'Call Ends'
Zeena: ('Ugggggh') I swear, I can't STAND Zavok right now. First, he got in the way of my call, now he's gonna another attitude problem and like, throw it out on us again!?
Zor: Well, he did got his butt kick by Espio and his new...family I think?
Zeena: GOOD! (Crosses her Arms) He needs all the ass whooping he can get at this point.....You know what? Screw it. (Places her Shopping Bags Down on the Bench Right Next to Zor) Take this back headquarters for me, will ya? (Walks Away) I'm going for a walk.
Zor: What for? I thought you hate long walks.
Zeena: (Stops Walking Before Turning Back to Zor With Scoffs) Duh! Obviously, but I'll live i guess. I just wanna pay a friend an overdue visit. (Turns Away While Continuing her Walk) Maybe we can be more than that if I'm lucky......
Zor: 'Kay! I'll just stay here then.....Alone.....With this rose.....(Looks at the Rose He's Holding) Way too optimistic for my liking. (Thriws the Rose Down on the Ground as He Continues to Dwell in Sadness Like He Usually Do in his Freetime) Siiiiiigh!
To Be Continued
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emo-sonic · 1 month ago
Apparently today is Family Day, so here’s the Chaotix Family out for some coffee
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No rendering on this one because it would just look too messy
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avocados-of-law · 1 year ago
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"A family is just people who care about each other more than anything else, right?" -Tails, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Happy Family Day
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theflavorpurple · 2 months ago
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(also made last month just reposting here !! )
these are just my ethnic HCs for these sillies plus espilver cuz they're so cute
these are all drawn and colored with my finger so like don't judge the anatomy n what not
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Okay so The Wild Robot gave me so many feels and something about Fink's dynamic with Roz and Brightbill made me think of Espio with Team Chaotix. So I drew this little comic based on the scene where Fink tells Brightbill a bedtime story 🥲
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orvllnki · 1 month ago
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alright fine y' got me . back on whatever the hell this is
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maynez · 3 months ago
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Happy 2025 everyone, here is repost of a comic i made a few months ago (English and Spanish Version), this time i decided to change the color of some pages, giving them more intensity and drama with the colors, i hope you like it <3. Here is the first version if you want to see it OwO: Tumblr BTW: REMINDER THIS IS JUST AN AU, I WAS JUST HAVING FUN WITH THE CHARACTERS, BUT I KNOW THIS CANNOT HAPPEN IN THE CANON, SO DON'T TAKE IT TO SERIOUS XD
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tezzbot · 1 year ago
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TV watchers
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phasmidlee · 2 days ago
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Go my furies... I like drawing them but I had the lines for this done traditionally for agesss and then realised I did Vector's shoes wrong it's funny to me
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