#i know this is a tough question šŸ™ƒ
fortunaegloria Ā· 1 year
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o2studies Ā· 5 months
ą¼»`` 7 May 24 ā€” Tuesday 33/60
šŸ§” academia >> studied for 1hr 40 today, finished my Statement of Intent for art and did my physics practical exam today! I think it went really well (I know i messed up part of a question already but oh well, it's just 1 hopefully šŸ™ƒ)
šŸ§” physical health >> I did 20 pushups again! It's tough staying consistent but so rewarding
šŸ§” self care >> Had 2 ice cream today, treated myself to some episodes of Monk and stayed off social media some more (screen time is <4hrs compared to the >6hrs I've had most days last 2 weeks), I did scratch up my face again tho....
ā˜€ļø 6.50 šŸŒ™ 23 smt
Also I forget just how much I love A and how close we can get sometimes with random gestures. I love 'em. They're honestly an inspiration to me. Also love J. He told me he'd say a prayer for my exam this morning and told me he did last week for us for another exam also. I really enjoy seeing how faithful some people are.
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canonicallyobserving911 Ā· 9 months
Buck & Eddie: Ocean Dangers - Tsunami and Cruise Ship Explosion
I posted about water and fridges (linked here) and how water will find it's levels back in 6B and how it relates to Buck and Eddie but I just remembered something that could be important.
In 6x7, when Eddie was talking to Felisa about the Tsunami, HE DIDN'T MENTION BUCK.
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But the question is why didn't he mention him since BUCK AND CHRIS WERE THERE TOGETHER?šŸ§
Reminder: Buck and Eddie were missing from a lot of scenes and retelling of stories during season 6 and it seemed off (i.e. the car accident in 6x10 when the woman had her baby after a lightning strike hit it. Eddie was at the firehouse with all of them but he wasn't on the scene with the 118).
Maybe it was done on purpose but we all know Buck and Chris went through the Tsunami together so how will Buck react now that his found dad is in danger AGAIN?
Reminder: Buck wasn't doing well in 5x16 after Bobby and May were trapped inside of Metro Dispatch which just so happened to be the same place Eddie was working when the fire happened.
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Also, Buck IGNORED his girlfriend TK and took solace with Eddie while he held onto his suspenders like his dad, Bobby does whenever he's flirting with Athena šŸ™ƒ.
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Hmm, will he be ignoring another girlfriend when his family is in danger and will he take solace with Eddie again?
Will we finally get Buckā€™s breakdown SO EDDIE CAN BE THERE FOR BUCK LIKE BUCK WAS THERE FOR HIM IN S5?
And will that be the time when Eddie realizes Buck sat with him like Bobby said Athena sat with him after a tough call? Hopefully!
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zepskies Ā· 7 months
Writer Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me @venus-haze! As always, your responses on this were really interesting and got me thinking about my answers. (Here's the original post.)
So these first questions are geared toward Ao3 stories.
How many works do you have on AO3? 48 and counting.
What's your total AO3 word count? Aw geez. According to the statistics page, 1,022,400.
(But I have more fics listed in Tumblr thanks to headcanons and things not yet posted in Ao3.)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Every Loyalty - (Jon Snow x OC)
And So It Goes - (Butcher x OC)
Never Say Goodbye - (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Break Me Down - (OC Version | Soldier Boy x OC)
Checkerboard - (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Always. I love getting feedback and engaging with the people who take the time to read my work. šŸ’œ
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Ooh, it's gotta be this imagine in SPN fandom: "Sam crosses the line." In which he's in love with Dean's girlfriend.
(Sequel to "You are Dean's one exception.")
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Well, most of my stories have happy endings. But probably Never Say Goodbye (Dean W. x Reader). It's a soulmate AU, so very rom-com and fluffy, despite all the drama they went through.
Though I could also say the same of the last story in the Midnight Espresso-verse: In Bad Weather.
Do you write crossovers? No, I don't. I've enjoyed reading a few though.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, unfortunately lol. It's inevitable for as long as I've been writing though.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes lol. I'm a romantic though, so it's often a mix of fluff, straight up romance, occasionally dashed with angst and/or hurt/comfort.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge. (I hope not!)
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I've received solicitations lol.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah, when I was a teenager just starting out writing, I used to write with one of my best friends growing up. (We're still good friends to this day.)
What's your all-time favorite ship? That's pretty much impossible. šŸ¤£ It depends on the fandom! Nowadays I tend to write for OCs or reader inserts though.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? Ooof, nothing recent. But I finally finished And So It Goes, which took me 3 years for some reason. šŸ™ƒ
Though I do have both a Jason Teague x OC series and a Smallville Clark Kent x OC series outlined that realistically, I probably won't get to. šŸ’”
What are your writing strengths? I've been told I'm good at dialogue and keeping canon characters in character, which is always amazing to hear! I try my best.
What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes and smut scenes are my biggest writing challenges, though I've been told I do a decent job at them. I know I tend to use adverbs a lot lol (I'm trying to curb that).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? So I try to minimize use of this, but, I've gotten critiqued (putting it mildly) on this before for two reasons. Admittedly, I've had to revise myself in certain use cases, but also, there are slang words and phrases in certain Spanish cultures that wouldn't make sense to another Hispanic/Latino culture that doesn't use the word/phrase. So sometimes, it's not that it's wrong grammatically, but that it's slang.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Oh jeezus, probably Chronicles of Narnia fandom when I was like, 10 and brand new to writing. šŸ˜‚
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? Ooh a tough one. I feel like there are so many! I do have a story I had outline years ago now for Steve Rogers/Captain America back in the MCU fandom (which I've written in before). But that fandom is a bit intimidating. šŸ˜‚
What's your favorite fic you've written? Also really tough for me. I think it's a tie between two series:
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Midnight Espresso (Dean W. x Plus-Sized Latina!Reader)
One totally took me by surprise by how much I enjoyed writing the series and the characters (and figuring out how to write Soldier Boy/Ben šŸ˜‚).
While the other allowed me to be a little more indulgent with myself, writing from my personal experience and my culture.
The responses on both stories have been amazing and incredibly heartwarming. šŸ’—
No pressure tags:
@thatonewriter15 @waywardxwords @impala-dreamer @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deanwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @deanbrainrotwritings @kaleldobrev -- and whoever else wants to join! šŸ’œ
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444m777 Ā· 1 month
29 things I love about Michael: Day 29
Where do I even start?
Well first things first HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!
I spent the majority of the day watching a bunch of MJ videos, edits, performances and I got the bright idea to read several MJ books at the same timešŸ™ƒ so in between switching from my phone to books Iā€™ve been also crying and wishing he was still here not for the fans but for his children so he could physically be there for them and watch as they grow older and more into who theyā€™ve always been but as an adult. My heart goes out to his kids and family.
So on the 29th day (and I missed so many days after the 19th or 20th) I want to say that his essence is what I love about him. Everyoneā€™s essence is unique to them. Some try to copy but we can tell when someoneā€™s trying to be someone theyā€™re not. Which is why he cannot be replicated. And he shouldnā€™t be. What we are left with is his legacy and as fans we must preserve it in its entirety. Not just the music and dancing but also who Michael was as person. A true humanitarian who wanted to protect children all over the world. Providing a space(s) of comfort for everyone. Reminding people that theyā€™re not alone and that together we can truly make changes in our own communities and the WHOLE world.
To make up for the days that I didnā€™t get to post brief sentences on why I love Michael for the days I didnā€™t get to post
Day 20: he was vegetarian but he loved him some KFC. I myself have dabbled in veganism/vegetarianism throughout my adult life but CHICKEN when fried oefffā€¦ thatā€™s tough to let go completely haha
Day 21: his complicated relationship with dogsā€¦ I know he didnā€™t like dogs because they turned on him and some dogs bite etc. but I just love how he loved his half wolf half german shepard dog called Black Girl. She was abused by her previous owner and Michael and Janet tried their best to be gentle and gave Black Girl lots of hugs and kisses when they were younger. Iā€™m a dog person so I was a bit sad he mentioned being afraid of dogs and mentioned dogs turning on him BUT Black Girl was sweet and gentle and Michael made sure to take care not to trigger her (unlike other people like his Father who used to point his gun at the dogā€”yikes!).
Day 22: also love that he was so curious about the universe and why things (meaning a leaf, space, insects etc.) were the way they were. I want to go more in depth about this at one point because he was just naturally curious as most kids are and he continued to indulge that curiosity as an adult. He asked a LOT of questions. Something I used to get told as a kid ā€œthatā€™s just the way it is!ā€ but I didnā€™t let that stop me. Reading/researching truly keeps me going for hours and hours. You just get lost at every new bit of information and he was huge on that. We truly can learn so much from his approach to life
Day 23: Iā€™m also reading a book about Prince lol and of courseeeeee Iā€™d find Michael in it. Long story short in the introduction Prince mentions how he wants his memoir to be written and doesnā€™t want to use the word magic to describe him/his music. He said ā€œjust look at a word and see if itā€™s one I would use. Because MAGIC isnā€™t one Iā€™d use. Magic is Michaelā€™s word. Thatā€™s what his music was aboutā€. Itā€™s true. It truly is Michaelā€™s word.
Day 24: Iā€™ve been struggling with my drawing. Like my lessons are going fine but when it comes to drawing Michael Iā€™ve had really nice moments and other WHO TF IS THAT!? moments xD and i came across a video that showed roughly 200 drawings Michael did. There were I think about 10 ish drawings I havenā€™t seen before. And I noticed he would do light sketches and go into realism to more abstract and self potraits. Not everything was perfect. And by perfect I mean like super clean. I struggle with that at the moment and I love that his drawings reminded me that Iā€™m doing this for fun. And to trust that when I draw something Iā€™m proud of I should rejoice and when I draw something Iā€™m not too happy about it then I can try again another time. Heā€™s re-drawn so many of the same characters in varying styles over and over again. I mean heā€™s been sketching for DECADES so I've only been drawing for what 10 daysšŸ™ƒ it was a nice reminder to gently tell me to chill out haha.
Day 25: I love how big of fanboy Michael is when it comes to his idols and the greats he learned from and also having the chance to meet some of them. Iā€™ve been thrusted down a small hole and have been busy collecting info regarding his idols. Seeing the patterns, the inspirations and just trying to get a feel for what fascinated him so much. Aside from their great talents/showmanship you are also expressing one of your highest forms of yourself so I want to see more of what he saw in them the same way I see and feel about him.
Day 26: this one is a bit sad as I really feel he was snubbed from acting. Itā€™s very clear that becoming an actor was the next step in his plans. From a very young age. Itā€™s sad roles were promised then suddenly given to someone else. Audition tapes not considered and even having a shitty meeting with the person whoā€™s going to play the character you were promised to play just to get some sort of rise out of him. At least thatā€™s why I think that person did that and set that meeting up. Anyways Iā€™m just so happy that he chose to invest his own money in Moonwalker and made it happen. I always thought Iā€™d see more of him on screen and we were robbed by a lot of jealous people and people who felt he wouldnā€™t add anything aside from the fact that heā€™s famous. He still continued to pursue it in smaller ways and I hope in the next lifetime heā€™s able to be the full fledged actor heā€™s always wanted to be and directing and writing movies left and right!
Day 27: his music is truly healing and positively affirms a lot of great things. Iā€™ve kept track of affirmations in his music from the Jackons up until Invincible. I struggle with anxiety and would repeat some of the affirmations throughout the day or when I wake up in the morning. I make sure to be grateful and I affirm a good and positive day with one his lyric affirmations. Iā€™ve used affirmations before but THESE stick with me because itā€™s Michael lol but he truly was ahead of his time in so many subjects that people would and WILL be baffled when they find out. He was a SMART, curious man. And very big on positive thinking and positively manipulating the subconscious mind.
Day 28: I love how he was pro-Black. His message was very much UNITY of all races, backgrounds etc. but he reminded people that he was proud to be BLACK. People love to forget that part.
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a-kind-of-merry-war Ā· 2 months
šŸ™ƒ and šŸ§” for the ask game?
thank you!!
Whatā€™s a weird fact that you know?
okay another weird fact... oh god, I can't think of any. My mind has gone TOTALLY blank.
Did you know that the "standard" name for a cat in England in medieval times was Gilbert, to the extent that "gib" became slang for "cat".
A color you canā€™t stand?
ohhh this one is tough... I think all colours are good if you use them in the right way, so I can't really think of any I dislike?? I'd say I wouldn't wear, like, sludgy brown, but given the right Thing I probably would lmao
ask me a question!
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dylanisdazed Ā· 11 months
Don't be so hard on you šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢
Judging from your posts you're very interesting, caring, funny, compassionate, and creative šŸ„ŗšŸ„°
Oh, trust me, I know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ„°šŸ’š
I like to pretend to be humble. It adds to my charm šŸ™ƒ
okay, to really answer ur question.
Personality-wise, it's hard to choose. I think I'm pretty funny, intelligent, and charming. I think I'm able to be honest, kind, and sarcastic at the same time which is tough. I know a lot of people who THINK they are kind and honest but they can't achieve both at the same time. I think I'm an expert.
Physically? Apparently, I have a nice treasure trail, abs, eyebrows/eyelashes and hair. IDK
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mickyaltierisgf Ā· 1 year
hii!! I saw you were taking request (also you are another roman and mickey stan so I love you) and I was wondering if you could write a scenario or headcanons for reader dating poly!ghostface and finding out roman and mickey are ghostface and they are like oh no, but reader is like "let me help"
Thank you, I love you too for requesting poly!romickey.
poly!ghostface (romickey) x gn reader headcanons
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Roman isnā€™t as active as Mickey since heā€™s usually too busy with his actual job and doesnā€™t quite have the same zeal for it. For the most part, he only targets people he knows and canā€™t stand or who get in his way somehow.
When you start dating them, he becomes overly cautious. He doesnā€™t want you to know. He doesnā€™t even want you to suspect. Heā€™s got a certain image he wants to maintain, especially when it comes to dealing with you.
Mickey doesnā€™t care too much in the beginning. He figures if you find out and it becomes a problem, he can just take you out in the non-date way (heā€™s literally crazy, what do you expect?šŸ’€)
When he gets more attached to you, he sort of agrees with Romanā€™s approach. He doesnā€™t want to have to get rid of you, and keeping you with them would be much easier and more pleasant if youā€™re staying willingly.šŸ™ƒ
No matter how careful they are, though, you notice things, such as Mickey having small injuries he just shrugs off or makes weird excuses for. "A rogue tree got in my way while filming." A few times, he claims Roman gave them to him. "Donā€™t let the glasses fool you; Itā€™s a trick. Heā€™s a lot freakier than he lets on." *wink wink*. And news reports about people you know who had worked with Roman, or at least worked at the same studio, going "missing" from time to time.
Questioning Roman too much will lead to him ranting about anything to divert the conversation. "No oneā€™s gone missing from there since the 70's. Theyā€™re just trying to ruin the studioā€™s reputation. You know how many movies theyā€™ve almost shut down this year alone? Itā€™s insane. Iā€™ve got the producers breathing down my neck about everything. I can barely get a music video done without 50 rewrites! Next, The National Enquirer's gonna put out a story about alien abductions happening on set. Those people left because they just couldnā€™t hack it! Hollywoodā€™s a tough place, y/n. Itā€™s not made for everyone."
Even when you find out the truth and confront him with it, he denies it heatedly. "Iā€™m not some sort of demented killer! The police couldnā€™t proveā€”"until you assure him you donā€™t care. He changes his tone instantly. "Youā€™re okay with this?"
Mickeyā€™s ready to throw a party. They wonā€™t have to sneak around anymore, and maybe now he could talk you into having a different kind of fun in the costumes.
Heā€™s absolutely delighted that youā€™re not only cool with it but also want to help him.
You start out small (fake bait to lure victims) and then graduate to calls until Romanā€™s convinced youā€™re ready to take on a more active role. Mickey jokes that youā€™ll have to go through the casting couch (heā€™s only half joking).
Roman lets you use his voice changer, but only very rarely. He keeps it well hidden, and youā€™ll never find the real one unless he hands it to you personally. Youā€™ll have to make due with the regular model.
You and Mickey still have fun bothering him and just about everyone else with the regular one, though. That phone bill is too damn high.
They have a bunch of extra costumes from Stab 3, so you eventually get your own.
Mickey has a whole stash of weapons, and heā€™s impressed that you know most of them. He lets you take anything you want when you go out.
Romanā€™s still not too keen on you joining in on this, though. He masks his concern with irritation, but he really does worry about Mickey sometimes, and now heā€™s going to be worrying about both of you.
He gets more involved than heā€™d like to because he wants to keep an eye on you. Plus, heā€™s a control freak, and he thinks the excuse of watching out for you gives him a free pass to be bossy.
Killing makes them both a bit feral; normally Mickey embraces it and Roman suppresses it. Your presence tips their delicate balance off kilter.
Then, you find out firsthand that some of Mickeyā€™s salacious stories about the "injuries" Roman gave him werenā€™t as exaggerated as you thought.
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doodle-pops Ā· 1 year
Hi Mina,
Hope you're doing well :)
Sending you this ask: since elves value their hair very much (especially the Noldor) and it has such a cultural importance, do you think elves deal with hair loss like we/humans/edain do when we're stressed? I find that when I get stressed more hair falls out - do you think they have ways of dealing with this if it happens to them?
I wish I was doing better, I broke my nail (it actually got torn out and started bleeding šŸ™ƒ) so I spent all day yesterday believing that I was about to die from the pain.
As for your question, I have never heard of elves suffering hair loss, even throughout their distressing moments. All that occurs is the hair turning white/grey, a sign of their fƫa cracking under the stress and strain. Elves tend to feel emotions on an entire different wavelength from us, so the slightest mishap makes them want to curl up and perish.
The possibilities of hair loss can be an entirely new area to experiment with since tremendous levels of stress already turns them grey and makes them aged (Gwindor for example).
Because they value hair so much, seeing it change colour under stress would adds to the stress, and make it change rapidly. And who knows, the more they panic and increase their stress, hair loss can eventually occur (food for thought). I also believe elves have super strong hair strands/roots, so it's gonna take a lot to remove one strand šŸ˜‚. Imagine how much stress they have to be under to make one strand fall out compared to all.
But as far as I'm aware, with Gwindor for instance, the stress he was under made his entire hair white instead of falling out (and he was torture in Angband, yet no hair loss; what a tough cookie). Interesting enough, it was never mentioned that Maedhros' hair turned white or streaks of white. Surely he was stressed out af hanging from the cliffs of Angamando (more food for thought; time to depict Mae with streaks of white).
Come to think of it, this should be a interesting idea; all the elves who entered Angband should leave with white hair. So you have Maedhros, Gwindor and Maeglin with streaks of white or completely white.
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helianskies Ā· 1 month
šŸ™ƒ and šŸ§” please!
šŸ™ƒ whatā€™s a weird fact that you know?
the way i've been scratching my head over this one because i just don't know any weird facts BUT have u ever heard of or seen a great bustard (yes bustard) i think they are so so pretty they became extinct in the uk around the early/mid-1800s but have been slowly reintroduced in wiltshire and rahhhh i love them!! (so there, not a weird fact but. a fact that made me smile recentlyyy)
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šŸ§” a color you canā€™t stand?
cake's out here asking the tough questions i don't know that there are any colours i can't stand bc wooo colours but uhhhhh i guesssss yellow ochre it's just a bit off? the light brownish-yellowwww??
[ ask game here! ]
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ceesimz Ā· 2 months
im sorry if this is too personal but what do you struggle most with your autism?
Uffff tough question šŸ˜… well, let's get personal.
Everyone's got different things they struggle most with. And it can change at any time, like any other kind of mental health challenge. But for me right now, it's the emotional dysregulation.
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I won't lie, I only heard of this phrase a few months ago. When I learnt about it, it blew my mind because I was like "oh, that's what that isšŸ« " I genuinely didn't know it was a common autistic trait (see, six years on and I'm still learning things). And since then I've realised that it's definitely my biggest killer.
In that post where it says "when I feel sad, it's the saddest I've ever felt" that's absolutely true. When I'm down, I'm so so down that I literally feel like I will never recover. It sounds dramatic, but it's the truth! And it can be really really harmful. Should probably say here onwards there will be a trigger warning! But when I feel like that, sometimes I start getting kind of destructive and intrusive thoughts. Like, maybe I don't wanna be here anymore. And other similar thoughts. It's very hard to describe how it feels when you're not in that mindset. I guess the closest thing I can relate it to is the feeling most people with an anxiety disorder get, when you're panicking and feeling like it's the end of the world. But rather than it being in a panicky sense, it's kind of like a numb and apathetic feeling. Like I'm drowning under the weight in my chest and there's nothing I can do about it.
It's also the same with other emotions too of course, it's not just when I'm feeling down, but that's when it hits the worst. It is entirely suffocating and I would not wish it upon anyone šŸ™ƒ
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decaffeinatedworm Ā· 3 months
Is it cheating to ask for all 10 questions?
hehehe I'd be happy to answer them šŸ›
šŸŒø 1 - do you have a favorite melt spot?
eeek probably the side of my neck - any kisses or nibbles there actually turn me into a puddle
šŸŒ± 2 - if you could tickle/be tickled by any fictional character, who would you choose?
okay now THATS tough... ngl I'd say pretty much 80% of lotr/hobbit characters LOL that's definitely been my hyperfixation for YEARS. like you just KNOW it'd be so scrumptious to break the Mr. Tough Guy exterior of so many characters (Thorin, Filli, Aragorn, Boromir, Eomer..) but also like so heart fluttering to be on the receiving end of like mischievous, playful tkles (Merry, Pippin, Killi) like I could list sm headcannons don't even get me started (please get me started)
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šŸ¦ 3 - what's your go-to method of flustering your lee/Ler?
a go-to is saying something evidently not true or purposfully provoking (denying tklishness, "I like you MORE"...) to get them to try to get me to admit it
šŸŒ 4 - describe how you feel towards tickling with three emojis
šŸ« šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļøšŸ«‚
šŸŒ¼ 5 - is there a nickname/petname that makes you smile and go red no matter how much you receive it?
if someone called me Bug irl I think I'd melt into the floor LOL, also anything with Little Miss ___ just does something to me lol
šŸ› 6 - are you feather ticklish? if so, where?Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 
unfortunately I don't think so (though further testing may be required)
šŸŒ· 7 - what tickle game intrigues you the most?
oof I had one session where my goal was to last 5 minutes without breaking and (with consent but atm unbeknownst to me) my ler didn't set a timer but instead a stopwatch šŸ’€ in the end I lasted 9 minutes šŸ™ƒ
šŸ¦‹ 8 - what kind of tickles are you in the mood for today?
I had a righteously terrible day but I have the best support network and actually got cheer-up tckles šŸ«¶ raspberries definitely got some good belly laughs which were very much needed
šŸ¾ 9 - are you poke sensitive?
what? me? pfft. ludicrous. unbelievable. okay maybe. yes.
ā˜€ļø 10 - surprise or anticipated tickles?
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oraclekleo Ā· 4 months
Hi ! I wanted to join your mini tarot game šŸ™ƒ
Initials - AC
Libra sun, Scorpio moon e Capricorn rising
Hello dear!
Thank you for participating in my mini tarot game.
Question: A little praise the cards have for you!
The deck I'm using for this is the Spiritsong Tarot.
Your card is 9 of Shells (Cups)
Keywords: Gratitude, Fulfillment
This card depicts a Penguin and while it's one of a few birds that can't fly, that doesn't mean they don't have fun. You can see them in large groups, the couples take a very equal care for their eggs and young ones, they are known for being able to play for the sake of fun (not typical for animals). Even when things don't go the exact way you want them to go, even when you are in a hostile environment (like frozen plains), you still radiate that inner happiness, the inner glow. You know that life can be tough but you are grateful for the fun moments when you can play and be yourself. You don't seek the approval of others, you chase that personal inner fulfillment. You feel comfortable being you. Maybe you can't do everything like your peers but you can do other things that they can't. Be happy and grateful for tiny blessings of life.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 years
Hey! I was hoping u could give me some advice.
So Iā€™ve written a bunch of really important exams and Iā€™ve really messed them up. Like left a good number of questions and failing these have serious consequences.
Im trying to maintain the state of having passed regardless of what the 3d shows me, but itā€™s kinda hard since everything and everyone around me is telling me otherwise and itā€™s kinda difficult to fulfill it in my imagination. Pls tell me how I can sail through this and get the marks I want?
Ok embarrassing story alert šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ
My freshmen year of college, I had all As, and then two horrible things happened the very last second.
The first thing that happened is while doing my vocabulary essays for history, I accidentally plagiarized one of my old assignments for something very similar. In college wether on accident or on purpose, and wether itā€™s to yourself or copying someone elseā€™s work, plagiarizing is a huge no no, and can get you not only a failed class, but expelled from college. I live in America so we spend 10-25k per semester on school and expulsion is permanently on your record which affects your entry to other colleges. I got an email saying I had a board meeting with the council, and I about just spent 5 minutes doing the worst ugly crying I have ever done, while having a panic attack. I already have an anxiety disorder and this just about sent me into a clinical spiral. Then I remember manifesting and even through my ugly tears I just fell asleep affirming everything will be okay, everything will be okay. I had the board meeting and nothing happened to me?? It was almost like they forgot what I was there for. They just made me take an hour long anonymous class on plagiarism and that was all. It wasnā€™t on my record and I still got an A in the class šŸ„°šŸ„°.
During my second semester again!! I had all As. In one of my classes in fact my highest grade class I had a 98% and we had an final essay due. two days prior I got sick as a dog!! I was asleep for 48 hours and missed the deadline for a 200 point essay! Thatā€™s right I got a fucking 0/200 On the assignment and when I emailed her explaining I was sick she just told me tough luck!! I Went from a 98% to a 68% because she made it worth 40% of our grade. She was also my only teacher who had a strict no late policy even if youā€™re almost dying (bastard!!) it was the worst luck and chance that it was this specific class. I ugly cried even harder than the first situation and I was sick too so it made it all that much worse !!!!
anyways I decided crying wasnā€™t going to do shit and I can solve this crisis just because I can and I donā€™t deserve to fail because of a sick mistake !! I had recently learned about revision so once again while ugly crying I just affirmed I have an A, I have an A, I have an A, and visualized her putting in a 100% in my grading portal until I fell asleep. Once again I woke up with a 200/200 even though I didnā€™t even submit the essay ???!!!!!
I donā€™t know if my desperation and crying heightened my affirmations or what but the easiest times I had with revision was my during my most desperate moments . I guess my advice to you is to just visualize yourself not missing those questions, and feeling slay after talking the test in your mind !then affirm to yourself you blew the test out of the waters (good way) and go to bed at ease because youā€™re going to be okay šŸ„°
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wyrd-syster Ā· 1 year
thank you for your reply! i thought it made complete sense for alice to have started the fire and i really didnā€™t think that the ā€œit was agnesā€ twist was necessary and they the fact that the show just made that up is SO weird. i think making clem the product of a rape made sense as to the reason june was never able to fully love him and *thatā€™s why* he became like that, not because of a ā€œviolent geneā€. his relationship with candy was really interesting to me because it kept me wondering whether or not he took advantage of her or if it was june projecting her own trauma into her son, her rapistā€™s son. that really works in the generational trauma concept but god i totally agree with you. might have to read the book myself. thank you again <3
Yeah the other thing about Alice setting the fire is that...it's such a child's fantasy? Like a child dreams of setting someone on fire, a grown woman would more likely, I don't know, go into the kitchen right across the hall and grab a knife? It seemed like a weird twist to show that Agnes Was Secretly Strong The Whole Time, which is not the point. Again, looking at the theme of duality in the book, Agnes is both a loving mother who is basically Alice's whole world, and also a negligent parent (though, not without her reasons, obviously). Sliding in this little reveal at the last moment just felt...cheap.
I should have clarified the Clem being born bad as a product of rape thing -- all the episodes leading up to episode 7 seemed to indicate that Clem became who he became because June couldn't love him, which is the nuanced and tragic takeaway from the book that I was happy to see they were expanding on in the show. But by having him attack her, it seemed to justify June's dislike of him because he was just Inherently Bad and nothing she could've done would have changed that.
The Candy aspect is also interesting...I should have noted, this is entirely made up for the show. In the book, she has a crush on him but that's about as far as it goes. Up until episode 7, I thought the show had added it in to -- again! -- show how June's mistreatment and abuse of Clem turned him into an abusive asshole. Because whether it was rape or not (and again, it's a complicated question), June's reaction was to tell her teenage son that he was unequivocally a monster and that his love was monstrous šŸ™ƒ So then for the finale to imply that June was right the whole time and Candy was an abuse victim once again seemed to justify all of June's actions against Clem because he was Always Bad And Beyond Hope.
I loved the book and would highly recommend it! It's gorgeously written but just as tough as a read as the show was hard to watch.
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acatwitha3ds Ā· 1 year
I know nothing about organizing a zine but I would love to do art for the harvestella zine if it becomes a reality! I feel like doing a free, digital zine would probably be the best bet to getting it out there, especially since printing is such a tough process. But ye! (My art account is judithan-xing, and since the harvestella fandom is so small I'm sure you've seen my lil doodles of the crew)
@dogshit-enchantment / @judithan-xing ā€” Yes, hi, hello!!! Iā€™ve been meaning to comment on your lovely artwork (sometimes I forget when I rb šŸ˜…), but I enjoy your stuff a lot! And tysm for sending this ask, bc it goes to show that, no matter how excited I am about this project or a poll, I rly shouldnā€™t post when hungry or tired. šŸ™ƒ i keEP LEAVING THIS CRITICAL DEET OUTTTTTT FFFFFFF (also tagging @jake-marshall bc i know in your tags youā€™ve wondered the same things!)
Yes! My plan for any hypothetical Harvestella zine would be digital only, free for any interested fan to download and hold close in their files! šŸ˜Š
Feel free to ask or DM more questions, and I will get to them over the course of the weekend. šŸ’
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