#i know that by the end of the ep he's processed enough to once again be angel son boy but. cranky hunter i missed you
crimeronan · 2 years
immediately when the episode opened i was planning to make a tumblr post that just said MY BITCHY EMO CRANKY DICKHEAD SON IS BACK but then the rest of the ep delivered so many successive worthwhile all-caps textpost sentiments that like. somehow hunter processing grief and stress and pain by being kind of a cunt ended up like. the LEAST important of my most important takeaways. THAT is how much this ep delivered. jesus christ. i was not prepared. i did not underknow
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Fool Me Once
Pairing: aemond targaryen x reader (wc: 2.4k)
Summary: Learning about Aemond’s indiscretions hurts more than you thought it would, and leads you to accepting help from an unlikely source.
Warnings: gaslighting and manipulation on Aemond’s part, reader being slightly naive :(
A/N: I love rewatching certain eps or scenes for inspo. I got inspo for this watching the iconic knife scene. Very interested lately in writing women that eventually (and rightfully) snap after being actively harmed by patriarchy/the men in their lives. Also alys and aemond meet after the dance starts but let’s pretend they meet right before viserys passes. This will have a slightly ambiguous ending… for funsies 🫶🏽
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You consider yourself a forbearing person. Your resigned nature was natural to you, but also the way you’ve been bred to be. Your mother especially preaching that good things come to those who not only wait but keep their heads while waiting. This idea only got compounded once your family arrived at court in King’s Landing. Now you had septas, on top of your mother, teaching you the ways of a ‘proper’ lady. Demure, well read and groomed, and obedient. You did was expected because what else could you do. Your parents were in your ear telling you do not waste the opportunity in front of you. An opportunity for a better life.
For a time, you thought your mother had a point. You did as you were told, and good things fell into place. Princess Helaena and you became fast friends through your lessons. Your interest in plants crossing over with her interest in insects and arachnids. Through your friendship with her, you caught the eye of Queen Alicent.
Despite your shy disposition, you managed to get in the good graces of the most powerful family in the Seven Kingdoms. You trusted the process.
But the cracks in the restrictive facade started once the discussion marriage entered the picture. You knew marrying for love was not something everyone was afforded, but you thought maybe you had a chance. There were tries for courtships here and there, but it was something you kept putting off. The clock was ticking, and no one let you forget it. Especially after your friends, including Helaena, started getting married and having families of their own.
You still remember the thrilled smile on your mother’s face when Queen Alicent not so subtly suggested a union between Prince Aemond and you.
The One-Eyed Prince. He had been nice enough towards you. But you were sure most of that was out of sheer obligation because his mother and sister liked you. Despite the love you have for Helaena and the respect you have for the queen, the idea of marrying into the family terrified you. You saw the burden and hurt each of them carried. Even with the possibility that Aemond wasn’t as bad as Prince Aegon or King Viserys, his brooding nature still made you nervous for what a marriage with him would mean.
“Your work has paid off my sweet girl”
It took a simple sentence from your mother to change your mind. The ever growing need to be validated spurred you into a decision you’d later question.
The courtship was quick and to the point, much like Aemond. He wasn’t thrilled with the decision. Then again, happiness was not an emotion you’d seen him exude very often. You did not know what it looked like.
Throughout the courting, wedding celebrations, wedding itself and after, you two had a mutual understanding or so you thought.
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You saw the change in him. When you’re all but forced to spend your days with someone, you notice their behavior more. He’s lighter it seems. You don’t know how to explain it, but he moves different.
The only feeling you can compare it to is when you were pregnant with Daella, your daughter. For all his faults, you can acknowledge that Aemond is a good father. He was from the moment the maester told you two the news. He was attentive and uncharacteristically warm to you during your pregnancy. And then he acted as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders when she was born. Even now, he indulges her rambunctious antics and playful conduct in a way he wouldn’t for anyone else. His precious byka zaldrīzes
His devotion never wanes when it comes to her. It was a different story for you and him.
It was foolish, but so typical of you. You had done your duty so well that you’re now in the position of having genuine feelings for him. Wanting your husband shouldn’t be a problem. But craving the love and affection of an enigma like Aemond is not for the faint hearted.
“Is my brother with his whore tonight,” his words were cruel, but he genuinely seemed curious. Aegon and you always had a strange relationship. He wasn’t rude though certainly not kind. You remember overhearing the way he described you after you two first met: pretty but terribly dull. You didn’t know what hurt worse: him saying that or the lack of pushback from Aemond.
Alicent gives you a pained look before pulling Aegon to side during dinner. You can tell by her scowl and his now sheepish facial expression that she’s using some choice words.
You thank the seven that Daella was asleep after a long day of playing with her cousins and wasn’t at dinner. The empty spot next to you feels vast. This is the third dinner he has missed. It never occurred to you that Aemond would seek companionship elsewhere. Now that it’s on your mind, you can’t forget it.
His whore
Aemond and Aegon are not the same. You know Aemond is not the type for frivolous intimate moments with silk street brothel women. You also know the intimacy he seeks requires knowing someone. He requires way more stimulation. Whether that is a blessing or a curse… you don’t know.
Aegon’s comment had you on high alert. Paranoid even. When Aemond is away, you wonder what he’s doing and who with. It only gets worse the sicker King Viserys grows. It shows on everyone in the family. Queen Alicent gets more anxious for what’s to come, Aegon lashes out, Helaena becomes more cryptic and silent, you wonder how this will impact your already complex relationship with this family, but then there’s Aemond. He shrugs off any ill feelings towards the situation.
At first you wondered if it is because he’s the only one that’s made peace with that relationship never being mended. He didn’t seem to seek out the same approval or explanation for Viserys’ bad parenting that everyone else still craves. With the King dying, meant the chance of change dying as well. But really his mind is elsewhere.
You know you’ve reached a new low when you try to pry information from Ser Criston. If anyone knows where Aemond sneaks off to, you assume it would be Criston. But in the end, it was wrong to go to him. Criston is fiercely loyal to Alicent and in turn fiercely loyal to her children. Though he has treated you kindly, he would never give up more information than he had to.
The idea greatly backfires when then you find yourself the one being questioned.
“If you want to know where I go, you could simply ask,” Aemond’s tone is cool and composed. It makes you uneasy.
He leans leisurely against the wall. You freeze hearing that declaration. Criston must’ve told him about your worries. It feels a bit surreal now having the opportunity to confront him about your thoughts. The words run through your head but never seem to make it out of your mouth.
“You know I like going for long rides with Vhagar,” he starts walking towards you. “She’s older; she needs to stay sharp.”
You do know that. It’s something you found endearing about him, despite how you feel about dragons.
“I just feel like I haven’t seen you much,” you manage to get it out with a forced smile. “Like you’re always away.”
He tilts his head to the side in question. You feel like one of Helaena’s bugs. Inspected and poked.
“You don’t like being around Vhagar,” he points out. “I’d love to take you with me, but you don’t want that now do you.”
You look down at your hands. He doesn’t get it. He has the blood of the dragon flowing through him. For him, Vhagar is a symbol of pride and declaration of love for his ancestors and house. To you, she’s an unpredictable power that you still think humans should not mess with. It’s better to chalk it up to you fearing versus bringing up how you really feel about them. How you share the same skepticism many people across the Seven Kingdoms do. It scares you to think about Daella getting a dragon of her own. You see the awe in her eyes when she looks at her egg or when Aemond tells her stories of the past and present that include them.
Oh, the irony of you being weary of dragons while bounded to a man who rides the biggest of them all.
“No, I don’t,” you mumble. You finally work up the courage to bring up what you really want. “It’s just Aegon said something about you, and I guess it made me think about where you go so often.”
The words adultery or whore make your tongue feel heavy, and don’t come out He sighs once he reaches you, grabbing your face in his hands making you look at him.
“My wife do not let the thoughts of the small minded people cloud your judgment,” he leans his forehead down to yours. “You’re smarter than that.”
He’s not wrong, it is like Aegon stir things up. Aemond has a way of doing this. A way of making you feel silly with his self-assurance. He makes it easy to doubt your gut instincts. His affection has a similar debilitating quality. It’s why your head gets a bit fuzzy when he kisses you. A warm and gentle kiss that left you a bit weak in the knees. You sigh when his lips move to the sensitive spot under your ear.
“We should have another babe,” his whisper makes your eyes shoot open. “Give Daella a sibling.”
You pull away, eyes wide. As much as you loved how Aemond doted on you while you were with Daella, you also remember how difficult the experience was. How towards the end, you were basically confined to the castle as to not risk your health or the babe’s. Your every thought being on the life in your stomach.
“A little warrior would be nice, no?”
Aemond had told you he’s not picky about how many children you two have or even the sex of them. But you’re sure like any noble man, he wants his blood and name passed on as much as possible. Especially as a Targaryen. You’d be lying if you said the thought of a little boy didn’t make you happy. Your children hopefully having a strong bond.
You look at the seemingly earnest look in his eye. You nod with a nervous smile, and he kisses you again. That night being the first of many he tried to put an heir in you.
He wouldn’t want another child while his heart is not it… right?
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You gingerly rub your stomach while leaning your head back against the seat. Ever grateful that you have Queen Alicent and Helaena to keep you company and help. Taking Daella off your hands during the day while you rest, your pregnancy making you more tired.
Before you can fall asleep, your lady in waiting peaks her head in the room.
“I’m sorry to disturb you princess, but Lord Strong has requested to see you.”
Your brows furrow. You have seen Larys Strong around, but outside of that he’s been a mystery to you. A figure looming in the background but never someone you interacted with regularly.
“Send him in.”
Lord Strong comes in, small smile on his face. You motion for him to sit in the chair next to you.
“Princess, you’re glowing,” he starts as he sits. “The halls are buzzing with excitement about a new babe.”
You raise a brow. Maybe you outwardly look better than you feel because you don’t feel positively glowing. Not in the slightest. You didn’t feel this exhausted till later when you had Daella.
“Thank you Lord Strong,” you try to keep a kind smile on your face. “What can I do for you today?”
“I just wanted to check in. Let you know that if you need anything, I am always of service.”
You nod slowly, confused about where this is all coming from. What service?
“I know how stressful being with child can be, especially when the father is… busy,” he continues, leaning back in the seat.
Your smile drops. For a time, you did think things were getting better. Aemond seemed excited when you two found out you were with child again. Things were good till they weren’t anymore. He’s not around again, and now you are going to bring another life into an unstable situation. The tone of Larys’ voice makes you uneasy. He smiles like he knows something you don’t.
“I appreciate the kindness, but I do not think your um services are needed.”
He nods at that before reaching into his pocket and handing you what you assume is a letter. He motions you to read it. You stare at the outside of letter. recognizing your husband’s handwriting.
My Alys
Your hands shake as you open the letter. Your vision gets blurred with tears as certain words and phrases stand out. Miss you, need to see you, miserable at King’s Landing, love you. Your squeeze your eyes shut when you see words mistake, baby, and your name in the same sentence.
“Those pesky ravens, sometimes they do the maddest things,” Larys whispers softly. “My princess, the woman the letter is for is an… old friend of mine. If you need me to keep an eye on this or even take care of anything, just let me know. I am always here.”
You look at him as he gets up to leave, lip trembling. Your eyes move stare at the fire in front of you. Fire, blood, and dragons have all consumed your life now.
Is this why you don’t under the understand the obsession with dragons. You hate the ludicrous insistence that you can control them. That if you give them enough love and patience that they will need you the way you need them. Good behavior has gotten you nothing. Doing right by the dragons in your life has gotten you nowhere. Aemond is not yours despite the vows you took, or sacrifices you’ve made for him. The same way your children will never be yours despite the pain you take to have them.
You’ve been burned by the very dragon that’s supposed to protect you.
“Lord Strong,” you blurt before he gets to the door. He turns to you expectedly. “There is something you can do for me actually.”
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jemmo · 2 months
i hear the sunspot has brought me to tears once again. that ep was beautiful, and after talking about how i was excited to see how taichi handled dealing with this situation, im so happy with what we got from him this episode.
what i love about how they developed taichi this ep is that nothing was sudden. taichi takes the whole ep to process everything and basically gets back to the place where he was before, friendship with kohei, which on the face of it doesn’t look like progress at all, but if kohei’s reaction to that expression of friendship is anything to go by, my god does it mean the world. the way taichi’s thoughts have developed are so significant for him and for the story, and also so beautifully and simply taichi. every time the camera is on him, you can see him processing exactly the way he described at the end of the ep, he keeps on trying to find a reason to be mad or angry or to avoid kohei and he just can’t find it, so he simply isn’t mad, he’s good, they’re friends. nothing that kohei says or does is enough to upset him or enough to want to push kohei away. and no, i don’t think at this point he’s quite got to the point of understanding if his own feelings are more than friendship, but he understands that for kohei, his feelings are more than friendship, and he’s alright with that, that’s kind of the whole concept of the ep and it’s so beautifully conveyed bc they keep on going back to the idea of hearing and listening which, for a show with a hard of hearing character, is even more poignant. multiple times we get them asking each other “did you hear that?” and we also get multiple times of taichi speaking or calling for kohei and kohei not hearing, which is ironic bc it’s taichi in this situation that needs to do the listening and understand kohei’s feelings. the whole point of the exchange on the stairs is that, bless him, taichi is a little bit dense, or to put it more kindly, he didn’t have all the facts and understanding he needed to know what exactly happened and what was meant during their exchange under the bridge. he didn’t understand the different ways the miho situation could be misunderstood, and he also didn’t understand just what kohei was trying to tell him, bc the confession was wrapped up in all these other feelings about his hearing getting worse which taichi didn’t know about. through the ep we see him learn these things and try to put them together, but on the stairs he says just please make it clear to me, I can’t understand if you don’t say it. it funnily echoes the sentiment of what he told kohei in an earlier ep, if you can’t hear, ask someone to say it again, louder. except here, it’s if you don’t understand what someone says, ask them to say it again, clearly. so kohei does, or more, he speaks through his actions (and no, I don’t think the cut away kiss was a cop out, at least in this situation, bc it conveys the way taichi reacted to it, being he didn’t know what to do or say or handle it, it’s like it just happened in a blink of an eye, or almost didn’t happen, yet we all know it did, and such it can’t be forgotten or passed over in taichi’s thoughts as he begins to understand how he feels for kohei) so that taichi can understand clearly.
i also wanna point out how i love what they did with sound in this ep, especially the scene on the stairs and the scene in the club room leading up to it. taichi is talking about kohei, but you can also hear sound from elsewhere, like it’s some club practicing music outside. so as he starts to open up about how he feels about kohei, he pauses to shut the window and we lose that outside sound. it’s taichi wanting to close out the outside or listening ears as he opens up bc he’s saying things he’s not fully ready to talk about or express, his feelings for kohei. that’s when we get kohei coming to the door and overhearing, he’s broken in to the room taichi sealed off, but instead of reacting badly, he pursues kohei, and such as we get to the stairs we hear the outside sound again, of the music being practised, bc when faced with kohei and him avoiding him again, he overcomes that fear of expression and goes after him, he admits things out in the open. it’s such a subtle but masterful way of conveying how taichi’s inner thoughts were working in that moment while also playing with the shows theme of sound. just stunning.
and i also really loved one of taichi’s lines in particular. “I kept thinking… how i wished how i would forget to eat”. this one got me bad, bc it’s such a good way for him to express what he means without just saying it point blank. taichi is perpetually a hungry boy, we know that, and that’s how he got to know kohei, through food, both their first encounter was bc of food and their friendship developed through sharing lunch, through kohei feeding him. we also always see his stomach rumble, a reminder of this hunger he can’t control, but is obvious nevertheless. so when he says he wished he would forget to eat, he’s saying he wished he could forget something that is so simple and standard to your day but is so important, just like kohei. he’s connected food to kohei and now he can’t even have a meal without it reminding it of him, and more so, when he’s hungry and wants something to eat, he thinks first of the food kohei gives him. the desire is linked to him bc he’s the one that satiates it. and just like he can’t forget to eat, just like how his stomach rumbles from hunger despite not wanting to think about food, he can’t forget kohei. and his stomach rumbling becomes this proxy for the way that, even though he wishes he could, he simply can’t not think about him, his body, his heart, goes against what his brain wants. and bc like hunger, kohei is something he can’t ignore, so he goes out and fixes it, he eats, and he sees kohei. now if that isn’t mastery of metaphor, i don’t know what is.
and my final shoutout is for kohei’s mom bc she’s literally just the best. i really love that they’re showing that kohei has a very normal home life and his mom isn’t overprotective or cautious of him. she treats him so normally and lets him make his own decisions even when they aren’t right, like we don’t know what their relationship was like early on when his hearing first went, but kohei didn’t have the best time and isolated himself, and as his mom, it’s hard for her to help in that kind of situation, she can’t force kohei to socialise and she can’t force people to be friends with him, so it must’ve hurt, so now that kohei is talking about this friend, you can see how happy it makes her, and when she sees them become distant, she doesn’t overly interfere, she talks to taichi simply when he turns up at their house and just asks him to not give up where others have, and for kohei, the simple act of still making 2 lunchboxes even though kohei probably at some point told her he’d only need 1 now, and she doesn’t overtly ask him to talk to taichi, she just does it as this in case, like if kohei gets the courage to talk to taichi, now he’ll have a reason to talk to him, something to offer, something to break the tension and make it easier. it’s only a small thing she can do, but she does it bc that’s her way of helping. she treats kohei like an adult that can do as he decides and make mistakes, she lets him go to hospital appointments by himself bc we can see he can handle it, he’s fine, but you just know that if it got too much for him, she’d be there for him in an instant. i just love how they manage to show the care and love in that relationship without having to make anything dramatic, bc dramatics don’t mean always mean you care more, and this is proof.
anyway we’re getting a trip next week and everything always happens when boys go on a trip so i cannot wait.
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joyswonderland1108 · 10 months
JK deserves better.
I can't believe i keep on coming back to talk about shitty subjects because this damn fandom can't give the boys a rest.
Feel free to disagree, feel free to fucking block me if you do strongly disagree but a gentle reminder, i am here for the tannies and the tannies only. With that being said, FUCK , and i mean this with all disrespect, them JK solos. Fuck all solos but this post is about JK so imma focus on what is going on.
Honestly i have a lot of shit to say but so little organisation in my head that this post might end up becoming a whole ass mess but bear with me. Now if you really do love JK this post will make a lot of sense for you.
Do i start off again by talking about the "world tour" rumors? Yes, let's do that.
World Tour
I guess i've already mentioned this in previous posts but i also want to add a small detail that JK himself talked about. I feel like there's this obsession with JK doing a world tour that is turning into an entitlement uncaring about JK really.. Army want JK to do a world tour, JK himself talked about it, said many times before that if he was to do a world tour it wouldn't be now, not enough songs, not enough time, he also talked not ONCE not TWICE about wanting to reunite with the boys in 2025.
Now the other detail that i wanted to add was the pressure, whether you like it or not, JK WAS pressured, he was supposed to release an EP but somehow in the process he was pressured to take more and that boy had to fucking record 5 songs in the span of a week, he also had a very condensed time frame to get everything ready to release a full length album, well what turned out to be a full length album. We've all seen it, his schedules were hectic AF to the point where JK looked sick at times in the airport, that boy was so fucking tired, Jimin also expressed concern over his health, and who are we to know better than them? The boys see him and know about him more than we will ever do and even they saw how it was fucking tiring for him.
In Suchwita JK mentioned that while yes a world tour is great but FOR NOW he wants to wrap it up with music shows (You'll have to excuse me i'm a whole mess so i'm not sure where to look for ss of exact moments i'm talking about my files are all messy but you know what i'm talking about.. hopefully) Now.. If and i say IF somehow there is a world tour announcement just know that this is part of the whole pressure. I don't even know how to explain it but if JK was pressured into releasing a full length album when he himself said WAY BEFORE that it would be an EP, then don't be surprised that he'd be pressured to do that damn world tour cause some ARMY can't shut the fuck up for the life of them.
Y'all seem to not give two fucks about this man's health, a world tour means even more hectic schedules for JK, instead of wanting that man to fucking rest, get healthy again, and actually wait for him, give him time to be ready physically and mentally, y'all want to rush him into giving you everything all at once because of your own enjoyment forgetting that he is not a machine, that he is a human being that is bound to break at some point.
You would think that after seeing how Yoongi looked tired af during his tour these people would have mercy on JK but no. And whether we like it or not, JK will have to enlist too and at the very least he should be well rested before starting his MS, burning him out and making him overwork himself just for him to have to do his military service next is actually cruel but let me guess, Army don't give a fuck about this now do they? They're still keeping in mind that baseless theory about JK enlisting way later.
Which takes us to the second point, MS.
Military Service
Just how many fucking times does JK have to tell y'all that he WANTS to reunite with the boys in 2025 for y'all to fucking understand that this is not about YOU it's about JK and his willingness to be with the other members. People just don't seem to realize how freeing it is to put MS behind your back, it's not just for Queer people, even if you're straight MS is very restricting for you so why on earth would JK want to be bound by a restriction for even longer?
And let's just go by these solos logic, JK is still young and doesn't have to enlist now, okay. By the time all the members will be done with their MS, JK will be of an age where he won't be able to postpone his anymore, and the result? All 6 members will be out ready to resume their group activities BUT JK. And then everybody will complain "How dare they resume their activities without their golden maknae" or they'll have to yet again set a hiatus and i don't think a hiatus is the first thing a group is looking for after their MS, a hiatus is the very last thing they think about when planning for a come back after MS.
I don't know if people see any logic in their very selfish thinking or..? Like please, do y'all even listen to JK? Do his words to you mean nothing? Is he just talking in an empty barrel? He has been telling us, not anyone else but US, he wants US to understand but somehow some people just can't seem to grasp at the reality of things. Is it that hard to support him on what he wants?
Moving on to the third point, and again i believe i did talk about this in a previous post or posts too but, those very disgusting song interpretations that for some damn reason is always coming from the hets (with all due respect to the respectful hets out there)
Song Interpretations
When he told Zane that the songs didn't reflect his real life i was wondering.. Did he perhaps see all those disgusting and disturbing interpretations of his previous songs aka Seven and 3D by het Army on Tiktok? It really had me thinking whether he just wanted to mention that because.. or did he really see those damned interpretations and he felt the need to put that in there just in case.
I mean when JK decided to show a more mature side of him, i'm pretty sure his intentions weren't for us to see him as your typical het fuckboy and exactly how is someone singing about sex making him a fuckboy? Since when does having a sex life makes you a fuckboy? Can't people committed to one person not have a sex life or..? Why does this boys always have to come here to clarify things?
Like can't y'all just be normal and at the very least do cute and funny interpretations instead of making it absolutely horrifying and i'm not even going to talk again about the photocards during Music Bank that fucking Tiktok Army gave a vile interpretation to..
The thing is, it doesn't stop at just ARMY there are other people who are as disgusting as some Army really.. Which takes me to my last point and i'm not even gonna say much about it cause this is worthy of a whole ass post that honestly i don't feel too much dedication for to make..
The Acquaintances
Do i have to say again that i'm here for the tannies and the tannies only? Well not just me but many of us are actually, so can some of you PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Stop hyping up every single person that in a way or another has had a connection to the boys?
Seeing a damn journalist ditch professionalism and acting like a 12yo stan in the name of JK is just so.. WTF? You know things? Good for you but how about you shut the fuck up and let JK or the company do the announcement. I'm tired of seeing JK come to us everytime looking disappointed that we already know about what he might've been excited to announce to us HIMSELF. It's just so sad to see him go like "Oh i guess you already know.." Like.. No baby we do not please tell us, like PLEASE stop taking the excitement away from him, i would absolutely hate it to want to announce something related to ME just for a damn stranger to do it in my place.
You got the opportunity to work with JK, or as a professional to know things about JK? Amazing! Good for you, but please, it is not your place to be acting like those fake tea accounts on the tl.. Keep it to yourself or at the very least make one good post about it and shut the fucking fuck up until whatever is supposed to come out does then you can hype it up all you want.
Same for anyone who is working with JK, y'all need to stop giving them too much clout because the moment they end up being problematic, know that it is your own damn fault that haters end up coming for JK because y'all can't seem to put a difference between JK and the people who work with him, you always link them together and put them in the same box which ends up being a green light for haters to lump him into the same category as those problematic people.
Yes it is decent to have respect for the people working with the tannies as long as they do deserve that respect, once they show their true colors we do NOT have to keep that respect, now i'm not saying we should fight them but simply there is no need to hype them up. JK is not the people who are working with him and the people who are working with JK are not JK. Stop putting a label on what are those people to JK, Scooter is a whole ass dick but just because he is involved in JK's album it doesn't mean JK is the same as him, this and that are two different things and same for any single person who is working with any member.
We do not have to bootlick people just because they are working with BTS because i repeat the moment these people show their true colors it becomes a whole mess and our boys end up being dragged into a hell fest of hate, UNPROVOKED.
With that being said, please have some respect for JK, hype HIM up, show HIM support and please respect his own decisions, HIS DECISIONS, not someone else's but his.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 5 months
My Mind Did That Thing Again!
You know, where it sees something, then takes off in a random direction for no reason other than it can and it's fun. So, I had a crazy thought last season and it just kind of...experienced an accelerated unchecked growth spurt today after reading the info about the next ep's and the upcoming eps's titles. *looks at the titles of the remaining episodes* 🤨
I have a WIP that I began the night the lightning strike episode premiered last season. Let me preface this by saying the fic is nowhere near complete. (I'm in no hurry. That is the beauty of fandom. You can offer a fic forty years after a show ends and the devoted fans will still be there.) The plan is still for it to be a series with several entries, all of which are multi-chaptered.
Why am I bringing this up? Because it's that time again folks where my imagination runs wild and I ask you all to play 'I know this is crazy, but just hear me out and humor me". For those who have seen this game, participated, and maybe even enjoyed it, you are awesome!
So, the game is played just like the title states. Let's go! (I put the insanity under a cut. If you move forward, I am not responsible for anything that happens!
We know Shannon and most of Eddie's family are supposedly going to appear in the next ep, right? (I say supposedly because you can't really trust anything that gets leaked. Remember that karaoke scene?)
What if it's because Eddie Diaz is balancing on a thin wire between the living and dead? He is close enough to the other side to see Shannon, but still physically hanging on in this plane.
You're probably rolling your eyes and wondering, "What the hell does this have to do with last season?" That's okay and I will tell you.
What if, all this time, we've been viewers of Eddie's coma dream? What if the person who actually died and had to be revived was Eddie? Everything that has happened since then has all been a figment of his imagination.
I'm not saying this is plausible, probable, or practical. I'm just having some fun. (I write. I paint. I am creative. Some say cray cray, but what is normal anyway?)
Now, if I look at what has transpired between then and now, I could point out a few things that could support that theory. (You can call me crazy later. I'm used to it.)
1- Eddie was hit by the lightning.
Eddie was hit first, but just hopped right up? I know some people will say the lightning threw him, but let's look at simple science. To be affected by the electricity, he had to experience the electricity. It was powerful enough to throw him off the truck.
Eddie was hit.
2- Eddie was not in Buck's dream.
Why? If it is really Eddie having the dream, but imagining it is Buck, it's possible he can't conjure a dream version of himself.
I thought it was interesting that Christopher was in the dream and asking Buck for help. Maybe it's Eddie's subconscious reminding him that Christopher will be taken care of by the man he trusted enough to give his son to should he be incapacitated.
3- The scene at the graveyard.
Why on Earth did they go to the victim's grave? Don't they have a rule of letting go at the door? Why would Eddie go to the cemetery and stand over the grave of someone he did not know having a heart-to-heart with Buck?
4- The death doula wasn't a doula.
She was death. Natalia taking Buck away the first time could have been Eddie coding. In his dream, Buck was leaving him, when in reality he was leaving Buck. Natalia coming back could have been Eddie moving toward death again, but managing to escape it's grasp once more. The final breakup? Eddie was resurging.
5- The bachelor party.
What about Eddie Diaz in the past six seasons would point to what he and Buck did? He got smashed, destroyed a hotel room with a bunch of strangers, and all in the name of a bachelor party for a man who didn't want one and was not even there.
The party could have been his subconscious rapidly processing a lot of information, both conscious and subconscious, suddenly. The drag queens? Come on now. Everything with that show is intentional and that scene was disjointed, chaotic, and completely unhinged. None of that is Eddie Diaz.
6- Marisol
Eddie is not into that woman. He is clinging to her for some reason and he fast forwarded through the relationship. Did the Eddie Diaz of seasons 2-early 6 seem like the type of father to let some woman he barely knows supervise his son's dates, babysit Christopher, and move in?
Or was it Eddie's mind simply pulling a woman he had met briefly into his subconscious and building a story around her?
(For those who are science nerds or just fascinated by psychology, there is a theory our minds can't create faces and every person in your dream is someone you have at least seen in passing.)
6- Tommy
It has been mentioned soooo many times how similar Eddie and Tommy are.
That is all I will say on that topic.
For now.
If you made it all the way through, I will end it by saying this.
This may be a crazy idea about the show, but it will happen. If it doesn't in canon, it will in fic. This is why I love fandom. 😁
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gizkasparadise · 7 months
What are your top five xianxia cdramas? And, on the other end, what are your top five historical kdramas (any time period - I'm not well versed in this to know the various types names yet xD)? Oh, and lastly, your top five drama recs that are the most (generally) underrated? Thanks!
love and redemption. girl meets boy. boy's part of a cursed theatre troupe and part of masochism tango of reincarnation with girl that lasts 10 life times. girl is actually kind of the god of war. crack, gender reversal, gender fuckery at large, feminist and queer friendly. incredible OST. just all-around one of my favorite dramas ever.
lost you forever (part 1). a xuanhuan vs. xianxia, but im not passionate enough about 5 xianxia for this list lol. another drama with gender fuckery. a fantastic FL and beautiful relationship building (and unbuilding) and character-driven story. dont even need the second part for this to be a favorite!!
love between fairy and devil. all those tropes you fucking loved when you were like 13 on ff.net given a lot of heart and near-perfect execution (aside from that ending). awesome characters, beautiful costumes and art direction. super addicting and bingeable
the legends. bai lu playing a powerhungry demoness and acquiring a dysfunctional harem in the process. xu kai looking like a sad blue-haired puppy. a monk that creates an entire demon because he has 1 boner. sismance. i had a lot of fun with this one and pointedly did not watch the last 5 or so eps lol
till the end of the moon. there's parts i genuinely hate and would not watch ever again. there's parts that are fucking incredible. sort of like the main couple, i have a love/hate relationship with this drama but when it hits it really hits
honorable mention: eternal love/10 miles of peach blossoms (xianxia fuckery at its finest weighed down somewhat by tedious side plots and one of the most infuriating 2nd FLs of all time)
gaksital/bridal mask. set in the 1930s. inverse character arcs between the hero and villain. dysfunctional romance amped up to the nth level. high stakes, high consequences, and a cast full of well-developed and written characters. bring tissues
empress ki. girl crushing and girl bossing her way through two kingdoms, one of the best FLs of all time. with her is a besotted baby enemy emperor and a Noble Good besotted powerless king as she goes from slave to smuggler to concubine to empress. chef's kiss
the princess' man. you want feral wrecks for your male leads? female leads ready to throw down in a parking lot? if you like lovers to enemy (?) lovers and star-crossed romances this one is a must
the king loves. this one's also on my underrated list. the first 4ish eps are a chore, but if you get past them you have the love triangle to end all love triangles, interesting palace politics with a fascinating "evil" empress, and im siwan getting to go a lil unhinged as a treat. it's the definition of an idol drama but gd did i love this and i binged the hell out of it no regrets
mr sunshine. le cinema!!! an interesting time in history (1870s-1880s) with a wide range of flawed but compelling characters centered around one of the most badass FLs of all time. winner of the #1 second lead syndrome contest for me with dong mae. only downfall to this one is i felt negative chemistry with the endgame ship but the show is good enough without it
honorable mention: chicago typewriter isnt on this list because it's only kind of half a historical drama BUT OMG WATCH IT. it's in my top 3 kdrama and while it has a slow build once it kicks off it fucking goes off
the king loves as mentioned above. i think why it has a lower rating is the first handful of eps are kind of a snoozefest and there's a bit of an upset with the romance (which i was 900% for). but it's a fucking fun ride and full of awesome goryeo palace drama adventures
kairos. not underrated, since it has decent scores on reviewer sites, but underhyped? not enough people have seen this one and it's an incredible time-travel thriller that i found way more interesting than other popular dramas of its type like signal
cheese in the trap. the ending's a hot mess, but compared to how some 2020-onward dramas are ending it's poetry. a solid adaptation of a really great webtoon, awesome cinematography, and one of the few dramas ive seen that actually capture the campus/college life experience right
discovery of romance. the emotional cheating element causes a lot of folks to hate it/jump ship, but i love this one (and gd BOTH the fl and ml emotionally cheat ftr he's not innocent in this hot mess). jung yumi + eric mun are one of my favorite kdrama duos and they kill it, and kim seulgi plays an incredible second female lead
when a man falls in love. man people HATED this one but i think it's a blast when you're in the mood for mess + gangsters. if you're into watching fucked up romances with severe power imbalances and the dysfunction that follows, this one's for you. it's not perfect but definitely not deserving of its 6.8 MDL rating (gd!)
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teeth-cable · 1 year
Im the CSA victim from UniformedArtists blog and I agree with you 1000% dropping everything Vivziepop.
Like I only watch Helluva even after the shit she's done to see how far it would sink but jesus christ.
You know her just saying the counselor is 18-19 isn't fucking good enough because the show says a different thing.
Like before people bring up the argument counselors can be adults... Most TV shows in media actually have minor counselors and we know Vivziepop doesn't research shit about hell or actual royalty so why the fuck am I supposed to believe Adam or her researched counselor age ranges.
Also nobody should have a twitter to figure out if you did or didn't make a grooming subplot.
You know in Curse of Strahd there's a controversial character Gertruda who 50 (500) year old Strahd is implied to planning take as another bride because of where you find her and in the book it states she's recently a teenager. However as much as I hate this plot line due to trauma I understand why it was added because WOTC portrays Strahd as a piece of shit. Like his goal is to chase down the reincarnation of his brother's fiance throughout time until he catches her, makes her a vampire and possibly brainwash/assault her to make her love him. Strahd is meant to be a gross creep. I as a DM and many other age Gertruda up to 18 because we don't want a pedo plot line and it keeps the predatory nature of Strahd intact.
Barbie seems to be portrayed in a significantly more positive light and her grooming behavior is never called out as a bad thing. Like Moxxie should say something at god damn least since he has morals.
There are so many things wrong with the EP. What gets me is writing has multiple stages, first the person needs to come up with the EP pitch, get the directer or network's approval, finish the first draft, then revisit it for grammar mistakes and continuity, then revise it a few more times for a stronger script, and send it to the directer or network again to approve of filming the finish script and that's not even counting how long animation takes too. So during the process of writing to animating, did no one at SpindleHorse see how weird and problematic the script was? The camp for pre-teens is called, "IWannaKumMore"(Their logo being a cum splat), Millie and Moxxie's human backstories of being siblings then making out at the end was unnecessary because they could have just been good friends whose mothers sent them to the same camp, Moxxie this grown ass adult who pretending to be a pre-teen is acting sexual and wants the kids attention, Millie who everyone else thinks is a young boy is getting sent nudes from kids and adults, and Barbie saying how easy teenagers are to manipulate then flash her ass to a boy is implying she grooms kids.
To be clear, I don't have a problem when a dark comedy make these types of jokes as all as they portray the topics and groomers as bad and show they understand that. SpindleHorse did not, like you mentioned they portrayed Barbie in the positive light and Moxxie never calls out her behavior despite being the voice of reason. In fact the tone of the Barbie's scene was supposed to funny but not in a dark ironic way. I don't understand why the camp couldn't be for college students and the consolers are stated and look like actual adults. Everything about the canon camp is childish and filled with teenagers, it's very uncomfortable to see them in sexual situations. In America the youngest a camp counselor can be is 15 y/o but that changes from states to states so no body has a clue, also with the camp counselor having a pitch voice, Barbie referring to him as kid and teenager and him, not once trying to correct her about his actual age, I'm convinced he was kid but Viv had to age him up for damage control.
I'm sorry if this response is all over the place because I'm having trouble describing my thoughts but the writers are in their 30s, and they saw nothing wrong? The writing for HB has been going down for a while now and it was fun to see how the writing could get worse but never in my years of watching awful shows did the writing get so bad, the writers had to resort to terrible jokes about sexualizing teenagers, making an incest joke, and a minor getting groomed unironically. I can't support a person or company that are fine making content like that.
"Unhappy Teenagers" was the first time, I have watched a show and felt a sinking feeling in my gut so much so it still lingers even a day later. I never felt so sick from watching a show and I'm sorry writers and companies think making this type of content and jokes of your trauma and abused experience is okay to do.
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nadsdraws · 7 months
Words: 300
Pairing: edizzy, edstede
Tags: Canon divergence, set at the end of ep 3, just before Edward wakes up, Izzy's POV, angst
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Stede disappeared below the deck some time ago now, God knows why. (Izzy knows why, he understands it all too well now, even though he would never admit it. He admitted to it once, to Ed, and he lost his leg in the process. No, he’s not going to risk anything like that ever again.)
But curiosity gets the better of him and, keeping the safe distance, he trails after Stede below deck. The view makes him stop in the doorframe and his heart in his chest.
There’s Stede, holding Ed’s hand whispering to him, begging him to hold on. He sees Edward, alive and shaking, as if he were trying to escape from the clutches of something dark and monstrous.
"I love you," Stede finally says like a plea. 
I have love for you, Edward.
Izzy holds his breath, he feels cold all over his body. Like there is not enough air in the room, like his lungs are filled with water and he’s drowning. Like he’s taking Ed’s place in the world of the dead. 
Something about the way this hurts reminds him of that dark room, the bed he was bleeding into and a gun being pushed into his hand. Everything that Stede doesn’t know about. But even if he did know, would he care at all?
There is no more time for musings because Ed finally wins the struggle for his life. His eyes open wide and he groans, rubbing his face with his free hand, the other holding firmy onto Stede. 
"What's with everyone confessing their love suddenly?" - are Ed’s first words. 
Stede looks stunned. He raises his gaze and only then seems to notice Izzy here, standing motionless by the door frame. A ghost from the past. 
He’s revealed too much already simply by being here so he turns around, limping back on his hurting leg, to where no one will be bothered by his presence. Edward is not his problem anymore.
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digitalgate02 · 8 months
I'll be annoying once again, about people slandering my boy Daisuke and my favorite episode in 02.
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i'll be quoting my long thread from bsky/tweeter.
The premise (of this episode) is to show how Daisuke NEEDS something to focus, or else he will be running in circles. And when he's running in circles, he's setting up to call for Hikari's attention.
As I said previously, Daisuke respects Hikari too much, so he NEVER had made a move before. He does NOT claim her to be his girlfriend or something. All he does is to want her attention and to impress her. And she does NOT feel uncomfortable around him despite everything.
"But there's times he asks her something and she just dodges by agreeing with Takeru!"
This is not about being uncomfortable with him, but mostly her simply not liking to be put on the spotlight. Hikari had serious issues to voice her own needs/thoughts when it comes to herself.
The times Daisuke asked her something, or made an attempt to be hella cool have nothing to do with her feeling awkward around *him* -- it's about *herself*. Because when you reach to Kizuna drama CD... Hikari is very vocal about what *she* wants to do. And in the same story we also get her witnessing Daisuke being so cool and himself, to the point she praises his determination and efforts to achieve his dreams.
Anyway, back to ep 22.
This episode is to be a comic relief after all the heavy atmosphere from the previous chapters. To balance with the next episode, which is about Ken and Ken ONLY and it's more a feel-good ep. Daisuke is a funny character so of course a light-hearted ep like this works.
The premise here is basically Daisuke trying so hard to be cool as well that he ends up putting himself and V-mon in legit danger. But one of my friends noticed something: he and V-mon are NOT in sync at the beginning of the ep.
If you don't know... Digimon evolution is triggered when the digimon and partner are usually in sync -- be them in danger, or be them willing to protect someone (like Sora's case in OG Adventure, or Miyako's in ep 25) So basically Daisuke couldn't evolve V-mon AT ALL.
Another factor is the fact Daisuke had no malicious intentions -- he never wanted to "beat" Takeru, his entire focus was to impress Hikari. As far I'm concerned, wanting to impress someone does not sound mean-spirited enough to make Daisuke fill himself with negativity and thus dark evolve V-mon.
Also he legitimately apologized to V-mon, asked for the others' help and was definitely not showing such an arrogant aura. Remember that Taichi was acting weirdly in Adv'99 case? He made everyone give their food to Agumon so he could evolve. He wasn't even taking in consideration Agumon's wellbeing and feelings either.
Ken Kaiser was also arrogant, forcing Agumon into experiments, and he only managed to get MetalGreymon *because* he cheated with a gimmick. Anyway, back to the ep 22.
There's also the factor that, since Daisuke got in legit real trouble by consequences of his own shenanigans, it's quite obvious he would've evolved V-mon normally there in the end. Again, he lacks malice.
Even when facing Tortomon, he had no bad intentions. And yes, he literally meant it when he asked Tortomon about washing hands before attacking. Yes, that's Daisuke. Yes, he meant it literally. This kid really has no fear of looking pathetic sometimes.
Basically, Daisuke had no second intentions the whole episode (just acting weirdly) -- the closest to something "bad" was him intentionally making V-mon mad and then tearing the bridge. BUT, SURPRISE! The next scene is him explaining to V-mon AND APOLOGIZING!! So yeah, he's not a bad person.
To sum up, Daisuke did not dark evolve V-mon in ep 22:
Because he had no malicious intentions with it
He never was rude for real, or conceited
He put himself in real danger in the process
He wasn't in-sync with V-mon for a half episode
Also, Dark Evolution and how it works is not about forcing your digimon evolve in a vacuum. There's more factors involving it -- like mixing it with STRONG NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.
Dark Evolution is:
A punishment for raising your digimon badly (it does not mean something evil always!)
It is mixed with strong NEGATIVE feelings (pride, wrath, cowardice, etc)
It does NOT mean:
Forcing your digimon to evolve only.
Mandatory for character development
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My Weekly Roundup CW 28
I had a little hiatus on this format, but I am back again. I missed writing about my favorite and not so favorite shows. This week was a real roller coaster! I have watched so much good stuff, but also so much meh stuff.
And yes, this will contain spoilers!
1. Be My Favorite (Ep 8)
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Those two are my safe place at the moment. Kawi has understood. He understood that if he wanted to change the future so that no one suffers, he finally had to be honest with himself. It was a process that the drunken subconscious had already completed, only his sober self still struggled a bit to understand that Pisaeng is the one he likes. But we can put that behind us now. He has confessed his feelings to Pisaeng and has now given Pisaeng the chance to court him and I can't wait for that! What I found very successful realized this week was to show how solid Pisaeng is as a person. Even though his life isn't going the way he wants it to (stupid friends and a crush who probably, at this point anyway, doesn't like him in a romantic way) he is still at peace with himself. Our old friend, the little miracle fixer with a few magic tricks up his sleeve, asks him if he should give him a hand and Pisaeng simply replies that he can handle it. I don't even like to imagine what would have happened if he had accepted the help. Pisaeng has nothing to reproach himself for and doesn't regret his previous decisions. Once again, this series simply enchanted me. We all wish from time to time to undo events of the past, but don't think about what impact our decisions and actions would have on the lives of others as well. And Kawi has only thought until the next smile from Paer. But that he as a person was not even ready to shape the future according to his own wishes, he did not understand, which is why he ended up becoming an alcoholic and everyone around him is unhappy. He has had a life in his mind's eye that he thought would make him happy, which it wouldn't because he never got a clue about what would make him truly happy. Until now. And I think it's good that he's allowing himself to be loved and to love.
2. Tokyo in April is... (Ep 5)
I don't know exactly how many times this episode brought tears to my eyes. This series feels so hopeful on one hand and so melancholy on the other. I felt all the emotions along with Ren this week. There was this longing to be close to Kazuma. How he buttoned his shirt and Ren literally melted in this physical closeness. And on the other hand, still the fear of not being good enough for him. When Kazuma offer him the shirt, Ren protests briefly if it's really okay to wear this new and expensive shirt. For Kazuma, it is not a question at all, as he has loved Ren for over ten years. There's nothing but love for Ren, and Ren is worth so much more than a silly shirt. I suffered along with Ren trying to contact Kazuma after he had to go to France, and broke when the connection between them was cut off altogether. And I felt pure joy when the two pairs of shoes were in the doorway and Kazuma sent him the text message with the food and asking when Ren was coming home. I'm very curious to see how they will continue the Sanada story and how extreme they will get.
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3. Stay With Me (Ep 5-8)
Whew, this series is killing me. But I love it. You can see parallels to Addicted, and in fact I'm actively trying to avoid comparisons so I don't denigrate the series itself. But we get told so much more than we did in the first adaptation. And it doesn't bother me that Su Yu and Wu Bi aren't as actively bl as Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin. Maybe it doesn't bother me because I don't know the novel and can't compare the series with it. Anyway, they found out this week that they are stepbrothers and they despise each other again. Well, anyway, that's what they like to tell themselves, but Wu Bi has already stated quite drunkenly that he just can't hate him and doesn't want to hurt him. And Su Yu can no longer pretend that he doesn't miss him either. That's when his own subconscious snapped him out of it, when he thought Wu Bi was sitting in his seat again and a smile crept into Su Yu's face. I think it's just delightful and the acting is really good. Story-wise they do a lot of things right too and the narration feels natural and fluid. I'm absolutely thrilled with the series and it doesn't bother me in the end if we don't get any hot bed scenes. Maybe there's a kiss in it, maybe not. As far as I know, the series is not aired in China, which means they didn't suffer from censorship. The chemistry between Su Yu and Wu Bi is definitely there and great. And honestly, a jealous Wu Bi was already cute and fun to watch. And with scenes like the bicycle rid I am totally satisfied.
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4. Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Ep 2)
While I found the first episode very exhausting, I liked the second one much better. It's nice to see what's going on in Minato's head. He can't show it to the outside world how much he loves Shin and as soon as he's with him a bit longer or looks into his face, he runs the risk of giving in to his emotions. Which Shin would have rather less of a problem with. It's frustrating to watch, but with a little more understanding of where Minato is coming from and how much he's suppressed his own feelings over the years, coupled with some internal homophobia, you can understand why he's always trying to control himself and is afraid to let go and live the feelings that burn inside him. The nice thing is that Shin knows who Minato is and appreciates and classifies the little things he does for him. And should Minato eventually get to the point of telling Shin how much he loves him, we'll probably see Shin rapturously slip away into another realm. But yes, with the second episode, the joy of the series has finally returned.
5. La Pluie (Ep 12 - Final)
I'll be honest, the show lost me by the tenth episode. Definitely Patts and Saengtai as a couple. And I also have to confess that I fast-forwarded half of the episode this week. Well, actually, I watched in rapture as Longfom finally told Tien in cotton-candy sweetness that he liked him, and as Tien accepted his confession and landed in his arms overjoyed I couldn't suppress a short squeal. And then came that half-hour montage of Tai looking for Patts. Yes, he had to do some searching, but instead of street impressions and watching Tai ask people if they've seen this vet, I actually would have liked a little more cosiness from Patts and Tai. I could have lived with a short time jump, I don't know, three years into the future. The end came a bit too fast, after all the torture we had to endure. And I don't even want to talk about the ending itself. What kind of shit was that? Should there be a spin-off? Nah, thanks, but I don't need it. Tien was happy for five fucking minutes. Give this boy a break! For me the series ended here:
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6. Hidden Agenda (Ep 2)
It's not going to be my highly anticipated series of the week, but I at least liked the second episode a little better than the first. Joke has made it to the debate club and can now help Zo realize his hidden agenda of landing Nita and also tackle his own hidden agenda of courting Zo at the same time. I mean yeah, we know how it's going to turn out. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise at the end, the basic idea of the series is too familiar for that, but still, you can enjoy the ride to the end anyway. The only thing that might be turned off during the ride would be the radio….
7. Low Frequency (Ep 2)
Well, the story itself is interesting. It would just be so nice if the actors didn't just stop acting when they don't have a speaking part. I mean Mon on the one hand looks like he's permanently stoned and like his brain is very empty from time to time. The dialogue just doesn't feel natural, it feels very contrived, which I don't blame the actors for, the director should actually see that and explain to them how to do it better. Well, maybe he thought it was just right…As I said, I like the story and I'll keep watching, but it's amazing how natural the series still feels at 1.5x speed. Well, Thames is a ghost now, whether he's dead or not, I really didn't get Mons' explanation. All I know is that the good guardian spirit gave Mon the important advice not to fall in love with Thames while Thames is standing next to him, and there's never another word said about it, but let's not kid ourselves, Mon is already over the hill with his feelings. We also learn that Thames has been the victim of a plot and that they tried to frame him for the drunk driving accident. No alcohol was detected in the blood, but there was a smell of alcohol at the scene of the accident. Reason enough to cancel him, sure. Why the management doesn't go to the press and say that no blood alcohol was detected, I don't know…But in the end it's not that important. Because this way we can see how Mon will help Thames. How exactly we will see maybe next week.
8. Step By Step (Ep 12 - Final)
The series started out strong. That is, I liked the first episodes and Jeng was and is a feast for the eyes. But my problems with the series started very early. I couldn't really relate to the characters. Pat was whiny and naive. I couldn't understand why Jeng fell in love with him. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just can't see Pat as a potential partner. He's not nearly as mature in my eyes as he should be and as Jeng wants him to be. And Jeng, to me, is a toxic partner. One often thinks of toxic as partners who are either violent whether physically or psychologically or who cheat or manipulate, but Jeng is toxic in a different way. He doesn't leave Pat's growth to himself, but tries to push him into roles he doesn't want to take (yet). But in the process, he also forgets about normal processes and hierarchies. All of this wouldn't have even bothered me all that much if the side story had just been spun on. I still think it's underwhelming that Jaab and Jane were just erased like that. Their story started out so strong and I was really looking forward to it and then Jane breaks up with his boyfriend and Jaab is mad at him? Yeah, that's when it stopped for for me. And after that they were hardly a topic and worst of all was the finale, where they were given a short side scene and you only saw Jaab. It's absolutely unclear what their relationship is. And please, no spin-off! This can't be anything good. In the end, I'm really disappointed in the series and don't miss it. No rewatch potential for me.
9. Dinosaur Love (Ep 4)
To describe this series I would say it is the perfect series for a Sunday evening. After a busy work week and maybe a hectic weekend, it can't get any worse than this series. And for the new week, you can tell yourself it can only get better from here on out. In this fourth episode, Rak has now moved into the dorm, got a roommate who is a real asset to the series with his captivatingly quick manner, Dino has made contact with Rak's father in a creepy way (from where did he et the number?), Dino sang really, really badly, we realized once again that friends should not be trusted in this universe, and Mek is just plain dumb. It was a feast again!
Honorable Mention
His Man Season 2 (Ep 8+9)
I love watching this one so much! There is so much drama going on, but it is not in any cometition with the other series I watch during the week. It is a datin show, so I can't rate it like the full scripted shows. But I love every second of this and I love talking about it with @leonpob! Thank you so much for reaching out! 🤍
Dropped This Week
Yes, there are some shows I am not willing to waist my time with... Not that many, but lately I understood that I can't watch everything!
Be Mine Superstar
After the second episode I just couldn't go on. I don't like the mains, especially Punn. He was just annoying and a big nope for me.
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drinkintrashjuice · 3 months
Ep. 3 :0 (MID Rewrite)
Hellooo!! I finally finished ep. 3!!! I do think that the first section isn’t my best work, but I’ll make up for that next chapter! I really hope you guys like this one! If you haven’t already, make sure to go read both ep. 1 and ep. 2. While I don’t think it’s my best work, they’re still important to understand the story. (Also this was finished like last night by the time I’m posting this. I just didn’t wanna post late at night like I did last time)
Episode 3: The Daze of the Day
Yakedo sat in the carriage Garmon had made for him. It was a rather “princess” like carriage. It was mostly made of wood that was smooth enough to easily slip on, and jungle-like leaves that acted as a sort of window cover. The carriage was decorated with many flowers that made it smell quite nice. Not only that, the driver was a dainty Mir woman with light pink horns. While the idea was clever, making it look like Yakedo was actually a princess Garmon’s son was supposed to marry, Yakedo didn’t think he appreciated it
“Garmon’s guest, please be aware that when you come through these gates, we ask for no harsh language or violence.” said the Mir woman, looking through a tiny slit where she could barely see Yakedo.
“Of course I know that, I’m not an idiot. But please pick up the pace.” Yakedo was starting to get impatient. This coupled with how girly and small the carriage was made him much more irritated than usual.
”I apologize, but I am not allowed to, as king Garmon asked me to make you feel relaxed.” Yakedo grumbled and sunk into his seat.
As the carriage rolled past the front gates, many people of the kingdom stared in curiosity. Many murmurings of who could possibly be in the carriage echoed throughout the crowd. Once they gotten in front of the castle, two knights that looked equally as weak as the woman driving the carriage were carrying huge leaves that could fully cover someone about Yakedo’s size.
“Garmon’s guest, please step out of the carriage. We’ll respectively keep your privacy.” The two knights then held the leaves over the door.
Yakedo felt as if his masculinity was deteriorating by the minute by entertaining this. Yet he still did as he was told and carefully stood out of the carriage.
Both of the knights and Yakedo carefully walked towards the doors of the castle. As it shut behind them, they went down a rather long flight of stairs. Going down this was made extra difficult with the knights still covering Yakedo’s figure.
“Must you both keep doing this?” Yakedo asked irritably.
“We are sorry, but Garmon has asked us to keep you hidden. For now, please refrain from speaking” The other knight nodded as they continued to descend.
Finally they reached the end of the torture that was having to shimmy down each step. The knights stopped covering Yakedo with the leaves so he could see.
The room was a big pool with a path of stones leading to a large area in the middle. This area had a large palm tree in the middle with two comfy looking chairs beside both sides of the tree. A table sat between the two chairs with a tea pot and two tea cups.
“So? You like it?” Asked Garmon from behind Yakedo, spooking him in the process.
“Gah! Er- it looks…fine.” Stated Yakedo, not wanting to admit how Garmon scared him.
“Apologies for sneaking up on you. But to be fair you did seem pretty entranced with the scenery.” Garmon walked in front Yakedo to head towards the middle and Yakedo followed.
Each stone as they stepped on it made a tiny sound, which made a lovely tune. Once they reached the middle of the pool, Garmon sat on one of the chairs and crossed his legs, while Yakedo sat on the other and crossed his arms.
Yakedo studied Garmon for any sign of betrayal. Garmon’s usual green cloak looked normal, as does his emerald green horns. His mint green hair covered one of his eyes, but he always styled it like that. His skin was pale, but again that’s what it’s usually like…Yakedo couldn’t find anything suspicious.
“You don’t know how thrilled I am you accepted this invitation Yakedo! I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while now…” Yakedo simply looked away from him, while Garmon poured himself and Yakedo some tea
Garmon started to talk again, but was interrupted by Yakedo.
“Are you really telling me that was your master plan of getting me here?” Yakedo faced him, “I must say, it’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever had the displeasure of going through.”
“Y-Yes, and I’m sorry, but it clearly worked didn’t it?” Garmon started wringing his hands out of nervousness.
“Truly you are a pathetic little thing…I don’t even know how I thought you had any sort of backbone strong enough to even consider trying to take me down.” Yakedo looked away from Garmon again, clearly infuriated.
Garmon then slammed his hand on the table and stood up. His face was red with frustration.
“Yakedo I’m tired of this! I brought you here to help you!” Yakedo looked at Garmon surprisingly.
“Listen to me for once! I promise it’ll do you at least a little bit of good!” Garmon then sat back down grabbing his cup of tea.
Yakedo was annoyed because of Garmon’s outburst, but decided to let him talk.
“As Mothando has told you numerous times before, starting a war with others will only make the magic crises worse.” Garmon took a sip from his cup, “I believe you’re doing this because there’s a special type of hate in your heart…and I’m willing to help you fix it.” Garmon gave Yakedo a warm smile.
Yakedo was not at all amused of the notion that he needed “fixing”. That on top of everything else that happened today made him want to strike down Garmon right then and there.
“Garmon, I demand you tell your men to bring me back to Chikara! What you’re implying is absurd.” Yakedo stood up and started for the exit.
”Yakedo I’m telling you if-“
Yakedo then struck Garmon in the face. Right on the eye he didn’t cover. Tears already started to stream down Garmon’s face. Once his tears and blood started to mix, it made a sickening smell.
“No! I’m telling you that if you want the people of your kingdom to be alive by tomorrow, you should escort me out of this pitiful place!” Yakedo stood over Garmon, effectively terrifying him.
Garmon looked behind Yakedo and nodded. As soon as he did this, something pricked the back of Yakedo’s neck.
“What..? I…should’ve…” Yakedo then fell to the ground. Whatever substance was in the needle had made him extremely tired very quickly.
“I’m sorry Yakedo…I wanted to do it my way but…it seems Mothando was right…” An Umnotho soldier then tended to Garmon’s wound.
“You…bastards…” Yakedo then passed out.
Ava woke up to the beeping of her alarm. She waited a bit to think before turning it off. Specifically about the five men that were in her living room. She originally thought they were just some weird cosplayers, but not only has she just never seen those characters before, their horns and clothes looked too real.
Ava turned off her alarm and grabbed her phone. One thing she regrets from yesterday is obviously the whole “marry me then power” thing she said to the Daemons, but also never calling her manager. She decided to go through that mini war while she still had the energy and time. After all, she had to explain to some guys how earth worked.
There were very few rings before her call was quickly picked up.
“Ava! Where were you yesterday!? You are aware we’re busy when summer break starts right?” Scolded Ava’s manager, Max.
“Yes ma’am…but to be fair, I have a really good excuse this time!” Ava waited a bit, “tomaybenotgotodayeither” she spat out quickly.
“To no go to- Wuh- Ava, if you want to keep a job you’re gonna have to actually do it!” Max started to sound frusterated, and to Ava, that’s exactly all she needs to hear to retreat from this battle.
“haha yeah uhm….c’ya tomorrow I hope!” She then hung up before Max could retaliate.
She then laid back down on her bed already exhausted. But she knew sooner or later she’ll have to deal with the multiple elephants in her living room.
“Know what? I’ll just turn on the T.V. or something. Won’t be that bad” Ava then stood up, ran to her door and practically burst through it.
“Ow! What the-“ Turns out that she had accidentally hit Leif in the process.
“Oh shit! Why were you even sleeping there!?” Ava slams the door behind her and crouches to meet Leif’s level.
“None of your fu- I mean” Leif swiftly stood up and bowed, “My apologies queen Ava…still none of your business…” he murmured.
Ava honestly forgot she told them she was a queen. She was mostly hoping it wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass.
“K’ let’s get some stuff straight” She walked to stand in front of her T.V. and nudged at Pierce to get off the table.
Once Pierce obliged to her silent request, she studied all the Daemons to see if they were all listening. When she was convinced that they were, she cleared her throat to give her a small boost of confidence.
“So…I’m guessing all of what you guys said was true right?” All the Daemons nodded with Rhys raising his hand to speak.
“Yes, and if I may, it’s extremely important that you choose one of us quickly. This is a life or death situation.”
Ava waved him off, “yeah, yeah I’m gettin’ to it!” She then lightly slapped the top of her T.V.
“You’re obviously gonna have to learn a lot about Earth before ruling it so uh…this bad boy’s gonna do it”
Ava then turned on the T.V. Flashing colors and blaring rock music were emanating from it. It absolutely mesmerized the Daemons, coming closer to it like it had its own orbit.
“Queen Ava…what is this…it’s…beautiful!” Said Noi sounding tearful.
“Oh! That’s called Two Punch Girl. One of my favorite animes!” Noi turned to look at Ava with a confused look in his face.
“What’s an…An-knee-may?” All the other Daemons looked at Ava with the same confused look. Most likely having the same question, but thinking it was too dumb of a question.
”Uhm well…it’s Japanese animation!” The Daemons looked even more confused.
”The hell is a Jab-pan-ees?” Asked Leif.
“Yeah…and what’s a An-ee-may-chion?” Asked Asch. Ava started to get irritated.
“It’s a- know what? Never mind!” She switched the channel to some wildlife documentary. “Watch this while I go do royal stuff or whatever!”
Ava stormed off to her room leaving the five men to watch the documentary.
“I liked the an-knee-may better…” lamented Noi. Most of the other Daemons agreed.
“While the other one was more stimulating, I for one believe this is more beneficial.” Stated Rhys, “How could we rule if we don’t know a thing about the other organisms that inhabit it?”
“An orga- what?” Said Leif. Rhys simply rolled his eyes and squinted at the T.V. to see.
Ava paced around her room. Quietly murmuring to herself.
“Man…what am I supposed to do!? How am I supposed to go to work with five literal aliens in my apartment!?” She laid back down on her bed and smothered her face with her pillow.
Ava’s phone started ringing, and despite her better judgement knowing she might blow up on them she still picked it up. She saw that Lorelei was calling and she was immediately in better spirits. Lorelei would help her! Somehow. She’d have to lie to her though.
As soon as she answers a flood worth of apologies poured into her ear.
“I should’ve know they would make you work! I mean it’s a burger place so…I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” Pleaded Lorelei.
”Yeah it’s okay but…” Ava started to cook up a lie.
“You…actually saved me! I forgot I had friends who were coming over today who were uh…from a different country! So…yeah!” Ava was sometimes surprised at how good of a lier she was.
“Wait…” Ava was just about ready to retract that thought until Lorelei spoke again.
“You have friends other than me!? C-Can I meet them?” Lorelei was absolutely estatic.
“Uhm…yeah! In fact, all day tomorrow ‘cause I really have to work tomorrow and you can be by them all day and we can hang out! Heh” Ava was relieved Lorelei believed her. Now she just needs to keep it up.
“Omg! Thanks Ava! Lettin’ me and your other friends hang out while you get that bag! Haha!” Joked Lorelei.
“I’ll be there at 7:30 on the dot! I’ll tell Jake first since he usually wakes up at 9:00 for his job though, so maybe not on the dot? ‘Cause he takes a while to wake up. But close!” Lorelei then hung up. Ava assumed that was because of her excitement.
Ava sighed and geared herself up to go back out there. She didn’t know what those guys would do to Lorelei if she didn’t tell them about her.
She, more carefully, opened the door to see the five men bored out of their minds. Rhys seemed to be pretty engrossed in whatever they were watching though.
“Hello dear…uhm g-guests!” Yelled Ava.
The attention of most of the Daemons were taken up by her except for Rhys.
“So…I have to do royal duties tomorrow and the two days after that! In those days a great friend of mine shall look after you!” She then looked at the Daemons attire. Lorelei couldn’t see them like this. It’s too…from whatever they’re from.
Ava then ran to her dresser to find something they could wear that’s normal. She’s never been more grateful to be a lover of baggy clothing.
“All of you will have to wear this!” She walked back in front of the T.V. and placed the multiple sets of clothes on the table.
They were very big shirts with huge pants. Ava always wore these on the weekends with Lorelei and Jake to watch movies.
“I understand it might be uncomfortable for all of you, but it’s very important you wear these tomorrow!” Ava thought for a bit to see if she was forgetting anything. She looked at their heads and immediately saw it.
“Is there anything you guys can do to…hide your horns?”
She expected them to get weirdly offended or something. She didn’t know whatever their culture was, no matter how stupid she thought it to be.
“Yeah, sure” said Leif nonchalantly.
Asch punched him in the arm for his tasteless response, but they all hid their horns.
“Woah! K’ perfect! So tomorrow’s all set!” Ava started to walk back towards her room, but Asch stopped her.
”Yesterday you said you were gonna teach us about Earth right?” Said Asch. Ava slowly turned around.
“Then why aren’t you doing that?”
Ava’s brain started to spur for a way to get herself out of this situation. Everything was going good, she didn’t know what happened.
“Hehe…yeah, but like the thing I introduced to you guys earlier-“
“It’s not teaching us shit.” Asch towered over Ava.
“I know you don’t know this, but I’m royalty where we’re from. My father’s kingdom is feared by all and I’m tired of you waving us off. So either actually teach us something, or earth is gonna have to find a new ruler”
Asch got close enough to Ava to where she could feel his hot breath against her face. Her mind was a circus of fear, and her heart started to pound in her chest.
“Did you hear me? Or are you fucking ignoring me?” Asked Asch.
“No! No! Heard everything!” Ava nervously speed walked towards the front of the table and sat on it.
She then explained things about how to talk to humans, since they were going to be with Lorelei most of the day tomorrow. She was very glad Asch looked pretty satisfied with the info, because she didn’t think she had the mental energy to explain anything else.
“Alright so you guys should be fine by tomorrow! I hope…” she looked at the time, and it was almost 9:00 pm.
“it’s uhm…gettin’ late. I’ll go sleep. Feel free to take the blankets you guys did last time.”
Her legs still felt wobbly because of Asch’s speech earlier. So, she drunkenly walked to her room and shut the door.
All five of the Daemons slept in the same spots they did as the night before. Asch was still awake.
He couldn’t stop thinking about what his father told him. Execution. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to.
He said it in such a way where if Asch wasn’t paying attention, he would’ve missed it. He thought about if that’s what his father really wanted. So he’d have no choice but to kill him.
It made his stomach churn how he has to identify with him. He did that to make an example of his power to Ava, but it still felt wrong to him. Even then, Ava waved them off just like how his father does, and that made his blood boil.
Asch felt everyone like that deserved nothing but suffering. He wanted his father to feel how he’s made him felt so many times in his life.
Asch started to hug himself tightly, not knowing he was making himself bleed. He was begging himself not to cry, especially over something like this. This is tame compared to all of what his father went through, but he still felt horrible.
“My prince,” Rhys harshly whispered, “are you okay?”
Asch snapped out of his daze, quickly feeling the pain on his sides from digging his nails into them.
“Oh sh- yeah I’m okay…w-whisper better though” he wiped the blood slowly spilling from his sides.
“You don’t seem okay my prince. Please tell me what’s wrong.” He put his hand on Asch’s shoulder.
“I’m telling you Rhys I’m fine ju-“ Rhys interrupted Asch by giving him a hug
“Woah what the!? Rhys, get off if the others-“
“You are clearly in pain my prince, and queen Ava told us that hugs give other humans comfort. I think it’s worth a try.”
“Do you know how soft this is?” Rhys quickly got off of Asch looking dejected.
“Of course my prince…my apologies.” He wrapped himself in his blanket and faced the other way.
Asch had completely forgotten how sensitive Rhys was to being called soft. He really never knew why. He doesn’t even know if he ever called Rhys that.
He wanted to apologize, but it seemed he already was asleep. Asch decided to get some rest as well, but now three things plagued his mind: His father, Rhys, and the fact that he actually didn’t mind the hug.
really glad I finished this cus MAN. I don’t rlly have much to say this time though. I just wanna I really appreciate the people who’ve followed me bc of this! I’m sorry you have to sit through my posts about other fandoms sometimes but I rlly hope you enjoy the rewrite! Peace!✌🏾
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myechoecho · 7 months
Rewatching W: Two Worlds
Ep 14 is a doozy.
It is so devastating to see Sung Moo and Cheol hearing that there was no hope for Yeon Joo.
When Cheol appears again, he has to tell Sung Moo what happened to Yeon Joo and it is absolutely heartbreaking. I love how Cheol was still aware enough to know that the real world means permanence so that was he took her to the comic world. He did everything he could, and stayed by her side. She only woke once.
It was so difficult for Cheol to get the words out that she died. He is grieving hard, and finding out that Yeon Joo died is too much for Sung Moo.
We come to what are my favourite set of scenes in the whole show. Cheol saves Sung Moo from jumping off the roof of the hospital. We learn that not only is Sung Moo grieving for Yeon Joo, but he feels guilty. He says that he was the one who shot her. But Cheol firmly tells him that it was the Real Culprit who shot Yeon Joo. He's not just saying it either but because it is the truth. They may be linked, but they are not the same. Sung Moo would never shoot Yeon Joo.
Cheol is smart, so he has figured out that Yeon Joo can saved just as he was. Yeon Joo partially became a comic character, which is why she can be hurt in the comic but also why he brought her there. She's a character in that world so she can also be saved the same way he was. He just needs Sung Moo to do it.
Now we get to my absolute favourite scene in the show, when Cheol explains to Sung Moo just exactly what Yeon Joo means to him. He hasn't even told this to Yeon Joo. Yeon Joo is his family, one that he chose. It's his first fully free will choice that he has made. Even though he does not remember her before the memory wipe, they have still made memories that are real. They have substance and meaning. Through Yeon Joo, he has made the determination that he is human. And because Yeon Joo fought for him, he will do the same for her. He will not give up, and they will have their happy ending. She is the one he loves, and she is family.
I also love that he has extended his family to include Sung Moo. Sung Moo is part of Yeon Joo's family therefore he is part of Cheol's. After all their animosity and attempts to kill one another, Cheol considers him family.
I had forgotten that Cheol figured out the Real Culprit had Sung Moo draw a duplicate of the tablet. I also forgot that it came into the Han Cheol Ho's hands.
Cheol was not expecting the be taken by the Han Cheol Ho, but he adapts quickly. It was so hard to see him get bloodied. He endures the torture and says nothing until he absolutely needs to because getting the tablet to Sung Moo is key. He told Soo Bong that he might call him for an SOS.
I will say that once Cheol begins to tell the Han Cheol Ho the truth and is asked "what kind of manhwa lies are this", Cheol's smile is demented. He explains more, but just enough to ensure that Han Choe will go to the hospital. He speaks directly to Soo Bong and tells him that the tablet is on the way knowing that it would be updated in the comic. He waits, and gives enough time for the assemblyman to get to the hospital. Only then does he return to the real world and then summon Han Cheol Ho to the real world. Who of course is carting the tablet with him everywhere since he knows some of what it can do.
Sung Moo and Soo Bong get the tablet and I so happy that the assemblyman was beaned in the process. Sung Moo's hand is beginning to disappear, so he has also become partially a comic charcter.
Yeon Joo is saved, but Cheol does not know this. Only at the very end is she brought to the comic world. Except this time it is the final episode, which mean the narrative/comic has decided that the story is just about run its course.
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
Pt 2:
(Okay I'm sorry this length is actually a bit absurd. As you can see my mind is SPINNING and this may have gotten. Out of hand. Please do feel free to ignore me, I promise I won't take it personally 😆😆)
So here’s the thing. In Loki and Sylvie’s first full episode together, I read the nexus event as being Loki experiencing self-love for once in his existence. Until events unfolded and I sighed and resigned myself to the inevitable heterosexuality of fit all. But.
Consider it from Loki’s perspective. You find yourself caring for this person who is and isn’t yourself. And it’s nice, at the end of all things, to care. Then the most emotionally intelligent man you know is insisting you’ve fallen in love with her. And gosh golly gee that is NOT what you thought was going on there, but you’re new to this whole letting yourself care schtick—how would you know?
Then, a miracle—against all the odds in the universe, Mobius decides to trust you after all. To fight by your side.
And within seconds, it gets him killed.
It feels like everything is over, and you don’t understand why. But it isn’t. The world is still falling apart, and Sylvie is still trapped, and whatever the way in which you care for her, you do care. And Mobius—he is dead. And nearly the last thing he said to you was that he thinks the love between you and Sylvie could save the universe. So what else can you do? You have to try. For both of them.
So you go to Sylvie, and it’s hard to get the words out, and it doesn’t feel quite right, but you try to tell her—
Your maybe universe-saving hopefully-actually-true love confession is cut off, and things get a bit wonky after that. And in the meantime there is another miracle—Mobius is alive after all.
But the universe still isn’t saved. And Mobius isn’t dead, but you thought he was, and you’ve been so viscerally reminded that to love is to lose. And anyway—before his seeming death the last thing Mobius said was that if he could go anywhere, it would be to his own life. Those scant moments when it seemed you might move forward side by side were illusion indeed. Mobius has a life of his own, in which you have no part.
So you turn to this other self, and say, ‘will you stay will me, after?’
She isn’t you. But perhaps she’s near enough to stay. No one else will.
Then you have the Sylkie kiss, which frankly imo barely counts as evidence on its own. When Sylvie finds out about Mobius’ nexus event theory she immediately goes to Loki to say ‘yeahhhhhhh so lets not do that bud … hey did you notice how much Mobius cares about you? 😃” Lok got a little confused, but Sylvie doesn’t seem, to me, to ever have thought her feelings for Loki were romantic. And when she kisses him, it’s a betrayal. Giving him what he seems to want as a distraction for the sake of her own ends.
And so he can’t trust her, and she won’t trust him, and there is no safety in running to himself to avert his loneliness. And he kissed her, and the universe isn’t saved.
And the lonely god runs straight on back to Mobius. And he might have still been sorting his head out a bit in the first two eps of s2, yet. He never leaves Mobius’ side again. Not until it is only way to save him. Not until he has spent centuries searching desperately for a way to stay by his side.
Wouldn't dream of ignoring you, absolutely love hearing the thought process people go through while watching or rewatching the show (starting another rewatch of my own soon!) and found myself noticing many of the same things you've mentioned especially regarding Sylvie as a representation of Loki coming to terms with self love for the first time which then led to the actualization of forming the kind of emotional connection and openness with Mobius that romantic love can build on.
Will reply to both parts of your ask here (linking part 1 just in case anyone hasn't seen it) and absolutely believe you're right in that while Loki would've always had potential escape from the methods and mistrust of the TVA in the back of his mind, he was very rapidly starting to separate Mobius from being part of the collective because there were too many genuine moments building between them to ever be in line with what the TVA would normally allow.
(adding a read more bc, well, it's me so we know this is getting long)
The shot in Roxxcart that lingers on Loki watching Mobius walk away after their discussion of trust always stuck with me because at that point I was under the assumption Loki was grappling with awareness the mission could be an opportunity of escape and for the first time didn't actually *want* to leave but had no idea how to process the feelings that had developed from being in a partnership of mutual respect and further taken a hit with the reminder that Mobius is still a major part of the TVA, and no one at the TVA will ever fully trust him.
Funnily enough even though it's kind of a running joke that Mobius had fallen for Loki before they even met (and he absolutely had 😅), the fact that it really was something more always came across as almost subconscious for him?? Loki knew what they had but panicked, never having experienced anything of that level before and not knowing what to do with any of it while Mobius has repressed his feelings about, well, everything for so long just to cope with life at the TVA it's hard for him to picture anything outside their rule.
I never saw Loki taking off after Sylvie as anything more than the chance to escape what could, or in his mind at that moment couldn't, grow with Mobius while taking a perfect opportunity to explore curiosity on his part as to who this is, whether she's useful, and how she connects to being a Loki and from that point on we continue to see in his interactions with Sylvie they mirror each other at various stages of life.
If anything his clear hesitation at leaving Mobius definitely made the betrayal sting that much more, which is why Mobius lashed out so openly during the next interrogation without even bothering to hide his hurt and I've always thought the moment where Mobius calls him out for being a bad friend in front of the guards is when it actually clicks with Loki that he may have ruined something big, something important between them if Mobius is willing to not just admit to them having a real connection in front of people who would almost certainly report something like that but consider him a friend to have trust in for the time in his life. So he risks it all trying to convince Mobius to trust him one more time and thinks he failed like usual, only to have Mobius come back with faith in who he can be, faith Loki doesn't feel he deserves but gladly takes which leads directly to Mobius getting pruned trying to protect him.
And I love how you phrased this section because exactly, Loki is so completely lost and torn apart in a way like never before after watching Mobius die. Sylvie is the only anchor to anything left, and Mobius had just (misguidedly, but still lol) told him the two of them could make a difference so that's exactly what Loki tries to do but every time he attempts to involve some level of emotion like the possible confession before also getting pruned or discussing their nexus event it's immediately cut off and for good reason; because that's not who those feelings are meant for. It's important to note as well that when Sylvie tells Loki how much Mobius cares about him, it isn't brushed aside or joked about but instead allowed to land and breathe in that moment because they know how true it is, but also that Loki isn't ready to face that yet.
Then at the citadel (and didn't s2 go a long way toward erasing pretty much all the implications meant here besides the fact that they'll never see eye to eye 😂) Loki and Sylvie immediately clash, with both of them openly wondering why they can't trust each other. Loki's frustration is clear because if he had been talking to Mobius instead they could take some time so things wouldn't have reached this point but he isn't, so he and Sylvie come to blows.
In my opinion Sylvie had never seen Loki in a romantic light either or even wanted to consider the possibility, but she did notice his constant struggle to reconcile feelings that did exist for Mobius and took advantage as a distraction and mirror to the Roxxcart grocery store divorce which leaves Loki confused and alone, processing what's just happened as he realizes despite everything his trust in Mobius has never wavered and never will. He races towards him only to finally know what it does feel like to look into his eyes and find that trust fully missing, so once he gets his Mobius back he spends almost every moment of s2 as close to his side as possible until he's forced to give him up, but as you said not until he's exhausted centuries seeking a way to stay. It's clear both of their endings are to be left wanting and waiting which is the most tragic way to have Lokius confirmed but we can only hope sooner rather than later they have a chance to work their way back to each other 🥰
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musicreveiwsbyezti · 6 months
What's up babygirls (literally no one reads my blog) here's my March topster
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This month was mostly shit I thought it would be interesting to listen... so lot of metal again. Also for the sake of my sanity I have 2 records that I genuinely don't know what the fuck I should do with.
Unrated: Current 93-I have a special plan for this world (Dark Ambient/Poetry): Arguably the best scary stuff I have ever listened but I never want to hear this again as once was perfectly enough. It gives a really disturbing atmosphere and the poetry part itself was interesting too. I highly recommend checking it out at least once. Slipknot-Iowa(Nu metal): I don't get it. The instrumentation is good but the lyrics are so god damned corny that it hurts. It doesn't help that it sounds like death metal for people who don't want to listen to actual death metal. I probably give it another chance later... not now tho I still can't take The Heretic Anthem seriously.
Alright now the actual tierlist begins:
14th: Combat Wounded Veteran-Electric Youth Crew(Powerviolence): I had a small journey and sat down to listen through the entire CWV discography (it's not that long definitely recommend it to get into powerviolence) and this is arguably the "weakest" of their releases. It doesn't really stand out and can be forgotten easily.
13th: CWV-This Is Not an Erect, All-Red Neon Body (Powerviolence/Grindcore): Idk it just doesn't click as well as IKAGWDCSP.
12th: Death-The Sound of Perseverance(Death/Prog Metal):Jesus Christ this album was a major disappointment for me. As a last Death album I expected it to be a last brutal yet technically extreme blast...but they just had to listen to 30 hour acid freeform jazz or some shit to get inspiration. This album has genuine fire songs, but they just had to fuck up the in the middle with a boring ass bass "solo" or someshit... Also the Painkiller cover is the worst song I heard this year so far, how the fuck can you ruin a perfect song when you are already a talented vocalist is beyond me.
11th: CWV-Duck Down for the Torso(Powerviolence/Grindcore): A short and sweet end for CWV's discography. Having it end on a Folded Space song was a great choice which gives an interesting feeling for the end.
10th: Stabbing-Extirpated Mortal Process(Brutal Death/Slam metal): Now this is a good slam metal album.
9th: Sematary-Bloody Angel(Horrorcore/Chicago drill): After Sems last EP I thought it was over... BUT IT ISN'T! It gives vibes of RB2 with RB3 mixing with some HAW mixed in. He can cook just let him do his thing :pray:
8th: Spycada-Hiking Lung(Psychedelic rock): It's good, great vibe, good tones, overall enjoyable. Looking forward to their next stuff.
7th: Magrudergrind-Self title(Grindcore/Powerviolence): THE grindcore album. Absolutely slaps, the sample use is interesting.
6th: Igorrr-Spirituality and Distortion(Avant Guard Metal/Breakcore) This... is Schrödinger's kitchen. I don't know if the kitchen is burned down or has served a 5 star menu, until I care to write an actual criticism of it. (Also the mixing of metal, break core and classical music is insane and the sheer heaviness this album gives is phenomenal, though it falls of gradually on the second half)
5th:Sweet Trip-Velocity : Design : Comfort(IDM/Glitch Pop) At least 200 people already circle jerk around this album, yes it is good, no I don't explain why I love it because I ain't talking about why breathing air is good.
4th:Have a nice life-Deathconsciousness(Post Punk/Shoegaze): Same as last time, people already told you enough why it's good, just fucking listen through it already. (side note some of the songs on this albums mixed weirdly quite for some reason, and it's kinda wack how the drone parts are the best, but still really good)
3th: Dead in the Dirt-The Blind Hole(Grindcore/Powerviolence) Jesus I listen to a lot of powerviolence this month... Anyways this is probably my favourite pw record yet. Probably the more understandable vocals help to lift it just a little bit above the rest for me.
2th:Mastodon-Leviathan(Sludge metal/Prog metal) Fun fact in the 2000's 2 whale concept prog metal albums came out, both of which are peak. I don't know how they got The Moby Dick nailed so well in metal form but they sure did with heavy riffs and amazing vocal performances.
1th: Electric Wizard-Witchcult Today(Stoner/Doom metal): I was afraid to check out the rest of EW discography after Dopethrone cuz it is too peak... However this album is probably as good as Dopethrone. Something about this album gives more OG metal vibes with less insanity.
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berrychanx · 1 year
TMMN EP 14 - Trivia + Analysis
There’s not much for me to write about this episode, not at the beginning at least. So this will be more of a trivia post Minto reaction to common’s folks house was what I expected.
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“Nikujaga is like the Japanese equivalent of chicken noodle soup. Nikujaga is made of of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce and mirin, sometimes with ito konnyaku and vegetables. Nikujaga is an example of yōshoku. Generally, potatoes make up the bulk of the dish, with meat mostly serving as a source of flavor.
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Sure Minto....but that doesn’t mean he has much power or control.
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Again with the motive to find a goal in life.
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I bet he does Mint, he probably had been in the same situation as you.
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All good points tbh.
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Ok, ok, interesting, TMMN focusing on how to care for the envrioment and inspire young generations once again..
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The history of practical windmills in Japan started when foreigners from the United States and Europe visited this country at the beginning of the Meiji era, in the early 1880's. They built windmills in various parts of Japan to pump water. Thereafter, up until mid 1920s, the windmills were mainly imported from the U.S.A. and Germany. They were primarily used for water supply and pumping. Besides these imported windmills, there were irrigation windmills worthy of special mention. Since the end of the Meiji era (the 1900's) simple wooden windmills were built by the local carpenter or blacksmith at relatively low cost. A total of several thousands windmills were operated in Nagano, Ibaraki, Chiba, Osaka and Aichi prefectures. These were used for a long time until just after World War II, in the 1950's. On the other hand, wind-powered electric generation has not been so active, except for the Yamadas wind turbine which was widely used mainly by pioneering farmers in Hokkaido after World War II. History tells us that these successful wind power utilizations were due not only to the natural environmental conditions but mainly to the social conditions. Based on these past experiences, efforts to develop alternative energy began to be positive after the oil crisis of 1973. Current wind energy activities in Japan include those sponsored by government agencies, the electric power companies and private industries. I’ll talk about the aliens and deep blue when we get more episodes
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Tokyo Mew Mew Ole  reference?
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She became so humble in New.
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Very rarely the original anime went to into this specific details on how to deafeat a chimera (even if they were animal based) using its own weakness... I feel like TMM Ole helped a lot in that aspect.
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Once again something precious to Minto is being used as a chimera or to help the aliens.
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I love when TMM goes into this type of opposite prespectives
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Once again, Minto is torn between having to destroy/fight things that she loves and mean a lot to her.
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I feel like her character arc came full circle in this episode.
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She found her goal, she knows what she wants, she knows what’s important, what to protect and its the right time to do it. Even if it means delaying your dream some more. There’s a time and a place for everything, you’ve done your best, you’ve found something you want to achieve in the future, work for that goal, grow up and learn. Don’t rush. Trust the process.
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The fight is over, they won but at what cost... Seiji arrives to check on everyone after getting the report of what happened. He looks at Minto destroyed project. She expects him to be angry but he isn’t.
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Minto apolagizies to her brother, she really has matured. She understands the meaning of her actions despite sometimes the method not being the best way to achieve them
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This words are too similar ...
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I’m pretty sure your family knows of what you’re capable of, .and with their help you’ll be able to suceed. It’s just a matter of time. And with this Minto arc comes to an end. She found two goals in life To be a Mew Mew and protect the planet, To work for her father company and also save the planet with green energy.
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saptaincwan · 1 year
Top 5 Captain Swan scenes? <3
YAYYY they honestly have SO many great scenes and my personal ranking changes a bunch depending on mood so here goes, in no particular order except for #1!
(under cut bc it got long lolll)
underworld goodbye
liam's ring
5x21 reunion
tallahassee bandaging scene
"im going to choose to see the best in you"
,, and i'll sneak in. proposal #2
so without further ado,
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i wrote something long and insane about this but tumblr deleted it and i couldnt ctrl+z it back this is so sad. lemme try again
this felt like a climax of sorts in not only their relationship, but their character arcs. jen and colin's absolutely stellar acting here only supported that.
i specially think this scene is so poignant because of the whole arc leading to this moment. further by this episode's theme. and most importantly because of the scene directly before this one: "you're holding on too tight-- let go"
emma is finally able to let go, and to keep accepting others' love in her life. she loves killian too much not to. in turn the same goes for killian: he loves emma too much not to move on to a better place. this is peak "they made each other better" exemplified.
the juxtaposition of them desperately holding on to each other just one last time. finally getting to say goodbye. and of, at the same time, saying goodbye forever. peak romantic cinema!!
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LIAM'S RING!!! see i love this scene i love camelot cs the aesthetics are peak.
but i love this because it's one of the few scenes in which they get to say i love you in a more "relaxed" way. as in. they're not about to die in the next 2 secs LOL. and emma looks just. so HAPPY here. definitely one her biggest, most sincere smiles in the show i think
this coupled with killian sharing a bit of his past, and in a way bringing "together" his love for liam with his love for emma. aaaAAAA
also emma's disappointed face at him not proposing honestly what's NOT to love
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WHAT CAN I SAY. that hasn't already been said omg
i think this is a beautiful resolution to cs's s5 romantic arc. i talked a bit about this earlier today but-- after everything was said and done. after they loved each other SO much. fate itself saw that. they saw that, they saw how they were separated!!
they saw how they did everything to be together and then how they loved each other enough to let go! and so the rules of force and nature and life itself bent themselves backwards to let them be.
not because they were meant to. but because they weren't!! but the world and each other were so much better with them by each others' side that it let them have this.
how many romances can i say that about LIKE cs is in a whole different league of their own and it drives me insane
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i like this bc after acquiring media literacy this is the moment i think. in which it becomes obvious cs will be canon 😭
but mainly ALSOOOO bc i believe this to be the first moment in which emma really connected with killian. a follow up of them hiking the beanstalk!
bc you see, going up, he understood her. he got under her skin, and that can get one uneasy enough. but here? he is just like her. it casts his understanding of her into a new light! he knows that not only has she suffered loss, but saw his own mirrored in her.
i think this is the scene that sets up the rest of the ep, and most importantly, emma's betrayal at the end. he sees her. and she knows that. and she sees him! and he knows it too!
how far can things go, if she allows it? so it ends: she doesn't. and this!! ^^^ this is why!
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WE DON'T TALK ENOUGH ABOUT THIS SCENE I THINKKKK because once they're together fr, i think this is one of the first few larger hurdles they face as a couple.
killian is still majorly processing his shame in regards to his past and it really comes to smack him in person. and they hadn't dealt with that! (onscreen at least)
and it's one thing knowing someone trusts you but it's another to put that in a real situation which requires that trust. and emma gives it so freely. they are talking about this.and we get to see that!
this is such a normal issue that i think takes place eventually for Every couple ever. it goes a bit beyond trust even. it's about knowing they can rely on each other when things get tough.
i really strongly think love is about, and is, a choice. there are rough patches and there are issues, minor and major, but ultimately you made the choice to be there for this person and support them, and in turn, you have the absolute reassurance they'll do the same for you. i've always known this to be a sure thing for cs but i just really like getting to see a scene directly addressing that. i love that we got it
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i sneaked this scene so no major thoughts but i think we all love this ep and this scene and why. personal fav s6 ep actually
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