#i know that all of them minus pink canonically all use he/him
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indighostoast · 5 months ago
Pronoun hcs for Ava/Avm <3
Yeah this is gonna how I mainly gonna refer to them on my blog/in my fics
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opiopal · 8 months ago
My physical head canons for the brothers that no one asked for but I’m sharing anyways because I can’t contain myself cause im a beast of headcanons that need to be released RARARARAR(don’t mind the cringe I’m sleep deprived,)
I like to imagine Lucifer with a slim face and bold cheekbones, he has side burns that look more like small black feathers and ofc he has eyebags, and he’s not as pale, having more of an olive skin tone. I’ve always imagined him with a hooked nose as well, along with more gray hairs. His ears are pointed upwards and are decently long. He still has a slim waist in my brain but also a bolder chest and shoulders. He’s not very muscular but still looks strong for his age(got those baby holdin arms). He has Insanely good posture and I imagine him in his regular outfit as is(though I like to imagine his stupid fuckin shoes are at least a darker brown). He is the third tallest in the household.
His face shape is relatively the same in my brain, minus the addition of his ears being pointed, though I always tend to imagine his skin a few shades darker then what it is. his hair has little gold tips like in his demon form. And some of his body hair, like on the back of his hands, arms, and his legs, look like little white feathers. He’s fit like a runner and has very vague abs, like, you wouldn’t process they were there unless he pointed them out. I like to imagine him with a few piercings as well(body piercings not face piercings iykyk;3). His clothes are relatively the same in my brain but he doesnt have feathers in his boots(just keep the feathers as a keychain babe we all know you have a bird thing going on it’s ok). He’s the fourth tallest in the house.
Levi has as round face in my mind, along with blue freckles that appear like blue scales and visible gills on his neck. His ears are long and thin and constantly drooped(cause bbg is always pathetic no matter what and that’s why I love him💕) His hands and feet have webbing. since he is canonically tall(compared to mammon at least) I like to imagine him being the second tallest and because he is decently tall his body fat does even out, though he has a gut and multiple parts of his body is a lot squishier. I can imagine his clothes give him the appearance of being thinner, but obviously he’s not. And i imagine his clothes to be pretty much the same, maybe looking a little more like he just rolled out of bed though if that makes sense. And like I said he’s the second tallest in the HOL, but sometimes it’s hard to tell cause he slouches.(I can imagine one day he’s getting scolded by Lucifer and he’s told to sit up straight, and after he does so it baffles Lucifer a bit that he has look up at him)
First things first he does NOT have that jacket, immediately he looks a lot better with only that sweater and his regular pants. Though I can imagine his clothing looking a lot darker, black pants, darker shirt underneath his sweater. His face is pretty similar to Lucifer’s, though his nose is a little smaller and his ears are a little shorter. He’s fit, mostly because I’m sure he burns calories out of pure spite/j. But in all seriousness I feel like he would be a little scrawny from not eating a whole lot by mistake, probably because he was sucked into a book, so he doesn’t mean to forget to grab a snack here and there, he’s just to much of a nerd </3. He’s relatively tall, and him and mammon are the same height.
Skin so smooth it would make a modeling agency weep. I like to imagine any makeup he wears is a lot more obvious? Like, you can actually tell he’s wearing makeup, and it’s always flawless, the type of flawless were you can’t help but wonder if he gets up at 4 am to do his makeup. And I could totally see him either using those eyelash oil things to make his lashes grow longer as a part of his 3457 step skincare routine. And I imagine his ears are more elegantly elf like. His hair is still that very soft pink in my mind but the tips fade into a slightly brighter pink, and is also longer. I will never imagine him in his Og outfit because his human realm outfit just fits him so so SO much better both personality wise and just fashion wise period. He definitely works out but just enough to stay healthy and to not develop any muscles. I imagine he is also the same height as mammon, but maybe shorter by half an inch? I also like to imagine he flip flops from looking super fem to being more in between.
First things first he has a rounder face, period. I also like to imagine him with freckles and his hair is a little scruffier and longer. Not to long but touching his shoulders. He also has shorter chunkier ears that droop downwards. He is the tallest in the household no doubt about it, being taller than Levi by nearly a foot. I imagine his clothes as relatively the same, the fluff on his coat just doesn’t look as matted(I can’t be the only one who thinks that it looks like it needs to be brushed😭). As for his body, he has a gut. And just overall is so much more hunky. I can imagine his body is constantly changing from being more fit to being chunkier, so he has a good handful of stretch marks from his body constantly changing. I like to imagine that demons can burn fat a lot easier than humans, so he finds little to no issue with working away some of the fat that accumulates. But overall he’s mostly rocking a gut and strong arms. Also he’s not as pale in my mind, like he definitely has some melanin.
Belphie also has a rounder face, with cow print looking freckles. His ears are droopy like beels and has the same cow print freckles. His hair is longer and he is in a constant state of bedhead. I also don’t think he’s SUPER scrawny, his stomach is pudgy and you can kind of see his ribs. I can also imagine the tips of his fingers have a black gradient and his nails are long and pointy like talons, I like to imagine that it takes some effort to be in their neutral forms, so he doesn’t care a whole lot to fully commit to it. First things first with his clothes: mf does NOT have those pants, nor those knee high laced brown boots. In my head he probably has a pair of sweatpants that have a star pattern, along with some slippers(maybe little cow head slippers cause that’s adorable in my head, and even though I don’t like him a whole lot he still deserves SOME bbg vibes </3). The rest of his clothes are fine to me I guess. But overall he does not care about his looks whatsoever and is always ready for his next nap.
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months ago
Things tloz has not been consistent about that you'd think it would be:
Everything. Buckle up.
The hero being called Link. He's Link in the same way Frisk is the character. The player chooses the name in every SINGLE game up until botw, and that only happened because of the voice acting. It's just shorthand for the link between the player and the game.
The princess being called zelda. Wind waker, she was called Tetra.
The princess being in the game at all (links awakening)
There only being one princess (the hero of either hyrule or legend had two)
There only being one hero (hyrule warriors had three and also linkle)
The princess not being a playable character (hw, aoc, and upcoming EoW. There's also non canon games like cadence and smash bros).
The master sword being in the game (four swords, minish cap, triforce heroes (?), ooa/oos only have it as a linked game post story unlockable, zelda 1,2 and la it was the magical sword).
Ganon being in the game (basically the exact same as the last point minus the 1st 3 games)
Ganon being a bad guy (hyrule warriors and generously, GENEROUSLY aoc, where he's playable as an ally post game).
The master sword being needed to defeat ganon (in botw aoc and totk the master sword is entirely optional, and totally inverts the traditional 'zelda weakens and link deals the final blow').
Link being the main character (upcoming eow which I'm cackling about)
The existence of humanity
Link being in green (abotk made him blue :( and took his hat >:((().
Zelda being in pink (abotk)
Zelda being blonde (she's anything from blonde to brown to ginger)
Link being blonde (tp and lttp (why is he pink?! Zelda is blonde! There's brown haired people! Why neon pink??)
Gerudo having rounded ears (up until abotk)
Nintendo making the games (hw and aoc, cadence lol)
Teen/kid link (totk is the only Link over the age of 19)
Link having a companion (it's pretty evenly split)
Zelda having the companion (aoc and eow)
Link having two companions (hw with basically all of them)
The nature of humanity vs hylians
The story taking place in hyrule (literally so many... La, mm, ooa, oos, technically ww, technically ss, half points for lttp and lbw, tfh)
Just the one triforce (lbw)
Just three separate pieces of the triforce (ww)
Any triforce at all (okay this one is complicated bcz depiction/hand marks/Actual Wish Granting Triforce but hylia alone knows where the triforce was in abotk. I'm counting ooa/oos because opening cutscene. La has zilch and I'm pretty sure mc too.)
Literally any religion has come and gone INCLUDING IRL CHRISTIANITY
Knowledge of the triforce
Knowledge of hylia (it's literally just ss abotk and maaaybe lbw)
The existence of hylia (^^^
The general populace being useless (totk) (that's it)
Link being left handed (in ss and abotk he's right handed. Tp is 50% right handed because they flipped the controls (and world) for the wii).
Link being able to swim at the start of the game (only in the 3d games minus lbw and la remake)
Link succeeding in his quest (botw) (I'm not counting failed hero oot because it's a meta attempt at a working timeline)
At least a tiny bit of time travel (loz 1/2, la, fs, lbw, lttp, botw...)
The hylian shield (only appears in the 3d games! (-la remake and ww and mm))
Link using a bow! (surprisingly 50/50)
Epona!! (literally just oot mm and tp. Botk she's noncanon amiibo and she's in mc but doesn't belong to Link T-T.)
A tutorial (varying subtlety, yes, but there's a difference between the great plateau and a 'press x to open menu :D' prompt five minutes into the game while a knight is trying to kill you (lttp)).
Link having the hero's spirit (ww. I personally disagree but hey)
The hero being a hylian! (totk hero's aspect)
Sleepy boy link (botk he has power naps On Lock)
Link being masc presenting (linkle, hw)
The symbolic elements (3/5/7 combos, lightning/ice/water/fire/wind triforce, boar/owl/dragon/whatever tf)
Things tloz has been consistent about in every game:
Link being a gnc short king (tp is the beefiest he ever got and that was 4'9 male gymnast build at BEST).
Him not telling anyone anything important ever.
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maiselyormaiforshort · 4 months ago
Facts in my Tfp prime au called "Secretly Frenemies"
•the jasper trio got hit with the fanfiction canon divergence and instantly got a growth spurt, RazorEzquivel(Raf) height reaches to megs shoulder,CrimSonJaeger(Jack) is 4 centimetres taller than meg,Microzus(Miko) is 2 centimetres taller Crimson but its hard to tell
•Microzus gets mistaken for a mech Alot because in this au her build is more Mech like so people mostly assume she's A mech instead of a femme,they wouldn't really care if they knew tho because screw gender rules
•RazorEzquivel's design is very similar to G1 SoundWave minus the face plate and speakers
•Microzus wears the Cybertronion equivalent of makeup to look more mature except she's terrible at it(smudged lipstick,smudged eyeliner,I think that's all she would wear,of course knockout can't bare to see this and helps her do it)
•Micro and Crimson are friends with benefits
•they play out an event that would make a big impact,Razor's left eye has been malfunctioning so he needs to get it surgically removed,Microzus suggests she "punches" it Infront of the whole battlefield dramatically,she would then "banish" him from the decepticons,Crimson plays along because he could really use some help with coding,Razor plays along becuz hes tired of starscreams bs,after the event Crimson lets Razor "join" the autobots,Ratchet notices Razors eye malfunction and starts yapping bout it(similar to how someone would point out something obvious)
•Crimson would randomly drop lore,he would say sht like"yknow,before my name was CrimSonJaeger",he would then proceed to show the autobots pictures of the trio before the war while yapping,1 of them includes MicDrop hugging CrackerJack while HackRate sits on her shoukders,most of the pictures are the old trio just being happy,Optimus feels pity for Crimson and proceeds to tell him about his backstory with Megatron,Crimson is like:oh sht i guess I'm a fraud now,Ops is glad he can relate with someone
•Microzus's colours are more purpleish and very dark pink because she wants to be respected seen as mature and thinks the pink makes her look unprofessional childish (ignore how this is out of character,she would totally not gaf and be bright pink)
•the cybertronion population is still good in this au because I love it when there are lots of characters,this translates to cliffjumper,breakdown,anyone else that dies in the series,doesn't die
•im not sure if I want this au to take place on earth or cybertron but I think it would make more sense on cybertron because humans don't play a big part in this au
•tge au ends when Cybertron is almost in shambles leading to Both decepticons and autobots having nothing else to fight for,in an effort to make things better again Microzus and Crimson both agree to stop the war that they have been playing with.
•the trio can only bite their tongue knowing all the lives that were sacrificed are probably rolling in their graves because their sacrifices were useless
•they make a cybertronion equivalent of declaration of independence stuff,the war is over, cybertron is currently being restored,the autobots and decepticons who loved mechs/femmes on rival sides are now Conjuixes and they all live happily ever after
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #9
I like how Hazel seems to be making friends one at a time! I feel like most shows introduce friends as pre-established, or they become friends in the first episode. Hazel seems to be gathering them over time, which is great.
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Why is he even allowed to HAVE those drones?
... Shout-out to Wynn (sp? I don't dare look since I'm avoiding spoilers) for having freckles on only one cheek. Definitely unique for this universe.
-> I lied.
I really like how Wanda has stuck to calling Hazel "squirt." It's super fitting for her.
FATHER TIME!! He's back! ... No dad jokes this time.
Father Time: "This wish involves 15 minutes of fame. That's a time. Therefore, it is under MY jurisdiction." Cosmo: Oh, there was a whole lawsuit a few years ago. The Poofpreme Court had to get involved."
"Timmy's Secret Wish" LIVED!! We are eatin' good tonight!!
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Dev's little leggies...
Is this the first time Cosmo and Wanda have been in object form other than Hazel's bubble popper things?
slkdfj Hazel's shirt belonged to her brother. Everything in this girl's life revolves around a brother we've not yet seen. Love that for her. That's gonna be a great episode.
-> What if he comes back and he's changed a lot because he's been away at college? Ruh-roh...
Oh, Father Time's back and making dad jokes again.
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Nick of Time!! I love her. The coach aesthetic was a good touch. Instant new favorite. I have the PERFECT place for her in 'fics.
I think it's funny that Cosmo and Wanda's running gag is talking about things they did on their 10k-year vacation since one of the things they did in the OG series was talk about how they'd been married 10k years.
Hazel speeding through her remaining time with a song montage is very funny.
I've seen that rat design. Where have I seen that rat?
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I know him!! He's canonically a dad now?? ... I was already writing him as a dad, but now it's justified.
Flappy, what have they done to you? Where are your parents?? Was the Musical all for naught?
Listen. Listen, I know they would never do this because it was such a one-off thing. but... Flappy used to carry Gary and Betty in his briefcase and it was so weird. I'm gettin' flashbacks.
I liked that episode! That was great.
28 Puddings Later
I like how Violin Gal is a recurring gag.
Why are they teaching 12 minus 1 in 5th grade- Oh, they're simplifying fractions.
Timmy is on even more posters in this school- What did he do? This isn't even his city.
Pudding-eating episode going a zombie movie route was not on my list. Fantastic. I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's crowns glow in the dark; it's great.
Hazel not wanting to unwish her infinite pudding wish because she hasn't gotten any yet is super clever and justified.
Jasmine: I am once again sus of my BFF Hazel and her connection to weirdness.
Okay, with the lights off in the halls, this is a lot more difficult on my hemophobia... I don't think I'll be sharing screenshots I might run across later, though I definitely think Dev's zombie pose is great.
Holy cow, that's a lot of red lighting on the pudding. I don't think I'm watching this one again, but I'm enjoying the plot itself.
We are once again treated to a photo proving they have 2D bodies in this universe, and it once again cracks me up.
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Many, many brown-eyed characters! They're free from the curse...
This is what reality is like when you jump the border to Retroville. Everything looks bulgy, but in reality... you're still flat. I especially like how reality morphs to fit the FOP style, like the pink hair flipping around. I think I've seen someone with their haircut like that in the old show, though I forget who, so that would imply they wear it like the first picture.
Unreasonably funny to me that Dev's glasses shine - usually a classy blue - becomes much duller when it switches to "actual FOP style." His coolness factor drops. I love it.
... His hair REALLY reminds me of his dad's. I distinctly remember Dale's being fluffy, which is why he looks like the pixie godkid listed in Da Rules, but... Dev's got the same "front flare." I'm gonna look it up.
-> Oh, "Nectar of the Odds" is Season 2, not 3. I did not remember that. Also, Dale's hair is a little more orange than I remember, and he really does have dark blue eyes. I can absolutely see the similarities between him and Dev. That's fantastic.
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... I am just now remembering I think I have a character outline for Dale in my Along the Cherry Lane draft. Let me see...
SLDKJFSLDKFJ, I did! I had him marrying Ed Leadly's daughter (the first FOP OC I ever made, Hadley) and having a son named Dave, which is very close to Dev.
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I don't really know what to do with this information. I think I want to do less with this information. I'm so sorry, Hadley- maybe Dev will get a canon mom.
Well, Dev having red hair when you have black probably saved you, tbh.
She doesn't have her dad's black hair. I misremembered. It's brown. Uh-oh.
Anyway, I LOVE how Hazel saw her "ruined" class picture and was ecstatic because she knew her mom and brother would love how memorable it was. That's super cute. She's living a great life.
I don't know if I'd still call her miserable enough for a fairy, but she's adorable and I'm glad her life is going okay.
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And still... he lurks.
Last one tonight! ... I didn't think I'd make it through this many before my bedtime, but okay.
Trial & Hair-or
I cannot believe we're getting the 2nd "living hair" plot (Hair with personality vs. hair with spirit), though I doubt this one will go the helicopter route.
Diana and Sparky would be great friends. I will not elaborate.
Crying, Hazel admiring her bald head and thinking it's cool. Her motivation for getting her hair back is so her hair doesn't cause chaos? She's so pure.
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I hate them.
Just heard Hazel say Cosmo's name. Has she said Wanda's name often? I feel like their names haven't been repeated a lot for new audiences, but I also wasn't paying attention.
Fishbowl instinct...
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This was a goofy episode and I loved it. Bedtime now. We'll see if I watch more throughout the week or just save it 'til after my big stuff on Friday. See you around!
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pinkestmenace · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Shadow Kirby
I see Shadow as like Kirby, but minus the cheerfulness and can-do attitude. So he's more of an unsmiling husk and has a bit of a creepy Victorian orphan vibe.
Comparisons (largely based on how I see them and may not match canon exactly):
Kirby: "I used to have lots of enemies, but not anymore!" (He befriended them.)
Skirby: "I used to have lots of enemies. Not anymore." (Refuses to elaborate.)
Kirby: Likes Meta Knight partially because his glowing eyes remind him of fireflies, which he loves to chase.
Skirby: Intrigued by Dark Meta Knight partially because, like a cockroach, he's shiny, dark, mysterious, difficult to kill and eats trash.
Kirby: Crashes at your house uninvited, will eat all your snacks if you let him.
Skirby: Manifests behind you when you least expect it. Even though you were sure you locked all the doors... (He crawled in through the chimney.)
Kirby: Uses crayons to draw slightly primitive but vibrant scenes of his friends and food. (And the occasional fight with a horrific villain, but shhh.)
Skirby: Makes intricate charcoal pencil drawings of cockroaches and other creepy crawlies performing summoning rituals. (They're summoning candy.)
Kirby: Doesn't always know what to say, but makes up for it in enthusiasm.
Skirby: Doesn't always know what to say, so hangs back and stares. If you stare back too long he'll throw something at you and run.
Kirby: Childishly inquisitive. Asks lots of questions like: "How do clouds float? Is that a hat or a crown? What's your favourite snack? Why do you wear a mask? What do you think of this cool trick I can do?" Meta Knight humours him, even when he doesn't know the answers. (Although he sometimes loses his patience when Kirby interrupts him when he's busy.)
Skirby: Morbidly curious. Asks questions like: "Does everyone have blood? How many stars explode everyday that we've never seen or heard of? Do angels exist and are they friendly? How long does it take for rainwater with a pH of 5.6 to erode an igneous rock that's exactly 13 m³ big?" Dark Meta Knight is sick of it. (He doesn't know the answers and doesn't have the patience or resources to look them up.)
Kirby: Doesn't mind sparring as long as it's not cruel, because it's great exercise. Willingly fights in the Arena where he doesn't have to hold back, so he can train to defend his friends and planet.
Skirby: Used to hate fighting, but learned to turn his opponent's weapons against them. Doesn't hold back because while the Power of Friendship™ is all well and good, sometimes violence is the only way to defeat a threat.
* * * * * * * * * *
I also think it's interesting to note that in KatAM when you encounter Shadow the second time he can suddenly use Copy Abilities, but has no hat and can only do one simple attack. Just like when Kirby first showed his Copy Ability in Adventure (his second appearance)!
No wonder Shadow is so shy! He just spawned, only knows this is his world and something is terribly wrong, then witnesses the fight between Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight and the subsequent sealing. He secretly follows DMK, then runs into someone strong who looks just like him, he realises that he has abilities like this pink doppelganger, but doesn't know Kirby's motivations and has to decide right then: is this an enemy or not? Who's the good guy? Not unlike how Kirby must've felt when he first ran into Meta Knight.
Of course Shadow already has Dark Meta Knight, but I have no idea how or if they would canonically interact, if DMK was even aware of him before he got shattered, how long it took for DMK to regenerate, what Shadow did in the mean time, or if Shadow considers him an ally.
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amberskywrites · 1 year ago
Chapter 21 - And They're Off
Chapter 1 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 22 || Masterpost | AO3 Link | FF.net Link
Fandom / Genre: Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) / Canon-Divergent and Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Meliodas/Elizabeth, Zeldris/Gelda, Meliodas & Zeldris & Elizabeth & Gelda
Overall Story Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Canon-typical violence, Canonical character death, Canon temporary character death, Cursed characters, Lmk if I need to add anything else!
Chapter Warnings: None, lmk if there’s anything I need to add!
Story Summary:
and chains.
For 3,000 long and painful years, these four have been doing all they can to lift their curses. They have failed, again and again and again. With only a sliver of hope left, they try once more.
Or, what if Zeldris accepted Meliodas’ offer to go with him 3,000 years ago?
The clearing was quiet, barren, and utterly too normal for any of their likings. It was impossible to feel even a hint of magic emanating from the space that was supposedly the entrance to the Necropolis.
“Well then!” Meliodas said, turning to face the group at large. Everyone was gathered in a semi-circle, minus the two kids who’d given them the instructions, still standing and just watching from the edge of the clearing. “Does anyone have someone in mind to think about?”
Zeldris swept his gaze over everyone else when no one said a word. He wouldn’t bother. There wasn’t anyone he could imagine fondly that would be in the Necropolis, knowing the few people he’d cared most for in his life were either around him now or simply just not quite dead. There wouldn’t be a point in trying to remember anyone.
Finally, Elizabeth piped up about trying to remember her mother. Meliodas’ expression tightened minutely, but to Zeldris’ relief, he relaxed once Hawk asked if she even had memories of her mother and she deflated, her hopeful expression shuttering away as she shook her head. While Zeldris felt a twinge of guilt at the face she made, he’d be a liar if he said he was disappointed she remembered nothing or relieved when Diane chimed in about someone she used to know, but she didn’t elaborate. She, Elizabeth, Hawk, and Meliodas then devolved into a debate about ghosts and whether or not accessing the Necropolis would lead to them having to interact with ghosts. Zeldris started tuning them out.
A glance at Gelda showed she was observing the others as well, though her eyes were trained on King and Ban, a tilt to her head. Zeldris, too, turned his attention to the two Sins and noted that neither seemed to be paying any attention to anyone.
King seemed more aware than Ban, his brows creasing as he stared toward the ground. Probably trying to open the Necropolis, then, but apparently not succeeding. It took Zeldris a few moments of pondering that he probably shouldn’t have needed to think of who the fairy might possibly be trying to remember. Consequently, the realization is what brought his attention to focus on Ban.
Ban had a rather blank look on his face. Zeldris’ chest tightened, his hearts suddenly feeling like they were starting to be squeezed. 
The Sin of Greed was lost in his thoughts, his memories. Zeldris had no doubt what he could be thinking of, what he was reliving. He’d seen Meliodas in the exact same place too many times to count, too many times too many.
He was hit, suddenly, with the realization that seeing anyone wear that blank stare hurt.
Zeldris hadn’t noticed anything changing until the conversation between the others died out. Filling the silence was the wind, picking up speed and swirling flowers that weren’t there moments ago into the air.
It took a moment for anyone to react, too stunned at the sudden sight of a meadow of pink flowers to say anything. But then Diane exclaimed and Ban startled, blinking and finally looking around and clearly still not entirely back with them, still very much there, and the new meadow was filled with noise once more.
“Good luck finding them!” One of the kids chirped above the rising wind.
“And thanks for the food, mister!” Said the other with a wide grin, and then they were gone, obscured by the whirlwind of flowers surrounding the group. 
Zeldris barely had time to process as from one moment to the next his vision was obscured by flowers to instead being obscured by bright reflective light.
Meliodas squinted once the world finally stopped spinning, the light reflected from the crystals surrounding them far too bright after suddenly seeing only darkness. He heard a hiss not far off and assumed it was Zeldris. Gelda he knew was okay from the shade that enveloped him a moment later, the vampire managing to get her bearings quicker than the rest of her family. He’d have to thank her later.
Blinking the spots away more easily now, Meliodas was able to take stock of everything and everyone. 
They were in a land of smooth green and blue stone, around them the walls to a maze of crystals standing tall, but not tall enough to be considered an issue. Most were at Ban’s height, and with Diane, they’d really have no problems.
The others were recovering from the sudden environment change too, it seemed, scrubbing at their eyes or squinting around in hopes of adjusting their eyes to the light. He didn’t have to wait long before an excited gasp escaped Elizabeth as she looked around, and Hawk whistled lowly. Diane had a grin forming on her face, and it was practically infectious until she glanced down and noticed the three shrouded in darkness.
“Hey! No fair, Gelda! You didn’t shield any of the rest of us from the light!” She exclaimed, hands on her hips as Gelda dismissed the shadowy shield.
Gelda smiled apologetically at the giant. Sorry, she signed, They were closest and it was instinct. Diane huffed, practically pouting, and Meliodas couldn’t help the chuckle. Gelda glanced at him and shared the same amused smile before looking back up at Diane. Next time you’ll be the first I shield. Deal?
Diane made a decent effort to remain annoyed but caved quickly enough in the face of Gelda’s offer. “Deal!”
“Well, now we’re in the Necropolis,” Meliodas said, everyone’s attention flicking to him. “We should get a start on seeing if one of the others-” Meliodas startled when Ban jumped into motion, dashing off after some lights. Barely a second later King was flying after him, neither paying a glance to anyone else.
“What… just happened?” Hawk asked, staring after the two Sins long gone.
Zeldris sighed, and when Meliodas looked at his younger brother, he was met with a familiar tired and saddened look directed down the path Ban and King had run. Normally, said look was directed at him, and Meliodas hummed uncertainly to Hawk’s question as he tried to decipher the look.
He couldn’t help gaping at his own stupidity when it hit him why those two would chase after a spirit here. He closed his mouth with a click and shook his head. Unpack that later. For now…
“They’ll be alright,” he said, offering his most encouraging smile. A second later, Zeldris and Gelda were nodding.
“We’ll find them before we leave, or we’ll see them after we leave back in the meadow. We have a limited amount of time in here, after all,” Zeldris added.
“Right!” Meliodas clapped his hands together. “For now, we should be enough to try finding if any of us are here. Ban and King’ll be on the lookout too, I’m sure, so how about we head this way?” He gestured in the opposite direction that the two had run. If they had chased after who he thinks they did, the two Sins didn’t need the rest of them intruding on that conversation.
And so the group of six headed off.
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agrebel18 · 2 years ago
ok I’ve gotten A LOT of comments in which people are confused whenever I’ve said that Hunter is probably bisexual, so here it is!!! (for the people who didn’t know) 
First of all, the most OBVIOUS example is THIS scene from “Thanks To Them” where he holds up a sweater he made, in which there’s a rainbow with the colors of the bisexual flag. 
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[ID: a screenshot of Hunter from The Owl House. He has short hair and is wearing his casual outfit from season 3. He is smiling while holding up his homemade sweater that is dark blue with several patches sewn on it. The more noticeable ones are a Dino Land patch, the mountains, wolfs, and a rainbow that is pink, purple and blue. END ID]  
BUT if he wanted to show support for Luz coming out, then he would’ve used the rainbow patch/pride pin like Camila does. PLUS, in Willow’s scrapbook, she put the bisexual and lesbian pride pins next to a picture of Luz and Amity on a date, therefore the kids know about how pride pins look like and what they mean, and WE KNOW this is Hunter’s sweater because there’s a sewn patch of wolves, which are important to him, therefore the bi rainbow is there because he knows its meaning and it most likely matches him!!
And this isn’t THE ONLY TIME we see him with the colors of the bisexual flag!! Look at THIS from “Any Sport in a Storm.” 
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[ID: a screenshot of Hunter from The Owl House. He is wearing his Golden Guard outfit minus the cape, and Flapjack is on his shoulder. He is slightly blushing. Behind him, there is the Boiling Sea and the sky, which is colored pink, purple and blue. END ID] 
This show is known for using LGBTQ pride flags as inspiration for their backgrounds, so the fact that this has happened TWICE around him is most likely intentional, so good for him!!! 
ANOTHER piece of evidence I like to use for him being bisexual BESIDES THE OBVIOUS PRIDE FLAGS is that someone asked Hunter’s voice actor who he would take to Grom, and he mentioned female characters like Skara and Emira BUT ALSO male characters like Edric. (I don’t have the screenshot of the tweet sadly.) Of course, voice actors don’t always dictate what’s canon or not, but I feel like this is a nice hint, regardless of whether he was joking or not. 
I have ALSO heard that Dana did art of Hunter on National Bisexual day, but I don’t have it with me :/ 
Anyways, the boy is bi!!! Deal with it!! 
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blubushie · 2 years ago
ok we all know Medic gets high on his medigun fumes, and i know your hc about Mundy and shrooms, but do you think the other mercs get high and if so on what (take this to mean the canon characters or your blu team idc)
Soz if this is confusing because the shrooms are kicking in. Happy 4/20!
Just to clarify the Sniper one isn't a headcanon, he canonically does shrooms. Him getting high off cane toads though is a headcanon specific to Learnin' the BLUs.
I don't really do headcanons of canon characters except as they apply to my fic because I think it kinda causes some obsessions over who has the "right" headcanon if that makes sense? Headcanon wars. With that in mind this will all be as it applies to the fic. Little pro tip for the future: if I use names, then I'm referring to characters as they relate to the fic. Class titles specifically are in referral to characters in canon. For example, canon Sniper is always referred to as Sniper. My characterisation of Sniper is always referred to as Mundy. Helps to avoid confusion. That out of the way...
Jeremy: Ma said drugs are bad. Drinks alcohol but only beer and fruity cocktails which he never drinks around the team because he thinks they’ll judge him for drinking a pink Cosmopolitan. They wouldn’t. Only stimulant he uses is caffeine in the form of Bonk. He only drinks Cherry Fission and Crit-A-Cola.
Soldier: Something something war on drugs, unknowingly takes sedatives Luddy gives him so he’ll sleep later in the morning instead of playing the bugle terribly at exactly 4am every morning. Now he wakes up everyone at 6:30am instead. Get drunk on beer with Tav.
Firebug (Pyro): Cannabis. The only person who has seen what he looks like under the mask is Engie and Ludwig. How does he smoke it? No clue. Probably not a bong, most likely a pipe because of the pretty colours of the blown glass. Always keen to share.
Tavish: Scrumpy and (rarely) beer. Only drinks beer when he’s out of Scrumpy and he prefers Blu Streak to Red Shed. Has probably done cannabis with Pyro once or twice but not a stoner in the slightest.
Mikhail: Complete abstinence, not even liquor.
Dell: Adderall and only Adderall. He uses it to keep him awake and focused when he's working on projects at night. Also drinks beer, he too prefers Blu Streak to Red Shed. There’s a running joke here of no one drinking Red Shed because Red Shed tastes like skunk piss. Occasionally drinks Jack Daniels, always pours it into a glass. On rare occasions will smoke a cigar.
Ludwig: Has done everything under the sun at least once. Sources half the shit he gets from Mundy. Ayahuasca? Peyote? Shrooms? DMT? Ketamine? Mundy will set you up. 50% chance Luddy grows his own opium poppies. Doesn't get high recreationally, just does it for the science (except when his Medigun is involved, he totes gets high off that for shits and giggles).
Jacques (Spy): Nicotine and alcohol, everything else is for heathens. He prefers brandy because he's a pompous French cunt that only drinks French shit. Probably smokes fucking Gauloises like the cunt he is. That said he also knows how to enjoy a cigar and probably imports Cohibas from Cuba because he's such a cunt.
Mundy: If it can be naturally sourced, fair chance he's tried it (Mundy does not fuck with anything synthetic). Psychonaut of the team to the point Luddy goes to him for advice. Routinely does shrooms, occasionally travels to Arizona to catch Colorado River toads to source DMT for later. Feral about the DMT and does not share but will share his shrooms with you if you ask nicely. Picks them himself. Has everything from cubes to azzies but hates azzies because (despite being a more intense high) they're still azzies and every time he takes them he ends up paralysed for two hours. ABSOLUTELY HATES CANNABIS. As a bushman and an Australian he has a finely-tuned sense of smell and the smell of cannabis drives him up a wall. Has done everything I have minus LSD and ecstasy. Has done opium in a Bombay den and in Bangkok. The Bangkok one was more fun. Has done ketamine four times (makes it himself) but only once was recreationally. One was to treat pain after he was shot during a job (yes this was the one above his armpit). The other two was accidentally sticking himself with Sleeper darts because he's a dumb cunt. Actually doesn't like ketamine all that much because if he takes a full dose he wakes up with a headache. Probably bumped cocaine off a hooker's arse once and he will take that secret to his grave. Also smokes, obviously. Prefers Winfields (the red pack) but when he has the time he hand-rolls his own durries. Also chews tobacco sometimes. DOES NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. It makes his hands shake. Loves the taste of coffee (he drinks it black with no sugar) but only uses decaf beans so the caffeine level is so low that it doesn’t affect his aim. Also has a surprisingly good taste for alcohol—his favourite beer is VB but the best beer he’s ever had was Emu Export, he can just never find it outside of WA. Favourite cocktail is the old fashioned because he has an affection for whisky. Also spent his life drinking his dad’s bushshine plus is an Australian, so he has the highest liquor tolerance out of everyone on either team and could drink anyone under the table. Despite being VERY INSISTENT on psychedelic safety he's a complete hypocrite when it comes to practice: he never has a trip sitter, he does it when he's depressed or upset, he takes heroic/breakthrough doses even when he's already feeling like shit, and he spontaneously trips instead of planning in advance. Don't be like Mundy (or me). Also a massive adrenaline junkie and this becomes VERY OBVIOUS in Australia.
Jesse: Ma said drugs are bad, but what Ma don’t know won’t hurt her. Isn’t allowed to smoke cigarettes and even Mundy refuses to give any to her unless she promises not to inhale. That said, she’s curious about shrooms but wouldn’t do anything besides that, and would only ever do shrooms with an experienced psychonaut she trusts (cough Mundy cough). Caffeine addict by way of Bonk. Only drinks Blutonium Berry and Crit-A-Cola. Would absolutely fight Jeremy for the last tinny of Crit-A-Cola. Will drink any alcohol except brandy. Has a surprisingly high alcohol tolerance especially for her size (cheers, Ma) and is one of the ~10% of the human population who doesn’t get hangovers. Actually scared of opioids and would never do them because Mikey overdosed on heroin. Had to be physically restrained when Suki gave her heroin in Italy after she was shot because she freaked out over it.
Dougal: Only smokes cigars and drinks Scotch whisky.
Heinz: Hates smoking because it irritates his already-damaged throat. Only drinks schnapps and beer. Doesn’t do recreational drugs.
Liem: Chews tobacco, doesn’t smoke. Alcoholic who only drinks beer. Favourite beer is Blu Streak. Became an alcoholic after Ted’s death.
Bruce: Only drinks beer, occasionally smokes cigars, will rarely let Suki test opioids on him.
Tamotu: Smokes cannabis. Has never done any other drugs but would be 100% keen to do psychedelics with Mundy sometime on account of Mundy being an experienced psychonaut and excellent trip-sitter.
Suki: Doesn’t do anything outside drinking sake and the occasional Adderall. However in the past she once did a bump of cocaine during a 36-hour stint in trauma surgery, and then proceeded to do surgery while high on the cocaine. The patient lived. That said Suki gets very hyperactive and more “aggressive” when she’s off her chops—give her phencyclidine and she’d burn the fucking state down. Has never and will never smoke. Yells at everyone else for smoking.
Yuri: Has never done any drugs ever except occasionally drinking a shot of vodka. You can tell shit’s about to go down when Yuri is getting into the liquor cabinet. Has a liquor tolerance to almost rival Liem. Chews tobacco, doesn’t smoke.
Charles: Chainsmoker and nicotine addict. Drinks Scotch whisky and still has no idea what happened to his $10,000 bottle of 1937 32-Year Macallan Fine & Rare but suspects Liem to be the culprit. Would never do reactional drugs because it’s for heathens. Complete lightweight when it comes to alcohol (Jesse got all of her tolerance from her mother) but also doesn’t get hangovers.
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pancake-syrup · 2 years ago
the name lester or syringe is a catch-all name for us, so if youre not sure whos fronting (or dont wanna use someones name for whatever reason) use those!!
this is a post for basic alter intros all in one post
???.txt is for if we dont know whos fronting ^^
like if seen
Aestra (AH-st-rah)
favorite color: dark red
role: protecter/care taker
first alter
personality: bitch but in a loving way
not neurodivergent
Technoblade (s2t/canon c!techno frag(?))
all minus she/her
favorite color: pink or whatever idk
role: just some guy
2nd alter
personality: scroll thru @/subtotechno to see how i act lolll
Dream/Clay (Dream introject)
favorite color: green and blue 👀👀👀
role: he :)
3rd alter
personality: bubbly :)
Dakota/Iris (Snowchester era C!Ranboo introject)
they/she, 💫/💫/💫s/💫s/💫self (💫/star), any and all tho ^^
favorite color: purple :>
role: anxiety
4th alter
personality: kind? worried all the time?
autism spectrum
Jolly (like the ranchers!!)
he/she !!
favorite color: mint green :))
role: littol guy......
5th alter
personality: mm littleu, acts like a younger child eheh
idk either :>
Tubbo/Meadow (C!Tubbo fictive, showchester era)
he/him, maybe she.
favorite color: browns
role: Yeah. Hes There.
6th alter
personality: wow . i have no idea.
mlm? idk, i like guys and non-binary people tho.
Martin (TMA fictive)
he/him, they/them
favorite color: light brown and light blue!
role: who the hell knows
7th alter
personality: kind, most of the time :^)
men are hot B^)
Tommy (mostly c!tommy)
he/him & ke/keb/kebor/kebor/keyboardself
favorite color: red. bright red.
role: osme fucker
8th alter
personality: incomprehensible
uhhhhh fuckin. everything ig.
Ph1lza (mixed source)
favorite color: dunno
role: dad ig
9th alter
personality: m8 im your dad but also dont look up to me im literally insane
not neurodivergent
Jarchivist/Jon (TMA fictive)
favorite color: hhh all of them
role: blinks
10th alter
personality: tired.
I am biro ace
Dave (factive)
favorite color: i dunno
role: copium
11th alter
personality: mysterious. genuinely. dont look into me, i dont wanna share.
he/him, open to any ^×^
favorite color: light blue or blood red
role: ???
12th alter
personality: practically just wilbur soot + a dash of revivebur
autistic or whateva
queer ^-^
favorite color: light blue
role: a second, less little, little.
13th alter
personality: chaos. do not pair with tommy or meadow.
adhd and the tism
um. id rather not say
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hansoulo · 4 years ago
lead me to the promised land
part two of “Pillar of Salt”
Pairing: Boba Fett/Princess!Reader (she/her pronouns, no Y/N)
Warnings: NSFW - language, kissing, heavy petting, dom!Boba, gagging/choking, marks and bruises of the Spicy nature, hand and finger kink, allusions to canon-typical violence
Word Count: 2k
Gif Credit: (x) by @/tylowen
A/N: good day gremlins i am not very good at updating but i bring u some fun times as penance pls forgive me
༓ series masterlist ༓
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You were used to being moved around by other people, poked and prodded and lifted up so that stays could be tied or burdensome headpieces be attached to your head. Shuffled around to smile and be proper, sedated by heavy skirts and perfume. It was a fact of life.
Your dress was unlaced by the mechanical hands of an attendant, the change happening quickly and without fond regard from any party. It was early evening now and the sky peeled itself into a burnt orange. If you closed your eyes, you could almost taste citrus.
“Careful, please,” you whispered with a slight wince as the woman’s thin fingers brushed against your neck, both of your reflections cast warm in the mirror you now stood in front of. They were almost-bruises. Little ghost flower petals. Delicate and pretty, trailing behind your neck and not quite noticeable.
The woman only nodded. Servants weren’t ones to ask questions.
 ⫸ ———————————————————————————— ⫷
The world seemed to tip on its axis, spinning too fast and not at all. It’d only been a minute, maybe two, but Boba’s words hung out to dry in the summer air and there was nothing else to do but wait for the actions to fulfill themselves. It shouldn’t have been as easy as it was to let him keep kissing you, but you only broke away to warn in a jolted, harsh whisper when his touch became too sharp. “Don’t leave any marks.”
“Are you commanding me?” Boba sneered, his voice slightly cruel as his gloved thumbs rubbed circles into your hip bones. You didn’t bother opening your eyes to look at him, letting his mouth skid over your jaw. Your answering yes or no wouldn’t make much of a difference. You had the feeling he would do what he liked either way. You had the feeling you’d let him.
It was strange, too fast. Too fast because really, what did you know about Boba? Were you even on first name terms? He’d never called you your name, and you’d never called him his. You’d only known of him for a few weeks. Had truly talked to him for even less than that. Maybe you should stay a capitalized Princess and he should be “Fett.” For the sake of clinicality.
Letting him lift you up and onto his lap was most definitely not clinical. “That depends,” you croaked out after a moment, finally looking at his face in your half-stupor. He’d sat you up to face him and you’d gone with, pliable and keening. Being champagne drunk felt like this; like his eyes coal-black and the way he seemed to take up everything in your mind until there was no room for reason.  You traced over the scar on his forehead with a light mouth, knees bowed to nestle closer and every muscle in your body flexing, tensed as if dripped over with sunshine. “Are you going to listen?”
The smile of a predator was the only answer he gave you.
⫸ ————————————⫷
Men were vile. They had clammy hands that wandered to your thighs at banquet dinners, slimy mouths when they pressed their lips to your hand in greeting. They were all insufferable and you promised never to go near one as long as you could help it. But promises were a boring thing to keep sometimes. They were much more fun to break.
Boba spoke but it was swallowed in your interlocking mouths, hungry and escalating desperate. You were still sitting with—on?—him, too cowardly to do anything more than kiss and let yourself be felt by the strength of a man’s greed. He tasted like teeth and blood and pink flesh. That was the thing that no one had ever told you about kisses; about men like him. They tasted like broken skin. 
You were eating Boba whole. He was eating you piece by piece. 
You were just kissing. Had been just kissing for what seemed like ages but was actually only fifteen standard minutes. Fifteen standard minutes for your stays to be dragged loose, your lips to be bitten plush, and both sandals abandoned somewhere in the slow scramble. It wasn’t so much desperation as it was just a sheer curiosity goading your irrationality, but the end result was the same: a man squeezing the back of your neck, calling you lovely in the same breath he called you naive. 
“Take them off,” you almost demanded, pulling desperately at his gloves as the warm leather dragged against your fingernails. Learned manners were added in as an afterthought. “Please.”
His one-handed grip on your thigh tightened. It would bruise, likely. Raise questions, definitely. You would have to chalk it up to something else. A fall. A bad trip on a set of stairs. Anything besides what was happening now. The words rumbled against your chest and registered vaguely as a threat. “What was that?”
Huffy and impatient, you answered in a much more keening, undignified echo. “Please, pleasepleaseplease—”
Boba put his fingers in your mouth.
Boba put his fingers in your mouth.
Stuffed was the more apt word. You tried not to think about how he could only fit two of them inside without hurting you. It made you feel temperature-hot, physically burning until your cheeks and your insides twisted into smoldering ash because his fingers breached the alabaster edges of your teeth until they almost gagged you on your own tongue. Boba drew his hand back only when you sighed around it, sedated with fluttering eyes and no longer asking questions. His voice seemed to get deeper, raspier around the unplaceable accent from a place you’d never heard of and probably never would. “Good girl.”
The gloves stayed on. Why they did and why you couldn’t just get him to do what you wanted like everyone else you had no idea, but your frustration quickly ebbed into hazy, sparking pleasure. He called you good. You liked being good. 
Your hips stuttered when they caught on Boba’s trousers and suddenly you were giggling into the thick muscle of his shoulder, quiet and juvenile in your own disbelief. Everything about this was absurd and inappropriate, which formed the basis of your amusement. It was something to play with. Someone. Big and shiny in the most literal sense of the word. 
The hunter let out what could be construed as a laugh but sounded more akin to a growl and two large palms settled again on the soft rise of your hips. “Not here,” he repeated into your jaw, the words that were previously muffled so long ago now clearer. Not here. Which implied a theoretical somewhere other than here where you would possibly, hypothetically be doing more than- “We need to go.”
You should go. You should be pushing him off of you and running and screaming or something equally inflammatory because this was… because his...
“No,” you protested weakly with a slow shake of your head. Your hands curled around his pauldrons and rested there, limp and slightly shaking. “No, they- they didn’t actually need me for anything. My father just had to—oh Maker-” his cuisse plate pressed up hard between the warm softness of your thighs. “—had to send someone out to search for me—” you rutted against his leg once, twice before the arms around your waist tightened again and inhibited any further attempts at movement. You recovered from the loss of friction quickly, instead letting yourself sag into his solid chest as one set of fingertips dragged along your spine. “—’s just a poor look for him not to,” you finished flippantly, barely audible from where your face settled smushed against the creep of stubble on his cheek. “Bad press.”
“I’ve still got places to be, princess. Even if you don’t.”
“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” you tried replying sarcastically as his mouth flattened against the thin skin of your neck. His lips were soft, but they pressed against you like anything but. You tried rolling your hips again but were thwarted. “Am I in the way of a prior engagement?”
“Something like that.”
“Well then,” you flattened your palms against his chest plate and broke away from the seal of his touch. It wasn’t fair. You couldn’t breathe right and looked like you’d been dragged through a sarlacc pit, but he was just sitting there. Watching you. His eyes were hungry though. “Why let me keep you?”  The words were shot through with airy exhales as you were lifted up off the smooth stone. “I was under the impression that you hated me,” you continued into Boba’s neck with hands curled around the dark curls at its nape.
You did think that, before… this. Now you didn’t know what to believe, what his intentions were. Most likely they were the same as yours. Nothing good.
Whatever either of your motivations were, they would have to be paused now. For his mysterious, vague “engagement” and probably for the betterment of your health, because you were certain if you stayed here with him, shielded away from prying eyes and marching men, your heart would burst right out of your chest and through your ears. 
Your legs wobbled slightly when he set you standing on the ground, Boba’s helmet still laying on the fountain’s edge, and you handed it to him with a reverence that belayed the previous minute’s informality. When it was restored to his head you found yourself mourning the loss of his face. You’d been spoiled this last hour. You didn’t like not seeing it anymore.
“I don’t.” was his short reply. What a wordsmith. 
“Aren’t you still my escort?” you huffed, trying to catch your breath. Your chest rose and fell in panted inhales. Wiping haphazardly at your mouth, you leaned over the fountain’s reflection and attempted to compose yourself. The circlet usually pinned neatly to your head lay crooked and loose, glimmering its delicate metals in the daylight as you fussed with it this way and that. The pool of water currently acting as a mirror rippled too much to be of any real use. You pressed your palms to your flushed cheeks and mumbled. “My penitentiary guard, more like.”
Boba turned you around to face him with his hands on your shoulders and you imagined his eyes to still be edged in charcoal embers. The last smudge of lipstick on your chin was rubbed away by a broad thumb and you watched, curious to his intentions and surprised at his actions, when he reached up to right your crown.
“Let’s go, princess.”
You didn’t argue. You’d been sated from rebellion for the time being.
 ⫸ ————————————⫷
The mercenary stood by the side entrance watching you. 
“You look a mess!” your mother admonished, harried with the exertion of the day’s events that you somehow managed not to be privy to. Apparently there was to be a dinner with the guests leaving the next morning, and apparently you specifically were asked to be present. Both would be dull pieces of information on the best of days but now, after the events that had just transpired, they were positively brain-numbing. 
The queen consort motioned for you to turn around and you complied with a slow spin as your being was examined for minor casualties. Once the woman assured herself of your being alive and unharmed, barely registering the tall figure that stood mere yards away, she allowed herself more frantic inquiries as she shuffled you down the hallway. “What were you doing out there?”
“Oh nothing,” you answered vaguely, eyes trailing as far back towards the doors as they could go without actually turning your head. There was a flash of green armor. “I just wanted to take a walk, is all.” You turned to her and smiled your best attempt at a brilliant, royal-white assurance. “Clear my head.”
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yezielmoore · 3 years ago
Day 12: Extra Credit.
Wait, what it that noise? Oh look, it's canon falling off the rails, whoops!
Kaito's extra bits of the Echo is fantasy synesthesia, with a dash of empathy. When someone talks or makes noise he sees that as colors that best represent their soul. Much less intense is the flavors he tastes that he asociates with each person he meets and change sligthly with strong feelings.
Prompt: Adversary.
n. one that contends with, opposes, or resists: an enemy or opponent.
He isn’t sure what he's seeing and tasting at first, in those first weeks after being dropped off in Limsa Lominsa by Hana, who was deep blue and pink with bursts of yellow and whose words tasted like that green tea from her homeland. He still remembers the bitter tang her parting words left in his tongue, the same he tasted each and every time she checked on him while pretending she was doing other, more important, things and he was a pit-stop.
Hana had been terribly confusing.
It takes him a while to figure out the basics beyond see and taste words and sounds. He realizes that people are palettes and no two persons have the same color combination or hue, it is as good as having a personal ID on everyone he meets. He doesn't figure out the taste for the longest time, not until Ifrit, when those tempered went… wrong. Their colors smothered under the same hue as the primal and all their individual flavors taking on the same sweet/rotten tang. It had been incredibly disturbing and disconcerting at the time, but be had put together a theory afterwards.
Even so, he hadn't realized this strange ability of his was anything to write home about. So he can see sounds, what of it? It's not very useful, now is it? In identifying those tempered, sure, but unless someone pulls a switcheroo, why would it matter?
'Why indeed', he thinks wryly as he enters the Solar in the Walking Sands and stops dead in his tracks, eyes immediately zeroing on the anomaly in their midst.
“My friend, welcome…” Minfilia greets him with her customary warm smile, which falters when she sees his expression. “Is aught amiss?”
“Yes, yes there is,” Kaito says calmly, far more calm than he feels. He prowls forwards, eyes fixed unerringly on Thancred, who raises an eyebrow in a wordless question. “Let’s start easy with the easy question. Who the fuck are you?”
Around this strange stand-off the other scions, already worried at his uncharacteristically hostile actions, all tense in alarm. They are uncertain and he can't really blame them. Fond of him as they are, Thancred has been one of them for much, much longer. However, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to him, they trust him a lot more than he would have dared believe, newcomer that he is. It’s for this reason that they don’t immediately jump on him, choosing instead a watch and see approach.
For his part, Thancred's eyes widen at the accusation, the shock in his expression completely genuine. He has caught the interloper by surprise it seems, but instead of the worry and alarm that Kaito would expect Thancred to betray in the face of an accusation such as this, all he sees behind the façade is an icy cold and shrewd intelligence that is now entirely focused on him. He can practically feel those eyes dissecting him and rapidly reassessing the situation. It’s unnerving on the extreme.
Not that the real Thancred isn’t smart and sharp as a tack, he's definitely one of the smartest people Kaito knows, and he can be ruthless, certainly, but Thancred isn’t cold like this. If the minute shuffling and the taste of stale dark chocolate on his tongue is anything to go by, then Y'shtola has also noticed the discrepancy.
“Now, why would you think that?” ‘Thancred’ asks with a worried air about him and a shake of his head. “Did you perchance have some peculiar encounter on your travels? I wouldn’t put it past our robed foes to concoct something while you were on your own.”
The words confirm it. Like will-o'-wisps, they paint the air around 'Thancred' with colors… a fiery red crossed with bright orange and stabbed everywhere with a deep virulent purple. It is utterly unlike the warm pink, orange and soft yellow threaded with cool blue that Kaito has come to associate with Thancred, either a sunrise or a sunset, constant all the same. Everything about the stranger's colors is more, somehow, deeper and richer. Saturated to the point of provoking a headache.
As the wisps fade away, they leave behind a strong aftertaste of burnt sugar. Kaito clicks his tongue, as if that would serve to dislodge the sensation.
This… ability or whatever, it isn’t something Kaito has thought too deeply about, not when other matters had been so pressing at the time. He should have given the matter more consideration. At the very least he should have given his allies a heads up, because he probably is coming off as addled if not deranged to everyone minus the imposter who is probably laughing at him.
"Aye, but unlike Thancred I was never on my own, was I? I was surrounded by people all the time and then I hitched a ride with the aetherytes in between. Unless you're suggesting our foes can pluck people from the aether currents, then I don’t see how I could've had a tête-à-tête with them." He glares at the other man who has the gall to look disturbed. Everyone else is still on edge and Kaito knows, knows, they’ll run out of patience soon. He can only hope the intruder is as short-sighted as the other robed fool they met. "The difference is like day and night; you look nothing like Thancred."
Finally, for some reason, it is this what makes the stranger drop the charade. His alert but not-quite-tense posture changes and the bewildered air around him immediately morphs into one of utter menace. It's like seeing a housecat shed its skin and turn into a chimera while sitting on your lap.
The scions, who had remained guarded but made no move for or against the proceedings, immediately ready their weapons, the sounds exploding in a rainbow of colors that is strangely calming in their familiarity. It's Urianger, ever watchful and cautious Urianger, that gently tugs a shocked and vulnerable Minfilia closer to him, a topaz carbuncle bursting into existence in front of them both at his silent command.
Kaito's axe, always close at hand, is now drawn and pointed at the enemy wearing a friend's face.
“Well, well, well, color me impressed.” This time the wisps don’t just float around, they practically lash out, glowing so violently that for a moment Kaito is afraid they will gain tangibility and wreck everything. He gags as the taste of burnt sugar turns into sweet charcoal. “That one of you broken creatures could have such an unusual Echo in this pitiful age. Hydaelyn’s chosen, no less!” With liquid grace, not-Thancred stalks closer until his chest is touching Kaito’s axe, seemingly unconcerned about the threat. “Tell me, adventurer, do you really think you can stop me?”
Kaito grits his teeth against the sensory overload and the headache that pounds away inside his skull, a retort full of bravado already on his tongue. Before he can answer, however, a fireball whizzes past his ear, forcing not-Thancred to retreat.
“It’s not just him you have to contend with, fiend,” Papalimo warns, coffee cookies washing away the rage and death that choked him before. Aether gathers and swirls around the thaumaturge as he prepares another spell. A spell that never comes as Yda takes the opening her partner gave her and uses it to land an impressive combo full of punches and kicks that would have broken bones on any normal man.
Unfortunately, whoever this impostor is, normal he is not.
Disappearing and then reappearing closer to the door, he looks at each of the scions until his gaze zeroes once more on Kaito.
“So it seems,” he acknowledges with a bored air that is simply galling and has all of them bristling without meaning to. “Enjoy your futile resistance while you can then.”
“Wait!” Minfilia cries out from behind the protection the combatants provided. She’s pale and her knuckles are white from clutching the edge of her desk. “Is Thancred… What did you do to him?!”
Not-Thancred smirks. It’s an expression that has always been at home in Thancred’s face, fond and mischievous and always a bit flirty, but right now is full of malice. “Who knows.”
And then he is gone.
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the1918 · 4 years ago
To get away from the drama: Steve and Bucky's favorite places to get wild (minus bedroom), I'd love to hear your opinion. I always thought the kitchen would be on the list, also maybe the laundry room?👀👀
Oh I like this question a lot. Let’s see...
I’ve been in mood for canon-verse Steve and Bucky lately, perhaps post-Endgame retirement to a little countryside home (aka, the Endgame we deserved)? Perhaps we should talk about Service Top Steve and Happy Slut Bucky [x]? Also-- gotta dedicate this head canon to @hoeforthegays​ as a late birthday present. Happy belated birthday Jake!
Rule #1: Happy slut Bucky gets dick wherever, whenever Bucky wants it. Steve is helpless not to give it to him. And since Steve’s kink is basically giving Bucky what he wants, it turns him on even more when Bucky picks strange places to demand Steve’s cock. Bucky likes to get it...
Up against the wall, any wall. Bucky gets riled up when his husband uses his strength to hold Bucky and all of his bulk up, and he really likes watching Steve work through a challenge at the same time as he’s working his cock through Bucky’s ass. Bucky loves the little drops of sweat that bead on Steve’s forehead when he’s trying to arrange all of their limbs in the right place while also trying to fuck over Bucky’s sweet spot, and Bucky can just tilt his head back against the wall and moan encouragements and relax while he waits for his orgasm to be handed to him — “Mmm, yeah... doin’ me so good, sweetie, lookit ‘chu, my big strong man giving me what I need... my ass feel tight enough on your cock?”
Yes, Nonnie, definitely in the kitchen. Between the two of them, Steve cooks most of their meals (he’s a good little service top), so he spends a lot of time in that room. Bucky gets a kick out of interrupting Steve while he’s jarring a big batch of his homemade marinara (made from the basil and tomatoes Bucky grew in his garden, of course) by walking in ass-naked and sitting himself down on the breakfast table, spreading his legs, sticking his lower lip out in a pout — “I’m boreeddd, Stevie... fingerbang me?” — and Steve would be kneeling in front of that table so fast that the ladle clatters to the floor and sauce splatters everywhere.
One of Bucky’s favorite ways to play with Steve is to strip down and barge in on Steve in the shower. He doesn’t even have to ask or tell Steve what to do or what he wants when he gets in; Steve will drop whatever he’s doing — maybe he’s halfway through cleaning up his neck scruff in the shower mirror — and he’ll soap up Bucky’s loofa. He grabs all of Bucky’s favorite strawberry bath products (Steve buys them for Bucky in a little boutique in town) and he’ll shampoo Bucky’s hair and condition it and he’ll even rub in-shower lotion onto Bucky’s skin to make it soft. Bucky’s a little shit, so he likes to lazily jerk on Steve’s cock while Steve is working, even though he knows Steve won’t let himself come until Bucky’s had his. When Steve is done washing him, he’ll sink to his knees behind Bucky and he’ll spread his cheeks and tongue his ass until it’s sloppy and loose. He’ll slip a finger or two in to massage Bucky’s prostate, and Bucky will lean his head on his forearms against the shower the whole time Steve’s at it, sighing happily when Steve moves a hand around his hip to jerk Bucky’s cock while he sucks on his rim.
Related: Bucky also asks Steve for dick when they take baths together. He likes to kneel up in the tub and lean his chest against the side of it while Steve lubes up and fucks him from behind. Bucky’s favorite part is the way that Steve gets so frantic that he slips and slides all over the place, unable to get a grip with the slippery surface and all of that soap, and it’s so adorably clumsy. The water sloshes between their bodies every time Steve fucks his cock in — “messy boy, Stevie, splashin’ everywhere” — and Bucky knows he’s going to enjoy sitting on the bathroom counter later, staring at Steve’s ass while he’s bent over naked and toweling up the wet mess all across the tile floor.
So they’ve got this little old pickup truck, and sometimes when they go into town for errands, Bucky will coyly tell Steve to park it in the back of a definitely-not-empty-enough parking lot. Steve’s face heats up immediately, because he knows what Bucky wants — one of Bucky’s favorite games —  which is to lean over and swallow Steve’s dick when they’re obviously halfway in public. Bucky’s not even in it for his own orgasm; he just wants to see Steve blush and squirm and bend his comfort zone while Bucky tells him to “keep those hands on the wheel, sweetheart, 10-and-2,” and “it’s a small town, honey, don’t be rude... better smile and wave at the nice folks comin’ out of the store or they won’t think us friendly,” and “good boy, be still,” and dear god does Steve get pink and splotchy all over before coming hard down Bucky’s throat.
These two definitely cover a fair amount of geography :D
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tsuzuruchipalace · 4 years ago
rating mankai company based on character design
Note: I will take into account hair, color scheme, sprite poses, mostly outfits that are not from plays or scouts, and memorability. This is half an objective view and half my personal opinion.
Disclaimer: I curse a lot for comedic effort. I am mean because I am funny. No, you cannot disagree.
Spring 🌸
sakuya: you get what you see. a literal spring babey. his hair and color scheme’s a little generic, but he’s mankai’s poster boy, so that’s understandable. speaking of generic, his main pose is just this emoji 🧍‍♂️ his outfits tend to be kinda basic, but any outfit with a mostly pink top gets him bonus points. 6/10
masumi: okay his hair is elite. probably one of the most memorable character design aspects among the cast. his mole and eyes also make him very pretty. love my boy’s dark color scheme. unfortunately, points must be docked for baiting us with the emo fit, then as the story progresses, he starts dressing like the trust fund kid he is smh. 9/10
tsuzuru: i love you tsuzu but. my mans is so basic. if he didn’t have such a great personality, he’d be as bland as untoasted white bread. the saya of a3. his best design aspect is the fact that he doesn’t dye his roots. his outfits look comfy, but not necessarily eye-catching. 4/10
itaru: everyone who starts a3! with no knowledge of these characters has one (1) thought about itaru. sec sea man. so obviously there’s something appealing/good about his character design. i think part of the appeal is his fuck-all demeanor. obviously, his eyes and hairstyle are attractive, but the way the artists draw him gives him an air of not caring, which is also attractive in a way. his dyed tips are also nice. he looks kinda lame when he dresses professionally, but his casual outfits hit. especially the ones with light pink. 8/10
citron: although i’m not a big fan of the “character is foreign and therefore must talk and dress different and be funny” trope in these types of media, his fashion does make him stand out from the other characters who tend to have more basic clothes. citron’s summer, travel, and autumn outfits SLAP and anyone who says otherwise has bad taste. his hair and eyes are interesting, but his overall color scheme can be a bit repetitive. 7/10
chikage: i hate this guy’s fucking bowlcut. fucking salad bowl lookin ass. every outfit is the same turtleneck and sneakers in two alternate colors. his outfits are so plain. only thing i like is his casual outfit glasses. HOWEVER. that’s the point. he’s supposed to look boring and blend in because he’s a spy. it’s a smart design, i just don’t like it so im docking points. stay mad about it. 5/10
Summer ☀️
tenma: im yawning. you think tsuzu was boring? this guy has orange hair and i still find his design boring. that’s how you know he’s basic. he’s got generic messy shounen protag hair. he could be from any property. if i drew fanart of him, people would ask where he’s from. he either dresses like your slightly homophobic frat boy classmate or a grandfather who gets his shit stolen by the asshole kids next door. 2/10
yuki: he has the r a n g e. all of yuki’s casual outfits hit. they’re all different, but cute in their own way. to no one’s surprise, one of the best styled characters. though i like his general color scheme, i’m personally not the biggest fan of his hairstyle. it’s okay, but a little plain at times. but i think it suits him well. 7/10
muku: i love him. muku’s design is what i love about this game. you see him, and you immediately know what his character archtype is supposed to be. he’s the soft, cute boy. and if this was a mediocre series, that’d be all muku is. but since this is a3, he’s so much more than that. he’s smart, passionate, sensitive to others’ feelings, and protective. a3 does a great job designing characters that look exactly like their archtype, but having a much more developed personality than that. getting back to the actual subject at hand, i love his hairstyle and color, as well as his outfits. you can never go wrong with light pink hair. i may be biased but fuck you. 10/10
misumi: another great memorable design. his eye shape and hair style are really unique. his outfits also elevate his design. street fashion is always a plus for me. though sumi’s design is special in the world of a3! where most of the characters are just. guys. regular lookin dudes. i think that outside of the game, his design would not be as unique. 8/10
kazunari: personally, im a fan. maybe it’s cause i have an affinity for blonde anime boys. but his hairstyle is pretty unique and his trendy looks set him apart from most characters, even outside this game. and he has a pretty lovable expression in his sprites. his fatal flaw is that his fits are either a hit or miss. they’re either really cute or wtf. at least he’s memorable. 8/10
kumon: i love that he reminds me of an owl. his hair and eyes are very cute and his color scheme is great. and i think they did a great job making him look related to juza, but still very much his own character. but he dresses like your classmate from middle school that looks like a nike-sponsored highlighter. yeah, he’s the sporty one, and i like the windbreakers but... i cannot excuse his summer fit. also, i find his design a little tame compared to some of the other characters in the game. 6/10
Autumn 🍂
banri: i hate his hair. i hate it so much. i know in canon it’s nice and he takes good care of it, but it looks so fucking greasy. the style makes him look so greasy and it makes me mad. he looks like an asshole. i mean, he is, so it fits. if this dumb bitch changed his hair more often, i’d like his design so much more. you saw this coming; his love for cheetah print is fucking repulsive. BUT, maybe unpopular opinion, minus the animal print, his sense of fashion is not bad. why do yall clown on it. if the fit is fresh, the fit is fresh. anyway, he looks like an ass, but objectively his design is kinda eh. 5/10
juza: im sorry im DEADLY fucking biased when it comes to juza, but he’s so handsome. his hair is a such a rich, pretty shade of purple and his eyes are so mesmerizing. his hairstyle is so attractive. his face is so pretty. yeah his design isn’t crazy unique, but the simplicity just works. im so sorry im this man’s whore i didn’t choose this life... but i can stop being a simp for one second to say that he has a boring fashion sense. i mean it’s kinda hot how simple his outfits are but his travel fit is good-- wait a minute i just remembered the fucking sandals. docking one point. 9/10
taichi: okay shut the fuck up i LOVE taichi’s design. so eye-catching and fun. as i’ve said i love street fashion, and taichi’s lil e-boy fits are right up my alley. that shade of bright red goes so well with his fashion sense, making a really cohesive design. with his main outfit, you can tell he purposely dresses like that to be trendy and it’s so smart. 10/10
omi: im sorry omi stans but his design is kinda,, boring. i legit had such a hard time identifying him when i first got into this game. the scar saves it a bit. but... only a bit. he’s just got. hair. and a dad outfit. i mean his tits are huge, but i don’t think i can call that a character design aspect. kinda forgettable design. i don’t dislike it though, so he ranks higher than tenma did. 3/10
sakyo: im not sure why but i really like sakyo’s design?? the contrast of his light hair and his dark clothes is nice. also, megane rights. even when i thought he was an npc during my first playthrough, i really dug his design and thought he was memorable. i actually cannot pinpoint a reason why. i wish i had more constructive things to say... but upon thinking about it, he has a karen haircut, which kinda dampers my thoughts on his design. i like his moles, but i honestly did not notice them until the game pointed them out. 7/10
azami: azami has a damn good design. i don’t think anyone can deny that. the long hair, the contrast of black hair and bright blue eyes, his eye shape. all very eye-catching design aspects. and the street fashion style strikes again. the color scheme matches well with everything. this review is lame, but there’s really only good things i can say about his design so. 10/10
Winter ❄️
tsumugi: it’s so late and im so tired of looking at these sprites. anyway, tsumugi’s design is okay. i think his color scheme’s a bit limited and his outfits are a bit meh. he has a more respectable bowlcut than chikage, but it’s still a bowlcut and it’s still boring. i think the best part of his design is his eyes, they’re very soft and kind. but other than that, tsumugi looks pretty basic. 5/10
tasuku: tbh, i didn’t even realize that the godza member tasuku was the same character as the winter troupe guy in the game’s opening until the middle of episode 3... yeah. im slow. ooooooor... tasuku has the worst fucking design in the game. yeah i said it. come at me, but tasuku’s design fucking sucks. i literally thought he was a minor character until they forced me to realize he wasn’t. his fashion sense is... questionable at best. i look at that man’s hair and think he doesn’t shampoo. he looks so bland i could dry up from looking at him. im sorry but his tits do not make up for the sheer fucking snorefest of his character design. he’s so boring i won’t elaborate anymore. 1/10
hisoka: ya get what ya see part 2. i like that i can tell he’s the sleepy and mysterious character just by his design, but honestly, that’s a character trope im generally not a big fan of. so i wasn’t thrilled by hisoka’s design at first. but it’s effective. i like the hairstyle with the white hair, but i’m not too fond of his color scheme. his outfits look comfy and soft though. it makes sense, but it’s nothing too memorable if you compare him to characters outside the game. 5/10.
homare: ah, now this is a memorable character design. his hairstyle annoyed me in the beginning, but now i love it. it’s so unique and fun. and i like the purple. i also like his outfits. very classy. but honestly, most of his charisma lies in his face. i think that the pure eccentricity of the hairstyle is enough to put him in the top tier without considering any other element. you really could not find this design in any other media. fuck it. i don’t need to consider anything else. 9/10
azuma: i’ll be honest. im not a fan of long-haired anime men. especially the pretty, flirty types. i don’t know, i just don’t vibe with them. originally, i didn’t like azuma’s design, but now i do. i don’t know how, but i think it’s because azuma is just that powerful. his ponytail makes it more bearable for me and i like the way his bangs frame his face. he just has pretty eyes and face. unfortunately his color scheme is a little too repetitive for me and his casual outfits are a little boring. 6/10
guy: maybe it’s because he looks dead inside, but i love him. i don’t even know this character that well yet, but i think his deadass expression is great. the darker under-eyeline sets him apart from the other characters and i love how he dresses. i think his hair is kinda eh. i personally like it, but objectively, it’s meh. it’s a solid design, but ngl it’s nothing special when i really think about it. 6/10
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katewaliss · 4 years ago
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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floxalopex · 4 years ago
I'm so sorry. No, I didn't even have my morning espresso yet. But I'm already stimming.
Soooo, it's actually a post about color palettes in Spop. Or at least, it was supposed to be that.
There's a post in the Entrapdak tag about how Hordak is likely demi. I've already expressed my unconditional love for this headcanon, being demi myself, and I added there that I even like the headcanon for bi-aromatic bisexual-demisexual biromantic Hordak. I talked briefily about Entrapta's sexuality (she is either bi, pan, or maybe omni). I also stated that I don't like the fact that they made Entrapta almost cheat on her bf just for the sake of implying that she is not straight. Before everyone freaks out, let's get into my point.
First of all.
Like I said, it's very canon that in Spop you can find certain color palettes for characters which can be similar to LGBT+ flags and so that we are given hints about their sexuality and gender identity.
Some of these are more subtext than others. I for example, being obssessed with genderfluid man-demiboy headcanon for Hordak, like to think this: the genderfluid flag is made out of basically Hordak's colors minus pink-purple. After Entrapta makes him the new armor the flag is complete, the crystal is there. Hordak is a lot trans coded and I (as a lot of trans pages) like to think that Entrapta is the methaphor of a support system who makes him realize who he really is, not wearing a heavy painfull armor that makes him look more masculine, but something softer and lighter that is truly fitting for him. Something more feminine and that makes him feel strong for the first time in his own skin.
Anyways, we have similar things for Bow (I recall a flower crown made by Perfuma with bi pastel colors). Glimmer is basically a walking bi pastel flag. These two showed some interest for same sex characters, especially Bow. For the same reasons Sea Hawk (who canonically had a bf) and Mermista are most likely bi too.
My sweet angel Entrapta too, like I said suspicious choice of colors for her tiny cupcakes and her family portrait. She is clearly there too.
One thing that as a demi monogamus mess I still don't like about Spop is the fact that they prirotized a lot showing the character's sexuality over their feelings. I mean, that's the aim of the show, portray LGBT+ community members. Which is amazing, but still maybe they could have handled It...mmm...better?
Crew-Ra: "look, Arrow boy showed interest for Perfuma and Sea Hawk, clearly bi!"
Me: "yh but by doing so he is breaking Glimmer's heart..."
Crew-Ra: "what? Nah, they get togheter in the end, everything is fine"
This applies sadly, to Entrapta even more. Like I said in the post I would have liked if they gave us more clear hints about her sexuality...but before meeting Hordak.
I still have not truly understood how she sees robots, if more as pets ("bad robot!"), friends, or sex toys.
She has a sister-owner-mother-friend relationship with Emily. Yet when Scorpia talked about her feelings for Catra in season 1 Entrapta said something about how she felt the same with Emily (demi spectrum for her too or just bad writing and the intention to depict her as creepy somehow?).
The point is the Crew-Ra said Entrapta has the ability to humanize even something people may find inhuman. That's why Entrapdak exists according to them. I like get their point, still it's makes me (and apparentely not only me) so sad to see her "flirt" with the Horde Robot and have "sex" with Darla.
Yes, I used those verbs with intention. Entrapta names Darla, to give a name to someone means marking they as an individual. We see totally a bi flag behind Entrapta during the Darla-scene. I want to believe she didn't see Darla as a person there, but that's ...not the case I guess. Sadly.
I don't like this. I'm not biphobic my bi friends, I'm demi, I know what if feels like when even your own community makes you feel "fake" and "not real". I would have actually loved more bi scenes for Entrapta, but not like this. Not after Hordak.
One can justify this saying she was just horny because she was exited to rescue bat bf, or maybe she "gave up" a bit on the idea of saving him and wanted to move on.
Honestely It hurts so bad, whatever your interpretation. I just like (or pretend) to think she wanted to masturbate on her own or something, which is healty even for married couples. Gosh, that's a lot of bad writing.
Lastly, why don't I like the headcanon of her being poly? Why don't I like this cheating stuff? I've already talked about it in the previous post (I'm okay with poly relationships in general), but let's just say that, whatever your interpretation for Hordak sexuality, he is very monogamus.
Plus, I know that "hips don't lie" (...when did I start sweating?) but still I think Hordak may have some hard time pleasing his princess.
It's not about the apperence (or lack) of sexual organs. I mean nothing can stop Entrapta. It's about stamina, it's about endurance. It's about coordination without the armor. Plus he still doesn't like his body. He is now surrounded by 10.000.000. healtier and younger versions of himself. Do you think he would be okay with Entrapta cheating on him? Even if she openly tells him? This gets worse if you headcanon him as demi. I truly don't understand why people cheat, really I lack a synapsis or something. I'm atheist, I know marriage is something made up by humans for humans, I know that mammals are hardly monogamus. Still, call me romantic, call me demi, call me loyal, call me a penguin, I am very monogamus.
And I bet bat boy is too.
The "good" knews, at least for me? I bet Entrapta is too, she knows how much a person can suffer for feeling "not enough". She loves him too much to do something like that to him by the way.
Dear Crew-ra, please: love, loyalty and respect are better than openly show a sexual attraction. Or at least you could have done both, write things differentely. But you didn't, deal with it, don't rush things at the finale, that only leads to bad results.
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