#i know my period is coming up bc of how pissed off i'm getting about all of this
necrotic-nephilim · 2 days
any opinions on joker junior!tim/jason?
oh my GOD yes-
Joker Junior!Tim is one of my guilty pleasures. i'm *obsessed* with the concept, i think it's so horrifying in such an intriguing way. it's tricky to work into the main timeline, but that's sort of the fun of it, bc generally you have two routes: Joker Junior happened to Tim when he was Robin and he's since moved on and continued to be Robin then Red Robin. or it happened to him as Red Robin and is a current thing that the characters in the fic are dealing with. and both are good.
because there's endless potential of how to do it with JayTIm. does Jason save Tim, does Jason *know* in the first place, if it happens after Jason is back as Red Hood how does he react, etc. i've read it in fics and i love every version.
but i think i'm intrigued by the idea of Joker Junior happening before Jason comes back as Red Hood and he finds out about it and he's *pissed*. like infinitely more pissed than he would've been. but his anger isn't in protection of Tim, it's at Bruce for not learning, for letting this happen again. and for making a brainwashed child have to kill Joker because *again*, Bruce couldn't do it. the point isn't about if Joker is alive or dead. it's that *Bruce* didn't kill Joker and Jason's death didn't mean enough to Bruce to stop Joker before he did it again. because Joker Junior really is the proof Jason needs to shove in Bruce's face about child sidekicks and Robins and Joker. and since Jason didn't exist in the universe where Joker Junior happened, we never saw a real comparison of the two. but i think if they happened in the same universe, it makes what Joker does to Tim far more purposeful. because now he knows he can kill a Robin and *get away with it*. so he wants to push it. how do you top *killing Robin*? like, if that doesn't get to Batman *what does*? Joker Junior seems like the perfectly reasonable next progression. if a dead Robin doesn't break the Bat, then breaking Robin beyond recognition seems even bigger. and Joker trying to get Tim to kill Bruce as Joker Junior would likely be Joker just seeing if Bruce would let it happen. could Bruce bring himself to stop Tim? and of course Joker doesn't find out bc Tim kills him instead, but it's such a fun question.
and so, i think Jason would *know* his death in a way, caused this. Joker did that to Tim because he didn't get enough of a rise out of Bruce for killing Jason. if Bruce had *just* killed the Joker, none of this would've happened. another kid wouldn't be irrevocably fucked up.
as for Jason's opinions on Tim specifically, i think it's fun if Tim retires from vigilante work entirely after the incident. (with Steph taking over as Robin for a much longer and more significant period instead of just getting fridged) because Tim has very black and white morals so knowing he killed someone, even under the influence of Joker venom, he'd immediately put down the cape, suggest Steph to take up his mantle and quietly retire. he knows what he's capable of now, pushed to the edge and it scares him. i think it's fun if it scares him *because* he was lucid. if he was truly under the brainwashing control, he would've killed Bruce. but he didn't. he had a moment of clarity, and decided to kill the Joker. and he knows that was *him*, not Joker Junior. he made that decision and now, he lives with it.
which means Jason would be almost pissed off by Tim, at first. because they're reacting to their trauma *wildly* differently. Jason wants blood for blood, vengeance, war, and to make Gotham feel his wrath. but Tim just wants to. disappear. quietly vanish and live a quiet life, even refusing to run comms. Jason doesn't understand how TIm doesn't share the anger and passion Jason has for justice. he knows what Tim is capable of and so does Tim, so why doesn't Tim lean into it? why doesn't he take back control? bc this is letting the Joker win, to Jason. after all, Jason is the guy who took Joker's old name to prove a point. and now he's facing another person broken by Joker who just. is a normal guy. i'd love to write Jason forcibly dragging Tim back into the superhero life, trying to trigger the worst out of him and wanting to find kinship in Tim. because that's another part of it- this is someone else who might actually understand Jason's experiences and Jason just wants to not be alone. he wants someone else who gets what it feels like. so he makes Tim face the trauma Tim is running from and pushes and pushes until Tim snaps. i think it could be fun.
don't get me wrong, i love softer JJ!Tim in JayTim stuff just as much, where Jason is more protective and they bond and end up really close and taking care of each other because of it. but i'd love to lean into the fucked up nature of it. for Jason to want to rip Tim open and see just how much of the Joker is left inside of him. for Jason to be obsessed with the other Robin that Joker broke. for Jason to be even angrier at Bruce because of it all. there's endless potential and it will forever remain my guilty pleasure for JayTim.
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
i cannot stand incompetent ppl/doing extra work bc someone didn't think ahead
(rant about work below lol)
so last week, on wednesday, i had to change the apparel section around bc we are having a refresh, so to speak. basically we are putting out all new fall-esque items, even tho it's literally 90 degrees out everyday. so i spent basically my ENTIRE shift working on my section by myself. even stayed an extra hour to really finish up. i only spent one hour not doing that, and that was bc we got a truck in and i had to break that down with my coworkers. but the rest of the time, i was spent moving things around, hanging up so many clothes, the whole nine.
no one helped me. even tho i had a manager that was basically just walking around and doing other smaller sections. in a way i was glad to be left alone bc it makes it easier for me to lay everything out and really make sure it looks good. plus, i had this planogram to follow, so really i just needed help hanging things up. but i did fine on my own.
i come in today, the ENTIRE section has been moved around and changed. only two walls didn't get changed, but even then yes they did because shelves were removed, for some reason.
so immediately i think "oh god my manager S did this" bc she has a tendency to try and space things out and change shit around even if the both of us work on things, get it set, and make it look good. or if i've worked on it myself in the past, she will come over on a day i'm not in and change it around. and look, she's the merch manager. i get it's her job to change it. but genuinely imo it never looks better when she does that. not only that, but we are literally following pictures. if it's not set right, it's corporate's fault.
but all i could think in my head is "why the fuck did she change everything??" everything was set! i followed the photos to a T. hell, we actually got all the product in, which is a first bc the amount of times we will have a set change only to not get half the product is almost always. so i was confused. in the layout corporate gives us, they don't account for two walls in that section, so those always end up being random shit. we're allowed to move things around, be flexible. but i mean every. single. wall. was changed.
i'm now pissed bc why the fuck did i do all of that if it wasn't necessary?? all that work i spent was not important then.
S ends up coming up to me and saying "hey did you ever get the pics for the set change?" and i just look at her very confused. bc…… yeah? now granted, she wasn't the one that gave me the set to do, it was instead J, my gm. so okay, i can believe she doesn't know i already did it minus the fact that the entire section is different.
i tell her i did it on wednesday. S goes to give me planogram for the set, but tells me that they haven't dropped yet in the system (J also had told me this but ended up giving me pics of the set design anyway.) basically the set isn't technically due for another week or two, but since we got everything in, it made sense to put it out now.
S tells me we'll worry about the set later bc, and i quote, "J did it last week, so it should be fine".
what do you mean J did it last week? I DID IT LAST WEEK, AND J IS THE ONE THAT FUCKED THE WHOLE THING UP.
look, i've known for a while now that i need to leave my job. i need a better paying one, even if it's retail, bc this place has used up every last bit of nerve i have left in me. but this might be the final thing that does me in, genuinely. bc one, taking credit for something I did pisses me off to no end. and two, J did not do the set, bc she moved everything around in the worst way. so i'm telling yall now, and my managers tomorrow, that if i get told "hey so J did the set wrong and we need you to put it back correctly" i'm telling them no. i did it correctly the first time, this is now J's, or S's, or any other managers', problem to deal with. i'll hang up clothes if you want, bc i can do that off the floor and in the back away from customers. but PHYSICALLY moving anything around for a set planogram that i already did a whole week ago… not gonna happen.
to top all of this off today, i had to break down the truck. we get five pallets in, over 200 boxes of shit to sort thru and separate. i have two other coworkers that help with the truck. they are nice, but you have to basically tell them four times where things are supposed to go on the uboats and it just gets exhausting, especially when i'm already fucking annoyed. two of the uboats were already filled with product, and all we had were three empty ones. ended up having to leave things on the pallets and just fill the uboats with certain things and not others.
the one almost filled uboat they ended up putting product on even tho i told them not to... whatever. not my problem. it was all for the same section anyway.
S, my manager, has basically stopped helping us with the truck. she goes and finds other shit to do now, and particularly today she chose to start taking stuff from the back for one of our sections and forcing more product out bc we are having inventory soon. of all the days to do this "purging", idk why she chose now to do it instead of any day of the week we don't get a truck. not only that, but the merch manager not helping out BREAKING DOWN THE MERCH makes no fucking sense to me, but i digress.
we get one set pallet this time around that is filled with style and toys. the rest of the pallets are filled with other shit. one uboat is set aside for toys. a girl that usually works on candy comes into the backroom and says "hey, S wants me to work on toys". i tell her "okay, well we haven't gotten to toys yet so you'll have to wait." she nods and walks away and goes into this back common room area. not even a full two minutes goes by and she comes back out and starts talking to my coworkers, and she then repeats "S really wants me to work on toys now".
……did we not just have this conversation like a whole fucking minute ago??? did you think i was able to break down a pallet that fucking fast???
at this point, i was snippy and every single person on this planet was getting on my last nerve and i just said "well she's gonna have to wait for you to do it, idk what to tell you", she being S. my coworkers laughed, but since i had music playing, i couldn't tell if they were laughing bc of how i said it or if it was bc i was complaining about S.
then this coworker asks if i need any help, i say no. she rolls her eyes at me and laughs, and then she moves on to asking my other coworkers. and they all work on A SINGLE PALLET together. three of them worked on one pallet. while i had already gone thru two and ENDED UP DOING MORE than them. three of them did two pallets, altogether. i did three pallets by myself. when, crazy concept, it would have been better if they all did a pallet a piece.
i really got to start remembering i only get paid a very small amount, and to stop working above that small amount. bc at this point i'm just being abused at my job lol
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atrophiedemotion · 2 months
ivantill cafeteria scene analysis
keep in mind that this is fully just my personal opinion and interpretation of the scene okay cool
the cafeteria scene from round 6 has always been really interesting to me, and i've seen a lot of people take it different ways, so i just wanted to walk through my view of it because it's such a telling scene about their dynamic more recently than as kids
the scene starts with a shot of till during the round that looks to be from ivan's pov, showing us what he's seeing in the moment, and flashes back to one of ivan's memories from anakt.
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considering the almost identical expressions till is wearing in both shots, it seems to be ivan thinking back to a time he saw till look the way he does in round 6- miserable, hopeless, defeated. like he's given up.
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we then see ivan noticing till's apparent resignation and shitty mood (because of course he notices, it's his personal watching till time after all), then getting up to go bother him. i say 'bother him', and it definitely looks like that's what he's doing, but i don't think that's ivan's goal. i think ivan's goal is to comfort, or at least distract till.
despite their juvenile fights, we've never seen ivan actually want to cause till true harm. his lyrics in both black sorrow and cure are caring and reverent, making it apparent that ivan really does just love and care for him and just wants to be able to do things for till. this is furthered ofc by the whole post-club scene where ivan looks absolutely devastated seeing the state till is in.
i always reference back to my mirroring post bc it explains the way i imagine ivan's train of thought, and it applies here again. ivan does not know how to comfort till in a conventional way (probably for a few reasons; till is different from the other students, both in the way he acts and displays his emotions, and in ivan's opinion of him. till is special to ivan, he usually drops his mask around him so meaningless platitudes wouldn't be right) but he does know how to get till's attention on him and out of his own head.
all this being said- what ivan does next:
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he swipes his hand across the cut on till's cheek. yeah, i know, definitely not what most people would consider 'comforting their friend' but that's what makes sense to ivan. 'how could i possibly distract him if he seems to ignore me most of the time?' (for now looking past the fact that till actually seems comfortable in ivan's quiet company, ivan's too single-focused to realize that)
and, well, i mean. he's right. till gets visibly disgruntled. he doesn't exactly look pissed as much as he looks caught the hell off guard, but it grabs his attention.
ivan, on the other hand, looks almost fond to me. i don't know, i just don't really think he looks smug even though i'm assuming that might be the general consensus. he almost seems a bit soft. to me, it looks like he's adoringly thinking, 'it worked. there, no time to be sad anymore, huh?' he probably is proud of himself for it, but not really in a selfish way.
till, of course, sees that it's ivan who's messing with him, and turns away.
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i've also talked about this but at this age it really does seem like till's mindset when it comes to ivan is something along the lines of, 'oh, it's just ivan. he's fucking weird, that's just how he is' and more or less shrugs it off. he's used to ivan's "quirks" it seems.
this, till looking at ivan only to immediately look away, won't do. he only caught his attention for a few seconds, so i assume ivan's next logical move is to do something that will get an even bigger reaction. (ivan is a logical thinker, after all, at least in my perception of him)
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so he. ya know. does that. which really seems like a great way to get himself punched, right? which honestly is also probably his plan. have till explode in anger, forget whatever happened for him to be injured in the first place, and ivan gets his undivided attention for a period of time. a win-win.
and you might be saying "oh, but couldn't ivan have just been doing that selfishly? we know his main goal is to get till to look at him." to which i say, yeah fair. i don't think this was done completely selflessly (i don't think anything ivan does is fully selfless but that's perhaps for another day) at all, he could've gone at it a different unconventional way if it was. but i think he probably sees it as mutually beneficial.
yes, it does seem like a way to show ivan wanting to keep till's eyes and attention on him. an example of how he seeks out till's attention no matter what, but the preceding shot of a hopeless till reminds ivan of this particular interaction for a reason.
there had to have been a motive behind what he did and why he did it then, and what we have to go off of for that is the first three shots. till wearing the same misery on two different occasions and ivan noticing. with that information, it's really not a stretch that this could be ivan's fucked up version of comfort.
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Period Tracker
requested?: no pairing(s): kim mingyu x afab!gn!reader genre: fluff, mentions of sex (not full detail) warning(s): mentions of periods, reader is said to have periods, but there is no specific gender summary: 𝘯/𝘢 word count: 619 a/n: lemme know if you want a full fic with the last scenario;). im trying to get things done because i'm gonna take a small (yeah right) break bc im going to spain soon and i dont rlly wanna take my laptop over th border and i dont have word on my phone lol. either way, i will try my hardest to get things done before i go, i will be giving you updates as i go, telling you when i will be gone and when i will most likely be back yk. make sure to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah!
mingyu is like your little personal period tracker
you need to know when your period is and you reach for your phone?
no need
mingyu is there to save the day
he KNOWS when your ovulating
and he knows how to get under your skin while you are
(black compress shirt and grey sweats)
and it works
your surprised you’re not pregnant by now
the amount of times you have both fucked when you were ovulating
its unhealthy
but brilliant exercise
either way
a few days before your period, he gets tons of snacks
and i mean TONS
cupboard doors are practically falling off with how much he bought
he also restocks your period supplies
like tampons, pads pantie liners, etc
and painkillers
he also makes sure you’re comfortable when you are on your period
he makes sure you have all of your stuffed animals, blankets, etc
makes sure he massages your stomach
helps with your cramps
strokes your sides with his knuckles when you are falling asleep
runs you a hot bath with scented candles, bath bombs, bubbles and everything
sits with you in it aswell
washes your hair
he doesn’t let you move whatsoever
you need to get up to get some painkillers
don’t fear, mingyu will go get them for you
he will only let you get up to move if its to change your pad/tampon
literally never would piss you off either
he knows your limits yk
he’s very careful in what he says
a few days before your period, you started cramping. you were about to go grab your phone which you left in the kitchen. you were literally so close to tapping on the app that would track your period when a certain someone came up behind you.
“you’re gonna start in two days” you didn’t trust him initially, but since you then forgot which app you were going on your phone for, you nodded and walked away, heavily doubting that you would.
but here you were, two days later, waking up to the most excruciating cramps you had ever had. you looked down, and alone behold, your perfect white sheets were now stained red with your blood. you groaned and flopped back down into a lying position when the man himself, kim mingyu, came in with two plates, both filled with your favourite breakfast.
“i told you you would start today baby” he mused, handing you a plate, which you accepted with a mutter of a thanks.
a week later, your period had ended and you were close to ovulating, which mingyu always knew. the circles on the calander told you so. and here you were, just coming downstairs from what you would call the best nap of your life, when something caught your eye.
or rather, someone. he was stood in the corner of the kitchen, facing you. he didn’t look up from his phone as you entered, rubbing your eyes and yawning, until you turned to him.
“had a good nap?” he says over the top of his phone.
your jaw almost hit the floor, your eyes practically popping out of your sockets as you took him in. his hair was wet from the shower he must have had not long ago, when you were asleep. he was wearing a black compress shirt which showed off his thick muscly arms, which paired perfectly with his grey sweats. you just KNEW he had no boxers on underneath as you could see his length perfectly through the material. you groaned into your hands, he looked up from his phone and looked down at you.
“you can’t do that, i’m ovulating” you whine, mingyu just smirks.
“oh i know baby”
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Wsg love your post!!!
It would make my day if u wrote of post the reader is Pedri’s little sister but she’s dating Gavi. One day Pedri was playing FIFA with his friends on call, reader comes in his room pissed off bc she’s on her period. When Reader is on her period she’s very very bratty and mean, Pedri knew that so the minute that he Rolodex this he asked her if she was on her period,and she was so mad and left bc he ate all of her snacks. When Gavi asked Pedri if it was true that u we’re on ur period he bought readers favourite snacks and went to go cuddle with her and it’s just full of fluffff
Thank you!
Period problems - Pablo Gavi
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2nd Masterlist
"What do you want, y/n!? You are getting on my nerves now!" Pedri said to you after 10 minutes of walking around the kitchen trying to find something for you to eat.
Your period came earlier and some big cramps were keeping you awake.
It was pretty late now, but your brother, Pedri, was playing FIFA in the living room with his footballer friends.
"Don't you have your own business to look out for?"
"Since you are distracting me of winning this game, I can tell you whatever I want."
You rolled his eyes. You wanted to tell him so bad that he was going to lose anyway, but you remained silent, knowing that your boyfriend, Gavi, was also there playing in his team.
"What are you even looking for?" he said annoyed after another 5 minutes of you walking around.
"Something to eat."
"This late?"
You were really annoyed this time.
"Yes, this late. I'm hungry, do you have a problem with it?"
"Yes, I do. Go grab yourself something and leave! You're making too much noise!"
"Well, if I had something, I would take it and go to my room. Don't you think I want to be alone too!? I just don't find my snacks.." you said the last part as a whisper, but Pedri heard you.
"What snacks?"
"Those that I bought yesterday."
"Oh, those snacks," he said chuckling.
"Do you know where they are?"
"In my tummy" Pedri said while laughing.
"What did you say?"
"I'm sorry, I was hung-"
"I bought them!!! You had to ask me if you wanted to eat those! Now I don't have anything and I'm hungry!"
"C'mon, there's not a big deal, y/n. Now, can you leave? I want to continue the game and all of us are waiting for you to get done with all those.. moody things of yours.. so that we can finish this stupid match!"
"Pedri, hermano, don't shout at her!"
Pedri heard Gavi talking, but decided to ignore him.
"Not a big deal!? Seriously!? Of course it is not if you ate MY food!" you started to get really mad and tears were forming in your eyes.
"For real? Now you are crying? What now? Are you on your period?"
"Yes, I am! You are such a bad brother. You don't even know how it feels. I don't want to see you ever again!" you said before going to your room, sad, angry, hungry and with bad cramps.
Pedri rolled his eyes, but he felt bad for shouting at you, knowing that period was a serious subject and you were in pain.
"Is she on her period, Pedri?"
"Yes, Gavi. She is"
"Why did you yell at her like that!?"
"I didn't know, don't you think I'm sorry too?"
"I'm going to but those snacks for her now." he said before hanging up and going to some store.
It took him a lot of time to find one that was still open and after that he ran to your house.
Pedri thanked him for coming after Gavi started to give him some lessons about his behaviour towards his sister.
When you heard someone knocking at your door, you were sure it was your brother so you didn't respond, pretending to be asleep. The door eventually open and it revealed you your boyfriend with a bag in his hands.
"Hi.." he said quietly and sweetly, putting his hand on one of your legs.
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. You opened the lights and you hugged him, being really emotional.
"Oh, sweet girl"
You wanted to ask him so many questions, but he promised to tell you everything tomorrow morning and that he will stau with you this night.
When he gave you the bag and you saw all your favorite foods and some pads, you were on he edge of tears.
"Thank youu."
"De nada, amorcito."
After you ate until you were full, he cuddled you, making sure you were save and comfortable.
Your cramps were bad, but being close to Gavi made you forget about them, only thinking about his lips and body. You were really horny this period of the month and Gavi knew that, but promised you that he will give you a nice time after you finish it.
Now, his lips on your neck and lips were enough for you.
"Can you tell me a story, please?" you asked him.
"I don't know a story,cariño."
He eventually gave up and took his phone out to read you something. After a short time, you were already asleep in his arms, while he was looking at you sweetly, kissing your forehead time to time.
"Te quiero, y/n"
2nd Masterlist
I hope you like this and I'm sorry for the wait!
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bruciemilf · 2 years
So, Gordon basically going from :
"Yep, the kid can come out whenever he wants" to a "Who's that home-wrecking keeping you away from me?"
After the whole time he and Bruce were living together.
He becomes suspicious when the orange marmalade starts to run out (Bruce always makes a sandwich for Selina, so he can catch up on all his cats' names) too quickly, when there's mascara on Bruce's shirts (Bruce is learning to do his eyelashes with a new kind of mascara) and he smells different (He got distracted on patrol and fell into a perfume window).
He doesn't know how to complain to him, or if he should complain to him after the (obvious accidental)kissing incident they shared.
But it's the same thing, you know?
That home-wrecker may can stole his marmalade, but not his emo meow meow!!
Not on his watch!
(While all this is going on in Gordon's head, Selina just laughs eating her marmalade sandwich, while Bruce tries not to stammer about how Jim looks manly in that police T-shirt and drinking coffee from a movie promo cup. God, that orange marmalade is so good, now she's going to ask Bruce to make her an extra sandwich.)
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GODDD THIS IS FEEDING ME. SO GODDAM WELL. here's the thing; I'm pathetically weak for Bruce coming home, -- to the apartment, -- And he expected Gordon to do what he always does; Stay at the office so he won't have to stay with him.
But no. There's a whole man In his face, almost burning Bruce with chocholate liquor eyes set aflame with anger, " where the fuck were you?"
" I -- I was, -- that's none of your business," He's so braven, so ballsy, held together by a quivering spine as the other man looks down at him.
Bruce's eyes landing on elegant, bow shaped lips, romantic and kissable. He composes himself quickly. Any later and he'd kiss him,
" Boy, I know you like actin' stupid, but sometimes I feel like you ain't acting. You understand how this whole witness protection thing work, or I gotta draw it? You don't leave my sight. Point blank period."
" You didn't care until now,"
" If you knew what I cared for, you wouldn't just abandon me in the middle of the night, you, --" Jim won't lose his temper; it was the homicide to his first marriage, and he doesn't need it. Not with Bruce. " Just. Don't go again."
"...You can't bully me into agreeing with you."
" If that's how I came across, I'm sorry. Look, let's just talk about this later. You're fucking freezing. Where were you?"
Fighting Killer Croc in the sewers so you don't have to. " With...A friend."
And here's the thing; Bruce absolutely gets jealous and possessive too! Have we not seen this little bitch throw a fit bc he thought Selina was Falcone's date?
Let's imagine for a moment that Jim's ex wife drops Barb off at Jim's because it's his week. He's awkward around new people, but there's a layer of hostility to it.
Something made of nasty things whenever Jim and her smile at eachother or share an inside joke, or grab eachother things, or talk with a mere smirk or brow tug.
Bruce being such a brat. Jim wants to introduce her to him while he colors with Barb, painting a pretty mermaid for her, or cropping small stickers to put on her wheelchair, and Bruce totally ignores her. "Mhm."
" You, uh... You alright?"
" I'm busy."
"...Alright," Bruce swallows down on a lump of tension watering his mouth. Maybe she knows Jim, but so does Bruce, and he knows when the man is pissed.
And if he shivers when Jim blows smoke in his face and slaps him gently for how he acted when Barb is sleeping, protected by the privacy of a bedroom they rarely share,...That's for him to know
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ellecdc · 4 months
elle ur right, we are highkey lowkey a cult, bc my first thought after reading that post was, looks like i'm fighting someone today, i'm ready to use my body for justice (im like 5'10" and decently muscular so i think i can be plenty intimidating, like a guard dog heehee).
🌙 bby, i'm ready to join the ellecdc infantry (apparently not sponsored by elle herself lol). i'll be the one barking like a dog at all the mean people we come across on elle's blog 🫸💥🤛 (that includes people being mean to themselves, if ur here ur obviously awesome and ily, stop being so hard on ur beautiful, incredible selves 💕💕💕)
in all seriousness, do these people respond to every text and ask and dm and email and call they get as soon as they get them? i sure don't. hell, sometimes i read ur response to my asks and i have to wait a bit before i'm ready to write back (because conversating takes lots of energy and effort, things i don't always have), even if i am eager to write back to you! i really hope they rethink their actions and see that they are holding you to unrealistic standards, and maybe gain some empathy and understanding that they can carry into future situations.
anyways, that's all to say i love this community: you elle, your mutuals, my fellow named anons, and all our other friends who stay anonymous (whether that be thru asks, or just liking/lurking on the blog)! i love reading all the asks and learning about how different, but also similar, all of us lil' witches and wizards are. you are all so cool, and funny and kind and you make my day brighter! much love to everyone, and have a great rest of ur day (i demand it!!) <3 :)
….i don’t even have words 😭
I’ve got a little pack of guard dogs now how lucky am I 😭😭😭
honestly I think I should be okay; I know it’s not personal because no one on here will truly ever ~know~ me, but showing up has been taking a bit more effort on my part than it usually does and then to be accused of not doing good enough (not that I didn’t respond or that I took too long to respond, but that my response wasn’t good enough) really pissed me off and then left me deflated haha
The last part of your message has to be my favourite though because I feel the exact same way; I really am so protective of you all and feel so lucky to have made so many connections (and dammit I’ll say it, friends) over this short 4 month period already and truly think we’ve got ourselves a really good group here - I’ll just have to weed out the bad ones every once in a while I guess haha
My little ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here with me 🫶🫶
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moonchildquinn · 2 years
request: Can you write something for either Joe or Tom or Eddie your choice! Where their so is on their period! I'm on mine and I'm dying lol
alright here it is! i chose Tom bc who doesn’t need Tommy boy as a sweet boyfriend while on their period? i hope i gave you what you wanted! also if you want to be tagged at anytime when i post let me know!
summary: you’re on your period and it feels like your cramps are ready to take you out. Your new boyfriend Tom just wants to help out
warnings: talk of periods, talks of nausea, just all around fluff <3 if i missed anything let me know!
That Time of Month - Tom Grant x Fem!Reader
You had been laying in a ball on Tom’s bed since you woke up. You were supposed to work today but forget that, your cramps were awful and you felt nauseous from the pain of them. Work was not on the table at all.
“Love? You getting ready?” You hear your boyfriend Tom call from the living room.
“No.” You whine out and turn your head into the pillow. You hear his footsteps coming into the room.
“What’s going on?” He asked you. You glance over to him and see him leaning against the wall.
“It’s, well you know.” You didn’t exactly want to say what it was. I mean not that there was anything wrong with being on your period, but your relationship with Tom was still new and you didn’t exactly know how he would feel about you talking about it.
“I don’t, come on get up, Shirley is going to be pissed if you don’t show up.” He says trying to pull the blanket off of you.
“Tom, please.” You whine.
“Right, explain then.” He says and you sigh.
“I’m on my period, and the cramps at times can be overwhelming and I get nauseous occasionally due to them.” You say and it falls silent. You’re worried you made him uncomfortable now. He lets go of the blanket and climbs into bed with you. “What are you doing?”
“Staying here with you.” He says. He wraps his arms around you and you sigh. Obviously Tom wasn’t new to this, I mean he’s had a girlfriend before so he knows, but he doesn’t remember Ruth getting like this, he wanted to comfort you.
“What about Shirley?” You asked him though making no signs of trying to push him away.
“Shirley can fuck right off. Do you need anything?” He asked you. He places he hand on your stomach and you move it a bit lower to where the pain was and he starts rubbing you there.
“Some pressure please.” You say. He adds some pressure and you sigh a little. It hurt still but some relief was there as well. “Well since you asked, I could go for some ice cream.”
“Okay, do you want me to get that now?” He asked you.
“Yes please.” You say. He kisses your cheek and gets up. “Oh and can you get some chocolate as well?”
“Of course, love.” He says changing out of his work shirt and into his grey hoodie you loved so much. He walks into the living room and you adjust yourself so you could look at him. He was putting his boots on and glanced up at you and smiles. He comes back in the room again and gives you a fat kiss before he leaves. He gets to the store and goes to the candy isle first. He grabs all of your favorites then makes his way to the isle with feminine products. He stood there for a good five minutes not knowing what to get you at all. What was the difference with this stuff anyway? Now this he never did but he felt he needed to for you. He’s seen the boxes hidden in your bags when you would stay the night with him but he didn’t know exactly what they were.
“Need some help?” Tom looks over to see an older woman approaching him. He becomes red in the face as he clearly been got looking at everything confused.
“Uh, yes actually my girlfriend is well you know and I don’t know what to get.” He says shyly. The older woman chuckles a little.
“Well my daughter prefers these but she gets both.” She says grabbing two different boxes. Tom grabs them and smiles.
“Thanks.” He says.
“No problem, also might want to get a few other snacks as well, cravings are a nightmare.” She says. He nods his head and she says goodbye. He grabs the basket and goes to the snack isle and grabs all of your favorites. He finally gets the ice cream as well and heads to check out. As he does he sees flowers and grabs them. He pays for everything and finally heads back to his place.
“Love, I’m back.” He says walking through the door. You were now say up, leaning forward.
“Hi.” You say quietly.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Cramps again, they come and go.” You say. You look up and see everything he got. “Flowers?”
“Yea, I thought looking at them would brighten your day.” He says.
“Thank you love, you’re so sweet to me.” You say. His face gets red and he smiles while looking down.
“I also got some other snacks and um these.” He grabs the boxes out of the bag and sets them in front of you.
“How’d you know what to get?” You tease.
“Some help, they’re correct right? That old woman didn’t set me up did she?” He asked.
“Calm down Tommy, they’re fine.” You say. You open the boxes and grab what you need. It was perfect actually since you had just ran out earlier. You go to the bathroom and come back out to all the snacks laid out on the bed and Tom lying there waiting for you. You smile at him and climb back into bed. He grabs the ice cream and a spoon and hands them to you.
“If I need to get more let me know.” He says. You lean over and kiss the tip of his nose, his cheeks and then his lips. He smiles instantly causing you to smile as well.
“Thank you, what ever did I do to deserve you?” You ask him.
“Run into me as you tried to hide from Kai.” He laughs and you join in. Yea that day was probably the worst days. You were new and Kai hadn’t been so kind.
“And what you knew then I needed to be yours?” You ask him.
“Yes, yes I did.” He says again making you smile. He kisses your cheek as you eat your ice cream. Your period was not the last thing on your mind, for now.
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hologramblue · 2 months
vent thing about mom death in all its wretched glory. or some of it idk
it came out of fucking nowhere and it was as if someone came up with, like, the most hurtful possible way for her to go. laser fucking targeted timing, right when she had cleared out old obligations and had room to start making plans and chasing ambitions. all over the course of two months, short enough to not be able to jam in any bucket list shit but long enough to drag out the suffering. and it like. it took her out piece by piece and went after her capabilities and made her watch it all vanish. her strength then her mobility then her vision then her speech. and she was fully conscious or not far from it for the whole fucking thing.
i keep thinking about all that periodically and freaking out a bit but like. at least it's over and she doesn't exist anymore to be able to remember how bad it was. rip.
so i'm still here and the fucked up part on my end is that it was also, like, within a year of when i expect to have a stable job with a living wage that will let me make long-term decisions, and i was hoping to start talking to her more once i felt more independent? maybe come up here more often, help out with some of her big plans for her house, get to know the people she hadn't pissed off. idefk. she got a million times nicer once we all split up and it turns out she's actually pretty interesting to talk to and learn things from when she's not mad all the time.
but nah. she's gone and i can try to fucking. archeologically uncover who the hell she was if i have the time to dig through all the stuff she wrote and made and dragon-hoarded. and i could probably try to learn more home DIY and gardening and crafting and cooking and all the other fucktillion things she did but it'll be a hell of a lot slower than asking her. and like theoretically i could aim for a reassignment somewhere around here and try to live around here but with her gone it wouldn't be much different than moving to any other random corner of the country bc i don't know jack about this place actually.
i could also stop being a big baby and talk to her brother more. in spite of us both being emotionally constipated headasses. and it kind of sounds like he might want to move out anyways. but idk. i should still talk to him more
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for concealing a huge impending promotion to my coworker/best friend?
For context: I'm basically the only reason this friend has this job, though simultaneously, he's very much a factor in me being at the point I'm at, too. As in promotions I've already gotten since he started. It's an office job, the kind that tbqh we're both very privileged to have. Like where the title you have doesn't actually give you that much more responsibility (sometimes it gives you less) but it does give you more money kind of job, and we get paid on salary.
So I've been here like a decade. I worked my ass off to move up the ladder. He's been here a couple years and thanks to me he's basically speedran all that to a position very adjacent to mine. I'm kind of his boss but I'm just one of many people who'd have the authority to fire him, if I wanted to? And that group of people has actually recently gotten a new member, bc our company is getting bought out. There were a lot of layoffs happening as a result, even to the degree of both of us worrying about the possibility of getting fired. Like REALLY worried. We've even gotten closer in recent months specifically trying to plan together about what to do to prevent that from happening. I'd already have called him my best friend before but I guess I'd say that if I had any doubts he'd say the same, they're gone now after that period of time. This is relevant bc it's part of why each of us thinks the other is the asshole, I guess.
Anyway, nevermind all that worry, apparently my leadership skills are admirable enough for the new big boss to specifically want to move me up a LOT. I wasn't expecting it at all. New boss revealed this in an otherwise kind of relaxed "meeting," too, where it was just the two of us, and where nothing was formally promised. So I frankly had a sense that it wasn't quite set in stone. So when my friend asked about what happened in this "meeting" a few minutes later, I didn't tell him about the specific good news. But I DID give him a vague, *truthful* reassurance that we'd be okay and wouldn't lose our jobs.
So here's where it gets into that HE could possibly be the asshole: In his words, he was afraid that I was overconfident or mistaken about how likely we were to keep our jobs, or whatever. What he does like RIGHT after I give him that reassurance is go to eavesdrop on the new boss. and then pass on some sensitive information to other people in the company who could actually affect a major shareholder meeting. I obviously can't go into detail but the info he passes on is the exact kind of thing that had the potential of costing me, really US, the job(s).
Before any kind of meeting actually happened, I found out through a third party that he'd essentially tattled. I was unbelievably pissed. We got into a bit of a physical scuffle that I started. I'm not proud of it, but he hit me back, so I feel we're even. And we still did get the promotion in the end. The conflict that remains is this argument we keep coming back to: about why I "wasn't just honest about good news"/"why I tried to scare him"/ "why I didn't trust him", etc -- vs why HE didn't trust ME! I didn't want to risk leaking sensitive information (which he went and fucking did anyway), and also, I frankly wanted to surprise him. And he totally robbed me of the ability to show him *I* swung it for us.
I know how I sound but I do feel he went behind my back. Ultimately it didn't actually mean anything but that's still what he did. Meanwhile he of course feels that I gave him no choice but to do that. His defense includes that he was just trying to save his own job (tbqh he did stand to have like over half his salary docked), which I respect in the scheme of things but as it relates to us two, personally, I wanna win this argument. Which of us did worse?
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chanrizard · 4 months
not coming off anon bc im a tiny blog and 99% sure your followers would come for my neck because basically no one follows me... i'm not the one trying to start this drama? did you not literally bring up fic writers for no reason in your tags on your original post? saying that it was just as hard to make a gif as a 5k word fic? YOU started that. it's so weird to me that you'd even bring that up or try to make that comparison. like you're minimizing the work that fic writers do. that's all i'm saying. it is just so unaware and honestly shit-stirring to have to drag that in.
i agree that it sucks having gifs not tagged. has happened to me several times and no one gives a fuck because i'm a small blog. i quite literally love your blog and appreciate the effort you put in. and i agreed 100% with what you were saying until i read your tags basically pitting fic writers and gifs against each other. it undermines the entirity of the point you were trying to make, which WAS a good one. please just leave other people out of this
PISS ON THE POOR WEBSITE FOR REAL MY GOD can you not read. i said that because it is. and the reason very much was that the reposter was a fic writer. who happens to make socmed au threads btw so they know how to edit stuff on their own. which means they could very well make their own gifs to add to their content without stealing from tumblr.
and it says more about you than me that you chose to read it that way because it seems really fucking clear to me i said it's frustrating because "why cant you show the same respect (positive term!) for something that takes AS MUCH TIME AND CARE AS (more positive terms!!)". meaning they're both things of value. those are very much positive terms of comparison
sorry that happened to you we're all in agreement that sucks major ass and tumblr made it basically impossible to report stolen content but the point is not that they're not tagged, it's they shouldn't get reposted at all period even less by other content creators and the least you could do if you (general you, just to be clear, i'm not accusing you anon of anything here) choose to ignore op's wishes and delete the post is to link their blog. simple as that. instead 9/10 we get blocked
also sorry but the galls of accusing me of starting shit and saying things i quite literally never said when all i did was post a rant on my blog you could've well ignored and instead choose to camp in my inbox to send passive-aggressive asks is hilarious
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Valaemond prompts: - High school party spin the bottle, the circle is big enough where it shouldn't be a problem that the greens and the blacks are in it. Until Valaena spins and the bottle lands directly on Aemond. I'm torn on if she should kiss his cheek or swerve him and kiss the person next to him -Band AU, Valaemond are both in the same band. Fans have always said there has to be something going on between the two of them, they're electric on stage together, that they're lying about being related. They always say it's an act, and it sorta was until through an accident of scheduling they're on a broken down tour bus all on their own. (maneskin vibes) -I'm still team regency Valaemond - "I will love you in ever life", AU where reincarnation exists, alternating chapters showing them from Old Valyria to modern, out of order and freeform
Aemond is also that bitch that would do whatever it takes to manipulate the bottle into landing on him, it would be an experiment to gauge where valaena is at without forcing the issue,,, bc he is pretty certain he sees her eyes flick down to his lips when he talks to her sometimes, he knows he hears her breathing hitch when he picks her up and he just needs to test it,,, valaena, who of course, is definitely in love with aemond, refuses to give him that satisfaction and 100000% just makes out with the person sitting next to him (dealer's choice for aegon to really piss off aemond or dalton for some spice)
MANESKIN MY BELOVED,,, there'd be so many fan edits to dramatic music on tik tok, and while they both have the platinum silver hair the insane chemistry between them has all the fans convinced they're not actually related, they're just trying to swerve past the dating rumors,,, but how can you not have dating rumors when lead singer aemond presses guitar player valaena into a wall like that DURING THEIR SNL PERFORMANCE? and aemond goes absolutely feral when paparrazis crowd valaena or weird fans get too handsy with him,,, neither has really ever been confirmed to date anyone else,,, and they're aware of the rumors, aware that their actions really are contributing to them, but they haven't crossed that final line yet bc luke is also in the band and he be glaring at aemond when aemond gets too close to valaena,,, so they're on a broken down tourbus, completely alone and cut off from anyone else,,, of course this is happening one week after valaena and dalton are photographed and called out on deuxmoi or smth:')
valaena and aemond fated to be together, but every life there is something in the way, not that it ever even comes close to stopping them,,, valaena and aemond chasing each other through the ages,,, which gives so much opportunity for different time periods
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
every day i see Takes and i am being so goddamn brave right now
ppl really need to be taking into account that their watch/rewatch is taking them through material that is 5, 10, 15+ years old and some of that comes with "period typical" warnings. and "period typical" means that some of these creatives have demonstrated in meatspace they've grown and changed. and when you contextualize it in its own time period and look at contemporary media, spn is pretty par for the course and up against shows like house md (which is a trash fire of bigotry) it's not even that bad. bc the thing is that spn has always, from the pilot, had a beating bleeding heart on its sleeve. its missteps are bad and i'm not excusing that, but spn's issues with racism and misogyny rarely feel like they're coming from a conscious place. (except gamble who has major "white woman who crosses the street to avoid a black man" vibes. tho, charmyder and some others seem pretty cozy about their prejudices too and did not show much growth.)
and while i don't think that unconscious and unexamined bias merits forgiveness... i look at house md (which has a substantial fandom overlap) and see how it makes the conscious choice to take the most offensive route possible at every point. to constantly make racist, sexist and misogynistic jokes. to make plotlines out of acephobia and transphobia being totally okay and justified. and somehow THAT gets a pass from hypercritical ppl overlapping from spn fandom? tbh i'm pretty disgusted with that aspect of the fandom.
that's a bit of a derail from what i'm trying to say here but it's exhausting! and it shows just how performative some ppl's criticism of spn is. parroting that something is Problematique™ without actually looking at it yourself and trying to understand it in the context of when it was written and aired, and not putting in the work to consider the impact of that makes it difficult to actually understand what the show was saying and why certain things happened the way that they did. which fucking again, is not me excusing it (i feel like this is gonna get a "how dare you piss on the poor" response if i don't keep saying this), but spn was such a long running show that context is needed to do a reparative reading and accurately and adequately critique the show's issues.
it's so easy to write off kripke and some of the other writers based on their early writing on spn (and some of it is horrible), but then you look at what they've done since then and you can see them grow and change and also see that they've gained the skill needed to approach things with nuance that they were not capable of with spn. a lot of them experienced growth both as humans and writers and i really wish ppl would actually look at that vs just saying "this is awful and i'm going to gnash my teeth about how awful it is and have a bad time engaging with something that sparks no joy."
if you cannot put in the work to critique spn accurately and accept its faults and recognize that it is of its era and creatives who worked on it have grown then i just don't know what to tell you.
maybe just find a different fandom.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Hi after seeing ur ship-pos post on my dash (i am A mutual) i wanted to make a confession. You dont have to answer this but i felt this would be a safe place to share with *someone* because I thought about this too long one night and made myself sad bc i was too scared to share on my blog
But I just rlly want arkham knight & redhjason to be intensely protective of one another. It's not pseudo-incest if you're technically the same person right. I don't know how they would exist in the same universe but *handwaves* dc does dimension crashes for less interesting reasons.
Archie survived so much bullshit nd Red just wants to pamper this amazing incredible intelligent determined *breathtaking* guy & maybe convince him to at least temporarily leave the vigilante-ing to Red and his crew because AK deserves a fucking bREAK
but Archie's perfectly capable of being a stubborn wet cat when he wants to be. He earned every right to be difficult when it suits him. So he doesnt put his life on the line directly (because its kinda nice when someone honestly cares abt you and you want to make them happy in thanks) but he builds Red the COOLEST gadgets (im pretty sure he invented a lot of his militias tech?? Or is that an amazing B:AK fanfic I once read talking directly to my brainrot) and if Batman even breathes in Red's direction all of Archie's remote control drones will come over & hunt him for sport
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
I’m bummed that you don’t feel comfortable going off on your own blog because this is *chef’s kiss* EXACTLY my jam. So thank you for posting it to meeee!
ALSO ALSO ALSO they would both be so flustered by someone wanting to protect them and having someone in their lives who feels like they deserve protection! They’re both so used to just…sucking it up and going at it alone! (And canon!Jay would be incandescently pissed about what happened to AK!Jay.)
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
Okay…as someone with a disability that affects their mobility + chronic pain…yes I love all of this so much. (And I would REALLY LOVE TO SEE THIS KIND OF THING IN COMICS!!! DC! I’m looking at you!)
Okay…okay…I just really really love all of this concept. These two just deserve to be happy and taken care of and to be around someone who gets them on a fundamental level.
(Please tell me you’ve seen that @jjmk-jjmk art of RH!Jay/AK!Jay? I’ll dig it up…AH here it is! Go here for goodness. Imagine that this is right before they kiss.)
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djservo · 2 years
[...] This is the last one ☝️ I promise 🤞🙇‍♀️ I have Giovanni's Room by Baldwin in my wishlist and I know nothing about it!! 😃 How's he writing style? Is it too refined? Don't know anything about him not gonna lie, but I've heard/seen his name around multiple times. Do you have favorites? Or a recommendation from where to start? 👩‍❤️‍👩 Definitely go read Fight Club 🙆‍♀️ I highly recommend reading it at one sitting (especially bc it's short) even tho it's been a couple years since I read it and, nowadays, I don't think it would get to me as much ― honestly, barely did back then; but the consumerism as a sort of coping mechanism was something that def made me police how I spend money with stuff that I want vs stuff that I need and the whole Individual Image & Society bit I got from it. Hope I don't get a Tyler Durden bc of insomnia, it would piss me off 🙇‍♀️🧘‍♀️
I have to check your Bobby Book Club tag to get some different stuff to look at, bc I remember when you posted a picture that included Gay Bar and my guts yelled for me to read it, but 1) english only and 2) I don't know where to find it. When my guts yell I know something is waiting for me, bc I BELIEVE IN INSTINCTS 🏄‍♀️🔮 Watchmen has been in my radar since 2018 when a friend mentioned it, but a copy is hella expensive!! You mentioned the backstory and world building and it made me want it so bad, bc those are some aspects I CRAVE in books 🙆‍♀️ if one day I get to it, I'll let you know — mark my words!!! 🧎‍♀️ Last one: the Beautiful World Where Are You ― I've seen some people say it was a disappointment but I still want to read it, what turned you off the most? But I'm pretty sure I'll end up not liking it that much, it's a feeling AN INSTINCT 🏄‍♀️🔮
Damn, do I talk a lot 🫥 at least I’m exercising my english skills ― but I hope I make sense too 🥴
I've only read one fiction by Baldwin (Go Tell It on the Mountain) but i really loved it! Then again I think I'm just a sucker for the intersection of coming-of-age and religion and repression, the hypocritical layers of morality and all that good stuff 🍽️ My knowledge is limited too (I think I've only read 2 or 3?) but I have yet to be disappointed. Personally I'm trying to read in chronological order bc I like to see the evolution of the Craft 🤌 but I don't think you can go wrong with any of it! I think he's very indulgent with his exposition and writes in his train-of-thought— all very thorough and maybe even a little rambling which can kinda make it difficult to follow certain sentences/paragraphs Because there is so much to follow, but in the end I feel like it helps his points come across that much clearer like he really leaves no room for misinterpretation if you take the time to work through and unpack it all 🧰
GAY BAR IS SO GREAT!!! Im surprised there's not a translation yet bc I feel like it's gotten so much critical acclaim? But maybe I just live in my little naive bubble 🫧 & I'm surprised Watchmen's still expensive bc it's been decades?? LET IT GO ALREADY 🗣️ jk I get it & im sure it's a hot commodity with comic book collectors or whatever.... definitely avoid watching the movie then (if you haven't already seen it) until you read it 💭 (but also maybe avoid watching that movie in general bc it was just pretty awful period 🤭)
I do like Sally Rooney's style of writing and would probably read just about anything by her bc I do enjoy the conversations her characters have & the sort of processing of politics and current events in a very digestible/millennial way (as repetitive as it's gotten this point) BUT I think by this point I'm also kind of like, this can't be all there is!! The story & characters themselves are going to have to do it for me too, and I thought the character developments were so weak and disappointing? Truly bizarre and rushed ending too, though I don't really know what kind of ending would've saved it anyway. OH WELL. My friend openly hated it and I still read it / thought it was worth it even if just to fully form my ability to shit on it LMAO so if you're curious you should defo still check it out!
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I just need to rant a little bit on here so I'm not annoying my family.
I am really upset right now. We were at my cousin's graduation party this afternoon. My mom and brother went home around supper time to feed the dog and so my mom could rest a little bit. Then my brother ran my mom back to the party and he went back home. I get a call from him a few minutes after he dropped my mom off. Apparently they left our dog out of his crate for the few minutes my brother was gone hoping we could trust him. During those 5-10 minutes the little shit found his way upstairs, wiggled around the laundry basket and under the robe I had blocking my door (from the last time he got into my room unsupervised), and fucking tore up a really nice pair of my underwear. They weren't even sitting out or anything- they were in the same dirty laundry bin I always keep them in, just hanging over the edge so I knew to soak them when I washed them. He is over six years old and I have never had a problem with him getting into my underwear like this, not until about a few weeks ago when he did the same thing and destroyed a different 2.5 pairs of my dirty underwear, which is why he hasn't been allowed in my room in the first place.
So I was already fucking pissed off after getting that call. At the same time, I had taken a couple different cupcakes at my cousin's party that I wasn't hungry enough to eat yet, but wanted to make sure I got one of that flavor before they were gone. I had one left, and my aunt kept coming up to me and acting like she was going to lick it just to annoy me. There had been more of that flavor at first, so I was just like fine I'll go get another one if you lick it. But right after the call from my brother, which already had me fuming, she actually went and took a giant bite out of the frosting. I was upset so I nearly tried shoving the rest of the cupcake in her face. When that didn't go through, I just slammed the cupcake down on my plate frosting first and refused to eat it. I was going to go get another one, but when I got to the table that flavor was all gone. So of course now I'm really upset. But I didn't keep talking or complaining about it. I didn't let it go bc I was still angry about the underwear and the cupcake, but I was willing to act civilly and talk about other things and just be internally angry and go rant about it at home to my brother later.
Everyone else kept bringing it up though trying to get a reaction out of me and just poking the already angry bear. And I'm the one being told to just let it go and that I need to apologize and react better, like I was the one doing something wrong. I literally wasn't even talking about it. They were the ones who kept bugging me about it, but I'm supposed to just be okay with that. I was already mad at my dog, not to mention hormonal bc I'm on my fucking period, and they were the ones purposely bothering me.
At one point my aunt brought over some of the gluten free cupcakes for my mom and said I could have one of those. I didn't really want one of them, but I took one anyway. My aunt said she wouldn't lick that one bc she didn't like the peanut better and jelly flavor. I had left it sitting on the table in front of me bc I wasn't hungry for it yet. I left to either go to the bathroom or get a drink and I came back to see that someone had stuck two fucking burnt pretzels into the cupcake (bc the last one my aunt ruined had a pretzel on the top). I picked the pretzels out and threw them on the table, but ultimately brought the cupcake home even though I'm not sure if I'll eat it yet.
But the long story short of this rant is I am just so fucking sick of being told I'm the problem for people purposely trying to piss me off. I know I have a short temper and it's really easy to push my buttons. That is something I could probably work on. But how is it my fault, or even fair to me, when other people are doing these things to me solely to make me mad so they can get a laugh out of it? And I'm just told to let it go or don't let it bother me so much bc then they wouldn't keep doing it.
One, I'm allowed to fucking be angry and react when people do things to trigger my anger. I'm going to feel the way I feel. Two, I don't understand how I'm supposed to react any better when I literally act civilly and don't talk about it and keep a cool head externally, but they just keep trying to make me mad anyway. Like what I am supposed to do? It's just so fucking frustrating, especially bc it's family. UGH 😤
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