#i know how
noodle-artist · 1 year
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itstimeforstarwars · 11 months
Me answering galidraan comments when galidraan was 14 chapters: we'll find out soooon~
Me answering galidraan comments now: haha we might find out sometime this decade!
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daybrightsims · 9 months
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I am SO SICK OF SAVING THIS GUY. Shoulda let your ass blow up.
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deakyjoe · 6 months
Me and my mother are watching Warren Kole interviews together
How did I get here
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psalacanthea · 2 months
I had a dream I made a pie crust and forgot the ice water, so when I tried to roll it out it fell apart. Again and again.
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 8 months
My favorite ship dynamic is Gilded Lily by Cults x Nothings New by Rio Romeo
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jgrills · 10 months
bro said “drinking piss accusations” i never seen someone talk out they ass so much the shit start flying in the air hitting pedestrians like this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im so sorry chessypooh she on you NOW 🙏
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Oh my god. You know it’s getting bad when you start doing things you don’t even want to do to procrastinate on something you really do want to do.
It would be one thing if it were something like a hobby; but the thing I want to do is also extremely necessary to my life.
#Hhhhhhngh#for three weeks I’ve been doing this#I’ve had all the time in the world#and I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m doing this out of a subconscious desire to prove to myself that I’m actually fucked up in the head#Which is already proof enough that I have that desire in the first place; but I keep going because it’s not enough#I only ever feel like I need care when I’m at my absolute worst#And suddenly after being so exhausted that I fell asleep at 7:00 some days; I’m staying up until 2:30 AM and waking up at 8:00???#and I feel fine and perfectly awake; but still can’t manage to get myself out of bed until 10:00 because Comfy#I sit and I read for an hour; then I go on my phone and emerge at 5:00 PM#If I go in the bathroom it takes forever to get back out because I end up talking to myself in the mirror about god knows what#I feel like I need some kind of… idk… very strong stimulant in me so I can actually care about things#not that stimulants work like that; but I need to have some kind of catastrophic life event… to get beaten up or something#something to put pure fear and concern in my veins#It is summer and there is almost no chance of me getting kicked or catching a football in the wrong place#and I don’t have to run right now either#I could do something#I know how#But even that is a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation; because that ALSO makes me not want to do things#At least then I’d have a palpable (literally) excuse but uh…. I’m still kind of getting over the last time#I am on my phone all day and I recognize that’s bad; but the thing I need to do is to send an email… which is on my phone; so there’s that#hypocritical#idk there’s something about using limited supplies to deal with a problem that needs more and hoping for the best#it excites me#Makes me feel like a big boy who can handle serious situations#But if I create the problem then it means nothing except that I cannot handle problems at all#I should not have all the responsibilities I do because I am not entirely in my right mind#I am thinking about it though#It’s tempting#get behind me satan
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
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estheticpotaeto · 5 months
Just watched bridge to terabithia and damn.
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Damn you Josh Hutcherson. Your acting is amazing and I need to watch your entire discography now
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jjunebunny · 10 months
My spotify top 5 songs is all just will wood bro how
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legobiwan · 2 years
Wait wait wait wait wait
There's new Dooku content via the recent run of Yoda comics?
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amyriadfthings · 2 years
I don´t know how but no matter if it´s [suspenseful ambient music] or [dreamy ambient music] or [somber ambient music] playing... it just rushes into my brain and turns all the little dials and switches and tunes me in to all the emotions and I´m just: teary. laugh-cry. sob.
What is this wizardry!!
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xmushy-gushyx · 2 years
I don't ever tie my shoes, I don't have the energy to, but he promised he'd tie my shoes for me and I've never felt so cared about.
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noodlebutts · 2 years
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Why are my cats like this???? How did these jerkheads both somehow evaporate their incisors????
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transratsactivist · 1 year
well, I fucked it up
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