#i know he’s a magic-hating dictator
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devilsrecreation · 1 month ago
I know we all hate Belos, but can we please talk about him in the chibiverse for a sec because fucking look at him
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gaywineauntsstuff · 3 months ago
Sometimes I feel like us as the bat family fandom forget how starry eyed people get about Nightwing canonically.
Because with the exception of early era Tim most of the Batkids are like. lol that’s my loser older brother or some variation of yeah…he’s some guy I guess? He helps me with homework?
And Nightwing is the canonically a center of multiversal light.
When Heroes meet Nightwing they do the vigorous handshake and the “it’s an honor to meet you sir, I have heard so much about you oh my god”
There are so many character where they are literally shown giggling and kicking their feet whenever Nightwing talks to them.
Even the people who don’t have the celebrity level worship of him respect the hell out of him and call him as soon as they need help.
From raven to Starfire to Superman to Superboy to all or the flashes there is so much respect and awe given to this one dude.
And it is deserved
But imagine you are Damian Wayne and you’ve been working with what 90% of the people you’ve met (all bats) have been calling an embarrassment to your father’s legacy.
Your mother hates him and your Grandfather doesn’t feel that strongly about him.
The red hood calls him an embarrassment and a coward and he couldn’t even keep Red Robin from running away.
Your father tells him that he never should have been Batman
And you’ve worked with him and you know what you think everyone is full of shit about him and you and him the new Batman and Robin are the best no matter what anyone says.
And fuck it the fact he keeps going in a suit that everyone tells him he’s not good enough for is scratching something in your brain that you’re refusing to acknowledge because why would you feel that way? You are the circus freak have nothing in common (shut up)
And then you meet the justice league and all the extended teams.
And people are falling over themselves to listen to a word out of your brothers, your Batman’s mouth. They wait for a nod or headshake and dictate decades worth of planning on it.
Both Drake and Todd’s hero teams ask him for advice with or without their designated bats presence.
The man of steel asks for child rearing advice and wonder woman cracks a joke about a spar
Newer heroes whisper about him in the halls
He’s literally your favorite hero’s favorite hero
And it’s breaking Damian’s Brain
Because well… he kinda gets slapped around in Gotham. He’s the butt of half the jokes the other Batkids make and Dick just smiles and takes it.
The rogues have a bounty on nightwings ass and he gets leered at by goons, rogues, civilians and anti-hero’s alike and he doesn’t say anything.
He lets oracle crack jokes about a pretty face and having to do everything herself
Let’s Jason run the alley despite the fact that apparently he knows how to take it back
Apparently he’s had 12 people tailing Drake since Paris and despite being the man Ra’s Al Ghul calls detective has yet to notice. (Because you can’t tell me Dick was just magically at the right place to catch Tim falling to his death on coincidence)
And necessary to peace talks because he’s the best they have at deescalation
Like imagine you are a child who was raised to believe power is this obvious, all consuming thing. That the ones who control the board are visibly larger than life figures who fought their way to the top and cling to power by even the thinnest hangnail if they had to.
People who ignore simpler morals or an overall greater goal or good
And then you’re taken in by the man who whispers the correct answers into the larger than life figures ear.
Like I feel like that would have such an impact because Dick didn’t take power from anyone to reach his goals, it’s why his siblings don’t really defer to him unless in crisis.
Dick didn’t take power, no people just looked at him and decided he was the best option to give it to.
Everyone basically looked at this kid and went, yeah you’re the future of all heroism.
And if that dude can’t even get Bruce Wayne’s respect what chance does Damian Wayne have
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bosbas · 1 month ago
Chapter 6: oh, my, love is a lie
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pairing: anthony bridgerton x fem!daphne's best friend!reader WC: 1.2k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love, mentions of pregnancy, dual pov so it might be confusing sorryyyyy
Summary: At her wit's end after Anthony's multiple attempts to scare away her suitors, Daphne employs her best friend's help to keep her brother distracted while she tries to find a husband. It's a foolproof plan, except it ends up working a little too well. (or, a Bridgerton version of The Taming of the Shrew/10 things I hate about you)
A/N: sorry this is a shorter one but it made more sense to divide it up this way! already working on the next chapter so dw <3
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July 8, 1812 - “I beg your pardon?”
Daphne paled. “Oh, no, I didn’t mean-“ she started, choking up immediately. “It’s not-”
“I. Beg. Your. Pardon?” asked Anthony again, his voice steely.
“It’s not like that anymore though, I swear!” cried Daphne, desperate to fix this. “She’s definitely in love with you!”
“She told you this?”
“Well… not exactly,” Daphne finished lamely, not quite sure what to do in this situation. Lying would have probably made it worse at this point, and Daphne wasn’t entirely sure that you’d come to understand your feelings yet.
Shaking his head, Anthony turned to leave the room. “I must go,” he said forcefully, the ire evident in his voice.
You stood up as a smile uncontrollably made its way to your lips as you heard the door to your sunroom open, but it dropped just as quickly when you saw that Anthony was furious.
He didn't even bother to greet you as was dictated by social norms. He just stood in the room, breathing heavily and glaring at you as you stood across from him.
“Is it true?” he asked finally, poison dripping from his voice.
You offered him only a perplexed look, not entirely sure what he was referring to but having an excellent idea.
“What Daphne just told me. That you were never interested in me,” he continued, his eyes two angry slits as he stared you down menacingly.
“No, that’s not exactly-”
“So she was lying, then. You didn’t start courting me just to help her find a match,” he said, his voice softening just the tiniest bit.
Your face felt hot, and in fact, the whole room felt far too hot. You looked at Anthony uncomfortably as he waited for your answer.
“No, she wasn’t lying,” you said finally, sounding defeated. “I- I’m so sorry, Anthony. But you have to know I never meant for it to go this far, I just so caught up and I- I just didn’t…” you cut yourself off, too emotional to continue speaking.
Tears rolled freely down your cheeks as you asked yourself, how had everything gotten so messed up? A mere twelve hours ago you were in his arms, having just had the most magical night of your life.
Anthony could only blink at you as he felt his heart drop. He should’ve known this was too good to be true. Of course you weren’t truly interested in him. He didn’t know why he was so surprised.
He supposed he had to hate you now. No one had ever hurt him in this manner, mostly because he hadn’t ever let anyone in as much as he had with you.
But he was still a Bridgerton. And Bridgertons acted with honor. There was a chance you were pregnant, and he was not about to leave you stranded when you were in such a precarious societal position.
Anthony swallowed roughly, trying to gather the courage to speak as though he was unbothered. “Very well, then. I suppose not much can be done about that now. I will speak to your father at once and we can get married next week.”
Your eyebrows shot up. What on earth was he on about? “You can’t marry me,” you said firmly.
He couldn’t. You couldn’t do that to him. You had already hurt him enough.
Anthony sighed in annoyance. “Yes, I can. I will marry you because I am an honorable man. Not for any singular other reason. My reputation is-”
You scoffed, “Oh, what reputation, Anthony? Everyone already thinks you’re the biggest rake in the ton. No one would be surprised by one more conquest, so why are you so insistent that we marry?”
So this is what you truly thought of him, thought Anthony. It was no wonder you didn't feel the same for him as he did for you.
“Because I have respect for you!" he shot back. “Though I can see you have none for me. But that is just fine. I never asked for it, and I don’t need it. All I need is for my family to remain in good standing and for your hand in marriage.”
“I will do no such thing,” you said, scandalized.
“But what if you are with child?” Anthony replied, growing more and more exasperated.
“I am not with child.”
“You cannot possibly know that!”
“I can hope.”
Anthony’s jaw dropped. “How can you say that? After everything we went through?”
Sure, he had never felt pain this intensely in his life. And sure, it was your fault. But he was still shocked that you could wish for such a thing. This only further confirmed his fears that what he felt for you was wildly disproportionate to what you felt for him.
You sniffed, “Look where we are now, Anthony. You hate—me and rightfully so, might I add. So no, I do not wish to have a child with a man who despises me. It’s quite simple really.”
More than that, you didn't think you deserved to marry someone so kind. Someone so loving and perfect. And because you loved Anthony so much you would have rather seen him with someone who hadn't started a courtship with him as a ploy than have him end up with you.
“But you will be ruined!” he pressed.
“Then so be it,” you said decidedly, your voice wavering slightly.
But Anthony was having none of it. It was bad enough that you had completely shattered his heart, you were extremely stubborn when he was trying to do the right thing.
“For heaven’s sake, Y/N. If you will not do it for me or yourself at least do it for my family. For yours.”
“You know my father does not care what I do,” you started, but you knew it was a lost battle. Anthony was right. The Bridgerton family would surely suffer if you had his child out of wedlock, and that was the last thing you wanted. You had harmed them enough already.
But you weren’t ready to completely give up just yet.
“Very well,” you relented. “I see your point, but my courses are due next week. We can put off the proposal by a week, surely?”
Anthony pinched his nose, feeling a headache of annoyance coming on. Why did he have to fall for the most infuriating woman in the ton? The only person who was sure to challenge him whenever possible?
“Yes, we can wait a week,” he asserted.
A week couldn’t come soon enough. Though Anthony’s heart was broken, he couldn’t help the small part of him that was holding out hope for you to miss your courses.
Surely you could learn to love him if you were with child. It would give him the opportunity to try his best to make you love him back, which would likely be easier if you were already married to him. It wasn’t ideal, of course, but it gave him hope.
This wasn’t over yet. It couldn’t be. He was still in love with you, and perhaps with time, you could come to love him too. 
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stxrrnightjxr · 3 months ago
So like I actually need moonwaterkiller to be real because idk they’re just it. Like they’re IT
Three people who look like they could single-handedly take down a regime, destroy an army, idk become a dictator if they wanted too
But they’re soooo fucking soft with eachother and it’s almost disgusting how domestic they can be
Like Remus who’s simply just imposing because of his height and looks (even if he isn’t really as mean as people think he is, he still looks a little scary and no one can stop me from thinking that)
Barty who looks like he could rip out someone’s lung or something, and has definitely thought of it before, if he wanted to
And Reg who could probably kill someone with a well-placed glare?
But then you catch them huddled up together on the couch watching some stupid Christmas movie, sharing a bowl of popcorn (Barty’s hogging it) under about seventy blankets?
And they’re all so possessive and protective of eachother too
(Especially Remus near the full moon when in a magic AU, or even in a muggle one he just is.. like those r his boys, no one touches them)
And what if I said tall Remus, mediumish height Barty, and short reg? OR tall Remus, average height Barty, and tall Reg who’s taller than Barty but not taller than Remus? (I haven’t really thought about shorter Barty, but .. 🤨🧐)
And I feel like their dynamics are just a little different with eachother
Barty + Reg have been together the longest- and they’re so attuned to eachother that they could be having a whole conversation across a room with just looks. They’re both a little volatile, and butt heads a lot- (but when Remus came it he sort of balanced them out). They have the propensity and the ability to be really toxic, and sometimes that can come out with eachother- but they love eachother too much to hate eachother. (I feel like if they didn’t love eachother, they’d absolutely loathe eachother and honestly that’s just them)
Remus + Barty are a little different. Barty takes a little while to warm up to being fully vulnerable with people- just because it’s been ingrained in him to be cold and rude to anyone who doesn’t know him. It caused a few rocky parts in the beginning, because Barty absolutely wouldn’t let Remus in to many of his emotional turmoils, and Remus felt like Barty didn’t love him as much. (Of course, he did- it just took him a bit). And Barty is incredibly protective of Reg- another thing that caused a little strife- Barty, most especially when he’s moody and a little horny, doesn’t really like people touching Regulus (who isn’t him,) because like that’s his man? And so when Remus did, Barty was a little sour- but it only really took a bit before Barty was like ‘oh yeah, this guy’s cool.’ (Remus still lets Barty have his ‘Regulus time,’ but Barty’s learning to be a little forgiving.
Regulus + Remus. They’re honestly really vanilla in my mind. Not vanilla like boring, but they’re just really soft- like it’s not uncommon to walk in and just find them cuddled up on a sofa or something, either sharing a book or reading their own- but just being close. Reg’s secretly a big cuddler to me, so when Barty’s busy, is overstimulated (because Barty to me def has some type of touch-aversion at times, and at other times he’s hyper-touchy) or just doesn’t feel like staying still, Regulus’ll go to Remus, who’s always down to lie somewhere comfortable that doesn’t require him to move his bones too much.
I’d like to think it started out with Bartylus, and Reg eventually rekindled his relationship with Sirius (because I can’t live with them hating eachother) and met Remus, and then Barty met Remus, and it all kind of spiralled from there. (Reg’s eyes widened and looked over to Barty to see he was practically already drooling over this guy)
And Remus was so pathetically oblivious that at some point a very frustrated James had to finally pull him aside and tell him, “Merlin, Moony- those two have not stopped giving you ‘fuck-me-eyes’ for months now, at least talk to them before Pads has an aneurysm.”
But then they all got together and yes
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sleepyorchidmonster · 11 days ago
Okay, but what if Riddle attempts to fight Malleus alone to buy Idia some time?
Like, we know Riddle is both reckless and confident in his power, also, if timed correctly, Off With Your Head can be make a difference in a fight, and even Leona was having trouble with it (granted it was normal not-overblotted Leona and this is Malleus we're talking about).
It can also play with the reveal that Riddle thinks everyone hates him, so he convinces himself that the least he could do is make sure Idia stays safe, both for the mission and Ortho (and maybe he's feeling guilty because last he checked Ortho required urgent repairs and it's his fault). Or maybe Riddle just feels like his lack of understanding of technomancy is not being helpful enough andhe is eager to actually do something right (he doesn't understand the situation and, as far as he can tell, everything went wrong after his dream).
And then Idia has to stop his doomed typing with a side of panicked ramblings to take a deep breath and tell the 17-year-old kid to "Calm Down. We're not dead yet, and I'm not letting you go on a suicide mission."
And before Riddle can make a counter-argument, Idia is already following up with some extra points:
1) "Yeah we're both housewardens and troublemaking SSRs. I'm also older so I'm supposed to be the responsible one here."
2) "Technomancy is my domain, so if I say you're doing okay, you're doing okay. It's natural for veteran players to carry the noobs when they're just starting out!"
3) "You're a powerful DPS, but you're also a glass canon. Meta dictates that good DPS units need great supports, and I'm trying to summon them with negative gacha pulls and a dream here!!!!"
4) "If we open the door to let you fight Malleus, then the door will have been opened anyway, and that guy can multitask like a PRO..."
5) "You know chess right? Great. We're currently in check, with the only thing between total anihilation being a Rook (A.K.A. my precious door) and the Queen (A.K.A. you). The lil' pawns may have metamorphosized into a murderous army, but there's still a whole board between us, so we have to hold on!!!"
6) "And before you get the chess analogy wrong, I am NOT keeping you around just because of your magical power. You're a TEENAGER not a weapon, for crying out loud. Did you really think I'd be that stupid?? Ortho is literally my brother and I'd rather DIE than treat him like a weapon!"
7) "Is it really that hard to understand that I don't actually hate you? Sure, you have zero E.Q. and is in my "Top 5 Most annoying Students in NRC", but I don't want you dead! Who would drag me to dormhead meetings then? Vil and Ortho need a buddy who's not afraid to break the doo- NOT NOW MALLEUS"
8) "I actually like being alive and don't want Trey and Cater to kill me, and neither that freaky cat friend of yours. Or Floyd, Kalim, Sebek, Silver, Vil..."
Idia: And that would be all! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk! Now, I know the Final Boss is right outside that door, but why don't you read a manga or two to pass the time? You've already helped me A LOT, so why don't you rest a bit?
Malleus, from the other side: You should listen to Shroud, Rosehearts. I will even refrain from tearing the door down while you read, rest assured!
Malleus: Also, who gave you the idea that everyone hates you? I just want to have a pleasant chat with them! Lillia taught me the importance of understanding the point of view of others! :)
Meanwhile the others are trying to use Meet Me in a Dream while driving a gigantic Blastcycle so they can speedrun the dream hopping and get back to Idia's dream so they can make sure Idia is okay (Ortho), complete the final stage of the plan (the others) and locate Riddle (Heartslabyul and Equestrian Club mostly, but everyone's at least worried that he's MIA). Also Silver is resting while Ace uses his UM and Deuce drives.
Leona got what he wanted (a better mean of transportation between dreams) but at what cost (two freshmen at the wheel, and they're not the competent robot kid).
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evieelyzabethh · 8 months ago
Hey can u do a spike smut
I have another Spike smut fic coming so I'm gonna use this to drop my sfw and nsfw Spike headcannons because fun fact, the buffy brain rot is real and I have over 100 pages of buffy reboot material. anyways...
warning: not proofread
Spike purely smokes because he thinks it makes him look cool. I think when it comes to vampires, they either physically cannot feel the effects of drugs or are lightweights. He hates the smell of smoke, hence the duster jacket, and refuses to smoke in his crypt because of the shit ventilation
Speaking of smoking, William was most definitely asthmatic. He had no friends in boys school because too much physical movement sent him wheezing. He did enjoy horseback riding though
He has poetry stashed somewhere, I just know it. Under some slab of rock or rolled in some random alcohol bottle pirate style, it's somewhere.
Spike would love an English major or anyone who has a hobby aligned with creative writing. This doesn't mean he'd automatically show you anything he's written but he'd be more open to the possibility sooner rather than later.
Very picky with what he steals/wears. He will not just put any old rags on. He dressed Drusilla and he is a fashion icon and I stand by that
As for him with a partner, I do think he is the type to fall first and incredibly hard
I think how familiar you are with one another would dictate a lot. If you were a Scooby, I wouldn't say he'd keep his distance, but he wouldn't be super outright with his affection. There'd be some playful banter here and there, dare I say some flirting, and maybe even some gift-giving every now and again. He's like a crow, he'd be the type to drop things on your windowsill just because it reminded him of you
If you two didn't know each other, he'd most definitely be the stalking type. Every time you're walking home from school, there WILL be a dark figure following you around. You're getting harassed by some rando? If you paid attention to the newspaper, you'd see they mysteriously went missing. You can go from eyeing something while window shopping to it magically ending up on your doorstep
Never the one to make the first move. He wouldn't say a word unless he was 100% confident that you liked him back, and even then, there'd be a lot of hesitation
He would love a forward partner. Someone who makes his insecurities melt away and who he doesn't have to worry about them ever getting over him. When he loves, he loves forever. He has all of time to love you and his ideal partner would be someone who wants to spend all of time with him
He is such a romantic!!! I think he would be so into matching couples costumes or just matching outfits in general. Super into domesticity wherever he can get it, decorating a home together, cleaning together, cooking together, doing anything together
Since he can't have a job, I do see him being a house husband. It gives him something to do during the day. Wears a 'kiss the cook' apron and pouts if you don't give him kisses while wearing it. I headcannon that he spent time all over Europe, including France, and had some really good pastries at some cafe that closed like 200 years ago and made it his life's mission to recreate them. The grocery bill is high but it makes him happy
Valentine's Day is his absolute favorite holiday and he makes a big deal of outdoing himself every year. Not in terms of money or extravagance, but meaning. He treats every day as a new one to know more about you. It's not enough to know your favorite color, he needs to know the exact shade, exact hue, and exact context you love it in. He knows your allergies, remembers your favorite outfits, and keeps track of your cleaning habits so he can make everything shiny and new when you forget yourself. He becomes a master of all trades to make you whatever you want exactly how you want it
He does really like Halloween, too. He's a huge fan of the Scream movies. He dislikes when horror movies try too hard. Being so used to gore, blood, and guts, he prefers a funnier, more unserious scary movie
Speaking of blood, he starts out against drinking from you. He used to only do it to kill someone, or at least with the intent to cause harm. He didn't trust himself not to get overwhelmed and hurt you. But I feel like at some point he either gets hurt on patrol or his stash gets low and you both forgot to restock and he has to. It was a very close call, and he couldn't bring himself to even look at you after the fact. He only warms up to it if it's necessary. He avoids it, but there are always slip-ups. He has bitten you during sex a few times when he got a bit too into it. He says he refuses to do it unless it's for your pleasure
He is so obsessed with you, if you couldn't tell. You're his favorite person, favorite scent, favorite taste. Not to be slightly yandere on main, but he would kill for you and kill himself if he wasn't enough for you. Never leave you. Never hurt you. Spike would never.
He is neither an ass or tits guy, he's just a 'you' guy. Absolutely everything about you gets him going. You think it's funny at first until you're trying to eat a bowl of spaghetti and he's staring at you, hard. It's not his fault the stray sauce around your lips looked like blood and vampire you is a very hot concept to him
You guys have to own a house. The noise complaints would be too much and you'd get evicted. I do see him as more of a groaner than a moaner, but sometimes it's just too much and it's both. Sometimes it's just one hand gripping the pillow your head is resting on, the other on the headboard, and his head in the crook of your neck practically whimpering as you milk his cock
You also have a tendency to get pretty loud, and as much as he loves your voice, his super vampire hearing can't take it sometimes :(
Doesn't really matter the position, but it's hard and he's so big. You can feel him in your damn ribs and it's choking you up. You don't even realize how loud you are. It's not until you hear his raspy voice in your ear. "I know, love, I know. It's a lot, but I need you to be a bit quieter. You're hurting me." And you pout a bit and try to mumble apologies that just sound like gibberish. You try, futilely, but surely he must understand that you can't help it. Not when it's this good. He whispers again, rubs where your belly bulges from his dick, but it doesn't seem to work. He eventually flips you over to shove your head in the pillows and you were far too out of it to complain. You like it a bit rough anyway.
As mentioned previously, he is a biter. He can't help it, it's instinct honestly. Its not like you mind, you clench even harder when he does. The sudden smell of iron is drowned out by the stench of sex and sweat, and the piercing feel of his fangs into your neck only stings for a bit. He makes up for it by licking up whatever spills <3 Being with a vampire was always going to be at least a little painful
He likes his hair pulled. You're fingers in his hair in general is heaven on earth, but being pulled around a bit is nice
Has a thing for tearing your clothes off. He really does like being a vampire, feeling big and strong in a way he was never able to when he was human. There is a feral piece of him, maybe its the demon inside him or it was always present, but seeing your clothes in pieces after the fact just scratches the itch in his brain
Speaking of brain, enjoys giving and receiving head equally. Being absolutely obsessed with you, and very secretly obsessed with the taste of your blood, he could die happily with your cum on his lips. Between your legs is his favorite place for real. As for receiving, it's his favorite way of shutting you up in any scenario.
Bruises. Everywhere. Hickeys. Everywhere. He's possessive but not exactly an exhibitionist, they end up along your collarbones and your thighs. Places where they can easily be hidden or revealed
Plays old music because he's old. He refuses to use modern technology because he likes his old as dirt aesthetic but definitely plays sexy orchestral music. I simply do not believe him to be an RnB kinda guy
He likes seeing you in his clothes after!! Going back to the whole love for domesticity thing, it just feels right. He's, shockingly, not always a horny fuck in the morning. Sometimes it feels more right to just look at you, the pretty after sex glow on your face, your messy hair, your cheeks pressed into the pillow. If you get up before him and put on what he had on the night before, it just completes the picture.
When he is a horny fuck in the morning, it's still just as soft and slow as the non-sexual mornings. He likes to be the big spoon simply because it's easier to slide his dick between your thighs and hold your tits at the same time
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velarisdusk · 4 months ago
Murmurs of the Abyss
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Day 26: Mind Control | Rhysand x Reader word count: 800 author's note: yk whats so crazy is that i HATED this while i was writing it but im looking at it now and she's kinda beautiful a little bit ✦ . Kinktober Masterlist . ✦
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Your thoughts are no longer your own, drifting in a haze of pleasure and warmth. Rhysand’s voice fills every corner of your mind, his commands soft but absolute. 
Good. Just like that, my love, he purrs, his words sliding through your consciousness, sending shivers down your spine.
You find yourself kneeling on the bed before him, his dark eyes fixed on you, a lazy confident smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Your body responds before you can even think—your back arches, your legs spreading wider, as though moved by an unseen force. Unseen, but not unknown. Rhysand’s will. His touch is featherlight, but the connection in your mind makes every brush of his skin against yours feel electric, as though the sparks are traveling straight to the deepest parts of you. There’s no need for words—he doesn’t need to speak to you when his voice is already buried inside your thoughts, guiding every movement, every breath.
Touch yourself for me, darling, his voice commands, and before you can process the thought, your hands are already sliding down your body. Your fingers find the slick heat between your thighs, and a gasp escapes your lips, your hand moving in slow, tortuous strokes, entirely out of your control. 
The sensation is overwhelming, your body responding to a desire that feels both yours and not. You’re trapped in this strange, blissful limbo—aware of everything, but powerless to stop it. And gods, you don’t want to. The way his magic wraps around your mind, pushing your body to obey, is intoxicating.
Faster, just like that, Rhysand’s voice growls, and your fingers pick up speed, each movement dictated by him, drawing you closer to the edge. He’s not just watching you—he’s making you do this, and the knowledge sends a fresh wave of heat crashing through you.
Your mind screams with pleasure, your body obeying his every silent order. Your legs tremble, hips rising off the bed to meet the rhythm he’s set for you. His power presses down on you, a constant, gentle force that takes away your agency, leaving you to be a willing puppet to his desires.
“Rhys,” you whimper, but the words barely register before he takes hold of you again.
Hands off. Now, he commands, and just as easily as your fingers had moved, they stop, pulling away from the heat of your core. The denial makes you moan, but even that sound is swallowed by the fog in your mind. You’re helpless to do anything except what he wants, and it makes your pulse quicken, your arousal burning even hotter.
Rhysand’s fingers replace yours, stroking along your thigh, but you can’t move. Can’t reach for him, can’t even shift your hips toward him—his hold over you is too strong, his power keeping you locked in place. You’re at his mercy, unable to do anything except feel.
Now, ride me, darling. Show me how much you crave this, his voice purrs in your mind, but your body already knows what to do.
Without conscious thought, your legs swing over him, straddling his hips, your core aching as you sink down onto him in one smooth motion. The sensation is sharp, almost too much, but you’re powerless to stop. His hands rest lightly on your hips, but it’s his mind that truly controls you, forcing your body to move up and down in a rhythm that drives you wild.
Your mind is foggy, dazed by the intensity of it all—his control, the way he fills you completely, the way your body obeys his every command without hesitation. You’re moving, rocking against him, but it’s all him. You couldn’t stop even if you wanted to.
Faster. Harder. You better not be holding out on me.
Your pace increases, each movement deep and desperate, your body responding to his will, and only his. He’s pushing you higher, taking you to the edge, and you can’t stop it—he won’t let you.
“Please,” you gasp, your voice broken, but it doesn’t matter. You don’t have control anymore.
Come for me, beautiful, he orders, and with that final command, your release hits you like a storm, ripping through you with a force that leaves you trembling. You’re nothing but sensation, your body writhing in his lap, every nerve ignited as your orgasm crashes over you. He holds you through it, his grip firm on your hips, guiding your body until the last shudder fades.
When you finally come down, your mind begins to clear, the fog lifting as Rhysand slowly pulls back his influence. You feel his power recede, leaving you breathless and limp in his arms, the echo of his control still lingering on your skin.
“Perfect,” he murmurs against your ear, his hands gently stroking your back.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Taglist <3
@starlightazriel @nvdax @halo-hanging @paleidiot @kismet27
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@natasha153 @deathdoordoctor @spacebananabud @secretsicanthideanymore @edance2000
@lorosette @alykatv @honethatty12 @hellabizzy @serena-capella
@acoazlove @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @scorpioriesling @hannzoaks @confusedsezure
@elenapri0502 @anneas11 @mrsjna @lilah-asteria @anarchiii
@isnotwhatyourethinking @randomgurl2326 @scarsandallaz @julesvanslutta @90angiex
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leighsartworks216 · 5 months ago
In Sickness And In Health
Zayne x gn!Reader
I have been lightheaded for two days now and I need a doctor-husband to take care of me soooo bad. But instead I'm focusing on my built up medication angst
Warnings: medical angst, hurt/comfort, medication (pills), bittersweet, pet names (love, my love), established relationship
Word Count: 798
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Love and Deepspace Masterlist
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You frown at the pill bottles lined up on your counter. Your pill-minder was empty and waiting to be filled up, but seeing all your medications lined up like this stirred something inside you.
You know they're all necessary, they all help you in some way or another. But…
"Love?" Zayne steps into the bathroom, resting a gentle hand on your arm and trying to meet your eyes. "What's wrong?"
You sigh. You hate it when you feel like this. You hate burdening Zayne with your health in his work life and his day-to-day life.
"There's so many..."
He looks down at the counter. Most of these were prescriptions he filled out himself, all of the names were immediately familiar as well as their purposes. "Does the amount bother you?" he asks. His mind is already working to figure out how to narrow down the amount of medications you take, to find medicines that act as a combination for what he's prescribed.
You shake your head and begin opening the days of your pill-minder. You pop each one open slowly, like moving any faster would accidentally detonate a bomb.
He begins opening the pill bottles and dropping the doses into each compartment.
"I'll never be healthy, will I?"
The question gives him pause. He stops his task, watching you instead. Your frown causes a crease to form between your brows; makes your eyes seem more tired than they are. It takes on the bone-deep exhaustion you've been carrying ever since you were first prescribed long-term medication.
He finishes dosing out the first bottle of pills, before closing it and setting it back in the lineup. Your frown only seems to deepen as you stare at it. "My love..." He cups your cheek tenderly, cool palm soothing the upset bubbling under your skin as he turns your face, urging you to look at him. "Needing medicine is not a failure, and it doesn't mean you're unhealthy."
Your eyes flicker from his own to go searching his face and back. The way he looks at you is so intensely caring, it makes it hard for you to meet head on for too long. "But I need them because my body isn't... right."
"No body is perfect," he rebuts. "I have never met a single patient who has not had at least one issue."
"Yeah, but all your patients see you because they have issues."
He chuckles. "Most of them, but you forget I am also a primary care physician to some. No matter what shape my patients are in, there is always something that impacts their life because their body can't or doesn't provide it."
You stare at his chin. He brushes his thumb across your cheek, encouraging you to look up at him again.
"You still don't believe me."
You meet his eyes again, caught red handed. He's known you for so long, of course he should be the one to know what you're feeling with just one glance. You look apologetic, though. "I'm sorry, I want to, I just..."
"I wish I didn't have so many issues." You close your eyes and lean into him. He meets you halfway, resting his forehead against yours.
He wishes there was some way for him to magically cure all your issues. Some may go away with time, but with time also brought new problems. He pulls away briefly to kiss your forehead, a quiet promise of solidarity.
He sees a small grin begin to form on your lips. "Thank you for making a house call, Dr. Zayne."
He chuckles. "It's outside of my usual job requirements, but I'm happy to make an exception, just this once."
"Guess I shouldn't get too used to it, then, huh?"
"Hm. Fortunately, my marital oath as your husband dictates that I care for you in sickness and in health." He gently pulls away. You open your eyes and watch as he opens the second bottle and continues to refill your pill case. "And as your husband, I'm always happy to take care of you."
Your small grin slowly breaks into a smile. The weight is still there. You think it always will be. But Zayne has taken some of it off your shoulders for now, carrying the burden of your health just as you would for him if the circumstances were reversed.
You lean up to kiss his cheek. He smiles, not looking away from his work as he finishes up the second bottle. You take the third. The cap pops off and the pills jostle around inside. They fall into the sections with a repetitive sound, a percussion to a silent song as Zayne grabs the fourth bottle.
You can start to hear the melody when he leans down to kiss your cheek.
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myokk · 9 months ago
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I had so much fun writing this up as I drank my coffee this morning, thanks for making the templates @kiwiplaetzchen 🥹🙏
A little bit of backstory for Eloise - I’ll do an actual drawing etc etc in the future but for now if you’re interested!!:
Eloise has a brother, Leonard (Leo) who is a year older than her (I want to draw him soon!!) and her parents are both (unfortunately 😔🙏) still very much alive. If the family had continued to the 1930s, they would DEFINITELY have been part of the Sacred 28, making it the Sacred 29 instead. Her father was an only child so he inherited everything, and her mother is Elladora Babbit née Black, the woman who started the Black family tradition of beheading useless house elves😭 (and yes unfortunately that makes Headmaster Black Eloise’s uncle😫).
Eloise was kept a secret from the rest of magic society her whole life. In my imagination, the pureblood families have so much inbreeding amongst themselves that it’s not uncommon for them to give birth to squibs. Part of pureblood culture is not announcing they’ve given birth to a child until they’ve shown signs of magic - normally around 3/4 years old at most. When Eloise never showed ANY signs of magic, she was just their shameful secret. On her eleventh birthday when it was all but confirmed she was a squib, she was burned off the family tree and spent the next five years at a muggle finishing school. Always looking to take advantage of whatever they could get, however, Eloise’s parents arranged a marriage between her and the firstborn son of a wealthy muggle landowner when she came of age.
Her family had no idea that she was admitted to Hogwarts (they cut off all ties to her and disowned her) and Leo, who had always been fiercely protective of her growing up was simultaneously devastated and ecstatic that he could see his sister again. It’s been really hard to repair the relationship though, as there is a lot of resentment that they cannot get over even though they want to😭. And, for as much as her parents dictated everything about how her life has gone, Eloise can’t help but try to work hard to get their love and approval as it’s all she ever thought she wanted. And now that she’s in a position to become the daughter they’ve always desired, she feels a lot of resentment towards herself. She feels as if she’s betraying the young girl who was abandoned by her family, because she wants their approval so badly (it will take a while for her to get over this😔🙏)
In terms of the personality I did it a bit like the sims where I just max things out bc I think everything in the middle is boring jajajaja. But:
Shy: not shy in the sense she can’t talk to other people and she isn’t necessarily socially awkward. She just doesn’t always know what to say and will remain silent if she thinks she has nothing to add to a conversation instead of yapping away (BUT unfortunately rambles and over explains herself to not be misunderstood when she does talk, THANKS narcissistic mother), and normally she wishes people would ignore her. When the Daily Prophet article came out about her “miraculous” recovery and introduction to magical society she HATED it & she HATES all of the people trying to talk to her and befriend her.
Active: NOT active as in super energetic. She just wakes up really early and always needs to keep herself busy. She gets anxious if she doesn’t have anything to do - but, she includes thinking as doing something, and often retreats into her thoughts and doesn’t realize when people are talking to her.
I think grouchy and nice can exist together so with this one I put it in the middle. She’s both simultaneously😭
Aaaand with cowardly/brave, she thinks she is really cowardly for going back to her parents so easily and wanting their love so badly, and hates herself for it (not realizing it’s an accumulation of a lifetime of emotional trauma). But lots of times when things get very high-stakes she will jump in and do incredibly reckless things without thinking of the consequences, although if she stopped to think before she acted she would definitely NOT do them. So maybe brave in actions, cowardly on the inside (IDK)
If you read all of this I love you!! I want to share more about her but this was getting crazy long jajajajajajaja😇🙏
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thesirencult · 11 months ago
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Stop letting your past dictate your future. The old stories are no longer serving you, they are imprisoning you in your own delusions. You are not unlucky. The universe loves you, you are the one that's getting in your own way.
For a moment assume the universe is working in your favour. It sounds cliché but "what would you do if there was no chance you would fail?"
You have a hard time balancing your practical with your fun side. The Goddess wants tot tell you that it is okay to be the life of the part sometimes.
The cards I got (2 Of Pentacles, Queen Of Wands reversed and Queen Of Pentacles), tell a story of someone with huge potential who is afraid to make a choice and fiercely lead the way.
Choosing one way doesn't close the door to a different timeline, it brings you more and more opportunities and gets you closer to your end state.
Find a way to transmute your negative past to fuel for your future betterment.
My love, the Goddess wants you to know that now it is time to focus on the present moment. Opportunities lay ahead of you and it would be such a mistake to focus on the negative. I would say that now it's the time to be sovereign. What you have is enough. Your skills, talents and abilities are all you need to reach for the stars. There is magic in the beginning of a journey. Looking back you will reminisc about these days.
I'm hearing "The Call Of The Wild" and it is a book and movie that I love. Basically, it is a dog that has to find the wolf within in order to survive and during this process he sets himself free from societies standards and rules. This is the process you are going through right now. Don't judge yourself based on other people's opinions and standards, choose your authentic path and follow your instinct and heart. "Women Who Run With The Wolves" can help you dive even deeper.
Choose care, diplomacy and love when confronted with hate and knives.
Your feminine self is struggling to be expressed outwardly because of a series of issues that have been haunting you : fear of letting people in and trust issues, negative self image and a mentality that hinders your growth.
I see that you are struggling heavily with being nostalgic and have a hard time letting down your hair and being a bit softer with yourself.
Flowers can not grow when the strong wind is breaking their stems, we need softness and calm to grow and evolve.
You are strong enough to fight through, even if you give it one last try. Accept others' help and don't insist on carrying all the weights yourself. The future may be brighter than the past but you'll never know if you don't give it a chance and keep reminiscing.
An opportunity or a person around you is presenting itself but you are looking back and missing out on it. Act now.
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calisources · 1 year ago
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All sentences on this meme have been taking from different media and sources. They all touch on the topics of romance, difficult and forbidden love, mostly setting in the political schemes of war and peace and royal court. Change names, locations and nouns and you see fit. Some lines might have foul language.
Sometimes we hurt the ones we love, but hurting ourselves to avoid it doesn’t make it better.
Could someone treat you badly and still love you? 
Even so, in the midst of this complicated love, there is a holy union.
Love is complicated. It’s sticky. It’s bliss and it’s a mix of emotions. It’s not easy.
I hated him now because I has loved him then.
 I'm not like you. I can't afford to be reckless.
When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?
Are you so fucking self-absorbed as to think this is about you and whether or not I love you, rather than the fact I'm an heir to the fucking throne? 
You at least have the option to not choose a public life eventually, but I will live and die in these palaces and in this family.
She wears a crown that never should’ve been hers.
Your wish is my command, my queen.
You can always leave my service.
Don’t you see, Diana? If I did that, I’d break not one but two hearts. For I know you love me, though you haven’t said it yet.
You do know me. I love you so much, it sometimes terrifies me.
You are going to regret that, Your Magical Regalness.
Just because I am  a prince doesn’t make my life a fairy tale.
So kiss the others for all I care, but don’t hold back with me.
You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.
He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.
I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king.
 I believe we are what we make ourselves, and as such, you, Crown Princess, are nothing.
You, what are you? The brat of lucky parents who were related to a childless king.
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.
You can't treat royalty like people with normal perverted desires.
We kings do develop a certain ability to recognize objects under our noses.
...alone is such a nebulous state when one is queen.
I respect you as my king, and I respect you as my father, but I do not respect you as a man.
You're the most important person I've ever met.  And I should have never met you at all.
Desires are what can most easily ruin us, lovely.
I find that happiness can always be recollected in tranquillity, Ma’am.
It's almost impossible for those who have had an intimate relationship to return to a formal one.
I question if within you is any magic.
You’re my princess, right? You were always going to be my princess, no matter what you were born.
The king is a saint and cannot rule, and his son is a devil and should not.
For kings, the world is extremely simplified: All men are subjects.
A king deserves reverence when being addressed.
Yes, she had abused her title and station before, but for minor stuff, not to steal a warship.
You are a king worthy of their allegiance . . . with a queen full of fire and promise.
When God calls you into His Kingdom, your way of life will reflect royalty if you serve Him with loyalty.
My royal status is both a shield that protects me and a sword that impales my heart.
You know, for a pampered princess, you have a certain gift for violence.
I have to be seen to be believed.
Kings needn’t raise their voices to be heard.
That is your very own myth. The idea that how you are born or the name you are given dictate the sort of person you really are.
I know that names have power. That is why I cannot let her forget hers. 
You’ll have to face it, Princess. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon enough. And you can’t be this scared when the time comes.
A bad king revels in his importance. A good one hates his office. 
Crowns belong to those that serve.
She was their witch queen, and they adored her.
Beatrice is going to be queen someday.
Kings are only kings because one ancestor was quicker than another to place a crown on his own head.
Queen, do not allow a commoner to dethrone you. Own that throne. You are royalty.
A throne won in blood will soon be drenched in it.
My mother once told me that everything is fuelled by either money or sex, because both lead to power.
Even when she's dethroned by hardship, she still wears the sun as a crown.
She holds a nation’s fate within her shaking hands. She wears a crown that never should’ve been hers.
My reign has been anything but traditional. Let’s not start now, shall we?
Oh honey, someday a real man is going to make you see stars and you won't even be looking at the sky.
Every girl thinks about growing up in a palace. Few ever ponder living in a cage.
Climb up the family tree of any of them high enough and you’ll find a commoner who dared to take a chance.
Am I forbidden to do what all may do?
My arrival saved the kingdom, while his only reiterated that his blood would fill the throne one day.
Slow down there, princess. How do you know what kind of first impression you gave me?
So none of the young men we encountered during our season gave you hot pants for them?
If stubborness were all that was needed to be a good queen, I'd rule the world.
I’d decided that I was going to stop dressing like a princess and start dressing like a queen.
Don’t touch me. Don’t tell me how beautiful my eyes are, how soft my hair is, how you love to hear my voice. Don’t. Don’t pretend you are falling in love with me. 
I know you are lying, and every word you say hurts even more. 
Before the wedding, and the bedding, when I will have to take you as my lord and husband?
I may not be a king or a queen, but I'll be damned if I'm not treated like royalty.
He is fragile, like a prince of ice, of glass.
It is natural that men are going to gather round me, hoping for a smile.
Men only treat women like princesses when they want to use them like prostitutes.
You can smile when your heart is breaking because you're a woman.
I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything but think about him.
Anyone can attract a man. The trick is to keep him.
To save my son, I would plot with the devil himself.
Only fools wait when their enemies are coming, to see if they may prove to be friends.
When a man wants a mystery, it is generally better to leave him mystified. Nobody loves a clever woman.
I wanted the heat and the sweat and the passion of a man that I could love and trust.
I am a fool to own it, but I am in a fever for your touch.
And you are the sort of mistress a man doesn't bother to marry. Sons or no sons.
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co-mixed · 11 days ago
Why I hate Reed 
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Fantastic Four has a long history of disaster after disaster. Most of the disasters in question were caused by Reed. Bet you didn’t expect me to jump right into it. 
Okay, fine, let’s do an introduction first.
Fantastic Four has been a Reed-centric story since the day he broke ground on Marvel-1 (known at the time as just a rocket) and took his bff, girlfriend, and her tag-along brother on a ride, to the day his arch-enemy took over the world (that was last week). It’s all about Reed and everyone else just happened to get stuck with him. 
I hate Reed. Maybe not as much as Doom does, but it’s close. 
I have my reasons.
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If you know Reed well, chances are, you also hate him. If you don’t know him, you’re lucky. If you don’t hate him… keep reading. 
Reed has always been always the intended protagonist of the Fantastic Four. They might have called it a family book but really, you tuned in every month to find out who is bugging Reed and whether he manages to fix everything this time. That’s who he is, he fixes everything. Mostly through the power of science, occasionally by stretching in the most ridiculous way. 
Reed is recognized by CB writers as a hero, not just a hero in a cape and mask sense (he doesn’t even wear those) but the cool-headed, smart guy, the focal point of the team and the narrative. You are supposed to see yourself in him and imitate his approach. 
Everybody cares about him, everybody talks about him, and in those rare moments when he’s presumed dead, everybody mourns him. 
But Reed just isn’t a good person. There are things about him that don’t just fail to align with heroism, they’re plain vile.
He’s a liar
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Reed is a liar. It’s not just that he omits relevant details like, say, forgetting to inform the whole team that they are slowly dying, or warning them that he’s keeping a dangerous gate in the basement. This is absolutely a pattern with Reed and instead of getting mad at him, people just accept it as a part of his character. Even if they do get pissed off, they eventually forgive him. Then all of that repeats. To be fair, I probably should be more mad at the dysfunctional family that enables his behavior. 
But it’s still him. The logical path he loves so much to take inevitably leads him to the conclusion that it’s time for yet another lie. He’s not above covering one lie with another, and it comes off almost childish (not in the adorable sense). What I mean is, he is afraid of being judged because he knows what he’s doing is wrong but he simultaneously believes that he is right because he knows better. Again, this comes down to him claiming to be the smartest man on Earth. Which is ridiculous. The smartest man in physics is still the stupidest when it comes to art or magic. And he admits both things himself yet refuses to accept the fact that he knows almost nothing. 
Besides, both his daughter and Lunella are easily smarter than he is. 
He’s a hypocrite 
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Reed is a terrible hypocrite. We don’t talk about that often, because the stories that allow you to notice that lie far apart. During the Civil War, he was all happy to serve the government. It is a big part of his life, he’s always been ‘public’ and ‘legitimate’. In the eyes of the law anyway. So when the question of whether or not to register appeared, he made a call for everyone. Happily so, and he went along with punishing everyone who opposed it. Except for his family, of course. It smells awfully similar to the way dictators operate so I guess we should be thankful Reed doesn’t have those ambitions. 
But when the tables turn and Reed has to answer for all he’s done, he believes that he is judged harshly. Of course, it turns out to be a villain’s plot but he never really stops to think how his actions were questionable at best. And he isn’t prepared to take responsibility the same way he expected others to. He thinks it’s unfair. 
He’s a garbage person 
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Essentially, the problem is Reed not knowing when to stop. Reed is stubborn, we already know that. He is convinced that he knows what is best for everyone. He believes that his view of the world and how things should be is the correct one. The mathematically correct one, I mean, he did write all those equations on all those walls. This is what eventually led to the Civil War, and this is what eventually led to the Secret Wars. The two most notable events on 616. Reed’s math allegedly allowed him to predict the future, and in that future, he saw Doom. JK but he did see that superheroes will destroy the world if they keep on unchecked. And he did see the possibility of incursions. So he built 42 and threw his friends there. He experimented on Speedball to the point of torture because the government said it was ok. He got together with the Illuminati pre-Secret Wars convinced that they could definitely stop the incursions and they failed. They would’ve gotten everyone killed and, big shocker, the only ones he ended up saving were himself and his family (although Justice finally said “Hell no!’ and his family perished.)
But Reed sure knew what was right.
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With that same attitude of knowing what’s best, he stomps around Latveria, trying to liberate it. He returns there every time and every time acts surprised when he discovers that Latverian people don’t want his liberty. They don’t want him, they like Doom. 
I feel like deep down Reed believes that his unique intellect allows him to see things more clearly than any of us mortals. And because of that, everyone should sleep well, putting their trust in him. Whether he invents another doomsday device (and promises not to use it), keeps Ultimate Nullifier in his nightstand, or stores a gate to anywhere in his basement. Everyone is supposed to trust him until turns out that his 3-year-old accidentally opened it. That’s happened a few times and if anything, we should know by now that Reed is anything but trustworthy. 
He never stops to think “Should I?” Because the answer is pretty much always “No.”
He’s an awful husband 
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Back in the day, Sue often ended up on the other side of Reed’s outbursts. His smug attitude toward her was always uncomfortable, to say the least. He diminished her and everything she did because he deemed it irrelevant. It barely changed until the writers elevated her almost to his level by making her a doctor of Archaeology. While I appreciate them giving her some interests other than making sandwiches for everyone who resides in the BB, does it mean that they agree with Reed? That everything she did, whether she wanted to be an actress, ran their company, charities, or simply stayed at home with the kids, is not good enough? It makes sense in terms of their shared interests, but the only thing it gives me is doubts about him even loving Sue. Unfortunately, it seems like he sees her as a trophy wife he never could’ve gotten. When he talks about Sue, he often says that he studied her, like she’s an object that fascinates him. This kind of explains why he can’t relate to her, refuses to trust her, and doesn’t always care how his actions would affect her. 
When Sue was Malice, everything she told him was pretty genuine. There is a trope where heroes say the worst things under the influence, yet these things are rooted in reality. And that’s what happened here. 
There was another piece of truth Reed got when Johnny had a fight with Sue (about keeping from him the fact that the whole team’s powers were deteriorating, and their bodies too), he told her “You’re treating me like he treats you!” Reed didn’t react and that was never addressed again. Too bad, we all know that’s true. Reed has no respect for Sue. Even Reed knows that, I just don’t think he gets it. 
Let’s not forget that Sue served him divorce papers. What a time that was.
He’s a terrible father 
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He starts out as an oblivious parent who doesn’t really care. As long as the kid can’t speak it’s not his problem, right? Hence multiple babysitters and Franklin spending half of his childhood with Agatha,  in Attilan, and at Alicia’s place. Franklin is a creator, not a scientific one either and that’s something Reed can’t understand. That’s why he’s been having a hard time even connecting to his son. Okay, he might not be the easiest kid to connect to but with the constant neglect he’s experienced, no wonder he feels like a disappointment to everyone. 
Val has a good father, Doom. He’s actually more of a parent to her than Reed, even if she’s the child Reed actually likes. Unless that’s just him being possessive. Just like with Sue (whenever she had her Namor eras) Reed is jealous of Val’s bond with Doom and as soon as he feels like he’s losing her, he gets mildly irritated. That’s exactly it, he’s not even properly furious – he just gets upset and focuses on work. 
Even all the family adventures they went on, or that time after Secret Wars when Reed decided that Ben and Johnny should believe their family is dead (including the kids), couldn’t make up for that. After all, Reed probably spent more time in his mobile lab than with kids. And when he got bored he happily ditched everyone except Frank and Val. So much for calling them all “their kids”. They are better off anyway because Reed doesn’t consider their feelings. At least he treats them like adults, since he doesn’t consider them either. 
He’s unkind and a trash friend
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There is no genuine kindness in Reed. It’s almost like he pretends to be a loving husband, parent, and friend. 
Reed has no respect for his family or friends. If he had, he would’ve considered them whenever he made a decision. Again, it comes back to him believing he can’t make a mistake (check how long he’d been agonizing over the first space mission). Yet the vast majority of Reed’s actions vary from mean to straight-up creepy. 
Even the seemingly selfless gesture of turning his team into celebrities was his pathetic plea out of guilt. He never asked any of them whether they even wanted to be famous or heroes. He felt guilty (that’s something, I guess) for turning Ben into The Thing, and complicating things for Sue and Johnny (although, they probably would’ve been fine). 
But that’s a pattern that follows Reed everywhere and everybody ends up getting hurt.
Despite claiming to love his wife and kids, care about his friend, and tolerate Johnny, he is unkind to them. He views and moves them as pawns to where he wants them to be, all the while faking the perfect family man and good friend facade. And that’s the new Reed, the old one barely pretended. 
Let’s face it, Reed and Ben don’t have much in common except the collective trauma of getting powers and fighting Doom. The funny part is, Reed wants to be friends with Doom but Doom sees through his BS (okay, I might be giving props to the dictator here but ain’t he right?)
He’s way too full of himself
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The self-proclaimed smartest man on Earth, Reed lives in the world of science. He is obsessed with math and he believes that math will solve everything. Spoiler: it won’t. He knows that, too. When Doom kidnaps his family and locks baby Franklin in Hell, Reed wastes so much time arguing with Strange over his aptitude for magic, that the kid ends up traumatized. For a while Franklin couldn’t tell the difference between Hell and Reality, all because his father couldn’t accept that he doesn’t know everything. 
This is absolutely a pattern with Reed — he doesn’t believe in ghosts, vampires, probably even werewolves. Meanwhile, he knows actual gods and had a witch for a nanny. If anything, this is a sign of stubbornness and that’s one of the worst barriers for wisdom. So good at math he might be, a genius — I don’t think so. That’s not all there is to it, because there are absolutely people smarter than Reed with a more flexible mind. I have to give points to him for recognizing that eventually and forming Future Foundation but he still has ways to go. So far, math has been a source of trouble more often than not. His inventions and his equations that predict the end of everything force him to take the most ridiculous approach in trying to solve problems before they arrive. And if that’s how we see Reed, imagine how irritating it is to Doom. 
And while we’re at it, they might have changed the origin so that Reed’s original calculations weren’t incorrect but that was wrong. The poetic justice of math, the only thing he truly trusted, betraying him, that was beautiful. If only Reed could understand art. 
He’s dull 
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Let’s face it, they can rewrite Reed’s history, they can try to make him fun, they can even hire a really good actor to play him, but Reed is incredibly dull. He’s boring and even his family doesn’t pretend he isn’t. He is not charming, has zero charisma, not funny, and really he’s extremely lucky he managed to get Sue to marry him (because with his other bad qualities and lack of charm idk what that was, unfortunate chemistry?) He’s even more lucky Ben was out of other options friend-wise, and Johnny was just around. Otherwise, Reed would’ve died alone which is frankly, what he very much deserves. 
That’s not even half of his misdeeds, just the ones that were on the top of my mind. But trust me, if you spend almost a year reading about this guy, you will likely hate him just as much. 
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 4 months ago
Currently Watching - November
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 27.11.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
gif-requests are open, but you'll need to have some patience🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in November with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Blue Canvas of Youthful Days 🇨🇳 (10/12)
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@bengiyo made me watch it. I wanted to wait until I could binge it, but he made me curious and now I am heartbroken and anxious! And in love with it. Well, at least the main story. The side couple didn't grew on me. There is a little bit too much obsession between them and I can't get a right feeling for them. They are a little bit off for me. But the main story? Oh so good! So much melancholy and pain and young, shakespearean love! So much trauma on both sides. I hate Qi Lu's father with all my heart. I hope someone will hurt him. And I hope Qi Lu can get away from him. But this is a chinese production. I don't know what to hope for in the final? A happy ending? Would that be too much too ask? Both of them happy, but separated? Well, that could work for me. A sad ending? Possible. I would be devastated. Thank you Ben for making me start it!
2. Love In The Air: Koi no Yokan 🇯🇵 (4/10)
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As expected like the OG I don't like that one that much... The only reason I still watch this one is because of Nagumo Shoma. Guess this will be dropped next week... And instead I just watch Kiss x Kiss x Kiss: Love ii Shower...
3. Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu 🇯🇵 (4/11)
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Those two are the bluest boys out there right now. They long for each other, and it is coming to the surface, slowly but steady. And sure Hirukawa, you're not going to fall in love with him. Who do you want to fool? You are already in love! I really like this series so much and I know I am not ready for the heartbreak.
4. The Heart Killers 🇹🇭 (2/12)
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This whole scene? Gorgeous! Perfect! Incredible! Hot! Wow! The rest of the show? Meh... I enjoy the StyleFadel dynamic, but the rest of the show? Not so much, for now. Perhaps it will get interesting in the future, right now it is kinda boring.
5. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Perhaps November will be the month I finally keep watching this series. Who knows.
6. Your Sky 🇹🇭 (2/12)
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I am in love with them! Is this a bit cringe? Sure. Is the story flat and kinda predictable? Also yes. Do I get butterflies in my stomach whenever they look at each other? Yes, yes, yes! It is so obvious that Fah already likes Teerak. He is so smitten and happy that they can play couple. I can't wait for the feelings to grow on both sides and for them to become real boyfriends and not just fake ones. I guess there will be some heartbreak, because to fill 12 episodes with fake boyfriends is a bit too much. But oh, this series feels so good! I am enchanted!
Finished in November
Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo 🇰🇷
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This series broke my heart, healed it only to break it again. I am very happy we got this domestic, happy ending. It has such a hopeful touch in it. Not everything is damned, just because you took a wrong path in the past. There is always hope for you to find love, to change the path, to get to a state of happiness you dreamed of as a kid. Trauma and abuse shape our lifes, but it doesn't have to dictate it. Tough topic that hits hard. A really good series with a great story and good acting. A good 9 out of 10 for me.
Every You, Every Me 🇹🇭
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I was so in love with the first episodes. The concept of a series consisting of multiple episodes showing soulmates falling in love with each other over and over again was all I ever wanted and dreamed of. And then came the two last episodes and we got robbed of this sweet illusion and everything was just fake and acting. It took the magic away. It took the romance away, especially because I couldn't understand the conflict between Inn and Pun. And the time jumps were wild and confusing. I really wish they just have made two episodes more of them being soulmates in love. For episodes 1-8 I give this one a 10 out of 10, but because of the last episodes I can only give an 8 out of 10.
The Nipple Talk 🇹🇼
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Oh man, this was so good. We have a small group of friends, a lesbian who likes changing sex-partners and doesn't believe in relationships, a sex-positive straight woman, who likes to have a relationship, but didn't meet the right person so far and has sex with as much men she wants on the way and our gay man, who believes in love and monogamy and who is now on the search for exactly that after the break up with his long term partner. This series was surprisingly good, very sex positive and everyone's guru MAMA has not just an interesting story in stock, but is our mirror and the voice in the back to not judge other people's lifestyles, just because it is not to your liking. It is a mature queer series, no bl. And in the end people can change, love can happen when you least expect it and you are continuously learning and growing. I am happy Leslie finally saw Jie for the perfect partner he would be. HIV was discussed and became an important part in the last part of the story and I love how Leslie understood that this is not a reason to not date a man, especially when you have planned your whole life together already. It is something you can live and love with. But it was great to see him learning, because this can be difficult in the beginning. This series is really just so good! A clear 10 out of 10 for me.
Kidnap 🇹🇭
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Okay. This might sound a little bit harsh, but overall I think this was not the best series. It was boring and misleading. Yes, it did not meet my expectations. I thought about some more action and drama. Yes, Ohm and Leng were cute together. Yes, Leng is a rookie, but he did a good job. Yes, Ohm has incredible pretty puppy-eyes. And yet it was not to my liking. What I liked was the fact, that trauma was not healed with love, but got better with a therapist. What I liked was the relationship between Ming and his brother and later between Q and Mhen. It had enough good parts to keep me watching. But overall it was just a 6 out of 10.
Heartstopper Season 3 🇬🇧
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I finally watched it! I looooove the comics and I loved the first season. And then there was season two and three and I couldn't bring myself to watch it, because then it would be over and Charlie and Nick would be back in their world and I must let them go again. But it was worth the heartbreak. Nick is the greenest flag on fictional earth and watching them growing together and taking next steps with each other and standing side by side through rough times, really let me believe in love for a short moment. They are perfect and I love this universe! Totally 10 out of 10.
Jack & Joker: U steal my heart! 🇹🇭
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Was this series perfect? Nope. Do I care? Also nope. I just have a very soft spot for YinWar. I can't help it. Yes, the plot was kinda weak in the end. The idea of the ring of power was ridiculous, the resolution was just as ridiculous. But still, do I care? Nope, really not. I just love YinWar. They could remake Dinosaur Love and they would get a 10/10 from me. Perhaps one day I can rate this one with a clear mind, but until then this will be a 10 out of 10 for me, and if it is just because of YinWar's chemistry and onscreen kisses and stares and just every fucking interaction.
Short Film
Dropped in November
Bad Guy My Boss 🇹🇭 (8/12)
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I can't deal with this anymore. I have no clue what is going on anymore. And the relationship between Elyes and Pat is so annoying. I have no wish to continue this show anymore. So I dropped it, finally. And made room for something else...
Looking forward to in November
The Nipple Talk - Trailer (Nov 1st)
Bad to bed (Nov 2nd)
Love in the Air: Koi no Yokan - Trailer (Nov 3rd)
Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu (Nov 5th)
Episode 9. Nineteen, Eighteen / Love for Love's Sake special episode (Nov 9th)
Caged Again - Trailer (Nov 15th)
Your Sky - Trailer (Nov 17th)
The Heart Killers - Trailer (Nov 20th)
Petrichor - Trailer (Nov 27th)
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gimmemore75 · 4 months ago
DNI: If you don't like NSFW, Orcs, mosters in general, ritual sex, blood, gore. You have been warned.
You are a short, cubby but curvy human cleric who travels with Morak. A 9 foot tall behemoth of an orc. He's a bit hairy with a belly but incredibly fit. His tusks, beard, and long ornate hair gives him a certain charm. Many people think orcs are dumb, but he often uses that to his advantage. He's so smart, that you just love to hear his deep rumbling voice go into deep explainations about random things. His eyes light up whenever he explains things and that makes your heart feel full. For someone as strong as him, why would he need you to travel with him, you had thought. Turns out being an orc attracts a whole lot of unwanted attraction. After defeating a hoard of monsters, I hear a loud thud behind me, finding him collapsed.
"Morak! Gods above, you're bleeding so much." You start to heal him but all it really does it only stops some of his bleeding. You grab herbs and a healing potion and see if that helps, but it does very little. Your eyes start to water, as you watch him take shallow breaths, his kind, intelligent green eyes look into your own and cups your face with a bloody hand.
"Hey tiny, don't cry. I'd hate to see the woman I love cry before I go." His rough voice grumbles. You can't take it anymore. There has to be something you can do. You look through your pack and find an old tattered book. It reeks of old magic, but it's probably what you need. You look through it and find what you're looking for, but you have to act fast. Gathering everything and setting up you hear his voice.
"Tiny...you don't have ta keep trying."
You look back at him, openly crying now. "No I do. I have to. I love you too much to let you die. You trust me right?"
Morak grunts in response but his eyes tells you everything you need to know. You kiss him softly, his blood mingling with your tears. "I'll heal you. It just might hurt at first." You light the rest of the candles, the symbol drawn in his blood and you begin to say the words as you undo his clothing. Careful as you pull down his pants not to hurt him much.
Morak looks down at you surprised, but exhausted from his injuries. You lock eyes with him as you chant and begin to stroke him, preparing him, until he's hard. His eyes are hazy from bloodloss, pain, and lust, but you never break contact. You disrobe showing him your body as you continue to say the words and make him watch as you prepare yourself to take him, pumping as many fingers as you can inside you until you're all good at wet. Taking some of his blood you use it as a lubricant, just as the spell dictates. You take a knife and cut your hand, stroking his hard member with it, lubricating him with your own blood. Then slowly, you lower yourself onto him, he large, stretching you, and you still have to chant. You do your best to take him all the as fast as you can, but it still takes time. You continue to watch him, his eyes look comcerned, but you try to reassure him as you sink the last bit of him into you.
You move, in time with the chant working up a rhythm as the words are now coming out of your mouth on their own. You can't stop now. You watch as you begin to see his lips move, his voice mingling with yours in the chant. The more you move and fuck him the stronger his voice sounds. Your eyes locked together, you can see him becoming more aware, the light that was dimming becoming brighter and it spurs you on. You're moaning and chanting as your hear his groans of pleasure mixed with the chant, his breathing sounding better. You can see some of his wounds healing right before your eyes when he suddenly grabs your hips and starts thrusting into you, the both of you chanting, the desire and lust in your voices mixed with the complete adoration and love when you looked into each others eyes fueled your coupling. He flips you onto your back, laying you in his blood as he begins to plow into you. It's intense, and wonderful, and too much and not enough. You can barely speak but the chant still goes. You have no control over it anymore, and neither does Morak. He speeds up, thrusting erratically chasing his release, the chant moving at his pace. You clench around him, practically screaming the chant as you both cum together. Silence. There's only the sound of your breathing as he leans into you before he kisses you deeply. He holds you to sit up with him, not wanting to pull out yet, plugging you up with his seed.
"Tiny....what did you do?" His voice rough and ragged. You take a moment before replying. "I tied your life to mine. It's ancient magic, but it was all I could think of. "
"Tiny, that kind of magic is dangerous, but without it, I'd be dead. By Orc code, I have to protect you until your end of days, but seeing as how our lives are now bound together, I'd do so regardless."
You smile up at him. "We should probably clean off and get out of here."
Morak holds you in place. "I don't think so Tiny. I kind of like seeing you covered in my blood. I think I'd like to enjoy you without the fear of dying." He dips dowm to kiss you before proceeding.
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months ago
Great answers! I do love the idea of Sirius as DADA teacher!
Here's another one for you: rank these characters from worst to best for the post of Minister of Magic
Albus Dumbledore
Lucius Malfoy
Sirius Black (again cause I love him and I read a fic about this once)
Minerva McGonagall
Barty Crouch Sr.
oh god. these clowns would all be such terrible minsters of magic. why are you doing this to me? ok fine. here goes.
Lucius Malfoy: I think because movie!Lucius was sort of toned down and defanged fandom sometimes forget what a nasty piece of work book!Lucius was before he had his downfall and got all sad and pathetic. Fanon!Lucius often gets turned into kind of a joke but book!Lucius was out there torturing muggles for fun by night while he had the ear of the Minister by day and was, seemingly, extremely adept at subtly spreading his pureblood supremacist agenda in government. (Honestly, better at it than Tom because unlike Tom he actually cared). Also in book 4 it's very clear that if he had gotten hold of Hermione - a fourteen year old child - on the World Cup grounds he would've attacked her without hesitation (been eager for it, in fact). Yeah he wasn't down with Voldemort's whole thing but that was more because of the effect it had on him personally. with Voldemort out of the picture he was top dog and he was doing just fine. All this to say, as Minister the policies he enacts are...not good to say the least. He'd be out there building a violent pureblood supremacist dictatorship in a heartbeat.
Albus Dumbledore: Albus says he can't be trusted with the power of being Minister and honestly...I believe him. He'd still play the same messed up manipulation games he plays in canon but on a much larger scale (while simultaneously feeling bad about it and telling himself it's for the greater good). He does some truly epic mental gymnastics to convince himself he needs to make himself dictator for life and then things spiral because obviously anyone who resists him is evil right? Right? Of course! The alternative is that he is wrong and he doesn't want to think about that. Also, he doesn't seem that bothered by house elf slavery and his ideas for getting nonhuman magical creatures on his side in canon seemed to involve asking nicely but not actually granting them rights. So I'm not super optimistic on that front. So yeah. This just turns into the whole of wizarding Britain getting gaslit and thrown into insane situations by a madman who seems so wholesome and lovable and yet... Also. Given how poorly organized the Order is I think it's safe to say that all other flaws aside, the man does not have a gift for management.
Barty Crouch Sr.: Listen. He ALSO sucks. Very clearly ok with slavery, not a fan of due process, and allowed Aurors to torture confessions out of suspects. His only saving grace is that he does love rules so he'd probably eventually step down and wouldn't make as many potentially damaging changes as Dumbledore.
Minerva McGonagall: Her no nonsense attitude ensures that any meeting she runs actually accomplishes things. She's smart. She's sane. She's stable. She doesn't care about ending slavery or changing the status quo, but she's a lot better than most of the options. She's not especially creative or good at political games though which often hampers her ability to carry out objectives and prevent bad actors (i.e. Lucius and his faction) from getting their way.
Sirius Black: What does the man who hates authority do when he finds himself in a position of ultimate authority? I don't know but I'd love to read about it! Sirius is actually pretty shrewd (contrary to fanon) and I think he'd actually turn out to be a natural at handling politics (much as he might hate it). He also understands traditional pureblood society (he is a Black after all) but he doesn't idolize it (he hates being a Black) which would allow him to understand and work with multiple factions. Additionally he can be forceful and authoritative. He's impatient, often biased and unfair, sometimes quite cruel, can be temperamental, and again, has 0 problem with slavery. So like. He's not good per say, but he's actually better than some of the others. (At least with him meetings are never dull because if he gets bored enough he just turns into a dog and eats the agenda).
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puppetwoman17 · 6 months ago
So I see that a lot of YouTubers are getting around to reacting to the Young Justice cartoon. And that’s great! Like that’s actually great, it’s one of my favorite shows and I will forever chant season five in my head.
There’s only the teeny tiny voice in my head that keeps saying how bad it feels for Billy when his identity was revealed. I hope I’m wording this right. Cause I’m not saying I don’t absolutely love the show. It’s just…
Cause we never see the aftermath of the meeting in I think s1 ep22 where they choose who becomes a JL membrr(sry if I’m wrong). Like we know Billy gets to stay, but I just know it must’ve been hard to deal with teammates who didn’t trust him anymore. Who just see a kid. We have no idea what the relationship Billy has with the league was before the identity reveal. Who he was close with, who was suspicious of him, that sort of thing. We just know that after the reveal, everyone was really unsure of what to do with the magic child.
Imagine what was going through Billy’s head. The Wizard said he was worthy. Hell, the gods said he was worthy. And after years of fighting it, even he thought he was worthy. And then his heroes, his coworkers, push that all down and try to dictate his hero life. During identity reveal fics I also laugh at how they think they can stop his heroism when he’s the literal champion of magic. Like he HAS to be a superhero. You can’t just tell the Champion to quit.
You know what that does? That leads fucking Doctor Fate to your door. Zatanna. Specter. Hell, Lady Blaze. Even the beings who hate Cap know they need him. If they were to hear that some hero team from Earth was the reason for him to quit, they would go BALLISTIC.
Shit I went on a tangent.
Well anyway back to what I was saying before. We don’t see much of Billy’s relationship with the League after this episode. We do know his relationship with the covert team gets better, so that’s cool. But it just rubs me the wrong way how he was such an integral part of getting the adult and child worlds to collide and then they do this.
Idk that’s basically all I wanted to say. Again, I hope I worded this right. I love YJ, I just get a sense of dread when I see it😅.
I am soooooo mad that season five isn’t a thing. Because I know this might be a stretch, but I just have a Feeling that they might’ve wanted to explore Billy or the Rock or whatever(cause of Black Mary, which, btw, I’m still salty about).
Every time, guys. Every time we could be getting something Cap related they just tbrow it out the window.
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