#i know a lot of people don’t have the best experience but i rly love it here
doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 months
u know what. im in the mood to piss ppl off. heres my ranking of the 10 strongest waterbenders in atla and lok (not including avatars, and im not including anything from kiyoshi or yangchen’s era. i havent read those hehe. sowwy. strictly going off the shows).
now im doing this bc waterbending is by FAR my fav form of bending. and in MY OPINION!!!!!,,, people overlook some pretty important facts and feats and decide based more on who their favs are. this is my opinion anyways so im sure i inevitably did that too! but anyways. here we go.
10 strongest waterbenders:
honorable mentions: kya- listen. she is my GIRL. and also she is very strong, but at the end of the day, shes a healer. she has very little combat experience, and she was up against some real monsters in tlok. and shes known to be a great healer, but we dont even see that much of that. for this reason, she cant be top 10:/. eska and desna- they are GOOD. and their synchronized waterbending is super interesting. unfortunately i just kinda think everyone else in the top 10 is stronger. and i feel like the reason they are so strong is because they’re a unit. if they were separated, i have doubts.
10. tonraq- right off the bat im wondering if im going off biases LOL. but i love him. i love his style of bending. he is arguably my fav waterbender to watch waterbend. but unfortunately, in most of his fights, he’s kindaaaa getting worked (im on s2 of lok rewatch now. so i may be forgetting some stuff. but the big fights that stick out for me are him vs unalaq where he gets worked and him vs zaheer and korra where again, he gets kinda worked.) very clearly strong, but does not have all that much to show for it in the show. but he fights with all the big shots for a reason, and he led the water tribe army or something like that. so. hes good.
9. huu- i honestly don’t remember a whole lot of him, but swamp style of water bending is super interesting, and he clearly does it the best. i know we dont see a whole lot of him, but i cant overlook that he is THEE swamp bender.
8. pakku- obv. hes a member of the white lotus and was the master waterbender of the northern tribe. a slayer for his time but i do think he is outclassed by most waterbenders we see in tlok. cannot deny his strength tho. he was the goat at one time for a reason!
7. hama- as far as we know, she is the first blood bender. aka the strongest aspect of waterbending. she is a LEGEND. but again, i think she was a master for her time, but would have trouble holding her own in modern day bending esp without a fully moon.
6. ming hua- the way she uses waterbending as an extension of herself is clearly masterful. and i feel like we never see anyone utilize waterbending anything like how she does. unfortunately, she cant be any higher bc we dont see any extraordinary sub-water feats (healing… i think???? don’t remember lol. bloodbending, spirit healing). but clearly, she was an insane threat to everyone around her.
5. unalaq- so like. MAYBE he should be 4, but i really hate him lol. but i cannot deny he is an EXCEPTIONAL waterbender and pretty much no other waterbender (that we see in s2) can even TOUCH him. hes got the spirit healing, and hes got the skill. somethin somethin vaatu vaatu. idk. i hate him and i dont rly like this season lol. moving on.
4. katara- ok. she was the best in atla. no ifs and or buts. HOWEVER. she gets outclassed in lok and i think we know why. BUT. she was a complete prodigy as soon as she started training with pakku. there was no extension of waterbending that she could not do. she clearly thrived learning waterbending how she did, in such a fast paced, high pressure, and high stakes situation, and thats not even HER PRIME! she was waterbending for under a year when we see her. and we still got the greatest waterbender of that time. there was no one like her, and no waterbender could hold a candle to her by the end of atla. and once again, was only 14. only waterbending for a year. whos doing it like my sis?!
3. tarrlok- unfortunately for katara, the bloodbending family, without a doubt, outdoes her. bloodbending without a full moon? done and done. sorry! i believe katara COULD bloodbend outside of a full moon given the extensive training tarrlok and noatak were given but unfortunately, we will never know, so i cannot in good conscience put her any higher than 4. tarrlok was a master waterbender in itself and pretty much a master blood bender.
2. yakone- he bloodbent. a whole courtroom. with his mind. we dont see anything else from him, and we really dont need to. sorry. it is what it is.
1. amon- he bloodbends with his mind. and learned to take away someone’s bending ability with blood bending. katara, the best healer in the world, could not restore korras bending. granted, she was probably going about it wrong, but the point is, she couldnt do it. taking away someones bending with bloodbending just takes the cake. that aside, even in a combat setting, when he wasnt even trying he was wooping on all other benders of all kinds bc he was controling their movements w his mind. imagine him openly using waterbending AND having his mind control technique?! he would be unstoppable. im ngl i dont love how lok handles waterbending/bloodbending in general. i kinda think they made it TOO strong with little reasoning). also we do see him do an awesome lil water tornado at the end. so. not that we needed that, but its a cute lil cherry on top to his waterbending. hes the strongest waterbender. sorry!
want to finish this by saying had katara learnt to bloodbend outside of a full moon, she would be number one. and i do believe she could have learned. but she didnt. so she cant be first.
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nihilizzzm · 1 year
lotr (aragorn x boromir) modern au moment, bc u cannot stop me
Sooo… I rly like all modern AUs but my sister rewoke my love for band au recently and I want to share my thoughts.
There is a bar involved. With a scene on which anyone who wants can play. Name of the bar is Lady of Lórien (I have no other idea, I’m still not sure) and it’s owned by Gandalf.
Three hunters is a band. We all know who plays there. We have Gimli on drums, Legolas as singer and piano, and Aragorn electric guitar and singer.
Hobbits also have their little music group but I rly have no good idea for them, and I don’t want to write some shit only to include them, so I BEG U, if you have any ideas i’d love to hear them!!!
Arwen is a solo singer (dating Éowyn in my mind, i need sapphic ship). Her gf is her biggest supporter and she is a great music producer and dj.
So now. I am a sucker recently for Arwen & Boromir as best friends. How? Idk rly, I just need them to get along somehow. And hear me out, Boromir is a drummer, like very good, but he has nobody to play with besides his brother. He writes tho, and some songs he writes he gives to Arwen bc even if his voice is good it’s not like crazy amazing and he doesn’t want people to know he is doing things.
Faramir is playing the violin. It suits him.
And Aragorn also writes his own songs duh. And somehow because of Arwen they meet one day at the bar and they have the crazy experience of getting to know one another.
AND NOW, because that is the final thought bc of which I started to write this post at the beginning. Aragorn can play a lot of instruments, generally he’s a very talented guy. He thinks Boromir only plays drums and writes. But at some point he hears him PLAYING THE PIANO. And he’s totally like “o shit he’s hot when he’s emotional”. And he joins him and they play together and it’s so cute and it’s just teeth rotting fluff.
No thoughts, just them being gay
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torushawty · 11 months
i was pulling up your acct and then realized you deactivated and then found out why and it hurt to read. i didn’t talk as much but every interaction was positive, you’re writing is amazing and YOU’RE AMAZING. i know i’m shy and hopefully this isn’t too forward but something in me feels like we would have been great friends if we talked more over time 🙁. i actually got kind of attached and often was seeing how you were doing by checking your posts 🫶
i hate that discourse drove you to a point of not being able to have a peaceful online experience bc i can heavily relate since i deactivated my writing blog long ago bc of it.
idk if the plan is to leave completely but i wish i got to talk to you more (idk if it’s goodbye forever but bc of the hostility on tumblr i understand completely. above everything though, i hope you can heal and i want the best for you, bc you deserve it and the situation sounds terrible 💗
- 🤎
ur so sweettt thank u sm 🥹💗 i appreciate u regardless if u were a silent reader or not <3 THANKKKK UUUU SMM !! :( im shy myself so it’s completely understandable no worries, totally valid :P awww really 🥹 i’m sure we’d be good friends i love talking to like anyone about just about anything hehe, that’s so nice of u to say though awww.
i knowwww it is sad but i’d rather spend my time and energy living my life rather than participating in meaningless drama that had nothing to do with me, then again if people choose to call me a liar that’s fine, i don’t care much bc it’s not that serious, this app is not that serious, there’s more to life than fixating ur entire being on drama. constant petty drama is just …rly not entertaining in the slightest or at least to me, and even if deactivating makes it seems like i got bullied off this platform oh wellllllll. i have better things to do than argue with someone back and forth over smth i literally didn’t do.
i’ll be fine ! 💗✨ i appreciate it a lot for u even sending this, it means a lot more than u know, my sweet. sweet positive comments like urs surpasses the negative hate and immature shade i’ve been getting so i don’t necessarily pay much mind to it really :) if u do wanna talk to me more u can dm me for my discord if u would like <3 i’m on there regularly to check on some of my old moots n stuff. but again thank u smmmmm angel i appreciate ur words a lot and i hope the rest of cocktober treats u well !!! ✨✨✨💗
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rvrend · 5 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN. respond to the prompts out of character!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have ?
at first, i had gained interest in rod from seeing a comparison of him to another one of my all time comfort charas (glenn harod.) when i found out about him and stephanie, i cried at the thought of a middle aged protestant reverend accepting and unconditionally loving his butch lesbian daughter without any preaching to her, it really solidified my interest in him as for making this blog, it was a combination of my wife @dollene encouraging me and being very excited for it, and i will shamelessly say i was excited about the potential of writing with @moralpuppet now that i had a newfound appreciation for orel and sav's writing of him ♡ ♡ ♡
is there anything you don’t like to write ?
i'm not the best at writing heavy angst these days, i have to take breaks on stuff that's super intense or it can get to me a bit. i also only rly write nsfw with @dollene / discuss nsfw topics with ppl i'm very close to ^^
is there anything you really enjoy writing ?
i love writing mundane scenarios a lot ! seeing characters in each other's daily routines, exploring mannerisms, etc. love that stuff !
how do you come up with headcanons ?
analyzing what i'm shown and going off that + my own experiences i've either lived or seen. headcanons are very fun to make bc i ADORE analyzing people and figuring out how they think, talk, move, etc. i could spend years analyzing characters (and i have,) it's a huge passion of mine
do you write in silence or do you play music ?
it depends ! since my mind is always constantly making noise anyways, i like to have some level of noise to quiet that part and let me focus. sometimes it's music, but i also enjoy listening to slime asmr videos, voc.aloid (as i can't understand the lyrics most of the time,) random videos / movies, or animals making noises. lately i've been writing listening to wrinkle the duck
do you plan your replies or wing them ?
plan plan plan ! in general, i'm a huge planner as is, and that comes into play with writing too.
do you enjoy shipping ?
to a degree ! every character i've written as of late has been exclusive to one other character and interpretation (usually just writing it with my wife,) and i do enjoy it very much ! but in terms of casual shipping that's just in general a no-go
what’s your alias / name ?
theo, though in the past i went by mothman for several years
age ?
birthday ?
october 28
favourite colour ?
oranges, greens, yellows and browns
favourite song ?
i don't have any technical 'favourites' atm, but i love kiltro and glass animals a lot as artists
last movie you watched ?
shrek 🫶
last show you watched ?
i'm almost in a continual state of rewatching m.oral or.el tbh
last song you listened to ?
rev.erend putty is a babygirl .........
favourite food ?
i've been loving making paninis lately ! i also love macaroni with tomatoes and smoked gouda, yum yum
favourite season ?
autumn ! i've always been a big fan of the fall since i was a child, though i've also been appreciating spring a lot too lately
do you have a tumblr best friend ?
many of them ! so many that i've dedicated a portion of my personal neocities to have a little friends section, which of course includes @dollene as my bifey and my lil puppet family ♡
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tagged. @moralpuppet ily sav !! tagging. @itsposabule, @dollene and anyyyone who wants to
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ahundredtimesover · 7 months
I was going through this video and don’t know why I felt like sharing it with you. I am not someone who feels super comfortable by reading hard core smut. But when I read smut from your series it gave me butterflies. It was like I want those characters to have those time together because it felt meaningful. You never made it felt vulgar to me. And again don’t want to judge people who like other stuff I get everyone r different and r into something different. But after watching the below mentioned video I learned more about sex. I am super scared for the force and banging and here I learned that it need not be that. I am sharing it with, pls whenever u get time go through it. May it help you to write future smut or in your personal life. Also I want to make sure that I don’t want to make u feel uncomfortable. If u don’t want pls don’t reply to this message. It can be between we 2. Hope u r have a good weekend
Hi, anon. I hope you get to read this. Before anything, I just wanna say that this message was very sweet and a joy to read. I always say that you guys are free to come in and talk/ask about things, and so for you to say that you felt like sharing this video that seems to have helped you is pretty special.
Now, this is my kind of sex talk. It was so informative and insightful. It’s so interesting to learn the context of the Kamasutra as a piece of literature and get an overview of the sections - like, different beds for different acts? The purpose of jewelry? That it’s not even about the act of sex but all about pleasure? I especially loved the part when she explains that positions and movements are about making sure that the bodies of both individuals are in sync so they could experience that pleasure.
All that to say that her point reflects what I feel towards sex and my approach to writing it in my stories. Same with you - I understand that people are different in terms of beliefs and kinks and ways of being pleasured. But ultimately, we get to decide what sex means to us. For me personally, it’s a journey. I learn a lot even just by writing, and through the process, I become more comfortable about it as well.
One of the best compliments I’ve been given is from you, that the smut I’ve written gives you butterflies. Like, YES 😭😭 I feel accomplished haha. Srsly when I first started, I researched how to write smut (lol) and I remember reading that it’s about the build up and the emotion. So when I think of these characters engage in such acts, I imagine it with so much meaning. And my favorite parts to imagine and write are the soft touches and giggles and cuddles and moments of awe and comfort where words aren’t enough to capture what they’re feeling that’s beyond lust. Rough is cool but gentle makes me giddy. Like what Seema said in the video, sex is supposed to be fabulous! There are many ways that could happen but for me - and as reflected in my stories - it’s the emotion, so I spend a lot of time building those up so that the sex feels like a culmination of those emotions and feelings.
Sex is pretty amazing. Sure, it gets overblown sometimes when we write about it but I’m glad the scenes I at least write don’t feel vulgar to you, that you get to see the meaning in them. It’s not the only way but it’s my way, so for you to share this with me rly makes me think that my message comes across. So thank you for dropping by. I’m glad the video got to help you, and I hope that my stories give you that warmth as well, smut included hehe
Sending you love, anon, and I wish you’re well 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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ilostyou · 2 years
5sos5 ranking!
bad omens
easy for you to say
take my hand
you don’t go to parties
complete mess
best friends
me myself & i
red line
@calmfolklore 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ enjoy
things to consider (following this trend of my writing essays on essays per ranking) here's some thoughts:
bleach is MY song this song idek what stirs something in me it makes me .... spiral and i love it i listened to it sm it became my top streamed song of all time in three (3) days kjsgsjkjh. the way luke sings moodswings with his whole entire chest and then drops off for the last chorus . 🧍🏻‍♀️ i love it so much. bad omens is so good i dont even have to elaborate. EFYTS MY SONG this song means . so much to me actually i heard it for the first time ever at my tmh show over the summer and it was one of the more magical things to experience ever it was. life changing (efyts live > efyts studio version). imo people are sleeping on tmh bc it's a single and has been out for longer but i LOVE it although i will note. i much prefer tmh the single version, not joshua tree version lol. again there's a reason it was in my top 5 spotify wrapped. ydgtp also one of my favs from the first second i listened i loVE. still love complete mess, the 7 to like 13 stretch is kind of interchangeable depending on my mood? all so good so fun bops slays etc etc etc. VERY solid a tier songs if not a little s in some ways. older we've discussed already, bloodhound i like a lot it's a whole bop i just don't love it as much i think. emotions (dont bite me) i really do like it's just not something i listen to a lot but it does make me feel .......... so many things. so many. now my bottom 3....have shifted around between being of those three slots lol but they just eh dont hit so hard for me? tears is fun but not nearly as fun as everything that came first, haze slaps when im in the mood to listen to it and truly does go SO HARD. a head banger. just dont love it as much. red line in last i just dont love her and dont rly listen to it lol i love the story behind it but . something has to come last yknow
and like. 678907654578907655/10 production this entire album ..... idk how to even describe how there are so many BIG songs and how the songs all feel so well done idk it's just. so good. so good.
aaaand thank you for coming to my ted talk yet again
[edit: also tagging @fountainpensongs to keep the trend going. bestie i am SCARED for yours bc i just know i will be fighting for my life]
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garoujo · 1 year
hi emmie! regarding your question about being more comfortable and outgoing with a language - in my experience, ppl are going to be very gentle and forthcoming with you - and even excited that you try to speak their language! i speak more than four, and the one i'm not fluent in completely (and even those that i'm not-), people are always endeared/helpful/eager to listen and understand what i'm trying to say even when i mess up/don't quite know what i'm getting at at the moment because the very notion of somebody taking their time to share a piece of soul a nation/place holds within themselves in their mouths - their tongue - is very special to them. a language is a special thing, yes, but also one that is like a good meal - most beautiful shared. so just go ahead, and don't feel afraid to mess up sometimes because i'm sure it can at worst, endear a granny if you mess up a grammar structure in front of them, or misplace a word; and i don't think you're the kind of person to use unchecked words or grammar wildly, so i'm sending all the support to you!!
have fun with what you're learning, and if you're really scared of being disrespectful to somebody, double-check what you've learnt if possible, and be as outspoken as you can be! clear pronounciation and at least a verbal sense of confidence can also be very good to cultivate when just starting a language - if you're on shaky legs with say, the amount of vocab you have, you can override a certain amount of anxiety with your knowledge of how to pronounce it (or turn the tables if your pronunciation is a weak point and concentrate on your strengths, i'm just giving an example) - even if you get something wrong, most of the time it will be close to what you intended to say and at worst, the person will gently correct you and speedily continue the conversation - no harm no foul - so i'm sure everybody will be more than alright with that.
hope this wasn't too stifling of an explanation/message and i'm sending love and hugs!!! <3
this is so lovely + reassuring nonnie fank u!!! it has been a lot of fun to learn so far and i still have around 7 months before i go but i think i’m gonna continue even when i come back home <3 i rly rlyyyy appreciate this ask tho it was so lovely to read + i appreciate all ur support sm ^_^ its def been difficult but it’s exciting seeing myself pick up more + more things as i learn! this wasn’t stifling at all my love don’t worry, i’ll be rereading this for days!!! sending u so much love + hugs right back, have the best day ò3ó
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
For the ask meme , what about jadzia ?
favorite thing about them
she’s just. genuinely very enjoyable. like I feel like other characters I have more specific things to say about them but she’s literally just very fun to watch I love her beautiful woman weird guy who is also a worm energy. her swagger her panache her power. all the scenes where she’s doing her professional science job and also just saying some vaguely insane shit are important to me. but then like I also think one of the most interesting things in her character was kind of unintentional as they were trying to sort her out where early jadzia was a lot quieter and more serious and theoretically more like she was before joining and then she just kind of evolves into her final form. like I don’t think that was intentional I think they just kinda went hmm this character isn’t working let’s try something else but I think the idea that sometimes it’s this gradual progression towards a balance (in a different way than it is for ezri later as well) is an interesting one.
least favorite thing about them
it’s too easy to talk about tears of the prophets and the whole like “she’s never mentioned that they want kids before now but since they’re killing her off she is now Woman Who Wants A Baby because i guess her death isn’t tragic enough otherwise, and it feels like cheating to talk about how “if worf hadn’t shown up it would’ve been you” (idr if that’s the exact quote and I refuse to look it up but it’s like that) is a horrendous retcon, but holy shit everything that happened at the end of s6 into s7 was like. it’s just so clearly spiteful?? like I’m not breaking new ground here we all know it but god.
also I do think her willingness to just like throw her life away for some random guy she met two days ago is kind of funny but if I knew her in real life it would drive me insane
benjamin!! literally just. I mean she has great dynamics with so many people and some of them didn’t even get ruined in s7 but they’re so important to each other both across lifetimes and as sisko and Jadzia Specifically that they gotta take the top spot
I do like worfzia a lot when they’re written well (90s trek loved the “a relationship can’t be interesting unless they’re fighting about dumb shit all the time” school of thought, and while some of their arguments made sense bc they had conflicting worldviews and experiences and shit that they should reasonably have to struggle to work out, some of them felt like they were more a feature of this). but also kiradax soooo deeply important to me from like late s1 onward and I simply think. what if they were wifes.
sigh ok I’m gonna talk about it but just like. I really liked what the julian and jadzia friendship settled into!! she wasn’t into him and he eventually got over it enough that they could become rly good friends!! and like I’ve said this before but I get if he still had lingering feelings ik that doesn’t always just go away but like. to treat it like it was ever remotely mutual is so disingenuous and a disservice to both characters imo
random headcanon
this is really specific but I like to think she kind of loosely keeps in contact with arjin (the trill initiate she was the field docent for) even if he doesn’t go on to be joined. I think it would be nice if they had a little like pen pal mentorship thing going on every so often yknow.
unpopular opinion
it’s funny I feel like there aren’t a lot of wildly differing opinions on jadzia. like generally speaking pretty much everyone thinks she’s enjoyable? I feel like I have seen people say she’s not the best written character and I don’t think they’re Wrong (and i do feel like to a degree they do more interesting trill stuff with ezri) but it also doesn’t. bother me that much in this case tbh.
song i associate with them
I can’t remember who it was anymore but someone mentioned recessional by vienna teng as a kira/jadzia song but after ezri shows up and it’s.
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favorite picture of them
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if I don’t talk about rejoined at some point during this I’ll die for real so here it is ⬆️⬆️⬆️ women kiss
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cody-apexart · 2 years
Day 12
This is honestly more or less a shitting on apex post. I apologies, but srsly. My time in Saigon has been so enjoyable, I really love this city and most of the experiences I have had, but the organization and communication style implemented by apex is making this less fun! Im in a bad mood, and had a bad day. Here’s the play by play:
I feel like the zoom mediation class today really set my day up for failure. Ive been practicing mediation on and off for over half my life— at this point Im pretty particular about what I like, and have tried out a lot of different styles to figure out what I enjoy and what works for me. This zoom meditation class lead by some man in southern California really was more of an hour long lecture of this dude talking about how he used to be depressed but now he isnt, and maybe 15 min of mediation max. I was all about work, like work like jobs, like capitalist meditation. When he said the phrase “hiring managers read your energy body” I knew I had heard enough. Which was kinda for the best, because I started looking at my email and noticed two had just come in from apex! One contained information that said the pottery class on my sched started at 9am not 10am. I had been preped to get there at 10, and at the time I was reading that email, it was already after 9am. I called the studio and they said I could still attend, though I did miss an hour of workshop time. Also, once I got there they said the ceramics wont be ready for 2 weeks. In 2 weeks I wont be here anymore. Why wouldn’t yall schedule this class earlier in my schedule? Also it was noted in my sched that the class would cost 40000 VND, but it was really 400000 VND. I also got an email from apex that I was RSVPd for a tech company business mixer. I hadn’t noticed it on my schedule because it was set for the wrong time, the event was probably entered in EST, so it was coming up on friday instead of thursday and was kinda hidden by the other long event on my friday sched. This email was my first time hearing about it, and since I was already reeling from the meditation class and time change to pottery I was like wtfffff.
Like what type of weird ass shit is that? Send someone with no tech experience to an even that is intended for people working in tech and living in Vietnam? Its just like why send me to crash their party? I don’t really understand, there are so many other places I could talk to strangers without being so out of place, like out of place in a way that kinda feels disrespectful and disruptive to the event. I dont mind being out of place or having to talk to stagers, but it just feels rude to show up to an event I rly have no business being at. Since the story slam, anything that comes off eventbrite I am very skeptical of.
Idk why nearly everything on the schedule feels like its made out to be a riddle. The times are wrong, the addresses are wrong. I can never just do what the calendar says and expect it to work out seamlessly. I feel like I spend so much troubleshooting shit that should already be taken care of.
Also I still havnt been reimbursed for this plane ticket?! Even though I sent the necessary info twice, and it says in a number of places that I can request reimbursement whenever id like. Similarly, the agreement I signed notes 45 days will be given in advance to get a visa if necessary, I was given 6 six businesses days notice. Like all of this is just causes what feels like /unnecessary/ stress, unless that feeling is all part of the program too? Im trying to just learn a lesson in loosing control.
Anyway, I went a little rouge today and didnt go to capoeira. I was emotionally exhausted, and my ankle is a little weird and clicky from walking so much. This is the first activity ive skipped-- I probably wouldnt have skipped it if I didnt already do the class last week, but knowing how intense it was, and how bad I felt, it was the right decision for me today. I cant wait for this upcoming day off. Two weeks non-stop is starting to get to me.
I went to a later screening of the movie since my evening was free, and wow, another movie centered around a traumatic pregnancy experience. The main character miscarried during a robbery at 6 months. I watched the trailer this time to avoid this type of thing, but it didnt reveal that plot point. actually the whole movie was actually about really toxic abusive relationships, but the trailer made it seem like a comedy. Anyway this was less fucked up than the abortion horror movie, but still fucked up. okay, but also the main character did ceramics, and i did a ceramics class this morning...was that planned? how curated are these days? I think this trip is the only time I have ever been in a movie theater without a friend or companion. Watching movies alone is totally new for me, just like how ive literally never used a pottery wheel before today. Also mark making scares me so painting the ceramic bowl I made was notably difficult for me. I am incredibly grateful for these experiences despite everything i just vented about.
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peachyteabuck · 2 years
Hi peachy, how is the reading going? This is going to be a random question but hope this is okay to ask. When you quilt or sew I'm assuming you use wool perhaps? I was wondering what kind you might use or have a preference? I work in the arts and crafts section so we sell wool and it's so many colours and types (chunky, multi colour, glitter etc) but I wonder if there's a difference between 100 percent wool and those that are part synthetic.
If you don't use wool you can ignore this but I thought you might have some knowledge on it. Hope little Cowboy is all good and the others x
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Reading is good! I can taste both defeat and victory, which is Really Something. It's just rly hard to finish a book when life keeps trying to kill you, but we're working on it
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Cowboy is also good! We're waiting on blood test results from the vet to determine what sort of supplements he needs going forward. He's doing really well on the pain meds he's on now (see: him conked out on my dirty stone floor and not his many beds). He does act offended and surprised every time I purrito him to give him his meds but that's expected given his general aura.
RE: wool:
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I don’t work with wool a ton for a lot of reasons - mostly because it’s expensive (i am...so broke) and the majority of what i do is quilting (and wool is a very, very heavy fabric and not the best for quilts). i also have a very, very cheap sewing machine that i don’t think could handle wool tbh, even if i made clothes i’d probably stay away from it because of the texture. 
i will say in my experience there’s no difference between wool and synthetic wool - the only thing i can think of is that wool is naturally water repellent and can keep you warm even if it gets wet (that’s why a lot of rowers/outdoorsy people use it) and synthetic wool (afaik) doesn’t have the same properties. 
synthetic wool may also be cheaper? depending on the fabric content and what is being supplemented. chunkier wool, maybe, is slightly more malleable if the fibers are spun more loose. i know a lot of knitters use chunky wool yarn, but i’m not sure what the difference is when it’s spun into fabric. 
i’ve never heard of glitter wool, though? again, i’ve seen it in yarn form but never fabric. i’m not a huge fan of glitter yarn because a) environmental impacts b) it’s just. the thought of glitter *and* wool, even as i type this, is sending my sensory issues into Turbo Mode. 
(this is nothing against glitter yarn as a concept, i’m sure it can be used to make things that are lovely. i am just autistic) 
i’d love to see what kind of varieties you have, though! if you can snap a pic the next time you’re at work i’d love to see what kinds y’all got. 
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empodio · 2 years
Casually yoinks this from Aid
✿ NAME:   Kindynos, feel free to call me Kin
✿ PRONOUNS:   He/him
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:   Discord, I don’t mind IMs but I don’t have Tumblr open all day like I used to, post replies also make me wag my mental tail.
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):   Masador, my other muses are on my multimuse and I have weird feelings about that place atm
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):    I have around 15 years of experience, but like most people, I was a cringy asterisks writer at start, idm inexperienced ppl as long as they are willing to learn and have fun.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   Msn way in the past, deviantART and tumblr, usually IM RPing is not my prefference.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:    I remember back on deviantart i had A LOT of really cool RPs that were big on development, whole stories with charas dying and all and had a couple RPs where I cried because they were very touching. I believe the times I had the most fun RPing were on deviantART and the start of my times on tumblr, at the OFF fandom, near the end of the OFF fandom is when things started to go.. downhill i believe.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  kinda like aid said, ppl that have rly tiny themes and fonts, do you really want me to read what you are typing or are you in for the aesthetics only? My other huge pet peeve is people that hoard threads, like every single starter call, make a shitton of startercalls, never reply to anything and then cry because they are overwhelmed, I understand wanting to RP, but have self restraint.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   i like angst but at the same time I’m more in for development RPs, deep conversations about morals, views, opening up and trust, doesn’t have to be angst necessarily, it could be two ppl having lunch and just talking about life, I know they aren’t people’s cup of tea anymore , but i life for RPs where characters get to know each other, nowadays all I’ve done is tell ppl stuff like “what if X character told your character this sad thing” because people just don’t wanna do it i guesss
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:    It really depends, I like plotting but people never go through with them anymore, pessimistic I know but it’s been like that for a couple of years now. Memes are fun for quick one offs that people can reply to fast and sometiems they escalate sometimes not.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:   I like to do long responses, I love being able to rescribe stuff and pour my heart into writing, some of my characters aren’t shown well on short responses, they think, observe a lot and use a lot of nonverbal cues which are hard to put in a single paragraph.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:    at night usually, but during day I can as well, and I don’t mind it either, I’m always up to writing and if people approach me wanting to RP I’ll be open .
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):   Some of them, Masador in particular? Not really, while he has some things i can relate to, for the most part we are very different, I like to write characters that are unlike me as it allows me for more creative expression.
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xxwelxx · 1 month
I’m finally reading Blacklight Lens Flare 😁 spoilers ofc
Live thoughts (and childhood experiences yaay) :3 I’m writing as I go !!! This is very long btw
I’m so happy they get to explore a movie setting, I love movie settings I’m giggling and kicking my feet over here (I used to be interested in becoming a movie director when I was younger :,D it makes me happy to see my fav unit so passionate abt smth like this too)
Having to retake a whole scene bcz of a bug is so funny, I think I would lose my mind if an extra did that but I’ve never worked with extras so I wouldn’t know :p (but I can assume that it’d be a bit of a pain)
Also my experiences in directing movies was all done as a child, I would get my friends and cousins excited to act in a movie and we’d film every scene right after the other with a script we make up as we go. So them talking about doing scenes out of order makes me rly wish I got to partake in a scripted film. Ofc I am eternally grateful for all the people who actually went along with what I was envisioning. Even if it was rly frustrating at times, we were all children and I knew this.
They mentioned The Best Film Wrap too oh wow that even story made me so so happy for Nene, (spoilers for that ahead) I was a little salty that the seniors won… as they always do… even if they don’t deserve it… (ig those guys deserved it but I’m mad at schools around the world prioritizing seniors always sigh) but hey at least someone saw their hard work and effort. I’m very biased coz I was only aware of what nene’s class did but she should’ve won 1st place just saying 😪😪 at least 3rd :(, I’m head canoning that the mystery judge told the other judges who their pick was and then the judges didn’t even include them in their own judgements…
LMAO intense director
Very intense director goddamn 😭😭
Omg Rui’s talking about lighting, a subject a lot of directors these days are too afraid of 😋😋 WHATT WHO SAID LOLLL the wind is soo loud today hahaha whattt (istg if they don’t start lighting up these sets so I can see idk what I’m gonna do)
YAAYY differences between theatrical and and film perspectives I am eating this event uppp oh wow. This event means sm to me
Rui talking abt film directing this is like everything I could’ve wanted I’m gonna sob on the floor
He’s so lucky… fictional character u r so lucky…
Sickening sickening
“Everything” intense director #2 LMAO
Omg rui’s not like other actors, these guys r so funny relax a bit
Mr fictional character u r so.. so.. lucky….
RIN 😭😭
He’s missing lunches…. Not even like a nutrition bar or smth? This intensity is so unhealthy I hope they eventually address it goodness gracious, and not just for rui either.
Hajime leaving the way a cat does so it doesn’t leave you with grief of its death wow wow. I haven’t talked abt the movie being filmed itself coz there wasn’t much to say, but this seems like a nice movie.
Woah the voice acting in this alone is so raw and quiet, I’m having trouble figuring out the potential framing of a scene like this esp in a loud environment like an airport. I feel like there would be a lot of distractions they can add to enhance a scene like this but that’s just my thoughts on an x + y = 7 equation if that makes sense. This was so random if I were to actually direct a scene like this I wouldn’t be surprised if everything I said was irrelevant to a final product. Still tho I can’t rly imagine what they’re going for off of only the voice acting and explanation.
Omg being able to portray something wrong on purpose is so difficult, even thru voice acting I legit said “WOAAHHH” out loud n 3 seconds later it’s mentioned everyone felt smth was off LMAO so I’m glad to see I wasn’t just being super nitpicky and it was intentional. This happens to me A LOTT any movie or story that has a plot twist character always has that character so oddly played and it makes me feel like the writers, actors or directors don’t care abt those characters. Then a reveal happens and I realize it’s on purpose. The only problem I have with noticing that is the fact that it unimmerses me from the universe they try to build and it makes me criticize these people in my head throughout the duration of the medium. I think that’s not smth they should be striving for, this is a very difficult thing to pull off n I’m just a freak for directing so I notice it a lot more. Maybe a casual viewer wouldn’t lose immersion for smth like that. Idk u guys tell me if u experience anything like this as well.
If they’re able to still have adequate foreshadowing that doesn’t make me question the director’s intentions over a character’s, I think they did a good job. Otherwise I’m just sat there flaming a director I don’t know for an hour+ lmao. It makes me feel a little better for the character but again it’s just smth was still wrong, whether it was me or them idk..
AHEM anyways back to the story, this director makes everyone so nervous I think he needs to relax a little for everyone’s sake. Ya he produces good results but u can get the same answer with multiple equations.
Okay this is amazing to see 😭😭 it was quiet on purpose and I wasn’t just imagining things, I bet he’s not used to how quiet he actually has to be for a movie vs theater
I love being correct sometimes
Did they not rehearse this scene at all?? A climax scene?? No rehearsing b4 booking a set to not waste time?????? okay :3 I’ll believe it
This director is so silly.. plz take care of ur crew man..
Before I read the rest of this, I wanna see if I can figure out what the problem will be. The part where he mentions “I bet that’s not even your real name” was said with too much disbelief rather than with the anger it deserves. It still feels like a string of lines that can and should be said quietly, but they should also be said quietly with the right emotions. He ramped it up right before they cut but I feel like the part he ramped up to should have been the energy he used to ramp up to something more. That’s my prediction, I’ll tell u how close I am when I get there :3
Bro. Bro they’re rly pissing me off bro 😭😭 BRO EAT EAT SOMETHING EAT STARVING WONT HELP U THINK
Editing the footage of sloppy acting is definitely one choice but honestly I think they need to address the root of the issue which I believe to be the acting itself. Also I think they need to eat smth before they get even dumber.
Oh lol literally the next line was saying essentially what I did (minus the eating part coz they’re stupid)
Inchresting, changing a scene to suit an actor more, now that’s something I’m used to, I didn’t think it’d be the answer tho. Since we were all children and we had no script, I had adapt and compromise EVERY SINGLE SCENE to make sure it was still fun for everyone in the end. Except for my first attempt with my youngest cousin, I think her siblings got rly mad at her when she was messing things up. It was literally the final stretch of the movie tho so I think we were just desperate to get it done. WAIT NO I REMEMBER WHY SHE GOT MAD. It was the first part of a “horror” movie coz they eventually had to leave, and she got mad that she was killed off 😭😭. Wow the memories of that movie, I actually learned so much from it and still hold onto principles that made themselves known to me when I first filmed that. It was utter garbage looking back at it now but it’s still near and dear to my heart. After that I forced more of my cousins and friends to film “movies” with me, I didn’t act in most of them but I hope I made it as fun for them as they did for me. I remember also editing one of them.
HE DIDN’T EVEN SLEEEEPPP AND YOU EXPECT TO THINK. Strike me down with lightning if I’m ever this stupid bro. I get it I’m also an insomniac but not getting energy from food AND sleep is a recipe for disaster this is horrible. U can’t skip both skipping both is so beyond bad.
Finally he’s getting fed, ur so right emu, tell him.
Oh thank goodness he realizes he needs it.
Wow would u look at that, food was the answer in more ways than one 💀
The script sucks so I was wrong :3 omg it was a novel??? Idk if I was distracted or they hadn’t mentioned it til now but still, if it worked in the novel there’s a way to make the impact of it work in film so maybe I’m not completely wrong and what I said is true.
These directors r so deprived of food I feel like I’m listening to internet explorer speaking to itself abt what to do.
Intense director is a freak..
THERE’S THE ANGERRR RAAHHHH thank goodness, they completely removed the problem part and lent its anger to the beginning yaayyy also the way they were trying to shoe horn book words instead of portraying it was a little funny I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was a novel 😭😭 esp if the co-star had no significant impact from those words alone it was so unnecessary to keep in that’s rly funny 💀💀 im so so sorry. Maybe they should eat next time and avoid oversights like this
I wasn’t completely correct but I still feel like a winner 😋
Dang directing is so fun, I wish I was able to do it more often.
This npc is so funny
Dang cant wait for that event.
Anyways those r my thoughts 😋😋 definitely my favorite event story and just event in general. Still very mad at them never addressed the food thing.. like………. Likeeee……… but wtv ig.. these stories rly make me wish I continued my path towards directing or acting or anything. Rn I can’t but I hope one day I can find that path again.
Thx for reading :3c
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slytherinshua · 2 months
Hi!! I think I've sort of talked about this before, but any headcanons/thoughts about Lucy as your brother? (Not at all inspired by the fact I haven't seen my older brother in 2 weeks and I miss the banter 😭😭) No worries if you don't, or are too busy!
Also how are you?? Been up to anything interesting? How are you piano lessons going?
omg idk if I have enough thoughts abt this to do a full hc BUT I DEF HAVE SOME
I feel like yechan would always be at ur throat u two are always fighting but in a playful way too. and always competing as well whether it’s at games or school or music like the usual sibling rivalry. but when it comes to supporting each other and you’re accomplishments you are always there for each other. like you always watched him busk and supported his musical career, and he was always supporting whatever you wanted to do with your life as well.
sangyeop and you would be really close like best friend type of siblings. you know each other better than anyone, including your own best friends. he’s one of those people who you could always count on to be there for you and help you through hard times. he’s a constant in your life and you talk every single day without fault.
wonsang would be one of those older brothers who really introduces you to a lot of new things. when he was younger he probably helped you face a lot of fears, but as you got older and interested in new hobbies or media, he’d always be spending time with you playing bass or watching anime. he really helped you grow as a person, starting from when you were both small children and he was extra caring over you, to when you’re adults.
gwangil is one of the only people who understands you. I relate to gwangil a lot as I also was part of a missionary family and moved overseas to a completely new country and struggled with finding friends. given the unique experience of yours and gwangil’s childhood, you created a strong bond and trust each other more than anyone. you could spend hours just talking about your shared experiences, or, you’d rather just write songs about it with him. his real sister is also very musically talented so I feel like it runs in the family.
okay looking back at what I wrote this prob could’ve been a hc but I’m too lazy at this point SO SKSJSK 😭😭 but I’ve been good!! piano has been going so well and I also started playing tennis again. nothing too spectacularly interesting but I’m doing well!!! wbu?? also I feel u on missing my brother, my second oldest brother is 6 yrs older than me and hasn’t lived with me since we were 8 and 14 I believe. so I didn’t see him as much 👹👹 and then he moved out for uni when he was 17 across the country so now I really don’t see him much but he’s coming to visit next month w his girlfriend and some of my other family members are coming as well SO IM RLY EXCITED 🥹🥹🥹 him and I are like the exact same person so… we’re always arguing oops BUT HES MY BROTHER AND I LOVE HIM EVEN THO HES ANNOYING ASF
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inkykeiji · 4 years
not you and your bf’s love story sounding like a fanfic plot okay y/n I see you 😭💕
LMFAOOOOO we’re from a really really teeny tiny town so our story isn’t that unique here!!! quite a few of my friends from high school are still with their partners; some of them have even gotten married!! but thank u ehehe <333
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redmbti · 3 years
Also can you make a post about what each cognitive function is (but dumbed down bc I've read a lot of explanations and I still don't understand) with some examples?
note: in the bullet list i’ll be talking about the HIGH users of the mentioned function.
and i’ll talk bout heathy and unhealthy traits in the same bullet list randomly without order so don’t be offended if there’s a trait bout your dominant function that ain’t as nice, it’ll probably be just an unhealthy trait of the function.
each extroverted function proceeds information faster than its introverted contra-part.
for example: Fe proceeds feelings faster than Fi. Fe might feel more emotions but Fi will feel more deeply.
Fe— extroverted feeling
Fe is an extroverted judging function.
dom-Fe —> ExFJ (high user)
aux-Fe —> IxFJ (high user)
tert-Fe —> ExTP (low user)
inf-Fe —> IxTP (low user)
Fe is concerned with other people’s feelings (contrary to Fi)
Fe can be dependent on other people cuz it does a lot for others and expects em to do the same.
Fe high users are usually rly socially aware
they are empathetic and can put themselves well in other peoples shoes (that can be used for good AND bad intentions; remember just bc someone might be emphatic does not mean they’re good people)
they tend to get jealous rly easily (bc Fe compares itself to others a lot
they tend towards passive aggressive behaviour instead of expressing their anger in an open manner
Fe-high users are aware of other people’s emotions but not their own
they often want you to feel a certain way (like if you’re upset they’ll try their best to make you happy again; or they can guilt trip you)
slight inference that you better agree
CAN be fake
Fe is warm, caring and rly helpful if heathy. dependant, manipulative and passive aggressive if unhealthy
Te— extroverted thinking
Te is an extroverted judging function.
dom-Te —> ExTJ (high user)
aux-Te —> IxTJ (high user)
tert-Te —> ExFP (low user)
inf-Te —> IxFP (low user)
Te is concerned with structure and getting things done
values external evidence over pure logic
independent and often work alcoholics
socially aware but not of other peoples feelings
suppresses emotions cuz what would you gain from expressing it?
often intimating
if you have a problem they wouldn’t try to make you feel better but to fix your problem instead
very straightforward, direct, blunt even
Te-high-users are the least type to be manipulative
they hate being manipulated
highly objective
Te detests subjectivity
Te is objective, practical and structured if heathy. mean, angry and concerned with cutting thru if unhealthy.
Se— extroverted sensing
Se is an extroverted perceiving function.
dom-Se —> ESxP (high user)
aux-Se —> ISxP (high user)
tert-Se —> ENxJ (low user)
inf-Se —> INxJ (low user)
lives in the moment
wants to experience everything life has to offer
cant plan further into the future
physical approach
impulsive and spontaneous
relaxed and laid pack
hand-on learning
often like sports and material arts
get bored of pure theories
doing instead of thinking
Se is spontaneous, chill and fun if heathy. reckless, future-neglecting and impulsive if unhealthy.
Ne— extroverted intuition
Ne is an extroverted perceiving function.
dom-Ne —> ENxP (high user)
aux-Ne —> INxP (high user)
tert-Ne —> ESxJ (low user)
inf-Ne —> ISxJ (low user)
possibilities possibilities possibilities
broad ideas and abstract concepts (contrary to Ni’s deep ones)
what if thinking
expanding (contrary to Ni)
Ne-doms are often excited
inclined to rapid changes in mind
a lot of perspectives at once
Ne reads between the lines and too much into things
seek proof to back up their instinct (contrary to Ni)
thinks outside the box
loves new thinks
hates being/feeling trapped
strongly values freedom
commitment-issues and burning bridges
likes to keep things open (contrary to Ni)
Ne is open-minded, creative, and full of new possibilities if heathy. scattered, commitment-phobic and tends towards burning bridges if unhealthy.
these are often not clearly visible cuz they do their work internal.
Si— introverted sensing
Si is an introverted perceiving function.
dom-Si —> ISxJ (high user)
aux-Si —> ESxJ (high user)
tert-Si —> INxP (low user)
inf-Si —> ENxP (low user)
comfortable with routine
doesn’t like change
hand-on learning
get bored of pure theories
how did it always work?
understands things when they are done
down to earth
can be picky/ control freaks (istj more than isfj)
can be close-minded
Si is down to earth, detail oriented and in tune with reality if heathy. close-minded and picky control freaks if unhealthy.
Ti— introverted thinking
Ti is an introverted judging function.
dom-Ti —> IxTP (high user)
aux-Ti —> ExTP (high user)
tert-Ti —> IxFJ (low user)
inf-Ti —> ExFJ (low user)
detached, highly logical and analytical
values logic (and personal freedom) over everything
cant enjoy anything unless it makes sense to them (for example if a relationship is nice but it doesn’t make sense to them why the other person likes them they’ll break up)
quite and laid back (only IxTP)
have a hard time controlling their anger
not aware of their emotions nor other peoples emotions
if they feel emotions it’s often expressed thru anger
barley ever cry (they just can’t, it’s awful)
tend to run away from their pain thru fun
IxTPs aren’t rly socially aware due to inferior Fe, where ExTP are charming due to tertiary Fe.
it often seems as if they don’t care bout you (even if they do)
might not give a fuck cuz everthing is so meaningless
Ti can be analytical, logical and an affective ‘search machine’ for plot holes of any kind if healthy. detached, emotionally dead, isolated and nihilistic if unhealthy.
Fi- introverted feeling
Fi is an introverted judging function.
dom-Fi —> IxFP (high user)
aux-Fi —> ExFP (high user)
tert-Fi —> IxTJ (low user)
inf-Fi —> ExTJ (low user)
sensitive but private in their feelings
makes decisions based on personal values
how does this affects me?
cant verbalize emotions
needs time to proceeds feelings
not judgmental of others
very protective of identity
“i” talking
to focused on self (it’s my fault, i fuqed this up, i ruined everything)
CAN be selfish
extreme self loathing if unhealthy
feels rly deeply
Fi is sensitive, private, and almost immune to peer pressure if heathy. isolated, self-loathing and selfish if unhealthy.
Ni— introverted intuition
Ni is an introverted perceiving function.
dom-Ni —> INxJ (high user)
aux-Ni —> ENxJ (high user)
tert-Ni —> ISxP (low user)
inf-Ni —> ESxP (low user)
closest function to the subconscious
therefore does most of its work subconsciously
interested in abstract theories, ideas and concepts
always reads between the lines
always searches for a deeper meaning
detached from sensory reality
poor at interacting with the sensory environment
they just ‘know’ things and they can’t explain it
freakin accurate hunches and epiphanies (aha moments)
they NEED (not want to, they fuqin need to, or they’ll feel sick) to narrow things down to reach ONE CERTAIN outcome (contrary to Ne)
therefore predict things in an accurate way
can be extremely paranoid
imaginary monsters
often wrapped view of reality (for the infj more)
big picture
can be control freaks
Ni is highly abstract, creative and can predict future outcomes and great at making plans if heathy. extreme paranoia, wrapped version of realty and pointing at imaginary monsters if unhealthy.
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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