#i know ST isn't in demand right now
harringtonstilinski · 3 months
i'm getting to the good stuff of the last chapter!! i can see the editing/posting finish line!! it'll be coming later this afternoon <33
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morose-melodies · 1 month
Welcome back! So happy to see that you are doing well ☺️
Since requests are open, I was wondering if you could write some headcanons/drabbles about how the Genshin men (including Pierro, Capitano, and Dottore my fave) would react if their darling, who was pregnant with their child, tried to run away? Saying "I refuse to raise my child with a monster like you!"
what it takes to love | various yandere! fatui harbingers x pregnant reader
content warning: mentions of blood, idk if childe's being sorta trad or not but I'll still put it here. I'm also a bit rusty so they might be ooc...
a/n: definitely not a drabble... I hope you enjoy!
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with the newfound knowledge that you were gone, the captain was on the way home.
there was not a lick of hesitation, no, he dropped everything. your leaving meant you were alone on a cold night while pregnant. who knew what trouble you could be in?
the captain knew you couldn't travel far-- it was too dark, too cold. all that surrounded the manor was woods and woods. he made sure to wear his thickest coat and brought with him his weapon in case you were in true danger. he saw your footprints in the snow, it looked as if you were stumbling about in the cold.
Oh, poor you.
this isn't how things should be-- you, running about at night without him there to protect you. you should be in the safety of his arms, in the walls of his manor.
he wouldn't try to further frighten you, that must be why you ran, no? he would place his coat over you and take you home with him.
following those footprints, it seemed you tumbled and fell a couple of times. you couldn't possibly be in a good state. (y/n)... where could you be ?
"(y/n)," the captain called out. he saw you, your cowering form, pressed against a tree, using one of his coats you'd taken with you to warm yourself, "oh, (y/n)."removing his coat, he set it over your shoulders and lifted you into his arms, expecting you to comply.
"no! st-stop. let me go, i... I'm fine!" you'd argue, though, it seemed you were in no state to.
"(y/n), no," the captain shook his head, trying to keep a gentle hold on you even as you squirmed and argued, "you're tired- you don't understand what you're saying. I'll be taking you home."
"i know what I'm saying," you shook your head, pressing your hand against his mask, attempting to push him away, "i don't want to be with you or near you! l-let go of me!"
the cold must be getting to you, capitano reasoned, who knows how long you've been out here? you're clearly not in your right mind. pressing a hand against your cheek, he felt your skin, he felt how cold it was. you needed to be home and in bed. "hush, you're delirious. (y/n), stop fighting me, i need to bring you home. you're harming yourself *and* our child."
"let go of me! stop- i refuse to raise my child with a monster like you!"
his hold on you loosened-- he was stunned, caught off guard. a monster? his hand gripped at the fabric of the coat over your shoulders, "is that truly what you think of me?"
you hated him? that was why you ran? "(y/n)," the captain repeated, his grip on the coat lessened, "answer me. is that what you think of me?"
do you understand how that makes him feel?
it's not as if you always thought this of him, this was a recent development. after getting pregnant, he was... more protective. he took extreme measures to keep you home, to "keep you safe."
it drove you mad.
so, when you woke up one morning to see that all of the house staff, including your maid that you truly loved, had been replaced-- you knew you had to leave.
"yes, yeah..." you nodded, a stray tear running down your cheek, "so, let me down- let me go," you demanded once more, squirming, trying to get away from him once more.
capitano raised his hand and wiped away that stray tear, "(y/n), do not say that-- not to me, not to my face," his hand dropped back to his side. he needed you home with him, now.
and that need was stronger than any other feeling he had at this very moment.
holding you against his chest, trying to keep you as warm as possible as he worked on getting you home.
he needed you back home; whatever happened afterward could happen, as long as you were home with him.
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how things seemed, you enjoy causing dottore problems.
if you weren't knocking his vials over, you were barging in on his experiments, and if not that, you'd rejected him when he expressed even the slightest bit of affection.
it was always something with you.
and now, on his day off-- on the one day when he had nothing to do and nothing planned, you ran away, or at least you tried to.
dottore refused to let his good day be ruined by something so trivial, so he took precautions.
knowing you, you would do something so he prepared for just about anything you could do.
just about anything... well, he didn't expect you, a pregnant woman, to attempt to jump out of your window to get away from him.
he heard the tell-tale shatter of glass and just knew it was you-- it was always you. he begrudgingly got up from where he was resting and went to your room, where you were halfway out of your window, bloodied from the broken glass digging into your skin.
dottore sighed, "goodness, (y/n)," dottore was approaching you and you could hear him coming closer, so, you tried to lunge yourself out of the window, to get away from him-- to protect your future.
pressing your hands against the sides of the window, you pushed yourself forward, slipping out of the window, but, of course, dottore caught you by the ankle just as you were falling.
you wasted not even a second before you began screaming and swearing at him, trying to squirm out of his grip, "let me go! let go-" you kicked at him as he dragged you back into the room.
once you were in, lying on the glass-covered floor, somewhat numb to the pain, dottore stood somewhere near your side, his arms crossed over his chest, looking down at you. he was disappointed, but why?
"don't... lie in the glass. (y/n)..." he sighed once more, and reached out, grabbing your arm and helping you stand.
it was then that he assessed your injuries, asking that you stand still as he looked at your bloodied arms and torso area-- it was painfully cut from the glass.
*you must be in pain, no?* dottore mused, straightening his back as he looked at the thin layer of blood coated on his fingertip, "I'll forget about this-- I'll even forgive you for... attempting this," dottore assured you, holding your arm as he began to guide you out of your room, "I'll forgive you, i just ask that you never attempt such a thing again."
but... you refused, tugging your arm back and out of his hold, "Don't touch me-- i don't *need* your forgiveness!"
you'd never hated him quite as much as you did after finding out that dottore had no problem with experimenting on children that the knave gave him.
it made you sick. you couldn't allow your child to grow up with a man like him, "i *refuse* to raise my child with a monster like you."
dottore's eyebrow twitched, though you couldn't see it. he thought he knew what to expect from you, but, you always surprise him, "a monster? can you genuinely call me such a thing after all I've done for you?"
when you nodded, dottore stifled his third sigh and brought you along with him, despite all of your arguing and fighting. "(y/n), you're hurt. let me clean those wounds of yours. since you cannot accept my forgiveness and let this go, we'll have a talk tomorrow."
dottore cared for you, of course, he did.
he realized just how much he cared for you-- just how much he needed you when he felt his heart drop at the sight of you trying to leave.
he understood just then how much he'd hate it if you left him.
a/n: lowkey ooc...
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escape was impossible.
with guards at your door, and all around pierro's manor, you couldn't escape.
but, when pierro found out that you had still tried to leave him-- attempting to walk right out the front door, dressed as if you had places to be, he was displeased.
he was immediately informed of this.
so, as you tried to open the gate that was locked, pierro approached you, "(y/n), where exactly are you going?" he asked, stopping to stand right behind you, "it's cold, and you aren't dressed for the weathers condition... ah, aren't you supposed to inform me of where it is you want to go before going?"
pierro knew exactly what you were doing but for you, he could play dumb. it was better than making you feel cornered and possibly upsetting you further.
he could change, he wasn't above it. after all, there weren't many things he wouldn't do for you.
he held his hand out for you, hoping you'd take it, hoping you wouldn't give him trouble-- not now, not when he was in such a generous mood.
you didn't take his hand, no, you weren't even looking at him as you said, "I'd like to go... I want to stay with my family."
your family? pierro felt his eyes twitch-- he wouldn't allow himself to be seen as the jealous type, no, pierro instead nodded his head slowly, "why don't we go back in? it's terribly cold tonight, is it not?" he'd tried to change the subject, try to ease you back into the house without an argument.
"no, uh... I've got a ride. i just need the gate to open."
pierro saw and understood what you were feeling perfectly-- desperation. "we can talk about this tomorrow, no? it's late, (y/n), im not particularly in the mood to be standing out in the cold while you talk about leaving me."
"pierro- im leaving... I'll send you letters and I-I'll even come to visit," you offered, taking a step towards the gate, looking at the lock, that stopped you from leaving.
"no, no, (y/n), you aren't leaving, at any point. how ever you feel, I'm sure you'd feel better if you spoke to me about how you feel-"
"i want to leave because i dont want to raise my child with you."
first, you cut him off, and now you say this? "you're being very rude-- now, we're going back inside. do not argue with me," pierro took your hand into his and began to guide you back toward the manor.
"no! let go, stop it!" you would drag your feet, crying and arguing, "I don't want to be here! not with you! st-stop it! let me go!"
it saddened him, truly, to hear you cry and beg so desperately, but those words rolled off of him. he didn't care at the moment; he just needed to get you back into the manor, and whatever happened after didn't matter.
he'd have a talk with the guards too.
"You're so evil! let me go-! let me be!" you'd argued, dragging your feet, attempting to make things harder for him, "i refuse to have a child with a monster like you!!"
you couldn't imagine raising a child in this environment, in the fatui...
pierro stilled, glancing back at you, his grip on your hand tightened-- then immediately loosened, "you're testing my patience, (y/n). please, just come inside with me. we can talk about this inside."
because there were fewer places to run inside.
(y/n), you truly are a work of art, pierro mused, as he dragged you along, well, he attempted to be gentle but you were making it hard for him.
but since it was you, he'd do anything, even tolerate your rude behavior, since you were his woman and his alone.
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when childe found you, whenever that was, there was no telling what could happen or what he'd do. he loved you, that much was obvious but he was an impulsive guy.
maybe he'd take off his coat and put it over you-- you'd like that, wouldn't you? or maybe, just maybe, he'd hug you out in the blistering cold until he felt good enough to release you... which would be near to never.
or maybe he'd react in anger. again, he loved you, it was inconsiderate, rude even, to leave him while you were pregnant with his child. didn't you promise to start a family with you? (he misheard you. you said you didn't want to start a family with him.)
he wouldn't let his anger get the best of him, no. he was better than that-- he was raised better than that. yeah, he was raised better than that.
childe raised his hand and wiped at the tip of his nose, he was cold. he couldn't image how you'd be feeling right now.
that was all more the reason to find you as soon as possible!
he took this journey alone. he thought it would be somewhat intimate if he found you on his own, it would be manly too-- you'd think he's the type of man you want to raise children with... that's what he thought anyway.
you got a bit of a head start on him, he had just gotten back to snezhnaya when he was informed that you had run off a few hours before he'd gotten back.
oh, he was worried. real worried.
he forgot everything he was planning to do-- eat, change into something warmer, brush his hair, those sorts of things, he forgot all about. you were more important!
before running off, you were staying with his family. it was probably easy for you to leave, just say you're going for a walk and never come back, since his family didn't exactly know all about your relationship with him and how he sorta smuggled you into snezhnaya.
he got home and followed after your footprints for a good while. the sun was setting, and it was only getting colder; at this point, you were probably regretting leaving him and wished to be at home in his arms-- that was just an assumption, of course.
when he finally saw you, in a thin dress and coat, stumbling up a snowy hill, he smiled. (y/n)! its (y/n)!
oh, he felt so relieved to see you!
running past all the bushes and trees in his way, he ran straight into you, hugging you tightly from behind, his hands on your pregnant belly.
"are you hurt anywhere?" that was the first question he asked as he turned you to face him, patting his hands over your arms, checking for any signs of blood on your or your clothes.
he leaned in once again, hugging you after being sure you weren't injured, and his second question, asked in a muffled voice by your ear, was, "What'd ya go running off for?"
"because I don't want to have a child with you."
huh, it seemed childe couldn't hear all of a sudden, as he released you from the hug and slipped his coat off, tossing it over your shoulders, "bet you're cold, huh? now, what'd you say?"
"i do not want to have a child with you."
again, it went through one ear and out the other for childe. he wasn't hearing things right, he couldn't be, could he? "huh? what was that?" his eyebrows raised, and he leaned closer, gesturing for you to repeat yourself once more.
now annoyed, you leaned closer, saying, "I'm leaving you because i dont want to have a child with someone like you."
he straightened his posture, backing away with a less-than-happy expression-- he looked defeated. so, he was hearing things right, huh...
"we gotta see it through... y'know that, right?" still holding your hand, his grip loosened. childe had never felt quite so... sad? angry? betrayed? before.
"no, we don't. I want to go back home, I'll see it through with my famil-"
"we are family," quickly cutting you off, he corrected you, his fingers tensed around your hand, "I'm your family-- everyone back at home is your family. we're your family so why are you trying to leave us?"
he bit at his bottom lip as a means of stopping it from quivering but you could see the tears in his eyes.
"are you kidding me? you forced me to be here with you! you think i came here willingly or someth-"
"you promised me we'd make a family together! you said it yourself, so, why're you acting like you hate me?" his hold on your hand tightened, and he leaned closer to you.
he was desperate-- he didn't want to hear this! not from you, not from anyone he loved, but especially not from you because he didn't just love you; he loved you.
attempting to tug your hand away from him, you shook your head, "I never said that, ever. let go of me- i wouldn't... i refuse to raise my child with someone like you!"
everything he thought knew and believed came crumbling down around him, " oh, well... i don't care," he replied-- he had abandoned his feelings for you, for now at least, he just needed to get you home without harming you, "I love you and... I guess, sometimes that's all that matters."
you could figure it out later-- you could learn to love him later but he loved you now and couldn't let you go so easily.
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sheisjoeschateau · 8 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve..." | PART II
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⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader || enemies to lovers trope.
An original fanfiction series, written by Misha St. James.
This isn't your first time meeting Steve Harrington.
You know him. And he knows you. Well, maybe. Who knows. You both run in completely different circles in high school.
While there's some very obvious tension amongst the love triangle (Nancy-Steve-Jonathan) you take a second to look over at the group of kids behind King Steve. There's a curly-haired kid wearing a cap, another kid sporting a bandana, and a redheaded girl. They give you sort of awkward waves, which you return with a tight-lipped grin.
"Sorry," Jonathan's suddenly saying. "Uh, you guys, this is umm -"
"Bauman," you interject. "Just...call me Bauman."
Steve is now looking at you, realizing. Recognizing. "Hey," he says. "Wait, aren't you in Click's class?"
You press your lips into a thin line, trying not to be totally off-put by him. And in truth, you weren't really. Steve had seemed less... douchey, since he started dating Nancy. You were grateful for that. No matter how doomed their relationship was, it seemed to help him get rid of his trash friends. God, Tommy H. and Carol and that Nicole girl were just toxic.
"Yeah," you said, reaching out a hand. "Nice to officially meet you."
Steve shook your hand, a bit sheepish. And still distracted with the fact that his girlfriend had shown up with Byers. Why was she with Byers? You felt yourself internally cringing, seeing how oblivious yet aware he was. It actually made you feel bad.
"I'm Dustin!"
You suddenly looked in the direction of a toothy-grinned kid smiling at you, and you couldn't help but grin back. "Hey, Dustin."
Lucas and Max introduced themselves, too. But then, you all heard sound coming from off in the distance. The lab.
So yeah, things took a pretty sharp turn from there. It's all kind of a blur, if you're being honest. Everyone began talking over each other, eventually gathering info as to exactly who you are and why you were here (at least the general just of it). They learned about Murray Bauman, and Steve's face just became more perplexed, the more that Nancy and Jonathan revealed what they had learned...together.
But the kids were also asking you a million questions, very curious about you. Max found you funny, finding you to have more cool-girl energy than Nancy, who just seemed too polished for her to know how to communicate with her.
Eventually, Nancy noticed the power back on at the lab and you all took off in that direction. Steve was arguing a lot with the kid named Dustin. Very brotherly. Low-key motherly. The toll gate wouldn't open, then suddenly it did open, and then next thing you know a car is racing towards you from the lab and it's got Jim Hopper at the steering wheel? He's throwing the door open, demanding all of you to get in.
As you all drive, you end up near the front of the car, squished between Steve and Dustin.
You look over at Jim, surprised. But he's looking at you in the rearview with all-knowing eyes. "You're Murray's niece."
You nod. "Yeah. Jim Hopper, right?"
Jim reaches back to pat your knee, eyes on the road and still shaken up from whatever the hell they just escaped. "M'sorry, kid. Your uncle's been getting shit from me. I know he sent you. M'really sorry. I'll make it right with him after all this, alright? Promise."
You just nod, knowing there's really no time for any of that right now. Since you got in the car, you haven't even had time to notice how there is a woman (clearly Joyce Byers) in pure distress, along with another kid in tow and the limp body of another child that she's holding. Jonathan is reaching for him, riddled with worry. Is that Will?
Once you all make it back to the Byers residence, it's tense. Really fucking tense. Jonathan is knelt in front of the couch, voicing his regrets out loud as he stares at his brother's limp form. Nancy stands behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. You're on the opposite side of the room, leaned against the wall.
Which is why you notice that behind Hopper, who's yelling into the wall phone, Steve. He looks...devastated. Hurt. Heartbroken.
...fuck, he looks heartbroken.
He walks past you, pinching his nose and sniffing once. He looks like he's really fighting off some emotion, escaping to another room. It makes you think about everything that went down at your uncle's bunker, and how maybe it was funny there...but it isn't here. Not now, seeing that this guy actually has some intense feeling for Nancy Wheeler. Intense love for her. Real love.
...but Nancy doesn't feel that same intense love for him.
...oh god, that's messy.
But all hell is breaking loose before you can linger on that for much longer. Suddenly, you're all devising a plan. It has something to do with dungeons and dragons, and Will being possessed, and getting him in a room that whatever monster is inside of him won't recognize. The you're all deciphering Morse Code, and it's a whirlwind from there.
And then you're all holding weapons, bracing fore an attack...when some young girl walks in. Who you come to learn is the infamous Eleven. Her hair grew back, and she looks ready to join a punk band.
Pretty bitchin' look, you gotta admit.
The kids introduce her to you, and she gives you a shy smile. Then you're all splitting up into groups, and you catch a brief exchange between Nancy and Steve. He's saying something to her about going with Jonathan, and it makes you tense for Nancy. You can't even imagine how she must feel, knowing that he sees it.
And honestly, the way that Steve talks is...so not King Steve. It's uncharacteristically mature. Secure, and assuring. Not that of the teen heartthrob and bad boy you've been going to school with. And when Nancy does go off with Jonathan, you see Harrington's heart shatter into a million pieces with just the look in his eyes.
You feel bad. You suddenly feel really bad.
But also, he had to have seen this coming. Right? Jonathan Byers was a good, decent guy, who'd been there for Nancy all throughout the hell of last year. Steve had come around, finally. But by then, the trauma bond between Byers and Wheeler was irreversible. There's no changing that.
But damn, unrequited love sucks.
You knew was rejection felt like, and you wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even your worst enemy.
Out of guilt, you make some conversation with Steve. Given it's just the two of you with the kids left at the house, needing to wait things out, you both easily make conversation. It's a bit awkward at first, but oddly it finds flow pretty easily. Steve's still got his charm, although it's a little more grounded than before. It isn't forced, or laced with popular-kid attitude. That's refreshing.
As you both end up listening to the kids like the only two parental figures around, then end up having to fight off that psycho new kid at school named Billy Hargrove (who's actually Max's stepbrother?!) and patch up Steve's very beaten and battered face which somehow still looks pretty, annnnd wind up in a tunnel full of creatures (demo dogs? is that what Dustin called them?), then somehow survive all of that shit... you and Steve become pretty bonded, pretty quickly.
And when the worst of it is seemingly over, you end up helping Eleven get ready for the Snowball -- dropping her off with Hopper. He's grateful for your help, and after making amends with your uncle you two have gotten to know each other well, too. He likes you, appreciating your mature sense of self.
Joyce adores you already, being the kind-natured and loving mama-bear that she is.
And El? Well, she loves you. You're like a cool older sister figure of sorts.
You and Steve run into each other when dropping off the kiddos at the Snowball, making conversation about how crazy everything was. You talk about other things, too. Just mundane things, bouncing off each other well. But when Steve notices Nancy inside, he gets that sad puppy-dog look in his eyes again. Then, Jonathan's coming out of the dance with a camera. He clearly was the designated photographer for the night.
And he clearly has captured Nancy Wheeler's heart.
One night, after Jonathan and Nancy have started going steady and you're all on summer break, you're all over at the Henderson's house watching the kids. The adults are there, too, since Mrs. Henderson is out working overnight. Murray is pouring up drinks for the adults and teens, much to Joyce's disapproval. But he just goes about his business, clinking glasses. Hopper honestly looks like he could really use a fucking drink. Or 5.
You, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan all toast, happily. Chatting. Laughing. Making light of things.
...but that ends up being pretty short-lived.
Before you know it, you're in the kitchen helping clean up while Joyce gets the kids in bed and Hopper is on the couch slurring with your uncle. Steve had offered to help you, but Dustin insisted that he come see something in his room before they all went to bed. Nancy has left with Mike and Max, while Lucas is staying the night.
Welp. Jonathan walks in, drunk, telling you thank you.
It's sloppy, and it would be funny except for the fact that he is talking so fucking loud. He's just thanking you, and then Murray, over and over -- "...for meddling with'm love life because now, I'm dating th'most beautifurrrl girl in Hawkins. N'if'it weren't for y'two...I'd still'b pining o'r h-her."
...annnnd then he’s blabbering on about how you let him and Nancy take the bed. “Well’lmost… ha, w-we ended urp…takin’th…couch. Whischhh…you tol’us you’w’d…toHaLLy tAkE’stead.” Then he’s snickering, drunkenly. “Cuz’you toooootally wanted us to doooo itttt. Schhhhhhayin that — m’not the safe one. That’m — I’m the one’th Nannnncy l-loves. Not…S-Steve…”
You just chuckle nervously, giving him a pat on the shoulder. And you just keep washing the dishes when he gives you a tight hug from behind, stumbling a bit and making you almost drop and break one of Mrs. Henderson's very cute plates.
Right on cue, Steve rounds the corner, having heard it.
All of it.
And now that Steve has gotten wind of the fact you played a huge role — along with Murray — on why Nancy left him, he is totally pissed.
In fact, he’s livid. 
"Steve," you try, but he just holds up a hand, staring daggers at you.
"Save it, Bauman," he grits. "Save. It."
It causes him to have the utmost disdain towards you, border lining hate. It just festers over time, getting worse.
Something about that makes your stomach flip inside out with a horrible, upset feeling. Your guts feel knotted up, and if the reality of things weren't so bleak, you would laugh at the fact that losing Steve Harrington's friendship (let alone trust) would upset you one day, let alone even happen. You feel bad. You really do. But God, as time goes on... his entire attitude about it is insufferable. He isn't letting up any time soon. Not when you both meet up with the kids (because regardless of the strain between you two, you're both the parents now). It feels like two divorced parents, meeting up to share custody of the chitlins.
The only relationship to which Steve is committed, is the one that he shares with Miss Hatred. And you're her bitch.
...guess there's still some King Steve in him after all.
You knew King Steve. He was an ass. So you know what? Suck it, Harrington. Karma’s a bitch.
As time passes, you begin firing back at him - tired of trying to explain yourself, apologize or play nice. Steve wants to fucking play? Alright then. Game on, Harrington.
There's a whole upside down universe threatening to take over still? All good. Let's still brawl, Harrington.
The kids keep bringing you both around each other, and you're also working at a place inside of the same damn mall as Steve is for the summer? AWESOME.
So yeah, you’re totally involved in the whole mall ordeal with the Russians, bonding you to Steve and Robin, along with Dustin and Erica.
But despite that, Steve still resents you. So there is still rivalry between the two of you.  Hot and bothered. 
That said, despite his pure disdain towards you...it doesn't change the fact that you actually do begin to see him for the much better human that he is becoming. King Steve has fallen. No doubt. You see that. The way that he loves and cares the kids, especially Dustin. And the way that Steve reacts whenever Robin comes out to you both? He's an angel. Hell, he even fought the soldiers off of you whenever they decided to make you their torture-chamber play-thing. He definitely got mad at them for that one, but he also got mad at you for not going with Dustin and Erica before all of that went down. You both nearly strangled each other when attempting to hold the door shut, yelling at each other to run. Robin had finally joined you both, but still - neither of you budged.
Steve was a good guy. A nice guy, even. Just not to you, unless the moment called for him to be. Which was fine.
…but he’s still annoying. And apparently, he can hold a fucking grudge like no other. He’s a world class champ at that, come to find out. Gold star.
You're onboarded to help Hopper, Murray and Joyce with shutting the gate. It's a no-brainer. Steve looks a little miffed, seeing how the adults trust you like one of them rather than him. Even the way that Jonathan is so cool around you, and Nancy seems shy around you, it just...irks him.
When you manage to help Joyce close the gate, you witness the death of Hopper. And it kills you, along with your uncle. You ache for Joyce, unable to fathom how you'll have to bring it up to El.
But hey, you all manage to destroy the Mind Flayer. And when Billy is killed in the process, you tend to Max like a true older sister. She and Eleven have both come to look up to you as such, and Steve won't deny the fact that you're a saint with these kids. A real fucking saint. And if he's being honest...he's relieved to have a co-parenting partner.
But that is the extent of his gratitude towards you, which is strictly circumstantial. You make things convenient sometimes.
Hopper dying hits all of you hard. And you do everything that you can to help your uncle not drink himself to death. It's the only reason that you don't regularly visit the Wheelers in California. Your uncle is a wreck. Hopper was the only man who truly felt like a friend to your very lonely (by choice) Uncle Murray.
Steve does single you out to ask how you're doing, knowing that witnessing Hopper's death was tragic. But you just tell him that the real concern is your uncle and Joyce, insisting that you will get by. Steve seems hesitant at first, knowing that you're not fine. He might hate you, but he still cares about a party member who got put through hell.
"I'm alive, Steve. So I need to carry on. For everyone's sakes. I'll be alright."
As time goes on...
You and Steve give Robin very conflicting love advice, when it comes to her crush on Vikki.
"Christ, Steve," you're groaning in the backseat. "Stop being such a damn teenage boy."
"I'm almost 20, Bauman," he scowls at you in the rearview mirror.
You make a face, exaggerating feigned apology. "'Scuuuuuse me."
Man, he could not hate you more. Steve is sure of that. You are the worst. Why are you here. You are just the worst. Every time he looks at you, all he sees is Murray Bauman but as a much hotter 19-year-old girl with way more better comebacks and select timing.
Next thing you know, Chrissy Cunningham has been found dead in a trailer that belongs to Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. Who, according to Dustin, is not only still in high school — he’s also friends with them? Yikes. But Dustin swears that he’s not a murderer.
You choose to believe Dustin. Much to Steve’s chagrin. In his mind, any chance that you get to disagree with him, you will gladly fucking take it. He is really committed to you being his enemy.
And you know what? Fine. You can play. You've been playing.
Eventually, Nancy comes back into the picture.
And honestly? Watching her be all into Steve again? As if she isn't in a relationship with Jonathan still? That pisses you off.
Not because you’re jealous. No, no. Not that.
…yeah no, it’s not that.
Nah, it’s the way this girl just cannot for the life of her figure out what she is feeling. Dear lord, woman. Pick.
Eventually, you comment on this. But not until Eddie Munson is suddenly roped into y’all’s crew and you both strangely hit it off. You share the same taste in music. You both compare concert history, listing off you're favorites and randomly bursting into song. Very scream-o, metal music. Eddie thinks you're the shit, and you make him laugh a lot. He also makes you laugh a lot.
Steve hates that.  He really, really hates that.
But not because he is jealous. No, no. It’s not that.
…yeah, it’s definitely not that.
Nah, it’s the way you make friends with someone he isn't a fan of just to spite him. You know he doesn’t like Eddie. You know he feels replaced by Dustin for him. You’re doing this shit on purpose. He knows it. He just knows it.
Regardless, you both stand by each other throughout the whole Vecna ordeal. And Max?  She loves you. Trusts you. A lot. You also tell her not to give Steve so much shit. So he’ll give you that.
But that’s all he’s gonna give you. And even that has its limits.
Whenever you all find out that Max is cursed, the first person that Steve finds himself looking at is you. Because you're the co-parent. You've gotta help him know what to do. You feel the exact same way.
You both witness her possession in he graveyard. You both help calm the kids down, and each other. Whenever Max writes letters to each of you, she looks at both you and Steve for a long time. A really long time. It's very uncomfortable.
...then she's finally handing you both a letter, and the look she shoots you both afterwards in really unsettling. Like she knows something.
But what the hell is there to know? That you both can't stand each other? NEWSFLASH: EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT. So joke's on them.
...not Max though. She's in trouble. So she's allowed to know whatever the hell...that she...knows...?
You and Steve both profusely disagree with everyone about the idea of Max becoming the bait. In fact, it's the first time that you both are defending each other to everyone else. Whenever Max argues Steve, you tell her to listen.
"Steve has every right to be worried right now. We all do, Max."
She sighs, knowing that you're right.
And whenever Dustin tries to get quippy with you about stuff, Steve shuts him down real fast.
"Hey. Not cool. Bauman's in the right, check yourself."
Dustin also sighs, knowing that he's right.
Because you both know these kids better than anyone. You helped Mike ease up on Hopper, becoming that one older-sister figure he can actually go to and be normal around. Hell, he even hugs you. Mike never hugs anyone, except El. And Lucas? You and Steve are at every single one of his games, like proud parents. Will calls you whenever he wants to paint, knowing that you enjoy art. You've spent many nights painting with him, and even Steve will join with the other kids. They mostly just finger paint and bicker, but it's still lovely in its own sort of way. And then there's Dustin. The golden child, who both of you wanna hug and strangle at the same time. He is forever putting the two of you in close proximity, secretly loving the tension between the two of you. He figures that it's just because you both wanna be the favorite parent, and Dustin is too fixated on why Steve hasn't started dating Robin to even remotely suspect that you two could be an item.
There's a plan in motion now. It's in full swing, all groups peeling off. There's a new species added to the fucked up realm (the newly coined named for them is demo-bats) and you've somehow saved Steve's ass for the 3rd time. This guy seriously cannot catch a break.
But now, Eddie’s suddenly encouraging Steve to go after Nancy again. And damn, that bugs you.  It really motherfuckin’ gets under your skin. Because Eddie doesn’t know the full story about what went down between them. Not even close.
You can't help yourself. You tell Steve this, once Eddie walks up ahead. But of course, Steve is rebuking everything that you are saying.
And then he's telling you that Nancy is different, and -- “actually, things are better.” 
But you scoff at that, incredulously. And you're telling him to "wake up and realize that 1) she’s still with lover-boy Byers, and 2) you shouldn’t pine after someone who chose someone else over you."
You mean to say it kindly. Honestly, you try to.
But Steve doesn’t think so.  And he’s faster. He’s also cruel.
“Maybe that’s why you broke us up, huh?" Steve is firing back at you with all that he's got now. "Because you’re used to that. Being the second choice. Weren’t you Clark’s best friend? Didn’t he drag you along until he ended up picking Becky? Yeah. Thought I didn’t know that, right? Or how you hung out with some of the basketball guys and never once got asked out by any of them? God, it’s so obvious. Also, it’s pathetic. You clearly hate seeing anyone happy. So hey, guess what? You got your wish: successfully ruining someone else’s happiness. Bingo! Congratulations, you won.”
It hurts. It really does. It fucking hurts.
Still, you do try to reason with him. It’s a little harsh, you’ll admit it. You’re not exactly speaking to him sweetly. But you try.
“All my personal love life issues aside —" you start, bringing your voice down and speaking as level as possible. "...which honestly, I’ve never even had something worth labeling as love — Steve, YOU still deserve to —”
“To suffer,” he cuts you off. “Yeah. I know. And the fact you’ve not had love? That just further proves my point. You admit it and yet you’re still out to get me. Because you’re fucking miserable.”
Alright, you’ve had it.
“I’m miserable?” you ask, ready to fire back. “Steve. You’re the one letting your ex-girlfriend — who didn’t even properly dump you — toy with your brain again into actually thinking she’s gonna pick you this time. She doesn’t deserve that. And you certainly don’t deserve —”
“You deserve nothing.” Steve is seething. Then hissing at you, “You’re bullshit, Bauman. You and your whack job Uncle. You’re both bullshit.”
So you stop. You let it go.
You let Steve Harrington hate you and suffer his own misfortunes. And you pretend that what he said didn’t just shatter your soul into a million tiny pieces.  You nod at him, swallowing hard.
“My uncle is twice the man you’ll ever be. King Steve.”  
It’s a pathetic last attempt. And your voice feels small, tight. But standing up for your uncle is better than yourself at this point. You walk off, away from him.
And Steve doesn’t tell you to stop. He doesn’t tell you not to walk away. He lets you.
So he doesn’t see you cry alone inside of the upside down version of the Wheelers’ bathroom.  He doesn’t see your heart break in two, and he doesn’t see you bite back the sobs sinking your teeth into your palms.
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toomuchracket · 6 months
birthday sleepover (office nerd!matty x reader smut)
final day of matty35!! happy birthday to my favourite boy. have a fic about watching star wars and shagging afterwards to celebrate!! enjoy <3
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“why did we need to rewatch the ending of return of the jedi on dvd? i thought i was doing a good thing cueing them all up on demand for you coming over.”
“no, you were, darling, i appreciate it so much, but i really need to show you this bonus feature,” matty kisses your head, before abandoning you completely to stand next to the tv and gesture to the force ghosts appearing to luke skywalker onscreen. “look - different anakin.”
you squint. “what? how?”
“they retconned the digital edition for continuity - added the guy from the prequels to the dvd box set release in 2004,” your boyfriend explains, eyes lighting up in that adorable way they do when he’s passionate about something; naturally, it’s how he looks at you, most of the time. “that’s the original guy, there. same guy who played unmasked vader in the him and luke reconciliation scene, you know. isn’t that weird?”
“yeah.” you’re not lying.
matty moves back to sit next to you on the bed, tugging you onto his lap and gently holding your face. he kisses you, soft and slow and long, and you can feel his affection for you in it. “thank you for marathoning the original trilogy with me, darling. best birthday i’ve had in a long time.”
you pout. “not best ever?”
“that would be the tour of st. james park when i was ten,” he grins. “but this is a close second.”
“i’ll take it,” you kiss his nose. “wait… so if i was to take you on a tour of st. james park…”
“stop it right now, i might cum.”
“oh, for god’s sake,” you facepalm, trying your best not to grin while matty cracks up beside you. “let’s 86 that idea, then.”
“yeah. and we can do that number take away 17 together instead.”
“what… oh,” you smirk at your giggling boyfriend. “then you really will cum.”
“so will you,” matty leans in to kiss your neck. “you know how much i love it when you sit on my face.”
“fuck,” you can't help moaning at the thought of his tongue slicing through you, flicking against your clit with reckless abandon as you writhe on that pretty face of his; the way it's currently soothing the bite he just left on your neck isn't helping, either. “is it bedtime yet?”
matty presses kisses up across your neck to your lips - when they meet yours, you slip your tongue into his mouth, and the whine he lets out completely liquifies your insides and sends them straight into your underwear. “yeah… wait, babe,” he pants against your lips. “we haven’t let maggie outside tonight yet.”
“oh, right,” you look around the room, slightly groggy, for the puppy you were convinced was asleep on her bed by the radiator. “she’s not in here?”
“think she left halfway through the empire strikes back. reckon she was bored,” he looks at you pointedly, smile threatening to break out. “takes after her mother in that regard.”
“i wasn’t bored!”
your boyfriend kisses your nose. “sweetheart, i saw your eyes glazing over like five separate times,” he kisses all over your face, dragging a giggle from your lips with each press of his own. “but you stayed awake through all of them, and you didn’t complain, and i think you deserve head as a thank you.”
“you know, baby, you don’t actually need an excuse to eat me out.”
“yeah, i do,” matty blushes, hiding his face in your neck. “because i’d just have my head between your legs all the time if i didn’t.”
you laugh, holding the back of his head and cuddling him. “well, the sooner you take the dog out, the sooner you can come back and do that to me.”
the speed with which matty practically shoves you off his lap and runs out of the bedroom is comical. he laughs when you smack his ass, turning back to blow you a kiss before running towards the living room, shouting for maggie. you roll out of bed, darting over to softly close the door behind him then making a beeline for your wardrobe.
excitement - and slight nerves, you must admit - building in your stomach, you reach behind a stack of band tees on the wardrobe shelf, standing on tiptoe to grab the paper bag you stashed there a week ago. moving quickly, acutely aware that you have limited time before matty returns, you pull the lingerie from the bag, barely even looking at it before you’re yanking your (well, matty’s) t-shirt off and replacing it with the fancy bra. only once you’re fully dressed in the new underwear do you admire it, moving to stand in front of the full-length mirror and examining yourself. adjusting the chains holding your tits up, and smoothing any creases from the long skirt, you turn, looking at your outfit from different angles, giggling deliriously.
you look hot. extremely hot. matty’s going to fucking lose it.
and he’s going to be back any second - you can hear him padding along the hallway, humming the imperial march to himself. chucking your discarded clothes onto the chair at your vanity, you all but launch yourself back onto the bed, and settle into the first sexy-ish pose that comes to mind: lying on your side, facing the door, elbow propping up your head and top leg slightly bent.
a brief wave of panic washes over you when the realisation of what you’re doing sinks in, but you don’t have time to psych yourself out of it before matty’s knocking softly on the door. “darling?” he sounds concerned. “you alright? can i come in?”
you take a deep breath. now or never, you suppose. “yeah. come in, angel.”
“got worried when i saw the door was- oh my god,” matty’s breath catches when he opens the door and sets eyes on you for the first time. he stands there quite gormlessly for about a minute, mouth agape and pretty eyes blinking constantly, as if to make sure you’re actually lying on the bed in princess leia cosplay and he isn’t dreaming. his eyeline shifts quite constantly, too, flitting from your smiling (smirking) face to your legs to your chest and back again. yours shifts down over his bare chest to his boxers, already beginning to tent, much to your delight.
mission accomplished.
twirling your hair around your index finger, you smile at your boyfriend. “happy birthday, baby,” biting your lip, you beckon him over with the same finger; he stumbles forwards, entranced, sinking to his knees at the side of the bed. you run your thumb over his lips, and matty whines quietly, eliciting a satisfied hum of your own. “do you like my new outfit?” 
he nods so frantically you fear for his neck. still, you want to hear him. “words, sweet boy. want you to tell me what you think about it.”
“okay,” matty croaks out, eyes glued to your tits. “you- you look fucking incredible. um, just, like, so sexy. m’so fucking turned on. never been so hard in my fucking life. seriously.”
he isn’t kidding; you glance down at his clothed dick, visibly straining against the fabric, and you can feel your ego inflating to match. “yeah?” you slide your hand into his hair. “what do you want to do about it?”
“wanna fuck you,” he whimpers, looking doe-eyed at you. “but i wanna eat you out first. can i? please, darling?”
he’s so fucking eager. you’re obsessed with him.
nodding, you move so you’re sitting on the edge of the bed in front of matty, flicking the front of the skirt out of the way; his pupils dilate even more when he sees you’re bare underneath, and you giggle. “go on then, gorgeous.”
matty’s barely gasped out a “thank you” before you’re being tugged towards his face and it’s buried between your thighs. really, there’s no other word for it - if you could think anything coherent amidst the pleasure searing through you with every movement of your boyfriend’s tongue, you’d genuinely worry about whether he can breathe or not, so close is he to your core. but how can you be expected to think when you feel so fucking good?
of course, matty being matty, he’s slightly graceless with his tongue in his overexcitement, but that’s easily remedied - you root your fingers between those curls you love so much, using them as leverage to grind yourself against him and, in the process, guide him to do what you need him to. he groans what you assume, knowing him, is a “thank you” into your cunt, and the vibrations of his voice add an extra layer to the stimulation already turning you into a wanton, whining mess of a woman. “fuck, matty, such a good boy for me,” you pant, stomach contracting with every lick. humming happily, he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on the bud and making you wail.  “yes, yes, just like that… fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good to me. keep going, angel, make me feel good.”
just like you knew it would, the praise spurs your boyfriend on, more than you would’ve thought humanly possible had you not spent copious amounts of time with his mouth on you just like this. after he’s had his fill of making out with your clit - for now, at least - matty turns his attention to your hole itself, licking into it like melting ice cream, driving the muscle into you to the hilt, over and over and over. that in itself is enough to make your legs convulse, but then he adds his thumb to your clit; some form of half-scream half-sob thing drags itself up your throat and past your lips as matty draws every pattern he knows you love onto the bundle of nerves, and your thighs involuntarily clench around his head, keeping him flush against you.
as if he would ever leave you hanging.
some part of your pleasure-numb brain urges you to apologise, tells you that crushing his head like that is surely painful, but it’s quickly disproven by your boyfriend whimpering into your core, pretty little masochist that he is. he looks up at you, beautiful eyes rolling back further into his head with every moan you make, responding with whines and groans of his own. there are a lot of things to like and love about matty, and his focused desire to always make you feel good is one of them - he gets off on this, making you feel nothing less than euphoric, and there’s no way in hell he’s stopping doing what he’s doing until you cum.
and when he rapidly flicks his tongue on your clit, side to side, curls flying everywhere from the force with which he’s shaking his head, you do. the building ball of pleasure in your stomach shatters, careening into your veins and nerves and brain and voicebox, and it’s all you can do to hold him against your cunt until the aftershocks subside.
matty giggles breathily, tenderly rubbing your thighs as you flop back onto the bed and catch your breath. when you’ve stopped shaking quite so much, you sit up on your elbows to look at him. “now where on earth did you learn that last move?”
he shrugs, cheeks rosy from use and damp with you. sweet as caramel and completely earnest, he replies. “just wondered if it would work.”
“jesus christ,” you giggle, shaking your head. “you're perfect, you know that? now,” you beckon him again. “get up here, birthday boy.”
matty doesn't waste any time; he's lying beside you before you've even finished talking, giddy smile intact. you make the same face in return, climbing onto his lap and pressing your lips to his, while his hands find home on your waist. the taste of yourself on him is exhilarating - you moan into matty when it hits you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and fluster you even further.
it's such a good kiss that it physically pains you to pull away. but the sight of matty, all messy hair and big adoring eyes, makes up for it. smiling, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. “so, birthday boy, what do you want to do next?”
“hmm,” matty's brow furrows adorably, hands tracing the bare skin of your torso as he thinks. after a moment, he looks up at you shyly. “i’d like you to ride me, please.”
before you can open your mouth to agree, he bursts into speech again. “but only if you want to! we can do something else if you’re not in the mood for that. god, i’d take anything at all. but, also, nothing. i don’t mind,” he takes a breath, smiling lovingly at you and stroking your hair. “to be honest, i’d settle just for looking at you, darling. my beautiful girl”. 
your cheeks burn, your heart flutters, and all you can do is kiss your boyfriend again. it's sweeter than the last kiss, but it quickly deepens into something desperate - you lift your hips and tug gently at matty's boxers, and he lifts his own hips to let you slide them off. you giggle against his lips as he holds you at a funny angle so he can kick the underwear off, pulling back slightly to talk. “can i fuck you now, sweetheart?”
matty smiles. “you can do anything you want.”
“alright,” you grin at the way he whimpers when you take hold of his dick, eyes fluttering closed when you pump it; you softly touch his face as if to stir him. “eyes open, sweetheart. want you to watch me.”
“okay. sorry,” he obliges, eyes opening and widening as you sink down onto him slowly, hands braced on his hard chest. “jesus christ.”
“yeah,” you breathe, jaw dropping as you take him fully. after a second, you begin to grind your hips, riding him slowly to adjust to how big he is. “always feel so fucking good inside me, baby. how is it for you?”
“perfect,” he's fucked already, eyes heavy and jaw slackening, a sheen of sweat covering his chest tattoo. you speed up your movements, and matty groans, gaze fixated on your tits. “can i touch you, please?”
“of course, angel.”
“thank you.” just as you predicted, your boyfriend's hands immediately go to your chest, palming and squeezing as best he can through the bra. feeling generous - it is his birthday, after all - you reach backwards and undo the garment, chucking it somewhere in your bedroom. matty smiles deliriously, and when he lightly pinches your nipples, you can't help the way your hips speed up or the moan that escapes your lips.
clearly, he isn't the only masochist in the room.
your thighs are beginning to burn from the effort, but you ignore it. matty's enjoying this, the way you're fucking him, as evidenced by the whines of your name and groans and whimpers that fall from his lips, punctuated by the gorgeous sound of your skin slapping against his. and you're enjoying it, too - he hits a delicious spot inside you every time your bodies meet, and given your previous orgasm you don't think it'll take long for you to get off again. 
he also seems to be getting close, hips sporadically jerking up into you. it feels good, actually, so good that you decide it might be time to relinquish control for a bit. you smile sweetly. “do you want to do the work for a bit, angel, wanna fuck me?”
“can i?”
fuck, you have the most adorable boyfriend in history. you nod. “i'd really like that.”
“alright,” matty shuffles beneath you, sitting up more against the pillows and moving your arms to rest on his shoulders. he kisses you, so deeply and passionately that your head spins. “can i make you cum, please, darling?”
he smiles, hands moving to hold your hips. “whatever my girl wants.”
no sooner than the words have left his mouth, matty fucks up into you as fast as he can. you've no idea how he can even move at such a brutal pace, but you're not about to complain; you're not about to do anything, actually, except cling onto him and moan into his neck, your second orgasm of the night creeping closer and closer with every thrust of your boyfriend's hips. urging it on even faster, you slip a hand down to your still-sensitive clit, matching pace with matty and pulling the pleasure out from your very bones. you throw your head back, whimpering praise and pleas for him to get you off; matty watches, mesmerised. “fuck, you're beautiful,” he groans, still fucking you with reckless abandon. “cum for me, please, please. wanna watch you, wanna make you feel good. need it, darling, need you to cum.”
his pleading is what does it for you; with a wail, you bury your head in the crook of matty's neck, whimpering into him as you cum for the second time in under an hour. he brings a hand to the back of your head, tenderly holding you close as his hips stutter to a stop, murmuring more pleas into your ear. “fuck, fuck, please let me cum, can't - shit, darling - can't hold it any longer.”
“do it,” you speak into his skin. “cum, baby, fill me up.”
matty whines, thrusting up into you a final time. he wraps his arms around you as he cums, kissing your shoulder as he recovers. “thank you, sweet girl. so good to me.”
“so good for me,” you lean forward to kiss your boyfriend, both of you unbothered by the cum leaking out of you and onto his stomach when he slips out of you. “always exactly what i need.”
matty smiles. he holds your face so carefully, caressing your cheeks when you pull apart. “i've changed my mind.”
“about what?” you frown, confused.
“about what my best birthday was,” matty giggles, still panting for breath. “it's this one. hands-down. fuck the football.”
you laugh. “can i get that in writing?”
“after today? you can get anything you want,” he laughs, slightly manic, shaking his head in disbelief. “i can't believe you bought and wore that outfit for me, darling. sexiest fucking thing i've ever seen, christ.”
“i'm glad you liked it. i had a lot of fun,” you kiss his nose. “happy birthday, baby. can i clean you up?”
“in a minute, my girl,” matty wraps his arms around your thighs and tugs you until your core hovers over his face, currently set into the biggest smirk you've ever seen. “my turn first.”
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everalii · 20 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Boys Headcannons
Just bc I wanted! I'll post one for the girls later
♤ Sebastian Sallow ♤
• doesn't play quidditch, but was very good at it, much to Imelda's dismay. She fought hard to blackmail convince him to join the team, with no success;
• Is a night owl by heart, and if it wasn't for Ominis at Hogwarts, and Anne at home, he would lose much of the morning. However, feels he lost the day if he wakes up around midday;
• Has an expansion charm on his trousers pockets, makes it easier to smuggle some books from the restricted section;
• He'll never admit his feelings for MC, but still didn't realized his feelings for her are way too explicit. He can't shut up about how brilliant she is, Ominis can't stand to another night of his rambles about her. MC and Sebastian are clearly the only ones oblivious to his feelings;
• He and Solomon had a good relationship before he went to Hogwarts. His uncle taught him fishing and gardening, and that it a very fond memory for him. Another reason of why he resents his uncle so much;
• Hates the fact he is the spitting image of his father. Despite having a good relationship with his uncle before, Sebastian truly believes that his uncanny resemblance of this father is one of the reasons his uncle can't stand him;
• Is a fiery Sagittarius, his birthday is on december 14th.
♤ Ominis Gaunt ♤
• Plays piano like a god, almost like the keys are an extension of him. He pours his soul when playing, and makes everyone fall in love with his skill;
• His mother is desperately trying to stay close to him, sending many letters, begging to professor Black to ask Ominis to talk to her. But he couldn't forgive her for forcing him to torture muggles, and she's not sorry for it;
• Is hopelessly in love with Poppy, but doesn't know how to even start a conversation. Sebastian finds out and they make a bet on who will marry first (remember this is 1890-1900);
• Despises crowded spaces for obvious reasons, he can't distinguish the sounds and he gets dizzy, might even throw up. Someone must save this boy and bring him to somewhere peaceful, please;
• Is a romantic by nature. You may think Sebastian is flirtatious, but Ominis' simply a natural! The first date with Poppy, arranged by MC, ended with "It is much of a regret not being able to admire your face right now" Poppy turned red as phoenix feather;
• Has a sweettooth. You'll find him in the kitchens stealing cakes and candies, and he always have one in his pockets for when he gets anxious or overwhelmed;
• Is a lovely Gemini, born in May 30th.
◇ Garreth Weasley ◇
• His love for potioncrafting begun when his mother fell ill, and a St Mungus' potionist crafted a potion for her in front of Garreth. When his mother recovered, he knew that was exactly what he want to work with;
• Is a social butterfly, and is on for any gossip you may hear. Him and Cressida always have the hottest gossips;
• One may think that professor Weasley favours her nephew, but is quite the contrary. She demands and exceptional behavior from him, and grounds him for literally anything. But he loves his aunt very much;
• Adores to sing, but is very keen about it. His Gryffindor friends always get him drunk enough to sing. Garreth is the life of the parties;
• Is very aware of the uncanny resemblance with Sebastian, and boy they do take advantage of it. Isn't uncommon for them to trade school uniforms and transfigure their haircolor to avoid detention or enter locked spaces such as the restricted section or Sharp's office. Garreth even saved Sebastian's pittyisome grades in Potions once, and ever since, professor Sharp begun suspecting;
• Secretly fancies Anne, and may Merlin forbid anyone to discover. Was very preoccupied when she didn't showed up in the 5th year, asked his aunt casually and he's trying to figure it out some potion that might cure her curse;
• The boy is a proud Pisces, born on april 3rd.
◇ Leander Prewett ◇
• Oh, he's a bullied bully. Being the 4th son of the Prewett family, he tried to find a way to get attention, and unfortunately, it wasn't the best way. But he has a good heart, trust me;
• And he's trying! He's not an excelled student, but he tries very hard, he just haven't found what really makes him shine;
• Was once very close to Amit, but in his quest to become popular, being friends with the boy obsessed with the stars stained his record (in his mind, because no one actually cared). Amit was very sad for their strained friendship;
• Is incredible at linguistics, the boy can speak any language possible, and secretly loves to study foreign languages. Professor Ronen always praises him for his perfect pronunciation in Charms;
• His older brother is his greatest inspiration, as a very famous auror working abroad in France. Leander trully wants to excel in every subject that will make him a great auror, just like his brother;
• He did apologized to Zenobia for his bullying in his 7th year. Little did he know that she found that way too adorable for her own sake and pride;
• He despises astrology, as the good Aquarian he is. Leander was born in february 9th.
◇ Lucan Brattleby ◇
• the mind behind Crossed Wands is a highly skilled duelist. Before MCs arrival, he and Sebastian held the second and first place respectively. Their rivalry and friendship was well admired;
• His greatest dream is to become the head of the auror department, just like his grandfather once was. He thinks that he will eventually fight with Sebastian for that post, little did he knew that his friend is not interested in the auror career;
• Oh, if Sophronia knew how much he fancies her... He's the only one that truly listen to her trivia for hours. Lucan actually studies for her quiz, only to make her proud of him;
• Is definitely Professor Hecats favourite in his year. She decided to tutor him by the end of the 6th year;
• Loves creatures, you can see him petting the Puffskeins and Kneazzles in Creature's;
• Here comes another problem for Madam Scribner... Out of the 5 times he broke in the restricted section, she caught him twice. "I was just looking for a book about offensive spells", she swears she heard that before...;
• This is one a spicy Scorpio, born in october 30th
♧ Amit Takhar ♧
• We know he's interested in gobledegook, but after Lodgok, he never touched a book of the language. Poor thing;
• Much yo Everett's dismay, Amit owns a broom! And he's a very good flier, despite his insecurity. MC and Everett are helping him to trust his own skills;
• Still misses Leander very much, but wouldn't accept his apologies, he's very proud and knows how to stand his ground when needed;
• Amit's family came from India during the Regency Era, and he visited the country a couple of times. He's not very fond of the heat, but the night sky stole his heart, the many stars he has never seen... Breathtaking!;
• He follows rules, but breaks into the Astronomy Tower way too many times for professor Shah liking. However, she was very torn to send him to detention or not. She did, twice, to make him learn to follow the rules. Needless to say it didn't work until she threatened to lock him away from the astronomy tower;
• Loves to watch quidditch matches. He considered the tryouts for the Ravenclaw team, but he was way too scared of the bludgers (and I totally agree with him);
• He's a sweet capricorn, born in January 16th
♧ Everett Clopton ♧
• The best flier in the school, sorry Imelda. But since he doesn't own a broom of his own, he never got the chance to beat the Slytherin captain;
• Professor Kogawa pity him, and considered gifting him anonymously with a broom, but she's too correct. If he gets a broom, she must give one to every child in the school!;
• Is a prankster by nature, but can be cruel sometimes. Teamed up with Ominis once to lock Duncan in the Puffskein cage. A very gruesome friendship between him and the Slytherin was formed that day;
• He's an incredible artist as well, every single one of his parchment is covered with drawings. The professors tend to scold him for it, but secretly adores to see his drawings thriving. Professor Weasley encourages him to keep with the hobby;
• Was the first to perfectly cast a corporeus Patronum in DADA during the 6th year, besting Sebastian and MC. His Patronus is a deer. (SORRY, he's my Hogwarts Legacy version of James);
• Still tries to get Imelda off her tracks with his pranks and teasing, and she loses every time. He loves to have her attention, and understood why close to their graduation. Officially started courting her a few months after Hogwarts;
• Another Sagittarius, but this one was born in december 2nd.
Another boy to make headcannons? Lemme know :)
And sorry for any mispronunciation, english is not my first language
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Wiggly Wednesday!! 🧠🪱
I was tagged by @matchingbatbites and @just-my-latest-hyperfixation on previous wiggly wednesday posts but I really haven't been having many new thoughts... UNTIL TODAY THAT IS
this week i've been thinking a lot about a (st)eddie fallout au.
i've been thinking about sole survivor!steve who marries a whip smart lawyer at the request (demand) of his and her parents once it's found out the harrington name can't keep him out of the war.
they shove the two together, she ends up pregnant just like their families wanted, and once back from the front lines, he tries his damndest to settle into his new life with his new family (and brand new son, Dustin, the goddamn light of his life), only for the bombs to drop.
on the other side of things is ghoul!eddie who served in alaska but lost half his leg and was sent home (he has since fitted an assaultron leg in its' place).
i think it'd be hilarious if he somehow finds a wig almost exactly like his old hair but that's a little worse for wear so he sews it into the lining of a black cowboy hat (they're practical alright?) and every time he meets someone he sweeps his hat off into a bow in an effort to make them laugh when his winkled bald head makes an appearance.
Steve, who leaves vault 111 and heads out from sanctuary soon after he realizes Codsworth doesn't have much to tell him about where that blond motherfucker had taken his infant son.
he heads into concord with his old baseball bat fitted with some new rusty nails and a german shepard trailing along behind him.
he sneaks around through the side streets to get past the majority of raiders who have backed a group of people into the old museum, but runs smack into one of them, a woman about his age (well, how old he'd been when he was frozen, goddamn vault-tec bastards) with her choppy, dirty blonde hair shaved nearly down to the scalp on one side.
"Wait! Please, don't kill me." she says, immediately dropping the scuffed up 10mm she'd been holding.
He studies her, then their surroundings, his military training kicking back in, but he doesn't hear anyone nearby... this isn't a trap?
"Please, they killed off my family and I either had to join them or they'd kill me too."
He looks her over, grabs her arm and pulls her under a dilapidated set of stairs, "How many are inside?"
"At least four adults, maybe a kid too."
"A kid?! are you serious?!"
"They're raiders! What do you expect!"
Steve huffs, does another scan, "Okay, c'mon, we can get through them, right? Can you shoot that thing?" he gestures with his chin to where her gun still lays.
She rolls her eyes, "Of course I can, dingus. You think I'd've survived this long if I couldn't?"
She scoots out from under the steps, Steve's "How should I know?!" following her trail of dust.
"I'm Robin, by the way."
"Steve." he says, standing too and hefting his bat onto his shoulder "Now let's go!"
They get through the museum, looting every possible thing they can from Robin's 'Friends' as they go, all the way to where the survivors have barricaded themselves.
The door opens easily, to Steve's surprise, he'd thought they'd ask more questions, but when the sawed-off is pointed into Robin's face, he thinks otherwise.
"Hey! Whoa! We just saved you!"
"What do you want, a sweet roll? She's a raider." the woman says, face pinched, hair tied back tight.
"She was a raider." Robin says, hands still raised.
"Wheeler, let 'em through, you know damn well they just saved our asses."
The woman, Wheeler, apparently, drops her weapon and lets them through to their hiding place.
There are, in fact, four adults and a kid. Though 'kid' in this case is a gangly 15/16 year old with dark hair.
Along with him and Wheeler, there's also a man with with a long braid down the center of his back and caramel colored skin, and a pale man with disheveled, choppy hair of his own. Well, more disheveled than Steve figures he normally'd be.
"It's only a matter of time before more of 'em come." A brusque man, sat onto the little couch in one corner with his leg extended in front of him, continues. "We need more fire power. We need that damn minigun."
"You have a minigun?"
"Yeah, it's in my pocket, lemme just---" the man rolls his eyes after miming reaching into the pocket of his grubby jeans, "It's on the roof, and we cant really use it unless we have that power armor too."
Steve knew grabbing that fusion core from the basement earlier would be useful.
"I've got it. Which is the door to the roof?"
"You need a fusion core, dumbass." the teenager says.
"There's one in the basement if you--"
"I've already got it." Steve says, "Which way to the roof?"
He doesn't have a single clue what the fuck that thing was, but he killed it, and now their group is heading back to Sanctuary.
The guy with the braid, Argyle, says that he saw the perfect place to settle in in a vision, ("A fucking Jet-fueled vision." Wheeler grumbles, not at all convinced the place Argyle is talking about even exists.) and asks Steve and Robin for their help in getting there.
"Yeah, sure," he says, voice coming out tinny through the power armor's old helmet speaker. "I think I saw a place to the north that sounds just like that."
So he does, taking up the rear as Hopper, the big man with the mustache, limps along at the front with his injured leg on one side and Wheeler on his other.
Robin takes a spot in front of him as the teen, Mike, has taken the spot to his right that Steve keeps feeling like Robin should fill the longer they walk. He should ask her to come with him to find Dustin.
"What's it like in there, can you see? That thing really took a bite outta your arm, can you fix it?" more and more questions about Steve's armor that he does his best to answer without getting short.. but he's damn fuckin' tired.
They hobble into Sanctuary just as the sky begins to lighten; Wheeler starts off along the riverbank with her rifle in hand as soon as they cross the bridge, the other man, Jonathan, helping Hopper the rest of the way up the hill to the house Argyle points out to him; it's the Smiths' house, two doors down from his own.
Steve, however, trudges along at 10% power, all the way to the carport of the Johnsons' home, the yellow one across from his and Nora's.
He doesn't know why they suddenly have a power armor station here, but he's glad for it and for Robin following him to the stand.
"Hook one of those chains though each of the hooks on my shoulders? That way I can hoist this thing up after I get out."
She does, he punches the release, and groans as he back out of the contraption.
They spend the next couple days helping the settlers get settled into sanctuary, but Steve's itching to get out of this place, to find his boy.
Robin, now free of her ratty raider garb, jumps at the opportunity to go with him and the shepherd Argyle's taken to calling Dogmeat. So, after a cryptic lead from Argyle to find the heart glowing in the great green jewel, they head out.
One or five adventures later, Steve and Robin arrive at the giant green walls of Fenway Park.
"Ah Diamond City, she'll have answers, I'm sure."
"Are you serious? Diamond City is in Fenway? That's just perfect." Steve shakes his head, "The walls must come in handy at least."
"Uh, yeah, it's why everyone wants to get in." She says, gesturing to a woman outside the gate that's arguing with an intercom.
"Dammit Powell, you can't just kick me out, I live here!"
"Sorry Joyce, Brenner isn't happy with what you've been saying about him."
"So you just lock me out? My kid's in there! Let me in, dammit!"
The woman looks up as Steve and Robin approach, "Hey, you two, you wanna get in?"
Steve looks up at the big metal gate that's been affixed to the stadium, "Uh.. yes?"
"Okay, then play along," she whispers.
Joyce manages to get the gate opened, the Mayor of the town meeting them at the turnstiles and fighting with himself on coming off hostile to Joyce, but trying to seem welcoming to the newcomers.
He drops it eventually, lets them through, but the whole interaction is already nagging at Steve. He should get Joyce to move back to Sanctuary.. after they've gotten settled a bit more, at least.
She's sweet to them, gives them supplies, calls Steve 'Blue' ("Because of your suit, hon." Oh yeah.. he should get some new underclothes too, huh?), and sends them off to Valentine Detective Agency, the only place she knows that could possibly be the 'glowing heart' of Diamond City.
The two get Nick out of Vault 114 at the behest of his secretary, break into Creel's old house in the stands with Robin's stellar lockpicking skills, and are hot on Dogmeat's heels soon after, arriving at Steve's old musterpoint before the bombs dropped, Fort Hagan.
They fight through waves of laser-gun wielding robots, that Robin calls 'gen 2s', all the way trough the Fort only Steve knows was named after the father of an old friend of his.
The blonde bastard that Steve remembers seeing down in 111 bears so little resemblance to the deep fried looking piece of shit standing before him now, that he almost doubts what Valentine told him, but tall, viney, and creepy's monologue clears some of it up at least. Something called FEV causing his ghoulification to speed up..
Steve can't make hide nor hair of it.
Robin explains it to him after, the existence of ghouls at least, she's not sure what the fuck FEV is, while they're camped out on the roof of Fort Hagan, watching the goddman Prydwen float across the sky.
"They're people, most of 'em from your time, some from after, but they all get wrinkly and stuff. Noses fall off, all that."
"Are they the same zombie things that always try to kill us?"
"Yeah," she sighs, "All ghouls turn feral eventually."
They make their way back to Diamond City, telling Nick what they saw, what they pulled from Creel's busted open head.
"Y'know, I've got a friend in Goodneighbor that might be able to help with this. You two rest up, use Ellie's bed too if ya need to. She's out for the next couple days."
The trio head out the next day, arriving with little fanfare in Goodneighbor late that night.
They get through the gate, only to be accosted by some guy in leather pants and a leather jacket.
“Newcomers, huh? Y’get insurance yet?”
“Back off man, I don’t have time for this.” Steve says, stepping forward.
The guy pulls a knife brandishing it way too close to Steve’s gut. “Sounds like you don’t, newbie.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, man. Finn. What’d I tell you about this insurance shit?” The husky voice comes from behind this Finn character, and Steve turns his attention to the possible new threat.
It was a ghoul; Clunky boots, dusty black denim jeans, a leather jacket of his own, and a head of long, curly brown hair under a black cowboy hat.
“This ain’t none’a your business, Munson.” The brute says, turning his attention to the ghoul.
Munson saunters forward, “C’mon, Finn, no love for your Mayor?” He reaches a hand up and out, grabbing hold of Finn’s shoulder, then in a flash, grabs a knife from the holster on his thigh Steve failed to notice, and has plunged the blade deep into his gut.
Finn sputters, then drops to the ground, dead.
"I've always hated that guy." Munson says, then turns his attention to the trio, "Hey you three, Nicky, been a while."
"Yeah yeah, how are ya, Eddie?"
Eddie Munson the ghoul shrugs his shoulders, "Can't complain. How c'n I help ya? Any friend of Nicky's is a friend of mine."
"We're here to see Amari," Nick says, pushing forward and heading towards an alley past the Old Statehouse.
"Very well, Nicky dear," Eddie says, reaching for his hat and pulling it off his head to dip into a bow.
The sight startles a laugh out of Steve; Eddie's whole head of hair had come off with the hat, only wrinkled skin bare to the lamplight around them. Robin cringes, shaking her head and following Nick.
Eddie looks up at Steve's laugh, grinning wide as he passes, "Pleased to be the reason for a sound so sweet," he nods down into a bow again, then pulls straight, flipping his hat (and hair) back onto his head by the brim. With one, dark brown eye, Eddie winks at him, then turns back to the Statehouse.
And so, Robin and Steve continue on their adventures.
Hopper has been making strides to revitalize his group of minutemen, trying their damndest to help the people of the Commonwealth get back on their feet.
Joyce and her younger son reunite with her oldest in Sanctuary and she and Hopper definitely have something going on.
The eventually come across The Railroad, a group of people trying to help Gen 3 synths escape The Institute, led by a woman named Christine.
They cracked the code on their catacomb bunker (not that fuckin' hard if your make your password RAILROAD), and are stopped in their tracks by three women. Well, at least one is a woman...seriously, what's with these random teenagers running around with guns??
Whatever. The one with the shaved head is somehow holding a fuckin' minigun all on her own, the redhead on the other side of who must be the leader here has a sleek-looking comabt rifle, and the one in the center, the older one, says "Stop right there."
"We come in peace."
"How'd you find us?"
"Well, you've been leaving holotapes everywhere, it seems like.. so we just followed the Freedom Trail here like you wanted...?"
"You just guessed the password then?"
"Uh... yeah."
Another person enters then, another teenager. His complexion making it seem like he stepped clear out of the shadow on the wall behind him.
"Who are you? Lucas," the woman says, "I need intel. Who are these two?"
"You haven't heard of the Twinsters, Chris?"
"The Twinsters?" Steve and Robin repeat at the same time.
"Coined it myself," Lucas says with a grin, "Twin Twister; These two can tear into a town and within an hour have it cleared of ghouls, raiders, supermutants, you name it. You guys are twins aren't you?"
"Yes." they say in tandem, not giving it another thought. It's as good an explanation as anything for how close they've become.
"And you vouch for them?" Chris asks Lucas.
"One hundred percent. We could definitely use them on our team."
"And we really need your help, we have a courser chip, and we were told you could decrypt it?" Robin asks, interrupting whatever Chris was going to say.
Chris looks back at Robin, pauses a moment, then nods. "We'll see what we can work out.
ANYWAY before i get too lost in the sauce about this even more; Steve and Eddie start hooking up and Eddie's just as suave as Hancock is but nerdier, they take down the Prydwen and Elder Carver, Lucas El and Max visit Sanctuary as often as they can and make fast friends with Mike and Will along with Dustin once Steve gets him back from the institute after everything, Hop gets dadopted by El, Buckingham endgame, maybe jargyle and ronance too? but Steddie is the endest of game lmao
please enjoy this v basic moodboard the end
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
the average person doesn't expect you to be a perfect ethical consumer, that's not possible for the vast majority of us. but what youre saying is it's better to do nothing at all and choose the worst possible options (sweat shops, overseas shipping waste, idea/product theft, all wrapped up in SHEIN) than to put even the tiniest effort in where you can.
[they are referring to this post]
What I said was "some people are doing literally everything they can to survive and have no extra bandwidth to spend extra time and money on their purchases, and it is cruel and therefore un-punk to gatekeep punkness and add additional shame to these people's lives based on that fact."
I think it's still a good thing to try to ethically consume; I literally never said it wasn't. I had never even heard of SHEIN before. Rather, I am much more concerned about what I saw as arbitrary gatekeeping based on ability and income.
And frankly how dare you claim that I am supporting sweatshops and abuse by saying that this additional work you are demanding (in this case, presumably, vetting every clothing company you buy from) is not always possible for people. It is not a light accusation to accuse me of supporting abuse.
"How dare you say we piss on the poor", Etc. 🙄 this isn't Twitter. You are determined to enforce moral purity, but you are failing to see the nuance.
Because when I say "no extra bandwidth," I mean no extra bandwidth. This is not the "car shows it's on E but actually secretly it has a lot of gas left" situation that abled people constantly assume disabled people mean when they say they are at their limit.
This is "the car has stopped moving, and to move it I'd have to break my body pushing it." This is "at a certain point, people will hit a wall in terms of money and time and energy, and any energy spent after that comes directly out of their life force."
So the argument "okay but just spend a little more time money and energy actually" is not a valid one.
And the argument "if you are not able to do this specific task, then it means you're not doing anything else to make the world a better place" doesn't exactly impress me either. You said yourself that it is impossible to be a perfectly ethical consumer for most people.
How do you know what else people are doing to resist oppression? How many hours per week until your standards are met?What if someone works 3 jobs? Does that mean it's harder to be a good person if you're poor?? Why do you get to decide what specific avenue of bettering the world is the most morally repugnant or acceptable? What kind of proof of goodness and effort would make you satisfied enough to lay off on the shame?? Who are you helping??
Clothing is a fundamental human need, and some of us have to buy cheap fucking clothes quickly. Billionaires are buying their seventh yacht this month. The people who own fast fashion companies are abusing their workers and putting local affordable clothing stores out of business - and this applies for basically every company with price points that low because governments are failing to regulate corporations to enforce basic human rights.
I have $300 to spend on a new wardrobe as my old clothes have fallen apart or become too small. Do you have a way for me to get a new winter coat, 3 flannels, 10 shirts, 3 dress shirts, new sandals, 10 pairs of pants, 5 bras, 12 pairs of socks, and 10 pairs of underwear within that budget and also definitely 100% ethically sourced, with free returns in case it doesn't fit? Or will I simply have to use the cheap stores?
I have about an hour to spend on this per week. Many mainstream stores doesn't make clothes in my size, and I am now in *year 5* of needing an electric wheelchair and being unable to get one; plus I live up a flight of stairs, so I can't even bring my walker out with me - so thrift shopping is not gonna cover this. Should I continue to wear small and tattered clothing until I have the time, money, and energy to meet your standards?
Did you know there are more empty homes in this country than homeless people? If I decide to splurge on only 100% ethically-produced products, and I can't make rent, and I become homeless, are YOU going to be there for me?? Or are you too busy litigating the endless tiny shames of poverty in your own community?
So I ask you again, are you SURE this is where you want to direct your punk energy?
Because there are a whole lot of rich people relying on people like us punching down and to the side instead of looking up to see where the money is going.
Because energy and time, as it turns out, are limited resources. And I would never expect you to secretly have more than you claim to have.
#original#punk#hopepunk#cripplepunk#i swear to god#reading comprehension website#how dare you say we piss on the poor#jfc 'what you're saying is we should do nothing' - what I'm saying is YOU are doing nothing by enforcing this boundary#you have to give people more credit than this. i believe you want a better world too. and it would be cool if you used your energy to#instead ask 'how do i fight for the people in my community to be clothed and have the time and income to shop ethically?'#or 'how do i support activism that pushes for regulation that could control these companies?'#monitoring how poor people spend money is a supremely Republican thing to do. as is demanding clear moral purity from every scenario.#you want a better world too. you want to demand your peers do better. - fine. good.#but you need to be asking if you have remembered and included everyone's needs when making statements like this.#capitalism is all for forgetting about poor and disabled people and refusing to believe their limits.#shame is a necessary weapon in fighting greed but it IS a weapon. be so careful where you point that shit. enough shame can kill a person#and a lot of us are already defending from it from all sides.#shaming a person who is already at their limit for not doing more is an act of cruelty. think very carefully about what that means please.#i literally don't even know what SHEIN is lol i just know classism when i see it#but I've had friends whose clothes were visibly falling apart with no income and so much so shame so deep in their hearts they were dying#and if they had seen that post it would have made them even sicker and gotten them no closer to the dignity of being properly clothed#shame is a weapon and /you need to be careful!!!!/
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weirdmorefics · 10 months
Unmasked - Chpt 2
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Previous Chapter
Word Count- 1,707
The phone ringing was all I could focus on not the stares the phone ringing non-stop in my pocket.
"Garcia trace the call coming to L/N phone now!" Prentiss demanded
Garcia froze in shock at Emily's sudden yelling and Spencer asked full of concern, "Emily what is going on?"
"Reid now is not the time, Garcia now! Y/n I am going to need you to answer your phone." Emily shouts speedily.
"Prentiss you promised you wouldn't get the team involved," I gasped the words barely making it out of my mouth.
"L/N answer your phone," Emily demanded as if she didn't hear me.
I clenched my fists and picked up the phone, "Hello?"
"I hear you like scary movies, and so do I. What's your favorite scary movie?" The robotic voice sends shivers down my spine it's the same one I've heard time and time again in my life and in my nightmares.
"Listen hear dipshit, I've done this three times in my life and the one thing that always stays the same is Ghostface dies," I growl.
"And you listen hear Y/n this isn't your movie! It's mine! Aren't you tired of Sidney getting all the spotlight? The money, the book deals, the fame? You are just the nobody sister who would've died if not for Sidney!" The voice loses its temper. Ghostface just made his motive very clear, he is jealous of Sidney.
"If I am just the nobody sister, why are you calling me?"
"You're a loose end, can't finish the movie without Sidney failing to save her baby sister. Ruining her completely." Ghostface says it like it's common sense.
"Then I'll just keep killing. Who should I start with? Dewey the cop that inspired you to be one? Or your best friend that's trying to track this call right now? Oh, I know that agent who just got out of prison? I know how much you love bad boys, must be genetic." Ghostface taunts succeeding in knocking the breath out of my lungs.
"How do you know about my team!" I scream
Ghostface laughs, "I will see you soon Y/n."
The line goes dead, I drop my phone to the ground and hold my hand to my chest. I am hyperventilating and feel like I might pass out. Sidney had it right all along to hide away in a cabin. The more people you love the more Ghostface has to hold over your head.
Rossi speaks when the call ends, "Prentiss, what is going on?"
Emily ignores him and instead shouts to Garcia, "Did you trace the call?"
"Um, yes 34 Elm St Woodsboro California," Penelope stutters.
I slid my back against the wall outside Emily's office still out of breath. That call must have been hard for Penelope to listen to as well considering the fact that Ghostface just threatened her life.
Spencer squats down to my position on the floor god I hate that he has to see me like this.
"Y/n you are okay, you are at the BAU, you are with the team," he tries to soothe if only it were that easy. Any other time I would have melted to hear him talk to me so gently but I know I am going back to Woodsboro no matter what.
I look to Prentiss, "That's my childhood home."
Spencer's eyes widen at my statement, it was inevitable that I would be found out. I will always be a Prescott no matter how far or fast I run.
"Isn't Woodsboro where those Stab movies take place?" Alvez asks
"Agh I hate those movies so cheesy and bloody, not for me," JJ gags at the mention.
I am sure Spencer connected it after the phone call and as soon as I said that was my childhood home. It must be a curse to have so many things permanently stuck in your brain.
"Those movies are based on a true story of the original Ghostface murders witnessed by Gale Weathers," he reluctantly says looking at me with pity.
"Garcia, get all the files you have on each Ghostface killing and let the local police know we are coming. We will need you on this one since phones and voice changers are always used. Wheels up in thirty!" Emily shouts
I quickly stand causing me to feel a little dizzy from all the hyperventilating, "Prentiss this case is a danger to the team, they are specifically being targeted. I suggest this case be sent to another team.
"Are you doubting your team agent," Emily narrows her gaze on me.
"Of course not! But I feel you are underestimating Ghostface."
"We are going end of story. We protect our team and you will always be a part of this team Y/n," Emily states as a fact.
The team gives me worrying glances as they collect their go bags and collect Ghostface files from Garcia. Rossi pats my shoulder as he passes me, "You got this kid."
I walk to my desk and collect my go bag from underneath it. I can feel Spencer's gaze burning into me the whole time. I try to walk by his desk without looking at him. I don't want to see his beautiful eyes full of pity. Unfortunately, not looking at him was not a choice because he grabbed my wrist as I walked by him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispers
"I don't tell anyone," I sigh.
"I am not anyone Y/n, or at least I didn't think I was." He responds quietly at the last part of his sentence. It makes my heart swell at what the insinuation of his comment could mean but now was definitely not the time to think about it.
"Spencer, please don't go on this case," I beg.
"You can't be serious?"
"I just got you back- I mean we- the team just got you back. Scratch is gone you're safe, and the team is safe. I can't jeopardize the team just because I attract lethal serial killers," I stressfully explain tugging at my hair.
"Y/n I just got you and the team back and if you think I'm going to lose you again. You are wrong," he looks at me with his eyes full of seriousness.
"Is there nothing I can say to convince you?"
"No. Now come on before we are late for the jet." He speaks, his voice still filled with hurt.
I sigh and quietly follow Spencer to the jet the team's eyes glued to me as I enter. I ignore their questioning glances and sit next to Penelope.
"I am so sorry you had to listen to that phone call. You never should have been involved," I sighed.
Penelope looks offended, "Sweetie I am not upset because of the phone call. I am upset you had to keep all this to yourself for so many years! I am always here if you need anything."
I frown that the team is being so nice to me when I have lied to them for so long. At least Spencer seems as mad at me as I am at myself.
"Thank you, Garcia," I sigh.
"Kid, could you tell us what we are in for?" Rossi sympathetically asks.
"Well, hopefully, you are looking for a new book deal Rossi cause Ghostface one's fly off the shelf. However, you will have to fight Gale Weathers for the story. She is always there when Ghostface returns." I say self-depreciatingly.
"Could she be a suspect?" JJ asks.
"That would make sense run out of story material, why not make your own," Tara adds.
"One thing you need to know about Ghostface cases is that everyone is a suspect and it's always based on horror movie cliches, "I state.
"That should make him easier to profile shouldn't?" JJ asks
"You would think that but it's hard to find the motive when every Ghostface is a copycat. Ghostface also kills so fast it's hard to keep the kill count down and you never know if they are working in a pair." I respond
"There was only one case where Ghostface worked alone though so it's more likely it would be a duo since the only one who worked alone was a jealous brother," Rossi responds and I can tell he instantly regrets the last part.
"It's okay Rossi, he was jealous and a psycho killer who should have used words or gone to therapy," I responded coldly.
The jet got oddly silent but I guess that was to be suspected with. comment like that.
Emily broke the awkward silence, "How about we all go back to reviewing the case files. Silently this time."
For the rest of the jet ride, you could hear a pin drop and the light snores of Alvez. I swore Spencer's eyes never left me but it made me feel oddly comfortable like Ghostface could never get me as long as Spencer was here.
When the flight ended we all filed off the jet and Emily suggested she and I go to the police station and the rest of the team get checked into the hotel for the night because it was late.
"Prentiss, I would actually like to speak to my sister before anything to assure her safety," I plead.
"Okay, Y/n meet me at the station after," She responds.
Spencer jumps in, "Wouldn't it be safer in teams! I definitely don't think L/N should be anywhere alone since she is a target."
I could still sense Reid's anger and I really did not want to be a hassle so I assured him, "I will be fine I've survived this three times."
"Barely according to Gale Weather's book, you were in the ICU for a week after being stabbed three times in the back and that was only the first Ghostface spree, " Rossi muttered.
I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for the reminder, Rossi."
"Reid and Rossi have a point Y/n, you should have backup," Prentiss assists.
"I'll go with L/N," Spencer instantly volunteers.
"Okay then Rossi with me the rest of you get settled into the hotel," Emily instructions. Then we all head our separate ways.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I love all your analysis! Could I ask you to chime in, if you have the time and the inclination, on my pet theory?
Here it goes: Meghan found it harder than Catherine to be succeed in the Royal family because she's not athletic.
The Aristo crowd is sporty. It's a good marker of privilege - one you cannot fake - to be able to ski, play tennis, row, sail, ride, dive. All these things require lots of leisure time, and money, and the confident, cheerful ease of the amateur sportsman.
Catherine is a good minor athlete - her reaction to the 2007 breakup was to enter a rowing challenge with her girlfriends (she went clubbing with Pips too, sure, but she was out there most mornings in her wetsuit, being healthy and determined). It's hard to explain the mindset of the "amateur athlete in friendly competition" if you've never been one, but it gives you confidence, emotional regulation, and the bone deep knowledge that small constant steps are key to achieving progress and success.
Meghan just knows that "rich people go skiing", and she gets photographed on the slopes in an unsuitable coat, thinking it's the same thing. She looks for the shortcut - and she may fool some of the non-skiers, but it's just a house of cards. It works for an influencer who will quickly move on to the next thing, but the Royal family thinks in decades, and the persona their PR builds for you must have some consistency.
And there would have been nothing wrong with saying outright "you know what, I didn't grow up with that kind of money, I can't ski or row" - she would have got lots of sympathy.
Don't you love "training montages" in movies? She could have had years of upbeat training montage PR! Or she could have gone with an "outsider perspective" PR strategy, where she would have represented the slightly ironic common man faced with the BRF.
But Meghan the Narc can't stand to acknowledge she doesn't know something. She should have been herself, and instead she tried to be Catherine and failed.
It's a good theory, but i don't think it holds much weight when you really dig into it - for exactly what you pointed out: Meghan wasn't herself.
Kate was unabashedly and genuinely herself. Long before St. Andrews or William entered the picture, and she stayed that way after everything with William. The aristo crowd probably prefers that, and Kate doesn't strike me as someone who's impressed by all that. She probably cared more about their art collection than whether they were Duke So-and-So or Earl Whozitsandwhatsits, and that's impressive on its own. (I'm reminded now of the story with Cillian Murphy; he doesn't like it when people fawn all over him and he shuts down when that happens, so a seat-filler who sat next to him at one of the recent awards shows pretended she didn't know who he was and had the most incredible conversation wtih him.)
Whereas Meghan was always playing a role, and badly at that. So it was pretty easy for the aristo crowd to see right through her and know that she was bad news. Especially once she stop pretending to be aristo-like, with the cursing and demanding to sit next to Harry/switching place cards at the dinner parties, the screaming at staff, policing what everyone was saying and confronting them when it wasn't PC (according to her).
I think being sporty/athletic helped Kate, but the vibe I get from the aristo crowd isn't necessarily a sporty set. As a whole, they seem more outdoorsy to me with the skiing holidays, the shooting parties, the horse racing, the sailing. I think William's side of the aristo crowd (like his friends and Anne's family that he's closest to) is sporty because that's what they've connected over, and Kate fits in well with that crowd so it was easier for her to be accepted by them. But there's also the "city" side of the aristo crowd like the Yorkies and the Spencers where they're more known for their holidays, artsy/culture-type activities, and spectatoring sports.
Not to say that the two can't blend - they do, obviously, and everyone is probably really good at code-switching to navigate between the different segments of the aristo world (William and Kate especially as the future King and Queen, who have to be both representational and aspirational to all segments of the populartion, not just the aristos). And maybe the more culture set are sporty too (like how Diana danced and the Yorks skiied) but sport isn't how we think of those aristos. The latter crowd is what Meghan expected because that's the world Diana inhabited and as we all know, Meghan views royalty through Diana exclusively, so when she saw Kate in that sphere, she tried to emulate that side of Kate (the evening-gown wearing, gala attending, world-traveling, tennis-watching, polo-wifeing Kate) not knowing that it's just a small piece of who, and what, Kate actually is.
It's why the role she tried to play fell flat; Meghan didn't know the whole character, she just had the PR version of Kate to work with. Or, in acting parlance, Meghan had the character notes for Kate the Bit Player. She didn't get the character profile for Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, a main character.
Going back to what you originally said, that Meghan didn't integrate as easily as Kate did because of the athletics, I'd say it's bigger than that. It's because she didn't have any hobbies or interests. Everyone in the aristo set has hobbies and interests. Meghan didn't/doesn't have a single hobby and that made/makes it hard to connect with people on any level. She didn't need to have the same hobbies or interests as everyone else, she just had to have something. But she didn't. She had nothing.
All she had was Harry but Harry assumes the personality of whomever he's dating...which is the same thing Meghan does; she assumes the personality of whomever she's dating. So when there are two people being each other, they end up with nothing. Or they end up being his mother. Which isn't that much better either.
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piscesthepoet · 15 days
she's beautiful like a cathedral, like gilded vatican ceilings. but the funniest thing about religion is how man made it with his own hands. saw past the biological and painted meaning all over his own survival, lived and worshiped his made up doctrine. how he ignores the many times the earth reminds us how cruel it's cycles can be, reminds us that it's a meaningless rock floating through an infinite pitch void. he willfully remains romantic, philosophical, spiritual. he notices. adds to his archives. worships like a pet of God. In the beginning God hinted at his noticing, but now He sits silent. God does not respond to his sweet nothings, whispered to the inky night sky. He already has humanities faith, he no longer needs to fight for it. who is man to demand more? except he already has more. his creation is in his own hands. my creation is in my own hands too. i created her in my head, painted her with meaning. made my misery my cross to bear and delighted in my self sacrifice. hanging upside down, St. Peter’s cross- of course everything that was upside down looked right when i was head over heels. i must ask for more. 
she's out there, somewhere. learning her lessons while i learn mine- selfless and intelligent and empathetic. the kind of person that won't crush your spirit then watch to see your face move in the subway window- delighting in the attention. the kind of person who isn't afraid to hint a little, brush your hand on top of a table and play with your hair sober. who doesn’t vocalize their desire for a man, waiting for your voice to crack over the phone. i wont need to go looking, she’ll appear and i wont recognize her at first. but one day, i’ll wake up and i’ll know and i won’t even think of her when i do it. everyone i’ve ever loved will pale in comparison. and she will prove me wrong, and i’ll believe i deserve her and maybe when i look back at the photos my heart won’t rip at the edges. 
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
I've noticed that popular youtubers who do shows reactions, have not reacted to the new season 5 video, do you think there will be many who will not react to season 5 because of the scandal?
despite many conspiracies, the reality is that noah hasn’t been singled out by netflix and they’ve decided to back noah since “the scandal”. he was posted in all the promo since they started production, he was very visible in the first cast picture and he even got a whole ross’ ig post dedicated to him with netflix posting it everywhere for will’s birthday. by now that we just got the first teaser, it’s even clearer that netflix doesn’t see him as a liability or anything like that because we all saw how he was included like everybody else and we even got a glimpse of him sitting down to film an interview that seems to he for the rumored documentary that they are filming alongside the show so he’s totally in their marketing plan for the st5 in a substantial amount just like anybody else from the main cast. the rest of his cast mates have mentioned him multiple times this year alone and the st official accounts are commenting on his page. to me all of that makes it very clear that nobody is shunning or hiding noah in despite of how much people online want it.
now you must be wondering why i had to mention all that, well, if netflix that has a whole PR department decided to back noah right away, then we also shouldn’t worry too much about the impact noah’s presence will have in the overall viewership of the last season. they know that the boycott calls are performative and will barely make any noise by late next year when it’s been confirmed the new season is being released. you know, i’ve also been thinking a bit about how they might even be counting on the fact there's no such thing as bad publicity because let's be real, a lot of people seem to be clearly obsessed with noah asking if he will be or not in the show, and if the rest of the cast is actually shunning him or not, that kind of gossip will make people watch the show out of curiosity whenever we like it or not. netflix isn't spending a penny on this but jobless people online trying to make up rumors about noah in order to laugh at him for being left out are actually creating this air of mystery around him that gives the show free publicity, there's so many people that will tune in just to see how the cast act around noah during the press tour and in the show.
now let's talk specifically about what you're talking about, my answer here is that money talks. youtubers aren't making videos for shit and giggles, they want people to watch so they can get paid. right now the ones skipping stranger things content may fear losing views from their core fan base right now but the supply and demand theory is very clear, by the time the actual season comes out, there's going to be a huge demand of stranger things content and the youtubers won't want to miss out on cashing on that. we also need to point out that st5 part 1 is coming in a bit over a year, so enough time would've passed since everything happened. i expect every sane person would've moved on by then and that way the youtubers will feel safe enough to start posting st content again next year.
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emblazons · 1 year
That's a nice point about Matt Duffers, lol. But I sometimes feel like the show could not manage to deliver the message on the show. Most of the audience thinks Will was truly being childish and in the wrong for playing DnD in S3... and they still think that way after years. And of course, the audience is 'dumb' sometimes and they do not get the messages of the show and its narrative, but... it is also the case that the show could have done... better, so to say.
Honestly I think you make a fair point, though I personally don't agree with the idea that they "could have done it better" just because a lot of people don't understand what they were doing? Sure, I agree that there were maybe simpler or more straightfoward methods to get to where we are now, and I don't necessarily agree with all the Duffer's decisions, but...I certainly don't think they've done anything poorly…on top of the fact that the show isn’t even done.
I have talked about it here several times before, but: Stranger Things was and always has been a show for a specific audience (which The Duffers have repeatedly said, even walking into S5) rather than the behemoth household name moneymaker a lot of people see it as today, and a lot of the muddled interpretations of the show come from that expansion beyond its original bounds more than anything else. I think that, especially with the introduction of S4 when they “started showing their hand,” their direction for the story was clear to the audience it was meant to be—and while it is perhaps its a bit "pretentious" in a way to say so, the fact that ST is lost on people who it wasn’t designed for doesn't mean the Duffers did a weak job—it just means they aren’t the audience the show was written for.
With smaller shows (and even movies) that have more niche audiences and smaller viewerships (aka: people who know what to look for in the show), you don't see the same kind/level of criticism or audience dissonance ST gets—just like the audience for Clueless (1995) can appreciate things about it that people outside of its viewership might think was overwhelmingly foolish, same as the viewership for Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey is going to catch and appreciate things about it that are going to fly right over the heads of a fair number of people who watch it...despite both of those films being phenomenal examples of work for their specific audiences/genres.
There are people who don't like Jane Austen who know she's a master at what she did even if they don't understand it, and people who hate Stephen King books still know he's good at what he does (unless they're being critical for its own sake). To me, its much the same with The Duffers & Stranger Things—it makes sense to almost all of the nerdy, deeply steeped in movies and TV humans who watch the show, and most of us have realized they are on their way to making a clear point about how embracing your nerdiness is positive...even if most of the general audience hasn't gathered that yet.
Also, given the show isn't even finished yet, its jumping the gun a bit to say "you haven't delivered" on something that isn't yet complete? You can’t get 4/5 of the way through a book, see the lead up for the story, and then shut it before the dénouement…only to then say the author doesn’t know what they’re doing lmao.
Like. If The Duffers fuck this up I will be right there demanding justice for Will Byers, same as you. But I’m not gonna call Matt Duffer a liar or incompetent writer before his proverbial essay’s even finished just because someone who wasn’t the intended audience for ST doesn’t understand or see the deeper themes of the show ☠️ if it’s pretentious to say that then…I guess they have to mark me down LMAO.
Anyway. I hope that makes sense? And that you know I am not coming for you, but more the idea that the duffers are fucking up somehow because some people don’t understand them. But still, thanks for the ask!
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heartofspells · 2 years
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Prompt: country road
"Sirius, stop!" calls Remus.
Sirius ignores him, continuing down the road in front of the cottage he'd once felt so at home within. Now he feels faded, a pointless entity, like the ghost Remus has been calling him for over a week. His head throbs, sending an ache through the backs of his eyes, and he squeezes them closed, still not halting in his steps, though they become a bit staggered, giving the other man an opportunity to catch up and grip his shoulder, spinning him around.
"What do you want?" he snarls in Remus' face, glaring at him with eyes that could melt most others to puddles of themselves, but Remus doesn't seem fazed by the intense anger shining from their grey depths.
"I want you to stop," says Remus patiently, quietly. "Just stop and think for a second. I'm not even sure where you think you're going."
"Where else would I be going?" demands Sirius heatedly, wincing around the cymbals clanging in his head. "St Mungos! I'm going to find myself. Maybe – fuck. Maybe this is just some fractured connection. Maybe if I – I don't know! Touch my own arm or something I'll sort of absorb back into me. That doesn't even make sense, but I don't know what else to do!"
Remus stares at him, his hand still gripping Sirius' shoulder. A couple walks past them, casting Remus odd looks at his stance and the fact that he'd seemingly been talking to himself only moments ago, but both men ignore them as the couple increase their pace.
"That's a stupid idea," says Remus finally, and Sirius opens his mouth to retort, eyes narrowing, but the other man stops him. "I know you don't know what to do or what's happening, but this isn't a book, Sirius. It's not some Muggle film where everything just slots back into place so easily. Something clearly happened to you, and until someone figures out what, I think you're stuck like this." Sirius begins to deflate under Remus' hold until he continues, saying, "And you're going the wrong way."
Sirius suddenly jerks away from him, Remus' arm dropping back to his side like a useless log. "I know that," he bites out, "and I don't care. I just need – I need – I – fucking Merlin on a tea table!" He shouts the last bit at the ground, blood rushing into his face forcefully, his head throbbing harder, skull feeling as though it's ready to split in half.
"What do you need?" asks Remus, still soft, little judgement in his voice. "What do you need, Sirius?"
"I don't know!" cries Sirius, eyes snapping back up, landing on the other man briefly before he's spinning on his heels. "I need answers! I need my life back! I need to talk to someone other than you, someone who doesn't despise my existence – "
"I don't despise your existence," denies Remus quickly. "I just…wasn't expecting your existence. It's been an adjustment…"
But Sirius isn't listening anymore, his words falling into a void where they don't matter anymore. His eyes have landed on an object gleaming in the light beside the cottage. The black of it is glossy and smooth, the chrome perfect and blinding. The bars at the top are expertly positioned at just the right height, something Sirius had fought with, using several different charms to get them adjusted. He can hear the rumbling of sounds even as it stands still and alone, abandoned just like him, images of chilled nights spent on a country road and the smell of pine and grease invading his senses.
"Do you see that?" asks Sirius, cutting through whatever Remus is saying. The other man follows his gaze to the bike, frowning in confusion. "That's mine. It's my bike. I've had it for years. Found it not long after I left Hogwarts. It was rubbish. James told me not to buy it, said I'd regret it, but I knew. I could tell what was beneath the surface of something so neglected. I spend ages fixing it up, giving it the life it deserved. I took care of it. Even charmed it to fly. Harry always loved going up with me."
Sirius angles his head in Remus' direction but never removes his eyes from his bike. "And there it is, untouched and unloved. I'm sure Lily or James protected it, but I doubt they do anything with it." He stops and grits his teeth together. "It's mine, and it's here. Same as my jacket that I'm still somehow wearing. Same as all my other clothes and books and photos. Everything that's ever meant anything to me is here. And so am I, but I'm not, am I? Not really. They can't see me, can't hear or touch me. They're my family and I'm just…gone. Dead."
Remus steps forward, pushing into Sirius' line of sight. "You're not dead, Sirius," he says firmly. "You said so yourself. They said it too. You're not dead. You're not a ghost, and I'm sorry for all the times I've called you that because you aren't."
"You're not hearing me," snaps Sirius. "You're not hearing one word. I am nothing! To everyone that has meant anything to me, I don't exist except for laying useless in some bed in the fuck-off ward of a hospital where no one cares! And now I'm stuck with you, someone who doesn't know me and would rather I didn't exist at all." Remus rears backwards a little as though slapped, something hurtful flashing across his face, but Sirius doesn't care. "I don't want you. I don't need you. Take my fucking flat. Enjoy it. Apparently, I don't need it anymore. I just want my family back."
Remus stares at him, not speaking, mouth pulled into a thin line, brown eyes guarded and calculating. Sirius growls under his breath.
"Piss off, Remus!" he shouts. "Go! Get the fuck out of here! You don't want me and I don't need you!"
The other man's gaze never falters from Sirius' face, but his own expression hardens after a moment. "Fine," he mutters, and then Remus is turning on his heel, his disappearance and the sharp crack signaling his departure.
As soon as he's gone, Sirius feels as though a boulder is falling onto his chest. His air is sucked from his lungs, his bones feel brittle and pliant. Everything turns soft. He nearly screams as the worst pain he's felt so far rips through his head, turning his vision white and then black. And then he's being pulled through the tightest of tubes, the sensation far worse than Apparition has ever been. Everything goes dark after that.
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slutforsfender · 1 year
𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
"Mam I'm off to meet Deano for a few pints. See ya later" I shout through the house as I slip on my shoes.
"Alright love, make sure you two stay out of trouble. Love you pet" She shouts back and I respond as I shut the door.
I had asked if Dean wanted a few pints because I needed to open up to someone about Arabella and I knew he would listen and tell me his true opinions on the situation. He was my best friend and lead guitarist after all.
I got to the Low Lights quite quickly as I just thought over the same topic, her. I spotted Dean straight away at our normal table in the corner near the bar.
"Here he is, what's with suspicious just us meeting like? Tryna make a move on us lad?" Dean joked as I sat next to him with the pint he had waiting for me.
"You're proper hilarious yanno Deano" I retorted.
"Seriously though what's going on?" He asked as I gulped a part of my pint down.
"I kissed Arabella" I whispered, staring around the familiar bar not daring to look at him.
"You fuckin what?" He shouted, confusion and shock bubbling in him.
"I know I know, be mad all you like," I said, putting my hands up in defeat.
"Get talking now" He demanded.
I explained everything that had happened since she had come back home. As I went over the details I realised how chaotic this all was, we were still acting like those teenagers just more hurt.
"I thought you had moved on lad, I mean you haven't mentioned her since that night back when we were eighteen" Dean spoke, sinking everything in.
"I pushed it away, yanno pretended it never happened like. Figured I'd never see her again and that I fucked up way too much for anything to ever happen if I did see her" I explained.
"Well you've got one thing right, you did fuck up massively Sam. You know I won't defend you over then. The only question I have is how do you feel now?" He questioned, making me think for a second.
"I know me and her are way too fucked up from the past for it to be easy but I love her. I want her back. I know it's selfish and I hate myself for it because I don't even know anything about how she feels about us. There's just something about her I don't want to let go" I said, sighing before downing my second drink.
"You need to talk to her Sam, the poor girl must be driving herself insane. You broke her into a million pieces, she ran away for fucks sake" Dean spoke and I knew right then and there I had to go talk to her now.
"I'm ganna go now, I won't do it otherwise and fuck up more," I said and didn't even let him speak before I darted out and walked towards her house.
I made my way outside her house and knocked before I had the time to turn around.
"Sam? What are you doing here?" Arabella questioned as she opened the door.
She was wearing jeans and a graphic t-shirt, looking beautiful as ever with her glasses. Fuck she was out of my league but she always has been.
"I need to talk to you, Rose. Are your grandparents here?" I asked before stepping in.
"No, they went out for the night. It's just me but you should go Sam" She spoke going to close the door before I stopped it.
"We need to talk. Please Arabella" I practically begged until she let me in and guided me to the living room.
"Go on then. What's so urgent?" She urged me on as she stood on the other side of the room, keeping as much distance.
"Us. The other night when we kissed"
"Sam it was just a kiss. We were caught up in emotions and went too far. There's no point in bringing up the past" She panicked out but I knew her too well to know that isn't how she felt.
"Bullshit Arabella. There are so many reasons to bring up the past. We can't run around for the rest of our lives being hurt, writing songs about each other but never ever bringing the mysterious past of us" I spoke, anger building at her coldness.
"It's no mystery that you broke my heart, became the Sam Fender and I ran away. The whole fucking town knows Sam, I still get fucking looks and questions" She retorted, now clinging onto her locket as her anger rose.
"So you're telling me the other night, you felt nothing. It was just past emotions" I shouted.
"We're hardly going to have a romance story, Sam, look at our history. It's the first time I've seen you in ten years. We were eighteen Sam"
"Prove it, kiss me without any feelings" I spoke gently.
"I'm not kissing you when you broke my heart twelve years ago Sam" She whispered, not daring to look me in the eyes.
"That's what it's about. I'm scared too but we could work this time Arabella. Give us one chance please" I said, standing closer to her now.
"You're a liar. You aren't scared at all. You are going to play the same trick all over again and I can't take it again" She spoke, looking me in the eyes now.
"I didn't play any trick at all I promise"
"You lied when you broke up with me, you lied when we were together and you are lying now" She shouted, tears in her eyes.
"I screwed up all right I will admit that but I have never once lied to you without having a good reason. We can just talk this out, and fix all of our history" I shouted back.
"You're in my head, even when you aren't supposed to be. It shouldn't be this hard to let go of teenage love" She whispered, tears now escaping her eyes.
I shook my head as tears made their way to my eyes, looking at her. I hated myself. I hated myself for making all this mess and I can't even tell her why. I hated myself for still loving her.
"You need to go now please" She whispered again, her voice breaking so slightly.
"No please, we can talk or shout. Just please don't give up. I'm not giving up" I stood my place as she came closer to get rid of me.
"Leave now Sam" She shouted, shoving me. "Leave please" She shouted again, continuously pushing me until I stopped her by putting my hands on hers.
She looked me in the eyes, her red raw eyes hurt my heart physically knowing it was my fault and I knew I had to leave as she shook her head crying at me.
I walked out the door and watched her shadow sink to the floor through her curtains making the tears of anger leave my eyes finally. I knew this was torturing me as I turned around and made my way home, wanting to disappear.
I ran into my room, not wanting to worry my mum. I straight slammed the door and screamed at myself. I didn't even have time to think before I punched my wall and bruised all my knuckles before smashing a glass at the wall.
God, I hated myself for everything I had done to her. 
this is a long chapter but a needed one. told ya it weren't gonna be simple. dramaaaa. hope you enjoy love ya x
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Last Year, on 8th September, 2022 (At that day, when Queen Elizabeth Passed Away), I was very Eager and Hyped to Watch the Star Trek Day Event LIVE at Post-midnight on technically next day, for Some Glimpse of Star Trek: Prodigy S1 Arc II, after a Great First Arc!!
But Yesterday, that wasn't even called The Star Trek Day after What Paramount and Nickelodeon did to Star Trek: Prodigy on Late July This Year!!
There was a Whole Pre-recorded Celebration Video of Star Trek Day, 2023 uploaded by Paramount+ YouTube channel, and they didn't mention any single thing about Star Trek: Prodigy, not even Once, not even during Star Trek: The Animated Celebration Segment, showcasing Star Trek: The Animated Series and Lower Decks and that's it!! And they released Star Trek: Very Short Treks, 1st Episode on Star Trek YouTube Channel, which was I know it's not even Canon to the Universe, but it was not gone up to my mark!! And they again, advertised TAS and Lower Decks on Paramount+, but didn't mention Prodigy in the end!!
And The Host of the Event, Jerry O'Connell is saying everytime, that "You can watch all of Star Trek, exclusively on Paramount+, the home of Star Trek" and "There's Star Trek for Everyone", feel like lifeless, after Paramount+ unfairly cancelled and Removed Star Trek: Prodigy!! And this is not even a LIVE Event, so who cares??
And there's no update regarding Star Trek: Prodigy's New Streaming Home, though Dan & Kevin Hageman are saying that The Talks are still in Advance and Ongoing!!
So, I ask Paramount and Nickelodeon now:
"Listen to us, Paramount, Nickelodeon, and All those executives working at there, if you cannot stop listening to your Money Mafias, by which I know who those Money Mafias are, and if you cannot listen to our demands, and cancel every single animated series like Star Trek: Prodigy, and even Deserving Series before ST: Prodigy, then People will reject you from Everywhere!! So, can you please stop these blasphemies and start listening to us, the Audience, not just only Kids, because Kids won't tolerate you any longer, they are also tired of your cruel practices, and stopped watching TV and Streaming Platforms Now??"
Now, I am looking forward to either New York Comic Con, if things get any better for Star Trek: Prodigy, or waiting for ST: Lower Decks to end, Or We have to Try the Hard way, by waiting for July 2024, when The Animation Guild goes on Strike!!
This isn't Over Yet!! We will still Fight for Our Right, okay!! We will show those Money Mafias, that without us, they are Nothing!!
But in the meantime, I'm still trying to figure out to create A New Animated Series of mine, alongside establishing my Animation Studio, if we can't get Star Trek: Prodigy back and things in Animation Industry go even worse over days!!
Wish me Luck, and Just be prepared for anything!!
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chickenducktalk · 1 year
Interview Questions on the Manipur Violence
by R.
(the person has decided to stay anonymous)
The interview highlights the recent violence in Manipur, which was triggered by the demand to grant Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the Meiteis. However, there are deeper reasons behind the unrest.
What is the current case scenario of Manipur?
[05/06, 4:11 pm] 54,000 displaced people, more than 100 kilings, 5k incidents of arson, 17 missing and over 6k FIRs and he (PM) never spoke a word. It's been a month and they are still banning internet. They said they might unban from tomorrow. People keep dying and houses keep burning, just our area is a bit safe because we are near to the airport.
As a member of the Meitei Tribe what is your take on the current situation?
[29/07, 2:24 pm] The kukis ran to mizoram from where they sh*tpost about our tribe and when if upload the videos of what they did then what? They told everyone it's meiteis against tribes, It's all of us, meiteis kabuis tangkhuls against them. The mother whose son got murdered and whose body couldn't be located and she's gonna perform his last rites with a substitute object. The 75 year old farmer they kicked around and we have the video btw, he's no more, and no cared about him. The front lines are every community that suffered because of them and they have the audacity to tell lies about everything. If I had their confidence I would be a different person by now. I mean I know nothing much I guess and at this point people will believe what they want to believe. It's frustrating to tell our story. It's frustrating fighting and trying to prove we are right too. And it's annoying watching people believe them and their stories and pay no heed to ours. We can only talk among ourselves and be upset and feel like this world is ending. No one. No one cares how much we went through the 3 months. We tried to reach out and no one cared. Then their [kukis] video got viral. Every story has both sides. Theirs is wide open and ours isn't. I don't want to have to ask anyone to believe us. The only truth i can be confident is this, Manipur is our ancestral land and will remain so.
Can you explain the "indigenous tribals of Manipur " rallly by the kukis and what was the outcome of it?
My Kabui (tribe) friend told me about the rally the kukis organised calling themselves "indigenous tribals" of Manipur. She's saying how it didn't involve the other actual indigenous tribes and how the Zeliangrong and Tangkhul community and the others had to put out notices saying they weren't a part of the rally and they weren't informed about it either.
It's easy for them to tell everyone it's Meitei against tribes because we are considered the majority and it's us they are actually against. The other tribes kept quiet because they are vulnerable in the hills too. That is why they joined the rally yesterday. Would we have forced them? They joined us, even the meitei muslims because we lived together in this state since years ago. But the ones we are fighting, they are refugees who suddenly demanded a separate administration. When the nagas started a war against them and they were running for their life, we gave them refuge in our state, it's all in history, then they turn against us.
What role did Mizoram play in this?
[30/07, 4:56 pm] Mizoram wants to expand their land, it's their people, they have only to gain from it. Even their CM asked the Parliament to open the Indo Myanmar border. We would all have died if that happened considering the Myanmar militants who are constantly at war with their own forces too. All he does is work against us for his personal gain.
When this war started and many ran away to Mizoram, Manipur had to be internet shut down for peace whilst Mizoram was freely spreading whatever they wanted.
what is your opinion about the current tenants of Manipur and the Assam border situation?
[30/07, 4:56 pm] The people of our state are fighting others, only trying to protect our land, is this so wrong? They (Kukis) could have lived in harmony but now we only see we gave them safety and they took it as a chance to take our land for themselves and make a new state. They (Kukis) never deserved to be in Manipur in the first place. Since they have no insults to come up they make fun of our food. Any tribe who grew up in Manipur grew up eating the same food as us. If they sneer at it isn't it easily known they aren't indigenous people. Why wouldn't we know better? We live here, we know and we see, so why are our words taken lightly. The rally of all communities here asking for removal of narco terrorists spoke volumes already. The people of this nation needs to learn history if they want to take sides. Talking without knowledge is hurting us here. Their people (Kukis) and our people (Meiteis) are in refugee camps. It's not just them going through it. Even yesterday there was a bomb attack, it was numbered and suspicioned as only used by this country's forces giving us further reason to ask Assam rifles to leave. How can we live in peace when armed militants keep coming in and fighting the civilians here who never learnt how to use a weapon. Isn't it normal we try our best to survive too? They may cry and complain and show their suffering but the militants are their people. They just can't come and ask we give away our land.
Do you think that in the current scenario about the r*pe case committed by the Meitei tribe, the side of Meiteis are being subdued?
It takes women getting molested to wake the nation up, the case is not true by the way. We are against what happened too but this nation is suddenly trending us when it particularly revolves around r*pe. We didn't see all that in r*pe cases that happened to our people in the mainlands. It happens here (Manipur) and suddenly they are shocked and shaken.
Safety is another thing. We feel like the whole world is against us now. It's so stressful. We know what the celebrities are sharing to their mass followers and it's affecting our mental health here. People might think it's nothing to worry about, but it's everything to worry about.
We know the men from this community commited a grave crime. But the nation knows because of the video. How many videos and how many incidents are there that aren't recorded. No one cares. They are busy calling us names. In their protests they called our community r*pists. It's so hard to watch the news and everything. We stopped talking about it among our friends too. I have wifi but I'm scared to go online
We too have things we can't share anymore because we are warned and not allowed to post. We are forced to look like the bad guys.
[27/07/2023 9:55pm] Our news stay local while theirs (Kukis) go international. So they are having fun victim playing while eyeing our land . Also do the media know we have people missing, a 17 year old girl is missing too, a bomb blasted yesterday and the boy is in special care because 1/4th his skull got exploded i don't know if he'll live.
They rewrote our history and made it theirs, and this country chose to focus on the crime against the women and ignored the deaths. They are both crimes against humanity why is one worse than the other? Some of our friends staying outside got shamed for being meitei. They'll win this war after we all die only, so they can go on and on.
We'll never get internet back until they stop burning houses and killing people.
How has this ongoing war affected your private life?
I lost my pup a week ago. I got so upset my temperature dropped and i got sick with fever and threw up right after i got better too. I have nothing to cope and I don't wanna draw anymore but i did finish some novels. We never get any good updates too.
thank you for reading through this interview, the current case scenario in Manipur is yet to take a turn and this interview was a slight insight into the daily private struggle every tribe member and tenants of Manipur have to bear.
- chickenducktalk signing off 🐔 🦆
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