#i just woke up but i’m hoping for a cozy day <3 what about you ml?
hiiaiii ariii hru sorry i havent been blowinf up ir inbox like usual….. (⌒_⌒;) but leik.. i just got a thought abt stsg and shit at parties
gojo DEF rubs me off as the party animal type . u let that guy out of ur sight for like a second and hes doing backflips on the ceiling with a whole crowd surrounding him 😭
and geto is probably def the caretaker type.. the one the holds ur hair back while ur vomitting.. the one that drives you home and lends you his jacket for the night.. (i just love him so much) i cant really tell if he’d be the type that’d socialise with everyone or just loom around in the corner with shoko ..
i lwk got this idea from the party i came home from like 5 minutes ago.. it was okay but i wish it couldve been better.. (T▽T)
hows ur day going ari????! 🍰
hi hiiiii my 🍰 anon !!!! :3 please don’t worry hehe, i still have some of your asks to get to !!!!!!!!
BUT AHHHH . as someone who doesn’t go to parties because they make my brain explode ……. this is such a nice thought ……… i’m a firm believer that they’re both the type to whisk you away as soon as they notice you getting overstimulated :’33 sniffle
BUT YESS gojo the party animal ….. he’s the type to just know literally everyone ???? he fits so seamlessly into any crowd of people he finds himself in, just moving from place to place. he doesn’t really need to try. the loud music probably hurts his ears a little but he’ll bear with it because he enjoys the company so much :’3 makes sure to keep his eyes on you the whole time, though. even if you’re standing by the snacks and pouting bc you wanna go home <33
and sugu as the caretaker 🥺🥺 yeah …. i don’t think he’s too fond of parties tbh, he mostly just goes to accompany you or satoshoko. smiles politely if people come up to him but otherwise he will be chilling in the corner with a drink and some good company <3 i don’t think he’s a very social guy at all really, he’s just eerily good at pretending otherwise… when he has to …… but he prefers staying in with you above all else . if you’re a party animal yourself he always goes with you, but only to make sure you don’t get into any trouble <333 guard dog bf ….
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moonstruckme · 1 month
hello mae! so right now I’m currently up at 3 in the morning bc my body randomly got chills and I’m shivering like a leaf. It’s most likely due to stress and I was wondering if you could do a poly!marauders or just remus where r gets chills in the middle of the night and they (or remus) cuddle her to make her warm?
Thank you for requesting lovely, hope you were able to get a decent sleep after this <3
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 349 words
Things are never good when you have a nightmare about your day-to-day life. 
You wake with embarrassment and anxiety in your throat, both fighting for room in the tight space, and a shudder running all the way from the nape of your neck down to the base of your spine. It shakes you violently as though trying to rattle something loose. The thin layer of sweat coating your body only makes you colder. 
You start to scooch away from Remus on the bed, not wanting to wake him with your trembling. Unfortunately, that’s what does it. Your boyfriend’s arms wrap more securely around your stomach, a soft grumbly sound leaving him as he shoves his face into the back of your neck. 
“You’re leaving?” he asks, sleep-addled. 
You mean to reassure him, but another chill takes you, and his hand splays protectively over your middle as though to steady you. The warmth of it does help. 
“You’re shaking.” It’s not a question this time, but the confusion is still there, accompanied now by a sweet concern. 
“Sorry,” you whisper, trying again to extricate yourself from his hold. “It’s nothing, go back to sleep.” 
Remus’ grip only tightens. “‘re you cold?” he mumbles, then hums, answering his own question. “But you’re clammy. Bad dream?” 
You sigh, giving up. “Sort of. I think I’m just stressed.” 
He makes a soft pitying sound. “Oh, my love. C’mere.” 
Remus starts turning you in his arms, and you take the cue, rolling over to face him. He squishes you close to his chest, one of his long hands going underneath your top to flatten out on your back while the other cups the back of your head. Your boyfriend’s body radiates warmth. 
You loose a sigh, and he chuckles quietly. 
“Does that help?” 
“Yeah,” you admit, cozying up to him. “Sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t,” he shushes you. He runs his hand up and down your spine a couple of times, making sure you’re all warmed up. “Wake me sooner next time, yeah? No sense in weathering it by yourself when I could help.”
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strawburry01 · 1 month
The Scientist
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Ford Pines x Fem! Reader
Summary: Bill disrupts a wedding
Word Count: 3k
A/N: I highly recommend reading all previous parts before this for maximum oof-age. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry I get great satisfaction from writing unhappy things. 500 likes and I'll write their happy ending.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2.5
It had been a few years since you and Ford moved to Gravity Falls now. You finally moved from your ramshackle cabin into a cozy wooden A-Frame (you insisted on an A-Frame as you always loved the way they looked). Ford and you had worked on building a deep lab in the basement in order to keep it safe from the random storms and power outages, while you kept your growing photography and videography library upstairs. You collected random antiques from stores and sidewalks to add to the house to make it feel a little more lived in. Ford chuckled as he watched you perfectly balance an ornate hourglass you had bought on top of a jammed globe. Satisfied you brushed the dust off your hands and stepped besides Ford to look at your growing mantelpiece.
“I’m thinking about going into interior design if this whole cryptid hunting stuff doesn’t work out,” you grinned. Ford scoffed and put an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
“The whole cryptid hunting stuff is going fine though. I’m just having a bit of a plateau,” he mumbled as he kissed your head. You cleared your throat. “We- we’re having a bit of a plateau,” he quickly corrected himself, his face turning red. 
It was true, the hunting had been stalling a little bit. Ford’s focus had turned from recording these anomalies to trying to track where it was all exactly coming from. It was the real scientist in him needing to know where everything was coming from. On the opposite side was you, who was content to continue trying to get better pictures, better recordings, better visuals of these anomalies. Oftentimes you’d tape or clip pictures into Ford’s journals as you got better so they didn’t just have his scribbles to describe the beasts. You were happy for once in your life, you felt content living with the love of your life in a beautiful, albeit spooky, little town. You were pretty sure Ford felt the same way, if he ever let himself feel accomplished, rather than just continuing to pine over the next question and torturing himself over the solutions.
A few weeks later you woke up groggily checking the alarm. Ford had just slammed the front door and was stumbling back into the house. It was 3:00 am. 
“Hon?” you shouted out as you sat up in your shared bed. You heard him pause and slowly walk to the bedroom door. He stood in the doorway, staring at you for a second too long until shaking his head and snapping back.
“Hey, sorry about that dear, I um-” he said as he slid his shoes and coat off onto the ground, “guess I lost track of time in the cave I was exploring,”. He huffed and thumped into bed besides you as you went back under the covers.
“Are you sure?” you asked, as you carefully took his glasses off his face and set them on the nightstand.
“Mmmm, positive,” he said without hesitation as he traced along your arm with his eyes closed.
“Alright. Sleep well hon,” you said as you kissed his forehead and fell back into your own sleep.
Unfortunately he wasn’t quite the same after that night. He started spending longer hours in the basement. He started staring off into space noticeably more. And strangest of all he was talking to himself more. He was still the same Ford to you though, always snapping out of whatever trance he wrapped himself up into, and he was always endlessly grateful whenever you’d bring coffee or lunch down to him. He seemed revitalized in a sense though, so you didn’t want to discourage his new quirks. You finally did crack and force him to tell you what was happening when you caught him calling Fiddleford McGuckett one day.
“Stanford Pines you haven’t talked to that man since we left Backupsmore! What in the hell is going on?” you demanded with crossed arms as he hung up the phone. He opened his mouth and tried to start a sentence a few times. 
“I’m building a portal,” he finally stammered out. You raised an eyebrow. There were a few random metal supports and debris cluttered in the lab basement, but you had no inkling that’s what it was going to be used for.
“What kind…of portal?” you continued, unmoving. Ford awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and looked away again. 
“I’ve been consulting with someone. They said it would explain all the weirdness and strangeness of Gravity Falls,” he said. The room got cold when he said it.
“Who are you consulting Ford,” you asked again, trying not to overthink the way it really did feel like there was another person in the room now. 
“It was a deal. With someone, well, something, named Bill Cipher. He’s helping me with all of this. He’s a being from centuries ago, and that’s all I can really say,” he sighed, looking back at you, realizing how unsure of all of this you were. He stepped forward and held your hands in his. “I promise, it’s all okay dear. I’m being safe. This portal is what will put our names in the history books,” he said with a gentle squeeze. You looked up into his eyes and could see hope and excitement for the first time in a long time. 
“Okay…” you sighed with a small smile. Ford wrapped you into a hug and you laughed at him slightly crushing you. “Okay, okay, okay, just let me know what I can do to help huh?” you laughed with a sigh as Ford began rambling off all the next steps. 
Later that night you sat in your dark room, listening to the assorted thumps and sizzles from the basement. You could hear Ford talking to whoever this Bill person was. His high pitched shrieking of a voice was hard to miss. But you knew if you went downstairs there wouldn’t be anyone but Ford. You’d tried to catch Bill before, but to no avail. He always zapped out of existence whenever you would turn the corner. 
“Stupid to be jealous of a fuckin’ triangle,” you mumbled to yourself as you finished a glass of wine. You knew that much. That it was some sort of manic triangle. Ford had shown you that much in his journal. You walked down to your kitchen and left the glass in the sink.
“Ford! I’m going to bed!” you shouted down the stairs into the basement. You heard him scuffle and quickly run up the stairs. Your heart melted as he held your face and kissed you. 
“I’ll be there soon dearest,” he smiled. You smiled back and nodded. You were just overthinking everything. It was all going to be okay.
Fiddleford showed up a few days later and started joining Ford in the basement for long hours. Bill’s voice disappeared which was a nice break, and it was pleasant getting to talk to Fiddleford again after so many years. You would make dinner (or more often pick it up from some restaurant) and force the guys to come up and eat with you at the table. It was like you were all back in university. 
“So how long until there’s a mini Ford running around?” Fiddleford asked one night when you all decided to get into the liquor cabinet. Fiddleford was laying on the carpet, staring up at the ceiling, with you and Ford draped over the couch. Both of you reddened and avoided eye contact, unable to think of what to say.
“Well I’ve always thought I’d want to get married first,” you said, breaking the silence, “so the dress would fit, obviously,” you drunkenly giggled. Ford absentmindedly placed a hand on your knee and laughed as he took another swig of his drink. You two had talked about marriage once. Near the beginning of your relationship. You both had poor representations of marriage at your respective homes, which made you both hesitant of commitment to that scale, but you agreed to play it by ear. 4 years later you were still playing it by ear.
“What’re you WAITING FOR FORD,” Fiddleford drunkenly shouted from the floor, “We don’t have all day!” he declared before passing out in snores on the floor. You laughed and laid your head on Ford’s shoulder.
“He hasn’t changed much,” you giggled. 
“His tolerance hasn’t gotten much better either,” Ford remarked. You two both sat in silence listening to the hum of the generators. “Are you good dear?” he asked, obviously referencing Fiddleford’s outbursts.
“Yes love,” you sighed, as you closed your eyes.
It was another average drizzly pacific northwest day when shit hit the fan. You were sitting on the porch taking pictures of a deer nearby eating from a brush when the ground underneath you shook. You were used to random earthly shakings but Fiddleford quickly stormed out shortly after. 
“Fiddleford what’s-” you tried to ask as you stood up to follow after him. 
“Do NOT trust him!” he shouted as he threw open his car door, “That portal is nothing but pure evil Y/N. Get out of here while you still can,” he said with a furrowed brow before peeling away in his car. You stood in stunned silence as Ford threw the door open a few seconds later. He let out a defeated sigh as he saw Fiddleford driving away.
“What the hell did you do?!” you asked under your breath, not looking over.
“I-I don’t know,” Ford said, “he got sucked into the portal…and saw something,”.
“You’d tell me if we were in danger, right Ford?” you asked, as you finally looked over at him. He nodded silently. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he stated, “I’m not working with Bill anymore. It’s not worth it,” he sighed as he sat on the porch and held his head in his hands. “I got blinded by the potential for fame. It’s not worth losing my friends and love over,” he said softly. You sat down beside him and put an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist and the two of you sat still as the rain pattered around you. You never told him but you could feel him crying, just a little. 
Ford quickly began installing precautions to keep Bill out. He insisted on installing a plethora of metal plates around the house. He kept trying to convince you to get a metal plate installed in your head but you were able to convince him you weren’t in danger. You’d never seen Bill before. The rain turned into spring and flowers began to blossom around the yard. 
One day you were out picking them to make a bouquet for the dining table with Ford watching you on the porch. He was back to where he had been before meeting Bill, but he seemed more content. Outwardly at least. He read more, and criticized himself less. He was taking a break from reading when he saw you standing in the field picking flowers and kneeling by every animal you saw to say hello to it. At that moment he realized.
“Can we get married?” he asked, when you came back to the porch. You nearly fell backwards before jumping into Ford’s lap, knocking off his book, and smothering him in kisses.
“Of course we can Ford,” you said through your kisses.
It was a short turnaround. The next week Ford had found his suit and you had gotten a wedding dress from town. It was long and flowing and got Ford’s approval for having renaissance-esque sleeves and details, which made you roll your eyes a little. You two didn’t know anyone else in town well enough to invite them to a ceremony, and neither of you wanted to invite family. Ford felt guilty about having nobody so he invited the colony of gnomes in exchange for hors d’oeuvres. So that’s what was determined. You were able to scrounge up enough random chairs to have a few spots for them to sit with you and Ford facing each other in front. You had done your makeup and hair, which was the first time Ford had ever really seen you try to do something with your hair which left him slack jawed. All of the gnomes also oohed and awed when you stepped out. You smiled when you faced Ford. The two of you agreed to exchange vows and then you’d sign the marriage certificate and turn it in the next day at the courthouse. 
You bit your lip and opened your mouth to start when the ground shook and the string lights you had hung up went out. The power inside the house went out entirely. 
“Peculiar,” Ford said under his breath. 
“Just a moment folks, we’ll be right back after a few messages,” you said, trying to keep the crowd happy, “take a snack break,” you said, gesturing to the table of random snacks you’d gotten for them all. 
“I can turn the breaker back on downstairs,” Ford said as he stepped into the house.
“Here I think I have the flashlight,” you said as you thumped the flashlight you kept in the utensil drawer. It flickered to life. Ford took a second and nodded. The two of you made your way downstairs to the lab basement, Ford supplying a six-fingered hand to hold to make sure you didn’t trip. 
Once downstairs it was obvious that something was wrong. The portal was still up and whirring. A haze of blue swirls in its center.
“Ford I thought you turned this off,” you said.
“I couldn’t just- turn it off,” he mumbled under his breath rubbing the back of his neck, “it’s been months of work. I figured leaving it running and able to be returned to would be…fine,” he said sheepishly. You chewed the inside of your cheek, looking at it. He had a point, but it was also a memento to losing his dearest friend. Research be damned.
“Ford, I need to know you’re looking to the future and not staying in the past if we get married,” you said, feeling guilty about the ultimatum, but knowing it was the only way. He pushed up his glasses and nodded.
“You’re right,” he said, “besides, there’ll be something better than this piece of junk,”. He pushed the button on a platform and the portal quickly fizzled and closed in on itself, leaving the room engulfed in darkness for a second before the lights flickered back on overhead. 
“Hey look at that,” you remarked, looking up, “bet our electricity bill is about to get a lot lower mister,” you smirked as you tapped Ford’s chest.
“Stanford, you didn’t tell me she had a sense of humor!” a sickeningly familiar voice said. Ford quickly pushed you behind him as you both turned to see the floating triangle form of Bill Cipher in the air. It was your first time seeing the thing that had taken up so much of Ford’s time.
“Bill, why are you here? The deal’s off,” Ford shouted.
“I can’t believe I didn’t get an invite to the wedding! Keeping it intimate with just friends and family I see,” Bill continued on his own as his eye contorted into a video of the gnomes outside waiting.
“Answer the question Bill,” Ford demanded. You hadn’t seen him ever get this serious. 
“Well Fordsy you broke our deal, but don’t worry, there’s a way to get it back on track!” Bill’s voice pinged through the basement, “Y’see, you take something I love-” he said, blinking into the now empty space of the portal. You gripped Ford’s forearm.
“Ford I’m scared-” you said softly.
“I think it’s only fair if I take something you love,” Bill chirped, appearing in front of you two again.
“Don’t you dare Bill,” Ford shouted as he held your hand. 
“Not convincing! Boop!” Bill’s voice pinged and with that, you were gone. 
One moment you were on Earth, in your universe, and the next thing you knew you were falling through space and time, seeing eons of other planets pass by as you floated through free fall. 
After what felt like decades of falling through nothingness, but also everything, you slammed into the dirt of an apocalyptic planet. You grunted as you lifted yourself up, seeing the smoky, forgotten landscape stretch out in front of you. 
Back in the basement, millions of universes and timelines away, Ford screamed at Bill. 
“What did you do to her?!”.
“I evened the deal, Stanford calm down!” Bill responded, rolling his single eye, “besides she was getting in the way of your work, you should be thanking me,”. 
After that, Ford’s world changed. He installed a metal plate in his head to keep Bill out for good and got serious about trying to hide how to reinstall the portal. He hid his journals throughout the town and decided to call his brother to properly take care of the last one. Take it so far that nobody would ever find it. He’d get you back on his own. He’d figure it out. He just couldn’t let Bill ever get the satisfaction of the portal. 
There was a knock on the door and Ford kicked it open, crossbow aimed. It was his brother. He breathed out a sigh of relief and dragged him in.
“Damn what happened to this place? What happened to your woman Ford?” Stan asked, looking around the now cluttered house.
“He took my wife, and I need to make sure he doesn’t take anything else from anyone else,” Ford muttered, “listen there isn’t much time and I’ve made a huge mistake. I don’t know who I can trust anymore,”.
“Hey easy there let’s talk this through okay?” Stan said as he looked around the house, slowly realizing his brother may be crazy.
“I have something to show you. Something you won’t believe,” Ford sighed as he turned to face his brother.
“Look, I’ve been around the world okay? Whatever you’re going to show me I’ll understand,” Stan shrugged.
It was safe to say Stan did not understand. And Stan did not understand when Ford shoved the journal into his chest demanding his brother to take it to the ends of the earth to hide. 
It was safe to say that you and Ford were both tumbling through endless dimensions together, but also so far apart.
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pedropascallme · 4 months
Celebrity Crushes
Pairing: Damien Haas x gn!Reader
Summary: "He had never said it was for a video, though maybe at this point you should’ve been able to guess that being asked for a list of three top choices was for this series."
Warnings: Brief mention of being drunk but otherwise none :)
AN: Hi guys!! I wrote this in 20 minutes so it’s…rough around the edges….but you’ve been so sweet and patient with me while I get my shit together now that I’m back from school!! I have many many WIPs that I plan on publishing soon that will have much more substance than this, but I still hope this helps hold you over for another week or so <3
You delayed your own emergence from sleep. Your bed was comfortable, warmer than usual, maybe thanks to the open blinds that let sunlight dapple the room. It was so easy to fall back into the snug embrace of slumber as you stretched against your sheets. You rolled over, eyes still heavily lidded and blinking to avoid the light as you felt around for your phone on the nightstand.
You yawned, stretching again; you let your back arch off the bed, feet poking out from beneath your blanket as you let your ankles crack—a quiet, congenial noise, and an even more satisfying feeling.
There were several messages waiting for you when you unlocked your phone.
Ang: UM??
Ang: New games vid????
Ang: 😵‍💫😵‍💫
You: What?
Ang: Dude🫠
You: What??
You: Isn’t it a Shayne guesses
You: I just woke up
Ang: Hold on
They were not the messages you’d been anticipating on a peaceful morning off from work. Angela’s texts woke you up immediately, her words burying themselves in your head as adrenaline took hold, muscles tensing, and you felt something pull at your stomach.
Had someone said something? Had you said something? Had you been somewhere you weren’t meant to be? Did it even involve you? Was she simply acknowledging something fucked up or funny that you had played no part in?
You held your phone in a vice grip, white-knuckling it and waiting to hear how exactly the new upload pertained to you—if it pertained to you—and whether you’d still have a job or any friends by the end of the day.
You felt a soft buzz on your fingers and snapped your attention to the screen, hoping to see Angela’s name.
Court: Was the new video planned or…
You: What is happening
You: Angela texted me too
You: I literally just woke up
Court: omg🥹
You felt hot. Not in the cozy way you had been when you woke up, but in a burnt cheeks and stomachache way. This was not something you had ever woken up to before, it was not at all routine, and you worried that your time at Smosh was up based solely on the manner in which your friends were texting you.
Another buzz. Kiana this time.
Kiana: I told Spencer not to keep it in the final cut
Kiana: But it’s really cute actually
You wanted to throw up. Shakily leaning back in bed, you tried to type out a response to Kiana that would help you wrap your mind around what exactly it was that you should be worried about.
Another buzz alerted you to Angela’s late reply, and you abandoned the message you had been drafting for Kiana.
Ang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzUs87BMpsc
Ang: 26 minute mark & then watch to the end
Ang: 🥴🥴🫶🏻
You had been right. It was another installment of Shayne Guesses, but you had no recollection of sending in a formal submission of…
“Can I identify someone, based on their top three celebrity crushes?”
Your heart jumped to your throat.
If this was going where you thought it was, you’d send in your letter of resignation by tonight.
You found the timestamp Angela had sent you, and immediately grimaced, folding your body into itself. You wiped a hand over your face, as if rubbing your eyes hard enough would make this all go away, leaving you to wake up fresh and unabashed.
“Ok—ok, I can work with this,” Shayne’s eyes darted over the screen, shouting a laugh when he took in the options given to him. “So Pedro Pascal—expected—Cillian Murphy, and he looks younger there. Is that what he looks like now? No…”
“No, that’s from like, 2000-something,” Spencer responded off camera, “I did not choose that picture.”
“Ok, 2000s Cillian Murphy, Pedro Pascal, and Damien Haas.” Shayne paused to stifle a chuckle. “This is the second time you’ve broken your own rule!” He stared pointedly at Spencer.
“Bro, that’s Shez from Fire Emblem!” Spencer argued, still out of frame, and Shayne bit the inside of his cheek.
“I mean,” Shayne looked at the list of names in front of him, “I feel like, you know, maybe it’s not…maybe it isn’t super obvious to people watching, but I think it’s a pretty easy guess for anybody in the office.”
“So what’s your answer?” Spencer asked.
“Oh, come on, like you need to ask,” Shayne crossed his arms before triumphantly declaring your name. “Final answer, look—” He clicked to the next page, and there was your headshot.
Your headshot.
Because Damien was one of your celebrity crushes.
One whom you worked with, and were friends with, and hung out with, and ate lunch with.
You felt your eye twitch.
You paused the video in a huff, too mortified to follow Angela’s instructions and watch it to the end.
You might’ve laughed if you weren’t so besides yourself with embarrassment. You were deeply confused as to how that list had even made it into the upload when you hadn’t sent it in.
You racked your brain, trying to remember if you’d drunkenly sent an email, or given an ok when you were only half awake.
You could recall, vaguely, a text exchange with Spencer a few weeks ago, where he had asked, out of the blue, about your top three celebrity crushes. And you gave your answers, sent a few googled pictures, all in good fun, to your friend.
He had never said it was for a video, though maybe at this point you should’ve been able to guess that being asked for a list of three top choices was for this series.
You: Charles.
You: What happened to confidentiality.
Spence: CAN
You: 🤨
Spence: LISTEN
Spence: Please don’t kill me I have a family.
Spence: And I’ll buy you lunch.
You: You’ll buy me lunch for a month.
Spence: A week
You: Two weeks
Spence: Deal🤑
Spence: I love you❤️❤️
Spence: And I’m sorry I went over y’all’s heads
You weren’t mad.
Honestly, you couldn’t bring yourself to be genuinely angry; it was hard to be mad at one of your dearest friends over something that was so clearly a misunderstanding. Especially when it had no real bearing on your career or public image.
This just meant that people would now be fully aware that you had the hots for a coworker.
And said coworker would also be fully aware of it. You tried to push down the shame.
You: Accepted
You: I love you too❤️
You: I want Thai tomorrow
Spence: Would you settle for shirt?
You: I'll kill you.
Spence: Don’t you have another smosh man to bother🧐
You smiled at your own reassuring words, and Spencer’s acknowledgement of his fuckup was equally as helpful in improving your mood, as was his casual banter. For a moment that was enough to make you forget why your stomach was still in knots.
It could be argued that it was an open secret, it certainly seemed as though your friends were more shocked to see your list make it into the final cut of the video than they were to see the list itself. You counted on your fingers: who had you told, who figured it out like a child's simple jigsaw puzzle, who had asked point-blank after seeing you interact with Damien.
You ran out of fingers.
Still, you felt that you’d been cautious enough about it, to the point that Damien himself, at least, hadn’t seemed to figure it out, despite the amount of time you spent together, and the large portion of that time that you spent with a dopey grin on your face and a blush creeping up your cheeks.
Maybe he hadn’t seen the video. Maybe he’d never see the video. Maybe he wasn’t even planning on being online today at all.
Or maybe you could change your name and disappear for a while.
Maybe you’d be in the clear.
You took deep breaths, trying to settle your brain and your heart and the shakiness of your hands.
And then Damien’s name lit up your phone screen, and the results of your impromptu meditation were immediately gone, thrown out the window with your composure.
Damimen: Very interesting list
You: I’m so sorry
Damimen: What?
Damimen: Why?
You: I didn’t mean for you to find out this way
You: Very publicly on a Wednesday morning
Damimen: Who said I was just finding out?
You: Shut up
You: I’m good at keeping secrets
Damimen: I know
Damimen: Angela and Chanse aren’t tho
You: Oh god dammit
Damimen: Which is why I knew not to tell them anything about my list
Damimen: And I mean
Damimen: Stuff that I'd generally like to be kept under wraps
You: So the launch codes are safe?
Damimen: Are they safe if they're with me?
Damimen: 🤯
You: Wait
You: Joking aside
You: What are you talking about
You: Wdym “not telling them about your list”
Damimen: Did you not watch the whole video?
You: Got kinda distracted
You: Needed to make Spencer fear for his life a little
Damimen: ???
Damimen: Watch til the end
Damimen: And then come over?
Damimen: If you want?
You furrowed your brow, questions still unanswered, but pleased that he wasn’t upset with you.
You found your way back to the video, clicking forward again until you saw Damien’s headshot and then rewinding to see his list.
Pictures of you.
Three pictures of you. Pictures he had taken when you were together; at the ren faire, getting coffee, in the office.
And now the texts from everybody remarking on how cute the video was made sense. They hadn’t been referring to your list, they’d been referring to Damien’s more than forward response that worked in tandem with yours.
“Not a lot of variety to this one,” Shayne laughed into his hands, “I don’t really have to guess cause there’s only one name left on this list, but even if there wasn’t…This is Damien. Yeah, no, this is Damien. Final answer.”
“How do you know?” Spencer pushed.
“Well I mean, I, y’know, I received these pictures from Damien when they were taken,” Shayne spoke as if it should’ve been apparent, “But also. Come on. I know. See,” he clicked to the next page, where Damien’s name and picture appeared. Shayne raised his arms in triumph.
Your mouth fell open and your lips curved up into a subtle smile.
If you hadn’t been obvious, you’d certainly been oblivious.
The pictures of you that Damien had taken lined up on the screen paired with Shayne’s assurance in his answer, the knowing chuckles from off screen, it all made your heart skip. You felt it sinking from your throat and back into your chest where it belonged, thrumming contentedly.
Damien’s handle on your heart didn’t worry you. If anything, it relaxed you, made you feel safe, collected despite the rollercoaster of a morning you’d had. The discovery of a crush requited made you feel giddy; young and in love.
You: On my way
You: Gimme 20 minutes
You: And send me those pictures
You: 😘
Damimen: 🫡🥰
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shuawonie · 1 year
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my promise.
pairing | yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
genre | angst, fluff, idol au, jeonghan!soft boyfriend, established relationship, hurt-comfort
wc | 1.8k
warnings | mentions of mental health problems, lots of pet names (angel, sweetheart, love), family issues, kissing.
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summary: when the the dark days when you felt worthless came, your sweet boyfriend was always the one to help you. however, recently, as he’s preparing for the new album, you are afraid to disturb him in his work. but how could you forget about his promise?
a/n: i’m sorry for being inactive past few months </3 i had a really hard time in my life, but now as everything is better, i’m comimg back to you all with a new angst-fluff fanfic with our angel, jeonghan <3 hope you’ll enjoy it ! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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You immediately knew.
Right when you woke up, you could feel that today was going to be one of those days. With your tendency of bottling your emotions inside of you, there had to come a day where all of it would come out.
And not having Jeonghan next to you right when you opened your eyes in the morning to calm you down, made everything even worse.
He was your comfort, your peace, your safe place. Without him by your side, everything seemed colorless. That boy could make your smile come back again just by seeing his face. However, each of his smirks when he looked at you, his sweet laugh, and his warm and cozy hugs were still your favorite things.
And you did understand that since the boys were preparing for their comeback, they had to practice hard. But deep down, you hoped that Jeonghan could be with you all day, keeping you close to him, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, while making you sink into his scent that you adored so much.
Your gaze slowly moved to the window next to your bed, noticing that the rain was pouring pretty bad outside. Even the sky was crying with you.
Not so long after, the first tears ran down your cheek as you couldn’t hold them back anymore.
Recently, life has been really rough to you, not making it easier to keep a smile on your face. When you already had enough of your boss at work, then that one, stupid girl was making your situation even worse. Whatever you did, she always had to make a competition from it. And the fact that frustrated you the most, was that most of the time, she was doing your work even better than you.
Additionally, of course you had to get into another quarrel with your sibling. As if they couldn’t just leave you alone. You both had separate lives so why did they have to disturb you?
The cherry on top was your overthinking. About literally everything. About your life, your future, what could you do to finally love yourself, and also about your relationship with Jeonghan.
Are you a good girlfriend to him? Does he already have enough of you? Are you even enough for him?
Yeah, those days have always sucked. And you knew that there was only one medication for it. Yoon Jeonghan. If you could at least hear his voice.. No, you shouldn’t call him. He was practicing, and eventually he’ll come home later..? You deeply hoped that the ‘later’ will actually come quickly.
But as you were deep in your thoughts once again, the part of you which wanted to call him had taken control of your body. Quickly, you reached over to the bedside table for your phone, and opened your contacts immediately. You hesitated for a moment when you clicked on Jeonghan’s profile, however not even a second later you clicked the call button.
And after a few signals, you heard, “Yes, angel?”
Your boyfriend’s voice at the other side of the call sounded so sweet but at the same time he sounded exhausted, making the tears roll up to your eyes once again, threatening to fall any second.
Shit, you really needed him.
You let out a shaky sigh, “Hannie..” your voice was almost inaudible.
Even when you called him, you haven’t thought about what you wanted to tell him.
“Are you okay?”
You wanted to say that everything was fine, that you were fine. But you couldn't.
And this question made the tears in your eyes fall down really quickly, “Nothing’s right..” you cried into the phone, which made Jeonghan’s heart squeeze painfully. He knew that things had to be rough if you were crying.
His voice immediately became softer, “You’re crying..” he whispered, worried, “Are you home?” Jeonghan asked gently.
“Yes..” you sobbed, just unable to get it under control. He immediately hung up, and not knowing what to do, you started to cry even louder.
You snuggled into the sheets of your bed, muffling the sounds of your cries. And like that, you slowly fell asleep one more time, with tears still coming down your eyes.
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The sound of thunder outside made you open your eyes, with your heart beating rapidly. Your breathing was irregular, and you felt hot. Especially from your back. And that was when you finally realized that a pair of slender arms were wrapped around your waist, keeping you close.
“Did you sleep well, angel?” you heard Jeonghan’s concerned voice behind you.
The boy left a soft kiss on your neck, making you shudder at his gentle action. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” he snuggled closer to you, and you turned around to look at him.
You knew that you probably looked awful, with your eyes red from crying, cheeks puffy from the tears that rolled down past few hours, and your hair messy.
But there he was, laying next to you, looking like a literal angel. His long, black hair was spreaded peacefully all over the pillow. He was dressed in fresh clothes, as he probably took a quick shower after the practice. His eyes shone beautifully, holding all of the stars from the universe in them. So ethereal, and so unreal.
You were glad that he was here with you.
“I’m s-sorry..” you whispered, with your voice starting to break, “I shouldn’t have called you. You’re busy preparing for your new album, and you still probably haven’t eaten.. it was selfish of me to not think about-” Jeonghan quickly shushed you by placing his lips on top of yours, connecting you in a sweet and full of love kiss.
The boy smiled softly, and tugged the messy hair strand behind your ear, “Stop saying nonsense, sweetheart.” he muttered, “You know that you can call me everytime, no matter what. I’m always here for you, love.” he said, to which a fresh turn of tears appeared in the corners of your eyes.
Jeonghan chuckled lightly and reached to gently wipe the tears from your eyes with his thumb.
“I feel like I’m a burden to you, Jeonghan.”
The silence in your room was overwhelming, only interrupted by the rain tapping against the window. You looked at Jeonghan, and your breath immediately hitched in your lungs as you found him staring at you, stunned. Your eyes wandered on his face, trying to catch every single emotion that he showed.
“I.. feel like I’m something that’s stopping you from what you’re doing. That..” your voice broke, feeling how your throat started to clench, “That I shouldn’t be with you.”
And even if you wanted him to scream at you, ask if you lost your mind, tell you that you’re stupid for thinking like that… nothing like this happened.
The boy only reached both of his hands to you, while scooping your fragile body and placing you on top of him. The steady beating of his heart was calming you, and his warmth soothed your nerves. You placed your head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent that immediately made you feel safe.
“I’m sorry.” Jeonghan whispered, “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.” his voice was fragile, almost not hearable.
“However, I need you to know that you’re never a burden to me. Never.” his hands were wandering over your back, caressing it gently.
“I need you in my life, y/n.” he stated, and a sob escaped from your lips which made Jeonghan shiver, “Because without you, I’m no one.”
“Liar.” you mumbled through your tears, “No, I’m speaking the truth. From the depth of my heart.”
After a while, when you finally calmed down, the boy started once again, “You can’t let someone make you feel that you’re a failure, because you’re not. I love every part of you, every single one, my angel. You’re the most precious person I’ve ever met, and you’re not unlovable, don’t even let yourself think like that.” he kept reassuring you, your tears falling onto the collar of his black t-shirt, making it damp.
“T-thank you..” you whispered, feeling a pleasant warmth spreading in your chest.
You truly needed to hear those words.
Suddenly, the boy turned both of you over, to which now he was above you, supporting himself with his arms. The sight of Jeonghan’s mesmerizing eyes above you, made you gasp for a breath.
“I promised to love and care about you, didn’t I?” he said with a cocky grin, and you immediately looked at your promise ring that was on your ring finger.
In the moment of your distraction, he leaned down, and left a kiss on your forehead, “I love this part of you,” he said, then he kissed your temple, “and this,” he kissed your cheek, to which to let out a small chuckle, “and this” he kissed your nose, “and I love this the most.” he left a hungry and full of love kiss on your lips, to which you immediately reciprocated.
When Jeonghan pulled back, the sound of your sweet giggles was heard in the room, immediately warming the cockles of his heart. It was his favorite sound. He could listen to it everyday and all the time.
Another turn of butterfly kisses was left all over your face to which you laughed out loud brightly.
“I love you.” Jeonghan said suddenly, with a big grin on his lips, and love visible in his eyes.
You placed your hand on his cheek, making him melt under your gentle touch as he slowly closed his eyes.
Those three words were still making an impression on you. Especially when Jeonghan spoke those words. To you.
“I love you more.” you replied, and brought him closer to you, connecting both of you in another kiss.
“Okay sweetheart, I promised to also care for you, so we need to eat something.” he said, and a groan left your lips at the bare thought of getting out of bed and preparing the food.
“But don’t worry, I ordered takeout food for us.” he added, to which your eyes immediately shone with excitement, making Jeonghan laugh at your cute reaction.
He truly loved you.
That’s how Jeonghan was completing his promise of loving and caring about you. Because if Yoon Jeonghan did make a promise, you had to expect him to fulfill it.
And he always did it flawlessly.
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© shuawonie | 2023, all rights reserved.
reuploads and likes are highly appriciated ♡
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issdisgrace · 1 year
I hope you really meant it when you said it's okay for me to request more.
These are just some ideas, you don't have to write any of them. God they're so lame, bruh your league is too good.
For now I'm gonna take advantage of your random slasher sfw/nsfw hcs hehe.
1) Michael Myers (michael freqently jerks off in public + michael has a thing for teeth):
- What about Michael x male reader where reader tries to find Michael outside bc reader is horny and Michael was gone for too long, He finds him, notices his heavy breathing and a boner. - Reader takes his knife away and makes him kneel to suck him off, he takes his mask off and holding it in his hand while he puts Michael's knife into his mouth to hold it (he doesn't want to alarm Michael by holding the knife in his hand not to pose as a threat).
- Reader then notices Michael started moaning (Michael started jerking off), realizing it has something to do with him holding his knife in his teeth looking like an aggressive wolf.
- He then starts to play with the knife, biting it, licking it, showing his teeth and licking them as well.
- Reader starts to get close so he throws Michael's knife away, takes his hand and bites his fingers, causing a domino effect. Michael comes, continues to suck reader off more aggressively making reader come into his mouth.
- When Michael swallows he looks at reader and he's grinning like a devil, which makes Michael weak.
2) Vicent Sinclair (has fisted himself before):
- Basically Vincent wants reader to fist fuck him while licking, bitting and kissing his butt cheeks. He lets him do that as a sign of trust so they move frurther into the relationship.
3) Patrick Bateman (patrick likes to roleplay as a doting house wife):
- Reader comes home from work to find Patrick in an arpon, cozy and cute clothing, being all sweet and gentle.
- They are all lovely dovely, and as a doting housewife he tells reader that he needs to take care of himself so he makes him eat delicious dinner, have a bathand then Patrick and reader fuck, but it's more like patrick riding reader and just doing all the work to help reader relax.
4) Bo Sinclair (bo likes wearing panties):
- Reader and Bo having make out session (reader laying on the bed and Bo sitting on him), Bo then gets off of him to take his cloths off and reader notices his panties and teases him about it and basically they fuck while Bo still has the panties on (just put aside) and when they're done Bo teases reader for liking him in panties.
I'm gonna shower you in love if you write even just one of these. Or even when not. I love you man.
WARNINGS: Blowjob/face fucking, semi public, Michael got a thing for teeth, knifeplay??
A/N: @charliedakotariley I hope you enjoy this. I've written the other 3 requests, so be on the lookout for those in the near future.
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God, why can’t Michael be around when I need him? He’s probably avoiding me because I found out about his thing for teeth. To be fair, it’s not my fault I woke up with his fingers running across my teeth and his dick in his hand. Anyway, right now I just need to let off a little steam after dealing with morons all day.
Sighing, I go to the back door, open it and step outside, closing it behind me.
“Michael, you around. I need your help with a little something.” 
I called out. I then hear something rattle then a cat hiss. Call for the devil and he shall appear I think as I step off my back porch. I cross the backyard to the gate leading into the alley. Unlocking it, I open it, stepping into the alley. There in the shadows a few feet in front of the gate is Michael knife in hand. Must’ve just gotten back from slaughtering some people. I take slow steps towards him until I’m directly in front of him, towering over him. I force him to walk backwards until his back hits the neighboring fence. Blocking him against the fence, I lean down and whisper into his ear.
“I need to let off some steam, so how about you put that mouth to good use?”
 Michael grunts. I’ll just take that as a yes. Reaching up, I grab the mask and pull it off of his head, his brown locks falling into place. Chucking the mask on top of the nearby trash can. I then take the knife from his hand. Quickly swapping our position, I lean against the fence with my free hand. I push Michael down by his shoulder. He gets the memo and kneels before me. Now face to face with my hard on he looks from it back up to me. 
He nods and reaches up. His hands making quick work of my belt. He then unzips my pants and tugs them down with my boxers. My cock springs out and hits him in the face. I let out a laugh and Michael looks up at me with a glare.
“Don’t look at me like that. Get to sucking or you won’t be getting anything from me anytime soon.”
Michael looks back down at my cock for a moment before wrapping his lips around the head of it. Reaching up, I scratch my face as I sigh in content as he starts to work my cock. His mouth felt so good on my cock.
Looking down at him, I realize I’m still holding his knife. Lifting the knife up I notice how shiny it is. I can see my reflection in it. That sparks an idea. Smiling, I check out my teeth in the reflection of the knife for a minute. Hey if Micheal likes my teeth might as well indulge him. I laugh to myself as I continue to check out my teeth for a couple more minutes. I suddenly feel Michael groan around my cock. Looking down, I notice him jerking himself off.
Laughing, I fix my grip on the knife before stabbing into the fence beside me. Letting go of the knife, I reach down and grab the sides of his head. Forcing eye contact with him. I then shove him all the way down onto my cock. I feel him gag around me, which draws a moan out of me. I start brutally fucking myself in and it of his mouth. 
God his mouth felt so good around me. If I could fuck his mouth all day, I would. As I fuck into his mouth, I feel him groan more and more around my cock. Each vibration bringing me slowly towards the edge. I hum to myself, the groans getting louder and more frequent. He must be closing in on his orgasm. But I’m not gonna let him finish before me. Tightening my grip on his head, I animalistically fuck his mouth. It doesn’t take long for the knot in my stomach to tighten even more. Then he lets out one last long loud groan, causing me to go over the edge, cumming down his throat. Coming down from my high, I lean my head against the fence. God that felt amazing. As I bask in my bliss, I feel Michael pull himself off my cock slowly with a pop. Looking down at him, I notice him wiping his hand on the pants of his jumpsuit before he puts himself away. He looks up at me the look in his eye that tells me he wants more. 
“If you tuck me back in and we’ll continue this inside.”
Michael nods as he reaches down and grabs pants from where they pool at my knees and pulls my boxers and pants back up. He then zips my pants back up before buckling my belt. I pat his head and give him a little praise before helping him up. His knees cracking in the process. Hmmm, I’ll have to see if I can get him those knee compression sleeves.
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velvetstreets · 2 years
Can I request a Jack Harlow imagine where him & the reader (who is a famous actress) are broken up & in an interview that she does she hints how Jack is still the love of her life & later they see each other at a red carpet & he asks her about that & asks her out again & they start rekindling things. Smut is very much welcomed if you’re comfortable with that :)
A/N: girl you sent this so mf long ago, im so sorry for getting to this so late! But I loved this concept and didn’t wanna let it go. Hope I did this justice <3
None of the people in my writings portray the actual people I write about! It’s all a work of fiction, I have no idea how they are/act irl.
Warnings: lovers reuniting, drinking, swearing, smut!, oral sex (f! recieving) penetrative sex (f!receiving), creampie, mushy ‘i love you’s 
It had been a little over a year since your public relationship with Jack ended. You both loved eachother dearly, but at the time, your lives were going in separate ways. He was constantly busy with performances and touring, flying all over the world; and your acting career had taken off, being dragged all around the country for filming. In the end, you barely saw eachother, and it just wasn’t working for either of you, so you both amicably agreed to end it. 
The heartbreak tortured you for a few months. You threw yourself into your work, wanting to cloud your mind with anything but Jack, yet somehow it made you think of him more. With some time and comfort from your friends and co-workers, you had felt the pain less and less, until one day you woke up and finally felt like your old self again. As much as you loved him, keeping him at arms-length via social media was too much for you. You’d send eachother ‘happy birthday’ dm’s and ‘congratulations’ texts for eachother’s accomplishments, but that was it. You didn’t allow yourself to keep up with him, only hearing things about him via industry talk and the radio of course. That was the one thing of him you allowed yourself to keep; his music. It was your guilty pleasure, something to remember him by. Though the heartbreak was agonizing, you were eventually grateful for it. Not only did it help you grow in your personal life, but it helped your work life as well. The performances you gave became critically acclaimed, earning yourself an Emmy and a Golden Globe. Because of this, you were offered more exclusive roles, bought a new apartment, and were finally feeling happy again; the first time in a long while. 
Currently, you were seated on a set, being interviewed by Vogue about your life and your upcoming projects; amongst other things. 
“So the rumors are saying that you might be starring in the next season of Euphoria. Is that true?” the interviewer asked. 
“I can now finally confirm, that that is true!” You said as she cheered and the two of you laughed together.
“How was it working with Zendaya?” 
“She’s absolutely phenomenal. As an actress, as a person, as a friend, she’s just the best. Super super sweet and down-to-earth, and fantastic at her job. It was an honor working along side her and the rest of the cast.” 
“That sounds fantastic. We all can’t wait to see you join the story. Now just a little side-step from work; are you dating anyone? Maybe someone by the name of Mr. Omar Apollo perhaps? Or Drake? We’ve seen those cozy flicks of y’all together, are y’all just friends or maybe something more?” She pressed. 
“Oh no, I’m not dating anyone. I’ve kinda left the dating world for a little while, just focusing on me. Omar and I are good friends, nothing else. And Drake is like my older brother! I’d never date him, especially since he’s good friends with my ex as well, I could never do that.” You answered honestly.
“Speaking of Jack Harlow.., what happened, how did that end?”
“Let me put it this way; we both agreed to end things. Our respective careers were taking off, and we both agreed that it was just best for us at the time to not be together. It’s all love though, I think he’ll always be one of those people for me - I could never not love him. He’s a great person and was a great boyfriend to me, definitely showed me that I was capable of loving someone, as well as capable of being loved. And I’ll always be grateful to him for that.” You said, forcing the lump in your throat down. You felt hot after belting your heart out a little too loudly, but you pushed your anxious thoughts away, getting back to the interview at hand. 
It was now a month after the interview had aired, and you had let it wash off your shoulders. You were proud of your genuine honesty, and continued to focus on you. Currently, you were getting ready to attend the Billboard Music Awards as a plus one, courtesy of your close friend SZA. You were excited to let your hair down a little, as well as overjoyed at the possibility of SZA winning a few awards for her album SOS. 
SZA was dressed in a sleek black halter dress with a thigh-high slit, which accentuated her minimalist aura. You were styled in a black Mugler dress which had a plunging neckline, and different cutouts down to your hips - similar to that of Megan Fox’s. It showed a little more skin than you were used to, but it was absolutely gorgeous; and SZA declared she wouldn’t leave to the event if you didn’t wear it. So here you were, downing a couple of glasses of champagne in the back of an SUV with SZA, trying to calm your anxiety while singing and rapping along to her ‘get lit, get rich, make u wanna kiss’ playlist with her. 
“Are you sure about this? I could just sneak in the back and meet you in there-” you started to nervously ramble. 
“Bitch, are you kidding me? You look fucking phenomenal, ain’t no way in hell I’m letting you sneak off. This is a ‘need to be seen’ outfit, and you’re gonna be seen! It’s gonna be just fine, we’re in this together. Anxiety can’t get to us if we’re a team baby.” She reassured you. 
You smiled at her before bringing her into a hug; you knew she was anxious about the interviews she had to do on the carpet, and she knew red carpets always made you anxious, with all the pictures and yelling that there was.
“Love you.” You said holding out your hand to do your little friendship handshake you had with her.
“I love you more.” she replied, doing the handshake. “Now drink up girl, these events take forever so it’s more fun to be a lil’ drunk.” she winked at you. 
You cheered together, and continued vibing until you turned to corner and pulled up to the carpet. You got out and SZA took your hand, leading you to the carpet. She held your hand the entire time, poking at you and whispering jokes and comments to you, making you giggle and forgetting about the anxiety you had. You made your way down the carpet, pausing to be photographed every few feet, some alone, and some together with SZA. She did a few short interviews with you by her side, and you chimed in every so often a question or comment was directed to you. 
You were finally feeling a little more relaxed, and then you saw it. 
Small brown curls belonging to a tall figure making their way down the carpet; you couldn’t see them yet, but you knew who they belonged to. You heard the screams of his name from the paparazzi and fans, the flash of the cameras going off, and finally, a path cleared and you saw him in the flesh. 
He wore a sleek black suit and shoes - Prada most likely, his diamond encrusted PG ring gleaming in the lights, KY chain peeking out, and his dazzling smile. 
You felt like you were going to pass out. You weren’t ready for this, you had expected to bump into him at one of these industry events at some point, but it still caught you off guard. Your heart was pounding out of your chest at this point, and you felt panicked. You felt someone squeeze your hand, bringing you back to reality, and SZA gave you a knowing smile. 
“Just breathe, Y/N. I got you. Don’t forget you’re the motherfuckin’ prize. Whether or not he had you once before, you stay being the prize.” she told you. You looked and nodded at her words. “I’m the prize.” you reiterated and she nodded and smiled. “Keep that in mind, cause he’s coming over here now.”
‘Oh fuck. Okay, here we go.’ you thought. 
“Y/N?” his sultry Kentucky accent flooded your ears for the first time in a while. 
You turned around with your head tilted upwards, familiar with his height, and met his eyes. 
“Jack. It’s good to see you.” You said warmly with a soft smile. He bent down for a hug and you embraced him before pulling apart; his hands stayed curled around your wrists. 
“It’s good to see you too, been a while. You look beautiful.” he admired. 
“Thank you, so do you. No glasses?” You joked, noticing his favorite Prada glasses were nowhere to be seen.
He laughed and shook his head with a smile. “Nah, not this time. Felt a lil’ douchey of me to wear ‘em today. Plus, now I can admire the beauty more clearly.” He said, admiring your face and its features. You blushed, internally screaming at the warm feeling that erupted in your tummy. 
“Well it was nice seeing you, we should head inside-” You spoke, turning a little, insinuating to leave. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you in there. Maybe we can catch up a little.” He said hopefully. 
“Yeah, yeah for sure.” You said, smiling before saying goodbye and heading into the venue with SZA.
She gave you a teasing knowing look. 
“Shut up, don’t say shit.” You tried to hold a grin back from her.
“I ain’t say nothin!” She laughed at you. You rolled your eyes and laughed, giving her a small shove. 
SZA had won the three awards she was nominated for, and you couldn’t be more excited and proud of her. It was a true accomplishment, and you wanted to celebrate, so you told her you were getting her a fuck ton of drinks. She tried to stop you, telling you you didn’t have to, but you were set in your decision. 
You headed to the bar and ordered a bottle of champagne and a few shots. You checked your phone as you waited, until you heard a voice behind you. 
“I saw your interview.” Jack’s voice spoke. You turned around and saw him leaning against the bar.
“Oh you did, did you?” You asked. 
“Yup.” He said with a smile. 
“And what’d you think?” You asked, heart pounding against your chest. 
“Can’t believe you forgot to mention what a great chef I was too, besides a great boyfriend.” He joked. 
“Your peanut butter chicken says otherwise.” You giggled.
“I stand by that recipe! It’s a classic, your tastebuds just weren’t on my side.” he chuckled, stepping a little closer to you. 
“No but for real, I thought you were amazing - as usual of course.” He smiled at you. “I’ve missed you. Like alot.” he said fiddling with your fingers. 
“I’ve missed you too, Jack. Like alot.” you repeated his sentence. 
“I’ve done alot of growing since we broke up, had time to focus on my career and tour and all that stuff, and I know how to handle it better now.” He stated. “But I haven’t been happy. Not like when we were together.” 
“Jack, you just won two awards tonight.” You reminded him. 
“And I’m still miserable.” He countered. 
“M’not gonna ask you to just jump into a relationship with me again, that wouldn’t be fair. But, if you’re willing, I’d really like to take you out on a date. Privately, just us; I wanna show you the kind of man I am now. Show you what you deserve. And we can see where things go.” He said, eyes gazing into yours, his hands now in yours. 
You let the shy grin spread across your face. “I’d really like that, Jack.” you said, his face lighting up. He engulfed you in a big hug, kissing your forehead. You smushed your face against his chest, your hands gripping his back as you sighed deeply. You had missed this. Missed him. Missed his smell, how he felt, his voice, all of it. The two of you stayed like that for a little while before you pulled apart. 
You silently stared at eachother, re-familiarizing yourselves with one another. Your eyes gazed over the freckles that adorned his face, his perfectly trimmed beard, his soft brown curls that perfectly framed his face. 
“Fuck it.” you whispered, and pulled him into a kiss. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the butterflies in your stomach that gave you the courage, but you didn’t care at this point. You had missed him so much, and clearly so had he, so why deny yourself the simple pleasures in life?
You felt Jack relax into the kiss, one of his hands coming up to cradle your face as the other one was set on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. He hummed in relief, soft lips parting and meshing, parting and meshing, like he had been deprived of the meal that was you - which he had been. 
“Thank fuck, I’ve been thinking about this all night -  all year really-” Jack said inbetween kisses. You giggled, letting out a “me too” before kissing him again. 
The kisses started to get a bit heated, so you pulled away, reminding the both of you that you were at a public event. 
“Let’s get outta here.” Jack murmured, kissing and nipping at your neck a little. 
“Jack, you’re still up for another category, and I’m here with SZA, I’m not gonna just ditch her.” You huffed. 
“I don’t care, I’ll have someone accept it for me, just wanna be with you. Plus, looks like she already knows.” Jack nodded in SZA’s direction. 
You turned around, and saw SZA, now with Lizzo sitting next to her, the both of them smirking and winking at you. You grinned, and turned back around to Jack. 
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” you told him, grabbing the drinks you had ordered. 
“Go do your thing, I ain’t goin nowhere without you, baby.” Jack said, unable to stop grinning. 
You bit your lip, smiling at him before turning around and heading back to your table. 
“Hey girlfriend.” SZA and Lizzo said simultaneously, with a teasing tone in their voices. 
“Hey y’all-” you responded, setting the drinks down on the table. 
“Soo-” you started before SZA cut you off. 
“Girl we already been knew, go ‘head, get your man back.” She squealed at you. You laughed and hugged them. 
“Take the bottle too, have fun.” she told you. 
“No! I bought that for you! It’s your night-” You tried to reason with her, but she wasn’t having none of it. 
“I got my awards baby, I’m good. Now go get that man!” She urged you. You told them you loved them and said your goodbyes, champagne bottle in hand as you made your way towards Jack. 
“Ready?” he said, taking your free hand in his.
“Mhmm.” you looked up at him and he gave you a kiss before leading you out the venue. 
The two of you snuck out into an SUV, which would take you to Jack’s hotel a few blocks away. Jack popped the champagne open and gave you a sip before taking one himself. 
“Missed you, my lil’ Movie Star.” he said caressing your leg, leaning into your side.
“Missed you too, sweet face.” You smiled, kissing his cheek a few times, making Jack blush. 
Jack was on you the second the elevator doors closed. He quickly lifted you up in his arms, setting you on the small steel railing of the elevator, pressing you into the corner to hold you up as he attacked your neck. 
“Fuck Jack, so good-” you sighed, wrapping your legs around his hips, bringing him closer to you. 
“God, I’ve missed this so much; missed you so much-” he groaned, grinding his hips into yours. His mouth was everywhere, on your lips, your neck, your cheeks, your breasts, he couldn’t get enough of you. 
The elevator dinged, signaling you were at his floor. He reluctantly got off you, and you whined. 
“More-” you pleaded before he sat you down, heels hitting the floor.
“We’re almost there princess, cmon.” Jack took your hand in his and lead you out the elevator and down the hall to his room. He struggled with getting his room key out his suit jacket as you kissed his neck, licking and sucking, wanting all his attention. He finally pulled it out and opened the door, letting you in first. 
As soon as the door slammed, he was on you again in a flash. Your back was up against the wall as he kissed you; it was needy and passionate, just how you liked it.
“Cmon, cmon, bed sweetheart, bed.” He said, lifting you in his arms again, giving your ass a smack, and you squealed, laughing with him. 
He gently dropped you on the bed, and you laid there for a few seconds as he took in the sight of you. 
“So beautiful.. so fuckin beautiful, and all mine.” He said before climbing onto the bed, slotting himself between your legs, kissing you. Every kiss felt electric, like the second you were apart felt like you were losing energy, but when he kissed you, you were refilled again. 
“Jack, please, I need you.” You moaned. 
“Okay baby, I got you.” He promised.
He swiftly got you out of your dress, and got out of his suit. He gently hung your dress on the back of his door, after you pointedly told him to be careful because ‘its Mugler’. Jack walked back to the edge of the bed, and knelt down, his arms sliding under your thighs and pulling you closer to him. 
“God your pussy smells fucking delicious, can’t believe I’ve gone a year without her.” He groaned before leaning down and licking a stripe up your folds. 
“Oh fuck-” you squirmed in delight. 
He attached his lips to your clit and began sucking and licking, making a wet mess of you. 
“Missed this sweet pussy, you taste so good, Y/N.” he rambled. You whimpered at that, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, biting your lip so hard you didn’t understand how you hadn’t drawn blood yet. 
“Louder. Let me hear you, baby.” Jack ordered before going back to making out with your pussy.
You did as he wished, letting your moans free from your throat, completely falling into the feeling he gave you. 
“Attagirl.” He growled, nuzzling his face further into you. 
Your eyes rolled back when he finally fucked two fingers into you. The stretch of his girthy digits rubbing against your walls threw you into the deep end. 
“Fuck, yes! S-so close Jack, please, please l-let me...” you cried out. 
“Cum for me, cum for me pretty girl.” Jack commanded. 
That was all it took before you felt the tidal wave of your orgasm crash over you. You felt your legs shake, and writhed around in the sheets before your comedown approached. 
It was silent except for your heavy breathing, but you felt Jack move up into the bed next to you. 
“I wish you could see how you look right now.” Jack broke the silence. 
“How do I look?” You said panting, one eye opening and peeking up at his boyish face. 
“Ethereal.” he sighed softly before pressing a kiss to your lips. “Like an angel. My angel.” he said. 
He stared at you for a moment, and you could tell he was holding back a little, he wanted to say something, but was a little nervous about it. 
“You can say it. Tell me, Jack.” You reassured him. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay. You won’t scare me easily.” you smiled at him, kissing his bare shoulder. 
He took a deep breath before looking at you again. 
“I love you.” he confessed. “I love you, haven’t stopped loving you since we broke up.”
“Wanna know something?” You asked him, scratching his beard lightly, just the way he liked it. 
“Mhmm.” Jack purred, urging you to continue. 
“I love you too.” You said with a grin. “Never stopped.” You whispered before pulling him into a loving kiss. He hummed into the kiss, and you felt him smile as he rolled over onto you. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” he told you, kissing you deeply. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” you repeated back to him. You felt a weight off your chest now, reveling in the shared love between the two of you. Everything felt right again. 
“Off-” you whined, your foot digging at the elastic band of his boxers. 
“Anything, for you.” He declared, sliding his boxers off. 
Jack laid back down between your legs, and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back into a sweet kiss. Jack started to grind his dick against your folds, tip hitting your clit over and over again. The room filled with moans and gasps, your slick completely coating his cock. 
“Jack, please, I need you, please put it in already.” You whined desperately. 
“Okay baby, okay.” he kissed you. 
He leant his hips back a little before slowly thrusting into you, his thick tip stretching you out deliciously. You let out a sigh as he bottomed out, and your mind went fuzzy. Jack stayed like that for a minute, letting you readjust to him as he kissed your neck and face, humming to himself and whispering ‘I love you’. He started to move, groaning at the way you squeezed him. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He praised, as he slowly thrusted into you. 
“God Jack, you’re so big- f-fuck..” you moaned, clawing at his back. 
“You take it so well; so fucking well. Breathe. Breathe with me baby.” he encouraged you, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Let me see those eyes. C’mon baby, let me see you.” He begged in his raspy voice. 
You opened your eyes to meet his, full of love, nudging his nose against yours before speeding his thrusts a little. 
“Fuck, just like that, yes Jack-” you cried out. His tip was hitting that spot in you, and you were close. 
“Good girl, I can tell you’re close Y/N, squeezing me so fuckin’ tight.” he coaxed. 
“This is yours, all yours, you deserve this.” he kept babbling. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at his praise, he always knew the right things to say. “Cum for me sweetheart, give it all to me.” He told you. 
You cried his name out as you felt your orgasm crash over you again. A tear slipped from the corner of your eye as you laid in the euphoric feeling. You could tell Jack was close as his thrusts were starting to falter, and he started to babble more. 
“Who’s pussy is this? Hmm?” He said, grip on your hip tightening as he pounded into you, brows furrowing in concentration. 
“S’yours, daddy. S’your pussy.” you gasped, encouraging him.
“It’s daddy’s pussy? S’daddy’s cunt, yeah?” Jack asked, tugging at your lip with his teeth. 
“Yes, all yours Jack, m’all yours-” you told him, keeping the eye contact. 
“Fuckfuckfuck, m’gonna cum-” He told you.
“Cum in me, Jack. Want you to cum in me.” you whispered, to which Jack let out a growl, his grip on you tight as he finally came with a broken groan of your name.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, heavy breaths and sweaty bodies, completely engulfed in eachother. Peaceful, that’s what it was. You felt peaceful as Jack left soft kisses up your neck and jaw, and you raked your nails against his scalp, making him purr. 
“I love you.” He finally spoke. 
“I love you.” you responded.
He kissed you once more before finally pulling out, and you let out a gasp as you felt his cum leak out of you.
Jack had a prideful smile on his face as he watched it happen. “So fuckin’ hot.” he smeared his cum against your clit, making you whine from the sensitivity. 
He laughed and got up, peed, and then came back with a warm wet washtowel. He cleaned you up, and kissed your knee whilst doing so. 
“C’mon, go pee.” He tapped your thigh, pulling at your arms to sit up in the bed. 
“Mmmm, tired.” You said, leaning your head against his shoulder, and he put his arm around you.
“We’ll cuddle after, I promise.” He said kissing your hair. “C’mon.” he said. 
You tried to stand but your legs buckled, much like a new born giraffe, and you fell back into his lap. 
“Oops. Sorry bout that, lemme help you.” he laughed, carrying you in his arms as he brought you to the toilet. He sat you down and you peed, cleaned up, and then he picked you up again, carrying you to the bed.
Jack wrapped the two of you up in the sheets, and snuggled with you, letting out a content sigh. 
“So much for taking it slow.” You giggled. 
“Don’t care, you’re mine again. Slow, fast, I don’t care however we do this, I’m not letting you go this time.” He laughed beside you, pulling you closer into him. 
“I love you.” He said. 
“I love you too.” you smiled at him. 
“I can’t get enough of you saying that. Love it.” he gushed. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you, Jack.” you nudged his nose with yours, kissing him softly. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you, Y/N.” he repeated back to you, giggling and cuddling until you both drifted to sleep. 
Tag list: @hoodharlow @moody4world @watercolorskyy @lcandothisallday @harlowthot @triplexdoublex @thinkingaboutjharlow @bbyharlow @jackharlows-world @primadxna-girl @curlyhairclub @dessmxsworld @inluvwithladybug @babyharleezy @thysagclub @harlowcomehome @rebelxsun @jackharloww @harlowsbby
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Evermore: Prologue
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A/N: Hi everyone! So this is a first for me. I've written pretty much all genres. But never a like this. It's been a hot minute since I've written anything! So I hope you all enjoy this one!
Summary: Y/N is a mother of a Five-month-old, a preschool teacher, and an army wife to Captain Ari Levinson. Married when they were young, friends since childhood.
Since childhood, Andy Barber, Ari's best friend, shows up at the Levinson home.
Captain Ari Levinson x Reader
Lieutenant General Andy Barber x Reader x Reader
Before I shut up, I would like to thank my dear friend @hollybee8917
for making this beautiful moodboard and editing! love you!
It’s a snowy Saturday, and you are home in your cozy county home on the outskirts of Concord, Massachusetts. Your five-month-old daughter, Chloe, napped in her bassinet in the living room. You had lunch cooking on the stove, a ravioli Soup for this cold, snowy day.
While you stirred the soup, your phone rang, and you knew who it was. Every day, around this time, he would call. You quickly picked up your phone from the counter. A smile formed but this time, it was a video call. You accepted the invite and his beautiful, scruffy face appeared. 
Hi beautiful.
You felt yourself blushing with excitement. For being with a man for over a decade, he still gives you butterflies. You looked at his background and noticed he was in a warehouse.
What are you doing in a warehouse, Ari?
Ari sighed.
I’m about to head out. We need to clear an area and free some hostages.
You knew that was a high-stakes mission. Before you could answer, Chloe woke up. You then turned off the stove.
Honey, want to see your daughter?
He smiled as you took the phone and walked over to her bassinet in the living room. You angled the phone so Ari could better view his wife and daughter. You picked her up and smiled, kissing her chubby cheek.
Oh my god, look at her. She’s getting so big! Hi Chloe, it’s Daddy.
Chloe then turned her head towards the phone and attempted to grab it. But you knew better and stopped her from doing so.
Look, Chloe, it’s daddy!
Both of you were in awe when Chloe showed her gummy smile and famous giggle.
Honey, I have to go. I know it’s a short call, but I promise to call you back.
You never liked having him to go. But it is what it is. Ari can see the disappointment in his wife.
I know, angel, but I promise, okay?
Ari knew you too well.
Okay. I love you, Ari Levinson.
And I love you too, Mrs. Levinson.
And with that, the video ended.
It’s been a long day for Andy Barber. He had case files on his desk and just finished a month-long trial, in which he had won successfully. His colleagues had urged him to come to have a celebratory drink as a tradition for any case they won. But just for today, he politely declined and headed to his office, so here he is. Before he turned on his laptop, Andy noticed a picture frame, and he picked it up. A smile formed, and a small memory came flowing through his mind.
The photo had Ari, his wife, and him both in their uniforms. That was the day that his best friend was married.
“It's been a long time, my friend,” Andy said, placing the frame back on his desk. He made a mental note to call Ari when he returned from his tour.
A knock was heard before his hand could even turn on his laptop.
The door opened, and his secretary came in.
“Sir, you have a phone call on line 3. They didn’t give me a name, but it’s urgent.” She said and left his office. Frowning, Andy picked up his phone and pressed line 4.
Lieutenant Barber, how can I help you?
Lieutenant Barber, this is Major Sam Navon.
Hello, sir; how can I help you?
The drive into the countryside of Concord was beautiful. Even with the snow, it reminded Andy of being in a snow globe. It’s been a good five months since he’s been in this town, even if he lived 20 minutes away. But he was quickly reminded as to why he was here. His heart couldn’t take it, but it would be better if it came from him.
Entering that familiar long driveway, Andy entered the Levinson home. He parked his car and sat there momentarily, trying to collect his thoughts. After taking a few breaths, he opened the door to his cat and got out. Walking towards the home's front porch, he approached the front door. With another breath, he pressed the doorbell and stepped back.
The door opened, and he came face to face with Y/N.
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yeehawbvby · 8 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 48
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Y/n goes a little apeshit at JojaMart lmao
Author’s Note: *Crawls out of a pit covered in dirt and blood. Slaps this chapter down in front of you, on a SUNDAY no less!*
My health situation hasn’t improved whatsoever, but I will prevail, damnit!!
I wrote most of this and posted to ao3 early this morning, and haven't had a chance to proofread really. I'll do my best to get that done soon ^.^ Sorry if there are any weird wordings. Also sorry for the complete lack of Seb and Magnus in this one, I hope the shenanigans make up for it <3
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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I hate that stupid, cryptic, blue note I got.
Ever since it came, I think about it every time I check the mailbox, without fail. I don’t want to, I kinda just want to forget it exists, but I just… I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it. A gut feeling. Like, something’s totally up with it. It’s just been sitting in my closet for safekeeping until I decide what to do, though.
For some reason, I’ve been too nervous to bring it back up to Magnus. He’s forgotten it exists, from what I can tell. I think I’ll do my best to keep it that way for now. It feels more like my burden to bear than his, and besides, he’s already got the whole region to take care of.
After today’s confirmation that I don’t have bills or anything important like that, I head inside to get ready to leave the farm. Reeeally hoping my routine will shake out my heebiejeebies.
I got the OK from Magnus to use his fancy shrine for Spirit’s Eve. Got an idea of what I think I want to make myself look like, too. Maybe a tiefling or something. If tieflings don’t really exist, I’m sure some sort of succubi, or imps, or some sort of creature that looks like one’s gotta, no? I suppose I could always fall back on just pretending I’m an elf… man, a tail and horns would be so fun though. 
Either way, tomorrow is the big day and I am so ready for it.
I mean, like, almost ready. Whatever.
Today I’m going to Magnus’ place to get some practice in. Just a precautionary measure to try not to, like, blow myself up or something.
I’m gonna keep my outfit cozy and easy to move around in, but I have half a mind to make sure I wouldn’t mind losing these clothes in particular if something goes wrong with the transformation. Just some leggings, some crew-cut socks, an old hoodie, and my favorite boots, since I won’t have my shoes on in the shrine anyway. All of it is in black. Sebastian cosplay. 
I’ll pop my red studs in too, gotta commit to the bit. I haven’t had time to talk to The Emo and see if he actually did get his shit pierced last night, but assuming he did, and assuming he was able to use these for it, I wanna go all out, baby.
Now, before I head to the tower, I’ve got some errands to run around town. I woke up a bit late so there’s gonna be more people out than I’m looking forward to, but hopefully I have no creepy Alex encounters or awkward conversations with Shane again.
I promised Sam I’d visit him at work sometime soon, so I might as well head there first. He hates it there, and it’s been a while since we’ve caught up, so I’ll hopefully be a welcome distraction. I’ll bring him a coffee too to keep his spirits high.
After it’s done brewing, I grab two foam cups and pour the coffee in. Knowing Sam, he probably needs this stuff sweet, and I’m in the mood for sweet too, so I pour in a bunch of vanilla-flavored creamer. To make the beverages ~gourmet,~ I add a little whipped cream to each, as well as a light drizzle of chocolate syrup. After securing the plastic lids and giving Cannoli some well-deserved love, I head out.
While I pass by the bus stop, I make eye contact with Pam. I’ve never spoken to her, but… I dunno. I can’t tell if I like her or not. She gives me a nasty stink eye and I can only further assume she’s as mean as she outwardly appears. Unless she was just cursed with an intense resting bitch face...
I smile Pam’s way anyway. She doesn’t smile back, but that’s okay. It doesn’t benefit anyone to be so judgemental of her.
I pass a few local moms once I make it to the town square. None really mind me, which could mean they either didn’t notice, or they don’t care. Either is fine by me. I don’t hear what they’re saying, but Caroline talks very animatedly just before the rest of the group bursts into laughter.
I turn my attention back ahead as I pass by Pierre’s and nearly bump into Marnie as she’s leaving the shop.
We both squeak out a little “Oh!” before apologizing in unison.
“I wasn’t really paying attention,” I double down. 
“Oh, that’s fine. I rarely ever am!” She then motions to the two cups in my hands and adds, laughing, “At least the coffee’s safe!”
I awkwardly nod in agreement. Then, a brief flash of myself actually spilling coffee somewhere down the road raids my mind, my necklace tingling against my skin and my fingers practically buzzing.
“Everything alright, sweetie?”
That probably looked weird. “Yeah, sorry,” I try to recover, “just sleepy today!”
I take a sip of coffee to emphasize my point. Plus, I might as well drink what I can before these puppies go down. Hopefully I’ll be able to save at least one of them when the time comes.
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that!” She puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I need to get back to the shop, but take it easy and don’t overwork yourself, you hear?” 
I nod, thanking her and waving her off with a shy grin before I continue moving. Once I get closer to the spot I’m supposed to be spilling these drinks — just before that little bridge over the river by JojaMart — I begin to walk more cautiously. If I can just keep these steady and focus on the ground… 
A sneeze creeps up on me. Oh god. Oh god oh fuck oh no.
Just as I’m beginning to carefully place one of the cups on the side of the bridge for safe keeping, the sneeze forces its way out of me. Luckily, one beverage — the one I hadn’t drank from yet — stays safely in my hand. Unluckily, the one I was working on trying to keep safe fell to the stones at my feet, opening up and dispersing its contents fucking everywhere.
God damnit. 
“Nice one.”
God fucking damnit.
I look up to the voice. It turns out Shane’s outside having a smoke. He’s at the opposite end of the bridge watching my clumsiness unfold with an aloof look about him. He’s bent over to lean on the stone wall, his right elbow propped up and his corresponding cheek in his palm. His left forearm is flat against the structure while his left hand lazily dangles his cigarette between two fingers.
Is that pink nail polish on one of them? I wonder if that’s Jas’ doing. 
I merely groan back my response, picking up the now-empty cup to discard in the trash bin near the store. As I proceed on my walk of shame past Shane, I point out, “At least my clothes stayed safe.”
Shane follows and asks, “How many ants do you think you murdered with that accident?” 
I grin a little at his dry humor. “Oh it was a massacre,” I bounce back. “The war in Gotoro pales in comparison.”
“Ha!” Oh my god, I made Shane — the grumpiest fuck I’ve ever met — laugh?! “Right on. Seems like pointless violence anyway.” 
I turn to see if I can catch him smiling for the first time, like, ever. It’s not there anymore, but there’s a residual brightness in his features.
Shane snuffs out his cig on the ashtray built into the garbage’s lid, abandoning it there before shoving his hands in the pockets of his bright blue shorts.
“Those sons’a bitches,” he nods in the direction of my carnage, “they had it coming.”
My nose scrunches as I laugh a little, giving him a funny look. “Damn, what’d they do to you?”
There’s a playful glint in his eye, as he deadpans me. “Exist.”
I shrug and nod — I get it, they can be pretty annoying! — and follow the man as he makes his way through the white-rimmed, glass-centered automatic doors. I try not to cringe outwardly at how many self-righteous pro-Joja fliers are on them.
Shane stops a few steps into the store. Turns around. I stop too and look up, tilting my head. What’re you looking at, punk? I think to myself. Dunno if I’d be pushing my limits by trying to say it out loud. Better not.
Shane gives me a weird look too, but I can barely see it. My senses are taking their damn time getting used to the obnoxiously fluorescent lighting.
“Don’t you shop at Pierre’s?” Shane wonders out loud.
I blink a few times as I adjust to the environment and then nod. “Visiting Sam,” I explain.
“Ah.” He nods too, in understanding, and then looking the other way he continues, “Enjoy.”
Shane makes his way towards a door to the right of the manager’s office. Says “Employee’s only,” so I’m assuming it’s a break room or something. I don’t miss the incorrect apostrophe, but choose not to linger on it either.
“You too.” He looks back over his shoulder, so I pair my well wishes with a lazy salute.
I smile. I think he’s warming up to me!
Feeling a tad lost now that I’m alone, I look around before making any advances. Should’ve asked Shane if he knew where Sam would be around now. I dunno how the shifts work around here.
The cashiers to my left — a visibly exhausted red headed woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s; and a scrawny, scruffy looking teenager, with thick-framed glasses sitting atop his freckled nose — both look miserable.
The boy is boredly leaning against the counter, zoned out on the ground in front of it. The woman looks totally spaced out on nothing in particular. It almost seems like she’s fighting off sleep, too. Poor lady. 
The woman and I lock onto each other. She looks away from my face before I can even register it, but I notice her eyes flicker longingly to the coffee cup in my hand a few times after the fact. I peer between her and the beverage twice before I all but scurry away into the aisles. I’m too awkward for this. My only option is to retreat. Never said I wasn’t a coward.
While I venture past the boatloads of boxed, bagged and canned foods in search of the resident dog boy, I observe some of the products. Some don’t look safe for consumption, while others seem like they’d be fun to try as a one-off sort of deal. It overlaps a few times as well. I mean, why wouldn’t I want to try this cereal which very explicitly states on the box that it’s more sugar than grains? It makes me stifle a giggle. I like the brutal honesty. 
I stop and stare at it for a sec. Gnawing my lip. Wondering if I should just…
No. I shan’t.
I break away from temptation and trek on. As I reach the end of the aisle, I pan across the back of the store. More shelf-stable products, a small produce section… ah!
Sam looks like he’s supposed to be mopping the floor near the freezers. To be fair, he is holding a mop, and it is touching the floor! But instead of cleaning, he uses the tool as a microphone; singing against the end of the brown wooden handle, both hands passionately gripping it as he bends his torso to quietly belt one part in particular. Sam’s eyes are shut, his bulky black headphones are secured over his ears, and he has not a single worry in the world. 
Holding his coffee in both hands now, I stop walking and lean against a nearby shelf. Observing. Waiting. Eventually he’ll have to see me.
He does a little spin move and carelessly bumps into the bucket of soapy water he’s working with, causing it to slosh around a little. Some of it lands on the floor, and some on the pants of Sam’s jumpsuit. Doesn’t faze him in the slightest. 
He does another spin the opposite way and nearly knocks over the conveniently placed display of sprinkles that are situated right in front of the ice cream freezer.
I feel like I should probably stop him before something bad happens, but he looks so damn content and so stinkin’ cute that I can’t be assed. 
Just as I’m thinking this, he opens his eyes, completely avoiding my direction while he immediately peers over his shoulder. Sam scans around, getting a full view of the proximate areas. It seems like he’s just making sure he’s not about to get caught by his boss or something, if I had to guess.
Eventually he lands on me. We both smile wide, and I triumphantly hold up his (unspilled!!) coffee in one hand, presenting it with a small flourish of the other and a bow of my head.
“For you, my good sir.” I make sure to sound extra fancy, dropping my voice an octave and annunciating my words a bit too much.
He looks around again before meeting me in the middle with a fist bump, completely ignoring my bit. Aw man.
“Hell yeah, thanks dude!” 
I shoot some awkward finger guns at him, “You got it, bud.”
“You didn’t make yourself one?”
I sigh, lamenting, “I did…”
Sam scans my face as we share a short silence. Then, the lightbulb almost visibly goes off in his noggin. “You spilled it, didn’t you?”
Pursing my lips, I nod. “I spilled it, yeah.” 
“Buuummer, dude.” He pats my head and I sigh, leaning into his touch. I’ll be damned if I don’t still love head-pats, even if it’s been a while since I’ve gotten one. “Wanna split this one then?” he offers, palm still on my crown. At this point he’s just trying to messy me up.
“No thanks, I’ll just grab another later if I’m really craving it.” Not having noticed the trance I’ve been in as my hair gets slowly and steadily ruined — it feels nice, okay? — I finally look up at him, cheekily glaring as I manually remove his large hand from me. I add on as I try to repair the frizzy aftermath, “Sick performance, by the way!” 
“You think so?” he beams. Makes me laugh.
“Of course! It looked like you were having a lot of fun.”
Sam’s face is a bit flushed as he takes the compliment, not even trying to hide it; he has a big goofy grin on his face, too.
It drops and Sam looks behind him as a deep voice with a bit of a southern twang booms from one of the aisles nearby. “Samson?”
“Shit, here.”
Sam hurriedly places his coffee into my hand and rushes back near his water bucket, looking around for his manager as he moves. I try to make things less suspicious by pretending to look at some nearby end caps. 
I take a peek over when I hear Sam greet the man, “Hiya! What’s up, Morris?”
Crossing his arms and puffing out his chest to try and make himself look mighty, a man in a navy blue suit, a bright red bow tie, and a poorly-applied black toupee corrects him. “That’s Mr. Saxton, son.” 
I roll my eyes. Awesome to know the guy running this Joja is just as insufferable as the dudes who work on the corporate side.
Sam puts an anxious hand on the back of his neck, and halfheartedly smiles as he apologizes, his speaking patterns much more formal than before. Poor guy… it hurts to see him having to tone it down so much for this dipshit.
I turn my attention back in front of me so as to give him some privacy. Not sure he’d want me to hear him getting his ear talked off.
This display is full of holiday cards... I might as well waste some time with these bad boys. I pick up one with a cartoon beagle wearing a birthday hat on it, stealing a sip of Sam’s coffee as I read the pun on the front: “Have a doggone good birthday!” Alright, nice and cheesy start…
I flip the card open. It starts blaring Baha Men’s “Who Let The Dogs Out.” Fucking hell. Jumpscare me, why doncha! I shudder at how tinny the music sounds — likely made worse by its volume — then close the card and place it back in its spot, not bothering to read more.
“Excuse me, miss?”
I peer over my left shoulder, and see that Mr. Saxton is making his way towards me. A vein is popping in his forehead, but he has a toothy smile on his face that screams customer service. Not sure what’s going on and feeling a little anxious about the situation, I don’t answer with words — I just turn my body to him and watch him expectantly. 
My eyes flicker to Sam real quick, who’s closer to the opposite end of the freezers now. He’s looking over here though, and when his eyes catch mine, he mouths “Go!” and motions his arm towards the front end of the store. Maybe he got caught socializing or something… wouldn’t doubt that there’s probably heavy surveillance in here. Man.
I look back at Sam’s boss as he says, “I’m going to need you to discard your beverage.”
My brows furrow and I tilt my head. “Why?”
Ah, he’s the asking-questions-is-talking-back type: He huffs a deep breath and tilts his head as if to mimic me, clasping his fingers together in front of his ribs. The smile and vein are both still on his face.
“It is not only unacceptable to bring your own food into a grocery store,” he strains, “but I cannot have you spilling your drink all over our products.”
…I haven’t spilled anything. What does he think I am, some crusty little kid? 
Damn, this is bringing out a rage that I haven’t experienced since working behind a Joja desk. I didn’t know I was even capable of it anymore. Must be something about the overstimulatingly bright blues, or the blindingly white strips of lights. Same ones we had above each cubicle in the office.
My anxiety is rapidly replaced with a petty yearn to cause a ruckus as I realize that I don’t work for Joja anymore. I never have to even come here again, actually.
I don’t answer to this fucko! I don’t answer to anyone!
Screw this guy!
Feeling courageous, I put on my own customer service mask as I inquire, “Do you want me to spill this on your products?”
“E-excuse me?!”
I hover the cup near the cards, tilting it a little. Doing a little eyebrow wiggle too for good measure. “It feels like you dooo.”
“I— w-what are you doing?”
Seb would be so proud if he were here. Not sure how Magnus would react, but I’d like to imagine he’d support me too.
Completely on impulse, I bring the cup in front of me and splash a little coffee in the man’s direction instead of the cards’. The now-lukewarm liquid splatters onto the white button-down beneath his jacket and rapidly seeps into the fabric, leaving a light brown, unsightly splotch.
Sick, got him where it hurts and none got on the floor! Less work for Sam!
Making sure my voice is just as cheery as Morris was trying to keep his, I cap this off, “Stop treating your employees like crap and stop treating complete strangers like children, asshole.”
This feels so good. My heart is racing and my pits feel a little moist and I might just end up an anxious mess the second I walk away, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t cool as fuck in the moment. When Leah asked me last week if Magnus ever wanted to go apeshit, it didn’t even occur to me how badly I wanted to go apeshit.
I walk down the nearest aisle as Morris continues sputtering something about me leaving, paying for this, whatever.
Shane’s kneeled down in the middle of the aisle stocking shelves. He faces me for a moment and grins slyly. “That was cool as hell.” Why does this feel so validating? “A woman after my own heart.” 
I blink that fucking flashbang away — seriously, the last time I saw him he was still being a dick, and today he’s treating every interaction like we’re fully acquainted, if not more, what the heck — as he turns away to scan items onto the shelf again.
“I really didn’t do much…” I really didn’t. Just kinda caused a minor inconvenience for the guy. 
My hands are shaking though, so it must be catching up to me.
“That still took some balls.” He glimpses at me briefly and adds, “Y’look like you might cry, though. Get outta here before I change my mind about you.”
I huff out a quiet laugh and steady Sam’s — well, my, now — coffee in both hands. “On it, boss.”
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headphonesbones · 6 months
Shattered dream sans x a reader who works for nightmare- [idk if this is what you mean by like you know writing reqs-]
Cas and Null decided to write this together! Hope you enjoy <3
Alright, this is probably gonna get real complicated REAL FAST
Man is crazy (obvi)
But he’s thankfully (or maybe not thankfully) crazy for you
Uhhh… good luck with that…
So man, this can go a few ways… None of which are probably good lol
Let’s say you’re close to Nightmare before stuff hits the fan. Well, as close as you can get to him…
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but we love him (kinda)
Nightmare, if he actually gives a damn about you, probably would be… let’s just say “reluctant” to have you around his newly corrupted brother.
He trusted him even less now tbh
I mean, at least he’s not suspiciously nice anymore??? /j
So, man’s crazy x2 so both of them are kinda trying to manipulate you in order to “see their side”
Basically, they’re fighting over you. One as a romantic interest and the other as platonic… probably.
But basically, neither are exactly “right”
You were doing a pretty good job at trying to stay away from Shattered!Dream until, one day, he managed to corner you when you were really sleepy
“Oh, poor thing. Aren’t you tired of mercilessly working for that…. Imbecile brother of mine? Come here, rest your head.” Shattered cooed at you from the other end of the room, watching you stumble your way into your house after a particularly rough mission. How did he even get in here? You were too tired to care. You shuffled over to him and slumped down at his feet, resting your head in his lap. He places his hand on your head, tenderly stroking your hair and murmuring sweet nothings. 
So naturally, you were like “whaT THE FU-”
Nah, you totally didn’t suspect anything. I mean, how different could Shattered!Dream be from his old self? (very different, as you’d come to find out)
You hadn’t slept in literal days, you’d just come back from one of Nightmare’s missions, things got messy in that mission, “your husband is dead, we found him with no head” type shenanigans. 
(… the frick did I just say???? ADHD brain is wack as frick, don’t do vegetables, kids)
Your brain was confused and static-y (is that a neurodivergent thing???) and you were just done by that point
You were kinda not too trusting of him, buuuuut… his lap was comfortable, what else can I say, Your Honor?
(I was just in a silly goofy kinda mood, so I fell asleep on my mortal enemy’s lap)
His voice was relaxing, his lap cozy, the mood just right, and you were exhausted beyond belief
So what did you do?
You fell asleep
I have no idea if any of this is coherent
When you woke up (like 16 hours later, thanks to exhaustion) you found that you were in your bed.
You, not knowing wtf just happened, are confused, of course.
Was that all a Dream? Well, Dream was involved but NO, IT WAS NOT A DREAM
You have gay panic for a bit until you see the note on your bedside table
He called you mi cielito in the letter.
Mi cielito?? Depending on if you know Spanish, you may be a little confused. Means “my little sky”... what can I say, he’s a sucker for Moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, etc. motifs
Alright, so…
Thankfully, unlike Nightmare, he’s probably not gonna leave dead birds outside of your doorstep
You know, for someone that doesn’t really like cats (we all know what I’m talking about), Nightmare sure does act like one… Neko! Nightmare coming up? (I know the word “neko” just dealt +40 psychic damage to one of you out there)
Alright, I didn’t really answer your request but I am PLANNING on making this a smol series. So like… a few parts? I just really want to get this out! :]
Cas was sorta working off of first caffeine in week, combined with not sleeping in over 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed! Please, feel free to send as many requests as you want!
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
I really like reading your posts. They give me a home like feeling because u always manage to bring out the characters well and the place and atmosphere to life.
I have an idea. What if Seb woke up during weekend thinking he overslept- but he actually woke up super early. He runs around the room to get ready and then he speeds to the great hall, only to find that there is no one. Anxiety gets to him. So he runs to the class and passes by reader who is a prefect and they tell him that it’s weekend. So they fix his messy uniform ( tie and so) and walk with him to some quiet corner of the castle where he falls asleep again but in their arms as she kisses his hand and tells him that he’s safe and alright.
Thank you so much and have a nice day🌻☀️
Overslept? (S.S)
I'm so glad you enjoy! I hope you like this one too, I'm sorry it's late! <3<3
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    Sebastian shot up from his bed, eyes wide as he looked around the room. His vision was blurry as he looked to where Ominis slept, not seeing the bundle of blankets on the bed. His head spun around, and he quickly glanced at the clock in the corner, unable to read it as he quickly got out of bed, tripping around his items as he grabbed for his clothes, putting them on. He muttered to himself as he reached for his tie and robe, putting them on half-way as he grabbed for his school bag and slipped on his shoes. “Late? No one thought to wake me up, either. I can’t believe this.” He continued, nearly tripping down the stairs as he hurried out of the common room, earning an odd glance from Imelda, who sat by the window looking into the lake with a book in her lap.
      Sebastian quickly sped through the halls, looking into rooms in search of his classmates, who were nowhere to be seen. He let out a frustrated sigh as he turned to the Great Hall, pulling one of the doors open to reveal its empty contents, the candles that hung in the air extinguished as they floated idly around. “Empty? How late is it?” He muttered to himself, taking a final look around before turning away. He stood for a moment as he tapped his foot, the small echoes of shoe on hard flooring the only sound in his ears as he tried to figure out what to do next. “Ominis could have woken me up, yet he didn’t. Where is everyone, anyway?” He said to himself, biting the inside of his cheek as he turned to walk up a flight of steps, huffing in frustration as he stepped on the hem of his robe, nearly falling down the steps for the second time that day.
      Ominis returned to the dorm, rubbing his eyes as he stifled a yawn, not even glancing over to where Sebastian slept. He placed his wand onto the table beside his bed, kicking off his shoes as he slipped back under the covers. He had just returned from to toilets, fixing his blankets as he snuggled back under them. He furrowed his brows for a moment, hearing the absent sound of Sebastian’s snores, but shrugged it off as he got cozy, drifting back to sleep.
      The ghosts that floated around the halls frowned as Sebastian passed by them, rushing through them without even greeting them. “Well, that was uncalled for!” A woman spoke, earning a quick “Apologies” as Sebastian continued by. Peeves floated behind him, speaking in riddles about how Sebastian was being rude, saying something along the lines of “Waking up on the wrong side of the bed, with looks like that.” Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh as he waved the Poltergeist off, shaking his head as he tried to ignore Peeves. He continued to float around Sebastian, content with pestering the Slytherin, seeing as there weren’t any other students around to torment. “Not now, Peeves! Can’t you see I’m in a rush!” Sebastian shouted, glaring as Peeves as he turned to the colourful menace. “Deary me, deary me! Seems like someone didn’t just wake up on the wrong side of the bed but woke up with a storm cloud hovering over his head!” Peeves laughed, spinning around Sebastian for a moment before drifting off to find someone else to bother.
      Sebastian began to walk faster as he continued up the spiral of steps, muttering about the time as he tried to fix his hair, stray curls falling over his forehead; unbrushed. He passed by a hall without bothering to check down it, cursing to himself as he made his way to where the Charms classroom was held. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you looked away from one of the paintings that had called you over, disrupting your morning rounds. You turned to the sound of the voice, watching as the billow of green and black robes disappeared from the entrance, excusing yourself as you moved to follow. “Students aren’t usually up at this time, who’s running around?” You asked yourself, reaching the end of the hall you occupied, watching as the figure took a sharp turn towards another hall. You hurried to catch up, putting your duties in the back of your mind as you began to catch up, watching a head of brown hair turn and go into an empty classroom. You huffed to yourself; another student trying to sneak something out of a classroom, no doubt.
      Sebastian stood in the middle of the room; eyes wide as a frown formed on his lips. The classroom of empty of students, and there was no sign of Professor Ronen either. “Perhaps I’m later than I thought.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. You stood in the doorway, smiling as you recognized the student to be Sebastian, who usually took to stealing from the library instead of a classroom. “Didn’t think you were a big Charms fan, Sebastian.” You said, chuckling lightly as he jumped, spinning around to face you with a slight pink tint to his cheeks. “Y/n! I swear, I overslept! I didn’t mean to miss my classes, you understand.” He rambled, stepping over to you. You shook your head as you smirked, letting Sebastian speak. “Did you know that you’re my favourite Prefect?” He asked, wide-eyed as you shook your head once again. “I’m begging you, don’t send me to the Headmaster, I don’t think I could handle another detention this week.” You chuckled as you reached to fix his tie, frowning playfully as you tried to fix the knot he had left. You sighed as you looked him up and down, raising a brow as you took in his disheveled state, biting back a smile.
      “Sebastian, do you know what time it is?” You asked, crossing your arms as you smirked. He shook his head, scratching the back of his neck. “Sometime after nine, that’s for sure. Ominis didn’t even wake me, and the Great Hall was empty, now Charms? I’d be surprised if I had any classes left!” He rambled, pinching the bridge of his nose. You laughed as you shook your head, taking his arm as you led him out of the classroom. “It’s not even seven thirty, Sebastian. Even if you had woken up late, it’s the weekend, we have no classes today.” You said, showing him a clock that stood between two stands of armor, who saluted you in greeting. Sebastian looked at the clock in shock, frowning as he shook his head. “It can’t be the weekend already, can it?” He asked, watching as you nodded, a sympathetic smile gracing your lips. “Saturday, to be exact.” Sebastian continued to shake his head, his thoughts running through his brain as he tried to comprehend everything. “It was just Tuesday, I swear!”
      You walked with Sebastian down the hall, leading him to a small corner you had discovered that homed a rather comfortable loveseat, one that you found yourself relaxing on when you had some time to yourself. You sat him down as you conjured up a tea set, pouring him a cup. “You seem to have a lot on your mind lately; not knowing what day it is and all.” You spoked, gently offering the cup to Sebastian, who took it gratefully as he breathed in the sweet scent of Chamomile filling his senses as he nodded. “Would you like to talk about it?” Sebastian thought for a moment, savoring the warm taste as you took a seat next to him. “I’ve been staying up late, I suppose. Catching up on schoolwork, things like that.” He said, looking around at the plain yet comforting décor that surrounded the two of you. You nodded, taking a sip of your tea. “You seem to being doing the work in the classes we share, are you stuck in a different class?” You asked, turning your gaze to him as he shook his head. “I wouldn’t say I’m stuck on a subject, per say. My mind has been…occupied with other things. I haven’t been able to focus on classes because of it.” He spoke, biting the inside of his cheek. You nodded thoughtfully, giving him a gentle smile.
      “Does the matter that occupies your thoughts have something to do with Anne? I understand that she’s still unable to return to Hogwarts.” You said, your gaze softening as he slowly nodded. “She’s not getting better, and I’ve been trying to think of ways that would ease her pain.” He spoke softly, furrowing his brows as he let out a frustrated sigh. “Nothing that I’ve found is helping either, but I can’t stop looking. It’s taken over most of my time and thoughts, as you can see.” You nodded, moving your hand to fix his hair. “Perhaps you need a break, some time to just relax. People can’t breeze through a whole week and not realize it while still being able to function normally.” You said, smiling softly as you continued to fix Sebastian, straightening up his robes a bit as you set his bag onto the floor. Sebastian only sighed, frowning as he felt his stomach growl. “I don’t suppose the Great Hall will be opening anytime soon?” He asked, a slight smile gracing his lips as he looked at you. You shook your head as you smiled back, looking over at a nearby clock. “Breakfast is served an hour later, of course. You have around two hours until they start serving. If you’d like, we can stay here, you can catch some more sleep, I’ll wake you when it’s time.” You offered, watching as Sebastian nodded.
      “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep after all the stress I went through to get to a class that wasn’t even in session, but I can try.” Sebastian said with a chuckle, setting his cup down as he made himself comfortable. You chuckled with him, biting the inside of your cheek. “My duties for the morning are mostly done, so there’s not much I can do to help you with that problem.” Sebastian scoffed as he poked your side. “What are your duties, anyway? Walking around the halls at seven in the morning, I’d hate to have that job.” You shook your head as you sighed, leaning back into the cushions as you began to explain your weekend routine, smiling softly as you felt his head begin to rest on your shoulder. You spoke softly as you looked over at Sebastian, his eyes visibly growing heavy as you spoke. “It’s not that boring, you know.” You joked, shaking your head. Sebastian let out a small huff as he found your hand, holding it in his own as he let out a small sigh.
      “I don’t think they’re boring, just not my thing. But it’s a good thing you were around, else I’d probably still be roaming the halls thinking I overslept.” He said softly, his eyes fluttering shut as you let out a short chuckle. “Perhaps you would, but I saved the day, like always.” Sebastian’s breath grew slow as he drifted to sleep, allowing you a moment to take in his features as his face relaxed. You hadn’t realized just how many freckles dusted his cheeks, and you smiled as you watched his hair fall back into his face, the small, untamed curls from his bed head laying softly over his skin. You sighed as you rested your head onto his, bringing the hand that he still kept in his grasp up, smiling as you placed a small kiss to the back of his hand as you whispered to him. “You’re safe here. You don’t need to worry about anything, just the two hours of sleep you deserve.”
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crescentpaws · 3 months
btw sorry if I’m sending in too many, feel free to leave some out
for the otp ask game: 1, 3, 12, 13, 22, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36, 48, 51, 58
replacing the ones i’ve already answered with the number next to it 👍 bc i need to get the brainrot out there
(all under cut bc it’s long & i don’t want to annoy people)
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with 'because I love you!' ?
depends on what era they’re in i think…. if it’s pre-pyrokinesis ban i think it’d be bronte yelling that, but present day/neverseen era it’d more likely be fintan
(3) 2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
i imagine fintan as being someone who has nightmares often. which is part of the reason he has trouble sleeping. he’s always had awful dreams about the everblaze accident that led to the pyrokinesis ban, but at least those got slightly less intense over time. i think now he would have additional nightmares about his memory break though. and he’s just kinda unstable in general so who knows what kind of fucked up scenarios his unconscious mind can produce. sometimes he’ll just wake up with a start, realize it was just a dream, and compose himself fairly quickly, but other times he’ll end up rocking back and forth hugging his knees and hyperventilating (he probably also occasionally hears the voices of people he’s killed. which, i mean. karma.). i think physical comfort is most important here though, because his mind might be too panicked to focus on actual words being said. i think the two of them are better at showing affection this way anyway. words can be awkward & frustrating. i imagine bronte in this scenario just holding fintan tightly until he calms down a bit, rubbing his back & gently running his fingers through his hair. maybe a forehead kiss. he might mumble some words of comfort once the hyperventilating dies down. though sometimes fintan’s panic/breakdown will be so great that the only way to snap him out of it is to lightly inflict on him 💀 he is a bit fucked up in the head i think sophie might need to come heal him again.
but then there’s also the very likely scenario that fintan will wake up flinging sparks & flames everywhere, so sometimes bronte has to quickly scramble out of the bed to avoid being burned. & he cannot touch him if that happens. in that scenario he has to hope that the words of comfort will snap fintan out of it quickly. & hope that he doesn’t catch anything on fire because fintan we just bought this blanket please don’t end up burning it like you did with the previous one last week.
& bronte has nightmares less often but fintan has learned to comfort him in similar ways (at least he isn’t a pyrokinetic)
(12) 11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
yes and yes. they know each other too well to be able to hide their emotions from one another. doesn’t mean they won’t try though.
13. Who's the bigger tease?
fintan for SURE
(22) 23. Who's more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
probably fintan? i imagine bronte as someone who wakes up early in the morning (even if he doesn’t have work to do. but he usually does because he’s kind of a workaholic i think.) and fintan as someone who stays up the whole night, so fintan would probably still be tired in bed wanting the warmth of another person beside him (he does wake up early if he has important neverseen stuff to do though). & if you’re sleeping in a bed with a pyrokinetic it’s all too easy to let them convince you to lay down for a few more minutes because mmmm warm cozy.
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
they would both be book nerds i think…. they like reading & discussing literature & stuff. i think they’d also be good at debating. & public speaking too.
sometimes bronte might come out & help fintan with his garden if he’s feeling nice
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
honestly idrk. i don’t think either of them would be lightweights but fintan would probably drink more irresponsibly (especially after the pyrokinesis ban. man was going through it.)
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
i think fintan would just to freak bronte out. but idk how many elevators they have in the lost cities. if they ever went to the forbidden cities together though he would definitely do this. ‘stop that, you know how faulty these human contraptions can be.’ ‘if it does fall we can just levitate, it’s fine.’ ‘???’
34. Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush?
also fintan. making bronte blush is his favorite pastime (other than arson)
36. Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
neither of them tbh. the convo would just be like ‘hmmm. i’m kinda hungry’ ‘go make some food then’ ‘will you make it for me’ ‘no *goes back to sleep*’ i think fintan would be worse at using the stove though. he is too used to using his ability to heat things and doesn’t know how to work it properly
48. Who's the better driver?
well considering they’re both elves i’d assume they’re both pretty bad at driving… but fintan might be slightly better because he’s probably spent more time in the (modern) forbidden cities. but at the same time he might run a few people over on purpose.
51. What's a non verbal way they say I love you?
basically any soft touches, caresses, etc. bronte will sometimes trace his fingers along the burn scars on fintan’s back, which to fintan is like. the most intimate thing ever 💀 & fintan might kiss the tense spot under bronte’s ribs where he keeps his emotions balled up. whatever. they suck and i hate them.
58. Who's more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
both of them. though i think fintan is more likely to hold his grudges for longer
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loser-fics · 2 years
Hi there!
Could you please do a Carl Grimes x fem!reader angst to fluff that takes place during beginning of season 6? Carl and the reader are a couple and super close. Ron likes the reader and is jealous of their relationship. Ron also wants revenge for his father’s death so he kidnaps Carl knocking him out and taking him outside beyond Alexandria. The reader finds a letter Ron left telling her he took Carl. Reader goes over the walls and tracks Ron and Carl and finds where they are. Ron threatens Carl and is about to kill him when the reader shows up just in time. Her and Ron fight with her winning the fight. She then frees Carl and once Carl is free a swarm of walkers start coming. Ron tries to escape but is surrounded and killed by the walkers. The reader and Carl escape the herd just in time and return to Alexandria. Carl kisses the reader all emotional while holding her not wanting to let go telling her he was afraid he’d never see her again and that Ron was going to hurt her. Reader and Carl then have a cozy night in cuddling with each other by the fireplace. Thank you!
TW: regular walking dead violence, swearing, my bad late night humour
You and Carl were walking around Alexandria together, hand in hand. It was rare to see the two of you apart, even before you got together. Everyone thought it was sweet, a young couple having fun… everyone but Ron. He longed for it to be him holding your hand, kissing you, spending every second he could with you. It drove him crazier each day, he would do anything to be with you, even if it was completely immoral. It took him a while, but he’d made a makeshift plan based off Carl’s rather loose schedule, and the rare times he would be alone. A plan that would take Carl away and (hopefully) leave you to himself.
It happened that night. When Carl was walking back to his house, and Ron had taken a crowbar.
“Wha-“ was all Carl got out before Ron hit him over the head with it, knocking him out. With slight difficulty, Ron then took him past the Alexandria gates.
You woke up the next day, blinking a few times before noticing something on your bedside table.
A Letter.
You lazily took hold of it and opened it.
Y/N, Carl does not deserve you, nor your love or your embrace. But not to worry sweetheart, I’m taking care of it, - Ron <3
You wondered what he meant for a second, was this is prank? Is this real? A dream? And ‘taking care of it’? Is he gonna-? And that’s when you knew. You could only hope that Ron hadn’t really gone and done something that stupid, and that your boyfriend was alive.
You quickly got dressed and grabbed your knife, running out your house and immediately looking around. Daryl had taught you some tracking skills in the past and with Ron’s lack of kidnapping skills it was easier to locate them. You spotted a slight gap in the walls and pushed it a part a little more, going through before closing it back up. You looked down ahead of you to see some vague footprints, and followed them as well as you could.
Eventually you came across a barely intact shed, and heard the yelling from inside it.
“Oh Carl, I wanted to just tell you exactly what’s gonna happen after you die-“
And that’s when you walked in, knife in hand, anger on your mind. Carl was currently badly tied to a chair, enough for him to not get away but again still Ron’s skills aren’t really the best.
“Y/N?!” The two boys said, Carl’s tone being relieved while Ron’s being more annoyed? confused? Probably both.
“LET HIM GO YOU FUCKING PSYCHO” you yelled at Ron, who was rather surprised to see you here.
Before Ron could actually give you a response you ran up to him, punching him. You were tempted to use your knife but he hit you back snapping you out of thought. Luckily, a couple more hits from you and he backed against the wall breathing heavily. It was rather easy for you to take him down what with him living inside Alexandria for the majority of the apocalypse and you wondered for a second how this boy kidnapped Carl Fucking Grimes.
You used your knife to cut Carl free and the two of you ran out the door a swarm of walkers came near you and as you darted away they went through the door. Hearing Ron’s screams you could assume what happened as you and Carl went back to Alexandria.
“What. The. Hell. Happened.” Rick said as he looked at the two of you who were covered in blood and dirt.
“We could find either of you all morning… where you two with Ron? He’s also missing” Michonne spoke, sounding slightly more understanding than Mr ‘Coral and (your name in rick’s accent) can’t be trusted’
After some explaining, some bad news delivering and some wall fixing, Carl and you could finally relax. The two of you cuddled on the couch listening to the fireplace crackle.
“I was scared back there y’know, not just for me I thought- I thought Ron was gonna hurt you or that I’d never see you again…” Carl said, pulling you closer and tracing shapes on your back
“I know, I I know, but it’s ok now don’t worry sweetheart” you responded
“… I love you.”
“I love you too Carl, so fucking much”
A/N: I am SO SORRY with how long this took to get out and it was kinda hard to write Ron so evily haha
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hybeboyenthusisast · 2 years
Surprise! Happy Birthday, I love you!
THIS WAS WRITTEN TO CELEBRATE @ashxxkook​ ‘s BIRTHDAY YAYYYY I’m 3 days late though, oops! Happy birthday Ash, I adore you, and hope this next year is your best one yet! Cheers to another year older, probably wiser, and just as much fun!
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Beomgyu has made special (not so secret) plans for your birthday! Your goofball boyfriend sucks at keeping secrets, but he’s good at distracting you. For you, his love, the best birthday celebration awaits.
boyfriend!beomgyu x afab!girlfriend!reader
rated 18+ for sexual suggestions, probably language too???
warnings: umm i dont think there are any, just gyu being the sweetest.
divider created by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 
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There are plenty of things Beomgyu loves, but at the top of his list, stands you. Further down this list is parties, and further up is making you happy. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Beomgyu was planning you a birthday party! A total surprise, of course, so he can laugh when you shriek in fear at the sudden yelling in your face. He genuinely believed he was doing a good job keeping your surprise party a secret-- too bad the poor guy couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. What was probably meant to be a hushed conversation over the phone with someone else, was actually loud enough to be overheard by you one day when you came home early from work.
You weren’t gonna take the fun from Beomgyu, especially as he had been even smilier and happier than normal as he excitedly counted down the days until your birthday. You did your best to not overhear any more conversations Beomgyu had regarding your birthday party, as you wanted the surprise to be real. Your boyfriend of 2 years knew you too well, and he would know if you weren’t genuinely surprised at your party. You sure as hell did not want to ruin this for him.
Beomgyu got more and more giddy as the weeks drew closer, and he began disappearing more and being as secretive as he possibly could. Obviously, he didn’t realize you knew him just as well as he knew you; if you hadn’t overheard that one conversation, you would have figured it out anyway. Instead of pulling away from you to keep his plans secret, he was more loving and attentive than normal, easily distracting you with kisses and cuddles. And it worked pretty well, perhaps too well. Who were you to rip Beomgyu’s happiness from him?
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The morning of your birthday, Beomgyu had woken up way earlier than normal, so he could cook you your favorite breakfast to eat in bed. The adoring smile on his face as he gently woke you up had you melting, but so did the delicious smell of the food he prepared. A beautiful, yummy, cozy morning in bed with your love was the absolute perfect way to start your birthday, especially since you unfortunately had work to go too. 
You and Beomgyu were a mess of giggles, wrapped up in each other's arms, crumbs uncomfortably scratching your bodies as you lay in bed after breakfast. “I don’t wanna go to work,” you pouted, tracing lines along Beomgyu’s arm as you snuggled into his chest.
“I don’t want you to go either, baby. But I promise you’re going to have a wonderful rest of your birthday after work. I have something really special planned for you,” Beomgyu kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer into his body. Though you couldn’t see it, you knew Beomgyu had the biggest smile on his face as he thought about his plans. 
You hummed, breathing in his scent and listening to his heartbeat. His smooth skin under your fingertips, the feeling of his hands caressing your skin; he was delicious and you were still hungry. “Maybe I can be late to work today,” you muttered, mostly to yourself, but you knew Beomgyu had heard you. You placed small kisses along his collar bone, hands working their way down his soft stomach..
Beomgyu groaned as he realized what you were trying to do. Well, what you were succeeding in doing. “Baby, you gotta go to work... I’ll fuck you well and good tonight.” A whine left your lips as his words, wanting to have him now, not later. You were certain you could get him to change his mind, especially with the way he was breathing heavily under your touch. 
“I want you now, though, Gyu..” You leaned upwards and nibbled on his ear lobe, planting sloppy kisses down his neck. Your hands were gently touching right above where Beomgyu was desperate to be touched, teasing the hell out of him.
Beomgyu dipped his head down to capture your lips with his own, grabbing your wrists and moving to pin them above your head, while rolling the two of you over so he was on top of you. “I have very, very special plans for tonight. Trust me, you want to wait.” And with that, Beomgyu kissed your forehead before rolling off of you and off the bed.
You groaned in response, missing the warmth of his body against yours. You knew Beomgyu was right about you having to go to work, even if you wish he wasn’t. As you got ready for work, doing your morning routine in the bathroom, you could hear Beomgyu not-so-subtly (or quietly) talk with someone on the phone. You did your best not to listen in, not wanting to ruin his surprise, but you did catch a few words here and there. The word “flowers” was tossed around a bit, as well as “lights” and “perfect”. Whatever Beomgyu had planned with these flowers and lights, you were sure it really would be perfect.
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Some days at work go by quickly, while others (most of them) seem to go on forever. The days where minutes seem like hours, and every time you check the clock, it’s like time is mocking you. This was your day at work, where time felt as if it stopped, and you would never be free from the shackles of your employment for the day. Of course, time didn’t actually stop, and eventually you found yourself clocking out of work with the biggest smile on your face. 
The whole drive home you were absolutely giddy, so excited to spend the rest of your birthday with your boyfriend and whoever else would be around. Given you had no idea what Beomgyu had actually planned, you weren’t sure what to change into when you got home. It didn’t help that when you finally arrived at your apartment, Beomgyu was out, so you couldn’t even ask him in person. You shot him a quick text as you began combing through your closet to find something that would be perfect for something fancy or for something casual. This really limited your options, and you hoped Beomgyu would text back or come home soon to help you.
You had been going through all your clothes, waiting for Beomgyu, for maybe half an hour before he arrived home. Usually, he arrived home from work earlier than you, but you knew he must have been busy with all the final preparations for whatever he had planned. 
“Hi baby! I’m ho- oh,” Beomgyu cheerfully greeted you as he entered your shared bedroom, pausing as he saw the absolute chaos you had unleashed. Shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, all different articles of clothing were scattered along the floor and atop the bed, as well as numerous pairs of heels thrown haphazardly throughout the mess. “What happened in here?”
You giggled as Beomgyu delicately stepped throughout the mess, trying not to step on any of your clothes or trip over some heels. When he was close enough to your crouching position in front of the dresser, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Sorry, darling. I don’t know what I should wear for your special plans tonight, since you’ve kept everything a secret. I was trying to find the perfect outfit for something fancy or something casual,” you pouted, nuzzling your head into Beomgyu’s thigh as he remained standing.
He patted your head gently, biting his lip to keep from cooing over how cute he found you. “Sorry honey, I should have thought about that. You made such a mess, baby,” Beomgyu tutted at you, ruffling your hair. “Why don’t you let me pick out an outfit for you, and you just relax?” 
Sighing in defeat, mostly exhaustion from creating such a mess with your clothes, you moved to begin putting everything back where it goes. “I’ll trust you.. but how are you gonna find anything when everything is.. everywhere?” You giggled at the look on Beomgyu’s face as he thought of how to answer your question. 
As you began gathering all the pairs of heels littering the floor, Beomgyu groaned. “This is such a mess...babe, I’m sorry, but we don’t have the time to put everything away neatly.” 
You waved your hand in dismissal, “That’s fine, I’ll fold everything tomorrow. I’m so excited to spend my birthday with you, Gyu!” A sweet kiss on the lips and you began pretty much throwing everything either on the closet floor or in the dresser, no organization at all. “Now everything is out of the way, so I’m gonna do my makeup.”
“Hey,” Beomgyu catches you by the waist as you walk past him to go to the bathroom. He gently pulls you backwards into his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. “I love you. Happy birthday, again.” With a kiss on your neck and a slap on your ass, the two of you set out on your tasks.
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With your makeup done, heels on, and dressed in Beomgyu’s favorite of your dresses, you felt hot. Beomgyu definitely thought the same thing, with the way his eyes darkened every time he scanned your body and his lingering touches on your thigh while he drove. 
You recognized the route as he drove, though you didn’t say anything or ask where you were headed, instead idly chatting with Beomgyu about your day at work and his. Typical conversation stuff, though you knew neither of you particularly cared as much for this conversation as you normally did.
It was when Beomgyu had finally parked the car outside your favorite restaurant, that the incredibly excited man could no longer contain himself. Opening your door for you and pulling you with him to the restaurant, you couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. 
The small restaurant was dark when the two of you entered, and immediately you knew what awaited you. “Surprise!” The lights flickered on, and familiar voices shouted at you, each voice’ respective owner popping up from hiding.
Decorated simply with twinkling lights, balloons, and small sparkly streamers, the entire restaurant looked just like a scene from your favorite movie. A grin broke out on your face as you observed the whole scene in front of you.
Your sister, your two closest co-workers, your childhood friend, and Beomgyu’s best friends stood before you, cheesy party hats on and big smiles on their faces. You didn’t really like parties, but Beomgyu certainly did. If this had been a party for him, there would have been way more people, but as it was a party for you, Beomgyu gathered the people you cherished most.
The birthday celebration he had been preparing for weeks was far greater than you could have imagined, with even the smallest details being deliberately and purposefully chosen to suit your tastes. From the food, to the drinks, to the small floral arrangements, everything was well thought out and showed how much work Beomgyu had put into this.
Having rented out the small restaurant for the night, your group was free to do whatever they wanted. The privacy of the party was something you really appreciated, as you’d be so embarrassed and uncomfortable with your large and loud group taking up the majority of the restaurant space while other patrons tried to enjoy their meals.
The majority of the party seemed to be moving as though in fast-forward, as you continued drinking with your friends throughout the night. The laughter, the gifts, and especially the cake, you had enjoyed the party way more than you usually did. 
Having said goodnight to the final friends to leave, you and a very sober Beomgyu made your way back to your car. 
“Hey,” you poked Beomgyu’s cheek, turning towards him in front of the car. Beomgyu raised his eyebrows in response, humming quietly in response, amused at your tipsy state. “This was the best birthday ever. You put in so much work, and it all turned out amazing. It was perfect. Thank you, Gyu.” You wrapped your arms around his torso, giving him a squeeze.
Beomgyu kissed the top of your head and wrapped his own arms around you, grinning to himself. “The best for the best. I love you so much. Happy birthday, my love.”
Giggling as you pulled away from the embrace, you looked up at your loving boyfriend and stood on your tip toes so you could place your lips on his. 
Beomgyu may not be good at keeping secrets or staying quiet, but he was the very best at loving you. 
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Permanent Taglist (open): @junnmizz @ashxxkook @igotkpoops <3  
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
That fic you wrote about Tommy’s wife being depressed and the family coming round is now my favorite! And I loved that little bit about ruby insisting that tommy picks her outfit, I’d love like a little story or bigger headcanon about that if you wanted to write it
Anon! I'm so happy that you enjoyed that story! I rambled out a scene here and I hope you find it cozy <3
Thank you for waiting.
Original Post Here
No explicit content in this story. But please be mindful that Peaky Blinders does contain adult themes and content.
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“No!” Ruby shouted passionately still sitting in her tangled blankets. “Daddy didn’t pick it.” 
You tried to hold your temper in. Taking a deep breath you resisted the urge to start screaming at her. Things around the house were not optimal. You felt that you had failed as a parent by being unable to shield them from the stress crushing you and Tommy. 
Things were off and it only showed more as it impacted the kids. 
“Go back to bed.” You said removing yourself from the room. On the way down to the kitchens, you poked your head into Charlie’s room. 
“Ruby’s staying home today -” 
“Is it the dress thing again?” he interrupted pulling his school blazer off the back of his chair. 
“I’ve managed every day this week. But she’s finally won, I don't have it in me this morning.” You let out a sigh. “Fair is fair, you can stay in as well, love.” 
“Yes!” He tossed his blazer on the chair trading it for a wool sweater before running past you. “I’ll be out back, Love you!” 
You smiled, at least you could make one person happy today. You fixed the jacket on his chair and then made your way to the kitchen. You pulled out the wooden chair by the window and lit a cigarette. The wind was blowing fiercely causing the trees to sway, suddenly having the kids home for the day didn't seem like such a bad idea. 
Thomas wouldn't be back for another three days. You were hoping that whatever weather this was would blow over before he’d travel home. 
Ruby’s temper was the least of your worries in the grand scheme of things. Tommy was out there up to God knows what. You took a long drag as your head started to hurt just thinking about it. John went with him, which meant Esme was either here at the house or calling every two hours. 
You put some water in the kettle before opening the back door to call out for Charlie to come in as the rain had picked up. 
In Tommy’s study - 
“I’d like to speak to daddy please” Rubby mumbled into the receiver. 
“Where on earth is your mother? This is a private line you can’t -” A woman with a shrill voice answered, pinching the bridge of her nose. Strange people called in for him at all hours of the bloody day, but this was ridiculous she thought to herself. 
“I’M A SH-EL-BY PUT MY DA ON THE PHONE” Ruby demanded, determined to fix whatever mess took her dad away. There was a strange sound and she let out a frustrated grumble.
“Shelby.” Tommy’s voice rang out. 
“Daddy!” Tears welled up in her eyes and it got hard to speak. 
“Ruby! What’s wrong?!” He sat up immediately. 
“You-you - m-” She stuttered causing Tommy to clench his fist in the air. 
“Just calm down and tell daddy” His heart was pounding, and he felt his hands start to shake. Where the hell were you? Why would Ruby be on her own? 
“ I-I- Woke up this morning. Mmm-mummy wanted me to wear a dress- the green one -  but I - knowed that you- didn't pick it. Mmm, can you come home n-now” Her voice started to wobble. 
“Daddy?” She asked into the phone but soon realized that the line had gone dead at some point. Sighing in defeat she went to go find you to negotiate. 
You set out three mugs on the countertop. After filling yours with tea, you grabbed a clean pot and started on some hot cocoa. 
“Yes, darling.” 
“Can you please call daddy?’
“Sweetheart, he only has time to call before bed.” You told her and watched as she stuck her arms out above her head. You picked her up and placed her on the countertop. All rules were written off as the sounds of thunder ran across the sky. You felt uneasy, and playing games and breaking rules seemed to be the best way to hide it. 
“Are you making pancakes?” 
“And hot cocoa.” you smiled as her face lit up. 
The day passed easily, and you all stayed in the warm embrace of the kitchen. Laying down a blanket near the fire the three of you played cards and told jokes. The two of them made a massive mess trying to help cook stew for supper. You were having so much fun you didn't even realize that the day had passed. Soon you were sipping whiskey while Ruby slept against your chest. Charlie was talking to you about his horse, and well all sorts of random things about horses in history. You couldn't remember half the historical figures he was rambling about let alone what type of horse they had. 
You enjoyed the time you had with only them. Normally this time was reserved for Tommy, the business, or the family. But these moments of listening to him talk were too rare, something you would need to change. 
“Dad?” Charlie asked suddenly, looking behind you. You turned to look at the doorway and there he was. You suppressed a laugh once you realized something was wrong. 
“Darling what’s happened.” You stood up clutching Rubby to your chest tightly. Tommy came over and pulled her away from you. 
“You're home” She mumbled, her little hands clutching his jacket. After weeks of restless sleeps, she was too worn out to be excited. He held her tightly pressing his cheek against her head. 
Meeting his cold blue eyes, you sobered up from the soft moment.
“Help me get her to bed then.” He asked sounding defeated and worn out. You all moved upstairs and you kissed Charlie goodnight as he went about his own bedtime routine.
Tommy had gotten Ruby into her pjs, but it seemed even he struggled with her occasionally. She had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he knelt beside her bed. 
"Please don't leave mummy." She said in a wet voice. Immediately your stomach dropped, why on earth would she have such a thought? Your own insecurities started to blow up as the silence stretched on. 
"Why would I leave mum? Eh? Best mum and wife there is." He said running a hand up and down her back. 
"Rosy's da is leaving her mum for a different mum. I don't want you to leave. It's not safe for us - I-I do-"
"Enough." He said firmly shutting her down. "There is nothing in this world that would take me away from mum, or you, or Charlie."
"But you go away all the time. Even the sky gets angry when you leave. What if one day you don’t come back?"
A worry you spent much of your life pushing down. Always Thomas against the world, but what if one day he doesn't win? 
He let out a sigh. 
"We live in England darling, the sky is always angry.” When seeing she wasn't satisfied with that answer he continued. “ I go away on business, not to see other people or start families." He said seriously. 
"Promise." She finally let go of his neck. You watched as he made a show of opening her closet doors. 
“Hmm. This is a tough choice.” He said sounding genuinely stuck. “Let's go with this one, eh?” He pulled a deep burgundy dress with long sleeves down from the top row of hanging dresses. 
You watched her give a nod of approval. With goodnights exchanged he arranged the blankets, and you stepped out into the hallway. He made his exit and gave you a strange look. 
“How does she know that it’s you that picks the dresses?” You thought of all the times he’d sent her to pick a dress only for Ruby to wake up and know it wasn't him. 
“I have no idea.” He shrugged. “Next time we’ll pick them out for the week I’m gone.” 
You followed him towards your bedroom. His words echo in your mind, and questions about why he was home so early start to boil over. 
Much like Ruby you were always fearful someone better would catch his eye, or that someone would get the best of him.
Undressing and getting ready for bed, the thoughts were pushed far out of your mind. There’s a simplicity to doing tasks next to the person you love. It was silent, and after so many years it could have seemed choreographed. Getting into bed next to him was bliss compared to the long nights spent alone. His arms found you pulling you into his warmth. 
“I thought something had happened. Ruby called me this morning and the line cut out.” 
“What - she doesn't even know how to use the phone -” 
“I taught her to in case of emergencies.” He responded cutting you off.
“That would have been good to know” You let out a sigh. 
“I just didn't know what would be waiting for me. The whole fucking city went dead.” 
“We played cards, cooked, told jokes, kept warm.” He placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
You heard the sounds of the storm picking up but felt nothing but the warmth and safety of his embrace. 
It didn't take long before there were two extra bodies entering. Ruby climbed up to tuck into Tommy’s other side and Charlie placed himself on the edge of your side of the bed. You ran your hand through his hair a few times then let him have his space.
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yaesnovels · 2 years
hey aly :) can i request 1+4 from the fluff prompts with xiao pretty please? 👉👈 thank you anyways 💕💕
.ೃ࿐ stargazing
˚ · . “nightmares keep you awake, too?”
˚ · . “stargazing was a good idea.”
a/n; i was bored at work so here we are <3 hope u like it ✨
yet another sleepless night. 
you kept on turning around in desperation, trying to find a comfortable laying position to relax and fall asleep but after having all those nightmares, you were having troubles falling asleep. 
sighing, you sat up, grabbing the bottle of water next to your bed to take a sip – in hopes that it would help calming your racing heart. yet no help. 
you just couldn’t fall asleep like the past few days for unknown reasons. you just didn’t get why – you don’t recall having anything to worry about that you would be so sleepless. 
okay, mayhaps there was one thing. more like, someone. 
you would probably never get used to how he suddenly appears in front of you when you call for him. 
“are you okay?”
he seemed so worried. it made you feel sorry for calling him to you in the middle of the night. 
“yeah, i’m fine, it’s just–”
“nightmares keep you awake, huh?”
you were only able to stare at him for a moment. since when was he so direct? 
“come on, i’ll take you somewhere”, he suggested then, grabbing your hand and pulling you off your bed. the next moment, you were on top of one of the highest mountains of guyun stone forest, you were able to see the adepti’s abodes from the point you were at. you gasped in shock, unable to process what was even going on. 
“come on, love, sit down”, you turned around to see xiao relaxing against the rocks, the stone spears that rex lapis once set, buried the overlord of the vortex under and built these beautiful sceneries. 
you couldn’t help the little smile on your lips as you sat down next to him and he put his arm around your body to hug you in closer. 
“look at all those beautiful stars”, you whispered, mesmerized by the beauty. “stargazing was a wonderful idea.”
“i agree”, he only replied as you both just relaxed in the warm, cozy atmosphere. 
you didn’t even notice your eyes closing down as the exhaustion from the last few days crept up on you and you woke up alone in your bed, thinking it was just a dream. 
yet you knew it wasn’t. 
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