#i just want to chuck it out
bacchuschucklefuck · 7 days
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doing chibi is a good design exercise bc it forces u to think on shapes n essential details, essentially thumbnailing ur designs. its also a terrible design exercise bc it ends up looking cute no matter what
#dimension 20#fantasy high#riz gukgak#very specifically class swap bard!riz#mm. I may need tags for all the asides Ive been doing lmao#riz's canon design is so coherent and thematically clean that I genuinely struggle to keep up...#bard!riz's whole thing is working out his identity through abject fear so it kiiiinda makes sense that hes got a different thing going#on every year I guess? like lmao the directive I go into each of these designs with changes vastly#freshman bard!riz has to look extremely nonthreatening. and also make you wanna pick him up and chuck him at a wall#annoyingly inoffensive. slides off your memory pretty much immediately. a void of an experience#crucially Does Not Show Teeth While Smiling#sophomore year bard!riz I have been keeping the like. cameraman direction for#I want him to be swimming in clothes a little bit... he kinda lands at like. 80s/90s shlocky horror protag too which I do like#bc what is season 2 to riz if not a horror story lmao#junior year bard!riz I want to be somewhere between clark kent and tintin#the journalist aesthetics is not so clear and easy to build as the detective or spy aesthetics...#but also I just. really like boy journalist lmao this is the BD blood speaking again#and! I actually do draw his hair differently than in my canon junior year riz stuff. its a bit shorter here so it doesn't#obscure as much of his face#its so funny actually going from drawing canon stuff to class swap esp. with riz bc he's smiling SO much here#and it's 100% trained like its crucial for u guys to know he is equally if not more fucked up as a bard#barely anybody can wrangle him in canon it's already been mostly him keeping himself on track. imagine if he actually learned how to act#mmm. I think these designs are still gonna soft change as I draw them. thats fine we have fun#drawing sophomore year bard!riz for those comiclets was fun as hell. I think on this factor alone I call it a success lol
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monakisu · 6 months
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don’t go.
—the consequences of a lovesick boy
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year
do you suppose john asked kiriona if she and ianthe were being safe too? or is that concern reserved for harrow?
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teetle-time · 3 months
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nestedfeathers · 5 months
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CAT NAP! my favorite KitKat rn. wanna squish his wittle cheeks
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i imagine he gets grumpy if you wake him up during a nap...
'SH. ... is it so hard for a cat to get a nap around here?"
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kveom · 5 months
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@svtsource carat revival 2024: Picking Favourites and Fights
↳ Bias: DK | insp.
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spectrum-spectre · 3 months
my brain is fucking Vibrating rn
There's this tv show called Chuck, right? Awkward nerdy dude (Eddie) working at an off-brand Best Buy with his even lamer, nerdier best friend (let's say Dustin). Eddie accidentally gets a super computer installed into his brain and suddenly knows a bunch of top secret government information (and is now the only person on the planet with access to said info, making him a liability asset). Super cool and drop-dead gorgeous CIA agent Steve Harrington is tasked with working alongside gruff, seasoned war veteran/FBI agent Jim Hopper to protect the asset.
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 4 months
because i am sickeningly fascinated with shadowvanilla's dynamic and am also fascinated with translation and linguistics, i've been using machine translation and my basic grasp of japanese to look through their kr and jp interactions. it's mostly for fun and curiosity and the nuances are definitely lost, so take them with a pinch of salt, but here's some interesting little tidbits:
in both kr and jp, when pv asks who he is, sm says something along the lines of how pv has been 'in my space, in front of my gaze', which feels a little more specific than the english and also makes it seem like sm has a claim over the space. interestingly, this is still followed by him later explicitly referring to the space as the abyss of pv's soul - though in kr, sm may call it 'where i looked into the abyss of your soul' rather than pv's soul itself. I don't have the korean knowledge to be able to try and verify that, though it would make sense, since the space is also supposedly the dark side of the moon
(though if it is the dark side of the moon, why is pv always there for his breakdowns? and if it is the abyss of pv's soul, how is sm there? through soul jam magic nonsense??)
when talking about their power, jp and kr describe it as 'the power you mistake for truth is just dancing in my giant palm of knowledge', which is really just a difference in metaphor but does give some cool ties to sm's whole puppeteer theme
in kr only, sm specifies that pv has never left his sight 'from start to finish'. it was kind of implied in the use of never anyway, but i do find the specification interesting, even though it still doesn't really give us any pointers as to when this supposed start is
in eng, after complaining about how pv snatched away half his power, sm laments that the light of truth didn't make pv any smarter ('baffling! befuddling!'). in jp, he specifically says 'after all, you are not a vessel that (can) hold the light of truth...so i'll take it back'. in kr, he says something along the lines of 'after all, you are not smart enough to hold the light of truth...i need it back'. the latter two are pretty similar, though the switch from take to need caught my eye
actually, it may just be the change in vocal delivery, but it feels like in kr and jp there's a more heavy emphasis on pv's intelligence? or it's a connotation thing since i'm more familiar with eng - generally where eng uses silly, jp and kr downright calls pv stupid and repeats things like 'how am i meant to explain this to you?' and 'do i have to explain in detail?'. very bluntly condescending, on all fronts, really hammers in the whole 'i am the master of knowledge itself' thing.
in both, when gingerbrave asks what sm did to pv upon waking up, sm says that it's been a while since they've met and that they 'spent some alone time together'. again, the gist is the same as him calling it having a little chat, though it emphasises alone and not much else. japanese in particular uses 「ふたりきりの時間」, which literally means "time for just the two of us"
after the biggest liar question is raised, where eng goes 'well well well", jp and kr ask 'are you worried?'. same taunting undertones.
when pv answers that he is the biggest liar, where eng says he 'really knows his stuff', kr and jp specify that pv can 'understand the intention of the person setting the question (sm)! amazing!' in jp, the verb 「理解しあう」 is used, which specifically means 'to come to a mutual understanding'. this is particularly mocking because sm essentially handed pv the answer by bullying him into it
in eng, the chapter title for their confrontation in the abyss is 'sweet whispers of lies'. in kr and jp, it's more along the lines of 'in the comforting embrace of lies' which. somehow sounds more intimate and is somehow even funnier. girl what comfort. that was five minutes straight of pv being subject to torment and ridicule.
it's not anything groundbreaking - and again, likely not fully accurate - it's just interesting to look at the little differences! it's also interesting to hear the differences in vocal delivery too. when the 'light of truth' is goading pv to cut the tree, in jp it sounds pretty mocking, like in eng, but the original kr sounds more... urgent? not quite coaxing, but definitely more encouraging. also, i haven't taken a look at the text, but if you haven't, i would highly reccommend listening to the taiwanese mandarin dub too because it's a lot of fun! sm's line delivery is a lot more aggressive generally, but his va is obviously having a ton of fun - he inserts a lot of additional laughs and huffs and general vocal character
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kiwipineappleparasol · 10 months
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Another Random Assortment of my AU Scribbles from Various points in Time. Notes Are Below:
Yes I forgot the ... Handlebars ??? Omega has on his shoulders on that First Drawing . Yes this is a Crime that I Rectify in my later Scribbles. Otherwise the changes made were made for my Awesome Au where I can make the designs easier to draw for my Puny Mind.
Uncle Chuck but he’s Evil. And his Mustache? Fake. He puts it over his nose. Why did I make him Evil? I thought it would be Funny. I tried to make him look Less like Old Sonic and turned his eyebrows into Spines. His outfit is loosely based off his Pre Reboot Archie Fit. But only Loosely.
I don't actually know Why I did designs for Honey and Mina. Honey looks more Akin to a Tiger now and I Epically Failed to translate her outfit to my Redesign Rules. Mina I completely overhauled Simply for the sake of it, I guess. Tried to keep the Important Elements and Reinterpret them.
Just turned Wave's shirt into that fluff the other two Babylon Rogues have. I didn't add her Glasses here but I Probably would give them Back.
Bunnie and Cassia I scribbled Awhile Back. I don't have Much to say, considering it was A Long While Ago. But I liked them Well Enough to put here, I guess. I Apparently tried and Failed to scribble Clove as well (which is why she’s Missing)
Harvey Who and his Iconic Line AND YOU COULDN’T EVEN STOP ONE SKUNK???? He is in my AU for that Alone
I thought it would be fun to Combine aspects of the Freedom Fighters and Secret Freedom Fighters. Especially the Totally Original Field Outfits (The Joke is They Are Actually from Sonic Rivals)
Shadow and Maria are also Here. Contributing. Filling up Free Space. Etc.
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gravidwithlore · 12 days
A person as a sacrifice to the monsters of the woods, but not as a sacrifice, but as a Sacrifice. A title, a station, a duty, a calling. A responsibility passed down from mentor to apprentice, to protect the village by getting thoroughly fucked senseless and knocked up by the big scary monsters to keep them docile enough they won't attack the village.
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illmoraineakoi · 6 months
What if the Pale King locked himself away in the Dream Realm to recreate what he did to the Hollow Knight? After the Vessel leaked and he realized that it most likely had capability enough to suffer, but far far too late to even hope to do anything to fix it. He was beyond the point of no return, there was nothing he could do to undo the Sealing. And even if he could, there were no other options that he could think of of what to do about the Blazing Light.
He had no choice but to keep the Vessel sealed. No choice but to watch his kingdom crumble. There was nothing he could do.
Nothing, but to seal himself away in a self-imposed punishment in the exact same way he imparted onto his only (known) living child.
A weak attempt to impose the same agony onto himself as he forced onto them.
And should the people of his kingdom stop worshiping him and forget he exists, dwindling his power and life to a pathetic end?
Perhaps that might've been for the best.
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akkivee · 26 days
still one of my favourite bat interactions lmao kuukou treating jyushi gently and then teasingly threatening hitoya with ✨murder✨
#this is vee speaking#*crying* i have been wanting to reshare this clip for a week now but couldn’t bc i had no internet BUT I DO NOW LETS GO 😭😭😭😭😭🙌🙌🙌🙌#lol i don’t bully hitoya as relentlessly as i used to and that’s bc the narrative does it for me now#but i remember thinking when this first dropped that the reason i probably like bullying hitoya is because kuukou himself enjoys it LOL#i like seeing the various ways kuukou uses physicality to get his affection across lol#i also think about this scene when i’m thinking about kuukou’s mastery over his body/strength lol#like when bat first gets together jyushi passes out from kuukou’s bars and hitoya scolds kuukou for it#and kuukou replies he’s not skilled enough to know how to hold himself back#and this scene shows exactly what he means he’s not skilled enough to hold back lol#kuukou constantly trains himself so he knows his limits strengths and weaknesses#kuukou’s flexing that strength against hitoya for funsies lol but he knows how to stop himself from actually harming him#lol i also like to compare this scene to a panel in the tdd manga where kuukou is just slapping the shit out of ichiro’s back#and it’s a friendly gesture lol but ichiro grumbles kuukou’s using too much strength#kuukou using that much strength tho is him knowing ichiro can handle it lol i like that they’re twin physical monsters#remember when the both of them physically chucked a huge ass man with one hand lmao
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castielafflicted · 9 months
the thing abt most of the reoccurring men in spn is like. i couldnt fix him. but i could dom him.
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angelsdean · 1 month
thinking abt plot points for my divorce arc fic and just. the deliciousness of dean and cas in a Situation where they definitely need to work together and cas's first thought immediately is, "how can i go off on my own and fix this problem for us" and dean catching him getting ready to take off (without telling anyone!!!!) like !! are u fucking serious rn. like yea yea "i left but you didn't stop me" ok ok but what about, "you keep leaving over and over which sends the message that you don't really want to be here" (even if that's not the intended message) and he's just honoring your (percieved) wishes by letting you go, even if it kills him inside to see you leave (again. and again. and again.)
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briviting · 2 years
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antwerp real
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panicbones · 22 days
maybe its cuz basically all of the figures i own come from media whos intended audience is children but ive always found it a little ridiculous when folks cant cope with liking media for kids and have to insist Its Really Grown Up and Serious Actually. i think childrens media is able to be so impactful BECAUSE its for children-- it lacks the scorn and irony so prevalent in shit for adults. at least thats why i like it; its a reprieve from how awful the world is. and also its so unapologetically campy. anyways. * holds out my hand * lets unlearn shame together
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